What does a tolerant person mean? Qualities of a tolerant person. How to raise a tolerant person? Education of tolerance in children

Scientific and public spheres: politics, medicine, philosophy, religion, psychology, ethics, due to their specifics, give different answers to the question of what tolerance is. The concept began to be actively used in society in the late 90s. of the last century, causing disputes and contradictions on the postulates contained in it.

Tolerance - what is it?

A person is inherently unique, but in some ways people are similar, therefore, they are looking for people like themselves, their hobbies, religion. Belonging is important to the individual, since humans are social beings. Different peoples have different mentalities, and what is acceptable in one country may cause public outcry in another. What does tolerance mean in general terms?

In 1995, about 200 countries signed the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, which states that tolerance is tolerance towards other religions, customs, cultures, diverse in their originality and individuality. Accepting that harmony lies in all this diversity allows people to be respectful to each other, to live in peace.

What does tolerance mean in other areas:

  • in medicine (pharmacology, narcology): addiction of the body to a substance, which requires a large dosage in order to achieve the same effect;
  • in music: respect for different styles and musical directions;
  • in ecology: the ability of biological organisms to develop in the environment, even under unfavorable factors.

Tolerance in psychology

This concept in psychology occupies an important place. Acceptance of people, with their characteristics, without criticism and condemnation, allows you to build a trusting relationship with the client and is an element of psychotherapy. The psychological phenomenon of tolerance incorporates both scientific aspects and principles, as well as everyday ones:

  1. Moral (conditional)- basically, contains delayed aggression. The tolerance of the “outer self” is only at a superficial level: a person agrees with what is happening, but inside, he literally restrains himself, “boils”.
  2. natural (natural)- is typical for young children and is expressed in their unconditional acceptance of parents without evaluation, unfortunately, it happens to the detriment of oneself if parents are cruel.
  3. Moral (genuine)- based on the full and conscious acceptance of reality. This is a mature and positive tolerance of the "inner self". Spiritual attitude to all manifestations of life and people and constant self-knowledge. All wise parables are based on morality.

The psychologist must develop this tolerance, the main criteria of which are:

  • emotional responsiveness (empathy);
  • the ability to reflect, internal dialogue;
  • the ability to establish constructive, positive relationships with people.

Tolerance - pros and cons

The idea of ​​this concept is based on the goals that are good for society, is it really so? Is peace and prosperity possible on earth without tolerance for other peoples? The concept of tolerance can be interpreted and used by people in different ways, without taking into account generally accepted and prescribed concepts. The medal has two sides.

Benefits of Tolerance:

  • helps to be humane;
  • teaches to overcome fears through effective communication with other dissimilar people;
  • develops a correct understanding of the different with their habits, character, worldview and way of life;
  • promotes personal and social development through the transfer of experience and knowledge, through interaction among both individuals and nations as a whole.

Disadvantages of Tolerance:

  • under the guise of tolerance manipulation of people's minds, covered with good intentions;
  • a thin line between really tolerance and slavish patience, to the detriment of the individual;
  • substitution of true concepts and values ​​with false ones, through social technologies;
  • tolerance is perceived by some as indifference, unwillingness to perceive and fight.

How is tolerance different from tolerance?

Translated from the ancient Latin language, what is tolerance literally: "tolerantia" - means "patience", "endure", "endure". The explanatory dictionary positions the word "tolerance" as a derivative of the French "tolerant" - "tolerant". In Russian, unlike other foreign languages, “tolerance” is a word with a clearly negative connotation, meaning to endure bad things, to endure hardships. However, tolerance and tolerance are different concepts.

Tolerance is a conscious rejection by society of the open manifestation of hatred, enmity. At the same time, a person internally can experience strong negative feelings and protest. It is formed in a short time and can be imposed with the help of the media (for example, to resolve a conflict between different peoples). Tolerance is a social phenomenon that has been formed over a long period of time and assumes that a person does not have hostility, hostility towards other people who are different from him in various ways. In a society full of different cultures and nationalities, this is a necessary phenomenon.

Tolerance and xenophobia

The word “xenophobia”, along with “tolerance”, is often heard in the media and is translated from Greek as “fear of strangers”. The thinking of a xenophobe is distinguished by a clear division into “us” and “them”. The unprecedented flow of migrants is perceived quite painfully and aggressively by the indigenous population: the arrived foreigners behave differently, do not always want to learn a new language, do not seek to learn the culture and customs of the country they migrated to. Tolerance in the modern world, ideally, implies the absence of xenophobia, peaceful coexistence and development of different peoples.

Types of tolerance

The basis of tolerance is the fundamental values ​​of society, without which humanity cannot exist. Scientists of many specialties are engaged in the classification of tolerance. In a constantly changing world, issues related to religion, attitudes towards people with disabilities, interethnic, gender and political relations are relevant and "acute". Considering what tolerance is, each applied area voices its own typology. The main types of tolerance are most fully reflected by M. S. Matskovsky:

  • religious;
  • gender;
  • physiological;
  • educational;
  • sexual orientation;
  • geographical;
  • age;
  • marginal;
  • interclass;
  • international;
  • racial;
  • political.

Religious tolerance

The religion of ethnic groups contains a sacred component that distinguishes it from other confessions. In past centuries, considering their religion to be the only true one, the rulers of different countries undertook military campaigns in order to convert non-believers to their faith. What is religious tolerance today? A person has the right to any religion accepted in his state, even if it does not belong to the dominant religion. Tolerance for another faith is the key to peaceful interaction between people.

Tolerance for the disabled

Compassion and mercy for all living things are important features of a person that are laid down in childhood with the right upbringing by parents. The manifestation of tolerance towards people with disabilities is, in the highest sense, assistance in the adaptation and socialization of a disabled person as a full member of society. Inclusive education, provision of jobs are important components of tolerance.

ethnic tolerance

Belonging to one's people, ethnic group with the assimilation of centuries-old experience, traditions, values ​​- this is ethnic identity. What is tolerance in international relations? This is a respectful attitude to the way of life of other peoples. The problem of tolerance in multiethnic countries is of global importance. The reverse side - intolerance (intolerance) is increasingly a reason for inciting ethnic hatred.

Gender Tolerance

Regardless of gender - people deserve respect and equal rights - this is the answer to the question of what gender tolerance is. Tolerance in society in relation to the sexes is an unstable phenomenon. Today, they are undergoing changes, and this is the reason for the negative reaction in society and the development of phobias. Intolerance to the other sex - sexism, is a discriminating personality factor.

political tolerance

Tolerance in politics is the readiness of the government for a constructive dialogue with other countries. In full, it can be represented in a state with a democratic regime of power and is expressed in the settlement of interethnic conflicts, respect for human rights, respect for other political beliefs that do not contradict the law. Political tolerance is a global process on which peace on earth depends.

Political correctness and tolerance are interpenetrating concepts in modern society. The history of the issue of political correctness arose in the United States, when African Americans demanded that the offensive word "black" be removed from the English language in relation to their race. Political correctness includes a ban on offensive language in relation to another race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. In multi-ethnic countries such as the United States, political correctness is gaining momentum and pervades all areas of society.

Tolerance is a concept applicable in many areas of human existence and therefore has certain specific characteristics. The origin of the term tolerance has its roots in the medical industry and was used to characterize the absence or loss of sensitivity to any factors (antigens, drugs, physical effects) by the body.

Medical tolerance is the absence of a reaction or a practically unexpressed reaction, roughly speaking, complete tolerance is death, when the body does not completely respond to influences, does not resist, but only accepts them. But from the medical field, the concept moved to the field of human relations, along with which it began to refer not to the lack of reaction, but to the degree of patience and is often used as a synonym for tolerance. The most common use among the broad masses of tolerance is precisely in the social aspect, and reflects tolerance for other people's manifestations, ways of arranging one's life, maintaining chosen worldview and religious concepts.

Tolerance is not indifference to the behavior of others, but the ability to allow others to lead a different way of life from their own and accept them as such.

The meaning of the word tolerance

This concept is used in the field of finance and technology and is designated as an acceptable deviation (in the weight of the coin or the size of the part), which does not significantly affect the value and functionality.

In psychology, tolerance is seen as a sign of personal maturity and confidence. Acceptance of other nations, their traditions and habits, the ability to treat other cultures with understanding and respect is possible with a developed ability to analyze, openness to new experience and manifestation of the soul, without resorting to competition or planting one's own foundations. Only the one who is confident in himself is able to listen to the other and try to understand, in a person of a flat organization, differences cause or, which in any case gives rise to confrontation. Public tolerance is not synonymous with betrayal of one's own interests, a condescending attitude or a policy of non-intervention, it does not tolerate imposing on oneself, but it does not tolerate other social injustice either.

What is tolerance? The meaning of the word is presented by many sources as a synonym for tolerance. From what was more interesting to a person and in what area the study of the concept was carried out, the emphasis was placed on tolerance, religious, social, national or based on another sign. Like tolerance, tolerance is not a quality that characterizes the active active side of a person, it is passive and is aimed at accepting the surrounding space and the manifestations of others. Although, unlike religious tolerance, which is mostly aimed at a compassionate attitude and mercy of a believer, it consists precisely in acceptance and humility with the vices of others, tolerance is a more rigid construct in its behavioral form.

Tolerance is conscious and is an active choice of a person, manifesting itself, affects both participants in the process, i.e. it is impossible to be tolerant towards others and not demand the same attitude from them. A person who professes the principles of accepting the behavior and choices of everyone will be extremely surprised by the condemnation of his judgments and concepts of life, and when trying to impose others or prohibit them, he will resist. It is in this that the active position of a rather passive at first glance concept, as well as in upholding social equality, which is a manifestation of tolerance, when faced with a violation of human value.

To understand this term, four main planes can be used: as indifference to the manifestation of the other, as respect in the absence of understanding of the views of the other, as a condescending attitude that excludes respect, as the possibility of discovering something new in oneself through the assumption of the existence of the other.

In psychology, tolerance is considered as a weakening or disappearance of the response of the psyche at the behavioral and emotional level to an unfavorable factor. The concept is different from, since it implies a change in the surrounding world, ways of interacting with it or oneself to reduce the negative impact, while tolerance does not actively interfere in destructive processes, but is manifested by a change in the degree of response. So, a person who is constantly shouted at will be frightened at first, but if nothing changes, then over time, raising his voice will stop evoking emotions in him or significantly reduce their amplitude. In many ways, the concept of tolerance in psychology is associated with a habit or developed resistance in a person’s previous experience, and the education system and the surrounding society also leave a certain imprint. The formation of tolerance occurs both consciously by the person himself, and unconsciously, reading the attitude of significant adults.

In general, the meaning of the word tolerance conveys the desire for tolerance, forgiveness, acceptance with all the features and shortcomings, the desire for cooperation and interaction, sincere respect for a person and recognition of his rights and freedoms on an equal basis with his own. Further, depending on the type of tolerance, there are certain details that correct the picture, but do not deviate from the above general principles, approved by the legislative bases of many countries and representing the main concept of the activities of the UN and UNESCO.

Types of tolerance

Despite the various areas of use of the term, many types of tolerance are defined exclusively in the socio-psychological sphere, because. in the technical and medical sphere, everything is more strictly regulated.

In the sphere of relationships, depending on the structure, direction and, accordingly, manifestation, tolerance can be:

- political (respectful attitude of the authorities towards members of society who have opposing views and a willingness to accept and allow the emergence of other ideas and thoughts among their own supporters);

- pedagogical (tolerant and equal attitude, regardless of the intellectual level and degree of education received);

- age (lack of judgments about a person, her qualities and abilities based on her age, which is often violated when explaining the inadmissibility of an act by childhood);

- religious (benevolent attitude and respect for other confessions, religions, beliefs, cults, sects, atheists, etc., while following one's own chosen path);

- to the disabled (recognition of the full value of the personality and its manifestations, not out of pity, but out of respect and understanding of the equivalence of the spiritual and personal manifestations of each);

- gender (equal treatment of representatives of different sexes, equal rights, duties and opportunities, both in terms of education and career, as well as expression of will and representation.

In the psychological aspect, there is a natural (it is also called natural) tolerance, inherent initially in all people, but passing with age. It is due to the fact that in childhood (the earliest) there is initially no separation of oneself from the world (if something hurts, then it feels like the whole world hurts), and even more so, opposition of one's own personality to the environment. The child resigns himself to the demands and manifestations of others because of his weakness in separate independent survival, which creates the need to adapt and suppress some of his own manifestations.

Personal tolerance is based on internal meanings, and understanding the value of giving others the right to realize their own potential in any chosen way and respect for this choice. It is this internal characteristic that is the regulator in the construction of social relations, but at the same time it is a diagnostic indicator of the environment in which a person was brought up. It is the formation of tolerance in society that is the condition for the development of this quality and the ability to have a broad worldview.

From personal tolerance, social tolerance matures, which characterizes not so much the attitude of the person himself to some phenomenon, but the system of behavior and the establishment of social ties, maintaining social balance. The main guarantee of peaceful existence and comfortable development for each individual being is being in a tolerant society, and maintaining a decent level of acceptance of different people is the concern of every mature person, thus demonstrating his own social tolerance. From the strategy of building social contacts, they share the moral and ethical aspects of tolerance.

Moral tolerance is manifested in following the norms predetermined by society, or inherent in the person himself according to his inner convictions, and is expressed in restraining one's own emotions and showing patience. At the same time, this behavior is regulated by conscious activity and the wisdom of logic, not always having emotional and spiritual correspondences (you can endlessly get annoyed and angry inside, but external behavioral manifestations will not violate the norms of morality and complacency).

Moral tolerance, which seems similar to moral tolerance, is essentially its antipode, since a person tries to understand and internally accept the behavior and motivation of another person’s actions, he tries to perceive the principles of another as his own, which gives guidance to respectful and dignified behavior side of external control, but from internal motivation. So there is more sincerity and the process itself is easier, without forcibly restraining one's emotional reactions, it is moral tolerance that helps to understand another person and find common ground and way out of conflict situations, while the previous mechanisms are more about avoiding than overcoming it.

Ethnic tolerance is based on the acceptance of intercultural differences, without belittling, infringement and imposing one's way of thinking. Despite the cardinal differences in customs, a person who has ethnic tolerance will not consider someone else's customs wild, but rather show interest in them or find something similar to their habits. To tame, educate or subordinate to laws the manifestation of this type of tolerance is the most difficult, and, perhaps, it can only have an external side, strictly controlled by conscious mechanisms. Such difficulties are due to the presence of ethnic acceptance by the perception of this type of differences at the subconscious level, where the attitude towards those who are different is genetically laid down as if they were strangers. In ancient times, people distinguished each other phenotypically, were divided into clans, into their own and others. And now, despite the idea of ​​equality and brotherhood, which is being actively popularized, the millennium-old mechanism reacts with a “stranger” signal, which should be treated with at least caution.

At the same time, a rather rapid mixing of genes, nationalities and races occurs, especially in megacities, and people face the problem of their own ethnic identity. The pace of life, the possibility of a quick change of place of residence, and, accordingly, the prevailing part of a certain culture contributes to an increase in ethnic tolerance.

According to the degree of manifestation, tolerance is low (inability to show patience and a positive attitude not only towards certain qualities, but towards the world and humanity, everything annoys and infuriates a person, about which he does not tire of informing others), medium (when a person is able to express patience with his opponents , to admit that he likes communication, and to make it clear that he understands those he has encountered), high (when there is complete acceptance of the other and a lot of pleasure and psychological comfort is obtained from communication).

Education of tolerance

Tolerance and its foundations were not invented artificially, it arose along with the formation of society, its values ​​and priorities. Based on the most important points that do not require definition and explanation of their importance, the criteria included in tolerance are highlighted. And all these criteria for its formation are indisputable intrinsic values ​​in any corner of the world and for any person, this includes life, health, freedom, family. Becoming the internal values ​​of each person and the values ​​of society, they are the unifying foundation where all differences disappear. And if I want my freedom to be respected, then I will not violate someone else's. The same requirements for everyone and for oneself stand at the stage of tolerance formation, and a sincere experience of the needs and values ​​of another person, the ability to make this process less mechanistic and formal, and give it a personal coloring.

We have more attention, feeling and tolerance for those places and people that have something to do with our lives. You may not care what happens to the Libyans, but if your good friend works there from the UN mission, then you will listen to the next report from there with less indifference. Starting from such a mechanism of our psyche, you can develop tolerance by getting to know a representative of another culture, ideally, if he becomes your friend or spouse, the level of tolerance for this people will skyrocket. Helps to travel and leave to work for some time in other regions. The first stays, of course, will be shocking, but the more such sorties will be, the more the whole possible variety of human lives will be understood. Nomads or eternal travelers, stewardesses or tour guides are practically devoid of any prejudices regarding a particular nationality, age, and much more. All this is due to the fact that a person sees many different people and stops evaluating them, starting from the grafted system, and each time focuses directly on the situation and behavior of a particular person, even if he is insanely similar and fits into some category.

But not everyone will develop their own tolerance so independently, and its upbringing begins with society. The society is subject to certain laws, so the state should take part in the education of tolerance. It is necessary to create a fair legislative framework that respects the equality of all representatives of mankind, while the main orientation should be on international conventions for the protection of human rights. Control over the media, while respecting their freedoms and coverage of events, but respecting the absence of propaganda or derogatory attitude, presentation or feedback about any categories of the population.

But the role that the state can fulfill is negligible and turns out to be ineffective in the absence of the necessary education, because the sphere of relationships between people and the breadth of outlook and the possibility of acceptance is an educational problem and is formed in the inner circle of a person (parents, educators, neighbors, relatives, friends). Not in all schools, the educational process takes place from a humanistic position, supporting the uniqueness of each individual. More and more demands are made to meet certain standards and public punishment or humiliation of a person who differs from the numbers written by uncles in the ministry.

The restructuring of the learning process with the integration of various fields of art, using the experience of different peoples, expands the boundaries of acceptance and shows that everyone has something valuable and can be learned from everyone. The introduction of the study of various languages ​​contributes to the maximum contact with another culture, helps its comprehensive understanding. According to many studies, without knowledge of the language, it is impossible to fully study another culture, even after reading all the information available about it. In history lessons, one can stop hiding aspects of the multinationality of the state and start talking openly about the homosexual orientation of many significant historical figures. Distortion of facts distorts perception, and as a result we get a generation that has grown up with prejudices embedded in their heads, because of which it is problematic for them to build their own lives in the future.

By your own example, it is worth demonstrating respect for the opinion, choice and actions of the child, having learned this from childhood and considering it the norm, a person will respect others. Replace criticism with interest, turn conflict into interaction, and replace reproaches with help - it is by training such new strategies of behavior in everyday life that you can achieve an increase in the overall tolerance of society. A tolerant attitude is born from the inner world of each and the experience that a person has received throughout his life. If you have little experience with accepting you for who you are, then most likely you will be able to perfectly master the strategies of manipulation, disguise, submission and domination, but there will be nowhere to take the experience and power of acceptance, because this did not happen in the picture of the world. Also, demanding acceptance from someone is not a manifestation of tolerance, because at this moment you yourself do not accept the person, forcing him to accept you.

A mutual process that sweeps away age and any other differences, when the opinion of the child and the parent is equally important, forms acceptance and respect, and in both, and indirectly affects everyone who comes into contact with them in life.

Tolerance pros and cons

It seems that the advantages of tolerance are indisputable, because otherwise so many people cannot work on its development, upbringing, and maintenance. World congresses and school teachers all talk about it, but it is worth looking into the consequences of this phenomenon in more detail.

The advantages of tolerance in maintaining humanity and avoiding violent clashes. This skill allows you to learn to overcome difficult situations and your own fears through effective interactions and the search for common interests - usually this leads to the exchange of experience and the emergence of something completely new, impossible without combining different ideas from different people. This is an endless transfer of experience and knowledge, an opportunity to draw information and look at the world in a new way. In addition to informative joys, tolerance contributes to one's own peace of mind and development, since one can be nervous about differences for an infinitely long time, get a breakdown and go to a psychiatric hospital, which also does not save one from inner convictions that interfere with living in society. Without experiencing irritation or hatred towards any people, we get more places to turn for help, we are fed by different views on the same situation, and this is what helps us to look for new and correct solutions.

Cons of tolerance also exist, because, like any idea, it has its blind spots and weaknesses. Often, using the ideas of developing tolerance, hiding behind good ideas and intentions, people manipulate others. It is fair at the level of countries and the introduction of some idea into the consciousness, and at the level of personal interaction and pumping out helpful behavior from others. After all, in order not to seem intolerant and low, we strive to take care, and some use it. There is a subtle sense of edge involved here, when you really treat a person with respect, and when you succumb to manipulation, it's not easy. In addition, some manifestations of tolerance look like indifference. Of course, it is worth leaving a person to decide his own fate and make choices, but if a mother just sits and watches her child pump drugs through a vein, then this is not tolerance, but stupidity.

Probably, the main disadvantages of tolerance are that a good idea was distorted with bad meanings, what should come from the heart began to be demanded and gnawed out, in addition to the widespread slogans, from which one only wants to ask “Why can’t good deeds be done more quietly?”. The multitude and the cover-up of far from ethical things by this concept have developed an attitude towards it as a manipulation in order to abandon one's own interests. But it is worth remembering that this is a mutual, bilateral, sincere and ongoing process.

Not all people use the concept of tolerance in their lives. What it is? These are norms of behavior accepted in the social environment, which are expressed in people's tolerance for each other, religions, customs and feelings. It can be said that The basis of tolerance is considered to be the right to express thoughts and every person. These are human feelings that are expressed in a positive attitude of people to something, but not to violations of moral and universal principles. This word has recently come into use, let's try to understand this concept in more detail.

peony flower

Tolerance includes such human qualities as:

  • Compassion and tolerance;
  • Forgiveness and mercy;
  • Perception of the neighbor with all his shortcomings;
  • Respect for the rights and freedoms of people;
  • Willingness to cooperate;
  • Maintaining a spirit of partnership and parity among people.

In 1995, the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance was adopted.

According to this document, tolerance is:

  • Patience;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • Philosophical worldview and the ability to philosophically evaluate the life positions and manifestations of the character of other people.

Depending on the sphere of manifestation, tolerance is divided into the following categories:

  • political;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Medical;
  • Scientific;
  • Administrative, etc.

Types and types of tolerance in modern society

The concept of tolerance is not just a Wikipedia definition. There are different definitions, as well as divisions of tolerance into species, types, subspecies and subtypes. Psychologists divide tolerance into four types, which are based on interpersonal communication of people:

  1. natural (natural). This type of tolerance is characterized by the fact that the child cannot oppose his own "I" to the world around him. He doesn't have much experience for that. Children's consciousness is driven by forgiveness, trust. It is these qualities that allow a small person to adapt to the conditions of existence. However, these character traits make the baby suppress desires and manifestations of will.

People with different skin colors can be tolerant of each other

  1. moral tolerance. This kind of tolerance is typical for self-sufficient and wise people who know how to use the body's psychological defense mechanisms. The main manifestation of this attitude is the manifestation of tolerance towards others. Inside, the passions of indignation may rage and negative energy accumulate, but outwardly the person is extremely calm.
  1. moral tolerance. It will be surprising to many people that two paragraphs with synonymous subheadings go in a row. But there is a significant difference between moral and moral tolerance. Moral tolerance is different in that it determines the degree of trust in a person. This type is typical for people who try to accept the thoughts, values, stereotypes, life principles of another person. It is easy for such people to endure conflict situations and resist the pressure of stress.
  1. ethnic tolerance. Causes long-suffering and lack of condemnation to a foreign culture, customs and way of life.

A person endowed with ethnic tolerance is able to live for a long time in an environment that is unusual, and sometimes even unpleasant for him, a foreign culture and traditions.

Main types of tolerance consist of four subspecies:

  1. The attitude of a person to the situation and the people taking part in it. Subdivided situational tolerance to the following levels:
  • Low level characteristic of a person’s negative attitude to the world and the surrounding reality (“they annoy me”);
  • On the middle level a person expresses tolerance for interlocutors (“I like to communicate with them, and I understand them perfectly”);
  • Highest level characterized by the complete acceptance of a person by a person (“I feel comfortable and good with them”).
  1. The position of a person in relation to other people, based on political, ethnic and national characteristics. This type of tolerance is called typological.
  2. Another subtype of tolerance - professional. This is the reaction of people to the environment in which they are forced to stay for a large amount of time - employees, colleagues, colleagues.
  3. Collective tolerance (general) consists of the signs that a person shows as a result of the previous three observations. Their systematization gives a general picture of the level of tolerance of the individual.

Many people are intolerant of men and women with tattoos.

Examples of tolerance from life

The most obvious manifestations of tolerance in life, as a rule, are associated with religion: you can meet a Christian who talks with a Muslim, and both of them are tolerant towards each other, listen to each other's position and opinion. Also, an example of tolerance can be a conversation between people of different political views. It is important that l people do not try to impose their point of view but have the power to recognize that the other person may not share your political beliefs.

Often people are not tolerant of the appearance of people who dress or look completely different from you. For example, you don’t like tattoos and as soon as you see a girl with a tattoo, your attitude towards her immediately deteriorates, or you don’t want to communicate with her at all.

It will be absolutely intolerant to express your position as the only true one, to hint in every possible way that the person is wrong, that all his arguments seem stupid or insignificant to you. In this situation, you can safely call yourself an intolerant person.

Tolerance and intolerance

In an effort to become tolerant, a person does not think about the fact that his manifestations of tolerance sometimes have the character of violence against himself. That is, he does not have moral tolerance, which is due to acceptance and forgiveness. This process takes place at the level of moral tolerance, which suppresses the internal rejection of any processes.

Tolerance and intolerance are manifested in all spheres of human relationships: professional, interethnic, interreligious and others.

How to understand that a person is tolerant? As a rule, the following signs of tolerance and tolerant personality are distinguished:

  1. Humor. The ability to laugh at one's own shortcomings is the main difference between a tolerant person. He adequately responds to criticism and jokes addressed to him.
  1. Self-realization.

A tolerant person is aimed at self-improvement and the implementation of his plans.

He is inquisitive, open with people and selflessly comes at the first call for help. An intolerant individual does not know how to empathize and does not show compassion for people. He cannot self-determine, and does not strive for self-improvement.

  1. Self-esteem. Tolerance is the ability of a person to adequately evaluate himself and others. He clearly knows and strives to eradicate them. Tolerance implies the harmony of people with the world and within themselves. An intolerant person is accustomed to blaming others for his troubles. He transfers all the blame to those around him, to the circumstances. At the same time, intolerant people exalt their own achievements and stick out their virtues, which, perhaps, do not exist at all.
  1. Security. With all the problems of modern reality (rampant crime, terrorism, etc.), a tolerant person feels protected in society. However, intolerant people see everything that happens around them as a real threat to their own security.
  1. A responsibility. Tolerant people are not afraid of responsibility. In everything that happens around, they are looking for the true causes and meaning. It is not difficult for them to take on certain obligations, and bear for their misdeeds and others.

Conchita Wurst, aka Thomas Neuwirth, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen

  1. Democracy. Tolerant people will never convince you that they are right. They will definitely listen to your point of view, but will remain with their own. Intolerant people are dictators in their psychological attitude. They need to know that everyone around them is subject to their concepts and aspirations.

Tolerance in the modern world

Tolerance for our state and its citizens is something new that has come to us since the time of "Perestroika" and the formation of a new state. In the Soviet Union, tolerance was considered, if not a manifestation of weakness, then a betrayal of the political views promoted by the state. In a communist society, differences of opinion, religious views and preferences were not allowed. The perverted concept of tolerance was recognized only in the call for equality and brotherhood of all peoples and strata of society. Which, however, was sheer propaganda, and had no real basis.

At the present time, people in our country and around the world are increasingly asking themselves the question: “How to become a tolerant person?” And many confuse tolerance with forgiveness in Christianity. However, this concept is far from calling Christianity to the patient and stoic desire to "bear your cross" or "turn your cheek for a second blow." The Orthodox Fathers categorically reject tolerance as a science and in every possible way prevent its teaching in schools and universities. They believe that the acceptance and understanding of any point of view destroys the moral foundations of a person who were brought up in him from childhood.

We can list several examples of the dual interpretation of manifestations of tolerance in society:

  1. Youth. Let's consider a vivid example of the manifestation of the denial of tolerance - skinhead groups. They believe that tolerance for foreign culture, beliefs and attitudes leads to the oppression of the Slavic race. How to explain to a child what tolerance is? First of all, by example. Do not be afraid to discuss sensitive topics in the family regarding any kind of tolerance. Tolerance for children, especially young children, can be a difficult concept, but over the years, the seeds you sow will make themselves felt, and your child will become a truly tolerant person.
  1. A family. In some countries, where a tolerant position towards people has been promoted for a long time, there are some excesses in concepts. For example, in England it is forbidden to use the words "husband" and "wife" in the document flow. Thus, the authorities of the state try not to offend the feelings of sexual minorities entering into a marriage union. However, this is also not the limit, in the future it is planned to ban the words "mother" and "father", with the same purpose. European society condemns the denial of Russians in relation to same-sex partners who want to adopt children.

  1. Politics. In political life there is a very thin line between tolerance and servility. Politicians receive appropriate training and skills to help them manipulate the public and the opinion of the majority of people. Take the same ban on teenage homosexuality, adopted at the legislative level in Russia. In tolerant Europe, this caused a storm of condemnation and accusations of intolerance of the Russian rulers.

Today we see that the Russian public is outraged by the manifestation of fascism and extremism on the territory of the former Russian state - Ukraine.


From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Manifestations of tolerance for non-traditional views on life and the concepts of the minority must be justified by logic and common sense;
  • It is necessary to consider the adoption of certain positions guided by the laws and traditions adopted in society;
  • It is necessary to clearly know and be aware of the limits of tolerance;
  • Tolerance should not develop into permissiveness and violation of true values.

It is necessary to respect and understand the meaning of life, the positions and aspirations of other people, which must correspond to such concepts as "morality", "morality" and "democracy". A tolerant person is not one who is endowed with one positive quality, it is an individual who possesses all of them in full. He will never go into conflict, even justified by certain circumstances, it is impossible to call him to condemn or sharply reject other people's ideals and aspirations. However truly tolerant people must have high moral principles. In order for our society to become tolerant, it is necessary to educate and instill in young people tolerance based on the standards of morality and morality.

Among the most repeated, by the way and inopportunely, passwords of our time is the notorious "tolerance", or, in Russian, "tolerance". In the past, this word was used either in combination with the word "house", or in a transformed form, with a meaning clarifying this concept, in the context of the topic of the legal status of religious minorities - "religious tolerance". Obviously, in a state where, as in the modern Russian Federation, France or the United States, there is no dominant or state religion, where freedom of religion and equality of citizens are guaranteed, regardless of their religious affiliation, the concept of "religious tolerance" loses its relevance. The latest semantic evolution of the word "tolerance" has expanded its semantic field, bringing it closer to the fashionable neologism "political correctness" and placing it in the field of relationships between races, ethnic groups, cultures, civilizations. Adherence to the principle of tolerance and political correctness has become a kind of pass to "decent society", like a tuxedo or tie.

Racial or national tolerance hides latent racism

Meanwhile, the use of this peculiar term in relation to the relationship between people belonging to different races reveals a latent racist in a person who declares his tolerance. To clarify this conclusion, which may seem absurd, it is enough to give an example of religious tolerance in a state where there is a state religion. Tolerance in this case is a civilized attitude towards religious minorities on the part of the state and persons belonging to the dominant or state religion, which does not call into question the status priority of the dominant religion. Or another everyday analogy illustrating the paradox associated with the use of the word “tolerance”: it is said that ardent American feminist ladies, filled with a sense of gender dignity, react very violently to the attempts of helpful gentlemen who try to help them down a steep staircase or transfer excessive a heavy bag, suspecting a gender racist in a gallant counter, in any case interpreting such helpfulness as a malicious humiliation and insult. In a similar way, people belonging to races that in the past era were designated as “colored” and considered inferior in the West often react to tolerance and political correctness towards them from the side of “pale-faced” Europeans or Americans in our time.

Tolerance in relations with people of different races, ethnic groups and cultures in Russia, in the traditions of our people is inappropriate because so characteristic of the self-esteem of Western Europeans or North Americans - for the sake of greater political correctness, let's say: in the recent past - the consciousness of the superiority of the white race over the colored races in Russia did not take root, and if it manifested itself in other cases in the form of excesses, then it definitely refers to marginal phenomena, alien to the worldview of Russian people, and this observation applies to all periods of our history. There are various reasons for this circumstance, but the main one is that the gospel teaching about universal human brotherhood, as well as that in Christ “there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free ”(Col. 3: 11), was accepted by our ancestors with all sincerity and assimilated deeply, so much so that even among people who have lost the Orthodox faith, but grew up in an environment whose ethos is saturated with Christian tradition, and at a time when at the level The official ideology of Christianity and any religion in general were discredited and rejected, a lively sense of equality of people of different races and nationalities was preserved. Therefore, arguments about tolerance towards racial and national minorities are losing ground in our country as unnecessary. Against this background, hooligan or outright criminal antics of skinheads are perceived as a microscopic phenomenon in scale, completely caricatured, absolutely alien to tradition and foreign, imitative, which is already evident from their self-name, for which there was no acceptable word in Russian. In Russian society, they have no support, and therefore do not deserve serious discussion outside the framework of social psychotherapy. The media noise about their odious antics is therefore counterproductive.

Russia, as well as other countries of the Orthodox tradition, insofar as they are not infected with bacilli borrowed on the side of racism, xenophobia and chauvinism, radically differs in this from the West, which so recently, in its relations with the rest of the world, was thoroughly saturated with the idea of ​​the superiority of the Sahib over the natives, in a more philanthropic version - the consciousness of the "burden of responsibility of the white man." In disguised form, is it not the same “burden” that pushes one of the superpowers of our day to impose its values ​​on peoples who have not yet completely forgotten about the civilizing exploits of the Sahibs of a bygone era, although at the level of public rhetoric no one is now seriously trying to act as an apologist? odious racism?

The moral values ​​imposed on the world by modern civilizers include "tolerance" in a new and completely original interpretation. When in our time opponents are reproached for lack of tolerance, then the norm is no longer basically tolerance towards racial, national or religious minorities, but towards minorities of a different kind, towards those who choose a way of life that in the past was considered vicious and scandalous, in other words, it is about tolerance towards sin.

But a Christian, in his conscience, cannot fulfill such a requirement, because he seriously accepts the warning of the Apostle Paul: “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malakis, nor sodomists, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor predators shall inherit the Kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10). The apostle teaches Christians not tolerance, but just the opposite - intolerance towards sin. At the same time, we are called to discover it, first of all, in relation to ourselves, for the Lord calls us: “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged ... And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not feel the beam in your eye?” (Matthew 7:1, 3). But this call not to look for knots in the eyes of others, while having a beam in one's own eye, does not imply complete blindness regarding the obvious sins of our brothers. The Lord told His disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and reprove him between you and him alone: ​​if he listens to you, then you have gained your brother; but if he does not listen, take one or two more with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the mouth of two or three witnesses. If he does not listen to them, tell the church; and if he does not listen to the Church, then let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector” (Matt. 18:15-17), in other words, an incorrigible sinner is subject to excommunication from the Church.

It is only important that, when we denounce an obvious sinner, we do it without Pharisees' arrogance, with humility, recognizing our own sinfulness, and with love for our neighbor, with sincere hope for his repentance and a change in life. The apostle, who enumerated the sins that bar entry into the Kingdom of Heaven for those who adhere to them, then adds in his Epistle to the Corinthian Christians: “Such were some of you; but they were washed, but they were sanctified, but they were justified by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Does everything that has been said mean that intolerance, intolerance to sin commanded by the Lord, refers to the area of ​​self-reproach and repentance, to interpersonal relations, affects exclusively the life within the church and does not contain a socially significant, political and legal aspect? Such an assumption is incorrect. Christians are not escapists or anarchists. Even during times of persecution against the Church in the Roman Empire, they recognized themselves as its faithful citizens, which is remarkably expressed, for example, in the Apology of St. Justin the Philosopher, addressed to Emperor Antoninus Pius. Christians did not consider it shameful and incompatible with their faith to serve in the legions of pagan Rome. The Orthodox Church venerates in the host the saints who were killed for their faith in the Savior during the purge of the army from Christian soldiers, military leaders and generals, such as the great martyrs George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessalonica, Theodore Stratilat. The participation of Christians in state affairs and concerns became incomparably more significant after Saint Constantine granted Christians freedom of religion.

When Christians made up the majority of citizens, the legislation of the Roman state - the famous Roman law - underwent a significant transformation under the influence of the Gospel teaching, under the influence of Christian moral norms. In particular, in criminal law, in a different way than before, a line was drawn between those vices that are not subject to punitive sanctions and criminally punishable manifestations of human sinfulness. This line was drawn and corrected by Christians not as private individuals or children of the church, but as citizens or also as officials called to participate in the preparation of legislative acts, or when pious Christians became the bearers of supreme power, emperors, they issued laws, guided by their Christian conscience. Similar lessons can be drawn from the history of the Russian state in its relationship with the Church, from the history of Russian law based on Christian moral values.

Obviously, it is not private societies but the state that decides where the line lies between unpunished sins and criminal acts. But for us Christians, it is by no means a matter of indifference what kind of decisions are made in this case. In any case, Orthodox Christians who are faithful to the Gospel teaching in its entirety are called upon in their civil life to be on the side of morally protective political forces and parties, and not those that preach tolerance for sin or completely cross out the very concept of sin, that is, in essence affairs tend to deny the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, when making this or that political choice, a Christian puts at the forefront the position of those elected on issues of public morality, his intention, through his participation in legislative, administrative or judicial activities, to contribute to the protection or destruction of fundamental moral norms, to strengthen or undermine social foundations. It is clear that the stated intentions should be judged not only by words, but mainly by deeds. A special responsibility before God for counteracting obvious evil lies with those Orthodox Christians who are participants in the legislative process or who have powerful managerial powers.

Tolerance at the present time is a very promising and, importantly, modern concept. Although the same Buddhism introduced this principle into its teaching many years ago, at the present time it has become divorced from the religious context. now considered reasonable.

Indeed, a person sometimes loses a lot if he does not accept someone else's point of view. As an understanding of this, there is a holiday celebrated held at this time, should tell in detail about what is served in this article. After all, it is tolerance that underlies any mutual understanding. This article will discuss recommendations on how to compose a class hour on this topic.

What is tolerance?

Tolerance is the acceptance of someone else's point of view. It is important to understand that this does not mean that you have to live like the other person. In general, this definition is rather simplified. In translation, what can be tolerated?

  1. Another person's opinion.
  2. Image of his life.
  3. Parenting style.
  4. negative personality traits.

And much more. As you can see, tolerance is indeed a sign of a healthy personality. And a class hour on the topic "Tolerance" should agitate children for how good it is.

Signs of tolerance

Tolerance is a phenomenon that has certain properties, by the presence of which it is possible to determine its presence and whether this indicator crosses the bar. These are the signs:

  • non-judgmental attitude or one that does not affect the relationship with another person;
  • the desire to understand the motives of another person instead of analyzing behavior through their own;
  • high level of empathy towards the interlocutor;
  • the ability to defend their personal boundaries and not step on others.

These are the main signs by which you can determine that a person is tolerant of other people. And when you spend a class hour on the topic "Tolerance", you need to explain to the children not only what a person should be like to be considered tolerant, but also what is the difference between accepting the opinion of another person and agreeing with him.

The difference between tolerance and lack of personal position

Children accept other people's opinions. Moreover, they do this even in cases where they are incompatible. They do not have their own position and attitude to life. That is why they agree with what adults do. Unlike children, mature people have their own system of assessments of the behavior of other people. Tolerance does not imply approval.

A person can also have a bad attitude towards what another does. But at the same time, he does not force others to do what he thinks is right. He simply doesn't need it. He understands that other people are free to do as they see fit.

So, let's outline the thesis, what are the differences between tolerance and agreement with the opinion of another.

  1. Control of one's own and others' borders.
  2. Compromises are being sought instead of a war for psychological space.
  3. A person tries to look at his point of view from a different angle.
  4. It is even possible to build a general opinion that will be of better quality than individual ones.

Now you know that during such an event as a class hour on the topic "Tolerance" children need to be told so that they do not confuse concepts and develop in the right direction.

Types of tolerance

It is also important to tell older children about the types of tolerance. How detailed this information will be depends on the age. Here are the types of tolerance that can be highlighted in the class hour "Tolerance":

  • Grade 2 - sexual tolerance, racial, national, religious, interclass;
  • Grade 7 - add political;
  • Grade 10 - we add sexual orientation tolerance.

It is very important to focus your attention on the fact that a person can have his own opinion and not approve of any actions. But when you can't.

Forms of tolerance

Tolerance has many forms. Class hour "Tolerance" Grade 10 should include this item with a thorough description of the advantages and disadvantages of each form of tolerance. There are four of them in total:

  • indifference;
  • equality of opinions, but their approval is not always manifested;
  • condescension to another person's weakness, having a certain amount of contempt;
  • expansion of experience.

Each form of tolerance is good in its own cases. This is important to understand. It all depends on the person you're dealing with. In principle, this material is also possible when you spend a class hour "Tolerance", Grade 7. At the age of 13-14, teenagers are already quite good at assimilating abstract material. At the same time, do not forget that according to the basic laws of didactics, there should be as much visual material as possible.

Why is tolerance good?

Tolerance is an excellent personality trait. It was not just that it was introduced into the classroom on this topic. Let's take a closer look at the benefits that tolerance has.

  • It allows you to quickly adapt to new conditions.
  • Thanks to tolerance, it is easier to establish contacts with people.
  • Efficient business.
  • Influence on people.

And many other positive things bring a person tolerance. That is why it is necessary to hold a class hour on the day of tolerance. This information should be presented to children in a playful or serious, necessarily visual form. It is the demonstration of the numerous advantages of tolerance that will make it possible to fulfill the main task - to ensure tolerance in the school. The classroom must be effective.

How to develop tolerance

The development of tolerance is not an easy matter. This is especially true for children. How can this be done? The development of the class hour "Tolerance" must necessarily be aimed at training this worldview in children. However, it all depends on age.

The situation is complicated by the fact that one class hour will not be enough for the development of any psychological quality. Therefore, the teacher must guide the children in the right direction all the time during the 11 classes. But since each child is individual, a separate approach is needed. And this is always fraught with difficulties. Therefore, instructions for the development of tolerance can only be used in full. Or at least 9th grade.

How to develop tolerance in children?

But what should be the instructions for developing tolerance? In general, life is full of unique cases. Therefore, everything under the template cannot be adjusted. Nevertheless, there are universal tips in any case. So, here they are.

  1. Get into the habit.
  2. Make a rule for yourself: at least once a day, accept the right to exist someone else's point of view.
  3. Do not let other people prove something to you, but at the same time do not try to convince anyone.
  4. Respect both your personal boundaries and those of others.
  5. Look for compromises.

Here are five tips to help you become more tolerant of other people.

How to conduct a class hour on this topic in different classes?

So, what features should a class hour held on the day of tolerance have? Each child needs to be explained differently. To avoid this: the parents told the child that something was impossible, and the latter accused them of intolerance. This is a fundamentally wrong position. So, what are the features of conducting such classes in different classes?

  • Junior classes. The children here are still young. Therefore, they do not need to be told in detail about discrimination. There is no need to injure the tender psyche. Moreover, they may want to repeat everything that they are told, due to their childish naivety. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about tolerance here in a rather generalized way.
  • Middle and high grades. Here you can already devote children and adolescents in detail. Only it does not need to be done too strongly and tell in maximum detail how discrimination occurs. They can still get it from the internet.

Classroom structure

In this article, it was briefly described what tolerance is. Now you should pay attention to the structure of the class hour. In principle, you can independently choose the option that you like. Nevertheless, the presentation should be carried out according to a clearly defined structure. Here is an approximate version of what should be.

  • Introduction. Here you need to talk about what tolerance is.
  • Story. At this point, it is necessary to explain to children and adolescents why tolerance is modern. For older students, you can make a small digression into the past, filled with details. You can also pick up documentary photos.
  • What does it mean to be tolerant? This item includes the features that were described in this article.
  • "Tolerance is..." In this section, the forms of tolerance are presented, that is, what varieties it has in terms of the way it manifests itself.
  • Types of tolerance.
  • Benefits of tolerance. This paragraph should agitate children and adolescents for a tolerant lifestyle.
  • How to develop tolerance. These are tips for middle and high school students, which were also given here.
  • Conclusions. You can make them as a summary of everything that has been said.

So, we figured out how it is desirable to spend a class hour on the topic "Tolerance". And then only you can decide. The plan given in this article applies to students in general. You need to tailor it to your audience. This task is very difficult. But why not give it a try. How do you know if class was well spent?

Since it is impossible to check changes in the personality of schoolchildren, the effectiveness of this event can be judged by the number of interested people. It is necessary to make this speech not a banal boring lecture, but something exciting. Then the task of agitating for a tolerant way of life is more likely to be completed.

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