Promotion of donation is the duty of the state, not doctors: an interview with an honored doctor of Russia. Medical aspects of blood donation and its components

O.A. Mayorova, V.M. Potapsky, E.I. imminent

GBUZ "Blood Transfusion Station of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow"

Transfusiology №4, 2013


The article highlights the main principles and directions of work on the organization and promotion of blood donation (components) among the population in the structure of outpatient clinics of the Moscow City Health Department, presents ways to implement this activity by medical and paramedical personnel.

Keywords: Donation of blood and its components, related donation, visiting donor campaigns, Donor Days, autodonation, transfusiology, GBUZ SEC DZM, Moscow Department of Health, healthcare institutions, medical and paramedical personnel, organization of work.


More than 90 years have passed since the treatment of many serious illnesses with the help of specialized treatment using components and products of donor blood. AT clinical practice this has brought unprecedented success in the fight against blood loss and shock, ensuring the safety of surgical interventions and obstetrics, new ways have been opened for the treatment of heart defects, blood diseases, organ and tissue transplantation.

The implementation of treatment with the use of components and blood products is based on donation and completely depends on how active the donor contingent will be, since it is possible to obtain blood components that have a unique multilateral therapeutic effect on the patient's body only from a person who voluntarily donated blood. The organization of donation is a complex social problem, the subject of constant concern of the state, health authorities and institutions, blood service institutions, doctors and the entire population as a whole. In connection with the success of science in the field of health care and the continuing growth in the need of medical institutions for components and blood products, the problem of donation remains relevant both in the direction of further increasing the number of donors, organizing special groups of donors (gratuitous, personnel, donor-relatives), and in the development alternative methods of blood-saving technologies.

Related donation

Great importance has a development of donation among the part of the population directly related to patients, i.e. among relatives and close people of patients. This category of donors was classified in 1978 in separate group≪donor-relatives≫, which has its own characteristics: kinship, family feelings, desire to help the patient, initiative, which compares favorably with other donors. The participation of a close relative, friend, colleague in providing the recipient with blood components significantly increases the effectiveness of their use. The number of potential donor relatives is usually stable in those months when there are difficulties in working with regular and non-reimbursed donors. Donor relatives are especially important in the treatment of those patients who require repeated transfusions of blood components.

Work to involve relatives in blood donation must be carried out in advance, starting in polyclinics, dispensaries and continuing in emergency departments and hospitals; with women in labor - already when registering pregnant women in the antenatal clinic. Transmission matters a lot personal experience donation, which more often and with greater success resonates with the attracted audience and allows people to agitate than the information transmitted by ordinary people, even professionally trained for such work.

Work with donor-relatives should be carried out constantly, in an organized and clear way:

1. At the outpatient level, it is necessary to inform relatives (friends, good acquaintances, colleagues, etc.) about possible transfusion therapy, prepare them for active participation in its implementation as donors.

2. In polyclinics, informational materials on donation of blood (components) should be posted in a conspicuous place, indicating the contact details of blood service institutions.

3. Work on attracting donor-relatives in the hospital is carried out with the broad participation of doctors and medical professionals at all levels, organized by the person responsible for organizing transfusion therapy. The hospital is the most favorable place to attract donor-relatives, where campaigning for this category of citizens is more successful than in a normal setting.

4. Preparation regulatory framework(order, instruction, job descriptions, etc.), which determines the importance of donating blood and its components (including related ones), the parameters for accepting donors, conducting a conversation, issuing a referral for a medical examination and blood donation, with the appointment of responsible persons for conducting transfusion therapy , work with gratuitous, personnel donors and donor-relatives.

5. On the part of the head of the medical facility, a systematic briefing of the staff, control and analysis of the work carried out, and regular summing up should be organized.

6. A deep explanatory work should be carried out with each of the involved donor-relatives. The psychological and emotional component, the state of mind of such a donor is very important. Required condition- display of sensitivity, understanding and attention at all stages. Depending on the complexity of the patient's condition, the severity of the disease and the nature of the relationship between the patient and his relatives or people close to him, the doctor decides whether the patient himself can participate in the conversation, since his word can play a decisive role. the main objective conversations - encourage a person to consciously and voluntarily become a donor of blood (components). It is especially important that he realizes the importance of transfusion therapy as an indispensable method in the treatment of a particular recipient - his relative, friend or close person, and that personal participation as a donor will help not only to secure, but also improve specialized treatment and speed up the recovery of the patient.

7. It is important for a future donor to know about the safety and benefits of donating blood (components), as well as regulated social guarantees and benefits provided to donors of blood and (or) its components at the state (subject, or region) level.

8. Specialists involved in the organization and promotion of blood donation (components) among relatives, close people of recipients need to be prepared for negativism on the part of some campaigners. Faced with negative attitudes towards blood donation from the patient's relatives, medical personnel should not replace persuasion with coercion. It is better to postpone the conversation until a more favorable moment and try to find out the reasons for the refusal. Awareness of the motivation for not participating in blood donation will help to further improve advocacy work.

9. Special place occupies agitation and propaganda work among such a contingent as potential donors, relatives of pregnant women, future women in childbirth. It can be carried out in antenatal clinics during registration, during the entire period of observation, as well as in the work of the "School of mothers".

It is necessary to inform that the donated blood plasma in without fail going through the quarantine process. In addition, if the antigenic characteristics of the ABO, KeLL and Rhesus systems are completely identical, donated blood components from relatives will be sent directly to the woman in labor for whom donations were made. Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness of possible transfusion therapy for a future woman in labor and reduce the risk of post-transfusion complications, it is necessary to encourage relatives of pregnant women to donate blood (components) during the entire observation period, at least 2 times (from each of the relatives who do not have medical contraindications). On the basis of maternity hospitals, it is expedient to create blood collection points in a "pilot" project (with blood transportation to the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Healthcare Department of the DZM for further processing and subsequent transfer of blood components to maternity). At the same time, take into account the possibility of interchange of blood transfusion media among maternity hospitals by territorial location.

Recently, the quality of organization and promotion of related donation in outpatient clinics and medical institutions has significantly decreased. An example of the work of the blood service of the DZ of Moscow states that the total number of donor-relatives sent from health facilities to the Blood Transfusion Station of the DZ of Moscow has decreased in quantitative terms and share participation by a third over the past 4 years: from 10,765 people to in 2008 (which accounted for 52.6% of the total number of gratuitous donors of the GBUZ SEC DZM 20,483) to 4,459 in 2012 (17.8% of the total number of 25,087 gratuitous donors).

All this significantly complicates the work of blood service institutions (in particular, GBUZ SPK DZM) in preparing the necessary amount of blood components to fully meet the needs of healthcare facilities in blood transfusion media. There is also a fact when potential donor-relatives, overly motivated by the medical and nursing staff of the outpatient clinic and health facilities, demand permission to donate, regardless of age and somatic condition.

In order to adjust and filter donors when preparing and agitating a patient's relative for blood donation, it is necessary to inform him in advance about all available indications (contraindications) * and the conditions for participation in blood donation (components). Related donation is not a way to provide patients with the necessary volume of transfusion media, but is mainly aimed at replenishing the stock of donor blood components at health facilities. The absence of relatives or close people in the patient who are ready to donate blood (components) for him is not a reason for refusing to conduct transfusion therapy for specialized treatment. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out other measures aimed at developing the donation of blood and its components in the network of the outpatient and polyclinic level of the institutions of the Moscow City Health Department.

Offsite promotions - Days of the donor

An important direction is to involve employees of healthcare institutions in blood donation (components), agitation and propaganda in organized groups of people who every day face the problem of a shortage of donor blood in their work.

In each polyclinic, dispensary, health care facility, it is necessary to carry out propaganda work with the staff, regular field donor events - Donor Days among the employees of these institutions.

Over the past 4 years, the share of participation of Moscow state healthcare institutions in the work on holding the Days of the donor by the mobile teams of the SEC DZ of the city of Moscow decreased by 1.7 times: from 7.8% in 2008 (out of total number-362 participants, there were 17 healthcare institutions), up to 4.6% in 2012 (out of 428 participants in 20 medical organizations), which indicates the need to intensify activities to develop the donor movement.

In order to organize work on participation in blood donation (components) in medical institutions:

1. Chief physician:

Instructs the person responsible for the organization of transfusion therapy to develop and submit a planned task for conducting field donor events (Donor Days) for a year;

Approves the planned task for recruiting reserve donors;

Periodically evaluates the status of donation and the achievement of benchmarks. 2. Responsible for the organization of transfusion therapy performs:

Interaction with the organization of the blood service;

Development of the donor's target for the year (at least 2 times a year), recruitment of reserve donors;

Donor recruitment.

3. In the absence of the proper number of potential donors in a particular institution, as well as the conditions for holding an on-site Donor Day, employees wishing to donate blood can be sent for donation to the SEC of the Moscow Health Department (or to the nearest blood transfusion department of the health facility of the Moscow Health Care Center). If there is a blood transfusion unit in a hospital, blood can be donated on the basis of the existing DIC.

four . At the end of the year, the results of the fulfillment of the planned task are summed up, the encouragement of the heads of the departments of health care facilities that have fulfilled the plan and the recovery of those who are lagging behind, the definition of prospects for further work.

5. In order effective organization donation of blood (components), planned recruitment of reserve donors, it is advisable to determine the recalculation of the volume of blood components ordered by the institution for the year into “conditional donors” and determine required amount blood donation and Donor Days.

6. Measures for the organization of donation are included in the work plan of the medical facility and are formalized by order. When extreme situations (natural disasters, mass injuries, etc.), an unscheduled collection of blood (components) can also be carried out in the institution after agreement with the head physician of the medical facility. The work on organizing donation within the framework of a medical facility must be evaluated when drawing up acts of verification of the organization of transfusion therapy in an institution. Not being able to collect blood (components) themselves, however, hospitals should not relieve themselves of the responsibility for replenishing the stock of blood transfusion media.

An outreach donor action is a serious complex process that requires coordinated multidisciplinary actions, including educational and promotional activities, but at the same time excluding coercion of people to donate blood.

Auto donation

To ensure maximum therapeutic efficacy and safety of transfusion therapy, autodonation plays an important role as an alternative method of blood-saving technologies - preparation of patients at the outpatient level for planned surgical treatment, in which extensive blood loss may occur (heart surgery, large vessels, joint arthroplasty, etc.); preparation of women in labor with the threat of a large loss of blood, etc.

Autohemotransfusion - transfusion to the patient (recipient) of his own (autologous) blood or its components, previously taken from him and returned in order to compensate for surgical blood loss.

Advance work on the preparation of patients before planned surgical interventions with the preparation of blood components from the patient himself, it can significantly reduce the consumption of requested blood components from the SPC (OPK), as well as reduce the risk of developing immunological post-transfusion reactions and complications for the recipient, the transmission of bloodborne infections (hepatitis B and C, HIV, cytomegalovirus, etc.), improves the quality of transfusion therapy.

Indications for autohemotransfusion do not fundamentally differ from indications for transfusions of donor blood and its components, so this method should be used in all cases where the use of donor blood components to replenish blood loss is indicated. Indications and contraindications for autohemotransfusion should be determined in each case individually, taking into account the pathology and the proposed method of autohemotransfusion (preoperative autologous blood sampling, acute intraoperative normovolemic hemodilution, reinfusion).

Due to the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases, patients become donors for the first time, here, as in the case of relative donors, a preliminary explanatory conversation is necessary. The patient must be informed about the benefits of autologous blood transfusion, the safety of exfusion. Informed Consent patient for exfusion and transfusion of autologous blood must be received in writing.

The wide and effective introduction of the collection and transfusion of autologous blood into clinical practice requires sufficient training of personnel and a well-established organization of both the process of collecting autologous blood and hemocomponents, as well as storage and transfusion.

Organizational process:

Making a decision and creating a program for the use of autologous blood in healthcare facilities,

Preparation of the organizational and regulatory framework (order, functional duties, job descriptions, documentation forms),

Personnel training (on the basis of SEC (OPK, KPK) or an educational institution).

The use of autologous blood should be part of a program to reduce the use of donated blood and save blood for patients. The problem of saving the patient's blood and limiting donor transfusions should be brought to the attention of each participant in the collection and use of autologous blood (attending physician, anesthesiologist, transfusiologist, nursing staff of transfusion or clinical units), especially participants in the treatment process - surgical and anesthesiological personnel. Education and training of personnel on these issues, understanding of their role and tasks by each participant is the key to success.

Agitation and propaganda work

The level of awareness among members of our society regarding blood donation varies. According to a sociological survey conducted by the Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Health "Blood Transfusion Station of the Moscow City Health Department" in 2012 among donors, there is an inactive participation of the capital's population in the donor movement. More than a third of the available number of blood donors (components) are residents of the nearest suburbs.

The reasons for this are various - from elementary ignorance about existing problem, to the general economic factors of our time, associated primarily with the lack of time or opportunity for each individual inhabitant of a large metropolis to come and fulfill his civic duty and donate blood .

Material interest prompted 33.8% of respondents to donate blood (components), and only 5% of respondents answered that it was prestigious to be a donor. The rest of the respondents came to blood donation for various reasons, incl. curiosity, an example of friends, acquaintances, became donors for the reason of helping the patient, earlier donor assistance was provided to one of the family members (acquaintances), to check their own health.

Modern society cannot be accused of callousness, mental disability and similar qualities. However, one of the main factors hindering the development of the donor movement in present stage, is the lack of full-scale awareness of the population regarding this problem. Many people simply do not know that in addition to high-profile tragic events, there are everyday life, and thousands of patients need blood components and products every day.

The share of media participation is small. And the main source of obtaining the necessary information is the Internet, whose users are mainly representatives of the younger generation, whose average age is 24.5 years (the age factor of the modern blood donor (components) was also confirmed by the data of the survey).

By occupation, the overwhelming majority of donors - 58.3% - are student youth, 29% are workers and employees, 8.7% are housewives and the unemployed. And the smallest composition of donors from the working part of the population is the leaders different levels -2,7%.

Donors from among pensioners make up 1.3%. In order to involve the population on a large scale in voluntary regular donation of blood (components), it is important to rely on the principle based on the fact that each member of society not only has the right to free specialized treatment using components and blood products, but is also morally obliged to take part in voluntary donation of blood (components). movement, must donate blood (components) at least once in a lifetime (in the absence of medical contraindications).

Moreover, an active position in this direction on the part of the heads of institutions, organizations, enterprises, educational institutions (at all levels), their public speeches and campaigning policy in the direction of the development of blood donation within a particular organization will allow organizing work on agitation and promotion of blood donation among employees more efficiently and achieve the desired results.

Agitation and propaganda provides for the solution of the following tasks:

Informing about the essence of blood donation, its positive aspects, impact on health, the safety of hemoexfusion, plasma (platelet) apheresis, explanation of moral aspects;

Explanation of the main provisions of the Russian legislation, normative and legal acts regulating the donation of blood (components), the rights and obligations of the donor. Strong arguments are the clear organization of donor actions, nutrition and the provision of statutory benefits. Directions of agitation and propaganda work:

1. Large-scale public awareness and promotion of blood donation (components) through the media (TV, radio, press), including those of regional significance.

2. Creation and distribution of promotional and informational materials, if possible, publication and distribution of thematic videos within the target audience among potential blood donors (components). Their preparation and publication should be systematized, and this work should be carried out by specialized specialists in the structure of the blood service institutions of the DZ of the city of Moscow. Distribution of finished print runs should be centralized and organized among institutions and organizations of the Moscow City Health Department.

3. Organization of information platforms dedicated to the issues and problems of blood donation (components) in secondary general education, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions, organizations and enterprises.

4. Conducting seminars and lectures on the importance of blood donation.

5. Conducting thematic creative competitions on the topic of blood donation (components) among students of educational institutions, employees of institutions, enterprises, organizations (at best drawing, story or essay, poster, poem, song, etc.), with the awarding of the winners.

6. Carrying out mandatory explanatory work on the need for related donation of blood (components) in outpatient clinics, healthcare facilities, antenatal clinics when registering pregnant women and conducting the "Mother's School".

7. Agitation and informational conversations with staff medical institutions on the issues of blood donation (components), involvement of the population in donation (in particular, among relatives, close people of patients), ethics of behavior with donors. 8. Consideration of the creation on the basis of health care facilities DZM (maternity hospitals, children's hospitals, multidisciplinary hospitals) blood collection points in the “pilot” project (with blood transportation to the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Specialized Healthcare Department of the DZM for further processing and subsequent transfer of blood components to health facilities).

9. Participation of health care institutions in annual all-Russian regular donor campaigns (National Blood Donor Day, Auto-Moto-Donor, Thank you, donor!, World Blood Donor Day, Days of donor age, etc.).

10. Continuous support, regular monitoring, analysis and summing up the results of the work carried out by the management of the medical facility.

11. Participation in round tables, conferences, briefings. Presentation of the results of the work carried out.

12. When conducting agitation and promotion of donation among the population, it is advisable: - to work with donors in a differentiated manner, taking into account their professional activity, location, education, personal characteristics of managers, etc.; - argue the safety of blood donation (donation of blood components) for the health of the donor; - reveal the value of information about the health status of the donor (at the time of donation), obtained in the laboratory examination of the blood taken.


A clear organization of the work of medical and scientific organizations of the state health care system, blood service institutions in the direction of organizing and promoting blood donation (components), benevolent and Attentive attitude to donors at all stages medical examination and procurement of blood and its components, well-functioning work of the system for providing regulated benefits and social guarantees both at the state level and at the level of an individual subject (region) (in particular, Moscow), the planned implementation of the main directions of agitation and propaganda work, periodic conducting sociological research, surveys, monitoring and analysis of the state of blood donation (components) will help to systematize, optimize and organize large-scale involvement of the population in the donor movement on a regular basis.

Attraction of relative donors and the development of autodonation will largely make it possible to secure and improve the efficiency of transfusion therapy, increase the total number of donors donating blood (components) free of charge, and also replenish the ranks of the cadre (verified) donor contingent.

Anoshkina Julia

Mercy is an infrequent word in everyday life, but its meaning is clear to everyone. There is no calculation in mercy, it comes from the depths of the soul, prompting immediate action.

Blood donation is merciful, like a selfless gift to one's neighbor.

Many and many young people are ready for compassion and help, because they all understand that the voluntary and disinterested donation of blood in the name of saving people in trouble is a high act of humanism.

Blood has no nationality, race, religious affiliation. Many donor actions are held under the motto "We are of the same blood!". Being a donor means helping your neighbor without demanding awards and titles, because people who receive donated blood will never know the name or gender of the donor.

The word "donation" comes from Latin word donare, which means the voluntary refusal of a healthy person (donor) from his organ (blood) in favor of a patient who needs it.

donare(lat.) - gift, donation, charity.

Donation is an exceptional opportunity to donate your blood to a stranger who needs it and save his life.

An artificial alternative to blood products this moment does not exist.

Doing good for money is impossible, supreme value life - disinterested help to another person.

Every minute blood is needed to save people's lives. The statistics are as follows: modern conditions 60 donors per 1000 people are required, currently in Russia there are 14 donors per 1000 people, in Europe - 44 donors, in America - 60 donors per 1000 people.

Objective: to study the problem of blood donation and show that donation is a manifestation of mercy.


1. study various sources on the history of donation in the world and in Russia;

2. study the rules, conditions for donating blood, dispel myths about the danger of the procedure for the health of the donor;

3. to conduct a conversation among high school students in order to promote the donor movement,

4. explore the attitude of students to the problem of blood transfusion;

The contradictions that she solved in the course of the work are the need for donor blood and imaginary fears, myths about the danger to the health of the donor.

Object of study: 11th grade graduates.

Subject of study: blood donation problem

Research hypothesis: I assume that promoting the donor movement will help solve the problem of providing blood to injured people.



Department of Education of the Municipality

urban district "Okhinsky".

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 7


Section "Culturology"

Research work

Donating blood is an act of kindness


Anoshkina Yulia, 11th grade student


Trubnikova Galina Viktorovna,

Social teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 7



Introduction 3-5

Chapter 1. History of blood donation 6-11

  1. Blood donation abroad 12-14

Chapter 2. Blood and its components 15-17

Chapter 3. Who can become a donor? 18-21

Chapter 4. Blood donation in Okha 22-25

Conclusion 26-27

Literature 28

Appendix 29


“And those who save the lives of others,

Gives his blood drop by drop,

Gaining sisters and brothers

Uniting all the people"

donor and poet Natalia Ushatova

Mercy is an infrequent word in everyday life, but its meaning is clear to everyone. There is no calculation in mercy, it comes from the depths of the soul, prompting immediate action. At all times mercy was a manifestation of high morality.

Blood donation is merciful, like a selfless gift to one's neighbor.

Many and many young people are ready for compassion and help, because they all understand that the voluntary and disinterested donation of blood in the name of saving people in trouble is a high act of humanism, thanks to which many patients in serious condition, have a chance to save life and restore health.

Blood has no nationality, race, religious affiliation. Many donor actions are held under the motto "We are of the same blood!". Being a donor means helping your neighbor without demanding awards and titles, because people who receive donated blood will never know the name or gender of the donor. And it is all the more valuable to realize that blood donation is not only one of the constituent parts healthy lifestyle life, but also a factor that unites the entire multinational people.

The word “donation” comes from the Latin word donare, which means the voluntary refusal of a healthy person (donor) from his organ (blood) in favor of a patient who needs it.

donare (lat.) - gift, donation, charity.

Donation is an exceptional opportunity to donate your blood to a stranger who needs it and save his life.

There is currently no artificial alternative to blood products.

It is impossible to do good for money, the highest value of life is selfless help to another person.

The blood donated by donors is used in complex operations or childbirth, bleeding, severe injuries, burns and other diseases. The blood of one donor is divided into components and due to this it can save the life of 4-5 patients.

Every minute blood is needed to save people's lives. The statistics are as follows: in modern conditions, 60 donors per 1000 people are required, at the moment in Russia there are 14 donors per 1000 people, in Europe - 44 donors, in America - 60 donors per 1000 people.

Objective : to study the problem of blood donation and show that donation is a manifestation of mercy.


  1. study various sources on the history of donation in the world and in Russia;
  2. study the rules, conditions for donating blood, dispel myths about the danger of the procedure for the health of the donor;
  3. to conduct a conversation among high school students in order to promote the donor movement,
  4. explore the attitude of students to the problem of blood transfusion;

The contradictions that she solved in the course of the work are the need for donor blood and imaginary fears, myths about the danger to the health of the donor.

Object of study:11th grade graduates.

Subject of study:blood donation problem

Research hypothesis:I assume that promoting the donor movement will help solve the problem of providing blood to injured people.

Research methods:

  1. stage. Theoretical analysis of the works of modern authors.

2. stage. An empirical study of students' attitudes towards the problem of blood transfusion.

Practical value.

This study can be used in the work of a psychologist, social pedagogue, class teacher in carrying out extra-curricular work with children, as well as for conducting conversations with parents and teachers to promote donation.

Chapter 1. History of blood donation

The history of blood transfusion in medicine is conditionally divided into six stages.
I. First stage - from ancient times to the beginning of the 17th century.
Even in ancient times, blood was considered a source of vitality, used as a healing, healing, rejuvenating and miracle cure. AT Ancient Greece Hippocrates gave the blood of healthy people to drink to patients with mental disorders, patients with epilepsy and the elderly drank the blood of dying gladiators, blood was also taken as a rejuvenating agent. Quite often, the blood of animals was also taken orally, so a whole herd of sheep followed the Egyptian troops everywhere, as a source of the necessary blood for the treatment of the wounded and sick.
There are references to the use of blood in ancient Greek literature, as the hero of myths - Odysseus gave blood to the shadows of the underworld to drink.
The second stage of development of donationspread over the 17th - early 20th centuries.
In 1628 the eminent English doctor W. Harvey discovered the law of blood circulation.
Attempts were made to transfuse blood from animal to animal (the anatomist and physiologist R. Lower successfully transfused blood to dogs.) Professor Zh. Denis went further, he transfused lamb blood to a young man. However, in general, such transfusions were not successful.
In 1918, for the first time in the world, the English physiologist Blundell transfused blood from person to person. At the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, the St. Petersburg obstetrician G. Volkh transfused blood for the first time to a woman in labor dying of blood loss and thereby saved her life.
Subsequently, the issues and aspects of blood transfusion began to be studied in the most thorough way in the world. medical practice and in particular in Russia.
III. The third stage in the development of donationand the development of blood transfusion methods was started at the end of the 20th century.
In 1900, the Viennese bacteriologist K. Landsteiner, laureate Nobel Prize made the discovery that blood various people is divided on the basis of group membership (AB0 blood group system), this fact was confirmed in 1901 by a number of researchers, and the value of this new treatment method has been convincingly demonstrated and applied in medical practice to save the lives of seriously ill patients. It is no coincidence that K. Landsteiner's birthday - June 14, was subsequently chosen as World Blood Donor Day (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Society for Blood Transfusion, World Health Organization).
Landsteiner discovered three blood groups; in 1907 Lansky and in 1910 Mass - singled out the IV group.

The fourth group was described in 1902 by the scientists Decastello and Sturli. The joint discovery of scientists was called the ABO system.

O (I) - the first blood group

A (II) - the second blood group

B (III) - the third blood group

AB (IV) - fourth blood group

The Rh factor is an antigen found only in the erythrocyte membrane and independent of other blood factors. The Rh factor is inherited and persists throughout a person's life. 85% of people whose red blood cells contain the Rh factor have Rh positive blood(Rh+), the blood of other people does not contain the Rh factor and is called Rh-negative (Rh-).

In 1907, Heckton, while investigating agglutination during transfusion, pointed to the incompatibility of blood types as the true cause severe complications. In the same year, Griel for the first time used in practice the doctrine of the isoagglutination properties of blood. In 1909 he reported 61 successful blood transfusions. Following Griel, the principle of donor selection, used by other American surgeons, began to be based on the isoagglutination properties of blood (Ottenberg 1908, Bornheim 1912).
A major event at the beginning of the 20th century should be considered the proposal of V.A. Yurevich, N.K. Rosengart (1910), Justin (1914), Levison (1915), Egout (1915) to use sodium citrate to prevent blood clotting. Since that time, stabilized blood has been not only used at the place of its receipt from a donor, but also transported over long distances. The "citrate method" of blood transfusion subsequently gained universal recognition and quickly spread in all countries.
During the First World War, not all countries in the armies used the method of transfusion on the same scale, and the business of blood transfusion was not clearly organized everywhere. Despite this, during the war, the value of a new medical method for saving the lives of seriously wounded in a combat situation was very convincing. Surgeons appreciated it in military field conditions. After the end of the war, work began on the consciousness of the blood transfusion service in all armies.
At the I International Post-War Congress of Surgeons (1920), the issue of blood transfusion was a programmatic one.
IV. The fourth stage of development.
After the October Revolution, the method of blood transfusion in Russia spread with exceptional speed in Moscow, Petrograd, Kharkov, Saratov and other cities. As the method was introduced into practice, new urgent issues arose - blood conservation.
In 1926, the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion was opened in Moscow (under the guidance of Professor A.A. Bogdanov), which played an important role in the development of domestic hematological science and the widespread practical introduction of the method of blood transfusion. In 1930, on the initiative of V.N. Shamov opens the second blood transfusion institute in Kharkov.
In 1931, a blood transfusion station was established in Moscow, on the basis of which, for the first time in the world, a method for preserving serum and blood plasma was developed, as well as a method for preparing dry plasma. At the same time, a unified state system of donation was created according to the principle "Maximum benefit to the patient, no harm to the donor."
In other countries, interest in the study, development of methods and practical application of the transfusion method increased significantly only during the Second World War. received a blood transfusion wide application in medical institutions - both at the front and in the rear.
In our country during the Great Patriotic War the active army received over 1.7 million liters of preserved blood, which was used for 7 million transfusions. Was created large army patriot donors, reaching 5.5 million people - this played an important role in improving the outcomes of treatment and accelerated the return of the wounded to duty. The Blood Service of Russia held a general examination to confirm its maturity and preparedness for the most severe trials.
In such cities as Moscow, Leningrad, the number of donors daily reached more than 2,000 people. Donor points were deployed in almost all cities and regional centers of the country. Blood donation knew no boundaries and united people completely various professions, social status and age.
The donation organization system worked as the finest well-oiled mechanism, organized in cooperation with the Red Cross Society, which carried out a lot of propaganda work to attract the broad masses of workers to its asset.
VI. The sixth period of development of blood donation and its components.
The post-war years are called the heyday of gratuitous donation, involving mainly organized groups of people. Blood sampling from such donors is carried out directly at enterprises and institutions by special mobile teams institutes and blood transfusion stations (SPK). The volume of blood harvested was so large that it covered the needs of clinics.
Medicine has evolved. Blood and its components were widely used in practice. New tasks were solved, agitation and mass work was improved, leaders of all parts of the party, Komsomol, trade union and public organizations were involved in donation.
One of the leading and important organizational tasks to improve and simplify the system of donor registration was the centralization of donation and the creation of Single Donor Centers in large cities. At that time, the "Regulations on the recruitment of donor personnel" was formulated and published, which detailed the principles and methods for promoting donation among the population. In November 1955, a decree was issued defining the rights and benefits of donors.
Thus, starting in 1957, a new form of patriotism, humanity and the desire to help a sick comrade - gratuitous donation - developed in the USSR. In it was laid new principle, which includes an equal right for all citizens to receive blood and its components to medicinal use in case of need (illness, emergency, etc.) and the simultaneous moral obligation of each member of society to take a personal part in the donation.
Unfortunately, the modern periodin the history of donation can rightly be called a period of recession. Total donors in Russia as a whole, and in particular in Moscow, has sharply decreased over the past decades.
The development of blood donation in the vast majority of European and other economically developed countries differs from the Russian one. The European Union proclaims three principles of donation: gratuitousness, voluntariness and permanence (periodicity). Donor societies have been created. it public organizations with government subsidies. The ratio of the number of donors per share of the population in European countries corresponds to the necessary "norms" (40-50 donors per 1000 population, while in Russia this ratio is more than 3 times less than the required norm).

Conclusion: The problem of blood donation continues to be one of the significant social problems in Russia. According to statistics, about 1,000 patients in Moscow alone need donated blood transfusions every day. The need for donated blood is constant. That is why it is necessary to expand the practice of including representatives of all sectors civil society in the development of voluntary gratuitous donation of blood and its components. The increase in the number of gratuitous donors in the country is an indicator of the improvement of the social climate, the strengthening of the position of civil society.

World Blood Donor Day is an opportunity to express gratitude to all those people who voluntarily, at the call of their hearts, donate their blood.

  1. Blood donation abroad

In order for a country to be able to sustainably meet its needs for blood transfusions, it is roughly estimated that 2–2.5% of the population should regularly donate blood. In the WHO European Region, 14 countries do not reach this threshold, 8 of which are Newly Independent States (NIS).

Blood donation prevalence rates vary by a factor of ten across the Region, from 0.4% (eg Armenia and Tajikistan) to over 6.4% (Denmark and Germany).

Seven countries in the Region are heavily dependent on blood donations from relatives of the patient in need, which range from 25 to 81% of the total blood donation in these countries. This form of donation is associated with a significantly higher prevalence of transfusion-transmitted infections (including HIV and hepatitis B and C) compared to voluntary non-remunerated donation.

At the same time, 27 European countries have achieved 100% donation, as recommended by WHO, the European Union, the Council of Europe and other partner organizations.

In France, donation is voluntary and free of charge. But there are plenty of people ready to go for it in the country. According to the latest data, the French army of donors has 1.7 million people, that is, every 38th Frenchman regularly donates his blood. For this, which is typical, he does not receive any euros, not counting a hearty lunch and drinks in the form of juices, tea, coffee. Donation here is centralized, the state structure, the French Blood Institution (FUK), is responsible for it. It manages 152 stationary points, as well as many thousands of mobile ones that constantly circulate throughout the country. All those wishing to donate blood undergo an interview and a medical examination. In France, the minimum period between blood donation sessions is 8 weeks, and men are allowed no more than 6 sessions per year, and women - 4.

In the United States, according to American doctors, there are 120 million citizens who meet stringent requirements in the field of blood donation. However, about 25 million people visit blood transfusion stations on a regular basis, which is less than 10 percent of the country's population. Blood banks in the United States are replenished exclusively on a gratuitous basis - as the American Congress decided back in the early 1970s. On average, an American donor donates blood 1.5 times a year. The intervals between visits to blood transfusion stations in the US are 56 days, and plasma can be donated every week.

About 400,000 people donated blood in Sweden last year, of which 250,000 are regular donors. This is one of the most low scores in Europe - only 30 percent of the population (for example, in Austria, 66 percent of citizens have become blood donors at least once). This can be explained by the lack of financial incentives: in Sweden, blood donation is voluntary and free of charge.

In Germany, the organization of donation is organized by the German Red Cross. Those who donate blood frequently receive an "Honorary Donor Brooch" after every 25th blood donation session. Benefits other than free blood typing and a quick blood test leading to control general condition health and also free participation in some events and the lotto draw, voluntary donors do not. In addition, after donating blood, you can drink coffee and eat a couple of sandwiches for free. Still, the Red Cross is not up to the task of providing a full supply of donor blood.

The general need of the country is met mainly in hospitals and university clinics, where one donation of blood can cost from 15 to 25 euros, and for a portion of plasma or platelets - from 25 to 40 euros. By the way, plasma sometimes becomes an additional income: it can be rented 26 times a year, and thus the amount of remuneration received will be more than a thousand euros. From donors, there is no end to medical institutions: in the Berlin University Hospital "Charite" you have to sit in line in order to receive the coveted check after donating blood.

Anyone over the age of 16 can donate blood in Brazil. Donation is a voluntary action and is not paid by the state.

Chapter 2. Blood and its components

Blood is vital for the human body, it nourishes all its tissues and organs.

On average, in the body of an adult, blood is 6-8% of the total mass, or 65-80 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Transfusiology - the science of blood transfusion, deals with the transfusion of blood, its components and drugs that are received at blood transfusion stations.

Blood performs numerous vital functions:

respiratory - the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs;

transport (nutritional) - delivers nutrients and oxygen to cells;

protective - blood cells are actively involved in the fight against foreign microorganisms;

excretory - removes metabolic products from tissues;

thermoregulatory - regulates body temperature;

humoral - connects various organs and systems, transferring the signal substances that are formed in them.

Blood components

red blood cells carry oxygen. They contain hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues. In addition, erythrocytes return carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is excreted from the body. The main element in the production of hemoglobin is iron. If there is not enough iron in the body, a person begins to suffer from anemia, and, accordingly, the ability of his body to deliver oxygen to the tissues decreases.

Leukocytes or white blood cells("leukos" - in Greek "white"), protect the body from diseases. They produce antibodies and fight infections. As soon as an infection enters the body, white blood cells come into play - they absorb foreign bacteria and toxins that enter the bloodstream. If the number of leukocytes in the blood is constantly greatly increased or greatly reduced, this may indicate serious illness. One of the varieties of leukocytes are granulocytes.

The main function of platelets - participation in the process of blood coagulation (hemostasis) - an important protective reaction of the body that prevents large blood loss when blood vessels are injured. In this way, platelets help stop bleeding: they collect at the damaged surface of the blood vessels and allow the blood to clot. Relatively recently, it has also been established that platelets play essential role in the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, releasing growth factors into wound tissues that stimulate the division and growth of damaged cells.

Plasma - this is liquid part blood, which has a complex multicomponent composition. The basis of plasma is water (90%), in which various proteins are dissolved, which make up about 7% of its volume, as well as other organic compounds and minerals. Blood plasma contains carbon dioxide, glucose, as well as other nutrients and products of cell metabolism. The main therapeutic function of plasma is the restoration of blood coagulation.

At present, in clinical practice, a division is used whole blood on the components, since it has been found that, depending on clinical picture, most patients require only one blood component or product. Sometimes there is a need for transfusion of certain substances present in the blood plasma. That is why one dose of whole donor blood can be used for several patients.

Depending on which component is required to meet the needs of patients, donors are divided into the following groups: donors of blood, plasma, immune plasma, rare groups of erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes; donors from whom small portions of blood are taken to obtain special reagents necessary to determine the patient's blood type, and, finally, donors from whom blood is taken immediately before or during surgery.

Blood transfusion is often used in surgery, trauma, gastroenterological bleeding, and childbirth to replace large blood losses. Blood transfusions are also often needed by cancer patients. Some hereditary diseases thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, for example, affect the quality of the blood, and people suffering from these conditions require continuous transfusions of safe blood.

Conclusion: The blood used for transfusion must be obtained from a healthy person with healthy blood. Blood is not only a living tissue, but also a renewable tissue, and only healthy body can give blood to large quantities. Donating blood can save another person's life without weakening the donor or speeding up the aging process.

Chapter 3. Who can become a blood donor?

On the one hand, absolutely any healthy citizen can become a donor Russian Federation if he is over 18 years old; has a residence permit or registration in the region where blood donation is expected, for a period of at least 6 months; has no contraindications to donation, and his weight is more than 50 kg.

On the other hand, only a person with a capital letter can become a blood donor. A person who is ready to get up earlyspend your time to save someone's life.

  1. Contraindications

Before donating blood, the donor undergoes a free medical examination, which includes an examination by a therapist and a preliminary laboratory test.

At the same time, there are a number of contraindications to donation: absolute, that is, independent of the duration of the disease and the results of treatment, and temporary - valid only for a certain period.

Absolute contraindications are the presence of such serious diseases as HIV infection, syphilis, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, blood diseases, oncological diseases and others.
The blood service sets itself the main task - ensuring the safety of donated blood for patients.

Temporary contraindications have various terms depending on the reason. The most common prohibitions are: tooth extraction (10 days), tattooing, piercing or acupuncture treatment (1 year), tonsillitis, influenza, SARS (1 month from the moment of recovery), menstruation (5 days), abortion (6 months), period pregnancy and lactation (1 year after childbirth, 3 months after the end of lactation), vaccinations.

2. What rules should be followed BEFORE donating blood?

1. For 72 hours, you should not take blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin, analgin, no-shpa, etc. If any drugs are used, the donor should consult with the health workers of the blood transfusion station before donating blood. This rule does not apply to hormonal contraceptives.

2. Do not drink alcohol for 48 hours.

3. Be sure to get a good night's sleep, and on the day of donation, have a light breakfast.

4. It is recommended to refrain from smoking. Smoking is not a contraindication to donation, but doctors recommend not smoking one hour before and after the procedure. The toxic effect of nicotine in the blood is dangerous for patients, especially for newborns. In addition, it may adversely affect the well-being of the donor.

5. Do not eat fried, spicy, salty, smoked, bananas, eggs, dairy products and butter. Better - sweet tea, fruit drink, compote, mineral water, jam, bread, crackers, boiled cereals, fish, vegetables, fruits.

6. good health after blood donation, 2 glasses of juice or water drunk before blood donation will be provided.

7. Doctors have established that the body reacts best to blood loss in the morning. And the earlier the donation occurs, the easier this procedure is tolerated. After 12.00 it is recommended to donate blood only to regular donors.

You should not donate blood after a night shift or just a sleepless night.

Do not plan to donate blood just before exams, competitions, project submissions, during a particularly intense period of work, etc.

  1. Feelings during donation are quite individual. The pain from a needle in a vein is almost imperceptible.

And if there is still a fear of pain, then you can come half an hour earlier and get an anesthetic ointment (it does not work right away, because such a margin of time).

  1. For the safety of donation, it is also important to follow the rules established by doctors. So, men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4.

3. What rules should be observed AFTER donating blood?

1. Immediately after donating blood, it is not recommended to get up immediately, sit quietly for 10-15 minutes.

2. If you feel dizzy or weak - contact the staff (the easiest way out is to either lie down and raise your legs above your head, or sit down and lower your head between your knees).

3. Do not remove the bandage within 3-4 hours, try not to wet it.

4. Shower or bath can be taken the next day.

5. It is better not to exercise for two days. You should not take an exam or participate in sports competitions after donation.

6. It is important to eat plentifully and regularly, drink more fluids (alcohol is not recommended).

7. Vaccinations after blood donation are allowed no earlier than 10 days later.

8. There are no restrictions on driving a car on the day of donation.

4. Donor privileges

On the day of donating blood and its components, as well as on the day medical examination an employee who is a donor is released from work at an enterprise, institution, organization, while retaining his average earnings for these days.

After each day of donating blood and its components, the donor is given an additional day of rest with the preservation of his average earnings. The specified day of rest, at the request of the donor, can be attached to the annual leave or used at another time during the year after the day of donating blood and its components.

A donor who donated blood and (or) its components during the year in a total amount equal to two maximum allowable doses is provided with priority allocation at the place of work or study preferential vouchers for spa treatment.

University students are provided with a certificate exempting them from studying on the day of blood donation and the next day.

On the day of blood donation, the donor is provided free meals at the expense of the appropriate budget or compensation for food.

Conclusion: the majority of doctors believe that donation is useful, because. the donor's body is constantly self-renewing due to the removal of excess blood and its components that are formed evolutionarily (a person donated blood, and his body receives a signal: it's time to renew). And this is the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, immune system, digestive disorders, liver and pancreas.

And most importantly - a donor can save someone's LIFE!

Chapter 4. Blood donation in the city of Okha, Sakhalin Region

Each person has a high moral potential, but without its awakening it is impossible to count on the improvement of society as a whole. The most striking example of the awakening of this morality and social activity is blood donation.

The population of the municipal formation of the city district "Okhinsky" is 25 thousand 714 people. There are 15 donors per 1,000 people in the city of Okha, and 60 are needed to fully provide blood.

According to the data of 2012 in the municipality of the city district "Okhinsky":

384 donors, 188 of them are young people aged 18 to 30.

330 people - Honorary donors;

67 people - Honorary donors of the USSR;

236 people are Honorary Donors of Russia;

23 donors have donated blood more than 50 times, are Honorary donors and are still active.

Champion in donation: Pavlenko Yury Ivanovich, donor experience - 31 years, donated blood - 100 times.

Student survey.In order to study the level of awareness of high school students aboutimportance of donated blood, a survey was conducted among 11th grade students. 41 people took part in the survey - 84% of the number of graduates.

After analyzing the results of the survey, I determined that all 100% of the respondents know that a donor is a person who gives blood to another. Every third Russian needs a blood transfusion at least once in his life. Who needs a blood transfusion?The person who receives a blood transfusion is called recipient.

Blood donation is a visiting card of healthIt's a civic duty and a way of life. Many well-known people in Europe - public figures, movie and pop stars, are themselves donors and actively promote and support the development of the donor movement.
Donors - different people with different destinies, but similar to one. They save lives by giving their blood for it. Millions of people owe their lives to those they have never seen - donors who voluntarily give blood.

Donation is a “quiet feat” in the name of others… Your blood is a spark that makes the hearts of the saved beat with renewed vigor. Your blood is a great value... And the more generously you give it to other people, the more happy moments, smiles and joy become around us. … Those who were once saved by donated blood, many times to themselves

they said “thank you” to that unknown, but nevertheless become a native donor, who again gave them the whole world.

Donation questionnaire results:

  1. How often are you allowed to donate blood?

A) once a year;

B) 1 time in 6 months - 13 people. – 32%

C) 1 time in 3 months - 27 people. - 66%.

2. Are there donors in your families?

Yes - 14 people - 34%; no - 27 people. – 66%

3. Would you like to become a donor when you reach the age of majority?

Yes - 28 people – 68%; No - 13 people. - 32%.

  1. What is your attitude towards donation?

A) positive - 38 people. – 93%

B) negative - 0 people;

C) find it difficult to answer - 3 people. – 7%

For 5 years, students of the school have been attending the multidisciplinary school "Ariadna" in the summer, where they are engaged in volunteer activities to promote blood donation among the population of the municipality of the urban district "Okhinsky". We go on an excursion to the blood transfusion station, which is headed by V.V. Yaroslavskaya. We distribute leaflets, leaflets among the population, tell residents about donation. We participate in the competition of drawings, posters on the topic "Blood Donation", wrote essays, held campaigns "Donate blood - save lives", interviewed donors.

For the promotion of blood donation, the students of the school "Ariadna" and the leader Trubnikova G.V. were awarded a Letter of Appreciation from the blood transfusion station.

By participating in the volunteer movement, I believe that we involve in the ranks of donors people who are not indifferent to the suffering of people, becoming a donor is the duty of every healthy person.

Blood donation is an act of mercy, and at all times mercy has been a manifestation of high morality.


Your blood will give life to another person!

You are near and everything is fine:

Rain and cold wind!

Thank you my donor

For the fact that you are in the world!

Blood is the source of life. Usually they say pure water- life source. You can't argue with either the first or the second statement. Both water and air are needed, but people do not acutely feel their shortage yet. And people who fell ill and underwent a complex operation know firsthand how difficult it is if there is no blood from your group. You have to search through acquaintances, strangers, relatives, non-native people. I am grateful to those people who were not too lazy, did not succumb to stereotypes, but came and donated blood.

It is unlikely that there will be a person in our country who would not hear the word “donor” or “blood transfusion”. These two concepts are closely related. Blood transfusion is one of the most effective ways treatment of many diseases.

Of course, progress does not stand still, maybe in decades we will not worry about the lack of blood components, but now blood donors should know that their blood gives life to another person!

Blood donation, as an act of mercy and a desire to help save another life, is blessed by representatives of such religions as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

The hypothesis of work has been proven: the problem of donation exists. Every person who allows his health should think about how he can help this world and the people who surround it. And donation, in turn, is an exceptional opportunity to donate your blood to a stranger, thereby saving his life. After all, an artificial alternative to blood products has not yet been invented.

68% of graduates of our school want to become donors when they reach adulthood, which indicates a high moral potential, realizing that becoming a donor is the duty of every healthy person.

Information resources: printed and electronic material

  1. Ambulatory in the time of Galen 166.htm
  2. Zverev I.D. Reading book on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene: A guide for students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983.
  3. Who can donate blood?
  4. Penfield Wilder. Torch. (A novel about the life of Hippocrates). M.: 1974.
  5. Popular medical encyclopedia./ Ed. B.V. Petrovsky. M.: 197.9.
  6. Red Cross Blood Donation Advertisement
  7. Sergeev B. V Entertaining physiology. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985
  11. Federal Law "On donation of blood and its components" No. 317 dated November 25, 2013


Facts about blood donation

  1. The most famous blood donor in the world donated about 500 liters of blood 624 times during his life.
  2. Active donors are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and more easily endure blood loss in road accidents and other accidents. According to the World Health Organization, people who constantly donate blood live an average of 5 years longer than the average person, because they activate the hematopoietic system - red cells bone marrow- and regular stimulation of immunity.
  3. In order to provide enough blood for medical needs, the country must have at least 40 donors per 1,000 inhabitants. Average in Europe, 25–27; in the US and Canada, 35–40. But in Russia, unfortunately, so far only 14.
  4. More than 85 million blood donations are made annually in the world. About 35% of them 4 fall on developing countries and countries with economies in transition, where about 75% of the world's population lives.
  5. Despite the fact that the need for donated blood in megacities is many times greater (due to the high accident rate), in Moscow today there are less than 10 donors per 1000 people.
  6. 10-15% of the population can be donors, but in reality there are ten times fewer people who donate blood.

  1. Every third inhabitant of the Earth at least once in his life, but will have to do a transfusion of donor blood. In Russia, 1.5 million citizens receive blood transfusions every year.
  2. For one recipient, on average, three whole blood donors are needed.

  1. During the Great Patriotic War, the number of donors reached 5.5 million people. Thanks to this, the active army received over 1.7 million liters of preserved blood, which was used for 7 million transfusions during operations.
  2. World Blood Donor Day - 14 June.
  3. In an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 (season 2, episode 22), popular in the 1990s, Dylan surprised Brenda on Valentine's Day by going to the hospital with her to donate blood. As a child, he himself needed transfusions, and this is how he repays everyone for kindness. Great idea and really unconventional move!

Myths about donation

Most people know very little about blood donation and therefore trust the most unfounded myths and rumors. For example:

During the donation of blood and its components, you can become infected with some unpleasant disease.

Donating blood is safe for the donor - all donor sites in Russia are provided with disposable, sterile equipment, individual systems.
Disposable syringes and needles are opened only in the presence of the patient. After use, they are destroyed.

Donating is painful.

Donation is a very simple procedure. Thousands of donors donate blood 40 or more times. In order to find out your feelings from a needle prick, it is enough to pinch the skin on the inner surface of the elbow area.

Donating blood and its components is a long and painful procedure, besides, transfusion stations work only at inconvenient times when all people are busy at school or at work.

Donating whole blood takes no more than 15 minutes, donating blood components (plasma, platelets) lasts longer, from 30 minutes, but no more than an hour and a half.
Especially for those who cannot donate blood on weekdays, the All-Russian “Donor Saturday” is held annually, in many regions SECs are opened according to a special schedule on Saturdays throughout the year, and there is also the opportunity to organize a donor day at a company or university.

"I have a common blood type, my blood is not needed."

This is the kind of blood you need! If it is so common among the healthy, it is just as common among the sick. Blood of all groups - both common and rare - is constantly required.

“Blood can only be donated on Fridays to rest after donating.”

You can donate blood any weekday. Special long rest after blood donation is not required. After donating blood, you need to sit for 10-15 minutes, avoid heavy physical activity throughout the day and follow simplenutritional advice .
If a Do you smoke , you should refrain from smoking for an hour before and after blood donation.

Donating is harmful because regular blood donations cause the body to produce more blood, which is ultimately harmful to health and causes dependence on blood donations.

Donation does not harm the body of a healthy person, and blood donations cannot be addictive, since the human body is evolutionarily adapted to bloodletting. Long-term observations of donors who donate blood for a long time did not reveal any abnormalities associated with blood donations.
Bloodletting in scientifically based doses has some stimulating effect, so donors are, for the most part, active and cheerful people. Surrounding this is sometimes regarded as "dependence" on blood donations.
Regular blood donations do not force the body to “produce more blood”, but they teach him to recover faster after blood loss.

I am ready to donate blood, but in an extreme case - if there is a terrorist attack, a plane crash, etc. This is more important than donating blood in the usual way, more people will be saved.

For sick people, every lost minute is an extreme case.

At any moment and in any place, an accident can occur with loss of blood in the victims.

The donation of blood and its components takes some time, and blood may be needed immediately.

It is necessary that donation be regular, not emergency - this is the only way to ensure a constant supply of blood components, incl. for victims of emergencies.

Blood is needed by the sick and injured all year round. Therefore, regular donation is very important to ensure normal level providing donor blood and components constantly and throughout the country.

A regular donor is a donor whose blood is the safest due to regular examination and monitoring of his health. From the potential of repeatedly and repeatedly donating donors, a system of “personnel donors” is formed, from which a group of “emergency” reserve can then be formed.

"It doesn't concern me."

Anyone may need donated blood at some point.
According to statistics, one in three people will need a blood transfusion during their lifetime. And today you can become a donor and help.

Donor movement covers everyone who cares about the fate of others, those who seek to save lives by handing over own blood, those who spend time and energy on organizing Donor Days, those who tell their friends and relatives about donation, those who understand that voluntarily and free of charge to share blood with others is the right decision.

Join the donor movement!

DONORS- different people with different destinies, but similar to one. They save lives by giving their blood for it.

Millions of people owe their lives to those whom they have never seen - donors who voluntarily give blood without receiving any significant material reward for this.

We cannot be accused of callousness, mental disability, and the like. But there is one "but". We forget that thousands of sick people need blood components and preparations every day, that in addition to high-profile tragic events, there is everyday life and human fates dependent on our self-sacrifice, compassion, humanism, nobility and love.

It is impossible to take away the chance of life from those for whom donated blood is the only hope for recovery, the only chance to survive!


  • victims of burns and injuries;
  • during complex operations;
  • with difficult childbirth;
  • patients with hemophilia or anemia - to maintain life;
  • blood is vital for cancer patients during chemotherapy;
  • blood is needed for the production of a number of drugs.

Every year, 1.5 million people in Russia need blood transfusions.

In clinics where heart operations are performed, 12-15 liters per year are needed per treatment site!


All-Russian Movement of the Russian Red Cross "I AM YOUR DONOR" originated in Moscow in January 2016 with the participation of the management and staff of the Blood Transfusion Department of the GBUZ GKB No. 52 DZM

Sergey Bukharov. Donor is not a profession.


April 20 is the first National Donor Day in Russia. On this day, in 1832 in St. Petersburg, a Russian obstetrician Andrei Mitrofanovich Wolf for the first time in the world he performed a blood transfusion operation, transfusing the woman in labor with the blood of her husband, which saved the life of her and her child. The Honored Doctor of Russia, Deputy Chief Physician for Promotion of Donation of the Blood Transfusion Station of the Moscow City Health Department told the correspondent about the current state of blood donation in Moscow, its problems and needs Vladimir Potapsky.

: At a recent meeting in the Moscow City Duma, you spoke about Moscow in the first quarter of 2011.

Indeed, there is a decrease of about 10%. Formerly a city target program, it was carried out and due to it in 2009-2010 there was a significant increase in the number of donors, but the program ended its work and the number began to decline.

: And how many donors donate blood per month on average?

If before 2008 the number of donors in the city was about 6-8 people per thousand of the population, then after the program this figure increased to 16. And in 2010 it reached 21-22 blood donations per thousand. These are the so-called donations, that is, not the number of people, but how many times they came to donate blood. People began to donate several times and due to this, the number of donations increased.

What caused the decline? First, we are now seeing a downward trend in agitation through the media. Secondly, the influx of donors from commercial enterprises, and there are more than half of them in Moscow, is only 0.2% of the total number of donors. Apparently, some administrative solution to the issue of donation is needed. We need either a decree of the mayor of Moscow, or a decree of the Government of the capital for the heads of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. It is necessary to convey that donation is needed today, now, every hour and every day. Medical institutions in Moscow do not experience a shortage of blood - we fully provide them, but the potential supply of blood is decreasing and it has to be purchased in the regions.

: As for the opening federal service blood, where does that blood go?

In Moscow, there are medical institutions of various kinds. We, the blood service of the city of Moscow, provide only city medical institutions with blood and its components. But there are still medical institutions of federal subordination in the capital. There are also departmental blood services. For example, the Ministry of Defense and many others.

We need to think about creating a unified blood service. That is, to live in the neighborhood and in kindness: if you do not have blood, then we will borrow, if we do not, then you. A single system implies a single base of donors, a single leadership and a single funding. Let's say that the blood service of the city of Moscow is provided by the City Government. Buys equipment, allocates funds and so on. And the federal one is provided by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2009, with the onset of the crisis, we received not so much for the program.

: Is there a unified database of donors, or does each transfusion station, each department have its own?

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