Apricot kernels while breastfeeding. The benefits and harms of apricots during breastfeeding. Unpleasant consequences in infants

It's no secret that the most valuable and necessary product The first year of life of every human being is breast milk. It carries many useful features: satisfies hunger, thirst, strengthens the immune system and contributes to the harmonious development of the baby. For example, in Japan it is customary to breastfeed children for the first 5 years of their lives.

During breastfeeding, the mother should pay special attention to the foods used, as they can cause various allergic reactions. With the advent of summer, many young mothers have difficulty choosing whether to eat this or that fruit or not. Very often you can hear the question: “Is it possible to have apricots with breastfeeding?».

The benefits and harms of these fruits

Apricot is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is practically the leader in the content of beta-carotene, which is necessary for good vision. Also, this fruit has excellent expectorant and antibacterial properties, has a beneficial effect on almost all vital important features our body. There is an opinion that eating apricot is good prophylactic oncological diseases However, this fact has not yet been confirmed in traditional medicine.

In addition to beta-carotene, apricots contain

  • potassium
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • iodine and iron

They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and endocrine system. It is part of the fruit and a large amount of vitamins necessary for the normal course of all physiological processes.

As for the harm of apricots, the biggest drawback of this fruit is a high concentration of sugar. Regardless of whether you choose fresh or dried fruits, you should not abuse them.

Can apricots be breastfed?

During lactation, all new foods are introduced into the mother's diet in a minimal amount and at intervals. The same applies to apricots. It is not worth giving up on them completely.

It is also important to consider the age of the baby. Most pediatricians agree that the use of apricots by a mother in 1-3 months of a baby's life is not permissible, as it can provoke colic and digestive system disorders. If your baby is more than 3 months old, you can safely include in the diet fresh fruits, provided they are ripe and grown without the use of chemicals.

On the first day, you can eat no more than 2-3 fruits, on the second day, refrain from taking it, watch your child. If none negative consequences the introduction of apricots into the diet did not occur, you can increase the number of fruits to 5-6. But the compote of this sunny and juicy fruit you can drink throughout the year.

Dried fruits should be treated with caution, since it is in them that the concentration of sugar is the highest, which is undesirable for either mother or baby.

The best food for a child early age, especially in the first months of life, is mother's milk. It is healthy, tasty and for the baby. It contains the full range of nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. Breastfeeding provides normal growth and full development of the child, correct formation his brain and intellect. Mother's milk contains immunoglobulins and immune cells that protect the baby from various infections(intestinal, hepatitis, diphtheria, etc.) and stimulate proper development own immune system baby. Breastfed babies suffer from allergies much less often than "artificial" ones. Necessary condition to develop quality breast milk in the right amount is balanced diet mothers while breastfeeding. Women are especially attentive to the products that they consume during the GV period. And even such a beloved by many and harmless fruit as an apricot raises a lot of questions related to whether it can be eaten while breastfeeding and in what form, whether it affects the composition of milk and whether it can harm the baby.

It is interesting! The birthplace of the apricot is China, where it was already known for 2-3 thousand years BC. and even then it was used in medicinal purposes. Later, the apricot spread throughout Asia, and it came to Europe from Armenia, there - in Europe, then it was called the “Armenian apple”. It came to Russia from the West in the 17th century, by the way, out of 10 species of apricot trees, only 3 wild species can be found in our country. Most often, the common apricot grows as a single tree, but sometimes there are also sparse groves of apricot trees. Apricot trees (wild) can often be seen along roadsides in the middle lane, while cultivated varieties are grown in fruit farms.

Are apricots good for breastfeeding?

In most cases, if there are no contraindications associated with individual intolerance to the body, apricots are useful for both pregnant women and nursing mothers. They belong to diet fruits, and due to the sweet and juicy pulp, they are also nutritious.

A ripe apricot is rich in potassium, necessary for normal operation hearts and nerve cells. Dried apricots contain 5-6 times more potassium than fresh ones. Also, apricot contains magnesium and phosphorus, which activate the brain; iron and iodine, preventive diseases thyroid gland; many vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, PP) and useful substances. In addition, apricots contain a lot of pectin and natural acids such as citric, tartaric and malic. All these elements are directly involved in the life of the body.

It is known that in order to satisfy daily requirement body in ascorbic acid, it is enough to drink ¾ cup of natural apricot juice.

Considering everything beneficial features, doctors recommend using this incredibly tasty and juicy fruit during breastfeeding, but in moderation, without frills. In order to avoid possible and pain in the baby's tummy, they advise waiting until the child is 2-3 months old, when he digestive system will become more adapted and then you can try to introduce apricots into your mother's diet. For the first time, it is enough to eat half an apricot and observe the reaction of the child after breastfeeding. If everything is in order, then you can safely include them in your diet.

By regularly consuming apricots, you can feel for yourself and appreciate their beneficial properties for the body of a mother who is breastfeeding:

  • They will help you quickly recover after childbirth and support during the period of breastfeeding due to the unique and balanced composition vitamins, minerals and nutrients;
  • Maintain and improve external beauty a young mother, ensure the health of teeth, hair and skin;
  • Contribute quick recovery cells and normalization of work internal organs;
  • Normalize the work of the stomach (contribute to the removal of toxins from the body);
  • prevent possible problems young moms associated with hormonal disorders, dysbiosis and edema;
  • it good remedy for weight loss, because contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, and, accordingly, the speedy weight loss;
  • Have a diuretic effect;
  • Helps improve memory;
  • Good remedy for colds. AT oriental medicine Apricot seeds are widely used as an antitussive. It's time to prepare at least a few cans of jam from this fruit for the winter: together with hot tea, it will effectively eliminate colds;

Good to know!

Apricots are an excellent prevention of many serious diseases. It has been scientifically proven that eating apricots prevents the development of diseases of the heart, stomach, genitourinary system, arthritis and even lung cancer - due to high content carotene. To satisfy a person's daily need for carotene, it is enough to drink a glass of natural apricot juice or eat 5-6 fresh fruits. By the way, carotene is very useful for vision.

Apricots are used in cosmetology. Apricot is also widely used in cosmetology. Oil is prepared from its seeds, which is close to almond in composition and quite nutritious. It can be used as a face cream and remedy for dry ends of the hair. Finally, now it is worth pampering yourself with an apricot puree mask, which will saturate the skin with valuable elements, give it a healthy even tone and help you get a beautiful tan.

canned apricots

In the process heat treatment apricots can lose appearance, various flavors can be added to them. Getting with mother's milk to the baby, artificial additives can cause him and disrupt the intestines.

compote recipe:

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Dried apricots

Dried apricots doctors unequivocally advise both pregnant and lactating mothers to eat daily. It contains everything essential vitamins, fiber, trace elements, organic acids and carbohydrates and brings irreplaceable benefit mothers during lactation.

Useful properties of dried apricots:

  • Removes various harmful metals and radionuclides from the body thanks to pectins and natural acids;
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Normalizes the activity of the digestive system after childbirth;
  • Lowers blood cholesterol;
  • Is excellent tool for the prevention of endocrine diseases;
  • Helps with beriberi and anemia;
  • Due to fructose and glucose, they satisfy the need for sweets without harm to the female body;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the mother, strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition;
  • Used with HB, dried apricots perfectly prevent the appearance;
  • Due to the large amount of potassium, it is a wonderful medicine for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • Normalizes pressure;
  • Thanks to carotene, it is useful for vision;
  • Is a source of excellent well-being;
  • It has active diuretic properties and normalizes the condition of the kidneys.

Dried fruit can be used as ingredients for desserts and salads, hot and meat dishes.

Rules for use and precautions

The main rules for eating apricots during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • Choose only ripe fruits;
  • Buy them during high season (June-July);
  • Don't overeat;
  • Do not consume on an empty stomach;
  • If your child develops an allergy or upset stomach, stop using them immediately.

When buying dried apricots, pay attention to its appearance. If she has too bright color and glitters, this may indicate that the drying used chemicals(for example, sulfuric anhydride), which is often used to fumigate fruits in drying chambers. Dried apricots good quality has a color from pale yellow to grayish brown and a pronounced taste. It is better to choose gray dried apricots, which have a nondescript color that appears naturally when drying fruits.

Before use, dried apricots should be thoroughly washed, pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse again and only then you can eat.

Dried apricots should not be abused. It is enough to eat five or six pieces of dried apricots a day as a sweet dessert.

Apricots are widely known for their ability to loosen stools. Experts advise to be more attentive to yourself and to the condition of the baby when you first use a new fruit. With constipation in a child, they will benefit. In case of diarrhea in a baby, it is better for a nursing mother to refrain from eating apricots and dried apricots.

AT rare cases the child may develop an allergy after the mother eats apricots. It can be expressed not only in rashes and irritations on the skin, but also in disorders of the stool. The imperfect digestive system of the baby is still weak protective functions and cannot digest everything that the stomach of an adult is capable of digesting.

Be aware of the possible individual intolerance to fruits, which may be in the mother or father. Someone can eat half a bucket without consequences, and sometimes a few pieces are enough for some to appear. severe diarrhea. If parents have an intolerance to this fruit, then most likely the child will not perceive it. In this case, it is advisable for the mother not to take risks and refrain from using them.

Let's summarize.

Apricots are useful and necessary in the diet of a nursing mother. It is advisable to use them not from the birth of the baby, but after 2-3 months. At the same time, remember the precautions. Do not forget that the mother's diet can affect the health and well-being of the baby. Don't be selfish and think only of yourself. If you see that the use of apricot causes allergic reactions in a child or intestinal disorders, then it is better to refrain from taking them during breastfeeding. To be a mother is to be able to put the interests of the child above your own, to be able to sacrifice something for the sake of the health of your baby.


  • What fruits can a breastfeeding woman eat?
  • Feeding a nursing mother

Pregnancy and childbirth are a huge burden on the body of a woman who has yet to breastfeed her baby. After such severe stress organs and systems require biologically significant elements and active substances to fully recover. One of the assistants in this delicate matter is dried apricot halves, also called dried apricots.

However, what is good for the mother's body can be bad for the baby. This type of dried fruit is a heavy product, and therefore you need to include it in your daily diet carefully and in certain period time.

Features of dried apricot

The origin of apricot trees has not been clarified so far. There are different assumptions about the first cultivation of this fruitful plant, but a reliable fact: in Russia, apricot began to spread in the 17th century. The fruits are consumed fresh, dried, and even the bones have found application in pharmacology. Currently, apricots are specially grown for the subsequent production of dried fruits in the Far East, the North Caucasus and the Crimea.

There are four types of dried apricot fruits in total.

  • Dried apricots are apricots cut in half. The bones have been removed from them.
  • Dried apricots- these are the fruits of small-grade apricot trees, the stones are not removed from them. Apricots are often used to make a dessert drink.
  • Kaisa- these are whole fruits, from which the bones are removed by taking them out through the places of attachment of the stem organ.
  • Ashtak- These are whole fruits without a stone. The kernels are extracted from them and then put back in.

The most common option is dried apricots, which can be eaten instead of fresh fruit in winter time year and between seasons. Of course, in processed fruits there is already less organic compounds, but much more biologically significant trace elements, which is very useful for a nursing mother.

Composition and useful qualities

The chemical composition of dried apricots is rich and varied:

  • trace elements: Ca, P, Fe, Mg, K;
  • organic compounds: retinol, vitamin C, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • sugar: cane, fruit and grape;
  • organic acids: oxysuccinic and dioxysuccinic.

A woman's caution in choosing products during lactation is justified, because everything that enters her body to some extent passes into the composition of milk and, accordingly, is transmitted to the child. Often, the well-being of the baby depends on this factor.

Dried apricots can be a great alternative to store-bought sweets. She will help you deal with postpartum depression, bad mood and has many useful properties. Even doctors note its benefits for the body of a young mother and are advised to include it in the daily diet.

In general, the following properties are distinguished by the product on a woman:

  • organizes activities of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves blood filtration by the kidneys, due to which excess fluid is removed from the body and swelling is removed;
  • lowers arterial pressure;
  • contributes to the strengthening of the central nervous system and nerve conduction;
  • promotes excretion from the body bad cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • stabilizes the iron content in the blood, helps fight iron deficiency anemia and anemia;
  • improves the appearance of the skin, nail plates and hair, strengthens hair follicles, gives hair shine and silkiness;
  • effectively fights constipation and also prevents them thanks to the dietary fiber and sugars that make up the dried fruit;
  • promotes tissue regeneration, helps to reduce the severity of stretch marks after pregnancy;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances, resulting in milk to the baby comes with the minimum amount harmful substances.

Possible harm

Dried fruits, despite all the above useful properties, should be used with caution when breastfeeding. Diversity biologically important elements Under certain circumstances, it can do more harm than good.

  • In the first month of a newborn's life, his digestive system is immature and unable to absorb heavy components from milk. There are a lot of these components in dried apricots, so during this period with HB, you need to limit yourself to compote or tincture.
  • High concentration dietary fiber, which are much more than in fresh fruits, leads to the fact that the baby has a stool disorder, increased gas formation and colic.
  • because of hypotensive action it is important for women with initially low blood pressure to strictly limit dried fruits to 60 grams per day.
  • If the mother had an individual response to apricot juice, to orange foods, then dried apricots during breastfeeding are strictly contraindicated.

Thus, we can distinguish a number of conditions in which it is better to refuse dried fruits:

  • response allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type and etiology;
  • being overweight or being obese.

Rules of use

Based on all the restrictions and contraindications, dried apricots should be introduced into the diet, following certain rules. Doctors recommend starting to eat dried fruit already during the period of bearing a child. One hundred grams per day will be enough to improve the digestion process and cope with puffiness.

However, after giving birth, you should adhere to some plan for the use of the product.

  • Up to three months of age all orange-colored dried fruits are wiser to use in the form of dessert drinks or tinctures. Such processing of dried fruit will prevent the development of flatulence in the baby, but retain all the useful elements.
  • Upon reaching three months of age mom is allowed to add dried fruit to dishes. Dried apricots should be introduced into the diet gradually. On the first day, it is allowed to eat a couple of things, and after feeding, you should carefully monitor the condition of the child. If it is revealed adverse reaction in infants, it is better to postpone the introduction of the product for a month and then try again.

In any case, it will not be superfluous to go to an allergist and conduct allergy tests to rule out allergies.

Quality product selection

In order to get maximum benefit both from the fruits themselves and from dishes with them, it is important to choose and buy only high-quality dried apricots. In the markets and grocery stores you can find bright, glossy and beautiful dried apricots, which just begs to be handed. But everything is not so simple here: this glossiness is achieved through the use of sulfur dioxide. The substance itself is used to destroy pathogens, but it is harmful to the child. Good and healthy dried fruits differ in unpresentable appearance:

  • orange peel with a yellow or brown tint;
  • fruits are medium-sized, round;
  • the texture is dense, dry and harsh to the touch;
  • tasting sweet and with a pleasant aroma.

After purchase, they must be thoroughly rinsed under warm running water, and then pour boiling water for 20 minutes. It will help destroy everything harmful microorganisms and chemistry, if used.

Healthy Recipes

Dried apricot is perfect and enriches the taste of salads, cereals, meat dishes. There is an opinion that in this case, not only the dishes become tastier and more aromatic, but also the milk acquires an unusual taste.

dessert drink

Step by step recipe:

  • thoroughly wash the dried fruits and soak for 20 minutes;
  • pour water into a container and bring to a boil, then throw dried fruits into it;
  • brew a drink for half an hour;
  • after we pass the liquid through gauze and let the drink cool;
  • add honey or sugar, pour into jars and cork;
  • insist drink for an hour.

The drink is well suited not only for mothers, but also for small children. It can also be given with complementary foods.

Cheesecakes with dried apricots

To prepare delicious cheesecakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • one apple;
  • 50 grams of dried fruits;
  • 150 grams of sour cream.

Step by step recipe:

  • grind the cottage cheese with a fork or in a blender;
  • break one egg into the mass;
  • we wash the apple well, peel it and chop it with a grater;
  • mix the grated apple with the total mass;
  • dried fruits are also thoroughly washed under running water and chopped, poured into the mass;
  • mix the curd composition thoroughly and sculpt balls from it;
  • Beat the second egg and roll the balls in it;
  • after we form cakes from the balls and put them on a baking sheet;
  • cheesecakes are baked until crispy at a temperature of 200 degrees, and then served with sour cream.

Breastfeeding includes certain restrictions on the choice of products, including a ban on store-bought sweets. Therefore, such a dish will not only be tasty and will surely please mommy, but will also have the most beneficial effect.

For information on what fruits a nursing mother can have, see the next video.

AT last years The opinion of doctors about the nutrition of a woman during breastfeeding has changed a lot, and fruits and vegetables are no longer on the list of prohibited foods. Vitamins, fiber, natural chemical elements are needed by both the mother to improve health after pregnancy, and her baby for normal development.

But pediatricians of the "old school", aunts and grandmothers continue to warn young mothers that while breastfeeding is allowed, there is far from everything. And the question "is it possible to have apricots while breastfeeding?" can make them hysterical. This attitude towards these fruits is easily explained by the reaction that apricots sometimes cause even in an adult. But can breastfeeding them really harm the baby?

Helpful or harmful?

Observations show that healthy children really do not react in any way to the fact that the mother eats "forbidden foods", since the path from her stomach to mammary glands too long and complicated. But eating without absurd restrictions improves mom's health and mood, which only benefits the quantity and quality of breast milk.

It has also been observed that vegetables and fruits, especially apricots when breastfeeding, “guarantee” that the baby will not have constipation.

Undesirable can be considered products that the woman herself tolerates with difficulty, and from which she may begin to have digestive problems. As well as those that have undergone excessive processing and contain a lot of additives and preservatives. All this applies to apricots and their products.

Apricots while breastfeeding

By forbidding mothers from eating apricots, proponents of the outdated approach to breastfeeding cite two possible unpleasant consequences for children:

  • rash or diathesis as a result of an allergic reaction;
  • bloating and/or intestinal upset.


Fortunately, the appearance of rashes on the baby's cheeks does not always mean that he is predisposed to allergies. Such a reaction can be caused by pesticides used to protect plants from pests or drugs to accelerate the ripening of fruits. Therefore, the ideal solution would be to buy apricots in their season from grandmothers who are far from large-scale agricultural production.

Although apricots are not strong allergens, there are cases when, when breastfeeding, they caused allergic reaction The child has. To make sure that the rash or reddening of the cheeks happened because of this fruit, stop eating apricots and watch. After a week, try to eat one or two apricots and draw conclusions based on the reaction of the baby during the day.

Advice! Before you start eating apricots, ask relatives on both sides - is anyone allergic to this fruit? Having found an allergic person among "your own", think about the risk of diathesis in your baby.

Doctor speaks! Popular children's doctor Komarovsky believes that one of key reasons food allergies in children, constipation occurs, due to which harmful substances lingering in the intestines are absorbed into the blood. From this point of view, apricot during breastfeeding can be considered a prophylactic against allergies.


Up to 3 months, bloating in a newborn may occur due to the fact that the work of the internal organs has not yet improved. Therefore, it would be wise to limit foods that can cause such a reaction in adults. The same goes for too liquid stool. And its frequency is a very individual matter, many children, especially in the first weeks, defecate after each feeding. Anxiety can be caused obvious disorders with frequent foamy secretions, mucus in the feces and a temperature that will be a signal to see a doctor.

Doctor speaks! Evgeny Komarovsky constantly reassures parents who are too suspicious, stating that, according to the world's leading pediatricians, the color and density, as well as the frequency of the stools of babies who feed on mother's milk, can be anything.

Important! Even if in regular time the baby does not react in any way to the fact that the mother eats apricots and other “forbidden” foods, the situation may change after vaccinations and in other cases of reduced immunity. Instead of treating your child for diarrhea, give up fruit for at least a couple of days.

So can apricots be breastfed?

Even after assessing the certain risk of eating apricots while breastfeeding, you should not refuse them “just in case”. This wonderful fruit is a real pharmacy of medicinal and preventive substances necessary for both mother and child. So, the answer to the question is one - you can eat apricots while breastfeeding!

Interesting! Pediatricians call apricots helpers in building bones. They contain: vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iodine. Fresh or dried fruits normalize blood pressure, improve heart function, remove harmful substances from the body. chemical compounds. According to the content of carotene - provitamin A, apricot has no equal among other domestic fruits.

Fresh or dried?

Sometimes nursing mothers are advised to replace fresh fruits with products from them - jam, compotes or dried fruits - apricots or dried apricots. Of course, processed apricots are easier for the body to perceive. But the processing is different.

Bright orange dried apricots are known to retain their color through chemical processing and are not recommended for anyone. Homemade and factory compotes, preserves and jams vary greatly in composition and processing methods.

You can if you are careful enough

What conditions should be observed so that the use of apricots during breastfeeding is beneficial, and not harmful?

  1. Maintain hygiene, wash fruit thoroughly.
  2. Consume apricots in their normal season.
  3. Do not buy fruits, dried fruits, compotes and jams in stores or from large manufacturers.
  4. Make sure no one in the family is allergic to apricots or apricot products.
  5. Do not eat apricots on an empty stomach, after meat, or even while breastfeeding - if they make you upset.
  6. With constant colic in the baby, refrain from eating apricots until the child is three months old.

BUT main advice- plan breastfeeding, focusing on yourself and your baby, no one knows or understands him better mom!

What to eat for a nursing mother? (video)

How to choose apricots? (video)

About the benefits of apricots (video)

A nursing mother will need a lot of macro- and microelements, vitamins and other useful substances in order to recover and normalize the digestive tract after childbirth. Dried apricot, which is considered a good substitute for chocolate and sweets, can help with this.

But for the stomach of a newborn, such a product is too heavy, which is why dried apricots during breastfeeding should be included in the diet of mothers strictly. certain time. To avoid mistakes, you should learn more about when you can eat these dried fruits and how they are useful.

Apricot trees are native to the northern provinces of China. They were cultivated there long before our era.

Apricot is currently growing in Russia. Juicy fruits for the manufacture of dried fruits are grown in the farms of the Far East, North Caucasus and Crimea.

There are 3 types of dried apricots:

  • dried apricots- dried small fruits with stones;
  • dried apricots- dried halves of large fruits, no seeds;
  • kaisa- dried whole fruits, but before production, the seeds are squeezed out of them.

Most often, dried apricots get on our table, and it is able to replace fresh fruits in winter period and off season. And if dried apricots are inferior to fresh fruits in terms of the amount of vitamins, then the content minerals it is an order of magnitude higher, which is especially important for nursing mothers.

In the composition of dried apricots, the following are especially distinguished:

Of course, fresh apricots are also a source of many useful substances. So, apricot juice in an amount of a little less glass satisfies the daily human need for vitamin C.

Since every product eaten by a woman in one form or another enters the milk, the well-being of the child also depends on the diet of mothers. Therefore, one can understand the skepticism of newly-made parents about dried apricots during lactation.

Doctors not only do not prohibit, but also directly recommend eating dried apricots during breastfeeding.

Natural sweetness perfectly cheers up, helps to cope with depression, which often appears after childbirth.

These dried fruits contain a large amount of potassium (5-6 times more than fresh fruits), which, with regular use:

  • normalizes the work of many internal organs, in particular the heart and gastrointestinal tract;
  • displays excess liquid, which contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and the removal of edema;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • strengthens and "calms" the nervous system;
  • increases muscle tone.

In addition, thanks to a large number useful components dried apricots can be considered dried apricots as a truly healing fruit.

  1. Dried fruit helps mom reduce cholesterol and “raise” hemoglobin, while improving female state with anemia.
  2. Dried apricots improves general state skin, nails, contributes to the natural shine of hair, which is especially important for new mothers after bearing a child and the birth process.
  3. Bright sweet dried fruits are enriched with polysaccharides and fiber, and this significantly improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract of mothers and newborns. That is why doctors recommend dried apricots for breastfeeding to prevent constipation.
  4. The magnesium-containing compounds found in dried fruits help lower blood pressure, bringing it back to normal levels.
  5. The vitamin complex returns mothers to their former beauty, promoting the regeneration and healing of tissues, reducing the severity of stretch marks. This is due to the saturation of cells with collagen and elastin proteins.
  6. A variety of fruit acids and polysaccharides fight various harmful substances- salts heavy metals, for example. Since the body of mothers is cleansed of toxins, it means that the milk the child gets is as useful as possible.

Dried apricots are much more nutritious than fresh fruits or apricot juice. But nutritionists believe that such calories are useful. And yet, a mother with a tendency to obesity should not get carried away with these dried fruits - everything should be in moderation.

Possible harm to dried apricots when feeding

Dried apricots when breastfeeding mother should be eaten with great care. Because of the rich chemical composition dried apricots can negatively affect the well-being of the woman herself or the health of the newborn.

Thus, dried apricots have a number of limitations. Moms should stop using them if she has:

  • allergic to certain orange fruits;
  • diarrhea;
  • intolerance to dried apricots;
  • flatulence;
  • diabetes.

Is it possible for a mother to eat dried apricots during lactation in the absence of such contraindications? It is not only possible, but even necessary, but only if it is properly introduced into the diet.

Experts advise introducing dried apricots into the women's menu even during the period of bearing a baby. If a pregnant woman begins to eat up to 100 grams of dried apricots per day, it will be possible to normalize the activity of the digestive tract and relieve swelling, which is so disturbing for expectant mothers.

When can you eat dried apricot berries for a breastfeeding mom? There are specific rules approved by doctors:

  • In the first 2-3 months of a child's life, orange dried fruits should not be consumed in pure form- it will be more useful to prepare compote or tincture.
  • Many vitamins will remain in the product, and the effect on the gastrointestinal tract will be significantly mitigated. That is why dried apricot compote will allow babies to avoid colic and increased gas formation.
  • As soon as the baby turns 3 months old, and his digestive system becomes stronger, mother can use both compote and dried apricots in their pure form, gradually adding them to a variety of dishes.
  • Orange fruits are introduced into the menu of nursing mothers gradually and with extreme caution. For the first time, it will be enough to eat two or three berries, while you need to observe the reaction of the child to milk ( possible rashes, colic, diarrhea). If difficulties arise, dried apricots should be returned in a month or two months.

Another common question is when can I give dried apricots to a baby? Of course, in the first month of life, such a dish is excluded. But from the tenth month, a baby suffering from constipation can already be given dried apricot compote. This issue needs to be discussed with the pediatrician!

How to choose dried apricots?

Whether dried apricot dishes are useful for mom and baby depends on the right raw materials.

Shops and collective farm markets offer great-looking berries - bright orange, large, with a shiny surface.

However, appearances, as is often the case, are deceiving. The “glossy appearance” of dried apricots indicates that sulfur dioxide will be used for drying. Use it to destroy pathogenic bacteria, fumigating fruits with smoke.

The goal is undoubtedly noble, but such technology is unsafe for breast milk and, accordingly, the child. Naturally, such fruits cannot be eaten by the mother herself, cooked compote from it and subsequently given to the baby.

Dried apricots, dried according to all the rules, usually look unappetizing and unpresentable:

  • different yellowish or brownish tint;
  • dried fruits are small, round, not oblong;
  • denser, drier and tougher than "brothers" treated with sulfur dioxide;
  • but much tastier and more flavorful.

After acquiring dried fruits, they must be thoroughly washed under running water. warm water, steam for about a quarter of an hour in boiling water. Such preparation makes it possible to remove probable pathogenic microorganisms and chemicals.

Recipes for moms

The taste and quality of mother's milk depends on the nutrition of a woman, therefore natural feeding is a rather difficult “science”. You ate something, and through milk, the baby also feeds with you. That is, both the mother and the child pay for any mistake.

Dried apricots give familiar dishes unusual flavors: porridge becomes more fragrant, meat spicy. The main baby "dish" - mother's milk also becomes more palatable.

Dry apricots can be combined with a variety of salads, rice porridge and meat products. Offers several simple recipes, which you can cook to treat yourself, and through milk - and a little gourmet.

Of course, compote is not natural apricot juice, but many useful qualities are stored in it. You can give it to a child who is ten months old.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • a glass of dried apricots;
  • the same amount of prunes;
  • the same amount of dried grapes;
  • three liters of water;
  • sugar or honey (optional)

Compote is prepared as follows:

  1. You wash dried fruits and soak them for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Water is heated in a cooking container, then squeezed fruits are added to it.
  3. You need to boil the compote for 30-35 minutes.
  4. Then you must strain the boiled juice through cheesecloth and cool.
  5. After cooking, honey is added, the juice is poured into jars and sealed.
  6. Compote should be infused for about 60 minutes.

Ready "juice" is suitable for mothers and even for small children. You can give a similar drink to a child when he no longer has enough milk to drink.

A woman who feeds a child with milk should occasionally indulge herself (and the baby, of course) with dried fruit cheesecakes. To prepare this dish, you must take the following products:

The process of making cheesecakes looks quite simple:

  1. First of all, you must grind the curd mass with a fork or a blender.
  2. Break an egg.
  3. Then you need to remove the peel from the apple, grate it and mix with the egg-curd mixture.
  4. Dried apricots are cut and added to other products. Everything is mixed up.
  5. Then you must form small balls, dip in batter from a beaten egg.
  6. The next step is to give the balls the shape of a cake and lay them out on a sheet covered with parchment.
  7. Cheesecakes are baked in the oven at temperature regime at 200 degrees. After the appearance of the crust, the dish is removed. It is served with sour cream.

Since breastfeeding imposes certain restrictions on a woman, including the use of sweets, such a dish is sure to please a nursing mother.

After giving birth, mothers have many questions. For example, are dry fruits allowed for lactating women, how useful are they for small child. Dried apricots can help restore strength, normalize digestive tract, improve mood and restore shine and beauty to the skin and hair. The most important condition is to observe moderation!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

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