Name day February 3 for women. Name days in February, Orthodox holidays in February. Church Orthodox holidays in February

Names in February (how to name boys and girls in February)

Birthdays in February:

1 - Anton, Arseny, Grigory, Efim, Makar, Mark, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Fedor, Feodosia.

2 - Efim, Zakhar, Inna, Lavrenty, Leo, Pavel, Rimma.

3 - Agnia, Anastasy, Valerian, Eugene, Ivan, Ilya, Maxim, Theodosius.

4 - Agathon, Anastassy, ​​Gabriel, George, Efim, Ivan, Joseph, Leonty, Makar, Nikolai, Peter, Timofey, Yakov.

5 - Gennady, Evdokia, Catherine, Clement, Seraphim, Fedor, Feoktist.

6 - Anastasy, Vavila, Gerasim, Denis, Ivan, Xenia, Nikolai, Pavel, Timofey.

7 - Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Moses, Peter, Stepan, Felix, Philip.

8 - Arkady, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Joseph, Clement, Maria, Peter, Semyon, Fedor.

9 - Dmitry, Ivan, Peter.

10 - Vladimir, George, Ephraim, Ignatius, Isaac, Leonty, Olga, Fedor, Theodosius.

11 - Gerasim, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Jonah, Konstantin, Lavrenty, Leonty, Luke, Roman, Julian, Yakov.

12 - Vasily, Vladimir, Grigory, Ivan, Ippolit, Clement, Maxim, Pelageya, Peter, Rustik, Stepan, Fedor.

13 - Athanasius, Victor, Ivan, Ilya, Nikita, Nikifor.

14 - Vasily, Gabriel, David, Nikolai, Peter, Semyon, Timothy, Tryphon.

16 - Anna, Vasily, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Roman, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Simon, Timofey.

17 - Alexander, Alexei, Andrei, Anna, Arkady, Boris, Vasily, George, Dmitry, Catherine, Ivan, Joseph, Cyril, Methodius, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Seraphim, Sergei, Sidor, Fedor, Feoktist, Yuri.

18 - Agafya, Alexandra, Anton, Vasilisa, Makar, Mikhail, Theodosius.

19 - Alexander, Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, Dmitry, Ivan, Maxim, Maria, Martha, Sevastyan, Christina, Julian.

20 - Alexander, Alexei, Luke, Peter.

21 - Alexander, Andrey, Zakhar, Makar, Nikifor, Peter, Polycarp, Savva, Semyon, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor.

22 - Vasily, Gennady, Ivan, Innokenty, Nikifor, Pankrat, Peter.

23 - Akim, Anastasy, Anna, Anton, Arkady, Valentina, Valerian, Vasily, Galina, Gennady, German, Grigory, Ivan, Karp, Luka, Mark, Peter, Pimen, Prokhor, Semyon.

24 - Vlas, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Dmitry, Zakhar, Fedora.

25 - Alexey, Anton, Evgeny, Maria.

26 - Anisim, Anna, Artemy, Vasily, Vera, Vladimir, Gabriel, Eugene, Zosima, Zoya, Ivan, Irina, Leonty, Martin, Mikhail, Nikandr, Nikolai, Pavel, Svetlana, Semyon, Sylvester, Stepan, Timofey.

27 - Abraham, Anisim, Isaac, Cyril, Mikhail, Tryphon, Fedor.

28 - Alexey, Anisim, Arseny, Athanasius, Euphrosyne, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Nikon, Pafnuty, Peter, Semyon, Sofia.

Church Orthodox holidays in February

On February 1, the church celebrates the feast day of St. Macarius the Great of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century. After the death of his wife and parents, he prayed to God for an experienced mentor on the path of spiritual life. He became the hermit elder, following whose example Macarius chose the ascetic path. Like his future teacher Anthony the Great, Macarius experienced many temptations from the evil one. Through the prayer of the ascetic, numerous healings were performed, and he saved many in dangerous circumstances. The monk spent 60 years in the desert, being in constant conversation with the Lord.

February 3rd- Day of Remembrance . Saint Maximus, the son of a wealthy Greek dignitary, lived in the 15th-16th centuries, he received an excellent education, knew several languages, traveled a lot, after which he accepted monasticism in the Vatopedi monastery on Athos. In 1515, at the request of the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily III, he was sent to Moscow to translate manuscripts from the prince's library. Church disturbances turned for the monk into imprisonment and long years of church prohibition and supervision. Maxim Grek spent his last years at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, continuing to translate the Psalter into Slavonic. He was canonized as a saint in 1988.

Memory, one of the most revered Russian saints, is celebrated February 6. Blessed Xenia was born in the first half of the 18th century. in St. Petersburg. Xenia's husband died, leaving her a widow at the age of twenty-six. Having distributed all her property, the saint put on the costume of her late husband and responded only to his name. She was considered crazy, but it was her cross - a feat of foolishness voluntarily undertaken. Blessed Xenia spent her nights in the open field in prayer or carrying bricks to build a church at the Smolensk cemetery. For feats and patience, the Lord vouchsafed her the gift of insight into hearts and the future. The blessed one died at the age of seventy-one and was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, where a chapel was subsequently built over her grave.

February 7- Memorial Day, the Archbishop of Constantinople, who lived in Cappadocia in the 4th century. Saint Gregory received an excellent education. Together with his friend, the future Saint Basil, he spent some time in the wilderness, then returned home and received the rank of presbyter. After the death of the Patriarch of Constantinople, at the invitation of the Council of Antioch, Saint Gregory took his place and led the fight against heretics. His numerous theological writings and sermons made an enormous contribution to the unity of the church. The saint ended his life in 389, leaving the patriarchal throne and returning to the wilderness.

February 9th- the day of the transfer of relics to Constantinople from Koman, where he died in 407 on the way to exile, convicted by order of Empress Eudoxia for exposing the vices that reigned at court. The transfer of the relics from Koman took place in 438.

12th of February- Cathedral of Ecumenical Teachers and Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. This common memorial day was approved in 1084 by Metropolitan John of Evchait. At the end of the XI century. in Constantinople, there were ecclesiastical disorders associated with disputes over which of the three saints was worthy of greater reverence. By God's will, three saints appeared to the metropolitan and, declaring that they were equal before God, ordered them to stop disputes and establish a common celebration for them.

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Tryphon of Apamea - The 14th of February. The saint lived in the 3rd century. in Phrygia. From a young age, the Lord gave him the power to cast out demons and heal various diseases. Helping the suffering, he demanded only one payment - faith in Jesus Christ. During the persecution of Christians, Saint Tryphon openly confessed his faith and courageously endured torments for Christ. In Russia, the martyr has long enjoyed love and special reverence among the people.

February, 15 The Orthodox Church celebrates the twelfth holiday. According to the Old Testament law, a woman who gave birth to a baby was forbidden to enter the temple for 40 days. Then the mother came to the temple with the baby to offer the Lord a thankful and cleansing sacrifice. Not in need of purification, the Most Holy Theotokos nevertheless brought the Infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem, where she was met by the righteous elder Simeon and the prophetess Anna.

Simeon had a revelation from above that he would not die until he saw the Savior. Taking the Baby in his arms, he glorified God and uttered the famous prophecy: “Now you release your servant, Lord…”. This event marked the meeting of the last righteous of the Old Testament with the Bearer of the New Testament, in which the divine had already met the human. The Feast of the Presentation is one of the oldest in the history of Christianity.

The church celebrates the memory of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates February 21st. The saint was born in the Asia Minor city of Euchait at the end of the 2nd century. For courage and mercy, the Lord enlightened him with a perfect knowledge of Christian truth. He was appointed military commander in Heraclea, where he combined his military service with the preaching of the Gospel among the pagans subordinate to him. During the reign of the emperor Licinius in 319, Saint Theodore suffered torment for Christ and was beheaded with a sword. The biography of Theodore Stratilates was written down by his servant and scribe Uar, also glorified as a saint.

25 February a celebration was established in honor of - one of the most famous and revered in the Orthodox world. During the iconoclastic heresy of the ninth century. the icon was kept by a pious widow living in Nicaea. To save the shrine from destruction, the widow lowered the icon into the sea with a prayer. Standing on the water, the icon sailed to Athos, where it was discovered by the monks of the Iberian monastery. Placed in the temple, the icon miraculously appeared several times over the gates of the monastery. Appearing in a dream to one of the monks, the Mother of God declared her will: She wants to be the guardian of the monastery. After that, the image was placed over the monastery gates, so the Iberian icon is also called Portaitissa - the Goalkeeper. In the history of the Iversky Monastery, many cases of the intercession and mercy of the Virgin have been preserved: the deliverance of the monastery from the barbarians, the miraculous replenishment of food supplies, the healing of the sick.

On the same day, the church remembers St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia. The saint was supposedly born in 1292 in Moscow, into a noble boyar family, from childhood he was distinguished by piety, and at the age of 15 he became a monk. He spent more than twenty years in the Moscow Epiphany Monastery. In 1350 Vladyka Theognost consecrated Alexy as Bishop of Vladimir, and after the death of Metropolitan Alexy became his successor. In 1356, the Ecumenical Patriarch Kallistos gave Alexy the right to be considered the archbishop of Kyiv and great Russia with the title of "venerable metropolitan and exarch." The saint labored to pacify the unrest and princely strife, founded numerous cenobitic monasteries, and many miracles happened through his prayers. He reposed in 1378, having lived to a ripe old age, and was buried according to his will in the Miracle Monastery.

February 27- in the ninth century. preached in Moravia in the Slavic language. The brothers compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and many liturgical books into Slavonic, and also introduced worship in the Slavic language. Cyril, who accepted the schema before his death, died in Rome in 869 and was buried in the church of St. Clement.


Name origin. The name Anastasia is the female version of the ancient Greek male name Anastasius (Anastas), which comes from Anastasios and originally means "relocation". Now it is translated in most available sources as “resurrected”, “returned to life”, “rebirth”, “resurrection”, “resurrecting”.

Short form of the name. Nastasya, Nastasia, Anastasya, Nastya, Nasta, Nasya, Nasa, Nata, Nana, Naya, Nayusya, Nusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Tasya, Stazka, Staza.


Name origin. The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means "mercy", "strength", "grace", "courage". Catholics and Orthodox have another meaning - "God's mercy." The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia, it is also in demand among young parents.

Short form of the name. Anya, Ana, Annochka, Nyura, Anechka, Annushka, Annusha, Annusya, Annyusya, Asya, Annunya, Nyunya, Anyura, Nyurasya, Nyurasha, Anyusha, Anusha, Nyusha, Nana, Anyuta, Nyuta, Anusya.


Name origin. The name Eugene comes from the ancient Greek Eugenios, which in turn was formed from the word "eugenesi" and means "with good genes", "noble, from a good family."

Short form of the name. Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Zhenyusha, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya.


Name origin. The name Ivan (John, Jochanan) has a biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew, it means "God's favor", "God's mercy". In Russia, until 1917, among the peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.

Short form of the name. Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Ivanko, Vanyura, Vanyusya, Vanyuta, Vanyutka, Vanyata, Vanyatka, Ivanya, Ivanyukha, Ivanyusha, Ivasya, Ivasik, Ivakha, Ivasha, Isha, Isha.


Name origin. The name Ilya is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning "My God is the Lord", and can also be translated as "believer". Otherwise, they interpret that the name Elijah comes from the name of Elijah, which means "the strength of the Lord" and "the power of God."

Short form of the name. Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha, Lij, Lays, Eliot, Eli, Lias, Ile, Liash.


Name origin. The origin of the name is associated with the Roman generic name Maximus, which means "majestic", "big", "greatest".

Short form of the name. Max, Maksimka, Maksik, Maksya, Maksyuta, Maksyusha, Sima, Maxi, Masik.

Signs for February 3

  • If there is a clear dawn on this day, expect frost.
  • Bright red sunset - to a frosty clear day.
  • A clear sunset in frosty weather - frosts will not give way.
  • Clear weather - expect prolonged frosts.
  • Hares run into an open field - there will be snow.
  • If the moon slipped, stuck a white horn into a cloud - there will be a good life and flour in a sieve.
  • If it’s finer on Maksimov’s day, it’s good for spring.
  • February 3 is clear on the street - spring promises to be early.
  • A month in the fog - to a good grain harvest.
  • The moon is hidden under the clouds, which are especially fast floating across the sky - there will be a lot of bread.
  • Full moon in a cloudless sky - for a lean year. The starry, clear, but moonless night foreshadowed the same.
  • Anyone who is born on this day will grow up as an exemplary family man or a good housewife.
  • If you pray to Maxim Grek for a kind and dear person to you, everything in his life will be safe! In addition, the prayer to the holy Monk Maximus the Greek protected from any misfortune and gave hope for the best. Therefore, orphans, marriageable girls who did not have any dowry and beggars, destitute people turned to him so often.
  • If a husband and wife join hands and shake off the snow from a tree in the yard, this promises them happiness and prosperity.
  • In an unsolvable situation, you need to go into the forest, find a birch, lean against it and tell about everything that gnaws at you. On the way back, you will make the right decision.
  • If you came to the meeting, and it did not take place - for good, then God took away from evil.
  • On the night of Maxim the Greek, a whip and mittens must be tied to the horse so that the brownie does not sit on it. Besides, it was a good reason to go to the stable and check the summer harness: is it intact, does it need to be repaired?
  • On Maxim, if you do a good deed, then the good will definitely return.
  • With the intensification of frosts and the beginning of snowfalls, the biting of fish weakens (except for burbot, perch and pike perch).

Orthodox holidays February 3

  • the memory of the Ktitorskaya (IV) and the Vatopedi icons of the Mother of God called “Joy”, or “Consolation” (807);
  • the memory of St. Maximus the Greek (1556);
  • the memory of the martyr Agnia the virgin (c. 304);
  • the memory of the martyr Neophyte of Nicaea (c. 303-305);
  • the memory of St. Maximus the Confessor (662);
  • the memory of the Monk Anastasius of Rome, Confessor of Constantinople (662);
  • the memory of the Monk Neophyte of Vatopedi (XIV);
  • Holy Martyr Elijah Berezovsky, Presbyter (1938).

Who was born on February 3

Horoscope for those born on February 3

If you were born on February 3rd, what is your zodiac sign? Aquarius. Look at your

The church calendar points to February 3 as the day of memory of the Virgin Anna, the Roman Great Martyr. In Christian nomenclature, she is also known under the name of Agnia. Bearers of names are under her patronage.

United women's name days are celebrated on a special scale. Be sure to congratulate the girls who have Angel Day today. Do not forget about the boys - on February 3, the name day in 2019 is for Ivan, Maxim and Evgeny. Men's name days are celebrated more modestly, but the birthday people will definitely be delighted with the gift and attention. You can honor the memory of the martyr with them and remember her story.

Agnia was born in Rome. The daughter of pious parents, she was brought up in the Christian faith. At the age of thirteen, the son of an influential rich man noticed the beauty and wanted to marry her.

Agnia refused to sacrifice herself to Vesta, the goddess-guardian of the hearth, to get married. The groom got angry, ordered to undress her and send her to an indecent house.

As soon as the saint crossed the threshold, her hair began to grow. In a matter of minutes, the braids unraveled, and the curls covered the nakedness.

Whom only the martyr did not expect to see there - but the Angel of God met her. Agnia began to shine, and because of this brilliance, the visitors of the brothel could not even see her. The girl knelt down and began to pray, and a white garment appeared on her, woven by the hands of an angel.

The groom, who broke into the house to commit violence against Agnia, fell lifeless at her feet. The angels sent his soul to Satan for the evil he had done.

The father of the young man asked the saint for forgiveness, and the girl condescended to prayer. She resurrected him, and the former bridegroom began to praise the name of the Lord.

Almost two hundred people witnessed this, and they all believed in Christ and were baptized. The pagans found out about this and cut off their heads and the resurrected youth. Agniya was betrayed to cruel torment and torture, and when they realized that she would not give up her faith, they stuck a sword in her larynx.

Followers buried her, young girls came to pray at the tomb. One of them, Emerentiana, the same age as Agnia, was caught by the pagans during prayer, executed and buried next to the saint.

Many years later, Constantia, the daughter of Constantine the Great, was healed there from a serious illness. In gratitude, she founded the church of St. Agnes on the burial site of the martyr, and later a convent.

In accordance with the Orthodox calendar for 2017, today the church honors the memory of St. Anna, the great martyr from Rome. Anna endows wards with her best qualities.
Some people believe that children should choose their own names. Such a case was recently recorded in the United States. One of the families decided to wait for the child to mature. However, the nameless person with the name was not determined. Since then, he has lived with only one surname - Geytvoord.

Anna: name characteristic
Anna is a female given name of Hebrew origin. Meanings: "Grace", "Grace", "Pretty", "Graceful".
Diminutive forms of the name: Anya, Anechka, Annochka, Annushka, Nra, Neta, Anyuta, Nyusha, Anusha, etc.
Name zodiac - Virgo. Anna's planet is Proserpina. The color of the name Anna is red. Anna's auspicious tree is the mountain ash. Cherished plant - pink aster. Anna's patron saint is a hare. Cameo-talisman - female ruby. Lucky day - Wednesday. Anna's lucky season is summer.
Positive traits of the name Anna: caring, sense of duty, altruism, willingness to help. Negative traits of the name Anna: authoritativeness, excessive seriousness, cynicism.

Saint Anna (Agnia): a life story
This saint is known under two names - Agnia and Anna. A Christian woman was born to pious parents in Rome. At the age of 13, Agnia refused to marry a rich man. Using his influence, the failed groom undressed Anna and sent her to an indecent house. Immediately after entering the building, the girl's hair began to grow rapidly. The nakedness of the righteous was covered.
Agnia met God's Angel. The Christian woman immediately began to shine. That is why the people present in the brothel could not see her. A little later, the angel gave the girl white clothes. The groom wanted to rape his chosen one. However, having crossed the threshold of an indecent house, he immediately died. The father of the deceased asked Agnia for forgiveness. The Christian woman forgave her tormentor. The bridegroom resurrected and began to praise the Lord.
Nearly 200 people witnessed the miracle. All of them were baptized. The pagans became angry and executed all the neophytes, including Anna's fiancé. The girl herself was tortured and then killed. A little later, a nunnery was founded at the burial place of the righteous woman.

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