Planting onions before winter on a turnip. Proper planting of onions in the fall before winter

When to plant onions in the winter in the Moscow region to get a guaranteed harvest? The planting time for onions in the Moscow region is slightly different from the planting time for garlic. And if garlic can afford to show feathers above the soil level before the start of snowstorms, then onions are like death. It is forbidden to plant such a beam, too prematurely. Because after releasing seedlings, extra efforts will be required for additional protection of seedlings, and it is equally dangerous to fill it up late. The bulb may not give roots at the right time.

Planting onions before winter in the Moscow region takes place from September 19 to October 25. Moreover, the first terms are small fractions and “oatmeal”. And the larger the onion head, the later you can plant it. So the most successful for landing is the period, during the day from 0 to plus 5-8 ° C, and in the dark it drops to -3 ° C. At this time, the figures for warming up the soil are in the zone from +3 to +5 ° C at a depth of 0 to 10 cm. But the forecast does not predict a thaw

How to plant onions before winter, to what depth to deepen so as not to freeze out?

For the purpose of landing, it is desirable to give preference to a dry and well-warmed place by the sun. And besides, for winter onions, it is good to arrange a bed after growing, on these beds, cucumbers, potatoes, beans, peas or tomatoes.

The planting of onions for the winter itself begins with the initial digging of the planting site with flat-toothed pitchforks, followed by cutting the soil with a rake and manually selecting all the roots and rhizomes of weeds. After a week, the soil should settle, mark the beds. If onions are planted from 1 to 2.4 cm, then the distance between rows is 15-17 cm, and if small onions are 10-15 cm. The depth depends on what kind of soil is in the beds. If it is heavy, then the depth is up to 8 cm, and if it is sandy loam, then 10-12 cm.

In dry autumn, it is necessary to irrigate the bottom of the row. After complete absorption of water, you can disembark. Between the onions themselves, you need to leave from 2-4 cm (a trifle) to 6-9 cm, if these are large onions. But not larger than 2 cm in diameter.

You can not fertilize the land with manure, ammonium nitrate and urea before planting onions, it can either freeze out during the winter or “burn out” from rot. A planted onion can and should be covered with humus, leafy or soddy soil, but not sand. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to rake the soil from the garden.

With the onset of a stable winter, it is good to cover the garden bed with corn, sunflower or spruce branches. This will save more water, but will not allow the soil to thaw during deep thaws. However, in the spring it is better to remove such protection, but early. Since late warming up of the soil negatively affects the condition and development of the plant, which in turn leads to crop losses. In no case should polymer films and dense agrofibre be used for shelter. This can kill plants, because from the beginning they will be squeezed out of the ground by growing roots, and then, with the complete freezing of the soil and the onset of severe frosts, the bulbs freeze and can no longer recover with the advent of spring.

What onions are planted before winter (varieties, types, sizes)?

For a long time, gardeners in the north used only the smallest fraction of local varieties for winter planting. And then, only because it dried up anyway, when stored in a hut. But since the 90s of the twentieth century, the climate began to change, becoming hotter and drier. This weather is most unsuitable for onions. Therefore, scientists breeders joined forces and found that when growing the “winter” type, onions receive, without loss, all the winter-spring moisture and stay in a comfortable (coolness and humidity) atmosphere for as long as possible.

Thanks to the efforts of many European breeding giants, we have many varieties of winter onions. Today, foreign companies, manufacturers of planting material, sell varieties and hybrids of onions: F1 Element, Glacier, Swift, Radar, Aldobo, Alike, Agro Winter, Kip Well F1, Shakespeare, Troy, Echo F1, Arctic, Sunshine, High Keeper, Tuf Ball, Sonic, for growing with planting in the winter. Varieties have not only different degrees of bitterness, but different ripening times, which allows you to stretch not only the time of harvesting, but also the time of using the harvested crop. Since such onions can be stored for no more than four months. So golden-orange onions are sharper than those with white-milk covers. And raspberry-lilac varieties are ideal for salads and snacks, without heat treatment.

Of the local varieties, only sharp low-bud onion varieties Bessonovsky, Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Danilovsky-301, Myagkovsky-300, Odintsovets, Chalcedony are suitable. But they “winter” well only if they have “oatmeal” sizes or less.

Today we will tell you how to plant onions before winter, when it is better to plant them in 2018. How to prepare the beds for sowing and choose the right planting material. Onions are not the easiest culture. If the summer is damp, it may begin to deteriorate right in the garden; if it is dry, it tends to throw away the arrows. Some gardeners are beginning to put into practice a new way of planting onions - before winter.

But, like any new undertaking, it is not always successful. To get a good harvest, you need to know and follow certain rules of agricultural technology.

General principles for planting onions

For planting choose a dry, sunny place. The earth is pre-loosened or dug up - depending on the type of soil. It is advisable to add compost or humus by mixing them with wood ash.

The best predecessors for onions are cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes and potatoes. The beds should be high - 18 - 20 cm. Before planting, the prepared soil should have time to settle and compact a little.

For autumn planting, it is best to take onions of sharp varieties Centurion, Stuttgarter.
Onion sets are usually divided into categories, depending on their size:

- the first - 1 - 1.5 cm in diameter;
- the second - 1.5 - 3 cm in diameter;
- samples - with a diameter of more than 3 cm;
- oatmeal - non-standard bulbs, with a diameter of less than 1 cm.

Onion planting dates before winter in 2018

It is important to choose the right time for autumn planting. If you do this on warm September days, the onion will begin to grow and then freeze in winter. Therefore, wait for stable cold weather, when frosts come and the temperature on the soil surface drops to -1 - 2 C.

This usually happens in mid-October, maximum - in early November. Of course, there is no exact date, so trust your gardener's intuition. Moreover, in one year, snow may fall at this time, and in another, even in November, the sun and relatively high temperatures still shine.

The most important thing is to prevent planting onion sets in warm ground, you have to wait until the first stable frosts come.

If you believe the lunar calendar, then the most favorable days for planting onions in the fall of 2018 are from 6 to 12 and from 16 to 24 October. Who did not have time on these dates, there are still 4, 7 November.

The best period for planting onions for the winter for different regions of Russia:

How to plant onions in autumn

The best onions grow, as a rule, from sevka of the first category, as well as from oatmeal. Oatmeal is generally recommended to be planted only before winter - before spring, it will most likely simply dry out. The depth of planting such a bow is 2-3 cm. If you plant a shallow set to a depth of more than 4 cm, then in the spring it may not have enough strength to germinate, which will lead to the death of the bulbs.

Seeds of the second category, as well as samples, are planted before winter not to get turnips, but in order to have a green feather early in the spring. If it is not removed to the greenery, then in the summer it will most likely shoot itself. This onion is planted to a depth of 4 - 6 cm and densely enough.

During autumn planting, onions can be planted both in rows and in nests of 3-4 jokes. Fall asleep - with a mixture of peat and humus, or just garden soil. It is better not to cut the neck of the bulbs - it should be deepened into the soil by 1.5 - 2 cm. The distance between plants is usually made no more than 10 cm, and 15 - 20 cm are left between rows.

The planting of the bulbs must be completed before the soil completely freezes - for a successful wintering, they need to take root. Winter onions are planted at about the same time as winter garlic.

After planting, the garden bed is best mulched. Any organic material is suitable for this: dry leaves, hay, sash from beans and beans, but not plastic wrap.

Miracle Buttocks - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle buttocks Fabulous collection is suitable for windowsills, loggias, balconies, verandas - any place in the house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in 3 weeks. Miracle buttock Fabulous collection bears fruit all year round, and not only in summer, as in the garden. The life of the bushes is from 3 years or more, from the second year you can add top dressing to the soil.

To prevent the mulch from being carried by the wind, dry branches or spruce branches are placed on top. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, the shelter must be removed.

If this is not done, the bed will warm up very slowly, and seedlings will appear much later. Sometimes it is advised to cover winter onion plantings with peat or sawdust. But, as practice shows, in the spring it is difficult to remove such mulch without breaking thin sprouts.

Benefits of planting onions in the fall

  • no need to worry about preserving small onion sets during the winter;
  • bulbs from oatmeal grow as large as from sevka of the second category, planted in spring;
  • planted before winter, oatmeal does not give arrows;
  • winter onions ripen earlier than usual, spring onions, and are well stored all winter;
  • onions grow healthier - weak and sick sets die in winter;
  • turnip onions are less damaged by the onion fly, because by the beginning of summer a dense lobe of roots is already formed on its bottom, preventing the fly from laying eggs;
  • time is saved for landing, which is so lacking in the spring;
  • there is a noticeable saving in funds for the purchase of planting material - in autumn it is much cheaper than in spring.

The reason for failure may be:

  1. soaking of the bulbs in the spring with a delay in the beds of water;
  2. too deep planting of bulbs;
  3. planting sevka too early - the bulbs managed to germinate before frost;
  4. repeated freezing and thawing of poorly mulched bulbs due to weather conditions.

Before winter, a multi-tiered onion is also planted. The best time for this is the end of August, so that it has time to take root, germinate and accumulate a supply of nutrients. The next year, up to 20 leaves and 3-4 arrows with tiers of air bulbs will appear from each bulb. In addition, 2-3 basal "children" grow at the mother bulb. In the second and third years, the number of arrows with bulbs usually increases. This bow is perennial. It is not necessary to dig it up for the winter.

Multi-tiered onions are planted on the ridges in rows, with a distance of about 20 cm between plants. Planting depth - 3 - 5 cm. The distance between the rows is left at least 20 cm.

Planning for the next harvest begins in the fall. How to find out if the winter method of planting onions is suitable for your own garden and local climatic conditions? This can be done only by conducting a small experiment on at least 1 - 2 beds.

Secrets of successful planting of onion sets before winter

  • To prevent the mulch from being carried by the wind, branches or spruce branches can be laid out on top. With the onset of spring, remove the shelter. Otherwise, the bed will not warm up enough, and as a result, seedlings will appear late.
  • After planting, mulch the bed if possible. To do this, you can take any organic material, such as hay, dried leaves or bean leaves, but not polyethylene.
  • Some gardeners cover winter onion plantings with sawdust or peat. But then such a mulch is quite difficult to remove without breaking thin sprouts.
  • If snow falls, it makes sense to throw an additional layer of this natural insulation on the bed. But in the spring, try to prevent stagnant water in the garden, as this can cause the bulbs to get wet.
  • After the snow melts, remove the leaves and mulch from the garden. To make seedlings fast and friendly, make small grooves over the rows. Work carefully so as not to damage the sprouts.

Planting onions in 2018 according to the lunar calendar is a way to get a high yield of excellent quality. Compliance with the rules of planting, taking into account the recommendations, allows you to minimize labor costs and optimally plan the entire volume of agrotechnical measures.

Onions are one of the few crops that are very well suited for planting not only in spring, but also before winter. This method of growing a popular garden crop allows you to get a high quality crop in one season, as well as speed up the ripening time.

As a rule, winter sowing causes a wary attitude among gardeners and gardeners involved in growing such a crop in the coldest regions of our country, including the territory of Siberia, the Urals and the Moscow region. However, today domestic and foreign breeders have already bred a huge number of varieties and hybrid forms of winter onions, which are perfectly adapted for wintering in the soil and are designed for an early harvest.

The timing of sowing seeds, as well as planting vegetables, including onions, varies significantly in different regions, due to soil and climatic characteristics. The best time to plant onion seeds in areas with not too cold winter months is considered to be the period from late October to early November, about a month before the onset of a steady cold snap. Seeds should be sown after the temperature drops to 5 ºC and lasts at this level for a week.

As practice shows, The optimal sowing and planting times are as follows:

  • in order to get a high autumn harvest on the territory of the Moscow region, sevok is sown in greenhouses from mid-April, in open ground from May 5 under a film cover;
  • in the northern regions, including Siberia and the Urals, the crop is grown in two years, so in the first year, sevka is obtained from nigella, and in the second year, a high yield of large onions is obtained from sevka;
  • the culture is planted on greenhouse ridges in the period after the soil temperature rises to 5-8˚С;
  • on the territory of the Chernozem region and the Krasnodar Territory, nigella is sown on warm March days, in sufficiently moistened soil, and in the middle of summer, sevka is harvested;
  • in Krasnodar and the Chernozem region, onion sets are also planted before winter at the end of October and until mid-November, but no later than about a month before frost.

Experienced gardeners are guided by the weather. With proper planting, the turnip has time to grow roots well before the onset of severe cold weather, but sprouts do not appear. If planted too early, the onion "goes" into the green and dies in severe winter frosts. Too late planting greatly increases the risk of improper root development., which causes freezing of planting material. In warmer regions, the last decade of November is considered to be the optimal time for planting and sowing.

Landing on a turnip: scheme and technology

To get a high-quality and large onion turnip, which will be able to be stored for as long as possible without loss of commercial quality, certain rules must be followed:

  • good drainage is essential, so beds are best planted in areas with low clay content. Loamy soils enriched with humus are optimally suited, with a pH of 6.4-7.9;
  • acidic soils must be preliminarily subjected to liming. When preparing the soil for winter, the allotted area is dug up to a depth of 35-45 cm, with careful removal of weeds and the introduction of well-rotted manure and mineral fertilizers;
  • for autumn digging, for each square meter of landing area, you need to add about 3 kg of compost or humus, a tablespoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of nitrophoska and a tablespoon of wood ash;

  • in the spring, the prepared ridges need to be leveled, after which they should be thoroughly shed with a solution based on copper sulphate, diluted at the rate of a tablespoon per bucket of water. The standard flow rate is 2 liters per square meter. After the strait, the ridges are covered for a couple of days with a black film;
  • green manure plants, as well as tomatoes, cabbage and legumes, are good predecessors for onions, and garlic, cucumbers and carrots will be bad predecessors;
  • before planting, the seedlings must be sorted out, sorted by size and warmed up at a temperature of 30-40 ° C three days before planting, after which the planting material is soaked for about 10 hours in a solution of complex fertilizers and treated with a solution of copper sulphate.

When planting a sevka, the optimal scheme is 25x10 cm. Seeds are sown according to the scheme: 15x1.5 cm, after which they are watered and covered with a film that prevents the soil from drying out. It is recommended to plant sevok to a depth of 40 mm, and there should be about 20-25 mm of soil above the "shoulders" of the bulb. Seeds are planted to a depth of 20 mm. If you need to get an early harvest, it is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings, followed by planting in a permanent place.

Planting onions in 2018 according to the lunar calendar: auspicious days

Onion, from the point of view of agrotechnical characteristics, has a large number of advantages, for which highly valued by gardeners and gardeners:

  • high level of resistance to low temperatures;
  • the possibility of obtaining the earliest possible harvest;
  • the possibility of obtaining an onion crop even on infertile soils;
  • well-developed root system, resistant to adverse weather conditions;
  • the ability to suppress weeds on the ridges;
  • a small investment of time and effort to obtain a decent harvest.

Thanks to the use of the recommendations of the lunar calendar, even novice gardeners can achieve the highest possible results in growing onions and get a quality crop that can be stored throughout the winter period.

Table of the most successful dates



April 7–8, 17, 29
May 4–5, 14, 31
1-2, 10-11, 18-19, June 29

People say: in the spring the day saves the year, if you miss an hour, you won’t catch up in a year. At the beginning of the growing season, the gardener has so much work that not everything planned can be done on time, so prudent people, in order to evenly distribute the load, plant some crops in the fall. Onions are just one of those plants whose planting before winter is not only possible, but also preferable, since it allows you to get a crop of excellent quality not in two years, but in one. Autumn planting and onion care before the onset of winter is the topic of our article, from which you will learn the time frame for winter onion planting and how to plant onions in open ground.

When to plant onions before winter

Planting dates for onions in the fall

When to plant winter onions? The best time for planting onions before winter is about a month before the onset of a steady cold snap, when the air temperature drops to 5 ºC and stays at this level for at least a week. In some regions, these conditions may develop by mid-October, in others - only by the end of the month, and in the southern area it will be possible to plant onions only in November. You should also take into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar and sow on a day favorable for this work. In October 2017, such days are the 7th, 16th, 23rd and 25th, and in November - the 7th, 12th and 14th.

When is the best time not to plant onions?

Planting onions in the ground is not recommended on the days of full moons and new moons. In October, these lunar phases fall on the 5th, 6th, 19th, and 20th of the month, and in November, on the 4th, 17th, and 18th. In addition, unfavorable, but already due to weather conditions, are rainy and windy days. Planting onions in the ground before winter is carried out in clear, calm weather, and on which day, you will have to decide on your own, taking into account our information and your weather conditions. If you plant an onion ahead of time, it will have time to sprout in the current year, and they will die at the first frost. And if you are late with sowing, the bulbs will not have time to take root and will simply freeze in the ground.

Planting winter onions

Then plant onions

After what can you plant onions? Plants such as cabbage, cucumbers, cauliflower, soybeans, beans, peas, beans and other legumes, green crops, tomatoes and radishes are the best precursors for onions. It would be possible to plant onions after potatoes, but there is a risk of infection of the bulbs with nematodes. It is also not recommended to grow onions where red clover, alfalfa, radish, leeks, carrots, parsley and celery grew before. Can I plant onions after onions? It is categorically impossible: in one area, onions or garlic can be grown for no more than two years, the next time they are planted in this place only after four years.

Preparing onions for planting in the fall

Before planting onions in the fall, it is necessary to prepare planting material. For winter planting, it is better to choose sharp onion varieties, for example, Stuttgarter or Centurion. If before sowing you keep the sevok for disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate, be sure to dry the planting material after that: the sevok should lie dry in the ground. After soaking, the onion germinates faster, but the goal of winter sowing is not to get a green feather by frost, but to wait for early and friendly shoots in the spring. Onions sown in autumn should develop a root system before the onset of frost, but at the same time not sprout.

Sort the sevok, discard the bulbs that are damaged, with signs of disease or pest damage, rotten or with broken integumentary scales. Calibrate healthy seed: in one row, it is desirable to sow sets of the same size. You can get sets of four categories:

  • first: bulbs with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm;
  • the second: sevok with a diameter of up to 3 cm;
  • third: bulbs more than 3 cm in diameter;
  • fourth: oatmeal - a trifle, the diameter of which is less than a centimeter.

Early green onions are produced by the second, largest category of sets, but you will not be able to get a turnip from it: in summer, the onion will go to the arrow. Seeds of the first category and oatmeal are recommended for winter sowing, since they can dry out during winter storage indoors, but if they are planted before winter, they will give the best turnips next year.

Soil for onions

One of the components of a good harvest is the right choice of site for the plant. Where to plant onions? He is suitable for places where snow begins to melt early and water does not stagnate. The best place is a southern or southwestern slope, protected from drafts and strong winds. This culture loves loose and light, well-drained soils, such as humus-sand or humus loam. The root system of the onion is weak, so it needs fertile soil. Two weeks before planting, the plot is dug up with humus at the rate of 5-6 kg per 1 m², adding 20-25 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium salt per unit area, and immediately before sowing, ash is scattered over the plot - over 10 g per m².

How to plant onions before winter

Plant onions in grooves or holes. The planting depth is no more than 5 cm, the distance between the bulbs is 6-7 cm, and the row spacing is 15-20 cm. Shallow planting of the onion is fraught with its freezing, especially if the frosts break out before it snows.

There are winter varieties of onions that give high yields. Many of them are resistant to frost, good keeping quality. But in order not to lose the planted material, a number of conditions must be met: prepare the bulbs for planting, prepare balanced soil, plant strictly according to the instructions, take into account the climatic conditions of the region, the characteristics of each variety. If necessary, protect the planted seeds from weather changes.


Here are some of the winter onion varieties that are suitable for growing in different climates:

  1. 1. Ruby. Variety from Donetsk selection. Refers to early cultures, the growing season of which is only 75-85 days. Experienced gardeners receive up to three kilograms of crop per square meter. The bulb of a light purple hue weighs up to eighty grams, has a silvery sheen. Has good keeping quality.
  2. 2. Siberian annual. It is also a representative of early ripening varieties with a growing season of sixty to seventy days. Bulbs with a semi-sharp taste give a lot of greenery. The color of the bulbs is yellow, the shape is rounded flat. The variety does not shoot. Gives up to four kilograms of crop per square meter.
  3. 3. Robin. It is distinguished by juiciness and the brightest color of all types of red onions. The hybrid has a powerful root system, thanks to which it can endure both drought and cold. The variety is considered highly productive. Bulbs in the form of an amphora. The variety was bred for cultivation in the southern regions.
  4. 4. Mouzon. Representative of medium early varieties. It ripens from sevka in 110 days. Pleases with dense, round, white bulbs weighing up to 100-130 grams. Popular for cold hardiness. It is stored no more than two months, which can be considered the only negative.
  5. 5. Lugansk. Late onion. It has a sharp taste and good keeping quality. The bulbs are oval and flat, having a yellow-brown color, weighing up to one hundred and fifty grams.
  6. 6. Buran. He is from the Ukrainian selection. Considered to be universal. With a round dense bulb that has a yellow color. The mass of the bulbs is average - 90-100 grams. It is famous for its good keeping quality, stable yield. But he is affected by peronosporosis.
  7. 7. Tamara F1. He is a hybrid, with dense bulbs with yellow-brown husks. It has a semi-sharp taste. It can be stored for a long time. Resistant to diseases and high-yielding, as they receive up to 4-5 kilograms per square meter with proper care.
  8. 8. Black prince. A variety of Russian breeding with high keeping quality, with a semi-sharp taste and rounded dense bulbs of dark purple color.
  9. 9. Riesen Stuttgarten. The plant is German, with excellent keeping quality, but is affected by fungal diseases, powdery mildew and rot. The bulbs are dense and semi-circular, golden brown in color, with a sharp taste.
  10. 10. Panther F1. The variety was bred by breeders from Japan. The color of the bulbs is bronze-brown, the fruits are rounded and have a thin neck. The variety is frost-resistant and does not shoot. Withstands frosts down to minus 30 degrees Celsius.
  11. 11. Nigella. They are usually grown because of the greens, as it is good both fresh, and in salads, and in preparations. Onions are rich in vitamins. Planted in autumn and spring. Nigella appears in early spring, when the snow begins to melt.

One of the popular winter varieties Rubin

When are onions not planted?

It is advised to be guided by the weather. Onions should take root before the onset of cold weather, but should not let greenery.

Before the time, the planted vegetable will go into the arrow and rot from frost. And if you are late with planting, then he will not have time to take root and the seedlings will freeze in the ground. Landing in mid-November will be optimal, although these terms differ significantly for different regions.

Landing process and timing

Onions are planted both in spring and autumn, but the second method is used quite rarely. There are a lot of varieties of winter onions, and they winter well in the soil. The following year, winter onions give an early harvest. It is possible to protect from the cold, so you should not be afraid that the culture will freeze in the winter cold.

Onions are usually planted in September and October. If the weather is warm in November, then it is possible to plant this month. Will depend on weather conditions.

Onions are usually planted thirty to thirty-five days before the onset of cold weather, so that the planting material has time to adapt.

The air temperature plus five indicates that it is time to plant a crop.

Sowing onions for the winter in Siberia, the Urals and the Moscow region is dangerous because the seedlings may die due to low temperatures. The crop is planted closer to autumn: the end of September - the beginning of October. Seedlings are covered for the winter if the thermometer drops to too low. Planting onions before winter allows you to get a spring crop of crops.

Crop rotation

It is necessary to observe crop rotation. Consider what crops were grown before onions. You need to know that onions are planted after cereals. The predecessors can be corn, beets, rapeseed, peas, mustard, phacelia and beans, tomatoes, any cabbage. If potatoes, cucumbers, legumes and carrots have been grown here for the past five years, then the place is not suitable, since the land after the listed crops loses useful trace elements, it does not contain vitamins that are needed for growing winter onions.

On the same bed, onions are grown for no more than two years. And in the same place it is better to plant the same crop in four years.

bulb preparation

There are the following types of bulbs:

  • oatmeal;
  • sevok;
  • winter sampling.

Bulbs of oatmeal are 1 cm in diameter, the sets are larger - from 1 to 3 centimeters, the sample is 2-3 centimeters. For greens, a sample is chosen, since it often goes to the arrow, sevok is preferable for getting onion-turnips. Therefore, it is better to decide on the crop variety before sowing and choose the material based on the purpose of planting.

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