Conspiracy from mastitis. Healing spells. What needs to be prepared

You can practically speak and whisper in women a lot of things this is a well-known fact, although it is not recognized by medicine or science, but it is so and will not be noticed beneficial action magical rituals is simply stupid and wasteful because it does not require funds in the amount that is required for conventional treatment yes, and from a preventive point of view, this only causes a vote for and once again we recall that the science of the ancients is the property of today. For centuries, the great creations of writers, artists and musicians have been dedicated to girls, praising their beauty, tenderness, fragility, devoted and faithful character. But women, so light, lovely and perfect, sometimes have to endure many difficulties. A lot of worries and troubles are caused by diseases that have arisen from nowhere, from which a radiant and clear look female eyes goes out like a candle, and life ceases to please. How to overcome a disease that effective medicines? Sometimes a conspiracy from fibroids, thrush, and other female diseases gives amazing results. And who knows: whether autosuggestion is the cause, or the influence of the energy of the cosmos, or both? But the fact is there. With the help of prayer, miracles are performed, and the girls recover. When there are problems in women's sphere, this always means that a woman cannot imagine a reliable and strong man for whom she could become a wife, girlfriend and mother of his children. Such illnesses "grow" out of a sense of one's own unworthiness, and this feeling, in turn, has its roots in excessive female perfectionism. Any woman wants to become the most beautiful and most desirable - this is natural. But if you focus on it, you can get a lot of health problems. You must be able to accept yourself as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Conspiracy from a woman's beard

This conspiracy is for those unfortunate women who have a beard and mustache. You need to find a three-haired lamb, tie its legs, kneel down, read the plot and rub your face against the back of the lamb, do this for three wasted months. Sell ​​the lamb.
Curly like a lamb, damn shaggy, I can't be curly, shaggy. As the ass is smooth, so my face will be smooth. My word is strong, closed with a castle, buried with sand. Amen.
After the woman is healed, all her acquaintances will ask her how she was cured. The answer must be that the Lord alone knows. If a woman speaks out, her hair will start to grow again.

Plot from the hair on the female chest

I dissuade, a servant of God (name), not a downy scarf, not a woolen ball, not a shaggy beast, not a bearded grandfather, but the breasts of the female servants of God (name). Holy Mother of God, reach her, approach from the right side, help with the holy word. I send all the winners, all black slander, everything from the body is white to the lush forest. The word is honest, strong and stucco. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

What to do if the chest is not the same size

If a girl has one breast much larger than the other, you can help like this: they put her across from him at the table. They put two candles in front of her: high and lower. A tall candle against a smaller chest, and a smaller one against a larger one. First, they light a high candle, and after reading the plot, a low one. Do this for seven days. Cinders from candles are taken to the church, put, as usual, in a tray for cinders: I am coming, a slave from slaves, to you, from the queens of the queen. I do not light a torch, but I burn the servant of God (name) a twist and I remove the empty sternum. I put in place from places. No matter how the body of the servant of God (name) hurt, her chest did not itch, one opposite the other was, as the queen of queens gave. Black liver, hot blood, living flesh, stand in your place in the name of Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from painful periods

Do not mess, soul, body, do not pain, do not whine, do not prick. Get out of the womb, woman's ailment. As if the river was flowing, washing the steep banks, underwater grasses, it would be so easily washed with the woman's blood of the servant of God (name). Amen.
Speak on water and drink on the first day of menstruation.

From the female "non-stand"

Not only a man is incapable in bed, but also a woman. Usually she complains that she does not want a husband at all. After bed with him, he feels terrible, suffers from pain, etc. They say, steaming in the bath: I was born a woman, I was baptized a woman, I will be a woman. Amen. The same slander can be read on the bed.

If the brownie stings

Put a braid woven from a mare's mane in the corner, where your bed is, put a glass of milk and say: Brownie, my master, if you pinch me, I will whip you. Don't pinch me, I'll treat you with milk. Do not touch the milk and the whip from the mane for seven days, and then remove it. This usually helps.

From female bleeding

Birch mothers do not stand here, the roots do not let the servants of God (name) take the place of the spool. Mother white birch, take your white birch, give the servant of God (name) your beauty. Take the sword and blood from her. Read on the water and drink. Do 3 times.

Heal bleeding (uterine)

Read for drinking, drink in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Morning hours, daytime hours, evening hours. Collect my blood in one stream. Send it through the veins, through my body so that I am flawless. Amen.

When the uterus prolapses

While the nettle root is being boiled, read as follows:
Earth, where is your place? Where the Lord gave! Mother, where is your place? Where God has given a place.
The broth is given to the patient to drink until the evening dawn. On rainy days, this can not be done in the morning either. Good decoction of viburnum helps. They drink proteins from six eggs in two days on the third. Good to eat with a month of parsley root. Heavy weights should not be carried.

From polyps on the uterus

They slander the water in the waning month, stirring it with an aspen stick counterclockwise. They drink water, and stick the stick halfway into the ground. When you leave, don't look back. As the aspen dries up, so will my illness go away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to lime fibroids

Tie a towel around your bare stomach, on which Easter cakes were sacred, and say:
Servant of God (name), your mother gave birth to you, the tumor twisted you, and I treated you. Rotten, internal, sore, stringy, wet, dry, purulent, combustible. Go, tumor, from the abdomen, from the inside, from the veins, from the skin, from the blood, from the whole skeleton, go out into the open field, where there is emptiness. There is your place, maeta, there is a rookery for you, tumor. There you will be, among the dry grasses to live. Do not let the body of the white servant of God (name). In the name of God Christ, I drive you, tumor, I drive you, I tell you, I command, I speak: leave you to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. The plot is read forty times. After that, doctors told many women that the fibroids had significantly decreased in size. Don't tell me why this happened!

From fetid secretions

Find such a bump in the field so that it is covered with dried grass. Urinate on her and say: As you, tussock, dried up, so let my panties be dry.
“Amen” is not said, you need to leave without panties. Do this three times, it helps a lot. This plot can also be read with whites. In addition, I advise you to drink yarrow a liter per day for 10-12 days. Brewed like this: for 1 glass of water 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs.

From uterine rabies

You can spoil a man, and he will not miss a single skirt in the area. This is called "unleashing an indiscriminate demon." People say about this: "The man walked all over." I had to treat them. The same situation happens with women, and sadly, quite often.
The first thing to do is to drive a stake between two graves - with the name of the patient and any male grave. Then we hammer a nail into the wall of any outdoor toilet on the back outer wall. Then the broom, which was swept in the house after the funeral, is swept in the house where the patient lives. Take a pod of peas with nine peas and put one pea into the patient's mouth. At the same time, they say: the Bitch gave birth to nine puppies. Puppies suck the bitch, drink the milk of the bitch. So go desire, demonic creation, from the servant of God (name) to (name of the bitch). Amen.

Another way

They take hare meat (rabbit meat is possible), feed a piece to the dog, while saying:
A bitch for males, males for breadcrumbs, a hare for grass, and you, mother, do not whine. The Lord is with me God's servant(name). Amen.


Go out at dawn, take a handful of earth with your left hand, fumigate this earth with smoke in the house in front of the stove, outline it with your middle finger, pour water (half a cup) into a cup, put it around the sore spot, let it dry without crossing the threshold. Read on this water and earth, then throw it all away. I will get up, I will wash morning dew, wipe with a golden veil, I will ask the Mother of God to heal the fierce disease, open, unwind the red Sun, mother's chest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From advanced mastitis

They break birch branches and say:
By the hour of God, blessed time, mother birch should not stand here, do not let roots into the black earth, and you, heat, come out of your chest, go to its branches, dry them, fall, and let go of my chest. I'm talking God's servant(name), your chest. You, flame, calm down, you, pain, calm down, you, tumor, calm down, descend from me to hell, go to hell. There is a cauldron, there you will burn, there you will smolder, there you will be ill for twenty-four hours a day. Go my word for word, my deed for deed, whisper to whisper, key to mouth, tongue, lock, now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to pronounce mastitis

After sunset, in the dark, take the patient out of the fence - let her look at the flawed Moon. A person older than her should stand behind the back of a sick woman. Having crossed herself, one must say: As the month melts and damages, so let the tumor disappear from the servant of God (name). My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Make sure the moon is really flawed. Then the disease will pass fast.

Speak sore chest (mastitis)

Talk about water. Let the patient make a compress at home. Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a place for you. I speak the chest of a young woman from 12 ailments. You, evil flame, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, stucco and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to speak mastopathy

If a woman has milk in her breast, you need to sprinkle it on the grass in the morning before dawn and say: The sun will rise, the dew will come down, the milk will dry, the pain will go away. As my milk dries up, so will my breasts dry up. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pinch nine splinters from the aspen. Touch the chest with each splinter and break it immediately. At the same time, they read this: Luchinka more than once, the breast not two, the torch not three, the sternum not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight. The splinter-sternum is not nine. Not nine, not eight, not seven, not six, not five, not four, not three, not two, not one, not once.
Then burn all the splinters.

From the breast

Read on a sore chest.
Breast, breast, go to the water, attack anyone you want. Even for brandy, even for a cow, even for damn healthy. From white body, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the servant of God (name), take away the abscess. Amen.

Circle the chest with a red rag, read the slander at sunset, throw the rag at the crossroads. A gray stone lies on the ground, it doesn’t ache, it doesn’t groan, it doesn’t hurt, and so does the servant of God (name), so that her white chest doesn’t ache, doesn’t break, doesn’t get cold, doesn’t hurt. Amen. Lips, teeth, lock, I'll throw the key at the crossroads. Amen.

From debilitating night sweats

If a person is exhausted at night afterwards, then in the morning he wakes up all broken, sick. If this happens constantly, then the person weakens, loses strength and health. It is possible to cope with this disease. To do this, read on a sweaty bed.
Lord, help me, free me from sweat, from the night sweats, from heavy prickly heat. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Drain dry and bless with a cross. Amen.

From whiter

To cure leucorrhea, you need to make an aspen cross, take it in left hand press him with the same hand to his stomach and, crossing himself three times, say: As the aspen freed Judas from his earthly sinful life, so you, aspen cross, free my womb forever from whites. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. After that, the cross is hung on an aspen and they leave without looking back. You will make sure that your whites will disappear.

Conspiracy from the thrush

Thrush has its second name - vaginal candidiasis. This disease is caused Candida fungi, as a result of which the balance between microorganisms in the vaginal flora is disturbed, and progresses inflammatory process. Visible signs: white curdled discharge, sometimes drawing pains in the lower abdomen, constant itching - bring a lot of grief. sex life ceases to be enjoyable. A conspiracy from thrush must be read for a week, during the washing procedure. Words of prayer
“From shameful deeds, go to clean clear water, and the water flows far beyond the high fence into the wide clean river so that the slave (name) from the deeds of the shameful everything passes and is cured. Pure water Now I'm clean too." Conspiracies from female diseases sometimes become that saving straw that gradually helps to cope with unpleasant disease. It can't be run hoping that defensive forces organisms will triumph over the disease themselves. Prayers will set you in the right mood and start the mechanism of self-healing

To date, there is no specific answer to this question. Unfortunately, sometimes it can happen that mastitis becomes a fetus. cancer cells. Mastitis is divided into several types: diffuse, nodular, cystic, borderline and fibrous. In order to recognize which form of mastitis you are suffering from, you need to come to a specialist doctor for an examination. Scientists have also proven that this disease spreads at the genetic level. It often happens that most women with breast cancer most likely inherited it from their mother.

Causes of mastitis and who is predisposed to it

Mastitis can affect both women and men, but in men this disease is called differently. Mastitis is caused by a malfunction in the human body. According to statistics, women get sick much more often than men. This is all because in women the body is more susceptible to hormonal disorders. Most often, the cause of such failures is a disease of the ovaries, which are responsible for the production of hormones. Another reason why mastitis can develop is the unstable functioning of the liver. If a woman likes to drink, indulges in tobacco and eats high-calorie fatty foods then she exposes herself great danger, because all of the above products adversely affect the liver. Also, mastitis can occur if you use it too often. chemical creams for breast augmentation and other unwanted cosmetics. Mastitis can manifest itself in early age, when hormonal background is just beginning to be established or just before menopause, when the hormonal background is disturbed. Simply put, mastitis is a violation hormonal system which leads to breast cancer.

Ways to treat mastitis

To date, there are two known to medicine way. The first way is to take strong antibiotics and other drugs, and the second is treatment by surgical intervention. But what if there is no money for expensive drugs, but it’s scary to lie under a scalpel? A conspiracy from mastitis comes to the rescue in such a situation. This is very effective method treatment. It should be noted that the conspiracy will not be effective if the person does not believe in its power. After all, a conspiracy with mastitis has a strong energetic influence on the human body. The ritual completely rebuilds the organism and thus makes it function in the best direction. Today, you can meet many conspiracies, rituals and rituals that have repeatedly helped people cope with this difficult disease. Here is one example of a miraculous rite: Speak into the water. Let the patient make a compress at home.

In this article:

From this unpleasant illness any woman can suffer, no one is insured. Mastopathy comes suddenly or after childbirth. In this case, the mother cannot breastfeed, experiences severe pain. This disease cannot be left untreated, and mastopathy conspiracies are perfect for you. They work faster and better than tablets. After the conspiracy, mastopathy will no longer return. Feel healthy quickly and at no cost - this is good way that our great-grandmothers knew. Healing magic will help you cope with the disease.

The first signs of the disease

Mastopathy is one of the most common diseases that women suffer from. Age from 18-45 years, but usually, the disease comes in the period of 30-35. It causes hormonal problems. Mastopathy can be cured with medication, but the treatment period is long. The disease manifests itself as:

  • lumps in the chest, swelling;
  • profuse redness;
  • increased discharge of white or colorless fluid from the nipple;
  • severe pain and itching.

If you have two or more symptoms, go to the doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, mastopathy should be treated immediately. Without a visit, you should not start treatment with a conspiracy, because you may have some other disease, including oncology. You don’t need to endure pain, because any conspiracy removes everything discomfort almost immediately. Creams and pills don't do that. quick effect. Treatment may be delayed.

Healing magic conspiracies

Healing magic can help even in the most neglected cases. Where pills, creams, ointments are powerless, a proven conspiracy can solve problems quickly.

Don't completely ignore drug treatment. In combination with it, conspiracies and ethnoscience achieve the best effect.

Diseases such as mastopathy, conspiracy cures once and for all. Perhaps the disease was the result of the evil eye. Then the pills will not be able to help you at all - the treatment must be carried out at the energy level.

A conspiracy on a cabbage leaf

Cabbage juice is excellent for all problems with the mammary gland. They remove seals, redness with mastopathy. For this conspiracy you will need fresh cabbage with large wide leaves. The plot is done 3 nights in a row.
Take two cabbage leaves. Each sheet should cover the chest completely. Tap the leaves with a knife to release more juice. Use the knife to carve your name on the sheets. Take them in both hands and speak 5 times:

“Breast-breast, get away from me, even to the water, even to a cow, even to a mare, even to a devil. From the white body of the servant of God (name), from the white bones, from the red blood, take away the abscess, tear it off. Amen".

cabbage compresses- an old proven remedy

Spelled sheets should be applied to the chest at night and wrapped with a bandage, but not much. In the morning, cabbage is removed, each leaf must be fried in a pan. Take them out into the yard and bury them in the ground. After three nights with cabbage, the disease will leave you. You will immediately feel healing effect- every day the pain subsides, and the swelling falls. It is done only on the waning moon.

Transferring the disease to the egg

It is very common in healing magic to roll out illness with an egg. For this, a very fresh egg is taken, you can directly from the bottom of the laying hen. It must be rolled very carefully over the chest. Do not break it during the procedure, this will only aggravate the disease.
You will need:

  • 1 fresh chicken egg;
  • white natural canvas without patterns.

The woman must do it herself. Memorize the plot by heart and repeat at least 10 times.
Strip naked. Lie down comfortably and start rolling the egg across your chest, reading the plot:

“Bless, God, save and protect. As my mother gave birth to me with healthy breasts, so that they were strong and healthy. Amen".

Read slowly, in a whisper. After 10 repetitions, you need to get up, put the egg in a white cloth and tie it. With a knot, go to the cemetery, find an unmarked grave.
Leave the cemetery and don't look back. Your disease has remained where it can no longer harm anyone.

A Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer once gave a prescription for treatment for mastopathy. It is popular in Bulgaria, so it is worth trying it. Need to bake cakes rye flour and put them on your chest.

Take the freshest natural products

What you need for the cakes:

  • Rye flour;
  • butter;
  • fresh (steam) milk.

Mix all this in a bowl, make a cake. It will need to be applied at night to the sore chest. Repeat the procedure for 10 days. The pain will pass for 5-6 days already.

Protect yourself from female diseases

  • Eat less salt if you have already had mastopathy once. A lot of salty food will lead to a negative result;
  • Don't drink too much strong coffee- 1 cup in the morning will not harm you, but 4-5 a day can;
  • Avoid stress, especially during menstruation;
  • Find a suitable female amulet that protects health.

Charms can be bought or made independently. Suitable for you: Lada's Cross, Fern Flower, Ladinets. They will help you get rid of such unpleasant diseases and their consequences.

Conspiracies from inflammation of the breast act quickly. Women use them and advise each other. This is a simple healing magic that is available to everyone. You will succeed. Don't stand it the pain that mastopathy can cause, do not start the disease, because to cure it in acute form easier than chronic.

A mastitis conspiracy will heal the chest and spirit, and traditional medicine will speed up the results. Very often, young mothers are faced with such a problem as mastitis. There are many more causes for mastitis than is commonly believed. Most often, they think that the reason for this is the baby who did not finish eating. mother's milk. The suction device does not always work and still leave milk in the glands.

Conspiracy at the initial stage of mastitis

The appearance of cones frightens a woman and inspires fear, and this is fraught with a loss of milk. Medicines should also not be taken, so as not to spoil the milk. To help in this matter comes healing magic. It is safe, fearless and effective for the treatment of the disease. All three reasons for using it simply oblige to use it.

You can get rid of bumps in the mammary gland quickly and effectively. This mastitis conspiracy can be applied to any woman. Many people think that to apply cabbage leaf- the most productive in this business. But in fact, the cabbage leaf itself does not work. Add honey to it circular motions and text against mastitis. The ceremony goes like this:

  1. Wipe the mammary glands with your own milk strictly counterclockwise;
  2. Clockwise, we apply warm honey mixed with butter or cream (mix the components one by one);
  3. The cabbage leaf should be well warmed up, but more than 39 degrees. We fix it;
  4. Tighten, but not much, so as not to spoil the milk.

While doing all this, you must pronounce the following words:

“I didn’t keep track, I didn’t moisten my breasts with milk, I fed the child, but I grew bumps on my body. I feed the baby, I raise him. Everything interferes in my chest, it adds misfortune and grief to me. Milk and honey, butter and cabbage. I rub everything, I attach everything to the body. The bumps will dissolve, the pain will subside, and the child will remain with maternal warmth and milk. It's said, done, I commanded.

For big breasts from bumps

Cabbage leaf will help against mastitis, but only if you use one leaf per breast.

The main rites are suitable for a bust of no more than an average size. But what about women who have a luxurious bust of 3 sizes? You can use lotions made from brewed chamomile in milk with the addition of honey.

The Slavic ritual helps 100 percent, and can be used without fear for allergic and diathetic rashes in a child. Chamomile is non-allergenic, it is better to use your own expressed milk, in last resort, cow clean, but not from the store. For 200 ml of milk we fall asleep 100 grams of chopped chamomile from a pharmacy. We put to languish on a slow fire (30 minutes). We insist about an hour and filter.

Now add honey in an equal amount with the resulting liquid and pronounce the words:

“I treat milk with milk. I want to remove chamomile cones. Honey fixes my thoughts and actions, and the problem with the chest disappears forever. Milk for a child, beautiful breasts for me. Medicinal drug, with extraordinary power.

Rub the drug with smooth movements directly into the bumps for about 1-2 minutes with the words:

"I'm cleaning up, I'm solving my problem."

Moisten a white cotton cloth and place on problem areas. Well wrapped with a warm scarf. Remove after 30 minutes.

A strong conspiracy for mastitis ointment

You can make an ointment for the treatment of mastitis yourself. To do this, you need several varieties of herbs: sweet clover, eucalyptus, sophora. They are mixed in equal quantities in dry form. Before cooking, stir them with each hand at least 15 times, but no more. Now for 100 grams of water you need 2 tbsp. spoons (without a slide). Pour immediately with boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes. Strain after 30 minutes. For the ointment, you will need a slurry of herbs, a little liquid obtained and butter. Mix and apply to problem areas. In the process of rubbing the cream, say:

“I smear, I drive, I rub, I remove the problem on my chest, not a Christmas tree, not a forest here. There is no place for bumps on my body.”

Rubbing herbal remedy last until completely absorbed. Pronounce the words all the time while the process of lubrication and adjustment of the fabric lasts. You can use this mixture and as a compress from mastitis. Used without straining. We moisten a clean white cloth folded three or 5 or 7 times and put it on the body. Hold the compress for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to put a woolen scarf on top. While applying, say the above text 3 times.

Are you sure they love you? Do you want the truth? Ask for chamomile!

Tear off the chamomile petals one at a time
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Do you want to know the future? Click 12 times on angel cards!

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