Medicinal properties of white lilac flowers. Useful properties and application. When to plant lilac? Spring or autumn

Lilac is used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

FLOWERS AND LEAVES have antipyretic, diaphoretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anticonvulsant, analgesic and diuretic properties.

In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures from flowers, lilac leaves are used for malaria, diarrhea, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, upper catarrhs. respiratory tract, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, sciatica, inflammation Bladder, flu.

with the flu, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and pneumonia, you can take an infusion of buds and lilac flowers: pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, insist for 30-40 minutes, filter and take 1 cup 3-4 times warm in a day.

In the WINTER period, when there are no flowers and leaves, you can use the terminal branches of lilacs to prepare a tincture according to the same recipe. They are also used in the treatment of whooping cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

A tincture of lilac flowers can be used to gargle with laryngitis: 50 g of flowers are infused in 100 ml of vodka for a week, then diluted boiled water in a ratio of 1:10.

AT rheumatism, deposition of salts in the joints, with heel spurs pour dried flowers with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, insist 8-10 days in a tightly sealed container. Take 30 drops 2-3 times a day and at the same time rub and make compresses from the same infusion on the affected areas.

With rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, you can also use another rubbing: 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves lilacs, 300 g of radish juice, 200 g of honey and 100 g of vodka insist for a day. Mix well and rub into sore spots.

FOR gout, rheumatism, salt deposits, articular arthritis traditional medicine recommends the following course of treatment. Lilac flowers are loosely poured into a half-liter bottle to the top, poured with 40% alcohol, insisted for 21 days in a dark place, then filtered. Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals for 3 months.

GRINDING WITH neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, myositis, bruises.
1 glass of flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days in a warm and dark place. Strain. Use for rubbing, compresses.

For inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and stones in the renal pelvis, folk medicine uses an infusion of lilac leaves: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed lilac leaves into 250 g of hot water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and infuse in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Then filter and squeeze. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the treatment can be repeated if necessary. You can spend 3-4 courses.

With cystitis, it is useful to drink 1 tablespoon of infusion of flowers 3-4 times a day. In the same case, you can apply tincture of lilac flowers 30 drops 3 times a day or tincture of leaves 20 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals

With diabetes, it is useful to take a decoction of lilac buds collected in early spring during the swelling period. Pour 20 g of dry crushed raw materials with 1 cup of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, then strain and bring to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

FRESH lilac leaves help well in the treatment of purulent wounds. To wash the wounds, you can use the infusion of the leaves of the plant. In this case, 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, brought to a boil and infused for 2-3 hours. Apply in strained form.

In dermatological practice, an infusion of lilac leaves is also used as lotions and washes for purulent ulcers. The ulcer must be well steamed into hot water, cover with thoroughly washed bark of lilac branches, bandage and change the bandage 4 times on the first day, and then 1 time per day.

AT uterine bleeding.
A decoction of lilac flowers helps with prolonged uterine bleeding, with heavy periods.

To restore visual acuity, you just need to take fresh lilac flowers and brew like regular tea. Let cool until room temperature. Gauze should be folded several times and applied to the eyes. Keep such a compress for five to ten minutes. The procedure should be repeated every evening.

FLOWERS of white lilac are brewed and drunk with noise in the head, stomach ulcer, shortness of breath.

With diarrhea, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, cough, whooping cough, leucorrhea. Pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes. Drink as tea 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.
Lilac has a pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory property, therefore it is used for women's diseases.
A decoction of lilac flowers in Japan is used for gonorrhea and other infections.

I first learned that lilac is a medicinal plant from a report I once read. The correspondent of one of the newspapers (I don't remember which one) wrote about milkmaids. Poor women had to rub their weary hands after work with tincture of lilac flowers. Without this remedy, their hands hurt so much that the milkmaids could not even sleep.

What is the medicinal lilac?

The question of which lilac is considered medicinal depends largely on the experience of a particular healer. Some use varieties common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) with white flowers, others take only species with the most simple flowers. Such selectivity does not mean at all that lilac is a dubious medicinal plant. On the contrary, there is a reason to understand what medicinal qualities possesses this or that form of this ornamental shrub. And take into account the recommendations of the most authoritative folk healers.

It is not necessary to describe what the common lilac looks like. Everyone knows her. But the fact that it contains a lot of active substances can be seen by looking at this greatly curtailed list: farnesol, essential oil and bitter glycoside syringin. In addition, lilac leaves contain vitamin C.

white lilac

In the wonderful reference book "Wild Medicinal Plants", prepared by the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (Minsk, 1967), it is written: "They use mainly white lilac, but they also use lilac."

lilac lilac

R.B. Akhmedov, who has tested the medicinal properties of many plants in practice, states:

Lilac has long been used by healers. And until now, only simple lilac is used for the preparation of medicines - pale lilac or a little darker, but not terry, not white - it is not suitable for medicinal purposes, just like odorless lilac (“Plants are your friends and enemies ").

However, among the recipes that are given in this book, with polyps of the stomach, it is recommended to take twigs (with leaves and flowers) of white lilacs.

For medicinal purposes, other types of lilacs are often used.

lilac leaves

Lilac leaves are best collected in the first half of summer. This is a wonderful medicinal cosmetic product. Here is what R.B. writes about them. Ahmedov:

By the way, during the war years, when there was not enough medicine, fresh crushed lilac leaves were tied to ulcers and wounds that did not heal for a long time - the result was noticeable after a few hours (“Plants are your friends and enemies”).

The same book gives a recipe for the preparation of a tincture for the treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs and throat:

Mix in equal parts crushed lilac leaves and St. John's wort. Fill two-thirds of a liter jar and pour 1 liter of vodka to the top (you can take a larger jar for convenience). Insist one week, strain. Take a tablespoon 2 times a day before meals.

Lilac leaves are applied to festering wounds. For washing wounds take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry lilac leaves (crushed), brew them with one glass of boiling water and leave for 2.5 - 3 hours.

In the 19th century, fresh lilac leaves were applied to the head for severe headaches (Cholovsky, 1882).

An aqueous infusion of lilac leaves is still used for malaria:

It has been experimentally established that water infusion leaves, as well as solutions of the alkaloid syringopicrin, have a detrimental effect on malarial plasmodia, and the infusion acts more actively (“Medicinal plants of Azerbaijan”, edited by Professor D. Huseynov, 1982).

Lilac flowers

Lilac flowers, infused with vodka or kerosene, treat joints. If they insist on vegetable oil, then they relieve or reduce pain in the muscles and with sciatica.

Alcoholic tincture of flowers is used in the treatment of rheumatism, salt deposits and arthritis (articular). To do this, take a jar, which is completely filled with lilac flowers. Fill it with vodka and insist 21 days (in the dark). After that, they filter. Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. This tincture also helps with heel spurs. For its treatment, take an alcohol tincture inside (30 drops 2 times a day before meals) and make compresses with it. This tincture (ingestion and rubbing) is used for sciatica.

Lilac flowers improve the condition of varicose veins. In the book of R.B. Akhmedov "Plants - your friends and enemies" is the following recipe:

Pour a full jar of flowers completely with vodka, insist for at least a month. Make lotions and compresses at night (do not rub!).

In addition, lilac flowers are brewed as a tea and drunk for diarrhea, malaria and "noise in the head."

Lilac sprigs (with flowers and leaves)

With polyps in the stomach, it is advised to use sprigs of white lilac:

Pour two sprigs of white lilac with flowers and leaves with two cups of boiling water, leave for 10-12 hours. Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. Drink for two months. Dry the branches with leaves and flowers for future use (R.B. Akhmedov “Plants are your friends and enemies”).


Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin ("Grass") has wonderful words:

There were people on earth, there were human diseases. But there was not a single tablet, not a single syringe, not a single ampoule on the globe. There were only herbs.

V.A. Soloukhin was interested in the use of medicinal plants, talked with traditional healers and paid attention to the topic of treatment folk ways very serious diseases.

Many plants save people. Pharmacologists study their properties in detail, medical practitioners are also sometimes forced to turn to traditional medicine. Yes, and many of us are not in vain interested in the advice of healers. However, we must not forget that the same plant heals some, and cripples others. In order not to worsen the state of health when using tinctures or other lilac preparations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Moreover, it is believed that this “plant has been little studied” (N.K. Kovaleva “Treatment with plants”). More precisely, until now the chemical composition of lilacs has not been studied enough, i.e. it cannot yet be safely recommended for widespread use. There are a number of really serious contraindications when using lilac preparations inside:

It is known, for example, that an infusion of lilac flowers is contraindicated in amenorrhea - long delay menstruation in women. Although lilac is used for some inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, it cannot be prescribed for chronic kidney failure, glomerulonephritis. Lilac will not bring benefits when atonic constipation. It must be remembered that lilac flowers in in large numbers poisonous, and it is better to use leaves, buds (R.B. Akhmedov “Plants are your friends and enemies”).

When treating with lilac flowers and leaves, it must be taken into account that they contain syringin glycoside. When it breaks down, dangerous hydrocyanic acid appears (in small quantities) that everyone has heard of. Perhaps you should not be greedy in search of flowers with five petals. Indeed, in order to fulfill a desire, it is enough to eat only one flower.

And here is a bouquet placed in a small room with an aesthetic or, supposedly, therapeutic purpose(aromatherapeutic), can affect the body in a negative way, causing headaches, dizziness, nausea, and so on.

This means that even the most medicinal plant may backfire if used incorrectly. Lilac flower tincture on vodka is one of the most popular and effective recipes that are used by the people. And it is about him, in particular - about his proper preparation and use, that will be discussed now.

Composition and properties of lilac

The spectrum of substances that were identified in the flowers of this shrub, when they laboratory research, extremely wide.

They have vitamins minerals, essential oils, phenoglycosides, phytoncides, farnesin, sinigrin, resins and so on. Healing effects from common lilac are easily explained by its unique biochemical composition.

Note! Scientific medicine is very skeptical about remedies made from lilacs, which are based on alternative medicine recipes. This happens due to high content in lilac flowers, syringin glycoside, which, during its decay, forms hydrocyanic acid which is quite toxic. Therefore, the decision to use this or that prescription remains solely with you, and the responsibility for the result of the treatment lies with you.

Despite this, many recipes, based on which preparations are made from the color of common lilac, have been used extremely widely in the past for various ailments, and continue to do so now.

They have the following basic properties:


As you know, with sweat the body not only loses moisture or cools down, but also brings out dozens of various toxic substances. In this regard, lilac flowers will have their positive influence.


This is really true: the substances contained in the color of the plant can very effectively tame the pain of various etiologies. This property was widely used back in the days when there were no powerful pharmaceutical painkillers.


By using lilac products inwardly or externally, you can protect yourself from infection, suppuration in places of cuts, the formation of abscesses, and so on. The antiseptic effect of lilac is quite pronounced.


With wet and dry types of cough, lilac has a positive effect on respiratory system, while thinning sputum (if necessary) and facilitating its removal.

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial

These properties are widely used in the treatment of many colds in adults, virtually guaranteeing maximum fast recovery and recuperation.

Lilac collection time and raw material procurement

As a rule, in folk recipes shrub flowers are used, which concentrate most of the useful for human body substances. Because in alternative medicine most often it is common lilac that is used, then it is customary to use purple flowers.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. This stage is extremely importance, because the quality useful tool it is possible to prepare only from high-quality raw materials. Lilac flowers are harvested in the very phase of their budding.

How it's done: branches with lilac inflorescences are carefully cut with a garden knife or secateurs, then they are tied into small bunches (3-5 branches each), hung in a dry, well-ventilated and not dusty place.

They dry from one to two weeks, depending on the conditions that have an effect on this moment time. The shelf life of finished dry raw materials (in glassware under lids or in special bags) is 1.5-2 years.

It is traditionally believed that lilac flowers are more useful. However, since they contain more syringin glycoside, white flowers are sometimes resorted to.

Lilac tincture on vodka - application that heals

It is alcohol (vodka) tincture - the most popular lilac remedy, used both internally and externally. It effectively helps to resist the appearance, or get rid of a number of certain ailments. Before using the product, you should buy it or prepare it yourself.

The second is more recommended, as it allows, subsequently, to use a quality product. But the tincture purchased from the hands cannot guarantee this, since you never know: by whom, under what conditions and by what technology the remedy was prepared, and also where the raw materials for it were collected.

By the way, about the collection of raw materials! Never take flowers that grow near highways, factories, and so on for home remedies. That is, raw materials should be collected exclusively in ecologically safe areas.

How to prepare tincture. To do this, you will need the flowers of the shrub, as well as (as far as possible) its leaves. Next - a recipe that is one of the most popular and, at the same time, effective, safe.

Flowers should be placed in a glass jar. Their weight (directly the weight of the raw material itself) is 95-100 grams.

Pour raw materials with 900 milliliters of alcohol, store-bought vodka, or homemade moonshine. After that, tightly cover the jar with an ordinary nylon lid, placing it in a dark and relatively cool place for a period of about 9-11 days.

After its expiration, it is not necessary to filter the product. But, it is already ready for use externally or internally.

Store it in the same conditions in which it was prepared. Shelf life: up to 1 year.

What does this alcohol tincture treat?

It will be useful in a number of cases:

With kidney diseases, including kidney stones.

With cough and pulmonary tuberculosis.

As an effective antipyretic.

In case of infection with malaria.

With ailments associated with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system.

For headaches, migraines.

With injuries, especially bruises.

With disorders in the work of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

With fungal, viral, bacterial (both acute and chronic type, ailments).

With arthritis and gout, as well as polyarthritis, rheumatism and even osteochondrosis.

By the way, if you have problems with musculoskeletal system(in particular, with joints), tincture of lilac flowers is really one of the best folk remedies that can compete even with traditional pharmaceutical modern drugs sold in pharmacies.

The use of tincture in different occasions may differ. In this way, the most pronounced positive effect can be achieved. Consider the most common cases (through the prism of variations of the above homemade recipe).

With kidney ailments. The ratio of the main ingredients is changing. So, for 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, you should take 50 grams of raw materials. Next, cook everything according to the recipe already given above. Apply it folk medicine you need 18-20 drops 2-3 times a day just before the meal. Course: 2-3 weeks.

With cardiovascular diseases. 500 milliliters of alcohol per half-liter, tightly packed, jar of lilacs. Prepare according to the same recipe. Apply for pain in the region of the heart, 1 teaspoonful, washing down the medicine with water.

With cough of various etiologies. 40 grams of lilac flowers (white), preferably fresh, pour "in glass" with a liter of alcohol and leave for 15 days in a dark place with low temperature air. Finished product you need to dilute with warm unsweetened tea: 20 milliliters per 200-250 milliliters of tea. Drink before bed. Course: up to one week.

With migraine and headaches of other etiologies. The classic recipe for tincture, the use is external. You will need cotton wool or clean gauze, which you just need to moisten in tincture, squeeze a little and wipe your forehead, temples. Use - as needed.

Throat diseases, including tonsillitis. A classic recipe for making vodka tincture is used, one and a half tablespoons of which are diluted in 90 milliliters of warm drinking water.

Then, with this solution, the throat is rinsed every 4 hours, until the desired effect is achieved. Along with this method of treating the throat, you can use the throat, which also has an excellent result for sore throats.

For dermatovenereological problems (do not use on mucous membranes!), as well as for bruises and small cuts. Apply externally. Tincture - prepared according to the classic (very first) recipe. It is necessary to make lotions on the affected areas of the body 6 times a day. The average course is about one week.

Lilac tincture on vodka and alcohol - application for joints

For the healing of the musculoskeletal system and, in particular, joints, tincture is one of the most the best options. Perfectly helps at night, used as a "rubbing".

With osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis

Here, rubbing with a tincture prepared according to classic recipe. To enhance the effect, you can add a few tablespoons of bee honey to it. Rub the affected areas 1-2 times a day. The course is up to 1 month.

After rubbing, do not expose the body to hypothermia. It is better to immediately wrap yourself in a woolen blanket. The same applies to the cases below.

Rheumatism and discomfort, pain, in the region of the lumbar spine

Pour a glass of lilac (its flowers) with 450 milliliters of vodka. Infuse the remedy for 11 days, after which, without filtering, it can be used by rubbing sore spots 2 times a day.

Gout and salt deposits in the joints

The classic recipe for vodka tincture. Take it inside, just before the meal, 25 drops, spreading them in a half glass of drinking water, three times a day. Course: 2.5-3 months.

For varicose veins

Pour lilac flowers into a jar (0.5 liters), you can - with leaves. Pour vodka and leave for a month and a half. After that - strain. Wet the affected areas of the body 1-2 times a day, without rubbing.

This treatment is quite effective. It can be used as an additional, along with pharmaceuticals, and also as a main one.

Tincture of white lilac flowers - a recipe for vodka or alcohol

White lilac is not used so often, but it also has outstanding positive effects. In principle, we can state the fact that they are almost identical to those observed when using folk remedies from lilac flowers shrub.

And the not so significant popularity of funds from white lilac can be explained by the fact that it is not as common as common lilac. Especially good, among other things, white flowers help with heel spurs.

To prepare funds, you should take 100 grams of fresh, just picked, flowers and pour them with 1 liter of vodka (alcohol, moonshine). Insist in a cool and dark place for about 12 days. After that, you can apply. Shake the jar before each use.

Apply 3-4 times a day, making lotions for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, you can use the infusion inside: 20 drops 2 times a day before meals. This will help to significantly enhance the positive effect.

Contraindications to the use of lilac tincture

We should not forget that even the safest remedy has its own contraindications and warnings for use. The same applies to lilacs.

Take lilac tincture inside only after consulting a doctor.


  1. Children's age up to 16 years! Outwardly, it can be used from the age of 5, after prior consultation with a pediatrician.
  1. Individual intolerance.
  1. Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Glomerulonephritis.
  1. Amenorrhea.
  1. Renal failure (chronic).
  1. Atonic constipation.

In any case, before you start using this or that remedy prepared on the basis of white, and even more so purple, lilac, it is better to consult a general practitioner or pediatrician (if we are talking about the child). Be healthy!


What is lilac

What is lilac, medicinal properties and contraindications of lilac, what are the beneficial properties of this plant, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatments, including herbal medicines. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Lilac (lat. Syrínga) is a genus of shrubs belonging to the Olive family (lat. Oleaceae). The genus includes about ten species distributed in the wild in South-Eastern Europe (Hungary, the Balkans) and in Asia, mainly in China.

There is no consensus on the classification of the genus Syringa yet. According to various sources, the genus includes from 22 to 36 species. Almost all of them are in vivo grow in the mountainous regions of various regions of Eurasia. Many species have long been used in landscaping, but the varieties derived from them are the most popular. The world assortment of this crop includes more than 2300 described varieties, while two thirds of them were obtained with the participation of common lilac. Varieties differ in color, shape and size of flowers, flowering time, height and habit of bushes, etc.

The crown of the lilac is round or cup-shaped. Young shoots have a smooth yellowish-gray or olive-green surface with lenticels. Older trunks are dark gray and peel off the bark in narrow strips. On short petioles are opposite leaves, the shape of which is broadly ovate. The leaves are dark green above and inside- light green. Purple flowers - small, with a strong aroma, collected in panicle inflorescences. In one inflorescence there can be about 400 flowers.

The lilac fruit is a two-celled box, flat, oval in shape, having 2–4 seeds with wings. The plant blooms every year and is very abundant. Lilac is found throughout the CIS. Lilac prefers to grow in the garden, park, near residential buildings. The plant loves neutral soils and does not tolerate excessive moisture content in the soil.

Few people know that lilacs are revered in China. There are 28 species of lilacs growing in China, 22 of which are found only in China. It was in this country that this shrub was first introduced into culture. This is due to the arrival of Buddhism in China from India. Gradually as you progress new religion to the north, lilac was appointed as the tree of enlightenment, it began to be planted in Buddhist and Taoist monasteries. The tree of enlightenment in Buddhism is a ficus, but in China it does not grow due to an unsuitable climate, but the lilac has successfully taken pride of place religious symbol. In many denominations, lilac is considered a plant endowed with a special soul and abilities. So this shrub can be found both in the garden of a Buddhist and a Christian temple.

How did the lilac get to Europe? First, from China along the Great Silk Road, the lilac came to Persia, and from there to Austria. In 1555, the Austrian ambassador at the court of the Turkish Sultan brought with him a lilac bush to Vienna, and from there it spread throughout all the gardens of Europe, conquering universal love. Over time, new traditions associated with lilacs appeared in Europe. For example, if a young Englishman who was wooing received a lilac branch from a girl in response to a marriage proposal, this meant a refusal.

The Persian lilac was not very beautiful, but Europeans still fell in love with it. Well, in 1870, a real revolution took place in the selection of lilacs. Victor Lemoine, a famous French breeder, came up with genious idea- to cross two rather ugly lilacs - Azurea captivity (Azurea Plena) and common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) between themselves, and this marked the beginning of a great breakthrough. Over the hundred years of the existence of the Lemoine company, 214 varieties of lilacs were created, and all of them were beautiful. But after the closure of the company, lilac cultivation in the world fell into decline and the plant lost its popularity.

Medicinal properties of lilac

In folk medicine, oddly enough, the lilac did not find itself wide application, although the treatment of malaria and epilepsy is certainly successful, without complications and relapses, as experts note.

Lilac preparations are beneficial in the treatment diabetes, malaria, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, with stones and sand in the renal pelvis, with bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, sciatica, influenza, violation menstrual cycle, externally - for compresses in the treatment of ulcers, festering wounds, bruises, rheumatism. The leaves, brewed as a tea, help with malaria, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, coughs and whooping cough.

By the way, during the war years, when there was not enough medicine, fresh crushed lilac leaves were tied to ulcers and wounds that did not heal for a long time - the result was noticeable after a few hours.

People with sore joints insisted flowers on vodka, moonshine, denatured alcohol, kerosene. Someone even managed to insist on vegetable oil (from rheumatism it will not help much, but from sciatica, myalgia, arthralgia it will serve as an analgesic).

For therapeutic purposes, flowers are harvested in the budding phase. Lilac branches, together with inflorescences, are plucked or cut off and hung in bunches and dried in the air. And lilac leaves are harvested from May to July, dried, scattering them thin layer on fabric or paper in a well-ventilated area or in dryers. The shelf life of finished raw materials is 2 years.

Lilac is used as:

  • Antipyretic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • diaphoretic
  • Lilac is also used for rheumatism.
  • For joint pain
  • With diabetes
  • For kidney disease
  • With gout, with arthritis, salt deposition
  • Lilac preparations have anticonvulsant properties
  • Painkillers
  • Diuretic
  • Lilac leaves render good effect with festering wounds

In folk medicine, lilac flowers were brewed as tea, they drank such tea for colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, flu, cough, diarrhea, they drank lilac tea at elevated body temperature, since lilac has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Lilac also contributes to the discharge of sand, stones in urolithiasis.

Lilac contraindications

When prescribing lilac preparations inside, care must be taken - it is not yet known how they will backfire on you. It is known, for example, that an infusion of lilac flowers is contraindicated in amenorrhea - a long delay in menstruation in women. Although lilac is used for some inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, it cannot be prescribed for chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis. Lilac will not bring benefits for atonic constipation. It must be remembered that lilac flowers are poisonous in large quantities and it is better to use leaves and buds.

In addition, it should be remembered that the treatment medicinal herbs requires compliance with:

Recipes for the treatment of various diseases with lilacs:

There are many different recipes. Let's dwell on some of them.

Lilac for impotence:

Traditional healers use lilac infusion to treat impotence caused not by inflammatory diseases, but by everyday situations: betrayal of a loved one, resentment, rude word, inattention.

2 tablespoons of fresh (or 1 dried) flowers pour 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Strain. Drink a third cup 3 times a day after meals. Prepare the infusion for 2 days. Keep refrigerated. Before use, pour a little boiling water into a third of a glass of infusion.

Lilac for tuberculosis of the lungs and throat

Mix in equal parts crushed lilac leaves and St. John's wort herbs. Fill two-thirds of a liter jar and pour 1 liter of vodka to the top (you can take a larger jar for convenience). Insist 1 week, strain. Take a tablespoon 2 times a day before meals.

Lilac treatment for epilepsy

Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, drink half a glass and even a glass 2-3 times a day.

Recipes from the book of Rim Bilalovich Akhmedov "Plants are your friends and enemies."

Lilac with varicose veins

Recipe 1

Rinse young lilac leaves, pour boiling water, put on water bath and heat for 10 minutes, then strain and cool.

In the resulting broth, it is necessary to moisten the gauze folded in several layers and place it on the affected area. Keep lotion for 30 minutes.

Recipe 2

Rinse fresh lilac leaves and apply to areas with vascular "asterisks", fix on top with a gauze bandage, hold for about 30 minutes. This remedy helps to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.

From the book of Ekaterina Andreeva “Treatment varicose veins veins with proven folk recipes.

Lilac for malaria

Lilac mixtures cure malaria even when all other methods no longer help.

  • Take 20 g of fresh lilac leaves, 1 teaspoon of wormwood (fresh), ½ teaspoon eucalyptus oil. Infuse this mixture for 2 weeks in a dark cabinet in 1 liter of vodka. Take 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • The most chronic malaria and fever will pass if: brew 20 fresh sticky lilac leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped for 1.5 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals and in the evening at night after eating in bed. Take 10 days. You can take 3 times a day, 100 ml before meals.
  • Malaria and fever will pass without a trace: pour 100 g of fresh young lilac leaves into a bottle, pour 1 liter of vodka and insist in a dark cabinet for 14 days. Take 1 teaspoon before an attack, the next day 1 teaspoon during an attack, on the third day 1 teaspoon after an attack. The medicine is bitter and lasts a long time. You can take 5 drops 3 times a day.
  • Boil 300 g of small sprigs of lilac with leaves for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water, leave the decoction for 2 hours, strain. Take ½ cup 3 times a day.

Lilac for joint pain

With rheumatism, salt deposits in the joints, with heel spurs, pour dried lilac flowers with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, leave for 8-10 days in a tightly closed container. Take 30 drops 2-3 times a day and at the same time rub and make compresses from the same infusion on the affected areas.

In the treatment of wounds, bruises and rheumatism: pour 1 cup of lilac flowers into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Use in the form of lotions, compresses. Change the bandage 4-5 times.

From Maya Gogulan's book " Healing properties our food. Treatment of joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Lilac (lat. Syringa) - a flowering shrub, belongs to the flowering department, the dicotyledonous class, the order of the clear flowers, the olive family, the lilac genus.

There are two options for the occurrence Latin name lilac plants. According to the first, the name comes from the Greek word "syrinx", which translates as a pipe, which the flowers of the plant look like. Other researchers suggest that the shrub was named after the nymph Syringa from ancient Greek mythology. In the old days, the Slavs called this plant "chenille", which is probably due to the characteristic color of its inflorescences.

Lilac - description and photo.

In most cases, lilac is a shrub with many upright or spreading trunks up to 5-7 meters high, less often the plant has the outlines characteristic of a tree.

The lilac bush is abundantly covered with foliage, which is located oppositely on the branches and keeps on them until late autumn. Depending on the type of lilac, leaf plates are simple with a smooth edge, ovoid, oval or elongated with a pointed nose, as well as pinnate and complexly dissected. Lilac leaves are light or dark green in color, and their length can reach 12 cm.

Funnel-shaped lilac flowers are quite small with four petals. They form racemose or paniculate inflorescences. The number of flowers on one lilac bush during flowering can reach 18,000 pieces. The color of lilac can be pink and purple, white and purple, blue and purple. In most types of lilacs, an admixture of a different color is added to the main monochromatic color. The aroma of lilac is very gentle, subtle and has a calming effect.

The elongated lilac fruits are a double-winged box containing several seeds with wings.

Lilac varieties - classification.

Over a century and a half of breeding, about 2,300 hybrid varieties of lilacs have been bred. The criterion for distinguishing them from each other is the shape, size and color of lilac flowers, the timing of flowering bushes, as well as their height and appearance.

In the form of flowers allocate varieties of lilacs with simple and double flowers.

By color (color of petals) lilac is distinguished white, violet, bluish, lilac, pinkish (pink), magenta, purple, complex.

By flower size allocate:

  • Lilac with large flowers - flower sizes exceed 25 mm;
  • Lilac with medium flowers, the sizes of which range from 15 to 20 mm;
  • Lilac with small flowers, the size of which is in the range of 5-10 mm.

Many people ask the question when the lilac blooms. In fact, by flowering time stands out:

  • Early lilac (early blooming) (last week of April - first week of May),
  • Mid-blooming lilac (mid-May),
  • Late lilac (blooms at the end of May, capturing the beginning of June).

Varieties of simple lilac - names and photos.

  • Lilac Blanche Sweet- a plant with spreading bushes of medium height and dense drooping inflorescences, consisting of large light blue flowers (30 mm).

  • Lilac Mulatto- upright shrub with dark green foliage. Lilac flowers are large, fragrant, pale-lilac, having a smoky chocolate hue.

  • Lilac India(Kolesnikov selection) - a plant with medium-sized spreading bushes, large dark green foliage and large dark purple buds. Opened large lilac flowers are painted in a rich purple color and have a reddish tint.

Terry lilac varieties - names and photos.

  • Lilac "Memory of Kolesnikov"- a sprawling plant with shoots of medium height and large snow-white double flowers, consisting of three layers of petals and similar to buds.

  • Lilac Katherine Havemeyer- French classic lilac variety with tall compact bushes and large inflorescences. Large double lilac flowers painted in pink color with bluish-purple hues.

  • Lilac Morning Russia(Vehova selection) is a beautiful variety of lilac, representing a plant with spreading bushes of medium height and very large double purple flowers with mother-of-pearl tips. Lilac flowers are collected in pyramidal inflorescences.

Types and varieties of lilac - names and photos.

Today, more than 30 species of plants from the genus lilac have been studied and described, but a single scientific classification still does not exist. The most famous include the following varieties:

Common lilac (lat.Syringa vulgaris) - a medium-sized shrub, sometimes growing into a rather tall tree. The height of an ordinary lilac can reach 7 meters. Very fragrant brushes up to 25 cm in size are collected from small simple flowers of white or light purple color. On the basis of this species, breeders have created many new varieties of lilacs with pyramidal, round, cone-shaped and even cylindrical inflorescences. Common lilac varieties:

  • Lilac Beauty of Moscow - medium-sized sprawling bush up to 4 m high with foliage of an ovoid-elongated shape. Vertical inflorescences of lilacs consist of large, pinkish-white, double flowers with a barely noticeable purple bloom. At the end of the flowering period, lilac flowers turn white.

  • Lilac Aucubafolia ( Aucubaefolia ) - tall upright bush with light green leaves, on which small stripes and spots are visible yellow color. Lilac buds have a pink-lilac color, and large double flowers that have opened are bluish-lilac.

  • Lilac Sensation ( sensation ) - a variety of lilacs of medium height (up to 3 meters), the leaves have a dark green color. The flowers are dark purple with a white edge.

Meyer's lilac (lat. Syringa meyeri)- a miniature erect shrub no more than one and a half meters high, with broadly elliptical foliage dark green, with edging along the veins on the wrong side, more bright side. Small (up to 10 cm) lilac inflorescences, consisting of small flowers, are painted in a light lilac-pink color. Based on this plant, the following varieties of lilacs were bred:

  • - undersized late-flowering (until mid-June) variety with small, pleasantly smelling flowers red-violet color turning pink with age.

  • Lilac Palibin (Palibin) - remontant dwarf lilac with erect inflorescences of pinkish-lilac color with a pale lilac tint. The first time lilac blooms in late May - early June, the second flowering is observed in mid-August.

Shaggy lilac (lat. Syringa villosa) - an upright medium-sized shrub with wide elliptical, pubescent foliage from the inside, the length of which is about 15 cm. Lilac inflorescences, almost 24 cm in size, consist of medium pink-lilac flowers.

Persian lilac (lat.Syringa persica) - the species was obtained by crossing the finely cut and Afghan lilacs. The height of the lilac is about 3.5 m, the leaves are light green in color and pointed in shape. Light purple flowers medium size collected in inflorescences with an unusual aroma. However, there are forms with white and red tassels.

Wilted lilac (lat. Syringa reflexa)- a medium-sized erect shrub with a crown height of not more than 3 meters and elongated dark green ovate leaves with a slight edge along the veins. The flowers of this type of lilac are small (up to 10 mm), two-colored on outside(pink with a reddish tinge) and almost white inside, form gracefully hanging brushes.

Hungarian lilac (lat. Syringa josikaea)- upright bush about 4 meters high, with densely branched shoots and dark shiny foliage. The inflorescences consist of small, long-tubular lilac-colored flowers and are almost odorless. Lilac begins to bloom at the end of May.

- a plant with a high sprawling spherical crown up to 3 m, can develop as a shrub or tree. broad foliage heart-shaped is about 10 cm long and 7 cm wide. Conical inflorescences up to 12 cm in size are painted in pale purple or violet-lilac color. This type of lilac begins to bloom early and pleases with flowers from late April to early May.

Hyacinth lilac (lat. Syringa hyacinthiflora) is a medium-sized bush with heart-shaped pointed leaves, which acquire a purple-brown hue by autumn. Small loose brushes consist of rather small flowers of a bluish-lilac color. Based on this type of lilac, several varieties have been created:

  • - medium-sized, profusely flowering plant with large, light purple, pleasantly smelling flowers, collected in large (up to 20 cm) inflorescences.

  • - an early flowering variety with large buds of red-violet color. In the open state, lilac flowers are painted in a silvery lilac color with a delicate pink tint.

Where does lilac grow?

Wild lilac in natural conditions is distributed only in Europe and Asia, as well as the islands of Japan. Its habitat is limited to three isolated mountainous regions:

  • The Balkan-Carpathian region, which includes Albania and Serbia, Croatia and Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.
  • The Western Himalayan region, which includes India and China, Nepal and Pakistan, and Bhutan.
  • The East Asian mountainous region, represented by the territories of East and Central China, Primorsky Krai, Japan and the Korean Peninsula.

Lilac cultivars grow throughout Eurasia, from Portugal to the shores of Kamchatka, cover part of the coast of the African continent (Morocco), feel great in the countries of North and South America, as well as in Japan.

Medicinal properties of lilac and contraindications.

Lilac flowers and leaves have been used since ancient times in folk medicine to treat various diseases. They are used as one of the components in the preparation herbal preparations or as a standalone tool.

  • An aqueous tincture of lilac flowers has a diaphoretic, antimalarial and analgesic effect. It is used to treat whooping cough and kidney disease, headaches, colds. An infusion of white lilac flowers is used for shortness of breath, stomach ulcers and noise in the head.
  • Lilac leaves, like plantain leaves, heal festering wounds, as they have disinfecting, antibacterial properties.
  • Ointment and alcohol tincture of lilac are used to remove pain and therapy of rheumatism and salt deposits in the joints of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Infusion of lilac leaves - indispensable tool for the treatment of festering wounds, it is used as a drug with antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.

Lilac: planting and care.

Lilac is often planted as a border and ornamental plant in urban park areas and in private household plots. In order for the plant to feel comfortable and delight with its flowering for a long time, when planting lilacs in the ground, certain conditions must be observed:

  • The best soil for lilacs is light sandy loam or loam with a neutral or slightly acidic pH level.
  • The place for seedlings should be well lit and, if possible, protected from drafts.
  • You can not plant lilacs in places with a high location of groundwater, so it is better to choose elevated areas.
  • So that in the future the bushes do not interfere with each other, it is better to plant lilac bushes at a distance of at least 2 meters.
  • The optimal size of the planting pit for lilacs is 0.5x0.5x0.5 m, however, if fertilizers are applied during planting, its dimensions can be increased.

White Amur lilac (Syringa amurensis)

How to choose lilac seedlings?

The quality of the seedling is of great importance. Special attention you need to pay attention to the state of the root system. Ideally, lilac roots should be developed, strong, flexible and well branched. If their length is much more than 0.3 m, they are shortened. In addition, broken and diseased roots, as well as damaged or too long shoots, are removed from the lilac seedling.

An important condition for the rooting and further growth of the bush is the fight against perennial weeds that take away nutrient juices, and loosening the soil, which provides access to oxygen and moisture to the roots.

When to plant lilac? Spring or autumn?

Lilac planting time depends on the variety: some varieties can be planted in early spring or autumn, other varieties are best planted between July and August.

How to plant lilac?

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the landing hole, which can be expanded clay, small gravel or pebbles. After that, a small cone is poured from the excavated soil, on which the roots of a lilac seedling are straightened. Then the rest of the soil is carefully poured into the hole. It should be remembered that the basal neck of lilac with proper fit should be 3-4 cm above ground level.

Watering lilacs.

On the development of lilac big influence provides irrigation. However, do not overwater the soil, as this can damage the plant. The optimal period for abundant watering is the first half of summer. Lilac should be watered at the rate of 25-30 l / m 2 as the soil dries up. In August and September, the plant must be limited to water supply and give it only during a long drought.

How to fertilize lilac?

To provide the roots of the plant with the necessary macro- and microelements, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to the root soil. As a source of nitrogen, necessary to improve the growth of lilac branches and leaves, urea or ammonium nitrate is used. Lilac top dressing should be carried out at the rate of 50-80 grams of fertilizer per bush for the entire growing season in 3 doses, starting in early spring after the snow cover has melted. The break between the introduction of dry top dressing is 25-30 days. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil to a depth of about 8 cm over the entire area of ​​​​the root system. You can also feed lilacs with superphosphate and potash fertilizers. Good result gives alternation of dressings with mineral and organic fertilizers (cow and chicken droppings).

Lilac cut. How to prune lilac?

Great importance in the formation appearance bush plays the correct regular pruning of lilacs. A young bush up to 3 years old does not need pruning, since it has not yet formed all the skeletal branches. However, starting from the third year of the plant's life in early spring, while the buds are not yet swollen, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning. When performing this operation, follow simple rule: no more than eight should be left on each skeletal branch of lilac healthy kidneys. This is done in order not to overload the plant during flowering. In addition, it is necessary to remove old, dry, damaged and diseased branches. All operations are performed only with a sharp tool.

During the active flowering of lilacs, pruning is carried out “for a bouquet”. Following the unspoken rule, about 30% of the inflorescences are cut off. After the end of the flowering of lilacs, all wilted brushes are cut off.

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