After childbirth, the labia decreased. Intimate plastic. How the female genital organs change after childbirth Instinctive compression of the labia after childbirth

What does the vagina look like after childbirth? This question is often asked by young women during their first pregnancy. The excitement is usually associated with the possible increase in the volume of the vagina, which inevitably occurs after childbirth. But women are more worried about sexual life - suddenly such changes will affect their own feelings.

Transformations of the vagina go from the moment the pregnancy begins, and end only a few months after childbirth. This is a normal physiological process, which ends with a complete restoration of the shape and volume of the organ. To an insufficient extent, it occurs only in women who have given birth to many children (more than three).

There are also pathological conditions in which the vagina after childbirth is not sufficiently restored. These include birth injuries of the mother - ruptures of the vagina or perineum. But even after them, a full recovery is possible - with competent and timely assistance from obstetricians.

To fully understand the changes that occur in a woman's genitals, it is necessary to learn about their anatomy and functions.

Normal structure and functions

The vagina consists of two parts - external and internal. The first is a vestibule - skin formations that delimit the organ from the external environment. They include the labia, clitoris, and Bartholin's glands. Their role is to protect the soft and delicate mucosa from injury and infection.

The inner part of the genital organs of a woman is shaped like a tube, which consists of several layers. Since the composition contains muscle tissue, then with its normal tone, the vagina resembles a gap from the inside.

It distinguishes the anterior and posterior walls, which cover the top of the cervix. This structure allows you to quickly rebuild these organs by the time of birth, creating a channel convenient for the passage of the child.

  • The large labia are located on the sides of the entrance to the vagina and look like two folds of skin tucked inward.
  • Between them are the labia minora, which are the border of the inner and outer parts.
  • Bartholin's glands secrete a special lubricant - it moisturizes the vaginal mucosa and has an antibacterial effect.
  • The mucous surface has many folds located in the longitudinal direction. This feature allows you to significantly increase the volume of the vagina during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • In the muscle layer, the fibers are directed mainly longitudinally and are associated with a similar layer of the uterine wall. Therefore, in a relaxed state, they can stretch well and expand the lumen of the genital organs.

In the genitals of a woman live beneficial bacteria - lactobacilli. They create lactic acid, which creates favorable conditions for the movement of spermatozoa. It also has an antibacterial effect - many microorganisms die in an acidic environment.

Vaginal changes during pregnancy and childbirth

The hormone progesterone plays a major role in preparing a woman's genital tract for childbirth. It is secreted from a special gland (corpus luteum) that develops on the ovaries after ovulation. It reaches its maximum size in the first months of pregnancy, and then gradually decreases.

The action of the hormone is associated with a strong effect on smooth muscle tissue and blood vessels. It causes muscle relaxation and expansion of the lumen of blood vessels. Due to the decrease in tone and stagnation of blood, the tissues become softer and more elastic.

  1. Due to the expansion of blood vessels, the muscles of the vagina are filled with blood and soften. Longitudinal muscle fibers gradually increase in size, but by the time of delivery their tone is minimal. This allows the child to move freely, stretching them.
  2. The mucosa becomes darker and wetter, which is associated with improved blood circulation. A large number of folds during childbirth straighten out, moving after the muscles.
  3. Progesterone affects the properties of connective tissue, reducing the amount of dense collagen fibers in it. Due to this, the anterior and posterior commissures of the vagina (the junction of the labia) become softer and more elastic. This protects them from tearing when the child passes through the vestibule of the genital tract.

Progesterone also favorably affects the vaginal microflora - lactobacilli. During childbirth, they fall on the child, then populating his intestines. They protect his skin from dangerous bacteria, and also allow him to digest mother's milk from the first days.

Normal vagina after childbirth

With the normal management of pregnancy (in the antenatal clinic) and childbirth, complications occur extremely rarely. Their main reason is the discrepancy between the size of the child and the woman's genital tract. Normally, minor damage to the mucosa is possible - cracks, abrasions, bruises.

Due to changes in hormonal levels at the end of pregnancy and after childbirth, normal muscle tone and blood circulation are restored. There comes a period of release of a new hormone - prolactin. It is opposite in action to progesterone and is aimed at stimulating the production of milk in the mother.

All recovery processes take no more than three months, and much depends on the individual capabilities of the mother - on the age and number of previous births. If the girl is not more than 25 years old and the birth is the first, then the vagina will acquire a normal shape in two weeks.


The main transformations during pregnancy concern the uterus - it takes the longest to recover and requires careful monitoring of this process by a doctor. In the external genitalia, this happens imperceptibly from the outside. But with the return to sexual activity, partners note a change in sensations.

  1. Women usually complain of a decrease in sensitivity and a weakening of sexual desire. And men note an increase in the size of a woman's organs and a decrease in her elasticity. Often these problems are associated with an early return to intimacy, while the restoration of the vagina has not yet been completed.
  2. The vagina after childbirth somewhat changes its shape - this is due to the stretching of the muscles and mucous membranes. Unlike injuries, ruptures of the muscle layer do not occur, but its fibers are slightly stretched and diverge in the transverse direction.
  3. The most noticeable changes appear after the first pregnancy - the mucosa is significantly stretched, and then forms many folds. The slit-shaped vagina becomes spindle-shaped (wide in the center, narrowed at the edges). In multiparous women, it gradually takes the form of a cylinder, which is associated with stretching of the ligamentous apparatus.
  4. Small abrasions, cracks and hemorrhages heal already on the first day after childbirth. This is facilitated by a change in the hormonal background, which enhances the ability of the mucosa to recover.
  5. During the first week, smearing mucous discharge from the vagina is possible. They are associated with increased activity of the glands of the genital tract and a sharp decrease in the size of the uterus.
  6. The muscles and skin of the perineum recover the fastest - in two weeks their tone returns to normal. It is these formations that play the main role in maintaining the normal form. If you train them after pregnancy, then you can achieve the previous shape of the genitals.

Prolactin also affects the emotional state of a woman, directing her attention to the care and protection of the child. With this dominant, he inhibits sexual desire, while suppressing ovulation in a woman. Therefore, while the young mother is in the period of feeding, she will have no desire to have sex.

Recovery Methods

The vagina after childbirth takes on its former shape quite quickly - defects in the mucous membrane and muscles are eliminated during the first week. Therefore, the main activities are aimed at strengthening the perineum. Gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises are used, as well as vitamin therapy.

  1. During the first week, when it is still difficult for a woman to perform any exercises, dosed walks can be used. Half an hour of quiet walking a day is enough to improve blood circulation in the perineum. Normal blood flow provides an increase in the tone of the muscles of the perineum, which strengthens the walls of the vagina. It will be much more useful to walk in the fresh air.
  2. Gymnastics can be started depending on how you feel, but no later than two weeks. The exercise is one and extremely simple - alternate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum are performed. The woman puts her feet shoulder-width apart and makes such movements with her buttocks. On the day of such procedures, from 3 to 5 are necessary (at least twenty squeezing-unclenching in each).
  3. Therapeutic exercise begins two weeks after birth. It includes a set of various exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities. They start with stretching - it will strengthen the ligaments and increase the tone of the perineum.
  4. Swimming will be useful - it evenly develops the muscles of the body. Unlike other types of load, it does not cause an increase in pressure on the pelvic organs. Two workouts a week are enough to get the desired effect.
  5. Vitamin E and ascorbic acid are antioxidants and have a good effect on the recovery of the vagina after childbirth. They improve metabolic processes in the connective tissue, which allows you to quickly eliminate small defects in the walls of the genital organs.

The main problem of women in the postpartum period is the reassessment of their condition. Therefore, instead of experiences, it is better to direct your efforts to eliminate these small shortcomings.

Genital injuries during childbirth

Since all the soft tissues of the perineum are subjected to significant pressure, ruptures occur if they are not sufficiently elastic. They are typical for those giving birth for the first time - women are often not ready for childbirth mentally and physically. On average, every sixth birth is accompanied by soft tissue injuries.

Responsibility for ruptures always lies with the doctors, as timely assistance was not provided. The reason is always the discrepancy between the size of the birth canal and the child moving along them. Small injuries are not dangerous and heal on their own within the first week after birth.

Severe ruptures are accompanied by simultaneous damage to neighboring organs - the urethra and rectum. Such injuries require immediate surgery, as they directly threaten the life of the mother. After them, repeated births through natural routes are rarely feasible, so their cicatricial deformity occurs.

Treatment of ruptures is usually surgical - immediately after childbirth, large defects are sutured under local anesthesia. The most cosmetic damage to the vagina - externally, the seam will not be visible, since the scars dissolve on the mucosa. If there was an injury to the skin of the perineum, then in any case, a scar will remain, which will eventually become invisible.

To prevent ruptures, a woman in labor needs to learn how to push and relax properly. For this, methods of breathing exercises are used - this allows you to adjust the pressure on the perineum.

During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. The reproductive organs and adjacent tissues are most susceptible to restructuring. Often these changes do not pass without a trace after the birth of a child, causing the development of postpartum complications. What changes in a woman's genitals undergo after childbirth and how to prevent the occurrence of various diseases.


The vagina is one of the main reproductive organs of a woman. It is through him that the conception and birth of a baby occurs. The average depth of the vagina is 9 cm, and in an excited state it increases to 16 cm. This happens so that the male genital organ enters the vagina freely without causing pain and discomfort to the woman.

Some believe that the size and depth of this female organ directly depends on the height of the woman. However, many years of research have shown that there is no direct relationship with the height of a woman and the size of her vagina.

It is also a delusion and the frequent belief that after childbirth the size of the vagina changes. Since this organ is made up of muscles, its size cannot change. Only the surface of the vaginal walls changes. Before childbirth, the walls are more prominent, and after the birth of a child, they are smooth. If after childbirth a woman or partner has decreased sensitivity during intercourse, the situation can be corrected with the help of special Kegel exercises, which will restore their former elasticity to the muscles.

The vagina cannot hurt. There are no nerve endings here, so pain is not familiar to this organ. Nature specifically provided for this so that a woman could give birth to children. Sometimes, however, women can feel pain in the vaginal area, but it has nothing to do with the organ itself. Pain may appear from muscle spasm or mechanical damage to the perineum.

Vagina after childbirth

After the birth of a child, a change in the level of hormones occurs in the body of a young mother. This can cause changes in the microflora of the vagina. The inner surface becomes drier, and the young mother may feel discomfort. This phenomenon is considered normal if itching or an unpleasant odor does not join the sensations of dryness.

After the end of lactation, when the level of hormones finally stabilizes, dryness will pass on its own.

If you feel itching in the vagina after childbirth, you should consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate an allergic reaction to drugs, suture materials, or the onset of an inflammatory process.

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Particular attention should be paid to the smell. If there is an unpleasant smell from the vagina after childbirth, you should immediately visit a specialist. This symptom may indicate developing inflammation of the uterus or rotting of the suture. In this case, doctors will conduct a thorough examination, identify the cause of the smell and prescribe adequate treatment.

You also need to carefully monitor the discharge from the vagina. The discharge after childbirth within 2 months is considered the norm. In the first days they are plentiful, bloody with dark clots. Gradually, the lochia becomes more and more colorless and less abundant. By the end of the 8th week, the discharge should stop. If your discharge is still heavy, smelly or itchy after 8 weeks, see your doctor right away. You also need to visit a specialist if the discharge stops abruptly or blood discharge has been going on for a long time.

Vaginal prolapse

Postpartum prolapse of the vaginal walls is a rare but rather dangerous complication. It occurs due to a strong weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which are no longer able to hold the female organs, as a result of which the vagina may fall, and its edges will be blown out of bounds.

To date, experts distinguish three stages of this disease:

  • Partial prolapse of the vagina without going beyond the boundaries.
  • Protrusion of the walls of the vagina beyond its borders.
  • Complete prolapse of the vagina.

In the first stages of complications, you can correct the situation with the help of special exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. Kegel exercises are recognized as the most effective today. Simple exercises effectively restore the elasticity of the necessary muscles, and bring the woman's condition back to normal.

In more severe stages of the disease, doctors recommend surgical treatment. The essence of the operation is the implantation of a special surgical mesh, which should support the woman's organs in the correct position, acting as weakened muscles. Today, surgical treatment is performed mainly by low-traumatic methods. This allows you to significantly reduce such risks during the intervention as infection, bleeding and a long recovery period.

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How to maintain your health

In order for the recovery period to pass without complications and the woman quickly bounced back after childbirth, you should take a closer look at your health and help yourself. In the first 2 months after childbirth, several recommendations should be followed that will help avoid unpleasant diseases and give health to the female organs.

  • Sexual rest. Many women, following the wishes of their husband, resume their intimate life ahead of schedule. Under no circumstances should this be done. Failure to observe sexual rest can lead to infection of the uterus, which in turn can result in a serious illness. The most common disease of the uterus is endometritis. The seriousness of the disease lies in the long-term treatment, which can put a ban on breastfeeding. Incorrectly treated endometritis leads to infertility and chronic miscarriage.
  • Charger for the vagina. A set of Kegel exercises will help to quickly restore the elasticity of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. This will protect you from vaginal prolapse, involuntary urination and displacement of internal organs. These exercises are so simple that they can be performed anywhere. You just need to understand what muscles to train. To do this, take an elementary test. When going to the toilet, delay urination and resume it again. It is these muscles that need to be compressed during exercise. Squeeze and unclench your muscles at any free time. It is necessary to hold the muscles compressed for several seconds, gradually increasing this time. Daily exercises will very quickly bring your genitals back to normal after childbirth.
  • After the resumption of intimate life, monitor the microflora of the vagina. If you feel dryness and discomfort, you can use special lubricants. Lubricants should be chosen neutral without additives and flavors. After the cessation of lactation, the vaginal microflora will be restored, and you will forget about this unpleasant phenomenon.

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If you follow all the rules, you will quickly recover from childbirth and your vagina will take its original shape. Avoid hypothermia and strong physical exertion, take care of yourself and in this case you will be able to avoid postpartum complications that require long-term treatment. The happiness of motherhood should not be overshadowed by the illness of the mother, otherwise your baby may not receive the most important thing - mother's smiles.

It is impossible to carry and give birth to a child without changes in the woman's body and its individual organs.

The vagina, from which, in fact, the stage of conception and the subsequent birth of a baby begins, is no exception. She participates in many actions of the physiological process that completes pregnancy, therefore, it inevitably transforms.

However, the special structure of the vagina does not allow it to change its shape, it undergoes changes of a different nature. A young parent feels undesirable changes in general well-being and intimate life.

Recovery is different for every woman. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances so that the internal genital organ of a woman recovers as quickly as possible.

What changes are taking place

The vagina is a muscular-elastic tubular formation located in the small pelvis of a woman. It has a different length for each specific situation.

In the normal state, its value rarely exceeds 10 cm, and in a state of sexual arousal - about 15 cm. As it became clear, everything was taken into account by nature. The average size of the male penis is fully consistent with these parameters.

Many "experts" on the internal structure and morphological features of the female body claim that the size of the vagina is determined by the height of the woman. The higher the female, the longer will be her genitals.

This is a legend, unconfirmed scientifically. The parameters of the vagina are completely dependent on the location and structure of the abdominal organs. According to statistics, it is not uncommon for a woman of short stature to have a deep vagina, or vice versa.

Most men are inclined to believe that before the birth of a child, the vagina of their second half was small and tight, and after pregnancy its size became wider. This is far from true.

The vagina after childbirth does not change its size. The shape and shape of the surface of its walls undergo changes. Thus, there is no reason for concern, since all the transformations that occur with the elastic female genital organ return to normal over time.

Consider possible reversible complications in more detail.


The relief of the walls of the vagina during the passage of the fetus through it becomes smoother, and the layer of longitudinal and transverse muscles is stretched. Under such circumstances, it is considered a normal and natural process.

Within two months, the elasticity of muscle structures returns to normal due to contraction.


Edema does not cause discomfort in a woman and disappears without medication in 3-4 days.

Cracks and abrasions

This consequence occurs after every second birth. If a specialist in physiological signs suggests that the walls of the vagina may undergo a rupture, then in the process of uncontrolled contractions of the uterus, an episiotomy is performed - a surgical incision in the perineum.

This will allow you to control the stages of divergence of tissue structures. The birth process opens the vagina wide, its walls are injured, as a result of which they become thickly bloody in color with a bluish tint.

The surface of the walls is covered with cracks and shallow wounds. It will take no more than two weeks to restore such damage.

The edema will disappear, the cracks will undergo fibroplasia (healing phase), and the walls will acquire a pink-peach hue.

Changing the relief of the walls

The relief of the walls of the woman's penis changes. It is for this reason that men have an opinion about increasing the size of the vagina.

A nulliparous woman has a pronounced relief of the walls, and in newly-made mothers it evens out and smoothes out. Therefore, during intercourse, men feel the expansion of the muscle channel of a woman, which is the cause of some discomfort and incomplete satisfaction. The problem is solved by choosing the right posture.

Such changes in the structure of the body affect absolutely all women in labor. Only the rehabilitation period differs, some disorders and a number of uncomfortable sensations that can develop as a result of the aggravating effects of the movement of the fetus and afterbirth.

Under such circumstances, the slightest delay can result in serious complications, so contacting a doctor and timely medical assistance is the right decision on the way to a quick recovery.

Learn more about the myths and prejudices about the vagina after childbirth from the video.

Deviations from the norm

Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in the vagina after the birth process, unfortunately, are not uncommon.

In some cases, they turn into serious deviations for a woman that require competent treatment. To avoid this, the parent must know how to quickly eliminate negative manifestations.


Women often experience pain after childbirth. In some, they have a pronounced character, in others, the pain syndrome develops less intensively.

This symptom is provoked by a rupture of the walls or perineum, which was subsequently sewn up. The pain is concentrated in the area where the suture material passes, since its imposition is almost impossible to carry out without affecting the nerve endings.

After 14 days, the bundles of nerve fibers adapt and return to normal, and discomfort in the genital area ceases to cause concern.

Rotten smell

Rotting of the seams, inflammatory processes in the genital hollow organ can cause an unpleasant putrid odor from the vagina.

In this case, self-medication is not worth it. An examination by a specialist and long-term drug therapy are required.


After childbirth, many women report a loss of sensitivity or a slight decrease in it.

This undesirable consequence occurs due to the sagging of the walls of the vagina and the destruction of nerve endings. It will take some time for the fibers of the nerve bundles to fully recover.

Panic in this case is useless, you need to be patient, and the woman will again be able to respond to a certain external influence.


In some cases, the muscular structures of the pelvic diaphragm are greatly weakened. This makes it impossible for them to retain organs.

Doctors call this phenomenon vaginal prolapse after childbirth, which has several degrees of severity:

  • incomplete descent of the vaginal walls(there is no way out of its aisles);
  • omission with protrusion outward;
  • absolute(complete) loss.


After the birth process, the vagina is restored by the release of characteristic discharge, which should not frighten the woman.

They look like lochia (specific mucus), which includes dead cells and tissues of the uterine endometrium, as well as blood fragments. Postpartum mucus comes out in stages, namely for two months.

In the first phase of the recovery period, lochia can be confused with the onset of the menstrual cycle. They come out in copious amounts and have a characteristic blood-purple color.

Over time, the mucus changes its shade to a yellowish color and comes out less intensively, gradually disappearing altogether.

If, after 8 weeks after the birth of the child, the lochia continues to come out, you cannot do without medical help. The doctor will determine the true cause of the pathology and prescribe competent treatment.


The recovery period of a woman in labor is often accompanied by dryness in the vagina, which causes a lot of discomfort.

This manifestation is due to a decrease in steroid hormones produced by the ovaries.

Dryness is more often diagnosed during lactation. Over time, this undesirable consequence disappears on its own.


If a woman feels itching in the vagina, it is better to consult a doctor without delay. This symptom may be due to an allergy to synthetic sutures or an antiseptic used during the process of the fetus leaving the uterus.

Under any circumstances, the solution of the problem is the responsibility of the doctor. He will conduct a certain series of studies and prescribe effective therapy.

More often, an undesirable manifestation is eliminated by douching. The situation is exacerbated if the sensation of itching is supplemented by a fetid odor and lochia. This indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.


The duration of vaginal recovery depends on many factors:

  • whether there was a purulent discharge that provoked the formation of scar tissue on the walls;
  • whether the expectant mother performed specially designed exercises that strengthen the muscle structures of the vagina;
  • in what state is the woman mentally and physically;
  • the size of the fetal head;
  • quality of suture material;
  • childbirth complexity.

If the birth took place quickly or for a long time, and the fetus was large in size, the number and depth of the gaps increase.

If during the delivery process the obstetrician had to resort to sutures, especially in the perineal area, then the woman will experience discomfort for up to 12 weeks, until the sutured nerve endings adapt.

Generic stretching of the vagina is restored within 2 months.

For a quick postpartum period, experts give several recommendations:

  1. At the first stage of rehabilitation, the traditional form of intimate communication must be changed. The release of secretions through the open cervix can become a danger of infection.
  2. The perineum must be washed with running water using intimate hygiene products after each visit to the restroom.
  3. Change postpartum pads every 4-5 hours.
  4. Replenish your diet with foods that have laxative properties. Flour products are best excluded. If difficulties with emptying still arise, wax and glycerin will help solve the problem.
  5. In order for the seams to receive proper ventilation, underwear must be removed during the day.
  6. Places of tissue scarring should be treated with an antiseptic agent at least twice a day.
  7. As soon as sexual intercourse resumes, it is advisable to use moisturizing lubricants for some time so as not to injure the walls of the vagina.
  8. At the time of the night's sleep, it is necessary to free the body from the obligatory tissue elements that create favorable hygienic conditions (panties, bikini) and sleep on a sterile diaper.
  9. After 4 weeks of rehabilitation, a set of Kegel exercises is recommended, which will help strengthen the muscle layers of the vagina.

Kegel exercises are performed as follows:

  1. tighten the muscles of the vagina for 10-15 seconds;
  2. relax the penis for the same time.
  3. perform 3 arrivals for each manipulation.

Training is carried out daily. This will bring the woman's body back to normal, establish sexual relationships and fully experience the joy of motherhood.

If labor activity has led to the use of a surgical incision of the perineum, the woman is prohibited from:

  • lift heavy objects;
  • walk fast;
  • sit down on a hard surface.

Only after two weeks is it allowed to sit on the buttock, located opposite the incision. For a sitting position, it is better to use an elastic circle, this will contribute to adequate scarring.

For exercises for the vagina after childbirth, see the video.

Unfortunately, pregnancy and childbirth are reflected not only in the figure of a young mother. Almost every woman in this period is faced with certain problems in the intimate sphere, so postpartum recovery is required not only for the body and skin, but also so necessary for a full-fledged family life and a sense of harmony and happiness - the intimate zone.

Do not take these problems as a "forced price" for the joys of motherhood. Lack of intimate comfort, disruption of sexual relations often leads to mutual dissatisfaction, reproaches, cooling down to the cessation of sexual intercourse, and this clearly does not contribute to strengthening the marriage.

What are the most common problems women face after childbirth? The main ones are the following:

  • pain during sexual intercourse, as well as dryness, itching, burning in the vaginal area, to the point that sexual life after childbirth becomes impossible;
  • the appearance of frequently recurring inflammatory processes in the vaginal area, recurrent herpes;
  • decreased libido (sex drive);
  • decreased sensation during sexual intercourse, both in women and men;
  • symptoms of a "wide" vagina (feeling of air entering during sexual intercourse, decreased sensations, gaping of the genital slit);
  • scars of the perineum and vagina after breaks in childbirth, as well as post-traumatic asymmetry in the area of ​​the vagina and labia;
  • prolapse of the walls of the vagina;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • flabbiness of the skin of the labia;
  • an increase in the size of the small labia;
  • increased pigmentation (darkening) of the intimate area.

Recovery of the vagina after childbirth

The vagina after childbirth undergoes, as a rule, many changes, and this applies to both the mucosa and the muscular frame. The mucosa and muscles, due to changes in the hormonal background, breaks during childbirth, become thinner, dry, with many scars, in addition, the vagina “stretches” after childbirth. These phenomena can cause vaginal dryness after childbirth, pain during intercourse, a feeling of air entering, a decrease in sensations during lovemaking, vaginal dilation, urinary incontinence, and prolapse of the vaginal walls. Due to this, sex after childbirth becomes a severe unpleasant necessity, not a pleasure, and in some cases, sexual life after childbirth becomes simply impossible.

Currently, most of these problems can be solved with the help of modern laser and injection technologies, which can become a full-fledged replacement for surgical plastic surgery after childbirth.

Non-surgical methods of postpartum recovery of the vagina include laser vaginal rejuvenation, plasmolifting of the mucosa, and training of the muscles of the vagina. Treatment of the vaginal mucosa with a fractional laser makes it possible to make the vaginal mucosa thicker, more elastic (due to the “twisting” of existing collagen fibers and the growth of new ones), and improve the blood supply to this area. Plasmolifting has a pronounced healing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect. Vaginal muscle training improves the condition of the muscular skeleton. Due to these effects, the vagina after childbirth becomes narrower, more elastic, moisturized, libido and regenerative abilities of the mucosa increase. Problems such as vaginal dryness after childbirth, pain during sexual contact, decreased sensations during sexual contact are solved, the symptoms of a “wide” vagina, urinary incontinence, initial forms of prolapse of the vaginal walls are eliminated, and the frequency of recurrence of inflammatory diseases is reduced.

Breaks after childbirth

Another problem of the perineum after childbirth is its rupture. Tears after childbirth or incisions often lead to the formation of rough scars, which in turn can cause pain during intercourse, as well as grossly deform the perineum.

Non-surgical methods of treating ruptures after childbirth include laser resurfacing of scars, intimate contouring. The impact of an erbium laser allows you to soften and reduce the scar in size. Due to this, the pain syndrome is removed, the quality of sexual life improves. Intimate contour plastic surgery (injection of hyaluronic acid preparations) can eliminate the defect of the perineum in the area of ​​scars and tears. In addition to the aesthetic effect, due to the narrowing of the entrance to the vagina, intimate contour plastic solves the problem of "squishing", air entering during sexual contact. Both methods are absolutely safe, practically painless (performed under anesthesia with a cream), are performed on an outpatient basis, do not affect working capacity, driving a car. Restrictions after the procedures - sexual rest for 1-2 days.

Correction of the labia after childbirth

As a rule, after childbirth, women experience a deterioration in the appearance of the labia. Large labia "sag", become flabby, lose volume. The labia minora, on the contrary, increase or, due to a birth injury, their asymmetry appears. In addition, there is an increase in pigmentation (darkening) of the intimate zone.

These problems can also be solved with the help of laser correction and intimate contouring. Laser resurfacing, in addition to a pronounced whitening effect, has pronounced lifting properties. The skin of the labia becomes lighter, toned, elastic. The missing volume can be compensated with the help of hyaluronic acid preparations.

Prolapse of the genital organs is a problem that women often face after childbirth, because pregnancy is a serious “test” for the muscles of the pelvic floor. How do they deal with this disease, which causes significant discomfort to a young mother?

A bit of physiology

The problem of genital prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles have lost the ability to contract so much that individual organs or parts of them do not fall into the projection of the supporting apparatus. The whole organ or any of its walls can be displaced.

The pelvic floor is a powerful muscular-fascial layer (fascia (lat. fascia - bandage, strip) - a connective tissue sheath covering organs, vessels, nerves and forming cases for human muscles), which closes the pelvic bones from below. The part of the pelvic floor located between the posterior commissure of the labia and the coccyx is called the perineum.

The pelvic floor is a support for the internal genital organs (uterus, vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes, as well as the bladder, urethra and rectum), helps to maintain their normal position. Of particular importance are the muscles that lift the anus. With the contraction of these muscles, the genital gap closes, the lumen of the rectum and vagina narrows. Damage to the pelvic floor muscles leads to prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs.

The pelvic floor is a support not only for the genitals, but also for the viscera. The muscles of the pelvic floor are involved in the regulation of intra-abdominal pressure together with the abdominal wall (diaphragm) and the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Symptoms of genital prolapse

Manifestations of prolapse of the genital organs (vaginal walls, cervix, uterine body) are varied. With complete prolapse of the uterus, women complain of a feeling of fullness or a foreign body in the vagina, pulling pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region. Symptoms usually disappear when lying down, are absent or less pronounced in the morning and increase during the day, especially if the patient spends a lot of time on her feet.

More often, symptoms of dysfunction of the bladder and / or rectum come to the fore. On the part of the urinary system, there may be difficulty urinating, stagnation in the urinary system with possible infection (in the beginning - the lower sections (urethra, bladder), and then, with the progression of the process, the upper ones - the kidneys). This phenomenon can serve as the beginning of the development of a disease such as pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys. In this case, pyelonephritis is more often manifested by a sluggish course, accompanied by dull pain in the lumbar region, a slight increase in body temperature, weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, anemia, frequent, painful urination, change in urine (urine becomes cloudy due to the fact that that contains bacteria, leukocytes).

Another symptom of bladder dysfunction is stress incontinence (when coughing, sneezing, laughing loudly). On the part of the intestine, complications are in violation of the function of the colon in the form of the development of constipation and colitis (an inflammatory disease of the colon, characterized by abdominal pain, which is cramping in nature; diarrhea alternating with constipation; mucus; weakness and loss of appetite). The most painful complication, which is extremely rare, is gas and fecal incontinence.

The prolapse of the genital organs can be manifested by weak sensations during intercourse, the inability of the vagina to tightly cover the penis, air entering during intercourse and its exit with characteristic sounds.

The menstrual function changes, which is characterized by the appearance of pain during menstruation (the uterus changes position, due to which the outflow of menstrual blood is difficult) and an increase in the amount of menstrual blood. Often such women suffer from infertility, although pregnancy is considered quite possible.

I must say that with a slight omission of the walls of the vagina, a woman may not make any complaints, but with age, the omission may progress.

Thus, with the omission and prolapse of the genital organs, the quality of life of a woman changes for the worse due to the involvement of the organs of the urinary system, intestines, and symptoms from the genital organs. In addition to changing the quality of life, the likelihood of complications is also unpleasant.

Causes of prolapse of the genitals

Functional failure of the ligamentous apparatus of the internal genital organs and the pelvic floor (muscle frame) occurs under the influence of one or more factors:

  • Post-traumatic pelvic floor injury(most common during childbirth). Vaginal prolapse will be facilitated by severe perineal ruptures, as well as improperly sutured ruptures or infection of even a correctly sutured rupture in the postpartum period. Small ruptures of the perineum, as well as episiotomy, do not lead to failure of the pelvic floor muscles, since there is no damage to the muscles themselves. The descent of the walls of the pelvic organs after normal childbirth is due to stretching of the muscles or damage to the tissues of the perineum, and to an even greater extent is a consequence of a violation of the nervous regulation of the sphincter muscles - circular muscles that "lock" the urethra and anus, preventing the exit of urine and feces, respectively. The risk of omissions increases with operative delivery (forceps) and with, since the insolvency of the ligamentous apparatus is aggravated with age. In addition, with repeated births, the weight of the fetus, as a rule, is greater. This is especially clearly seen in women who have given birth to large children, as well as in multiple pregnancies. If it is difficult for the head to pass through the vulvar ring, if it is ineffective, the doctor decides to perform an episiotomy - an incision in the perineum, since with excessive stretching of the muscles of the perineum by the head of the fetus, weakness of the pelvic floor muscles is formed.
  • Failure of connective tissue structures, manifested by the omission of other internal organs.
  • Violation of the synthesis of steroid, including sex hormones.
  • chronic diseases accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes, microcirculation. Such diseases, for example, include diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome (a condition characterized by obesity, high blood pressure, impaired insulin perception by tissues), hereditary metabolic diseases, and others.
  • Hard physical labor.

Types of displacement of the genital organs

Let us classify the displacement of the vagina and uterus downwards according to the degree of severity.

  1. Downward displacement of the vagina:
  • prolapse of one of the walls of the vagina or both; but the walls do not go beyond the entrance to the vagina;
  • the walls of the vagina protrude outwards from the vaginal entrance. Close anatomical connections between the bladder and the vaginal wall contribute to the fact that, against the background of pathological changes in the pelvic floor muscles, the anterior vaginal wall descends (as if sagging into the lumen of the vagina), which entails the wall of the bladder, forming a cystocele (bulging of the bladder in vaginal lumen). The cystocele also increases under the influence of its own pressure in the bladder, resulting in a vicious circle. Similarly, a rectocele is formed (bulging of the rectum into the lumen of the vagina);
  • complete prolapse of the vagina, often accompanied by prolapse of the uterus.
  • Downward displacement of the uterus:
    • the cervix is ​​lowered to the level of the entrance to the vagina;
    • with partial (beginning) prolapse of the uterus or its cervix, the latter, when straining, protrudes beyond the genital gap, and such an incipient prolapse of the uterus most often manifests itself with physical exertion and increased intra-abdominal pressure (straining, coughing, sneezing, lifting weights, etc.);
    • incomplete prolapse of the uterus: outside the genital slit, not only the cervix, but also part of the body of the uterus is determined;
    • with complete prolapse of the uterus, the organ is completely determined outside the genital gap.

    Treatment of prolapse and prolapse of the internal genital organs

    If the defects in the supporting structures are insignificant and the internal genital organs, when straining, do not fall below the plane of the entrance to the vagina (complaints are usually absent), treatment is not carried out. The exception is patients with stress urinary incontinence who are planned for surgical treatment. In other cases, the tactics of treating prolapse and prolapse of the internal genital organs is determined individually. It can be conservative (use of uterine rings made of synthetic material) or surgical.

    uterine rings are installed in the vagina if there are contraindications for surgical treatment (for example, concomitant somatic pathology of various organs and systems - heart, lungs, kidneys, etc., advanced age of the patient). They may be silicone and stay in the vagina for several months. Other uterine rings, which are often made of rubber, should be removed at night to prevent bedsores (tissue necrosis as a result of constant pressure of the ring on the walls of the vagina). After the selection of the uterine ring, the patient is taught to independently enter and remove it. The frequency of examination of such patients is determined individually, usually the first examination is carried out in a week, and then, in the absence of complaints, every 4-6 months.

    If the defects in the supporting structures are minor, treatment is not carried out.

    The cardinal solution to the problem of genital prolapse is surgical treatment. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate all defects of the supporting structures for a long time. Many operations have been developed to achieve this goal. Usually, these operations are performed through the vagina.

    Hysteropexy(fixation of the uterus to something) is performed by women who plan to have children in the future, with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. The best results of treatment are obtained by fixing the uterus to the anterior longitudinal ligament of the sacrum, and the sacro-uterine ligaments are sutured to the sacrum not directly, but with the help of a synthetic mesh or a section of the fascia.

    When the walls of the vagina fall out, colporrhaphy and perineoplasty are performed - an operation that consists in excising "extra tissues", strengthening the muscles of the perineum by stitching their legs. Women who have undergone colporrhaphy, in the event of a subsequent pregnancy, undergo a caesarean section.

    If a woman has urinary incontinence, without genital prolapse, then a method such as plastic surgery with a free synthetic loop - TVT / TVT-O can be used. The intervention allows you to eliminate an unpleasant symptom (urinary incontinence), but it does not eliminate the prolapse of the walls of the vagina. The operation lasts 20-30 minutes under local anesthesia. During this operation, the doctor through three small incisions in the suprapubic region passes a special tape made of synthetic polypropylene material under the urethra. The tape supports the urethra and prevents involuntary urination when intra-abdominal pressure increases. The surgeon checks the effectiveness of the intervention directly during the operation. The patient is asked to perform several coughing movements, and if there is no leakage of urine, then the operation is completed. If necessary, the doctor changes the tension of the loop.

    With complete prolapse of the uterus in old age, vaginal hysterectomy is performed (i.e., complete removal of the uterus through the vagina). During this operation, it is possible to simultaneously perform anterior or posterior vaginal plasty, correction of intestinal hernia, etc. from the same access.

    Prevention of prolapse of the genital organs

    In the late 1940s, the gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed a basic perineal muscle development program designed to treat women with urinary incontinence. Pelvic floor muscle training helps with many violations of the function of the genitourinary organs, not only in women, but also in men (urinary incontinence, etc.), contributes to the regulation of sexual functions (erection, ejaculation and orgasm) and the treatment of diseases of the rectum (, fecal incontinence and etc.). Exercises are isometric (muscle contraction without changing its length) contractions of the striated muscle fibers that make up the pelvic floor.

    Even if you do not have signs of weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, their additional development improves the blood supply to the pelvic organs, restores their anatomy. The development of this muscle group is the prevention and treatment of venous blood stagnation, chronic inflammatory processes and prolapse of the vaginal walls, which means the prevention and treatment of pelvic pain, genital hypoplasia, lack of sensitivity during sexual activity, problems with bearing,. Similar exercises are used to prepare for childbirth and enhance self-control of orgasm.

    A woman can identify the muscles of the perineum as follows: sit on the toilet, spread your legs. Try to stop the stream of urine without moving your legs. The muscles you use to do this are your perineal muscles.

    07/08/2015 10:40:57, AlisaS

    It was very interesting to read this article. After the third birth, I encountered this problem, namely, I felt that the walls of the vagina were protruding, I didn’t feel much discomfort, but the very thought that I had to go for an examination and deal with this problem slowed me down ......

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