Prayer for a difficult situation. Prayer for problem resolution

Not always everything in our life is rosy and beautiful. Constant difficulties come without knocking and disturb us, preventing us from thinking, sleeping, and resting. Prayers and icons can help you deal with this.

Absolutely any prayer can make your life betterif you pray from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart. You can’t read prayers just like that, because you need to. This is a conversation with God, an appeal to him for help or with gratitude. It is important to understand that thanksgiving prayers are always stronger. This does not mean that God will not help you in difficult times, but it is better not to forget to thank him for his help.

How to prepare for prayer

Every day is already a holiday. Every day is a gift from the Lord, so there is no need to look for special reasons to pray. However, things don't always go according to plan in our lives. Sometimes you need to find some kind of support in an anxious moment in order to understand that the Lord is on your side. It is even more difficult when a difficult situation involves a question of morality. It can be difficult to understand what is the right thing to do in terms of faith and common sense. In this case, prayers for problems can also help.

Such prayers are needed primarily in situations where you really do not know what to do, which path to choose. Prayers for problems in life are needed when all scenarios are doubtful from the point of view of good and evil, when a very difficult choice needs to be made.

Prayer for problem resolution

So that such situations do not appear at all, you need to read before going to bed and in the morning "Our Father", and before leaving the house - the simplest prayer: "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." There is no need to allow problems to arise, because obviously unsolvable tasks always come from the evil one. Don't do bad things so you don't run into problems like this. Another excellent amulet will be the prayer "Living Help". It is more suitable for spiritual and physical problems, saves from diseases and ailments.

If a difficult situation nevertheless developed and you do not know what to do next, what to do, what to do, then you need to read a special prayer:

“Our Lord Supreme and Almighty, help me to find your mercy and find a solution from which other people and I will not suffer. Help me find justice and answer all questions correctly. Forgive me my sins, which I will have to take upon myself in order to avoid even greater problems. I pray to you and Mother Intercessor for spiritual help, guidance on the true path, for the speedy solution of my problems. Let the fear that makes me weaker recede, and your mercy will come, illuminating everything with its light and greatness. Teach us all compassion and give us the strength to accept any circumstances. Amen".

This prayer has been translated into Russian from Church Slavonic in advance, so that it is easier to understand even for children. Remember that you should not allow troubles to appear in life. Treat everyone well and do not look for negativity, then everything will be in perfect order.

What matters is not how many times a day you read prayers, but whether you read them at all. It is important to pray in difficult times and thank God for his mercy when everything is fine with you. If you feel the need to pray, then do so immediately. Luck will surely smile on you. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

I have something to thank for every person in my life.

Happiness is gratitude. Peace of mind begins with being grateful for what you already have.

Be grateful.
Happiness is always available to us if we notice the small daily joys of life. The secret of happiness is gratitude. When you have dark thoughts in your head, when you are disappointed in people or in life, start keeping a gratitude journal. Write down all the little joys of your life. A cup of tea, a warm bed, a child's smile, your family, the taste of chocolate.

So many things to be thankful for. Life literally abounds with beauty and kindness: you just need to open your eyes to see them.

Be grateful for where you are now and for all the things you have accomplished.

When You realize with what great Love Life itself takes care of you! In the same Moment, all suffering, tears and sadness will leave You ...

And only Gratitude remains. Boundless Gratitude.

In which you dissolve...

Dear God! ... I want to turn to you... not to... ask you for something,.... but just.... to say thank you for everything... that I have!

Know how to give thanks, gratitude is a property of a good heart.

Never forget, even in the darkest days of your life, to thank God for everything. He is waiting for this and will send you new blessings and gifts. A person with a grateful heart never needs anything.

When receiving gifts from life, do not forget to thank the Universe for the "delivery"))

If you learn

The art of gratitude

It will be so easy for you

Learn to

The art of accepting life.

Sri Chinmoy

If the only prayer in your life is the word "thank you", then that will be enough.

Say thanks while you live. Say words of gratitude to God, Life and the Universe for everything that you meet on your way! Words of gratitude create a full cup in your life. They turn what we have into sufficient, and even more. They turn refusals into consent, chaos into order, confusion into clarity, and the wanderer into a friend...

Dissatisfaction brings neither happiness nor goodness. It will only fix you in your condition. Appreciation for what you have will attract more happiness into your life.

Gratitude in the heart.
When your heart is full of gratitude, any door that seems closed can lead you to amazing discoveries.

Whoever you meet on your life path - thank him for participating in your destiny. Whether it was an episode or a lifetime, no person comes into the life of another by chance.

Thank you!
Always say thank you to everyone! This simple expression of gratitude that arises in the Heart has a huge impact. It cleanses the soul of judgments, preferences, fears, feelings of separation, conflict and even anguish, returning the mind to its natural state of unaffected Awareness. Mooji

Learn to be grateful.

And not just say the words, but say them from the depths of your heart. Experience it. Gratitude is true magic. Give thanks for everything, for everything, even the most insignificant things, and most importantly - give thanks for what seems bad, for trials. This is incomprehensible only at the very beginning of the path, but as you develop, you will want to not only thank for the bad, but bow low. Just know that through bad comes three times as much Good.

Thank you always and for everything! This simple expression of gratitude that arises in the Heart has a huge impact. It cleanses the soul of judgments, preferences, fears, feelings of separation, conflict and even anguish, returning the mind to its natural state of unaffected Awareness. Mooji.

Kneeling before God

We ask: "Give, let's go, I'm sorry ..."

But we often forget God

Say "Thank you" from the bottom of your heart.

We will never get what we want until we are grateful for what we have.

A grateful heart does not choose what to be thankful for and what not to be thankful for. It gives thanks for everything.

Start thanking God for what you have and He will give you what you lack.

Look back and sincerely thank

In order for the Universe to give you more happiness and the things and events you desire, you need to look back and sincerely thank for what you already have. For the wonderful things that you have, for the events that brought you to where you are now...

The shortest prayer in the world is "Thank you"!

And most of the time, that's enough.

Have you ever thanked the Planet for being there?

Gratitude is an aspect of God. The highest manifestation of Love and the state in which every embodied and non-embodied Soul of Light must be. It doesn't matter which side of the veil you're on. The energy of Gratitude works the same way here and there. The energy of gratitude is designed to give Benefits. This is the first Law and the most important formula for eternal abundance and prosperity. Start transforming your life and your current state with gratitude. Gratitude is the sweetest energy in the universe. You know that not all beings are capable of this. Many of them believe that they are so unhappy that they have nothing to thank for, and no one. Many people don't even know what it is. Start thanking yourself for beautifying the Universe with your presence. When you pour the energy of Gratitude into space - the highest manifestation of Love for God and for all living things, you give blessings to yourself and everyone around you, everyone who is close to you. When you give thanks, you literally make gifts - you bring Gifts and, first of all, to yourself, for you are the magnetic source of your gratitude. The more you give thanks, the more energy and power of light flows into your being and into your life. You can be grateful for everything, but, first of all, for life itself on this planet and for the opportunity to go through all the lessons that you are going through. For this is indeed the greatest Gift, this special place.

Gratitude to the world, and not only for good, but also for painful lessons, should be in the heart of a person constantly, as the core of his life. Then it grows.

Sincere gratitude is the radiation of creative energy. Vadim Zeland - Reality Transurfing

Dear friend, have you ever asked for help? We have no doubt that your answer will be yes. Everyone in this life faces difficulties. And we are happy when help comes on time and sometimes from where we did not expect. And of course our hearts are filled with gratitude. Togo, from whom the help came, we always thank. But in life there are such difficulties that no one can help us. And then we call on God Himself. And if we thank a person for the help, how important it is not to forget to thank God. Today we will tell you a story about people who were in great trouble and how Jesus helped them.

When Jesus and his disciples were passing through Samaria and Galilee, He entered a certain village. Suddenly He heard: “Jesus the Instructor! Have mercy on us." (Gospel of Luke 17:13) Turning around, Jesus saw ten lepers who were standing in the distance. Because of their terrible illness, they could not approach people. Jesus told them, "Go show yourselves to the priests." Dear friend, in those days, if someone was sick with leprosy and was healed, he had to go to the priest. Only a priest, having examined him, could proclaim him healthy. From that moment on, a person could return to the family and society and begin a normal life. Therefore, when Jesus told the lepers to show themselves to the priest, it already meant that He had healed them. Indeed, when ten lepers came to the priest, he examined them and proclaimed them healthy.

Dear friend, can you imagine their jubilation! Their joy knew no bounds. Everyone ran their own way. And only one came back to thank Jesus. That man was a Samaritan. He was not brought up in a Jewish culture and was far from the Lord. But he fell at the feet of Jesus and gave Him praise. Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where is nine? How did they not return to give glory to God, except for this foreigner? (Gospel of Luke 17:17-18) With this phrase, the Lord shows that He wants to be thanked for answered prayers. The Bible says, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Dear friend, when you are in trouble, call on God. We have His promise: “And behold, what boldness we have with Him, that when we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And when we know that He listens to us in everything, no matter what we ask, we also know that we receive what we ask from Him. (I John 5:14-15)

Dear friend, be sure: God will answer you and will definitely help you. Just don't forget to thank Him. Pray with us this prayer:
“Almighty God, I thank You for today, for Your hand in my life, for the life you give me. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen".

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