Why does my right side hurt when I run. Possible diagnoses in women. Eating pre-workout

For everyone who has experienced these unpleasant sensations, a number of questions immediately arise: why does the side hurt when running, how to avoid it, and is it worth running in this case, overcoming the pain.

Depending on the nature of the pain, its localization and conditions of occurrence, several main causes can be distinguished:

  1. Poor warm-up, too intense load, low level of endurance.
  2. Rhythmic, rapid and shallow breathing.
  3. A recent or overly heavy breakfast.
  4. chronic diseases liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons and find out why the side hurts when running.

From a physiological point of view, there are two theories that explain this phenomenon. Most often, stabbing pain in the side appears in those people who did not warm up before starting the exercise or ate a heavy meal the day before.

Theory A - During the exercise, our blood, bypassing the diaphragm, is sent to the limbs.

Diaphragm is a muscle that separates the stomach and abdomen from the heart and lungs. This is one of the main muscles involved in breathing. Most scientists believe that pain occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply diaphragm, causing it to spasm.

Theory B - The stabbing pain is caused by the fluid our body produces for digestion. This leads to the fact that the intestine begins to pull the ligaments attached to the diaphragm.

A factor that also influences the occurrence side pain- poor development of the respiratory muscles, which does not provide proper expansion of the chest.

Side pain left and right:

Pain in the left side- associated with overflow of the spleen with blood (stretching of the splenic capsule).

Pain in the right side (hepatic pain syndrome)- associated with overflow of the liver with blood (stretching of the liver capsule).

1. Poor warm-up, too intense exercise, poor endurance

At rest, about 60-70% of the total blood volume circulates in the human body. The rest is deposited in organs and tissues: for example, in the spleen. With a sharp increase in load, reserve blood quickly enters the circulation. The liver increases in volume and presses on the liver capsule, equipped with huge amount nerve endings. As a result, there is pain in the right hypochondrium - the so-called hepatic pain syndrome.

This phenomenon is typical for healthy non-smokers With low level fitness (remember, school races: probably after the first lap around the stadium, the girls together grabbed their right side).

Sometimes the pain is in the left side - this is how the spleen reacts to a sharp increase in blood volume.

What to do

Firstly, be sure to warm up before running. The purpose of the warm-up is to gradually “warm up” the body: increase blood flow, prepare the muscles (including the muscles internal organs) to the load. If you neglect this rule, then a sharp release of blood into the vascular bed, and hence the pain syndrome, is provided to you.

Secondly, start with low loads and a short duration of training. In the first workouts, running can be only 10-15 minutes and this is quite normal. With a gradual increase in stamina, side pain will stop bothering you.

Thirdly, immediately when pain occurs, slow down or take a step ( just don’t stop abruptly!), relax your shoulders and arms, do a few torso bends and breathe deeply.

Press with three fingers on the area where the pain is the most, and keep until it stops; or also massage with three fingers painful area. Often this is enough to let go of the pain.

2. Irregular, rapid and shallow breathing

Improper breathing can also cause pain. For example, if the diaphragmatic muscle does not receive enough oxygen, a spasm occurs and the person feels pain in the upper abdomen.

With superficial and frequent breathing diaphragmatic excursions are very small, so blood flow to the heart decreases and blood stagnates in the liver, increasing its volume. And then - all the same pain in the right side due to the pressure of the overflowing organ on the liver capsule.

What to do

From the very first seconds of running control your breathing- don't hold your breath.
When running body must be vertical because good posture is essential for full, deep breathing. Run at a pace that is comfortable for you

Breathe evenly on the count: two steps - inhale, two - exhale (you can inhale and exhale for 4 steps - this is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body and the pace of running). Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
If the pain is due to diaphragmatic spasm, do as much as possible deep breath, purse your lips and exhale as slowly as possible.

If the pain does not let go, you need to gradually stop and relax to calm the cramped muscles. Then try to forcefully draw in the stomach to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles. At the same time, take several strong breaths through the nose.

3. Recent or too heavy breakfast

Immediately after eating, the body throws all its strength into its digestion. The stomach is enlarged in volume, working on fermentation and grinding. The liver is actively involved in the neutralization of toxins, its vessels are dilated.

The heavier the food, the more the gastrointestinal tract has to work. Forced running causes an additional rush of blood, increasing the already considerable volume of the organ. The result is the same - pain in the right side.

What to do

Firstly, have breakfast no later than 40 minutes before a run. If breakfast was heavy, then the time should be increased to 1-1.5 hours.

Secondly, do not eat too heavy food before training: fatty, fried, spicy, smoked. Give preference fermented milk products, light salads, boiled rice, cereal porridge.

Thirdly, vary the intensity of your workout. If you feel that the stomach is still working on the breakfast you eat, stop trying to run at full strength. Concentrate on this day on running technique, proper breathing. And leave the intense run until the next time.

4. Chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas

In all three of the above reasons, it was about pain in the side that occurs in healthy, but untrained people. But the side when running can also hurt in case of diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder.

So, for example, with hepatitis (including chronic B and C), the liver is enlarged. At cholelithiasis stones can block the ducts of the gallbladder.

With a low lithogenicity (viscosity) of bile, there is also pain, since such bile does not drain well and can cause inflammation. With pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), there is an acute, girdle pain in the upper abdomen.

Such pains can disturb at rest, but during physical activity they intensify.

What to do

Before you start exercising consult a doctor. Do an ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity and make sure that you have no contraindications to classes. Try to stick healthy eating: eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals, steam or bake more. Fatty and fried foods have never done anyone any good.

If you feel pain already during exercise, smoothly move to a step, take a few deep breaths. Finish the workout smoothly, and after it, be sure to consult a doctor. And don't experiment with self-medication!

We hope that knowing why your side hurts when running will warn you against many mistakes and keep you healthy. The main thing is to be able to hear alarm bells of your body and eliminate their cause in a timely manner.

How to eliminate pain in the side on the go?

It is not recommended to stop if there is pain in the left side (spleen). Having extinguished the pain after stopping in 5-6 minutes, you will “find” it again on the run in 10-12 minutes. A more optimal method of dealing with pain on the go. If the pain is small, you can try to extinguish it by pressing the left elbow to the side. If the pain does not go away, proceed to a more difficult method.

If it was not possible to press the spleen from the outside, then press it "from the inside." Aperture! Without changing the rhythm of running, take two slow ventilating breaths, and then a slow deep breath. The diaphragm, going deep down, presses the spleen, and the pain begins to subside. Hold your breath while inhaling and continue to run without breathing for at least 6-8 seconds. The bigger, the better. No longer able to hold your breath, begin to exhale very slowly. Stirring the air in your lungs as you exhale will reduce the discomfort of a lack of oxygen and allow you to calmly complete a smooth exhalation.

The main thing is to “release” the pressed spleen very smoothly. Any small jolt of breath can derail the procedure and the pain returns. In this case, the whole cycle should be repeated from the beginning.

As a rule, beginners need 3-4 cycles to complete the procedure. With the advent of experience, one or two is enough. It should also be taken into account that for female body the effect of the procedure is somewhat reduced due to the presence of chest breathing, in contrast to abdominal breathing in men.

For pain in the right side (liver), this method is not so effective. However, you should not refuse it in this case.

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It happened to you that when running, it suddenly began to stab in your side, the pain intensified until you stopped training. Let's understand this problem and find ways to help fight side pain when running.

Most often, pain in the side when running appears in beginners, in people who are just starting to run and cannot choose the right load mode. Sometimes pain in the side when running becomes a problem for professional runners, and it does not matter what distances you run: long distances or short races. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the pleasure of running with such discomfort.

It is very important to learn how to prevent the appearance of pain, and when it appears, quickly eliminate discomfort.

Pain in the side when running can be temporary and present as short colic or contractions in the side. Experts call such pain – chart spasms. That is, the muscles that are between the chest and abdomen become the source of pain, the reason is not enough oxygen.

There are times when pain manifests itself from different sides. If the pain is in the left side, then this is due to the spleen overflowing with blood or poorly developed muscles, since the chest does not gain enough air. If the pain bothers in the right side, then the reason is the liver, which is overflowing with blood.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of pain in the side when running, because, knowing the cause and source, pain can be prevented and cured.

Pain in the side when running can manifest itself both on the left and on the right side.

Allocate the following reasons side pain when running

  • Pain on the left side - problems with the spleen.
  • Pain on the right side - problems with the liver.

The most common causes of side pain while running are:

A large load, an unprepared body, poor warm-up or lack of it

If the body is in calm state, there is no need for active blood circulation. Blood in a calm state is a reserve. The main part, which is located in the chest cavity and peritoneum, that is, the liver and spleen.

When we start running, that is, we increase the load on the body, the entire reserve goes into circulation in order to meet the needs of working muscles. The blood overflows the organs that are located in the abdominal cavity, the outflow simply does not keep up with the inflow. In other words, the liver and spleen swell from the constant rush of blood and put pressure on their membranes, which are completely penetrated nerve cells. This is what causes pain in the side when running.

  • Be sure to do a little warm-up before running, so you will help the body adapt, prepare the muscles for future work and increase blood flow, especially under stress.
  • If you are new to running, then start with short distances and a short workout. Gradually increase the load and time of classes.
  • As soon as the pain in the side when running makes itself felt, slowly reduce the pace, switch to a sports step. The only thing you can't do is stop abruptly.
  • Try to relax, you can do a couple of side bends and do not forget to breathe deeply.
  • Press 3 fingers on the area of ​​pain, this will help reduce discomfort.

Rapid, irregular, or irregular breathing

Breathing problems during exercise can cause pain. For example, if the diaphragm does not receive enough oxygen, then spasms begin, and you feel pain in your side.

  • Make it a rule to breathe evenly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Take a deep breath into all the lungs and slowly exhale.

A heavy meal before a workout.

As soon as you eat, the body gives all its strength to the digestion of food. The stomach is busy fermenting food, and the liver is involved in the neutralization of toxins. Please note that the heavier the food, the harder it is for the body to work. And add to this physical activity in the form of running, the result is pain in the side.

  • If you plan to run in the morning, try to have breakfast an hour before your run. If you had a hearty breakfast, then give the body time to digest the food, at least an hour or two.
  • Before training, you can not eat heavy food: fatty, fried, salty, spicy. Include light snacks in your diet, such as vegetable salad or porridge.
  • Keep track of the load during training, if you know that you ate a lot, you should not run at full strength. Better focus on running technique and proper breathing.

Diseased liver, pancreas or gallbladder.

With an inflamed pancreas, a girdle sharp pain pierces the side. With hepatitis, the liver is enlarged, and with gallbladder disease, the stones clog gallbladder. Such pains can occur even in a calm state, and during a run they only increase.

  • Before you start running, you should consult with your doctor and conduct an examination of the abdominal cavity. If there are no contraindications to active sports, then feel free to start running.
  • Stick to a healthy diet, avoid fried and fatty foods.

Knowing the cause of pain in the side when running, you can find a solution or completely eliminate the problem.

Side pain symptoms while running

We have already dealt with the causes of pain in the side when running, now is the time to consider the symptoms of pain in the side, which indicate that the pain is about to manifest itself.

Depending on the nature of the pain during running and the conditions in which it manifests itself, there are several symptoms:

  • Weak endurance of the body, unpreparedness for physical activity, bad workout, high level loads.
  • Breathing problems (you find it difficult to breathe while running, breathing is erratic, uneven).
  • Recent meal.
  • Chronic diseases that manifest themselves during physical exertion.

Pain when running occurs not only in those who have overweight and practices running for weight loss, but also among professional athletes who practice long-term loads.

Side pain after running

After running, pain occurs for the same reasons as during running. The most common cause of pain in the side after running is an abrupt cessation of training, that is, overload and a sharp stop. Do not test your body! If you plan to end your workout, then gradually move to a slow pace of running or a fast pace.

If pain in your side after running still occurs, then follow these recommendations:

  1. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, calm your breath. Try to relax your whole body.
  2. David Balboa, a psychotherapist at the Walking Center in New York, advises you to press your fingers on the area of ​​pain and remain in this position until the pain stops, to eliminate pain in the side after running.
  3. If pressing on the area of ​​pain does not help, then gently massage the side, help the spleen or liver to relax.
  4. Take a deep breath and exhale as long as possible through pursed lips.

Side pain after running occurs only in untrained people, so at the beginning of training, replace running with brisk walking. You will prepare your body, and over time, even with intense training, your body will not feel discomfort.

Treating side pain while running

Pain in the side when running, in an untrained body appears after 10-20 minutes of running. In people who are professionally involved in running, pain can occur in case of excessive training, when the last forces are squeezed out of the body and spasms and convulsions occur in the body.

Ways to treat pain in the side when running:

  1. If during the run it starts to hurt in the left side, that is, the spleen hurts, it is not recommended to stop. Since after you rest for a couple of minutes, the pain will again make itself felt. The best way treat side pain when running - press your left elbow to your side and slow down a little.
  2. Did the first method help? Take a deep breath, the lungs will take in a lot of air and put pressure on the internal organs. As you inhale, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds and keep running. As soon as you feel that there is no strength to hold your breath, exhale slowly.

For pain treatment to help, it is necessary to carry out 3-5 procedures. If the pain during running manifested itself in the right side, then the above treatment is not so effective, you will have to carry out several cycles of the procedures described below.

  • Take a deep breath and exhale, relax and calm down.
  • Slow down your pace, gradually step up, stop, bend over and touch your toes.
  • Wear a wide belt around your waist, as soon as the pain in your side makes itself felt, tighten the belt tighter.
  • Pull in your stomach well, this will increase muscle tone, take a couple of breaths through your nose.

Remember that all the above procedures should be carried out cyclically. You will notice how after a few workouts, pain in the side when running will not appear.

How to prevent pain in the side when running?

The best way to have a successful workout and not face pain in the side is pain prevention, that is, preventing it.

How to prevent side pain when running:

  1. Between training and eating should be at least two hours. Before training, do not drink a lot of fluids, as this can be the first cause of pain in the side.
  2. Don't skip your workout. Each of your workouts should begin with a full-fledged warm-up, which will warm up the muscles and evenly disperse the blood, that is, improve its circulation, without overflowing the internal organs with it.
  3. Running for weight loss or jogging must be carried out without torturing the body, that is, at a pleasant, optimal pace. Especially if you're just getting started with running.
  4. Another way to prevent side pain while running is to breathe deeply. This will increase the amplitude of the diagram and improve blood flow to the heart.

Pain in the side when running is a symptom of inexperienced runners and those who do not adhere to the rules of running. Take care of yourself and your body, remember that training will not be effective and productive if you are tormented by pain in your side.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University them. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Medicine"

Side pain is familiar to all novice runners. It's hard to ignore her. A natural question arises about its causes, and how it can be avoided. We understand.

Why does it hurt when running

Depending on the location, nature and conditions of occurrence, a number of main reasons can be determined:

  • Poor physical fitness and lack of stamina. That's why pain experienced mostly by beginners.
  • Poor workout. Sharp increase stress provokes an increased flow of blood to the internal organs. Having increased in volume, the liver begins to put pressure on the liver capsule, which has a large number of nerve endings. As a result of this, pain occurs, or, as doctors call it, “hepatic pain syndrome”.
  • Too heavy or recent breakfast. After eating, the body's forces are focused on its active digestion. The stomach and liver are involved in the process. The gastrointestinal tract works in an enhanced mode. Running contributes to an additional rush of blood, increasing the body even more. The result is pain in the side.
  • Superficial and frequent irregular breathing . In this case, the amplitude of the diaphragm decreases, as does the amount of oxygen supplied. There is spasm and pain.
  • Chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas. Previous causes of pain have been in healthy, untrained people. Diseases contribute to the growth of organs in additional loads and the appearance of pain.

What to do to prevent pain in the side when running

In order to avoid pain while running, you should remember the important rules:

  1. Warm up must be present before the run. Its purpose is to warm up the body, improve blood flow and prepare circulatory system to sudden bleeding. Sports loads should be only gradual.
  2. Breathe evenly at the pace that is most convenient. With pain caused by spasm of the diaphragm, it is necessary to take the deepest possible breath and exhale through the lips folded into a tube. If necessary, the exercise is repeated several times.
  3. If exercise on an empty stomach is not possible, then you can run no earlier than 30-40 minutes after a hearty meal. At the same time, fatty, spicy, smoked and fried foods should be avoided. It is preferable to limit yourself to salad, porridge or any fermented milk product.
  4. Before you start running, need to consult a doctor. This is especially true for those with chronic diseases.

Preparing for running classes, you should adjust the diet and sleep, work and rest. Smoking and alcohol are incompatible with in a healthy way life. You shouldn't start running when you're tired, stressed, or sleepy. morning run should begin no earlier than 40 minutes after waking up.

We do not climb into the jungle of diseases of internal organs, but open common causes pain in healthy children. And share exercises to relieve pain.

Well, just now the child felt great, ran - and in the next imaginary frame he is already holding on to his side and writhing. What is this pain from? What's this? How to deal with it?

I remember my school childhood well - my girlfriend scared me, saying that it was my spleen that hurt, it could burst if you didn’t stop. I frightened the physical education teacher in the same way, holding on to my right side, saying that “everything, I’m dying on the 3rd kilometer of the cross, my spleen will burst.”

The spleen is a pain in the left side, as it turned out now. The liver is pain in the right. And yes, the most important thing is that it will not burst.

Hepatic pain syndrome. While the child is at rest, part of the blood does not circulate through the bloodstream, but is in reserve. The bulk of the circulating blood is in the chest and abdominal cavity. During exercise, blood flow is redistributed in favor of working muscles. And if the muscles begin to work immediately, without warming up, then the breath and blood circulation (which ensure the work of the muscles) takes several minutes to develop. If children begin to rush headlong, without a warm-up, then blood from the reserve enters the bloodstream, but does not have time to quickly flow from the abdominal cavity. The liver and spleen begin to increase in size and put pressure on their capsules. The capsules have pain receptors - pain from here.

Muscle spasm. If there are no diseases of the internal organs that can cause pain during physical exertion, then the most common cause is the diaphragm, which helps to breathe, does not receive the right amount oxygen. Because of this, the diaphragm itself or the abdominal muscles under it spasm - tense and relax in jerks. And because of this, the child feels pain in the side - left or right.

Expansion of the bile ducts. If children start running immediately after eating, the liver capsule is overstretched (and the liver is involved in the digestion of food). If the food is in digestive tract, the vessels of the liver dilate. Expanding also bile ducts- bile begins to flow through them into the intestines.

Gases. Well, it just so happened - training and gases in gastrointestinal tract.

Note to Parents: Side Pain frequent sign physical overload. It is possible that the physical activity of the child needs to be reduced in principle. Also, this pain is from insufficient training. Gregory Landry, a pediatrician at the University of Wisconsin, recommends this: “A ten-year-old child who has just started running, for example, should not run more than 1.5-3 km per day or 8-10 km per week. Once he can run that distance without pain in his side, he can gradually increase the distance by 1.5-3 kilometers per week.”

The first and most important thing is the gradual loading, which should begin with a warm-up. Eli Glick, an American physiotherapist from Pennsylvania, recommends that the ideal warm-up should last at least 10 minutes. Basic exercises: dynamic breathing (hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale), squats and tilts - reach your feet with your fingers.

Second, and no less important, you can't eat too much. A full stomach increases the likelihood of spasm of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. You need to start training no earlier than 2-3 hours after eating. And don't drink a lot of water while exercising. 60-30 minutes before a workout or competition, you can eat either a handful of nuts with dried fruits (children's handful) or a carbohydrate bar.

Relieve pain syndrome

  • Slow down the pace. Take a step, gradually slowing it down until the pain subsides. Continuing to walk, breathe: hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale.
  • Breathing and stretching. If the pace is slowed down, but the pain remains, you need to stop and breathe, namely: first take 10 shallow breaths and exhalations. Then return to normal breathing. Then - breathe deeply: stretch your arms to the sides, straighten chest. Inhale-exhale. On the next breath behind the hands, you need to stretch up and slowly bend in different directions (hands up - inhale, tilt - exhale). Then stretch your arms forward, rounding your back. And again breathe slowly and deeply: hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale. Deep breathing allows you to accelerate the outflow of blood from the internal organs.
  • Find a toilet. It is possible that this is not a liver, not a spleen, not a diaphragm, not a muscle spasm, but gases in the gastrointestinal tract. Just send the child to the toilet.

And yet always be attentive to any pain manifestations.

Be sure to see a doctor if:

  • pain does not go away within an hour after exercise
  • pain does not stop after stool
  • if the temperature rises
  • the pain keeps coming back after a few weeks of training.
  • Do not give any medication on your own without a doctor's recommendation.

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An unpleasant, sharp and stabbing sensation is probably familiar to everyone who has run at least once. Why does the side hurt? What can give such an unbearable feeling? After all, sometimes such pain becomes so palpable that you have to stop to recover and restore breathing. At such moments, it begins to seem that some internal organ has failed and is about to burst.

Why pain starts

An unpleasant sensation in the right or left hypochondrium that occurs when walking or running fast is considered a natural condition for novice athletes. Discomfort can occur due to the fact that the blood in the internal organs, especially with improper dosing of the load, begins to circulate rapidly.

When the body is at rest, a certain amount of blood is in reserve, not actively participating in the circulation. When amplifying physical tension this volume, located mainly in the abdominal cavity, the body begins to use. Blood is expended to meet the growing needs of the muscular, pulmonary and other systems. It overflows the internal organs due to the fact that a huge inflow and a sharp outflow do not keep up with each other.

What hurts

First of all, the hematopoietic organs begin to suffer. If the right side under the rib hurts while running, then this indicates that the liver suffers from increased blood flow, because it is already a reservoir for blood.

Discomfort and pain may appear in the right hypochondrium after starting a run immediately after eating. In this case, the body, including in digestive process, greatly increases, filling with blood. Therefore, even light running or brisk walking provokes an even greater expansion. The increased volume of the organ begins to put pressure on its own shell, which brings an unpleasant prickly feeling.

A similar situation occurs when the left side hurts while running. Here, unpleasant sensations are created by an increase in blood volume in another hematopoietic organ - the spleen. It seems to swell, creating pressure on its shell-capsule, densely dotted with nerve endings. Just like when it occurs acute pain on the right side, it is they who give the signal to the brain that they have to work hard.

What does pain say

Most often, the resulting discomfort suggests that before playing sports, a person neglected a preliminary warm-up. In this case, the body was not ready for intensive blood flow and did not have time to produce a uniform redistribution of blood. This is precisely the reason why the side hurts when running. However, sometimes this can be a signal that these organs are not completely healthy, and therefore the intervention of a doctor is required.

How to prevent physiological discomfort

To avoid the appearance of acute stabbing pain, you need to follow only a few simple rules by experienced athletes.

Firstly, you should never start classes if you have not previously carried out a thorough warm-up. Several unhurried squats and tilts of the body in different directions, measured walking with a gradual increase in pace contribute to optimal redistribution and proper blood circulation in the hematopoietic organs. In addition, a well-conducted warm-up will help normalize blood circulation in the diaphragm and muscle tissues of the body. This point is especially important to consider in the running training program for beginners.

Secondly, you need to watch your breathing. Even and measured breathing will ensure the involvement of all the muscles of the diaphragm and eliminate fatigue during lessons.

Thirdly, if during running there are discomfort in the right or left hypochondrium, you must move to a quick step. After walking two hundred meters, you can return to running again. There is no need to set super-tasks here - you need to move towards the goal slowly and confidently. Regular workouts, a gradual increase in load and running to develop endurance will allow the body to adapt to the rapid redistribution of blood throughout all systems and organs.

How to start running

To make sports a real pleasure, especially on early stages, it is necessary to draw up a special training program on your own or with the help of a trainer. It is usually based on the physical fitness of the novice athlete and integrated approach in conducting classes. It takes into account the duration of walking, and the time of the race, and the number of repetitions. Even the training schedule can play a significant role.

Running training programs for beginners

Usually training programs are compiled on certain period time, which can be four or ten weeks of the training plan. At the same time, the training itself takes no more than thirty minutes and is carried out three to five times a week.

Such programs do not require a clear implementation of all points, they can be adjusted according to your needs. own body. For example, you can increase or decrease your jogging time while remembering to decrease or increase your walking time accordingly. However, do not change the duration of classes. It is also important to remember that the main thing here is the regularity of training.

Here is an example of the simplest training program for people with weak and medium physical training.

Week #1

Training Day

Duration of alternations running (min.) / walking, (min.)

Number of repetitions

Cooling walking time, min.

Total training time, min.

Week #2

Training Day

Warm-up walk time, min.

Number of repetitions

Cooling walking time, min.

Total training time, min.

Week #3

Training Day

Warm-up walk time, min.

Duration of alternations running (min.) / walking (min.) / running (min.)

Number of repetitions

Cooling walking time, min.

Total training time, min.

Week #4

Training Day

Warm-up walk time, min.

Duration of alternations running (min.) / walking (min.)

Number of repetitions

Cooling walking time, min.

Total training time, min.

After such a four-week training course, you can safely continue training, running several kilometers for 20-30 minutes a day. This program can fully prepare people with weak or average physical fitness for full-fledged jogging. There are other methods that involve more gentle steps, but they are designed for a longer period and can be carried out within ten weeks.

How to run correctly

Running technique, especially at the initial stages of training, in no case provides for abrupt starts. Novice athletes, especially people accustomed to a "sedentary" lifestyle, need to start training with long walks. When you can move briskly for an hour without feeling any discomfort, you can start short runs, alternating them with brisk walking. This will increase the body's endurance during physical exertion.

Influence of technology

How to run correctly in order to reduce the load on the muscles, joints and internal organs, because when the foot contacts the ground, the whole body gets a shake? As a result of such shocks, not only the ankles suffer, hip joint and the spine, but also the main human systems. To reduce the likely load, special running techniques have been developed. Each of them is used by experienced athletes in various training conditions. However, for a beginner, it is much more important to listen to own body, here it is impossible to thoughtlessly increase the load. Only a competent and rational approach will achieve good results in development various techniques without the appearance of questions like: “Why does my side hurt while running? What to do?"

How else can you get rid of the appearance of unpleasant colic

Even if you follow all the basic rules and recommendations, but unpleasant pain still occurs during a run, it is necessary not only to reduce the pace, but also to take very deep exhalations. According to the observations made by many athletes, it is desirable to exhale so that each one coincides with the touch of the treadmill with the foot, opposite side pain. Thus, if the left side hurts while running, exhalation should be done at the moment of touching right foot about the earth. However, this does not mean that you need to breathe very often. This can be done after one or two steps, the main thing is that the moment of exhalation coincides with the contact of the leg and the ground.

This is explained by the fact that at the moment of exhalation, the muscles of the diaphragm are involved. As a result of kicking the foot on the ground, a push passes through the whole body, which affects all the main muscle tissues, including the working muscles of the diaphragm. This impulse can cause additional lateral contractions, during which the affected organ will receive a little rest, and the pain will pass.

Rescue slopes

Another effective way relieving pain are tilts. Performance simple exercises to relieve spasms and stretch contracted muscles will provide good effect. For example, such actions: stop and make slow forward bends several times. Or pick up first right hand, lean to the left and stay in this position for a few seconds, and then do the same exercise, but with an inclination to the other side.

Certainly, the appearance of any discomfort during sports does not allow you to get proper satisfaction. What should be changed in the process of training so that the question of why and why the side hurts when running does not arise anymore? Experienced Athletes advise on this:

  • Do not run when you are stressed, tired, or immediately after eating.
  • Morning jogging should take place no earlier than thirty minutes after waking up, so that the body can fully wake up and begin full-fledged vigorous activity.
  • Most tangible effect from playing sports occurs after training in nature. If classes are held with the aim of developing endurance, then it is desirable to use a variable pace of running while maintaining the rhythm of breathing. At the same time, strive to increase the length of the distances.
  • So that during classes there is no question: “Why does my side hurt when running?”, A full warm-up should be carried out before them. Here it is better to use exercises for the main muscle groups. They are the basis of a complete and effective workout.
  • It is important to remember here that running is not a power load at all, nevertheless, jogging to exhaustion can take a lot of strength, so excessive evening loads are undesirable.

In conclusion

Every person who has no contraindications to physical activity can easily allocate time and find an opportunity for sports. With an adequate and competent approach to the implementation exercise You can make an incredible contribution to maintaining your health, beauty and youth. Good luck with your training!

This is an unpleasant and even frightening feeling for all novice runners, students in physical education classes while jogging, and even people who occasionally run only a few meters, for example, when trying to catch a bus. If you, too, have experienced this phenomenon - do not panic, everything is fine with you! Feeling discomfort in the side in the first stages of training is absolutely normal phenomenon. Below we will answer the most frequently asked questions: why does the side hurt when running, how to prevent it and what to do if it suddenly happened?

Why does my left side hurt while running?

When we are not engaged in physical activity in our body, only 60% of the total blood supply is involved in the circulation process, while the rest is concentrated in the abdominal and chest area. In moments of sudden physical exertion, in order to satisfy the increased needs of contracting muscles, a part of the blood is rapidly rushing into the bloodstream. It does not have time to be redistributed throughout the body and rapidly enters the abdominal organs, which begin to fill with it and, due to this, increase in volume. Each organ of the abdominal region is surrounded by muscle fibers that form a kind of shell, or as it is also called a capsule, and in it, in turn, many nerve endings are concentrated. When any of the organs increases, it presses on the surrounding muscle membrane, thereby touching nerve endings which is the cause of the pain.

In the left side of the abdomen, under the ribs, we have the spleen and, therefore, when it enlarges, we feel a sudden stabbing pain in the left side.

Why does my right side hurt when running?

In the right part of the abdomen, under the ribs, we have the liver, the increase of which, by analogy with the spleen, is the cause of our torment. These phenomena occur in healthy, non-smokers, with a low level of endurance people.

Also, the cause of an acute unpleasant feeling in this area can be eating shortly before playing sports. After we have eaten, our body begins to actively digest the food that has entered it. The liver plays an important role in this process, as a result of which it is filled with blood and enlarges. Therefore, even a slight activity provides, albeit a small, additional blood flow to the already rather big liver, making it even larger. As a result, we feel pain in the right side.

Wrong breathing

Another reason for the appearance of unpleasant pain during jogging is wrong breathing. If you take in a small amount of air when you inhale and, consequently, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the diaphragm, a spasm occurs, which is the cause of the unpleasant sensations.

Also, with confused and shallow breathing, our diaphragm fluctuates with a small amplitude, which can lead to a decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the heart, it lingers in the liver, thereby increasing its volume.

How to avoid pain in the side when running?

  • Eat at least 1-2 hours before your workout. Also, do not eat food that is heavy for the stomach (fatty, fried, smoked) shortly before sports, the digestion of which can take a long time. If at some point you feel that your stomach is still working, then you should reduce the intensity and run at a lower speed this time.
  • Before you start jogging, be sure to warm up for 10-15 minutes. Warm-up exercises will prepare the muscles and internal organs for the upcoming loads, thereby all the blood will smoothly penetrate into the blood circulation and be redistributed.
  • Gradually build up the pace. Start by walking, then gradually increase the speed until you reach the desired intensity.
  • You should also not bet on long time. Start with 15-20 minutes, then with each workout increase its duration by 5-10 minutes. Over time, you will become more resilient. unpleasant feeling will pass by itself.
  • When you run, try to breathe deeply and evenly. Try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • You should also not talk while jogging, this will take your breath away.
  • Watch your posture: a graceful straight back is the key not only to beauty, but also to proper breathing.
  • Train regularly - and your classes will bring you only positive emotions.

What to do if your side hurts while running?

  • First of all, you need to slow down and smoothly switch to walking. You should not stop abruptly, everything should be done smoothly and gradually.
  • Try to breathe slowly and deeply, so you will increase the outflow of blood from the organs.
  • While inhaling, pull in your stomach, this will make you a kind of internal massage and excess fluid slowly leave the liver or spleen (depending on which side you feel discomfort).
  • Lightly press your palm on the place of concentration of painful sensations and massage in a clockwise direction, this will also relieve the overflowing organ of excess fluid.

Serious causes of pain

running syndrome

Previously, we talked about pain in healthy, and not particularly trained people. But pain syndromes also occur in the presence of diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas or liver.

In a person with chronic diseases such as hepatitis, the liver is often enlarged and physical activity avoid pain in the right side of the abdomen.

Unwanted pain can also occur with gallstone disease.

If you suffer from pancreatitis, then you may experience sharp girdle pain in the upper abdomen.

These symptoms can be disturbing in everyday life, but during physical activity pain are greatly amplified.

If you felt sharp pain during a workout that does not go away after the recommended manipulations, as well as after the completion of a workout, you should immediately consult a doctor. Until this point, you should not repeat the training, this can further aggravate the existing situation.

“If you want to be healthy - run, if you want to be beautiful - run ...”, - didn’t they think so in Ancient Rome? In our age, overloaded with information and stress, violation of the laws of nature takes revenge on a person with a “bouquet” of various “diseases of civilization”. Jogging is one of the most accessible types of struggle with physical inactivity, and the rules of running are easy to master even for a beginner.

This sport does not require special expenses for expensive equipment or a trainer, but it allows a person to maintain great shape. But sometimes a novice runner is faced with various violations health while running. For example, after running a little, a person experiences discomfort while holding his side (right or left). Why do these unpleasant phenomena how dangerous they are and whether they can be overcome, let's try to figure it out together.

The reasons

Pain at the time of jogging is experienced not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes. Usually the pain can be located to the right or left of the diaphragm. Pain in the right hypochondrium most often gives the liver, and in the left side it usually signals pain in case of disorders in the spleen. The most common causes of such pain can be the following factors:

Let us consider in more detail the situations when it hurts in the side, and we will offer ways to eliminate them.

Weak stamina

Weak endurance is characteristic of people who do not exercise regularly. Factors that reduce immunity (ailments, injuries, stress, operations) also do not add strength.

In order for the body to adapt to physical activity, gradual and systematic exercises are necessary. Complaints that it hurts in the upper abdomen are often companions of irregular classes. So the body signals that its internal organs (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas) are full of blood and work in emergency mode.

Chronic ailments internal organs

If a person has chronic pathology internal organs, it can also signal itself with pain during exercise. Situations when runners have pain in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas or spleen during exercise can occur when the functions of these organs are impaired. It is easy to understand why running can provoke various pain manifestations of the abdominal organs.

During physical exertion, diseased and enlarged organs are subjected to excessive filling with blood, pressing and vibration. At the same time, the body has to work for two, which contributes to painful manifestations (bursting, colitis, pulling). For example, an enlarged liver (with hepatitis, cirrhosis), inflamed or clogged ducts of the gallbladder (with cholecystitis or dyskinesia), an inflamed pancreas (with pancreatitis) can hurt.

Wrong breathing

People with correct breathing able to run long distances without feeling tired. But if breathing is disturbed, this leads to a rapid onset of fatigue and pain in the upper abdomen. Incorrect breathing is considered too frequent, shallow or irregular, as well as breathing through the mouth.

When running, the lungs work hard, as they provide the body with increased gas exchange. But improper breathing causes the diaphragm to experience a lack of air, which leads to spasms of the diaphragmatic muscles. Spasm causes no blood flow to the enough to the heart, and stagnates in the liver. As a result, the hepatic capsule is overflowing with blood and signals pain in the side.

Not warming up enough or exercising too hard

In a calm state, not the entire volume of blood, but only a part of it (60-70%) actively circulates in the human body. The other part of the blood is in the "depot" and does not fill the bloodstream. Places of accumulation of blood in the body are hematopoietic organs (liver, spleen), abdominal and chest cavity. When running, the increased work of the muscles requires an additional amount of blood. The body begins to work in an intensive mode, and the blood from its "stores" is redistributed throughout the body. A large number of liquid blood under pressure "pumped" hematopoietic organs, acting on pain receptors and causing pain (hepatic pain syndrome). Many, for sure, are familiar with such pain from school races, when some of the runners left the race precisely because of pain in the side.

Jogging immediately after a heavy meal

Eating shortly before a run is also fraught with pain in the hypochondrium. The stomach filled with food increases in volume, doing the work of grinding and fermenting the food coma. At the same time, the liver is also involved in the process of digestion, and its vessels expand and fill with blood.

It is clear why a large amount of heavy food requires significant effort on the part of all organs. digestive system. Running further increases the load on the stomach and liver, contributing to their excessive blood supply, which provokes all the same pain in the side.

How to get rid of side pain

  • You can not stop abruptly while jogging, this will only increase the pain. It is better to slow down or switch to walking. In this case, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. These techniques slow down blood flow and reduce the load on internal organs.
  • Changing the rhythm of breathing also regulates blood circulation. Breathing should be calm, slow, without jerks and efforts. You can keep count to yourself and breathe in and out for every two or four counts. In this case, inhalation is done only through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. The blood flow after the normalization of breathing also slows down, and the outflow of excess blood from the liver and spleen leads to the cessation of pain.
  • good welcome is abdominal retraction. In this case, muscle contraction leads to compression of the internal organs, from which excess blood is squeezed out. To enhance the effect of muscle contraction, you can bend over to your toes several times.
  • With pain in the side, you need to find the places of greatest pain and press them with a duration of five to seven seconds several times.

What to do so that the pain does not recur

Of course, the pain during a run is alarming and does not allow you to get satisfaction. What needs to be changed in the training regimen so that this does not happen again?

According to the advice of experienced athletes, in order to avoid the recurrence of pain while running, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should not start running in moments of stress, fatigue, after overeating or bad sleep. Otherwise, it will lead to discomfort and loss healing effect.
  • morning run it is better to start 30-40 minutes after sleep, otherwise there is a sharp transition of the body into a period of activity and the failure of all metabolic processes. If preference is given to an evening jog, then at least 12 hours should pass after a busy working day.
  • Running for health or weight maintenance is best done in nature. Such activities should be regular and bring pleasure. If the goal of jogging is to develop endurance, then you should follow these recommendations: try to breathe rhythmically (inhale four steps, exhale four steps), use a variable pace (5 minutes of slow running alternated with 5 minutes of fast), achieve gradual increase distance lengths.
  • Compulsory training warm-up for running. As a warm-up, a set of exercises (about 15-20 minutes) for the main muscle groups is usually used. This most often includes tilts and turns of the shoulder girdle and torso, circular rotations of the arms, swings, lunges, jumps, breathing exercises. Warm up cooking nervous system and the muscles of the runner to the load, serving as a prevention of various complaints that "colitis somewhere on the side" during exercise.
  • Running is not a power load, and you need to run skillfully. Jogging to the point of exhaustion will take a lot of strength and energy needed to labor day. For many people, excessive evening stress is undesirable, as it can lead to sleep disturbances.

Each of us, who is not contraindicated in physical activity, may well find an opportunity and time to invest in our future health. Using a competent approach to physical activity, you can get a lot of benefits for your body, preserving youth, health and visual attractiveness for a long time.

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