Vitiligo - an imprint of the aura or a disease? What causes white spots on the skin? Affirmations for Vitiligo Vitiligo imagine yourself as the center of universal love

Vitiligo today is a little studied dermatological disease. Pathology delivers a lot of psychological and aesthetic problems to a patient living in a modern fearful and little tolerant society. Violation of melanin synthesis is rare. Many simply do not know that the disease is not contagious, so they avoid and in every possible way infringe on a person with white spots on the skin.

General information

Vitiligo (other names: dog, piebald skin, white spot disease, leukopathy) is an acquired dermatological disease. Science has established that in a third of cases the disease is transmitted genetically. The name comes from the Latin word vitium, which means "lack" or "defect". Pathology refers to a group of skin dyschromias - various pigmentation disorders (chroma - "color" from Latin, and the prefix dys- means "deviation from the norm" or "functional dysfunction").

In a normal state, skin tone is determined by the pigments melanin, carotene, reduced and oxygenated hemoglobin. Reduced hemoglobin is blue and found in venules, while oxygenated hemoglobin in capillaries is red. Melanin provides the brown color and carotene provides the yellow. Most often, skin pigmentation disorders are associated with an excess or lack of melanin.

What kind of disease is vitiligo, is it contagious, who most often encounters pathology? Pigmented dermatosis can appear at any age, but most often symptoms occur in people under 20 years of age, with half of the cases of the disease developing in the range from 10 to 30 years. On average, the prevalence of pathology is about 1%, while women are more likely to suffer from vitiligo. The disease is not contagious, does not increase the likelihood of skin cancer and is relatively safe for health.


The physiological causes of vitiligo and the mechanisms of the development of the disease are still unknown to medical science, but there are a number of studies suggesting treatments. It cannot be excluded that some of them will be successful, but this will be confirmed only after numerous clinical trials. Today, one can only list a number of scientific hypotheses, but one must take into account that the probability of error is still very high in this matter.

All assumptions regarding the causes of vitiligo in children and adults are rather vague from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, but they have a right to exist. The following hypotheses are currently the main ones: various endocrine disorders, mental trauma, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, autoimmune causes, family history, enzyme deficiency of tyrosinase, which is responsible for the synthesis of melanin in humans.

The cause of vitiligo (treatment in this case is quite specific) may be a chemical effect, but in this case, dermatological diseases are classified as secondary and treatable. Tret-butylphenol, polyacrylate, butylpyroxatechin and some other chemicals can cause white spots on the skin.

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Provoking factors

Some experts argue that the manifestations of a dermatological disease are only indicative, that is, they indicate more serious internal disorders. For example, diseases of the thyroid gland can affect the occurrence of vitiligo. According to statistics, 10% of patients diagnosed with vitiligo also have thyroid dysfunction. Dysfunction of the sex glands, adrenal glands, pituitary gland negatively affects the predisposition to dermatological disorders.

Dyschromia can be caused by trophic disorders associated with burns (including sunburns) or skin injuries. How does vitiligo start? The first manifestations are often observed in previously damaged areas, because they have an autoimmune component due to the inflammatory process. Skin cells that produce melanin are gradually broken, which ultimately leads to a violation of the pigmentation of the skin.

Vitiligo often develops against the background of dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption, impaired motor and acid-forming functions of the gastrointestinal tract. These pathologies lead to disruption of the absorption of vitamins and other biologically active substances (for example, certain enzymes and B vitamins), which are important for maintaining the normal condition of the skin. Stagnation of bile can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and aggravation of the symptoms of vitiligo.

Some drugs contribute to the development of the pathological process, cosmetic substances containing harmful components or aggressive chemicals. Genetic predisposition is also a common causative factor. Vitiligo is not a congenital disease, but develops under the influence of several factors. But scientists managed to prove that dyschromia is related to genetics. There is a group of genes that makes a person more vulnerable. In addition, it has been found that people with brown eyes are more likely to develop white spots on their skin, while those with blue or green eyes have a much lower risk of developing the disease.

The autoimmune nature of pigmentation disorders is today considered as the main one. Malfunctions of the immune system lead to the emergence of antibodies that affect not only foreign bacteria, viruses and fungi, but also the body's own cells. This theory is supported by the fact that lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroid lesions and other diseases associated with malfunctions of the immune system are often found in patients diagnosed with vitiligo.

Psychosomatics of the disease

In addition to physiological causes, the development of skin dyschromia is influenced by the emotional component, that is, the disease can be psychosomatic. Vitiligo is a specific disease and not fully understood, so there are many theories about it. One of them is psychosomatics. The disease of vitiligo, according to psychologists, can manifest itself in people who feel a sense of shame or blame themselves too much for something, objectively not being guilty. Then the brain "decides to help" by "cleansing", and the skin becomes covered with white spots.

Under natural conditions, albino animals stand out sharply against the general background. The same "program" can work in humans. For example, a small child feels unwanted after the appearance of a brother or sister in the family, when the parents devote all their attention and free time to the baby. At such moments, the child suffers from a forced separation from his parents and wants to stand out in order to attract attention. The body can react to strong experiences through vitiligo.

Psychosomatics highlights other possible causes of the disease. Therefore, patients are advised to pay attention to their experiences during the development of the disease - the appearance of the first white spots on the skin, as a rule, falls on the active phase of the conflict. In some cases, working with qualified psychologists or a psychotherapist helps to get rid of a cosmetic defect.

Disease classification

Doctors distinguish between a generalized form of the disease, localized and universal. The most common is generalization, when the spots are located throughout the body, with localized - in separate places. The universal form of the disease occurs in a small percentage of cases and is characterized by an almost complete loss of pigment (more than 80% of the body surface is covered with spots).

The main types of skin dyschromia are divided into subgroups. In vitiligo vulgaris, spots are symmetrically distributed over the body, acrofacial affects only the limbs and face, and mixed is a combination of two types. All these subgroups are characteristic only for the generalized form of the disease. With a localized form, focal vitiligo (spots in one or two areas), mucous (spots are located only on the mucous membranes), segmental (spots on one side of the body) can be diagnosed.

There is a division according to the color of the spots. Between healthy skin and a vitiligo spot, there may be a moderately pigmented zone, in addition to the three colors, a zone of strong pigmentation around can be added. In some cases, the spots have a bluish tint or become inflamed - while the border of the spot rises and becomes inflamed.

The course of the disease can be progressive, that is, the process of depigmentation is observed constantly, but it can be fast or slow. With stable vitiligo, the patches do not change over a long period of time. The unstable form of the disease is characterized by the fact that some spots disappear from time to time, while others, on the contrary, increase.

Vitiligo symptoms

How does vitiligo start? Spots of different sizes and shapes appear on the skin, which can increase and merge. The hair on the affected areas becomes discolored. In this case, the patient does not experience any subjective sensations: there is no pain, itching, irritation, peeling or dryness. Some spots may spontaneously disappear over time. As a rule, limbs, groin and anus, hands are susceptible to vitiligo. In most cases, this is only a cosmetic defect. The psychosomatics of vitiligo gives the right to assume that the pathology begins with a strong emotional experience.

Sometimes the disease may be accompanied by some accompanying symptoms. Psychosomatics of vitiligo usually does not explain this phenomenon in any way, but doctors, as a rule, quickly find physiological causes. The disease can be accompanied by baldness, choreoretinitis (inflammation of the retina and back of the eye), gray hair and lightening of hair in those areas that are prone to vitiligo, psoriasis, scleroderma, lichen planus, impaired sweating in the affected areas, dermatitis and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of vitiligo is not difficult. The diagnosis is made on the basis of visual examination, examination under a special Wood's lamp, differentiation with true, post-inflammatory and chemical leukoderma, pityriasis versicolor, idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis, partial albinism, tuberous sclerosis and some other dermatological diseases.

Vitiligo treatment

Causes of vitiligo and treatment may be related if the disease is caused by exposure to chemicals. But, as a rule, specific provoking factors cannot be identified. There is no specific cure for vitiligo today, but hardware and laboratory diagnostics and medicine do not stand still, but are intensively developing, so the following possible methods of therapy should be taken into account:

  1. Helium-neon laser.
  2. Vitamin therapy. Vitamins for vitiligo are prescribed to all patients. Usually, a dermatologist recommends taking (including chipping the affected lesions) preparations of group B, vitamin A.
  3. Macro- and microtherapy. Recommended copper sulfate 0.5-1%, electrophoresis with sulfur, zinc, iron. The last recommendation is related to the fact that patients with vitiligo are traditionally deficient in copper.
  4. Glucocorticosteroid therapy. It is used externally and internally: chipping foci, applications, creams for external use, taking drugs inside.
  5. PUVA therapy. Irradiation of body parts with ultraviolet light of a certain wavelength and controlled intensity. The method of therapy involves taking orally or externally means that improve the perception of ultraviolet radiation, after which local or general irradiation is carried out using special equipment. After a few sessions, pigmentation on the affected areas of the skin can be restored.
  6. Diet therapy. It is recommended to include seafood, lamb, apples, oats, rice, corn, cod liver, cabbage, tomatoes in the diet.
  7. Cosmetology. Be sure to use UV products with a degree of protection of more than 30, you can use special masking compounds.
  8. Consultations of a psychotherapist or psychologist (depending on the need for psychological correction). If the psychosomatics of vitiligo is not excluded, the dermatologist may recommend that the patient consult a psychologist.
  9. Phytotherapy. Reasonable use is recommended inside, as well as externally, marsh duckweed, echinacea (increases the number of T-lymphocytes, which are usually lacking in skin dyschromia), St. John's wort.

The prognosis for vitiligo is unlikely to be positive because the patches can continue to spread throughout the body even during treatment. In some cases, even skin grafting operations do not help. At the same time, those areas that are often subjected to injury and friction (vitiligo on the arms, legs), or those on which there was damage to the skin, change most quickly, both negatively and positively.

Folk methods

Is it possible to treat vitiligo at home with folk methods? Self-medication is not worth it, because only a qualified dermatologist can draw up and justify an adequate strategy for managing a particular patient, but after consultation, an unconventional remedy described below can be used.

10 aspirin tablets should be crushed and mixed with half a tube of fat cream. You need to lubricate the affected areas two to three times a day, store the medicine in the refrigerator. According to reviews, patients with minor skin lesions got rid of vitiligo in just 10-20 days of such treatment.

Possible Complications

Skin dyschromia has a chronic course, while the pathology is characterized by relative stability. During the period of active development, vitiligo can capture large areas of the skin. The only proven complication of the disease to date can be called the psychological discomfort experienced by patients diagnosed with vitiligo. The psychology of the disease in this case is indeed a serious problem.

With vitiligo, it is definitely recommended to take vitamins, a rational diet, including foods high in copper - tomatoes, seafood, lamb, cod liver, the use of products with a high level of UV protection. The lifestyle is determined by the disease itself, because such a pathology causes emotional experiences and a feeling of discomfort. To get rid of these manifestations, it is recommended to visit a psychologist.

Prevention measures

There are no specific measures to prevent the disease. At risk may be patients with any disorders of the endocrine system, autoimmune diseases, helminthiasis and some disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitiligo can be the result of diseases of internal organs and systems that are not recognized in time, so it is important to undergo a medical examination from time to time and treat the identified disorders.

From a medical point of view, this is a violation of skin pigmentation, characterized by the appearance of white spots on the body, prone to increase in size and merge due to the absence or decrease in the content of melanin in cells - the pigment responsible for a beautiful and even skin tone.

To date, an accurate answer about possible causes of vitiligo dermatologists can not give. It is believed that nervous stress, trauma, sun exposure and contact with chemicals can provoke the appearance of white spots on the skin. Sometimes the impetus for the appearance of vitiligo spots can be various diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, helminthic invasion, cyst and diabetes.

It has been proven that in people with certain pathologies, vitiligo occurs more often than in perfectly healthy people. For example, it was noted that if white spots on the skin, merging, form large discolored areas similar to a geographical map with bizarre contours of islands and continents, then approximately the same images can be in the human language. This pathology is called glossitis desquamative or geographical language, the reasons for its development are also unknown.

Convincing data to prove about the hereditary transmission of vitiligo, not yet either, but some scientists argue that it is not vitiligo itself that is inherited, but the genes responsible for the abnormal functioning of the immune system. But over the past 10 years, the number of people with "white marks" on their skin has increased dramatically and vitiligo has become a serious problem in many countries. For example, in Italy and Switzerland, special clinics for the treatment of vitiligo are already opening.

According to statistics, now every twentieth person suffers from vitiligo. Around the world, there are 40 million people officially registered with vitiligo. In fact, this figure is much higher, since white spots do not cause any serious inconvenience, except for psychological discomfort, and many people with vitiligo simply do not go to the doctor.

Spots for the first time vitiligo may appear at any age. According to medical statistics, in 70% of cases they occur in people under 25 years old, in 25% of cases - in children under 12 years old, including newborns. After 40 years, vitiligo practically does not occur, and it affects women and men about the same.

a - extensive spots of depigmentation developed on the back of the hands in a 10-year-old girl. In winter, when the tan faded, the spots were hard to see.
b - a gradually progressing spot of vitiligo on the forehead of a 9-year-old girl disfigured her appearance, but
c - was well disguised by means of corrective cosmetics
d - a child with fair skin as a result of vitiligo developed white hairs on the eyebrows
(e) A 10-year-old fair-skinned girl with vitiligo developed white eyelashes. Note that vitiligo on the face was manifested by the absence of freckles on the left side of the nose and cheek.

People with white spots on their skin were of great interest for many centuries before our era. Someone was afraid to shake hands with them so as not to get infected with vitiligo, comparing them with a sick dog (dog) and calling the disease "dog", while others considered vitiligo a disease of the elite, and white spots - a royal seal, since this disease was often found in the reigning persons.

Nowadays vitiligo also most often affects people with high status and material wealth. The most famous personalities who had vitiligo spots are Winston Churchill, Michael Jackson and US President Donald Trump. It was because of the rapidly growing spots of vitiligo that the popular singer Michael Jackson was forced to undergo a skin graft and walk with an umbrella in sunny weather, and the barely noticeable white circles under the eyes of Donald Trump are the result of careful disguise of the spots of vitiligo.

AT Russia some celebrities have also tried many ways to get rid of vitiligo spots, but all to no avail. Among them are well-known businessman Roman Abramovich and comedian Gennady Vetrov. And according to Richard Spritz, a scientist from the University of Colorado, the highest risk of getting vitiligo is in swarthy and brown-eyed people.

In fact, call vitiligo sickness is not correct. After all, it does not carry any physical health problems, except for aesthetic and psychological ones. It is impossible to get vitiligo from another person, and it is not a signal of the body about the likelihood of developing oncology.

White spots vitiligo behave very mysteriously. In some, they are on the skin from birth and do not grow until the end of their lives, while others begin to become covered with white spots in the prime of life and do not know how to stop their growth. Most depressing are white spots on the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body, which are not only visible to everyone, but also increase, merging.

Vitiligo spots, as well as pink scales of psoriasis, which are called "devil's roses", are perceived by many as something shameful. Two more similarities in these two skin diseases - they both love to hit famous people, and in medical practice there are no cases of a complete cure for these two ailments.

Perhaps the healers and psychics are right: vitiligo- this is the imprint of the aura or karma. Vitiligo spots on the skin indicate that a person has a broken magical defense or that he has a karmic burden associated with a past life. To date, there are many ways to treat vitiligo, but all of them will not be effective if you do not remove the one who affects the person from the outside.

To stop proliferation of vitiligo patches, it is necessary to cleanse and calm the human soul. Psychics and healers know many rituals and conspiracies to help restore the aura and remove karma from a person covered with white spots of vitiligo. By influencing a person at the energy level, you can return him to his previous state, eliminate the influence of an evil person on his aura and heal him of vitiligo forever.

Every person in this life makes mistakes and has their achievements. And far from always we can know how correct the actions committed by us or our ancestors are. Try to change your thinking and life for the better. The reasons for the appearance of white spots of vitiligo of a magical nature are not usually assessed in modern society, while the fact that every year the number of patients with vitiligo is growing is doubtful - or maybe vitiligo and psoriasis are really an indicator that we live wrong?

N!B! All the magical causes and methods of getting rid of vitiligo described above in the article are only of historical significance and are described here in order to expose charlatans (magicians, psychics, etc.) who make money on a human illness, promising a miraculous cure.
To date, the cause of vitiligo has been established - this is an autoimmune destruction of skin melanocytes, that is, the body itself destroys the cells that produce the pigment - melanin. Read in detail in a separate article on dermatology "".
Yours, Iskander Milevsky.

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Vitiligo has traditionally been one of the most unexplored and difficult to treat diseases. Manifestations of the disease are white spots formed on the skin. The main physiological cause of vitiligo is the loss of the coloring pigment, melanin, by damaged skin.

Patients of all ages are at risk for vitiligo. The disease is most often experienced by women and young people under 20 years of age.

Most doctors believe that vitiligo is safe for health. At the same time, due to the poor knowledge of the disease, it is difficult to say whether or not it is a symptom of some other serious disease.

The alleged physical causes of vitiligo are:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland;
  • problems with the adrenal glands and sex glands;
  • experienced severe mental trauma;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • constant stress;
  • prolonged infectious diseases;
  • disturbed balance of vitamins and minerals in the body, etc.

Getting rid of the psychological causes of vitiligo

Modern medicine cannot offer effective ways to treat the lack of melanin. That is why it is very important to know and be aware of the psychological causes of vitiligo.

As it was said, this health disorder manifests itself in highly visible, not aesthetically looking white spots on the skin. Such symptoms clearly indicate that the patient is trying to attract the attention of others, seeks to be appreciated and noticed.

Think to whom you have been trying to prove something for a long time and to no avail, whose praise you want to earn. Maybe you should not waste vitality and health on people who are not able to treat you properly?

Change your social circle, find new friends, learn to calmly respond to other people's criticism and indifference. In life, many times you will have to deal with the inadequate attitude and behavior of the people around you, therefore, the sooner you learn how to easily experience such situations, the sooner you will be cured of vitiligo.

Often, vitiligo indicates that a person lives in inconsistency with his destiny. Noticeable depigmentation makes you superfluous in your social circle. Analyze everything you do in everyday life: there is a high probability that today you are doing something completely different from what you would like.

Vitiligo is a chance for you to check how others treat you. Those people who will not be ashamed of you are your support and support. It is on them that it is better to bet in the future.

Repeating the following phrases every day will help eliminate the causes of vitiligo:

  • "I live for myself, not for the approval of others."
  • "I love those who are close to me, and they love me back."
  • "Luck always smiles at me in everything."
  • "I deal with all my problems quickly."
  • "I am an irreplaceable element, a valuable part of this society."

Vitiligo is a violation of skin pigmentation associated with the disappearance of melanin and the appearance of white spots in some of its areas. This pathology can also affect the hair, retina.

Medicine identifies the following causes of the disease: heredity, drugs, toxins, harmful production (production of phenol, etc.), weakened immunity, deficiency of copper and zinc in the body, infectious diseases, hormonal imbalance, autoimmune processes (the immune system destroys its own melanocytes) , inflammation of the skin, necrotic processes on the skin, physical trauma, neuropsychological processes (the skin contains the largest number of nerve endings, i.e. is closely connected with the human nervous system), etc.

The first symptom of vitiligo is a solitary patch that may fade gradually or over several hours.

Then appear: hyperpigmentation (darker color compared to the skin) around the spot, growth and fusion of spots, localization (damage to one area of ​​the skin), except for the palms and soles, feet (since the skin in these places does not contain melanin), symmetrical skin lesions , discoloration of the hair on the affected area of ​​the skin, vitiligo reticularis (spot discoloration of the skin).

It should be noted that in addition to the appearance of white spots, this pathology is not associated with either pain or itching of the skin. Only psychologically straining white spots on the skin.

Vitiligo has been found to be more common in children.

Psychosomatics of vitiligo

Louise Hay calls the skin a sense organ, as well as something that protects the individuality of a person.

The skin is indeed very sensitive, since a huge amount of autonomic nerve fibers comes to its surface.

It is known that the autonomic nervous system of a person, which controls all physiological processes in the body, is not controlled by consciousness. But, being part of the entire nervous system, it falls under the influence of a person's thoughts and feelings (including those that are suppressed and forced into the subconscious).

According to the autoimmune theory of vitiligo, when emotional stress puts the human body in a state of stress, the immune system, designed to protect, understands this stress signal in its own way and begins to overdo its duties, destroying its cells. Given that it is in the skin that contains a huge number of nerves, it receives the first blow.

On the other hand, the skin, as the boundary of our body, interacts with our environment. This makes the skin a kind of organ of contact with the outside world, an “organ of communication” with the world.

But something begins to interfere with the normal contact of a person with the outside world. As a rule, these are negative experiences, thoughts, emotions.

As Louise Hay writes, skin diseases are based on such negative emotions as fear, anxiety, anxiety, old forgotten disgust, and the experience of a threat against oneself.

It is known that the location of white spots shows a specific emotional sphere, in connection with which a person is experiencing stress.

Another hint is that the skin reflects a person's ability to know his worth against the background of the world around him, reflects a person's opinion about himself.

Psychological causes of vitiligo

Dr. V. Sinelnikov writes that vitiligo appears as a result of complete alienation from the world, self-isolation, when a person does not feel like a full member of society.

V. Zhikarentsev believes that a person’s feeling that he is not connected with anything, the feeling that he is outside things, does not belong to any of the groups (meaning social groups) leads to illness.

Psychologist E. Guskova claims that the basis of vitiligo is the suffering of a person from the fact that he is “not too clean”, the desire to “wash himself”. The patient knows that his conscience is not clear, or he blames himself for something (even without being guilty).

The psychologist gives an example when the spots on the skin of a child become, as it were, a symbol of light against the background of darkness, if the parents call their child that (“you are my light in this difficult life”).

Churaev M.Yu. argues that the causes of vitiligo should be sought in the childhood of the patient, namely, in how the parents behaved towards him. In this regard, he identifies two main psychosomatic causes of the disease: overprotection as the formation of a weak, unadapted personality and perfectionism, when parents demand too much from the child.

Churaev sees the psychological cause of vitiligo as an autoimmune pathology (as well as all other autoimmune diseases) as egoism turning into egocentrism.

Among other metaphysical causes of vitiligo, psychologists distinguish such as the fear of being rejected. Note that this fear appears when the person himself rejects the value of himself.

Knowing that skin problems are a signal of disharmony in a person's relationship with the outside world, most psychologists insist that the causes of this disharmony should be sought in early childhood.

So, the occurrence of vitiligo in the future may be caused by insufficient or excessive satisfaction of the psycho-emotional needs of the child (for example, they do not pick up at all, or, conversely, do not let go).

Far-reaching consequences in the form of illness can also be an invasion of the child’s world (for example, authoritarian parents: “you will go to karate”, “you must obey your parents”, etc.) or ignoring the interests of the child (“do not run”, “do not make noise” etc.).

Such prohibitions deprive the child of the natural way to get rid of excess energy. In later life, a person, faced with the inability to satisfy his needs, begins to suppress his emotions, thereby accumulating tension. Suppressed emotions provoke the growth of antibodies, which then come out as skin ailments.

Thus, a person is silent, and his skin "screams" about an internal problem.

As a rule, a patient with vitiligo experiences stress from a feeling of uselessness and lack of demand. He wants to declare himself, his needs, to draw attention to himself (as white spots stand out).

Such a person feels like an outcast (lives with the feeling of "not like everyone else"). He is also distinguished by a sense of alienation and detachment, he loses interest in the world around him.

Healing Paths

Medicine says that a comprehensive approach is needed to cure vitiligo, not just one drug. But even with complex treatment, including local, systemic, vitamin preparations, and physiotherapeutic procedures, only 20% of patients are cured.

At the same time, it is interesting that in another 7% of patients the disease disappears spontaneously, by itself.

It seems that the latter fact once again confirms the presence of psychological causes at the heart of this disease.

And, if so, then it makes sense to find these reasons in yourself (they were listed above by us) and embark on the path of healing.

So, if any of the above psychological reasons “hooked” you (that is, you felt that it resonates with your inner state), then there is already a beginning of healing.

Yes, these may not be the most pleasant situations or events in your life, but our task is to understand that all events in our life occur for our own development, spiritual and moral growth of the soul.

So, we reflect: for the development of what qualities such and such an event occurred or you found yourself in such and such a situation. Hint: a person is basically born to develop such qualities as Love (for the Creator, for Life, for the World, for oneself, for loved ones and for all mankind, for the living), forgiveness, acceptance, patience, kindness, friendliness , mutual assistance, humility, sincerity and other moral qualities.

But often people, being in some situation, make a choice not in favor of development: instead of accepting a person, they begin to scold and remake him, instead of accepting an event, they begin to resist him, introducing themselves into stress.

So you all realized, understood why Life put you in this or that situation. Next, we mentally ask for forgiveness (or maybe out loud) from Life and from ourselves (or from the person with whom the situation is connected) for having succumbed to negative feelings. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.

If you do everything right, you will feel peace and lightness in your soul. Fear and other negative emotions will go away, and in their place will come trust in Life and in yourself, faith in yourself.

It remains only to note that in order to increase the efficiency of working on yourself, you can pick up assistants for yourself: harmonizing affirmations (“I am safe”, “My parents love me”, “I trust Life”, “I believe in myself”, “I am unique personality”, etc.), relaxing music, nature, creativity, etc.

I wish you acceptance and faith in yourself. You are truly a unique and unique person.

Psychosomatics can provoke absolutely any external manifestations of stress and other negative emotions. Vitiligo is a disease, the cause of which doctors and scientists have not yet figured out. Psychosomatics is most often put forward to the first stage precisely because the problem appears gradually and it is preceded by emotional disruptions.

What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of white spots on the body (or several tones lighter than the natural shade of a person's skin). In addition to changing the color of other symptoms of the disease - itching, rash, hyperthermia - no. This ailment is not transmitted, it is impossible to get sick even with all conceivable and unthinkable contacts with an “affected” person. Brown spots appear due to a lack of melanin, which is responsible for skin color.

According to one theory, the reason for this diseases lies in autoimmune processes. The body fails, the immune system reacts to its own skin cells as a pathogen and begins to eliminate melanocytes. It happens in someone gradually, and sometimes spontaneously with a sharp manifestation. Process mechanism and his features have not yet been established. Therefore, scientists are actively developing other hypotheses. Most Popular psychosomatics of vitiligo- all problems from the nervous system. This hypothesis is also not scientifically confirmed, but there are many examples from real life that testify in its favor.

Psychosomatic factors in the development of vitiligo

Psychologist Louise Hay says that a person provokes many diseases on his own, and does not even notice it. The reason for this is negative emotions and feelings. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Through it, we contact the outside world, and also show ourselves (after all, initially they are judged by appearance). That is why psychosomatic the reasons can easily cause vitiligo.

Although they say that constant stress is to blame, this is only one of the possible factors affecting the appearance of age spots. In fact, there are about a dozen psycho-emotional problems that can lead to discoloration of one or more areas of the skin.

Desire to be cleaner

The desire to wash off the dirt is natural, but it is not always about skin pollution in the literal sense. There is also an inner feeling that you are standing all dirty, “as if spat upon,” there is even such an expression. This feeling is due to several reasons:

  • Cheating from a loved one who touched the body.
  • Rape.
  • Physical humiliation (bullying).

Even such a reason as treason can become a factor in the appearance of vitiligo. When a woman finds out about the betrayal of her husband (or the opposite situation), whom she loves very much, then there is a feeling of dirt on herself. This is how betrayal feels.

To get rid of sadness and a feeling of dirt in the soul, the body gives signals for cleansing. And the skin begins to lighten, but not evenly, but in spots. Their size is often proportional to the amount of grief experienced.

Desire to stand out

Often such a desire appears in the first-born. When a second baby appears in a family with a small child, all attention goes to him (even if the parents try very hard not to deprive the first child). And then the older brother or sister begins to withdraw into himself. To help the child attract the attention of parents to himself, the body "produces" white spots.

In the case of children, this often manifests itself in other diseases. After all, children very quickly notice that when they get sick, the attention of their relatives increases. Vitiligo is not dangerous, but still a disease, and parents with its appearance will really worry about their first child.

Feeling of worthlessness

The feeling of alienation, that you are superfluous and useless in this world, develops not only complexes. When a person stays in himself for a long time and thinks about his existence, its meaninglessness, then the immunity weakens, and the body becomes more susceptible to any diseases. He can even provoke one of them. Vitiligo attracts attention, as a person with an unusual skin color becomes visible to everyone.

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