Why does the side begin to hurt when running. Frequent use of alcohol. Why does it hurt in the side of experienced athletes

We think that at least once each of us has encountered this trouble: here you are running, contented and happy, admiring the landscape, when suddenly a sharp pain pierces your right or left side.

The main thing to know is that pain under the right or left ribs while running - this is in most cases a natural sensation so don't think that something is wrong with you!

So why do you get colitis in your side when running? And are the causes different, does pain arise in the right or left?

Why pricks during: reasons

The explanations why when you run, the right or left side hurts, are quite simple:

In right and left

So, why does it hurt in the right or left side during or after running? If during a fast walk or run you feel a stabbing pain, then know that if you prick while running right side is liver, and if it hurts left side - spleen.

When the body is not subjected to stress, part of the blood is in reserve and does not circulate through the blood vessels. The main volume of circulating blood falls on the chest and abdominal cavities. Physical activity causes a redistribution of blood flow in the body in favor of working muscles. However, it should be noted that, unlike muscles, which are ready to start working immediately, the autonomic functions that ensure their work (such as blood circulation and respiration) require some time to “run in”.

When other motivation no longer works 🙂

In the case of heavy loads without a preliminary warm-up, the “reserve” blood begins to flow into the bloodstream, while not having time to quickly flow from the liver and spleen. Reserve blood is the blood that is deposited in the lower extremities, i.e. the body distills as much blood as it needs at a given moment to meet its needs, and deposited blood is mobilized only as needed.

Consequently, blood fills the abdominal organs, increasing their size and creating pressure on the membranes. Pain receptors are located in the membranes, which signal stabbing pain.

The pain begins in the chest at the level of the heart, but on the right side - this sensation appears with intense exertion, is localized in the lower part of the chest on the right or left, and immediately disappears when the person slows down or stops. She is tied up with excessively strong tension of the ligaments of the liver and a sharp change in the blood supply to the internal organs. It does not carry any danger, and does not require treatment.

There is also an option that your abdominal muscles are not flexible enough, the increased tension will be transferred to the diaphragm, pulling on the ligaments that attach it to the skeleton, which, in turn, will lead to tingling in the side and spasms in the peritoneum.

If you get a pain in your side, know that you will either have to slow down your run significantly, or stop it altogether and it is best to train your abdominal muscles. Articles will help you with this: and.

If it starts to prick during a long run, then most likely it is spasm of the diaphragm due to shallow breathing. Then you need to learn how to breathe depending on the speed of running: either 3-2 (three steps - inhale, two steps - exhale), or 2-2. Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth. Try to exhale sharply and all the way to the end, so that on inhalation, part of the air itself is poured into the lungs, without effort.

When running, it can also hurt on the left between 5-6 ribs after prolonged physical exertion. Or give it to the shoulder. This is most likely myalgia. The source of pain in myalgia is a spasm that affects the muscles and provokes the clamping of nerve endings.

A similar situation may arise due to a long stay in one position, diseases accompanied by infection (ARVI, influenza), inflammation or chronic nature, with chronic fatigue, stress, muscle strain and strain during physical activity, bruises, injuries, hypothermia, sciatica, inactivity, etc.

How to run correctly so as not to get sick

There is another interesting point in the international studies of sports medicine. It turned out that pain is more likely to occur on the side of the leg you land on when you exhale. For example, if you exhale, landing on your right foot, the pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, and if on the left, then in the left.

Therefore, try to train the synchronization of exhalation with landing on the opposite leg, this usually helps to eliminate bouts of lateral cramps.

If this is indeed a common sports cramp, the pain will pass quickly. But it is necessary to remember some serious diseases that can masquerade as this symptom:

  • If the pain in the left hypochondrium, despite all the measures taken, persists and spreads to the left arm and shoulder, this may be a symptom of a hidden angina pectoris.
  • Non-passing or increasing pain in the right hypochondrium or right iliac region is a sign appendicitis.
  • If the pain arose in the side, but began to radiate to the groin and back, it is quite possible that renal colic.
  • If the pain during training became more frequent and began to appear even at rest, this is a reason to consult a doctor, just as in all the situations described above, do not neglect this advice!
  • What to do so that it does not happen again

    So, you have learned why your side hurts when you run, now you need to understand how to do it in such a way as to avoid it! First of all, you need to strictly adhere to special rules. You should always start running with. You need to take it very seriously, carefully performing each exercise. Warming up helps warm up your muscles before a run, so you prepare them for a full load.

    Also a very important point is gradual progress of loads. For example, if a person has not been engaged for a long time, then fifteen minutes of running at an average speed will be enough for him. If you gradually increase the load, then after ten or twenty workouts, the pain in the side will completely disappear.

    And the most important rule: you can’t run with pain in your side, you need to stop and try to eliminate it. There will be no benefit from such a run, but there is more than enough harm.

“If you want to be healthy - run, if you want to be beautiful - run ...”, - wasn’t it considered in Ancient Rome? In our age, overloaded with information and stress, violation of the laws of nature takes revenge on a person with a “bouquet” of various “diseases of civilization”. Jogging is one of the most accessible types of struggle with physical inactivity, and the rules of running are easy to master even for a beginner.

This sport does not require special expenses for expensive equipment or a trainer, but it allows a person to maintain an excellent shape. But sometimes a novice runner faces various health problems while running. For example, after running a little, a person experiences discomfort while holding his side (right or left). Why these unpleasant phenomena occur, how dangerous they are and whether they can be overcome, let's try to figure it out together.

The reasons

Pain at the time of jogging is experienced not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes. Usually the pain can be located to the right or left of the diaphragm. Pain in the right hypochondrium most often gives the liver, and in the left side it usually signals pain in case of disorders in the spleen. The most common causes of such pain can be the following factors:

Let us consider in more detail the situations when it hurts in the side, and we will offer ways to eliminate them.

Weak stamina

Weak endurance is characteristic of people who do not exercise regularly. Factors that reduce immunity (ailments, injuries, stress, operations) also do not add strength.

In order for the body to adapt to physical activity, gradual and systematic exercises are necessary. Complaints that it hurts in the upper abdomen are often companions of irregular classes. So the body signals that its internal organs (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas) are full of blood and work in emergency mode.

Chronic diseases of the internal organs

If a person has a chronic pathology of internal organs, this can also signal itself with pain during exercise. Situations when runners have pain in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas or spleen during exercise can occur when the functions of these organs are impaired. It is easy to understand why running can provoke various pain manifestations of the abdominal organs.

During physical exertion, diseased and enlarged organs are subjected to excessive filling with blood, pressing and vibration. At the same time, the body has to work for two, which contributes to painful manifestations (bursting, colitis, pulling). For example, an enlarged liver (with hepatitis, cirrhosis), inflamed or clogged ducts of the gallbladder (with cholecystitis or dyskinesia), an inflamed pancreas (with pancreatitis) can hurt.

Wrong breathing

People with proper breathing are able to run long distances without feeling tired. But if breathing is disturbed, this leads to a rapid onset of fatigue and pain in the upper abdomen. Incorrect breathing is considered too frequent, shallow or irregular, as well as breathing through the mouth.

When running, the lungs work hard, as they provide the body with increased gas exchange. But improper breathing causes the diaphragm to experience a lack of air, which leads to spasms of the diaphragmatic muscles. With a spasm, the blood does not flow in sufficient quantities to the heart, but stagnates in the liver. As a result, the hepatic capsule is overflowing with blood and signals pain in the side.

Not warming up enough or exercising too hard

In a calm state, not the entire volume of blood, but only a part of it (60-70%) actively circulates in the human body. The other part of the blood is in the "depot" and does not fill the bloodstream. Places of accumulation of blood in the body are hematopoietic organs (liver, spleen), abdominal and chest cavities. When running, the increased work of the muscles requires an additional amount of blood. The body begins to work in an intensive mode, and the blood from its "stores" is redistributed throughout the body. A large amount of liquid blood under pressure is "pumped" by the hematopoietic organs, acting on pain receptors and causing pain (hepatic pain syndrome). Many, for sure, are familiar with such pain from school races, when some of the runners left the race precisely because of pain in the side.

Jogging immediately after a heavy meal

Eating shortly before a run is also fraught with pain in the hypochondrium. The stomach filled with food increases in volume, doing the work of grinding and fermenting the food coma. At the same time, the liver is also involved in the process of digestion, and its vessels expand and fill with blood.

It is clear why a large amount of heavy food requires significant effort on the part of all organs of the digestive system. Running further increases the load on the stomach and liver, contributing to their excessive blood supply, which provokes all the same pain in the side.

How to get rid of side pain

  • You can not stop abruptly while jogging, this will only increase the pain. It is better to slow down or switch to walking. In this case, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. These techniques slow down blood flow and reduce the load on internal organs.
  • Changing the rhythm of breathing also regulates blood circulation. Breathing should be calm, slow, without jerks and efforts. You can keep count to yourself and breathe in and out for every two or four counts. In this case, inhalation is done only through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. The blood flow after the normalization of breathing also slows down, and the outflow of excess blood from the liver and spleen leads to the cessation of pain.
  • A good technique is to draw in the abdomen. In this case, muscle contraction leads to compression of the internal organs, from which excess blood is squeezed out. To enhance the effect of muscle contraction, you can bend over to your toes several times.
  • With pain in the side, you need to find the places of greatest pain and press them with a duration of five to seven seconds several times.

What to do so that the pain does not recur

Of course, the pain during a run is alarming and does not allow you to get satisfaction. What needs to be changed in the training regimen so that this does not happen again?

According to the advice of experienced athletes, in order to avoid the recurrence of pain while running, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should not start running in moments of stress, fatigue, after overeating or poor sleep. Otherwise, it will lead to discomfort and loss of healing effect.
  • Morning jogging is better to start 30-40 minutes after sleep, otherwise there is a sharp transition of the body into a period of activity and the failure of all metabolic processes. If preference is given to an evening jog, then at least 12 hours should pass after a busy working day.
  • Running for health or weight maintenance is best done in nature. Such activities should be regular and bring pleasure. If the goal of jogging is to develop endurance, then you should follow these recommendations: try to breathe rhythmically (inhale four steps, exhale four steps), use a variable pace (alternate 5 minutes of slow running with 5 minutes of fast), achieve a gradual increase in the length of distances.
  • A warm-up is a must before running. As a warm-up, a set of exercises (about 15-20 minutes) for the main muscle groups is usually used. This most often includes tilts and turns of the shoulder girdle and torso, circular rotations of the arms, swings, lunges, jumps, and breathing exercises. The warm-up prepares the nervous system and muscles of the runner for the load, serving as a prevention of various complaints that “colitis somewhere on the side” during exercise.
  • Running is not a power load, and you need to run skillfully. Jogging to the point of exhaustion will take a lot of strength and energy needed for a working day. For many people, excessive evening stress is undesirable, as it can lead to sleep disturbances.

Each of us, who is not contraindicated in physical activity, may well find an opportunity and time to invest in our future health. Using a competent approach to physical activity, you can get a lot of benefits for your body, preserving youth, health and visual attractiveness for a long time.

It happened to you that when running, it suddenly began to stab in your side, the pain intensified until you stopped training. Let's understand this problem and find ways to help fight side pain when running.

Most often, pain in the side when running appears in beginners, in people who are just starting to run and cannot choose the right load mode. Sometimes pain in the side when running becomes a problem for professional runners, and it does not matter what distances you run: long distances or short races. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the pleasure of running with such discomfort.

It is very important to learn how to prevent the appearance of pain, and when it appears, quickly eliminate discomfort.

Pain in the side when running can be temporary and present as short colic or contractions in the side. Experts call such pain – chart spasms. That is, the muscles that are between the chest and abdomen become the source of pain, the reason is not enough oxygen.

There are times when pain manifests itself from different sides. If the pain is in the left side, then this is due to the spleen overflowing with blood or poorly developed muscles, since the chest does not gain enough air. If the pain bothers in the right side, then the reason is the liver, which is overflowing with blood.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of pain in the side when running, because, knowing the cause and source, pain can be prevented and cured.

Causes of pain in the side when running

Pain in the side when running can manifest itself both on the left and on the right side.

There are the following causes of pain in the side when running:

  • Pain on the left side - problems with the spleen.
  • Pain on the right side - problems with the liver.

The most common causes of side pain while running are:

A large load, an unprepared body, poor warm-up or lack of it

If the body is in a calm state, there is no need for active blood circulation. Blood in a calm state is a reserve. The main part, which is located in the chest cavity and peritoneum, that is, the liver and spleen.

When we start running, that is, we increase the load on the body, the entire reserve goes into circulation in order to meet the needs of working muscles. The blood overflows the organs that are located in the abdominal cavity, the outflow simply does not keep up with the inflow. In other words, the liver and spleen swell from the constant rush of blood and put pressure on their membranes, which are completely permeated with nerve cells. This is what causes pain in the side when running.

  • Be sure to do a little warm-up before running, so you will help the body adapt, prepare the muscles for the upcoming work and increase blood flow, especially under load.
  • If you are new to running, then start with short distances and a short workout. Gradually increase the load and time of classes.
  • As soon as the pain in the side when running makes itself felt, slowly reduce the pace, switch to a sports step. The only thing you can't do is stop abruptly.
  • Try to relax, you can do a couple of side bends and do not forget to breathe deeply.
  • Press 3 fingers on the area of ​​pain, this will help reduce discomfort.

Rapid, irregular, or irregular breathing

Breathing problems during exercise can cause pain. For example, if the diaphragm does not receive enough oxygen, then spasms begin, and you feel pain in your side.

  • Make it a rule to breathe evenly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Take a deep breath into all the lungs and slowly exhale.

A heavy meal before a workout.

As soon as you eat, the body gives all its strength to the digestion of food. The stomach is busy fermenting food, and the liver is involved in the neutralization of toxins. Please note that the heavier the food, the harder it is for the body to work. And add to this physical activity in the form of running, the result is pain in the side.

  • If you plan to run in the morning, try to have breakfast an hour before your run. If you had a hearty breakfast, then give the body time to digest the food, at least an hour or two.
  • Before training, you can not eat heavy food: fatty, fried, salty, spicy. Include light snacks in your diet, such as vegetable salad or porridge.
  • Keep track of the load during training, if you know that you ate a lot, you should not run at full strength. Better focus on running technique and proper breathing.

Diseased liver, pancreas or gallbladder.

With an inflamed pancreas, a girdle sharp pain pierces the side. With hepatitis, the liver is enlarged, and with gallbladder disease, stones clog the gallbladder. Such pains can occur even in a calm state, and during a run they only increase.

  • Before you start running, you should consult with your doctor and conduct an examination of the abdominal cavity. If there are no contraindications to active sports, then feel free to start running.
  • Stick to a healthy diet, avoid fried and fatty foods.

Knowing the cause of pain in the side when running, you can find a solution or completely eliminate the problem.

Side pain symptoms while running

We have already dealt with the causes of pain in the side when running, now is the time to consider the symptoms of pain in the side, which indicate that the pain is about to manifest itself.

Depending on the nature of the pain during running and the conditions in which it manifests itself, there are several symptoms:

  • Weak endurance of the body, unpreparedness for physical exertion, poor warm-up, high level of exercise.
  • Breathing problems (you find it difficult to breathe while running, breathing is erratic, uneven).
  • Recent meal.
  • Chronic diseases that manifest themselves during physical exertion.

Pain when running occurs not only in those who are overweight and practice running for weight loss, but also in professional athletes who practice long-term loads.

Side pain after running

After running, pain occurs for the same reasons as during running. The most common cause of pain in the side after running is an abrupt cessation of training, that is, excessive load and a sharp stop. Do not test your body! If you plan to end your workout, then gradually move to a slow pace of running or a fast pace.

If pain in your side after running still occurs, then follow these recommendations:

  1. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, calm your breath. Try to relax your whole body.
  2. David Balboa, a psychotherapist at the Walking Center in New York, advises you to press your fingers on the area of ​​pain and remain in this position until the pain stops, to eliminate pain in the side after running.
  3. If pressing on the area of ​​pain does not help, then gently massage the side, help the spleen or liver to relax.
  4. Take a deep breath and exhale as long as possible through pursed lips.

Side pain after running occurs only in untrained people, so at the beginning of training, replace running with brisk walking. You will prepare your body, and over time, even with intense training, your body will not feel discomfort.

Treating side pain while running

Pain in the side when running, in an untrained body appears after 10-20 minutes of running. In people who are professionally involved in running, pain can occur in case of excessive training, when the last forces are squeezed out of the body and spasms and convulsions occur in the body.

Ways to treat pain in the side when running:

  1. If during the run it starts to hurt in the left side, that is, the spleen hurts, it is not recommended to stop. Since after you rest for a couple of minutes, the pain will again make itself felt. The best way to treat side pain while running is to press your left elbow to your side and slow down a little.
  2. Did the first method help? Take a deep breath, the lungs will take in a lot of air and put pressure on the internal organs. As you inhale, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds and keep running. As soon as you feel that there is no strength to hold your breath, exhale slowly.

For pain treatment to help, it is necessary to carry out 3-5 procedures. If the pain during running manifested itself in the right side, then the above treatment is not so effective, you will have to carry out several cycles of the procedures described below.

“If you want to be healthy - run, if you want to be beautiful - run ...”, - wasn’t it considered in Ancient Rome? In our age, overloaded with information and stress, violation of the laws of nature takes revenge on a person with a “bouquet” of various “diseases of civilization”. Jogging is one of the most accessible types of struggle with physical inactivity, and the rules of running are easy to master even for a beginner.

This sport does not require special expenses for expensive equipment or a trainer, but it allows a person to maintain an excellent shape. But sometimes a novice runner faces various health problems while running. For example, after running a little, a person experiences discomfort while holding his side (right or left). Why these unpleasant phenomena occur, how dangerous they are and whether they can be overcome, let's try to figure it out together.

The reasons

Pain at the time of jogging is experienced not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes. Usually the pain can be located to the right or left of the diaphragm. Pain in the right hypochondrium most often gives the liver, and in the left side it usually signals pain in case of disorders in the spleen. The most common causes of such pain can be the following factors:

  • weak endurance;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • improper breathing;
  • insufficient warm-up;
  • running immediately after eating;
  • too intense workout.

Let us consider in more detail the situations when it hurts in the side, and we will offer ways to eliminate them.

Weak stamina

Weak endurance is characteristic of people who do not exercise regularly. Factors that reduce immunity (ailments, injuries, stress, operations) also do not add strength.

In order for the body to adapt to physical activity, gradual and systematic exercises are necessary. Complaints that it hurts in the upper abdomen are often companions of irregular classes. So the body signals that its internal organs (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas) are full of blood and work in emergency mode.

Chronic diseases of the internal organs

If a person has a chronic pathology of internal organs, this can also signal itself with pain during exercise. Situations when runners have pain in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas or spleen during exercise can occur when the functions of these organs are impaired. It is easy to understand why running can provoke various pain manifestations of the abdominal organs.

During physical exertion, diseased and enlarged organs are subjected to excessive filling with blood, pressing and vibration. At the same time, the body has to work for two, which contributes to painful manifestations (bursting, colitis, pulling). For example, an enlarged liver (with hepatitis, cirrhosis), inflamed or clogged ducts of the gallbladder (with cholecystitis or dyskinesia), an inflamed pancreas (with pancreatitis) can hurt.

Wrong breathing

People with proper breathing are able to run long distances without feeling tired. But if breathing is disturbed, this leads to a rapid onset of fatigue and pain in the upper abdomen. Incorrect breathing is considered too frequent, shallow or irregular, as well as breathing through the mouth.

When running, the lungs work hard, as they provide the body with increased gas exchange. But improper breathing causes the diaphragm to experience a lack of air, which leads to spasms of the diaphragmatic muscles. With a spasm, the blood does not flow in sufficient quantities to the heart, but stagnates in the liver. As a result, the hepatic capsule is overflowing with blood and signals pain in the side.

Not warming up enough or exercising too hard

In a calm state, not the entire volume of blood, but only a part of it (60-70%) actively circulates in the human body. The other part of the blood is in the "depot" and does not fill the bloodstream. Places of accumulation of blood in the body are hematopoietic organs (liver, spleen), abdominal and chest cavities. When running, the increased work of the muscles requires an additional amount of blood. The body begins to work in an intensive mode, and the blood from its "stores" is redistributed throughout the body. A large amount of liquid blood under pressure is "pumped" by the hematopoietic organs, acting on pain receptors and causing pain (hepatic pain syndrome). Many, for sure, are familiar with such pain from school races, when some of the runners left the race precisely because of pain in the side.

Jogging immediately after a heavy meal

Eating shortly before a run is also fraught with pain in the hypochondrium. The stomach filled with food increases in volume, doing the work of grinding and fermenting the food coma. At the same time, the liver is also involved in the process of digestion, and its vessels expand and fill with blood.

It is clear why a large amount of heavy food requires significant effort on the part of all organs of the digestive system. Running further increases the load on the stomach and liver, contributing to their excessive blood supply, which provokes all the same pain in the side.

How to get rid of side pain

  • You can not stop abruptly while jogging, this will only increase the pain. It is better to slow down or switch to walking. In this case, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. These techniques slow down blood flow and reduce the load on internal organs.
  • Changing the rhythm of breathing also regulates blood circulation. Breathing should be calm, slow, without jerks and efforts. You can keep count to yourself and breathe in and out for every two or four counts. In this case, inhalation is done only through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. The blood flow after the normalization of breathing also slows down, and the outflow of excess blood from the liver and spleen leads to the cessation of pain.
  • A good technique is to draw in the abdomen. In this case, muscle contraction leads to compression of the internal organs, from which excess blood is squeezed out. To enhance the effect of muscle contraction, you can bend over to your toes several times.
  • With pain in the side, you need to find the places of greatest pain and press them with a duration of five to seven seconds several times.

What to do so that the pain does not recur

Of course, the pain during a run is alarming and does not allow you to get satisfaction. What needs to be changed in the training regimen so that this does not happen again?

According to the advice of experienced athletes, in order to avoid the recurrence of pain while running, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should not start running in moments of stress, fatigue, after overeating or poor sleep. Otherwise, it will lead to discomfort and loss of healing effect.
  • Morning jogging is better to start 30-40 minutes after sleep, otherwise there is a sharp transition of the body into a period of activity and the failure of all metabolic processes. If preference is given to an evening jog, then at least 12 hours should pass after a busy working day.
  • Running for health or weight maintenance is best done in nature. Such activities should be regular and bring pleasure. If the goal of jogging is to develop endurance, then you should follow these recommendations: try to breathe rhythmically (inhale four steps, exhale four steps), use a variable pace (alternate 5 minutes of slow running with 5 minutes of fast), achieve a gradual increase in the length of distances.

  • A warm-up is a must before running. As a warm-up, a set of exercises (about 15-20 minutes) for the main muscle groups is usually used. This most often includes tilts and turns of the shoulder girdle and torso, circular rotations of the arms, swings, lunges, jumps, and breathing exercises. The warm-up prepares the nervous system and muscles of the runner for the load, serving as a prevention of various complaints that “colitis somewhere on the side” during exercise.
  • Running is not a power load, and you need to run skillfully. Jogging to the point of exhaustion will take a lot of strength and energy needed for a working day. For many people, excessive evening stress is undesirable, as it can lead to sleep disturbances.

Each of us, who is not contraindicated in physical activity, may well find an opportunity and time to invest in our future health. Using a competent approach to physical activity, you can get a lot of benefits for your body, preserving youth, health and visual attractiveness for a long time.


Theories for the appearance of pain in the side:

There are two theories to explain this phenomenon. Most often, stabbing pain in the side appears in those people who did not warm up before starting the exercise or ate a heavy meal the day before.

Theory, A - During the exercise, our blood, bypassing the diaphragm, is sent to the limbs.

The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the stomach and abdomen from the heart and lungs. This is one of the main muscles involved in breathing. Most scientists believe that pain occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply to the diaphragm, which leads to its spasm.

Theory B - The stabbing pain is caused by the fluid our body produces for digestion. This leads to the fact that the intestine begins to pull the ligaments attached to the diaphragm.

A factor that also affects the occurrence of pain in the side is the weak development of the respiratory muscles, which does not provide proper expansion of the chest.

Side pain left and right:

Pain in the left side - associated with overflow of the spleen with blood (stretching of the splenic capsule).

Pain in the right side (hepatic pain syndrome) - associated with overflow of the liver with blood (stretching of the liver capsule).

How to prevent side pain?

  • Control your breathing from the very first seconds of your run. The main reason is the lack of oxygen in the blood, so never hold your breath and keep a close eye on it.
  • Breathe correctly for three or four counts (deep breath for 2 or 3 steps and a sharp exhalation for the last).
  • Breathe better with your belly.
  • The body should be vertical, as good posture is necessary for full deep breathing.
  • Never run immediately after eating, be sure to wait 2-3 hours.
  • Just drink a little during training. If you drink a lot of water at once, the water will inflate the intestines.
  • Before running, be sure to do a warm-up.
  • You need to run at a pace that is comfortable for you.

How to eliminate pain in the side?

Take a deep breath. After starting to rub the spasmed diaphragm, you need to inhale, then purse your lips and exhale the air for as long as possible. Take another breath and exhale again. Inhalation, followed by a deep exhalation, is an internal massage of the squeezed muscle.
Stop running completely and touch your toes.
Press with three fingers on the area where the pain is strongest and hold until it stops; or also massage the painful area with three fingers. Often this is enough to let go of the pain.
Stop and relax to soothe cramped muscles.
Breathe correctly for three to four counts (deep breath for 2 or 3 steps and a sharp exhalation for the last one)
Wear a wide elasticated belt around your waist. When pain appears in the side, tighten the belt tightly.
If you experience pain, try to pull your stomach in hard to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles. At the same time, take several strong breaths through the nose.


Causes of side pain

The whole difficulty is that it cannot be called a separate disease. These may be symptoms of some other problems in the body, or it may simply be an independent phenomenon in which there is nothing to worry about. Therefore, it is so important to understand the cause of your pain before continuing to run.

And the reasons may be the following:

  • long run;
  • Stagnation of blood in the liver;
  • Unstable and sudden loads, lack of warm-up;
  • A hearty meal the day before;
  • Health problems.

long run

Indeed, most often we feel such pain when we have been running for quite a long period of time. And this has its own explanation.

As you know, almost all major muscle groups are involved in running. But, besides this, other systems of the body are also involved in the process. Particularly respiratory.

Therefore, it is very important to breathe correctly during your runs.

It is important to take even breaths in and out so as not to delay the work of the lungs. At the same time, it is necessary to make them full, that is, inhale air into all the lungs and exhale completely.

At the same time, our diaphragm works together with the lungs: relaxing and tensing during exhalation and inhalation, respectively. If breathing is wrong, then her work gets lost. More specifically, with incomplete exhalation of air and a short inhalation, she does not have time to relax as it should. This means that it is under constant pressure.

Naturally, during a long run, our breathing gets lost over time, and inhalations-exhalations automatically become short, intermittent, incomplete. Because of this, there is discomfort - pain. Such resi are considered a direct reaction of the diaphragm. This is how she expresses her "dissatisfaction", as many experts believe. This cause is usually accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen.

Stagnation of blood in the liver

No matter how strange it may sound, but this is a completely understandable cause of pain while running. Again, with improper breathing, with short exhalations and incomplete inhalations, we do not supply enough oxygen to the body. And, as you know, it is his blood that spreads throughout the body, presenting the necessary "portions" to each organ. In such conditions, when the contractions of the diaphragm are critically small, the blood flow to this part of the body is reduced.

Consequently, the heart does not receive enough of its own, which means that the blood is forced to remain in the liver. Such stagnation causes an increase in the size of the organ. The liver literally presses on the liver capsule, which causes discomfort. This is usually the answer to the question why it is the right side that hurts when running. .

Unstable and abrupt loads, lack of warm-up

For example, if you run once a week and decide to recoup all six missed days. In this case, your body is not used to this kind of stress and, naturally, it is difficult for it to cope with them.

On the other hand, by depriving yourself and your body of a warm-up, you are not preparing the body directly for running. In the usual state, about 30% of the blood is in the organs, and without an appropriate warm-up before the main load, it remains there. With a sharp run, you make it “throw out” into the veins in a second, which creates pressure in different organs. Here the same liver suffers, causing hepatic pain syndrome (described above), as well as the spleen, which provokes pain in the left side.

Heavy meal the night before

As soon as you eat, your body begins to actively digest the food received. Naturally, all the forces "leave" in the stomach, along with a significant part of the blood. In such a situation, an increase in the organ is inevitable. And running right after lunch or breakfast causes even more blood flow. Consequently, the size of the stomach is made even larger, which causes pain in the right side.

Given the above, in order to avoid such discomfort, you should develop the right diet. Specifically, do not eat at least an hour before jogging. If the food is heavy and more fatty, then it is better to wait a little longer, if it is light, forty minutes is enough.

Just feel yourself: if there is a feeling that the food has already been digested, then you can safely go for a run, if there is heaviness, postpone your race for later.

Health problems

If in all previous situations the cause of pain is simply an untrained body or an unhealthy diet, then here we are talking about health problems, namely in the area of ​​the pancreas, bile and liver.

For example, those suffering from hepatitis of various types have an enlarged liver. And with cholelithiasis, an increase in the gallbladder is observed, since the stones clog its ducts or the bile itself can be very viscous. If the pancreas is inflamed, then it also causes pain, usually in the upper abdomen.

If you have any of these problems, you should consult your doctor before starting any kind of workout and jogging in particular. If you notice pain while running, being an experienced athlete, then you should contact a specialist with a body check for health problems.

Fighting methods

So, with pain in the side when running, we figured it out. But understanding the causes does not always eliminate the problem itself. Therefore, when you run, you need to know how to act in order to minimize pain or get rid of it altogether.

The following methods apply only to cases where such pains are not symptoms of serious diseases.

If the pain caught you right while running, you can do the following:

  1. Inhale and exhale completely, pushing all the air out of your chest. If necessary, repeat several times. This will help relax the diaphragm, which is often the cause of pain.
  2. Press the fingers of one hand on the most painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen. At the same time, hold the position until the pain subsides. You can also massage in this area.
  3. Adjust your breathing to the following mode: inhale for two counts and exhale for two counts. Or inhalation "occupying" three steps and the same exhalation.
  4. Pull in the stomach, thus activating the abdominal muscles. At the same time, inhale and exhale to the full chest, but through the nose.
  5. If it hurts a lot, then you should stop and take a breath. Let the muscles relax. A good way is to bend down with your body, reaching your toes with your hands. "Hang" in this state. Once the pain is gone, you can move on.

Proper preparation for running

As you know, the best method of dealing with something is to prevent the situation. Therefore, in order not to solve the problem on the go, you can simply prevent it.

And for this:

  • Immediately control your breathing. Take a full breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. At the same time, breathe better with your stomach, and your posture should be exactly in an upright position, that is, your back is straight.
  • Don't go for a run right after your meal. Wait until the food is digested. By the way, do not drink water immediately before running, as it inflates the intestines.
  • Don't run too fast. The pace of running should be comfortable specifically for you. Do not chase indicators and numbers.
  • Do a warm-up before your run. So you prepare your body, muscles and organs for the load.


Side pain is the most common problem for beginner runners. For everyone who has experienced these unpleasant sensations, a number of questions immediately arise: why does the side hurt when running, how to avoid it, and is it worth running in this case, overcoming the pain. Depending on the nature of the pain, its localization and conditions of occurrence, several main ones can be distinguished reasons:
1. Poor warm-up, too intense exercise, weak endurance level.
2. Irhythmic, frequent and shallow breathing.
3. Recent or overly heavy breakfast.
4. Chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons and find out why the side hurts when running.
1. Poor warm-up, too intense exercise, low endurance At rest, approximately 60-70% of the total blood volume circulates in the human body. The rest is deposited in organs and tissues: for example, in the spleen.
With a sharp increase in load, reserve blood quickly enters the circulation. The liver increases in volume and puts pressure on the hepatic capsule, equipped with a huge number of nerve endings. As a result, there is pain in the right hypochondrium - the so-called hepatic pain syndrome. This phenomenon is typical for healthy, non-smoking people with a low level of fitness (remember, school races: for sure, after the first lap around the stadium, the girls grabbed their right side together). Sometimes pain it happens in the left side - this is how the spleen reacts to a sharp increase in blood volume. What to do? First, be sure to warm up before jogging. The purpose of the warm-up is to gradually “warm up” the body: increase blood flow, prepare the muscles (including the muscles of the internal organs) for the load.
If you neglect this rule, then a sharp release of blood into the vascular bed, and hence the pain syndrome, is provided to you. Secondly, start with low loads and a short duration of training. In the first workouts, running can be only 10-15 minutes and this is quite normal.
With a gradual increase in endurance, pain in the side will stop bothering you. Thirdly, immediately when pain occurs, slow down or take a step (just don’t stop abruptly!), Relax your shoulders and arms, make a few torso bends and breathe deeply. Sometimes pressure with 3-4 fingers on the area of ​​pain can help.


This aching pain can make you stop even if you felt perfectly fine up to this second. Where does it come from and how to avoid it?

If you feel a stabbing pain in your right or left side while running or walking fast, know that this is pain in the capsule of the liver (if the pain is in the right side) or spleen (if the pain is in the left side). When a person is at rest, a certain part of the blood does not take an active part in the circulation and constitutes a "reserve". Its main part is concentrated in the abdominal and chest cavities. This reserve, in the event of physical exertion, is “taken into circulation” to meet the needs of working muscles. The blood begins to overflow the organs of the abdominal cavity, because due to certain physiological properties, its outflow “does not keep up” with a sharp inflow. The spleen and liver "swell" from the rush of blood and begin to put pressure on their membranes (capsules), permeated with nerve endings. So there is pain in the side when running.

Modern researchers have even come up with a term for this unpleasant sensation: transient abdominal pain. But, no matter what you call this pain, the main thing is to figure out how to overcome it, especially in competitions.

Researchers still do not have a definitive explanation for the cause of this pain. There are several general theories. It is one of the most common related to what we eat before we start physical exercises. And, in particular, with what types of exercises we do. And most often such pain is common in those who swim or run.

By the way: transient pain is not related to the weight and sex of the athlete. But, oddly enough, less is observed in older athletes.

The most important factor in the development of transient pain is the time when you last ate before a workout or start. There is also an opinion that transient pain is often caused by the use of fruit juices from the reconstituted concentrate and drinks such as Coca-Cola before the start. A more complex explanation, put forward by some researchers, is that when running or swimming, the diaphragm ligaments are stretched, which affect the internal organs, including the liver.

The constant jarring movements or stretching of the abdominal muscles of runners also spasm because, as a rule, they are used to exhaling on the left leg, and inhaling on the right. Rarely does the opposite happen. But what is characteristic: people who exhale on the left leg are less likely to suffer from transient pain.

How to avoid side pain?

  • It is better to digest all the food before the competition, do not run on a full stomach.
  • Try not to drink juice from concentrates and soda before training.
  • If the pain has seized, a slight stretching will help: do classic tilts to the sides with arms stretched alternately for 30 seconds.
  • Leaning forward also helps.
  • Don't stop, but slow down.

The source of information: Hellosport

Every athlete at least once in his life thought about why he had colitis in his side when running. There are many reasons for this discomfort. Therefore, experienced athletes recommend doing a little warm-up before jogging.

Why do they arise If there are unpleasant sensations in the side when walking or running, then the pain is localized in the liver or spleen. At rest, part of the blood is in place without circulation through the bloodstream. It is located in the reserve of the body. The main part of the circulating blood is located in the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

During sports loads in the human body, a redistribution of blood flow begins to occur in favor of the muscles loaded by physical exertion. In the event that a full physical load falls on the muscles without prior preparation, then a painful effect occurs. In this case, there is a violation of the vegetative functions that are responsible for the work of breathing and blood circulation. It takes a few minutes to fully complete. With excessive motor activity, the blood flow does not have time to flow from the organs in the abdominal cavity.

Recent large meal

Before training, you must follow the rules of nutrition. Even a small snack before starting a workout will 100% provide the athlete with a short-term or long-term pain syndrome. Therefore, at least two hours before training, it is strictly forbidden to consume any food. It is especially important not to consume high-calorie foods with a lot of fiber and fat. These foods are digested very slowly. They can irritate the mucous walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they negatively affect the human body during physical activity.

Poor stamina

In this case, the rule "Slower you go - you will continue." In order to get good stamina, you need to be patient. Experienced athletes recommend using a long and slow run. It is strictly forbidden to exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion. It is easier to use long tempo workouts than to run a marathon in the shortest possible time. Training should be daily. This specificity helps to get the desired endurance. Otherwise, a person may overstrain and no longer start running or other physical activities.

Bad workout

If an athlete has colitis in his right side, then such a manifestation signals a poor-quality warm-up. Warming up before a workout is very important. Before running, a person's muscles are not elastic. Therefore, they need to be warmed up and kneaded. It is important to consider that the warm-up should not be long. If it lasts more than twenty minutes, then a person may not have the strength left for the main run. The recommended duration should be no more than 5-10 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to start the warm-up with stretching. Many athletes begin to lunge and roll from foot to foot. It is generally accepted that such exercises help to warm up as much as possible. But in fact, they increase the likelihood of injury.

Wrong breathing

Properly chosen breathing helps to reduce the load on the cardiovascular system. It increases the access of oxygen to all organs of the body. At the same time, it helps to increase the effectiveness of the training process. It is worth considering that the respiratory process is individual for each person. To date, a large number of universal breathing techniques have been developed. It can be different when performing different physical exercises. While running, you should set the rhythm of breathing. Exhalation should be done at the moment when the position of the body contributes to the compression of the chest. Inhalation is produced at the time of expansion of the chest.

Lack of warm-up or excessively intense training, long running

Excessive physical activity adversely affects human health. Instead of a beneficial effect, the body can cause irreparable harm. Before starting a workout, you need to warm up. This will prevent unwanted injuries, muscle strains, and joint dislocations. Intensive training through strength does not form endurance, but, on the contrary, increases the load on the cardiovascular system. As a result, the athlete quickly gets tired. Long running provokes the occurrence of pain.

Proper preparation for running

How to relieve pain while running?

The left or right side can stab while running, even if all the necessary rules have been followed. The pain effect must always be eliminated. To eliminate pain, you need:

  • Change running to fast walking;
  • Restore breathing with deep breaths. Such breathing helps to normalize blood circulation. At the same time, the outflow of blood clots from the internal organs of a person is accelerated. They also include the liver and spleen, in which the pain syndrome is localized;
  • An effective method is considered to be the retraction of the abdomen to its limit. Under the created pressure of the abdominal muscles, the liver is pressed against the spine. With this procedure, excess blood clots are squeezed out of the organ;
  • To eliminate the pain effect, athletes produce 5-6 tilts to the toes. But if this method does not help and the stabbing syndrome does not go away, then it is necessary to press on the place of localization of pain with four fingers. The pressure must be kept until the pain is completely gone.

What can I do to prevent the pain from reoccurring?

Special rules must be followed:

  • Experienced athletes always start their run with a warm-up. It must be taken seriously, the exercises must be performed consistently. A properly performed warm-up can help warm up your muscles before a workout. With the help of exercises, the muscles are prepared for a full-fledged physical activity.
  • It is necessary to monitor the load control. For example, for beginners, the maximum volume will be a fifteen-minute run at an average speed. Over time, you can increase physical activity. After 10-20 workouts, the pain in the side will go away completely.
  • It is not recommended to run on a full stomach.
  • You need to watch your posture. A straight back is the key to the necessary deep breathing. In this case, the compression of the diaphragm is excluded.

Running with pain in the side is strictly prohibited! It is necessary to stop and eliminate the unpleasant sensation. Otherwise, the run will not bring benefits. This condition will only aggravate the health of the athlete.

Health problems

Incorrect preparation or improper running can lead to health problems. If the left side hurts, then the pain is localized in the spleen, if the right side - in the liver. As a result, the organs overflow with blood and increase in size. Because of the pain receptors in the capsules, an unpleasant sensation begins to arise.

Pain in the left side may indicate congenital diseases of the spleen. After the blood flow enters the organ, a person feels a strong sharp pain in the lower abdomen. Such pathologies are most often found in the female half of the population. Also, complications can cause abscesses, the formation of cysts, atrophy and an excessive increase in the size of the organ. While running with pain, a heart attack or volvulus of the spleen can occur.

In the right side, the pain syndrome can be localized in people suffering from hepatitis. Such patients have an enlarged liver. Health problems can occur in people with gallstone disease. The gallbladder in such people is enlarged. The stones begin to clog the ducts, and the bile becomes viscous. Running provokes the occurrence of acute pain. Running must be abandoned to people with. Otherwise, running will provoke the occurrence of side effects.

Sports running is very useful for the body. But this sport should be taken very seriously. Improper preparation or conduct of such a procedure can provoke health problems. Before training, it is recommended to warm up to increase muscle elasticity.

How to breathe correctly, running technique:

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