When will the tooth pass after treatment. What to do if a tooth hurts after filling. Why does a tooth hurt after root canal filling

Everyone has experienced toothache. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor to pass necessary treatment. It would seem that after that discomfort must pass. However, sometimes even after filling the canal, pain persists.

The reasons

Dental treatment is an intervention in the functioning of the body. Naturally, after such a procedure the pain may remain for several days which will subside with each passing day. If the gum was damaged during the treatment, then the tooth will stop hurting after 1-1.5 weeks. When an unpleasant sensation only intensifies, this indicates possible problems and complications.

Most often, the tooth aches after filling for these reasons:

  • Sensitivity to cold and hot food, which occurs due to the involvement of soft tissues in the course of treatment. In most cases, the tooth quickly gets used to foreign body and hurts more when exposed to heat and cold.
  • With advanced dental disease inflammation can go to the soft tissues of the gums. First of all, the hard part of the tooth is destroyed, after which the infection penetrates into the pulp. If you do not start treatment, the disease will affect the periodontium, as well as the root of the tooth. Therefore, before filling the canal, it is important to cure the pulpitis. If any of the parts remains untreated, then even under the filling, the pain will intensify. With the development of periodontitis, symptoms such as fever and general weakness. It is important to note that when visual inspection even experienced dentist will not notice the inflammation of the pulp, so you have to remove the filling.
  • If your teeth hurt after filling the canals, then the cause may be intolerance filling material . So, in some cases, there is an allergy to silver. The dentist can guess the presence allergic reaction by the formation of a rash and pronounced skin itching at the patient.
  • During the filling process, the dental instrument may break. Accordingly, the chip is likely to remain in the oral cavity. To exclude such a cause of discomfort, it is necessary to take a picture immediately after treatment.
  • Inexperienced doctors sometimes does not completely remove inflamed tissue. Moreover, in the treatment of caries, there is a possibility of pulp burns, which will cause the development of an inflammatory process after filling. Naturally, in this case, the tooth will hurt very much. If acids were used during treatment, then injury to hard tissues is possible.
  • May cause severe pain gap between filling and crown, as well as the ingress of a significant amount of filling material into the tooth.
  • Months and even years after professional treatment the filling can be damaged, causing the tooth to begin to hurt unbearably. This is due to the wear of the material, as a result of which the cavity is not hermetically closed. Accordingly, a gap appears between the tooth and the filling itself, where plaque forms and where food particles fall. All this provokes the development of inflammation.
  • Sometimes teeth hurt after filling, which was performed recently. This is due to damage or loss of fillings caused by insufficient or improper preparation of the tooth for treatment.
  • If the canal was sealed, then the cause of the pain is technology violation.

What to do with severe pain?

Most Patients dental centers feel pain after dental treatment. You should not immediately go to the reception if the tooth does not hurt very much. It is enough to wait 2-4 days. During this period, the pain will decrease.

If the pain is almost unbearable, you can rinse your mouth herbal decoctions or saline solution and take pain medication. When the pain does not go away for a long time, you should not think about why it arose. You need to visit the dentist urgently. So, with improper treatment, the filling is removed, periodontitis or another disease is cured, after which a temporary filling is installed. If within 2 weeks the patient has no complaints, then the installation takes place permanent filling. To make sure that there is no allergy to the filling material, the dentist must first conduct special tests.

In the absence of inflammation It's a dull pain after filling, a maximum of 2 weeks is observed. Painful sensations occur periodically and do not cause much torment to the patient. If the pain becomes throbbing or gradually increases, you need to visit a dentist.

Often patients ask the question: is it normal that the tooth is disturbed after treatment?

There is no single answer to this question, because each clinical case unique and each patient is different. However, we will try to consider the most common options.

Pain after caries treatment.

Fine slight pain may occur when pressing on the seal, when a solid piece of food gets on the tooth while eating, when brushing over the filling with a fingernail or toothpick. Pain sensations often occur after: the bottom of the carious cavity is close to the “nerve” of the tooth, and when the filling is pressed, it transfers pressure to the tooth pulp. Over time these pain decrease, because The pulp of the tooth will develop a protective layer of dentin and “fence itself off” from the filling. However, this requires certain time, and discomfort when biting on a tooth can persist for up to several months.

small Blunt pain in the tooth can also be quite normal. In some patients this is individual reaction tooth to the intervention of a doctor (mechanical treatment of the tooth with burs, drug treatment antiseptics, "illumination" of the seal with a halogen lamp, etc.). Such pain should not last longer than 7-14 days.

Not considered normal sharp pain , spontaneous (causeless) bouts of aching pain, especially at night. If you experience similar sensations afterwards, you should consult a doctor for an examination and, possibly, additional procedures.

If the filling is located in the cervical part of the tooth (near the gum), then the tooth may react to temperature stimuli . In this case, it is important to pay attention to whether there is an overhanging edge of the filling in the gum area (i.e., a step or a gap between the edge of the filling and the tooth). If there is such an unevenness, then it can injure the edge of the gum, the gum can become inflamed and expose the root of the tooth. And, as you know, the root of the tooth is not covered with enamel and is very sensitive to any irritants. Therefore, if you notice that after treatment cervical caries or wedge-shaped defect the gum near the tooth is inflamed, and the tooth reacts to cold or sweet, then immediately consult a doctor.

Pain after the REMOVAL of the "NERVE" from the tooth (after the treatment of Pulpitis).

Quite often there are so-called "post-filling" pains after depulpation of teeth. Normal is considered slight pain by pressing on the tooth and tapping on it, lasting no longer than 4-8 weeks. This is due to the fact that the doctor performs mechanical treatment of the root canals with metal instruments, rinses the canals with powerful antiseptics. All this can irritate the tissues surrounding the root. The response to such exposure is different for all patients.

If the pain when biting on a tooth is sharp, severe, there is a feeling of a “grown” tooth, swelling of the gums or cheeks near the tooth appears, general well-being worsens or body temperature rises - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. There may be complications of endodontic treatment that need to be addressed.

Pain after treatment of PERIODONTITIS.

Sometimes it happens that the tooth never hurt, but the doctor diagnosed it with periodontitis and treated it, after which the tooth began to bother. In such a situation, do not rush to blame the doctor and assume that he performed poor-quality treatment.

is a very complex process that cannot promise guaranteed success. After all, periodontitis is an accumulation of microbes outside the root of the tooth (in the bone tissue). If before the treatment, the microbes freely moved from the oral cavity to the root of the tooth and back, then after the canals are sealed, the bacteria remaining in the bone tissue are “immured”. Normally, this manipulation allows you to localize the source of infection, after which it is easier for the body to cope with it and “defeat” microbes.

However, in immunosuppressed individual features the body in response to the sealing of the channels, inflammation and pain reaction may occur. Even earlier tooth did not bother, now he can respond to pressing and touching him, there may be pain when biting, throbbing, a slight aching pain in the tooth.

Abnormal is considered a sharp paroxysmal pain, the inability to close the teeth due to pain, swelling of the gums or cheeks near the tooth, the appearance of tooth mobility, deterioration general well-being or a significant increase in body temperature.

In any case, if you experience pain, it is better to consult a doctor. It may require additional manipulations or the appointment of certain medicines. However, don't panic! Sometimes this kind of pain goes away on its own after a while.

After treatment, unpleasant.

Still, it is difficult to understand it and decide what to do: endure the pain, hoping that it will disappear soon, or immediately go to the dental clinic.

In any case, you should first find out why your teeth ached.

Usually, dentists try to treat the patient's teeth in such a way as to keep them "alive". To remove the nerve, that is, the pulp from the cavity of the incisor, doctors rarely resort.

However, not all specialists, tuned in to a favorable outcome of treatment, manage to avoid making mistakes.

It happens that the dentist misjudges clinical picture disease and misdiagnosis.

For example, if the doctor is inexperienced, then he may confuse deep with chronic.

These diseases proceed in almost the same way, and even outwardly, teeth in which the pulp has become inflamed are not much different from teeth whose enamel has been severely destroyed due to caries.

Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, the dentist must verify the proposed diagnosis.

If the doctor nevertheless made a mistake, determining what disease the tooth is affected with, then he will take the wrong measures.

For example, he will lay a filling in the cavity of a diseased tooth, which is absolutely impossible to do with pulpitis.

A tooth sealed without canal treatment and an inflamed nerve will disturb to a large extent and for quite a long time.

An attempt to endure severe pain caused by pulpitis can result in the loss of one of the teeth.

Toothache can also appear due to another error in the work of the dentist - overheating of the tooth.

Unfortunately, this is allowed by doctors of many budgetary clinics, since among their tools there is no equipment for air-water cooling of the treated area, or it does not fulfill its task in full.

If a hard tissues during the treatment of the canals were overdried with a drill, then the pain in the sealed tooth will necessarily appear as a result of a burn or pulp necrosis.

When a tooth hurts after pulpitis treatment, there is Great chance that the doctor laid an overestimated bite filling. At the same time, there will be anxiety at the moments of biting on solid food.

The dentist can fill up incorrectly, since the treatment for inflammation of the pulp or rotting of the enamel in many cases is carried out only after the administration of an anesthetic, which does not allow the patient to assess whether the material embedded in the drilled cavity interferes with him or not.

If a tooth hurts a lot after treatment of pulpitis or caries, then there is no need to put off going to the dentist indefinitely.

To determine why a tooth hurts after treatment, one must be aware of which composite the cavity was closed with.

If the dentist used light seal, then it is quite possible that the pain in the tooth appeared due to its shrinkage.

The severity of pain associated with the loss of filling material volume and pressure on the walls of the tooth may be different.

This is affected by how much composite is placed in the hole drilled in the enamel.

Why does the tooth bother after treatment?

Often, pain syndrome occurs as a result of a visit to the dentist, who removed the pulp from the canals of the tooth.

Still, such an intervention of a doctor in tissues cannot be compared with harmless treatment holes in tooth enamel.

It is not scary if the pulpless bone formation in the oral cavity hurts a little and only at those moments when any pressure is applied to the teeth. Usually, the pain associated with the removal of the nerve disappears after a month.

There is no need to be afraid of mild pain that appeared after cleaning and washing the canals with an antiseptic. It is considered a consequence of irritation of both external and internal tissues of the tooth.

Moreover, for some, the procedure for removing the pulp from the channels of bone formation can become problematic, but for some it will seem completely painless. It depends on the sensitivity of the teeth, which is individual for each person.

The reason for panic can only be a sudden and acute pain in nature, accompanied by a feeling that the tooth treated by the dentist has become as if higher.

When these symptoms appear, you should hurry to make an appointment with a doctor.

After all, it is quite possible that after cleaning the canals, not only a pain syndrome arose, but also a reddened gum swelled up. This, in turn, can increase the temperature, which is indicative of big problems.

Often suffering from pain is for someone who went to the dentist for.

Eliminating this disease is not an easy task, so putting all the blame for the occurrence pain syndrome It doesn't make sense for a doctor.

Still, with the appearance of periodontitis, both the tooth and the surrounding bone tissue are affected, which is due to the rapid multiplication of bacteria.

Almost always, in the presence of severe pain in the treatment of periodontitis, the patient himself is to blame, who turned to the doctor late.

The fact is that even before visiting the dentist and carrying out the procedure for cleaning the canals of the tooth, harmful microbes could get into the root system of the tooth or move to other areas.

But when the cavity of the incisor cured of periodontitis is closed with a filling, pathogenic microbes accumulate in one place, and therefore cause inflammation and severe pain.

The painful sensations that appear due to periodontitis can be endured if a person has strong immunity, as it will allow microbes to be destroyed after some time.

Otherwise toothache cause significant discomfort, and in order to get rid of it, you will need to take antibacterial drugs, rinse oral cavity special solution and follow various other recommendations of the dentist.

What can relieve pain?

If discomfort occurs at the hour when it is time to go to bed, then to get rid of it, it is better to use an anesthetic.

It should be used only in critical cases, when it is not possible to quickly get to the dentist who treated the tooth for periodontitis, caries or other disease.

Of course, a pill "a" or "Ketorol" will eliminate the pain for a short time, so you still have to visit a doctor.

When a tooth hurts after pulpitis treatment, you can rinse your mouth with a solution in which boiled water common salt and soda are mixed.

The first ingredient will need 200 ml, the second and third - 2 teaspoons. Such a folk remedy can really help, although it is considered very simple.

To overcome the pain that appeared after the cleansing of the channels - a procedure carried out in the treatment of periodontitis, you can use propolis.

This bee product is unique natural antiseptic. It is recommended to use it as a mouth rinse or as a compress applied to the gums of an unhealthy incisor.

Before use, propolis needs to be warmed up in the hands, which will allow it to soften to the state of plasticine.

On a tooth that began to hurt after treatment by a dentist, an infusion of dry celandine can have a positive effect.

To prepare it, a tablespoon medicinal herb must be brewed in a glass of boiling water.

In 20 minutes home remedy against toothache can be filtered and used to rinse the mouth.

Of course, the infusion should be warm, not hot, so that it does not burn the mucous membranes and gums.

Rinsing the mouth with celandine is especially effective for eliminating pain after cleaning the canals and treating pulpitis.

When a tooth hurts after caries treatment and nothing helps to get rid of discomfort, you need to do the following:

  • consult a doctor again so that he can treat the tooth again and fill the canals with high quality;
  • ask the dentist to check the tooth, in the cavity of which he could leave a piece of the instrument;
  • find out if the doctor made a mistake during the mechanical processing of the exposed tooth, which could lead to perforation of the tooth root.

What a dentist will do, whose patient has made an appointment for a second appointment due to the occurrence of severe pain, depends on how the channels were clogged with a special material. The doctor must open the incompletely sealed tooth and close it again with a composite, but already to the very top of the root system.

If the tooth is filled with an excessive amount of special material, then it will require an operation to resect the root apex. It is possible that the treated tooth will stop hurting, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

The pain that occurs after the treatment of a tooth from pulpitis, caries or other serious illness is most often a natural phenomenon.

What to do to get rid of it depends on how long and how badly the sealed tooth hurts.

Most people go to the doctor only when the pain becomes unbearable. At the same time, some complain that, despite the treatment, the discomfort does not go away. Such a situation is quite possible. But in order to understand why after treatment you need to figure out what the defeat was and how the dentist corrected the problem.

So, if you had ordinary caries, then in most cases, discomfort after medical intervention does not remain. Within 3-5 hours, however, some feel aching, not too intense pain. it normal phenomenon. So the nerve endings react to the installation of the seal. Others may simply have a reaction to hot or cold. But it happens that in patients after treatment due to incorrect installation fillings This usually happens in cases where there was extensive caries. After all, even with the slightest violation of the technology, the surrounding tissues are injured, and this leads to pain. All sensations will subside when the tooth cavity is completely healed, and the nerve endings get used to the foreign body.

It happens that unpleasant feeling occurs only when pressed. Before visiting dental clinic pain was not, and they appeared only after the treatment of the tooth. The tooth hurts in this case, most likely due to the fact that the filling technology was violated: internal cavity was overdried or, conversely, underdried. But pay attention, the pain in this case is not strong, and it can last up to 2 weeks. This time is enough to restore the required level of moisture in the tooth.

But if you suddenly have a sharp strong pain, which then subsides, then grows again, then, most likely, it is pulpitis - inflammation nerve endings. It can be both acute and chronic. In the first case, unpleasant sensations arise suddenly, intensifying towards the night, in the second, a reaction to cold or hot appears. If after treatment, then consult a doctor as soon as possible. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the old filling is removed, and the inflamed nerves are removed. After that, the doctor cleans the canals and seals them together with the crown part of the tooth. If you contact a specialist as soon as you feel pain, then you will have a chance that the pulp has not yet been completely destroyed and the dentist can partially save it.

You should not hope that you can immediately forget about your problem, because the situation when patients after it is also not uncommon. This procedure injures inner surface teeth, channels are cleaned, their cavity is processed special antiseptics. By the way, they can cause irritation of the nerve endings located there. Usually cured units are disturbed for another 1-3 days, and when internal tissues heal, the discomfort goes away.

But if the pain does not subside or you notice swelling, then you will have to go to the dentist again and find out why the tooth hurts. After the canal treatment, discomfort disappears gradually, but if this does not happen, then you will have to take a picture. The cause of problems is often improper treatment, as a result of which flux, cysts, periodontitis can develop.

The development of pain after tooth treatment is a common phenomenon. The etiology of this pain is usually related to how dental procedures the patient was subjected. Each person's body reacts differently to a particular therapy. It is necessary to consider the most common cases of toothache in patients of dental clinics.

Pain after periodontitis treatment

This disease is characterized by the presence of a purulent inflammatory process occurring in the root tissues of the tooth. chronic stage development of this pathology is often asymptomatic. Therefore, the patient can experience pain only after the start of treatment for periodontitis.

Treatment of this disease is a rather complex and lengthy process, consisting of several stages.

  1. Placement of a temporary filling using certain medicines containing calcium hydroxide. Dental canals are sealed for a period of 1.5 to 2 months. This stage allows you to prevent re-infection and build up bone tissue located near the top of the tooth.
  2. Symptomatic therapy with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Removal of temporary filling material and installation of a permanent filling.


If all the above stages of periodontitis treatment were performed in compliance with the requirements, then the pain that occurred during and after the procedures was caused by the process of traumatizing the tissues of the tooth and is temporary. In some cases, the pain can last up to 2 months, then disappear.

Periodontitis is characterized by the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms in bone tissue surrounding the tooth root. If before treatment the bacteria were freely transported from the oral cavity to the roots of the tooth, then after filling the canals, access to the dental roots is closed for them. The canal filling procedure allows you to localize the foci of infection, as a result, it is easier for the body to neutralize and neutralize microbes.

In the presence of a weakened immune system or an individual specific reaction to the sealing of the dental canals, an inflammatory process may develop, accompanied by pain. Even if the tooth did not bother you before, after the treatment of periodontitis, it can react with a dull throbbing pain to touch, tapping, pressing on its surface.


The most common causes of toothache after periodontitis treatment are:

  • the presence in the sealed dental canals of a small fragment from any dental instrument. During the treatment, the dentist might not notice the broken off smallest part of the instrument;
  • the formation of additional holes during the perforation procedure;
  • Excessive or insufficient amount of filling material used to install the seal.

If the described medical errors took place, the tooth will have to be subjected re-treatment. And in the case of the development of swelling of the dental and gingival tissues, it may be necessary to make an incision in the tissues in order to extract purulent accumulations and subsequent treatment with antiseptics. Sometimes antibiotics are required.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • general health deteriorated;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the tooth became shaky;
  • there is a sharp sharp pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues surrounding the causative tooth;
  • when trying to close the jaw, a pronounced pain syndrome is manifested.

Pain after pulpitis treatment

Pulpitis is characterized by the presence of an acute inflammatory process occurring in the neurovascular bundle of the tooth. Treatment is to remove the dental nerve, followed by filling the top of the tooth.

Pain after pulpitis treatment is normal. After all, part of the pulp of the tooth was removed, and some dental tissues were subject to serious injury. Pain can also be associated with irritation of nerve endings due to exposure antiseptics used in the treatment of pulpitis.


Toothache, which is considered normal after the removal of the nerve and filling of the dental canals, lasts an average of 1-3 days, after which it begins to gradually subside. The pain syndrome can be manifested by pressing on the pulpless tooth and / or by tapping on its surface. Such pain may be present for about 1-2 months, no more.


Due to incompetent treatment of pulpitis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • sharp persistent pain;
  • feeling of pulsation soft tissues that surround the diseased tooth;
  • swelling of the gums and cheeks.

All these symptoms indicate the development of an acute inflammatory process. If they occur, it is recommended to contact your doctor, who will X-ray teeth and prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, therapy is limited to making an incision in the gum tissue, extracting purulent exudate and decontamination of the wound.

Among the complications improper treatment pulpitis development can be distinguished:

  • neuralgia;
  • cyst;
  • flux;
  • periodontitis.

by the most serious consequence improper removal of the nerve is the removal of the tooth.

Per dental care after removing the nerve from the tooth, you should contact in case of:

  • the occurrence of pronounced swelling of the cheek and gum tissue around the diseased tooth;
  • presence great weakness in the whole body;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • if there is a sharp pain when eating.

Pain after caries treatment

Pain syndrome in the field of filling the dental canals can be caused by:

  • firstly, by excessive trauma to the dental tissues, which need some time to recover. Such cases occur when carious lesions were deep and wide;
  • secondly, improper observance of dental canal filling technologies by the dentist. For example, when the tooth cavity is underdried or excessively dried before the procedure for filling the dental canals.


The occurrence of mild periodic pain of a aching nature after the treatment of caries suggests that it is not pathological. Moreover, the pain syndrome this case will gradually subside, and swelling of the cheeks and gum tissue will not be observed.

Pain often occurs after removal deep caries. In this case, the bottom of the carious cavity is located close to the pulp. And due to the mechanical impact on the surface of the seal, this effect is also on the pulp tissue. Pain may occur when:

  • pressure is exerted on the seal, even insignificant;
  • solid food gets on the sealed tooth (when chewing);
  • on the surface of the seal is carried out with a toothpick or fingernail.

After 1-3 months, such pain weakens, and then disappears completely. The fact is that the pulp produces a protective layer of dentin, which allows you to "fence off" from the filling. Until this happens, the patient may feel pain during mechanical and thermal effects on the filling.

A slight dull pain may also be a reaction to the procedures performed during the treatment of caries:

  • "illumination" of the filling material with halogen rays;
  • treatment carious cavities antiseptics;
  • processing of tooth tissues by means of a drill.

If the pain of this nature is observed for no more than two weeks, it is not pathological.


If the pain after caries treatment occurs abruptly, mainly at night, is acute and pulsating, most likely, acute pulpitis develops.

In the event of a pain syndrome during and after taking cold and hot food, as well as when pressing on the surface of the causative tooth, it can be assumed that chronic pulpitis has begun to develop.

Also, when the tooth reacts to temperature stimuli, if the filling is located in close proximity to the gum, it is necessary to assess whether one of the edges of the filling material hangs (a step or a gap between the edge of the filling and the tooth).

In case of unevenness of the edge of the seal, you should consult a doctor. After all, such a defect will systematically injure the gum, which will lead to the development inflammatory processes in her tissues. next step this complication there will be exposure of the root of the tooth, which is not covered with enamel and therefore reacts sharply to various stimuli.

a clear sign developing pathology after the treatment of caries is the concentration of pain in the area of ​​​​only the tooth that was subjected to filling.

It is worth contacting a dentist after caries treatment if the following manifestations occur:

  • the cured tooth reacts sharply with pain to the process of chewing food, as well as the intake of hot, cold, sweet and sour foods;
  • toothache occurs without any impact on the tooth, mainly at night;
  • the pain is paroxysmal in nature;
  • the pain syndrome does not stop even after a month after the treatment of caries;
  • the pain is not stopped even by taking painkillers.

How to get rid of toothache?

If the pain after tooth treatment is not pathological, effective methods will help to eliminate it. folk methods. Recipes for the 3 most popular folk remedies will be described below.

Before using any folk remedy for the treatment of toothache, it is recommended to find out if you are allergic to the components that make up its composition.

Recipe number 1 Garlic compress

Wrist, opposite side, where the causative tooth is located, should be rubbed with half a clove of garlic cut in half. After that, another clove must be crushed and applied to the surface of the wrist. To avoid burns, before applying garlic gruel, the surface skin it is recommended to wrap with gauze cloth folded in half. Next, you need to bandage your wrist. The tighter the compress is applied, the more effective it will be. therapeutic effect. Keep the bandage on for at least an hour.

Recipe number 2 Decoction of herbal collection

St. John's wort flowers, chamomile, elderberries and strawberry leaves (10 g of each component) must be poured with water (450 ml) and brought to a boil. Boil for 40 minutes. Then strain the decoction and rinse the mouth with it. The more often the procedures are carried out, the faster the toothache will disappear.

Recipe number 3 Decoction of chicory root

Grind chicory root (10 g), pour 300 ml of boiling water and add 5 ml of table vinegar (9%). Leave the mixture for 15 minutes and strain through a sieve. Rinse the mouth with the resulting solution from the side of the diseased tooth. Procedures to carry out 5-7 times a day.
Timely appeal for dental care will help to avoid the development serious complications after dental treatment. Be healthy!


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