Beautiful female eyes. Looking for the most beautiful eye color. Beautiful eyes in women

Through the eyes we receive 90% of information about the world around us. They give the world the first impression of us.

Beautiful eyes, attractive, mysterious or resolute look - that attracts the attention of the interlocutor. This is a "talkative" body that will talk about you and show everything. Therefore, we want our “calling card” to play into our hands and be the best.

The structure of the eye

Eyes are compared to the universe not only because of their beauty and aesthetics. This is one of the most complex organs in its structure and functioning, consisting, like cosmic bodies, of many tiny elements.

The organ of vision consists of:

The eye in its structure and principle of operation resembles a camera. The image, passing through the refractive systems of the cornea, lens and vitreous body, already in an inverted and reduced form, enters the final section of the visual pathway - the occipital lobes of the brain. There, the final analysis and interpretation of the seen image takes place.

Eye beauty criteria

As noted above, the structure of the eye is the same for everyone. But it is difficult to find people with completely identical eyes.

At different times, fashion dictates its own criteria for beauty. Different nations have their own idea of ​​beauty. Fashion trends and eyes have not bypassed.

Criteria by which their attractiveness is evaluated:

eye color

The color of the iris depends on the content of melanin in it - a high-molecular pigment contained in the anterior layer of the iris. The color is influenced by the nature of the distribution of the pigment, as well as the vessels and fibers of the iris itself.

The following eye colors are distinguished:

In addition, there are many shades and variations of primary colors. So, there are gray-blue, brown-green, gray-green, etc.

What eye color is considered the most beautiful?

There is no consensus on which eye color is the most beautiful. Even among men and women there are different preferences.

So, men prefer women with cold blue or bright brown eyes. If they associate the former with aristocratic elegance, the latter with passion and inner fire. Women are more selective and consider rare, unusual colors and their combinations to be beautiful. If blue, then bright, if brown, then with golden splashes.

Lists of the most beautiful eyes among celebrities will most clearly say about people's preferences.

Beautiful eyes in men

legendary musician David Bowie- the owner of a different eye color. Although the zest arose after the fight, it only increased the love of the rocker's fans.

Also among the men with the most beautiful eyes are Johnny Depp with his deep brown eyes, blue-eyed Zac Efron with a pure and innocent look, Jared Leto with an endless look of big blue eyes, and also Alain Delon.

Beautiful eyes in women

For many years, the first places in such lists have been occupied by Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie. Their beautiful cut of bright eyes with a predatory look strikes men on the spot.

And the actress Kate Bosworth has an anomaly - one eye is blue and the other is brown.

About the huge expressive eyes of the Indian star Aishwarya Rai For many years they have been talking about something unearthly. Big eyes Zooey Deschanel also attract the attention of millions of fans of the actress.

Why is green eye color considered rare and beautiful?

One of the rarest colors of the iris is green.

It is observed in people with a small amount of melanin in the iris. Only 2% of all people have such eyes.

Perhaps the attractiveness of green eyes is partly due to prejudices and stereotypes about green-eyed people.

Coincidence or not, the vast majority of green-eyed people are girls and women. From the opinion that all women with green eyes are witches, there is a place to be.

Nowadays, more than half of all people with green eyes live in the Netherlands, Iceland, as well as other Scandinavian countries and Turkey. In Asia, Africa and South America, such eyes are rare. However, as well as in Russia.

The brightest and most unusual shade of green eyes - the actress Tilda Swinton.

Rare eye colors in the world

While green eyes are beautiful, they are not the only rarity.

There are also other unusual eye colors:

Why do people want to change their eye color?

People tend to strive for the beautiful and perfect. First of all, we strive to make ourselves perfect, to get closer to our ideal. Not bypassed this and the eyes. People change the shape of the eyes, the shape of the eyelids, increase eyelashes. Why do people want to change their eye color?

There may be the following reasons for this:

How can you change eye color?

On one's own. So, maybe blue, and within a few weeks, they can change their color to gray, hazel or other colors.

Also, closer to old age, our iris color loses its brightness and saturation, becoming more muted. Severe stress or shock, as well as certain diseases (especially eye diseases), can lead to a change in eye color. Short-term change depends on the mood, lighting, etc.

But how to change your eye color arbitrarily and quickly enough:

  • Clothing.
    The right color of wardrobe items can slightly adjust the color of the eyes. If you wear blue clothes to the owner of blue eyes, it will make them more saturated. And blue clothes will add the same shade to gray eyes.
  • Makeup. By emphasizing light eyes with dark shadows or a pencil, it will turn out to make the color darker and deeper. And when using certain colors, you can adjust your own, for example, with gray shadows to make blue-gray eyes pure gray.
  • Lighting. When lighting changes, the eyes can change color. This is especially evident in light eyes. They can change shade from gray-blue to green.
  • . One of the safest ways to temporarily change eye color. They can change the color both drastically and slightly correct.
  • Self-hypnosis. Perhaps the power of suggestion acts only on oneself, but with a certain attitude, the eyes can be seen in a different shade.
  • Meditation. Like self-hypnosis, meditations and trances are not scientifically proven methods of changing eye color. In any case, this method will definitely not harm the body.
  • Eye drops. Prostaglandin hormones, when used in the form of eye drops, can make the color of the eyes darker and more saturated. But it is important to remember that in the first place it is a medicine. Use without medical indications can lead to undesirable consequences and cause irreparable damage to the eyes.
  • laser correction. During this operation, by removing melanin from the anterior layer of the iris, it can lighten the eyes, changing the color from hazel to gray or blue. But this method is quite expensive, irreversible, and also has possible side effects.
  • Surgical intervention. There is a radical way to change . During the operation, a colored implant is inserted into the iris, which can later be removed. But such interference can lead to the occurrence of diseases (, and blindness).

Selection of colored lenses

If the choice of a method for changing the color of the eyes has stopped on colored lenses, then you need to consider some tips for choosing:

Types of colored lenses

Colored lenses are aimed at changing the color of the eyes.

Depending on the effect to be achieved, as well as on their features, there are different types of lenses:


Beauty is a subjective concept. And at different times, different things are considered beautiful. Therefore, the criteria for the beauty of the eyes can change over the course of several years.

And large-scale changes carried out to comply with the canons and indulge momentary impulses are irreversible.

But if the desire to change something, for example, eye color, was deliberate and balanced - go for it, but choose safe ways.

After all, healthy eyes are the most beautiful!

All people on the planet are individual and have their own personal eye color, which is transmitted either by inheritance or through genetic changes. At the same time, many are interested in the question of the structure and why exactly one or another shade arises in a person. Next, consider the various tones and the reasons for their appearance, subsequently determining the most beautiful eye color.


The iris itself consists of two layers, in which there are pigments. Based on how exactly they are located, the color and shade depend. It is also worth adding that the shell fibers, the amount of melanin (produced by the body) and blood vessels play an important role. Despite the fact that the eyes have a large number of shades, there are still several primary colors.

Most of the population have brown eyes. But green is considered one of the rare ones. Many claim that the most beautiful eye color cannot be determined, because they are all unique in their own way, but you can try to do it.

So why green?

In the event that a person produces an insufficient amount of melanin in the body, then his eyes turn green. But this color has become rare for a completely different reason. The Holy Inquisition of the 12th-19th centuries was to blame for everything. Due to a misconception about the origin of green eyes and red hair, all girls with such data were equated with witches and burned at the stake.

This color is obtained by mixing the yellow outer shell and the blue background.

It is thanks to this that the shell takes on such a color, which in the modern world is considered the rarest.

Moreover, based on the intensity of the shade, there can be a large number of options for this color. The rarest is emerald green. Therefore, the most beautiful eye color can be considered green.

rare eyes in the world

Often the owners of this color are the Germans, Scots and the eastern and western peoples of Europe. At the same time, it will not be uncommon to meet green eyes in a Turk, because 20% of the population have this particular color. And in Iceland, even 80% have the rarest or blue tint.

At the same time, residents of the Middle East, South America and Asia are practically not born with such eyes.

What eye color is the most beautiful?

Naturally, the concept of beauty is a very subjective thing, and if we talk about the most beautiful eyes and their representatives, then in this case albinos were lucky, who have completely black, purple, amber and red colors.

Even among these tones there is the rarest. It even has a separate name for the mutation "origin of Alexandria". When a person with such changes is born, his eye color does not initially change, only after a while it becomes purple.

This mutation does not affect vision. Rumor has it that Elizabeth Taylor had the most beautiful eye color. Photos of that time, unfortunately, cannot confirm this, since the possibility of technology at that time could not always convey all the shades.

Among natural eyes, the color of which was not caused by a mutation, green is considered the most beautiful, and pure black is in third place.

The most beautiful eye color, according to men

In fact, it is very difficult to find out the most beautiful eye color, according to the stronger sex. The problem is that few men fall in love at first sight. Most of them prefer to evaluate the beauty of a girl in a complex way, along with her eyes. Color does not play the most important role. But it is worth considering them separately for a more comprehensive understanding, because any eyes can be successfully complemented with the right make-up and wardrobe.

As for this eye color, these will be relevant to brunettes and fair-haired. There are some men who, in response to the question, what color of eyes is the most beautiful, the answer is immediately ready - brown. They find them fascinating. In fairness, it should be noted that such eyes are considered more expressive precisely because they have a large iris, which makes them as expressive as possible. Along with this, the whiteness of the eyeball is also emphasized. Thus, brown eyes appear large and expressive.

According to other men, the most beautiful eye color for girls is blue. In fact, only some shades deserve such a title. In men, they are associated with the purity of the sky. In turn, the other half of the stronger sex, on the contrary, considers them faded, inexpressive and mediocre. The most interesting are the results that scientists have obtained by conducting research. In fact, most blue-eyed men match women with exactly the same color. Some, of course, are skeptical about such conclusions and say that distrust of their partner is to blame, because both blue-eyed parents will have a child with this eye color.

As for the green-eyed ones, they are still out of competition.

How can you change eye color?

  1. The easiest and most common way is colored contact lenses.
  2. With the skillful use of makeup and depending on the mood, the eyes can fade or, conversely, become brighter. You can also emphasize their color with the help of clothes.
  3. You can change the shade of the eyes with the help of eye drops that reduce pressure (Bimatoprost, Latanoprost, Unoprostone, Travoprost).
  4. Color change with surgery.
  5. Laser eye correction.
  6. Some even resort to meditation and self-hypnosis. Despite the fact that there is no official evidence of the performance of this method, there are a large number of positive reviews.

In any case, it is worth remembering that there can be no general concept of beauty, and each individual has his own personal idea of ​​​​this. It is important to understand that for a person, the best and prettiest eyes in the world will be those with which he is in love. It will not depend on their color, nor on their shade, nor on their size. Therefore, in order to find out which eyes are the most beautiful, you should first look at your soulmate, and the answer will come by itself.

Oddly enough, you can tell a lot about a person by looking into his eyes. No wonder they say: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul." Knowing certain information, you can easily determine the character of a person, his weaknesses and virtues. To date, the most beautiful has not been installed. All of them are unique, not like others and have their own characteristics. Scientists deciphering and studying this information cannot unequivocally state what this or that eye color means. Let's look at some general points about this.

For some eyes - blue. Experts believe that this includes extraordinary romantics, dreamers who rely on feelings and are guided by them, tend to fantasize and succumb to emotions. As a rule, women with love attention, courtship, romance. They are very vulnerable, and you can expect frequent mood swings from them. It also happens that as a result of experiences, girls fall into depression. Unfortunately, the most beautiful eye color, according to many, also belongs to the coldest. Often such people are not capable of deep feelings, they are guided only by a fleeting passion. Representatives of this group are over-irritable, capricious and angry. But mostly young people have generosity, purposefulness, perseverance and conscientiousness.

Another type of people are those who believe that green is the most beautiful eye color. Their owners, as a rule, are assertive, purposeful, demanding and stubborn. In appearance, these are independent, strict and correct people, but in fact they are gentle, sympathetic and sweet people. They do not tolerate lies, pretense, although they themselves are cunning and insidious. If such people fell in love with someone, then in a relationship they are faithful and caring. They are considered neat, persistent and authoritative people. They do not require everyone's attention, but simply need respect.

Often, when answering the question of what is the most beautiful eye color, brown is called. In fact, the owners of such eyes are very interesting people who are passionate, impulsive and energetic people. By nature, these are clear leaders who have an imperious and quick-tempered character. There are also attacks of aggression. But in most cases, charm and warmth on their part bring all conflicts to naught. People of this type are decisive, fearless, easily forgive insults and quickly forget scandals. They have such qualities as sociability, wit, confidence.

The last type of people that we will look at are people with They are very smart, hardworking and inquisitive. This type is distinguished by its realism, practicality, reliability and patience. Such people always keep secrets, and never betray loved ones. Honesty, kindness and responsiveness are the main positive qualities of gray-eyed. As a rule, such people have great willpower, courage, and sometimes they are jealous. Summing up, it is impossible to say unequivocally which eye color is more beautiful. All of them are magnificent and irresistible in their own way.

"The most beautiful eyes…". Everyone loves to hear that compliment. Imagine how many times this has been said to the people in the selection below.
These eyes are an amazing play of nature. These are one in a million. However, one of the guys that will be discussed even “gets” for the beauty of his incredible eyes at school.

People whose "mirror of the soul" does not require the use of contact lenses or photoshop for brightness. Eyes in which you want to drown. Enjoy!

The most beautiful eyes: 10 lucky people who were awarded by nature

Nature endowed this girl with silvery eyes with a green tint. And the “icing on the cake” was the charming dark edging of the iris, which makes her eyes look like they are painted. The parents of the “anime” baby did not want to reveal her name - the picture walks around the net anonymously.

Sharbat Gula from Afghanistan caused a worldwide sensation when she appeared on the cover of National Geographic magazine in 1985. Her incredible color and dramatic expression of her eyes seem to tell the whole story of her life.
The "Mona Lisa of the 20th century," as she was nicknamed in the press, remained anonymous until reporters found her in 2002. The girl has changed a lot (time and a hard life were reflected on her), but her eyes remained the same - they look straight into the soul.

Sharbat Gula now

Brother and sister with perfect green eyes. Only 4% of people on the planet are born with this color! And here - just two in the same family. The boy, with a dark edging of the iris, looks like an alien at all (in a good way).

Dark skin and honey-green eyes, in which the pupils are almost invisible. What a beauty this little girl will grow up to be.

For rare blue eyes, this guy is often teased at school. His name is Adrian and he lives in Africa. At first glance, it may seem that he wears contact lenses, but Nature herself gave him a light blue color.

Turquoise is the rarest eye color in the world. It was made from a combination of blue and green. Photoshop was not used to color these eyes. This girl is from Sudan. If only a modeling agency would notice her and she would “shine” a happy and prosperous life.

This lady is a professional belly dancer. And she also has stunning amber eyes, the iris of which is “ringed” with a dark shell. Skillful make-up in oriental style emphasizes this beauty.

An incredible, but unfortunately unknown girl with "ocean" eye color was captured in Australia. This child is like a doll or an angel.

A little Japanese boy named Ping has no vision problems - he sees perfectly. However, pupils are almost invisible in his amazingly green eyes. This rare natural anomaly does not interfere with his life, and favorably distinguishes him from other children. To his peers and numerous reporters, Ping is an alien.

An 11-year-old boy named Azu from Rajasthan loves tricks and magic tricks. The image of the magician is best promoted by the bewitching color of his eyes - green with yellow splashes. Rumor has it that he has a great future as an artist of the original genre!

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The beauty of the eyes can be different: beautiful features, shape, color. Many ratings of the most beautiful eyes of Hollywood actors and actresses, top models and ordinary people in photographs have already been compiled.

But in nature there are many owners of incredible eyes, bewitching with their beauty. Below is our Top 10 most expressive of them.

1 place

The most amazing beauty of the eyes of a husky dog. Such an unearthly eye color is still worth looking for: as if a piece of the piercing winter sky settled in the look of this dog. Eyes with a veil are so expressive that they seem bottomless, like the endless depth of the centuries-old ice of Antarctica. When these eyes stare at something, it is not completely clear whether they are looking at the object or through it.

2nd place

Horse. Yes, yes, in second place is an ordinary horse. Looking into those expressive eyes, would anyone think of calling them ugly? These are probably the kindest eyes of the entire animal world. An unusually smart look, in which you can simply drown. Only these expressive eyes can tell about pain and happiness, about friendship and devotion, about loyalty and betrayal.

3rd place

In third place is the Burmese snub-nosed monkey. Suddenly? She has amazing eyes, black with an interesting shape. Against the background of blue fur, the eyes seem almost alien. There is something unusual and attractive in them at the same time.

4th place

The wolf is an animal with a gloomy, boring look. The cold beauty of the eyes reflects all the stamina of the animal nature. You look into them and understand how just one look can cause fear and respect at the same time.

5th place

Fox. No wonder this animal is associated with cunning. Funny eyes of almost the same color look out from a sly red muzzle. They look intriguingly, with a slight squint and cunning, carefully peering into the world around them, as if they want to deceive someone. Such beauty of the eyes is unique and unrepeatable.

6th place

The Basset dog breed is probably the owner of the saddest eyes in the world. This makes them very beautiful, albeit a little sad. Looking at them, one cannot help but feel tenderness and feel a real "puppy" delight. It is impossible to forget such eyes and you always want to regret and treat the dog with something tasty, which, in fact, the basset uses.

7th place

Owls. It is impossible not to note these stunning creatures with large, round eyes. Surprised, wide-open and mysterious gaze is always directed somewhere far away, through the veil of a foggy forest, as if thinking about something of its own secret, unknown to the rest of the world.

8th place

Cat with different eyes. Most often, white individuals have such unique eyes. Blue and green; yellow and gray - there is something mystical in these eyes. It is always interesting to look at this miracle of nature, as if two different souls settled in one living being, like a cat - this is that mystical two-faced god Janus, who is both good and evil, simple and mysterious.

9th place

Puma is a beautiful animal of the cat family and the owner of the piercing gaze of a hunter. Against the background of a light color, the black frame of the eyes looks especially beautiful. Nothing will betray the hidden cougar before the jump, but if you see her eyes at that moment, they will be unusual.

10th place

This place in the ranking is rightfully occupied by a cow. Black, thick and long eyelashes framing large, dark eyes - it seems that they are sad all the time. The look is very deep, as if all the wisdom of living nature is frozen in it.

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