What kind of rings do you have? Poorly amenable to iridology. Diagnosis of eye diseases

Iridology- diagnosis of diseases by changing the shape, structure,

The colors and mobility of the iris (from the Greek iris - iris).

Now iridology is mainly carried out with the help of computer programs, but this does not mean at all that you yourself cannot control your health on your own.

The bottom line is that each organ or organ system on the iris has its own "representative" sector, which is its exteroceptive zone.


1. projection schemes of organs and various parts of the body on the iris (somatotopic maps, iridotopograms),

2. iridosigns (changes in the structure and color of the iris),

3. clinical thinking.

It is somatotopic maps that are the basis of the foundations of iridology, since they allow one or another change in certain places of the iris to be correlated with changes in organs reflexively associated with these places.

Hundreds of famous pathological changes on the iris - iridosigns have a specific interpretation that allows you to determine the nature and severity of pathological changes in the body. Signs general give information about changes at the level of the whole organism, local iridosigns - about the pathology of specific organs.

Obtaining information is based on an accurate knowledge of iridotopograms, as well as hundreds of signs of their clinical interpretation. A good knowledge of normal and pathological physiology is essential.

In Russia, since 1967, E.S. Velkhover, F.N. Romashov and others began to deal with issues of iridology. At the Faculty of Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University named after P. Lumumba clinical research, one of the main directions of which is the study of issues of iridology.

Examples of iridology

The iris, or rather "iris", refers to the vascular tract of the eyes - a delicate, spherical shell, rich in blood vessels and pigment. Iris like front vascular tract located between the cornea and the lens. In the center of it there is a hole - the pupil, which acts as a diaphragm, which reflexively regulates the amount of light entering the eye. The diameter of the iris is 11 mm on average, the thickness is 300 mm. One of the main functions of the iris, in addition to its participation in the outflow of intraocular fluid, is the regulation of the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil. So, on any iris you can see its structure, i.e. a number of anatomical formations:

1. Pupil - acts as a diaphragm, regulates the light flux entering the eye. Pupil diameter, on average 3 mm, but can be from 2 to 8.
2. Pupil border - very beautiful fringe dark Brown color. It is an undifferentiated retina (the first layer of the retina - the layer pigment epithelium) - passes to the ciliary body and forms the pupillary border. The pupillary border often gives iridological symptoms.
3. Autonomous ring - a broken line that divides the iris into 2 zones - the pupillary belt and the ciliary. An autonomous ring is a projection onto the surface of the iris of the small arterial circle.
4. Pupil belt - the zone between the pupillary border and the autonomous ring, consisting of thin radially arranged fibers (trabeculae). Its width is 1-2 mm.
5. Limbo - otherwise "the root of the iris." At the root of the iris (along its circumference), there is a large arterial circle. From it go vascular arcades to the center, which, merging, form a small arterial circle of the iris. The limbus connects directly to the cornea.
6. ciliary belt - the zone between the autonomous ring and the limb. Width 3-4 mm. It intertwines mesodermal strands - trabeculae - irises. Large trabeculae correspond to vascular anastomoses (connections) between the systemic and pulmonary circulation of the iris in the depth of the iris. Small trabeculae do not contain vessels and are small mesodermal strands. Normally, the ratio of the size of the pupillary and ciliary zone is 1:3 (the pupillary zone is 3 times narrower than the ciliary zone).


Pupil- a hole in the center of the iris that regulates the light flux perceived by the light-sensitive structures of the eye. Determines the state of the vegetative nervous regulation, emotional activity, assessment of the level of light adaptation, reactivity. Some pathological processes in the body can affect the size of the pupil.
miosis - pathological constriction of the pupils (pupil less than 2 mm), associated with damage or irritation of the autonomic innervation of the eye. Most often, miosis is associated with age. It can occur in the elderly and infants- physiological miosis. Also, miosis is observed with farsightedness, intoxication, brain diseases.
Unilateral miosis can be with Horner's syndrome - along with ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) and enophthalmos (retraction eyeball). Horner's syndrome occurs with tumors of the nasopharynx, brain and spinal cord, mediastinum, aortic aneurysm, syringomyelia, multiple sclerosis.
midriaz - on the contrary, pathological dilatation of the pupils (the pupil is more than 6 mm), associated with the excitation of the sympathetic nervous system(with fear, pain, agitation), also with diseases (hyperthyroidism, myopia, pheochromocytoma, intoxication, brain diseases).
Anisocoria - uneven size of the pupils. It happens with diseases of the nervous system, with osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, in patients with somatic diseases(pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, aortic lesion). May occur in otherwise healthy people. In this case, usually, the right pupil is wider than the left.
The shape of the pupil can be changed from round to oval with a different direction of the major axis, according to which these changes are called oval-vertical, oval-horizontal and oval-diagonal. The most common oval-vertical shape. Various changes changes in the pupils occur in the presence of vascular diseases of the brain or a predisposition to them.
Local deformation - pupillary flattening. Sectoral constriction of the pupil in a specific area. In diagnosis, the localization of flattening is important, which may indicate a diseased organ.
Pupil decentralization - displacement of the pupil relative to the center of the iris. The pupil is usually displaced in the direction opposite to the weak organ, i.e. opposite the place of displacement - diseased organs.

Pupil border

Pupil border- pigment fringe, which is the transitional area between the pupil and the inner edge of the iris.
Typical shapes:
1. uniformly thickened - has the appearance of a densely pigmented black wide border (size 4.8 mm with a magnification of 36 times).
2. Evenly grainy - resembles a black necklace of large beads evenly spaced (size 4.8 mm when magnified 36 times).
3. halo - consists, as it were, of 2 rings: internal (distinctly pigmented) and external (thinned, light brown or gray halo type) (size 4.7 mm with a magnification of 36 times).
4. Unevenly thickened - characterized by different thickness of the pigment along the border (size 1.9 mm with a magnification of 36 times).
5. Uneven grainy - consists of a set of beads of various sizes, there may be gaps between the beads, sometimes they look like a “moth-eaten” (size 1.8 mm with a magnification of 36 times).
6. Thin - characterized by a narrow border of pigment, which may be absent in places (size 1.0 mm at a magnification of 36 times).

The shape of the pupillary border indicates the state of the immune system. This is the main sign of the body's resistance. With age, the width of the pupillary border decreases, which is associated with an age-related decrease in immunity. The widest border is noted at a young age, then it gradually decreases (approximately 2 times) towards old age. The pupillary border is sensitive to pathological processes and is very labile. Diseases change the shape of the pupillary border, turning it from normal to pathological (forms 3-6), characterized by local or diffuse loss of pigment. The presence of a well-defined pupillary border in the elderly indicates a high level of immunity, adaptive defensive forces organism and good health. Conversely, identifying pathological forms pupillary border, especially with diffuse pigment loss, primarily in faces young age, makes it possible to judge chronic, long-term diseases.
The shape of the pupillary border, in addition to the general assessment of the body's resistance, can also have an iridological interpretation:
a). Oral-like pupillary border often occurs in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract. Especially in chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function.
b). Thin pupil border considered as one of the signs of cancer alertness. But it can also be with a decrease in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system: the wider it is, the higher the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system.
c). With a local loss of pigment, the area of ​​thinning of the pupillary border may indicate the pathology of the organ to the projection of which it is related, especially in combination with other iridosigns.

Autonomous ring

Autonomous ring("sympathetic crown") - this is the zone of separation of the pupillary and ciliary belt. Anatomically, in the region of the autonomous ring, there is a small arterial circle covered with large radial trabeculae. An autonomous ring is a dynamic formation, since it can contract and increase in volume depending on the continuously changing size of the pupillary belt and pupil. When the pupil is dilated, the pupillary belt narrows strongly and the anterior surface of the iris descends steeply to the pupillary edge, which makes it difficult to examine the autonomous ring. When the pupil is constricted, the pupillary zone expands, as a result of which the line of the autonomous ring becomes clearer and more pronounced. With an average size of the top of the autonomous ring, the sympathetic tone is normal, with a rounded and flat top 0 it is reduced, with a high and wide one it is increased. Diagnostic value This zone is extremely large, firstly, because it is an indicator of the activity of all visceral systems, and secondly, because it serves as the main reference point for topical diagnostics of organs.

Forms of adaptation rings.

1. concentric rings- evenly spaced around the circle. The most common type of adaptation rings. Their owners are mostly impressionable people, they are often closed, do not show their emotions, experiencing them deep inside themselves, giving the impression of a balanced, calm nature. Restraint of emotions causes tension in the nervous system, which can lead, first of all, to the emergence of neurosis, psychosomatic disorders and diseases (peptic ulcer, coronary heart disease, etc.). It is necessary to pay attention to the number of adaptation rings and the degree of their severity:
a). One or two rings , and on dark irises up to three - a manifestation of the norm, a sign of a good constitution about resistance.
b). three or four rings - a sign of a decrease in protective forces. It happens in closed people, as well as with great emotional overload, they often talk about a predisposition to neuroses, psychosomatic disorders and diseases.
in) Five or six rings or more - a sign of a decline in the body's defenses. As a rule, it occurs in the presence of the listed diseases, as well as in thyrotoxicosis.
2. Eccentric rings- directed to the projection zones of various organs. For example, the contact of eccentric rings with the limbus at 12 o'clock happens with epilepsy, parkinsonism.
3.oval(or vertical) rings - adaptation rings with a large vertical axis. Happen with hereditary neurological diseases.
4. Adaptation rings in the form broken chain links- located linearly in the ciliary zone. They occur with pronounced spastic conditions of organs projected in this zone.

Adaptation arches(incomplete adaptation rings) indicate a predisposition to spasms. Often found with migraine in the projection area of ​​the brain; at bronchial asthma and bronchitis with an asthmatic component in the zone of the bronchi and lungs; in ischemic heart disease and neurocirculatory dystonia according to the cardiac type in the projection zone of the heart. One or two arcs can connect two organs. The beginning and end of the adaptive arc to functionally interconnected organs (ovaries-mammary glands, uterus-brain), which allows you to establish pathogenic mechanism lesions of these organs (which is primary). Sometimes the primary affected organ can be identified by the lighter beginning of the arc.

Scheme of the projection zones of the human body organs on the left and right irises

Right iris Left iris

Changes in these zones - structural and color - indicate the presence of the disease.

Projection zones of organs in the ciliary girdle of the eye


Right iris

Left iris


adrenal glands

Narrow half-sector near the autonomous ring

Uterus (Prostate gland)

Appendages (Ovaries)


from an autonomous ring to 1/4 of the ciliary belt


7.30 - 8.10; 16.00 - 16.15

Milk glands



Horizontal line 9.00



Hypothalamic-pituitary system

from 11.00 to 13.00 1/4 ciliary belt


from 11.00 to 13.00

Nose, maxillary sinuses

Tonsils, pharynx

Thyroid gland

How I want to be a sorceress - look into the eyes and ... make a diagnosis! But there are certain signs that appear in the eyes, under the eyes, which will just say about the developing disease. Yes, and by the dashes on the iris, one or another diagnosis can be suspected.

Of course, this is not a 100% diagnosis, but it is better to be warned and take preventive measures in time, to improve your health, than to remember the roasted rooster again and again.

How many times have we heard in our lives: "Take care of your health from a young age ..."

Did you take care?

Here, that's it! And when it’s not so easy to get up in the morning, there are unclear migrating pains in the body, general malaise... In general, in simple terms: "it hurts paws, ears and tail", and why -!

In this case, you can conduct a small diagnosis of the eyes at home. Of course, this will not be the ultimate truth, but in which medical direction of the disease to look, you decide.

How to determine the disease by the eyes, make a diagnosis

Exist 19 main signs of incipient diseases that can be easily "read" in the eyes.

1. Eye swelling(bags under the eyes) in the morning speaks of illness,.

2. Swelling and redness of the eyelids allows you to think about the manifestation of allergies (of course, if you do not take into account the banal infectious conjunctivitis, which you can determine by the absence of itching and by purulent secretions from the eyes)

3. Involuntary twitching of the eyelids signal about, and the associated lack of magnesium in the body.

4. Bags under the eyes indicate chronic fatigue, stress.

5. The appearance of red streaks on the sclera ( strings of blood vessels) indicates hypertension.

6. Dark circles under the eyes- fatigue, chronic fatigue, stress. If the color turns brown or purple, it is worth checking the kidneys, blood sugar, thyroid gland and cardiovascular system.

7. Blueness of proteins- lack of hemoglobin, developing anemia.

8. Yellowness of proteins- the first thing to think about hepatitis A. Then about other diseases of the liver of the biliary tract.

9. Increased tearing may indicate (if any) additional symptoms ARI), may indicate an allergy, especially seasonal to plant pollen. Watery for no reason (for example, strong wind on the street) the eyes, along with the red rendering of the corneal vessels, will force the ophthalmologist to check if you have developed glaucoma.

10.Protrusion of the eyeballs allows you to suspect the development of hyperthyroidism (increased levels of hormones thyroid gland), but it is also worth checking with an ophthalmologist about the development of glaucoma.

12.Darkening of the edges of the eyes- allows you to suspect a metabolic disorder.

13. Flashes or fiery circles before the eyes occur in violation of cerebral circulation, frequent.

14. swollen upper eyelids can report the emerging process of stone formation in the gallbladder.

15. Small dark spots under the eyes will allow to suspect the same process, but only in the kidneys.

16. Frequent eye contact will tell not only about the banal infection dirty hands(most often), but there is another option that there are problems with the liver and gallbladder.

17. Light, practically White color inner surface of the eyelid will report a lack of blood circulation (most likely there will be a low level of hemoglobin in the blood), a disorder of the digestive tract or problems in the urogenital area.

18. Hue to red-orange on the same inner surface of the eyelid will tell you that there may be problems with the pancreas, spleen, liver. (Normally it should be a light pink shade).

19. If it regularly appears in the eyes whitish mucous membrane obstructing vision, it is worth checking for developing cataracts.

Iridology - iris diagnosis

about diseases and all sorts of violations iridology can also tell in the work of the body.

Iridology- diagnostics on dashes, lines, specks that appear with age on the iris of the eyes. This science appeared in the 19th century, now, thanks to the accuracy of instruments, it is becoming more and more perfect.

Yes, you yourself can see a very impressive table of correspondence of target organs to places of appearance of dots and dashes on the iris of the eyes:

It is more customary to talk about the appearance of age spots on the face and body. Although, pigment spot on the eye is also not a rare occurrence. Why is this happening, is it possible to get rid of such spots and whether they affect the quality of vision. Let's deal with these questions.

And there are spots on the eyes, pigment

Spots dark color that appear on the iris of the eyes are called nevi. Often they can be observed in young children on the eyeballs, this is not such a rare occurrence. The nevus of the iris may look like a dark brown sector with a velvety brown, very rich color. The child is already born with him.

Pigmented spots on the eyes usually have a rounded edge, and when looking at them under a microscope, you can see the small pigment grains that make up them.

Where do age spots in the eyes "live"

The usual location for spots of this type are the edge of the cornea and the corners internal eyelids eye. If the irises of the eye have light color, then pigmented nevi occur less frequently on them than on dark-colored ones.

Classification of age spots on the eyes

  • Light. This type of spots can appear as a result of diseases of the spine, neuralgia, radiculitis, neurosis and psychosis, kidney and liver damage.
  • Brown-red. The appearance of these spots indicates the transferred infection.
  • Dark. Most often they occur with cancer.
  • Red. They signal that there are violations in the enzyme systems of the liver.
  • Type of "present" tobacco. Appears with constipation chronic colitis and lesions of the pancreas.

In addition, nevi can be stationary (typical), progressive, atypical, and suspicious.

Stationary nevus. This is a flat or slightly protruding formation, which has a round or oval shape with sharp boundaries, located in the fundus. Its coloration is uniform, growth is absent. With a pigment spot of this type, vision is not impaired.

Progressive nevus. This pigment formation can increase in size, change its shape, the boundaries can become fuzzy, and the color can change. Nevi of this type are at risk, as there is a possibility of their rebirth. He is often called suspicious if he is identified for the first time.

Atypical nevi. These are formations devoid of pigment and consisting of cells with degeneration phenomena.

How will we treat

Almost all of these neoplasms are benign. In children, they must be removed before hormonal changes in the body associated with puberty. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of degeneration of the nevus into a malignant neoplasm. If a person has pigment spot on the eye, then he needs to constantly undergo examinations by an ophthalmologist and avoid prolonged ultraviolet radiation.

If a nevus is found in the eye of a baby, then the decision to remove it is made by a specialist, because you should see what condition the spot is in. If it is calm and does not cause inconvenience to the baby, then you should not rush into the operation. But, if pigmented nevi grow with the child, then they should be removed.

It is possible to surgically remove the pigment spot, which is located in the region of the mucous membrane of the eye. A similar operation is performed under a microscope, using a radio or a microscalpel.


It's quite good that pigment spot on the eye"Signals" us about problems in the body. It is good that it does not bother and, in most cases, does not affect the quality of vision. This means that everything will be fine.

The first traces of iridology are rock carvings of the iris indicating the connections of its zones with various parts human body - were discovered in the caves of Asia Minor and are over 3000 years old. References to the description of the iris in various diseases can be found in the writings of Hippocrates, in medical treatises in India, China and Japan. The famous ancient Egyptian priest El Aks during the reign of Pharaoh Tutankhamun described the diagnosis of the iris on two papyri 50 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. These treatises were found during excavations of the tomb at Giza and are now kept in the Vatican Library.

In Europe, the Hungarian doctor Ignaz Pecceli is considered the founder of iridology. Even in his youth, he noticed that a vertical black stripe immediately appeared in the pupil of an owl that had broken its leg. Amazed, Pecceli promised himself to reveal the secret of this phenomenon. While studying at the University of Vienna and working in a surgical hospital, he constantly monitored patients, comparing their well-being and the condition of the iris. Gradually, Pecceli discovered more and more patterns, which eventually formed into a coherent system. After years painstaking work, the scientist was able to compile a detailed diagram of the projection zones of the iris.

If at the beginning of the 20th century only a small group of doctors was engaged in iridology, then starting from the 50s. interest in it has increased significantly. Today there are societies and sections of iridologists on all continents, periodicals, monographs are published, international conferences and symposiums dedicated to this method are convened.

The method was based on the assumption that each organ, as well as its lesion, has its own image on the iris. Analyzing and comparing the pattern and structure of the iris with special iridological schemes, the doctor determines the pathology of a particular organ, draws conclusions about the nature of the disease process and its development over time, and determines the body's predisposition to various diseases.

Iridology diagram of the iris

  1. brain.
  2. pituitary.
  3. cerebellum.
  4. cervical spine.
  5. heart.
  6. lungs.
  7. pleura.
  8. diaphragm.
  9. spleen.
  10. ovaries.
  11. ureter.
  12. testicles.
  13. bud.
  14. uterus.
  15. appendix.
  16. gallbladder.
  17. anus.
  18. prostate.
  19. bladder.
  20. thoracic spine.
  21. lumbar spine.
  22. scapula.
  23. trachea.
  24. thyroid.
  25. tonsils.
  26. paranasal sinuses.
  27. colon.
  28. stomach.
  29. liver.

The modern procedure of iridology is carried out using digital camera and computer. The iris is photographed, the image is displayed on the monitor, after which it is analyzed by a telemetric computer program capable of recognizing changes invisible to the eye and giving a preliminary conclusion.

Although the very fact that the iris can be read, like a book, about the health and illness of the human body, has long been beyond doubt, scientific disputes about the causes of this phenomenon have not subsided to this day. Most iridologists agree that the reflection of changes in the state of each organ on the iris is due to the presence of its complex connections with the reticular formation of the brain, which receives information about the work of all organs and systems. These connections determine the representation of each organ on the iris in a strictly defined zone.

Iridology allows you to determine

  • heredity (predisposition to diseases).
  • reserve capacity of the organism.
  • state of internal organs and nervous system.
  • state of metabolism.

Good for iridology

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis).
  • kidney disease.
  • spine diseases.
  • pathology of the genital organs.
  • cardiovascular disorders.

Poorly amenable to iridology

  • diabetes.
  • rheumatism.
  • malignant tumors.

Iridology is a screening research method. It does not replace such important diagnostic measures as ultrasound, MRI, X-ray, but helps to narrow the scope of their application. With the help of iridology, the doctor in one session gets the opportunity to assess the state of all organs and systems of the body, and, having detected changes, send the patient for additional examination of a specific organ.

Iridological signs of diseases

Eye color. According to iridologists, the only possible colors healthy eyes- these are all shades of blue (from steel to blue) and brown (from light brown to almost black). As for the green iris, its color, oddly enough, may indicate the presence of various chronic diseases.

Dark spots. If there are age spots or specks on the iris, this can indicate many disorders in the body. Light specks - messengers of arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, etc .; dark - dysfunctions gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Great importance also has the location of such specks.

Outer edge of the iris. It can be used to determine the most various diseases. For example, if the iris is surrounded by a rim in the form of a blackout, this may indicate a violation of hematopoiesis, a white rim is a sign of high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Density of the iris. Those with a dense iris tend to have good immunity. The presence of a less dense iris may indicate poor tolerance mental and physical overload.

As a rule, in childhood and youth, people have a clear and transparent iris. However, by the end of life, it becomes dull and multi-colored, with numerous inclusions and pigmented formations (most spots are formed in the areas corresponding to the intestines, lungs, heart, stomach and kidneys).

Various processes - traumatic, inflammatory, degenerative - can leave similar signs on the iris. This happens due to the fact that the iris reflects, first of all, changes in the function of organs and systems, regardless of the causes that caused them. Although with some experience, one can judge the reasons.

Myths and reality. Opponents of iridology as one of its main shortcomings call the subjectivity of the results and the obligation lengthy training doctors who have to load into their memory great amount iridological signs. However, the use of modern computer programs makes it possible to evaluate signs automatically, excluding subjectivity and relieving the doctor of the need to mechanically memorize a large amount of information, sharply reducing the time to master the method.

Unfortunately, iridology, like most alternative methods, has not escaped the influx of charlatans who make money on gullible patients, which has significantly undermined the prestige most interesting method. Having ancient roots, iridology is still a young science. It has many blank spots, often underestimating, and sometimes exaggerating its capabilities. But, despite this, the development of iridology is at an ever-increasing pace.

Spots on the iris of the eye are a vivid example of an amazing functional connection between parts of the body, at first glance, unrelated. Few people know that the color and structure of this tissue can tell not only about the hereditary properties of the eyeball, but also about those diseases that exist on this moment in humans or may develop in the future due to genetic predisposition. This is hard to believe, but doctors are increasingly convinced of the display of pathologies of organs, intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys on the external appearance of the iris. In medicine, there is a separate direction - iridology, which studies the iris. Iridology, the subject of which is the relationship between the state of this tissue and internal organs, belongs to the field of alternative medicine.

Anatomy and physiology of the iris

The iris is called the front choroid eyes painted in one color or another. Moreover, iridologists consider only brown and blue shades to be normal. These colors are due to a colored organic substance - the pigment melanin, which is contained in the inner layer, where the muscle fibers are also located. Upper layer consists of epithelium and blood vessels. The surface of the iris has an extremely complex structure, which is individual for each person.

According to its function, this part of the eye is a kind of diaphragm that regulates the amount of light penetrating into the optical system: into the lens, vitreous body and retina. In low light, the muscle of the inner layer (circular sphincter) opens a hole - the pupil, letting in as many light rays as possible so that a person can receive information about the world around him. In bright light, the pupil decreases as much as possible in diameter (thanks to the dilator muscle) in order to prevent damage to light-sensitive cells. But this is not the only function of this part of the eyeball:

  • From excess light protects not only the reduction of the lumen of the pupil, but also the pigment of the outer shell.
  • Anatomically, the iris is associated with vitreous body and helps to fix it in the desired position.
  • It takes part in the regulation of intraocular pressure.

  • Changes in the diameter of its lumen are associated with the provision of accommodation - the ability to see clearly both close and distant objects.
  • The abundance of blood vessels determines its participation in the nutrition of the eyeball and its thermoregulation.

Eye color: norms and deviations

A child is born with blue eyes, because his iris still contains little melanin. Blue eye color is a recessive trait, meaning it is suppressed by the brown eye gene. If both parents have blue eyes, then the child will have a similar shade. If the parents have brown eyes, this does not mean that they do not have the blue eye gene - it can simply be suppressed by the brown eye gene, but it can appear in the offspring. If the mother or father passed on the gene hazel color iris, the child will become brown-eyed already in the third or fourth month of life, when a sufficient amount of melanin accumulates in his body. But over time, the shade can change.

Most people on Earth are brown-eyed. And according to scientists, our distant ancestors did not have any other eye shades at all. A variety of colors appeared in connection with the spread of mankind around the planet and living in different conditions.

There is a clear pattern: the indigenous population of countries with a hot climate, where a lot of solar radiation hits the earth's surface, is brown-eyed.

Snow has a high reflectivity, so the peoples of countries with permanent snow cover also have Brown eyes. In areas where natural light is much lower, there will be more blue-eyed people.

According to iridologists, all other shades, including green, are not the norm. This does not mean that a green-eyed person is in mortal danger, but it is likely that he has a tendency to some kind of diseases of the internal organs. There is no need to rush into frightening guesses.

Spots and their meaning

The iris has a very heterogeneous color, and this heterogeneity varies from person to person. There is a bright strip along the outer edge of the colored part of the eye - in this place the pigment layer surrounds the outer epithelial and comes to the surface. middle part the iris can have various rays, circles, crystals, blotches, which can have a completely different shade or be completely colorless (devoid of melanin). It is these spots of various shapes and positions that are of interest to iridologists: even special maps have been created that can be used to judge which particular organ is at risk of disease.

It is extremely difficult to understand the intricacies of iridology on your own, just like meeting a real experienced specialist-iridodiagnostician.

But it is possible for general development learn about the basic patterns of connection between iris spots, its color and disorders in the human body.

The iris is divided into radial sections:

  • The inner ring is functionally connected to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The middle ring may indicate the work of the heart and blood vessels of the abdominal cavity, gallbladder, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, autonomic nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • The outer ring may show signs of abnormalities associated with the liver, spleen, lymphatics, skin, respiratory organs, anus, urethra and genitals.
  • According to the state of the left eye, the organs located on the left side of the body are judged, similarly with the right eye: it is responsible for the right side.

Now in more detail about possible signs diseases by changing the color of the iris as a whole or its parts:

  • Green eyes can be a sign of liver disease.
  • The appearance of colorless, non-pigmented spots indicates an increase in acidity in the internal environment of the body and the likelihood of diseases such as arthritis, asthma, rheumatism, peptic ulcer.
  • The appearance indicates problems with the nervous or digestive system. That is, a person is likely to develop nervous disorders or inflammation of the gallbladder, gastroenteritis, and frequent constipation.

  • Clear radial rays signal problems with the large intestine.
  • Strokes semicircular or round shape capable of revealing a person's secret experiences and stress.
  • A blurry darkening around the pigmented layer indicates violations in the formation of blood cells, the presence of dermatitis and eczema.
  • Allergy sufferers have points on the areas of the sclera adjacent to the iris.

Spot classification

During the development of iridology, attempts were made to systematize and classify spots according to their properties. In particular, R. Bourdiol dealt with this issue. He identified three groups of changes:

  • Toxic spots of two stages of development - nascent and mature. They occupy a large territory, from the pupil to the edge of the pigment layer, and indicate the transfer of past or present intoxication of the body. Moreover, they can be noticeable even in newborns, which signals the transfer of a load of toxins during the illness of the mother during pregnancy. Another reason is violations of the liver when the baby adapts to new conditions after birth. In adults, such inclusions appear with a load on the liver or problems with urination.

  • Age spots are rounded, with accumulations of melanin pigment grains. Presumably they are associated with a wide range of disorders - inflammatory, traumatic, intoxication conditions. Iridologists consider their interpretation more reliable only in conjunction with other accompanying signs. In their shade and shape, these spots are extremely diverse, and therefore their classification is very controversial and complex. But one of the most famous is the classification according to R. Bourdiol, who distinguishes between dark, brown-red, light, red and the type of “present tobacco”. Moreover, each of these species is divided into many subspecies (many of their names are also very peculiar: “felt pigment” is a sign of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, red-brown “hedgehog” spots are a symptom of predisposition to diabetes, etc.).
  • Residual spots are small, slightly pigmented, with rounded clear boundaries. Their significance lies in the localization of the pathology (the diseased organ is determined by their location), but they signal the completion of the pathological process. In iridology, there are also various interpretations and classifications for these spots.

But such conclusions are also controversial and are accepted not only not by all doctors, but not even by all iridologists.

Lack of reliable scientific evidence, on the one hand, and the lack of experienced iridology specialists, on the other hand, leads to the fact that iridology remains unrecognized by many doctors and patients. However, in alternative medicine, its methods and approaches are often confirmed in practice, so this unexplored area of ​​​​science may still receive its recognition and development in the future. In any case, if a person "read" in his eyes about problems with the organs, you should not panic, you just need to check this information using additional research methods.

The human eye is a unique, complex organ. People who are far from ophthalmology do not realize that each iris has its own mesh pattern, by analogy with fingerprints. Iridology for iris mapping is relatively inexpensive, fast and available method studies of the human eye. In our country, it is quite popular, but still causes a lot of controversy among doctors. Is it really possible to tell a person's age, their congenital and acquired diseases, their susceptibility to cancer and the presence of stress, just by looking into their eyes? The question is broad and entertaining, requiring detailed study.

What is the essence of the technique

To understand what is the essence of this method of research on the iris of the human eye and why it is needed at all, you should familiarize yourself a little with the structure human organs vision. Translated from Greek, often used in medical terminology, iris or "iris" means "iris". It is similar in structure to a diaphragm that transmits the sun's rays to the retina of the eye.

The iris is somehow connected and connected not only with all elements of the organs of vision, but also with others. internal organs. For medical researchers, it is a kind of screen that reflects almost everything that happens in the human body. All pathological processes are projected onto the iris. If something changes in the state and functions of the internal organs, this is reflected in the distribution of pigment in the iris. With the help of diagnostics by the iris of the eye, this method can be used to set a detailed diagram that will show the presence of pathologies in the patient.

In some ways, iridology is very similar to acupuncture. Through a needle injection on certain areas of human skin, specific internal organs can be affected. By changing the color and structure of a certain area of ​​the iris, the doctor will be able to establish how certain systems work.

This is interesting: modern medicine has established five projection zones on the human body. This is his skin Auricle, the surface of the tongue, the nasal mucosa and the iris. Each zone has its own schemes. Comparing them with the resulting picture, you can find out how the heart, liver, spleen function.

How is the procedure performed

To date, iridology is performed using high-tech, sophisticated equipment, and only a specially trained specialist performs the procedures. But in reality about communication work internal systems with pigmentation of the iris on various segments was known to ancient healers.

The iridology procedure is currently available to everyone, and it will take no more than a quarter of an hour to complete it without any preparation.

For example, in the burials of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, papyri were found depicting primitive schemes, but quite accurate of the iris. There is also confirmed evidence that the healers of India and China used similar data to identify various human diseases.

During the examination, using special devices and lenses, the diagnostician will carefully examine:

  • coloration of the iris;
  • homogeneity of pigment distribution;
  • the presence of inclusions;
  • darkening and lightening the iris;
  • density and direction of fibers in the structure of the retina;
  • features of the outer edge, its integrity;
  • the condition of the vessels;
  • pupil size and shape;
  • pupil reaction to stimulation by a light beam.

Then the received data will be processed by special computer programs. The resulting map of the cornea will show, for example, that the patient has kidney stones or suffers from peptic ulcer intestines. The main advantage of the technique is that some diseases can be recognized even before they begin to manifest themselves clinically. That is, to detect a predisposition to a particular pathology and timely engage in prevention.

Why do many more doctors prefer this diagnostic method and patients agree with them:

  • Iridology is completely painless, there is no need to cut, insert, swallow, etc. - sometimes this factor becomes decisive.
  • No preparatory procedures, anesthesia are required.
  • The speed of the procedure and the efficiency of obtaining results - a quarter of an hour is enough for a full diagnostic session.

The patient is kept in comfortable conditions and in full consciousness, he is not in pain, he is calm and relaxed. The doctor-iridodiagnostician gives him almost immediately all the necessary recommendations, and this is also a very important advantage.

Note: modern iridology was revived again more than a hundred years ago, at the end of the 19th century. The Hungarian researcher and physician Ignaz Helek created the first diagrams of the iris and wrote their transcripts. These materials are still in use today.

When is it necessary and in what cases it is impossible to carry out the procedure

Iridologists use innovative methodology for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of any disease. The person may even be perfectly healthy. All the same, he has the opportunity to undergo iridology in order to discover his weaknesses and in time to change his eating habits, lifestyle, start performing therapeutic gymnastics and so on, so there are no specific indications for this procedure, it is carried out by everyone and always.

Surprisingly, the iris of a person’s eye can not only determine a person’s diseases, but also find out how long he has been ill, what risks to get sick and how stressful he is.

What pathologies and features of the human condition will show the study of the iris of the eye:

  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • changes in lung tissues;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • malignant formations.

An examination using this technique is not carried out only if, for some reason, the patient cannot lie quietly with his eyes open during the procedure, or the iris is damaged.

What else is important to know

Since such an examination affects almost all organs and systems of a person, and not just a certain group, only a certified, highly qualified specialist can conduct it. It is necessary to take into account not only the results obtained according to the schemes of iridology, but also clinical manifestations pathology, complaints of the patient, his anamnesis.

Iridologists existed in ancient times, many thousands of years before our era, but today their knowledge of traditional medicine is questioned

Despite the fact that the method is considered quite accurate, its results alone are not enough to make a final diagnosis and determine treatment. The doctor will still refer the patient to additional examinations from other narrow specialists and write out directions for the necessary tests.

With all the obvious advantages of iridology, there are enough doctors who consider it quackery and fraud. Many experts do not consider it a serious part of modern diagnostic medicine. This can be explained by the fact that several decades ago, when unconventional methods treatment, many scammers have appeared, posing as certified physicians and conducting treatment with innovative means and methods. Trusting and desperate patients gave large amounts of money to scammers, and in the end remained deceived.

However, iridology was actually known five thousand years ago. And in the West, this diagnostic method is used in numerous research centers. Also in defense is the fact that other diagnostic tests such as fluoroscopy or ultrasound procedure, give no less errors and much more harm to human health than iridology. What to choose, to believe or not, everyone determines for himself.

Ayurveda. Philosophy, diagnostics, Vedic astrology Yan Nikolaevich Razdoburdin

Diagnosis by iris

Diagnosis by iris

... If your eye is clear, then your whole body will be light.

In Ayurveda, diagnostics by the eyes, or rather, by the iris of the eye, existed and exists. This examination is called iridology. Iris, that is, the "iris", is the most sensitive part of the body, so hereditary factors, diseases of internal organs, toxins, stressful situations leave various traces or signs on it. Exploring them through special device or a magnifying glass with a high magnification, the diagnostician can draw a conclusion about the state of human health.

The knowledge of the ancient healers was multiplied in the middle of the 19th century by the Hungarian doctor Ignaz Pecceli. He became interested in iris diagnostics after an incident that happened to him at the age of eleven. Walking, the boy saw an owl blinded by the light and decided to catch it. A struggle ensued, which ended with Pecceli breaking the owl's paw and at once saw a dark streak appear in the large eye of the bird, on the side corresponding to the broken paw. The boy took the owl home and diligently treated it. As the paw healed, the stripe turned pale, which turned into a small dark spot surrounded by white stripes by the time the owl recovered.

The principle is as follows. Each section of the iris is associated with a specific internal organ. If in the area of ​​any organ on the iris there are gaps (pits), age spots or any other signs that distinguish this segment from the rest of the surface, then it is concluded that something is wrong in this organ. After examining a huge number of people, scientists have determined which signs indicate inflammation, which ones indicate an ulcer, which ones indicate a lack of blood circulation, and which particular set of signs is most often found in oncological pathology. And after an iridology examination, people are often stunned: “How could you know by your eyes that I suffer from migraine, that I had inflammation of the right ovary three years ago, and that my mother toiled with her heart ?!” The iris can be used to determine diseases of the spine, stomach, heart, thyroid gland, ovaries or prostate, diabetes, asthma, rheumatism, a tendency to schizophrenia, hereditary diseases, to assess the strength of immunity, to predict life expectancy. And if it is impossible to speak about the diagnosis exactly, but it is possible to detect diseases at such early stages, when it is still impossible to diagnose the disease by conventional methods. And most importantly: iridology is a powerful screening (primary rapid detection of a disease), which often allows, without painful and not always safe types of diagnostics, as well as unnecessary costs, to conduct a minimal examination of the body, to put primary diagnosis and outline a treatment strategy. After all, the same fibrogastroscopy (“swallowing the intestines” among the people) is a very unpleasant and unsafe procedure. In addition, with gentle treatment of an expensive fibrogastroscope, the Helicobacter pylori microorganism may remain on it, which, in fact, can provoke gastritis. It is well known that X-rays are radiation, and ultrasound is also not so smooth (it is still unknown whether it is harmless or not).

With the help of iridology, it is possible to identify those diseases that cannot be determined by conventional methods, as well as diseases that are asymptomatic. Sometimes it is possible to trace the influence of past illnesses on the current state; genetic predisposition; what diseases can develop in the future and how they can be prevented. Iridology will show the effect on the body stressful situations, toxic substances and the medications you take, whether you need to take medication at all, or is it better to turn to natural methods of treatment and cleansing of the body.

Elements of the iris

The iris of the eye is a vascular plexus rich in pigment, which determines the color of a person's eyes: from light blue to black. The iris is very delicate, has a spherical shape, located between the lens and the cornea. The pupil is located in the center of the iris.

The pupil is nothing more than a hole in the very center of the iris, which either expands or contracts, adjusting the amount of light transmitted into the eyeball from the outside (1).

The iris has a pupillary border - a dark brown fringe around the pupil (2).

An autonomous ring can be seen on the iris. It divides the iris into two belts - ciliary (4) to the periphery and pupillary (3).

Along the circumference of the iris is a limbus connecting the iris to the cornea (5).

What can you learn from irises yourself?

In order to examine your iris in more detail, sit in front of the light and take a magnifying glass in one hand and a mirror in the other.

Determine the color, size and shape of the iris. A small iris indicates joint weakness. The presence of a white circle around the iris indicates excess consumption salt or sugar. In middle age, this can be a sign of stress. This white circle, slightly raised above the iris, is called the “sodium ring”, or “senile ring”, indicating the presence of atherosclerosis. If the sodium ring is very protruding and has a bright white color (especially in middle age), this indicates illness and rebirth. cartilage tissue joints.

If your eyes are bright, then you are given from birth strong immunity. In particular, blue-eyed people tolerate alcohol well. The roots of this phenomenon go back to hoary antiquity, when the blue-eyed Slavs drank intoxicated mash, which was genetically transmitted to their heirs. Black-eyed and brown-eyed people cannot do this - their liver is weaker. So, by the way, you can recognize eastern origin in owners of mixed eye color: if 200 g of strong alcohol makes you feel bad, then the ancestors are from the East.

Changing eye color, for example from blue to green, indicates slagging of the body.

From birth different colour an eye, for example, one eye is brown, the other is green, says that their owner is often an extraordinary type. By the way, Alexander the Great had different colored eyes.

Pay attention to:

1. The density of the iris.

The dense iris resembles the eye of a baby doll: even, smooth, evenly pigmented, without spots. If the iris is dense before the eyes, this is a sign of excellent heredity, endurance, and strong immunity. After illnesses and surgeries, your health is likely to recover quickly and completely. There is a high probability that you will live to be 80-85 years old, and maybe even up to 90.

A loose iris speaks of average heredity. With great mental and physical activity such people may have nervous breakdowns, excessive irritability, headaches and heart pains, spasms of various organs, and depression. But if the rhythm of your life is moderate, if you take care of your health, then without any problems you will live to at least 75-80 years.

A very loose iris, in which the fibers are split and there are many "holes" - a sign weak immunity, low degree of endurance. Even with minor loads or stresses, nervous breakdowns and the occurrence of diseases are possible. But nevertheless, you have a chance to live up to 70-75 years.

2. Color drawings.

Around the pupil, a yellowish color is a sign of slagging of the intestines, liver, and gallbladder.

Half rings or rings passing through the entire surface of the iris, around the pupil, indicate that you are a sensitive person, but holding negative emotions, resentment, tension. From this mental tension, the nervous and cardiovascular systems. These rings are called adaptive.

Spots on the iris indicate violations in specific organs. In order to determine where the disease sits, look at the drawing of the projections of the internal organs and try to determine in which organ these spots are located.

It is believed that the right eye of a man reflects the state of the father's genetic contribution, and the left - the mother's. In women, the opposite is true: the right iris contains genetic information transmitted through the maternal line, and the left iris through the paternal line.

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To find out why a person feels unwell and to determine which of the organs is affected by the disease allows diagnosis by the shell of the eye. With the help of this method, the origins of which go back to the distant past, it is possible to diagnose various health problems that have already been, are at the moment and may arise in the future.

History reference

In fact, retinal diagnosis has been around for many years. Even the ancient Egyptian and Indian doctors used this method. The founder of iridology is a homeopath from Hungary, Ignaz Pecceli, who devoted many years to research. It was he who drew up a scheme of projection zones, with the help of which the state of one or another organ is determined to this day.

Modern scientific research has confirmed the fact that the “mirror of the soul” reflects complete information about the health of its owner. An increasing number of specialists resort to this method of research, although today, unfortunately, you will not find an iridologist in a regular clinic. But many ophthalmologists who practice iris diagnostics provide their services privately.

How diagnostics is carried out

The surface of the iris is different hypersensitivity, for this reason, any transferred stress, many diseases and hereditary factors are displayed on it in the form of various traces. A doctor who studies the totality of changes will be able not only to accurately diagnose the disease, but also to tell about options its development.

During the examination, the specialist examines the eyes for the presence of various dark dots, as well as whether the pattern of the fibers and their density have changed. The iris is completely healthy person has a clean, dense and smooth surface, and its fibers have the same and clear structure. If a person suffers from any diseases, the fibers look loose and in places there are breaks, and it is also noted a large number of dark depressions. Identified spots on the iris during diagnosis indicate the presence of health problems, while their number indicates the number of existing diseases.

Research methodology

Every organ human body has its own projection on the iris, which is divided into the following belts along its circumference:

  • External - is a reflection of the condition of the skin and blood vessels.
  • Internal - a change in the structure of the shell of the eye in this area indicates the presence of problems of the central nervous system and the digestive tract.
  • Medium - allows you to analyze the condition of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen and heart muscle.

Thus, if a person suffers from a stomach ulcer, a reddish spot can be seen in the eye changes. Some diseases can also be diagnosed by the pupil, by examining its shape, size, constriction and expansion. In some modern clinics, the iridography method is practiced - specialists examine eye iris on a computer by enlarging the image taken with the camera several times. For the study, magnifiers, slit lamps, as well as iridoscopes are used.

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What can the eyes say?

Diagnostic method eye shell involves the study of its shape, structure, color and mobility. Among the numerous advantages of this method, it is worth highlighting the simplicity, harmlessness and painlessness of research. By analyzing the change in the structure of the shell of the eye, it is possible to diagnose the disease at the very beginning of its development, while conventional methods reveal an existing ailment. In addition, it is possible to diagnose the eyes in order to identify a genetic predisposition to a particular disease. Having studied the baby's eyes, a specialist with experience will be able to tell parents what diseases may occur in the future and what measures to take to maintain health.

The color of the iris can tell a lot, including:

  • general condition of life important systems;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation;
  • disruption of organs.

What diseases can be detected during the examination

Diagnosis of the iris of the eye allows you to consider ailments that affect the spine, intestines, prostate and pancreas, stomach, heart, ovaries. With its help, it is possible to timely detect diseases of the lungs and bronchi, liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, chest and joints. An indisputable advantage is the ability to determine the nature of the disease. The specialist will be able to determine whether there is damage to the internal and external organs or the disease has developed due to stress or the accumulation of toxins in the body. However, retinal examination will not help detect diseases that are not accompanied by painful sensations(for example, heart attack), as well as rheumatism and diabetes.

The opinion of evidence-based medicine on iridology

Opponents of this method do not consider iris diagnostics to be part of the evidence-based medicine. Many call it charlatanism and extortion of funds. This is explained by the fact that at one time they were engaged in the diagnosis of the eyeball random people who do not have a special education, and this has seriously undermined the prestige of this method of studying human health.

Active examination of the retina began 10 years ago, and the results of the studies were more than convincing. Certain diseases corresponded to changes in the eye, and the presence of diseases was confirmed in the clinical setting.

The benefits and harms of this diagnostic method

Diagnosis of the disease by the eyes is of increasing interest among modern patients. Among its undeniable advantages are the following:

  • painlessness and harmlessness - anyone can conduct an eye diagnosis due to the absence of contraindications to its passage, and there is no need to prepare for it in advance;
  • the possibility of diagnosing the disease early stage- often a specialist gives a conclusion immediately after the change in the mobility of the eye and its other parameters has been studied;
  • high accuracy of localization of changes in organs and provision of information about the general state of the organism as a whole;
  • the ability to use a unique diagnostic technology to identify the cause of a particular disease.

When detecting diseases, to increase the reliability of the result obtained and for the purpose of prescribing adequate treatment a comprehensive examination of the body may also be required.


Diagnostics eye changes definitely worth considering as a valuable diagnostic method. Its benefits are recognized throughout the world, and it is developing with might and main in the CIS countries. This method is recommended for every person who cares about their health and wants to live long life. But it is worth contacting only highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience in conducting such studies.

Look at these faces (by clicking on the photo opens in full size) and determine, without thinking too much, which girl and guy - on the right or on the left, you like the most.

It has long been known that enlarged pupils make a person more attractive. Dozens of experiments have been done on this topic, which have shown that, despite the fact that we may not notice them consciously, we nevertheless almost always evaluate a person with dilated pupils as more attractive than another who has pupils. narrowed. People have known this for a long time and used it - the ladies of the Middle Ages put droplets of plant extract into their eyes. belladonna (Atropa belladonna), a bella donna translates as gorgeous. They later began to receive them from this plant atropine. When applied topically, atropine temporarily paralyzes the accommodative reflex (the pupil's reaction to light) and dilates the pupil itself.

You can see for yourself how pupil dilation changes a person by looking at the girl on the left (the picture opens in full size by clicking). It is assumed that attractiveness is due to the fact that pupil dilation signals us about arousal, and about sexual arousal in particular. And now your brain looks at a person whose pupils are dilated and the brain immediately begins to believe that that person is aroused, and it is because of you. And as soon as he likes you, he also starts to like you. This all happens quite quickly - in 20-50 milliseconds.

But what is less known is other features of our eyes. The vast majority of people like the faces on the right in the photo at the beginning of the article. And the only difference is in limbal rings before the eyes of the people. limbal ring ( limbal ring) is a dark rim around the iris, it separates the colored part of the eye from the protein. Most beautiful eyes, according to our subconscious and instantaneous judgment, have well-defined limbal rings.

In a study (Peshek etal., 2011), conducted at the University of California in Irvine, participants were shown 80 pairs of similar photographs, and the difference was only in the presence of the limbal ring. Participants had to choose a face that seemed more attractive to them and indicate the degree of preference.

The results showed that both men and women were equally better at rating people of both sexes as more attractive when they had limbal rings on their eyes. How can this be explained? As a rule, the younger we are, the thicker and more pronounced the limbal ring. With age, it becomes thinner or disappears altogether. Here is a graph created by measuring limbal annulus thickness and age (Peshek etal., 2011):

It is also an indicator of health. There are several diseases that thin or completely remove this ring, for example, glaucoma, corneal edema, and so on. Are you going to look in the mirror now? Do not worry if you only find a thin limbal ring in yourself - this is normal. And there are many eyes that are beautiful even so.

Thus, this feature of our eyes, from an evolutionary point of view, instantly gives out reliable probabilistic information for the subconscious of a person who looks at us: how young, how healthy we are, and whether we are suitable for procreation.

In our quest to look younger, people have noticed this phenomenon, and now you can already buy contact lenses with a clear, youthful limbal ring, and, as you yourself saw at the beginning, you will immediately look a little more attractive, in the opinion of others. Well, look - a photo of the same eye with and without a limbal contact lens:

Peshek, D., Semmaknejad, N., Hoffman, D., & Foley, P. (2011). Preliminary evidence that the limbal ring influences facial attractiveness. Evolutionary Psychology, 9(2), 137-146.

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