Anterior colporrhaphy technique. Complete colporrhaphy. Reviews about colporrhaphy

About colporrhaphy

Colporrhaphy is a separate branch of medicine, which means surgical treatment aimed at resuming appearance and functions of the damaged vagina. Colporrhaphy is a fairly new term in medicine, but this trend in plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular and in demand.

Initially colporrhaphy was used to repair a damaged vagina. It should be noted that most often the integrity of the woman's vagina is violated during childbirth. In order to restore the previous appearance of the vagina, eliminate symptoms indicating damage to it, and restore the function of the female genital organs, colporrhaphy began to be used. After all, it is this method that makes it possible to strengthen muscular framework this body to eliminate pathological defects. However, later colporrhaphy began to be used not only to eliminate traumatic defects of the vagina, but also as plastic method to give the genitals the desired look.

In addition, indications for colporrhaphy are the following conditions:

  1. Decrease in the elasticity of the walls of the vagina, which occurs with age;
  2. Reduced sensitivity of the vagina during intimacy;
  3. Omission, or more severe cases, uterine prolapse;
  4. Congenital malformations of the vagina.

Colporrhaphy allows you to quickly and reliably eliminate all of the above pathological conditions, and feel a woman self-confidence.

Preparation for colporrhaphy

Preparation for colporrhaphy is not difficult in the performance and about her doctor in without fail inform the patient prior to the operation. The method of anesthesia is selected for each patient individually. In some cases, doctors use general anesthesia, in others they consider local anesthesia to be sufficient.

herself preparation for colporrhaphy is in expert advice. Experienced Doctors establish indications for colporrhaphy and conduct this procedure on the highest level. In addition, immediately before the operation, it is not recommended to eat food. In other words, colporrhaphy is performed on an empty stomach. Also, the day before, it is necessary to do an enema in order to cleanse the intestines as much as possible. The patient does not need any other preparation before colporrhaphy.

Video: prolapse treatment pelvic organs(colporrhaphy) 4 minutes (17.2 Mb)

Carrying out colporrhaphy

Colporrhaphy is carried out after prior medical consultation. The doctor examines the woman, prescribes diagnostic procedures if necessary. After that, the specialist appoints the day and time of the colporrhaphy, the most convenient for the patient. As mentioned above, the method of anesthesia for colporrhaphy is selected for each patient on an individual basis, and depends on the characteristics of her body. In any case, the specialists of our clinic select the best pain relief, which allows colporrhaphy to be the safest and most atraumatic procedure for the patient.

During the operation, the doctor performs the necessary manipulations, which ultimately allows you to achieve the desired effect. The procedure itself is relatively short. The rehabilitation period as a whole lasts about 2 months, and aimed at complete restoration of the vagina after colporrhaphy. In the first 4-5 days, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor, which avoids complications. During the rehabilitation period, intimate life is prohibited, as well as weight lifting, heavy physical labor.

Advantages of colporrhaphy in our clinic

Benefits of colporrhaphy in our clinic "DeVita" are quite diverse. An important advantage is the fact that colporrhaphy in our clinic is carried out only the best specialists who have extensive experience in this field. When you come to a consultation with a doctor, you will immediately understand that you have come to the right specialist, because he will not only listen and prescribe treatment, but also select the most best method therapy just for you. Both diagnostics and treatment in the DeVita clinic are always carried out efficiently, efficiently and with the achievement of only the desired result.

Besides, colporrhaphy is carried out with the use of unique, modern, reliable medical equipment. Turning to us, you can be 100% sure that this surgery will take place at the highest level, and the result will be amazing! In addition, the operation itself is assigned to the maximum convenient time for the patient, which saves your personal time!

It should be noted that any treatment in our clinic is carried out in comfortable conditions for the patient, and the rehabilitation period while in the clinic allows you to strengthen the results of treatment and make it even more reliable. Colporrhaphy at the DeVita clinic will be carried out professionally and with high quality. See for yourself!

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Gynecologists performing colporrhaphy


Doctor the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Member of the Russian Society of Urology, scientific section on neurourology of the ROU. Deals with issues of urinary incontinence in women, treatment of chronic recurrent cystitis, interstitial cystitis.

Work experience in the specialty - 15 years.

Main areas of practice: treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, ovarian dysfunction, violation menstrual cycle, correction of menopausal disorders, minimally invasive methods of treatment in gynecology, intimate surgery. Pregnancy management, female infertility.

Obstetrician gynecologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics

In 2000 she graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Volgograd Medical Academy. Has additional professional retraining in gynecology-endocrinology, operative hysteroscopy, ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology.

Work experience in the specialty 12 years.

Ivanova Natalya Vladimirovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences

In 1983 she graduated from the Voronezh State medical institute them. N.N. Burdenko. Sphere of professional interests: recurrent miscarriage, plastic surgery of the labia minora and labia majora, restoration of the vagina after traumatic childbirth.

Experience in the specialty 32 years.

Cost of colporrhaphy

Sign up for a consultation about colporrhaphy

Questions from users on our website about colporrhaphy

Slightly elevated platelet count. 330, with a border of 320. Is this a contraindication to colporrhaphy, will they take me for an operation?

Doctor's answer:

Good afternoon. No, such a platelet count is not a contraindication to surgery - colporrhaphy. Sincerely, obstetrician-gynecologist Kulik S.V.

Tell me, is it possible to have an operation to remove the uterus (I have a prolapse of the uterus) at the age of 78? If yes, how much does it cost? Thanks.

Doctor's answer:

Good afternoon. In our clinic abdominal operations are not fulfilled. Sincerely, obstetrician-gynecologist Kulik S.V.

I have a prolapse of the uterus, an ovarian cyst, a cyst above the kidney, I suffer from frequent and unproductive urination, can I get an examination with you in one

day and what is the cost of the examination?

Doctor's answer:

Good afternoon. Yes, you can, for this you need to have with you the results of a general urinalysis and urine culture for flora, the shelf life is no more than 10 days. I recommend making an appointment with our doctor Salyukova Yulia Ruslanovna. You will probably need to have (at a minimum) an ultrasound of the kidneys and Bladder and KUDI. You can find out the cost of the examination on our website. Sincerely, doctor obstetrician-gynecologist Kulik S.V.

Hello, tell me please, my urine is ticking when I sit, walk, when having sex from above it is not possible at all, when I cough.

It makes me very hard to live. I have a small prolapse of the vagina, but the gynecologist claims that this is not due to this. Also I hang 65 kg like 10 kg. Prompt please where to address and what analyzes to hand over. Thanks in advance.

Doctor's answer:

Hello. First you need to seek advice from a urologist. It looks like you have stress urinary incontinence (stress incontinence), but to clarify the diagnosis and definition further tactics you will need to perform a comprehensive urodynamic study (CUD). The specialists of our clinic deal in depth with the problem of urinary incontinence in women. With us you can go through a full cycle, from consultation to complex diagnostic procedures and surgical intervention. We will be glad to help you.

I am 65 years old. In November, I underwent surgery: TVT-synthetic loop (there was a slight urinary incontinence when coughing and sneezing) and vaginal plastic surgery (prolapse of

vaginal walls). After the operation, my urinary incontinence manifested itself to a greater extent. The gynecologist (who is also the surgeon who performed this operation) in response to my complaint about urinary incontinence prescribed UROTOL 2 r. 2 mg per day. Can you please tell me if the introduction of this tvt thread is the reason for the deterioration?

Doctor's answer:

Hello. You may have urge or mixed urinary incontinence. To determine the tactics of treatment, you need to conduct an additional examination, namely, to perform a comprehensive urodynamic study (CUD). You can contact our clinic, we will be happy to help. Sign up for a preliminary consultation with a urologist.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

There are many factors under the influence of which the expansion of the vagina and the omission of its walls occur. As a result, a woman not only experiences discomfort along with painful sensations- she is devoid of joy sexual life and the ability to engage in even ordinary daily duties. As a result, the victim is left with one thought - how to reduce the vagina. This task does not belong to the impossible series and is solved with the help of colporrhaphy. Below we will consider what it is, in what cases it is prescribed and why other subtleties of the procedure may be contraindicated.

Types of colporrhaphy

Colporrhaphy is a surgical procedure that changes the size of the vagina. Most often, problems with stretching of the vaginal walls, excessive width of the organ, its prolapse, urinary incontinence occur as a result labor activity or age-related changes. Depending on the factors that caused the changes, the types of colporrhaphy are also selected:

  • Anterior colporrhaphy. This type of operation is a plastic transformation of the anterior vaginal wall. Intervention is prescribed for prolapse - omission - of the anterior wall of the organ, when it falls out simultaneously with the posterior wall of the bladder.
  • Posterior colporrhaphy. Plastic surgery affects the posterior vaginal wall and becomes necessary in case of prolapse of the posterior part of the organ, provoked by insufficient tissue tone pelvic floor or gaps formed during labor. Such an intervention may become necessary in case of a threat of uterine prolapse or in the presence of a hernia in the rectum.
  • Median colporrhaphy. Most often, the operation is prescribed for the final prolapse of the organ to women of the age who do not live sexually. This approach is based on possible complications operations - the consequence may be the impossibility sexual contact and loss of access to the cervix for examinations. A prerequisite is Exploratory survey to exclude predisposition to oncology of the uterine cervix.

When prescribing colporrhaphy, they are guided by secondary changes associated with prolapse of the vaginal walls, both anatomical and functional. For the most part, the decision on surgical intervention is based on the formation of complications in relation to adjacent organs.

Important. With first-degree vaginal prolapse, surgery is not an indispensable solution, it can be prescribed conservative treatment based on special gymnastic exercises to strengthen muscular system vaginal area and pelvic floor.

Indications for colporrhaphy

Kegel exercises do not provide desired effect with the second and third degree of pathology, respectively, surgical intervention becomes a reasonable necessity. In addition to the reasons listed above, indications for organ plastic surgery occur when:

  1. Urinary incontinence due to displaced urethra, excessive stretching of its mouth.
  2. Gas incontinence against the background of insolvency of the anal sphincter due to a displaced rectum, which occurs as a result of prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall.
  3. Difficult or uncomfortable defecation, despite the fact that there is no constipation as such.
  4. Soreness during physical exertion, intercourse, which is explained by the unstable position of the organs of the genitourinary system.

In addition to all of the above, plastic surgery can be performed at the request of the patient, even if there is no organ prolapse. Enough common cause quality deteriorates sexual relations after childbirth, in some cases, surgery is required if there is anatomical features when the partners reveal a discrepancy between the genitals in their size. Surgery may also be required for patients who are not satisfied aesthetic appearance with an enlarged vaginal fissure up to gaping, which is usually observed in those who have given birth many times.

Contraindications for surgery

Unfortunately, in some cases medical indications and the wishes of the patient herself do not play a role, since there are a number of contraindications to plastic surgery. General prohibitions are very similar to the restrictions for any surgical intervention for which general anesthesia is used. This list includes:

  • Complicated decompensated somatic pathologies in which the lesion affects vascular system, kidneys, heart muscle and liver.
  • Availability infectious diseases in acute form.
  • The development of acute thrombophlebitis.
  • Clearly impaired blood clotting.
  • The recovery period (acute or early) after a heart attack or stroke.
  • When dangerous combination various injuries.
  • In the period after childbirth.
  • Plastic surgery is not advisable in the case of the formation of a malignant pathology and in the presence of diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

There are relative contraindications, which include the age bar. Colporrhaphy is not indicated for patients under the age of 18, but such a ban applies only to situations where the changes being made are of an aesthetic nature. If the reason for the operation is deviations that interfere with the functionality of the organs, or there are medical prescriptions for changes, the intervention is carried out regardless of age.

Operation technique

Colporrhaphy is performed exclusively in a hospital, before the operation itself, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive survey aimed at identifying contraindications and clarifying existing violations. The patient is admitted to the hospital a few days before the procedure surgical intervention. Preoperative preparation In addition to the survey, it includes preventive actions aimed at cleansing the intestines, vaginal sanitation. On the eve of the operation, if necessary, the patient should review the menu - the food should be well absorbed, be light enough. The last meal and fluid intake is allowed 12 hours before surgery, taking into account the need for general anesthesia. As for the treatment technique, any manipulations during the surgical intervention are carried out vaginally:

  • The cervix is ​​fixed with special clamps, taken aside.
  • Produce excision of the vaginal walls.
  • At the same time, a rhombus-shaped flap is isolated, and the underlying muscle tissue is sutured and fixed.
  • The position of the incision depends on the type of intervention scheduled.
  • After completed main stage procedures, proceed to layer-by-layer suturing.
  • Separate sutures are applied to muscle tissue, fascia, which dissolve over time.
  • The mucous layer is closed with a continuous suture.
  • To avoid the formation of "pockets", the surgeon has to exercise tight control over the position of the edges of the wound.
  • To prevent the formation of rough scars, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of deformations in the seam area in the form of rollers.
  • If median colporrhaphy is performed, sutures are applied simultaneously to the back and front walls to connect them, forming two channels on the sides, designed to remove the separated uterus.

The final stage of the operation is the drainage of the vagina, followed by the treatment of the walls of the organ with alcohol. Then a tampon soaked in a disinfectant ointment, most often Synthomycin emulsion, is inserted into the vagina. The accumulated urine is removed using a catheter.

Carrying out colporrhaphy

Colporrhaphy is a surgical intervention performed on the walls of the vagina, correcting defects, including (omission of the bladder) and rectocele (protrusion of the anterior wall of the rectum). Colporrhaphy can be performed on the anterior and/or posterior walls of the vagina. Anterior colporrhaphy is performed for a cystocele or urethrocele, while posterior colporrhaphy is used for a rectocele. The price for anterior and posterior colporrhaphy is practically the same. The main reason for the appointment of colporrhaphy is prolapse. Prolapse is any protrusion of an organ or a certain part of it, in this case through the vagina. At the slightest suspicion of prolapse, you must make an appointment with a specialist. The pelvic organs usually have tissue (muscles, ligaments, etc.) to help hold them in place. Several factors can cause these tissues to weaken, leading to organ prolapse. A cystocele is defined as a protrusion or prolapse of the bladder into the vagina; Urethrocele is a prolapse of the urethra. A rectocele occurs when the rectum protrudes. It is caused by a defect in the rectovaginal fascia. When the part small intestine protrudes into the vagina, this condition is called an enterocele. Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus moves down. Vaginoplasty is usually not indicated unless symptoms of prolapse begin to interfere with daily life.

prolapse symptoms

A small posterior prolapse may not cause signs or symptoms. Otherwise, you may notice:

  1. A slight bulge of tissue that can sometimes protrude through the vaginal opening
  2. Difficulty during bowel movements;
  3. feeling of rectal pressure or fullness;
  4. Feeling that the rectum is not completely empty after a bowel movement;
  5. Problems during intercourse pain);
  6. (especially during exercise);
  7. Back pain and.

Often, women are prescribed vaginal plastic surgery after childbirth. Factors associated with pelvic organ protrusion include age, repeated births, hormonal deficiency, current physical activity and previous hysterectomy. Some women perform not for medical, but for aesthetic reasons.

Operation process

Before the colporrhaphy operation, the patient is prescribed a general or local anesthesia. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to keep it open during the procedure. Then an incision is made in the vaginal skin, and a defect in the underlying fascia is identified. The vaginal skin is separated from the fascia and the defect is folded and sutured. Any excess vaginal skin is removed and the incision is closed with stitches. The risks of colporrhaphy include potential complications associated with anesthesia, infection, bleeding, damage to other pelvic structures, dyspareunia (), recurrence of the prolapse, and failure to correct the defect.

In most cases, colporrhaphy can be done without complications, and then the woman can resume normal activities, including sexual intercourse, about four weeks after the procedure. After a successful intimate plastic surgery symptoms associated with cystocele or rectocele recede, although separate therapy or intervention is required. Anterior colporrhaphy has approximately a 66% success rate in repairing bladder prolapse.


Before colporrhaphy, a physical examination is required. Most often, for the diagnosis of prolapse of the pelvic organs. A speculum is inserted into the vagina and the patient is asked to tighten or sit upright. The doctor then checks the front, back, top, and sides of the vagina for a bulge. In some cases, physical examination may not allow for a definitive diagnosis. The patient should refrain from eating or drinking after midnight on the day of the colporrhaphy. The doctor may prescribe an enema the night before the procedure if a posterior colporrhaphy will be performed. After surgery, the patient will be put on a liquid diet until he recovers. normal functioning intestines. Your doctor will recommend for a few weeks to avoid activities that may put stress on the surgical site, including heavy lifting, coughing, long walking, sneezing, bowel strain, and sexual intercourse.

The specialists of our clinic will advise on all issues related to the operation and help to ensure the highest level safety and comfort during colporrhaphy.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the recovery period after colpography?

- The first 2-3 days after the colporrhaphy, the patient remains in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Then the woman can return home, but for another two weeks she is allowed to take only horizontal position- Sitting is strictly prohibited. General rehabilitation period is 2 months.

Please tell me when posterior colporrhaphy will the suture in the vagina be up to the cervix or only 3-4 cm from the entrance?

- The suture in the vagina depends on the severity of the problem before the operation. The larger the problem, the longer the seam will be. Usually the seam is about 3-4 cm in size, but in each case it also depends on the degree of prolapse or stretching of the mucosa.

The operation of colporrhaphy (reducing the size of the vagina) is performed not only for medical reasons, but also to improve the quality of intimate life. Every year, anterior and posterior colporrhaphy is becoming more and more popular. However, many women are hesitant to change their lives for the better due to fears of surgery. In what cases it is possible to resort to colporrhaphy, and in what cases not, this article will help to understand.

Indications for colporrhaphy surgery

Colporrhaphy refers to vaginal plastic surgery. The operation of colporrhaphy is the suturing of the walls of the vagina during their expansion, omission and prolapse.

Symptoms of the expansion and prolapse of the vagina:

  • Violations in intimate life, when a woman does not feel anything during sexual intercourse
  • Pain on exertion abdominal muscles
  • Discomfort and discomfort in the vagina, feeling of a foreign object

Degrees of prolapse of the vagina:

  • Mild (descent of the vaginal walls, which may not interfere with sexual activity, and is not harmful to health)
  • Medium (prolapse of the mucous membrane outward - in appearance resembles a "rose" hanging in the perineum). Constant contact of the mucosa with underwear and its insufficient moisture leads to thinning, the appearance of cracks through which bacteria can penetrate, provoking inflammatory processes
  • Severe (prolapse of the uterus or cervix). With this degree, the patient can hardly move, urinary incontinence appears, urination itself is difficult, pains appear in the lower abdomen and in the bladder area. With this form, the colporrhaphy operation is no longer cosmetic, but vital

Causes of prolapse and expansion of the vagina:

In all these cases, a colporrhaphy operation is indicated, which consists in removing the excess (prolapsed) vaginal wall (anterior or posterior) and correcting the external opening. After excision, the vaginal muscles are pulled together and sutured.

Types of colporrhaphy:

  • Front
  • rear
  • Median (Lefort-Neigebauer operation)

With anterior colporrhaphy, the anterior wall of the vagina is sutured, with posterior colporrhaphy, respectively, the back wall. The median one captures all parts of the vagina and is carried out mainly only for older women suffering from complete prolapse of the uterus and no longer having sex.

The degree of vaginal prolapse is determined by the surgeon when examined in a resting position and separately in tension. After that, a decision is made on the type of colporrhaphy that is required to fix the problem. If vaginal prolapse is accompanied by uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence, multiple surgeries may be needed.

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. Previously, the patient undergoes a complete medical examination, including:

  • Consultations of a surgeon-gynecologist and an anesthesiologist
  • Gynecological smear
  • Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases
  • General analysis blood
  • Blood chemistry
  • Blood clotting test

Contraindications for surgery

Contraindications to the operation of colporrhaphy can be relative and absolute.

To relative contraindications applies to the age of up to 18 years, however, this prohibition applies only to colporrhaphy of an aesthetic order. If colporrhaphy requires functional deviations in the functioning of organs and medical indications, then the operation is performed at any age, even at an early age.

Other contraindications for the operation:

Rehabilitation after surgery

The colporrhaphy operation itself lasts very little - from 30 to 60 minutes, and is well tolerated by women. However, this is a serious surgical intervention, and after it the patient will have to go through a full rehabilitation period.

The first 2-3 days after the colporrhaphy, the patient remains in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Then the woman can return home, but for another two weeks she is allowed to take only a horizontal position - it is strictly forbidden to sit.

During rehabilitation after colporrhaphy surgery, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics and painkillers - as in a standard operation. In parallel, it is recommended to undergo physiotherapy procedures, wear supportive compression underwear, bandage, engage light medical exercise on the recommendation of a doctor.

During the rehabilitation period (2 months) after colporrhaphy it is strictly forbidden:

  • Have sex of any kind
  • Do sports or any physical activity
  • lift weights
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles

Anterior colporrhaphy

Anterior colporrhaphy is plastic surgery of the anterior wall of the vagina.

Indications for anterior colporrhaphy:

  • Prolapse of the anterior wall of the vagina
  • Omission and prolapse of the anterior wall of the vagina along with the posterior wall of the bladder

Anterior colporrhaphy operation technique:

  • An extra section of the mucous membrane is isolated on the anterior wall of the vagina
  • This area is excised
  • Insert deep sutures
  • A continuous suture connects the edges of the vaginal mucosa

Posterior colporrhaphy

Posterior colporrhaphy (colpoperineorrhaphy) is plastic rear wall vagina.

Indications for posterior colporrhaphy:

  • Omission and prolapse of the posterior wall of the vagina, provoked by ruptures of the perineum (during childbirth), a decrease in the tone of the peripelvic tissues
  • Threat of uterine prolapse
  • Hernia of the rectum

Posterior colporrhaphy operation technique:

  • A triangle is separated on the back wall of the vagina
  • Within this triangle, the mucous membrane is cut off
  • The levators are exposed and connected with catgut sutures.
  • Several separate stitches are placed between them
  • The sheath of the posterior surface of the vagina is sutured with a continuous suture

Median colporrhaphy

This operation is carried out with full loss uterus is mostly only for older women who are no longer sexually active. Since the complications of median colporrhaphy are the inability to have sexual intercourse in the future and the lack of access to the cervix for examination. Therefore, before median colporrhaphy, an examination is mandatory to exclude the patient's predisposition to cervical cancer.

Median colporrhaphy operation technique:

  • The anterior and posterior lips of the cervix are grasped with forceps, leading out of the genital slit along with the vagina.
  • From the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, the same sections of the mucosa are cut off.
  • First, the anterior edges of the wound are connected with sutures, then the lateral and posterior ones.
  • The cervix is ​​immersed in the vagina.
  • On the right and on the left there are channels for the outflow of secretions from the uterus.

Operation price

When a woman thinks about using colporrhaphy, the price of the service plays an important role. The price of colporrhaphy is determined by the complexity of the operation.

Colporrhaphy in Moscow has a price range of 21 to 50 thousand rubles (depending on the clinic and the complexity of the operation). If a woman lives outside the capital and is interested in colporrhaphy, the price for it in the regions is an order of magnitude lower.

Start your journey to happiness - right now!

Colporrhaphy- this is surgical procedure, which reduces the parameters of the female genital organ when it is stretched. Most often, women undergo this operation due to the stretching of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus after childbirth, or due to age-related changes in the pelvic organs.

  • Feeling of dissatisfaction after sexual intercourse.
  • Vaginal prolapse (omission) of the walls of the uterus.
  • Omission internal organs.
  • Problems with urination (incontinence).
  • An increase in the slit-like opening between the labia majora, contributing to the penetration of pathogens.

Types of colporrhaphy

  1. Anterior colporrhaphy (suturing the anterior wall of the vagina). Helps strengthen the walls of the urethra, reduces the size of the vagina, eliminates urinary incontinence.
  2. Posterior colporrhaphy (suturing the posterior wall of the vagina). Produced for disorders in intimate life, effectively tightens the muscles of the vagina.
  3. Average surgical procedure. It is carried out in the presence of absolute uterine prolapse.
  4. Levatoroplasty.
  5. This is an operation that is performed on the muscles of the perineum to restore the pelvic floor. Levatoroplasty can be practiced in conjunction with vaginal reduction due to strong stretching walls or if they have a dense connective tissue formation from ruptures.

Anterior colporrhaphy

This kind surgical treatment is most often used when the bladder is prolapsed by cutting a flap from the sagging part of the vagina, and then suturing the resulting wound with the capture of the bladder fascia. If it is impossible to hold urine due to bladder prolapse, the doctor strengthens the anterior segment of the pelvic floor with a polypropylene mesh.

Posterior colporrhaphy with levatoroplasty

The essence of this method is the excision and stitching of the posterior wall of the vagina. If the operation is performed on a smaller than necessary area of ​​the vagina, then the effect of it will not give the desired result. In the event of an over-resection, the woman will experience discomfort due to "compression" muscle tissue. Therefore, this operation requires high professionalism of the doctor. You can see the transformation of the uterus due to correctly and correctly performed posterior colporrhaphy in the photo.

We are proud to state that our specialists have been successfully performing the procedure of posterior colporrhaphy with levatoroplasty for many years only with positive feedback from patients.


    The acquisition of the normal natural size of the female genital organ, the improvement of its functional abilities.

    Restoring the elasticity of the vagina.

    Improving the quality of sexual life.

    Restoration of the psycho-emotional state.

    Restoration of ptosis of internal organs.

    Elimination of urinary incontinence, uncontrolled flatulence, etc.

Before holding a corporation, a woman must pass:

    A smear to determine the flora and purity of the vagina.

    Analysis to determine the blood group and Rh factor.

    General and biochemical analysis blood.

    General urine analysis;

    Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C;

    Analysis for sexually transmitted diseases.

    Fluorography, etc.

Contraindications for colporrhaphy

    Blood clotting problems.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Mental disorders.

    The presence of chronic diseases.


    Inflammatory processes urinary area.

What to bring with you when going to colporrhaphy:

    An aqueous solution of "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin".

    "Diflucan" ("Flucostat") 150 mg two capsules.


    hygiene products for women.

    Ointment "Levomekol".

Take care of yourself after surgery

If some time after the surgical intervention, prolonged pain in the lower abdomen, excessive and bloody issues from the genitals heat, general weakness consult a doctor immediately. AT postoperative period in order to avoid complications, penetration of infection, strictly follow the doctor's indications.

Recovery after vaginal surgery

    Observe bed rest within 7-10 days.

    Do not sit at a right angle, squatting.

    Eliminate physical exercise throughout half a year.

    Don't rush to restart intimate life. Wait 1.5-2 months.

    Do douching.

    Take appointments medicines(antibiotics, etc.).

    Get a checkup with a doctor.

Colporrhaphy is a surgical procedure that allows you to reduce the size of the vagina when it is stretched.

Posterior colporrhaphy in our clinic - only positive feedback from patients

What could be more wonderful for a woman than the birth of a child? But, despite the joy of the accomplished miracle, a woman's body is not always able to recover on its own. Often after childbirth or due to uterine pathologies, a woman needs posterior and anterior colporrhaphy.

Consequences of stretching the vagina

Most often, vaginal stretching occurs during childbirth, but it can also occur due to age-related changes in the pelvic organs. In this case, the woman is faced with the following problems:

  • Dissatisfaction during intercourse - can occur both unilaterally (only for a woman), and for both partners.
  • Prolapse of the walls of the uterus and uterine internal organs.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • The gaping of the genital slit, leading to the entry of infections into the vagina.

Types of colporrhaphy

    In our medical center all types of colporrhaphy are performed:

  • posterior colporrhaphy (suturing the posterior wall of the vagina);
  • anterior colporrhaphy (suturing the anterior wall of the vagina);
  • average colporrhaphy(performed with complete prolapse of the uterus);
  • narrowing of the entrance to the vagina;
  • anterior and posterior colporrhaphy followed by levatoroplasty.

Levatoroplasty is Plastic surgery, which is performed on the muscles of the perineum for full recovery pelvic floor. In combination with colporrhaphy, this operation is performed if the walls of the vagina are very stretched or there are old scars from ruptures on them.

Most often there is a need to use the method of posterior colporrhaphy with levatoroplasty. It consists in excision and stitching of the posterior wall of the vagina. This operation must be carried out by a professional great experience work, which will be able to correctly determine the required amount of suturing. If the procedure is carried out on a smaller than necessary area of ​​the vagina, then the effect of it will not give the desired result. In the case of excessive excision, the woman will feel discomfort due to the tightness of the muscle tissue.

You can see changes in the uterus that occur as a result of an effective posterior colporrhaphy in the photo.

Our specialists have been successfully performing the procedure of posterior colporrhaphy with levatoroplasty for many years and receive only positive reviews patients.

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