Medicinal properties of golden currant leaves. Currant leaf tea - health benefits and harms. Possible harm to currant leaves and contraindications

Currant fruits are extremely useful, moreover, they are tasty and fragrant. Currant is famous not only for its berries, but also for the beneficial properties of the leaves, which are sometimes forgotten.

Currant fruits are extremely useful, moreover, they are tasty and fragrant. Currant is famous not only for its berries, but also for the beneficial properties of the leaves, which are sometimes forgotten. They are known to have healing properties for the human body.

The currant was "discovered" by the Arabs. Rather, the name of this wonderful shrub. Historical annals they say that in the 700s, a plant, rhubarb, entered the diet of the Arabs. He, without stint, was put in all dishes. In 711, after the conquest of Spain, the Arabs did not find their favorite rhubarb "ribas" in the country, but they replaced it with a similar, sour berry with a similar taste and nicknamed it "ribes". It became official name berries.

To date, there are more than 150 varieties of wild plants, which differ in the color of the berries. They can be either black or red, the berry can be white, yellow and purple, orange and green.

An interesting fact - currant is " younger sister» gooseberries, as they have a common origin from the saxifrageous order of dicotyledonous flowering plants.

The benefits and harms of tea from currant leaves

The benefits of currant leaf tea are invaluable and are ensured by the content in copious amounts vitamin C, E, PP, as well as group B, phytoncides, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, organic acids, pectins, essential oils.

Drinking a cup of tea from currant leaves is a benefit for the body, as it can provide an obstacle to oncological diseases, diabetes, improve eyesight.

However, in illness circulatory system, you should be especially careful with the drink, as the above positive properties from currant leaf tea can turn around negative phenomena. The benefits and harms in this case from such a drink should be evaluated by a specialist or attending physician. We are talking about hematopoietic system. Yes, the drink can help normalize blood pressure, but you should not take risks for those who have problems with blood clotting. In other words, it is extremely dangerous for antihemophilic people to consume both the berry and the leaves in the composition of drinks.

Currant leaf tea helps to strengthen the body, increases resistance to inflammation, has a tonic and cleansing effect. Also, it tends to weaken the development of atherosclerosis, helps to restore the body after suffering surgical interventions. Currant leaves as a tea act as an antirheumatic and diuretic drug.

Scientists have proven that the benefits and harms of currant leaf tea are equally proportional.

The harm of tea from currant leaves is that it cannot be used for such dysfunctions as:

  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • currant allergy;
  • heart attack;
  • ulcer;
  • increased level of acidity of gastric secretion.

As for women in position, a drink using leaves will help normalize sleep, help strengthen the uterus. However, so that currant leaf tea does not harm during pregnancy, it is worth taking it in limited quantities.

How to make tea from currant leaves

The drink can be prepared both from dry leaves and from fresh ones. At the same time, you can add to the drink if you wish. different herbs, to taste, to improve healing properties tea.

So, how to brew tea from currant leaves? For example, currant leaf tea with mint is prepared from:

  • 7 leaves of young currant;
  • 7 sprigs of mint;
  • 5 g of tea leaves;
  • 5 g honey.

The leaves must be thoroughly washed, move all the ingredients between each other and lower into a thermos, filling everything with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 2 hours.

Tea from dried leaves is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of dried currant leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Infused for about 15 minutes. Tea can be brewed directly in the cup, if desired, add sugar.

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Bergamot is one of the most popular additives that adds astringency and extraordinary aroma to tea. This citrus hybrid has a rich composition useful substances, which, when brewed, are partially released into the drink.

A unique gift of nature - currant leaves. Medicinal properties are the subject of debate among representatives traditional medicine and traditional healers. Leaves are used for cooking various decoctions and infusions, effective cosmetics.

Useful properties of currant leaves

Teas and decoctions, which are prepared using currant leaves, will help improve a person's condition with various pathological processes. This is a treasure trove of nutrients. The composition of the leaves medicinal plant includes vitamins and minerals, essential oils, emulsin.

Useful properties of blackcurrant:

  • contributes to the removal excess fluid from the body due to a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • saturates the body necessary components with beriberi, iron deficiency anemia, asthenia;
  • renders positive impact on the body in diseases of the organs digestive tract, liver, kidneys;
  • removes oxalic and lactic acid, is used for gout, rheumatism;
  • tea can be drunk with pathologies of the skin;
  • strengthens the immune system, protects against pathogens of infectious and viral diseases.

Natural antioxidants (flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, catechins) prevent the formation free radicals that destroy healthy cells, promoting education malignant tumors in connective tissue.

The use of black and red currant leaves

Red currant is in no way inferior to black. Both of these can be used to prepare effective means throughout the year. In summer, decoctions and infusions are prepared from fresh leaves, in winter - from dried raw materials previously prepared or purchased at a pharmacy. Useful trace elements contained in the leaves of a medicinal plant are perfectly preserved when frozen or dried.

Currant leaf tea: recipes

Drinks from currant leaves conditionally can be divided into two categories: preventive and curative. The first group includes teas with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. palatability. Health drinks are the means in which high concentration useful substances. Their action is aimed at eliminating one or another symptomatology, improving the well-being of a person.

  • Vitamin. In equal proportions, mix currant leaves, lingonberry, raspberry, add a small amount of rosehip berries. 2 tbsp. pour tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water, leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Ready drink to drink once a day.
  • With St. John's wort. Grind currant leaves, add St. John's wort, pour boiling water. Take a glass of drink in the morning before meals. Tea is excellent for treating digestive problems.
  • With clover. Pour boiling water over the flowers of a medicinal plant and currant leaves, insist. The tool is used for anemia, exhaustion, beriberi. The drink has a diuretic effect, is a natural antiseptic.

Currant leaves and berries are beneficial for health. They help eliminate the symptoms of many ailments at home. Equally suitable for women, men and children. There are many recipes for preparing infusions and decoctions. Take them before meals 2-3 times a day, depending on the disease. With pathologies of the joints and cystitis, baths with currant leaves help. But folk remedies are not suitable for everyone, there is also harm to the body. For example, all types of recipes with currants are contraindicated for pregnant women.


Currant as a garden crop is common and popular. Bushes easily tolerate cold, regularly produce crops, do not require special care.

There are about a thousand varieties of culture. Varieties are late, mid-season and early. Berries and leaves are valued. Jam, compote, juices are prepared from the fruits, they are used in cooking, cosmetology, and the pharmaceutical industry.

    Currant leaves are used in traditional medicine to maintain health and beauty, as they contain the necessary chemical substances. The medicinal properties of the plant have long been studied, its benefits have been proven.

    Useful properties of leaves

    Currant leaves have an antioxidant property, so it is advised to drink 50 ml of decoction from a shrub daily in order to prevent influenza, SARS and acute respiratory infections.

    They are also rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium. These trace elements are involved in cell metabolism. Daily intake of blackcurrant berries helps with wound healing. For a day you need to eat about 20-25 fruits of the plant.

    After the operation, decoctions and teas prepared from the leaves are drunk. They affect the human body in the following ways:

    • purify the blood;
    • improve heart rate;
    • strengthen blood vessels;
    • normalize blood pressure;
    • improve blood composition;
    • increase vision;
    • improve the functioning of the renal system, liver;
    • beneficial effect on the digestive system;
    • improve skin condition;
    • inhibit the formation of wrinkles.


    Decoctions, teas, infusions, baths are prepared from the leaves. They are used for anemia, skin diseases, rashes, diathesis, prickly heat. Women use the plant as part of cleansing face masks, as well as when rinsing their hair. Foot baths with this component help men eliminate bad smell legs.

    Tea is prepared from currant leaves in spring and summer (before the onset of autumn cold weather) to strengthen the immune system. Parts of the plant are applied to the wounds, after crushing or squeezing the juice out of them.

    Currants are used in cooking. Young leaves of a garden bush are dried, crushed and added to fish, meat, and soup. Currant gives a spicy taste to vegetables when salted and pickled. Preference is given to black over red.

    If it was not possible to procure raw materials for medicines, dried leaves currants can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    Folk recipes

    The most popular recipes for folk remedies from currant leaves:

  1. 1. To strengthen the immune system. To make tea, you need 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials. The agent is added to the teapot. Take 1 tbsp. l. fermented tea without flavorings or green tea(without fermentation). Mix the mass and pour boiling water. insist tea drink about 20 minutes, covered with a thick material.
  2. 2. For coughs, colds, to reduce fever, as a diaphoretic. An infusion is prepared from 250 ml of boiling water, 5-6 currant leaves and 3-4 tablespoons fresh berries culture. Products are filled with water. The brewed mixture is infused for about 4 hours, wrapping the dishes. Drink half a cup twice a day before meals. Currant goes well with raspberry berries and leaves. They can also be added to the tool.
  3. 3. From a cold. Juice is squeezed out of the berries. Add 1 tsp to it. honey, mix well. Drink half a glass three times a day with meals.
  4. 4. For sore throat, sore throat, use currant juice to rinse oral cavity 3-4 times a day.
  5. 5. To normalize the pressure, use the following recipe. 30 g of dry crushed leaves are placed in 0.5 liters of boiling water. In the absence of an allergy to honey, you can add 1-2 tsp. sweet product. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times before meals.
  6. 6. Tincture will help with rheumatism, gout, because when it is used, oxalic acid and uric acid. For cooking, take 3 leaves of blackcurrant and brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the lid and leave for 2 hours. Strain the remedy and take 3-4 times a day. The same decoction can be drunk with pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis.
  7. 7. Phytoncides contained in currants have a detrimental effect on pathogens of staphylococcus, dysentery, microscopic fungi. To this end, you can drink the infusion according to the previous recipe, and also prepare it from the collection: elecampane (1 part), calamus, strawberry leaves (2 parts each), St. John's wort, currant grass, nettle (3 parts each), blueberries, fruits alder, thyme (4 parts each). After mixing all the components, you need to fill them with 0.5 l hot water and keep in a thermos for about half a day. Take three times a day before meals.
  8. 8. From cystitis. Take a bath, adding currant broth. Take about 0.5 kg of leaves and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Cooking for about 2-3 hours. Then pour the whole mixture into the bath. It is necessary to repeat the procedure daily until the symptoms disappear.
  9. 9. For diseases of the joints, baths with currant broth are effective. For 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves and dried mint.

Infusions and decoctions should not be stored for a long time, as they lose medicinal properties. It is better to cook them daily.


A feature of blackcurrant leaves is the presence of vitamin C, it is used as one of the best anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiseptic medicines. The leaves are used as a bactericidal agent.

Anemia is treated with a decoction, but tea should be used for colds, in preventive purposes drink in autumn and winter, in spring - this is one of the best vitamin medicines, it is part of herbal preparations.

Decoctions and infusions with blackcurrant leaves can be used both internally and externally. A decoction bath will help with skin diseases, this the best remedy with rash, diathesis, irritation. Outwardly, it is advised to combine blackcurrant leaves and a string, so you can quickly heal open wounds.

The leaves are used for culinary purposes, for this you need to dry them, grind them, then you can add them to fish, meat, soup. Also in conservation, marinades, for salting. It is important to use fresh leaves for preservation; young leaves from blackcurrant are suitable for pickling.

AT fresh leaves contains a large number of micro and macro elements, so it is advised to prepare decoctions from them, you can also use dry leaves.

medicinal prescriptions

1. To make tea with blackcurrant leaves, you will need - a tablespoon of the plant, you need to grind them first, add a teaspoon of tea, you can take black or green, you can not use tea with flavors. Mix teas and pour boiling water, 1 liter is enough. Leave for about 20 minutes. This way you can strengthen the immune system.

2. To prepare the infusion, you will need blackcurrant leaves, berries, brew all 250 ml of boiling water. The container is wrapped, insist about 4 hours. Drink 100 ml in the morning and evening. The drug will help cure coughs, colds, has antipyretic, diaphoretic action.

3. It is useful to use juice prepared from currants, be sure to add honey. Drink in the morning, afternoon and evening.

4. To get rid of sore throat, cure sore throat, it is recommended to use blackcurrant juice, they are advised to gargle as often as possible.

5. You can normalize blood pressure with this recipe. You need to take: 30 grams of dry leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water, you can add a little honey if there is no allergic reaction. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

6. A decoction of blackcurrant leaves can be cured, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. For cooking, you need to finely chop the leaves, pour boiling water, leave for about an hour in the warmth. Strain, drink up to 6 times a day.


Everything is forbidden medications receive at . It is impossible to abuse blackcurrant leaves, because of them blood clotting may increase.

You can not take a decoction based on blackcurrant if it is increased stomach acidity, at peptic ulcer, inflammatory process in duodenum. Berries in fresh useful for liver diseases, hepatitis.

AT in large numbers drugs should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, they lead to side effects, various allergic reactions.

So, from the leaves of blackcurrant, you can make a tea that strengthens the body. The leaves are healing agent, they contain tannin, essential oil, phytoncides, vitamins. It is recommended to use the drug for gastritis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and gout. This is one of the best antiseptic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic medicines. Improves metabolic processes, has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. Do not be ill!

It is difficult to imagine a suburban area where currants do not grow. Delicious, healthy, unpretentious in care and maintenance, she is a welcome guest on every table. It is interesting that tea is brewed not only on currant fruits, but also on foliage. Due to the most valuable properties, the drink is used in therapeutic and prophylactic therapy to combat serious pathological problems. In general, tea is also suitable for daily use, so it is worth considering its main characteristics.

The benefits of tea on currant leaves

  1. Accumulates in large quantities vitamin C, which acts as an immune stimulant and antioxidant. Tea with a systematic intake by an order of magnitude increases protective functions organism. It is easier for a person to endure seasonal colds, climate change, and viral attacks.
  2. The drink contains many bactericidal components that disinfect the oral cavity and all internal organs. Thanks to this, bad breath disappears, stomatitis is treated, and gums are strengthened. For the stomach, tea is useful in that it improves the condition of ulcers and gastritis.
  3. It is used to improve the condition of the blood, as it cleanses it and promotes the production of new blood cells. The drink is effective in atherosclerosis due to its peculiarity to eliminate cholesterol plaques. It is also recommended to consume for the treatment of joint pain.
  4. The leaves contain phytoncides, which have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to this, the fight against viruses is carried out, tea on currant raw materials is used for the prevention and treatment of colds.
  5. Elderly people are prescribed a drink to improve visual acuity, prevent atherosclerosis, cleanse the blood, and stimulate brain neurons. Due to the slight expansion of blood vessels, blood pressure indicators are reduced, hypertension is treated.
  6. A drink is used to enhance the action of antibiotics and other medicines. Therefore, when long-term treatment it is necessary to introduce currant tea into the menu without fail.
  7. Often, all pharmacy combined teas include currant leaves. Therefore, it makes sense to switch to such a drink if you have diseases associated with the kidneys and genitourinary system. Tea prevents the formation of stones and sand in the cavity of the internal organs.
  8. A drink on the leaves of a currant bush is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases associated with hematopoietic processes. Also tea treats perspiration and sore throat, respiratory infections, flu, helps with sore throat.
  9. Foliage is steamed to overcome coli and stool disorder. Vitamin tea works better when combined with blueberry and cherry leaves. traditional healers use a drink to reduce the symptoms of tuberculosis, general malaise, asthma.

Who is shown taking tea

Although the drink has most valuable properties for all categories of persons, it is revealed to the maximum in the following diseases:

  • flu;
  • angina (in particular with purulent lesions);
  • SARS;
  • low immunity by nature;
  • loss of food cravings
  • hypertonic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding;
  • slowing down metabolic processes;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the kidneys.

Fermentation of currant leaves for tea

  1. Some confuse drying with fermentation, but the latter is carried out on the principle of drying. To this end, the collected raw materials are left in the shade, but warm, for a while. The duration of fermentation varies from 12 to 15 hours. Readiness is determined in the middle of the sheet, the center acquires elasticity and does not crumble.
  2. Next, the prepared raw material must be squeezed. The juice is squeezed out of the foliage in the amount that you can get. It is from this step that the taste of the final tea depends. For this purpose, the foliage must be chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder.
  3. The next step is the fermentation process at 26-28 degrees. Fold the prepared foliage into a container and cover with a moistened gauze cloth. Spot 5.5-6 hours, start from the aroma. The finished raw material smells of fruit, but in no case should it be musty or moldy.
  4. When the specified period of time comes to an end, it is necessary to dry the final raw material in an ajar oven at 100 degrees. Leaves should dry to the state you would normally brew tea. Next, it must be cooled and transferred to an airtight container.

  1. In addition to the benefits of the drink, it is worth considering its reverse side. First of all, individual intolerance should not be ruled out. This feature of the body can play with you bad joke. If you do not know if you are allergic to berries, you should be extremely careful.
  2. Start taking the drink in small amounts. This way you can make sure you have allergic reaction on the components. Do not forget that currant tea is a medicine, so the intake of a drink per day should be strictly limited.
  3. It is worth completely abandoning tea in diseases of hepatitis, thrombophlebitis, hyperacidity stomach and increased blood clotting. In addition, special care should be taken to the representatives of the weaker sex during the bearing of the baby. The doctor himself must establish the prescribed norm.
  4. It is forbidden to include raspberry tea in the diet during pregnancy up to 37 weeks. Otherwise, you risk provoking premature birth or a miscarriage. If tea is taken wisely and only after agreement with the doctor, then you can forget what toxicosis, insomnia and weak immunity. The walls of the uterus are also strengthened.

Currant Leaf Tea Recipes

It is enough to familiarize yourself with simple recommendations to complete your tea collection unique recipes. This drink is quite easy to prepare. The taste and aroma of summer tea will not leave you indifferent. Both fresh and frozen, as well as dried leaves, are quite suitable as a feedstock.

If desired, the raw materials can be finely chopped or steamed in their original form. Don't worry, it won't affect the taste. Leaves are recommended to be collected in the spring at the time of flowering of the plant. If you do not have time, the procedure can be carried out in June. Try to collect in dry weather after leaving morning dew. Pluck only healthy leaves of rich green color.

Classic currant tea

  1. This type of tea brewing is considered the easiest. Just pour 300 ml. steep boiling water 20 gr. raw materials. Infuse the drink in the teapot for 15 minutes. Strain the tea and enjoy. If you want to sweeten the drink, it is recommended to add a small amount of honey.
  2. To complement the taste and aroma of a hot drink, currant twigs and berries should be steamed along with leaves. As soon as the allotted time for brewing has passed, mash the fruits. Thus, you will get fragrant, tasty and healthy tea. Significantly enhanced healing effect drink.
  3. In addition to an independent recipe, currant leaves can be safely brewed with black or green tea. To prepare such an unusual drink, take 5 gr. tea leaves and 10 gr. currant. Brew the ingredients in a French press. Wait 15 minutes.

Currant tea with mint

  1. This combination of components allows you to make the drink soothing and tonic. Regular intake of tea will help get rid of insomnia. Also, you can fully cleanse the body of slagging and decay products.
  2. To prepare the drink, you will need black tea leaves, mint, currant and lemon balm. For this, proportions must be observed. Take 2 parts of currant leaves, 1 part of mint, the same amount of lemon balm and 0.5 parts of black tea.
  3. It is recommended to prepare the mixture in advance for the future, so as not to engage in similar later. Store the workpiece in a glass airtight dry container. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials in 300 ml. steep boil. Insist a quarter of an hour. Enjoy.

Currant leaf tea is considered excellent folk remedy in the fight against various diseases. With the help of the drink, you can also strengthen the protective functions of the body and get rid of insomnia. Consider contraindications before including the product in your daily diet.

Video: currant leaf fermentation

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