Should I be worried if a child grinds his teeth in his sleep? Is bruxism dangerous? What is bruxism in children? Why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep

The condition in which a person's teeth clench involuntarily and grinding occurs is known medically as bruxism. What is it - a bad habit or a sign of some kind of malfunction in the body?

Although this phenomenon does not pose a mortal danger, it causes a lot of trouble to a person. Such uncontrolled chewing movements, which most often occur during nocturnal sleep, create increased loads on the temporomandibular joint. As a result, enamel is damaged, teeth are erased and loosened. Besides, night creak teeth negatively affects muscles, joints, emotional condition person, and simply interferes with the sleep of others.

Symptoms are aggravated by stressful situations, hard work. Most often this disease affects children, but it also occurs in adults. Both men and women are equally susceptible to the disease. Bruxism can occur at any age. The causes and treatment of this phenomenon are described in this article.

Causes of the disease

According to psychologists, stress, neurosis, depression can provoke the onset of the disease. In this state, a person's facial and temporomandibular muscles are tense, teeth are strongly compressed. During the day, the pathology is still manageable, and in a dream it manifests itself as a gnashing of teeth. Under stress, this phenomenon is periodic. With neurosis, which are the result of prolonged nervous tension, bruxism in adults is more often and more painful. The cause and treatment in this case is obvious. You need to stabilize the person.

Bruxism in adults may indicate the presence of complexes at a subconscious level. Perhaps a person cannot decide something in life, and this becomes a cause of anger, internal stress. It is possible that this problem is the result of repressed aggression. well-mannered man does not allow himself to throw out emotions, drives problems inside, which finds a way out during sleep and is manifested by a nightly rattle.

Bruxism can be observed in a person who suffers from sleepwalking, sleep apnea, it happens that the patient is simply tormented by nightmares. Squeaking teeth can be accompanied by serious malfunctions of the nervous system.

Dental problems such as uncomfortable dentures or braces are of poor quality installed seals, can also provoke the development of a disease such as bruxism in adults. The cause and treatment in this case are determined by the dentist.

A tumor or brain injury, vitamin deficiency, the presence of bad habits, passion for antidepressants, sleeping pills, hereditary factors also play an important role.

Signs of the disease

The most common symptom of bruxism is grinding your teeth in your sleep. This lasts for a few seconds or minutes, and may repeat several times during the night. The attack starts suddenly. The disease may be accompanied by anxiety and tension, malnutrition, insomnia, irritability. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by stress and depression.

In addition, a person suffering from bruxism may experience headaches, ear pain, increased sensitivity and cracking of the teeth, pain in facial muscles ah and jaw joints.


To deal with such a problem, it is necessary first of all to see a dentist. Based on the patient's complaints and examination of the teeth, a diagnosis is made - "bruxism". The causes and treatment of this pathology are interrelated.

It may be necessary to conduct a polysomnographic study, with the help of which it is possible to fix a spasm of the masticatory muscles of a sleeping person to rule out epilepsy as the cause of the spasm.


With a disease such as bruxism, it is difficult to establish the causes, and therefore get rid of it. unpleasant phenomenon quite problematic, but still real. The main goal of treating nighttime teeth grinding is relaxation. chewing muscles.

Bruxism in children often resolves on its own. Adults need to give Special attention treatment. It will be more successful if the problem is detected early.

The patient needs to unlearn the habit and creak with them during nervous tension, in a state of excitement, control their chewing movements. Positive effect provides psychotherapy, which helps to identify and understand the conflict, teaches to cope with everyday difficulties. To get rid of stress, it is recommended to walk a lot before going to bed, read books, listen to relaxing music. You can take which are sold in a pharmacy, it is permissible to prepare them yourself. To reduce the convulsive activity of the muscles during sleep, it is recommended to take drugs that contain calcium, magnesium and B vitamins.

The most effective treatments

These methods include the use of a mouthguard, which is selected individually and prevents the erasure of tooth enamel. In severe cases, the use of plastic splints is recommended - special overlays for teeth that prevent damage to them. These devices help reduce activity.

Protractors are successfully used for such a disease as bruxism. device in the form of two pads on the teeth, on springs. And they use it mainly to get rid of snoring, but it also copes well with such a problem as grinding teeth in a dream. With the help of such a device, the jaw and tongue are supported in the extended state, which helps to facilitate breathing. Botox is sometimes used to treat bruxism.

Kappa for bruxism

Nocturnal bruxism, unlike daytime bruxism, is uncontrollable. In this case, special night guards are used for treatment. The device is worn on the teeth before going to bed, which protects them from abrasion.

Kappa is made according to individual sizes. During a night attack, all the pressure falls on this device, which allows you to save tooth enamel, protect orthopedic constructions. The use of a mouth guard avoids the displacement of teeth, which constantly rub against each other and become loose. Of course, the orthodontic appliance does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but protects the teeth from damage. Therefore, its use is only part of complex therapy.

Mouthguard making

For the manufacture of caps, special two-layer materials are used. For maximum gum comfort inner part the apparatus is made soft. The hard outer part ensures the durability of this fixture.

The device is made to individual sizes, which ensures greater efficiency. Such a product will not slip or fall out during sleep, and will provide protection against excessive pressure on the teeth.

Kappa care is not complicated. In the morning, it should be rinsed with water from the inside. outdoor part cleaned with a toothbrush. To store the product, use a special case or a glass of water. The device must be shown to the dentist from time to time. He will assess the condition of the cap and, if necessary, recommend making a new one.

How to help yourself

For a person, the diagnosis of bruxism may come as a surprise. What it is and how to relieve symptoms is of interest to many. You can try to get rid of the tension of the jaw muscles with a warm, wet compress or, conversely, ice.

Massage of the face, neck and shoulder girdle, as well as relaxing exercises, also work well. During the massage, focus on pain points, by clicking on which pain given to the head or face.

Learn how to relax as much as possible before going to bed, avoid stress. You can try to drink soothing teas or take warm baths before bed. At night, you can chew something hard or at least chewing gum - this is tiring and at the same time soothes the muscles during the rest. Avoid foods rich in caffeine and carbohydrates, which lead to arousal of the body. Walk more on fresh air, go in for sports.

Bruxism in Children: Cause and Treatment

With emotional stress, nervous strain, neurological disorders children may experience bruxism. What is it and is treatment needed? This question worries many parents. If the disease is caused by disorders of the nervous system, a neurologist will help.

Bruxism in children may go away on its own with age. In case of malocclusion, abnormal structure of the dentition, orthodontic treatment may be necessary.

If the causes of bruxism in children lie in overexcitation and stress, it is necessary proper organization daily routine. The kid is useful for active walks in the fresh air. Offer your child solid food, which will help reduce the hyperactivity of the masticatory muscles. Before going to bed, it is necessary to exclude noisy games, massage, a warm bath are useful.

Parents should be alert severe attacks that continue long time. After them, as a rule, the child complains of a strong headache or toothache. There may be others backfire diseases such as bruxism in children. The cause and treatment in this case are determined by a specialist.

What is dangerous disease

Teeth grinding during sleep leads to enamel abrasion, loosening, tooth loss, headaches, discomfort in the neck and chewing muscles. In some people, the bones of the lower and upper jaws thicken, which is noticeable visually. A person suffering from bruxism experiences psychological discomfort, which affects the quality of life.

In children and young people, the disease often resolves on its own without causing any sequelae. Treatment in such cases is not required.

Folk methods of treatment

Bruxism in adults, the causes of which are frequent stress and nervous tension, successfully treated with folk methods aimed at normalizing the emotional state.

In frequent stressful situations, it is recommended to perform a relaxing facial massage. Yoga classes help relieve stress. Useful baths with aromatic oils or soothing herbs (chamomile, valerian, mint), teas. You can make warm lotions from herbs that help relieve tension in the facial muscles. You need to keep such a compress for a long time.


It is quite difficult to get rid of the problem on your own. Self-medication can result in serious consequences. With the problem of bruxism, it is necessary to contact a dentist who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. If all the recommendations are followed, it is quite possible to get rid of the problem.

Have you noticed that your baby grinds his teeth in his sleep? This phenomenon is called bruxism. Do not be upset - you can get rid of this pathological condition. To do this, you need to understand what is the cause of its development and what actions need to be taken to cope with such a problem.

What is pathology

According to medical statistics, about 20% of children grind their teeth at night, and sometimes do it during the day. What makes a sleeping baby make an unpleasant rasp? The reason is an involuntary spasm of the facial, or rather chewing, muscles, which causes the jaws to clench strongly.

The force of involuntary clenching of the jaws can sometimes be so intense that in a similar situation, an adult is able to break dentures in his sleep.

It is curious that the patient himself is absolutely unaware of the presence of this feature, as a rule, others tell him about it. In this connection, the child may experience certain difficulties associated with adaptation to children's team like at a summer camp.

What are the types of diseases

Experts note the presence of two types of bruxism - nocturnal and daytime. If in the first case the child makes an involuntary (uncontrolled) compression of the jaws, then daytime bruxism is expressed in a strong tension of the masticatory muscles due to the nervous stress experienced.

The child cannot control nighttime bruxism, but the situation is different with daytime bruxism - you can draw the baby’s attention to this habit and gradually wean him from responding to emotional stress reduction of the jaws.

The main causes of the development of bruxism

There is misconception that the night grinding of teeth means that a person has helminthic invasion. According to experts, in most cases, bruxism is caused by nervous tension, the presence of frequent emotional stress, migraines.

The child is tense even during a night's rest, his facial muscles are not relaxed, as is usually the case in a dream, which interferes with the full recovery of the body.

It is interesting! Bruxism is less common in girls. This is because they are able to drop nervous tension by crying or screaming, while boys usually do not.

In addition, bruxism can develop due to genetic characteristics or a lack of important minerals and organic acids in the patient's body.

There are also dental reasons:

In some cases, the cause of involuntary squeaking of the teeth may be pathologies or injuries of the jaw joint.

In most cases, children begin to creak at the age of 5-7 years, when the milk teeth are gradually replaced by permanent (molars). Many during this period experience irritation in the gums and instinctively try to relieve itching and discomfort tight closing of the gums. However, a similar phenomenon can also be observed in very young children during the eruption of milk teeth.

What signs might indicate a problem?

In addition to the main symptom of pathology - night grinding of teeth, there are also subjective (indirect) signs of the presence of bruxism:

  • morning pain in the facial muscles;
  • feeling tired after waking up;
  • morning headaches;
  • simulation of sinusitis in the absence of other characteristic symptoms- runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and nasal congestion.

Which doctor can I contact

For staging accurate diagnosis the child should be shown to both a dentist and a neuropsychiatrist. The first one will check the correct installation of braces and examine:

  • bite:
  • possible defects in the dentition;
  • condition of tooth enamel and soft tissues of the oral cavity.

With the help of special testing, a psychoneurologist will be able to establish a possible connection between bruxism and the level of excitability of the nervous system, as well as identify the presence of a stressful state in a child.

Is it necessary to treat

Should I count bruxism? pathological condition? It should be said that experts have not yet come to a consensus on this issue. In the International Classification of Diseases developed by the World Health Organization, there is no mention of bruxism, but due to the fact that this phenomenon has physiological basis, it is worth mentioning the methods of treating this feature of the body.

To get rid of bruxism, it is necessary to use a set of measures, which includes:

  • creating a favorable psychological background for the child, relieving stress - attention from parents, psychotherapy, hypnosis, aromatherapy, calm activities before bedtime (reading books, walking in the fresh air, soothing music);
  • the use of physiotherapeutic methods - massage of the facial muscles, relaxing baths;
  • use of funds traditional medicine- soothing herbal teas and decoctions (lavender, valerian root, lemon balm, mint, etc.);
  • drug therapy - sedatives, muscle relaxants, mineral-vitamin complexes.

Many pediatricians, including the well-known children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, they are inclined to think that in children bruxism does not need any treatment at all and eventually goes away on its own.

Dr. Komarovsky about bruxism in a child - video

Is it possible to harm the health of the child

It is necessary to immediately reassure the parents - no serious negative consequences for the health of their babies. Among possible complications that bruxism can lead to include:

  • damage to tooth enamel, resulting in the development of caries;
  • the development of hypersensitivity of the teeth due to the erasure of tooth enamel;
  • overload of the temporomandibular joint, resulting in headaches and jaw pain;
  • violation of the full night recovery of the body;
  • the baby has problems with the formation of the correct dentition and bite.

Prevention measures

To get rid of nighttime teeth grinding and eliminate its negative consequences, you can follow a number of preventive measures:

In addition, doctors advise specially loading the jaws during wakefulness. You can do this with chewing gum or hard vegetables and fruits - carrots, apples, etc.

Doctor about the causes and methods of treating pathology - video

Despite the fact that bruxism is not officially considered a disease, it can still cause a lot of trouble for the child and his parents, although it does not pose a threat to the health of the baby. Exist available methods fight this annoying disease, which will help get rid of annoying night or day grinding of teeth.

When bruxism occurs seizures contraction of the chewing muscles, due to which the upper jaw is in contact with the lower one, and others can hear the creaking sound of teeth rubbing. According to some reports, only 3% of adults and almost 50% of minors face this pathology.

The principle of treatment of bruxism in a child depends on the cause of its occurrence. If you do not get rid of the pathology in time, it can provoke the development of diseases of the nervous system and oral cavity.

Features of the pathology

Bruxism is the unconscious grinding of teeth., which manifests itself during a night's sleep, a little less often during wakefulness. Pathology has only chronic form, teeth grinding occurs paroxysmal.

Bruxism can be divided into nocturnal and daytime. The second is conditionally called "bruxiomania" and is well controlled, in adults it rarely manifests itself. Night is dangerous because for a long time it goes unnoticed and is detected only after the occurrence of persistent complications.


During a night's sleep, the patient usually does not experience discomfort, tangible symptoms appear only after waking up. A person is not able to understand what exactly led to the appearance of signs of bruxism. These include:

  • headache;
  • feeling of weakness and fatigue;
  • pain in the chewing muscles;
  • discomfort in the sinuses;
  • ringing or pain in the ears.
Teeth grinding attacks last about 5-10 seconds and can be repeated an unlimited number of times during the night. The longer the creak lasts, the stronger the signs of bruxism are felt the next morning.

Possible Complications

Bruxism is one of the most common causes in both adults and children. dental problems. The enamel of fragile milk teeth is especially affected: due to strong pressure their tips are erased, there is a gradual destruction of the crown, appears hypersensitivity to temperature changes and sweets.

If you ignore the pathology for a long time, deplorable consequences will develop: teeth can grind off almost to the root.

Due to pressure, pathological mobility of the teeth occurs. This ends up with gum damage and early root loss. Constant muscle tension provokes their increase and frequent soreness, which negatively affects the quality of life. Bruxism can also result in malocclusion.

Frequent and prolonged bouts of bruxism in children become cause of apnea- temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. This is fraught oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system and internal organs.

Causes of bruxism in children

To save a child from bruxism, it is necessary to direct treatment to eliminate the cause of its manifestation and prevent complications. There are ways to protect crowns from strong contact, but from excessive stress chewing muscles they will not save. It is not always possible to determine the exact cause of the rattle.

Bruxism can be triggered by:

If a child's bruxism is left untreated for a long time, night grinding can become a habit and persist for a long time. years, including in adulthood. Therefore, therapy cannot be postponed.

The cause of the disease is indicated by the time when it manifests itself. daytime bruxism is quite rare, and it is usually easier to deal with it. Pathology is the norm for babies who have just erupted teeth. Friction helps them get rid of itching in the gums, for this reason, creaking occurs even during those periods when the child is not sleeping. Over time, such a pathology is “treated” on its own, without third-party interventions aimed at eradicating the habit.

In most cases, the child's complaints and the testimony of parents who heard tooth grinding at night are enough to make a diagnosis. The condition of the teeth damaged by frequent friction will also tell the doctor about the problem.

There are other diagnostic methods, many of which are done without problems in Moscow and large cities:

To determine the factor that provoked the development of bruxism in a child, visits to doctors of various profiles may be required: a psychologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, osteopath, dentist and gastroenterologist.

Treatment of bruxism in children

To completely cure bruxism, it is necessary to eliminate its cause. At the first signs of pathology, it is advisable to visit a therapist and tell him about the problem. Only after collecting all possible complaints, the doctor will be able to decide how to treat bruxism. Self-treatment in best case will not bring results, and in the worst case, will aggravate the situation. The main emphasis in therapy is on the emotional state of the child.


Officially, bruxism is not a disease, and medical methods there is no treatment for it - only the causes of the violation can be corrected. Depending on the issue identified little patient can be selected:

  • vitamin complexes of group B;
  • preparations with magnesium and calcium (Calcium D3 Nycomed);
  • safe sleeping pills (Bayu-bay, Dramina);
  • light sedatives (Novo-Passit, Persen).

Before using any remedy, you should read the instructions and contraindications so that it relieves the disease and does not harm the body. If the baby has side symptoms, further reception medical preparations canceled - to get rid of bruxism, you will have to select other sedatives and immunomodulators.


Children are not able to adequately respond to stress, and negative emotions cause the most different factors. Many problems seem insignificant to adults, and due to lack of attention, the child becomes isolated, trying to cope with experiences on his own. If he fails to overcome the experience, there is a nightly gnashing of teeth.

In the absence of good contact with the child, parents should resort to the help of a psychologist to cure bruxism. It is necessary to constantly talk with the baby so that he has the opportunity to speak out and get rid of negative emotions before bedtime. Toward evening there should be no nervous situations, scandals or showdowns. Watching TV is replaced by reading a quiet book. A walk without active games or a warm bath with chamomile will help relieve stress.

It is important to explain to the child that you can not constantly clench your teeth, they can touch each other only during a conversation or chewing. If necessary, do special massage or doing exercises to reduce muscle tension.

Eating before bed is banned. "Launched" digestive system provokes excess tension in the body, so the last meal is allowed 4 hours before falling asleep. Drink a glass before going to bed warm milk or natural rosehip decoction.


If the teeth are damaged, they must be cured. The crown part can be restored composite materials, for strengthening fluoridation is used. Damaged nerves will have to be removed, as will the tooth itself if it has collapsed too much.

For bruxism in children older than ten years, it is allowed to use mouthguards. This soft material is worn over the teeth and protects them from friction and subsequent damage. You can buy a ready-made mouth guard at a pharmacy, but it is better to make an individual one - according to a cast of the jaw. In the morning, the cap is removed and washed from the inside with running water.

If bruxism is caused by malocclusion, you should visit an orthodontist who will find out why the teeth are clenched. At an early age, the position of the teeth is well corrected through the manufacture and wearing of special plates. For severe curvature permanent teeth It is recommended to wear braces.

Folk remedies

An ordinary warm compress will help relieve the tension of the masticatory muscles, which must be applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe teeth and the joint several times a day, the duration of the procedure is half an hour. For additional sedative effect add a couple of drops to the water essential oil with a slight unobtrusive odor. The procedure should be repeated during the entire treatment period.

For maximum relaxation, chamomile and valerian decoctions are added to the bath taken before bedtime. A glass of dry grass is poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. The liquid is filtered and poured into the bath. Regular use of soothing baths leads to the normalization of the nervous system.

Soothing teas guarantee getting rid of unnecessary nervousness. A complex mixture of chamomile and mint or pure lemon balm is suitable. To prepare a drink, a teaspoon of dry grass is poured into a glass hot water, infused until cool and filtered. Honey and lemon can improve the taste of such tea, but only if the baby is not allergic to them.

Features of the course of the disease in adults

The symptoms and causes of bruxism in children and adults are very similar. Older patients also experience bruising and jaw pain in the morning, and their teeth are worn and damaged. The problem also manifests itself in the form of constant bleeding of the gums.

If the causes of bruxism are not identified, dental treatment in adults often becomes impossible. Dentists do not recommend placing crowns or dentures - they will increase friction in the mouth, and the impact on the opposite jaw will increase many times over, which will lead to even faster destruction of a healthy tooth.

To avoid bruxism, you need to control your emotional state and get rid of dental problems and ENT diseases in a timely manner. At nervous work it is advisable to take light sedatives that do not affect the functioning of the nervous system: valerian, Persen, Patrimil, Gerbion, Sedavit, Afobazol. If you had to deal with premature loss of teeth, it is necessary to place an implant so that the chewing load is distributed evenly.

Bruxism in children is a rather specific disorder, accompanied by grinding of teeth. The problem arises due to the involuntary (paroxysmal) contraction of the muscles responsible for the process of chewing food. Tellingly, the patient himself early stages the unpleasant sounds made by his jaws do not disturb him in any way.

The child during an attack is fixed:

  • accelerated pulse;
  • a slight increase in pressure;
  • quickening of breathing.

In principle, the pathology under consideration is detected in people of any age, but in children it is diagnosed in almost half of the cases.

The reasons

By and large, it is incorrect to call bruxism in children or adults a disease - it is rather reactive state, that is, a peculiar response of the body to any stimulus. However, it is still necessary to treat it, since grinding of teeth often leads to serious complications capable of significantly worsening the patient's quality of life in the long term.

In particular, over time, patients begin:

  • gingivitis;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • damage to the jaw joints;
  • loosening of teeth high risk their loss;
  • chronic headaches.

Among the causes of dental nature that cause bruxism in children are:

  • wearing braces;
  • malocclusion;
  • incomplete dentition;
  • poor grinding of fillings.

Psychologists believe that the problem develops against the background of:

  • overwork;
  • nervous tension;
  • stress
  • nightmares;
  • snoring
  • apnea;
  • somnambulism;
  • hyperreactivity;
  • disorders of the functions of the PNS and CNS;
  • overexcitation in the hours before going to bed.


Basic and practical the only symptom- This is a night grinding of teeth. Most seizures last no more than 10 seconds, but may be repeated several times. Depending on the strength of the jaws, the volume of the sound also changes.

Over time, patients develop hypertrophy of the masticatory muscles - they increase markedly and protrude on the sides. This is due to the fact that the muscles are almost constantly in strong tension. The consequence of this is pain in the cheekbones, extending to the temporal region.

Depending on the severity of the disease, discomfort can be:

  • practically unexpressed;
  • moderate;
  • pretty strong.

The biggest problem that bruxism causes in children is the abnormal abrasion of the enamel and subsequent increased sensitivity of the nerves.

The fastest destruction of the protective layer occurs in babies who have only milk teeth due to its inferiority. If the parents do not do anything, then later the molars will begin to suffer.

Diagnosis is mainly made on the basis of a survey of relatives, since the patient himself does not special problems almost never notices. Therefore, the task of a specialist is one - to identify the root cause and prepare a treatment strategy.

First of all, you should contact your dentist, because it is possible that involuntary jaw movements are caused by:

  • itching, which is specific feature periodontitis;
  • interfering filling;
  • carious processes;
  • malocclusion, etc.

It is imperative to find out whether epilepsy is a factor leading to bruxism.


As noted by the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, in most cases dangerous habit resolves on its own by the age of 7. However, this does not mean that no action needs to be taken.

First of all, it is necessary to try to minimize the damage caused to the teeth. For this, the child is taken to the dentist and in his direction to other specialists. Probably needed additional consultation at:

  • therapist;
  • psychologist;
  • neurologist.

Most effective technique involves the manufacture of a special rubber or plastic mouth guard, which the baby will have to put on before going to bed to protect his teeth from closing. This measure is the first and mandatory.

Parents, for their part, organize control so that the kids keep their jaws relaxed during wakefulness. Since they often do not even pay attention to tension, they need to make comments.

Try to avoid stressful situations. Establish contact with the child - every day ask to tell what happened in the kindergarten or school. Very often the problem develops due to the troubles occurring there.

If the cause is psycho-emotional, give sedatives. From home funds will do decoction of valerian, chamomile or linden teas. Other sedatives prescribed only by a doctor.

Make sure your baby always has something to chew on. Feed him:

  • apples;
  • chewing gum sugarless;
  • raw carrots;
  • nuts, etc.

Tired muscles will rest at night.


Basically, to prevent bruxism, it will be enough to ensure that the child is not overloaded both physically and emotionally or mentally. Periods of activity must be alternated with rest. Make sure that he gets enough positive impressions, communicates with peers, walks more.

The diet should be enriched:

  • fortified foods;
  • containing calcium;
  • lean meat.

The regime is important to observe strictly. Before going to bed, the baby should be given time to calm down - do not send him to bed in an excited state. Approximately two hours before the lights out, all active games stop. This time is better spent reading a book, drawing or watching a cartoon without a dynamic plot.

Practice shows that sometimes to eliminate bruxism, it is enough to simply extend sleep by one hour. Therefore, try to send the child to bed a little earlier.

You should not feed your baby at night. The work of the digestive tract during sleep leads to a load on the nervous system, which is why children often have nightmares. If a snack is indispensable, give some milk and hard biscuits.

- recurrent episodes of involuntary contraction of the chewing muscles, accompanied by clenching of the jaws and grinding of teeth. In addition to the main symptom - teeth grinding, bruxism can lead to pathological abrasion and hyperesthesia of the teeth, the formation of wedge-shaped defects, periodontal and TMJ pathology, pain in the masticatory muscles, headache, etc. Bruxism is detected on the basis of complaints from the patient and his relatives, characteristic changes teeth, polysomnographic examination, electromyography. In the treatment of bruxism, psychotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, botulinum therapy, wearing protective mouthguards are used.

General information

Bruxism is a paroxysmal grinding of teeth that occurs due to spasm of the masticatory muscles, clenching of the jaws and their intense movement relative to each other. During the period of milk bite (from the moment of teething to 7 years), bruxism occurs in about half of children; the prevalence of the problem among adults is 5-10%. Bruxism in children and adults is spoken of if creaking and grinding of teeth occurs during sleep; if these manifestations occur in daytime, this condition is regarded as bruxiomania. Bruxism and bruxiomania refer to parafunctions of masticatory muscles (oral parafunctions).

Causes of bruxism

Since the development of bruxism may be based on a complex various reasons and their combination this problem studied not only within dentistry, but also psychology, neurology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology. Consider the main etiological prerequisites for bruxism.

According to psychological theory, bruxism is a reflection of emotional distress, stress, overload, frequent affective states, overstrain, causing involuntary muscle contractions and gnashing of teeth. Bruxism is sometimes called the “disease of businessmen” who experience constant psycho-emotional overload, however, short-term episodes of bruxism in a dream can also occur in people who have a positive emotional mood.

The neurogenic theory of bruxism considers the problem from the point of view of a violation of the activity of the central and peripheral systems leading to neurological and movement disorders. It has been noticed that bruxism is often combined with sleep disorders (somnambulism, snoring, nightmares, sleep apnea), tremor, enuresis, epilepsy. In addition, conditions such as trismus and bruxism can develop due to tonic tension of the chewing muscles when the motor neurons of the trigeminal nerve are affected.

Dental theory is based on the fact that various deviations in the structure and functioning contribute to the occurrence of bruxism. dental system: malocclusion, dental anomalies (edentulous, supernumerary teeth), ill-fitting dentures or braces, poor quality treatment teeth, arthrosis and arthritis of the TMJ, etc.

From the point of view of osteopathic theory, bruxism is interpreted as an attempt by the neuromuscular system to remove the blockage of the cranial sutures and restore the disturbed craniosacral rhythm. These phenomena in children can occur as a result of a complicated course of childbirth and birth trauma, dental anomalies, malocclusion etc.; in adults - with improperly performed dental prosthetics, osteochondrosis cervical spine, etc.

Other theories of bruxism, which are not widely accepted and reliable scientific evidence, associate cutting teeth with nasal breathing disorders (adenoids, deviated septum, frequent rhinitis), gastroesophageal reflux disease, helminthiases (ascariasis, enterobiasis, etc.), malnutrition chewing gum abuse, etc.

Persons suffering from Parkinson's disease and Huntington's chorea are prone to grinding their teeth. Bruxism in children can occur during periods of teething and changing teeth. Bruxism cofactors can be a recent traumatic brain injury, alcohol abuse, nicotine, caffeine, sleeping pills, antidepressants.

bruxism symptoms

Episodes of bruxism usually last about 10 seconds, but can be repeated many times a night, accompanied by the sound of grinding or clicking teeth. Usually, these symptoms are noticed by relatives of patients (parents, spouses), because during sleep a person does not control his condition and does not wake up from grinding his teeth. Teeth grinding attacks are often accompanied by changes in breathing, blood pressure and pulse.

In the morning, patients often report facial myalgia, toothache, pain in the jaw area, headaches, daytime sleepiness, dizziness. With a long course of bruxism, pathological abrasion of teeth, hyperesthesia of the teeth, wedge-shaped defects, chips and cracks in the enamel, and fractures of the crowns of the teeth can develop. The result of injury to the periodontal tissues during bruxism is inflammation in the periodontal tissues (periodontitis), loosening and loss of teeth. Excessive uncontrolled load on the teeth can cause chipping of restorations and fillings, chipping of ceramics on artificial crowns, breakage of dentures.

Long-term consequences of bruxism and bruxiomania can be musculo-articular dysfunction of the TMJ: hypertrophy of masticatory muscles, restriction of jaw movement, pain in the temporomandibular joints, shoulder joints, neck. Constant traumatization of the oral mucosa in some patients with bruxism leads to the occurrence of gingivitis, lichen planus, oral fibromas, scalloped (toothed) tongue, and abrasions under removable dentures.

Diagnosis of bruxism

The fact of bruxism is usually established on the basis of subjective complaints of the patient and his relatives, as well as indirect signs detected by the dentist during examination of the oral cavity. The method of objective diagnosis of bruxism is the use of the so-called brux checkers - special mouthguards made on the basis of a cast and model of the patient's jaw and allowing to determine the presence of occlusal obstacles. After wearing the kappa at night, it is transferred to the clinic for analysis; examining the brooks checker allows the dentist to determine which teeth are experiencing overload.

Pathological activity of the masticatory muscles can be registered during electromyography or polysomnography. A much more difficult task is to identify the causes of bruxism in a patient, which often requires the involvement of a number of related specialists: neurologists, psychologists, otolaryngologists, osteopaths, gastroenterologists.

bruxism treatment

Methods for treating bruxism depend on its causes and degree. In children early age bruxism usually does not require special treatment and comes on its own by 6-7 years. In adult patients maximum effect from the treatment of bruxism is achieved with integrated approach using psychotherapeutic, medical, physiotherapeutic and dental techniques.

With bruxism caused by psychogenic factors, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy comes to the fore: biofeedback, methods of relaxation and self-control, training, etc. Medical therapy bruxism is aimed at reducing the convulsive activity of the masticatory muscles during sleep and may include the appointment of light sedatives and hypnotics, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, botulinum toxin injections, etc. In some cases, bruxism may be indicated osteopathic treatment, sessions of manual therapy and massage, setting warm wet compresses on the jaw area.

Dental treatment of bruxism is carried out with the participation of various specialists: a general practitioner, an orthopedic dentist, an orthodontist. Attempts to cope with bruxism on their own, as a rule, are unsuccessful and often lead to disastrous consequences. If you realize the existence of this problem, you should seek professional advice from a dentist. Holding complex diagnostics and choice adequate method treatment allows you to permanently get rid of this obsessive pathological habit, prevent or eliminate the consequences of bruxism.

Prevention of bruxism involves normalization psycho-emotional state, getting rid of bad habits, teaching self-relaxation and self-massage techniques. An important link in the prevention of bruxism is the timely elimination of diseases of the teeth and the nervous system.

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