Drawing of children about religion. Religious symbols (15 photos). Swastika on the Nazi flag

other presentations on the topic "World Religions"

"Religions of the world" - Organizational moment (1-2 min). What can you tell your family members about the emergence of world religions? Abraham. Show on the map the place of origin of the religion you represent. Religions of the world. Show on the map the place of origin of the religion of the world that you represent. Islam. Synagogue. Learning new material (5 min).

"Religions" - Arose in the VI century BC. in India The number of believers is 350 million people. Europe North. Hinduism. Religions: Shiism. America Australia Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism. Shintoism. Center - Vatican. Fetishism. Prayer. Sikhism. Monotheism and polytheism. Patriarch Alexy. 20 million believers China, Singapore. Pope John Paul II.

"Morality and Religion" - Categories of duty - a kind of stopping point of the moral consciousness of the individual. Features of religion. Any professional activity is regulated by special instructions, memos, rules, charters. The system of religious rites, rituals, actions - cults, sacrifices, ceremonies. Every religious system has its own moral codes.

"Lesson Religion" - Art in religious culture. Summarizing. Man in the Religious Traditions of the World Lesson 12. Determine the topics of your articles. Customs and rituals. What are the religions. How should a cultured person behave? How religion and culture are related. That the holy book of Muslims is called the Quran. What are icons.

"Religions of the World" - Branches of Christianity: The world religion is a religion that has spread among the peoples of various countries and continents. Islam. Protestantism is characterized by an extreme diversity of external forms and practices from church to church. Catholicism. Orthodoxy. Criteria: Christianity. In the Middle East, there are many Catholics in Lebanon.

"World Religions" - Islam is one of the world religions that arose in the 7th century in Arabia. Christian commandments. The founder of the Buddhist religion was Siddhartha Gautama. 1. Zhukov. The Quran is the main book of Muslims. Orthodox churches. Protestant churches. Problem tasks: Buddhist temple. Patriarch Nikon is a reformer of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Christianity is a world religion uniting about 2 billion adherents. The essence of Christianity is the doctrine of the God-man Jesus Christ (son of God), who descended from heaven to earth and accepted suffering and death to redeem people from original sin.

Christianity originated in the East of the Roman Empire (the territory of modern Israel) in the 1st century AD. The founder is Jesus Christ. Currently, Christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world - it is practiced by more than a quarter of humanity. Christianity ranks first in the world in terms of geographical distribution, i. Almost every country in the world has at least one Christian community.

Catholicism - One of the main directions in Christianity. Catholics make up the majority of believers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Austria, and in Latin American states. The organization of the Catholic Church is marked by strict centralization. During the Reformation, Protestantism broke away from Catholicism.

Orthodoxy - One of the main and oldest directions in Christianity, which is characterized by: faith in the bodily resurrection, the ascension and the upcoming second coming of Jesus Christ, the need to belong to the Church, faith in the holiness of the Church, faith in angels and the prayerful intercession of saints.

Protestantism - (from lat. protestans, genus n. protestantis publicly proving), one of the main directions in Christianity. It unites many independent movements, churches and sects. Protestantism is characterized by the absence of a fundamental opposition of the clergy to the laity, the rejection of a complex church hierarchy, a simplified cult, the absence of monasticism, celibacy; in Protestantism there is no cult of the Virgin, saints, angels, icons, the number of sacraments is reduced to two (baptism and communion).

The number of Christians At present, the number of adherents of Christianity around the world exceeds 2 billion, of which in Europe, according to various estimates, from 400 to 550 million, in Latin America about 380 million, in North America one million (US million, Canada 25 million), in Asia about 300 million, in Africa one million, in Australia 14 million.

Spread of Christianity in the world: Red % of the population Yellow % of the population Blue % of the population Gray % of the population

Hello dear students!

Today we have a rather complicated topic. In elementary school, it is studied as part of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" and it is quite possible that the teacher will ask you to prepare a report or message for the class on the topic "Major World Religions".

Today I propose to consider them in more detail and give them a brief description in order to have a little idea of ​​what the believing people breathe. I will try to write in simple words so that everything is clear to everyone. Well, if it is still not clear, then you can always ask a question in the comments.

Lesson plan:

What is religion?

There were many of them, and each saint was responsible for his own sphere.

  • Some gods were called upon to make it rain.
  • To others - to help in the fight against enemies.
  • The third was asked for help in trouble and illness.

This is how religion was born - faith in a supernatural helper called God, and the ability to turn to him through prayers.

Time passed, people's beliefs changed, matured and united into groups. Today there are many religious movements, the supporters of which may be hundreds, and may be billions of people.

Each religious belief includes:

  • norms of morality and ethics;
  • rules of behavior;
  • a set of rituals and ceremonies, with the help of which they turn to shrines, asking for help in pressing matters.

There are three major religions in the world today. All other beliefs are just offshoots from them with their small subtleties. The most important life postulates are preserved in any religion.

The oldest religion is Buddhism

A Buddhist religious movement arose in the 6th century BC in India.

History connects the emergence of Buddhism with the name of Siddhartha Gautama.

According to an ancient legend, at the age of 29, he left his luxurious home when he saw the “truth of life”:

  • old age in the form of a decrepit old man caught in the eye;
  • illness through a seriously ill person;
  • death from a collision with a funeral procession.

In search of truth, he reflected and meditated, realizing the inevitability of putting up with the obligatory moments in life. As a result, he found the meaning of the existence of everything that surrounds us, and as the Buddhists say, he became enlightened, therefore he was called the Buddha.

Found in the depths of his consciousness the truth about the fate of man, the Buddha began to share with others - this is how the sacred book Tipitaka appeared.

It lists all the main religious ideas of Buddhism:

  • suffering in life is inevitable; to get rid of them, you need to renounce earthly desires, striving to achieve nirvana - the highest state of the soul;
  • a person himself determines his future fate by his actions, being reborn in another life into a new living being, who you will be later depends on how you behave in this life;
  • right behavior is kindness and the ability to sympathize with others;
  • the right way of life is honesty;
  • right speech is the absence of falsehood;
  • right action - do not harm anything living, do not steal and do not have bad habits;
  • proper training is the realization that everything can be achieved if you make an effort.

Today, Buddhism is supported in different countries by more than 500 million people.

Buddhists in Asia, the Far East, Laos, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Cambodia devote all their free time to meditation in monasteries, trying to reach this highest state and free themselves from the shackles of life.

The Buddhist headquarters is located in Bangkok. Representatives of this religion choose divine statues as shrines, to which they lay flowers.

Cultural scientists believe that without understanding Buddhism, it is impossible to understand the great culture of the eastern peoples of India, China, Tibet and Mongolia. Buddhism is also present in Russia, you can chat with its fans in Kalmykia or Buryatia.

It is interesting! The name of the Buddhist canons "Tipitaka" means "triple basket", which is usually interpreted as "three baskets of the law." Scientists believe that perhaps the sacred texts of the rules, written in ancient times on palm leaves, were kept in wicker baskets.

christian religion

The birthplace of Christianity is Palestine, the former east of the Roman Empire.

A religious movement that appeared in the 1st century turned to all the humiliated who were looking for justice with a proposal to turn to God for help in the hope of getting rid of everything bad. The emergence of the Christian religion is associated with the sermons of Jesus Christ, whose birth was predicted to the Virgin Mary.

When he was 30 years old, the messenger of God went out to people to preach the holy word, conveying to the people the ideas of diligence, peace and brotherhood, condemning wealth and extolling the spiritual over the material. The Hebrew name of Jesus is Yeshua, which translates as “savior”, who was destined to suffer for the sins of all Christians.

The basis of the Christian religion is belief in angels and demons, the afterlife, the Last Judgment and the end of the world.

The holy book of the Christian religion is the Bible, which contains all the main ten rules - the commandments, their observance for every believing Christian is the goal in life.

The most important of these is to love God as yourself. There are also rules not to steal and not to lie, to work and honor parents.

In 1054, the Christian church split into Orthodox (east) and Catholics (west), and later, in the 16th century, Protestants appeared.

Most of the Orthodox live in Russia, Belarus, Greece, Moldova, they are among Canadians and Americans. Catholicism is widespread in Portugal, France, Spain, Italy, Germany.

Today there are about 2 billion believers in the Christian religion.

This is the largest religion in the world in terms of the number of followers and geography - in every country there is, even a small, Christian community.

All Christians, both Orthodox and Catholics, attend church churches, undergo baptism and atone for their sins through prayer and fasting.

The youngest religion is Islam

The youngest world religion in terms of age appeared among the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century and is translated as “submission”.

But young does not mean that there are few believers in it - today there are about 1.5 billion people from almost 120 countries of the world among the followers of Islam. The ideas of Islam were brought to the people by Muhammad, born in Mecca, who declared that he was the chosen one of Allah (the god of the Islamists) to put his sermons into practice.

The holy scripture of Muslims - this is the name of those who have chosen Islam as their religion - the Koran, where all the sermons of Muhammad were included.

An Islamic shrine is a mosque where believers come to pray 5 times a day. Many researchers believe that young Islam took its entire foundation from the Christian Bible, adding Arabic traditions: here, too, there is God's terrible judgment and demons, paradise and Satan.

According to the Muslim Quran, a person lives to pass all the trials of life, serving Allah and preparing for the afterlife. The most serious sins in Islam are gambling and drunkenness, as well as usury (this is when they lend and demand to return it in a larger amount, charging interest).

Also, true Muslims never eat pork. Muslims are especially attentive to fasting in the month of Ramadan, when even a crumb of food is not allowed during daylight hours.

Islam has a religious law called Sharia, the court of which sometimes does not fit into the conditions of modern times - for serious sins and violation of the Koran, Muslims are stoned to death, for minor offenses they are beaten with sticks. Such punishments are still preserved in some areas of Islamic states.

What unites the three world religions

No matter how the three religions, which we have characterized today, are named, no matter how they differ in rituals, shrines and faith, all of them, taken together, establish human moral standards and rules of conduct, forbidding pain and harm to all living things, resorting to cheating, behaving disrespectfully towards others.

Any of the world religions teaches tolerance, calls to be merciful and treat people with kindness.

Sharing good, no one becomes a beggar,

Everything will come back a hundredfold.

Who makes our world brighter and cleaner,

He himself will become rich from kindness.

That's all for today. I say goodbye to you with wishes to be kinder to each other.

Success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

What are they and what do they mean.

Formally, the symbol of the Baha'i Faith is a five-pointed star, however, it is associated with this teaching, first of all, a nine-pointed star (nine is a sacred number for the Baha'is) - the symbol of the "Greatest Name". The Bahá'ís consider their religion to be the last world monotheistic religion, while religious scholars classify it as an Islamic syncretic sect, as well as a new and world religion.

The symbol of the Bahá'í Faith is the nine-pointed star.


Dharmachakra, or "drachma wheel", as well as the "wheel of the law", is a symbol of the teachings of the Buddha and is depicted as a wheel with five, six or eight spokes. The hub (center of the wheel) symbolizes the luminous point of consciousness, which radiates soul light, and the eight spokes symbolize following the "Noble Eightfold Path" (eight noble principles), which is the essence of the Buddha's teachings. These principles are: right view, right thinking, right speech, right behavior, right living, right effort, right awareness, right contemplation.


Sometimes two gazelles are depicted on the sides of the wheel, which are a symbol of Buddhist preaching. This is due to the legend that these animals also listened to the first sermon of the Buddha.

Bhavacakra - a similar symbol, also reminiscent of a wheel ("wheel of samsara"), denotes an endless cycle of being, characterized by birth, death and new births.



The famous black and white "fish" Yin and Yang are one of the main concepts of ancient Chinese natural philosophy. The concept of Yin and Yang denotes two positions: firstly, that everything in this world is constantly changing, and secondly, that opposites complement each other (in this, Taoism is somewhat reminiscent of Masonic philosophy with one of its symbols - a chess floor; more about Freemasonry and its symbols, read the article by Marina Ptichenko "Freemasonry: not a secret society, but a society with secrets"). According to Taoism, the goal of human existence is the balance and harmony of opposites, which is hard to disagree with. Yin stands for black, feminine and inner, Yang stands for white, masculine and outer.

Yin Yang


This ancient religion is based on the free moral choice of good thoughts, words and deeds by a person. The symbol of Zoroastrianism - faravakhar - is a winged disk, in the upper part of which a human body is depicted - fravashi, which is an analogue of the guardian angel in Abrahamic religions. Initially, this symbol, however, depicted a winged sun (a symbol of power and divine origin), later the image of a man was added to it. In general, faravahar means divine blessing (and according to some versions, royal glory).



Despite the global nature of this religion, there are no symbols in Islam as such (read more about Islam in Yevgeny Shurygin's article "Islam is not aggressive - there are aggressive representatives"). However, "unofficially" the symbols of Islam are, of course, the crescent and the star (for more information about the symbolism of Islam, as well as Christianity and Judaism and their meaning from the point of view of depth psychology, read the material "1000 and 1 night": under the rule of an Eastern woman ").

star and crescent

Regarding the symbol or emblem, it can be said that Muslims worship Allah and reject any idols. Muslims ask for blessings and protection only from Allah, and therefore Muslims do not have a symbol, such as a Christian cross. Some Muslims have chosen the crescent as a symbol as opposed to the cross, but this is wrong and is an innovation in Islam.

— Sheikh Muhammad Salih al Munajid


The quintessence of the word "Om" ("Aum") is a mantra. Aum is a symbol of Hinduism and means the universal name of God, the three letters of which denote the three main gods and their spheres of influence - Creation, Maintenance and Destruction, and in addition, symbolize the three states of consciousness: awakening, meditation and deep sleep.


The well-known swastika is also a symbol of Hinduism, and, as you know, means the Sun, harmony, unity of forces and elements, auspicious destinies. Contrary to popular belief, the idea of ​​​​hoisting this symbol on the national flag of Nazi Germany does not at all belong to Adolf Hitler, obsessed with mysticism, but it was he who approved it as a symbol of National Socialism.

Swastika on the Nazi flag

However, I had to reject all the countless designs sent to me from all over by the young supporters of the movement, because all these projects boiled down to only one topic: they took the old colors<красно-бело-черного прусского флага>and against this background, in different variations, they drew a hoe-shaped cross. (...) After a series of experiments and alterations, I myself compiled a completed project: the main background of the banner is red; a white circle inside, and in the center of this circle is a black hoe-shaped cross. After long alterations, I finally found the necessary ratio between the size of the banner and the size of the white circle, and finally settled on the size and shape of the cross.

— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

In addition, the swastika was used as a symbol of German socialism by various military organizations even before the Nazis appeared on the political arena of Germany.

Fortunately, the solar symbol "worked" as a talisman not from the Nazis themselves, but from the Nazis, giving hope for "favorable destinies" to the rest of the world.


The symbol of the six-pointed star of David (hexagram) has an older origin than Judaism itself. This symbol became Jewish only from the 19th century. The sign of the hexagram itself was known in India under the name Anahanta Chakra, probably long before it appeared in the Middle East and Europe.

Star of David

There are many interpretations of the Star of David symbol, among them both traditional and those proposed in the 20th century. The hexagram is interpreted as a connection and combination of two principles: masculine (triangle with “broad shoulders”, pointing down) and feminine (triangle pointing up), heavenly and earthly, fire combined with air and water combined with earth; control of the whole world: earth, sky and four cardinal directions, etc.


The common name of the teachings based on belief in otherworldly and supernatural forces - occultism - also has its own symbol - the pentagram. It is the oldest and most complex mystical symbol, the first mention of which dates back to Ancient Greece. The pentagram literally means "five lines" in Greek. This symbol, for example, was the hallmark of the school of Pythagoras, whose followers believed that a beautiful polygon had many magical properties. Researchers believe that the pentagram probably appeared 4 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia and, apparently, denoted the astronomical scheme of the movement of the planet Venus. This star symbol, as a rule, denotes a person, where the top point is the head, and the other four are the limbs. Sometimes the pentagram is also considered as an image of the five senses.



The Seal of Baphomet is the official symbol of the Church of Satan. It represents the same pentagram, only turned upside down, often also with a goat's head inscribed in it. Around the pentagram is a ring in which the name of Leviathan is inscribed opposite each end of the star.

Seal of Baphomet


This religion was founded in India by Guru Nanak (1469-1539). Today, its adherents are more than 22 million people around the world. The most important symbol of religion is the khanda, which is a double-edged sword (the Sikh idea of ​​a holy warrior) surrounded by a chakra, an Indian steel throwing ring (a symbol of the unity of God and man). On both sides are two kirpans (the national form of the Sikh knife), personifying spiritual and worldly power, which emphasizes that both spiritual life and obligations to the community are equally important for a Sikh.



The symbol of the cross in Christianity, according to some researchers, is also not the original, but, like the star and crescent in Islam, a later innovation. Initially, the symbol of the Christian religion was the image of a fish. In ancient Greek, fish is designated as ἰχθύς (“ichthys (ichthus)”), which corresponds to the abbreviation of the Christian postulate “Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ” (ΙΧΘΥΣ) – “Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

Orthodox cross

The Orthodox cross, as you know, differs from the Catholic one and consists of four crossbars. Small horizontal designates a tablet with the inscription "Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews." The slanting crossbar symbolizes two thieves crucified next to Jesus, where the upward end of the crossbar denotes the forgiven of them, and the downward one indicates the second one who went to hell. Another version, however, says that the crossbar is just a footrest for the crucified, which did not allow him to die immediately after the execution.

The shape of the cross in the form of two beams, like the Catholics, came from ancient Chaldea, where, as in neighboring countries, it symbolized the god Tammuz.

catholic cross

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