Folk remedies for a hangover at home. An overview of pharmacy remedies for a hangover

Folk remedies for a hangover are as popular with the population today as they were many years ago. People's love and recognition are explained by their effectiveness, harmlessness and accessibility. Why swallow a handful of expensive pills, exposing the body to additional overloads, while home medicine offers many budget solutions, among which everyone can find something to their liking.

General information

Before talking about how to get rid of a hangover, you should clarify in which cases it occurs. We should immediately make a reservation: there is no official norm of alcohol that provokes unpleasant consequences, each person has his own, individual limit. It depends on a combination of several factors, including the weight of the drinker, the strength of the drink and its perception by the body, and much more. At the same time, regardless of the circumstances, one rule is still universal: the higher the alcohol content in your blood, the more severe the consequences of alcohol poisoning.


Answering the question of how to alleviate a hangover, you must first specify its main features. So, the symptoms can be expressed in:

  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Nausea, urge to vomit.
  • Pain in the head and all over the body.
  • Redness of the whites of the eyes.
  • Decreased appetite.

Such a state of each passes in its own way, someone suffers for a long time, someone leaves relatively quickly. On average, this period lasts from a couple of hours to several days.

Prevention of consequences

The simplest answer to the question of how to get rid of a hangover is as follows: "Warn him." For this, healers have their own special recommendations, the most effective of which are given below:

  • Alcoholic beverages should be drunk only on a full stomach, not forgetting to continue to eat in between toasts.
  • The best effect of neutralizers have foods high in fat.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to eat tightly before a hearty feast, try to cheat. You can fool your stomach and protect it from alcohol with just one tablespoon of olive oil. The substance contributes to the formation of a special film that prevents harmful components from being absorbed into the walls of the stomach and the circulatory system.
  • An alternative to the above method is a glass of warm milk.
  • If you didn't have time to take preventive measures, try to help the body during the gala dinner. To do this, lean on olives and olives, they are extremely useful in the fight against a hangover.

Healthy drinks

So, you woke up after a noisy party and you don’t feel the best, what kind of folk remedies for a hangover will help restore vigor and a clear mind? First of all, you need to ensure that you drink plenty of water, for this purpose the following solutions may be useful to you:

  • Pickle from cucumbers or tomatoes, sauerkraut juice. Able to restore fluid balance and reduce the appearance of a hangover.
  • Any freshly squeezed natural juices. The ideal solution would be drinks made from citrus fruits or tomatoes.
  • Homemade compotes and fruit drinks based on products with a high content of vitamin C. They perfectly cope with the swelling that has appeared, normalize the water balance in the body, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Mint tea.
  • Cold carbonated drinks based on caffeine.
  • Mineral water (better without gas, restores water balance, compensates for the deficiency of salts in the body).
  • Strong black coffee.
  • Cocoa without milk (on water).
  • St. John's wort infusion (for half a liter of boiling water, you need to add 4 tablespoons of dry crushed inflorescences, drink the drink in small sips, it will help to tone, accelerate blood circulation, and normalize the work of the stomach).
  • Herbal tea based on rowan berries. Please note that red autumn fruits should not be boiled, they just need to be poured with boiling water, insist for a couple of minutes and drink the resulting healthy composition. Such a cure for a hangover helps to eliminate toxins, reduce swelling and eliminate headaches. It is recommended to drink all day.

original recipes

From a hangover at home, specially prepared formulations based on ordinary products also help. The most effective of them are represented by the following recipes:

  • Mix and drink olive oil, egg yolk and a little red pepper.
  • Finely grate fresh cabbage and mix it with kefir. Use the resulting dish instead of the usual salad.


A good cure for a hangover is to change your diet. The day after the celebration, add as many dairy products to your usual menu as possible. In addition, the most useful dish of the day will be hot soup with chicken broth. It helps to get rid of toxins and restores vitality.

Habitual sweets are recommended to be replaced with honey, eat one spoonful of it every 50-60 minutes, drinking plenty of clean water. A positive effect can be achieved by eating egg-based dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables. The first meal in the morning should be as easy and healthy as possible. Your task is to relieve unpleasant symptoms, increase your own strength and not give an additional load on the stomach.

Water procedures

When answering the question of what helps with a hangover, it is necessary to separately highlight simple but effective activities at home. First of all, it will be necessary to list useful water procedures.

A cold shower is the best way to invigorate a heavy morning. It contributes not only to minimizing a hangover, but also to giving clarity to consciousness. A contrast shower works on the same principle (that is, a quick change of hot and cold water).

If you don't like such drastic measures, try this hangover remedy - a warm bath with healing herbs. It will be enough to add a couple of drops of essential oils of rosemary, lavender or chamomile to the water to normalize a serious condition and provide all possible assistance to the kidneys in removing toxins from the body. Please note that such advice can also be fraught with a certain danger: you should lie in warm water only when you are completely sober, but you are suffering from unpleasant consequences. It is easy to fall asleep while drunk in the bathroom, which will lead to the saddest events!

Headache compress

Severe headaches often accompany a hangover. How to treat such a condition? The universal and simplest advice is a cold compress. To make it, you will need to moisten a soft cloth in cool water and apply it to your forehead. Do not forget to periodically refresh the compress to increase its effectiveness.

By folding the fabric in several layers, you can put ice in it, this will be even more powerful and effective. The reduction in headache during this procedure is due to vasoconstriction.

Remedy for nausea and poisoning

Another symptom that you should definitely try to fight is uncontrollable vomiting. What helps with a hangover with such unpleasant manifestations? As a rule, the cause of this condition is severe poisoning and an excess of toxins. There is only one way to get rid of them as quickly as possible: do not restrain the body and provoke a gag reflex. To do this, you need to prepare a glass with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, drink it, then cleanse the stomach and begin to restore the body's strength.

If the poisoning is mild, but nausea is present, you can use a hangover medicine that stops it. For these purposes, it is recommended to grind a small ginger root (about 4-5 centimeters) and brew it with one glass of boiling water. Various auxiliary components, honey or citrus juice can be added to the finished drink. The resulting portion should be divided into approximately three equal parts and drunk at intervals of several hours.

A healthy sleep, rest, refusal from difficult physical or mental work, a walk in the fresh air will help get rid of a hangover at home. If possible, do breathing exercises or visit a real Russian bath.

Dangerous Decisions

Speaking about folk remedies for a hangover, it is impossible not to recall the technique of "knocking out a wedge with a wedge." Many alcohol lovers prefer to improve their condition with a bottle of cool beer or a shot of a stronger remedy. Such a technique, of course, contributes to a visible improvement in the condition, but in fact it only delays the duration of the poisoning and subsequent recovery of the body.

No matter how effective folk remedies for a hangover are, the best method to maintain your health has been and remains refraining from excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and the rejection of addictions will provide you with good spirits and the necessary tone in any situation.

Do you know what is the best hangover cure? If you do not know, then we will present it in the materials of this article.

general information

Before telling you about which folk can be used, a few words should be said about alcohol.

Alcohol has always existed. They drank it, cooked with it, disinfected wounds, used it as an anesthetic, etc. By the way, in ancient times it was dangerous to use such a drink. After all, alcohol contained a large number of bacteria. In this regard, lovers of such drinks were very often exposed to infections, which often led to death.

As for today, today there is a huge variety of alcohol, the only drawback of which is a hangover. Many people believe that this is a kind of retribution for a well-spent evening or night. However, not everyone is happy with the state that accompanies him in the morning and lasts at least a day.

Of course, in order not to experience a hangover, it is best not to drink at all. However, in our country there are a lot of holidays that cannot be missed by most people.

Ever since people first started drinking alcohol, they have suffered the consequences every time. To minimize them, lovers of fun find more and more new ways.

Few people know, but each country has its own best hangover remedy. Some of them may seem strange to you, and some of them are quite effective.

ancient roman remedies

Today, you can easily buy a hangover cure at a pharmacy. However, ancient Rome did not have modern pharmaceuticals. In this regard, people then struggled with a painful condition with their unusual methods.

It is no secret to anyone that the Romans, like the Greeks, were very fond of wine. In order not to feel a hangover, they often diluted it with water. But, despite this, some people still went too far, for which they paid in the morning.

A Roman remedy for a hangover is unlikely to be used by a modern person. After all, for this they took snake heads, crushed them and rubbed them on their foreheads. Also, a fairly common method was frying a small bird and eating it as a whole.

It should be noted that none of these methods of dealing with a hangover has received scientific confirmation of its effectiveness.

European way

The best hangover remedy in Europe is eating offal and offal from cows and pigs. Soup made from such ingredients is considered an effective cure for ailments that arose after drinking.

Experts consider this choice of Europeans appropriate. This is because organ meats are very nutritious and also contain high levels of protein and fatty acids.

By the way, soups are generally highly valued in addition to being warm and tasty, such dishes provide the human body with the salt and liquid it needs.

Japanese remedy

The best cure for a hangover in Japan is to avoid drinking hard liquor. However, everyone knows that the inhabitants of this country have an unearthly love for sake. And such a drink can easily lead to a hangover. To get rid of it, the Japanese developed an excellent, in their opinion, remedy called umeboshi. These are specially processed apricots. They are first marinated and then dried.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of umeboshi against a hangover has not been proven by experts. However, this fact does not prevent the Japanese from using this product after a fun evening.

In addition to dried apricots, another effective hangover cure is popular in the East. These are shellfish or dishes consisting of seafood. As you know, such ingredients contain a lot of minerals and salt. Eating such dishes during a hangover, a person restores the body's water balance and replenishes the supply of minerals.


A quick remedy for a hangover in America is often prepared on their own. After all, they use a special cocktail called “Prairie Oyster” as it. Such a drink will quickly put you on your feet, instantly eliminating the effects of the previous evening. You may need the following ingredients for this:

  • raw chicken eggs (with whole yolk) - 2 pcs.;
  • Worcestershire sauce - optional
  • any alcoholic drink - a little;
  • Tabasco sauce - optional;
  • table vinegar - a few drops;
  • coarsely ground black pepper and salt - optional.

How to cook?

The best hangover cure Americans use is ready in minutes. To do this, take a tall glass beaker, and then break raw eggs into it so that the yolk remains intact. Next, sauces and a little alcohol are poured into it, and salt and pepper are also added. The resulting cocktail is drunk in a couple of large sips.

In theory, after such a drink, a person should feel alert and ready for a new day. And indeed it is. After all, the protein that is contained in eggs, well eliminates a hangover. However, after such a cocktail, it is recommended to drink a full glass of water. This will help you fight dehydration.

Russian remedy

Russian folk remedy for a hangover is not very difficult to quickly prepare. The main thing is that it should be highly effective. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the inhabitants of our country have a special attitude towards alcoholic beverages.

It was the love of alcohol that forced the Russian people to think about what remedy best saves from a hangover. Some suggest drinking liquid from homemade pickles and marinades. It should be noted that the brine really raises to its feet. After all, it contains a large amount of salt and various spices.

Also very often kvass saves from a hangover. This is a low alcohol drink. Making it at home is easy and simple. For this we need:

  • dry sourdough (available at the store) - 4 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
  • yeast granulated - 5-6 granules;
  • cold drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking method

You will not be able to quickly prepare the considered folk remedy for a hangover. This is due to the fact that kvass needs some time to ferment. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare it a day before the planned party. To do this, take a three-liter glass jar and pour dry sourdough and granulated sugar into it. Then the container is filled with cold drinking water and stirred with a large spoon until the sweet product is completely melted.

At the end, several yeast granules are placed in the jar, the neck is covered with multilayer gauze and placed in the sun or just in a warm place. After a day, kvass is filtered and cooled.

A more traditional German hangover remedy is a rollmops with beer. Rollmops is a fillet of salted herring stuffed with various products and rolled into a roll.


In Scotland, it is customary to use a drink called "Highland Fling" as a remedy for a hangover. To prepare it, you may need:

  • buttermilk (the liquid that remains after foaming the oil) - 500 ml;
  • cornmeal - use as desired;
  • iodized salt - to taste.

Cooking process

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a drink. Buttermilk is mixed with cornmeal and then salted to taste. This remedy fights dehydration well and quickly puts a person on his feet. The fat found in buttermilk soothes the stomach, while the lactose raises blood sugar levels.


Despite the fact that the British are very reserved and formal, they are not averse to sometimes sit in a pub and drink plenty of English beer. So what do they do to feel good in the morning? In 2009, Newcastle University experts suggested that a bacon sandwich is the best hangover remedy. This is due to the fact that bacon contains a huge amount of amino acids, and ketchup and bread provide the human body with carbohydrates. In addition, salt, which is a must in such a sandwich, restores electrolyte balance, and fat soothes the stomach.

By the way, ordinary fried eggs have the same properties. However, it will be better if you use it along with fried bacon and a slice of bread.

Hangover: how to treat?

Folk remedies for a hangover were presented above. It should be noted that some of them are especially effective. But if you don’t have time to cook kvass, scrambled eggs, make herring rolls, and so on, then it’s better to turn to traditional medicine. Fortunately, today in pharmacies you can buy any medicines that will quickly put you on your feet, as well as completely eliminate headaches, nausea and other symptoms characteristic of this condition.

So what to buy a hangover remedy in a pharmacy? Consider the list of drugs right now.

  • The drug "No-shpa". This well-known antispasmodic quickly alleviates the patient's condition, and also normalizes the liver.
  • Sorbents. Activated charcoal is an excellent sorbent. It binds toxins and then quickly removes them from the body. Such a drug is usually taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of a person's weight.
  • Medicines "Asparkam" and "Panangin". As practice shows, these drugs effectively relieve the discomfort that arose after drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages. They can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy. Such funds restore the level of magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as normalize osmotic pressure.
  • Succinic acid tablets. This drug should only be taken if you do not have stomach problems. Succinic acid accelerates metabolic processes, thereby increasing the synthesis of pyruvate. After taking several tablets, the patient's condition improves markedly. By the way, we should not forget that succinic acid, together with fumaric acid, is included in a very popular hangover remedy called "Antipohmelin".
  • The drug "Zorex". If you have a very severe hangover, then we recommend purchasing the Russian drug Zorex. As you know, it contains a substance such as unitiol. It acts as a kind of antidote. This drug is able to bind acetaldehydes and heavy metal ions, and then remove them from the body. However, it should be noted that you need to be careful with such substances, especially if you often suffer from allergic reactions.

It is impossible not to say that ordinary mineral water (alkaline) sometimes quite effectively saves from a severe hangover. Having drunk a few glasses of Borjomi, Arzan or Essentuki early in the morning, you will feel cheerful all day and forget about unpleasant sensations.

Summing up

As you can see, there are an incredible number of different remedies that quickly get rid of a hangover. Using the above methods, you will not only improve your well-being, but also restore lost health.

Drawing conclusions from the foregoing, I would like to note that the main thing after a stormy party with a lot of spirits is to restore your water and electrolyte balance. To do this, you need to drink fluids frequently (including soups, broths, juices, mineral water, etc.), as well as provide the body with a sufficient amount of salts and minerals. To do this, the patient is recommended to eat meat, marinades, seafood, and so on.

It should also be noted that in order to eliminate rumbling in the abdomen, it is necessary to eat fatty foods. It can be a salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, and a fried steak, and red fish, and regular scrambled eggs.

Using these tips, you will forever forget about what a hangover is after a stormy night party.

Most people have unpleasant symptoms of a hangover the next morning after drinking. They are concerned about severe dry mouth, nausea, headache, chills, slight tremor. Most often, men and women try to relieve these symptoms at home, without anyone's help. In this they are best helped by folk remedies for a hangover. Most of them can be prepared independently at home, using improvised means.

Hangovers are treated differently in different countries. Italians are best helped by natural black coffee, the Chinese like to drink quite strong green tea. Romanians and Mexicans use salty garlic soup to relieve hangovers. It is customary for Americans to drink “bloody Mary” the next morning after drinking, and among residents of the CIS countries, pickle is considered. However, there are many more remedies that perfectly help get rid of weakness, nausea, headaches and relieve other discomfort.

Folk remedies for a hangover are used by many people, but their use is quite dangerous and ineffective. Various drugs can cause allergic reactions or cause serious harm to a person. Treatment of a hangover syndrome with baking soda can cause violations of the secretion of gastric juice, and the use of succinic acid or ammonia can lead to serious malfunctions in the digestive system.

Experts do not advise treating a drunkard at home, since such treatment does not always give good results. Perhaps folk remedies will help against unpleasant symptoms, but they will not be able to remove intoxication and fully restore the body. Therefore, it is better to abandon their use in favor of traditional medicine.

With alcohol withdrawal syndrome, you should take special pharmacy drugs, making sure in advance that there are no contraindications to their use. For these purposes, Medichronal, Zorex, Antipohmelin are suitable. Activated charcoal, Smecta and Enterosgel help to remove intoxication well.

Fact! To combat a hangover, fresh milk, chicken broth, warm tea, or herbal tea will do. They can be prepared at home and drunk in the morning after drinking. Liquid in large volumes will help to quickly remove intoxication and make you feel better.

Herbal hangover cures

When taking any herbs, you need to remember that their improper preparation or use can cause certain harm to health. Therefore, various tinctures and decoctions should be made and taken very carefully, carefully observing the recommended dosages.

Hangover cure

Pharmacy tincture of motherwort is used to combat insomnia, nervousness, high blood pressure and some other unpleasant components of a hangover. The tool calms the nervous system, slightly reduces pressure and helps to fall asleep quickly. Motherwort tincture is not addictive, so you can drink it at home without undue concern. The main thing is to observe the dosage and not to combine the drug with other sedatives.

Alcoholic tincture of motherwort is taken orally 3-4 times a day. A single dose is 30-50 drops. Before drinking the medicine, it should be diluted with clean water. Motherwort should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, hypotension, individual intolerance to this herb. By the way, a medicinal tincture or decoction can be prepared at home.

Motherwort herb tincture is prepared as follows - you should take the crushed herb and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5, mix them in a dark glass bottle. Infuse for a month, shaking off the container weekly. Strain and take 30 drops, previously diluted with warm boiled water.

For a recipe for a decoction of motherwort, you need to take a tablespoon of dried herbs and a glass of boiling water. Mix, put in a water bath and cook for 20 minutes. Infuse for about half an hour, then strain. You need to drink a decoction of motherwort in a third of a glass before meals no more than 3 times a day. The remedy is excellent for insomnia, and its benefits for the nervous system are simply invaluable.

Milk thistle (thistle) for a hangover

Milk thistle helps to quickly remove the signs of a hangover syndrome. The plant is a powerful antioxidant and has a beneficial effect on the liver, which is very useful for alcoholism. It should be noted that milk thistle is used not only to fight a hangover. It is also popularly used to treat alcohol addiction.

Milk thistle works in the following way:

  • has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • normalizes the functioning of the liver and its enzyme systems;
  • neutralizes toxins formed from ethyl alcohol;
  • promotes the excretion of acetaldehyde from the body.

Thanks to this, milk thistle quickly cleanses the body of harmful products of alcohol metabolism and effectively removes intoxication. Thistle treatment allows you to quickly get rid of weakness, nausea or vomiting, as well as headaches. Milk thistle is very effective in alcohol poisoning, so it is widely used to relieve hangovers.

At home, milk thistle is used to make a decoction. To do this, a tablespoon of plant seeds should be poured with 250 ml of fresh boiling water and insisted for 10-15 minutes. After that, the broth should be filtered and drunk. As a rule, the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover begin to disappear after a few minutes.

mint for hangover

To cure headaches and nausea, you can make mint tea or mint decoction at home. Grass can be collected independently or purchased ready-made. Also in the pharmacy you can buy peppermint tincture, which can also treat a hangover.

Recipes with mint for a hangover:

  1. Mint tea. Making it is very simple - for this, it is enough to pour one teaspoon of dry grass with boiling water. If desired, mint can be mixed with black or green tea. The benefits of the drink will be much greater if you add a little honey to it;
  2. Mint infusion. Two teaspoons of dried leaves should be poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for half an hour, then strained. Drink in case of alcohol poisoning or during the exit from a heavy binge;
  3. Peppermint tincture. The tool must be purchased at the pharmacy. 20 drops of the medicine must be diluted in a full glass of water and drunk immediately. As a rule, relief comes after a few minutes.

Important! Peppermint tincture has an antispasmodic and sedative effect, which eliminates nausea and soothes. The only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance.

Recipes for a hangover at home

Most people suffering from a hangover or recovering from a binge do not have the time and energy to go to the pharmacy. To get rid of nausea and headaches, they use any means that they can find at home. Such treatment allows you to quickly and effortlessly alleviate your well-being, but in some cases it can be harmful to health. So you need to use folk remedies very carefully and wisely. Only in this case, they will benefit, not harm.

succinic acid

This substance is of organic origin and belongs to dietary supplements. Available in the form of tablets or powder in sachets, and is relatively inexpensive. In medicine, succinic acid is included in the treatment of strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and endocrine disorders. It is also used to stimulate digestion.

Succinic acid is very effective in ethyl alcohol poisoning. It stimulates metabolism, thereby accelerating the breakdown of acetaldehyde. The toxin is quickly eliminated from the body, and a person's well-being improves significantly. Succinic acid can be drunk on the eve of a feast, with a hangover or during an exit from a binge. The remedy helps to get rid of nausea, headache and other signs of intoxication.


To date, the use of baking soda to combat a hangover has a strong scientific justification. The fact is that alcohol in the body is broken down into chemical compounds that shift the acid-base balance (pH) to the acid side. This entails the appearance of nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing. It is customary to treat this disorder by introducing alkalis into the body.

Doctors recommend restoring pH by intravenously administering a solution of Sodium Bicarbonate (essentially the same soda) to a person. This technique is effective not only for alcohol poisoning, but also for other conditions accompanied by acidosis. By the way, soda is a part of many hangover medications (Medichronal, Alka-Prim, Alka-Seltzer).

Baking soda has the following effects:

  • restores pH, thereby accelerating detoxification in case of poisoning;
  • helps to instantly get rid of nausea, abdominal pain, sore throat and headache;
  • eliminates thirst, increases appetite and eliminates the desire to get drunk;
  • normalizes the work of almost all organs, allowing them to function properly.

Usually people do not want to go to the hospital or call a narcologist to put an alkaline drip. Therefore, they drink a solution of baking soda at home or prepare a fizz. A glass of clean water with baking soda (1-2 teaspoons) can almost instantly make you feel better. A fizz also reduces pressure, improves the transmission of nerve impulses, normalizes the digestion process, which further facilitates well-being.

Poppy is made from baking soda, table vinegar or citric acid. To make the drink taste good, powdered sugar or honey is added to it. Thanks to this, the treatment of a hangover with soda becomes quite pleasant. It is necessary to make a healing mixture strictly according to the recipe, observing the indicated proportions.

Important! Soda fizz should not be taken by people with low acidity, hypoacid gastritis and peptic ulcer. Therefore, it is better to treat a hangover with baking soda after consulting a specialist.

ammonium chloride

A 10% ammonia solution is often used to revive a drunk person at home. To do this, a piece of cotton wool or a piece of gauze dipped in medicine is brought to his nostrils. Letting a drinker sniff directly from the bottle is quite dangerous, so don't do it. Ammonia is also used to wash the stomach when drinking excess alcohol.

Ammonia for a hangover is taken orally, dissolving a few drops in water. With a slight deterioration in well-being, 2-3 drops per glass of water are enough, with a more severe dose, increase to 5-10 drops. After a long binge, it is necessary to treat an alcoholic for several days, giving him ammonia 3 times a day.

Does a hot bath help with a hangover?

Some people fight hangovers by going to the sauna or taking a hot bath at home. Often, such procedures help to quickly remove intoxication, improve well-being and mood. However, not all people are allowed to go to the bath with a hangover. The rest of the "hot procedures" are allowed in strictly limited quantities.

With a hangover syndrome, it is better to replace the Russian bath with a sauna. Wet steam puts a considerable strain on the heart, which is why it is especially dangerous. It is better to enter the sauna in 3 approaches: first 5, then 10 and 20 minutes.

The bath affects the body in the following way:

  • accelerates the metabolism, contributing to the rapid recovery of the body;
  • opens pores, activates sweating, removes excess fluid from tissues and;
  • due to the action of high temperatures, it cleanses the skin from harmful microorganisms;
  • removes acetaldehyde and other harmful toxins from tissues.

It should be noted that in some cases a hot bath or bath can seriously harm the body. Heat is especially dangerous for people with blood pressure over 140/90 or pulse over 110 bpm. As a rule, such indicators are typical for people who drink for a long time. For such people, a bath and a hot bath are categorically contraindicated. But they can take a cool shower at home - it will restore clarity of thinking and help them recover. However, this must be done carefully, trying not to overcool.

Sometimes it seems that such an abundance of holidays was invented by manufacturers of hangover remedies - without exaggeration, there are now more of them than is required. Hangover pills are produced in a large assortment and are, as a rule, a combination of various components aimed primarily at the antitoxic effect.

We decided to analyze the anti-hangover drugs market and, based on this analysis, you will be able to choose the best hangover remedy that is right for you. In general, all drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies can be divided into two large groups: drugs that prevent a hangover and "pills" that treat a hangover. This division is not always true, since most of the anti-hangover drugs sold in pharmacies and at checkouts in supermarkets have a “binary” effect, that is, they can both prevent and cure hangovers at the same time.

Hangover Prevention Drugs

You can also prevent a hangover with folk remedies, almost all of them are described in the article. It also helps a lot in this regard. The following preparations are aimed primarily at the prevention of a hangover, so they should be taken before, on time or immediately after heavy drinking.

DrinkOff (DrinkOFF)

DrinkOFF is a drug produced by the Russian company Mertsana Service. It is available in the form of capsules and jelly in three different flavors. It is positioned as a means of preventing a hangover - it accelerates the metabolism of alcohol, then the rate of processing of the breakdown products of alcohol into harmless substances.

Compound: herbal extracts of ginger, licorice, eleutherococcus, mate, vitamins and antioxidants.

Doctors' opinion: an excellent remedy for preventing hangovers, as well as for mild to moderate hangovers. Suitable for young (under 40 years old) and healthy people who do not suffer from renal insufficiency, arterial hypertension, gastrointestinal ulcers, type A gastritis, thyroid disease and liver diseases in the acute stage.

How to use: for a person weighing 80 kg, it is recommended to take at least two to three capsules or one to two packages of jelly, and then, depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Contraindications: licorice root contained in the preparation, with prolonged use, can cause secondary stasis of bile and other liver problems.

Security Feel Better

Security Feel Better is a plant-based drug marketed as a hangover preventative. According to the manufacturer, the drug also helps to sober up quickly: 1 bottle of the product removes 0.5 ppm of alcohol from the body in 45 minutes (usually the body takes about 4 hours to do this).

Compound: artichoke, B vitamins, angelica root, Yunnan tea leaves, ascorbic acid.

The opinion of the drinkers: an excellent tool that helps not only prevent a hangover, but also reduce its negative effect in the event of a syndrome.

How to use: just drink the contents of the bottle without drinking it or snacking. It makes sense to drink before the feast. It has a pleasant pear flavor.

Alco buffer

Alco-buffer is a preparation based on milk thistle extracts and succinic acid salts. It is positioned as a means to prevent a hangover.

Compound: succinic acid, milk thistle extract.

Doctors' opinion: it makes sense to take only after cleansing the intestines.

How to use: before the feast, dissolve 3 tablets of 0.8 g in water and drink the solution.

Antipohmelin (RU-21)

Antipohmelin (RU-21) is one of the few drugs that acts on the site of the conversion of alcohol into toxic acetaldehyde, that is, the drug slows down the formation of poisons, which allows the body to quickly cope with their processing. In the west, it is sold under the name RU-21. From the interesting: for a long time it was a secret "medicine" of the KGB officers (KGB Pill), which allows them to solder their interlocutors, and themselves remain on their feet.

Compound: glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate), succinic acid, fumaric acid, ascorbic acid and glucose.

Doctors' opinion: an effective tool that has no analogues.

How to use: a couple of tablets before the feast and 1-2 during each 100 ml of strong alcohol drunk and 250 ml of weak alcohol. With a hangover, you can drink 4-6 tablets.


Bison is a common remedy based on succinic acid to prevent hangovers.

Compound: succinic acid, bicarbonate (soda).

How to use: Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in a glass of water and drink the solution at bedtime after drinking alcohol. You can also drink the solution before drinking alcohol, which, according to the manufacturer, will increase your "norm" by 30-50%.


Zenalk is a herbal medicine made in India.

Compound: extracts of chicory, emblica officinalis, hebule terminalia, beleric terminalia, grapes, date palm fruit, andrographis paniculata.

Doctors' opinion: the drug is an antidote to alcohol, not its decay products.

How to use: 2 capsules half an hour before or during libations, 2 after.


Corrda is a common drug, which is a natural complex of biologically active substances obtained from grape raw materials. Replenishes the reserves of NAD coenzyme in the liver, which is oxidized in the liver during the processing of alcohol breakdown products.

Compound: flavodindes and polyphenols.

Doctors' opinion: Natural detoxifier, slow release action. The drug is suitable as a maintenance therapy for long-term withdrawal from hard drinking, but not as an ambulance for a hangover.

How to use: 2 tablets 30 minutes before the meal, up to 6 tablets on time. With a severe hangover, 2 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 1-2 days.

Hangover remedies that cure

To understand how the following drugs work, we recommend that you read the article. You can use it as a folk remedy for a hangover. This article provides 1 improvised means.

Zorex (Zorex)

Zorex is a drug that accelerates the process of alcohol oxidation and protects the liver. It also effectively removes the decay products of alcohol, which are one of the root causes of a hangover. Available in capsules and effervescent tablets.

Compound: the main active ingredient is unitiol.

Doctors' opinion: see contraindications.

How to use: 1 capsule immediately in the morning, the second during the day, depending on how you feel. You can also take the capsule immediately after the feast, before going to bed. Capsules should be drunk 30 minutes before meals, without chewing.

Contraindications: Zorex very often cause an allergic reaction, so you should think carefully before taking this drug.

Alka-Seltzer (Alka-Seltzer, Alkoseltzer)

Alkoseltzer, one of the most famous hangover cures, has been produced since the 1930s. Mainly fights the symptoms of a hangover, not the causes. The drug can be used both as a hangover preventive and as a remedy for it.

Compound: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), citric acid

Doctors' opinion: an excellent remedy for suppressing the symptoms of a hangover, but it should be considered solely as a temporary measure that gives the sufferer a resource for actively cleaning his body with more radical methods.

How to use: dissolve two tablets in water and drink either at bedtime after a feast, or in the morning, already with a hangover. The maximum allowable dose is 9 tablets. Between doses should maintain an interval of 4 hours.


Alkoklin - tablets or powder, which must be dissolved in water, based on glutargin. It works in much the same way as Zorex.

Compound: the main active ingredient is glutargin.

How to use: for prevention - 2 tablets or 2 sachets 1-2 hours before drinking. For treatment - 1 tablet or 1 sachet 4 times a day with a minimum interval of 1 hour.


Alka-prim is another well-known drug, the composition of which is almost the same as Alka-seltzer. Produced in Ukraine.

Compound: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (soda), glycine.

Doctors' opinion: A good alternative to Alka-Seltzer.

How to use: Dissolve 2 effervescent tablets in a glass of water and drink. With a severe hangover, you can take up to 4 such doses per day.

Vega +

Vega + is a biologically active food supplement based on an extract of the peritoneal fluid of mammals (milk pigs), which promotes regeneration processes, removes decay products and toxins from the body, and has a pronounced detoxifying property.

Compound: ethanol extract of peritoneal fluid, monosugar, non-protein thiol compounds, cyclic nucleotides, vitamins B1 and B6.

How to use: 35-45 drops with an interval of 20-30 minutes until you feel better. The drug is compatible with almost all foods and drinks, except dairy. You can also take 35-40 drops during a feast.

Get up

Preparation based on plant extracts. More suitable for withdrawal from hard drinking.

Compound: St. John's wort, thyme, ginseng dry extract, wild rose, citric acid.

Doctors' opinion: In general, a well-balanced composition, but more suitable for long-term withdrawal from hard drinking, the treatment of withdrawal symptoms, than for providing first aid for a hangover.

How to use: Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water and drink after a meal before going to bed, or with a hangover in the morning.

good morning

Guten Morgen - is nothing more than dry brine in bags, which is much more convenient than a three-liter jar.

Compound: dried pickled cucumber concentrate, dill, cloves, garlic, black pepper, etc.

Doctors' opinion: like brine - a very effective hangover remedy, restores potassium and magnesium reserves.

How to use: dissolve in ordinary drinking water up to 200 ml, drink with a hangover.

Contraindications: No.


Limontar is a mixture of succinic and citric acid. Produced by the domestic company Biotiki.

Compound: succinic acid, citric acid.

How to use: crush the tablet in a glass and pour water, add baking soda on the tip of a knife. One tablet can be taken an hour before the feast, during the feast, you can take one tablet with an interval of 1 hour. It is better to limit yourself to 4 tablets per day.


Compound: sodium formate, glucose, other.

Doctors' opinion: the composition of "Medichronal" includes sodium formate (sodium salt of formic acid) - a compound well known in the chemical, light industry (etching of fabrics and tanning of leather), construction (anti-frost additive in concrete). Its peculiarity is that in the absence of sufficient amounts of acetaldehyde, it itself has a toxic effect, so it is better to use preparations based on it, being confident in the severity of the hangover syndrome.

How to use: the contents of both powder sachets should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, drink the solution after meals. According to the manufacturer, relief comes in 20-30 minutes.

Contraindications: see the opinion of doctors.

Piel Alco

Piel-Alco contains in its composition the most important compounds of energy metabolism, which effectively relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

Compound: vitamins B1 and C, glucose, calcium lactate, sodium pyruvate and magnesium sulfate.

Doctors' opinion: a good, balanced composition, but not an ambulance. The drug will work in conjunction with physical detoxification methods (i.e. cleansing the stomach and intestines).

How to use: 2 capsules before or 2 capsules after drinking alcohol.

Contraindications: see the leaflet.

It is difficult to say which hangover cure is right for you, but the main thing to remember is that some of them cause side effects and can be even more dangerous than the hangover itself. Of course, hangover pills will help relieve some of the symptoms, but it’s better not to hope for a full recovery, but immediately start cleansing the body in more traditional ways. In general, it is better not to get sick, so - DO NOT BE SICK!

If you have visited the bird’s disease “drank too much”, and there was not a single drug at hand to treat this scourge, folk remedies for a hangover will come to the rescue. Many people who have suffered from careless handling of alcohol have tested all sorts of methods and recipes on themselves, weeding out the useless ones and leaving the most effective ones. They will help you quickly recover at home, get rid of headaches, and restore health.

Why is it bad after drinking alcohol

How you feel after a fun feast depends on many factors. First of all, this, of course, is intemperance in consumption and the inability to drink and eat properly.

In addition to the main reasons, the strength of the morning hangover is affected by:

  • Age.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Drink on an empty stomach.
  • Quality of alcohol: the amount of impurities and additives in drinks.

Ethyl alcohol contained in any alcoholic beverage is a strong toxic substance with a high absorption rate. After consumption, it reaches its maximum concentration in the blood in just 40-60 minutes.

The output speed, on the other hand, lags far behind. So, in order to completely cleanse itself of decay products and restore its original state, the body will have to work for more than one hour. And with severe intoxication, the time can be calculated in days. Throughout this period, the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs will work in an enhanced mode, often at the limit of their capabilities.

Therefore, in order not to create extreme conditions for the body, it is necessary to take measures not only after drinking, but also in advance, before the feast. In addition to special pharmaceutical preparations, home recipes are also suitable.

Experts advise:

  • Two to three hours before the event, take no more than 50 grams of strong alcohol. This will cause the body to begin to produce substances that oppose ethyl alcohol. And by the time of the feast, he will already be fully armed.
  • Be sure to refresh yourself in an hour or two so that alcohol does not fall into an empty stomach. For a snack, porridge with butter, a couple of eggs, a sandwich with lard or butter are suitable. You can also drink a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil: sunflower or olive.
  • Adsorbent reception: activated or white carbon will perfectly help.
  • If it was not possible to take protective measures before the feast, try not to lean on alcohol, especially the mandatory first three glasses. Do not drink them to the bottom, wait, it is better to eat properly.

How to recover from alcohol: folk remedies for a hangover

After heavy drinking, a severe hangover inevitably sets in, which is quite possible to remove at home.

One of the most effective ways is to sleep more. If possible, and there are no urgent plans, stay in bed and get enough sleep. The body has an amazing self-healing property, and sleep is the main assistant.

If it is not possible to use such treatment, other recipes available at home will help:

  • We return the water. Each hangover is accompanied by a large loss of water, from this headache, thickening of the blood, swelling. Therefore, the initial task is to return the required volume of H 2 O. Moreover, carbonated water is not suitable, ordinary water can cope with dehydration. Do not drink in one gulp, otherwise the already hard working kidneys will receive an additional load, and re-intoxication will also occur. Little by little is better, but often at even intervals.
  • Together with water, the necessary electrolytes leave the body, potassium is washed out, and the digestive tract is disturbed. All this will be eliminated by the ancient drinkuzvar (vzvar), with the help of which even our ancestors coped with similar problems: from peasants to rulers. Peter I especially loved him. A decoction of dried fruits will give the exhausted body fructose, return potassium and sodium.
  • Peppermint decoction will calm the heart, eliminate thirst, relieve headaches.
  • A decoction of chamomile stabilizes the work of the intestines, relieves intoxication.
  • Tea, both black and green, also works well. Brew weakly, drink with the addition of lemon and a couple of tablespoons of honey. Enjoy slowly so that the body absorbs all the beneficial components.
  • According to Chekhov, the best snack and remedy for a hangover is pickled cucumber. It helps during the feast, immediately neutralizing the negative effects of alcohol, and after it. In the second case, you need to use brine, and only from salted vegetables. The liquid left after pickled and canned cucumbers is not suitable for this purpose: it contains vinegar. It is not present in pickles, all fermentation and fermentation processes occur naturally, retaining a maximum of useful substances.
  • In addition to cucumber pickle, sauerkraut juice also has a similar effect. At home, it helps perfectly.

After eliminating dehydration, you need to eat. The body will receive additional strength to fight, the metabolic rate will increase, which will also contribute to the removal of toxins.


  1. Oatmeal. From super-healthy cereals, you can cook porridge or jelly. Dishes will not only quickly add strength: oatmeal will return vitamin B lost during a hangover, fiber will enhance the elimination of toxins, enveloping properties will soothe irritated intestines. The jelly recipe is quite simple: pour a glass of oatmeal with a liter of water and cook for about 20 minutes. Add honey to taste before serving.
  2. Chicken broth is an excellent remedy for maintaining the body during various illnesses, including such an unpleasant condition as a hangover. Its very easy to do. Hot hodgepodge, sour cabbage soup or pickle will also return strength and a clear mind.
  3. Ginger root is a centuries-old anti-nausea remedy. It can be simply chewed, added to tea or other drinks. Moreover, you can also use a dry root or powder: the medicinal plant retains its properties even when dried.

What not to do with a hangover

Wanting to quickly recover, it is important not to overdo it so as not to harm your health:

  • When you can not bathe. Only very strong people can withstand such treatment. High temperature is already a strong stress for blood vessels, and with a hangover, when the heart beats too often, and the blood thickens, this is a mortal danger. They can not withstand such a load, and then - a heart attack or stroke. The same goes for taking a hot bath. Less dangerous for the body shower - cool or warm.
  • To get rid of toxic substances, it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air. Moderate physical activity will help expel toxins, but it is better to wait a little with intense exercises so as not to burden the heart.
  • Treat like this. Not strictly prohibited, but not encouraged. To get rid of alcohol intoxication by additional intake of alcohol is quite risky. This can smoothly develop into subsequent gatherings, and even into a binge.

People began to use medications to relieve withdrawal symptoms only in the last century. And before that, they were saved at home. Many methods have been tried, the most effective of them have survived to this day. They relieve headaches, nausea, soothe the stomach and restore clarity of mind. Therefore, no matter how successful the development of pharmacologists, folk methods and recipes for home treatment will help many more generations.

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