How to lower male hormones in the body. How to reduce female hormones in the male body. Yoga to lower testosterone in women

Testosterone is considered a typical male hormone. However, it is also produced in the female body, being a precursor of estrogen, just 10 times less of it.

Functions of testosterone in the female body

  • growth and formation of muscle fibers, bone tissue;
  • regulation of the balance of the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue;
  • sexual desire;
  • function regulation sebaceous glands;
  • growth of hair follicles;
  • participation in the formation of follicles in the ovaries as a precursor of estrogens.

Signs of high testosterone in women

  • hair growth in places atypical for a woman - legs, face, back and phalanges of the fingers;
  • hair on the head may grow less intensively up to baldness;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to acne;
  • increased growth muscle tissue and a gradual decrease in body fat lead to a change in figure according to male type;
  • the formation of the follicle is disrupted and the possibility of conception decreases, infertility develops;
  • in cases of a significant increase in this hormone, the menstrual cycle changes, up to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Causes of high testosterone in women

In women under 40 years of age, an increase in testosterone levels can develop due to a number of diseases: the hormone increases with reducing tumors of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland or ovaries. There is a genetic predisposition to elevated levels of this hormone. However, functional causes are more common:

  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • stress;
  • passion for sun tanning;
  • excessive consumption of foods high content artificial sugar;
  • strength training while taking anabolic steroids, as well as professional sports (weightlifting).

Often, elevated testosterone levels occur in neurological patients taking barbiturates or in patients with arterial hypertension who are on clomiphene treatment.

How to lower testosterone in a woman

Before lowering the level of this hormone, it is necessary to find out the cause of the hormonal failure of the body. For this, blood testosterone is determined on the 7th day of the cycle and examined by an endocrinologist. If necessary, carry out additional research to determine the condition of the ovaries, pituitary and adrenal glands (ultrasound, MRI). If the presence of hormone-producing tumors is not confirmed, they begin to reduce the hormone with medications or alternative methods.

First of all, they put in order the diet and adjust the composition of the products used:

  • With increased testosterone, women are recommended to eat protein foods (meat, fish, chicken).
  • AT diet necessarily include dairy products (cottage cheese, full-fat milk, cream).
  • It is better to refuse a vegetarian diet.
  • Should not be allowed long breaks between meals, as a decrease in glucose levels and, accordingly, insulin in the blood increases testosterone production. The optimal break is 3-4 hours.
  • Some products contain free testosterone- eggs, legumes, garlic, hazelnuts and almonds. They need to be excluded from the diet.
  • Sweet foods must be present in the diet, but those that contain natural sugars (fructose). These are dates, sweet fruits, honey.
  • Reduce testosterone levels in women will help products containing low molecular weight sugars - potatoes, White bread, cereals (especially oatmeal). Eating natural sugars stimulates the production of estrogen and insulin.

The normal content of these hormones leads to a natural decrease in testosterone in women.

Folk remedies to reduce testosterone in women

After correcting the diet and diet, you can begin to adjust the level of testosterone with the help of folk remedies:

  • Freshly squeezed celery and carrot juice. Taken on an empty stomach, one glass a day. It is better to alternate juices, for example, one day - celery, the second day - carrot juice. It must be taken into account that long-term use carrot juice can lead to yellowness of the skin and sclera, so it is better to take courses for no more than two weeks.
  • Tea with the addition of licorice root. A pinch of crushed licorice root is added to regular tea before bed.
  • Infusion of flax seeds. A tablespoon of flax seeds is poured with half a glass of boiling water. The infusion is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Peppermint infusion. Pour a tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and soak for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink no more than two glasses of this infusion per day, since mint has a sedative effect.
  • Oatmeal jelly. Natural oat grains (not ready-made processed flakes) need to be poured into a glass cold water and leave overnight to swell. Then cook over low heat for an hour and a half, periodically adding water. After that, you need to strain the oats, rub it through a sieve, add the pureed mass to the broth and mix. Such jelly can be consumed three glasses a day.

In addition to folk remedies, yoga and acupuncture are recommended to reduce testosterone levels in women. If the effect of non-drug therapy is not achieved, hormonal treatment is indicated.

The male hormone - testosterone is produced in small quantities, synthesized in the ovaries and adrenal cortex. Its excess leads to the appearance of hair on the face and body, acne, alopecia, changes in figure, disruption of the reproductive system, and infertility.

Hyperandrogenism is treated with medications, special diet, lifestyle changes, folk therapy and weight loss.

Proper nutrition with high testosterone

It is possible to reduce the increased male hormone in women by following a diet. To reduce the production of testosterone, it is recommended to eat sweets. This causes an increased synthesis of insulin, the pancreatic hormone suppresses the production, turns them into estrogens.

Unfortunately, a large number of carbohydrates negatively affects the condition of a woman’s figure, is rapidly gaining excess weight. To prevent obesity and control the level of the male hormone, sweets should be consumed in the form of fruits (dates, bananas, raisins, grapes) and natural honey.

Helps fight hyperandrogenism unripe oats and others cereal crops. useful for breakfast oatmeal with honey and fruits butter. This dish contains complex carbohydrates, which are broken down in the intestines for a long time, normalize the balance of hormones and provide a woman with energy for a long period.

While cooking vegetable oil it is better to replace with flaxseed, pumpkin or olive. Add basil to salads. This seasoning has pronounced antiandrogenic properties.

Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) normalize metabolic processes, stimulate the production of insulin, which transforms the male hormone into a female one. Antiandrogens convert active testosterone in , reducing . Preparations of this group (Androcur, Byzanne) help to normalize the menstrual cycle, treat endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility.

To lower the level of the male hormone, non-steroidal antiandrogenic drugs (Flutamide, Flutafarm Femina) can also be prescribed. The tablets do not have agonist properties with respect to glucocorticoid, estrogen, progestin and mineralcorticoid receptors; they block androgen receptors of target cells in the prostate gland in men, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the brain, and the ovaries in women.

Besides, medicines inhibit the effect of endogenous testosterone on the ovaries, thereby reducing the manifestations of hyperandrogenism, treatment of PCOS, infertility, hirsutism, infertility.


You can reduce the elevated levels of male hormones in women through lifestyle changes. Should be abandoned bad habits, drinking alcohol. It is necessary to observe the regime of the day, regularly engage in moderate physical activity.

But you can’t choose power sports, since intensive training, on the contrary, leads to an increase in testosterone in the blood. It is useful to visit the pool, fitness, yoga, Pilates. To relieve stress and irritation, it is useful to do acupuncture, reflexology.

For effective reduction levels of the male hormone, you need to eat right, provide a complete night rest. Sleep should last at least 6-8 hours. Women need to control body weight, to prevent the development of obesity. By making lifestyle changes, you can maintain normal level androgens without medication.

Nutritional supplements

To reduce high level male hormone testosterone in women, in combination with the main treatment, natural nutritional supplements. Dindolimane is made from extracts of broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage.

The active ingredients allow you to maintain a normal balance of hormones. The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician, since improper administration of the drug can backfire, testosterone, on the contrary, will increase, provoke the growth of cancer cells.

Good therapeutic effect with hyperandrogenism in women, calcium gluconate is taken in combination with vitamin D. Soy isoflavones from Vivasan act as natural female hormones have antiandrogenic properties.

Folk remedies for hyperandrogenism

Application medicinal herbs and folk recipes contributes to the normalization hormonal background, while the production of female hormones estrogen increases, binds, turning into not active form.

Treatment folk remedies does not cause development side effects, reduces the level of male hormones, the concentration of sugar in the blood, prevents the development, improves the utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues.

Recipes to reduce the male hormone in women:

  • Peppermint has anti-androgenic properties. It is useful to add it to tea, prepare a refreshing drink (1 tablespoon of herbs per glass of boiling water). Enough 2 cups of mint decoction per day to improve well-being, normalize the balance of hormones, reduce testosterone production in women.
  • One of the most effective means treatment for hyperandrogenism is licorice root. It is brewed together with tea, the crushed powder is added to ready-made dishes in the form of a spice.
  • Peony evasive is used to treat hormonal disorders in women, effective for progesterone deficiency. A tincture is made from the plant: they take 2 tablespoons of a dry plant, pour 0.3 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days. You need to drink a medicine to reduce testosterone at the rate of 1 drop per kilogram of body weight. The course of treatment is at least 1 month. Such a tool helps to lower the male hormone, normalize the menstrual cycle,.

  • Wheat germ oil contains phytosterols, which are precursors of female sex hormones. Polyunsaturated fatty acid, which the product contains, normalize metabolism, prevent postponing subcutaneous fat. You need to take 1 teaspoon of oil daily on an empty stomach.
  • Male root (Pallas spurge) contains phytoandrogens, normalizes the balance of the male hormone testosterone, helps in the treatment, fibrocystic mastopathy, in disorders menstrual cycle, female infertility.
  • Unripe oats block the active form of the testosterone hormone in a woman's body, reduce the level bad cholesterol improves the appearance of the skin. The decoction is prepared from 1 liter of boiling water and a glass of oats (you can buy it in the department for diabetics). The ingredients are insisted for 7-8 hours, then filtered and drunk 3 times a day, 100 ml each.

Treatment of hyperandrogenism with folk remedies can be carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist. It is important to constantly monitor the level of male hormones in the blood, adhere to healthy lifestyle life, eat right.

Normalization of testosterone levels allows women to get rid of hair on the face and body, the appearance of acne, oily skin and hair, normalize the menstrual cycle, treat polycystic ovaries, and infertility.

Pregnancy does not occur at all and increases the risk of developing malignant diseases of the genital organs.

Androgens- collective collective name of the group steroid hormones produced by the sex glands (testicles in men and ovaries in women) and the adrenal cortex and having the ability to cause in certain concentrations androgenesis, virilization of the body - the development of male secondary sexual characteristics - in both sexes. Androgens include testosterone, 17-OH-progesterone (aka oxyprogesterone ), DHEA-sulfa t.

If, then a high level of 17-hydrox progesterone (17-OP) and / or dehydroepiandrosterone (DEAS) is found in the blood. If these hormones or at least one of them are elevated, this means that there is genetically transmissible diseaseadrenogenital syndrome(AGS). However, the severity of this disease varies greatly from mild, erased forms to very severe, in which the question of pregnancy practically does not arise.

The source of androgens can be the ovaries in a disease called - polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). With this disease, a high level of testosterone is noted, and infertility is characteristic of women with this pathology.

Plant antiandrogens act tens, or maybe hundreds of times weaker than synthetic analogues. But, the main thing is that they act, and in successful combinations they have a healing and good effect. cosmetic effect.

The strongest impact vegetable matter Saw palmetto , and its combination with zinc and vitamin B6 acts truly miraculously, and is somewhat akin to a synthetic hormone. And certainly without their unpleasant side effects. The course of treatment is always from 6 months onwards.

Plant antiandrogens

Saw Palmetto (or creeping saw palmetto, dwarf palm, with palmetto, sabal, saw palmetto) Most often, dwarf palm extract can be found in preparations for the treatment of prostate adenoma - they are basically based on it and are made. "Prostamol Uno", "Saw Palmetto" (NSP, Neways), "Permixon", "Likoprofit".

It is believed that with polycystic is optimal daily dose 160 mg. Such is it, for example, in Saw Palmetto from Cevan International or in two capsules of the inexpensive ProstaSabal. But in severe cases, at the beginning of treatment, the dosage can reach up to 320 mg. - for women.

Based on the dwarf palm, the drug " Rinfoltil» for the treatment of alopecia. The dwarf palm extract has anti-androgenic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective properties. Initially used exclusively in the treatment of male problems. Then, apparently, the female patients realized that the problem with prostate adenoma and polycystic disease is the same for everyone - the activity of 5a-reductase and aromatase enzymes, which contribute to the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. changes hormonal balance in the blood does not cause, does not affect the hypothalamic-pituitary system. For women, this supplement is best taken from day 14 (with a 28 day cycle), i.e. in the second phase of the cycle and before the onset of menstruation. It is during this period that an increase in the amount of androgens in the blood is observed. A nice bonus for women - serenoa leads to an increase, more precisely to the development of the breast.

Cimicifuga(or black cohosh, Black cohosh) C-Ex (NSP), Estrovel, Female lunar cycle"(Yogi Tea), "Cimicifuga-Homaccord", "Black cohosh racemose" (SFP), "Altera Plus" (Altera), "PerFem Forte / PerFem Forte (Santegra) and others. Cimicifuga extract is the most popular substitute for hormone therapy in Europe for women after the onset of menopause. But studies show that girls suffering from hirsutism and hair loss will also benefit from it. The antiandrogenic effect is quite strong.

Prutnyak(Sacred Vitex, Abraham's Tree, Berry of Purity) Cyclodinon, Agnukaston, Mastodinon, Chasteberry Plus. Take for a long time, morning and evening.

Influences the hypothalamic-pituitary system female body. Eliminates the imbalance between luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, prolactin and progesterone. Orders the second phase of the menstrual cycle, during which, basically, there is an increase in the level of androgens. regulates the cycle.

Angelica(Angelica, Angelica Grass, Angelica Grass, Women's Ginseng, Dong Quai) Angelica (available in pharmacies), "Women's Lunar Cycle" (Yogi Tea), " Angelica Chinese / Dong Quai" (NOW Foods), "Altera Plus" (Altera), "VAG" (ARGO, "Nutricare Int."), etc.

Angelica is traditional Chinese traditional medicine grass and has been used for more than one hundred years. Helps with most gynecological disorders associated with the endocrine system.

It can be used for a very long time, however, little by little, because it has a rather strong effect and is unpleasant in taste.

It normalizes both hormonal imbalance and the work of the liver to remove excess hormones from the body.

evening primrose oil(Evening Primrose Oil, Primrose Oil) Beauty Natural (AD Medicine), Evening Primrose Oil (Tiens), Femiglandin, etc. Contains unsaturated fatty acids and gamma-linoleic acid. They are necessary for the production and metabolism of prostaglandins - "mediators of ovulation". Evening primrose oil normalizes the menstrual cycle and has a wonderful cosmetic effect. For the unhealthy skin and hair of girls suffering from polycystic primrose is ideal.

Soy Isoflavones Soy Isoflavone ( liquid extract), "Phyto-40 with Soy Isoflavones" (all Vivasan), "Altera Plus" (Altera), PerFem Forte / PerFem Forte (Santegra), "Doppelherz Active Menopause", etc.

The most famous phytoestrogen. The days of attacks on it by doctors ended as soon as its action was fully revealed by scientists. It turns out that getting into the female body, isoflavone reduces the level of estrogen if it is elevated, and increases if it is lowered, and most importantly, in any case, it lowers testosterone. For women - one of the most suitable antiandrogens.

Liquorice root

Liquorice root and "Solodka" ( effervescent tablets), "Milona No. 5 for women", "VAG" (ARGO, "Nutricare Int."). Licorice should not be drunk for more than 6 weeks continuously, you should give the body a break from it. Licorice is a well-known adaptogen and antioxidant. It has an antibacterial, anti-viral, soothing effect. It lowers cholesterol and lowers blood pressure, and glycyrrhizic acid, located in the root of licorice, is similar in its action to the hormone cortisol.

And the great thing is that licorice lowers the production of testosterone well, and, therefore, helps in the treatment of polycystic disease. Clinical researches showed that, together with peony, it gives faster and more stable antiandrogenic results.

Peony evasive ( Maryin root) Peony roots

"Milona No. 5 for women", etc. Peony- female weed, has long been used by herbalists in the treatment of mastopathy, fibroids and other diseases caused by hormonal failure. Foreign studies show that peony has antiandrogenic properties, although to a large extent when taken together with licorice root.

To enhance the action, you can brew in half with milk thistle. Latest Research show that even two cups of mint infusion a day can significantly reduce levels of harmful androgens.

Cameroon (African) plum extract "Likoprofit", "Trianol", etc. More suitable for men, although the substance is harmless for women.

Extract nettle liquid. Its extract also has the ability to block 5-alpha reductase without lowering testosterone. Available facility, besides with good cosmetic effect.


"Zinkit", "Zincteral", pumpkin seeds, "Tykveol" A strong antiandrogen. Blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Extremely effective in large doses and together with vitamin B6.

Green tea polyphenols

"Inneov", "Green Tea Extract" from Evalar, regular green tea Reduces the production of DHT. Drink in large quantities.

Linoleic acid (also gamma-linoleic) "Tykveol", blackcurrant oil, hibiscus tea, linseed, "Conjugated Linoleic Acid CLA" (NOW Foods), "Vitamin F" Powerful inhibitor of DHT. Gamma-linoleic organism is able to synthesize from linoleic acid.


Oats for sprouting, oats for brewing (in the departments for diabetics). Infusion drink 2-3 times a day. It is believed that oats increase testosterone, but the production of DHT, however, decreases. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Stevia (honey herb)

Stevia is available in pharmacies, departments for diabetics, as an additive in ready-made collections. Natural sugar substitute. In Japan, up to 40 percent of sweets are already produced on its basis. Sweeter than sugar dozens, maybe hundreds of times. Does not affect the production of insulin. Proven antiandrogenic activity.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid, ascorutin, etc. Antiandrogenic effect is not pronounced, but it is. It is especially recommended from 16 to 26 days of the cycle.

Phytosterols (particularly beta-sitosterol) Sesame seeds and pumpkin Sesame oil, cedar, linseed, oil grape seeds, preparations "Sitosan", "BETA 300", " Amaranth oil» Inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. They lower cholesterol levels, slow down hair loss associated with an excess of androgens. Immunomodulators.

Vitamin B6

"Neuromultivit", brewer's yeast, "Vumenlife" (Leovit), "Magne B", "VAG" (ARGO, "Nutricare Int."), "Doppelgerz Active Ginkgo Biloba + B1 + B2 + B6" Antiandrogen, acts alone , but it can cause deficiency of other vitamins. Therefore, drink in combination


(Epilobi Herba), aka Ivan tea Fireweed is sold in pharmacies. Herbalists claim that fireweed can even cure cancer prostate. And as I said above, such men's problems and female polycystic ovaries have the same hormonal cause. Drink instead of tea to keep androgen levels low.


(or shamballa) Search in departments Indian spices and any Ayurvedic medicines. Phyto-estrogen, action is similar to soy isoflavone.

milk thistle

(milk thistle, variegated thistle) Milk thistle meal, milk thistle oil. To enhance the action and improve the taste, you can brew in half with mint. It has a hormone-balancing effect. Silymarin in its composition cleanses the liver of toxins and excess hormones.

dandelion roots

Dandelion Roots, Esobel, Dandelion Root Extract, Anavita, Hepatocholan, Skin tablets from Leovit Cleanses the liver of excess hormones, balancing testosterone levels. Clears the skin!

Galega (goat's rue) Goat's rue or, in other words, galega, is in many pharmacies. A unique herb that contains substances - biguanidides, which normalize blood sugar levels. Known drug Metformin belongs to the same biguanides. Therefore, we completely replace it with Galega infusion.

Euphorbia Pallas

(man-root) More effective in the form of a tincture, but the infusion also works well. Euphorbia Pallas normalizes the balance of female and male hormones. Powerful immunomodulator.

It is a hormone that can be present in both male and female bodies. The main place of production of this hormone in men is the testicles, and in women - the ovaries. In addition, in both men and women, testosterone production occurs in an organ such as the adrenal glands.

In some cases, such a hormone is produced in the body in increased amount which may lead to the development unpleasant consequences. In such a situation, it is important to know how to reduce testosterone levels in men and women, and what indicators are considered normal.

Causes of an increase in the hormone in men

Any hormone present in the human body performs certain functions in it. AT male body testosterone is responsible for correct formation skeleton muscle mass and also controls erection and fertility. An increase in such a hormone in the representatives of the stronger sex can occur under the influence of various factors.

With an increase in such a hormone in men, experts talk about such a pathology as hyperandrogenism. Among their diversity, the most common are malnutrition and malnutrition, as well as sleep disturbance. In addition, the level of testosterone in the male body can change with an irregular sexual life.The main place of testosterone production in the human body is the gonads and the adrenal cortex, so any deviations from the norm indicate pathological conditions of such organs.

Allocate the following pathologies, which can provoke an increase in testosterone in the body of men:

  • the appearance of neoplasms different nature, the localization of which are the testicles and adrenal glands
  • high physical exercise on the body
  • congenital dysfunction or hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex
  • androgen resistance
  • early puberty
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome
  • Reifenstein syndrome

Diseases and inflammation of the sebaceous glands can provoke an increase in testosterone in the body of men. In addition, the reason for this pathological condition can be frequent change mood and hair loss.

The increased content of testosterone in men leads to the fact that pathologies often develop. of cardio-vascular system. Besides, high concentration such a hormone often becomes the cause and bad sleep throughout the night.

Causes of an increase in the hormone in women

Hyperandrogenism is a disorder associated with an increase in male sex hormones in the female body.

Similar problems in the female body can signal the development of a serious illness, can also occur during pregnancy, with malnutrition or alcohol abuse. An increase in male hormones in women is accompanied by a number of external and internal unpleasant signs, as well as the occurrence of health problems. The level of testosterone hormone in a woman should be much lower than in a man. Such a hormone in the female body is produced in the ovaries and adrenal cortex. Normally, testosterone in the female body is responsible for normal work sebaceous glands, tissue density and skeletal structure, causes sexual attraction to opposite sex. How to reduce male hormones in women, read further in the article.

Why is it important to reduce male hormones in women?

With an increase in the proportion of the male hormone, a woman has a number of problems, such as:

increased hair growth of uncharacteristic parts of the body, on the contrary, male-type bald spots may appear on the head;

in adolescence- the appearance of male outlines of the skeleton (broad shoulders, narrow hips);

acne as a symptom of an increase in the proportion of the male hormone;

enlarged clitoris;

disturbed menstrual cycle, inability to conceive and bear a child.

Such a situation may arise when genetic predisposition, in increased work of the adrenal glands and even during pregnancy. It is necessary to reduce male hormones in women at the risk of hyperandrogenism. The disease is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation and can lead to ovarian tumors.

Diagnosis of male hormones in women

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out only by a doctor and includes a systematic examination of the body. You should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist, he will appoint you necessary tests blood testosterone levels, pituitary hormone levels and thyroid gland, as well as a complex analysis for the presence of an extra chromosome. Since elevated levels of male hormones can be caused by different types tumors, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the pelvis. A timely decrease in the male hormone in a woman's blood will reduce the risk of developing tumors and their further surgical removal. Do not try to diagnose yourself, because increased testosterone can be caused by both pregnancy and national heredity. A decrease in the male hormone in a woman will be directed, first of all, to recovery reproductive function, and only then for recovery normal functioning female body.

Consulting a doctor will help you decide how to reduce male hormones in women. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a course hormonal drugs aimed at reducing and normalizing testosterone levels. Among them, the most popular are cyproterone, dexamethasone, diethylstilbestrol, digostine and digitalis in combination with glucose and glucocorticosteroids. It is important to remember that hormonal preparations have a number of side effects and contraindications, which the doctor will be able to warn you about and select a course designed specifically for you, taking into account your wishes and preferences.

How to reduce male hormones in women at home?

Help in reducing male hormones in a woman can use specific products. The diet should include white bread, fried foods, vegetable oil, honey, sugar, cream, natural juices. Do not be afraid to drink coffee and use salt in dishes, because. these substances help to reduce testosterone.

In addition to taking hormonal drugs, yoga can help reduce male hormones in women. Exercise will help the body cleanse itself of toxins, improve blood circulation, and recover from illness. Achieving harmony by a woman helps to restore hormonal imbalance, bring spiritual and physical state back to normal.

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