Who is eligible for an indefinite disability group. Permanent disability - can it be removed? Travel ticket for disabled people of II group


Hello. My father (he is 73 years old) has had the 3rd disability group since 1998. and since 1999 indefinitely (occupational injury, dislocation and fracture of the hip joint). In 2004 in accordance with the rehabilitation program for the disabled, he underwent sanitary-resort treatment. In 2012 he decided to use the spa treatment again, but the FSS requires from him, in addition to all documents, the conclusion of the clinical expert commission (conclusion of the CEC). In honey. institution (district clinic) do not give a conclusion without passing the VTEK to confirm the disability group. Is it possible that a disabled person who, according to the law, has received a disability group indefinitely (the documents indicate that it is not subject to re-examination) cannot be given a certificate-conclusion already on the basis of a previously confirmed group.

Head of medical the institution claims that the new rules were introduced 6 years ago and this will not affect the group in any way - this is only necessary to obtain a sanatorium-resort card and so far they have not been deprived of anything for this, although it hints that this moment according to the law, theoretically this is possible, because it is possible to give grounds for this injury perpetual group no.

Tell me please, is FFS right? (what is required for such a conclusion from a disabled person whose disability has been confirmed indefinitely, can you get by with some other document?) and honey. institution , which violates his own legal decision in 1999. and forces him to undergo a re-examination.

The father was upset, afraid to lose the group (and the status indefinitely, because it is morally and financially difficult to confirm every year for an elderly sick person) and took up self-medication, although he really needs professional rehabilitation.


The legislation does not provide for the abolition of an indefinite disability group, regardless of the time of its establishment. The medical institution where your father is observed is not entitled to require re-examination. Revision is possible upon a personal application of a citizen, for example, in order to strengthen the disability group due to a deterioration in health. In this case, your father should contact the higher medical institution with a complaint about the unlawful requirements of the subclinic.

The following documents are required for registration for sanatorium treatment by the FSS departments:

application on the issued form;

a copy of the certificate of disability of the medical and social examination (ITU), issued indefinitely;

a copy of the insurance pension certificate;

copy of the passport;

certificate of a medical institution on the need for sanatorium treatment in the form 070 / y, issued by the attending (district) doctor and certified by the head. clinic;

certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence on the right to sanatorium treatment (in the event that your father did not refuse to enroll social services in terms of sanatorium treatment for 2012).

Thanks for the suggested solution to my problem. You said that you need a copy of a medical and social examination disability certificate issued indefinitely, but the fact is that in 1999. they did not give him any certificate in his hands, but there was only an extract from this certificate. Therefore, the certificate should be in honey. institution, but how long they keep them and whether it can be restored upon application or at least demand a copy from them.

According to paragraph 7 The procedure for compiling forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 No. 1031-n,Your father should be issued with a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and not an extract.

An extract from the act of examination of the medical and social examination within 3 days from the date of the decision to recognize the citizen as disabled is sent to the relevant bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau medico-social expertise) to the body responsible for providing pensions.

A similar procedure was in effect in 1999.

In accordance with clause 9 of the said Procedure, in the event of the loss of the issued certificate, federal state institutions of medical and social expertise at the place of residence of the disabled person issue a duplicate certificate at the request of the disabled person (his legal representative), a duplicate of the extract at the request of the body providing pensions.

The application (request) indicates the circumstances of the loss of the certificate (extract) and the place of its issue.

A duplicate of the certificate (duplicate of an extract) is issued on the basis of an inspection certificate, in accordance with which the lost (damaged) certificate (extract) was issued. At the same time, a new certificate of examination is drawn up in the federal state institution of medical and social expertise without additional examination of a disabled person, in which an entry is made about the issuance of a duplicate certificate (duplicate extract), in exchange for the lost (damaged) certificate (extract), and a protocol is drawn up.

In case of loss of the certificate of examination, in accordance with which the lost (damaged) certificate was issued, its duplicate is issued on the basis of a copy of the extract, the original of which is stored in the body providing pensions. The specified copy of the statement is issued by the body providing pensions, at the request of the federal public institution medical and social expertise.

Perhaps something else. An extract was mistakenly issued to the father, and the certificate was filed in the pension file. Therefore, first you need to contact the UPFR at the place of residence and make sure that the pension file does not contain the certificate of disability you need. If not, then proceed according to the above procedure without re-examination.

This item is intended only for children who have been identified malignant tumors, chronic or acute leukemia, as well as severe ailments if the course is complicated by oncological manifestations. In the absence of positive dynamics of treatment, an indefinite group can also be established at the initial recognition of a person as a disabled person. To do this, you must obtain a certificate confirming the presence of an incurable disease. Documents required to establish an indefinite disability group Assignment of a lifelong disability is carried out on the basis of relevant papers from a medical institution.

Permanent disability - can it be removed?


The following documents are usually required by law (there may be additions):

  • application for an indefinite disability group;
  • certificate with the results of the treatment for the period, which the doctor will ask for;
  • test results;
  • directly, the very direction to the ITU.

If the patient was nevertheless established a disability group without re-examination in the future, this does not mean that he will no longer have to go through commissions and take tests. This procedure should be carried out at least 2-3 times a year.

At least in order to control the course of the disease and prevent complications, maintain the condition with therapeutic procedures. Each disabled person is issued an appropriate certificate, which authorizes its owner to a number of benefits and allowances.

Can they remove The previously established disability group can be removed.

The main factors for the assignment of indefinite disability in 2018

  • in the case when a citizen belongs to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and at the same time the 1st or 2nd group of disability is established, or in the case of receiving a disability before the war;
  • in the case when a citizen belongs to the veterans of the Second World War, and the 3rd group of disability has been established, or he received a disability before the war in the Defense of the Motherland, and over the past 5 years this group has been constantly established and extended;
  • it is necessary in the event that a citizen is a participant in hostilities, and received a combat wound, the consequences of which led to a disability.

Or a disease was received during the service, a medical examination of which was scheduled after the onset of age: For men 55 years old For women 50 years old Registration rules When establishing a permanent disability group (without re-examination), registration is no different from the standard procedure.

Medical and social expertise

When disability is given indefinitely Lifetime disability can be recognized without a term at the initial establishment of this diagnosis, when a citizen is recognized as disabled. If no improvement was found during treatment. At the same time, the medical institution that carried out the treatment must draw up a supporting document, which indicates that there was no positive dynamics in restoring health.
After how many years they can appoint According to the law of the Russian Federation No. 805 “On Amending the Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled”, permanent disability can be given within such a period: No more than two years should pass after the first diagnosis of disability This condition applies to both adults and minors.

Cancellation of an indefinite disability group

The procedure is as follows:

  • undergo a medical examination;
  • prepare all the necessary documents;
  • visit the ITU commission to establish a solution.

Passing a medical examination is not a one-day process, everyone knows about it. After sending his attending physician (district doctor), the patient begins to run around different rooms, take tests, etc. All that remains is to be patient. As a rule, this procedure is not complete by one doctor. The influence of the disease, according to which it is possible to establish a disability group, is influenced by a plurality of factors in the work of the whole organism.


After all, when the commission has been passed and the documents have been submitted to the ITU, a meeting with ITU representatives will be scheduled within 30 days to make a final decision. In the event that the patient cannot attend the meeting (due to illness) in person, then indicate this in advance in the application.

Can a disability group be canceled if it was indefinite?


This usually occurs with positive dynamics towards the recovery of the patient. Set periodic travel time medical commission the patient, during which the dynamics of the course of the disease is determined.

Based on the results from the ITU, the result is decided - the assignment of a group, possibly even on a permanent basis (usually with the first group) or temporary (with recertification). You can get a refusal to assign a disability group in such cases:
  • insufficient grounds for its issuance.

The patient is on the mend, etc.;
  • fraudulent actions on the diagnosis by the patient took place.
  • Each disability group has its own conditions for establishing and refusing. With group 3, several factors can serve as grounds for removing indefiniteness from the third group of disability. The Ministry of Health is constantly reviewing regulations on this matter.

    Can I remove the 2nd group of disability indefinitely?

    The algorithm of the local clinic is as follows:

    1. The doctors give their opinions.
    2. They are collected by the treating doctor.
    3. He prepares a comprehensive certificate and goes with it to the head physician.
    4. According to the results of the research, the patient receives a referral for examination.

    The work of the ITU commission begins interaction with the patient immediately upon receipt of the documentation. The tasks of the state body include the analysis of:

    • the patient's condition;
    • the dynamics of the passage of the disease;
    • the correctness of the appointment of treatment;
    • the consequences of its implementation;
    • social conditions of human life.

    In addition, the ITU schedules the appointment of the patient.

    Specialists are required to conduct a visual inspection, as well as conduct an interview with the applicant. At the same time, every little thing matters.
    The procedure for issuing a life certificate The procedure for assigning a life category does not differ from a regular examination. The algorithm of the applicant's actions is as follows:

    1. Collect the necessary certificates (list below).
    2. Obligatory medical examination in the clinic.
    3. Obtaining a referral to the medical and social expertise.
    4. Working with specialists.

    Attention: if the patient cannot come to the ITU, then this circumstance is indicated in a separate application. The doctors will come to your house. Passing a medical examination The procedure for working with doctors is no different from the usual. You need to start with your doctor. The specialist will issue a referral to other doctors who work in related fields. To confirm disability, sometimes the conclusion of several doctors is required. But this is individual.

    Rules and procedure for assigning permanent disability

    Such a function is indeed provided for by the current regulations. Download for viewing and printing: the federal law dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" Conditions for the appointment of lifelong disability When studying a patient's case, the medical and social examination (MSE) takes into account certain circumstances. They are:

    • the impact of physical restrictions on the general life of a person;
    • the degree of limitation caused by the disease;
    • the theoretical possibility of correcting the situation with the help of:
      • high-tech treatment;
      • means of rehabilitation;
      • prosthetics and other specialized devices.

    Attention: when primary definition disability, a permanent certificate can be provided to children with certain incurable chronic ailments.

    Can an indefinite disability group be canceled?

    Persons with disabilities in our country are assigned one of three disability groups. To confirm it, it is required to visit a special commission annually, which assesses the state of health of the disabled person and either extends the assigned group or removes it.

    However, there are exceptions to this rule. If, for example, a person is terminally ill, and no progress in better side is not foreseen, then he can be assigned a lifetime disability. Can such an indefinite 2nd group of disability be removed? We will look for this question a little later, but for now we will talk in detail about the procedure for assigning lifelong disability.

    This information will be useful to those persons with disabilities whose condition does not allow for annual re-examination.

    Now I will go to ITU for the fifth time, I don’t even know what to expect.

    If you try to explain all the wisdom of orders and resolutions regarding the determination of a disability group during re-examination, you get the following: the group will be determined indefinitely at the fifth re-examination:

    When, during the implementation of rehabilitation measures during the course of the disease, some changes for the worse occurred, but the patient retained the ability to work, social adaptation;

    • when the state of health remains at the same level, but the disease does not suggest recognizing the rehabilitation prognosis as satisfactory, rather it is doubtful, for example, with stage 3 cancer:
    • when rehabilitation measures carried out at the level of development of medical science today did not lead to the expected improvement in health, for example, stenting of the vessels of the lower extremities, complications of diabetes mellitus, loss of vision, loss

    limbs, consequences of total stage-by-stage arthroplasty of both hip joints.

    When in four or five years it was not possible to restore the lost functions of the body,

    for example, impaired movement, somewhat limiting and self-care after a stroke

    It is impossible to list all situations. Each patient is considered in the complex of the disease, social status, living and working conditions.

    Permanent disability? With the third group, I don’t think they will. The truth about your health problems. you didn't say anything about it.

    Whatever they write in the answers, I don’t think they will.

    I have the first group. Indefinitely. There are reasons. Two brain surgeries. I do an MRI, every year and much cannot be changed. The third group is a little different. You can live and work with it, sometimes without infringing on yourself.

    The problem is whether there are REASONS for such an examination and subsequent conclusions.

    To be honest - with the current lack of money from the state and constant attempts to save money on pensioners and disabled people, there are more chances - that the group will be removed - than - that the group will be given indefinitely ..

    although earlier - according to all the rules and orders - for 5 times the group was given indefinitely ..

    you have the right to appeal the decision of the district commission to the regional MSEC .. As soon as you are denied the extension of the disability group, immediately write a complaint and give it to the chairman of the commission.

    Hello! As they can give a permanent group, they can remove your group altogether. But according to medical legislation, the third group is working group. And you just need to talk to a lawyer about this topic, providing him with the VTEK documents, a pension certificate, a document about the group, and the lawyer will explain everything to you exactly

    It is quite possible that both. Much depends on the results of treatment for your general condition and your age. Commission ITU doctors(Medical-Social Expertise) makes a decision according to the prospect of treatment, the severity of your illness, your ability to work, your age.

    According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247 of April 7, 2008 “On Amendments to the Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled”, disability can be established without a re-examination period only at the next re-examination and after 4 years of observation of a disabled person in the ITU Bureau (that is, for the 5th year examinations), except for cases included in the List of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, violations of the functions of organs and systems of the body, in which a disability group without specifying the re-examination period is established for citizens no later than 2 years after the initial recognition as disabled.

    The list of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, violations of the functions of organs and systems of the body, in which the disability group without specifying the period of re-examination (the category "disabled child" until the citizen reaches the age of 18) is established for citizens no later than 2 years after the initial recognition as a disabled person (establishment category "disabled child"):

    Malignant neoplasms (with metastases and relapses after radical treatment; metastases without identified primary focus with treatment failure; heavy general state after palliative treatment, incurability of the disease with severe symptoms of intoxication, cachexia and tumor decay).

    Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues with severe symptoms of intoxication and severe general condition.

    Inoperable benign neoplasms head and spinal cord with persistent severe violations motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia) and severe liquorodynamic disorders.

    The absence of the larynx after its surgical removal.

    Congenital and acquired dementia (severe dementia, mental retardation heavy or deep).

    Diseases of the nervous system with a chronic progressive course, with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia).

    Hereditary progressive neuromuscular diseases (pseudohypertrophic Duchenne myodystrophy, spinal amyotrophy Werdnig-Hoffman), progressive neuromuscular diseases with impaired bulbar functions, muscle atrophy, impaired motor functions and (or) violation of bulbar functions.

    Severe forms of neurodegenerative diseases of the brain (parkinsonism plus).

    Complete blindness in both eyes with the ineffectiveness of the treatment; decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better seeing eye up to 0.03 with correction or concentric narrowing of the visual field in both eyes up to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes.

    Congenital deafness with impossibility of hearing replacement (cochlear implantation).

    Diseases characterized by increased blood pressure with severe complications from the central nervous system (with persistent severe disorders of motor, speech, visual functions), heart muscles (accompanied by circulatory failure IIB-III degree and coronary insufficiency III-IV functional class), kidneys (chronic renal failure stage IIB-III ).

    Ischemic heart disease with coronary insufficiency III-IV functional class of angina pectoris and persistent circulatory disorders IIB - III degree.

    Diseases of the respiratory organs with a progressive course, accompanied by a persistent respiratory failure II-III degree, in combination with circulatory failure IIB-III degree.

    Cirrhosis of the liver with hepatosplenomegaly and portal hypertension of the III degree.

    Unremovable fecal fistulas, stomas.

    Pronounced contracture or ankylosis of large joints of the upper and lower extremities in a functionally disadvantageous position (if arthroplasty is impossible).

    End-stage chronic renal failure.

    Unrecoverable urinary fistulas, stomas.

    Congenital developmental anomalies musculoskeletal system with pronounced persistent violations of the function of support and movement when it is impossible to correct.

    Effects traumatic injury of the brain (spinal) cord with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia) and severe dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

    Defects upper limb: amputation of the shoulder joint, disarticulation of the shoulder, shoulder stump, forearm, absence of the hand, absence of all phalanges of the four fingers, excluding the first, absence of three fingers, including the first.

    Defects and deformations lower limb: amputation of the hip joint, disarticulation of the thigh, femoral stump, lower leg, absence of a foot.

    Is the indefinite 3rd group of disability removed?

    Enough for today in Russia a large number of people are in the 3rd disability group. The reason for receiving it was the state of health. This position gives various advantages and privileges in life. They deal with different issues.

    The 3rd group of disability refers to indefinite. This implies that there is no set deadline for re-examination. This procedure can only be performed in order to increase the group or change the degree of disability. Basically, this is required when deciding on the labor exchange.

    As practice shows, the indefinite 3rd group of disability can be removed. Since it is established due to a violation of the functions of the body. This situation may change throughout a person's life. Therefore, the specialists of the services that control this issue do not see the need to be in the 3rd disability group. This becomes a clear reason for its removal, which is done.

    Getting a group due to disability is a rather complicated procedure. It requires a series of sequential procedures. The first is that you need to go to the doctor who is treating you. He will require you to pass certain tests. With their results and the corresponding package of documents, you must contact the medical and social expertise. It is she who deals with these issues. Your data will be entered into the database and accepted for consideration, after which a decision is made whether to establish a disability group or not.

    The main reason for accepting a positive answer is a number of types of disorders associated with body functions. The degree of their manifestation is also important. There are four of them:

    • the first is weakly expressed;
    • the second is moderate;
    • the third - expressed;
    • the fourth - strongly pronounced signs.

    Types of violations of body functions

    The main violations of the functioning of the human body include those that relate to:

    • psyche. Here they pay attention to the state of memory, intelligence, emotions and other things;
    • speech and language. This may include a change in the process of voice formation and other things related to speech;
    • sensory functions. Problems associated with the operation of the hearing aid, smell, vision, body temperature and others are not excluded;
    • statics and dynamics. This suggests violations motor abilities, both limbs and the whole body, head and other things;
    • blood circulation, respiration, digestion and other equally important body systems that are responsible for its normal functioning;
    • physical disorders. Basically, this includes the incorrect formation of the body, head, face. And their disproportionate sizes, which do not meet the established standards. An abnormal structure of the digestive, respiratory and other systems may also be observed.

    When is the 3rd disability group assigned?

    After the examination of the human body has been passed, and it has been established that its performance is at a low level due to impaired functioning of the body, a person can apply for a group. These defects may be chronic or anatomical. They lead to a complete or partial loss of the performance of their direct professional duties, a decrease in qualifications. In such cases, it is necessary to change the working conditions. They must limit physical activity. In addition, the changes may also affect the mode of operation: part-time work, hours of the working day are reduced.

    Of course, only the relevant organization can bet on the 3rd group. It must be contacted immediately, after determining this diagnosis. At the same time, you must have a passport with you, a certificate in accordance with the established form from the hospital where the disease was diagnosed. A statement is also written to the patients with a request that this issue be accepted for consideration.

    But there are a few tips that will certainly help. The first of these is that it is necessary to undergo an annual examination. It will help confirm or change the disability group. But there are cases when the disease is incurable, and it is also not necessary to count on any changes. In this situation, the 3rd disability group is called indefinite.

    Getting it goes a little differently. First of all, you need to make sure that the disease falls into the list of indefinite. This information can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health. Here full list diseases. Among them, you can try to find your own and consult on this issue with your doctor. But it is important to note that you can get it no later than two years after the diagnosis is made. It is provided equally not only to adults, but also to minors.

    Indefinite disability also implies other conditions for being on it. A recertification process is required every year. It is a confirmation that there is a need for this group. The district police officer must provide this direction to the appropriate commission. There are times when a person cannot independently take all the tests. In such cases, he is placed in a hospital. Moreover, all the results of the performed analyzes are valid for several days.

    When a person is in a group, he may qualify for a course of maintenance therapy. This applies to the 2nd and 3rd groups. The doctor, based on the diagnosis, must prescribe it independently. He is undergoing therapy in a hospital.

    In addition, you must obtain a disability certificate. This can be done in the Pension Fund of Russia of your locality. It will provide certain social benefits: a reduction in the cost of travel in public transport, free and discounted medicine, preventive treatment at the resort, but only in the cold season.

    Also, the 3rd disability group can be established indefinitely if the disabled person has reached the age of sixty for men, and for women - fifty-five, or it is assigned after reaching this age. He has been in the 1st or 2nd group for more than fifteen years.

    When can an indefinite disability group be removed?

    The Ministry of Health is constantly reviewing this provision. Therefore, it is necessary to keep track of any changes. So, there are cases when the 3rd group of disability is removed, despite the fact that it is indefinite. For example, if during the check documents were found that are forged, they have corrections or inaccuracies regarding the results of the analyzes. This information is fundamental for the acceptance of a person into a group. Therefore, it cannot be doubted.

    Also, the reason for removal from the 3rd group is the establishment of violations of everything related to this provision: causes and timing. A special bureau deals with the control of these issues. Its main task is to look after correct execution all required standards.

    Of course, disability is unpleasant for any person. It limits his ability to work. The government is trying to do its best comfortable conditions for their lives, given such limitations.

    Permanent disability in 2019: full list of diseases

    The official registration of the status of "disabled" is an equal process both medical and legal.

    Although the recognition of disability is carried out by medical and social expertise, the legal and social background is not secondary here, because the status of disabled people is not just officially assigned the status of limited in working capacity.

    They are entitled to certain benefits and allowances, the preservation of which requires periodic re-examination.

    At the same time, state support measures are provided in full. How to get an indefinite disability, and what changes in the process of registration are expected in 2019?

    General concepts and diseases

    The degree of restriction of an individual in matters of life and work capacity is the main criterion for assigning a disabled group.

    Disability is officially recognized by the Medical and Social Expertise (ITU), controlled and regulated at the state level by a list of certain rules and laws. In total, there are three groups for the adult population, and for minors - the position of "disabled child".

    Disability restrictions of the first degree (first group) give the right to a disabled person to be considered as such for twenty-four months from the moment of recognition until re-examination, if a person has passed this procedure, the status is extended for another two years, etc.

    Re-examination of disabled people of the second and third groups is required to be carried out annually.

    However, representatives of each of the groups may have the right to indefinite disability. And this means that the status of a person is given for life.

    In the course of recognition of a disability to a citizen, the following is determined as the reason for it:

    1. a disease that caused a state of disability;
    2. industrial injury;
    3. limited physical and mental capabilities of a congenital type or acquired in childhood;
    4. injuries acquired during the military service(injury, contusion) or during the catastrophe at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl and at the stage of eliminating its consequences, etc.

    In the case when no documentation confirming the fact of an occupational disease, military injury and other circumstances, no, the status is assigned on the basis of a general disease.

    The law provides for assistance to a person in obtaining the necessary documents, and upon providing them to the members of the VTEK bureau, from the same date, the cause of disability without periodic examination is reviewed.

    Obtaining an indefinite disability is provided for both in the case of a primary medical examination (for disabled children), and in cases of lack of progress in the course of treatment and rehabilitation.

    Obtaining indefinite disability for different groups

    Citizens with disabilities should know in which case an indefinite disability group in 2019 can be assigned to them, and when the ITU has the right to refuse it.

    First group

    Diseases (professional, acquired or congenital) or injuries that provoke pronounced restrictions on life activity serve as grounds for classifying a person in the first group of disability.

    These people need social protection, medical support and daily continuous assistance.

    The main indications for the assignment of the first group are:

    • complete dependence on strangers in self-service or movement due to incapacity;
    • disorientation;
    • loss of control over one's own behavior, etc.

    With the official status of “Group I”, this does not mean at all that permanent disability will be so easily assigned; in 2019, the list of diseases for this is not specific.

    It is important that the conditions that are mandatory for other groups are met:

    1. “disabled group members” have reached the age of 60 for men or 55 for women;
    2. the disease that caused the assignment of a disability group is incurable and persists for at least the last 15 years;
    3. if a person with disabilities is a military man and got a disease that led to disability in the service;
    4. after the first confirmation of the group, at least 2 years have passed for adults, and 6 years for children.

    Diseases have also been identified in which a person can count on disability without a re-examination period.

    List of diseases

    Indefinite disability in Russia can be given to citizens based on the results of a medical and social examination for such diseases as:

    • absence of limbs (surgical amputation or congenital);
    • dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders( etc.);
    • paralysis;
    • complete loss of vision or hearing;
    • absence of an internal organ (congenital, acquired), etc.

    In the presence of one of the listed diseases and the assignment of the first group of disability, an indefinite category can be given only after an examination!

    Second group

    Persons assigned the second group of disability are given the status of socially disadvantaged due to health problems, in which there is a dysfunction of the body and subsequent limitation of life.

    The main indications are:

    1. self-care or mobility only with the assistance of other people or auxiliary tools and funds;
    2. partial loss of ability to work and the possibility of performing work only in special conditions;
    3. inability to assimilate approved federal programs training or training on special programs;
    4. communication with strangers through other persons or through aids.
    List of diseases

    Persons with the second group disabilities indefinite disability in 2018 is possible to obtain if a disease from the list is established:

    • incomplete loss of hearing or vision;
    • mental illness;
    • transplantation internal organs or their loss
    • progressive;
    • partial paralysis and the like.

    At the same time, the list of diseases itself, which gives grounds for assigning the second group, is much wider, it can include diabetes mellitus, Down syndrome, cirrhosis of the liver, and cerebral palsy, however, for indefiniteness, you need to undergo an examination and confirm your right to be assigned to this category.

    Third group

    The third group of disability is characterized by such definition criteria as the social insufficiency of citizens caused by minor or moderately manifested health disorders.

    Disabled people of the third group retain the ability to self-service, resorting to the use of assistive devices, and movement, taking into account the greater time spent and shortening the path, as well as the fragmentation of its overcoming.

    These citizens may well study in general institutions (often on an individual basis), and work under conditions of a reduction in the volume of activities, a decrease in qualifications.

    List of diseases

    Conditions when they give an indefinite disability group at work III group, are individual, are considered by the ITU bureau.

    The list of diseases is extensive, including the most common:

    1. partial hearing and visual loss;
    2. the initial stages of oncology;
    3. uncorrectable defects maxillofacial region;
    4. without complications;
    5. amputation of a part of a limb (fingers, hands, etc.) that is insignificant for the state of the organism as a whole;
    6. heart surgery, etc.

    It is much more difficult to get indefiniteness with the third group than with the first and second, for this you need good reasons and indications of health.

    Process for permanent disability

    If all the prerequisites for registration of a non-reviewable disability are available, it can be obtained after an examination by the ITU and an additional examination.

    Required documents

    The documentary list provided for transferring from disability groups subject to reconfirmation to indefinite is issued to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

    It must include:

    • original and copy of the passport;
    • insurance medical policy;
    • an extract from the history and illness and data on recent examinations;
    • direction certified by the head physician of the polyclinic;
    • application of a disabled applicant.

    After confirming the perpetuity of disability, it is necessary to provide the necessary package of documents to social security and a division of the pension fund in order to process the appropriate benefits and payments.

    Indefinitely disabled persons are entitled to a cash payment, free medicines, travel and utility benefits, sanatorium treatment etc.

    Can permanent disability be lifted?

    Many of those who received it are worried about whether they can remove an indefinite disability group, following changes in legislation.

    Despite the speaking terminology, perpetuity can be lifted if one of the following occurs:

    1. personal statement of the citizen himself about the removal of this category;
    2. an organization implementing medical and preventive measures has sent a request to review the decision of the ITU in connection with the improvement in the health status of a citizen;
    3. falsification of documents was revealed when registering indefinite disability;
    4. negligence and violations in the work of members of the medical expert commission, etc. were found.

    Lifelong disability is not a reason for refusing rehabilitation measures and periodic medical examinations.


    Although the list of diseases for which indefinite disability (2019) can be granted has expanded significantly, the procedure for its registration remains the same.

    The decision is made by the members of the commission of the territorial MES. In case of disagreement with the decision of the bureau, a citizen is not deprived of the right to apply to higher authorities, up to the court, and appeal against it.

    Video: The government approved the rules for establishing indefinite disability

    Christina Gorelik: In Russia, under various pretexts, they began to deprive sick people of disability. Is it an accident or a regularity - we are discussing today with the deputy chairman of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled Oleg Rysev, the lawyer Pavel Kantor and the affected mothers, whose children had their disability canceled, although the diseases remained the same: for example, type 1 diabetes mellitus, atrophy ophthalmic nerve, deafness.
    Judging by their words, it is not a specific disease. Children have completely different diagnoses, but they all have the same problems.
    Dasha, a 9-year-old girl, has practically no vision in one eye. If earlier she was given a disability, now she was refused. I ask her mom. Have you been disabled?

    Christina Gorelik: How old is the girl?

    Right now it's 9.

    Christina Gorelik: What is the girl's diagnosis?

    Atrophy of the optic nerve. They write partial, but practically zero eyes.

    Christina Gorelik: And before that they gave disability?

    Once they gave, and then they said - everything.

    Christina Gorelik: Did you say the reason?

    Laws have been tightened. Now I don't want to do all that.

    Christina Gorelik: Tired?

    Yes, I'm tired.

    Christina Gorelik: Elena's mother has three children, one of the children, a 9-year-old girl, is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus, that is, insulin-dependent. In May of this year, literally just now, she with difficulty passed the Commission with her child, and says that in other places children with similar diagnoses are removed from disability. Let's listen to her story.

    Elena: This year, we can assume that she is without insulin. Nerves, of course, shake every year. We are deaf in one ear. One ear doesn't count. The second ear hears, so everything is in order. We were told that diabetics are removed without exception. The doctor warned: the worse we write, the better. Characteristics from the school, this is the first year of the characteristic from the school, before that, a characteristic from the school was not needed to apply for disability. Such an innovation. I approached the teacher: so and so, we need a characteristic for disability registration. We don't need a good one. Write what is bad, then write - inattentive, absent-minded. Indeed, we suffer from it. When I came to apply, I heard about it, that they were filming. Well nervous. You arrive, submit documents, and about a month later they only call for a commission. I asked the district commission, they refuse to diabetes in disability? I was told that they do not refuse commissions, we hold on, others are denied without exception. The very design that every year, on May 1, we were given a disability, in January I already start running around.

    Christina Gorelik: That is, you start applying for disability in a few months?

    Elena: Of course. In January, I already start going through doctors, standing in line. Now there are no more lines. As I understand it, there are no queues, because they filmed the children. If you came earlier, you had to arrive two hours before the opening to get through, documents are submitted from 9 to 12. For some reason there are no queues.

    Christina Gorelik: How many documents do you need to collect?

    Elena: A lot of. It is necessary to go through all the specialists, up to the dentist. Blood tests. We have a polyclinic, we live on the Skolkovo highway, the polyclinic is located in Ramenki. That is, when it starts, you start going there almost every day to see doctors, to pass tests. Previously, I couldn’t work at all, they don’t take them to the state. She does not know how to do her own injections. Doctors say that if they find out in the maternity hospital that they have diabetes, they will abandon the child. If there is no this support, what to do? There is only one mother, but there are many single mothers who raise such children. She can't work to go until third grade. I can’t imagine how these parents will be if, God forbid, they were removed from disability. Nerves nowhere already have such parents. Not only is the child sick, he needs to be looked after. Disability registration begins instead of taking care of the child. They reduce medications, if earlier we were prescribed insulin, now parents are left without insulin. Where to run? Buy nowhere. Now the doctor told me: be careful with insulin, they cut everything.

    Christina Gorelik: Elena talked about the difficulties she had to face when registering a disability for a child with type 1 diabetes.
    I remind you that the topic of our round table is why in Russia they began to deprive sick people of their disability?
    My guests are the Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled Oleg Rysev, the lawyer Pavel Kantor, and my mother Natalia. Have you been denied disability too? Your child is diagnosed with hearing loss, right?

    Natalia: From the age of three, a child began to hear quite badly, they began to notice. The ENT doctor did not pay attention to this until we managed to get sent to the audio center. There, we were immediately diagnosed with third-degree bilateral hearing loss. They gave us two hearing aids, which we still cannot get used to in four years. Because they are terribly tuned, the child immediately has a headache for half an hour. Twice we passed, handed over documents for disability. At 6 o'clock in the morning I came to hand over the documents, then they always called me in the morning, no one asks whether you work or not - nobody cares. For some reason, only a neuropathologist is always present at the commission. That is one doctor - the neuropathologist. We have deafness. We are stripped to panties, everyone is watching. Wait, they will send you an answer. They sent us an answer twice and called us to the VTEK on Leningradsky Prospekt, this is an adult VTEK. We came there twice and refused twice, we have one answer: you are all lying, you hear everything perfectly, you have ordinary adenoids.

    Christina Gorelik: Even with a certificate from a doctor at an audiology center? How old is your child?

    Natalia: Currently 8 years old. The first time we went there was 5 years old. There is such a cheerful grandmother sitting there, talking terribly. The first time she even offered me to leave the office, and she would talk to her herself. She was 5 years old, how can I leave a child alone at 5 years old. Then she rather rudely answered that we were playing Vanka, we could hear everything perfectly. She brought such a device to her very ear, it seems to me that a completely deaf person can hear, and said: you can hear everything perfectly, you have adenoids.

    Christina Gorelik: Oleg Viktorovich, are these just isolated cases?

    Oleg Rysev: You know, that's the sad thing, that these are not isolated cases. The previous mother said that she was at MSEK, and by the way, I will make a reservation: during the entire interview, they said VTEK.

    Christina Gorelik: Let's break down the abbreviation.

    Oleg Rysev: Medical and labor expert commission, something that was adopted already in 1956, almost 60 years ago. In fact, this says a lot. In the perception of the majority of people who come to this bureau, this is not some kind of medical and social one - it is a medical labor office. And when it concerns adults in the first place, and even the same patterns are measured for a child. So, when they said that the legislation was tightened, I simply could not believe my eyes, because there was no tightening of the legislation.

    Pavel Kantor: When the aunt told her mother that the laws had become tougher, she does not mean the law by the law, she means the opinion of her boss by the law. That is, in fact, she said that her boss's opinion became tougher and the general policy was toughened and a general campaign was launched to remove disability or not to extend disability. And indeed, I work more with families of disabled children, it has affected children with disabilities. Because you can’t remove disability from a very elderly disabled person, where will he go.

    Christina Gorelik: What, is it about money?

    Pavel Kantor: You know, it's simply impossible to come up with another explanation, except for saving budget funds.

    Oleg Rysev: I have already heard some nightmarish things today, from my point of view, when not only are parents, mothers forced to go to all the doctors, as they said: a neuropathologist, a person with ears has a problem, a neuropathologist is sitting.

    Christina Gorelik: Then a person with diabetes was sent to the dentist.

    Oleg Rysev: We heard an even more egregious thing when they are forced to take testimonials from schools. And we were approached by a person, a therapist himself, a young man, his child is 10 years old, his eyesight is minus 20 diopters, he was given the status of a disabled child. And two years later he comes with the same vision, with the same medical certificate, where professors from the same eye institute, ophthalmologists write that he has no dynamics. In parallel with this, he was asked to bring a diary with this certificate. Unfortunately, he did not realize in time that he did not need to receive five in order not to lose this status. Having received fives, a doctor, an ophthalmologist, as a teacher, as the head teacher of All Russia, said to him: you are no longer disabled, since you get fives. But he did not see better, as his vision was minus 20, and remained so.

    Pavel Kantor: I can even tell you that we encounter such situations even more often. We, I mean, who work with the field of psychiatry basically. We even have such an internal term - punishment for social success. That is, they remove or do not extend disability if the child still managed to get into Kindergarten, if the child still managed to get into school, if the young man still managed to somehow settle down somewhere, work something, he is immediately withdrawn his degree, they say: what? Everything, you have been rehabilitated, your limitations in communication, abilities, your difficulties have been overcome, you have overcome them. Well done, you are not disabled - you are now healthy. I am surprised that even somatics are punished for social success.

    Oleg Rysev: I have a couple more examples. Student, a guy with a very complex form of cerebral palsy, entered, graduated high school in a general school, graduated from high school in full-time education. And as soon as at the age of 22, having graduated from high school, he came to the adult MSEK, he was told: you received higher education You are no longer disabled. A person who has not worked a single day is not a fact that in our time of crisis he will be able to get somewhere with our mentality, when they are met by clothes, and not by mind. And this person will have to break through more than one wall in order to somehow realize himself in this life as a person. But the most important thing is that in the person of such MSEC experts, additional barriers are put up. There are enough of them in our country.

    Christina Gorelik: Natalya, they told you at the commission that you are all lying, the child is healthy. Pavel, tell me what should Natalya do in this situation? Maybe record on a dictaphone, go to court?

    Pavel Kantor: Undoubtedly, the rules for recognizing a person as disabled directly provide that decisions on refusal to recognize disability can be appealed to a higher body of medical and social expertise. But this is most likely useless, because there is an order for this program from above, or to the court. There is no doubt that a significant number of cases of disability reduction are done in the expectation that a person will not go to court. Indeed, the majority will not go to court. One of the mothers at the beginning of the program said: I don’t have the strength to do this. If we are talking about an adult disabled person, then, as a rule, this person is very limited in his ability to act socially actively. If we are talking about a family with a disabled child, this family, as a rule, is in a very difficult financial and moral situation. And it is unlikely that many litigants will come out of them. The authorities are counting on this, they understand that we will deprive a hundred, one will go to court and cancel.

    Christina Gorelik: Natalia, will you go to court?

    Natalia: Unlikely. There is no time, no opportunity.

    Christina Gorelik: But it would be possible to create a precedent.

    Pavel Kantor: We can create precedents, because such families still exist. The problem is that there will be no mass appeal to the courts in order to break the whole system. Due to the fact that a particular mother Natalya is recognized that she has the right to a disability, this will not change the overall picture.

    Oleg Rysev: I have been living in a wheelchair for over 20 years. As for the medical and social expertise, this issue is already overripe. It is necessary to take some specific actions that will be aimed at ensuring that people have understanding. Do you know what the main question is? People do not understand why a year ago a child was considered a child with a disability, but today with the same documents he is not a child with a disability. After all, here even this irritation and murmuring comes from the fact that we do not understand how you do all this. Why did you have one criteria, approaches, assessments a year ago, and today you have changed them. And most importantly, show me them.
    When we worked with the Norwegians and asked the question: how do you assign disability groups, how is a person considered disabled? For 15 minutes, the Norwegian expert was translated into Norwegian, into English, he could not understand what a certificate of disability is. It turned out that it is not necessary to invent a bicycle. They have the same authentication system, but a person comes only once, they write out a certain program for him, he gets his number, and he doesn’t go anywhere anymore, documents go for him.
    If you look at how many kilometers people manage to walk in our country, and in the Komi Republic people traveled 200 kilometers to the district center to pass the MSEK, and their transport benefits have already been withdrawn, they paid for it all, it cost a pretty penny to get, and people went to get an individual rehabilitation program to get a cane and crutches. Imagine what gold crutches have become. That is, it was inefficient from the very beginning. So, returning to Norway, it turns out that one person turned, what he needs, his needs were fixed, and after that the state begins to think what it should do so that the person does not fall out of society, so that he is socialized, so that he does not different from his peers. Because if he is a child, then he is the child of the taxpayer, if he is an adult, then he is the taxpayer himself. And our systems are the opposite: we appointed you and removed them, and you enter the open labor market, we have a lot of vacancies around, if you want - dig, if you want - don't dig. It's one thing when for a healthy person, and another thing when a person who cannot lift a shovel. We produce disability, drive it inside, thus the problem remains locked in this vessel. Indeed, many parents are afraid of this, they will not be, where the children will stay, how they will live in this society.

    Christina Gorelik: You have the All-Russian Society of the Disabled, maybe you will somehow begin to solve the problem?

    Oleg Rysev: We are already dealing with this issue. We do not have an independent examination, we do not have a law on medical and social expertise. We do not have a clear understanding of what expertise in our field is. The court, as a rule, either agrees in most cases with the opinion of an expert, or it cannot cancel the disability group, it can send a person to the same MSEC. Let there be a different group of experts, Ivanov for Petrov, Petrov for Sidorov, how do you imagine that a person who is in the same corporation with them will make a different decision on this issue. For me, there was not a single case where cases of return from the courts were resolved positively, unfortunately. We have an unprecedented right in Russia. Even if one court makes this decision, it is not certain that other judges will support it.
    As the same Zhvanetsky said, it's time to fix something at the conservatory. Here it is necessary to change the system, the system of expertise in this area, because this issue concerns millions of people. And you notice main point which I would like to mention today. In fact, if there is a sick child in the family, in most cases, as practice shows, this family is incomplete and, accordingly, the mother alone must feed the child, live on something, and educate him in order to make him a respectable one, obedient and good citizen. And when should she do this, if, in fact, a person has to collect documents for 5 months before going back to these very circles.

    Christina Gorelik: By the way, Natalia, how much is the disability allowance for a child now?

    Natalia: She no longer has a disability.

    Christina Gorelik: You don't know, didn't even ask? Pavel, what kind of allowance?

    Pavel Kantor: Firstly, it is slightly different from region to region, there are regional surcharges. I won’t tell you the exact numbers, but now in Moscow a disabled child receives a pension of about 4,000 rubles, plus benefits, plus the mother receives if she does not work and takes care of him, receives an allowance, which in Moscow is 4500, and in regions 1500.

    Christina Gorelik: Any help whatsoever.

    Oleg Rysev: It's not just a help. In the regions, for example, pensioners in most cases are the main breadwinners. And this is where the anti-social situation arises. They write to us from regions, especially depressive ones, that there is large families, where two or three children, let's say out of five, have the status of a disabled person, the family is antisocial and, most importantly, no one takes care of these children. And it seems that the status is not assigned in order to later support and guide the child, including rehabilitation, so that he socializes, is active, does not sit within four walls, communicates with his peers, and so on, but here it turns out like on the one hand, a form of income arises, and most importantly, no one needs them, except for their marginal families.

    Pavel Kantor: I want to turn one important point, which in any case should not be forgotten. This campaign to reduce budget spending, which consists in removing payments to people with disabilities, it will not ultimately lead to a decrease in budget spending, it will lead to a huge increase. These calculations have been made repeatedly in the West, and this has been confirmed by experience. If we do not rehabilitate the child now, if we do not support the family, then what will we get in 15 years. In 15 years, we will get a deeply disabled person, whom society will drag on its back for all 40 years of its life. If we now in these first 10 years carry out the rehabilitation of this child, if we teach him something, if we introduce him into society, if he builds some social life, maybe he will start working, earning money, and so on, then by doing so he will remove a very large burden from society years senseless idleness. It is well known that for one person who is contained in the system social protection in a boarding school, a child, an adult, 15-16 thousand rubles are allocated per month per person. We are now saving, say, 8,000 rubles a month for a disabled child, which will have to be paid for 5-10 years in order to bring him up, we have now saved, and then we will pay 15-16 rubles a month for 40 years for the fact that he will sit within four walls in a boarding school. I'm not even talking about the moral aspect, not even about the human aspect, but purely in the economic sense. The state is now introducing itself into very large expenses in the future with this campaign.

    Oleg Rysev: When they say: how much will it cost? The question itself is ridiculous. And how much the child's health will cost, how much his laughter can cost, how much communication with peers can cost. You will appreciate, please, billions or kopecks. In order to understand that children should study in the same class, it is not necessary to calculate for this, it is not necessary to calculate how much it will cost to communicate with peers on the street, and so on. How much the same person who fell ill in adulthood will need to get retrained and support his family, so that it does not become a tragedy and the family does not fall apart, so that he feels like a full-fledged citizen. This is an irrelevant question. Even those very Norwegians, I will give them as an example.

    Pavel Kantor: I must say that Norway is a country with the best social system in the world after all.

    Oleg Rysev: It is better for us to stick to the best examples than to take Burundi and Indonesia.

    Christina Gorelik: This week, two unions at once - pharmacists and patients loudly announced their intention to defend the interests of their representatives both in the medical community itself and in interaction with the state.
    Olga Beklemishcheva will tell you more about this.

    Olga Beklemishcheva:
    Now there is such a craze: a lot of public and commercial organizations create super-organizations, the so-called self-regulatory organizations. It is something like a trade union, but with different goals and objectives. That is, it brings people together in some way. professional sign- doctors, pharmacists, patients, after all, for many this is a profession, but they are not engaged in protecting their members, although some protect their members, but this is not the main task. The main task is interaction with stakeholders. In economics, this is how counterparties are called, in particular, primarily the state. Or interaction with other organizations that are present on the market at the same time. The essence of what is happening is that due to the fact that our state is increasingly abandoning GOSTs, regulations lowered from above, there is pressing need decide within yourself what are the standards for us. This is the first.
    And the second thing is that we are striving for the WTO, closer to the European Union, and there it is very well developed and most of the standards relating to such important and complex public affairs as healthcare, medical care and even social assistance are regulated by the internal standards of those organizations who provide this assistance. Relatively speaking, all hospitals, all pharmacies or all drug manufacturers gather and agree: with tomorrow we start acting like this. Of course, this is an ideal picture, but the journey begins with the first step.
    These are the first steps we took literally this week both in the field of patient association and in the field of pharmaceuticals, when we created the Pharmaceutical Market Standards Association.
    On Wednesday, a self-regulatory association of pharmacists "Standards of the Pharmaceutical Market" was created in Moscow - that's how it was called. Yury Sukhanov, member of the coordinating council, talks about its goals and objectives Russian Association pharmaceutical marketing. Yuri Vladimirovich, is the creation of an SRO for pharmaceuticals an order of the authorities or an initiative of the industry itself?

    Yuri Sukhanov: This is the need of the industry itself. Roughly speaking, if we do not regulate ourselves, then someone will regulate us. It's not a fact that it will be better.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: You work ahead of the curve.

    Yuri Sukhanov: On the one hand, we decided to create working conditions for ourselves, which, from their point of view of professionals, are the most adequate. On the other hand, fill this vacuum in the regulatory framework.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: Besides creating regulatory framework What other goals does this organization set for itself?

    Yuri Sukhanov: First of all, this is the transition to a civilized relationship between participants, the fight against counterfeiting, this is the elimination of unfair and including excessive competition, and, accordingly, ethical standards of behavior in the market. SRO claims that it will develop and establish rules on a nationwide scale. This is very important and helpful.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: That is, will there be such a moral code for the builder of pharmaceutical capitalism?

    Yuri Sukhanov: As a matter of fact, I cannot say that it will be such a public ministry of health. But something like such a workshop for professional manufacturers, for the entire chain of the pharmaceutical market, I think, will be built.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: How might that look? You said unfair competition. I imagined an alternative: what does conscientious mean? A person was prescribed Enap, then some manufacturer of, say, Ketarium says: oh, yes, yes, sorry, I'll move over, I won't pester that my drug is better.

    Yuri Sukhanov: You're right. The doctor's opinion must be respected, and the pharmacy should not replace the prescribed drug. As a matter of fact, the doctor himself should not prescribe something in which he has some kind of selfish interest, in no case. Producers must compete fairly among themselves.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: Don't bribe doctors.

    Yuri Sukhanov: Do not bribe doctors, of course. This is not allowed by law. Guaranteeing quality, including not trying to bring down prices on the market, harms everyone.

    Olga Beklemishcheva:
    And the last question. You spoke about the fight against counterfeiting. I immediately remembered that in the Leningrad region the workshop was closed, where, as it were, "Suprostin" in the form of chalk packaged in tons was shipped. How to deal with it? As a matter of fact, they would not be able to sell such quantities of counterfeit if it were not for some kind of agreement with pharmacies that took the counterfeit drug.

    Yuri Sukhanov: The chain can be so long that the pharmacy can honestly be mistaken. Because, as a rule, packages completely imitate original drugs. But in this case, the initiative of the SRO to introduce a single database, quantitative accounting of manufactured drugs will solve this problem.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: Such a common electronic base, where the series will be written, all the games, and the pharmacy can look?

    Yuri Sukhanov: Suddenly out of nowhere, suddenly appears out of nowhere, or duplicates well-known series, you can immediately figure out where it came from.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: Well, if pharmacists help pharmacies not to buy fakes, this will already be a great help to patients. And for the direct protection of patients, a patients' union was created on Friday that same week. One of the organizers, President of the League of Patients Alexander Saversky, tells about its goals.

    Alexander Saversky: The first goal that was achieved by the congress is to identify participants in the patient movement, in general, all active interested forces. Strange as it may seem, we managed to gather at the congress completely different forces, including insurers and medical associations. The declaration of the rights of Russian patients was adopted as a basis. It is a document that was created by us to remind the state and ourselves that we have rights. The declaration was based on the European Declaration on the Rights of Patients, but we added to it two more rights that are necessary for Russia - these are the rights of patients' relatives and the patient's right to protection. That is, in those situations when the patient is alone with his problems, there should be a protection mechanism - this is the health prosecutor's office, the Commissioner for Patients' Rights. And patient societies should have rights, in my opinion, no less than a society for the protection of consumer rights, whose rights are quite broad.
    Now we have a lot of work to do to coordinate those congress participants who have shown themselves and create a full-fledged patient movement.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: And if you remember how it all began, when they shied away from you personally and from the League of Patients, it was not so long ago, about 5-7 years ago.

    Alexander Saversky: And now they shy away. Because I take fairly tough, principled positions, it is they who, oddly enough, in the difficult conditions in which we find ourselves now, help to correctly evaluate some processes. Because it is necessary to look for something definite in chaos, and I try to be definite in my conclusions and assessments.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: What is the European experience in this matter, from the adoption of the declaration to the realization in life of the rights you claim?

    Alexander Saversky: In Russia, indeed, you are right, there is practically no such experience. As a rule, there are no declarations in the Russian legal field, there is only the experience of joining European international declarations, which, in fact, have force normative act simply because it is an interstate agreement. And Russia, when it joins, it becomes stronger than the constitution for Russia.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: But Russia has not joined the European declaration yet?

    Alexander Saversky: No. Here the situation is different, here we call on the state to base itself on the rights and principles that we declare in order to incorporate them into legislation and create appropriate legal norms. At the same time trying to call civil movement by joining the declaration, for example, medical organizations have already stated, the association of nurses, that they join the declaration and will use it in their work.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: Alexander Vladimirovich, here is a question: paying for expensive treatment according to the quotas of the Ministry of Health is a human right or is it a privilege that depends on the availability of funds in the budget, what do you think?

    Alexander Saversky: I must now say that there is a very serious attempt to reduce all legal problems to money. On the one hand, how else? If there is no money, then no one will do anything. The question is what is primary for us. Now for the state in all respects it becomes primary: if there is money - there will be chairs, if there is no money - there will be no chairs. As if this is partly correct, but on the other hand, it forms the mentality of the people. Because one of the great TV presenters just yesterday told me that a nurse of that still sourdough responds to any requests from medical personnel and patients, and young people come, they just won’t outdo them until you show them money. Of course, everything is so expensive. Because if we work only for money, and not to help each other sometimes, then yes, only money matters. But I grew up in a slightly different culture and I still, for example, prepared this congress, I have nothing in terms of money. And if I said about money, I don’t know what participation would cost, I wouldn’t spend it simply. That's it, that's how much it costs in this world. There are things that are priceless, health and life, they are priceless.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: However, you have to pay for them. The issue is still money.

    Alexander Saversky: Health and life are priceless. Therefore, no matter how much you pay, it will never be enough.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: And if there is nothing at all, but a person needs it?

    Alexander Saversky: This does not happen, there is nothing - this also does not happen. Because for ours with you medical care the state pays money. The question is what and how much, how it is spent. Here is the most main question. Because really today our health care does not know how much money we have in general and how it is used. This is the only truth that exists here, everything else is a myth and a bluff. My question is, how much money? - neither Zurabov could answer, nor Golikova has not answered so far.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: In relation to a particular patient, a person needs to be replaced hip joint, they tell him in the hospital: there are no quotas now.

    Alexander Saversky: He goes to the prosecutor's office, and immediately you have both quotas and joints.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: Are you sure?

    Alexander Saversky: Yes.

    Olga Beklemishcheva: So the main defender of patients is now the prosecutor's office. But let's hope that with the development of the Union of Patients, this role will be taken over by a public organization.

    Christina Gorelik: If the right to freedom of assembly is violated, the prosecutor's office will not help. On the 31st of every month, human rights activists take to the streets to draw attention to the 31st article of the Constitution, which specifically refers to the right of citizens to freedom of assembly. In many Russian cities, rallies and demonstrations are held on this day, which are severely suppressed by the authorities. One of the active participants in this protest movement, the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva, will talk about how Vladivostok reacts to all these events.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Vasily Avchenko - correspondent " Novaya Gazeta"in Vladivostok. Novaya Gazeta is known for its opposition, and its correspondents are appropriate. In general, journalists are people who are well-informed about life in their city. The correspondent of an opposition newspaper, of course, is primarily interested in the mood in society and their manifestations of protest. Here's about This is what we talked about in our conversation.

    Vasily Avchenko: We have recently opened a branch of Novaya Gazeta in Vladivostok, which has never happened before anywhere beyond the Urals, I work there. Vladivostok is a rather active city.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Have you been living in Vladivostok for a long time?

    Vasily Avchenko: I live in Vladivostok all my life, I just used to work in other local publications. Vladivostok is quite active in terms of protest actions and mass protests in general, if we compare it with neighboring cities. Traditionally, these were speeches of people in defense of the right rudder, in defense of the import of used cars from Japan. Over time, this point has outgrown from a narrow automotive, economic one, has already reached the political level, these requirements have begun to be perceived as political. The situation was especially aggravated in December 198, when a detachment of the Moscow region riot police "Zubr" was called in to disperse such an action, a peaceful meeting of citizens on the square. After that, several other public organizations were born. After that, such a backbone of protest was formed, there are several communists there, there are representatives of the recently created TIGR movement.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: How does this abbreviation stand for?

    Vasily Avchenko: Association of initiative citizens of Russia. And now these people regularly hold performances, they are not limited to cars or some other topic. They go out to general social things, from kindergartens to housing and communal services tariffs, and to political demands. At the beginning of this year, on January 31, Vladivostok joined the Strategy-31 for the first time. As far as I understand, this will continue, despite the fact that not many people know about Strategy-31 in the Far East.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Let me explain to radio listeners: "Strategy-31" is an action in defense of Article 31 of the constitution, which guarantees the right to peaceful rallies, demonstrations, pickets. What are the prospects for this movement in the Far East, Vasily?

    Vasily Avchenko: Information is gradually spreading, and this stock of protests is large, it seems to me that it is increasing now, which is to blame for such a short-sighted and stupid policy of our authorities, both local and federal. When a critical mass is reached, when our local authorities either receive some directives from Moscow or are simply frightened by the number of people who will take to the square, then perhaps there will be tougher measures. Because there are precedents when other actions, not according to "Strategy-31", they are constantly not coordinated, they are constantly declared unauthorized, police detachments are constantly sent.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: As for article 31 of the constitution, they probably have not heard yet?

    Vasily Avchenko: If everything goes the way it is, then, of course, there will be opposition to these initiatives too.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Did you participate in this picket yourself?

    Vasily Avchenko: I participated, yes.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: How many people were there?

    Vasily Avchenko: There were few people there - up to 50.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: What were the slogans?

    Vasily Avchenko: The slogans were different. In my opinion, "Let's defend Article 31 of the constitution", "Government resign" was the slogan. There were many.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Did you go out with posters?

    Vasily Avchenko: Yes, it was a picket, there were slogans, but there was no sound amplifying equipment.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: I know that on March 31 you also held a picket. May 31 also intend to leave?

    Vasily Avchenko: Yes, a notification has been submitted, I will return to Vladivostok and, of course, I will go to the square. There are many precedents. For example, at the beginning of last year there was such a poster "Putler kaput". The authorities became very excited about it, the prosecutor's office recognized it as illegal, it is no longer used. Although it is not clear what is illegal there. At first, our organizers tried to joke and say that Putler is such a car businessman whose business was covered up due to the increase in duties, so kaput came. But the prosecutors are people with a peculiar sense of humor, or sometimes without it, they broke through the entire base, it turned out that in Primorsky Krai there is not a single person with the surname Putler. They said that all the same, a hint of the prime minister is not good. They don't use it, others use it: "Vovochka, get out of class!", for example.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: And how does the prosecutor's office react to this?

    Vasily Avchenko: Not yet.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Are the people who are in defense of article 31 of the constitution, are they from any one organization?

    Vasily Avchenko: Of several political parties and movements from the National Bolsheviks to representatives of the right-wing parties, for example, Yabloko and the Communists with the TIGERS, they have a tandem, the Communists and the TIGERS, therefore they always go together, act in concert. Again, this is a subjective factor, I can’t say that the entire branch of the Communist Party that exists in Primorye, it’s all like that, there are one, two, three, four active people, everything rests on them. I think that Vladivostok will not stand aside. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod- these are the most important centers, but if you go further beyond the Urals, then Vladivostok is one of the politicized, active ones.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: How do you notify people about these rallies?

    Vasily Avchenko: The Internet, the potential of the Internet is very widely used. This is one audience. Leaflets are printed, they are distributed to people on the streets, pasted.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: And the authorities prevent it?

    Vasily Avchenko: Sometimes they try to interfere, but so far not very successfully. The police tried to detain the distributors of leaflets, but in my opinion, this case did not end with anything. Then, for example, before March 20, two pickets were announced to promote this action, to distribute leaflets, but they were denied approval. Well, then we will hold 20 pickets, but single ones.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: March 20 is the so-called Day of Wrath. Solitary pickets don't delay you?

    Vasily Avchenko: No, not yet. Sometimes there are cases of what is called lawlessness. But people are fighting, there is active people which decisions are defended, canceled. For example, on December 12 last year, on the day of the constitution, a motor rally was organized in defense of the constitution, they didn’t even let it start, the column was immediately blocked at the gas station, such Colonel Gusev, the deputy head of the city’s police department, was especially rampant, and articles were sewn on everyone. There is no such form to legitimize a car rally, there are processions, pickets and so on, there is no car rally. And everyone was given a demonstration that this was a demonstration. We requested a protocol and convicted in the magistrate's court, we managed to cancel it in the court of second instance, it was denied due to the lack of an event. That is, there was no participation in an illegal event, the event itself did not take place. Because they just really blocked it right away, they were already standing further, cursing with the police.

    Ludmila Alekseeva: Here is what I would like to note that along with demands to protect social and economic interests in Vladivostok, it has become customary to put forward civil rights demands in defense of the constitution, in defense of Article 31 of the constitution. This indicates the development of the Russian civil society which occurs despite very unfavorable conditions for this.

    Christina Gorelik: Civil society in the EU countries intends to fight for its right to lead healthy lifestyle life. Often, information about the contents of the product is written in small print, in the corner of the package.
    In June of this year, the European Parliament intends to consider the introduction of the so-called food traffic light in the EU - a special label with which the buyer can determine how useful a particular food product is. The forthcoming debate aroused particular interest in Germany, a country where a significant part of the population is experiencing problems with overweight. With details from Germany - Alexander Khavronin.

    Alexander Khavronin: City of Wangen, Bavaria. The local clinic Waldburg-Zeil treats children suffering from overweight. The course of therapy includes sports, as well as lessons proper nutrition. These classes take place in the hospital canteen. To understand what is good for health and what is not, the colors of the traffic light help: on the red shelves there are products with a high content of sugar and fat, and on the green ones, respectively, with a small one. Patients of the Waldburg-Zeil clinic say:

    Woman: Here, for the first time, I learned about what foods you can eat in unlimited quantities, and which ones you should refrain from.

    Woman: The administration of the clinic did the right thing by sorting the food items according to the colors of the traffic lights. It became easier to navigate. When I see red, I tell myself "stop!".

    Woman: If, for example, chocolate lies on a red shelf, then this does not mean at all that it cannot be touched. Just don't overeat.

    Alexander Khavronin: The head physician of the Waldburg-Zeil clinic, Dirk Dammann, has been working with overweight children for several years:

    Dirk Dammann: I recall the statement of the World Health Organization, which can be called harsh, but generally fair: if no action is taken, then the current young generation will be the first to die before their parents due to obesity.

    Alexander Khavronin: AT last years many doctors and consumer advocates are pushing hard for a "grocery traffic light" in Germany. Since such labeling of goods began to operate in the UK a few years ago, some food manufacturers in this country, in order to avoid the red mark, began to reduce the content of sugar and fat in them. In Germany, however, a complex designation system that is not clear to many consumers continues to operate: information about the contents of the product is written in small print, in the corner on the package. Representatives of the German Food Industry argue that introducing a "food traffic light" is not worth it: they say that the population of the country, frightened by the red marking of goods, will exclude important foods from their diet. nutrients. Representative of the German Compulsory Cash Association health insurance Gernot Kiefer disagrees with this point of view:

    Gernot Kiefer: With the help of the "product traffic light" people will be less likely to suffer from diabetes, as well as diseases of the muscles, bones, heart, blood vessels. Thus, it would be possible to save billions of euros annually, which are now spent on treatment.

    Alexander Khavronin: In March of this year, the initiative of doctors and human rights activists to introduce a "food traffic light" ended in failure: the European Parliament rejected the bill. A well-known and influential opponent of the "traffic light" is the German politician, Christian Democrat Renate Sommer, who holds the post of deputy chairman of the committee on ecology, health and food security in the European Parliament. Renate Sommer's arguments against the "food traffic light" are not much different from those used by representatives of the German food industry:

    Renate Sommer: It is of great concern that the introduction of food labeling based on three colors - red, yellow and green - can lead to malnutrition and malnutrition of the population.

    Alexander Khavronin: Many German doctors and consumer rights advocates fear that in June of this year the European Parliament will again, as in March, under the influence of the food lobby, refuse to introduce a "food traffic light" in the EU.

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