Discharge during pregnancy clear mucus. White vaginal mucus with impurities. What discharge during pregnancy should alert the expectant mother

Mucous discharge appears during pregnancy due to changes in the hormonal background in the body of the expectant mother. If they are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, then they are considered the norm. A pregnant woman and the attending physician should monitor the color, consistency, abundance and smell of the separated substance. Due to how the nature of the discharge changes, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the condition of the mother and baby, and if there are deviations, notice and eliminate them in time.

Abundant whitish or clear discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is one of its main companions. The nature of the discharge from the vagina changes with the course of gestation and often depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. However, one must carefully monitor any changes in order to determine in advance the onset of the inflammatory process due to the color of the mucus.

In the early stages

During the first 12 weeks, under the influence of the production of a large amount of the hormone progesterone, a woman is often disturbed by abundant viscous mucous discharge. And that's okay.

From the 13th week, estrogen is also added to progesterone. Therefore, mucous secretion in the second trimester of pregnancy becomes more fluid and can be produced more abundantly than before. In this case, daily sanitary pads will come to the rescue.

Thus, clear discharge during pregnancy is the norm. The reason for going to the doctor will be the secret:

  • greenish,
  • brown,
  • curdled,
  • bubbling,
  • with an unpleasant pungent odor.

This kind of mucus in a woman during early pregnancy indicates an infection or inflammation. In this case, itching, burning in the genital area and painful urination can be observed. Treatment in this case is prescribed by a specialist, as soon as he makes the correct diagnosis and selects the necessary therapy.

At a later date

Mucous discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester normally resembles egg white. It does not matter if they are thick or liquid - any of these options are characteristic of the normal course of pregnancy.

Premature placental abruption can be indicated by secreted mucus with blood streaks. This phenomenon is very dangerous. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and the secretion interspersed with blood develops into bleeding. In such a situation, emergency hospitalization is necessary.

It happens that a plentiful secret is a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid. This condition is dangerous for the baby and his future mother. To diagnose this pathology of pregnancy, it is necessary to pass the allocated for analysis.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor will choose further tactics of action. If it turns out that the water is really leaking, then a pregnancy for up to 22 weeks cannot be saved. In other cases, a woman will be admitted to a hospital in order to accelerate the maturation of the respiratory organs of the baby, who will have to be born prematurely.

By the end of the 3rd trimester, the mucus may become reddish or pink. Such secretion is considered physiological and indicates the approach of childbirth. The woman simply leaves the cork, which reliably protected the entrance to the cervix throughout the pregnancy.

Different shades of mucous secretions

Discharge, like snot, during pregnancy is the norm for a female body that is being rebuilt under the influence of hormones. The main thing is that the separated secret should be white or transparent and resemble raw egg white.

Thick viscous secretion performs a protective function. It protects the fetus from the penetration of harmful bacteria to it. Flowing out, normal secretions carry away everything foreign, which can pose a threat to the baby.

But if the color of the separated substance changes, acquires an unpleasant odor, the external genitalia swell and itch, then this is a serious cause for concern.


Abundant green vaginal discharge is usually accompanied by itching, burning in the genitals and requires treatment prescribed by a doctor.


The pink secretion becomes due to the ingress of blood into it. And when, at the same time, aching pain is felt in the lower abdomen and lower back, it means that the pharynx of the cervix opens, and if emergency measures are not taken to preserve the pregnancy, then you can lose the baby.

With the smell of blood - the most dangerous and disturbing symptom of pregnancy. In this case, you should not look for advice on the forums, but you must urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

In late pregnancy, the pink shade of mucus indicates a cork discharge, which means that a woman needs to be ready to go to the hospital at any time.

Treating infections that cause discharge

Any infection found during pregnancy must be treated. If left unattended, it will harm the child. He may develop pneumonia or sepsis. The disease can affect the liver, kidneys and even the brain.

Yellow or green discharge with a pungent odor, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, indicate infections. There are various methods of treatment that will defeat the disease and do not harm the baby. The doctor will select an individual therapy for each specific case.

When, as a result of treatment, the thick stretching discharge becomes more liquid, the characteristic color, smell and other unpleasant signs disappear, this will mean that the infection has been defeated and the danger has passed.

When to See a Doctor

If the discharge becomes purulent yellow or green, it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching and burning, then these are signs of inflammatory diseases or bacterial vaginosis. Both of these conditions must be treated, otherwise they will lead to serious complications.

When the above symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor, and he will already accurately determine whether this is a norm or a pathology.

If earlier the treatment of many diseases was postponed for the period after childbirth, now there are enough drugs that can cope with the infection and not harm the fetus.

Therefore, if in doubt, do not postpone the consultation with the doctor. The sooner you start therapy, the easier it is to cope with the disease.

Allocations are present at all stages of bearing a child. According to their consistency, color, smell, specialists can determine whether there are pathological processes in the body and, if so, which ones. Consider the topic of mucous discharge during pregnancy: find out everything you need to know about this expectant mother.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy - normal or pathological?

At early gestation, the discharge is colorless and odorless, sticky, and the consistency is viscous, thick, reminiscent of snot or raw chicken protein. Rarely contains tiny inclusions with light clots. Abundant mucous secretions contribute to the closure of the cervical canal, so that the child is protected from the action of pathogenic microorganisms from the genital tract. At week 10, the expectant mother notes the appearance of a snot-like secret with pulling pain in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the uterus changes position.

The second trimester is characterized by a change in the properties of the discharge: at the 15th week of the term, the woman notices that it becomes less viscous, slimy and more abundant due to the intensive production of estrogens. At 20-21 weeks, the secret becomes grayish, liquid and of a homogeneous consistency. By the 23-24th, along with milky discharge, false contractions appear, which the expectant mother can take for the onset of premature birth.

In the 3rd trimester, the mucus becomes viscous and jelly-like or watery, however, experts do not consider any of the options to be a pathology. At 28-29 weeks, the secret becomes less abundant, while maintaining a uniform structure and transparency. At week 30, the amount of mucous secretions increases, increasing markedly by the 33rd, when the maximum blood filling of the organs of the reproductive system occurs.

If bloody layers are found in the mucus, there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, followed by heavy bleeding, these symptoms may be a manifestation of premature placental abruption. At 34 weeks of gestation, the volume of discharge decreases and becomes more slippery, similar to snot.

Even when the pregnancy proceeds without any pathology, for a certain time before the expected birth, the expectant mother notices changes in the nature of the discharge from the vagina. At 38-39 weeks, snot-like mucus with a pinkish-red tint is produced.

Don't be scared: this is a cork leaving, signaling the imminent approach of labor. In the third trimester, at the onset of 40-41 weeks, the secret acquires a yellowish tint, which is considered the norm.

Why is mucus formed - possible causes

Normal discharges for the period of gestation are synthesized by glands located in the uterine cavity and surrounding the cervix.

Hormonal adjustment

After fertilization, progesterone begins to be produced, which is responsible for the physiological development of the baby in the early stages and ensures the formation of organs and systems of the crumbs. At the beginning of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone, changes in the vaginal discharge occur, which is why they are viscous, viscous and thick.

In the second trimester, estrogen production increases, and the mucus becomes more abundant, but more watery. If during the entire period it is transparent, does not have an unpleasant odor, impurities or inclusions, this indicates a normal course of pregnancy.

Inflammatory process

When bacterial microflora joins during gestation, inflammation develops. The causes of pathology are diseases of the urogenital tract, genital tract infections, exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Leucorrhea is accompanied by the appearance of discomfort, itching and burning in the external genitalia, their redness, pain during urination, and is also characterized by the presence of pus in the mucus.

What does the color of the discharge say

When the vaginal discharge has a structure, shade and smell unusual for the norm, they are called pathological. Let us consider in more detail what violation the color of mucus speaks about.

White color

They are considered physiological in the case when they do not contain pathological impurities or an unpleasant odor. From the 12th week, progesterone acts on the production of secretions, and on the 13th week the amount of secretions increases, but does not contain an extraneous odor, does not cause itching and burning. If the secret is plentiful, it contains whitish inclusions that resemble cottage cheese, smell like beer, the expectant mother suffers from vaginal candidiasis. Thrush often occurs at 8-9 weeks, and it will have to be treated to prevent complications.


At 6 and 7 weeks, leucorrhea of ​​this shade is considered the norm if they are uniform in structure and are not accompanied by pain, itching, or bad smell. Yellow discharge may indicate the action of external factors - wearing underwear made of synthetic material, the use of panty liners with fragrances, non-compliance with regular hygiene of the external genitalia.

Also, yellowish mucus indicates a neglected inflammatory process, usually at the purulent stage of the pathology. The causative agents of infection are staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, fungi of the genus Candida, chlamydia, gonococcus, Trichomonas. A pregnant woman must be treated so that microorganisms do not penetrate the fetus and cause various complications.

In some cases, discharge is a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. The appearance of minor wet spots on underwear, which eventually turn into abundant and have a specific smell, should alert a woman. If such a phenomenon is observed in the second trimester for a period of 25-26 weeks, it threatens with complications for the health and well-being of the baby.

At 37 weeks, the appearance of copious yellow watery discharge indicates the outflow of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.


This color of mucus indicates the presence of an active phase of inflammation caused by bacterial microflora. In this condition, the genitals are hyperemic, there is a pronounced discomfort with itching and irritation.

If the consistency of the mucus resembles foam, it is most likely that the expectant mother has sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Together with whites, itching occurs in the genitals, painful urination.

Another reason for the appearance of green secretions is considered vaginal dysbiosis, in which they smell like fish, and when dried, they remain on the linen in the form of crusts.


The safest reason for the formation of a beige secret is the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, due to which the capillaries are damaged. This occurs after a recent ovulation, and the discharge resembles discharge before menstruation. In the first and second trimester, a brownish tint indicates clotted blood, so experts regard them as a threat of spontaneous abortion. Sometimes, due to the increased tone of the uterus, mucus appears with this color at week 18. In addition, the secret may be a manifestation of an ectopic or non-developing pregnancy, as well as cervical erosion.

On reviews in forums about pregnancy, there are often questions: can brown mucus appear in late gestation. Yes, it can, but you need to worry: it acts as a harbinger of an early birth.


This color indicates the appearance of blood in the organs of the reproductive system. In the early stages, the pathology occurs due to microcracks in the vaginal mucosa, traumatic effects during the sampling of a smear or sex.

During pregnancy, snotty discharge may have pink, barely visible streaks, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. This is a dangerous condition, regarded as a threat of termination of pregnancy.

At the 8th month of gestation for a period of 35-36 weeks, a mucous secret appears with an admixture of pinkish drops. This is not considered a pathology: the body is preparing for labor.

When to See a Doctor

During pregnancy, the excreted fluid should be clear, colorless and free of fetid odor. If you notice changes in the nature of the discharge from the vagina (unhealthy shade, unpleasant odor, excessively watery consistency, impurities of pus or blood), you should definitely consult a qualified specialist. This will avoid a threat to the health of the expectant mother and child.

If there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and then a bloody discharge, immediately call an ambulance: such symptoms may indicate a threat of abortion!

Treatment of infections that cause mucous discharge

Therapeutic measures depend on the reason why the mucus has become pathological. Any leucorrhea during pregnancy caused by an infection should not be ignored. Do not doubt that the drugs will harm the baby. Currently, doctors prescribe drugs that are allowed at different gestational ages and are safe for the baby.

If the inflammatory process is caused by nonspecific bacterial microflora, antibiotics will be required - Cefazolin, Amoxiclav. They are prescribed only by a doctor, and he does not recommend using them until the 12th week, when the fetal organs are formed. It is strictly forbidden to independently change the dosage or duration of the course of therapy. Vaginal suppositories with anti-inflammatory action are prescribed - Hexicon, Terzhinan.

If pathological leucorrhoea has arisen due to sexually transmitted diseases, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, taking into account the causative agent of the disease. With chlamydial, mycoplasmal or ureaplasma infection, the antibiotic Josamine is used, with trichomonas or gonococcus - Metronidazole. At the same time, local antiseptic therapy is carried out with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

With thrush, antifungal drugs will be required - Pimafucin, Nystatin. To restore the normal flora of the vagina, the specialist prescribes suppositories with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - Bifidumbacterin, Vaginorm.

Preventive measures

When carrying a child, a woman in a position should perform a set of measures to prevent pathological processes in the body with the appearance of leucorrhoea:

  1. Watch your diet: food must contain the necessary nutrients.
  2. Do not overstrain: physical activity should be rational and alternate with proper rest.
  3. Regularly follow the rules of personal hygiene of the external genital organs. After each visit to the toilet, it is necessary to wash in the direction from the pubis to the anus.
  4. Choose underwear made from natural material, since synthetic fabric promotes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Take probiotics: they are designed to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.
  6. Wash your hands exclusively with soap and do not use sponges or washcloths, as germs breed in them.
  7. Treat all diseases in a timely manner, avoiding the transition to a chronic course.
  8. Have sex with only one, verified partner to avoid acquiring sexually transmitted diseases.
  9. Avoid prolonged use of panty liners.

Following simple rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In this video, the doctor will talk about female discharge:


After conception, the female body experiences hormonal changes that change the usual nature of vaginal discharge. With the development of pregnancy, mucus acquires a different consistency to protect the fetus from adverse external influences.

However, pathological color, structure, smell and impurities indicate the development of a deviation that can harm the baby and the expectant mother. When any mucus disorders appear, consult a doctor immediately to protect yourself from complications.

Pregnancy is a very important stage in a woman's life. During this period, literally the entire body is "shaken" both from the outside and from the inside. Many signs testify to the onset of the most important period in life. Along with nausea, swelling of the mammary glands, dizziness and frequent urination, the amount of mucous secretions increases.

During pregnancy, a woman acutely feels all the changes taking place with her body, and often a situation arises when it is not entirely clear whether you should consult a doctor or not. But if the same nausea is perceived quite adequately, then the mucous secretions make you experience many anxious minutes, although most often there is no reason for concern.

But still, you should know what mucous secretions are, why they appear, what role they play during pregnancy, as well as changes related to them, which should alert a woman who is expecting a child.

What causes the appearance of mucous secretions

Under the influence of and, also called pregnancy hormones, significant changes occur inside the uterus and vagina, which, in turn, along with an increase in blood flow, contribute to increased secretion production. As a result, the woman notes an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.

The main purpose of mucous secretions

Mucous discharge during pregnancy performs a protective, cleansing and moisturizing function. As the term increases, they may change in volume and consistency. At the beginning of pregnancy, the mucous secretions are more viscous, later they liquefy. The volume of secretions becomes greater, the more time has passed since conception.

By their nature, mucous discharge during pregnancy is different, everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the woman.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy up to 12 weeks

The presence of progesterone causes the appearance of a mucous plug, which protects the fetus from the penetration of pathogens from the outside. Mucous discharge during early pregnancy is a viscous, in most cases opaque secret, which can be released both in small and large enough quantities. Mucous discharge is always present during pregnancy, such a condition is the norm, the absence of such is a warning sign.

A visit to the doctor is required

It is not recommended to delay the appointment of a specialist if the color, consistency or amount of discharge has changed. In most cases, this indicates the presence of an infection or unforeseen complications before the normal course of pregnancy.

Why are there abundant, clear, white discharge in early pregnancy?

Abundant, clear, white discharge is physiological. They are considered the norm in the absence of other signs of a pathological nature.

Copious clear discharge is common in the 1st trimester. They should not bother a woman.

Abundant clear white discharge during pregnancy sometimes requires attention.

Many women face the problem of heavy discharge

The hormone progesterone influences the development of a woman's body during this period. It is he who causes many changes in the body of a pregnant woman. This hormone is the cause that causes copious white discharge. This is the norm. Such discharge during pregnancy is normal and is observed in all pregnant women. Do not be alarmed by seeing abundant white transparent discharge. Their presence increases as the blood supply to the female organs increases and the production of female hormones increases.

An increase in mucus is associated with a change in the hormonal background in the body of the expectant mother. Increases the production of the hormone estrogen. This further enhances the clear discharge during pregnancy. This is one of the main reasons for the increased production of vaginal secretions. This leads to increased blood flow to the lower abdomen and more mucus. Soon a cork consisting of mucus forms in the cervix. This thick plug usually lasts for the full nine months. It acts as a protective barrier in the cervix to ensure the safety of the baby developing in the womb. This mucus is physiological. She is the norm. It is necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

Sometimes amniotic fluid begins to seep into the vagina. This fluid is often mistaken for a pathological secretion. Abundant, clear, white discharge in the early stages may be streaked with blood. This happens because the fertilized egg implants itself in the wall of the uterus. During this period, slight bleeding and brown mucus are normal. This is often observed just before menstruation. At this early stage, many women are not yet aware of their condition. They take it for an irregular cycle.

The pinkish and brown watery components of the vagina are released in the 1st trimester. But if there is blood, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Because it could be a sign of bleeding or threatened miscarriage. Pain can accompany such dangerous manifestations.

1. Light bleeding can be caused by the natural process of fertilization or hormonal changes. It is often associated with mild abdominal discomfort. This bleeding may stop on its own within a few days. In this case, there is no need to worry.

2. If heavy bleeding is caused by the threat of miscarriage, it is better to see a doctor. Such bleeding is usually associated with severe and debilitating pain. You can not ignore any quantitative and qualitative changes in mucus in a pregnant woman. Especially if there is pain and cramps in the abdomen. A woman needs to be careful not to miss signs of complications.

Heavy discharge during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Abundant white mucus during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is common. Most of the time, a small amount of blood in the secretion is not a cause for concern, as these are simply small blood vessels in the cervix that burst as a result of the expansion of the uterus. This causes some bleeding. It is physiological and does not harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Mucus during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

When the fetus is already ripe, the hormone estrogen is intensively produced in the body of a pregnant woman. It causes a change in the nature of the contents of the vagina in a woman.

Clear and yellow discharge during pregnancy (in the 3rd trimester) may appear as a liquid. During this period, the mucus plug acts as a barrier and prevents infection, microbes from entering the uterus, keeping the developing baby safe.

Mucus changes occur in the last trimester of pregnancy. Its color changes and becomes brownish or reddish. Such mucus, which has appeared in recent months, is considered normal, provided that there are no seizures, blood clots or bright red blood.

But heavy yellow discharge with blood can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage. During this time, any form of vaginal bleeding may indicate pregnancy complications. This should not be ignored. Yellow mucus may appear. The yellow components of the secret during pregnancy are dangerous. If in doubt, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

It is common for women to worry about brown vaginal mucus during pregnancy. It has been noted that brown mucus occurs more frequently in late pregnancy than in the early trimesters. The main reason for this is the softening of the walls of the vagina. This results in an increase in brownish mucus. This is considered physiological and is required by the body to prevent any infections from entering the uterus through the vagina.

But there are abundant, yellow components of mucus during pregnancy. They should alert the pregnant woman.

She should not ignore these copious, yellow substances.

1. They may indicate an infection that will lead to complications during pregnancy.

2. The pathological, abundant component of the vaginal secretion has a structure similar to cottage cheese. It often looks like foam.

3. Yellow secretion has a repulsive odor.

If you do not consult a doctor, the condition of the pregnant woman may worsen.

Excreted secret during late pregnancy

1. The most common cause of discolored mucus is a urinary tract infection.

2. Yellow or green mucus can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis and chlamydia). Yellow mucus is very dangerous for the expectant mother. It indicates the presence of sexual infection and inflammation. There is a real threat of infection of the fetus. This situation requires immediate action and necessary measures. A pregnant woman should definitely contact her doctor. After that, a competent diagnosis is needed.

3. In this case, there is a possibility of abortion, as well as the appearance of health problems for the unborn child.

4. The appearance of polyps is another reason why yellow mucus components appear during pregnancy.

5. Sometimes there is a constant secret during pregnancy in the form of streams of fluid that flow from the vagina. These symptoms cannot be ignored, as it leads to the threat of loss of the fetus, threatens to spread the infection to the child if the protective barrier is damaged.

Mucus during pregnancy can be normal or pathological.

1. Clear, white mucus is considered physiological during pregnancy.

2. But sometimes complications of pregnancy are observed, which can be recognized by changes in mucus. A certain nature of mucus during pregnancy indicates a pathology.

3. Under certain circumstances, copious, white, clear, yellow mucus may appear.

4. The quality and quantity of the released secret changes at different stages.

5. You need to be careful if there is a yellow component of the secret:

  • the yellow component of the secret becomes thick or is accompanied by blood spots - this may indicate a threat of premature birth;
  • there are abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy with itching or burning - they may be the result of a yeast infection;
  • if the yellow discharge during pregnancy emits an unpleasant odor, is yellowish or greenish in color, then this may indicate vaginal infections that may threaten the safety of the unborn child.

Remember that you can always consult a doctor

The secret of the vagina during pregnancy should be under control.

It is best to consult a doctor to check the cause of the abundant secretion.

and get medical help. Discharge during pregnancy should be constantly in the focus of attention of a pregnant woman and her doctor in order to maintain the health of the mother and fetus.

Therefore, regular medical consultations are mandatory for all pregnant women. This allows the doctor to assess the condition of the pregnant woman. If necessary, the necessary tests and studies will be made, a diagnosis will be made. Then the pregnant woman will receive the necessary medical appointments. These prescriptions of doctors must be strictly followed.

There are many problems during pregnancy. But you need to carefully monitor the health of a woman in order to see the smile of her healthy baby.

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What do white, brown, yellow and green discharge in pregnant women mean?

The female body is very sensitive to all changes, especially during pregnancy. Yes, there are a lot of changes during this period. Already from the first days after conception, the hormonal background begins to change, and the first signs of pregnancy appear, which, as a rule, few people pay attention to.

Throughout the duration of pregnancy, a woman may experience a variety of symptoms. discharge from the breast and from the vagina during pregnancy. Should I be worried about this? It all depends on what the nature of the discharge is, at what time everything happens and on the accompanying symptoms. It is very important from the earliest dates to carefully monitor your condition and all the changes that occur with the body.

Allocations in the early stages

Already in the first days of pregnancy, discharge can begin to disturb a woman. However, if they do not cause any inconvenience to the woman, then there is nothing to worry about. Thick, clear, watery or mucous discharge during pregnancy is absolutely normal, and only speaks of the very fact of pregnancy. However, these secretions are not always transparent, different color options are possible: milky, pink, whitish stretching discharge during pregnancy - all this is nothing more than a natural response of the female body to a new condition.

Why is there discharge during pregnancy? Changes in the hormonal background entail changes in the nature of the discharge. Natural secretion increases, color may change. In some cases, mucus patches may appear, these are just fragments of the emerging mucous plug in the cervix.

White discharge

However, only those discharges during pregnancy can be considered normal and do not cause any inconvenience to the woman. Some types of discharge may indicate various diseases and pathologies of varying severity, but in any case requiring treatment.

A cause for concern may be the changed discharge and itching during pregnancy, the appearance smell or other unpleasant symptoms.

So, many women experience during pregnancy with white curdled discharge with a sour smell. However, many of them are familiar with these symptoms before pregnancy. Such discharge speaks of thrush, or candidiasis. The fungus that causes this disease is present in almost every woman, but it usually begins to multiply actively during a period of reduced immunity, for example, while taking antibiotics or during pregnancy.

The danger of thrush during pregnancy lies, among other things, in the fact that many women know this disease. They simply do not see the need to see a doctor and are treated in the usual ways. However, almost all drugs for thrush easily penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into the body of the baby, which is unlikely to have a positive effect on its development. All drugs during pregnancy should be prescribed by an experienced doctor. Read more about thrush during pregnancy >

White mucous discharge during pregnancy may be an elementary allergy to panty liners. In this case, it is usually enough to change the daily to eliminate the symptoms. Preference should be given to those that do not contain any cosmetic and aromatic additives.

Abundant white discharge during pregnancy, having an unpleasant odor, most often indicate the presence of an acute infection of the vagina. It is necessary to take a smear and determine the specific pathogen and the purpose of the medication. It is necessary to treat all infectious diseases before the onset of labor. During childbirth and the passage of the baby through the birth canal, he comes into contact with the microflora of the vagina. Pathogenic flora can get on the mucous membranes of the child, and cause serious illness. Read more about white discharge in pregnancy>

brown discharge

Depending on the nature of spotting during pregnancy, as well as the period at which they first appear, one can judge whether they are normal or indicate a pathology.

So, in the first weeks of pregnancy smearing brown or beige highlights may be a consequence of the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium. Damage to small blood vessels causes blood to appear in the secretions. There is nothing wrong with such discharges.

Also safe dark brown or brown discharge during pregnancy in the early stages, coinciding in time with the menstrual cycle. Some minor and not dangerous hormonal disruptions can cause such an anomaly.

Unfortunately, in most cases, red discharge during pregnancy indicates serious problems that need to be urgently addressed.

In the early stages bloody or bloody discharge during pregnancy may be a symptom of detachment of the fetal egg, which indicates the threat of miscarriage. In this case, the discharge will be accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Bloody discharge will be during a frozen pregnancy, although their appearance in this case is not at all necessary. The main symptoms of a missed pregnancy can be the abrupt disappearance of all signs of pregnancy, such as toxicosis, fatigue and increased fatigue, and so on.

After scraping a frozen pregnancy, discharge is observed in some cases before the start of the next menstruation.

White mucus during pregnancy streaked with blood may indicate cervical erosion. Usually such discharge appears after sex, examination by a gynecologist or vaginal ultrasound, that is, after the cervix has been disturbed.

Bloody discharge in the second trimet pregnancy most often testify to placental abruption. A dangerous pathology that can lead to premature birth or fetal hypoxia.

Brown discharge in the third trimester pregnancies occur when the placenta is offered. In addition, the discharge of blood and mucus in the last weeks may be a mucus plug. And this indicates the approach of childbirth. Read more about brown discharge during pregnancy>

Yellow and green discharge

Yellow discharge during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and a symptom of a developing disease. So, a slight yellowish tint can also have normal discharge during pregnancy. However, more often than not, there is some kind of disease.

Bright yellow or orange discharge during pregnancy, accompanied by itching or burning, indicate the development of an infection in the vagina. Yellow-brown, yellow-green or green discharge during pregnancy that blisters or otherwise disturbs a woman may be evidence of a woman having a sexually transmitted disease. dark yellow, purulent discharge during pregnancy indicate the active reproduction of bacteria such as E. coli and staphylococcus aureus in the vaginal flora.

In general, green discharge in any case indicates the presence of pathologies of varying degrees of complexity. Even discharge from thrush in pregnant women can be greenish.

Discharge from the mammary glands in pregnant women

In the second or third trimester, discharge from the nipples during pregnancy may appear. In the vast majority of cases, this phenomenon is absolutely normal. Liquid sticky light discharge during pregnancy from the chest is colostrum is the precursor of breast milk.

It is absolutely not worth worrying about this, the main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene: regularly wash the nipples and breasts, put special liners or cotton pads in the bra so that they absorb colostrum. In addition, in no case should you press on the nipples or stimulate the breast. This causes the release of oxytocin, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

But yellow and bloody discharge from the nipples, as well as uneven breast enlargement, the appearance of cavities and bumps on them, is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Read more about breast discharge in pregnant women>

Discharge after an abortion

Separately, it is worth talking about discharge after abortion, as they are very different and may indicate complications after an abortion. After a medical abortion, the discharge is usually profuse. Although, how abundant the discharge will really be depends on how long the pregnancy was terminated. The shorter the period, the less changes have occurred in the body, and the less discharge will be. Usually, bleeding continues for about 2 days, in the future, with the normal development of the situation, only meager discharge occurs.

The body of each woman is individual and reacts differently to the same phenomena. Therefore, at home, it is almost impossible to make an accurate diagnosis when certain discharges appear. Therefore, if the nature of the discharge from the vagina or the mammary glands has changed in a pregnant woman at any stage of pregnancy, it makes sense to take the time and visit your doctor to rule out any pathologies.

Unfortunately, today many women are trying to replace going to the doctor by reading information on the Internet and chatting on forums with those who have encountered the same problem. Women should be aware that all articles like this one are created only for the woman to imagine what she may face, and not at all for self-diagnosis.

The same can be said about forums. The fact is that exactly the same symptoms can indicate different situations, depending on the characteristics of the body of a particular woman. And if one of the women says that everything was exactly the same with her, and everything was fine, so you don’t have to go to the doctor, this does not mean that in your case there is no reason for concern. It is better to play it safe once again and visit a doctor than to regret the time saved later.

The period of pregnancy for most women is primarily the time without menstruation and any vaginal discharge. Even discharge, like snot, during pregnancy is already a reason to sound the alarm. In fact, they come in a variety of colors and textures and appear for a variety of reasons, which we will tell you about in this article.


Milky white discharge, like snot, with a slight odor is quite normal. You should be concerned about the following changes:

1. Abundant whitish mucus, sometimes with blood streaks, and increasing pain in the lower abdomen indicate the imminent onset of the birth process.

2. Whitish, exuding a fishy smell, indicate bacterial vaginosis.

3. Curdled, accompanied by a characteristic burning and itching, pain during sexual intercourse and redness of the vulva are signs of candidiasis requiring immediate treatment.

Brown (brown)

Brown discharge, like snot, occurs during pregnancy if blood enters the vagina from the uterine cavity. At later dates, it is necessary to carefully monitor any brown spotting, which can be both dark and light brown. They continue for a long time and are constantly intensifying. Any pain, incl. cramping, is a reason for consulting an obstetrician.

light pink

Light pink discharge, like snot, during pregnancy (and throughout the entire period), gynecologists, as a rule, consider it the norm. Since under the action of hormones, the tissues of the cervix soften significantly, and the vessels can easily be injured, releasing droplets of blood. However, women should be concerned about viscous pink mucus against the background of abdominal pain and other increasing symptoms. In the early stages, they are characteristic of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and in the later stages - for placental abruption and premature birth. A small amount of blood contained in the mucus sometimes occurs after intimate contact or examination by a gynecologist. Pinkish discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor, combined with itching and severe pain during sexual intercourse, is characteristic of infection, bacterial vaginosis, inflammation of the cervix.


During pregnancy, discharge, like snot, may be yellow in color. If at the same time they are odorless - it is absolutely safe. As the day of birth approaches, their number increases - this is how the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bpreparing for disclosure. However, greenish and thick with an unpleasant odor report an infection, so if they appear, you should immediately, without delay, visit a gynecologist. Such discharge, like snot, during pregnancy is not normal and requires the immediate intervention of a specialist. Since this can adversely affect the health of both the mother and the unborn child.

In any case, don't fret! The main thing is to respond in time to the symptoms that bother you, and then, thanks to the development of modern medicine, you will give birth to an absolutely healthy baby on time.

Mucus discharge during pregnancy5.00 /5 (100.00%) Votes: 2

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, a woman is faced with different types of discharge, but the most common are mucous membranes. Moreover, they can be a normal manifestation of pregnancy or a sign of pathology. Most often, mucous discharge during pregnancy, not accompanied by pain or discomfort, is the norm. For a future mother, it is very important not only to know what signs indicate the presence of a pathology, but also to remain calm, since excitement and stress during pregnancy are contraindicated.

Normal mucous discharge during pregnancy

Doctors assure that the appearance of clear or whitish mucus, similar in consistency to egg white, is the norm for the entire duration of pregnancy. This is especially true of the first 12 weeks, when the level of the hormone progesterone increases sharply in a woman's body. He, among other things, is involved in the formation of a mucous plug that protects the fetus from external influences throughout pregnancy. That is why in the first weeks after conception, abundant mucus secretion can be observed.

Mucous discharge during early pregnancy should not cause concern in the expectant mother if no other symptoms are observed (unpleasant smell, pain, burning and itching, fever, etc.). If you suspect a deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor and take tests.

By the 13th week of pregnancy, estrogen production is activated, due to which the mucus becomes less viscous, the discharge becomes watery. At the same time, their number may increase, which often gives the woman some discomfort. Despite the desire to get rid of moisture, you should not use tampons, which doctors recommend forgetting about. They increase the risk of infection in the reproductive system of the expectant mother. You can use panty liners, but only hypoallergenic ones so as not to cause irritation, which, in turn, can not only increase the discharge, but also cause a lot of discomfort.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy at 39 weeks is also considered normal., since at this time the mucous plug that closed the entrance to the uterus usually leaves. In some cases, it comes out at once in the form of copious discharge, but sometimes the mucus is excreted for several days.

Pathological mucous discharge during pregnancy

If normal secretions change their character, acquire an unhealthy shade or an unpleasant odor, this is a sign of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in them. Moreover, sometimes they do not lead to an inflammatory process, but simply multiply, causing tissue irritation. This condition is called bacterial vaginosis, and it is a dangerous risk of developing an inflammatory process.

If inflammation has begun, the mucous discharge during pregnancy becomes mucopurulent, acquiring an unpleasant odor and a greenish-yellow hue. Usually this symptom is accompanied by burning and itching in the genital area. The most common infections are ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis. It can manifest itself and hidden flowing gonorrhea, which is often found during pregnancy.

In some cases, infectious and inflammatory diseases are detected in the second half of the term, and their first sign is a change in secretions. If normal discharge during pregnancy is mucous and transparent, then under the influence of infection they most often acquire a greenish tint and mucopurulent character. Such characteristic signs as itching and burning in the genital area leave no doubt about the origin of the disease. But in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

As noted above, mucous discharge during pregnancy is not always the norm. In the second half of the term, the placenta completes its formation, and the fetus is sufficiently protected from infection with infections. But there is always the danger of infection during childbirth, so all diseases must be cured in a timely manner, before the end of pregnancy.

Treating infections that cause discharge during pregnancy

All infectious diseases detected in a woman in position require timely treatment. Previously, some infections were preferred to be treated after childbirth, which was due to the lack of drugs that are safe for the fetus. The disadvantage of this approach is that intrauterine infection is possible, which can lead to blood poisoning, pneumonia, severe damage to the kidneys, liver and brain. Pathological mucous discharge during pregnancy requires urgent medical intervention.

Today, there are opportunities for the treatment of any infectious diseases in pregnant women. Guidelines have been developed on the terms of pregnancy at which therapy can be carried out, and on approved drugs. Expectant mothers should be afraid not of treatment, but of the consequences of an uncured disease.

Medicines used in the treatment of pregnant women have been clinically tested. It has been proven that they do not have a negative impact on the health of the mother and child, including do not lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy: external irritants

In some cases, mucous discharge during early pregnancy occurs due to contact of the genitals with an allergen or irritant. These can be pads, synthetic underwear, toiletries, hygiene products, etc. In this case, signs of inflammation, discomfort and itching may appear, to which a woman may not pay much attention at first. Most often, to get rid of these symptoms, it is enough to simply eliminate the irritant, but it is better to consult a doctor to find out the exact cause of the discharge.

In some cases, if discharge uncharacteristic of a normal pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain, fainting or fever, you should call an ambulance and lie down to rest before she arrives. Perhaps we are talking about a threatened miscarriage or placental abruption, and both of these conditions require hospitalization and urgent medical intervention, as they can pose a threat to the life of not only the child, but also the woman herself. If the mucous discharge during pregnancy at 39 weeks has changed to brown, this indicates the imminent onset of labor. This sign may be accompanied by a pulling feeling in the abdomen, but usually does not cause serious discomfort. The baby will be born in a few hours or days. If the mucus is replaced by liquid secretions, there may be leakage of amniotic fluid, which also indicates the approach of childbirth.

The reduced immunity of a pregnant woman puts her at a high risk of developing infectious diseases, so you should be very careful about your health. It is better to once again undergo an examination and take tests than to be treated for a late-diagnosed disease.

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