Section i health as a scientific concept. Phases of digestion


One of the priorities in modern Russian society is the need to improve the health of the nation as a whole. It is possible to solve it only by paying close attention to the health of the younger generation of schoolchildren and students.

At the same time, the socio-economic tension that exists in modern society, negatively affects all spheres of life in Russian society, posing a threat to normal human life.

Currently, there is an increase in the number of students suffering from a wide variety of chronic acquired diseases. An important reason for the health problems of modern children and youth is also the underestimation of the importance of a healthy lifestyle in the formation of physical and spiritual health, personality education.

In most of the existing educational structures, there is actually no purposeful and systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students and a culture of physical exercises and sports. In addition, students themselves often do not realize the need for a healthy lifestyle, as well as the role of physical culture in its formation.

This work is devoted to the consideration of the basics healthy life students, its relationship with classes physical education, as well as the role of a healthy lifestyle and physical education in ensuring the health of students.

The concept of health and its functional manifestations

Speaking about the definition of the concept of health, it should be noted that there are different approaches, which can be classified as follows: 1) health is the absence of disease; 2) "health" and "norm" - as identical concepts; health as a unity of morphological, psychological and socio-economic constants. At the same time, despite all the difference in these formulations of the concept of health, the common thing for all of them is that health is understood as something opposite to the disease, different from it, as a synonym for the norm.

Due to the generality, in general, of all these formulations, health can be defined as: the normal psychosomatic state of a person, reflecting his complete physical, mental and social well-being and ensuring the full performance of labor, social and biological functions.

According to foreign studies, health contains the following components:

Physical ( physical activity, physical well-being, physical limitations, the presence or absence of forced stay in bed);

Mental (psychological well-being, control of behavioral and (or) emotional reactions, cognitive functioning, the presence or absence of anxiety, depression);

Social (contacts with people, social resources);

Role-playing (role functioning, i.e. freedom in performing ordinary roles at home, at work at school);

General perception of well-being (self-reported current health, health perspective).

At the same time, it is worth noting that in domestic ideas about the components of health, the moral aspect occupies the first place. The moral component of health is the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, setting for a long and full life, lack of a dependent attitude to medicine, independent activity in the formation and strengthening of one's own health, respectful and careful attitude to the life and health of others.

Losing health, a person begins to realize and most often seek salvation in medicines, underestimating the strength of the impact on the body and the effectiveness of such factors as motor activity, balanced diet, hardening, good sleep, the basics of massage and self-massage and other factors.

These and other factors are integral components of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Lifestyle shapes health and occupies approximately 50-55% of the share of all factors that determine the health of the population.

Other factors directly affecting health include:

1). Ecology (influence of the external environment);

2). Heredity;

3). Health status.

At present, extensive scientific material has been accumulated, proving the direct influence of a number of environmental factors (climate, weather, ecological situation). For human health.

So, on the basis of extensive biometrology, it developed a kind of "calendar" of diseases characteristic of the middle geographical latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The state of health is also influenced by changes in the electromagnetic field, the environmental situation.

Speaking about the influence of the ecological situation on the state of the human body, it should be noted that the ability to adapt to negative impacts different for people with different levels of health. At the same time, as shown special studies, in people with a higher level of physical fitness, the resistance of the body is significantly higher than in people with a low general physical fitness.

It should be noted that the physical and mental health of a person must be considered exclusively in dynamics, i.e. as a process that changes over time throughout life. At the same time, health is largely dependent on heredity and age-related changes occurring in the human body as it develops.

Numerous works of geneticists have proved that in the case of unfavorable heredity, under favorable conditions, the damaged gene may not show its aggressiveness. I.e. healthy lifestyle, general healthy status organism can "pacify" its aggressiveness. At the same time, even having inherited good health from parents, a person can significantly worsen it in just a few years. At the same time, one can be born with a weak one, but with effort, strengthen it.

Thus, despite the direct and rather significant influence of heredity, the level of health of an individual depends on the genetic "background", the stage of the life cycle, the adaptive abilities of the organism, the degree of its activity, as well as the cumulative influence of environmental factors (including social).

Speaking about the place of health in the life of any person, it must be said that health is absolute, enduring. vital value occupying the top step on the hierarchical ladder of values, as well as in the system of such categories of human existence as interests and ideals, harmony, beauty, meaning and happiness of life, creative work, program and rhythm of life activity. As the well-being of the population grows, the satisfaction of its natural primary needs (for food, housing, etc.), the relative value of health will increase more and more.

Speaking about the value of health, it is also necessary to take into account the different levels of this value: biological - primordial health, which implies self-regulation of the body, harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation; social - health as a measure of social activity, an active attitude to the world; personal - health, as a denial of illness in the sense of overcoming it.

Health, being a qualitative characteristic of a person, contributes to the achievement of many other needs and goals. There is a certain contradiction between achieving material well-being and the need to be healthy. This contradiction can be resolved by improving the objective conditions of people's life. Nevertheless, at the same time, one's own attitudes and stereotypes are important in relation to one's health as an enduring value.

Each person, of course, wants to be healthy, but the attitude to health is due to a number of objective circumstances, including upbringing and training. At the same time, the difference in attitudes towards one's own health is due, first of all, to a motivational order, in particular, a person's awareness of the measure of his responsibility for the preservation and promotion of health, including the awareness of a person's measure of his responsibility for the preservation and promotion of health. In this regard, two types of orientations (attitudes) towards health are distinguished. The first of these is the orientation, first of all, to the efforts of the person himself. At the same time, the second of them is expressed, mainly “outside”, when a secondary role is assigned to the efforts of a person.

Health is one of critical components human happiness and one of the leading conditions for successful social and economic development. Realization of the intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society.

The concept itself "health" sounds like in english Health from Whole(Anglo-Saxon) - whole, whole, which already implies the complexity, integrity and multidimensionality of this state.

Galen in the 11th century BC. defined health as a state "in which we do not experience pain and which does not prevent us from performing the functions of our daily life: to participate in leadership, to wash, drink, eat and do whatever else we want."

Back in the early 40s of the XX century, the concept of “health” was given the following definition: “A person who is distinguished by harmonious development and is well adapted to his physical and social environment can be considered healthy. Health does not simply mean the absence of disease: it is something positive, it is a cheerful and willing fulfillment of the duties that life places on a person ”(G. Sigerist, pit. by: E.A. Ovcharov, 2002).

The founder of valeology I.I. Brekhman (1966) considered human health “as the ability to maintain age-appropriate stability in conditions drastic changes quantitative and qualitative parameters of the triune flow of sensory, verbal and structural information”.

In 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the concept of "Health for all by the year 2000", which determined the strategy and tactics of all developed countries to create conditions for ensuring and developing the health of the population.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

According to leading Russian scientists, this definition is not specific. For example, A. G. Shchedrina offers the following formulation: “Health is a holistic multidimensional dynamic state (including its positive and negative indicators) that develops ... in a specific social and ecological environment and allows a person ... to carry out his biological and social functions.

Analyzing these formulations, it can be noted that the first of them considers health in statics, as something given, i.e. You either have health or you don't. The second definition represents health in dynamics, shows that health is formed as the organism develops; moreover, the definition emphasizes that health is genetically programmed. And whether the program is implemented depends on specific biological and social factors (i.e., the surrounding biological environment and upbringing), under the influence of which a person will live and develop. Obviously, here we are talking about the fact that although health has congenital prerequisites (positive or negative), it is formed during a long ontogenesis, starting from the moment of fertilization of the egg (conception).

S.Ya. Chikin (1976) sees in health the harmonious interaction and functioning of all organs and systems of a person with his physical perfection and normal psyche, which allow him to actively participate in socially useful work.

One of the founders of space biology and medicine P.M. Bayevsky (1979) considered the adaptability of the body to be the determining factor in health: "The ability of the human body to adapt to changes in the environment, freely interacting with it, based on the biological, psychological and social essence of a person."

N.D. Graevskaya (1979) in the concept of "health" includes an assessment of the level of functional capabilities of the body, the range of its compensatory-adaptive reactions in extreme conditions, i.e. the ability to adapt to the increased requirements of the environment without pathological manifestations.

Thus, taking into account the biosocial essence of a person, Yu.P. Lisitsyn (1986) considers human health as a harmonious unity of biological and social qualities due to congenital and acquired mechanisms.

V.P. Kaznacheev (1980) defines human health as a process of maintaining and developing its biological, physiological and psychological capabilities, optimal social activity with maximum duration life. At the same time, attention is drawn to the need to create such conditions and such hygienic systems that would ensure not only the preservation of human health, but also its development.

ON THE. Agadzhanyan (1979, 2006), studying human biological rhythms, concludes that health is the optimal ratio of interrelated endogenous rhythms of physiological processes and their correspondence to external cyclic changes.

The famous cardiac surgeon N.M. Amosov (1987) considered health as “the level of the body's functional capabilities, the range of its compensatory-adaptive reactions in extreme conditions, i.e. reserve capacity of the organism.

Currently, there is no experimental justification given by E.N. Weiner definition of health: “Health is such a state of the body that gives a person the opportunity to realize his genetic program to the maximum extent in the conditions of sociocultural life. this person» (E.N. Weiner, 1998). However, not only the degree of implementation of the human genetic program, but also the functional purpose of genes have not yet been studied.

Physiological (medico-biological) approach based on basic principles the vital activity of the organism, was taken as the basis for determining the health of R.I. Aizman (1997): “Health is the body's ability to maintain its psychophysiological stability (homeostasis) in conditions of adaptation to various factors environment and stress”.

Modern definition of health

The modern concept of health allows us to identify its main components - physical, psychological and behavioral.

Physical the component includes the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, as well as the current state of their functioning. The basis of this process is morphological and functional transformations and reserves that ensure physical performance and adequate adaptation of a person to external conditions.

Psychological component is the state of the mental sphere, which is determined by motivational-emotional, mental and moral-spiritual components. Its basis is the state of emotional and cognitive comfort, which ensures mental performance and adequate human behavior. This state is due to both biological and social needs, as well as the ability to meet these needs.

behavioral component is outward manifestation human condition. It is expressed in the degree of adequacy of behavior, the ability to communicate. It is based on a life position (active, passive, aggressive) and interpersonal relationships that determine the adequacy of interaction with the external environment (biological and social) and the ability to work effectively.

Modern living conditions put forward increased demands on the health of young people. Therefore, the main thing for young people is to be healthy.

Concepts of health and disease

The most important task of the state and society as a whole is to take care of the health of the population. When asked what health is, the most common answer is that it is the absence of disease. good health, that is, health is usually defined by the absence of disease. Therefore, the concept of disease must first be defined. Understanding the concepts of "health" and "illness" is not easy. Most often, a disease means a change, damage, defect, etc., that is, everything that leads to a violation of life.

There are many definitions of the concept of disease: disruption of normal life, adaptation to the environment (disadaptation), functions of the body or its parts, connections of the body with the external environment, homeostasis (constancy internal environment body), the inability to fully exercise human functions etc. There are many theories of the occurrence of diseases: social (the disease is the result of social maladjustment), energy (the disease occurs due to an imbalance in the energy of the human body), biological (the basis of the disease is a violation of the correspondence of the biological rhythms of the body with natural rhythms), etc.

According to the classification of the World Health Organization disease - it is a life disturbed in its course by damage to the structure and function of the body under the influence of external and internal factors during the mobilization of its compensatory-adaptive mechanisms. The disease is characterized by a general or particular decrease in adaptability to the environment and restrictions on the patient's freedom of life.

Before talking about health, one should understand the dual essence of man: on the one hand, man is an integral part of the biological world (man is Homo sapiens, a subtype of vertebrates, a detachment of primates, a class of mammals is the highest stage of development of organisms on Earth), on the other hand, Human - social being(public), able to produce and use tools, change the world. This creature has consciousness as a function of a highly organized brain and articulate speech.

Philosophers and doctors of the ancient world considered man to be the likeness of nature, the world, and the cosmos. is a microcosm in the macrocosm, it consists of the same elements: water, air, fire, etc. Therefore, health is the balance of these elements, and illness is a violation of this balance. Some thinkers of antiquity, as a result of observing people's lives, their way and living conditions, developed convictions about the role of social factors in human life. As medicine, history and other sciences developed, observations and evidence of the importance of social factors in human life accumulated more and more. This was especially developed in the Renaissance, when activity, the spiritual world, communication between people, that is, social principles, were reflected in philosophical and scientific works.

These views were most developed during the Enlightenment. So, Helvetius wrote that man is an animal with a special external organization that allows him to use weapons and tools. But the scientists of that time interpreted the social principle in man incompletely, only as an external manifestation of the bodily connection of man with the environment.

Proponents of opposing views on the essence of man, in fact, shared the views of K. Marx: "The essence of man is the totality of social relations." F. Engels described a person more fully and objectively: “The essence of a person manifests itself in two ways: as a natural (i.e. biological) and as a social relation (i.e. social)”. The inseparability of the biological and the social in man is reflected in Marx's "Capital": "Influencing external nature and changing it, he (man) at the same time changes his own nature."

The ratio of social and biological in a person is the main thing in understanding the nature of health and disease.

Physicians of antiquity saw the origins of health and the causes of diseases not only in a mixture of elements of the body, but also in people's behavior, their habits, traditions, i.e. conditions and lifestyle. Even attempts were made to establish a correspondence between the specifics of the disease and the nature of labor (Galen and Celje shared the diseases of masters and slaves).

Utopian socialists saw the guarantee of good health for the people of their fictional cities in ideally organized living conditions and social order.

The French philosophers-encyclopedists of the Enlightenment time and again pointed out the dependence of people's health on social conditions.

English doctors and sanitary inspectors of the 19th century. in their reports, they repeatedly cited examples pernicious effect harsh working conditions on the health of workers.

Progressive domestic figures of medicine in the second half of the XIX century. presented thousands of evidence adverse impact on the health of workers, working conditions and living conditions. The paramount importance of social conditions in shaping the health of the population has been the subject of study of social hygiene since the beginning of the 20th century.

Determining the relationship between social and biological principles in a person makes it possible to identify their impact on human health. Just as in the essence of the person himself it is impossible to separate the biological from the social, so it is impossible to separate the biological and social components of health. The health and disease of an individual is fundamentally biological. But general biological qualities are not fundamental, they are mediated by the social conditions of his life, which are decisive. Not only in the works of individual researchers, but also in documents of international medical organizations talks about the social conditionality of health, that is, about the primary impact on health of social conditions and factors.

Social conditions are a form of manifestation of production relations, a method of social production, the socio-economic system and the political structure of society.

Social factors - this is a manifestation of social conditions for a particular person: working conditions, recreation, housing, food, education, upbringing, etc.

The WHO Constitution defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease”. But it should be said that there is no single definition now. We can offer the following options for defining health, proposed by Yu.P. Lisitsyn: health is a harmonious unity of biological and social qualities due to congenital and acquired biological and social influences(disease is a violation of this unity); a state that allows you to lead a life not constrained in your freedom, fully perform the functions inherent in a person (primarily labor), lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, experience mental, physical and social well-being.

Individual health - the health of the individual. It is evaluated by personal well-being, the presence or absence of diseases, physical condition, etc.

Group health - health of individual communities of people: age, professional, etc.

Public health - health of people living in a certain area.

It is most difficult to define public health. Public health reflects the health of the individuals that make up society, but is not the sum of the health of individuals. Even the WHO has not yet come up with a concise and comprehensive definition of public health. “Public health is such a state of society that provides conditions for an active productive lifestyle that is not constrained by physical and mental illnesses, that is, this is something without which society cannot create material and spiritual values, this is the wealth of society” (Yu P. Lisitsyn).

Public health potential - a measure of the quantity and quality of people's health and its reserves accumulated by society.

Public Health Index - the ratio of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles of the population.

WHO experts consider the percentage of gross national product (GNP) spent on health care as public health criteria; availability of primary health care; infant mortality rate; average life expectancy, etc.

Methods for studying the health of the population include: statistical, sociological (questionnaires, interviews, family-based comprehensive survey), expert method etc.

It's probably good to have some idea about the structure of our digestive system and what happens to the food "inside"

It's probably good to have some idea about the structure of our digestive system and what happens to the food "inside".

A person who knows how to cook deliciously, but does not know what fate awaits his dishes after they are eaten, is likened to a car enthusiast who has learned the rules of the road and has learned to “turn the steering wheel”, but knows nothing about the structure of the car.

Going on a long journey with such knowledge is risky, even if the car is quite reliable. There are some surprises along the way.

Consider the most general device of the "digestive machine".

The process of digestion in the human body

So let's take a look at the diagram.

We took a bite of something edible.


We bit off with our teeth (1) and we continue to chew with them. Even purely physical grinding plays a huge role - food must enter the stomach in the form of gruel, it is digested in pieces tens and even hundreds of times worse. However, those who doubt the role of teeth can try to eat something without biting off or grinding food with them.

tongue and saliva

When chewing, there is also impregnation with saliva secreted by three pairs of large salivary glands(3) and many small ones. Normally, from 0.5 to 2 liters of saliva is produced per day. Its enzymes basically break down starch!

With proper chewing, a homogeneous liquid mass is formed, requiring minimal costs for further digestion.

In addition to the chemical effect on food, saliva has a bactericidal property. Even in between meals, it always wets the oral cavity, protects the mucous membrane from drying out and contributes to its disinfection.

It is no coincidence that with minor scratches, cuts, the first natural movement is to lick the wound. Of course, saliva as a disinfectant is inferior in reliability to peroxide or iodine, but it is always at hand (that is, in the mouth).

Finally, our tongue (2) unmistakably determines whether it is tasty or tasteless, sweet or bitter, salty or sour.

These signals serve as an indication of how much and which juices are needed for digestion.


The chewed food passes through the pharynx into the esophagus (4). Swallowing is a rather complex process, many muscles are involved, and to a certain extent it occurs reflexively.

The esophagus is a four-layer tube 22-30 cm long. In a calm state, the esophagus has a gap in the form of a gap, but what is eaten and drunk does not fall down at all, but moves forward due to wave-like contractions of its walls. All this time, salivary digestion continues actively.


The rest of the digestive organs are located in the abdomen. They are separated from chest diaphragm (5) - the main respiratory muscle. Through a special hole in the diaphragm, the esophagus enters abdominal cavity and passes into the stomach (6).

This hollow organ resembles a retort in shape. There are several folds on its inner mucous surface. The volume of a completely empty stomach is about 50 ml. When eating, it stretches and can hold quite a lot - up to 3-4 liters.

So, swallowed food in the stomach. Further transformations are determined primarily by its composition and quantity. Glucose, alcohol, salts and excess water can be absorbed immediately - depending on the concentration and combination with other products. The bulk of the food eaten is exposed to the action of gastric juice. This juice contains hydrochloric acid, a number of enzymes and mucus. It is secreted by special glands in the gastric mucosa, which number about 35 million.

Moreover, the composition of the juice changes every time: juice for every meal. Interestingly, the stomach, as it were, knows in advance what kind of work it has to do, and sometimes secretes the necessary juice long before eating - at the sight or smell of food. This was proved by Academician I.P. Pavlov in his famous experiments with dogs. And in a person, juice is secreted even with a distinct thought about food.

Fruits, curdled milk and other light foods require very little juice of low acidity and with a small amount of enzymes. Meat, especially with spicy seasonings, causes copious excretion very strong juice. Relatively weak, but extremely rich in enzymes, juice is produced for bread.

In total, an average of 2-2.5 liters of gastric juice is secreted per day. The empty stomach periodically contracts. This is familiar to everyone from the sensations of "hunger cramps." Eaten for some time suspends motor skills. This is an important fact. After all, each portion of food envelops the inner surface of the stomach and is located in the form of a cone nested in the previous one. Gastric juice acts mainly on the surface layers in contact with the mucous membrane. Still inside for a long time saliva enzymes work.

Enzymes- These are substances of a protein nature that ensure the occurrence of any reaction. The main enzyme of gastric juice is pepsin, which is responsible for the breakdown of proteins.


As the portions of food are digested, located near the walls of the stomach, they move towards the exit from it - to the pylorus.

Thanks to the motor function of the stomach, which has resumed by this time, that is, its periodic contractions, the food is thoroughly mixed.

As a result almost homogeneous semi-digested slurry enters the duodenum (11). The pylorus "guards" the entrance to the duodenum. This is a muscular valve that passes food masses in only one direction.

The duodenum refers to the small intestine. In fact, the entire digestive tract, starting from the pharynx and up to the anus, is one tube with a variety of thickenings (even as large as the stomach), many bends, loops, and several sphincters (valves). But the individual parts of this tube are distinguished both anatomically and according to the functions performed in digestion. So, the small intestine is considered to consist of the duodenum (11), jejunum (12) and ileum (13).

The duodenum is the thickest, but its length is only 25-30 cm. Its inner surface is covered with many villi, and in the submucosal layer there are small glands. Their secret contributes to the further breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates.

The common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct open into the duodenal cavity.


The bile duct supplies bile produced by the largest gland in the body, the liver (7). The liver produces up to 1 liter of bile per day- quite an impressive amount. Bile consists of water, fatty acids, cholesterol and inorganic substances.

Bile secretion begins within 5-10 minutes after the start of a meal and ends when the last portion of food leaves the stomach.

Bile completely stops the action of gastric juice, due to which gastric digestion is replaced by intestinal.

She also emulsifies fats- forms an emulsion with them, repeatedly increasing the contact surface of fatty particles with enzymes acting on them.


Its task is to improve the absorption of the breakdown products of fats and other nutrients - amino acids, vitamins, to promote the promotion of food masses and prevent their decay. Bile stores are stored in gallbladder (8).

Its lower part adjacent to the pylorus is most actively reduced. Its capacity is about 40 ml, but the bile in it is in a concentrated form, thickening 3-5 times compared to hepatic bile.

If necessary, it comes through cystic duct which connects to the hepatic duct. The formed common bile duct (9) delivers bile to the duodenum.


The pancreatic duct also exits here (10). It is the second largest gland in humans. Its length reaches 15-22 cm, weight - 60-100 grams.

Strictly speaking, the pancreas consists of two glands - the exocrine gland, which produces up to 500-700 ml of pancreatic juice per day, and the endocrine gland, which produces hormones.

The difference between these two types of glands lies in the fact that the secret of exocrine glands (exocrine glands) is released into the external environment, in this case into the duodenal cavity, and the substances produced by the endocrine (that is, internal secretion) glands, called hormones, enter the blood or lymph.

Pancreatic juice contains a whole complex of enzymes that break down all food compounds - proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This juice is secreted with every "hungry" stomach cramp, but its continuous flow begins a few minutes after the start of the meal. The composition of the juice varies depending on the nature of the food.

Pancreatic hormones- insulin, glucagon, etc. regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Insulin, for example, stops the breakdown of glycogen (animal starch) in the liver and switches the body's cells to feed primarily on glucose. This lowers the blood sugar level.

But back to the transformations of food. In the duodenum, it mixes with bile and pancreatic juice.

Bile stops action gastric enzymes and ensures the proper functioning of the pancreatic juice. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are further broken down. excess water, mineral salts, vitamins and fully digested substances are absorbed through the intestinal walls.


sharply curving, duodenum passes into the lean (12), 2-2.5 m long. The latter, in turn, is connected to the ileum (13), the length of which is 2.5-3.5 m. Total length the small intestine is thus 5-6 m. Its suction capacity increases many times due to the presence of transverse folds, the number of which reaches 600-650. In addition, numerous villi line the inner surface of the intestine. Their coordinated movements ensure the movement of food masses, through which nutrients are absorbed.

Previously it was thought that intestinal absorption the process is purely mechanical. That is, it was assumed that nutrients are broken down to elementary "bricks" in the intestinal cavity, and then these "bricks" penetrate into the blood through the intestinal wall.

But it turned out that in the gut, food compounds are not “disassembled” to the end, but final cleavage occurs only near the intestinal cell walls. This process was called membrane, or parietal.

What is it? Nutrient components, already fairly crushed in the intestine under the action of pancreatic juice and bile, penetrate between the villi of intestinal cells. Moreover, the villi form such a dense border that for large molecules, and even more so for bacteria, the surface of the intestine is inaccessible.

Intestinal cells secrete numerous enzymes into this sterile zone, and fragments of nutrients are divided into elementary components - amino acids, fatty acid, monosaccharides, which are absorbed. Both splitting and absorption occur in a very limited space and are often combined into one complex interrelated process.

One way or another, over five meters of the small intestine, food is completely digested and the resulting substances enter the bloodstream.

But they do not enter the general circulation. If this happened, the person could die after the first meal.

All blood from the stomach and from the intestines (thin and large) is collected in portal vein and goes to the liver. After all, food provides not only useful compounds, during its splitting, many by-products are formed.

Toxins must also be added here. secreted by intestinal microflora, and many medicinal substances and poisons present in products (especially in modern ecology). Yes and clean nutritional components should not immediately fall into the general bloodstream, otherwise their concentration would exceed all admissible limits.

The position saves the liver. It is not for nothing that it is called the main chemical laboratory of the body. Here, the disinfection of harmful compounds and the regulation of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism take place. All of these substances can be synthesized and broken down in the liver.- on demand, ensuring the constancy of our internal environment.

The intensity of its work can be judged by the fact that when own weight 1.5 kg liver consumes about a seventh of the total energy produced by the body. About one and a half liters of blood passes through the liver per minute, and up to 20% can be in its vessels. total human blood. But let us trace the path of food to the end.

From the ileum through a special valve that prevents backflow, undigested residues enter the large intestine. Its upholstered length is from 1.5 to 2 meters. Anatomically, it is divided into the caecum (15) with appendix (16), ascending colon (14), transverse colon (17), descending colon (18), sigmoid colon(19) and straight line (20).

In the large intestine, water absorption is completed and feces are formed. To do this, intestinal cells secrete special mucus. The colon is home to a myriad of microorganisms. The excreted feces are about a third made up of bacteria. You can't say it's bad.

After all, a kind of symbiosis of the owner and his "tenants" is normally established.

The microflora feeds on waste, and supplies vitamins, some enzymes, amino acids and other necessary substances. In addition, the constant presence of microbes keeps the immune system working, not allowing it to “doze off”. And the "permanent inhabitants" themselves do not allow the introduction of strangers, often pathogenic.

But such a picture in iridescent colors happens only with proper nutrition. Unnatural, refined foods, excess food and wrong combinations change the composition of the microflora. Putrefactive bacteria begin to predominate, and instead of vitamins, a person receives poisons. Strongly hit on the microflora and all kinds of drugs, especially antibiotics.

But one way or another, the fecal masses move forward thanks to the wave-like movements of the colon - peristalsis and reach the rectum. At its exit, for safety, there are as many as two sphincters - internal and external, which close anus, opening only during defecation.

With a mixed diet, about 4 kg of food mass passes from the small intestine to the large intestine per day, while only 150-250 g of stool is produced.

But in vegetarians, feces are formed much more, because their food contains a lot of ballast substances. On the other hand, the intestines also work perfectly, the microflora is the most friendly, and poisonous products do not even reach the liver for a significant part, being absorbed by fiber, pectins and other fibers.

This concludes our tour of digestive system. But it should be noted that its role is by no means limited to digestion. Everything in our body is interconnected and interdependent both on the physical and energy planes.

More recently, for example, it has been established that the intestine is also the most powerful apparatus for the production of hormones. Moreover, in terms of the volume of synthesized substances, it is comparable (!) With all other endocrine glands taken together. published

“You can have a lot of money, cars, apartments, mansions and other things, but all this is held on by one thin thread - it is called Health. As soon as you start having health problems, everything ceases to exist. Restore and Protect it!»

"HEALTH CONCEPT". Many people have heard this phrase more than once. What meaning does it carry? What benefit can a particular person derive from this information? In other words, what will I get personally for myself, having become acquainted with the concept of health? What questions will my parents and children be able to solve? How can it be useful to my relatives, friends, acquaintances?

Thanks to the right concept of health, many people in different countries of the world have already solved their health problems. At first glance, it seems too simple. But behind this simplicity lies the correctness and deep understanding of the processes, as well as a systematic approach to recovery and health. That is why the popularity of the right concept is constantly growing.

Today you have a unique opportunity to touch this very precious information and gain new knowledge for yourself. How you manage them is up to you. This is your choice, and your responsibility is responsibility for yourself, for your health and for your life. And also for the transfer of this information to people who are close to you. So that later no one would tell you: “Why did you know this, and were silent? It could really help…”

The right concept of health and a systematic approach suggest some algorithm - a sequence of certain actions that can lead you to the planned result or goal.

To a person who has serious health problems, everything else usually becomes indifferent. Therefore, our first and most important goal is health.

Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being. Psychological state, physical activity, air, water, nutrition - all these factors determine our health. Each factor is very important for human health, but taken separately, these areas only slow down the development of diseases. To fully restore and maintain health, it is necessary to use an integrated approach, since the unsystematic use of various methods separately can slow down the development of the disease, but not stop it. Same for complete healing it is very important to identify and work out the underlying causes of the disease and to realize the lesson that the disease has brought.

1. Lifestyle 50%
2. Medicine - errors in treatment 20%
3. Heredity 15%
4. Ecology 15%

In this case we can only influence the way of life.

To maintain or restore health, it is necessary understand the principles of health concept, accept them into your life And act.

"Health Concept"- simple, like everything ingenious, system technique that allows you to maintain and restore health with minimal cost time and effort.

The concept of health is based on two principles:

I. Integrated systems approach.

II. cell renewal.

I. A complex approach includes the following items:

1. Psychology (spirituality, psycho-emotional state, positive thinking).
2. Breathing.
3. Water.
4. Nutrition.
5. Purification.
5.1. Energy cleansing.
5.2. Purification from ABVGD and PP.
6. Movement. Physical activity.
7. Rest. Dream.

Each of these points is the topic of a separate lecture, or even several. Let's take a quick look at all the points in this article, and then those who wish can get acquainted in detail with detailed description in the relevant articles on our site.

1. PSYCHOLOGY. Mental health has a big impact on health. In cases of chronic resentment, anger, envy and other dislike for one's neighbor and oneself, a person constantly experiences feelings and emotions that destroy him. In a state of stress, which the body perceives as a threat to life, digestion is generally temporarily turned off.

Therefore, for good health, it is necessary to strive for harmony with the outside world and oneself, have a positive attitude towards life and a desire to be healthy, engage in spiritual development and avoid negative emotions.

According to statistics a large number of people love to be treated and regularly go to the doctors. They are occupied with the process of treatment. A much smaller number of people want to be healthy - they have taken responsibility for their health and independently monitor their health, choosing for themselves effective methods of restoring and maintaining health. Therefore, first of all, everyone must choose what exactly he wants - to be treated ("not to get sick") or to be healthy .

2. BREATH. Breath is life. What and how we breathe affects our condition. IN modern world in the air, especially in cities and industrial areas, the percentage of oxygen content has greatly decreased. Not every person has the opportunity to permanently live in a territory with clean air. People periodically go to nature, go on vacation - to the sea, to the mountains, but this is not enough - when we return to the cities, our body is again polluted with toxins.

There is one more aspect: you can breathe clean air as deeply as you like, but the cells will still suffer. oxygen starvation if the environment is acidic. In turn, the lack of oxygen further acidifies the body. This creates a vicious circle that leads to disease.

To prevent and help the body, it is possible to increase the percentage of oxygen absorption from the air, as well as to make its delivery to the cells of our body more efficient, thanks to the use of the right antioxidants.

Antioxidants(antioxidants) are substances that can slow down or prevent the oxidation of the body. They neutralize and neutralize the negative effect free radicals, promote cleansing, healing and cell renewal, slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, muscular dystrophy and others.

Antioxidants accelerate the recovery and healing of damaged cells and tissues.

Provided sufficient intake of all essential nutrients, antioxidants stimulate the body's self-healing processes, contributing to the treatment of many diseases, including chronic ones.

3. WATER. Water plays an important role in our life and health. Every child knows that the human body consists of water, approximately 70%. Water is the regulator of all processes in our body. In most cases, insufficient quantity and poor quality of water are the main causes of poor health.

Important for maintaining health amount of water- how much water to drink, and water quality- what kind of water to drink.

4. FOOD. There is a wise saying: "We are what we eat." Recently, we are increasingly violating the laws of nature regarding the naturalness of the necessary components of our diet.

Our food is increasingly refined, canned, flavored, modified with a long shelf life and stripped of its vitality during processing.

The human body needs natural, environmentally friendly, balanced diet. The completeness of nutrition is determined by the presence of the full amount of vital substances (amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, polyunsaturated fatty acids) necessary for the optimal functioning of the cells of the human body.


It is proved that our body is multidimensional, and consists not only of the physical body. It is very important to clear all alien structures and negative vibrations in the "thin plane" and on the physical-etheric level, as well as clear the control channels from all types of collective intelligence and multidimensional control structures, after which it is important to restore the body's self-healing and self-purification systems at all levels his existence.

Damage to a multidimensional organism can be conditionally classified as follows:

I. Damage thin bodies , among which are:

1. Damage that arose in past incarnations, recorded at the cellular level at the birth of a person and making “marks” on the karmic shell (karmic debts, karmic knots, karmic tasks, karmic engrams, karmic sins, birth curses, etc.), the non-working out of which in the present incarnation leads to karmic diseases and a global deterioration in the life situation.

2. Injuries of an engramic nature - games recorded in an engram data bank (IDB) at various periods of a person's life: in the prenatal (intrauterine) period, in the infant and adolescent periods, and throughout the rest of the life space.

3. Damage caused by the presence different kind alien energy structures with their own consciousness.

4. Damage caused by the presence of negative homing or externally induced programs, clichés of imposed behavior, black magic structures,

5. Damage caused by infections of the subtle bodies (astral, mental), ethereal infections, mental and spiritual infections.

6. Damage resulting from the received energy-informational breakdowns and energy-informational defeats.

II. Damage to the physical body, among which are:

1. Damage occurring in the prenatal (intrauterine) period and at the time of childbirth.

2. Damage occurring during infancy and adolescence.

3. Damage that occurs throughout the rest of the life path.

4. Damage caused by the presence in the body of pathogenic pathogens, viruses, fungi, bacteria, helminths.

5. Damage resulting from physical influences and injuries.

6. Damage caused by harmful internal or external influence on the body, malnutrition or lifestyle.

Today, there are many methods for working with the "thin plane" - vibrational medicine, positive thinking, energy and spiritual practices. Each person can choose for himself the method that is closer to him.

Cleansing the lymphatic system

Lymph is the most important life support system that is responsible for immunity, elimination of toxins and other harmful substances.

Plaque on the tongue in the morning, bad breath, swelling, frequent acute respiratory infections, inflamed tonsils, runny nose, cough are signs of overloading the body with toxic substances that the lymphatic system can hardly cope with and, in some cases, ceases to cleanse itself.

Comprehensive cleansing of the body

Have you ever done a general cleaning at your home? Did you wash the floors? Did you throw out the trash? Probably, yes, because we all strive for cleanliness and order to reign in our house. Do you clean your body, which needs cleanliness in the first place? People do not realize how “polluted” their body is. Improper nutrition, poor ecology, stress lead to the accumulation of toxic substances, toxins, slags, fecal stones(by the age of 40 from 2 to 15 kg in the colon), which must be removed.

Cleaning should be phased: preparation of the body, cleaning and restoration of microflora after cleansing, otherwise cleaning will be negative.

Never resort to cleansing with diets. Diet means the cessation of obtaining nutrients, which leads to the structure of diseased cells, since they do not receive building material, and as a result, diseased organs are formed, and then systems. Purification should be aimed at removing toxins and toxins.

6. MOVEMENT. Physical activity.

Movement is life. Regular physical activity is very important for the restoration and maintenance of the health of each person.

Any kind of physical activity is accompanied by an intensification of metabolic processes (metabolism), primarily in muscle cells, and, consequently, an increase in their need for additional oxygen and nutrients. Already with moderate and, even more so, with severe physical activity, intensification of the work of the heart (increased frequency and strength of contractions) and respiratory organs (increased respiratory rate with increased gas exchange and saturation of the lungs with oxygen) occurs. Activation of cellular metabolism is characterized not only by the intake, but also by the excretion of products formed during the life of cells. They enter the bloodstream and are excreted naturally from the body.

Physical activity is one of the key aspects of a healthy lifestyle. It makes a person not only physically more attractive, but also significantly improves his health, positively affects life expectancy, especially its active part. The risk of developing life-threatening diseases is significantly reduced.

Remember, physical activity is an important and effective tool in maintaining and improving your health, and therefore it should become an integral attribute of your life!

7. REST and SLEEP.

Not a single organism can live on one breath, it also needs an exhalation. Rest and sleep are very important for health.

Lack of sleep is one of the causes of frequent morbidity and rapid deterioration of the body. Science has proven that people who do not get enough sleep on a regular basis are unable to think adequately. This is a normal reaction of the body to the lack of rest. Rest and sleep give pleasure and help the body restore strength, energy, and health.

During sleep, important hormones are released, such as:
- melatonin, which is involved in the synchronization of biorhythms and is involved in the formation of the hormonal and immune systems of the body;
- growth hormone, which is responsible for the rejuvenating and regenerating effect, the growth of bones and tissues;
- sex hormones that affect appearance a person, his character, sensitivity and intelligence, sexual and vital activity;
- leptin (satiety hormone) and ghrelin (hunger hormone), actively involved in energy metabolic processes organism;
- thyroid hormones that enhance the respiratory activity of cells, stimulating tissue growth and brain development.

Each person needs a different number of hours of sleep. Experts claim that total duration sleep should be at least 10 hours. A healthy person usually needs 10-14 hours to restore the energy expended during the day.

Knowing the value of every hour of sleep, you can organize your rest in such a way as to most effectively restore lost strength. The Sleep Value Chart will help you find the right time to sleep. Hours for sleep from 22.00 to 0.00 - the time of regeneration of the nervous system.

Esotericists are convinced that waking up at 3-4 in the morning is easy, and this ability can be developed. The period from 4 to 5 in the morning is the time of sunrise, the birth of a new day. morning time from 5 to 6 o'clock it is marked by calmness, and from 6 to 7 in the morning - cheerfulness.

Just as helpful daytime sleep, but its duration is individual. A person can feel a surge of strength both after 10-15 minutes of daytime rest, and after 30-90 minutes.

Daytime sleep provides psychological relief, stress relief, fast recovery energy, helps prevent spiritual exhaustion and stress, increases efficiency.

Rest is the same as vacation. A person needs to give the body the opportunity to rest. If the body does not get rest for a long period, then there is an increased susceptibility to diseases, a syndrome occurs chronic fatigue, increased nervousness, irritability.

"The secret of longevity lies in five conditions of life: a hardened body, healthy nerves, proper nutrition, climate and daily work." Mahmud Eyvazov, Azerbaijani long-liver who lived 152 years (1808-1960)

Undoubtedly, each of these factors is very important for human health, but taken separately, these areas only slow down the development of diseases. To restore health, it is necessary to use an INTEGRATED SYSTEM APPROACH.

For example, it is not enough to do only breathing exercises and yoga, the body also needs air, high-quality water and good nutrition. The rate of health recovery depends on the quantity and quality of factors involved in a pure human body, which is explained by the principle of cell renewal.


The human body is made up of 12 physiological systems. All systems are made up of organs, organs are made up of tissues, and tissues are made up of cells.

A cell is the smallest unit of a living thing, which underlies the structure and development of an organism. It is an elementary living system capable of self-renewal, self-regulation, self-reproduction. She feeds, moves in search of food, chooses where to go and what to eat, defends herself and does not let in unsuitable substances and creatures from the environment.

Cells are the main building blocks of life, and if they are healthy, then tissues and organs will be healthy, our systems will function without deviations, and a person will be healthy.

Each cell performs its functions and has its own lifespan, old cells are destroyed, and new ones are formed to replace them. Thus, tissues, organs, and eventually the whole organism are renewed.

It is known from various medical sources that the restoration of organs, with normal self-regulation, occurs:

  • in 3-5 days all the cells of the stomach are updated; one cell lives for three minutes;
  • in 1-8 days, the epithelium of the duodenum 12 is updated;
  • for 3 days the epithelium of the jejunum is updated;
  • in 3-6 days, the epithelium of the small intestine is updated;
  • in 12-18 hours, the epithelium of the colon is updated;
  • in 6-14 days, the entire intestinal epithelium is completely renewed;
  • in 9-14 days the stratum corneum of the skin is renewed;
  • in 3 weeks, all adipose tissue is updated;
  • in 5 weeks, all skin cells are completely renewed;
  • for 1 year, the atomic composition of a person is updated by 98%;
  • in 90-150 days, the blood in the body changes completely;
  • 5% of the skin is renewed in 1 day;
  • muscles recover in 48 hours in case of pain;
  • for 3 months the pancreas is updated;
  • bones are renewed in 10 years;
  • within 10 days, the acid-base balance is restored.

The question arises why do we get sick, grow old? The main reason lies precisely in the absence of conditions for the development and reproduction of healthy cells (which was proved by the experimental work of Alexis Carrel).

Acidification of the body and deficiency of cellular nutrition (see “What does a cell need?”) leads to a lack of building material. As a result, the intestinal cells, which are modified, become unfinished, do not perform their functions, and therefore there is a malfunction in the organs and the whole organism.

The processes that take place in our body every day are similar to a normal construction site. Imagine that the cells of the body are buildings or houses. Now think about what kind of houses are obtained in the absence of at least one building material, such as cement: houses without walls or without foundations?! The same thing happens in our body.

This means that if a cell, even a sick one, is provided with all the necessary building material and favorable environment, then we will be able to build a healthy generation of cells that will perform their functions.

If we create optimal conditions for cell life and regeneration, then each new generation of cells will be healthier than the previous one.

By maintaining these conditions for all generations of cells, after a certain time we will get more healthy organs and, consequently, the improvement of the whole human body.


Every day every cell needs the right nutrition(Construction Materials), water(environment for the flow of biochemical processes) and oxygen.

1. Cellular nutrition


This what the cell needs, and therefore your body:
28 amino acids
15 minerals
12 vitamins
7 enzymes
3 PUFAs (Essential Fatty Acids)

Amino acids It is a building material for all living beings: people, animals, plants. Our cells are made up of human proteins, but we don't eat our own kind. We eat plant and animal foods, the amino acids of which our body decomposes into components and, with the help of minerals, rearranges them into human ones. Otherwise, we would look like what we eat.

There are 28 amino acids, many of them are formed in the human body. Some amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body, so a person must obtain them from food. They are called indispensable. In the case when at least one essential amino acid is missing, the formation of proteins stops (the cause of diseases).

Many factors lead to amino acid deficiency, even if a person consumes a large amount of protein: infection, injury, stress, medication, the aging process, and indigestion. Therefore, biologically active supplements containing essential amino acids can be of great help in maintaining and restoring health.

Minerals rearrange amino acids into necessary for the body okay. IN human body only organic minerals should be present (inorganic minerals are poorly absorbed and deposited in the body).

In nature, organic minerals, assimilable human body are in the amino chelate form. They are formed by the processing by plants of inorganic minerals obtained from soils. Soil depletion leads to a lack of minerals in the body!

vitamins start the process of replacing minerals in amino acids, give energy to minerals for the rearrangement of amino acids. Vitamins are absorbed only in natural form.

Enzymes play the role of managers of all life processes in our body. They "disassemble" everything complex to simple. They take part in the digestion of food. Only in the presence of enzymes is energy extracted from food for life.

The body needs plant enzymes, since animal enzymes (for example, "Mezim forte") are addictive to the drug.

Enzymes start vitamins, vitamins are involved in a chemical reaction to rearrange amino acids with the help of minerals. Replacement in the matrix of amino acids of minerals leads to a change in the amino acid molecule itself. If there are no enzymes, then vitamins and minerals are practically ineffective.

Essential fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids form the basis of cell membranes (shell, more than 50%), providing the necessary permeability. Without a healthy membrane, cells lose their ability to retain water, amino acids, and other nutrients. The ability to transfer genetic information is lost. Also, essential fatty acids are extremely important for the functioning of the nervous system and brain.

So: 28 amino acids + 15 minerals +12 vitamins+ 7 groups of enzymes + 3 PUFAs (essential fatty acids). All this is a single chain that the cell needs every day.

All the nutrients we need to get from food, but there are a number of conditions. At a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids and enzymes are destroyed. Accordingly, more than 50% of food should be unprocessed.

When using preservatives(natural preservatives - salt, sugar, vinegar, lemon acid, and artificial ones - taste, smell, color enhancers, emulsifiers, E-additives) vitamins and enzymes are destroyed, even those that are already in the body. Also destructive to them. sunlight, oxygen and time (there are no vitamins and enzymes in the jam).

The only way out is to balance and optimize your diet.

It is important to understand that even if the cell is given all the necessary building material, little gets into the cell without water, which has certain properties, since the metabolic cellular processes are associated with the aquatic environment.


Water! Without it, life would cease to exist. It is the most important substance on earth.

If we are talking about water, then it is important for our health quantity And quality.

Quantity. A healthy person in normal climatic conditions need to drink pure water 30 ml per 1 kg of weight (on average - 1.5-2 liters per day). If a person goes in for sports, then the norm rises to 40 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the weather is hot outside, it is recommended to drink 50 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. If a person is sick, then the usual rate increases by 2 times - up to 60 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Quality. Your body needs proper water every day. Instead, we drink a variety of different drinks, such as sodas and lemonades, packaged juices, instant coffee, tea, pasteurized beer. Instead of saturating our body with water, these drinks lead to dehydration. Fereydun Batmanghelidj, MD, stated: "Chronic dehydration at the cellular level is the main cause of the development of degenerative diseases." (see the book by F.Batmanghelidj "Your body asks for more water")

In order for water to be assimilated and get into the cell, it must be correct - that is, water must have certain qualities.

What kind of water do we need?

According to the World Health Organization drinking water must satisfy 120 parameters. Let's consider the most important of them:

1. Water must be clean. It must not contain chlorine and its organic compounds, salts heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.

2. Structure. We need water with the right structure, carrying information about health and longevity.

All fluid in the body is structured. Only in this state is it able to penetrate the cell.

3. Mineralization. Water carries dissolved particles of various minerals and trace elements. Water with insufficient mineralization, "empty" leaches minerals and trace elements from our body. While mineral water with a high concentration of salts with constant use can lead to kidney stone disease. The water that the cage needs should be low-mineralized.

4. Surface tension (ST) is the permeability and solubility of water. The water you drink from the tap or bottled has a surface tension of up to 73 dynes/cm and is very different from the water that surrounds the tissues and cells of your body.

Water should be sufficiently “liquid”, easily digestible, have a PV comparable to that of the intracellular and intercellular fluid (43 dynes/cm). This facilitates the transport of nutrients into the cells and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. Only water with a low surface tension (43 dynes/cm) has the ability to penetrate the cell, bring all the nutrients and remove all waste from it.

5. pH - an indicator of acid-base balance, indicates the energy of hydrogen and the level of its activity in liquid media. Currently, the body of many people is in an acidic state (pH less than 7.0) due to malnutrition, stress and environmental pollution. The main fluids and foods we consume are acidic. For example, sugar, premium flour, carbon dioxide (carbonated drinks) have pH=3.

It is believed that an acidic environment is one of the main causes of cell destruction and tissue damage, the development of diseases and the aging process, and the growth of pathogens. In an acidic environment, building material does not reach the cells, the membrane is destroyed.

Therefore, in order to preserve and maintain health, we need alkaline water(pH=7.5 and above). This will help to better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, since the main living environments have a slightly alkaline reaction (blood pH is 7.43, when it drops to 7.1, death occurs).

Already in a neutral biological environment, the body can have an amazing ability to heal itself.

Read more about acid-base balance here: pH.

6. Redox potential (ORP). The main processes that ensure the vital activity of any organism are redox reactions, i.e. reactions involving the transfer or addition of electrons.

Its positive values ​​mean the course of the oxidation process and the absence of electrons. Negative ORP values ​​indicate the occurrence of the reduction process and the presence of electrons. Therefore, positively charged water is dead water, which takes energy from us to restore. Negatively charged water is alive and gives us energy! ORP of the internal environment of the body is negative.

Read more about the redox potential of water here: ORP of water.

In the video below you will see how the right water affects the condition of the blood.

From the above, one can conclusions and bring out Law of Health .


Feel your involvement in your health!


The article is taken from the project "Zone of Life" -

You hit! Perhaps you will be surprised!

Human health is the process of maintaining and developing its mental and physiological qualities, optimal performance and social activity with a maximum life expectancy.

In 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as follows: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

According to Academician Yu.P. Lisitsyn, "human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of diseases, malaise, discomfort, it is a state that allows a person to lead a life unrestricted in his freedom, to fully perform the functions inherent in a person, primarily labor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, i.e. with .experience mental, physical and social well-being."

What is the function of health? First of all, it provides a good adaptation of a person to changes in the environment, maintaining the optimal level of human activity in each specific period of ontogenesis through self-regulation, and thereby contributes to self-realization and personal development. And adaptation and self-regulation, in turn, maintain homeostasis. Health is not a homogeneous concept, it includes 6 components: physical, psycho-emotional, intellectual, social, personal and spiritual.

Under physical component the state of all organs and systems of the body, the level of its reserve capabilities and the presence (absence) of physical defects, chronic diseases and genetic diseases.

Under psycho-emotional component refers to the state of the human psyche, the presence or absence of neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as the ability of a person to express and control their emotions.

Intelligent Component responsible for the ability to assimilate and effectively use the necessary information.

Social component characterizes the relationship of a person as a male or female subject with society (a way of communicating with people).

Personal Component implies awareness of oneself as a person, ways of self-realization.

Spiritual Component is responsible for the formation of the main life goals, motives and value system of a person, thus ensuring the integrity of the individual, his development, his life in society, being the most important among other aspects.

In 1987, S. G. Salivon proposed to distinguish four categories of people: 1) practically healthy; 2) having risk factors; 3) being in a state of pre-illness (third state); 4) sick.

According to well-known domestic scientists Yu. P. Lisitsin, Yu. M. Komarov and numerous foreign authors, lifestyle shapes health and occupies approximately 50-55% of the specific factors that determine the health of the population.

Other factors directly affecting health include:

  • ecology (influence of the external environment) - 20-25%;
  • heredity - 20%;
  • healthcare - 10%.

There are others various models, where it is carefully shown bad influence certain factors on human health.

Life expectancy is clearly influenced by 2 factors: heredity and environment. To live long yourself, it is not necessary to be born in a family of long-livers, but still it’s not bad. People whose ancestors were distinguished by longevity, at any given age, have lower mortality rates. About 2000 diseases and defects are caused by heredity, including some forms of blindness and deafness, mental retardation, hemophilia and metabolic disorders.

As for the second factor - the environment around us, then we can control everything to a certain extent. We can try to change our environment so that the traits we have studied develop in a more favorable environment.

Healthy lifestyle

Health factors include: the absence of bad habits, rational nutrition, adequate physical activity, a healthy psychological climate at work and in the family, Attentive attitude to one's health, absence of harmful factors of production, good material and living conditions, sedentary lifestyle, good ecology, favorable climatic and natural conditions, healthy heredity, the absence of age and sex characteristics that contribute to the development of diseases, a high level of medical care.

Risk factors: harmful working and learning conditions, poor material and living conditions, migration processes, adverse climatic and natural conditions, environmental pollution, lack of need for a healthy lifestyle, unhealthy lifestyle ( bad habits, physical inactivity, malnutrition).

IN modern conditions life physical work is increasingly being replaced by activities that are characterized by high mental and emotional stress with little muscle. Along with neuro-psychic overvoltage produces a syndrome of hypokinesia (from the Greek hypo - reduction, kinesis - movement). The syndrome includes disproportionate development, overweight body, metabolic disorders, psycho-emotional disorders. The risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system increases.

One of the important ways to eliminate risk factors is the introduction of physical culture into the daily life of a person. However, physical culture lessons bring minimal benefit when creating a complex training system, taking into account age and gender characteristics, individual health, environmental factors, etc. Otherwise, the effectiveness of sports training can be sharply reduced, and instead of benefit, they can be harmful.

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