Health walking for people over 60 years old. Wellness walking. Benefits and recommendations for walking. The effect of walking on the body

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGBOU VO "Tver State University"

Faculty of Physical Education

Specialty "Physical culture and sports"


on the topic "Healthy walking"

Student: Anna Goncharova

Course 4, group 45

Head Sursimova O.Yu.





sports walking wellness useful

There are various types and methods of healing the body. This is hardening, and doing various sports, and performing various special exercises, etc. But for the normal functioning of the human body and the preservation of health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is also necessary. Therefore, such a type of muscle activity as health-improving (sports) walking comes to the fore. And we are talking about the use of ordinary working and living conditions for additional physical activity. This includes walking-training on the way to work and back. A very significant useful addition to the results of such a training, according to psychologists, is that during walking a person is relieved of the neuro-emotional stress that has accumulated during the day, and he does not bring it home to his family. Wellness (sports) walking is the simplest form of physical activity for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and the best medicine. To this it should be added that for untrained elderly and obese people, walking is the most accessible and mandatory initial stage of self-study, since when walking, the load on the legs is 2 times less than when running. And if you remember that today there are many people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the conversation about race walking becomes more relevant. Walking can be practiced on the street, in the park, and in the forest. At the same time, numerous muscle groups are active, including the largest ones: muscles of the legs, pelvic girdle, back, arms, respiratory organs, etc. Walking can provide a relatively high functional load, training and strengthening the cardiovascular system. About what race walking is, and what benefits it brings and will be discussed below.

The history of recreational (sports) walking

As a form of athletics, walking originated in Great Britain, where in 1867 the country's championship was held in London for the first time. So at first walking in stadiums and on the ground was called "English" or "gymnastics". In the Olympic program, walking appears at the IV Games in London in 1908, where the Englishman George Larner wins at two distances (3500 m and 10 miles). In the future, the inventors of the sports style of walking had to wait until 1932 for another victory, when Thomas Green won the new 50 km distance in Los Angeles. The fact is that the walkers wanted to move faster, and therefore they switched to running. In 1924 in Paris, when the Italian Hugo Frigerio won his third gold medal, the then-famous German journalist Willi Meisl wrote: "Walking is unnatural and ugly and has no place in the Olympic program."

Indeed, it was difficult to understand why one would actually run a sufficiently long distance in such an uncomfortable way as race walking. But the speed of that time now can only cause a smile - the same Frigerio won 10 km with a result slightly better than 48 minutes. Now 10 km "pass" in 37 minutes, which exactly corresponds to the third Soviet sports category in running at this distance. The world record for "fast walkers" for three kilometers is already less than 11 minutes, which is approaching the second category in running, which is far from accessible to everyone.

Competitions have been held in Russia since 1892. Since 1934, race walking has become one of the disciplines of the European Championships in athletics, since 1936 - the championship of the USSR; Since 1961, the race walking cup (now the World Cup) has been played in the city of Lugano (Switzerland), the largest international individual and team competition. In 1976, the first World Championship took place at a distance of 50 km, in which our compatriot Veniamin Soldatenko won the first place. In 1992, women's competitions were included in the Olympic program. In addition, competitions are held at a distance of 10 km. In winter competitions, instead of 50 km, walkers go 35 km.

Today, race walking competitions are held on stadium tracks and asphalt tracks. Distances: for men - 10 - 50 km (at official international competitions - 20 and 50 km), boys - 3 - 10 km; in some countries in women's competitions - 3-20 km.

The rules of modern race walking are very strict. For example, if an athlete at a distance of 50 km, ten meters before the finish line, could not resist and nevertheless switched to running, he is removed from the competition. Judges very often disqualify some participants and allow others to finish, demonstrating no less subjectivity than in figure skating, gymnastics, wrestling or boxing. According to the rules, an athlete is removed from the competition if comments are received from three of the eight judges standing at a distance. However, the leading sports organizations are in no hurry to introduce the long-invented electronic control over the "fast walkers". Then the speed of movement will be immediately thrown back a hundred years.

After a quarter of a century ago, the rules allowed the disqualification of "fast walkers" even after the finish line, race walking, like many sports, has become like a lottery. In which famous and titled runners were the most fortunate - Russians Mikhail Shchennikov and Vladimir Golubnichiy, Veniamin Soldatenko and Roman Rasskazov, Irina Strakhova and Andrey Perlov, Mexicans Daniel Bautisto and Ernesto Canto, Italian Maurizio Damilano, Pole Robert Karzhanevsky. In 2003, a significant event in the history of Russian race walking took place - on May 17-18, the 5th European Race Walking Cup was held in Cheboksary. Competitions of such a high level were held for the first time in our country Race walking // Wikipedia, Electronic resource; 2009. .

What is recreational (sports) walking and who can do it

To begin with, let's figure out what health-improving (sports) walking is. There are various definitions of this term in the literature. Let's look at a few definitions.

One of the definitions says that race walking is an Olympic athletics discipline, in which, unlike running events, there must be constant contact of the foot with the ground.

Another says that race walking is an alternation of steps performed in such a way that the athlete constantly makes contact with the ground, and at the same time there is no loss of contact visible to the human eye. The extended leg must be fully extended from the moment of first contact with the ground until passing the vertical.

And if you believe the third definition, then race walking is a type of athletics, which differs from ordinary walking by the obligatory straightening of the supporting leg in the joint in a vertical position, from running - by the absence of a non-supporting phase of movement, which causes lower speed during race walking.

As a result, summing up and summing up these three definitions, we can define race walking as a kind of athletics, which is an alternation of steps with constant contact of the foot with the ground, which causes a lower speed during race walking than when running.

Who is suitable for this type of healing of the body?

Health-improving (sports) walking (and health-improving running close to it) is the simplest and most accessible type of cyclic exercise, and that is why it is the most massive. First of all, health-improving (sports) walking is necessary for people of "sedentary" professions.

According to the World Health Organization, only 20% of the population of developed countries are engaged in sufficiently intensive physical culture, which provides the necessary level of energy consumption. Insufficient motor activity leads to a decrease in the functional capabilities of people and a weakening of the body's resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in recreational (sports) walking to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Health-improving (sports) walking is also useful for the elderly. Running as a recreational tool is used by more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet. For these two groups of people, this is the simplest kind of physical activity, and the best medicine. To this it should be added that for untrained elderly and obese people, walking is the most accessible and mandatory initial stage of self-study, since when walking, the load on the legs is 2 times less than when running.

Walking can be practiced on the street, and in the park, and in the forest. At the same time, numerous muscle groups are active, including the largest ones: muscles of the legs, pelvic girdle, back, arms, respiratory organs, etc. Walking can provide a relatively high functional load, training and strengthening the cardiovascular system. So if at rest a person spends an average of 1.5 kilocalories of energy per minute, then when walking at a normal speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour, depending on their own weight, energy costs increase by 3-4 times. For an hour of walking, an excellent result can be achieved in increasing the overall balance of motor activity and energy consumption - 360-600 kilocalories Vilensky M.Ya., Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of mental workers. St. Petersburg: Drofa, 1997.

General rules for performing recreational (sports) walking

On training days, record your heart rate before exercise, immediately after you stop, and then after 3 and 5 minutes. If the increase in heart rate after exercise passes quickly and the number of beats is restored to the original within 3-5 minutes, there is only slight shortness of breath, which, like general moderate fatigue, disappears 5-10 minutes after exercise, the reaction is considered satisfactory. When severe and prolonged shortness of breath develops during exercise, and the pulse rate and fatigue do not return to normal within 30-60 minutes after the end of the lesson, the reaction is unsatisfactory. In the next lesson, you should reduce the overall load. If after training there is a feeling of nausea, dizziness, coordination is disturbed, then the training load was excessive.

Usually, any physical exercise to one degree or another affects many systems and organs of a person. However, according to the principle of a predominant effect on the body as a whole or on its individual systems, exercises can be grouped. So, for people associated with sedentary work, small physical exertion, of particular interest are exercises that improve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase overall endurance, that is, they are able to resist fatigue. This task is best met by exercises of low intensity, but of sufficient duration. Such dosed work can be provided not only by walking and running, but also by swimming, skiing, rowing, cycling, sports games, etc. It cannot be said that all these exercises are an effective means of psychological unloading of a person, relieving mental stress.

The forms of practicing selected exercises, elements of certain sports or sports training with their mandatory component - competitions are very diverse.

With individual self-study, the load is dosed naturally. There are very rare cases when a person does not feel the measure of the load at all. It is more difficult in collective activities, when emotional enthusiasm can fail. In the process of such classes, there is a natural tendency to average out the total load, which for some is great, for others it is insufficient.

The choice of a place for classes also depends on the individual tastes, conditions and capabilities of each person. One person will work out on the sports ground under the windows of houses, at the stadium, while the other prefers classes in a secluded place in nature or in his own apartment. But the main thing is to exercise regularly with an optimal load.

Technique and rules for performing health walking

As we have already found out, walking and running are the most popular and most affordable means of health training. However, data from medical supervision indicate that 25-50% of people who have started recreational running are forced to either completely stop or interrupt training for a long time due to pain in various parts of the spine or in the joints of the legs.

Why is this happening?

It is known that 70-80% of men over 30 years of age have one or another pathology in the spine. One of the most common hypotheses explaining the origin of such diseases is as follows: naturally, the human musculoskeletal system is adapted to walking on soft ground. He also walks in hard shoes on hard surfaces. Under these conditions, each step is a kind of blow. The shock wave, spreading throughout the body, reaches the intervertebral discs and causes one or another pathology. Therefore, before you start race walking, you need to fulfill some requirements, since race walking also has its own technique.

Recommendations for the prevention of the adverse effects of fast walking (according to experts, it becomes healthy when it is performed at a pace of 120 steps per minute or more) are usually associated with the selection of soft coverings and rational shoes. Indeed, both are very important. Walking on soft ground, a garden or woodland path covered with a carpet of foliage, is not only safe, but simply pleasant. Therefore, you need to think carefully about your training routes, it is best to get to the nearest park or suburban area. The stiffness of the ground can also be compensated by increasing the cushioning properties of the shoe. It is necessary to put foam rubber insoles of various softness and thickness into shoes, wear thick woolen socks. Shoes with flexible, flexible soles are best suited.

This allows you to include in the work all the numerous joints of the tarsus and metatarsus, to activate the relatively small muscles of the foot. If the shoes have a hard sole and especially tight lacing, then when walking, almost only the ankle joint works, which contributes to the overload of various parts of the foot, impedes blood circulation. Mikhalkin G.P. All about sports. M.: AST, 2000 .

In addition to shoes and the quality of the track, walking technique deserves attention. Rational walking dramatically reduces shaking and shock waves. It is necessary to minimize the vertical movements of the body when walking. It is they who mainly generate pulsating overloads and microvibrations. Therefore, one should not rush to separate the heel of the jogging leg from the support - this should happen after the free leg has passed the vertical. Otherwise, the so-called vertical walking is observed, in which the center of body mass at each step moves up and down by about 5-9 cm. Later, heel separation allows you to direct the repulsion more forward than up.

Strict control over your movements is especially necessary in the first lessons.

In the future, gradually - rather quickly - the necessary skill is developed. It is so strong and precise that the on and off times of individual muscles can vary by only thousandths of a second. Proper walking is beautiful. There is a feeling of non-stop, smooth body movements. Steps are no longer perceived as separate motor acts, and each movement naturally flows into the overall rhythm. Among other things, such walking is very economical. The energy saved at each step allows you to significantly increase the range of transitions. Walking brings the greatest healing effect when its duration is increased to an hour, and the regularity of classes is up to 5-6 times a week, and on one of the days off the load doubles. The minimum rate of classes is 3 times a week for 30 minutes. You can practice at any time that is more convenient for you.

It should only be remembered that there should be a break of at least 30 minutes between a running workout and a meal. You should not turn recreational walking into sports, increasing speed and distance. You can and should train all year round. If the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees, then the distance can be somewhat reduced, and if it is below minus 20 degrees, then it is better to cancel the workout. Although this is not required.

1. Before training, carefully check your shoes;

2. Wear socks made of a mixture of wool and cotton on your feet;

3. Increase the load should be gradual;

4. Should be engaged at least 3 times a week and at least 30 minutes;

5. Without the need to increase and decrease the speed is not recommended;

6. It is necessary to constantly strengthen the muscles of the arch of the feet in order to avoid the development of flat feet;

7. The training effect is achieved only when the training time is equal to or close to one hour;

8. Be sure to monitor the pulse rate (it should not be more than 180 beats per minute - minus your age).

9. In order not to overload your body during training, self-control is necessary, which will allow you not to get overloaded and not undermine your health.

Self-monitoring and signs of overdose

Being engaged in health-improving (sports) walking, it is important to prevent overdose, especially for the elderly and people with disorders of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, self-control is very important. The adequacy of the load can be traced by the following tests:

1. Orthostatic test. Calculate the pulse for one minute while lying in bed in the morning, immediately after waking up, then slowly get up and measure the pulse after one minute while standing. If the standing pulse exceeds the initial value by 20, then this means that the loads are excessive, the body does not have time to recover. The load must be reduced and it is better not to train at all for a week, but to engage in other types of physical exercises, better yoga and relaxation. Note that such a difference in pulses can also be with an exacerbation of a chronic disease or with violations in the diet.

2. If the difference in pulses is not more than 12, the loads are adequate to your capabilities. The difference of 16-18 strokes indicates that the magnitude of the load is at the limit of permissible.

As your physical abilities increase, the value of the orthostatic test and the morning pulse immediately after waking up will decrease.

Other signs of overtraining: poor sleep, lethargy and drowsiness during the day, decreased performance, sometimes sweating, exacerbation of a chronic disease, discomfort in the heart area, high blood pressure. In this case, it is also necessary to reduce the load by about 1.5-2 times and pay more attention to diet and relaxation.

Also, for physically strong people, accelerated health-improving walking and running can be recommended.

Accelerated walking as an independent health remedy can be recommended only if there are contraindications to running (in the early stages of rehabilitation after serious illnesses, with overweight, in elderly people with a low level of physical fitness).

In the absence of serious deviations in the state of health, it can only be used as the first (preparatory) stage of endurance training for beginners with low functionality. In the future, as fitness increases, health-improving walking should be replaced by running training.

Contraindications for walking and running

There are contraindications in which it is impossible to engage in walking and running. Here is some of them:

1. Mitral stenosis and congenital heart defects (narrowing of the atriogastric opening).

2. Past stroke or myocardial infarction.

3. Pronounced cardiac arrhythmias.

4. Pulmonary insufficiency.

5. High arterial hypertension (blood pressure 180 to 110 and above), resistant to the action of various medications.

6. Chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus, not controlled by insulin.

7. Progressive myopia, threatening retinal detachment and glaucoma

8. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as in case of any acute diseases, including colds.

People with the above diseases are recommended to use the method of natural stimulation of defense systems for recovery, and first of all - diet, hatha yoga, relaxation.

If a person has any other chronic disease, then after at least a month's course of treatment, you can try to start recreational walking.

People with slight deviations in health and with minimal changes in the cardiovascular system can do it on their own, from time to time checking their condition with a doctor.

At first, it is advisable to do this at least once a week.

People with abnormalities in the cardiovascular system are also recommended, especially at first, to regularly measure blood pressure and take an electrocardiogram.

Useful properties of health walking

Race walking has many benefits. Below are just a few of them:

1. With properly dosed walking, a harmonious multi-level natural stimulation of the body's defense systems occurs. To a greater extent, it is through the muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. Carbon dioxide and lactic acid have a stimulating effect, the content of which increases during physical exertion. The hormone of pleasure released during running and walking - endorphin - has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps restore its adequate susceptibility. Shaking, reproduced when walking, also has a stimulating effect.

2. While walking, the load on the heart is reduced due to the work of the "muscle pump" - the rhythmic and consistent contraction of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh helps to push blood from the veins of the lower extremities up to the heart.

3. Each cell of the body is filled with a colloidal solution, and our condition largely depends on its properties.

A thick, viscous colloid inhibits the course of natural processes in the cell, disrupts metabolism, and contributes to the accumulation of poisons. The viscosity of the colloid increases with improper, excessive nutrition and physical inactivity.

However, there is another factor that increases its viscosity, and that is time.

4. Any colloid ages over time - long molecular chains are more and more "stitched" together, compacted and squeeze out water molecules. The colloid loses elasticity and decreases in volume. Therefore, the old people "grow down." In fact, human aging is the aging of a colloid.

5. Modern excess nutrition leads to the forced inclusion of "abnormal" channels for dumping excess calories. One of these channels is the accumulation of energy-intensive substances in the body: fats, including cholesterol, and various forms of polysaccharides, in other words, mucus. Their excessive accumulation in the body entails a number of negative consequences. Physical activity opens up a natural channel for burning excess calories and normalizes the content of “abnormal” energy carriers. In this regard, recreational (sports) walking has its advantages over other types of physical activity. It allows you to achieve a reasonable combination between the load on the cardiovascular system and burning calories, that is, to burn excess calories quite effectively without overloading (or rather, correctly loading) the cardiovascular system.

6. To restrain the natural aging of the colloidal solution, mechanical vibration or shaking is necessary. It breaks new bonds between molecules and prevents the colloid from shrinking and losing water. When walking, each step is accompanied by a natural shake. At the same time, shaking is a good natural stimulation for the whole organism. Therefore, if running or walking is not available, then jumping in place can replace them to some extent.

1. Race walking enhances metabolism, promotes the utilization (“burning”) of old, non-working structures of the body and replacing them with new ones, which rejuvenates the body. It has been proven that walking strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and tumor diseases.


Health running and walking have benefits that are difficult to replicate with any other form of physical activity. First of all, this is a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, especially at the level of the smallest vessels - arterioles, venules, capillaries. The lack of movement in a modern person leads to desolation and atrophy of a large number of capillaries and impaired blood supply to tissues. Properly dosed running and walking opens collapsed, non-functioning capillaries, and also promotes the germination of new capillaries in depleted areas and in areas damaged by the disease, which is especially important.

Regular training in jogging has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. Restriction of the inflow of joint fluid (lymph) during physical inactivity leads to malnutrition of cartilage and loss of elasticity of the ligaments, a decrease in the depreciation properties of the joints and the development of arthrosis. Cyclic exercises (running, cycling, swimming) increase the flow of lymph to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs, which is the best prevention of arthrosis and sciatica. A positive effect of running on the function of the joints is possible only if adequate (not exceeding the capabilities of the motor apparatus) loads are used, and their gradual increase in the process of training. That is why health walking has so many useful properties and why a large number of people can do it, especially people of "sedentary" professions.


1. Race walking // Wikipedia, 2009 Electronic resource

2. Vilensky M.Ya.; Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of mental workers. SPb. Bustard 1997

3. Mikhalkin G.P. All about sports. M. AST 2000

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And for them, wellness walking is a kind of daily fitness. There are practically no restrictions, doctors advise elderly people and patients with hypertension to start practicing healthy walking every day. It will also be useful for people who have extra pounds.

Health benefits of walking for the body

What are the health benefits of walking for the body? Let's start with the fact that when a person walks, blood vessels and the heart are trained, which, in turn, reduces the risk of various heart diseases. No wonder they say: "Running from a heart attack." But when running, there is a greater load on the joints than when walking, and this is contraindicated for people who have joint problems. And the best option in this situation would be to do wellness walking.

What are the benefits of walking? Calories are burned and excess weight is lost. It is recommended to walk more for people who are obese, as it is very difficult for them to engage in any kind of sport. Walking gradually relieves them of the hated kilograms, as it is one of the ways. Walking in the fresh air, especially in the evening, improves sleep, strengthens the immune system, and has a fruitful effect on the psyche, as stress resistance increases.

Walking technique

Will walking help you lose weight? Calories will be spent and kilograms will go away if everything is done correctly. Health walking has a special technique, as it is a specific sport.

Wellness walking technique:

  • When walking, we bend our elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. Hand movements should be rhythmic and be made along the body back and forth.
  • The hands should be clenched into fists, but not much.
  • When walking, the leg becomes from heel to toe, the torso should be relaxed, the stomach should be pulled in, the shoulders should be relaxed and straightened.

As you know, in order for walking to be truly healthy, you need to have a system. And this means that for training you need to allocate three days a week, you should walk for at least forty minutes, the speed when walking should be 6.5 km / h, but at the same time you need to monitor heart rhythms, they should not exceed one hundred and forty beats per minute . Avoid shortness of breath, breathe evenly, the first three steps we inhale air through the nose, the next three - we exhale through the mouth.

Walking with ski poles has also become very popular. This option is much more intense, since when moving in this way, almost 90% of all muscles work in the body.

nordic walking

This type of walking for health purposes was invented in Scandinavia. Initially, skiers began to use it, who, in order not to lose shape in the summer, practiced walking, which imitated cross-country skiing. Since then, pole walking has become more and more popular, and many athletes choose it as an aerobic exercise in between workouts.

Consider what is the advantage of this type of walking:

  • Firstly, during it, the load on the joints of the legs is significantly reduced, since it is evenly distributed on the legs and arms.
  • Secondly, in the presence of sticks in the hands, walking speed increases significantly.
  • Thirdly, the vessels pass in a more loaded mode, which has a positive effect on their condition.
  • Fourthly, posture is well corrected, since the presence of sticks in the hands does not allow a person to slouch, and he involuntarily keeps his back straight.
  • Fifthly, it has a fruitful effect on the treatment of diseases of the cervical and shoulder joints.

This type of intensive walking is available to everyone. No need to buy expensive equipment, pay for fitness rooms. This is a great option that allows you to take care of your health and body without spending a lot of money, just buy ski poles and go.

If you have a back problem, want to lose weight, or don't have a lot of money to buy a gym membership, then pole walking is for you. It is not very popular in Russia yet, but you can always buy some equipment and start getting healthy right now.

A little about the morning run

We are always told that jogging in the morning is very useful, as it is a universal form of exercise that has never harmed anyone. But it is not always as useful and safe as they say about it. There is an opinion that the myth about the dangers of jogging was invented by those who do not want to do it, but this is not so. Professionals say that if you have some chronic diseases, you can only get harm from jogging.

Jogging in the morning, of course, is very useful if it takes place in the fresh air. It is on the fresh, and not in the atmosphere of a big city. When running around the metropolis, you need to understand that, of course, there will be benefits for the muscles, they will tighten up, but the lungs, into which city air will enter, may suffer.

Jogging is contraindicated for people with severe heart and vascular diseases, people with obesity, with diseased joints. In general, there are quite a lot of risk groups, and for this reason it is better to use an alternative type of exercise - recreational walking.

Why is it not recommended to run with heart disease? The fact is that with such a load as jogging, we are not talking about building muscle mass, it is rather a kind of means for losing weight. And there is an opinion that since all the muscles become smaller, the same thing happens with the heart, as a result, a person begins to feel worse. Of course, in this case, if you run moderately and monitor your pulse, then jogging will not hurt.

In any case, jogging in the morning is a purely individual matter. Try and evaluate the sensations after the first attempt, if you feel fine, then you can continue to do this further, but if not, then take better health walking.

Evening run before bed

Let's talk about evening runs. If you compare them with morning ones, then they are much more beneficial for the body, since it is already prepared for classes. Also, it is the evening run that relieves stress accumulated throughout the working day, the body is enriched with oxygen.

It will be up to you to decide what time and how much to run, as it depends on your employment. But there are some rules that say that you need to run no more than 4 times a week, since the body needs to be given rest. Less often, it is also not recommended, since the load will be insufficient. The best time for walking or jogging is from seven to ten in the evening, it should last about forty minutes. Jogging should begin an hour after you ate in the evening. You should not run too late, as it will be difficult for an agitated body to calm down, and you may not fall asleep on time.

It is better to run in a park or on a sports ground, as the air is cleaner there than on the paths that run through the city.

How to run?

In order for a run to be beneficial, you need to divide it into three equal parts. We start the run with a simple warm-up, then we run at a moderate pace, after a while we accelerate, and in the end - a very slow run, almost walking. If you are just starting to do jogging in the evenings, then you need to monitor your condition, breathe correctly, and make sure that your pulse does not go astray. Watch your posture, don't swing your arms too much. Don't run for an hour at once, start small, like five minutes, and gradually increase the time and pace, so you can avoid some unpleasant moments in your well-being.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and decide to start running, then with a high probability after the first session your leg muscles will ache, there is nothing to worry about, you should not stop exercising, after a week of jogging in the evenings your muscles will get used to the load and stop hurting.

Walking and hypertension

Any hypertensive patient is afraid of sudden movements, since in this case the pressure can change dramatically. Of course, you need to strengthen the heart muscle. But how to do it right, if only from climbing the stairs the heart jumps out and severe shortness of breath torments?

You need to do health walking, which is shown to almost all hypertensive patients, if they do not have exacerbations. You need to walk, but just take precautions.

On a note

Be sure to take note of:

  • You need to start walking only after visiting your doctor and consulting with him.
  • The load should increase gradually. If you feel a slight malaise while walking, immediately stop exercising, rest. And the next day you can try again, but only at a slower pace.
  • The warm-up should be light, without bends and squats.
  • Do not force yourself to walk through force, this process should give you pleasure.
  • You need to do it regularly, every other day, but without fanaticism, as soon as you start to feel tired, you need to stop walking immediately.
  • Your movements should be slow and measured.

Nordic walking is very effective for hypertension, as it can be an auxiliary tool for relaxation. So, if shortness of breath appears while walking, you need to stop and rest, and you can do this by leaning on sticks. As soon as breathing is restored, you can safely move on.

As soon as you start training, your blood pressure may increase, your pulse will increase, but this is due to increased blood circulation in the body. In some cases, dizziness may occur. But with constant training under the supervision of specialists, after a month of classes, there is an improvement in general well-being, pressure surges disappear, and a headache disappears. The main thing is that classes can be held in any weather, regardless of the time of year.

With constant walking, over time, the heart muscle will strengthen, and your disease may recede, the vessels are also strengthened, the tone of which is significantly reduced, and as a result, blood pressure drops to normal.

It is good to start practicing recreational walking at a time when the disease has just begun to manifest itself, then all sorts of complications can be avoided. But even with fairly neglected hypertension, doctors advise their patients this type of physical activity, but only under constant supervision.

Terrenkur - walking treatment

In the process of walking, our body uses a lot of muscles, the respiratory system and joints.

Scientists have long been interested in the impact of walking on human health, and now an innovation called health path has appeared. are prescribed to patients as an alternative to drugs. At the same time, the route of walking, its duration and pace depend on the severity of the disease.

One of the advantages of this type of recovery is that the load on the joints is minimal. And so this method was originally intended for people with obesity and not physically prepared. Hiking also helps those who are not recommended to run for health reasons, for example, people suffering from osteochondrosis. You can’t run, but you can do walking, especially health-improving.

Types of health path

There are how many types of terrenkur:

  • Easy, flat route with a length of five hundred meters.
  • Average, the pace of walking changes periodically, you need to walk for a kilometer and a half, and the route is drawn up on an uneven surface.
  • Difficult, many sections with terrain changes, more than six kilometers long, intensive way of walking varies from slow.

How does terrenkur affect the body?

Doctors have found that health walking helps the body cope with many ailments, as oxygen supply to organs improves, a muscle corset is developed, metabolism is accelerated, which leads to weight loss and a decrease in stress on the joints.

In addition, the health path increases blood flow in the legs, which can help fight their diseases without surgery.

In order to get the long-awaited benefits from the health path, you need to not just walk, but do it right.

You need to start with the easiest, as the body needs to get used to the loads that you place on it. The decision to take up this sport should be made consciously, as wellness walking should be enjoyable, which will not work out under duress. After a few workouts and you feel that this route has become too easy for you, you can move on to the average level of training. In order to master it, you will need a lot more time, but it's worth it. As you begin to feel much better and be ready to go further in your training, moving to the most difficult level of wellness walking.

In conclusion, I would like to say: whatever you choose, the result will not keep you waiting. It can be just walking in the fresh air in the evenings, they are sure to have a beneficial effect on the health of your body as a whole. After you start doing this sport, your muscles will tighten up, if there are extra pounds, they will go away, the heart and blood vessels will train. All internal organs will work much better, as a large amount of oxygen will begin to flow to them. You will become immune to various stressful situations and your mood and well-being will improve.

Table of contents
Almost all modern people know that physical activity is good for health, because they maintain and improve the body's endurance, train muscles, heart, lungs and blood vessels, thereby preventing various diseases, and maintaining a high level of performance and well-being until old age. Moreover, it is absolutely known that movement is an integral part of the life of centenarians, since all people who have lived a fairly long life say that they constantly and regularly subjected their body to physical activity, mainly in the form of simple gardening and housework or walking.

The simplest and most accessible type of physical activity for all people is walking, which is an excellent workout that gives a person the opportunity to live a long and active life. Therefore, we can say that for the sake of life one should walk!

Why walking can lengthen life

Ancient Chinese sages, Taoist practitioners and famous doctors who served the emperor believed that a person lives as long as his vessels and joints live. In other words, the ancient sages believed that the most important thing for prolonging life is to strengthen and maintain in good working order the blood vessels and joints.

It is quite possible to agree with the opinion of the imperial doctors of ancient China, since in the modern world people most often die from cardiovascular diseases, and joint pathology leads to disability and, ultimately, a deterioration in the quality and reduction in life expectancy.

From the foregoing, it follows that in order to prolong life and maintain its quality at an acceptable level, it is necessary to make efforts aimed at maintaining the normal structure and functional activity of blood vessels and joints. And the best way to maintain a good working condition of blood vessels and joints is physical exercises, but not all, but only the so-called aerobic exercise.

The fact is that aerobic exercise is aimed at training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, that is, in fact, at increasing the degree of endurance of the body and its resistance to negative environmental factors. Indeed, during aerobic exercise, the heart beats more often, blood circulates faster through the vessels, more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the tissues, as a result of which much fewer blood clots are formed and cholesterol is utilized, which does not attach to the vascular walls and does not form the basis of a future atherosclerotic plaque. In addition, due to the intensive movement of blood, the walls of even the smallest, collapsed vessels open up and begin to work, thereby preventing atrophic changes in them and maintaining their elasticity.

Such effects perfectly prevent atherosclerosis and various pathological changes in the vessels, which are the basis of various chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc. In addition, due to the absence of weights, the joints during aerobic exercise work naturally and without undue overload, which trains and strengthens them without the risk of injury. Thanks to this, a person’s joints remain mobile for a long time, giving him the opportunity to make any, even the smallest and most precise movements, until old age. Accordingly, aerobic exercise contributes to maintaining good health and, thereby, prolonging an active life.

Of course, during aerobic training, the muscles of the body also work, which become stronger and also become more resilient, that is, able to withstand long, but moderate in intensity loads. But aerobic training cannot increase the strength and volume of muscles, as well as “sculpt” beautiful body contours, since physical activity of this nature provides the “internal stability” of the body rather than external beauty. That is why, to put it simply, to prolong life, you need to engage in aerobic training, and for the beauty of the body - strength training.

There is now a wide variety of aerobic workouts to choose from, such as dancing, running, walking, jumping rope, etc. Each person can choose the type of training that for some reason he likes more than others. However, the simplest and at the same time useful aerobic exercise is regular walking, which is available to all people at any time of the year and in any place. Walking is a gentle and very physiological exercise that allows you to achieve all the positive effects of aerobic exercise. In addition, when walking, the risk of injury is minimal, and the benefits are high, and this type of aerobic exercise can be used until old age. That is why we can say with full confidence that the expression "walking for life" is completely accurate and scientifically based, and not metaphorical!

The benefits of walking

Walking is a natural, habitual and physiological form of physical activity for a person of any age and gender. The movements made by a person when walking are cyclic, that is, the various muscles of the body alternately relax and tighten, which allows you to achieve an excellent training effect. Physical activity during walking is not too intense and high, it corresponds to the optimum for each muscle of the body, which ensures that there is no overload and associated dangers such as injury, overexertion, fatigue, etc. In addition, by changing the speed of walking or the terrain used for walking, you can easily increase or decrease the load, transferring it from a training mode to a gentle general strengthening one and vice versa.

For endurance training and improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, walking is much more effective than various static physical activities (exercises on simulators, weight lifting, etc.). Body movements and muscle work when walking perfectly knead stiff members, disperse blood in all organs and tissues, including in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, and also increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered by blood to tissues.

Walking promotes weight loss, improves mood and general condition of the body, and also normalizes blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, a person who walks literally goes very far from heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thus, it is walking that is the optimal training for a long and active life without the burden of chronic diseases.

In terms of the effectiveness of maintaining the normal functional state of the cardiovascular system and preventing its diseases, walking literally has no equal. So, according to a long-term study conducted in various European countries, which involved people aged 40-65 years, it was shown that 3-4 hours of walking per week reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 30-45%! More than half of the people who participated in the study and were walking did not suffer from any diseases of the cardiovascular system at all, felt great and were very active. People who did not walk felt much worse and more often suffered from severe chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, scientists have found that walking is the ideal form of exercise for women, because it does not exhaust like exercising on simulators.

In general, the benefits of a daily 30-minute walk for the human body are to achieve the following positive effects:

  • The heart muscle is strengthened, blood flow in all organs and tissues improves, and the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to them increases;
  • Prevents heart attack, stroke and vascular thromboembolism;
  • The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • Reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes by 30 - 40%;
  • Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women;
  • Reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer in men by 50%;
  • Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer in men and women;
  • The digestion process improves and the regularity of the stool is normalized;
  • Reduced risk of developing glaucoma;
  • Decreased intraocular pressure;
  • Improves mood and stops depression;
  • The feeling of isolation and helplessness stops;
  • Sleep is normalized and insomnia is eliminated;
  • Increased life expectancy and quality;
  • Improves overall well-being;
  • Increased lung capacity and depth of breathing;
  • Bones, joints and spine are strengthened, which reduces the risk of fractures, dislocations and other traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Immunity improves due to the hardening effect, as a result of which a person gets sick less often and more easily tolerates colds and seasonal respiratory diseases;
  • The muscular frame is strengthened and endurance increases;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • The aging process slows down;
  • Eliminates stress.
Not all the positive effects of walking are listed above, but only the main, most significant ones. However, even considering only them, it is clear that walking brings exceptional benefits to a person, at the same time being an easy and fairly simple type of physical activity that does not require special skills, equipment and sports grounds.

However, it must be remembered that these beneficial effects of walking are achieved only if it is quite vigorous and at a good pace. Slow walks at a very low speed and pace are useless, because with this type of movement, various muscles of the body are practically not involved, and the body does not receive physical activity. In fact, slow movement in terms of the level of physical activity is no different from that at rest, for example, when lying on a sofa or sitting in an easy chair. That is, when walking slowly, the heart, blood vessels, lungs, muscles and other organs work in approximately the same mode as at rest. Therefore, to get the benefits of walking, you need to walk at a fast pace. It is better to walk 20 minutes at a fast pace than an hour of slowly rearranging your legs.

Wellness walking (recommendations of a vertebrologist doctor): benefits for the spine and the whole body, how to walk correctly, pulse rate - video

Contraindications for walking

Walking is contraindicated if a person has the following diseases:
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • Ventricular tachycardia.

Types of walking

Depending on the pace, speed, distance traveled and the devices used, the following types of walking are distinguished:
  • Wellness;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Energy;
  • Sports;
  • Walking for weight loss.

Wellness walking

Wellness walking is an accessible type of physical activity for every person, which is aimed at general strengthening of the body. Depending on the intensity of the load, health walking can be slow, medium, fast and very fast. Each person can choose the best option for themselves, depending on age, general condition of the body and physical fitness.

nordic walking

Nordic walking is a variant of movement with sticks in hands. A person steps with his feet and at the same time pushes off the ground with sticks held in his hands. The presence of sticks makes, firstly, to increase the length of the steps, and secondly, it involves the upper body in intensive work, which creates a rather intense physical load. During Nordic walking, 90% of all muscles of the human body are involved, which intensifies the load, increases the number of calories burned and allows you to involve all muscle groups in training. In addition, poles in the hands absorb impacts on the knees and back, which minimizes unnecessary stress on the joints.

Nordic walking poles are lightweight and durable, as they are made from a mixture of fiberglass and carbon. The length of the sticks is calculated individually according to the formula: human height * 0.68.

energy walking

Energy walking is a combination of various movements of the body and arms during walking. Movements of the body and hands are made consciously, because with their help the flow of energies is initiated in accordance with traditional oriental medical and wellness practices. Thanks to the activation of the circulation of energy through the channels, healing and balance are restored throughout the body. Energy walking can be practiced without any aids or with poles other than those used for Nordic walking.

Race walking

Race walking is a fast movement without switching to running. In principle, the main point of race walking is to move at maximum speed without switching to running. The speed of such a walk is 2-3 times higher than that of a health-improving one due to the length and high frequency of steps. Sports doctors believe that this walking option is more useful than running, because with a comparable level of load, a person gets less tired and there is no strong pressure on the joints and spine.

A characteristic feature of sports walking is that the supporting leg is kept straight from the moment it touches the ground until the weight of the body is transferred through this point. To fulfill this condition, a person intensively works with his hands and shakes his torso and pelvis. Unlike running, race walking does not have a flight phase when both feet are off the ground.

Race walking can be practiced by anyone who does not suffer from flat feet. With flat feet, this type of walking cannot be practiced, since the weight of the body is distributed incorrectly over the foot, which can cause injury.

Walking for weight loss

Walking for weight loss is, in fact, a quick version of health walking, the effect of which is aimed at reducing the hour. However, it must be remembered that in order to achieve a result, you need to walk, firstly, quickly, and secondly, to overcome a sufficiently large distance, that is, to take at least 10,000 steps daily.

The benefits of Nordic walking - video

Walking technique

Health walking should not be confused with a leisurely walk before bed or to improve appetite, as they are different types of exercise. We will consider the technique and rules of health-improving walking, since the benefits of this type of movement are very high, and all other walking options, in fact, are its varieties.

Foot, posture, arms and torso when walking

When walking, it is necessary to keep the torso in the correct position, namely: straighten your back, slightly flatten your shoulder blades, tighten your stomach and put your head so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Then, without changing the adopted position, you should slightly move the weight of the body forward so that it is concentrated on the tubercles of the foot and fingers. In principle, the correct distribution of body weight can be achieved in a simpler way. To do this, you need to try to stand on your toes on straight legs and, as soon as you feel that the weight has moved forward so much that you can tear your heels off the floor, you should fix in this position, since it is this that is the correct distribution of body weight for walking. Having taken the necessary position, you should hold it until the person finishes walking.

It is necessary to walk at a good pace, vigorously rearranging the legs. When taking a step, you must first bring the thigh of one leg forward. Immediately after this, you should simultaneously straighten the knee of the same leg, and with the second leg, which is behind the body, push off the ground, rising to the toe. After the push, the leg that is in front must be placed in a straightened state with the heel on the ground so that the toe is turned up. The leg that is behind is completely extended and placed on the toe. At this moment, the weight of the body is concentrated between two legs, that is, a person cannot lift either of them without first moving the center of gravity.

From this position, the weight of the body is transferred to the leg that is in front. To do this, the foot of the front leg is quickly lowered to the ground, leaning on the tubercles of the fingers and its outer surface. In this case, the leg remains straight. The leg left behind is bent at the knee and her thigh is brought forward for the next step. After the withdrawal of the hips, straighten the leg at the knee and, simultaneously pushing off with the second leg, lower it with the heel to the ground, etc.

Thanks to the push of the leg, which turns out to be behind, the step is long, elastic and springy. When walking, the foot works, as if constantly rolling from heel to toe. You can not immediately put the entire foot of the walking leg (located in front) on the ground, you must first lean on the heel and only after that transfer the weight of the body to the knolls of the fingers. The foot of the back foot, before the front foot rests on the heel, rises to the toe, and in this position gives a push to the body in the forward direction in order to push the front foot as far as possible. And only when the front leg rests on the ground with the heel, the entire weight of the body begins to be transferred to it, for which the foot gradually falls completely to the ground. And at the moment when the foot of the front leg is completely on the ground, the foot of the hind leg, which was in the position on the toes, comes off the floor and the thigh begins to move forward to perform the next step.

When walking, you should try to put the heels of the feet on one fictional line passing between the legs (as models do when walking along the catwalk at fashion shows). At the same time, it is necessary to turn the socks outward a little, but if this does not work out, then it is quite possible to clubfoot, since this will not affect walking in a negative way. While walking, you should not relax your knees, you should always fully straighten the pushing leg, which turns out to be behind the body during the next step.

While walking, it is better to bend your arms at the elbows and move them in opposition to the legs (that is, when the right leg is in front, then the left arm corresponds to it, etc.). You should look forward, and not under your feet, and the face while walking should remain relaxed, not tense. The torso, legs and shoulders should be in good shape, but not the face and hands.

You should not try to lengthen your stride by trying to put the foot in front as far as possible. This walking technique is incorrect and traumatic.

Breathing while walking

It is necessary to breathe rhythmically, at the same pace as walking and only through the nose. However, if the pace of walking is fast, then you can breathe through both your mouth and nose at the same time, but only if the air in the walking area is clean enough. If the air is dirty, there is a lot of dust in it, or the weather is frosty or windy, then you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Proper breathing at first will require quite serious efforts, but after a while a person gets used to a certain breathing pattern and rhythm of inhalations-exhalations, which allows him to no longer control this process. However, at the beginning of classes, one should strictly control that when walking on a flat area, the inhalation lasts 3-4 steps, and the exhalation lasts 4-5 steps. If a person goes uphill, then it is necessary that the inhalation be longer than the exhalation, and when descending, on the contrary, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation.

There should be no shortness of breath while walking. If this appears, you should reduce the pace, that is, go slower. It is better to walk at a slower pace for several days or weeks, training endurance, so that in the future you will move much faster, and not get serious complications from the first sessions.

The optimal breathing rhythm is such that a person should be able to speak in the process of movement, but could not sing. Accordingly, if a person cannot speak while walking, then the pace and speed of movement should be reduced, and if he can sing, then, on the contrary, it is necessary to add a step.

How many minutes and kilometers a day do you need to walk?

A healthy person striving to maintain shape and improve health is recommended to walk every other day, and not every day, but do it at an intense and fast pace, walking a fairly long distance. Daily walking is recommended for people who are weakened after an illness or suffering from severe chronic pathologies. Moreover, they are advised to walk at a moderate or low pace and walk a relatively short distance, but do it every day.

Depending on the physical form, endurance and state of health, it is necessary to walk from 3 - 5 to 10 - 15 km daily, or every other day. A completely healthy person who is in good physical shape is recommended to walk on rough terrain, alternating descents, ascents and a flat surface. People who are not in the best shape are advised to start walking on level ground, gradually increasing distance, walking speed and adding movement up and down.

In addition, it is better for healthy people to walk quickly, focusing on the pace of movement, while weakened and suffering from chronic diseases, on the contrary, it is recommended to walk relatively slowly, with the main emphasis on distance.

For walking to be beneficial, you need to walk 10,000 steps every day for about 1 hour. However, not all people can immediately walk that many steps at the right pace, so you should start classes with less, gradually training endurance and increasing both speed and distance traveled until the desired parameter of 10,000 steps is reached.

In order to independently organize walking, you must be able to translate all of the above rules into the speed of movement and the distance that should be overcome during the walk. Then you can choose the best walking option for yourself.

So, according to the speed of walking is divided into the following types:

  • Very slow - 60 - 70 steps per minute, which is a speed of 2.5 - 3 km / h;
  • Slow - 70 - 90 steps per minute, which is 3 - 4 km / h;
  • Average - 90 - 120 steps per minute, which is 4 - 5.5 km / h;
  • Fast - 120 - 140 steps per minute, which is 5.6 - 6.5 km / h;
  • Very fast - more than 140 steps per minute, which is more than 6.5 km / h.
If a person is over 35 years old and has never played sports before, then he should start with a very slow walk. If a person over 35 years old is in good physical shape or very slow walking seems too easy for him, then you should start with a slow one. People under 35 are also advised to start with a slow walk. In the first week, you should walk for half an hour at the chosen pace. Then every two weeks it is necessary to increase the walking time by 5 minutes, and the pace by 5 steps per minute, thereby lengthening the distance traveled. Thus, they achieve an increase in the speed of movement up to 100 steps per minute, and the duration of walking - 1 hour. Walking at this pace for an hour is about 10,000 steps, which are the "gold standard" of this type of physical activity. Having reached such a physical form, you just need to walk 10,000 steps in an hour in 1-2 days.

The described exemplary scheme for increasing the load to the optimal one is presented in the table.

Week of classes Number of steps per minute Walking time Walkable distance
First week 80 steps per minute 30 minutes 1.8 km
Second week 85 steps per minute 40 minutes 2.7 km
Third week 85 steps per minute 45 minutes 3.3 km
Fourth week 90 steps per minute 50 minutes 3.4 km
Fifth week 90 steps per minute 50 minutes 3.7 km
sixth week 95 steps per minute 55 minutes 3.8 km
seventh week 95 steps per minute 55 minutes 3.8 km
Eighth week 100 steps per minute 55 minutes 4.1 km
Ninth week 100 steps per minute 60 minutes 4.5 km

If a person cannot walk at a speed of 100 steps per minute for an hour, then you should do it at a slower pace, but be sure to walk a distance of 3-5 km daily. If a person can walk at a speed of more than 100 steps per minute, then it is recommended to do this, and then he will be engaged in fast walking and walk a greater distance within an hour.

Calculating your speed of movement is quite simple - you need to start moving at your own pace, detect 1 minute and carefully calculate the number of steps taken. Then you just need to move at the same pace, maintaining the same speed. When you need to increase the number of steps, proceed as follows: they mark one minute on the clock and try to move a little faster than before, counting the steps and at the same time remembering the sensations of the new speed with the muscles. If the required number of steps was completed in a minute, then you should continue moving at a new pace, trying to get the same muscle sensation as when calculating the speed. To facilitate the task of tracking and adjusting your speed, you can use a pedometer.

During training, especially in the initial stages of walking, it is necessary to monitor not only breathing and the number of steps per minute, but also the pulse. It is optimal that while walking, the pulse quickens to 100 - 120 beats per minute. If the pulse is below 100 beats per minute, then it is necessary to increase the pace, and if it is above 120, then, on the contrary, reduce the speed of movement.

If a person walks too slowly and the pulse does not increase to 100 - 120 beats per minute, then the benefits of such a workout are zero. The fact is that the metabolic process with a pulse below 100 beats per minute proceeds at the same speed as at rest, and, therefore, such training differs little from just sitting on the couch. Therefore, it is better to walk a shorter distance at a good pace and then rest than to walk more kilometers at a low speed.

Any weather is suitable for walking, you just need to dress appropriately for air temperature, humidity and wind speed. It is optimal to walk 1 hour before a meal or 1.5 - 2 hours after a meal. However, it is necessary to choose the time for walking so that the walk ends 2 hours before going to bed. With regular classes, you should walk at different times of the day.

Running and walking (recommendations from a fitness trainer): how to start walking and running correctly, how to choose shoes - video

How many calories can you burn walking?

Normal wellness walking at an average pace (100 steps per minute) allows you to burn about 200 - 280 kcal, depending on weather conditions. Nordic walking with sticks in this sense is much more effective, since it allows you to burn from 400 to 550 kcal in one hour, provided that a person moves at an average pace (100 steps per minute). The colder, windier and wetter it is outside, the more calories you can burn in 1 hour of walking. Accordingly, the more comfortable the conditions on the street, the fewer calories are burned when walking.

Don't try to increase your calorie burn by wearing too warm clothes to induce profuse sweating. This will only provoke increased excretion of fluid and salts from the body with the risk of catching a cold, but not increase the number of calories burned.

Therapeutic and wellness walking, health path (recommendations from doctors and specialists): the correct start of classes, load regulation, the choice of clothing, features of wellness walking after a heart attack, the benefits and techniques of northern walking - video

Technique and rules of walking for weight loss

Walking is an excellent and highly effective form of exercise for all people who want to lose weight. To achieve a result, that is, to lose weight, you need to walk daily at least at an average speed (at least 100 steps per minute) for an hour. Remember that during the first 45 minutes of walking the body uses glycogen stores from the liver, and only from 46 to 50 minutes does it begin to break down fat stores in order to provide energy to the muscles. Therefore, walking for weight loss should last at least an hour and have a minimum average pace (100 steps per minute). In addition, for walking to really be an effective physical activity that promotes weight loss, you should bring your heart rate to 100 - 120 beats per minute.

The technique and rules of walking for weight loss are exactly the same as for wellness. Therefore, you can start training as if a person is engaged in recreational walking. But at the same time, you should definitely set yourself the goal of reaching an average or fast pace, in which you walk for at least 1 hour daily.

To make the process of losing weight faster, you can follow a diet at the same time as walking or eat foods that promote the breakdown of body fat, such as kiwi, pineapple, etc.

In addition, walking can be used not only as a method of losing weight, but also for shaping the silhouette, that is, for strengthening and tightening various parts of the body. However, for this, some additional elements will have to be added to the usual health walking technique. So, to pull up the hips and buttocks, you need to walk up the slopes, that is, you should choose rough terrain for walking. In addition, to form beautiful buttocks, you need to strain them strongly while walking, while relaxing your back. In order to make the waist thin and beautiful, you need to slightly turn the body to the left and right while walking every 2 to 3 steps.

Walking during pregnancy

Pregnant women can go in for walking until the very birth. Walking is a great exercise option for pregnant women because it's physiological, doesn't push the body like running, and is accessible to everyone, unlike swimming pools, yoga, and specialized fitness.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

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At the present stage, it is not a revelation to anyone that counteracting physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle) is physical activity, which is the basis for the prevention of many diseases and a means of prolonging life. Scientists of all ages have argued that life requires movement. The famous American cardiologist Paul White said that: "If our generation used their mind and legs, and the alarm clock and stomach were smaller, then we would have fewer cases of coronary disease." Since the human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself ordered that a person needs to develop his physical abilities.

The child has not yet been born, and its future development is already interconnected with motor activity. The need for movement is a characteristic feature of a growing organism.

Unfortunately, an adult feels much less need for movement than a child. But movement is as necessary as food and sleep. The lack of food and sleep is captured by the body, causing a whole range of painful sensations.

Motor failure goes completely unnoticed, and is often accompanied by even a sense of comfort. With a lack of motor activity, the body's resistance to colds and the action of pathogens decreases. Persons leading a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases.

A decrease in physical activity, combined with a violation of the litanium regimen and an unhealthy lifestyle, leads to the appearance of excess body weight due to the deposition of fat in the tissues.

It has been proven that in people of mental labor, muscle activity causes an effort to flow positive impulses in the cerebral cortex and improves the functioning of those parts of it that are already included in a certain activity at the moment. Work, sports, physical culture are extremely important for the health of every person.

A huge number of people of different ages are engaged in health-improving physical culture in order to improve their well-being, improve health, become strong, dexterous, enduring, have a slender figure, well-developed muscles. Performing physical exercises, a person enters the world of new sensations, positive emotions, acquires a good mood, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, feels a surge of strength. Physical education is, as it were, a compensation for the fact that we are deprived of such natural physical activities as running, jumping, swimming, walking, etc.

A significant role in the restoration and development of health is invested in physical education, where the organization of health-improving physical culture is based on clear methods and methods, which together line up in a well-organized and well-established methodology. Health-improving physical culture classes have their own methodological features depending on age, gender, type of work activity, lifestyle, individual inclinations and interests, individual capabilities of the organism and the nature of the course of the disease.

The development of a methodology for practicing health-improving physical exercises should be carried out by highly professional specialists in the field of physical culture, since an incorrect technique can lead to serious consequences, even injuries. Physical exercises must be properly designed and detailed.

Physical culture technologies are mainly aimed at:

1. health promotion;

2. hardening of the body and improvement of the vital activity of all its systems;

3. strengthening the body's defenses;

4. increasing the level of mental and motor performance;

5. possible elimination of functional deviations in physical development;

6. elimination of residual effects after past illnesses;

7. Acquisition of skills and abilities necessary and acceptable for vacationers for independent physical education;

8. educating a person's conviction in the need to regularly engage in physical culture and sports.

In this regard, health-improving physical culture is an integral component of recreation, health improvement and treatment.

The method of practicing health-improving jogging and walking

Running and walking - this simple form of physical activity for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, is the best medicine. To this it should be added that for untrained elderly and obese people, walking is the most accessible and mandatory initial stage of self-study, since when walking, the load on the legs is 2 times less than when running.

Walking can be practiced on the street, and in the park, and in the forest. At the same time, numerous muscle groups are active, including the largest ones: muscles of the legs, pelvic girdle, back, arms, respiratory organs, etc. Walking can provide a relatively high functional load, training and strengthening the cardiovascular system. So if at rest a person spends an average of 1.5 kilocalories of energy per minute, then when walking at a normal speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour, depending on their own weight, energy consumption increases by 3-4 times. For an hour of walking, an excellent result can be achieved in increasing the overall balance of motor activity and energy expenditure - 360-600 kilocalories.

The training effect largely depends on the speed and duration of movement. Slow walking (up to 70 steps per minute) has almost no training effect for healthy people. Walking at an average speed of 3-4 km / h, i.e. 70-90 steps per minute refers to the average speed. It provides a certain state of fitness for poorly trained people. Walking at a pace of 90-100 steps per minute (4-5 km / h) is considered fast and has a training effect. The pace of 110-130 steps per minute is very fast. Determining the pace of walking through the number of steps, of course, is arbitrary. To find your average stride length, walk 10 meters at a normal pace and divide 1000 centimeters by the number of steps.

There is scientific evidence that low-intensity but longer-duration sessions provide a noticeable aerobic training effect, such as 30-40 minutes of exercise 5 times a week for 70 days. This means that walking effectively trains the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. When increasing the load, do not forget about the initial level of your preparedness, physical condition, age. Elderly and persons with reduced working capacity can be recommended a more gradual increase in the daily training load.

For young and middle-aged people, as well as for the elderly who have not trained, but are in good health, you can use the recommendations of the doctor of medical sciences R. Motylyanskaya and the candidate of medical sciences L. Yerusalimsky.

The proposed four-stage increase in dosed load with a gradual transition from walking to running is designed for one year. The training cycle consists of three days of training and one day of rest. For women, the proposed loads are reduced by 20-25%, and the pulse response can be 5-8 beats higher than for men.

If the load is adequate to the physical condition of the student, then with good health, the increase in heart rate should correspond to that indicated in the program. Full or 75 percent recovery of the pulse to the original data should occur 15-20 minutes after the end of the workout.

Such a regulation of increasing loads for a long period is largely conditional. Although the numbers inspire confidence and allow you to see the prospect of developing your functionality, they should not be a dogma. The estimated duration of these stages and other data must be adjusted in accordance with the state of health, well-being during and after classes, taking into account the doctor's recommendations. Sometimes it will be necessary to stay at the same stage, and maybe even go back, especially after a long absence from classes, illness or illness.

Although normal walking is one of the mildest means of additional load, however, when walking training, it should be a rule to gradually reduce the walking speed by the end of the session, completing it at a slow pace for 3-5 minutes. This period is necessary in order for a gradual decrease in the activity of body systems to occur. Anyone who abruptly stops strenuous exercise puts their heart at risk, as blood flow slows faster than heart rate, which leads to a lack of blood in the heart vessels. Therefore, you can not end the load exercise with an abrupt stop. After a quick walk, you should not stand still, sit down. Keep moving while measuring your heart rate.

Walking is the foundation of running, which is not neglected by high-class athletes. The legendary Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi included long walks in his training program as a long distance runner.

Running is a more intense exercise than walking, however, it can also be dosed according to energy consumption, speed of movement, distance, etc. So, according to S.V. Erdakova and V.V. Chernashkin, at a running speed of 10 kilometers per hour (jogging), energy consumption is 10.5 kilocalories per minute (630 kcal / h); at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour (normal easy running) -21 kilocalories per minute (1260 kcal / hour), which is more than half of the daily energy consumption of a person engaged in mental work.

It is recommended to start your physical training with walking. You should always remember the aphorism: "Time spent on your feet, not speed brings the greatest benefit", that is, increasing the distance is more appropriate than increasing the speed. It is no coincidence that all the authors of books about running warn beginners to gradually increase the total load. You also need to gradually move from walking to running. Increasing distance, extra minutes of running should come naturally. You must know your own limits and keep your training load within them. One of the main ways is to train, but not to strain.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that when running, the load on the human musculoskeletal system increases significantly compared to walking. This should be especially taken into account for people who are overweight. A situation may arise in which it is not the cardiovascular system that will limit the possibility of increasing the load, but pain in the muscles and joints of the legs. In this case, it is advisable to reduce weight by long walking, intense gymnastic exercises, rational nutrition, and only after that start a health-improving run.

However, there are people who are allowed to start their physical training right away with running. And even this group of novice runners should build up gradually.

But there are opponents of digital recommendations. They offer the simplest "dimensionless" methods for determining the load: "Start running (or walking) breathing only through the nose. Gradually increase the speed as soon as it makes you open your mouth for breathing, this will be the optimal pace for this activity. Do not increase it further." At the next lesson, the pace, of course, will be different.”

Start dosed running after performing a small set of habitual general developmental exercises. Pay special attention to the preparation of the articular ligaments. If it's cold outside, it's best to warm up at home.

On cold days, it's a good idea to choose a loop route to start and end your run at your doorstep.

Do not try every time, by all means, to fulfill the plan, as a person’s well-being can change due to weather and many other reasons. Running, as experience shows, should be on the verge of pleasant and difficult, especially for beginners.

Health running has little in common with sports running, including in the technique of movement. Don't put your foot on your toes. The best option is a heel-to-toe roll with more emphasis on the outer surface of the foot.

It is natural that a person strives to compete not only with rivals, but also with himself, which is expressed in too frequent self-examination. However, the purpose of our recommendations is to help in increasing the capacity of a person, his professional performance. This task does not include comparing your physical fitness with others. Excitement is a bad adviser in wellness activities. Without refuting the numerous appearances in the sports press of elderly running enthusiasts participating in fairly serious competitions, we recall the recommendations of the European Health Symposium for Seniors and the Elderly that they are not recommended for great physical and emotional stress associated with participation in competitions. .

Here's what else is important: if a person's health is "wetted", then you need to increase the load very gradually. This is an urgent requirement.

Of no small importance is the psychological load, emotional comfort that occurs during a long run at an optimal speed. It is no coincidence that most fitness runners note the fact that as a result of long runs they invariably experience a feeling of satisfaction.

This phenomenon is reflected as a result of special scientific research. Thus, it was found that when running for 20 minutes or longer with an intensity of 60-80% of the maximum age-specific heart rate in the blood plasma, the concentration of beta-endorphins and met-endorphins, mediators of pain and pleasure, significantly increases. Researchers suggest that a similar reaction occurs with all cyclic exercises.

Health-improving walking (terenkur) is widely used in the complex of physical culture lessons: at the appropriate speed (up to 6.5 km/h), its intensity can reach the zone of the training mode (heart rate 120-130 beats/min). In the US, for example, recreational walking (according to the Gallup Institute) is practiced by 53 million Americans. Under such conditions, 300-400 kcal of energy is consumed in 1 hour of walking, depending on body weight (approximately 0.7 kcal / kg per 1 km of the distance traveled). For example, a person with a body weight of 70 kg consumes about 50 kcal (70XO.7) while walking 1 km. At a walking speed of 6 km / h, the total energy consumption will be 300 kcal (50 * 6). With daily recreational walking (1 hour each), the total energy consumption per week will be about 2000 kcal, which provides a minimum (threshold) training effect - to compensate for the lack of energy consumption and increase the body's functional capabilities.

This is confirmed by the results of the study of maximum aerobic capacity. So, after 12 weeks of training in recreational walking (1 hour 5 times a week), the subjects showed an increase in BMD by 14% compared to the initial level. However, such a training effect is possible only in unprepared beginners with low UFE. For more trained athletes, the healing effect of walking decreases, since with an increase in fitness, the intensity of the load becomes below the threshold. Increasing the walking speed over 6.5 km/h is difficult, because it is accompanied by a disproportionate increase in energy consumption. That is why, when moving at a speed of 7 km/h or more, it is easier to run slowly than to walk fast.

Wellness walking (terenkur) as an independent health remedy can be recommended only if there are contraindications to running (for example, in the early stages of rehabilitation after a heart attack). In the absence of serious deviations in the state of health, it can be used as the first (preparatory) stage of endurance training for beginners with low functionality. In the future, as fitness increases, health-improving walking should be replaced by running training.

A group of scientists from the University of Washington observed 11 men and women aged 60-65 who were overweight (average 75.3 kg with a height of 161 cm) and cholesterol metabolism disorders. At the first stage of training, low-intensity loads were used for 6 months: recreational walking at a heart rate of 60% of the maximum (5 times a week for 30 minutes); after that, an increase in the BMD by 12% compared with the baseline was noted. The next 6 months, the intensity of training was increased to 80% of the maximum heart rate (running); as a result, MIC increased by another 18%, blood cholesterol decreased, and HDL increased by 14%.

Interesting data on the combined effects on the body of long walking in combination with a low-calorie diet are provided by Finnish scientists. 13 women and 10 men covered 340 km during a 7-day hike, walking an average of 50 km per day (at a speed of 3.5 km/h). Their diet consisted of water, including mineral water, fruit juices, and several natural foods. During this time, body weight decreased by 7%, blood cholesterol and triglycerides - by 30-40%, HDL content increased by 15%. In the evening, there was a sharp decrease in blood glucose and insulin. Despite this, the performance of the subjects remained at a fairly high level. The authors note that metabolic shifts in the body were significantly greater than when walking and fasting were used separately.

Wellness running is the simplest and most accessible (in technical terms) type of cyclic exercises, and therefore the most popular. According to the most conservative estimates, more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet use running as a health remedy. According to official data, 5,207 jogging clubs are registered in our country, in which 385,000 joggers are involved; There are 2 million people running on their own. Wellness jogging is also widely used in resorts.

N.S. Illarionov (1988) singles out the following main motivations of middle-aged people for recreational jogging at a resort: health promotion and disease prevention; increase in working capacity; pleasure from the process of running; the desire to improve their results in running (sports motivation); following the running fashion (aesthetic motivation); the desire to communicate; the desire to know your body, your capabilities; creativity motivation, casual motivation. However, according to the author's observations, the most powerful stimulus for exercising is precisely the pleasure, the great feeling of joy that running brings.

The jogging technique is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely high. However, when evaluating the effectiveness of its impact, two most important areas should be distinguished: general and special effect.

The overall effect of running on the body is associated with changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, compensation for missing energy costs, functional changes in the circulatory system, and a decrease in morbidity.

Health running in combination with water procedures is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the 20th century caused by nervous overstrain with an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, sleep and well-being improve, and efficiency increases. "Knocking out psychological stress with physical" - this is how the three-time Olympic champion Tatyana Kazankina described this phenomenon. Thus, running is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.

The calming effect of running is enhanced by the action of pituitary hormones (endorphins) that are released into the blood when running. With intensive training, their content in the blood increases by 5 times compared to the level of rest and is kept at an increased concentration for several hours. Endorphins cause a state of a kind of euphoria, a feeling of unreasonable joy, physical and mental well-being, suppress hunger and pain, resulting in a sharp improvement in mood. Psychiatrists widely use cyclic exercises in the treatment of depression - regardless of their cause. According to K. Cooper, obtained at the Dallas Aerobics Center, most people who run 5 km per workout experience a state of euphoria during and after the end of physical activity, which is the leading motivation for jogging.

As a result of such a diverse influence of running on the central nervous system, the runner's personality type and his mental status also change. Psychologists believe that recreational runners become more sociable, contact, friendly, have higher self-esteem and confidence in their abilities and capabilities. Conflict situations among runners occur much less frequently and are perceived much more calmly; psychological stress either does not develop at all, or is neutralized in time, which is the best way to prevent myocardial infarction.

As a result of a more complete rest of the central nervous system, not only physical, but also mental performance, the creative capabilities of a person increase. Many scientists note an increase in creative activity and fruitfulness of scientific research after the start of jogging (even in old age).

Fitness jogging has a significant positive effect on the circulatory system and immunity. Examination of 230 middle-aged men and women involved in jogging revealed a significant increase in the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and lymphocytes in the blood, as a result of which the oxygen capacity of the blood and its protective properties increase (V.P. Mishenko, 1988). As a result of jogging, important changes occur in the biochemical composition of the blood, which affects the body's susceptibility to cancer. So, when examining 126 runners over 40 years old, positive changes were found in the system of antitumor defense of the body.

Thus, positive changes as a result of health-improving jogging help to improve health and increase the body's resistance to the action of adverse environmental factors.

Methods of training in health running.

The main method of training in recreational running is a uniform method that contributes to the development of general endurance. In this case, continuous running at a uniform pace is used as a training tool for 30-60 minutes 2 times a week and 90-120 minutes 1 time per week. The intensity of running depends on its speed. The range of speeds in health training ranges from 7 to 12.

The choice of the optimal value of the training load, as well as the duration, intensity and frequency of classes is determined by the level of the physical condition of the trainee. Individualization of training loads in health-improving physical culture is the most important condition for their effectiveness; otherwise, training can be harmful.

Depending on the level of physical condition, all those involved can be divided into three groups: the first group (special) - UFE low and below average, the second (preparatory) - UFE average and the third (main) - UFE above average.

In the first group, where students, as a rule, have various deviations in the state of health, a preparatory 2-week health-improving walking program is used with gradually increasing duration and intensity. To this end, as a guide (which should be correlated with the capabilities of each individual), you can use the Cooper program for beginners.

In the second group, classes can begin immediately from the second stage - the alternation of walking and running (running - walking). The transition to continuous running is possible after 2-3 weeks.

In the third group, the preparatory stage (running - walking) can be reduced to 1.5 - 2 weeks; after that they move on to continuous running.

When using other types of cyclic exercises - swimming, cycling, rowing, etc. - the same principles of dosing training loads are preserved; duration - 30-60 minutes, intensity - 60-75% of the IPC, frequency of classes - 3-4 times a week.

Thus, the structure of a health-improving training based on running is as follows.

The first phase (preparatory) is a short and light warm-up of no more than 10-15 minutes. Includes stretching exercises (for the muscles of the lower extremities and joints) to prevent injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The use of strength exercises (push-ups, squats) in the warm-up is undesirable, since at the beginning of a workout, middle-aged people may experience complications in the activity of the cardiovascular system (a sharp increase in blood pressure, pain in the heart, etc.).

The second phase (main) is aerobic. It consists of a run of optimal duration and intensity, which provides the necessary training effect: an increase in aerobic capacity, endurance and performance levels, as well as an increase in UFE.

The third phase (final) is a "hitch", that is, the implementation of the main exercise with reduced intensity, which provides a smoother transition from a state of high motor activity (hyperdynamia) to a state of rest. This means that at the end of the run, you need to slow down, and after the finish line, jog a little more or just walk for a few minutes. An abrupt stop after a fast run can lead to a dangerous heart rhythm disorder due to the intense release of adrenaline into the bloodstream. A gravitational shock is also possible - as a result of turning off the "muscle pump" that facilitates blood flow to the heart.

The fourth phase (strength - according to Cooper), duration 15-20 minutes. Includes several basic general developmental strength exercises (to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and abdominals), aimed at increasing strength endurance. After running, it is also necessary to perform stretching exercises at a slow pace, fixing the extreme positions for a few seconds (to restore the functions of loaded muscle groups and the spine).

Despite the simplicity of the health-improving walking and running technique, this issue should be considered in more detail, since gross errors in technique can cause injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Professor D.D. Donskoy (1983) distinguishes four stages of training in the technique of health-improving walking and running.

Step 1 - dosed walking. Normal walking at the usual pace, but strictly metered in duration and speed of movement; while maintaining an individual walking technique. As a rule, this walking is passive.

Stage 2 - health walking. Additional muscle groups of the lower extremities and pelvis are included in the work, which increases the overall energy consumption and significantly increases its efficiency. Characteristic features: active repulsion by the foot; transfer of the leg by turning the pelvis forward with an active roll - by pulling the body forward to the supporting leg; setting the feet almost parallel to each other with a minimum turn. It is necessary to avoid "stop" - "bumping" on the edge of the heel (heel cut), so the lower leg should not be carried too far forward. Thus, recreational walking in many ways resembles sports walking - with the exception of emphasized active work with hands (which, by the way, is not at all necessary). The transition from ordinary walking to health-improving is carried out gradually, with the periodic inclusion of new elements.

Step 3 - jogging. Running at a speed of 7-9 km / h, jogging, or "shuffling" running. His technique is unique. Characteristic features: low speed, “spanking” with a relaxed foot and a hard heel strike against the support as a result of “bumping”.

Stage 4 - light elastic running (footing) at a speed of 10-12 km / h. It is an intermediate stage from jogging to sports running. When placing the foot on the support, the muscles of the foot and lower leg are elastically tensed, and the impact is softened. Landing on the outer arch of the foot with a soft roll over the entire foot and simultaneous rotation of the pelvis forward. Landing, rolling and active repulsion with the foot are carried out quickly, in one touch; soft push. This running technique significantly improves the depreciation properties of the joints and prevents injuries. However, the transition to elastic running should occur smoothly and gradually, as fitness increases and muscles, ligaments and joints are strengthened. Attempts by beginners to imitate the technique of sports running (high hip extension, sharp push, wide step) as a result of irrational energy consumption cause a sharp increase in heart rate and quickly lead to fatigue; training becomes ineffective.

In this regard, at the first stage of training, when the level of physical fitness is extremely low and the motor apparatus is completely detrained as a result of many years of physical inactivity, jogging should be used. This is running in light conditions: complete relaxation; arms are half-lowered, legs are almost straight; soft, light push; small, mincing step.

Health running is the simplest and most accessible (in technical terms) type of cyclic exercises, and therefore the most popular. According to the most conservative estimates, more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet use running as a health remedy. According to official data, 5207 jogging clubs are registered in our country; There are 2 million people running on their own.

The jogging technique is so simple that it does not require special training:

Setting the foot from the heel. This does not mean at all that the runner stomps his heels - just the heel first touches the ground, and the toe at this moment is a little higher. Already in the next phase, even before passing the vertical, the toe gently falls to the ground.

It is with this method of setting the foot that initiation to running should begin. For poorly trained people, with a "pushy" state of health, this method may remain the only possible one for quite a long time, since the rest require more or less good physical shape.

Footnote footnote. The most perfect method adopted by all athletes, providing a shock-absorbing, smooth load on the leg. This, of course, is not a "wooden", "prancing" run on toes. At the moment of setting the foot, the heel is slightly raised above the ground and without delay, gently falls on it. However, during support, the pressure on the forefoot remains noticeably greater than on the back. This method requires good preliminary preparation, great retraction of the leg muscles. The main thing is a gradual, evenly distributed in micro time intervals, foot load.

Setting the foot immediately on the entire plane. This method is typical for average trained people. In recreational running, none of these methods should be absolutized. Depending on individual characteristics, the degree of fitness, fatigue, well-being before a run, the quality of shoes and coverage, it is not only possible, but also necessary to switch (as needed) from one method to another. This is especially important for local fatigue of the muscles of the lower leg, foot or ankle joint.

Footwork. The load on the joints depends not only on the way the foot is placed. The movement of the leg forward should be carried out due to the work of the knee. This means that the leg is quite strongly bent at the knee joint with a passive lag of the lower leg and a dosed relaxation of the thigh muscles. Otherwise, there is a completely useless load on the patella and the entire knee joint.

The worst mistake is putting the foot forward in combination with early extension of the lower leg. The foot at the moment of landing quickly moves forward relative to the ground. Running speed slows down, and almost the entire body weight falls on the joints.

Step length. It is very important to choose the optimal step length for yourself. The desire to lengthen the step to the limit leads to a violation of the smoothness of running, "bumping" on the leg, requires a lot of effort and dramatically increases the load on the joints. Frequent changing running does not give the proper healing effect: the muscles contract slightly, and the joints provide only the transfer of supporting and pushing forces.

Stride length depends on your height and leg length, body weight, fitness level, foot placement, and running speed.

Runner posture. The main requirement is the vertical position of the body. It provides the necessary balance between "forward" and "rear" stride. Excessive leaning forward increases the "rear" step and at the same time the danger of "bumping" on the leg when setting the foot. Deviation of the trunk back causes an excessive rise in the hip and makes the run tense, "prancing"; at the same time, the head, as a rule, is thrown back somewhat.

Don't slouch. Avoid lateral swinging, twisting of the torso.

Hand work. The arms should be bent at the elbows at an angle of approximately 900 or slightly less. With insufficient bending and fairly fast running, the work of the hands requires a lot of effort. It includes additional muscles of the body. Their tension makes it difficult to move freely in the joints of the chest and shoulder girdle during inhalation, breathing becomes tense, superficial.

Healthy running and breathing.

There are three directions for choosing the dosage of running loads.

The first direction is "pleasure - effect". During physical work, special hormones called endorphins are released in different tissues. They enter the bloodstream, some of them reach the central nervous system and excite the nerve centers, which makes a person feel joy and pleasure.

The second direction is running with an intensity at which the pulse of the student is 135-155 beats / min, and the duration of the load provides for the presence of pronounced fatigue.

Wellness running with the indicated intensity is very effective. According to numerous authors, the dosage is three sessions per week, each of which is performed for 10-15 minutes. continuous running load, increases the level of hardening, normalizes the weight of the student.

The third direction is the inclusion in the training program of running loads, performed in some cases with near-limit and limit intensity.

For lovers of recreational running, who have low values, vital capacity of the lungs and weak respiratory muscles, special breathing exercises can do a good job.

Many people involved in running loads do not pay attention to breathing, they breathe the way they breathe. However, others are trying to be guided by widespread recommendations, exercising conscious control over the activity of the external respiration apparatus. These include the following.

You need to breathe through your nose. In some cases, exhalation through the mouth is allowed, but inhalation is mandatory through the nose.

In order to better warm and filter the inhaled air, inhalation should be done through the "protruding" lips, while the tongue should be in the form of a "petal", "boat" or "duck".

Breathing should be complete, that is, as deep as possible, but rare, while the respiratory movements of the chest and diaphragmatic components.

Breathing should be rhythmic: for every 2-4 steps, depending on the speed of running, a breath is taken, for every 3-5 steps - an elongated (prolonged) exhalation.

Endurance running training is an indispensable means of discharging and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous strain. These same factors significantly increase the risk of myocardial infarction as a result of excessive intake of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and noradrenaline - into the blood.

Wellness running (in the optimal dosage) in combination with water procedures is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the 20th century caused by nervous tension and an abundance of incoming information.

Fitness jogging has a significant positive effect on the circulatory system and immunity. As a result of jogging, important changes occur in the biochemical composition of the blood, which affects the body's susceptibility to cancer.

The special effect of running training is to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular system and the aerobic performance of the body. An increase in functional capabilities is manifested, first of all, in an increase in the contractile and "pumping" function of the heart, an increase in physical performance.

In addition to the main health effects of running associated with the impact on the circulatory and respiratory systems, it should also be noted its effect on carbohydrate metabolism, liver and gastrointestinal tract functions, and the skeletal system.

Regular training in health running has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of age-related degenerative changes.

A comprehensive runner's workout should consist of the following main parts:

Light running or running, alternating with fast walking - until the body warms up;

Articular gymnastics exercises (12-15) with a mandatory and comprehensive study of all major joints, flexibility exercises;

Strength exercises (5-6) for the muscles of the arms, torso and legs;

Exercises (2-3) to relax and stretch muscles;

Actually running training;

Exercises (5-6) for relaxation and slight stretching of the muscles.

Wellness slow running is, of course, the most affordable effective means of maintaining health.

The ability to easily dose the load makes jogging affordable for people of all ages. However, we should not forget that, despite the seeming simplicity, such a run is a very powerful tool that must be used wisely. In choosing the initial dose, one must take into account the individual preparedness of the person.

Improving slow running is a whole complex of physical, psychological and hygienic elements. Here are the main ones. Speaking of physical activity, it should be noted that the more he wants to lead an active life. Running for a long time triggers a natural urge to move that is inhibited in many people.

Long slow running becomes a "natural regulator" of nutrition. The body itself tells you what to eat, and you involuntarily begin to eat what is healthy: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat. In purely psychological terms, this has a huge advantage over the forced diet, which is seen as a necessary step in treatment.

Slow running and hardening are inextricably linked with each other. You have to run in any weather, and over time, resistance to cold factors develops.

An additional hardening element is a contrast shower after running, a kind of gymnastics of skin and subcutaneous vessels. A shower is a necessary hygienic element of classes. It is hard to imagine a person who, after running, would voluntarily refuse such a pleasant procedure.

Running is a powerful natural exercise of breathing exercises: breathing becomes full and rare.

If a person with great desire and joy is engaged in bad habits - smoking and alcohol.

Regular slow running becomes the cementing beginning of an active and proper lifestyle.

When conducting health jogging classes with people of different ages, the basic general biological principle of training is preserved: the load must be individual and correspond to the functional capabilities of a particular person, and at the same time it must be sufficient, that is, optimal. The optimum is the smallest amount of load that gives the greatest health outcome.

Slow running classes need to be built reasonably, their duration should be increased gradually, make sure that during and after the run you feel good, you would like to run, and after running it is important to fully recover. Under no circumstances should you use force. Running should always be fun, not hard work.

Each outdoor jogging session should include general developmental and special exercises.

Here is a general scheme of health-improving slow running:

1 part - preliminary warm-up;

Part 2 - slow run;

Part 3 - general developmental exercises;

4th part - special exercises for mastering the technique of slow running;

Part 5 - exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and relax the muscles.

A feature of the method of practicing health-improving slow running in the open air is their high density. First of all, this is observed in the spring-autumn periods of the year. To eliminate overload, you need to adhere to a strict alternation of simple and complex exercises, running and walking, physical activity and pauses for rest, etc. The sequence of performing general developmental and special exercises is constantly maintained and does not depend on the use of the main tool - improving slow running. Such planning allows the instructor to know what and in what class he gives, and for those involved in such a variety of exercises causes a much greater interest in running.

A warm-up is an essential part of every session. A person is arranged, so not only muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, but also joints and ligaments need training. Over the years, the mobility and elasticity of the latter are increasingly reduced. Preliminary warm-up before running will help maintain joint mobility, ligament elasticity and muscle strength.

Before running, you need to warm up. During a warm-up, the following physiological changes occur in the body:

Arterial circulation increases and blood pressure rises;

The temperature of the muscles and their elasticity increase;

Increases pulmonary and bronchial blood flow;

Breathing becomes more frequent and deep;

The activity of the processes of digestion and absorption is reduced;

Skin vessels dilate.

The warm-up consists of light running (or brisk walking). Its duration is determined individually. It, like a trigger mechanism, "turns on" individual organs and systems of the body for the efficient and economical performance of the work ahead.

The longer the run, the greater its healing effect on the body. However, excessive loads can only bring forward. Therefore, each student must learn to dose his load so that it brings him maximum benefit, but does not create a risk to health.

Lessons can be done at any time. It is advisable to run from 10 am to 12 pm and from 5 pm to 7 pm. At this time of the day, a person has the highest physical activity. However, not everyone can afford to run during these hours on weekdays. In this case, you can use the early morning hours and later evening hours. Morning running awakens the body and introduces it into a working rhythm, evening running relieves physical and intellectual stress.

For the best preparation and development of endurance, the method of long, slow, continuous running is more effective. For people who have been training for a long time in running, you can use a lightweight version of interval running. In the preparatory (initial) period, its principles are as follows:

The entire distance is divided into segments of 100-200 m;

The speed is not high, as with a long run - 1 km. in 6-7 minutes;

Rest intervals - passive or with walking and performing gymnastic exercises; the duration of the rest interval depends on the preparedness of the trainees.

One of the necessary conditions for the healing effect of slow running is the constant desire to increase the time of the maximum run. But the fulfillment of this condition must be approached gradually, as the body is ready for heavy loads.


Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor. According to the World Health Organization (B03), "health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy - he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our life. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity, not allowing the "soul to be lazy." Academician N.M. Amosov proposes to introduce a new medical term "amount of health" to denote a measure of the body's reserves.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid a person of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.

Each person has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain their ability to work, physical activity and vigor until old age.

Statistics, studies, observations, and just common sense testify to the invaluable positive impact of health-improving physical culture on the human body, and, consequently, on the duration of human life.


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7. Zherebtsov A.V. Physical culture and work. - M., 1986.

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Walking is the most accessible form of physical activity. This is the most simple and affordable means of restoring and strengthening health, acceptable for people of all ages. In addition, compared with more intense types of movement, the percentage of injuries during walking is much less.

Walking is a natural and habitual way of moving a person. Movements with it are cyclic in nature, which is characterized by a change in tension and muscle relaxation. In the process of evolution, human muscles have adapted to just such a load.

Walking only benefits when it is carried out at a fast pace with elastic repulsion with a pushing leg. You need to walk intensively, but according to your well-being. A light perspiration should be achieved and maintained during walking.

Walking is great for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, who are overweight, who are elderly and who have a low level of physical fitness.


Walking will only have healing properties if you choose the right load. The optimal load for each person is individual, but on average it is 7-8 kilometers per day.

Walking types:
1. Walking at a walking pace. Its speed is less than a kilometer in 30 minutes.
2. Walking at an average pace: a kilometer in 10 - 12 minutes.
3. Nordic walking.
4. Energy walking.
5. Race walking: a kilometer in 6 - 8 minutes or 130 - 140 steps per minute.
6. Fast walking, her speed is more than 8 kilometers per hour. Such results can be achieved only as a result of regular training.

Varieties of walking also include: walking in place, walking up the stairs, on toes, on heels, with muscle tension in the buttocks, raising the knees high, with the back forward.


When walking, the total body weight must be moved with the least effort, to do this, straighten your back and relax your shoulders. When the back is bent and the shoulders are tense, the speed decreases, the movements will be less harmonious.

The legs should be neither too tense nor excessively relaxed. All joints of the lower extremities must actively participate in the movement. It is advisable to put your feet closer to the line drawn mentally between closed feet (even better, foot by foot). With each step, the feet should fully bend from the heel to the toes. Fingers should always point forward.

Hands when walking move parallel to the body. The movement of the hands allows you to speed up the step and make walking more free. At the same time, almost all muscles are trained. The hands should be relaxed. Lower your shoulders, expand and relax. The higher the pace of walking, the more the elbows should be bent.

The torso is straight when walking, the head is held straight, the lower abdomen is tucked up. The chest is expanded. This will allow you to breathe more deeply and efficiently. The center of gravity of the body is quickly transferred to the tubercles of the toes and its outer side. Leg movements are smooth, rhythmic, continuous, and the step is elastic, springy.


You need to walk regularly, preferably every day or at least 5 times a week. You need to walk from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the state of your body.

Walking shoes should be comfortable. These shoes will protect your feet from injury and will give you the opportunity to walk a lot without feeling tired. Sneakers and sneakers are well suited for this purpose. Worn-in shoes, lace-up shoes, closed shoes, with low or small heels (3 - 4 cm) are also suitable. Simple or woolen (non-synthetic) socks are required, an insole if the shoes are sports and even an arch support if an orthopedist has prescribed it for you. It should also be borne in mind that light slippers, pumps, high-heeled shoes, shoes without heels, and especially without a transverse strap or lacing, are not suitable for walking. Clothing should be loose, comfortable and appropriate for the weather.

Walk at a slow pace for the first few minutes to warm up your muscles. Then do some stretching and flexibility exercises and for the rest of 30 to 60 minutes walk at your own pace. The intensity of the load at 20 years old should not exceed 160 heartbeats per minute, at 30 years old - 150, at 40 - 140, at 50 - 130, and at 60 - 120. At a more mature age, it is better to increase the load by increasing the duration of walking, and not its intensity.

While walking, it is better to be silent so as not to knock your breath. Proper breathing is an important condition for the effectiveness of walking. It is necessary to breathe rhythmically through the nose, coordinating the breath with the rhythm of movement. While walking, you should feel a little short of breath, but not suffocate.

Before walking, regardless of weather conditions, it is good to drink a glass of water. During intense movement, a lot of moisture is lost in the body. After walking, it is also advisable to drink at least one glass of water.

At the end of the walk, gradually reducing the pace, walk slowly for five minutes. This will help the heartbeat to calm down and prevent muscle soreness.


To facilitate the movement of blood against the forces of gravity, that is, from the ends of the fingers and toes upwards, our body has a system of valves. These valves allow blood to pass in only one direction - up to the heart. There are 22 of them on the veins of the legs and 17 on the arms. They are spaced at intervals of approximately 4 centimeters. With each contraction of the muscles of the legs or arms that occurs when walking, the veins are compressed and the blood is pushed up. When relaxed, the valves close and prevent blood from flowing down. With intensive walking, the blood actively moves through the vessels, washes away all poisons, enriches the internal organs with oxygen.

Walking plays a huge role in massaging the intervertebral discs, ligaments and all connective tissue. No massage heals the intervertebral discs like running and walking. Rhythmic compression and relaxation allow you to abundantly nourish the cartilage tissue and tendon ligaments of the spine.

When walking, food is agitated in the stomach and intestines, as well as bile in the gallbladder, preventing it from thickening and precipitating. The rhythmic pressure of the food masses on the intestinal walls reflexively excites them and causes contraction, as a result of which the movement of food through the intestines proceeds normally.

Wellness walking

Health walking is the most affordable form of physical activity. Individual recommendations for health-improving walking have been developed depending on age, health status and physical fitness. The following walking options are available:
1. Slow, 60 to 70 steps per minute or 2.5 to 3 km/h; It is recommended mainly for patients and people weakened after an illness.
2. Medium, 70 to 90 steps per minute or 3 to 4 km/h; recommended for weak, untrained people.
3. Fast, 90 to 110 steps per minute or 4 to 5 km/h; recommended for all healthy people.
4. Very fast, 110 to 130 steps per minute or 5 to 6 km/h; recommended for healthy, trained people who are in good physical shape.
5. It is difficult for the body to adapt to walking at a pace of more than 130 steps per minute.

The main thing in health walking is gradualness and systematicity. Practically healthy people should give preference to the pace, and the elderly and weakened duration. Control over the state of the body is carried out by heart rate after walking and the time of its recovery to the initial level.

Health walking strengthens the heart muscle and improves blood circulation. Regular walks in the fresh air can help prevent a heart attack, stroke, or clogged blood vessels. Healthy walking for 1 hour a day (at a fast pace) can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 34%.

Healthy walking daily for 45 minutes reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. As a result of walking, the level of hormones is regulated, all body systems return to normal.

Healthy walking for about three hours a week at a brisk pace will help men reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer by almost 50%.

Healthy walking reduces the risk of colon cancer. It speeds up the digestion process, as a result of which the body is quickly released from waste.

Wellness walking 4 times a week for 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of developing glaucoma by lowering intraocular pressure. High intraocular pressure leads to damage to the optic nerve, which can contribute to the development of the disease.

Healthy walking at a good, steady pace for more than 40 minutes a day improves the mood of people suffering from depression, as well as reduces feelings of helplessness and isolation. This is due to the fact that the body itself begins to produce endorphins and, as a result, the mood improves much.

Walking is a great exercise to combat insomnia. However, right before bedtime, you should not walk for a long time and strenuously, as it increases the heartbeat and warms up the muscles. To combat insomnia, you need to walk a little earlier, and not before going to bed.

Health walking improves overall well-being and affects life expectancy. People who do it not only live longer, but their quality of life is also much improved.

Walking for weight loss

Fast walking as a means of losing weight is gaining more and more supporters. But in order to lose weight with it, you must walk up to ten thousand steps daily. Start small. The higher the walking pace, the more calories burned. However, beginners should first "get involved". Choose for yourself the optimal pace and distance that you can afford.

You need to walk quickly to lose weight. You should walk approximately one kilometer in 10 to 12 minutes. Another rule is that you must walk at such a pace that you can, for example, speak, but cannot sing while walking.

In order to start losing weight, you need to cover a distance of 12 km daily. It should be borne in mind that the greater the body weight, the more calories are consumed. A person weighing 90 kg while walking fast consumes about 500 calories in 1 hour, and with a weight of 60 kg, it will take about 300 calories in the same time.

Wear the heaviest shoes, take weights with you. Walking with weights is a great additional weight loss stimulant. The fat-burning load will increase, and on the lower half of the body.

Walking up is a great way to lose weight. You can just walk uphill or climb stairs.

Hold your breath while walking. Breathe in the pattern inhale-hold-exhale. For example, inhale for three steps, then hold for three steps and exhale also for three steps. As you train, the number of steps to inhale, hold and exhale can be increased. Breathing according to this scheme enhances metabolism.

nordic walking

Nordic walking is a movement with two sticks in the hands (like a skier). A person walks, pushing off the ground with two sticks. The arms move in antiphase with the legs. The sticks force you to increase the length of the step and strain the upper half of the body more.

During Nordic walking, there is a fairly large load on your hands, so you use 90% of the muscles of the body, that is, you work out almost all the muscles of the body at the same time, which allows you to burn much more calories than with normal walking. In addition, sticks and your hands help to absorb 20 to 30% of the impacts that usually fall on the knees and back.

Nordic walking improves heart function, ventilation of the lungs, and strengthens muscles. There are no contraindications, except for acute respiratory diseases. While moving with sticks, 400 kilocalories are burned, and without them - only 280.

Nordic walking sticks are made of fiberglass with the addition of carbon. Carbon gives the sticks transverse rigidity, elasticity and strength. A specially shaped handle and a lanyard (glove) allow you to correctly move your hand, securely fixing your hand, for which it has a large number of adjustments. Carbon gives the sticks elasticity, this is done so that the sticks extinguish blows to the hands and push the walker forward. All this makes walking safe for the joints. All sticks in the kit have a special tip for soil and rubber for asphalt. The length of the stick is selected according to the formula: YOUR HEIGHT x 0.68.

energy walking

Energy walking with sticks is a harmonious system of various types of movements while walking, taking into account our energy nature and the health characteristics of each person. Each movement is performed with awareness of its purpose. The systematic alternation of movements that initiate multidirectional energy flows ensures the restoration of the energy balance of the whole organism, and hence its health.

Power walking with sticks is a separate direction of spiral fitness plus walking with sticks with elements of spiral gymnastics. It includes the use of special twisting movements in the technique of ordinary walking with sticks. These movements have a very strong impact on the energy flows in the human body.

The sticks serve as a very convenient projectile that adds effort during twisting movements and, as a result, contributes to a more effective restoration of the spiral energy systems of the body.

Race walking

The essence of sports walking is to move as quickly as possible without switching to a run. The main rule is that one of the feet should always be in contact with the ground. The speed of sports walking is 2 - 2.5 times higher than usual, which is achieved both by the length and frequency of the step.

The peculiarity of race walking is that the supporting leg remains straight from the moment it touches the ground in front of you until the moment you transfer the body through this point. Athletes make strong swinging movements with their arms, as well as rhythmically, in a peculiar manner, shake their torso and pelvis.

Race walking differs from running in technique: there is no “flight” phase, i.e. one or both of the athlete’s legs should always have contact with the surface, the legs should not be raised too high above the track surface, try to perform rolling movements with the feet from heel to toe. The steps should be wide, and the arms must be bent at the elbows.

Walking can be practiced by anyone who has not lost the ability to move. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting exercise. A relative contraindication to exercise is flat feet. With this pathology, the weight of the body during walking is not distributed correctly, which can lead to pain in the foot.

Experts believe that walking is even more useful than running, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, while walkers get less tired. Especially sports walking is useful for girls, as it corrects the figure well.

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