Preparations for the treatment of pneumosclerosis of the lungs. The severity of respiratory failure. Several other effective remedies

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs - this issue concerns all patients with pneumosclerosis. What is this disease? How to cure it and where it comes from, let's analyze it today by the bones.

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs, where does this disease come from:

If you have been diagnosed with this, it means that your lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue. There is nothing good in this. The function of normal breathing is disturbed.

It is worth noting the replacement process lung tissue on the connective tissue is irreversible. It is observed at any age, in any category of patients. Most of the treatment is carried out in the hospital walls - hospitals.

With pneumosclerosis, the working lung surface. The connective tissue that appears over time thickens, scars appear in the respiratory organs.

In turn, they also become denser and, with a deep-seated disease, they can even displace the organs in the chest, causing its deformation.

Atrophy of the pectoral muscles is possible, the intercostal spaces also narrow, breathing will become superficial.

There are pneumosclerosis of the lung tissue according to the degree:

  1. Sclerosis.
  2. Fibrosis.
  3. Cirrhosis of the lung.

Sclerosis of the lungs:

It is characterized by the replacement of lung tissue with tissue of the connective parenchyma of the lung.

Pulmonary fibrosis:

Lung tissue in the affected areas of the lung is completely replaced by connective tissue. There is a deformation of the lung tissue.


A very serious pathology and very dangerous. It is manifested by pleurisy - the replacement of the bronchi, blood vessels and alveoli, supplying the lungs with collagen.

What leads to such a state, what processes lead to this disease?

Causes of pneumosclerosis of the lungs:

Such sad consequences observed in untreated:

  1. Bronchitis: chronic.
  2. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
  3. Tracheitis.
  4. Pleurisy.
  5. Pneumonia: viral, infectious, aspiration.
  6. Tuberculosis of the pleura and lungs.
  7. The presence of foreign objects (foreign) bodies.
  8. Fungal lesions of the lungs: mycosis.
  9. Sarcoidosis of the lungs.
  10. Damaged walls of blood vessels.
  11. Alveolitis: allergic, fibrous.
  12. Pleurisy: exudative.
  13. Reflux esophagitis.
  14. Lung parenchyma.
  15. Chest injury.
  16. Radiation therapy for lung cancer.
  17. Hereditary predisposition to the progression of existing pulmonary pathologies.
  18. Nicotine.
  19. Inhalation of industrial gases.
  20. Taking certain synthetic drugs.
  21. Bad ecology.

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs, symptoms:

  • Feel good chest pains.
  • Breathing is constantly confused, with the development of the disease it is observed even at rest. Inhalation is difficult.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Violent, obsessive cough (dry).
  • Mucous membranes and skin with a bluish tinge (cyanosis).
  • The patient loses his weight.
  • The fingers on the hands become similar in shape to Drumsticks.
  • The heart beats faster.
  • Neck veins swell, swell.

Pneumosclerosis how to treat, division according to the degree of distribution:

  1. Limited (local, focal).
  2. diffuse.


Limited is subdivided into small- and large-focal. Focal pneumosclerosis is an area of ​​dense lung parenchyma, at the same time, a reduced volume of this lung particle.

Focal pneumosclerosis does not greatly affect gas exchange, as well as lung elasticity.

A special form of this pneumosclerosis is the so-called postpneumonic sclerosis. With it, the lung looks like raw meat in appearance).

When examined under a microscope, sclerosed, purulent foci, fibrinous exudate are determined in the lung.


Diffuse pneumosclerosis affects the entire lung, sometimes even both lungs.

  1. The lung tissue thickens.
  2. Lung volume is reduced.
  3. The structure is broken.

With diffuse pneumosclerosis, lung rigidity and reduced ventilation are observed.

According to the damage to the structures of the lungs:

  1. Alveolar pneumosclerosis.
  2. Interstitial.
  3. Perivascular.
  4. Perilobular pneumosclerosis.
  5. Peribronchial.

By etiology:

  1. Postnecrotic pneumosclerosis.
  2. Discirculatory.
  3. Sclerosis of the lung, developed due to inflammation and dystrophy.

Stages of pneumosclerosis:

  1. compensated stage.
  2. subcompensated stage.
  3. decompensated stage.

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs, forms of pneumosclerosis:


With emphysema, the amount of air in the tissues of the lung is much increased. Pneumosclerosis develops as a result, more often chronic. At the same time, the development of the disease is similar in symptoms.

Sputum accumulates in very small bronchi, the development of emphysema, or similar pneumosclerosis, is provoked. and diseases with this symptomatology accelerate the development of these diseases.

Pneumosclerosis hilar:

With it, connective tissue begins to grow in the basal areas of the lung. The cause of the disease is called dystrophy or inflammation. In the diseased area, gas exchange is disturbed, loss of elasticity of the diseased area.

Pneumosclerosis local:

It may not manifest itself in any way, except for listening to hard breathing, as well as pronounced small bubbling rales. Detected using X-ray: the area is clearly visible in the picture thick fabric lung.

This form of the disease does not lead to lung failure.

Pneumosclerosis focal:

Develops due to lung abscess or in the presence of caverns (tuberculosis). Connective tissue grows in place of already healing and existing lung cavities or foci.

Pneumosclerosis apical:

A lesion of the apex of the lung develops, it is replaced by connective tissue. The onset of the disease is similar to the symptoms of bronchitis. Determined by the passage of x-rays.

Age pneumosclerosis:

This is the aging of the body with congestion pulmonary hypertension. It is found most often in men who smoke for a long time.

Reticulated pneumosclerosis:

At sharp increase volume of connective tissue, it becomes mesh, similar to a cobweb. It is clearly visible on a CT scan (computed tomogram).

Basal pneumosclerosis:

There is a noticeable replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue in the basal regions. It develops after inflammatory diseases in the lungs.

Moderate pneumosclerosis:

Connective, altered tissue is adjacent to healthy lung tissue. Well defined on x-ray. The patient's condition does not violate.

Postpneumonic pneumosclerosis:

Inflamed area of ​​lung tissue, after complicated pneumonia (a type of raw meat).

Interstitial pneumosclerosis:

With it, the connective tissue noticeably captures the areas around the vessels, as well as the bronchi. Develops as a complication interstitial pneumonia lung.

Pneumosclerosis peribronchial:

Occurs around the bronchi, the lung tissue is replaced by a modified one - connective. Reason - . The patient is tired of coughing with phlegm.

Posttuberculous pneumosclerosis:

The name speaks for itself, the development of the disease occurs after tuberculosis. The connective tissue is actively growing.

Possible complications:

  1. Vessels, bronchi, alveoli change.
  2. There is a violation of ventilation of the lungs.
  3. arterial hypoxemia.
  4. Respiratory failure.
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the lungs.
  6. Emphysema.

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs, diagnosis:

Confirm the diagnosis with an examination:

  • Radiography.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  • CT scan of the lungs (computed tomography).
  • ECG (electrocardiogram).
  • Spirography.
  • Blood test, as well as urine.
  • Required biochemical analysis blood.
  • The appointment of an immunological blood test is common.

  1. Useful walks, especially walking on fresh air. The remaining lung cells need to work.
  2. Oxygenate them. Physical exercise will help speed up the movement of fluids, as well as metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Take good care of your lung health: avoid drafts, even in summer.
  4. Never get cold.
  5. Take expectorants to get rid of excess fluid. This will reduce congestion in your lungs.
  6. Don't overeat. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat dried fruits soaked overnight: dried apricots, raisins, prunes. They contain a lot of useful potassium. Dried fruits weaken and remove excess fluid. It is very useful for the lungs, stagnation is removed.

Treatment with oxygen:

Treatment is carried out using a tube through which oxygen is supplied to restore metabolism.

Drug Therapy:

Only doctors prescribe:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Expectorants.
  3. Antibacterial drugs.
  4. Bronchial.
  5. mucolytic drugs.
  6. AT exceptional cases glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.
  7. Physiotherapy.
  8. The surgical method is used when conservative treatment is ineffective.

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs with folk remedies:

Good for herbs:

  1. Oat seed.
  2. Creeping thyme.
  3. Eucalyptus.
  4. Pikulnik ordinary.

Pour any of the herbs into a thermos at a dose of:

  1. One tablespoon.
  2. Add 500 grams of boiling water.
  3. Drink a little hot throughout the next day.
  4. Alternate herbs every month.

Red wine:

  1. Take two glasses of red grape wine.
  2. 4 leaves of three-year-old aloe (aged in the refrigerator for two weeks).
  3. Two full tablespoons of fresh honey.
  4. Grind and dissolve aloe leaves in honey.
  5. Pour and mix everything with wine.
  6. Keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
  7. Take before meals 15 minutes in a tablespoon up to four times / day.
  8. Helps with chronic bronchitis.

Well helps massage, the use of homeopathy.

How to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs should be known and prescribed only by a doctor. Usually folk treatment is bad.

You can support the body with this method only in the intervals of the main treatment. This is how you support yourself.

The disease is severe, but they live with it. Do not despair, heal and get well. I wish you good health.

Come to my site, I'm always waiting.

Watch the video, folk recipes for the treatment of lungs:


You need to know how to treat, pneumosclerosis of the lungs is a dangerous disease. First you need to understand what this disease is. Pneumosclerosis of the lungs is a disease that affects a person at any age. It is a process during which there is an abnormal replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. With this disease, certain areas of the lungs are scarred, compacted. As a result, the bronchi are deformed.

Among patients with this diagnosis, most of them are middle-aged men with an addiction to smoking.

Causes of the disease

According to the results clinical research it was found that among the main causes of pulmonary pneumosclerosis, Chronical bronchitis, lung abscess, tuberculosis and pneumonia. This disease also owes its appearance to other factors. These are transferred acute childhood infections, whooping cough, prolonged stagnation in the blood vessels of the lungs, as well as systemic respiratory diseases.

The disease has two forms: infectious and non-infectious. All belong to the first infectious diseases lungs, to the second - diseases resulting from dustiness of the lungs, chest injuries, hemodynamic disturbances in the pulmonary circulation. An important reason for the appearance of non-infectious forms is the absorption of toxic substances by the lungs.

The reasons for the development of this pathology can be called ineffective and insufficient anti-inflammatory therapy. The disease can develop due to disruption of work of cardio-vascular system, resulting in stagnant processes and heart failure. Often the causes may be the ingestion of pieces of food in the respiratory tract, poisoning with chemicals, severe bruises and wounds.

Not the last role in the development this disease plays and chronic decline immunity. The risk of developing the disease may increase as a result of radiotherapy, diabetes mellitus, smoking and long stay in places with heavily polluted ecology.

AT medical practice define three main types of pneumosclerosis of the lungs: sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis and cirrhosis. With sclerosis, the lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue. Fibrosis is a process in which lung pathology has a partial manifestation, alternating with unaffected areas. The most severe form is cirrhosis. With it, there is a complete displacement of the bronchi by connective tissue.

The main manifestation of the disease is shortness of breath, which at first can occur during physical exertion, but with an advanced form of the disease, it becomes constant. With poor extensibility of the lung tissue, sclerosis develops, and the ventilation system in the lungs is disturbed. This leads to cyanosis, which is manifested by cyanosis. skin. There are focal and diffuse pneumosclerosis. With focal lung tissue, it is partially affected, with diffuse, the entire lung is affected.

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Treatment of this disease

Treatment of pneumosclerosis is a process in which the emphasis must be placed on eliminating the causes of its occurrence. If there is no inflammatory process, then it does not make sense to treat the disease, so treatment is not carried out. In some forms of this disease, dry cough, weight loss, fatigue and shortness of breath can be observed. To determine the method of treating the disease, examinations are carried out in the form of listening to the lungs and x-rays.

Along with medicines therapeutic exercises and a set of exercises for breathing training are prescribed. In some advanced cases have to undergo surgery to remove damaged tissue.

At the first symptoms of the disease, a pulmonologist or therapist can give an accurate picture of the course of the disease, while the treatment of the disease depends on the form and stage of its course. At acute form bronchodilator, mucolytic, antimicrobial and expectorant drugs are prescribed. A very effective procedure is the rehabilitation of the bronchial tree.

Treatment of pneumosclerosis is a long process, which depends on the stage and scale of the process. When expressed allergic manifestations doctors prescribe desensitizing drugs (Diphenhydramine, Tavegil). In case of disease progression, antibacterial drugs are used. If shortness of breath does not go away during therapeutic measures, bronchodilators are prescribed (Eufillin, Teofedrin). If there are signs of heart failure and cor pulmonale formation, glycosides (Celanin, Digoxin) are used. Of course, in combination with general therapy don't forget about breathing exercises, which plays a rehabilitation role after lung treatment:

  • strengthens the respiratory muscles, increasing the mobility of the chest;
  • develops diaphragmatic breathing;
  • improves the function of the heart muscle;
  • increases the adaptation of the respiratory organs to physical stress.

Today, one of the most effective innovative treatment methods is the use of stem cells, which are administered intravenously. Delivered to the affected areas, they contribute to their full recovery. This method of treatment is effective only if it is used in the early stages of the disease and all the lungs are not affected.

Cell therapy stimulates, normalizes cellular and metabolic processes, increases the activity of the immune and endocrine systems organism, provides antitumor activity. As a result of this treatment cell structure lung is fully restored. As a result, shortness of breath, cough are eliminated. The patient has a healthy organ as a result.

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Disease prevention

At present, even with the most efficient medical intervention it is difficult to predict the outcome of the disease, since it is closely related to the stage of its development, the speed and frequency of heart and lung failure. As a side option, a honeycomb lung can form, which complicates the activity of the respiratory system. Secondary infection may occur. Cor pulmonale is formed, appearing in the right side of the heart. Secondary infections can lead to critical condition patient and even death.

To prevent a disease such as pneumosclerosis of the lungs, the patient will have to get rid of addiction smoking, try to change the place of work or residence, if before that he lived and worked in a place where, according to sanitary standards, pollution environment above the norm. A prerequisite is the timely treatment of lung infections. Usually, preventive actions begin to carry out in childhood, protecting the body from colds and flu.

Appropriate for the prevention of the disease is the annual x-ray examination, which allows you to identify the disease in the early stages of development and prescribe adequate treatment.

Pneumosclerosis is a pathology in the lungs, characterized by the replacement of lung tissues with connective tissue.

This happens as a result of inflammation, as well as dystrophy of lung tissues, due to which elasticity and transport of gases are disturbed in the affected areas. The extracellular matrix, growing in the main respiratory organs, deforms the branches of the windpipe, and the lung itself thickens and shrinks. The result is airlessness, the lungs are reduced in size.

ICD-10 code

J84 Other interstitial lung diseases


The incidence of pneumosclerosis is equally common among people of any age, a strong half of humanity gets sick more often.

Causes of pneumosclerosis

Often, pneumosclerosis is an accompaniment and outcome of lung diseases:

  • Infectious nature caused by the ingress of foreign substances into the lungs, inflammation of the lung tissue caused by a virus that has not resolved, pulmonary tuberculosis, mycoses;
  • Bronchitis with chronic course, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the bronchi, chronic obstructive lung disease;
  • Pneumoconicosis, which arose after prolonged inhalation of dust and gases, by origin - industrial, caused by radiation;
  • Fibrosing and alveolitis caused by the action of an allergen;
  • Pulmonary form of Beck's disease;
  • The presence of extraneous tesarcoidosis in the branches of the pulmonary throat;
  • Injuries resulting from wounds, thorax injuries, lungs.
  • Diseases of the lungs, betrayed by inheritance.

Ineffective and insufficient in terms of volume and duration of treatment of acute and chronic processes in the respiratory system can lead to pneumosclerosis.

Contribute to the occurrence of pneumosclerosis can be defects in the blood flow of the small circle due to narrowing of the left atrioventricular orifice, left ventricular failure, pulmonary thrombosis. Also, this pathology can be a consequence of ionizing radiation, after taking pneumotropic drugs that are toxic. Weakened immunity can also contribute to the development of pneumosclerosis.

With incomplete resolution of the pulmonary inflammatory process, the restoration of the lung tissue does not occur completely, connective tissue scars begin to grow, alveolar lumens narrow, which can provoke the occurrence of pneumosclerosis. Noticed very frequent occurrence pneumosclerosis in patients who underwent staphylococcal pneumonia, which was accompanied by the formation of necrotic areas of the lung tissue and the occurrence of an abscess, after healing, which was marked by the growth of fibrous tissue.

With pneumosclerosis that has arisen against the background of tuberculosis, connective tissue can form in the lungs, which can lead to the development of peri-cicatricial emphysema.

Complication chronic inflammation in the bronchi, such as bronchitis and bronchiolitis, is the occurrence of perilobular, as well as peribronchial pneumosclerosis.

Pleurogenic pneumosclerosis can begin after repeated inflammation of the pleura, in which the surface layers of the lung join the inflammatory process, its parenchyma is squeezed by exudate.

Irradiation and Hamman-Rich syndrome often provoke pulmonary sclerosis of diffuse origin and the appearance of a lung reminiscent of a honeycomb. Cardiac left ventricular failure, as well as stenosis mitral valve can lead to fluid leakage from the blood vessels, due to which cardiogenic pneumosclerosis may occur in the future.

Sometimes pneumosclerosis is due to the mechanism of its development. But general arrangements various forms etiologies are those that are the result of pathology in lung ventilation, defects in the bloodstream, as well as lymph in the lung tissue, failure of the pulmonary drainage capacity. Violation of the structure and alveolar destruction can lead to the replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. Vascular, bronchial and pulmonary pathology often leads to impaired lymph circulation, as well as blood circulation, so pneumosclerosis may occur.

Other causes of pneumosclerosis:

  1. Unresolved acute pneumonia chronic pneumonia, bronchiectasis.
  2. Chronic bronchitis, which is accompanied by peribronchitis and leads to the development of peribronchial sclerosis.
  3. Pneumoconiosis of various origins.
  4. Stagnation in the lungs in a number of heart diseases, and above all in defects of the mitral valve.
  5. Lung atelectasis.
  6. Long and hard flowing exudative pleurisy, which lead to the development of pneumosclerosis due to the involvement of superficially located layers of the lungs in the inflammatory process, as well as in connection with atelectasis that occurs when prolonged squeezing parenchyma with exudate (pleurogenic cirrhosis).
  7. traumatic injury chest and lung.
  8. Tuberculosis of the lungs and pleura.
  9. Treatment with certain drugs (cordarone, apressin).
  10. Systemic connective tissue diseases.
  11. Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis.
  12. Exposure to ionizing radiation.
  13. Damage to the lungs by chemical warfare agents.


The pathogenesis of pneumosclerosis depends on its etiology. However, with all its etiological forms, the most important pathogenetic mechanisms are violations of lung ventilation, drainage function of the bronchi, blood and lymph circulation. The proliferation of connective tissue is associated with a violation of the structure and destruction of specialized morphofunctional elements of the lung parenchyma. The disorders of blood and lymph circulation that occur during pathological processes in the bronchopulmonary and vascular systems contribute to the development of pneumosclerosis.

There are diffuse and focal (local) pneumosclerosis, the latter is large and small focal.

Depending on the severity of the proliferation of connective tissue, fibrosis, sclerosis, and cirrhosis of the lungs are distinguished. With pneumofibrosis, cicatricial changes in the lungs are moderately expressed. With pneumosclerosis, a coarser replacement of the lungs with connective tissue occurs. With cirrhosis, there is a complete replacement of the alveoli, as well as partially of the bronchi and blood vessels with disorganized connective tissue. Pneumosclerosis is a symptom or outcome of a number of diseases.

Symptoms of pneumosclerosis

Allocate the following symptoms pneumosclerosis:

  1. Signs of the underlying disease leading to pneumosclerosis (chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchiectasis, etc.).
  2. Shortness of breath with diffuse pneumosclerosis, first during exercise, then at rest; cough with mucopurulent sputum; pronounced diffuse cyanosis.
  3. Limited mobility of the pulmonary edge, sometimes shortening of the percussion sound during percussion, weakened vesicular breathing with a hard shade, scattered dry, sometimes finely bubbling rales during auscultation. As a rule, along with the clinic of pneumosclerosis, there are symptoms of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Diffuse forms of pneumosclerosis are accompanied by precapillary hypertension of the pulmonary circulation and the development of symptoms of cor pulmonale.
  4. Clinical symptoms of cirrhosis of the lung: a sharp deformity of the chest, partial atrophy pectoral muscles, wrinkling of the intercostal spaces, displacement of the trachea, large vessels and heart in the direction of the lesion, a dull sound on percussion, a sharp weakening of breathing, dry and wet rales on auscultation.

Limited pneumosclerosis most often causes almost no sensations in the patient, except for a mild cough with a small amount of discharge in the form of sputum. If you examine the affected side, you can find that the thorax in this place has a kind of depression.

The main symptom of pneumosclerosis of diffuse origin is shortness of breath: at first - during exercise, at later times - and at rest. The tissue of the alveoli is poorly ventilated, so the skin of such patients is cyanotic. The patient's fingers resemble drumsticks (a symptom of Hippocratic fingers), which indicates an increase in respiratory failure.

Diffuse pneumosclerosis passes with chronic inflammation of the branches of the windpipe. The patient complains only of a cough - at first rare, which turns into an obsessive, strong one with copious purulent discharge. The course of pneumosclerosis aggravates the main ailment: bronchiectasis or chronic pneumonia.

It is not excluded soreness of a aching nature in the thoracic region, a sharp weight loss, such patients look weakened, they quickly get tired.

A clinic of pulmonary cirrhosis may develop: the thorax is grossly deformed, the muscles of the intercostal space are atrophied, the windpipe, heart, and large vessels are displaced to the affected side.

With diffuse pneumosclerosis, which has developed due to a violation of the movement of blood in a small bloodstream, symptoms of cor pulmonale may be observed.

How severe the course will be depends on the size of the affected areas.

What percentage of lung tissue has already been replaced by Pischinger's space, reflects the following classification of pneumosclerosis:

  • Fibrosis, in which limited affected areas of light tissue in the form of strands alternate with healthy tissue filled with air;
  • Sclerosis or actually pneumosclerosis - is characterized by the presence of tissues of a denser consistency, the connective tissue replaces the lung;
  • The most severe degree of pneumosclerosis, in which the connective tissue completely replaces the lung tissue, and the pleura, alveoli and blood vessels thicken, the mediastinal organs move in the direction where the affected area is located, is called cirrhosis. Pneumosclerosis is divided into two types according to the degree of prevalence in the lung: diffuse and limited (local), which are distinguished as small-focal and large-focal.

Macroscopically, pneumosclerosis limited has the appearance of a denser tissue of the lung, this part of the lung is distinguished by a sharply reduced size in comparison with the rest of the healthy areas of the lung. Focal pneumosclerosis has a special form - carnification - postpneumatic sclerosis, characterized by the fact that the lung parenchyma in the inflamed area has a look and texture resembling raw meat. Microscopically, it is possible to detect areas of sclerosis and suppuration, fibrinous exudate, fibroatelectasis, etc.

Diffuse pneumosclerosis is characterized by spread to the entire lung or both lungs. The affected organ looks more dense, its size is much smaller than that of a healthy lung, the structure of the organ differs from healthy tissues.

Limited pneumosclerosis differs from diffuse pneumosclerosis in that the function of gas exchange does not suffer significantly with it, the lung remains elastic. With diffuse pneumosclerosis, the affected lung is rigid, its ventilation is reduced.

By predominant lesion various lung structures pneumosclerosis can be divided into alveolar, peribronchial, perivascular, interstitial, perilobular.

According to the causes of pneumosclerosis, it is divided into dyscirculatory, postnecrotic, post-inflammatory and dystrophic.


Pneumosclerosis can occur in various stages, there are three of them:

  • I. compensated;
  • II. subcompensated;
  • III. decompensated.


Emphysema and pneumosclerosis

With pulmonary emphysema, there is an increased amount of air in the tissues of the lung. Pneumosclerosis can be the result of chronic inflammation of the lungs, while they have a great similarity in the clinic. The development of both emphysema and pneumosclerosis is influenced by inflammation of the branches of the respiratory throat, infection of the bronchial wall, as well as obstructions to bronchial patency. There is an accumulation of sputum in the small bronchi, ventilation in this area of ​​the lung can provoke the development of both emphysema and pneumosclerosis. Diseases that are accompanied by bronchospasm, for example, bronchial asthma may accelerate the development of these diseases.

Radical pneumosclerosis

Sometimes the connective tissue grows in the basal sections of the lung. This condition is called hilar pneumosclerosis. It appears against the background of dystrophy or inflammation processes, leading to the fact that the lesion site loses elasticity, gas exchange is also disturbed in it.

Local pneumosclerosis

Local or limited pneumosclerosis may not manifest itself clinically for a long time, except that during auscultation hard breathing is heard, as well as fine bubbling rales. It can only be detected radiographically: the image shows a section of compacted lung tissue. Local pneumosclerosis practically does not lead to pulmonary insufficiency.

Focal pneumosclerosis

Focal pneumosclerosis can develop due to destruction of the lung parenchyma due to a lung abscess (infectious etiology) or with caverns (with tuberculosis). Connective tissue can also grow in place of already healed and still existing foci and cavities.

Apical pneumosclerosis

In apical pneumosclerosis, the lesion is located at the apex of the lung. As a result of inflammatory and destructive processes lung tissue its apex is replaced by a connecting one. At the beginning, the process resembles the phenomena of bronchitis, the consequence of which it most often is, and is determined only by X-ray.

Age pneumosclerosis

Age-related pneumosclerosis is caused by changes that occur due to aging of the body. Age-related pneumosclerosis develops in old age if they have congestion with pulmonary hypertension, more often in men, especially long-term smokers. If a patient after 80 years of age has pneumosclerosis on an x-ray in the absence of complaints, this is considered the norm, since it is a consequence of natural involutional changes in the human body.

Mesh pneumosclerosis

If the volume of connective tissue increases reticular tissue the lungs lose their clarity and purity, it becomes reticulated like a cobweb. Due to this network frequency, the normal pattern is practically not visible, it looks weakened. On a computer tomogram, the compaction of the connective tissue is even more noticeable.

Basal pneumosclerosis

Under the basal pneumosclerosis is understood the replacement of the connective tissue of the lung mainly in its basal sections. Often, basal pneumosclerosis speaks of previous lower lobe pneumonia. On the x-ray, the clarity of the lung tissues of the basal sections is increased, the pattern is enhanced.

Moderate pneumosclerosis

Connective tissue at the beginning of the development of pneumosclerosis most often grows moderately. Altered lung tissue characteristic of this form alternates with healthy lung parenchyma. This is often detected only on an x-ray, since it practically does not disturb the patient's condition.

Postpneumonic pneumosclerosis

Postpneumonic pneumosclerosis - carnification is a focus of inflamed lung tissue, which is a complication of pneumonia. The inflamed area has the appearance of raw meat. Macroscopically, this is an area of ​​the lung that looks more dense, this part of the lung is reduced in size.

Interstitial pneumosclerosis

Interstitial pneumosclerosis is characterized by the fact that the connective tissue mainly captures the interalveolar partitions, tissues around the vessels and bronchi. It is the result of interstitial pneumonia.

Peribronchial pneumosclerosis

Peribronchial pneumosclerosis is characterized by localization around the bronchi. Around the affected bronchi, the lung tissue changes to connective. The most common cause of its occurrence is chronic bronchitis. For a long time the patient is not worried about anything except coughing, later - with sputum.

Posttuberculous pneumosclerosis

With post-tuberculous pneumosclerosis, the connective tissue grows as a result of pulmonary tuberculosis. This condition can turn into the so-called "post-tuberculosis disease", which is characterized by different nosological forms of non-specific diseases, such as COPD.

Complications and consequences

With pneumosclerosis, a morphological change in the alveoli, bronchi and blood vessels is observed, due to which pneumosclerosis can be complicated by a violation of lung ventilation, reduction of the vascular bed, arterial hypoxemia, chronic respiratory failure, cor pulmonale may develop, inflammatory diseases of the lungs, emphysema.

Diagnosis of pneumosclerosis

The X-ray picture is polymorphic, as it reflects the symptoms of both pneumosclerosis and its accompanying diseases: chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, etc. Characterized by strengthening, looping and deformation of the lung pattern along the bronchial ramifications due to compaction of the walls of the bronchi, infiltration and sclerosis of the peribronchial tissue.

Bronchography: convergence or deviation of the bronchi, narrowing and absence of small bronchi, deformation of the walls.

Spirography: decrease in VC, FVC, Tiffno index.

Localization pathological process in pneumosclerosis is directly related to the result of physical examinations. Over the affected area, breathing is weakened, dry and moist rales are heard, the percussion sound is dulled.

X-ray examination of the lungs can help to make the diagnosis more reliably. Radiography provides invaluable assistance in detecting changes in the lungs with asymptomatic pneumosclerosis, how widespread these changes are, their nature, and severity. Bronchography, MRI and CT of the lungs help to more accurately assess the condition of unhealthy areas of the lung tissue.

The manifestations of pneumosclerosis cannot be accurately described X-ray, since they reflect not only the defeat of pneumosclerosis, but also concomitant diseases, such as emphysema, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis. The affected lung on the roentgenogram: reduced in size, the pulmonary pattern along the bronchial branches is strengthened, loopy and reticulate due to deformation of the bronchial walls, and also due to the fact that the peribronchial tissue is sclerotic and infiltrated. Often easy to lower sections become like a porous sponge - "cellular lung".

The bronchogram shows convergence, as well as deviations of the bronchi, they are narrowed and deformed, it is impossible to determine the small bronchi.

During bronchoscopy, bronchiectasis and chronic bronchitis are often determined. By analyzing the cellular composition of the flush from the bronchi, it is possible to clarify the cause of the occurrence, and what is the activity of the pathological processes occurring in the bronchi.

Fluorography for pneumosclerosis

All patients who first applied to the clinic are offered to undergo a fluorographic examination of the chest organs. An annual medical examination, which is required for everyone who is 14 years old, involves the mandatory passage of fluorography, which helps to identify many respiratory diseases, including pneumosclerosis in the early stages, during which it is initially asymptomatic.

The vital capacity of the lungs with pneumosclerosis is reduced, the Tiffno index, which is an indicator of bronchial patency, is also low, which is detected using spirometry and peak flowmetry.

Changes in the blood picture in pneumosclerosis are nonspecific.

Treatment of pneumosclerosis

The main thing in the treatment of pneumosclerosis is the fight against infection in the respiratory organs, improvement of respiratory function and pulmonary circulation strengthening the patient's immunity.

Patients with pneumosclerosis are treated by a general practitioner or pulmonologist.

Mode and diet

If a patient with pneumosclerosis has a high temperature, he is prescribed bed rest when the condition improves a little - semi-bed, and then - general. Indoor air temperature should be 18-20 ° C, ventilation is mandatory. Shown to be more outdoors.

The diet for pneumosclerosis should be aimed at increasing the immunobiological and oxidative processes in the patient's body, speeding up repair in the lungs, reducing protein loss with sputum, inflammatory exudation, improving hematopoiesis and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Considering the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes a diet of 11 or 15 tables, the menu of which should include dishes with a normal content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but at the same time, increase the amount of foods containing calcium, vitamins A, group B, ascorbic acid, salts potassium, folic acid and copper. You need to eat often, in small portions (up to five times). It is recommended to limit the amount of table salt - no more than four to six grams per day, since sodium tends to retain fluid in the body.

Drug treatment of pneumosclerosis

There is no specific treatment for pneumosclerosis. It is necessary to treat the disease that caused pneumosclerosis.

With pneumosclerosis, a long-term - up to six to twelve months - administration of small doses of glucocorticoids is recommended: twenty to thirty mg per day is prescribed in the acute period, then maintenance therapy, daily dose which is five to ten mg, the dose is gradually reduced.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated for bronchiectasis, often occurring pneumonia, bronchitis. With pneumosclerosis in the respiratory tract, about 23 types of various microorganisms can be present, it is recommended to use antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs of various spectrums of action, combine these drugs, and periodically replace them with others. The most common among other antimicrobials in modern medicine in the treatment of pneumosclerosis and other serious pathologies of the respiratory tract, macrolides are used, in the first place among which is azithromycin, it must be taken on the first day of 0.5 g, 2-5 days - 0.25 g one hour before or two hours after administration food. Also popular in the treatment of this disease are cephalosporins of the II-III generation. For oral administration among the II generation, cefaclor 750 mg in three divided doses, cefuroxime axetil 125-500 mg twice a day, cefixime 400 mg once a day or 200 mg twice a day, cefpodoxime give a good effect proksetil 400 mg 2 times a day, ceftibuten 200-400 mg per day.

The proven antimicrobial drug is metronidazole 0.5 - 1 intravenously drip for 30-40 minutes after eight hours.

Have not lost their relevance and such broad-spectrum antibiotics as tetracycline, oletethrin and chloramphenicol 2.0-1.0 g per day in four divided doses

With antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory value, they are prescribed sulfa drugs: sulfapyridazine 2.0 mg on the first day, then - 1.0 mg for 7-10 days.

Expectorant and thinning agents Bromhexine 0.016 g three to four times a day, Ambroxol one tablet (30 mg) three times a day, acetylcysteine ​​- 200 milligrams three times a day, carbocysteine ​​2 capsules three times a day (1 capsule - 0.375 g carbocysteine)

Bronchospasmolytics are used as inhalations (izadrin, eufillin, atropine sulphate)

If circulatory failure is present, cardiac glycosides are used: strophanthin 0.05% solution - 0.5-1.0 ml per 10-20 ml of 5% -40% glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride, corglicon - 0.5-1 each .0 ml of a 0.6% solution on glucose 5-40% or physiological saline 0,9%.

Vitamin therapy: tocopherol acetate 100-200 mg once or twice a day, ritinol 700-900 mcg per day, vitamin C 250 mg once or twice a day, B vitamins (B1 -1.2 -2.1 mg per day, B6 - 100 -200 mg per day, B12 - 100-200 mg per day)

Physiotherapy for pneumosclerosis

The main goal of physiotherapeutic procedures for pneumosclerosis is to regress and stabilize the process in active phase, to achieve relief of the syndrome - in the inactive.

If there is no suspicion of pulmonary insufficiency, iontophoresis with novocaine, calcium chloride, ultrasound with novocaine is recommended.

In the compensated stage, it is useful to use diathermy and inductometry in the chest area. If the patient's sputum is poorly separated, electrophoresis with iodine is indicated according to the Vermel method. With poor nutrition - general ultraviolet irradiation. Radiation of the chest with a Solux lamp is also used daily or every other day, but it is less effective.

oxygen therapy

A good effect in pneumosclerosis is obtained from oxygen therapy or treatment with oxygen, which is supplied to the lungs in the same volume as it is contained in the atmosphere. This procedure saturates the lungs with oxygen, which improves cellular metabolism.

Surgical treatment of pneumosclerosis

Surgical treatment of pneumosclerosis is carried out only with local forms in case of suppuration of the lung parenchyma, with destructive changes in the lung tissue, with cirrhosis and fibrosis of the lung. This type of treatment consists in removing the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lung tissue, in rare cases, a decision is made to remove the entire lung.


Physiotherapy exercises for pneumosclerosis are used in order to improve the functions of external respiration, harden and strengthen the body. With compensated pneumosclerosis, special breathing exercises. These exercises should be simple, they should be performed easily, without straining, without slowing down breathing, the pace should be medium or even slow, rhythmically, the load should be gradually increased. It is advisable to perform sports dosed exercises in the fresh air. With severe emphysema, as well as cardiopulmonary insufficiency gymnastics is done in a sitting, lying or standing position, it should last fifteen to twenty minutes. At serious condition patient, temperature exceeding 37.5 ° C, repeated hemoptysis, physiotherapy exercises are contraindicated.

Treatment of pneumosclerosis with folk methods

Traditional medicine offers to treat pneumosclerosis with such recipes:

  • Pour one tablespoon of one of the herbs into a thermos: creeping thyme, blue eucalyptus or sowing oats. Pour half a liter of boiling water, leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, the infusion should be filtered. Take in small portions during the day while hot.
  • In the evening, soak thoroughly washed dried fruits with water. Eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. This must be done daily. This recipe acts as a laxative, diuretic, thereby helping to relieve congestion in the lungs.
  • Two glasses of young red wine + two tablespoons of honey + two crushed perennial aloe leaves mix together. First you need to cut the leaves, rinse under running water, put in the refrigerator for a week on the bottom shelf. After that, grind, mix with honey, add wine and mix thoroughly. Infused for fourteen days in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon daily up to four times.

Treatment of pneumosclerosis at home

If the patient treats pneumosclerosis at home, then the main condition successful treatment here, perhaps, he will strictly comply with medical recommendations, as well as monitoring his condition by a doctor in outpatient settings. It is in the right of the local therapist or pulmonologist to make corrections in the treatment, based on the patient's condition. When treating at home, it is necessary to ensure the exclusion of a factor that provoked or may aggravate the course of pneumosclerosis. Therapeutic measures should be aimed at preventing the spread of infection, as well as the inflammatory process in the lung parenchyma.


It is also necessary to strengthen immune system, accept special means to strengthen it - immunomodulators, harden the body.

Pneumosclerosis is a serious disease that is characterized by a long course, severe complications. But almost any disease can be cured with timely treatment. Take care of your health, do not carry the disease "on your feet", contact the specialists!


At timely detection, treatment, compliance with all recommendations, a healthy lifestyle, the patient can feel normal, lead an active life.

The prognosis for pneumosclerosis is associated with the progression of lung damage and how quickly the insufficiency of the respiratory and cardiac systems develops.

A poor prognosis for pneumosclerosis can be with the development of a "honeycomb lung" and with the addition of a secondary infection.

If a "honeycombed lung" has formed, respiratory failure may be more severe, pressure in the pulmonary artery rises, and cor pulmonale may develop. If a secondary infection joins, tuberculosis, mycoses, it is possible fatal outcome.

It's important to know!

In the period of exacerbation, according to indications, sanitation bronchoscopy is performed with local administration of antibiotics and antiseptics. Great importance has mucolytic therapy with vibration massage and postural drainage, taking into account the localization of the inflammatory process. Physical therapy is a must.

When pneumosclerosis manifests itself, treatment with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating such unpleasant symptoms like shortness of breath, fluid in the lungs and bronchi, cough. Also, grandmother's recipes will help eliminate pain that often accompanies this disease.

Pneumosclerosis of the lungs is associated with disorders in the respiratory system, when not only its paths, but also organs are affected. Therefore, all folk ingredients used for such purposes have an antimicrobial, mucolytic or resolving effect.

Heal lungs with aloe

Aloe is also known under the same name as agave. Its leaves are used in folk medicine, and all because this plant has a number of useful properties:

  • contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and takes an active part in the metabolism of iron and folic acid - with pneumosclerosis, it helps to relieve inflammation;
  • vitamin E + vitamin C prevent the formation of scars on the surface of the lungs, has an antitoxic effect;
  • vitamin A helps the formation of new healthy cells and renders pernicious influence on microbes and helps to renew the mucous membranes of organs;
  • aloe is saturated with a large number of trace elements, due to which not only the lungs and bronchi are restored, but also other human organs.

For effective treatment pneumosclerosis with the help of agave, you can try to drink tincture. To prepare it, you will need to do the following:

  • 5 large fleshy leaves are plucked from the plant and washed thoroughly. Then they are finely chopped or rubbed on a grater.
  • Honey (2 tablespoons) is added to the resulting slurry, everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass.
  • Next, you need to add homemade red wine (2 glasses).
  • The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator.
  • Such medicines should be drunk later than two weeks from the date of preparation. On the day it is taken 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

    Eucalyptus to the rescue

    This plant has a number of very useful properties. On its basis, many inhalations, lozenges, tablets are made, since eucalyptus helps well with colds, makes breathing easier. Such a plant has an antiseptic focus, so it successfully fights infections and prevents suppuration from developing.

    In addition to such an impact, eucalyptus is actively used in folk medicine because it has a positive effect on the central nervous system, relaxing and stabilizing it.

    Treatment of pneumosclerosis with the help of folk remedies, more precisely eucalyptus, is as follows:

    • a plant is taken and finely chopped;
    • after that, only half a liter of boiled water is added to it;
    • then the mixture must be left to infuse (about 15 minutes).

    This tincture can be consumed immediately after it has cooled.

    Some add honey to such medicines. Firstly, it will slightly sweeten the taste, and secondly, it will help the tincture gain an even greater therapeutic effect. Such treatment requires 1 month of admission.

    It is worth noting that ethnoscience though based on the use natural ingredients, but the action is somewhat slower than pharmaceuticals. Therefore, all tinctures and decoctions should be used systematically and for a longer time, unlike medicines. It is advisable to alternate different means - so the effect is achieved much faster.

    thyme and pikulnik can be used to treat pneumosclerosis of the lungs. They are prepared according to a similar recipe.

    We treat the lungs with oatmeal

    Many people hate oatmeal since childhood. Unfortunately, if cooked incorrectly, its taste may not be the best. Although in fact this porridge has a lot of useful properties. She helps a lot gastrointestinal tract, it's not for nothing that oatmeal is prescribed for many diets. This dish is used by those who have problems with blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

    This porridge contains vitamins A and E, fatty acids, which show themselves especially well in boiled form. To fight pneumosclerosis, you can use both natural and processed grains. To do this, oats (1 cup) are washed well and filled with water (1 liter). It must be left overnight so that the grains absorb moisture, after which they are boiled in the morning so that all excess liquid is gone. The resulting porridge is well filtered and taken throughout the day. It is advisable to take the medicine before meals.

    We fight pneumosclerosis with onions

    This product is quite available at any time of the year. It has not only curative, but also preventive effect. Therefore, doctors so often recommend eating it with the advent of cold weather.

    Cibuliva therapy has several recipes for dealing with pulmonary disease:

  • 1 head of onion finely chopped and boiled in sugar syrup. By the way, sugar can be replaced with honey, then healing effect will be even bigger. The product should be boiled until it acquires a transparent color. Next, the broth must be well filtered and cooled. Such medicines should be taken in 1 tbsp. every 2-3 hours, throughout the day.
  • Another recipe involves boiling onions, but only in this case the syrup is replaced with ordinary purified water (1 cup) and the onion is not cut, but remains whole. The boiled onion should be eaten during the day. Water can be replaced with fresh milk.
  • What else can help with pneumosclerosis?

    But as for problems with the lungs, here you should pay attention to raisins and dried apricots. These products are saturated with microelements and vitamin complexes, due to which their use helps to strengthen the whole organism. This activates the metabolism. Such dried fruits have a diuretic effect, and therefore the kidneys and liver are well cleansed. What is important with pneumosclerosis is that raisins and dried apricots help to liquefy stagnation in the lungs and bronchi, whose accumulation is fraught with consequences.

    These dried fruits are poured with boiling water, left for a short time so that they begin to swell. Such medicines should be taken every time before meals. You can also finely chop 100 g of raisins and dried apricots, pour water (1 cup) and put on fire. After they boil, they are removed and left for 10 minutes, then it is necessary to strain their liquid and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

    In addition to recipes for internal use, traditional medicine also notes the usefulness of honey massage. In this case, the emphasis should be on the back. But this method involves the use of only fresh honey, which has not yet been candied.

    In the end, I would like to give a small recommendation on the preparation of such recipes. It is best to use earthenware or glassware in this matter, and when bringing all the holes to a boil, use a small fire. Thus, all ingredients will retain their useful and medicinal properties longer.

    Of course, to achieve maximum effect, it is better to combine folk remedies with pharmaceutical preparations. In addition, modern experts themselves give recommendations regarding the fact that the patient should take pills with potions and cook various healing decoctions. So recovery will come much faster, and all body functions will return to normal.

    pneumosclerosis is serious illness lungs, in which the affected areas of the respiratory organs lose their ability to normal gas exchange. There is a pathological proliferation of non-functioning connective tissue, which gradually replaces the lung parenchyma, this process contributes to the compaction of the lungs, their wrinkling.

    Respiratory diseases are the most common among people of all age categories. Probably, every person at least once in his life faced with one of them (bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.). In most cases, such ailments do not cause much concern and do not seem serious or threatening to normal life. human body. This is fundamentally wrong, since respiratory diseases can provoke a dangerous pathology known as pneumosclerosis. They can get sick at any age, but most often they affect men who have reached the age of fifty.

    At the same time, the development of destructive processes in vascular system respiratory organs, accumulation of mucus and squeezing. The result of all this is a decrease in the size of the lungs, a violation of their ventilation, as well as deformation of the bronchi. The lungs are unable to contain the required amount of air, as a result of which the entire body suffers from a lack of oxygen. And oxygen deficiency, in turn, leads to many other pathologies.

    Due to stagnation arising from an overabundance of secretion, there are infectious lesions organism.

    Such changes in lung tissues are irreversible, and the disease in question tends to progress. Absence timely treatment can contribute to the occurrence of severe consequences in the form of lifelong disability, and death is not excluded. The development of this disease is usually due to inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory organs.

    Forms of the disease

    Pneumosclerosis is classified depending on the degree of damage to the lungs. Allocate focal and diffuse form of pathology.

    With a focal or local form of pneumosclerosis, there are no violations of elasticity and gas exchange of the lung parenchyma. There is a seal and the formation of purulent foci on the tissues of the lungs, different in size. Depending on the size of the affected areas, focal pneumosclerosis is divided into small focal and large focal. With this form, the disease can proceed unnoticed by the patient himself, and manifest itself only in minor signs that are characteristic of any other diseases of the respiratory system, for example, a frequent cough accompanied by discharge a small amount sputum. Pathology is diagnosed only when the patient is examined using an X-ray machine.

    A diffuse or widespread form of pneumosclerosis is characterized by damage to the entire lung tissue. At the same time, there is a violation of the structure of the lungs, their compaction and decrease in volume, and a decrease in ventilation functions.

    Diffuse moderate pneumosclerosis is not so difficult in comparison with the main form of the disease, and also carries a lesser danger to the body. But, based on the fact that the disease progresses rapidly, it is very important to identify and eliminate the signs of even moderate pneumosclerosis already at the very early stages its development. Thus, it is possible to avoid many undesirable consequences for good health.

    According to the degree of damage, pneumosclerosis of the lungs is divided into fibrous, ordinary sclerotic and cirrhotic.

    With a fibrous degree, the lesions are limited, and they alternate with healthy areas.

    With a sclerotic degree, the respiratory organs lose their original airiness, become compacted and reduced.

    The cirrhosis degree, as the most severe, is characterized by the complete replacement of the lung parenchyma with connective tissue.

    It is worth mentioning separately the pneumosclerosis of the basal segments, which develops in the lower sections of the main respiratory organs. The cause of its occurrence in most cases is inflammation of the lower lobes of the lungs.

    Pneumosclerosis - contagious or not?

    The pathology under consideration is non-infectious character so it is not considered contagious. A patient with pneumosclerosis does not pose a threat to others. But any person who has had any bronchopulmonary disease can get sick with this. Especially if the appropriate treatment was not carried out, or it turned out to be ineffective or was not carried out to the end.

    Therefore, even with minor symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention in time. medical care, as well as strictly comply with all medical prescriptions, in no case neglect the prescribed medication.

    Reasons for development

    There are many reasons why a person gets pneumosclerosis. Most often, this pathology is the result of some past diseases, and it may also be accompanied by the following ailments:

    All these diseases lead to serious pathological changes in the respiratory organs, and also contribute to the weakening of the respiratory function and the development of respiratory failure.

    It is very important to install correct diagnosis, despite the fact that to return the lungs to the previous healthy state is no longer possible. But it is quite possible to stop the progression of the disease with the help of modern medical techniques and using funds from alternative traditional medicine.

    Symptoms of the disease

    This disease does not specific symptoms, since it often occurs as part of another pathological process, or as its consequence. But the following signs may indicate the development of this disease, so they must be taken into account and mentioned during the collection of anamnesis.

    These are symptoms such as:

    1. An intermittent cough, which at an early stage may appear only occasionally and not cause much concern. As the disease progresses, the cough usually gets worse, getting deeper. If the patient at the same time expectorates sputum with purulent contents, then this is a reason to suspect he has pneumosclerosis.
    2. Cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes, as a result of insufficient saturation of the body with oxygen.
    3. Shortness of breath, which occurs at first only during physical exertion, and then in a calm state.
    4. Changing the shape of the fingertips, which become similar to drumsticks.
    5. A sharp decrease in body weight.
    6. Soreness in the chest.
    7. Decreased performance, weakness, deterioration of well-being.
    8. Deformation of the chest with a displacement of the heart in the direction where the lesion occurred.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    The diagnosis of pneumosclerosis can be established using an X-ray examination of the patient, computed tomography of the lungs, bronchography, spirometry.

    A medical examination, listening to the lungs, collecting an anamnesis and patient complaints, identifying the presence of concomitant diseases or exposure to external factors is also necessary. adverse factors such as ionizing radiation.

    Medical treatment

    Therapy of this pathology directly depends on how pronounced it is, as well as on the characteristics of the course of the disease. With absence severe symptoms, indicating severe damage to the lung tissue, there is no need for active drug treatment.

    With the development of pneumosclerosis along with pneumonia, it is required to stop the inflammation with the help of antibiotic drugs that expectorate medicines, bronchodilators. With a combination of pneumosclerosis with heart failure, treatment is carried out with the help of drugs containing potassium, glucocorticoids, cardiac glycosides.

    In the absence of complications, the therapy of the disease occurs on an outpatient basis under the supervision of the attending pulmonologist. But in the case of a severe course of pneumosclerosis, it is advisable to hospitalize the patient, who must be under the constant supervision of specialists.

    If deep fibrosis or cirrhosis has been established respiratory organ, then it is possible to implement surgical intervention followed by resection of affected areas.

    It is very useful to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, oxygen therapy to compensate for oxygen deficiency, physiotherapy exercises and massages along with medical treatment.

    Pneumosclerosis in most cases is a concomitant disease, therefore, in order to be cured of it, it is required to eliminate the symptoms of the underlying pathology, which is its source.

    How to treat with stem cells?

    This method of therapy is innovative and modern. The uniqueness of stem cells lies in their ability to regenerate into other cells that make up healthy organs and tissues of the human body.

    Stem cells are administered by intravenous injection. Moving through the blood vessels along with the blood, they penetrate into diseased organs and contribute to the replacement of tissues damaged by the disease. The result of cell therapy is also the strengthening of immunity and the normalization of metabolism.

    If stem cell therapy was started on time, before the onset of the fibrotic process, then we can expect positive results for sure. The more healthy areas of tissue in the lungs, the more likely the success of stem cell treatment.

    Another indisputable advantage of this treatment method is absolute security. As a result of such treatment, the patient disappears shortness of breath, periodic cough and other symptoms of pneumosclerosis. And with re-diagnosis, the absence of pathological processes is confirmed.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of pneumosclerosis

    Traditional medicine is a method of treatment of many human diseases, proven by many years of experience and time. The expediency of using alternative medicine for the treatment of pneumosclerosis lies in the fact that a large number of its recipes are used to eliminate diseases of the respiratory apparatus, which are the source of pneumosclerosis.

    Commonly used decoctions and infusions medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

    The most common means:

    • aloe;
    • eucalyptus;
    • oat grains;
    • onion;
    • dried fruits;
    • thyme;
    • Birch buds;
    • chamomile;
    • succession;
    • sage;
    • licorice;
    • beet;
    • nettle, etc.

    Recipes for the treatment of pneumosclerosis:

    1. Eating onions boiled in milk.
    2. Alcohol tincture of nettle.
    3. Finely chopped onion boiled in sugar syrup.
    4. Dried fruits soaked in water.
    5. A decoction of oatmeal.
    6. An infusion of crushed eucalyptus leaves steeped in boiling water.
    7. Infusion of thyme, sage, chamomile and mint.
    8. Grated aloe leaves combined with honey, homemade wine.
    9. Infusion of oats, thyme, eucalyptus.
    10. Inhalations with decoctions based on pine buds, chamomile, sage, yarrow, thyme, licorice, mint, etc.

    Treatment with folk remedies cannot replace drug therapy. It is important to remember and use this alternative medicine solely as an aid therapeutic agent, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

    Required to comply preventive measures, strengthen the immune system, refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. Of great importance is a healthy, mobile lifestyle and proper balanced nutrition, which contributes to the saturation of the body with useful substances and vitamins.

    It is very important to treat existing colds, bronchitis, infectious and viral lesions respiratory tract. If necessary, work on harmful production It is recommended to use protective masks and respirators. And in case of suspicion of pneumosclerosis, it is better to change jobs.

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