Does it hurt to remove tartar? Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasonic tartar removal procedure

Salts of phosphorus, iron and calcium, as well as dead bacteria form such unpleasant phenomenon like tartar.

What is plaque

This formation, which appears on the surface of tooth enamel, creates favorable conditions for development various diseases, the most famous of which is caries.

If such a plaque forms near the gums, then it swells. Such a gum gradually moves away from the body of the tooth, and a cavity is formed in which bacteria accumulate. A hard-to-clean place becomes a source various inflammations. In order to maintain hygiene, such a stone should be removed. A timely procedure for removing tartar will allow you to save in oral cavity necessary conditions for existence. The existing methodology in dentistry allows the removal of such stones in several ways.

Ultrasonic tartar cleaning

Clients dental clinics I really liked this stone. This method is gradually gaining popularity, because it, performing the main procedure for cleaning plaque, makes teeth whiter. When plaque on the teeth has already turned into stone and there are no medical indications against it, it is permissible to use plaque cleaning by ultrasound therapy. Is it painful to remove tartar with ultrasound? Most patients will answer this question in the negative. The procedure will not cause pain to the patient. In this case, an additional bonus will be that the enamel will look whiter.

In some cases, prior to implantation, a preliminary procedure of ultrasonic treatment is performed. There are a number of diseases that add a limitation to the application of the method ultrasonic cleaning. About them it is better to consult with the attending specialist regarding the expediency of performing the procedure.

Benefits of ultrasonic tartar removal

Ultrasonic tartar removal is becoming more and more popular these days. One of its advantages is practically snow-white smile patients. It's kind of a bonus. Well, the most important thing is the removal of mineralized deposits, for the sake of which the procedure itself is performed. There is one fear that torments everyone: does it hurt to remove tartar? We will answer this question. Cleaning tartar with ultrasound does not cause any discomfort at all. It not only causes no pain, but also leaves no damage.

natural healthy state teeth and gums for several months, and maybe even years, is provided by the procedure of ultrasonic treatment. Before it is carried out, it is still worth deciding on the issue of tooth sensitivity. Violent reaction to high and low temperatures is the basis for anesthesia. The answer to the question of whether it hurts to remove tartar for such patients will have a slightly different answer. No - it does not hurt, but only after performing anesthesia. The doctor must choose the method of carrying out similar procedure and only after that proceed with ultrasonic cleaning of plaque.

It's no secret that cleaning tartar at home is also possible. For these purposes, even special brushes. But it may not always bring positive result. In such cases, you should resort to ultrasonic procedures under the guidance of a specialist, which will give the result: the removal of tartar. Potential clients for this procedure are those who have not identified medical warnings.

Finely directional ultrasound is almost indispensable for those whose teeth are very close to each other or access is difficult due to the presence of orthopedic prostheses. In addition, work on the installation of dentures should be preceded by cleaning of all excess on the surface of the tooth enamel and gums: plaque, stone, the remains of the vital activity of microorganisms. ultrasonic method not only removes surface deposits, but also cleans hard-to-reach cavities, such as interdental spaces or pockets between the gum and the base of the tooth.

When should ultrasound not be used?

There are a number of diseases that become a weighty counterargument when deciding on the use of the above procedure. These include diabetes, poor clotting blood, cancer, various violations in work circulatory system. Also, do not apply the procedure when chronic diseases- asthma and bronchitis.

Milk teeth in children, retinal surgery, oral mucosal ulcers, epilepsy, and pacemakers are additional indications against ultrasonic cleaning. If the patient has previously had dental prosthetics, then the admissibility of ultrasonic cleaning should be clarified with a specialist. in a universal way protect the patient from potential negative consequences is to inform the doctor about previous diseases and medications that caused adverse reactions.

The cleaning process: the patient's point of view

A device for pumping out saliva is placed in the patient's oral cavity. The tip of the cleaning device must be visible during cleaning. The roughness of the surface of the tooth enamel, which occurs after cleaning, should be eliminated by grinding and polishing. If this is not done, then such enamel will very quickly acquire a new stone and bacteria.

The doctor's arsenal has a large set of various tools and pastes for restoring the smooth surface of tooth enamel. As can be seen from the description, the procedure is conservative. And the answer to the question of whether it hurts to remove tartar is obvious. But in order to avoid processes that can lead to inflammation after cleaning, the dentist may recommend special pastes for brushing your teeth.

The cleaning process: an inside look

As is clear from the name of the procedure itself (ultrasonic), the physics of the process itself is due to the presence of a high-frequency generator sound wave, indistinguishable human ear. The device in which these components are located is called a scaler. On it you can change the frequency with which the generating element works. The correct frequency is a very important parameter when performing brushing. Only experienced dentist can make the best choice.

A modern device, a medical institution and a specialist are the basis of a properly performed cleaning procedure. In addition to treating visible formations on the teeth, the ultrasound technique allows you to clean the deposits located under the gums. "Does it hurt to remove tartar under the gums?" the patient may ask. Yes, this procedure can cause discomfort. Therefore, it is performed only after preventive analgesic procedures.

The need for ultrasonic cleaning

Often, many specialists in dentistry do not clean such a hard-to-reach stone for visual perception. And why do this if the patient still can not see anything? Mechanical cleaning, unlike ultrasonic cleaning, takes longer, can lead to injury to enamel and gums. The chemicals used in this procedure can generally be harmful. When using ultrasound, there is no mechanical contact of the apparatus with the surface of the tooth, which contributes to the preservation of tooth enamel.

An additional bonus with such cleaning is also the fact that the seals are additionally cleaned. After removal of tartar, tooth enamel becomes very loose and susceptible to irritants. To reduce sensitivity, a fluoridation procedure is performed. Thanks to this additional procedure, the general positive effect brushing your teeth. After ultrasound procedure removal of tartar, patient reviews are most often positive: teeth become cleaner and visually look whiter.

We can assure you right away that in most cases this procedure is accompanied only by unpleasant sensations. However, each method of stone removal has other advantages and disadvantages.

Tartar - small hardened particles of food in the form of dark plaque. Tartar is formed due to the accumulation of food residues in the interdental spaces. They include dead cells, calcium, iron salts, various bacteria. To the question “Does it hurt to remove tartar?” did not poison your life, you should regularly brush your teeth and oral cavity, as well as periodically visit a dentist for prevention.

However, in the case when hygiene procedure was skipped or carried out insufficiently carefully, food debris accumulates and hardens on the outer and inner side of the tooth near the gum. These are dental stones. They are able to evoke bad smell from the mouth, bleeding gums, appearance dark spots on the teeth. The accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms results in diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis and caries - all of which often lead to the removal of damaged teeth.

Ways to remove tartar

In dentistry, three methods are used to get rid of tartar: mechanical, chemical and ultrasonic. Each of them has its pros and cons.

    mechanical method Tartar removal involves brushing your teeth manually, using a set of special dental instruments. When choosing this procedure, patients are interested in whether it is painful to remove tartar mechanically. Of course, this procedure cannot be called pleasant and relaxing: you will have to experience some discomfort. Basically, discomfort refers to the sanitation of the interdental space and periodontal pockets.

    Reliable and proven method, low cost compared to other methods.

    Discomfort, the risk of microdamages (gums, enamel and soft tissues), increased sensitivity of the enamel.

    chemical method getting rid of tartar consists in the treatment of damaged areas of the tooth with special chemicals- acids or alkaline solutions softening and easily removing the stone. This technique is used with high tooth mobility, with individual intolerance to other methods, in the presence of too dense and hard plaque on the tooth surface. Patients with thin and sensitive enamel, as well as gum sensitivity, may experience discomfort and even pain.

    Efficient and fast way, can be used if not suitable mechanical cleaning, teeth whitening takes place by 1-2 tones, affordable price.

    Exposure to aggressive chemical compounds may lead to the risk of damage to tooth enamel and cause hypersensitivity teeth, contact with the gums leads to inflammation of the soft tissues.

    Ultrasonic method uses the power of ultrasonic vibrations that have a destructive effect on tartar. The procedure is performed using a special device that generates ultrasonic waves of a certain frequency. To the question "Does it hurt to remove tartar with ultrasound?" many patients respond that they experienced neither pain nor discomfort during the procedure. To achieve a greater effect after the removal of tartar, the doctor polishes the tooth surface and treats the teeth with a paste containing fluorine. Thanks to this, the result of ultrasonic cleaning is a snow-white smile, which will last for a long time.

    A reliable and painless method, the possibility of whitening teeth by 1-2 tones, the risk of enamel damage is excluded, it does not cause increased sensitivity of the teeth, the oral cavity is completely disinfected.

    None, but there are limitations: the procedure is not recommended for women at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as for patients with serious diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis, diabetes, Chronical bronchitis and others).

Expert opinion

The most modern and in a safe way Today, ultrasound is the most popular method for removing tartar - it is the one most often chosen by both patients and dentists. it painless procedure, with which you can not only clean the tooth surface, but also carry out a complete disinfection of the gums, and even make tooth enamel lighter.

Ultrasonic cleaning does not guarantee teeth whitening by more than 1-2 tones, however, this is already a fairly noticeable and pleasant result. Before performing the procedure, it is imperative to consult a doctor - ultrasonic cleaning has contraindications, for example, such as strong enamel sensitivity, cardiovascular, pulmonary and other serious diseases.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to remove tartar with ultrasound,
  • pros and cons of the method
  • cleaning teeth from tartar - price 2019.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Removal of tartar by ultrasound effective method professional hygiene oral cavity. Its advantage is that it allows you to clean your teeth from any type of dental plaque -

1) supragingival tartar,
2) ,
3) ,
4) partially mineralized soft microbial plaque.

But, unfortunately, ultrasonic teeth cleaning - reviews are not always positive. Usually this is due to the fact that doctors remove only supragingival stones, leaving subgingival deposits, which leads to gradual destruction of the bone around the teeth and the appearance of their mobility. But the quality of removing dental deposits depends not only on this, and in this article we will analyze in detail all the features of this method.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from calculus - price 2019

If you need to remove tartar, the price will be about 100 rubles per 1 tooth (this price includes ultrasonic cleaning and polishing, but does not include fluoridation). The calculation can be made not only on the basis of the number of teeth to be cleaned, but also on the all-inclusive basis.

Removal of tartar by ultrasound - prices for the all-inclusive tariff (tartar removal by ultrasound + AirFlow polishing + fluoridation) will be: in the regions about 2500-3000 rubles, and in the blades of the economy segment of Moscow - the price for "all inclusive" starts on average from 4300 rubles.

Removal of dental deposits by ultrasound: technique

If you only have supragingival deposits and/or pigmentation on your teeth, then the cleaning procedure usually only takes about 1 hour. With this type of deposits, ultrasonic cleaning can be carried out even by an ordinary dentist-therapist.

Important: but if you suffer from periodontitis (inflammation of the gums), then cleaning is best done at. This will give a great guarantee that you will then be removed, including subgingival dental deposits, and, if necessary, a course of home anti-inflammatory therapy will be prescribed, which will include mouth rinses with antiseptics and gel applications on the gums.

The removal of dental deposits by ultrasound consists not only of the procedure of ultrasonic cleaning, but also the obligatory subsequent polishing of the teeth, and ideally also their fluoridation. Below, we will detail the intricacies of each stage.

Stage 1 - removal of stones and plaque by ultrasound

The so-called treatment of tartar with ultrasound is carried out using special devices called ultrasonic scalers (or scalers). Such devices can be made either in the form of a separate unit, or built directly into the dental unit.

The most important thing in an ultrasonic scaler is a special tip, at the end of which a metal nozzle will be fixed (Fig. 4-5). The tip of this nozzle oscillates at a very high frequency (from 25 to 50 kHz), which belongs to the ultrasonic range. During operation, water is plentifully supplied to the nozzle, which is immediately removed from the oral cavity through a saliva ejector.

What is the removal of deposits

Cleaning of teeth from tartar occurs when working with ultrasonic scalers due to two parallel processes…

  • Oscillatory movements of the nozzle(Fig. 6) -
    the dentist drives an oscillating nozzle along the surface of the tooth, on which there are dental deposits, and when they come into contact, mechanical destruction of tartar and plaque occurs. Those. there is a destruction of their attachment to the surface of the tooth. Water supplied to the tip of the nozzle immediately washes away all fragments of tartar and plaque.

    It is very important that the oscillatory movements of the tip are directed strictly along the surface of the tooth. Only in this case, the deposits will be removed, and the surface of the tooth will remain intact. Therefore, the doctor requires certain skills. However, not everything depends on the doctor, because. exist different types ultrasonic scalers, some of which are almost guaranteed to injure the tooth surface (which ones - read below).

  • Effect ultrasonic cavitation
    the water supplied to the tip of the tip is needed not only to cool the tip and the surface of the tooth. The fact is that ultrasonic vibrations of the tip of the nozzle form numerous microbubbles in the aquatic environment, which immediately burst, releasing energy that is enough to destroy dental deposits on the surface of the enamel or tooth root. In addition, this process has a bactericidal effect on bacteria.

Cleaning stones on the teeth with ultrasound: video

Advantages of ultrasonic cleaning -

Before the advent of ultrasound, mechanical cleaning of deposits with hand tools was widely used. The peculiarity of this method is the low quality of cleaning, a high degree of injury to the enamel and the surface of the roots, and a very fast sticking of new portions of dental deposits. In general, if your dentist suggested this method to you, then feel free to run away from this clinic.

If we compare ultrasound with (Fig. 7), then the latter effectively removes only a not very pronounced layer of pigment plaque, and only small fragments of tartar. If compared with ultrasonic cleaning (Fig. 8), then the procedures on the latter apparatus are very expensive and, in our opinion, do not have great advantages over cleaning with classic ultrasonic scalers.

Thus, the removal of dental plaque by ultrasound has the following benefits

  • Versatility and quality
    ultrasonic scalers remove everything: black plaque, supragingival and subgingival deposits of tartar. Moreover, ultrasonic scalers have many nozzle options, some of which are more convenient to remove massive deposits of deposits, while others (thinner and longer) are convenient to use in deep periodontal pockets to remove subgingival calculus.
  • Antiseptic effect of ultrasound
    in patients with inflammation of the gums (periodontitis), the main part of the infection is concentrated in the periodontal pockets. The effect of ultrasonic cavitation, which we described above, allows you to have an additional bactericidal effect on pathogenic bacteria in periodontal pockets.
  • Comfort and affordable price
    in most cases, the procedure is painless and only a slight vibration is felt. However, if you have sensitive cervices or need to clean subgingival deposits, this can cause slight discomfort. The cost of ultrasonic cleaning is about 80-100 rubles per 1 tooth.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaning -

  • If the doctor saves time or is incompetent
    removing supragingival deposits is very simple, and the main thing here is painstaking. In this case, 1 hour is enough to clean all the teeth, including the subsequent polishing of the teeth. But most people also have subgingival calculus deposits, which are found on the surface of the roots of the teeth below the gum line. Such deposits cannot be found by normal visual inspection.

    The search for subgingival calculus and especially its high-quality removal is a process that is very long, requires several procedures, as well as a highly qualified doctor. Therefore, above, we have already drawn your attention to the fact that it is best to remove deposits on the teeth from periodontists who specialize in gum treatment.

Stage 2 brushing - teeth polishing

Polishing after ultrasonic cleaning is very milestone, because microscopic particles of plaque and calculus remain on the teeth. They give the enamel a roughness, which will greatly increase the rate of adhesion of microbial plaque and the formation of tartar.

There are two polishing methods:

Ultrasound + AirFlow polishing: before and after photos

Among modern ways removal of hard deposits chewing surface there is one that allows you to not traumatically affect him. This is ultrasound. How does it work, and if such cleaning of tartar is carried out, does it hurt?

Everyone who follows the beauty of their smile must have heard or already tried this popular type of cleaning of the thin layer of teeth. But not many people know that thanks to its implementation, the risk of re-formation of stones in the area near the gums is reduced.

The feature of the device allows you to keep the surface in a healthier state.

In order to reveal for ourselves the peculiarity of carrying out such a procedure as cleaning tartar, whether it hurts or not, it will feel to a person, we will consider what cases are possible. Because they are different.

Noticeable effect compared to before and after plaque removal on the chewing surface


  • elimination of the formed undesirable biological composition on the frontal side of the chewing surface;
  • on interdental hard-to-reach areas;
  • treatment of pockets that appear in the gum area.

It is possible to understand whether it will be painful to remove the stone from the teeth in each case after we find out how the process of exposure to the device takes place.

2. The optimal method for different options for cleaning the chewing surface, is it painful to remove stones from the teeth with its use

In each individual case, whether it will be painful to clean the stones on the teeth can be said only after we figure out which area is planned to be treated.

Does it hurt to remove tartar with ultrasound from the front side

An effective option for removing hardened plaque is carried out by applying an ultrasonic wave. With a procedure such as the removal of tartar, it will not hurt for sure. After all, it is carried out on the surface of the protective layer of enamel and does not penetrate inside. The soft tissue of the gums is not injured, which helps to avoid subsequent inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In this case, the answer: does it hurt to remove tartar will be: absolutely not. The same applies to distant chewing elements.

professional method, the direction of the tip of the apparatus for breaking the stone in the oral cavity

hard-to-reach areas

Even for areas that are between densely spaced solid elements, the procedure is available. But will it hurt to remove tartar with ultrasound in this case? Given that this manipulation is aimed at breaking up a dense composition not only from the front side, but from the side of the interdental spaces, where even the thread (floss) does not penetrate, it will not hurt to remove tartar during the procedure.

Cleansing the area under the gum, does it hurt to remove tartar during this procedure?

In cases of inflammation in the gums, pockets appear around the tooth. In them, the collected composition of food debris and saliva is greatest danger he call cervical caries. Does it hurt to clean the tartar in this case? Yes, in this case, due to the sufficient tight fit of the soft tissue, it can be unpleasant.

Many are afraid of whether it hurts to remove stones from the teeth with periodontal disease.

For elimination discomfort during the procedure, it is possible to use a surface application of an anesthetic in the form of a spray. Or you can make an internal injection of a small dose of a composition that relieves sensitivity.

Each of the options is a breakdown of the formed plaque. Its removal is preventive measure preventing the presence of bacteria.

As a result of cleaning, the surface not only becomes lighter, but it helps to prolong the healthy state of the enamel and the inside of the chewing element.

Tartar is hardened plaque that is located at the base of the tooth, it forms in both supragingival and subgingival areas. Such a raid represents serious danger for the health of the gums and teeth, so it must be removed. At home, it is impossible to get rid of tartar on your own, only professional cleaning at the dentist will help here.

Why does tartar appear on enamel?

The stone is especially firmly settled on inner surface dentition

The main reasons for the formation of tartar:

  1. The main reason for the appearance of hard plaque is improper brushing of the teeth. If you don't brush your teeth thoroughly enough, food debris remains between your teeth and in other hard-to-reach places. Gradually, together with saliva, such plaque turns into hard tartar, which cannot be removed with a brush and paste. How to properly care for the oral cavity in children, read the article.
  2. Irregular brushing of teeth is also one of the root causes of tartar formation. Teeth should be brushed in the morning and in the evening. If you do not brush your teeth at night, plaque, saliva and bacteria will actively interact with each other at night, corroding the enamel. This leads to the development of caries.
  3. Food greatly influences the formation of plaque. If you eat a lot of sweets, this increases the risk of plaque, since sticky sugar or candy residues are difficult to brush off.
  4. If you smoke, you will not be able to avoid plaque. The resins that are in tobacco firmly settle on the enamel, forming a dark-colored tartar.

How hard plaque appears

The stone begins to gradually appear on the enamel a few hours after brushing. Stone formation takes place in several stages:

  1. The first stage lasts about 12 hours: pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop special kind carbohydrates that bind strongly to enamel. This is how the initial plaque is formed.
  2. Bacteria constantly multiply, plaque grows on the surface of the tooth, penetrates into the interdental spaces, into the subgingival area. At this stage, acid is formed, which contributes to the development of caries.
  3. Plaque grows and thickens, gradually begins to block the access of oxygen to the deep balls of tartar. As a result, acidity in plaque increases, begins to develop fungal infection, arise inflammatory processes in soft tissues gums
  4. Plaque affects all teeth, but it is most persistent on the inside of the dentition.

Why remove tartar?

Tartar must be removed without fail, there are good reasons for this:

  1. Stone is an excellent environment for life and reproduction pathogenic microflora, which provoke the occurrence of not only dental diseases but also gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Plaque is collected not only on the crown part of the teeth, but also on the border of the gum with the tooth. Gradually, the bacteria negatively affect the gum, causing it to sink and form a pocket. The tooth begins to loosen and eventually may fall out altogether.
  3. Plaque is the main cause of bleeding gums, as well.

Removal of tartar by ultrasound

Removal of tartar by ultrasound is an effective modern procedure that makes it possible to remove plaque from the enamel, restore its natural color and shine.

For this, a special apparatus with an ultrasonic tip is used. The tip vibrates, destroying dental deposits. In this case, the device does not injure the enamel.

After the procedure, the teeth become whiter and more beautiful. It is recommended to also polish the enamel after cleaning. During operation, a special liquid is supplied to the tip of the nozzle, which cools the surface of the tooth and the instrument. Also during the procedure, a saliva ejector is used, which provides maximum comfort to the patient.

The ultrasonic cleaning procedure allows you to carry out several useful manipulations at once:

  • process the root canals,
  • get rid of hard plaque,
  • remove the stone from the subgingival and supragingival region,
  • wash pockets,
  • whiten the enamel by 1-2 tones.

The whole procedure takes about an hour. In general, cleaning is painless. But if you are very sensitive teeth tell your doctor about this so that he can local anesthesia. I will not give you any injections, but simply treat the necessary areas with a special local anesthetic.

After the procedure, dentists strongly recommend fluoridation of the enamel, as the plaque is able to absorb fluoride.

Read also:

  1. Modern methods of removing tartar in children and adults
  2. laser tartar removal method

Is it possible to clean the stone during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's teeth are most vulnerable, so regular home hygiene is not enough. Even if you spend professional cleaning teeth, plaque can form again after 3-4 months.

This procedure is absolutely safe for the woman and the baby. In addition, cleaning does not require the use of any medications.


The presence of dental implants is a contraindication to cleaning teeth with ultrasound!

But ultrasonic cleaning has some contraindications:

  • arrhythmia,
  • asthma,
  • during the period of ARI,
  • hepatitis,
  • children's or adolescence when teeth change
  • oral implants,
  • orthopedic structures,
  • enamel hypersensitivity,
  • tuberculosis,
  • Chronical bronchitis.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid the occurrence of hard plaque, as this natural process. But if you follow some recommendations, it is quite possible to reduce the risk of a stone:

  • buy yourself a quality toothbrush medium or high hardness
  • brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Spend at least five minutes brushing your teeth
  • use dental floss(floss) to clean the remains of food from the spaces between the teeth,
  • if possible, get an oral irrigator - a very good thing that allows you to wash out food debris from the most distant and hard-to-reach places,
  • be sure to clean inside dentition,
  • also clean the tongue, as it gathers great amount germs,
  • eat hard apples and carrots, they perfectly clean the teeth from plaque, and also provide gum massage,
  • at least 2 times a year it is necessary to carry out professional cleaning.


The cost of ultrasonic cleaning of teeth in different clinics may vary.

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