Message about heart cancer. Malignant tumors of the heart (cancer of the heart). Late symptoms of cancer include

A rare disease that is often diagnosed after the death of a patient. It must be remembered that healthy lifestyle life, a positive attitude will help strengthen the body's immunity - the main internal doctor that prevents failures leading to the formation of heart cancer.

Concept and statistics

Cancer of the heart can mean a tumor formation inside the chambers, it can also be a lesion of the muscle of the organ.

Myocardial cancer can go unnoticed for a long time, masquerading as others.

Symptoms of the disease begin to cause concern to the patient when metastases are detected.

Pathology is rare. This is due to the activity, which is due to the functional purpose of the chambers and other structural components of the heart. Blood circulation and metabolism in tissues are usually at a high level.

Types of heart tumors

Pathology has different manifestations, location, based on different fabrics.

  • Primary tumors- pathology formed in the heart; It has various forms, depending on the cells of which tissues fell ill with atypia and launched the oncological process.
  • Secondary tumors- Cancer damage to neighboring organs or those located more distant from the heart has delegated its presence to its area.

Primary formations make up a fourth of all cancers of the heart. They come in different forms:

Sarcoma is more common in middle-aged people. The right departments are subject to tumor processes to a greater extent than the left side.

Sarcoma is dangerous by the rapid growth of the tumor body. Abnormal cells can grow through the tissues of the heart and affect neighboring organs. Valves, vessels that occur along the path of pathology are damaged to varying degrees by a growing tumor.

Sarcomas also have several subspecies:

  1. Liposarcoma - occurs in adulthood and refers to rare cases. The tumor body is made up of lipoblasts. Liposarcoma is located in the cavity of the heart and has an outward resemblance to myxoma. The formation is able to create a massive body, the color of which is usually yellowish. The tumor has a soft texture. This type of pathology is responsive to medical procedures.
  2. - originates in muscle tissue. The tumor is soft to the touch white color. If we examine the knot in a microscope, then cells of several types of forms are found in its composition:
    • fusiform,
    • round,
    • oval
    • and others.

    This type of pathology occurs infrequently. In the total number of primary tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma occurs in every fifth patient. Men have this type of heart tumor somewhat more often than women.

  3. - makes up one tenth of primary tumors. It is a formation with clear boundaries of a grayish-white color. The node has collagen fibers and fibroblast-like cells with varying degrees differentiation.
  4. Angiosarcoma - according to statistics, this type occupies a third of all primary tumors of the heart. It affects more often men. Education has a bumpy structure of a dense constitution. This type of tumor is characterized by the presence of vascular cavities in the body of the formation, which have different shapes and sizes.

Photo of heart cancer

Tumors in the region of the heart of secondary origin are much more common. They can appear as a result of oncological processes in the following organs:

Spreading cancer cells occurs through the lymph, as well as through the circulatory system. Cancer tissue enters the heart, growing into the organ.


Science is currently unknown exact reasons the occurrence of cancer in the region of the heart.

Primary formations can be triggered by the following phenomena:

  • degeneration of myxoma (benign tumor), which, in turn, can occur after surgery on the organ;
  • as a result of toxic effects,
  • be the result of an infectious disease
  • because of harmful influences, caused by and .

Secondary oncological tumors arise as a result of the spread of oncology, which has developed in other organs, beyond them. Metastases can grow into the region of the heart from nearby organs and those located more remotely.

Symptoms of heart cancer

The following signs indicate a possible cancerous lesion of the heart:

  • appearance pain in the chest
  • dyspnea,
  • symptoms of oppression of the vena cava,
  • enlarged chambers of the heart
  • fever,
  • violation of rhythms in the work of the heart,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • hemorrhagic effusion is found in the pericardium,
  • swelling of the muscles of the face,
  • disturbances in the conduction system,
  • tamponade,
  • significant weight loss
  • sudden death.

Stages of development

The prognosis and tactics of treatment depend on the extent to which a cancerous tumor has developed.

There are four stages:

  • The appearance of altered cells, which were the result of damage to DNA cells and their subsequent random division. Such a violation is referred to the first stage.
  • The formation of an oncological formation at the site of the appearance of atypical cells is the second stage of the disease.
  • The spread of the disease to other organs with the flow of lymph or through the blood. Germination of a cancerous tumor outside the heart - metastases are referred to as the third stage of the disease.
  • The primary focus is in a state of exacerbation. At the same time, the appearance of new pathological formations in other places is observed. The development of the oncological process to such an extent is defined as the fourth stage of the disease.


Cancer of the heart is difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that its manifestations are similar to other heart diseases. Therefore, several methods are used to diagnose the problem.

  • ECG - informative check that shows if there are irregularities in the rhythms of the heartbeat. You can also get information about the state of the conduction function.
  • MRI - will show the condition of the chambers of the heart and surrounding tissues and organs. The CT will also add detailed information, including violations in hard tissues. These methods are necessary if a controversial issue occurs.
  • EchoCG - one of the main methods for clarification:
    • location of the cancer
    • determining the size of the tumor
    • clarification of the issue of the presence of fluid in the pericardial area.
  • Laboratory research:
    • to clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy study is performed,
    • taking blood for clinical analysis and biochemical research,
    • tumor markers.

Heart Cancer Treatment

In the early stages, heart cancer is often not detected. Back to top medical process The tumor may have multiple metastases to other organs. Therefore, surgery is not done in most cases.

Heart cancer is a rather rare disease, since the heart muscle has practically no epithelial cells, the degeneration of which provokes oncology. According to statistics, among all diseases of the cardiological type, only 0.25% are malignant tumors. If the disease begins to develop, then it is possible to identify it only at the stage of metastasis.

The development of cancerous tumors in the body occurs due to the uncontrolled division of mutated epithelial cells. Such neoplasms can be either benign, which do no harm, but require medical supervision, or malignant, leading to death without proper treatment.

Today, scientists disagree about the causes of the development of oncology of the heart muscle. Primary formations can occur due to such phenomena:

  • toxic effects on the body;
  • degeneration of a benign tumor that arose against the background of surgery;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of aberrant growths;
  • disruption of work immune system, due to which it becomes unable to detect cellular mutations and abnormalities.

The occurrence of secondary tumors occurs as a result of the spread of oncology outside the organs. Metastases in the heart can occur when both near and far parts of the body are affected.

Varieties of the disease

Primary cancer may be characterized by various types of sarcoma, less often by lymphomas and carcinomas. This disease people of all ages are affected (sometimes even teenage cancer), but people from 30 to 50 years old are at risk. The rapid growth of sarcoma allows the disease to infiltrate first into all tissues of the heart muscle, and then spread to nearby organs. Metastases grow rather quickly in the lymph nodes and lungs.

Primary sarcomas can be of several types:

In addition to the primary, there is also a secondary cancer. It appears due to metastasis of the heart in tumors of the kidneys, lungs, stomach, mammary or thyroid glands. Great chance penetration of metastases into the heart muscle occurs with leukemia, lymphoma and malignant melanomas. Most often, the pericardium is affected, less often - the myocardium, heart valves and endocardium. Of all cases of heart cancer, secondary cancer accounts for about 10%.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms and signs of heart cancer depend on a number of factors. Both the size of the tumor and the place of its origin play a role. Diagnosing oncology is quite difficult, since the manifestations of the disease are often similar to pericarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy.

In the early stages, the signs of the disease do not directly indicate the development of the oncological process in the body. They appear as follows:

  • pain in the joints;
  • cough or fever;
  • the patient's legs and stomach swell;
  • Raynaud's phenomenon, when the fingers turn blue when pressed;
  • swelling of the veins in the neck, which occurs due to difficulty in pumping blood from the atrium.

When the disease is in the second or third stage, then there are the following symptoms heart cancer:

  • fatigue and shortness of breath;
  • low blood pressure;
  • difficulty breathing when the patient lies on his back or stomach;
  • broken heart rhythm, tachycardia;
  • dizziness, turning into fainting;
  • chest pains of a "creeping" nature.

Secondary heart cancer is known for the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath with minor exertion;
  • arrhythmia;

  • the occurrence of systolic murmur;
  • heart failure;
  • acutely expressed pericarditis;
  • x-ray shows an enlarged area of ​​the cardiac contour.

Features of diagnostics

To identify cardiac oncology, it is necessary to use a full range of diagnostic measures, which includes the study of the anamnesis (history of the onset of the disease), the clinical picture, as well as the use of laboratory and instrumental methods research. If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Heart sounds are heard in order to identify various noises that occur when the valves are malfunctioning.
  2. A blood test reveals low hemoglobin, as well as an increase in leukocytes and ESR.
  3. An ECG allows you to diagnose malfunctions in the work of the heart and poor patency in the vessels. In some cases, this procedure showed a decrease in voltage, which is also characteristic of oncology.
  4. EchoCG is necessary to determine the size of the tumor, its location, the presence of fluid in the pericardium. If the suspicions are confirmed, then the patient is sent for CT and MRI, thanks to which it is possible to study the changes in more detail.
  5. Laboratory studies of the tumor biopsy allow the final diagnosis to be made.

Since heart muscle cancer tends to masquerade as other diseases, in most cases modern techniques diagnostics can detect it at an early stage. 90% of patients with this diagnosis die six months to a year after the discovery of the disease.


The choice of a specific therapeutic method depends on the type and neglect of oncology. The patient can count on a complete cure only if the disease is in the first or second stage of its development. small swelling most often removed surgically, conducting concomitant therapy, which allows you to completely overcome the disease.

The main methods of treating heart cancer:

  1. Surgical intervention. Today, tumor removal can be done through gamma knife or brachytherapy. Robotic technologies make it possible to remove diseased tissues with high precision without affecting healthy cells. But since in 80% of cases heart cancer is diagnosed at the stages of development of metastases, then surgical method is used extremely rarely.
  2. Heart transplant. The technique can be used only in the absence of metastases. But even in this case, transplant rejection is possible.
  3. Ionizing radiation. It is used to treat the disease in the later stages. If this therapy is used for a long time, then complications are possible: ischemic disease, tissue damage.
  4. drainage injections. As the tumor grows, a secret can accumulate in it, as a result of which the function of the heart will be impaired. To prevent this, the introduction of drugs that slow down the progression of the disease is used. If there is a risk of cardiac tamponade, a pericardial puncture should be performed.

Therefore, heart cancer is rare and extremely dangerous disease. Due to the complexity of its timely diagnosis, the prognosis for recovery for most patients will be disappointing. But treatment is carried out at all stages of the disease, allowing to alleviate the patient's condition.

It is assumed that cancer does not affect the heart muscle, since this organ is well supplied with blood, and all metabolic processes occur quickly. Diagnosing heart cancer during life is quite difficult, since the disease may not manifest itself in any way. As a rule, malignant tumors in the heart are secondary, that is, their cause of occurrence is associated with metastasis of the oncological process from another organ or body system.

Types of heart muscle cancer and their causes

There are 2 types of tumors:

  • primary malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • secondary neoplasms.

Primary malignant neoplasms most often lead to cardiac sarcoma. They make up about 25% of total cancerous tumors of the heart muscle. The average age of patients with sarcomoylet, but the disease can develop at any age, regardless of gender. Most often, malignant neoplasms are localized in the right parts of the body. Cancer cells penetrate into all layers of the heart, its veins and arteries. The disease progresses very quickly. Metastases can spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, and brain.

The next type of cancer is angiosarcoma. This type is more common than others and makes up approximately 33% of all varieties. Like sarcoma, angiosarcoma is mainly localized in the right parts of the organ, but it can also affect any other departments. A tumor is a set of hollow neoplasms interconnected. They are made up of vascular cells filled with blood. According to statistics, men are more susceptible to this form of cancer than women.

Another type of cancer that is more commonly diagnosed in men is rhabdomyosarcoma. It occurs in the striated muscle tissue of the thickness of the myocardium. On microscopic examination, rhabdomyosarcoma is a nodule that is white or pale pink and soft consistency. Inside the node, signs of necrosis and foci of hemorrhage are found. This type of cancer accounts for 20% of all primary malignant tumors.

10% are due to fibrosarcoma. This disease has no age limits and priority in the choice of sex. Tumor cells are located in the form of intertwining bundles, and the tumor itself has a white or white-gray color with clearly defined contours.

Mesothelioma and lymphoma are also primary malignancies but are rare.

Secondary tumor diseases are much more common than primary ones, approximately 25 times. As a rule, they have a metastatic nature of origin from other organs in which cancer cells are present. Metastases can spread from the lungs, breasts, kidneys, stomach, and thyroid. The process of their distribution can be lymphogenous or hematogenous in nature, as well as as a result of direct invasion.

Metastasis to the heart occurs in approximately 10% of cancer patients and is not usually a cause of death. Most often, metastases penetrate the pericardium, and then spread further to all chambers of the heart.

Heart cancer: symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the tumor and its size (how much it creates obstruction - obstruction).

Malignant tumors, located outside the myocardium (not penetrating inside), for a long time may not manifest themselves in any way. Occasionally, the patient may feel slight discomfort due to impaired patency and arrhythmia.

The development of the disease leads to an increase in symptoms. The patient's body temperature rises, there are pains in the joints and constant weakness. The fingers of the limbs begin to go numb, on skin a rash appears, body weight is lost. The further course of the disease leads to chronic heart failure. There are changes in the blood test.

The tumor, not limited to the myocardium, progresses much faster, so the intensity of symptoms after their first appearance increases rapidly. The patient has an arrhythmia, conduction is disturbed, frequent chest pains occur, the heart muscle increases in size, obstruction of the vena cava occurs, sudden death due to acute heart failure.

The reason for going to the doctor should be the presence of symptoms such as:

  • pain inside the chest;
  • swelling of the face and upper limbs;
  • dyspnea;
  • weight loss of the fingers on the hands with a thickening of their tips (“drumsticks”);
  • accumulation of fluid in the lungs;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • persistent arrhythmia.

Because of the mild symptoms, heart cancer can often be diagnosed as another disease. Approximately 80% of all patients with heart sarcoma are diagnosed already when the cancer has metastasized.

Most effective methods diagnostics is considered:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • CT scan;
  • radioisotope ventriculography;
  • angiocardiography;
  • echocardiography.

Treatment of malignant tumors in the heart

Forecasts for patients with heart cancer are almost always disappointing. The fact is that it is not always possible to start timely treatment due to the complexity of diagnosing the disease. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, it is most often advisable to already prescribe a treatment that serves as a temporary relief of symptoms and pain.

Surgical treatment is rarely used. It can be prescribed if heart cancer was detected at an early stage and belongs to the primary type of malignant neoplasms. But even successful completion of the operation and complete removal of the tumor is not a guarantee of recovery. Approximately 40% of cases recur in the first 2 years after surgical intervention.

In other circumstances, when the cancer can no longer be removed surgically, the doctor may prescribe radiation or chemotherapy. To get rid of the accompanying symptoms of the disease, it is recommended symptomatic treatment. A course of vitamins is also prescribed, which is aimed at restoring and maintaining the immune system. All drugs are prescribed individually for each patient.

Such complex therapy does not guarantee recovery, but helps to increase the patient's life expectancy by at least 5 years.

If you refuse proper treatment, then the maximum life expectancy that doctors predict in such a situation is about 1 year from the moment the first symptoms appear.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of how long people with heart cancer live. Since this indicator is purely individual. It depends not only on the stage and form of this oncology, but also on the general condition of the patient and his attitude to his condition. Very important role plays the emotional balance of the patient and his sober look. You should not fall into depression and panic, even with the worst prognosis of doctors, as this can aggravate an already hopeless situation.

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Causes, symptoms and treatment of heart cancer

The heart is an organ that is responsible for blood supply and oxygen supply to the whole body, any failure in its work has a very serious effect on general condition person.


Malignant tumors in the heart are quite rare. Some scientists explain this by the fact that this organ is heavily supplied with blood and its cells are not subject to division. The heart is in a constant working rhythm, and metabolic processes in it occur quickly, but, nevertheless, sometimes a tumor is found in it.

A neoplasm in the heart can appear as a result of poor environmental conditions, the use of low-quality food by a person with the presence of carcinogens, the presence bad habits, hereditary features of the organism. Experts believe that factors such as atherosclerosis and a tendency to form blood clots can also cause the development of heart cancer. Quite often, malignancy occurs in the myxoma that has appeared in the heart - a benign neoplasm, the cause of which is most often a heart operation or traumatic injury chest. Most often, heart cancer develops in people of either sex between the ages of 30 and 50 years.

Types of heart cancer

There are two types of cancer that affect the heart muscle. This is primary, which develops directly from mutated heart tissues (occur in 25% of cases), and secondary, while another organ serves as the focus of the tumor, and the heart is affected by outgoing metastases.

The most common primary oncological degeneration of cells in the heart is sarcoma. It is characterized by damage to the right parts of the organ with compression large vessels. Her growth is very fast, with characteristic metastases to the brain, nearby lymph nodes, and lungs. Angiosarcoma is most often diagnosed, less often - fibrosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. And it is extremely rare to find such primary tumors of the heart as lymphoma or mesothelioma.

Most often, secondary cancer occurs in the form of metastases from the lungs or mammary gland, kidneys or thyroid gland, this indicates a far advanced process in these organs and its severity. The occurrence of metastases in the heart occurs by the lymphogenous or hematogenous route, and sometimes due to direct germination from damaged neighboring organs.

Symptoms of heart cancer

Diagnosis of the disease at any stage of development can be difficult, since no particularly characteristic signs are found for it. In any case, with an increase in signs of heart failure (arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pain) and the appearance of general symptoms of cancer intoxication (weight loss, increasing weakness, body pain, constant temperature, liver enlargement), immediate action should be taken.

Symptoms of such a disease are often combined with signs of damage. nervous system(paralysis or paresis, convulsions, loss of consciousness). However, with heart cancer, symptoms can grow so rapidly that a person does not have time to get help in a timely manner.

Clinically, the symptoms of cancerous lesions of the heart depend on the size and location of the tumor and are disguised as other diseases - myocarditis, pericarditis, coronary disease, and others.

Secondary cancer in the form of metastases in the heart occurs against the background of typical signs underlying disease. There are, however, cases when the first clinical sign of another tumor is a metastatic lesion of the heart muscle.

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For correct diagnosis oncological heart disease, the whole complex of measures is applied, including the study of the history of the onset of the disease (anamnesis), the clinical picture, laboratory and instrumental methods:

Listening to heart sounds can reveal the appearance of various noises characteristic of valve damage.

In the blood test, a decrease in hemoglobin and platelets is determined, increase in ESR, C-reactive protein, leukocytes.

An ECG can show an increase in the heart, a violation of the rhythm and conduction function, and in some leads - a decrease in voltage.

EchoCG helps to determine the size of the formation, its localization and the presence of fluid in the pericardial cavity.

A more detailed study of the tumor can be obtained with an MRI or CT scan.

The study of the biopsy of the neoplasm and the composition of the fluid in the pericardium help to definitively establish the diagnosis.

Masking in the primary stages of heart cancer under other diseases makes it very difficult to detect it in time. The most common pathology - sarcoma grows so rapidly that in most cases it ends in death. Therefore, despite modern methods, heart cancer leads to the death of a person 6-12 months after its detection.

Heart Cancer Treatment

Symptomatic treatment for a diagnosis such as heart cancer may include systemic chemotherapy using cytostatics and radiation (gamma therapy). This allows you to slow down the growth of the tumor and prevent its further spread. After carrying out such procedures, subject to the timely detection of the disease, the patient's life can be extended for up to 5 years.

On this moment there are treatment methods in which the effect on degenerated cells is maximum, and healthy tissues are not affected. This is brachytherapy. It consists in placing radioactive particles directly into the thickness of the tumor growth. And the gamma knife is currently considered the most accurate and safest way. This is a type of contact radiotherapy carried out using a special high-precision apparatus.

In progressive clinics of the world, when a primary tumor of the heart is detected, it is surgically removed. To do this, a heart-lung machine is connected to the patient, and the affected area is excised, followed by suturing. If the lesion affects large areas of the heart muscle and valvular apparatus, then a heart transplant is performed. Sometimes a larger operation is performed, and the heart is transplanted along with the lungs.

After removal of a malignant tumor in 40% of cases, on average after two years, a relapse may occur.

IN traditional medicine there are many recommendations and recipes for cancer treatment using mainly the healing qualities of plants. Plants that are used in traditional medicine to treat cancer are able to inhibit the growth of neoplasms, destroy affected cells and allow healthy cells to grow.

In the structure of oncological diseases, this is one of the most common pathologies. Lung cancer is based on malignant degeneration of the epithelium lung tissue and impaired ventilation. The disease is characterized by high mortality. The main risk group is made up of older men who smoke. modern feature.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The urgency of the disease increased in the late seventies of the last century. The disease was characterized predominant lesion women over the age of fifty.

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Gastric cancer is a malignant degeneration of the cells of the gastric epithelium. In 71-95% of cases, the disease is associated with damage to the walls of the stomach by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria and is a common oncological disease in people aged 50 to 70 years. In men, stomach cancer is diagnosed 10-20% more often than in women of the same age.

Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is a virus-dependent oncogynecological disease. The primary tumor is a degenerate glandular tissue (adenocarcinoma) or squamous cell carcinoma of the epithelium of the reproductive organ. Women from 15 to 70 years old are ill. Between the ages of 18 and 40, the disease is significant reason early death.

Skin cancer is a disease that develops from stratified squamous epithelium, which is a malignant tumor. Most often, it appears on open areas of the skin, a very occurrence of a tumor on the face, the nose and forehead, as well as the corners of the eyes and ears, are most susceptible. Such formations “do not like” the body and are formed.

Colon cancer is a malignant degeneration of the glandular epithelium, predominantly of the colon or rectum. In the first stages, sluggish symptoms are characteristic, distracting from the primary pathology and resembling a disorder. gastrointestinal tract. The leading radical method of treatment is surgical excision of the affected tissue.

The information on the site is intended for familiarization and does not call for self-treatment, a doctor's consultation is required!

Sarcoma of the heart

Sarcoma of the heart is a rare type of cancer that is found mainly in young people ( average age is 40 years). The prognosis for this tumor is disappointing - most patients die within a year. What is the reason for these statistics?

What is a sarcoma?

Primary heart tumors are very rare (up to 0.5% of all types of oncology). Among them, 75% are benign, and only 25% are malignant, of which the majority are sarcomas. Sarcomas are oncological tumors originating from connective tissue.

  • on outer surface hearts;
  • inside the chambers (atria);
  • from muscle tissue.

Primary cardiac sarcoma develops directly from the tissues of the heart, but there are also secondary lesions of the heart with metastases from other organs. They appear the same.

Metastases in the heart and pericardium are 30 times more common than primary tumors. According to experts, 25% of patients who died from metastatic soft tissue sarcoma had cardiac metastases.

Primary cardiac sarcomas are aggressive tumors that usually do not cause symptoms until they have spread locally. Therefore, the success of treatment and the prognosis for the disease is very poor.

Fact! In addition to sarcoma, there is heart cancer, represented mainly by adenocarcinoma.

Causes of sarcoma of the heart

The causes of heart sarcoma are unknown, but according to scientists, the following factors may affect its occurrence:

There is no 100% evidence for these factors, so nothing can be done to prevent the disease, except for periodic visits to the doctor.

Classification: types, types, forms

According to the localization of the oncological process, 2 types of heart sarcomas are distinguished:

Sarcomas of the right side of the heart. As a rule, they have a large size and an infiltrative type of growth. They form distant and regional metastases outside the organ earlier.

Sarcomas of the left heart (left ventricle or atrium) have a solid type of growth. They metastasize later, but are often complicated by heart failure.

Angiosarcomas are the most common of them. They originate from the cells in the walls of blood vessels. In 80% of cases, angiosarcomas occur in the right atrium, and as they grow, they completely replace the atrial wall and fill the entire heart chamber, and can also invade adjacent structures (eg, vena cava, tricuspid valve). The development of the disease and death occur very quickly.

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the second most common primary cardiac sarcoma and is the most common cardiac sarcoma in children. She does not have a favorite place of localization, she can affect any part of the heart. Occasionally, pericardial metastases are seen.

Leiomyosarcoma. Damages muscle fibers. May occur in vessels (superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, aorta) or in the cavities of the heart. In half of the cases they are located in the left atrium.

Mesothelioma usually originates in the visceral or parietal pericardium and can spread around the heart, compressing it. They do not invade the myocardium, but may involve the pleura or diaphragm, as mesothelioma is prone to extensive regional metastasis.

Fibrosarcoma. This tumor has an infiltrative type of growth. She has no predisposition to a particular age or heart chamber. However, valvular artery involvement was observed in 50% of cases.

Malignant schwannoma is a rare type of heart cancer that originates from peripheral nerve tissue.

Stages and degree of malignancy of cardiac sarcoma

Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor decide which treatment is best and give a rough prognosis for the patient's survival. To determine the stage of sarcoma, diagnostic tests are used that specify the size and prevalence of the neoplasm at the local level and throughout the body.

These data are expressed in the following terms:

  • T1 Tumor size 5 cm or less:
  1. T1a - superficial tumor;
  2. T1b - the tumor is deep.
  • T2 - the size of the neoplasm exceeds 5 cm:
  1. T2a (superficial sarcoma);
  2. T2b (deep).
  • N0 - Cancer has not spread to regional lymph nodes.
  • N1 - the tumor has spread to regional lymph nodes.
  • M0 - no metastases.
  • M1 - there are metastases in another part of the body.

After a biopsy, the degree of malignancy of the heart tumor (denoted by the letter G) is known, which also affects the stage. There are 3 grades for sarcoma: G1, G2 and G3.

They depend on such factors:

  • how different cancer cells are compared to cells of healthy tissue under a microscope;
  • what is the rate of cell division;
  • how many of them die.

The lower the combined score for these 3 factors, the lower the grade, meaning that the tumor is less aggressive and the patient's prognosis is better.

According to the listed parameters, the following stages of sarcoma are distinguished:

  • 1 stage:
  1. IA: T1a or T1b, N0, M0, G1;
  2. IB: T2a or T2b, N0, M0, G1.
  • 2 stage:
  1. IIA: T1a or T1b, N0, M0, G2 or G3;
  2. IIB: T2a or T2b, N0, M0, G2.
  • 3 stage:
  1. IIIA: T2a or T2b, N0, M0, G3;
  2. IIIB: any T, N1, M0, any G.
  • Stage 4 heart sarcoma has the following indicators: any T, any N, M1 and any G.

Symptoms and signs of cardiac sarcoma

Symptoms of cardiac sarcoma depend on the location of the pathological focus. Most of them develop in the right atrium, preventing the inflow or outflow of blood.

This can cause symptoms such as:

Angiosarcoma of the pericardium causes an increase in the amount of fluid inside the pericardium (effusion). This can affect the functioning of the heart, which is accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and general weakness. Ultimately, heart failure develops.

With myocardial involvement, arrhythmia and heart block often occur. The tumor can lead to angina pectoris, heart failure, heart attack.

Other symptoms of cardiac sarcoma:

  • hemoptysis;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • dysphonia;
  • superior vena cava syndrome;
  • swelling of the face;
  • fever;
  • weight loss;
  • night sweats;
  • malaise.

An embolism can become a rare manifestation of cardiac sarcoma. This happens when pieces break off from the tumor and enter the bloodstream. They can cut off blood flow to an organ or part of the body, causing dysfunction and pain. For example, emboli that enter the brain cause stroke, and those that enter the lungs cause respiratory distress.

Diagnosis of the disease

Methods for diagnosing cardiac sarcoma vary depending on the symptoms present.

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, the doctor may order the following procedures:

  • Echocardiogram (also known as Echo). This is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to study the movement of the heart chambers and valves. Echocardiography is the most useful tool in the diagnosis of cardiac pathologies, it allows the doctor to determine Exact size and location of the tumor. More detailed pictures of the heart can be obtained using transesophageal echocardiography.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG). This test records the electrical activity of the heart and shows abnormal rhythms as well as damage to the heart muscle. As a rule, on the ECG there are signs such as right ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.
  • Computed tomography (CT). Diagnostic procedure imaging, which uses a combination of x-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal or axial images (often called slices) of the body. A CT scan provides detailed images of any part of the body. It is used to clarify the size, location of the tumor, as well as its metastases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This procedure uses a combination of large magnets and a computer to obtain detailed images of the organs and structures of the body. MRI can be used if you need to clarify some details that are not visible on CT and Echo.
  • Chest x-ray (used to detect heart enlargement, pleural effusion, heart failure, and other abnormalities).
  • Biopsy (removal of a small amount of tumor tissue for examination under a microscope). The biopsy is the only way find out for sure the type and malignancy of the tumor.

Treatment of cardiac sarcoma

The type of treatment for cardiac sarcoma largely depends on its location and size, as well as the degree of metastasis. If possible, the tumor is exposed surgical resection. Together with it, the affected part of the organ is removed, and then reconstruction is carried out using the pig's pericardium, synthetic materials or prostheses.

Due to the fact that oncology is often detected in the later stages, the possibilities of surgery are limited. Complete resection possible in 55% of cases when the neoplasm is limited to the atrial septum, a small part of the ventricle or valve.

Partial removal of the sarcoma does not cure the disease, but it is used to relieve symptoms or confirm the diagnosis (biopsy). Mortality during surgery for cardiac sarcoma is high, although acceptable - about 8.3%.

Currently, many centers use endoscopic method removal of tumors from the left atrium, which gives good results. Usually, these operations are not preceded by a biopsy and a histological assessment of malignancy, but do it after.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Due to the rarity of these tumors and the lack of extensive research, there is no single approach to patient management, and the benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy are unclear.

Many researchers emphasize the superiority of combination therapy, which helps to achieve twice the life expectancy (median survival was 24 months compared to 10 months). But this can only be achieved in patients with primary radical resection.

Other sources indicate that the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy is advisable in the treatment of right heart sarcomas, since it allows to reduce the size of the neoplasm and increase the likelihood of total resection.

According to current data, chemotherapy based on anthracyclines (Adriamycin / Doxorubicin + Ifosfamide) is recommended. In case of anthracycline resistance, Sorafenib can be used, but its effectiveness is much lower. The second regimen is Gemcitabine with Docetaxel (or Paclitaxel).

Due to the fact that pathologies of the left heart often lead to heart failure, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is contraindicated for them. In such situations, it is better to perform a complete surgical resection, but this anatomical location makes the operation extremely difficult. Therefore, it should be carried out by highly qualified doctors.

The role of radiotherapy also remains unproven, although it has been used to treat residual tumor (after partial resection) and for local or distant recurrences.

In the presence of multiple metastases, chemotherapy and radiation help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life.

Other treatments

The modern approach to the treatment of sarcoma involves the use of targeted (targeted) therapy. It includes anti-angiogenic drugs that can inhibit the amount of angiogenic proteins: Bevacizumab, Sunitinib, Sorafenib. Targeted therapy is particularly effective in tumors of vascular etiology, such as angiosarcoma. Targeted drugs lead to a decrease in the volume of the neoplasm and stop its growth. They can be combined with cytostatics.

For extensive lesions that cannot be completely removed, a heart transplant is suggested. After such an operation, the patient must receive immunosuppressants (medications that help prevent rejection foreign tissue), and they can stimulate new sarcoma growth. Therefore, the technique of autotransplantation is now actively developing.

Autotransplantation is a surgical procedure in which the patient's own heart is removed, after which the tumor is cut out of it. During the operation, the patient is placed on a heart-lung machine. After removal of the sarcoma, the heart is returned to its place. This does not require the subsequent appointment of immunosuppressants.

Metastases and recurrence

Up to 80% of patients at the time of diagnosis have metastases of cardiac sarcoma (often in the lungs). New foci of the disease may appear even after radical removal neoplasms.

Because of frequent relapses observed such a low survival rate of patients. The highest risk of disease progression was noted in the first 2 years after surgery. For the treatment of recurrences of cardiac sarcoma, radiation therapy with a total focal dose of not more than 65 g, targeted, as well as non-adjuvant chemotherapy is used.

It is noteworthy that not distant metastases, but local progression, has long been recognized as the main cause of death in patients.

How long do patients with cardiac sarcoma live?

The prognosis for cardiac sarcoma depends on the completeness of surgical resection, the location of the tumor and its histological type, as well as the degree of myocardial involvement.

In one study, the median survival after radical surgery was found to be 24 months, compared with 10 months for patients with partial tumor removal.

A case has been reported of a long-term survival of 10 years after complete removal of the left atrial rhabdomyosarcoma.

Factors that improve survival are:

  • sarcoma of the left-sided type;
  • mitotic rate less than 10 in a high power field;
  • no necrosis on histology.

Most patients eventually die from metastases or heart failure.

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Heart cancer is a rare disease of the organ that affects the cavities of the chambers and the myocardium.

A rare disease that is often diagnosed after the death of a patient. It must be remembered that a healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude will help strengthen the body's immunity - the main internal doctor that prevents failures leading to the formation of heart cancer.

Concept and statistics

Cancer of the heart can mean a tumor formation inside the chambers, it can also be a lesion of the muscle of the organ.

Myocardial cancer can go unnoticed for a long time, masquerading as other heart diseases.

Symptoms of the disease begin to cause concern to the patient when metastases are detected.

Pathology is rare. This is due to the activity, which is due to the functional purpose of the chambers and other structural components of the heart. Blood circulation and metabolism in tissues are usually at a high level.

Types of heart tumors

Pathology has different manifestations, locations, is based on different tissues.

  • Primary tumors - pathology formed in the heart; has a variety of forms, depending on the cells of which tissues fell ill with atypia and launched the oncological process.
  • Secondary tumors - cancer damage to neighboring organs or those located more distant from the heart, has delegated its presence to its area.

Primary formations make up a fourth of all cancers of the heart. They come in different forms:

  • Sarcoma is a common type of tumor
  • lymphoma - rarely occurs in the region of the heart.

Sarcoma is more common in middle-aged people. The right departments are subject to tumor processes to a greater extent than the left side.

Sarcomas also have several subspecies:

  1. Liposarcoma - occurs in adulthood and is a rare case. The tumor body is made up of lipoblasts. Liposarcoma is located in the cavity of the heart and has an outward resemblance to myxoma. The formation is able to create a massive body, the color of which is usually yellowish. The tumor has a soft texture. This type of pathology is responsive to medical procedures.
  2. Rhabdomyosarcoma - originates in muscle tissue. The tumor is a soft to the touch formation of white color. If we examine the knot in a microscope, then cells of several types of forms are found in its composition:
    • fusiform,
    • round,
    • oval
    • and others.

This type of pathology occurs infrequently. In the total number of primary tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma occurs in every fifth patient. Men have this type of heart tumor somewhat more often than women.

  • Fibrosarcoma - makes up one tenth of primary tumors. It is a formation with clear boundaries of a grayish-white color. The node has collagen fibers and fibroblast-like cells with varying degrees of differentiation.
  • Angiosarcoma - according to statistics, this type occupies a third of all primary tumors of the heart. It affects more often men. Education has a bumpy structure of a dense constitution. This type of tumor is characterized by the presence of vascular cavities in the body of the formation, which have different shapes and sizes.
  • Photo of heart cancer

    Tumors in the region of the heart of secondary origin are much more common. They can appear as a result of oncological processes in the following organs:

    • stomach
    • breast,
    • kidneys
    • thyroid,
    • lungs.

    The spread of cancer cells occurs through the lymph as well as through the circulatory system. Cancer tissue enters the heart, growing into the organ.


    To date, science does not know the exact causes of cancer in the heart.

    Primary formations can be triggered by the following phenomena:

    • degeneration of myxoma (benign tumor), which, in turn, can occur after surgery on the organ;
    • as a result of toxic effects,
    • be the result of an infectious disease
    • due to harmful effects caused by smoking and alcohol.

    Symptoms of heart cancer

    The following signs indicate a possible cancerous lesion of the heart:

    • the appearance of pain in the chest,
    • dyspnea,
    • symptoms of oppression of the vena cava,
    • enlarged chambers of the heart
    • fever,
    • violation of rhythms in the work of the heart,
    • fast fatiguability,
    • hemorrhagic effusion is found in the pericardium,
    • swelling of the muscles of the face,
    • disturbances in the conduction system,
    • tamponade,
    • significant weight loss
    • sudden death.

    Stages of development

    The prognosis and tactics of treatment depend on the extent to which a cancerous tumor has developed.

    • The appearance of altered cells, which were the result of damage to DNA cells and their subsequent random division. Such a violation is referred to the first stage.
    • The formation of an oncological formation at the site of the appearance of atypical cells is the second stage of the disease.
    • The spread of the disease to other organs with the flow of lymph or through the blood. Germination of a cancerous tumor outside the heart - metastases are referred to as the third stage of the disease.
    • The primary focus is in a state of exacerbation. At the same time, the appearance of new pathological formations in other places is observed. The development of the oncological process to such an extent is defined as the fourth stage of the disease.


    Cancer of the heart is difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that its manifestations are similar to other heart diseases. Therefore, several methods are used to diagnose the problem.

    • An ECG is an informative test that shows if there are irregularities in the rhythms of the heartbeat. You can also get information about the state of the conduction function.
    • MRI - will show the condition of the chambers of the heart and surrounding tissues and organs. CT will also add detailed information, including hard tissue abnormalities. These methods are necessary if a controversial issue occurs.
    • EchoCG is one of the main methods for clarifying:
      • location of the cancer
      • determining the size of the tumor
      • clarification of the issue of the presence of fluid in the pericardial area.
    • Laboratory research:
      • to clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy study is performed,
      • make blood sampling for clinical analysis and biochemical studies,
      • tumor markers.

    Heart Cancer Treatment

    In the early stages, heart cancer is often not detected. By the beginning of the treatment process, the tumor may have many metastases to other organs. Therefore, surgery is not done in most cases.

    • slow down the development of pathology,
    • reduce metastasis,
    • improve the patient's quality of life.

    How many live with him?

    If heart cancer is detected before the appearance of metastases, then it is possible to extend the life of the patient up to five full years. In advanced cases, the patient dies within a year from the moment the pathology is diagnosed, despite the ongoing treatment.

    Heart cancer is a rare disease that is very difficult to diagnose during a person's lifetime. Quite often, the patient does not even suspect that he has been living for several years with an oncological formation in the heart muscle. Medicine has been successfully treating oncology for a long time. But mortality often comes from some side effects treatment and from the consequences of the disease - various complications cancer.

    heart cancer

    What is the heart and what function it performs, only a cardiologist and a surgeon can say with accuracy. But we all feel his work, we know how to check the frequency of his blows in case of discomfort or pain in his area. We know that the heart is a muscle in the form hollow organ through which blood is pumped throughout the circulatory system. We feel it behind the chest. It is located between the lower parts of the lungs.

    The human heart, like any other organ of the human body, undergoes various tumor diseases both benign and malignant.

    What is heart cancer?

    Cancer of the heart muscle is rare because it is constantly moving and bathed in blood. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out in any case, although most often heart cancer manifests itself at the stage of metastasis. The prognosis for cure and life expectancy of patients depends on the type of tumor and stage.

    Does heart cancer happen? It is known that cancer develops from degenerated epithelial cells, which begin to divide uncontrollably. But in the heart, the epithelium is practically absent; there is an endothelial single-layer lining inside it. Cell division in it is not very active, and the cells are not damaged in any way. Therefore, a tumor in the heart is an extremely rare phenomenon, since, despite the invulnerability of the heart, in the presence of endothelium, any one cell can still undergo a mutation. As a result, a benign or malignant tumor of the heart occurs.

    According to statistics, of all cases of cardiac diseases, 0.25% is a tumor of the heart.

    The vast majority of them are benign:

    • jelly-like myxoma of the heart - in adults, it is localized in the left or right atrium has a leg attached to the septum, which divides the heart into two halves;
    • rhabdomyomas, non-metastatic tumors with a structure similar to striated muscle tissue - in newborns and children after a year.

    Of the malignant neoplasms, there are sarcomas - tumors of the connective tissue, as well as secondary neoplasms due to metastases of cancerous tumors.

    They are formed:

    • on the outer surface of the heart muscle;
    • inside the cavity of one or more chambers of the heart;
    • within the tissues of the muscle itself.

    Informative video:

    Causes of heart cancer

    According to the world's leading oncologists, the factors contributing to the abnormal regulation of cell division can be as follows:

    • the immune defense of the body is impaired, i.e. immunity is not able to detect cell mutations and other abnormalities;
    • aberrant growths appeared;
    • influenced by chemical, ultraviolet and radiation exposures;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • myxoma degenerated into a cancerous tumor against the background of infections, smoking, alcohol consumption, toxic effects;
    • a malignant tumor of a severe stage metastasized to the heart, forming a secondary cancer.

    Primary and secondary heart cancer

    Primary cancer of the heart muscle is represented by sarcomas of various morphological types, occasionally - cardiac lymphoma. Sarcomas develop from the mesenchyme (mesodermal parenchyma) - the embryonic connective tissue (mesoderm), more often in the right heart - the endocardium or pericardium.

    People of any age are susceptible to the disease, but more often men and women in their 30s and 50s. Primary cancer leads to occlusion of the openings of the valves and outlet zones of the ventricles, compression and germination of the coronary vessels, large arteries and veins.

    It grows rapidly, penetrating into all layers of the heart muscle and nearby organs. Metastases also grow rapidly in the lungs, mediastinum, lymph nodes: tracheobronchial and retroperitoneal, adrenal glands and brain.

    Primary cardiac sarcomas:

    Angiosarcoma of the heart. Arises from the cells of the mucous layer of the blood vessels of the upper chamber of the right atrium (atrium) due to obstruction of the inflow or outflow of blood. During reproduction, oncocells unevenly accumulate, forming bulges (bumps) in blood vessels, infiltrating tissues, and then spread to the structures of neighboring tissues. In clusters, foci of necrosis and hemorrhage are formed. Men suffer from angiosarcoma 2 times more often than women.

    Microscopically, it is determined by spindle-shaped, polygonal or rounded cells, forming syncytium and strands, randomly located. In the tumor, vascular cavities of various sizes and shapes are formed, filled with blood and communicating with each other. Loose argyrophilic fibers in the form of a basement membrane are located between the cells.

    Rhabdomyosarcoma of the heart. It can occur anywhere in the heart due to malignancy of muscle cells, but most often in the thick muscle layer of the myocardium. It occurs in 20% of all oncological tumors of the heart and is a white or pale pink soft nodule with hemorrhages and necrosis inside. The node consists of oval, round and spindle-shaped cells. They are located in a continuous field or form beam or alveolar structures in a network of collagen and argyrophilic fibers.

    Liposarcoma of the heart. The tumor is very rare. It affects the atrium and metastasizes to the lungs, liver, and bones. It comes in pleomorphic and myxoid forms. Histiocytomas and schwannomas are even rarer.

    Fibrosarcoma of the heart, as mesenchymal dense heart occurs in 10% of all oncological formations at any age in men and women. Macroscopically, this white or greyish-white nodule tends to infiltrate. Microscopically, it consists of fibroblast-like cells with varying degrees of differentiation and of collagen fibers. Cells create interlacing bundles.

    Mesothelioma of the heart or pericardium It is formed in the pericardial sac (on the outer shell of the heart) from mesothelial cells and has a malignant course. There are three histological variants of the tumor: epithelioid cancer (adenocarcinoma) is 50-70%, sarcomatous cancer (angioendothelioma) - 7-20%, cancer-sarcomatous type of tumor - 20-35%.

    Mesothelioma of the pericardium it is prone to nodular, diffuse and diffuse-nodular growth and can cover the heart like a shell. It is characterized by invasive growth and metastasis by lymphogenous pathways.

    Secondary heart cancer

    Or, or form a secondary cancer of the heart muscle. They grow in the heart 25 times more often than primary tumors.

    Malignant melanomas differ in high metastasis, and. Metastases in the heart in most cases are manifested in the underlying disease (primary cancer of an organ), from which there are already metastases anywhere in the sternum. Metastases spread by lymphogenous or hematogenous routes or as a result of direct invasion. Most often, the pericardium is affected, less often - the myocardium of all heart chambers, rarely - the endocardium and heart valves.

    Secondary tumors of the heart, even in the form of small, hard nodules, are prone to diffuse infiltration, especially in hematological tumors or sarcomas.

    As the tumor grows, the main implications of heart cancer for monitoring cardiovascular health are:

    • a decrease in the ejection fraction of the heart;
    • heart failure;
    • dysfunction;
    • organ damage.

    It is worth noting! According to statistics, metastases in the heart occur in 10% of cancer patients and rarely lead to death.

    Symptoms and signs of heart cancer

    In primary and secondary heart cancer, symptoms and signs are clinically manifested depending on the size and location of the tumor. Its histological type also matters.

    It is rather difficult to suspect heart cancer, since the symptoms of the disease can be hidden behind similar manifestations of myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, or for sensations after chemotherapy and radiation. Generalized signs of heart cancer do not indicate directly the onset of the oncological process.

    They appear:

    • fever or cough;
    • joint pain;
    • blue fingers when pressed (Raynaud's phenomenon);
    • edema: abdomen, ankles, legs;
    • swelling of the veins of the neck due to poor pumping from the atrium or obstacles that prevent free entry of blood into the heart from the vessels.

    Symptoms of heart cancer also do not clearly indicate cancer.

    Patients may complain of:

    • difficulty breathing when lying on your back or side;
    • low blood pressure;
    • shortness of breath and fatigue;
    • irregular heart rhythms or a fast heartbeat;
    • dizziness and even fainting;
    • sensations of "creeping" chest pain and "coma" pressure.

    With metastases and secondary cancer, it manifests itself:

    • shortness of breath at the slightest movement;
    • systolic murmur;
    • cardiac tamponade;
    • acute pericarditis;
    • the rhythm of the heart is disturbed;
    • heart failure;
    • the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe contour of the heart increases, which can be seen on the x-ray.

    Cancer diagnosis

    Diagnosis of heart cancer is based on:

    • patient complaints;
    • listening to heart sounds, which can reveal the appearance of various noises characteristic of valve damage;
    • a blood test, which determines a decrease in hemoglobin and platelets, an increase in ESR, C-reactive protein, leukocytes;
    • x-ray examination to determine the size of the heart and its individual parts;
    • echocardiography - studies of the heart and large vessels with ultrasound as the primary and main method of imaging the heart;
    • angiocardiography - X-ray examination of the chambers, thoracic veins and arteries;
    • computer and magnetic resonance imaging;
    • radioisotope ventriculography;
    • echoscopy with color Doppler study;
    • coronary angiography;
    • detection of tumor markers in blood serum.

    Stages of heart cancer

    • Stage 0 - precancerous phase, not prone to recurrence;
    • stage 1 - tumor< 2 см;
    • stage 2 - tumor 2-5 cm, metastases are possible;
    • stage 3 - tumor ≥5 cm, metastases to the lymph nodes and nearby areas;
    • stage 4 - tumor large sizes, active metastasis.

    Heart Cancer Treatment

    The type and stage of the tumor determines the scheme by which heart cancer is treated. At the zero stage, patients can be completely cured. A small tumor in the first and second stages is removed, appropriate therapy is applied, which gives a chance for complete cure. Patients are constantly examined for metastases.

    With primary myxoma, an operation is performed to remove it and a heart-lung machine is used. Together with the myxoma, the place where it was attached is removed. If necessary, the resulting defect is closed with a biological patch to prevent the re-formation of myxoma (relapse).

    Removal of other single benign tumors: fibromas and rhabdomyomas, as well as teratomas, lipomas and pericardial cysts is not performed if they do not harm the functional work of the heart.

    Treatment of heart muscle cancer is carried out by the following methods:

    Surgical intervention

    When the tumor is located in the thickness of the muscle wall, brachytherapy is used and. Robotic technology makes it possible not to affect healthy tissues during the elimination of the tumor. The work of the myocardium is supported on special equipment.

    heart transplant

    Transplantation is carried out in the absence of metastases to other organs. Take into account all the risks associated with transplant rejection. To reduce the risk of side effects and recurrence, scientists are testing organ autotransplantation. To do this, the heart is extracted while maintaining its own functions, then the formation is removed. Scientists consider this method safe for the patient, since it is not necessary to prescribe immunosuppressants that contribute to the return of cancer.

    ionizing radiation

    Treatment of a heart tumor with ionizing radiation is carried out at advanced stages. However, long-term treatment can damage muscle tissue and lead to cardiovascular disease, coronary disease hearts.

    Injections and drainage

    With the accumulation of secretions in the tumor, which disrupts the functional work of the heart, drugs are introduced that prevent the progression of the disease. If there is a risk of cardiac tamponade, medical puncture pericardium. In order not to carry it out repeatedly, an operation is performed to establish drainage from the pericardium into the lining of the lungs (pleural region).
    Malignant tumors of the heart and pericardium in the later stages, except for liposarcoma, are difficult to treat due to their massive germination in the tissues surrounding the heart and rapid growth. If the heart is unable to work normally, the tumor is partially removed and chemotherapy is given.

    Liposarcoma is cured with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. Palliative treatment is used for secondary tumors, as well as for primary ones.

    Prognosis for heart cancer

    If heart cancer develops, the prognosis in the early stages can be optimistic.

    Studies have determined that the two-year survival rate is from 100%:

    • at stages 0 and I - 8.3%;
    • at stage II - 3%;
    • on stages III and IV - 0.9%.

    In the absence of secondary formations in the spinal cord or brain, the prognosis for heart cancer increases to 11-14% per final stages.

    With sarcomas - very aggressive forms of cancer that are prone to metastasis and recurrence, life expectancy is close to such indicators from the moment of diagnosis:

    • 6-11 months - with angiosarcoma;
    • 24 months - with rhabdomyosarcoma of stages I and II, at stages III and IV - less than 12 months after removal of the primary tumor, radiation and chemotherapy;
    • 6-8 months - with liposarcoma.

    Prevention of heart cancer

    Preventive measures to help protect against heart disease, including cancer:

    • physical activity, sports - to train the heart and strengthen the immune system;
    • maintaining a normal weight with a balanced diet;
    • lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels by including fruit and vegetable products and the exclusion of fatty, spicy, salty, fried foods - especially for children and the elderly;
    • exclusion of smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • pressure control;
    • treatment of acute infectious diseases to exclude the chronic form;
    • treatment of any inflammatory process in the body - they contribute to oncological tumor accelerate development and dissemination.

    If the primary signs of heart disease appear, you should contact a cardiologist for a study. An echocardiogram should be performed annually for patients who are registered with the dispensary and for persons in whose families there have been cases of heart myxoma. To eliminate the risk of heart disease and early detection of cancer, it is recommended to undergo an examination 1-2 times a year by a cardiologist and undergo an ECG.

    Conclusions! The heart is the most basic organ of the body, without which a person's life is impossible. Both benign and malignant tumors can grow in the heart. The constant movement of the heart muscle and washing it with blood makes it difficult to detect oncology in the early stages. Therefore, any heart disease should not be ignored and treated, since signs of cancer can hide behind their symptoms. Eliminates the risk of cancer with timely prevention, examinations by a cardiologist and a healthy lifestyle.

    Metastases in the heart are several times more common than primary tumors of this organ. The development of secondary neoplasms, as a rule, is preceded by melanomas, lymphomas and leukemias, less often by other types of malignant tumors. Learn more about this condition.

    What are metastases?

    Metastases in oncology are considered one of the burning topics. The fact is that this condition significantly complicates the course of the underlying disease, reducing the prognosis of survival to minimal values.

    Metastases are daughter tumors formed from malignant cells of the primary maternal tumor focus. These cells travel to other organs through the circulation of lymph and blood. If they have spread to neighboring tissues, they speak of regional metastatic cancer, and in the case of the formation of a new oncoprocess in peripheral systems We are talking about distant metastasis.

    Daughter tumors can begin development in any organ. They are equally often diagnosed in different age groups and genders, but their highest incidence is recorded in the elderly.

    The principle of development and ways of spreading metastases

    Any malignant tumor localized outside the heart muscle is quite capable of metastasizing into it. If a person has clinical signs indicating problems with vascular activity, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude a secondary oncological process in the heart.

    Metastases in the heart can be single or multiple. to this body malignant cells penetrate in the following ways (there are four of them):

    • Direct infiltrative. Cancer tumor literally grows into the tissues of the pericardium with the localization of the oncological process in the organs of the mediastinum and in the lungs.
    • Hematogenous. Primary distant neoplasms metastasize through the general circulation.
    • Lymphogenic. Cancer cells enter the heart muscle through the tracheomediastinal plexus. lymphatic vessels. This option is usually relevant for sarcomas or carcinomas of the respiratory tract.
    • Intracavitary effusion. Metastasis occurs through the inferior vena cava and pulmonary veins.


    The main clinical signs of daughter tumors in the heart depend on the location of the secondary oncological process:

    • pericarditis with effusion with damage to the pericardium;
    • arrhythmia and heart failure in the localization of the neoplasm in the endocardium and myocardium;
    • stenosis or obstruction of the vena cava, if malignant cells have affected this particular part of the organ.

    In 30% of patients, there is a persistent deterioration in cardiac activity. At the same time, common clinical symptoms metastases in the heart become:

    • hacking cough with signs of hemoptysis;
    • feverish state;
    • cyanosis of the fingertips as a result of pressure - Raynaud's syndrome;
    • puffiness lower extremities and belly;
    • breathing problems, especially when lying on your side and on your back;
    • low blood pressure;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • frequent dizziness, loss of consciousness;
    • chest pain;
    • expansion of the veins in the neck against the background of unsatisfactory pumping of blood from the atrium.

    Specialists, assessing the patient's condition at a late terminal stage malignant process, note the following symptoms in metastatic lesions of the heart muscle:

    • shortness of breath with any, even minor, physical effort;
    • acute form of pericarditis;
    • pronounced systolic murmur;
    • organ tamponade;
    • vascular insufficiency;
    • an increase in the contours of the heart on an x-ray.

    Both the patients themselves and their caregivers are interested in whether a person will experience pain in the last stage of oncology? Of course, pain will increase, however, like other manifestations of respiratory and vascular insufficiency, weakness and depression. Over all these symptoms, control can be lost due to a decrease in human brain activity - he tends to sleep longer, fall into oblivion and wake up again, experiencing confusion. To relieve pain, the patient will be prescribed special medications, but it will still be almost impossible to remove them in full.

    At what stage do they appear?

    Metastatic cancer indicates an advanced stage of the primary malignant process in the body. At the moment when daughter neoplasms in the heart begin to appear, many people already have time to pass specific treatment previous tumor.

    Clinical signs of metastases localized in the heart muscle make themselves felt almost immediately after introduction into the organ, since they are prone to rapid growth and distribution. On early stages about arrhythmias and other vascular disorders, then the symptoms intensify, corresponding to the advanced form of oncological damage to the organ.

    Cardiac metastases indicate the presence of a primary tumor in which organs and systems

    Most malignant tumors of the heart are metastases. Most often they affect the pericardium of the organ. Oncocells in most cases spread into the muscle in cancer, less often in sarcomas. Consider in the following table the statistics derived by oncologists that are fair for this issue.

    As we can see from the table, metastases are most often spread to the heart by lung carcinoma, melanoma, cancer of the stomach and esophagus, less often by other malignant processes.

    Distinguishing a metastatic tumor from a primary

    Metastases are tumors originating from the mother as a result of screening out atypical cells. That is why they are called children.

    In fact, both types of neoplasms should have a similar structure, but metastatic tumors usually differ in histological structure by the absence of any signs of differentiation. Therefore, metastases develop and progress more aggressively than the maternal focus, causing a greater percentage of complications, and worsen the survival prognosis. Moreover, they are the most common cause lethal outcome patient.


    Making an accurate diagnosis is extremely important. It is necessary to exclude the presence in the heart benign changes, for example, teratomas, lipomas, pericardial cysts, etc., in order to select the optimal treatment tactics and make a subsequent prognosis. Of course, the final diagnosis can only be made after a histological examination.

    What methods do experts use?

    • Echocardiography is a very informative approach that determines the presence of cardiac tumors with increased accuracy. Assesses the localization and degree of mobility of the oncocenter, its dimensions up to microscopic - up to 5 mm, the nature of the relationship with neighboring structures of the organ.
    • MRI allows to consider the macropicture of imaging parameters, distinguishing metastatic neoplasms from other diseases with high accuracy.

    • CT evaluates the state and structural structure of a malignant tumor, for example, the percentage of calcium and fat, thereby providing information about the origin of a secondary oncological process, if it is a condition such as calcareous metastases in the heart.


    Treating malignant neoplasms in the heart, regardless of whether they are primary or secondary, is a difficult task. It is more difficult to find a solution only for oncological lesions of the brain. Therefore, the tumor process in the heart muscle is mostly treated conservative methods, because the surgical intervention often impossible - the neoplasm grows and spreads so quickly that by the time it is detected, the malignant process is already localized in neighboring tissues - the mediastinum, bronchi and lungs.

    IN exceptional cases surgical excision of a metastatic tumor is carried out under the condition that it is intracavitary and single, in such cases they resort to resection of the affected valve and chambers. But it is important to remember that such fortunate circumstances are very rare. Transplantation or transplantation of the heart muscle in case of metastatic cancer is impossible, since the rejection of the biomaterial will occur with a 100% probability.

    In all other cases, resort to palliative care measures. Conservative treatment in the form of polychemotherapy and radiation helps to remove or alleviate the symptoms of the oncological process, to facilitate and prolong a person's life as much as possible.

    Traditional medicine in the case of heart metastases is also meaningless. The use of such methods is recommended to be discussed with your doctor beforehand.

    Course and treatment in children, pregnant women and the elderly

    Children. Malignant tumors of the heart in children and adolescents are characterized by nonspecific clinical signs. Secondary neoplasms - metastases - occur 40 times more often than primary ones. You can suspect an oncoprocess in a child by symptoms such as weight loss, severe weakness, and developmental arrest. Pathology can be diagnosed using ultrasound and echocardiography of the heart, which will indicate a volumetric neoplasm in the organ and a significant change in its contours, connection with neighboring structures.

    The principles of treatment are usually palliative in nature, since surgical intervention aimed at excising a large area of ​​tissue is hardly compatible with life. Thus, the prognosis for malignant lesions of the heart muscle for children is negative.

    Pregnant. Oncological process in the heart future mother can adversely affect not only her health and general condition, but also affect the life of an unborn child. Metastases in this organ threaten during gestation with the following complications:

    • frozen pregnancy;
    • spontaneous miscarriage;
    • acute preeclampsia;
    • death.

    An infant born under these circumstances is likely to begin to lag behind peers mentally and physical development, his individual anatomical structures will be incorrectly formed or he will die in the early perinatal period from complications incompatible with life. For this reason, women who have experienced heart cancer are advised by experts to terminate their pregnancy on time, as the chances of bearing healthy baby in this situation are extremely low.

    The prognosis for the patient is also not rosy. Due to the fact that surgical treatment is not possible, the woman will be offered palliative measures. cancer care, which can only increase the duration and quality of a woman's life, but by no means save her.

    Elderly. Metastases in the heart muscle in the elderly are more common than in younger patients. The clinical picture of the oncoprocess at the initial stages of its development can be blurred, and many symptoms are often similar to the signs cardiovascular pathologies characteristic of this age. Treatment is limited to palliative care. The prognosis for survival in old age is poor.

    Recovery process after treatment

    Pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and severe weakness are the main complaints made by patients during and against the background of treatment. After chemotherapy, the listed symptoms are accompanied by signs of toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, heart problems, a tendency to bleeding, acute depressive disorders and refusal to eat. These conditions can occur both in combination and separately.

    These manifestations can be eliminated by conservative therapy with certain medications, diet and the rejection of bad habits, a ban on any emotional experiences and stress, normalization of sleep and wakefulness, qualified help psychologist.

    Treatment of metastatic heart cancer in Russia and abroad

    We offer you to find out how the fight against metastases in the heart is carried out in different countries.

    Treatment in Russia

    In most cases, people at the stage of metastatic cancer in Russian oncology clinics are treated as patients whose lives are doomed. Even if there is some truth in this fact, each person can count on receiving adequate medical care and psychological support, the correct attitude from the staff of the chosen clinic.

    Of the medical institutions that treat patients with metastases and severe forms of oncology, the following can be advised:

    • Russian oncological science Center(RONTS) them. N.N. Blokhin, Moscow. Here, specialized assistance is provided to people with metastatic malignant tumors at any stage of development. If you have a quota and a compulsory health insurance policy, diagnostics and treatment are free.
    • A private medical institution offering specialized services to people diagnosed with oncology, including those in the last stages of the malignant process. Treatment is carried out in accordance with the protocols of European countries. The doctors of the clinic have a successful experience in dealing with metastases. In addition, the medical institution has its own palliative department and the Pain Management Center, which is important for people with advanced cancer.
    • University Cancer Center. N.I. Pavlova, St. Petersburg. The fight against malignant tumors is carried out by the most effective methods. The clinic accepts patients with any form of oncology, including those at the stage of active metastasis. Treatment is carried out both under the quota and the CHI policy, and on a contractual basis.

    Vladimir, 46 years old. “My brother fell ill with lung cancer, the diagnosis was made late - at stage 4 with metastases in the heart. We were immediately explained that he would not live long, but you could try palliative care at the oncology center named after. Blokhin. Thanks to the doctors for not leaving me in trouble with such a hopeless diagnosis.”

    Anna, 27 years old. "Mother long time was treated for stomach cancer, remissions were replaced by relapses several times, often lay in hospitals. At the end of last year, she was diagnosed with calcareous metastases in the heart muscle and was told that it was impossible to operate on such a tumor - a lethal outcome could not be avoided. Chemotherapy helped little. I thank the doctors from the University Cancer Center. Pavlov, located in St. Petersburg, for the assistance provided - all this time my mother received treatment here.”

    Treatment in Germany

    Treatment of metastatic heart cancer in German clinics depends on the type and characteristics of the daughter tumors. Since we are usually talking about an advanced form of cancer, radical surgery becomes impossible, therefore health care is predominantly palliative.

    Affected areas of the heart muscle can be partially excised to minimize the consequences of the main oncological process. After surgical intervention with the use of the Cyber-Knife, which burns out the tumor foci, methods of radiation therapy, brachytherapy and polychemotherapy are used. Expediency medical tactics determined by a panel of experts. According to the observations of German oncologists, an optimally selected profile care plan allows a patient to achieve a 5-year survival rate even with such a disappointing diagnosis.

    The cost of treating metastatic heart cancer in German clinics is from 50 thousand euros. The final amount is announced by representatives of the selected medical institution after undergoing a complex of diagnostic services and studying the medical history.

    • The Department of Cardiac Surgery treats heart pathologies, including malignant ones. Doctors of the clinic apply fundamentally new methods of fighting oncology, which guarantee certain success even at the late stages of the oncological process.
    • Hospital "Sachsenhausen", Frankfurt am Main. A multidisciplinary medical center where primary and secondary malignant tumors of the heart are treated in the Department of Cardiac Surgery. Clinic specialists develop and implement new methods of fighting oncology.

    Consider reviews of the listed clinics.

    Dmitry, 45 years old. “In Hamburg, at the Asklepios medical facility, my brother was treated with angiosarcoma of the lung and heart metastases, the prognosis was, to put it mildly, not very good. But our family hoped for the skill and experience of German doctors. The process of therapy itself was difficult, I don’t remember how long it lasted, but after going to the clinic, my brother was able to live another 3 years with a very satisfactory quality of life. I recommend the medical center, oncological care here is worth the investment.”

    Julia, 27 years old. “My friend was treated for hemangioendothelioma of the liver with metastases in the heart at the Sachsenhausen clinic. The malignant process was launched, but we believed until the last that she would get better. The miracle did not happen, but the fact that the patient was able to live for several years was in itself surprising Russian oncologists. I recommend the clinic!

    Treatment of metastatic heart cancer in Israel

    IN Israeli clinics the tactics of treatment of malignant tumors of the heart is developed after a thorough diagnosis of the disease. For therapy, exclusively conservative approaches are used.

    The main method of oncological care for primary and secondary heart cancer is polychemotherapy. Cytostatic agents are selected taking into account the characteristics of the oncological process, which can significantly slow down the growth of a malignant neoplasm and stop metastasis. In some cases, radiotherapy is used in combination with chemotherapy, usually in the form of brachytherapy. The technique is based on the placement of radioactive components directly in the tumor area, due to which atypical cells die with minimal impact on adjacent tissues.

    If there is even the slightest possibility of surgical removal of metastatic neoplasms, Israeli oncologists use the Gamma Knife installation. It removes with high precision structural elements tumors, provided that they have a small area, and the patient's condition allows radical intervention.

    Surgical operations for metastatic cancer on the heart are not performed - it is simply not advisable to practice them. Such an approach is possible only with a primary tumor in the heart, for example, with a diagnosed angiosarcoma. In this case, the neoplasm is excised, the areas of damaged tissues are sutured with an artificially created blood circulation apparatus connected. Also, in case of primary heart cancer in Israel, organ transplantation is carried out, including together with lung tissue.

    The cost of treatment is calculated individually for each patient. The final amount becomes known after a complete examination of the patient, on average it ranges from 28 thousand dollars, if we are not talking about surgical intervention.

    Which clinics can be contacted?

    • Clinic "Top Ichilov", Tel Aviv. State medical institution specializing in the treatment of oncological diseases. The clinic practices both traditional and alternative therapy. Top Ichilov doctors conduct research on various methods that can be effective in a particular case. Treatment in a medical institution is holistic - from diagnosis to the rehabilitation period.
    • The largest multidisciplinary medical center that treats people with oncological diseases, including at the stage of metastases. The clinic uses innovative technologies And modern methods providing therapeutic assistance that guarantees success in the fight against even the most difficult clinical cases.

    Consider reviews of the listed clinics.

    Valery, 36 years old. “Metastasized heart cancer was diagnosed in my sister after the birth of her fourth child. They sent her to Israel, having heard a lot of good things about local European medicine. Our family had a positive aftertaste from communicating with doctors and my sister’s stay at the Top Ichilov clinic, everything was on highest level. I would like to recommend this hospital to everyone."

    Arina, 31 years old. “Mom was treated for lung sarcoma for some time, until she was diagnosed with metastases directly in the heart. We decided to double-check the diagnosis and turned to Israeli specialists at the Beilinson clinic. The disease has been confirmed. Mom was prescribed courses of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and in general her condition even improved. Now she continues treatment, I want to believe in success.”


    Properly selected nutrition for any disease can improve a person's well-being. The task of the diet for oncological lesions of the heart is to supply the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, a complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to raise antitumor immunity and normalize all vital processes.

    Metastases in the heart muscle usually indicate the neglect of the malignant process, and therefore suffer essential functions human body. To support them, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • Five to six meals a day in small portions.
    • All meals must be exceptionally fresh.
    • The maximum emphasis is on plant fiber - fruits, vegetables and greens.
    • Potentially harmful foods are excluded - food with chemical flavor enhancers, canned, smoked and fried foods, alcohol, etc.

    It is especially important to follow these principles of diet after chemotherapy and radiation, since both of these methods adversely affect a person's health and cause many side effects. Rehabilitation after the treatment can improve the patient's well-being, which is extremely important for patients with severe forms of oncology.


    The main consequences of metastatic heart cancer:

    • acute heart failure;
    • fainting, loss and confusion of consciousness;
    • partial paresis and paralysis;
    • convulsive syndrome;
    • stroke;
    • heart attack;
    • hemoptysis, pulmonary bleeding;
    • coma;
    • death.

    Unfortunately, even timely diagnosed metastases rarely improve clinical picture disease and its prognosis.

    Forecast (how long live)

    Predicting the outcome of heart cancer is quite difficult. Sometimes only a few months pass between the first signs of the disease and the death of a person. Metastatic tumors are characterized by intensive progression, rapid ingrowth into adjacent tissues and organs.

    If doctors manage to carry out a complete excision of the tissues of the heart muscle affected by the malignant process, the prognosis may be good. But such a thing is a rarity. With partial resection of a secondary tumor, mortality among patients remains high.

    Answering the question of how long people with heart metastases live, one can cite statistics: 4% of patients overcome the 5-year, 20% - 2-year and 22% - 3-year survival thresholds. The rest of the people with this diagnosis die during the first 12 months of the disease.

    Psychological help

    A malignant tumor of the heart is a serious diagnosis that can unsettle any person. Hearing can cause apathy, prolonged depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Therefore, such patients require deep psychological support.

    A specialist helps a person overcome anxiety, reduce the level of fear, drive away depressive thoughts, soften raging emotions and give strength in the fight against the diagnosis. The help of a psychologist is also necessary for the relatives of the patient - he will tell you how to communicate with the patient more correctly, how to help him in difficult moments of despair and accept the diagnosis made by the doctors himself.

    Getting a disability

    Every cancer patient has the right to be recognized as incapable of work and receive social support from the state. The decision to issue a disability is determined by a specially created medical commission on a territorial basis. In the case of metastatic cancers, patients are given perpetual group incapacity for work, in a number of situations it can be assigned in absentia when the person’s diagnosis is confirmed by relevant documents.


    Consider measures that can prevent the development of a malignant process in the heart:

    • physical activity trains the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system;
    • weight maintenance at a normal level;
    • a healthy diet aimed at lowering sugars and cholesterol in the blood;
    • rejection of bad habits;
    • blood pressure control;
    • timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
    • therapy of any oncological processes in the body in the early stages, which makes it possible to prevent their metastasis.

    If a person has signs of cardiovascular insufficiency, he should immediately visit a cardiologist for an appropriate examination. To eliminate the risk of heart disease, including a malignant lesion of this organ, it is important to undergo profile examinations and echocardiography at least 1-2 times a year.

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