I stood on a nail with my foot what to do. What should a person do if he accidentally stepped on a rusty nail? Proper help with a puncture of the foot with a nail

From cuts, bruises and punctures of the lower extremities, no one is immune. You can almost always deal with minor damage on your own, but how to behave if you stepped on a rusty nail, what to do in this situation. The main thing is not to panic. The correct course of consistent actions will ensure the absence of problems both at the initial stage of treatment and in the future.

To answer the question of what to do if you stepped on a nail, you need to know a number of activities that are necessary to perform with a leg injury. Having injured the lower limb, one should not hesitate and, if possible, immediately seek the help of a qualified doctor, since a nail in the leg, especially a rusty one, can bring a lot of serious complications. After all, the rate of healing of the resulting wound depends on how quickly the therapeutic treatment is prescribed. You should immediately go to the trauma centers for children or adults, depending on who the accident happened to. Children are most sensitive to various types of injuries and cannot always describe how they got injured in their legs, and, accordingly, their pain.

Therapeutic intervention is extremely necessary for all age categories with a deep puncture of the leg with a rusty nail. In the case of minor injuries and in the absence of the opportunity to receive the first necessary assistance from a traumatologist or surgeon, at the initial stage it is possible to independently cope with the consequences of the injury by providing all possible assistance to the child or to oneself.

Once in a difficult situation, not having basic first aid skills, a person gets lost and panics, not knowing what to do if he steps on a rusty nail. When solving the problem on your own, you need to soberly assess the situation and take actions to prevent the consequences associated with further serious health complications, in which the damaged limb may undergo a process of suppuration, and then an abscess and swell. First aid measures are reduced to the following recommendations:

  1. The initial action in injuring the leg with both a rusty and another object should be its careful removal from the body. But in this case, you need to assess the situation and your own capabilities. If the nail in the foot went shallow, you can remove it yourself. In case of its deep penetration into the flesh, do not try to remove the nail, but seek the help of a qualified doctor as soon as possible, since the vessels located inside the limb may be affected when injured. If a child steps on a nail, you cannot act on your own. In case of childhood injuries, only a qualified medical worker can provide high-quality care that guarantees the rapid healing of a wound in a child.
  2. The second step in providing first aid for a puncture of the leg will be the examination and treatment of the resulting wound. In this case, it is necessary to use all kinds of drugs available at home in the medicine cabinet. The presence of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or furacilin will provide high-quality treatment of the damaged surface. Whichever of the antiseptics is chosen, it will fulfill its purpose as it should. Peroxide is used as it is, but furatsilin and manganese crystals must be diluted with boiled water. To prepare a furatsilin solution, dissolve two tablets in a glass of water, and bring the manganese solution to a dark saturated color. It is necessary to use home-made antiseptics as baths for half an hour, which will ensure good disinfection. Also, if you stepped on a rusty nail, it is recommended to treat the wound using more modern antiseptics, for example, Miramistin. It has a wide range of activities, providing a significant level of antiseptic effect. Its properties prevent the formation of pathogenic viruses, fungi, stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues at an early stage of damage. The drug does not need to be diluted, as it has a ready-made and convenient form of use.
  3. Having treated the wound with an antiseptic, it is necessary to dry and anoint the edges of the damage using the simplest and always available antiseptics - iodine or the so-called brilliant green. Next, the stab wound of the foot is bandaged with a sterile gauze bandage to prevent a harmful infection from entering its surface. Gauze must be used in an amount that prevents sweating of the foot. Make the dressing not tight, thus ensuring the free circulation of the blood of the limb.

A person inadvertently stepped on a nail, what should I do if, after self-treatment and attempts to help myself, the leg continues to hurt? The question implies only one answer: urgently contact the clinic to receive qualified assistance from medical personnel.

Therapeutic treatment

After providing independent initial assistance, consultation and recommendations for the rehabilitation care of the injured leg by a specialist in a medical institution are required. After all, treatment involves not only the treatment of the affected surface, but also the subsequent use of drugs.

During the examination, the attending physician will assess the degree of damage, explain in detail how to treat the injured leg. If the patient's foot does not show pronounced inflammatory signs (swelling, redness, compaction, bruising), the doctor prescribes the use of Vishnevsky or Levomekol antiseptic ointments. In this case, the ointment promotes the healing of damaged flesh, preventing the formation of an inflammatory process. In more serious situations, the doctor will prescribe to the patient the use of an antibiotic that has a quick positive result on the already existing inflammatory process.

When piercing a leg with a rusty nail, it is necessary to take into account the fact that harmful bacteria appear and multiply in the wound, which will not only allow the leg to swell, but also contribute to the further formation of tetanus without timely therapeutic intervention. If the patient has not been vaccinated against tetanus for more than ten years, he must be given an injection. If the period of immunization of tetanus toxoid has not reached a critical value, the vaccination is not repeated. The introduction of tetanus toxoid is necessary, since a puncture of the foot with a nail can be fatal.

It is important if you go to the doctor to have an outpatient card with you, which contains all the information about the vaccinations made. This will simplify the procedure in the hospital when providing care.

tetanus disease

If a child (or an adult) has pierced his leg with a nail, you should immediately consult a doctor, this will protect against the possible occurrence of tetanus. The consequences of this disease are dangerous because at its most serious stage, the toxin present in the bloodstream in the shortest possible time - up to seven days - is able to hit the connection between neuromuscular cells. In this regard, the patient who has broken his leg is treated with the characteristic signs of the disease, which were caused by rust that got into the damaged flesh. In the case of tetanus, which appeared because the patient pierced the leg with a nail, a convulsive state is recorded. The structure of the musculoskeletal tissues is changing, there is a failure in the cardiovascular system. Tetanus disease can also have more serious, borderline conditions that can be fatal. This happens with asphyxia caused by a spasm of the respiratory system or with paralysis of the muscles of the heart.

Tetanus can be cured only after three months of therapy and as a result of subsequent regular two-year follow-up by a neurologist. During this period, there is a high probability that the patient will retain characteristic symptoms in the form of spinal deformity, limitation of joint movement, and muscle weakness.

It must be remembered that if someone pierced his leg with a rusty nail, then the consequences can be disastrous and the person may die due to an untimely visit to a doctor or improperly applied therapy (often self-sufficient).

Especially seriously it is necessary to take the situation in which the child stepped on a nail, since later he may face either lameness or loss of a damaged limb. It is impossible to ignore and carelessly treat injuries of this type, because a rusty point can cripple the life of a very small person.

During home repairs or construction, almost anything can happen to a person. Wounds, abrasions and falls - you can't do without it. But what if a person stepped on a rusty nail? How to help yourself?


First of all, I still want to say that in any situation related to health, everyone should seek help from medical professionals, because often self-medication leads to undesirable consequences. But what to do if a person stepped on a nail with his foot, there is nowhere to wait for help in the near future, and it is very far to the nearest medical unit? It is important to give yourself first aid. So, a situation is possible if the worker simply stepped on a nail, and after that a small wound remained. There was no puncture. In such a situation, dealing with the problem is very simple. First you need to disinfect the wound and at the same time conduct a small examination of it to determine the degree of injury. If the wound is shallow, it will heal quickly. In a different situation, it is still better to consult a doctor, at least with a delay.

Wound treatment: washing

If a person stepped on a rusty nail, what to do in such a situation? Here, the injury will need to be taken more seriously, because if particles of rust remain in the leg, they can disturb a person for a long time and even lead to undesirable consequences. So, you also need to start the procedure with the disinfection of the wound and its examination. In addition, it is necessary to find out which nail caused the wound - normal or rusty - this information can be quite important. You can wash the puncture site with ordinary hydrogen peroxide, and also do it well with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (it is best to dissolve it in boiled water). Next, around the wound at a distance of about 2-3 cm, you need to treat the place with iodine or brilliant green to prevent infection. This can also be done with an alcohol-containing liquid (cologne, vodka, alcohol), if the right medicine is not at hand. However, in such a situation, care must be taken to ensure that the liquid does not enter the wound.

Wound treatment: ointments

If a person stepped on a rusty nail, what should be done so that the wound heals as soon as possible? To do this, you can use various ("Levomekol", "Streptonitol", etc.) It is also good to make from sea salt, so the healing processes will be faster. However, this advice is valid in that situation if the wound has not been started. And after all the manipulations, the puncture site must be bandaged with a sterile bandage and, if possible, visit a traumatologist.


If a person stepped on a rusty nail, what should I do to protect my health? In such a situation, everyone should also remember about tetanus. If a person is not vaccinated, he will definitely need a vaccine, for this he will need to seek medical help. After all, this disease affects the muscle tissue, affects the nervous system. It takes quite a long time to be treated for tetanus in a hospital, and the consequences of the disease can be observed for a couple more years after recovery. So there is only one true advice if a person stepped on a rusty nail. What to do in such a situation - be sure to consult a doctor for qualified help.

An unexpected puncture of the leg causes a person unbearable pain, bordering on loss of consciousness. The best way out in such a situation is to immediately contact a medical institution. If it is impossible to move independently (this is a very likely scenario), you need to call an ambulance.

Especially dangerous is the puncture of the leg with a rusty nail. Rust, sand, dirt penetrate the open wound, infecting and infecting the internal tissues. The likelihood of catching a deadly disease called tetanus is extremely high in such a situation.

Let's figure out how it is possible to provide emergency care for a foot injury with a nail.

You can not let things go by themselves without doing anything in a similar situation. A rusty nail sticking out of a leg introduces a person into the primary shock that develops in every situation of damage to the human body. If the victim is not alone, ask for help from others. Or try to calm down and start providing first aid with your own hands.

If a person is outside, normal disinfection cannot be carried out. Well, if there are those who want to take the wounded home. It is recommended to give the leg an elevated position. It is forbidden to step on the injured limb, however, this will be impossible due to severe pain. Start disinfecting at home.

It is required to carefully remove the nail from the foot. The wound needs to be treated, perhaps examined a little, to understand how deep the point has entered and the damage is serious. The damage caused to the foot is assessed by a professional doctor. The doctor will prescribe further procedures.

After removing the nail, the wound must be treated. Any disinfectant found in the house will do, it is better to use a solution of manganese or laundry soap. It is necessary to wash the wound thoroughly and for a long time - at least half an hour, ideally - 40 minutes.

To prepare a similar solution, use a special recipe. The assistance provided should be as useful as possible. Especially if the leg is already swollen - this means that inflammation has gone, help is required urgently.


  • To prepare the solution, take a glass of cold boiled water, dilute a little potassium permanganate in the water. The water takes on the color of dark raspberries, now the solution can be used for disinfection. It is possible to add a little table salt (without achieving dissolution).
  • If there is no manganese in the household, take boiled water, add a few pinches of salt, a couple of drops of iodine. Dip your foot completely into the water, hold for half an hour.
  • After treatment, the wound must be disinfected again: take a sterile napkin, wipe the wound first along the edges, then in the middle. It is advisable to apply a sterile bandage or compress to the wound (it is permissible to moisten it in a salt solution) - this is especially true when the victim is unable to sit still and constantly walks. A similar option is practiced if the blood does not stop. So that the blood does not rush to the puncture site, you need to keep your leg above the floor, overcoming the pain.

For a wound of any size, including a very small one, consult a doctor. An unhealed wound, with the penetration of infection, is similar to a time bomb - it is fraught with complications.

What is hiding on the edge

Many people know that after an accidental injury to the leg with a non-sterile object, it is required to be vaccinated. Tetanus vaccinations are carried out according to the schedule, it is possible that a person in the bustle of days missed the required deadline, simply forgot about the need for another vaccination. Any foreign object in the leg is dangerous. A rusty nail, perhaps, tops the alarm list.

Tetanus spreads through the body extremely quickly, after a week the disease can damage the nervous and muscular systems. A person will begin to have convulsions, spasms of such strength occur that the muscles, contracting, break the bones. Then the infection will reach the heart, squeezing so hard that the muscle tissues cannot work. The heart stops beating, the person dies.

If the vaccine has not helped, you will have to go to the hospital for three months. Then - regular consultations with a neurologist: tetanus, leaving the body, can cause some negative reactions. For example:

  • Changes in the structure of the spine;
  • Difficulties in movement, constant pain in the joints.

Don't forget to get vaccinated regularly. The danger of injury with a rusty nail lies in the unpredictability of such a situation.

Life after injury

Even with proper treatment of the wound, the pain remains. If the wound is treated incorrectly, unpleasant pathologies develop:

  • Infection of the blood, infection in the body;
  • Festering of damaged skin, dirt and sand getting into the wound;
  • Development of gangrene (before amputation of the foot).

This is especially true for the child's body. In a small body, the disease will spread faster, the consequences can change the future of a child's life. If a child stepped on the tip of a nail, hurry up to take him to a consultation and disinfect the limb as carefully as possible. The treatment of the child (due to the inability of the body) is carried out a little differently: alternative medicines and procedures are prescribed. For example, if skin infection is observed, broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered as a suspension.

Usually people go to the doctor long after a foot injury. Such a decision is wrong. A nail that had been outdoors for a long time, filled with bacteria, pierced the leg and opened the wound. Through it, the infection penetrates into the leg. If you turn to the doctor in time, you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences: tumors, gangrene and suppuration.

If the foot is processed incorrectly or after a critical period, treatment begins. To get rid of pus, you will need to take anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor. In some cases, when the abscess has spread too much, an operation is performed to remove the abscess. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are often used, and warming ointments and gels are used to speed up wound healing.

If your skin is infected, get ready to take broad-spectrum antibiotics. Preparations Levalet, Tavanic help the skin, exterminate microbes that spread throughout the leg and body. The opposite option is drugs from the group of azalides and macrolides. Examples of drugs are Rovamycin and Sumamed. They are not as serious as other drugs of the group, they are prescribed even for children (in a slightly modified form).

If the leg swells, but the body temperature does not get higher, edema probably develops, treatment with a warming ointment is acceptable - for example, Troxevasin and Venetan, which are based on horse chestnut fruits. It is shown to regularly make an iodine grid, which brings benefits comparable to taking antimicrobial drugs.

It is important to take misfortune with responsibility, to take care of the recovery of the leg in a favorable atmosphere.

> civilian survival > stepped on a rusty nail, what to do

Pierced leg with a nail, there is a danger of infection

Piercing a leg with a rusty nail is not much fun. This, of course, is not a knife wound or some other mortal danger, but nevertheless, it is not a pleasant injury, which, if not provided with the right help, can develop into a terrible disease, with a deplorable outcome.

Absolutely anyone can pierce a leg, heel or finger with a nail (personally, despite my caution and attentiveness, this happened twice). If you pierce some part of the body with a brand new nail, for example, during repairs, this is not very scary. In most cases, ordinary products that should be in every home medicine cabinet (peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, bandage, etc.) will help. But if we are talking about skin damage while working in the garden or in contact with a rusty nail, one treatment of the wound with an antiseptic and a bandage cannot be limited.

Such a wound can fester if an infection gets into it (and it will definitely get there with a long and narrow wound channel).

Well, the accumulation of pus in the wound does not end in anything good, in addition, among the bacteria there may be the so-called “ Pseudomonas aeruginosa”, which leads to rapid gangrene. Then a person can simply lose a leg. A puncture of the body with a nail is a serious wound, it is not a bruise after a bruise. So if possible, do not self-medicate, but go to the emergency room, they know how such wounds are treated.

Ran into a nail, there is a danger of tetanus

Rust itself is not terrible, but tetanus spores may appear in the soil or on the surface of a dirty old nail. For an unvaccinated person, in a quarter of cases, tetanus infection ends in death (death). Even now, doctors cannot cure this disease if it has already developed. Therefore, if you pierce your leg with a nail or other object, when the wound is narrow and air is closed to it, and it is impossible to fully treat it with an antiseptic, you must urgently go to the emergency room so that the doctor puts antitetanus serum.

Why is tetanus dangerous?

In the most serious forms of the disease, tetanus toxins manage to enter the central nervous system (central nervous system) in 5-8 days along with the bloodstream and damage the neuromuscular synapses. As a result, a sick person develops:

convulsive syndrome,
- completely changes the structure of muscle tissue,
- the musculoskeletal system suffers
- at the same time there are violations of the cardiovascular system. Death from tetanus infection can occur due to paralysis of the heart muscle or asphyxia (suffocation) caused by spasm of the airways.

Treatment and consequences of tetanus

Treatment of tetanus lasts up to 3 months in a hospital setting, but for another 2 years the ill person should be observed by a neurologist, and the patient may have residual consequences of the disease for the same time: spinal deformity, limited joint mobility, muscle weakness. Such a serious is the retribution for the lack of vaccination and improper behavior in case of injuries.

Proper care for a puncture of the foot with a nail

What actions can be called correct when piercing a leg with a nail?

Firstly, this is washing the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, treating the area around the puncture with iodine or brilliant green, and bandaging the leg. And secondly, this is a visit to the clinic to the traumatologist, in the very near future.

If the tetanus vaccination was carried out more than 10 years ago, the victim will urgently need the introduction of anti-tetanus serum.

For a vaccinated person, foot baths with sea salt are usually sufficient for faster wound healing. At the first signs of suppuration, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics orally, that is, in the form of tablets, and locally - in the form of ointments.

Stab and stab wounds are injuries that are characterized by great depth and small width. They usually appear when a sharp object penetrates deep into the tissues.

Such wounds are very insidious. On the one hand, if these wounds are not complicated, they heal relatively quickly. On the other hand, they often become infected. Stab and stab wounds often close tightly, preventing blood from oozing out, due to which a bruise forms around it. And a dangerous infection develops in the wound.

You can list other features of wounds:

  1. Due to deep penetration, a vessel (vein or artery) can be damaged, as well as a nerve ending.
  2. Such wounds are more likely to become infected.
  3. Suppuration is often possible.
  4. If the object has been in the ground for a long time, it may have spores of tetanus and gas gangrene.
  5. If the removal of a foreign body is unsuccessful, or simply under unfavorable circumstances, the tendon can be damaged.

When do you need to ask for help?

If such a disaster occurs, be prepared to seek help from the nearest emergency room.

Especially if:

  • the child complains of a feeling of numbness or cannot move his leg;
  • the leg is swollen, it hurts a lot, the edges of the wound are strongly turned outward;
  • discharge or an unpleasant odor appeared from the wound;
  • throbbing pain or itching appeared in the wound area;
  • the temperature has risen.

First aid

If the nail has gone through, do not try to pull it out yourself!

In other situations, first aid includes several actions:

  • calm the child;
  • wash your hands;
  • wash your baby's feet with water. Try not to pour water on the wound, wash only intact skin;
  • if a sharp object is not left in the wound, and it is bleeding, do not rush to stop the bleeding.
  • if the wound does not bleed, do not squeeze out the blood by force;
  • wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Pour it on the wound without sparing;
  • take sterile wipes and a bandage and apply a bandage that does not press on the wound;
  • cold may be applied to relieve pain. To do this, wrap the ice or freeze in a towel and apply to the bandage;
  • seek advice from the nearest emergency room. Do not refuse antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. They in this situation will be the lesser evil;
  • Check your child's vaccination certificate. In accordance with the national vaccination calendar, any of these vaccines must be made: DTP, ADS-M, Pentaxim, Infanrix. Vaccination is carried out at 3, 4, 5, 6, 18 months, then at 7, 14, 18 years, then every 10 years;
  • if there was no vaccination, immunoglobulin or tetanus toxoid is administered in a hospital;
  • choose suitable shoes, they should not press. If the incident occurred in the summer, give preference to leather slippers. If the trouble happened at home in winter, try to find the loosest shoes. Also, shoes should be made from natural materials;
  • socks need to be changed often enough to avoid infection.

What not to do:

  • do not self-medicate;
  • do not pull out a foreign body if it is deep (shallow - this is no more than 2 cm);
  • don't expect a wound like this to heal on its own. Such an option is possible. But it is not worth risking the life and health of loved ones like that;
  • do not make bandages too tight. It is important that the blood supply be preserved.

How to treat a wound if the leg is swollen?

Be prepared that such wounds hurt for a long time. The next day, swelling may appear and pain may increase.

If there are no other manifestations of the disease, such as fever, irritability, lethargy, pallor of the tissues around the wound, purulent discharge from the wound, then the following actions are possible:

  1. Wash the wound with an antiseptic solution.
  2. Make a bath with a solution of manganese permanganate or saline.
  3. Apply a bandage to the wound with one of the antibiotics (Levomekol, Baneocin, Argosulfan).

Dear parents, all medications should be prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the age and health of the child. It is better to spend more time than to endanger the health of your children.

Possible Complications

Tetanus is a real infection. According to statistics, 25% of those infected die from it. For this reason, the sooner you seek medical help, the greater the chance of recovery.

The incubation period for tetanus is 1 to 14 days.

The first symptoms will be an increase in body temperature, pain in the wound, irritability, impaired swallowing, and sleep disturbance. They appear later. They can be provoked by light, the murmur of water, sharp sounds.

Clinical manifestations of tetanus last up to 4 weeks, full recovery occurs after 2 months. Often the disease leads to disability.

Be careful if a person has tetanus, long-term immunity is not formed. Re-infection is possible.

Gas gangrene is another severe complication of stab wounds. The causative agent of this disease, like tetanus, remains in the ground for a long time and, once in the wound, begins to multiply and release the toxin.

The first symptoms of gas gangrene - the skin around the wound is pale, the edges of the wound seem to stick out, if you press the skin around the wound, you will feel that inside, under the skin, snow is crunching. The general condition of the child is severe, the temperature is up to 41 ° C, excessive weakness or, on the contrary, strong arousal is characteristic.

Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting. An operation is performed, antibiotic treatment is carried out.

Be attentive and careful! In case of injuries, do not delay treatment, especially in children. Have a nice weekend at the cottage.

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