A conspiracy from mastitis in a cow. What to do if the chest is not the same size. Folk remedies for mastopathy

Mastopathy - underlying disease, which affects women 17-45 years old. The patient, as a rule, complains of pain in the chest, which indicates the formation of seals. In addition, mastopathy can eventually turn into cancer.

Can mastopathy really turn into cancer?

How often does this happen?

AT this moment no clear answer can be given to this question. Yes, mastopathy can develop into cancer, because in some moments it is similar to the disease from which cancer occurs. Mastopathy is a benign condition, not malignant process. But, nevertheless, she hurts the woman.

There are several forms of mastopathy: diffuse, nodular, borderline, cystic and fibrous. All of them are recognized at the doctor's appointment.

I also want to say that this is a disease of a genetic nature, i.e. inherited. It has been proven that breast cancer occurs most often in women who had cancer on the maternal side.

Why does mastopathy occur? And who is predisposed to it?

Mastopathy affects both men and women, only in men it is called differently. In both cases, it gets sick with violations of the hormonal background of the body.

If we compare the frequency of the disease, women get sick an order of magnitude more often, because they are more susceptible to hormonal disruptions. The causes of this failure may be problems with the ovaries, primarily responsible for the production of hormones. Also, the possibility of mastopathy increases with impaired liver function. Therefore, if a lady loves fatty, smoked food, drinks alcohol and smokes, then she introduces herself into the risk zone. For example, smokers who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day are more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not smoke or smoke less.

The predisposition of mastopathy can occur in a woman at any time - and at the very beginning women's life when just installed hormonal background, and before menopause, during its violation. In fact, mastopathy is an imbalance hormonal system, causing change in the mammary glands.

Now on sale there are many creams for breast enlargement with phytoestrogens. They say they're harmless women's health. Is it so? Can Breast Enlargement Creams Cause Mastopathy?

Based on my professional experience, I think that you should not use a cream that contains any hormones that affect the growth of the mammary gland. In my practice, there were patients who complained of pain in the mammary glands after several uses of creams with phytoextragens. You need to be careful with such creams, since their use can lead to mastopathy - we “add” a hormone to our body and do not know how the body will react to it.

How do women usually discover mastopathy in themselves?

The main symptom of mastopathy is pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands; mammologists and gynecologists deal with it.

If a woman is suffering from severe chest pain that has not been there before, she should be examined for lumps, which can range in size from a pea to quail egg. However, even if the seal was found, one cannot attribute the diagnosis to oneself - only a doctor can make it.

What can be the treatment of mastopathy?

Is the operation mandatory, or is it done only in extreme cases?

Treatment is conservative and surgical. conservative - with medicines: tablets, special creams, herbal infusions. Surgical treatment- this is surgery, it is used in completely advanced cases. But if a woman goes to the doctor on time, in 90% of cases we confine ourselves to the usual therapeutic measures.

What happens if mastopathy is not treated?

In this case, cancer or all kinds of adenomas can develop. Adenomas are benign "nodules" that can eventually turn into cancer if left untreated.

How can you independently be examined for mastopathy?

A woman can examine herself on her own. This method is very common both in America and in Europe, the technique of the procedure is taught family doctor or a gynecologist. I think this is a very useful skill - regular self-examination of the breast allows the girl not to miss any changes in the breast, notice mastopathy in time and come to the doctor.

The examination procedure is very simple: starting with armpit in a lying or sitting position - as convenient - at least three times a month, you need to feel the chest for seals. If something seems to be “wrong”, you need to come for an ultrasound, during which the doctor will identify or refute mastopathy.

The main thing is to introduce a rule for yourself to be examined by a mammologist at least once a year. A very good way of medical diagnosis is an ultrasound or X-ray examination.

In America, the first screening study is carried out at the age of 35, but there are no prescriptions not to do it at the age of 30 - the sooner changes are detected, the more chances to get rid of them in time.

Is it possible to protect yourself from mastopathy?

Are there any rules that a woman must follow?

* First, it is a self-examination. It really justifies itself, and many women do it, for example, in the West this is a general rule of attitude towards oneself.

* Secondly, you should regularly visit your therapist, gynecologist and mammologist, if there is a genetic predisposition.

* Thirdly, you need to limit yourself to use fatty foods, alcohol and smoking.
* Fourthly, in 90% of cases, mastopathy is caused by artificial termination of pregnancy, while the birth of a child harmonizes the hormonal sphere of a woman and aligns right direction hormonal status.

Questions were answered by Irina Vasilyeva, head of the department radiodiagnosis European Medical Center, radiologist.


Mastitis in a nursing mother.

If a nursing mother has developed mastitis, she needs to actively express milk, up to sucking it out by an adult. In addition, a woman should take 1 tablet 3 times a day. ascorbic acid and cover the sore chest with steamed sweet clover grass or oat straw, cabbage leaves and a mixture of blue clay with sour cream. Alternate compresses.

And also, so that mastitis does not go into malignant tumor, you need to regularly lubricate the hardening with an ointment made from a mixture potato starch and hemp or sunflower oil. Promotes the resorption of mastitis and a mixture of 100-150 ml of urine and 1 tbsp. honey. With this mixture, it is necessary to make a compress on the chest for 3-5 days.

We treat mastitis and mastopathy.

If a breastfeeding woman has developed mastitis, I advise her to steam a pumpkin in a frying pan and hot, so that you can only endure it, apply it on gauze for 10-15 minutes to a sore breast. Repeat the procedure regularly until complete resorption of hardening. You can put a layer of birch leaves in a clay pot, then a layer of butter, and so on in layers to the very top, then cover the neck with dough and simmer in the oven over low heat for 2-3 hours. Get a green ointment. Put compresses with it at the place of hardening. Useful to apply before bed to the chest tea mushroom. Cover it with cotton wool or gauze, a sheet of any paper, fix with a bandage and leave overnight. Treat like this for 5-7 days. It will save you from mastitis and apply on the chest in the form of a compress of fresh coltsfoot leaves and burdock. First, in order for them to soften, they need to be poured over with boiling water.

Compresses with cabbage leaf and cottage cheese will relieve mastopathy. Spread a leaf of cabbage with honey, apply a layer of cottage cheese on top, cover with gauze and apply all night to a sore chest. To be treated like this, without missing a single day, for a month. If necessary, after a break of 20-30 days, you can repeat the treatment.

Salt compress on the chest.

From a letter: But one of my daughters had mastitis on both breasts. At that time we lived in Azerbaijan, and an Azerbaijani neighbor advised me to treat my daughter with saline compresses. To do this, dissolve in 200-250 g hot water 1 tbsp salt, moisten 2 gauze pads in the solution, made according to the volume of the breast in the shape of a circle with a hole in the center for the nipple, and put one on each breast. Insulate on top with cotton wool and wrap the body with a woolen scarf. Hold the compress until cool, and then moisten the napkins again in hot saline solution and again attach them to the chest. Thus, the daughter managed to avoid the operation.

Hardening of the mammary glands.

From mastitis, other hardening of the mammary glands of women, such a remedy will relieve. Heat millet in a dry frying pan to a pleasantly tolerable temperature, put it on your chest, put on a bra and wrap yourself in a woolen scarf. Keep as long as you feel warm. Then change the wheat. Do this until the hardening disappears.

Treat to your health!

From mastitis.

When mastitis, heat the pulp of watermelon without grains over low heat in an enamel pan, put the warm mixture on a linen cloth and put a compress on the chest. Warm and wrap well. Do daily at night until recovery.

With mastitis, grind raw (not fried) in a coffee grinder buckwheat, sift through a sieve, add honey (arbitrary proportions) and make a cake out of this “dough”. Apply it at night, on the chest and wrap up. All will pass.

I avoided the operation.

Even in my youth, after giving birth, I had mastitis and a fever. For a long time I could not get rid of him, until she helped with advice alone kind woman. The method is very simple. Needs to be grated raw potatoes together with the peel, heat a little and make a compress on the sore chest from this raw potato mass. My mastitis went away after three treatments. So I avoided the operation. And the temperature returned to normal immediately after the first compress.

Vodka and water.

I want to offer a recipe for mastitis, mastopathy, various seals in the chest with the hope that they can help someone.

In 1979, I had a lump in my chest the size of egg. They sent me for surgery. I refused it. I went to my grandfather, a herbalist, who gave me this recipe. Almost 25 years have passed, and, thank God, everything is fine with me.

It is necessary to mix vodka and water in equal proportions, heat to room temperature degrees 20-25, moisten the cloth in the solution and attach to the chest. Wrap up warmly. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat.


Boil - so say the masters of Magic when they mean the treatment of mastitis, hernia, goiter, back pain. At the same time, they do the following: they boil the patient's undershirt in the pelvis, while reading a slander from the disease; pour water over the fence.

From the breast (mastitis).

Breast, breast, go to the water, attack anyone you want. Even for brandy, even for a cow, even for damn healthy. From white body, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the servant of God (name), take away the abscess, amen.

Breast (mastopathy).

A gray stone lies on the ground, it doesn’t ache, it doesn’t groan, it doesn’t hurt, and so does the servant of God (name), so that her white chest doesn’t ache, doesn’t break, doesn’t get cold, doesn’t hurt. Amen. Lips, teeth, lock, I'll throw the key at the crossroads. Amen.

Circle the chest with a red rag, read the slander at sunset, throw the rag at the crossroads.

How to speak mastopathy.

If a woman has milk in her breast, you need to sprinkle it on the grass in the morning before dawn and say:

The sun will rise, the dew will fall, the milk will dry, the pain will go away. As my milk dries up, so will my breasts dry up. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the same:

Pinch nine splinters from the aspen. Touch the chest with each splinter and break it immediately. It reads like this:

A splinter is not once, a breast is not two, a splinter is not three, a sternum is not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight. The splinter-sternum is not nine. Not nine, not eight, not seven, not six, not five, not four, not three, not two, not one, not once. Amen.

Then burn all the splinters.


With mastopathy, black elderberry fruit juice helps remarkably. You can add sugar. Do not stop drinking for seven days. Take half a glass before meals, on an empty stomach.

Speak sickness in female breast.

As far as experience has shown, this conspiracy helps with almost all diseases of the female breast, including even cancer.

A whole head of cabbage is placed on the table (without a stalk). With one blow, split it into two halves. You can cut it with whatever works best for you. Carefully remove the top sheet and place it on your chest. You will not experience inconvenience, since the half of the sheet resembles a bra cup in its shape. By the way, you can take a head of cabbage of such a size that its leaf comfortably covers the chest. Change sheets every fifteen minutes. To prevent the chopped head from drying out, cover it with a damp towel.

Before you cut a head of cabbage, read a conspiracy on it. It is very important that the head of cabbage be chopped with one blow. They read like this:

I, the servant of God (name), will stand on the threshold, I will take an aspen pole in my hands, I will go beyond the horizon to the east. I will find the east side; There is a barn there, I’ll look into that barn, I’ll count the udders of all the cows: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and two, like my two breasts, on me, God’s servant (name). Let chiria, vereds dry up, disappear, die. Let the tumors do not seize me. Be you, my body, pure and white. Get all the tumors off my chest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From advanced mastitis.

They break birch branches and say:

God's hour, the blessed time of Mother Birch, do not stand here, do not let roots into the black earth, and you, heat, come out of your chest, go to her branches. Dry them, fell, and let go of my chest. I'm talking God's servant(name), your chest. You, fire, calm down, you, pain, calm down, you, tumor, calm down, descend from me to hell, go to hell. There is a cauldron, there you will burn, there you will smolder, there you will be ill for twenty-four hours a day. Go, my word, to word, my deed, to deed, whisper to whisper, key to mouth, tongue, lock, now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that a woman's breasts are not betrothed.

Most often, mastitis and other breast diseases occur in those women who have beautiful, full breasts.

On the third day of Easter, roll your chest with a baptized egg so that no one can harm you. Rolling, read like this:

Bless me, O God, through the sanctified testicle, blessed by the church for life and health. There is a golden sea, a golden ship on the sea, on that ship is St. Nicholas the Pleasant. He helps everyone who honors him, who asks him, who prays to him. I ask and pray, God's servant (name): Saint Nicholas, Father, save, protect and defend from all winners, from all thoughts, from all envy, from all promises. As my mother gave birth to me healthy, rewarded me with strong and sweet breasts, so that I would always be, God's servant (name), strong and healthy. Whoever interrupts this prayer of mine, he will take his bad thoughts upon himself. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The egg is then eaten.

Speak sore chest (mastitis).

Talk about water. Let the patient make a compress at home.

Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a place for you. I speak the chest of a young woman from 12 ailments. You, evil flame, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, stucco and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to pronounce mastitis.

After sunset, in the dark, take the patient outside the fence - let her look at the flawed moon.

Behind the back of a sick woman should stand a man older than her in age.

Crossing, you need to say:

As the month melts and damages, so may the tumor disappear from the servant of God (name). My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Make sure the moon is really flawed. Then the disease will pass fast.

The collection used for breast mastitis.

This method helps even when blood appears in breast milk. This collection quickly relieves fever, and the sore breast recovers, and there is more milk, it does not contain herbal bitterness, which is important for the nutrition of the child.

1 hour anise fruits;

1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds;

1 tsp dill seeds;

1 tsp herb sweet clover;

1 hour oregano herb;

1 hour field clover flowers;

1 hour burdock root;

1 teaspoon birch leaves;

1 teaspoon burdock root and leaves;

3 hours of chamomile.

The collection is crushed and stored in a linen bag. To make an infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection per 400 g of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Drink before meals 3 tablespoons 4 times a day.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 12 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from mastitis in a cow

A conspiracy from mastitis in a cow

I remember I already once told how to speak mastitis in a cow, but I receive a lot of letters asking me to teach some other conspiracy to help cure this ailment. I fulfill your request and offer another conspiracy with which you can help your nurse.

Conspiracy words are pronounced over a new linen towel, with which the udder is then wiped. The conspiracy is as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Righteous father Abram came to the Mother of God.

He says:

“I won’t give you milk, Marya.

My cow's udder hurts

The milk in her udder is on fire.

It burns, it burns out, my cow suffers.

- Do not cry, righteous father Abram,

I'll give you a towel, go to the cow,

Wipe her udder, free her from illness.

All my words are molded and strong,

Honest and holy, like the Holy Mother of God.

From this hour, from my command

Go, illness, from (nickname of the cow) to a dry stump.

I sing with a clear fire to burn,

A (nickname of the cow) do not get sick.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In two days, the cow will feel better, and then she will completely recover.

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From mastitis Exit at dawn, take a handful of earth with your left hand, fumigate this earth with smoke at home in front of the fire, outline it with your middle finger, pour half a cup of water, soak around the sore spot, let it dry without crossing the threshold. Read on this water and earth, then all this

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Miracles happen where people believe in them. That is why people are still difficult situations tend to turn to magic for help. This article discusses a conspiracy from mastopathy, which will be useful to many women.

The power of faith

Humanity has long believed in healing properties nature, used plants and herbs to treat diseases. With the development of science, medicine has also stepped forward, and medicines have been found for almost all ailments today. However, the quackery business of speaking and extrasensory perception is still popular, as alternative methods treatment.

Often, it is they who become a lifeline for those who have lost hope, it is with conspiracies that you can eliminate the problem that worries you.

About the problem

Mastopathy (or breast) is a benign disease characterized by the appearance of seals in the female breast. Accompanied painful sensations, edema, secretion of colostrum from the nipples. The causes of mastopathy may be different, but its development is based on hormonal disorders in the body. The disease is dangerous because over time it can develop into a malignant tumor.

The percentage of patients with this diagnosis is quite high: at risk are women in the region of 35-40 years. Depending on the causes and severity of the disease, the method of treating mastopathy may vary from prescribing drugs (mainly hormonal) to surgical intervention for breast removal.

Preparation for the ceremony

Before proceeding directly to the implementation magic ritual, it is worth preparing carefully for it. No need to think that it is enough just to read the text of the spell, and it will work. The essence of magic is in energy, bestowal, faith invested by the performer in the process. So, here are the basic requirements for a witchcraft ritual.

  • clear your head of extraneous thoughts, fully focus on your problem;
  • take a shower or bath, put on clean clothes;
  • ventilate the room that will be used for the ceremony, arrange a wet cleaning in it;
  • choose a "women's" day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: in no case do conjure on Sunday, also do not choose days church holidays because you are about to perform a pagan ritual;
  • prayer for the resorption of formations requires a waning phase of the moon - do not ask for healing in a growing stage, the opposite effect is possible.

cabbage leaf

Tear off two leaves from the cabbage head that can completely cover the chest. Scribe your name on each with a needle. Now put the sheets to your lips and read three times:

“Let the attack disappear from me, to the goat, to the cow to fall. Tomorrow I will be healthy, the breast will go to the cow. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After that, put the cabbage leaves on both breasts, hold for two minutes, then roast the vegetable and give (if possible) to be eaten by livestock. Repeat the ritual for three nights in a row.

Rolling out the egg

A popular ritual for the treatment of female illness, for which you need a fresh chicken egg. Take off all your clothes, take this egg and gently roll it around the sore chest, while saying:

“What kind of mother gave birth to me healthy, I want to be like that again. Bless me, Mother of God! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

However, that's not all. Next, wrap the charmed item in a white scarf, go to the cemetery and find the grave of your namesake. Crush the egg with your foot so that the shell does not get on your skin. Then leave without looking back. The action of the ritual is quite strong, and in the next week the pain should subside, and the swelling should subside.

Interesting suggestions for getting rid of the problem

The options that have proven to be effective in practice will be proposed below. Conspiracies, as you know, you can get rid of mastopathy, and by trying one of the rituals, you will be convinced of this.

  1. Recipe from Vanga. The famous Vanga this case recommends a mixture of cow's milk, rye flour and a piece of butter. Fry the resulting thick and make cakes. As a lotion, apply to the chest for two weeks until the symptoms subside.
  2. Groats conspiracy. Another effective way how to get rid of breasts is the witchcraft use of cereals. Suitable buckwheat or millet. Lightly toast the grains in a pan and pour into a bag. Attach the tissue to the site of the tumor. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket and lie down for a couple of hours with a bag. Quietly and slowly repeat: “Absorb, grits, everything is dashing into yourself, so that tomorrow it becomes quiet in your chest. I conjure the Virgin Mother, I command to save myself. Holy Mother of God save us." Grain feed the birds or bury in the ground. Expect changes in better side in a week.
  3. Herbal collection. This method is not based on magic, but on the experience of healing herbs, i.e. closer to traditional medicine. Also suitable for such female diseases like fibroma, polycystic and others ( complex treatment). Take a tablespoon of herbs yarrow, succession, motherwort, pour boiling water and let it brew. Take half a glass in the morning and in the evening half an hour after meals for six months. Do not mix with alcohol. It is also recommended to wear a charm in the form of a cross or a fern flower for mastopathy. Pre-consecrate the amulet in the church.

In this article:

From this unpleasant illness any woman can suffer, no one is insured. Mastopathy comes suddenly or after childbirth. In this case, the mother cannot breastfeed, experiences severe pain. This disease cannot be left untreated, and mastopathy conspiracies are perfect for you. They work faster and better than tablets. After the conspiracy, mastopathy will no longer return. Feel healthy quickly and at no cost - this is good way that our great-grandmothers knew. Healing magic will help you cope with the disease.

The first signs of the disease

Mastopathy is one of the most common diseases that women suffer from. Age from 18-45 years, but usually, the disease comes in the period of 30-35. It causes hormonal problems. Mastopathy can be cured with medication, but the treatment period is long. The disease manifests itself as:

  • lumps in the chest, swelling;
  • profuse redness;
  • increased discharge of white or colorless fluid from the nipple;
  • severe pain and itching.

If you have two or more symptoms, go to the doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, mastopathy should be treated immediately. Without a visit, you should not start treatment with a conspiracy, because you may have some other disease, including oncology. You don’t need to endure pain, because any conspiracy removes all the discomfort almost immediately. Creams and pills don't do that. quick effect. Treatment may be delayed.

Healing magic conspiracies

Healing magic can help even in the most neglected cases. Where pills, creams, ointments are powerless, a proven conspiracy can solve problems quickly.

Don't completely ignore drug treatment. In combination with it, conspiracies and ethnoscience achieve the best effect.

Diseases such as mastopathy, conspiracy cures once and for all. Perhaps the disease was the result of the evil eye. Then the pills will not be able to help you at all - the treatment must be carried out at the energy level.

A conspiracy on a cabbage leaf

Cabbage juice is excellent for all problems with the mammary gland. They remove seals, redness with mastopathy. For this conspiracy you will need fresh cabbage with large wide leaves. The plot is done 3 nights in a row.
Take two cabbage leaves. Each sheet should cover the chest completely. Tap the leaves with a knife to release more juice. Use the knife to carve your name on the sheets. Take them in both hands and speak 5 times:

“Breast-breast, get away from me, even to the water, even to a cow, even to a mare, even to a devil. From the white body of the servant of God (name), from the white bones, from the red blood, take away the abscess, tear it off. Amen".

cabbage compresses- an old proven remedy

Spelled sheets should be applied to the chest at night and wrapped with a bandage, but not much. In the morning, cabbage is removed, each leaf must be fried in a pan. Take them out into the yard and bury them in the ground. After three nights with cabbage, the disease will leave you. You will immediately feel healing effect- every day the pain subsides, and the swelling falls. It is done only on the waning moon.

Transferring the disease to the egg

It is very common in healing magic to roll out illness with an egg. For this, a very fresh egg is taken, you can directly from the bottom of the laying hen. It must be rolled very carefully over the chest. Do not break it during the procedure, this will only aggravate the disease.
You will need:

  • 1 fresh chicken egg;
  • white natural canvas without patterns.

The woman must do it herself. Memorize the plot by heart and repeat at least 10 times.
Strip naked. Lie down comfortably and start rolling the egg across your chest, reading the plot:

“Bless, God, save and protect. As my mother gave birth to me with healthy breasts, so that they were strong and healthy. Amen".

Read slowly, in a whisper. After 10 repetitions, you need to get up, put the egg in a white cloth and tie it. With a knot, go to the cemetery, find an unmarked grave.
Leave the cemetery and don't look back. Your disease has remained where it can no longer harm anyone.

A Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer once gave a prescription for treatment for mastopathy. It is popular in Bulgaria, so it is worth trying it. It is necessary to bake cakes from rye flour and apply them to the chest.

Take the freshest natural products

What you need for the cakes:

  • Rye flour;
  • butter;
  • fresh (steam) milk.

Mix all this in a bowl, make a cake. It will need to be applied at night to the sore chest. Repeat the procedure for 10 days. The pain will pass for 5-6 days already.

Protect yourself from female diseases

  • Eat less salt if you have already had mastopathy once. A lot of salty food will lead to a negative result;
  • Don't drink too much strong coffee- 1 cup in the morning will not harm you, but 4-5 a day can;
  • Avoid stress, especially during menstruation;
  • Find a suitable female amulet that protects health.

Charms can be bought or made independently. Suitable for you: Lada's Cross, Fern Flower, Ladinets. They will help you get rid of such unpleasant diseases and their consequences.

Conspiracies from inflammation of the breast act quickly. Women use them and advise each other. It's simple healing magic which is available to everyone. You will succeed. Don't stand it the pain that mastopathy can cause, do not start the disease, because to cure it in acute form easier than chronic.

A detailed description from several sources: "a prayer conspiracy from fibrous cystic mastopathy- in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Conspiracy from mastopathy is intended for women, and the role of the performer must also be a woman. This is especially important to know for those who, for whatever reason, do not want or are afraid to perform it on themselves. This is due to the fact that female ailments respond best to treatment when there is additional feminine energy. Not because it is stronger or more effective, but because men simply do not have such strength.

If the ceremony is performed on a woman who has just given birth, then the performer must be at least 1 year older. Younger girls can take away part of the disease from the patient, receive extremely undesirable energy impulses from the disease, which in the future can provoke a similar or more serious illness.

The action of conspiracies for a woman

Most often, women who resort to the help of healing conspiracies are worried that they can provoke more serious complications. Especially at a time when a woman has small children. In fact, this is a deep misconception. Indeed, in ancient times, it was mothers who acted as a healer, a doctor.

The inaccessibility of medicines and ignorance of the basics of medicine pushed people to know something more than just helping. And it is the strength maternal love endowed with words ancient rite magical component. And today we can say with confidence that a woman is able to cure not only herself, but also her loved ones. Because the female energy, although more vulnerable, is also stronger from a magical point of view.

The effect of magic female body It doesn't work like it does for men. It does not have that difference in health conditions, there are no such manifestations as incomprehensible fear or nervousness. Therefore, healing conspiracies for women for the most part act stronger, but at the same time, more gently. And women's diseases, such as mastopathy or thrush, go a little differently than other ailments.

Conspiracies from mastopathy

  1. Attach a fresh cabbage leaf to your chest, and put a red scarf or cloth on top. Say 3 times: “Like a young woman from a hut to a well for water goes, breathes with his chest, does not hurt, does not toil, - so I breathe with my sternum, I don’t feel pain, I drive the illness into the well. I sew up with a leaf, I mend the sternum. Take a cabbage leaf so that it releases a little juice and leave it on your chest overnight. The rite is repeated 2 more times, each time applying a fresh leaf.
  2. Heat millet or buckwheat in a pan. Wait until the grain cools down to the temperature that a woman can endure, pour it into a linen bag and put it on a sore breast. Wrap yourself in a blanket or put on a warm scarf, say 3 times: “The breast is sick, the breast is someone else's. Leave me for a while, leave me for a long time. At least for some water, at least for a grain, at least for a mare. Take away the abscess, take away the pain of the heart. Remove the bag and warm clothes after the grain has cooled, but not earlier than after 1 hour.

Conspiracy from mastopathy it is better to perform on a flawed moon late in the evening.

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Greetings, my dear reader. My name is Olga, I do magic and conspiracies.

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Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home

Mastopathy is inflammatory disease breast tissue. As a rule, it is caused by hormonal failures and can overtake women at any age. It is not surprising that the treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home is of interest to many. But first things first.

Mastopathy is provoked by violations in genitourinary system. Despite the fact that such tumors are benign and occur in almost 90% of women under the age of 45, they require immediate treatment.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are:

  • swelling and heaviness in the mammary gland;
  • pain in the chest when pressed;
  • discharge from the nipples;
  • nodular formations in the tissues of the breast.

How to be treated for mastopathy?

Every woman, noticing the symptoms described above, should immediately consult a doctor. This is necessary to avoid more serious illnesses. Only a specialist can do this on the basis of the laboratory research and analyses.

When making a diagnosis of mastopathy, it will be shown conservative treatment, which consists in taking medication preparations, compresses, rubbing and physiotherapy procedures.

At the same time, many women note that the treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies is no less effective. It helps to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

Folk remedies for mastopathy

It is possible to be treated at home only if the doctor has confirmed mastopathy. There are many recipes that can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mammary gland and eliminate all painful symptoms.

Using folk methods, you should observe general rules and recommendations:

  • exclude hot compresses in the presence of external inflammation of the mammary gland;
  • refuse to use ointments at home when there are rashes of a weeping nature on the skin;
  • can not be treated for mastitis alcohol solutions when there are dry rashes on the skin.

You can treat breast disease at home with compresses. The most popular and available recipes:

  • It is necessary to prepare a decoction of light wormwood up to 30 centimeters high. To do this, a couple of stems should be crushed, add 150 grams of milk. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and add half a teaspoon of soda. In the resulting broth, place gauze or cotton fabric folded in several layers. When the mixture of wormwood, milk and soda cools down to 40 degrees, the fabric must be applied to the chest, insulated with a towel and polyethylene. Such a compress should be kept for 2 hours for 10 days.

Infusions for oral administration

  1. Three times a day, you need to take an infusion of oregano, yarrow, St. John's wort and plantain.
  2. Prepare a balm from the following ingredients: 100 grams of peony roots, 30 grams of licorice roots, 50 grams of red root, 1 liter of vodka. Infuse the resulting mixture for two weeks in a dark place, and then strain. Take diluted 1 teaspoon per glass of green tea three times a day for two months. This recipe will not only help get rid of mastopathy, but also strengthen the immune system.
  3. Dill milk will help treat the disease at home. It is prepared according to this recipe. 100 grams dill seeds or anise should be poured with half a liter of milk. First, heat the mixture and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then insist for two hours. The course of treatment is 1 month, take the drug 50 grams half an hour before meals three times a day.
  4. Women who defeated mastopathy with folk remedies speak well of the infusion from partitions from walnuts.

To prepare it, you need to take partitions from the shells of 25 nuts and pour them with 100 milliliters of 70% alcohol. Infuse the mixture in a dark place in a tightly closed container for 10 days. The resulting infusion with a volume of 20 drops must be diluted in a quarter glass of water and taken half an hour before meals three times a day for 2 months.

Conspiracies and prayers from mastopathy

Many women, faced with mastopathy, resort to the treatment of this disease at home with the help of prayers and conspiracies. Such unconventional methods are quite effective and often surprise doctors with their results.

The most popular conspiracies are the following:

  • Conspiracy for cabbage. The rite is performed three nights in a row on a waning moon. This will require two large cabbage leaves, they should be beaten off until the juice appears. On each sheet it is necessary to cut out the name of the sick woman. A sheet is taken in each hand, and a conspiracy is read five times: “Breast-breast, get away from me, even to water, even to a cow, even to a mare, even to a devil. From the white body of the servant of God (name), from the white bones, from the red blood, take away the abscess, tear it off. Amen". After that, each sheet is tied to the chest, and removed in the morning. Cabbage must be fried and buried in the ground.
  • Egg conspiracy. A sick woman should strip naked and go to bed. The egg should be rolled over the chest and the following conspiracy should be repeated ten times slowly: “Bless, God, save and protect. As my mother gave birth to me with healthy breasts, so that they were strong and healthy. Amen". After that, the egg must be placed in a white cloth without a pattern and taken to the cemetery. There, on an unmarked grave, an egg is choked with a foot so that its contents do not fall on the patient. Leaving the cemetery, it is strictly forbidden to look back. This conspiracy is done only once.

Treatment of mastopathy requires integrated approach. And each woman decides for herself how to treat the disease: traditional medications or with the help of prayers and conspiracies.

Hello, I'm 44. Today they said that I have severe mastopathy. It hurts, my chest hurts, how to treat it?

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Prayer conspiracy from fibrocystic mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland that has a benign character, in which there is an increase in the amount of connective and glandular tissue. In this case, cysts are formed in the mammary gland, or a seal is formed.

Most often, mastopathy affects women over 30 years old. The main reason that leads to mastopathy is diseases of the ovaries, as well as other organs that do not belong to the reproductive system, but are involved in the metabolism of female sex hormones. There are cases when the cause of mastopathy cannot be found.

What to do if a diagnosis was made - mastopathy? The main thing is not to despair. Since you are on this site, it means that you either do not believe in traditional medicine, or have already tried all other methods.

Way of treatment from Vanga

Vanga recommended making a mixture of rye flour, butter and all this mixed with fresh milk for the treatment of mastopathy. From the resulting mixture, make cakes that are applied at night to the sore chest. Do this procedure need within 10 days, no less. After 10 days, relief may already be noticeable. Continue until complete recovery.

The ancient method of treating mastopathy, fibroids, fibromyomas, cysts using herbal collection:

  • Make a mixture of the tops of yarrow - 1 tablespoon,
  • motherwort - 1 tablespoon,
  • strings - 2 tablespoons.

Put this mixture in a thermos and steam well with boiling water. You need to take half a liter of water. Infuse in a thermos for 1 hour, strain and squeeze out the remnants.

Drink this infusion 1/2 cup on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. If there is a stomach disease, it is better to drink no earlier than 30 minutes after eating.

Drink strictly 6 months. If you miss even one dose, you need to start all over again.

There are other ways to get rid of mastopathy: Take cereals - millet, buckwheat, wheat. Put it in a pan or on a baking sheet and heat up to 50-60 ° C. Then put the cereal in a canvas bag and cover your chest with it. Make sure that the temperature of the cereal is hot enough, but does not cause burns. Then you tie a chest with a bag with a red woolen cloth. Keep the grits on the chest until completely cooled.

You can use grated raw potatoes to treat mastopathy. To do this, you need to take a washed raw potato, grate it with a peel on a coarse grater. Then put this gruel on gauze and put it on your chest. Cover the top with a red wool scarf and leave overnight. Do until full recovery.

In addition, you can use cabbage leaves to get rid of mastopathy.

Take a clean large cabbage leaf, preferably with a lot of juice in it. Lightly chop it with a knife to make the juice stand out more easily and apply to the sore chest at night. Tie the chest with a cabbage leaf with a red woolen scarf.

Ritual to get rid of mastopathy

The rite should be performed on the waning moon (everything that goes for deliverance is done on the waning moon). In order to completely get rid of the disease, it may take several lunar cycles, but the improvement may come after the first lunar cycle.

So, you need to take a piece of red woolen cloth, at sunset you begin to wipe your chest with a cloth and read the plot: A gray stone lies on the ground, does not sing, does not groan, does not ache. So it is with the slave (Name) so that the white chest does not hurt, does not wither, it is always healthy. Amen. Lips. Teeth. Language. Lock.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, you can throw away or bury this fabric under a tree, but so that no one finds it, or use the same piece of fabric throughout the entire waning moon, and at the end, bury it under a lonely tree, so that no one was able to find this piece of fabric.

Folk recipes

Since mastopathy is a consequence of hormonal failure and occurs as a result of ovarian disease, then everything must be treated in combination. Apply clay lotions to the lower abdomen and chest area. Perform the procedure once a day from one and a half to two hours for three weeks. After a month, you can repeat the course of treatment.

Black elderberry infusion

In a three-liter jar, lay in layers one or two centimeters of washed black elderberry and sugar. Close the lid and place in the shade in an open area. After that, refrigerate for eight days. Then strain, squeeze and put back in the refrigerator. Take on an empty stomach with water one teaspoon, and twelve hours later in the evening one hour before meals.

Grind dry wormwood, steam it a small amount boiling water. Cover the sore chest with a warm mixture and keep the compress for about an hour, at least 45 minutes. Do the procedures in the morning and in the evening.

Grate raw table beets and mix them with honey in proportions of 3: 1, put the resulting mass on a cabbage leaf, and put it on your chest at night. In the morning, remove the compress, put it in the refrigerator, and wash your chest. The compress can be used twice. Do the procedures for at least 20 days.

Pour 200 ml of vodka one tablespoon dry Japanese Sophora, and put in a dark dry place to infuse for ten days. Tincture use as a compress once a day, keep one hour on the chest.

Take four tablespoons of fenugreek root, pour four glasses cold water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and divide into two parts. Use the first part as compresses on the chest, put them on at night. Divide the second part into four parts, and take one hour before meals four times a day.

Take 50 g of frankincense, grind it into powder and pour half a liter of fortified white wine into it. Make compresses from the tincture at night.

Take 50 g of fresh rue and peach leaves, chop and apply to the chest.

Take 100 g of fresh nettle, chop it, pour 50 g of boiling water. After the decoction has cooled, make compresses.

Warning: follow all the advice of a mammologist and if you still don’t get an improvement in your health, then don’t waste time and make a second visit to the doctor!

Folk recipes for mastopathy.

Today this view benign disease The mammary gland affects 8 out of 10 women, mostly 25-40 years old. it fibrocystic disease accompanied by changes in breast tissue. The tissues either multiply extremely or these changes are regressive. The trigger of the disease can be nervous diseases(neurosis, psychosis), frequent stressful conditions, which oppress the central nervous system, suppress the functions of the sex glands, violate endocrine system. Risk factors include liver disease, malfunction thyroid gland, ovarian disease. Mastopathy often occurs after inflammatory process in the mammary gland - mastitis, furunculosis, which leave scars and nodes in the chest.

Extremely useful salad of seaweed, grated boiled beets, crushed garlic, half a glass of ground walnut kernels, dressed vegetable oil and lemon juice (or vinegar).

With a variety of female diseases, as well as with mastopathy and fibroma, it is good to drink walnut partitions infused with alcohol. To do this, you need: 20-25 partitions of walnuts pour 100 ml of alcohol or 200 ml of vodka, leave for 7-10 days in a dark place, strain. Take 10-15 drops per glass boiled water 3 times a day before meals for 2 months.

The fact is that Castor oil contains a substance that helps speed up the healing process from any infection. You may have to do the compress for 3-7 days to feel the results.”

“Intuition helped me get rid of mastopathy.

The treatment prescribed by the doctor gave a temporary effect. Then everything repeated: seals in the breasts, purulent discharge… I was referred for a consultation with an oncologist. There, some liquid was pumped out of both breasts with a syringe and ordered to come back in a month. But a day after this procedure, the breasts were so sore and swollen that it became unbearable to endure.

It was then that my intuition suggested that we need wormwood, nettle, knotweed, valerian. All these herbs grew in my garden. I also brewed them intuitively: I took half a liter of water at the tip of a tsp. wormwood, tsp valerian roots, a handful of knotweed, a handful of nettles. The whole night the herbs were infused. I drank half a liter a day in three doses: morning, afternoon and evening.

The pain was gone by the morning of the second day. At the end of the third, the swelling subsided. And a week later I stopped drinking the decoction, because there was no pain, no seals.

« Nursing mothers know what a cold breast or milk stasis is. The chest becomes like a cobblestone. Doctors advise to massage the breasts and express milk, but how? If the pain is unbearable and it is impossible to touch the chest!

So: with a honey cake - no torment. I do this: I take honey and wheat flour arbitrarily. I knead the dough, make a cake and put it on my chest, polyethylene and a warm bandage on top. In a few hours it becomes easier, you can start the next feeding.

By the way, I want to offer young mothers a recipe for cracked nipples: Kernels walnut pass through a meat grinder or grind on a coffee grinder and mix with flour 1: 1. Keep as a blank in a cool place. If necessary, pinch off a piece and mold a cake in the palm of your hand, adding a few drops to it. breast milk. The consistency doesn't matter, as long as the cake doesn't spread. Put it on the nipple, covering the top with polyethylene and fixing it with something.

A teaspoon of dry celandine leaves is diluted in two teaspoons of ghee. The resulting ointment lubricates the affected areas.

“I will share my experience of healing: I got rid of both mastopathy and swollen lymph nodes. 100 g of cinquefoil (decop) insisted in half a liter of 70% alcohol for 21 days, shaking every day. And accepted under Art. spoon 3 times a day until the drug is over. After 10 days, the course was repeated.

If the disease is severely neglected, you need to do three more courses.

“I myself underwent three operations because of this ailment ... I came across the recipe for this drug by accident. At first, I didn’t even believe that the grass would help me out, but there was nothing to do ... Every day I poured it into a thermos according to Art. a spoonful of St. John's wort, mint, knotweed, calendula, wood lice and nettle, yes tsp. added celandine. She poured a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Then she filtered, poured into 4 servings and took one at a time 40 minutes before meals. On the fifth day of treatment, the chest pain disappeared. I can't believe she ever bothered me."

“I found out that I have mastopathy after visiting an oncologist. In both mammary glands, a very painful ball “started up”, the lymph nodes under the armpits also became inflamed. The slightest careless movement brought mass discomfort and sometimes the pain became unbearable. And if someone on the bus showed a “feeling of the elbow”, she squealed so that the driver pressed the brakes. But the most unpleasant thing is that the medicines prescribed for me were not sold in our pharmacies. I had to seek salvation folk methods. Of the manuals, only Makanin's story "The Forerunner" turned out to be at hand, where main character at oncological disease ate eggshell. So I began to bravely munch on it for breakfast and dinner. I don’t know whether it helped, or whether it was constantly repeated self-hypnosis spells instead of praying at night, but the balls began to dissolve, and after a few months they disappeared completely. I was removed from the register, and for the past 15 years I have not looked into the oncologist’s office. ” (There is evidence that calcium from the shell in the first half of the day is deposited in the kidneys with stones, and in the afternoon, after 16 hours, it is perfectly absorbed for the benefit of the body. - N.T.).

A few years ago, after giving birth, some ball-shaped seals went in my chest. So I was cured with sweet clover oil. insisted on weed sunflower oil in a water bath, added vodka to the infusion and rubbed the chest. And very quickly she softened - everything passed.

“This recipe was advised to a woman in an oncology dispensary, he helped her in seven appointments. And my daughter is over five. The sixth time I insisted on doing it just in case. It has allready passed more than a year and so far so good. Here is this recipe: grate 2 g of raw red beets, heat it better in a water bath so that it does not burn, then pour 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar into the beets, stir and apply on the chest. So do 10 times. We did this procedure at night, applying a very hot mixture, but so as not to burn ourselves. A compress was applied on top. In the morning, when the beets cooled down, we took them off and bandaged the chest with a downy scarf.

“For mastopathy in autumn and spring, apply cabbage leaves at night, lightly greased with butter, a week before menstruation and within 10 days. The course of treatment is 3 months in spring and 3 months in autumn. I cured myself like this 30 years ago.”

Pain and a feeling of tension in the mammary gland are reduced by kefir, green tea, tea from birch buds, strawberry leaves and raspberries, if they are drunk 2-3 times a day. Tea made from clover leaves and fragrant violet (30 g per 0.5 l of water) allows you to get rid of most breast tumors if you use it daily for several months in a row. A mixture of grated beets cabbage leaf applied to the seal, helps its resorption.

“When my aunt fell ill with mastopathy, she was in despair. The nurse suggested the treatment, she brought a recipe that she inherited from her grandmother. The first three days you need to drink three drops of birch tar (available in a pharmacy), diluted in a half glass of almost hot milk, three times a day before meals. The next three days - five drops three times a day. Then 4 days, 7 drops. Break for 10 days, and drink the composition again, only in reverse order. After that, a break for a month. In general, the treatment takes 60 days. By the way, along with my aunt’s mastopathy, the cyst on the kidney also resolved.

“When my mastopathy began, I overlaid my chest at night fresh leaves birch trees, after dousing them with boiling water. In the morning the temperature and pain disappeared. But the hardening remained, and I began to make compresses with camphor alcohol. I did it for a few days, and everything went away.

One and a half to two months you need to drink according to the instructions, a preparation based on seaweed - klamin. It can be bought at any pharmacy. After that, immediately take homeopathic remedy mammosan (5-7 granules 2-3 times a day) - it is available only in homeopathic pharmacies. After 2-3 months, if the doctors confirm that you have mastopathy, repeat the course.

Scheme: the first three days to drink three drops; then - three days, five drops; the next four days - seven drops each.

Then take a break for 10 days. After that, you should continue to drink the composition, but in the reverse order: 4 days, 7 drops each; 3 days, 5 drops; 3 days 3 drops.

The next break will be 30 days. Then the whole course must be repeated. In general, the treatment will take about two months.

“A year after the operation, mastopathy reappeared. They suggested surgery again. A neurologist friend advised me to drink magnesia ( Epsom salt). It should be taken before meals three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course is a month, then a break of 10-15 days and repeat. Even for those whose hardening resolves after 10-15 days, it is better to repeat the course. Dose - pour on the tip of a teaspoon on the tongue and drink water. I drank only 10 days, and the operation, thank God, was not needed.

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