Medical center in Israel. Find out about the possibility of undergoing treatment in leading clinics in Israel. Features of the work of Israeli surgeons

We often don't realize how far modern medicine has come. Heart diseases, with which a person was doomed to a slow extinction, are cured in three days by the method of invasive cardiac surgery, diseases leading to the destruction of organs (joints, liver, kidneys, etc.), which were previously a sentence, are no longer a problem, because the affected organ can be replaced. Just think - after all, now more than 90% of children with blood cancer survive, and some 100 years ago, measles carried away more.

What makes treatment in Israeli clinics attractive for patients?

With all the advantages, modern medicine has a drawback, oddly enough, connected with these advantages in the most direct way: modern medicine is high-tech. An old doctor with a pipe and a suitcase, which contained a set of medicines for all occasions, does not have the ability to cure what modern doctors can handle, however, the funds necessary for this no longer fit in a suitcase. In other words, only high-tech clinics equipped with the latest medical science and in accordance with scientific and technological progress can provide everything necessary for the effective treatment of serious diseases that were considered incurable not so long ago.

It is not enough for doctors to get a good education, it needs to be constantly updated, because medicine does not stand still, every day brings discoveries, every day a small (and sometimes big!) step is taken towards overcoming pain and weakness. But this combination - a competent doctor and an equipped clinic - can offer the patient a lot. And it is this combination that characterizes Israeli clinics - it is not for nothing that Israel became a leader in medical tourism a few years ago, and since then it has not lost its positions.

How can a patient find out prices in Israeli hospitals?

Many patients from abroad are surprised to learn that it is not determined by the clinic itself, and is not set by its management. Prices for diagnostic and treatment procedures in all hospitals in Israel are the same and are controlled by the state. Moreover, this rule applies not only to public hospitals, but also to private medical centers. in private Israeli hospitals may differ from the cost in public clinics only due to a wider range of additional services, such as consultation with a world-class specialist in a subspecialty, increased comfort, etc.).

If you or your loved ones need medical care in the best hospitals in Israel, please contact us by filling out the online form. We will answer you as soon as possible and provide comprehensive information about treatment in Israel and its cost in relation to a specific diagnosis.

Rating of Israeli clinics according to patients

In Israel, healthcare has been a priority since the establishment of the state, state assistance consists not only in financing, but also in control (including price control), and in providing a visa-free regime for patients from many countries. Now the Israeli Ministry of Health also publishes an impartial rating of Israeli clinics, the criterion by which the clinic is evaluated is the quality of patient care.

It should be noted that the quality of care was determined by several parameters (for example, the speed of catheterization in stroke or the time of antibiotic administration after surgery for a hip fracture), and the rating was compiled separately for each of the parameters. This form turned out to be the most objective and honest, since Israeli clinics are all distinguished by a high level, and at the same time, each of them has its own specialization - an area in which the medical center is especially successful. For example, the Meir Medical Center is considered the best place for hysterectomy, the Sheba Clinic is known for its success in the treatment of cancer, and the Rambam Medical Center is one of the most advanced emergency and resuscitation centers in the Middle East, etc.

However, it was interesting to summarize all the data and determine the leader, and of course this was done based on the data provided by the Ministry of Health. The Adassah Clinic turned out to be such a leader.

Rating of the best clinics in Israel

Interestingly, the ranking of hospitals by the Israeli Ministry of Health led to a "side effect" - clinics began to strive to improve their performance. Thus, it is known that with a stroke it is critical that the patient receive specialized care during the first 3.5-4 hours after the stroke has occurred. Israeli doctors believe that stroke catheterization should be carried out in the first 90 minutes. In 2014, when this indicator began to be published when assessing the quality of medical care, it amounted to 68%, i.e. in 68% of cases, catheterization was actually performed within the first 90 minutes after the stroke. The following year, this figure was already 79%, and in 2016 - 86%. Of course, the rating is incomplete - only public (state) medical institutions took part in it, private clinics, although they are also controlled by the state, are not reflected in it.

Features of financing treatment in Israeli clinics

Another, this time conditional, rating can be considered the publication of data on the financial results of Israeli clinics serving patients from abroad. This is another, perhaps the most important confirmation that Israel is the world leader in medical tourism. In total, the annual profit from the treatment of foreign patients amounted to about $226 million, which is 60% higher than earlier figures.

It turned out that the most popular among foreign patients is, so to speak, the flagship of Israeli healthcare, the Sheba Tel-a-Shomer clinic. The annual profit of this hospital from medical tourism is now about 43 million dollars.

  1. Hospital "Sheba Tel-a-Shomer" (Ramat Gan) - $ 43 million;
  2. Ichilov Medical Center (Tel Aviv) – $35 million;
  3. Clinic "Beilinson" (Petah Tikva) - 13 million dollars;
  4. Rambam Medical Center (Haifa) – $9 million;
  5. Hospital "Asaf a-Rofe" (Beer Yaakov) - $ 6 million;
  6. Pediatrics Center "Schneider" (Petah Tikva) - 4.5 million dollars.

Despite a fairly lenient visa regime for foreign patients who come to Israel for a purpose, the Ministry of Health believes that overly strict border controls deprive the country of profits estimated at about $ 23 million. Note that citizens of Ukraine and Russia do not need visas to receive medical care in Israel.

Reviews of treatment in Israeli hospitals

It is easier to form an opinion about success not by dry statistics, but by reading the reviews of real people, those who preferred to be treated in Israel, and not in their native country for one reason or another.

So, treatment in Israel - patient reviews left on our website:

“In 2015, a disaster happened in our family, our daughter was diagnosed with a malignant uterus. The blow was all the stronger because ten years earlier she had already been treated for breast cancer, we only breathed a sigh of relief that the horror was over - and here is a new blow. Knowing firsthand about the treatment in domestic oncology, we decided to go to Israel, to the Ichilov clinic. The horror parted after a few days, Israeli doctors told us that there was no catastrophe, and the question of life and death was not even worth it, a definitely positive result, subject to immediate treatment. I can't tell you how important it was for me to hear this. What I want to say now, after some time has passed, when emotions have settled down: this is the medicine of the future. If there is a chance to pull a person out of the clutches of death, Israeli doctors will take advantage of it. The wonderful Ichilov saved us, the operation was successful and somehow imperceptibly, quickly and without suffering. The daughter received the treatment that was not available to us at home, and it's not about the price, but about the technology - that's why Israeli doctors can give guarantees, they rely not on chance, but on skill and experience. Thanks!"

Olga Dmitrievna K., Saratov

“The diagnosis of rectal cancer took me by surprise. The question of passage became acute. Having rushed about and studied the information on the Internet, I decided to go to Israel and be treated there. The prospect of spending the rest of my life as an invalid with fecal incontinence terrified me. I was treated at the Sheba clinic, it is considered one of the best in Israel, and in fact it is not a clinic, but a whole city. Here everything is done for people, everything is done to help them. The treatment helped me, now I am practically healthy. It is a pity that treatment of this level is not available here, and it is good that there is an opportunity to choose where to be treated.”

I. Gornostaev, Moscow

Priority destinations for Israeli hospitals

Medical tourists coming to Israel can be divided into 2 types:

  1. People who need a slight correction of their appearance, who want to undergo an examination, a preventive course, or get a wellness vacation.
  2. People with severe pathologies for whom it is vital to receive, for example, high-quality, or undergo rehabilitation after a serious injury.

Based on this, priority, i.e. The most popular destinations for medical tourists are:

  • Aesthetic medicine: plastic surgery, anti-aging therapy, dentistry, obesity treatment (including bariatric surgery);
  • Wellness holidays at the Dead Sea (especially in demand among patients suffering from psoriasis, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.);
  • Preventive diagnostics: general and specialized body examinations;
  • Oncology (especially oncourology, oncohematology, oncogynecology, childhood oncology);
  • Neurosurgery;
  • Orthopedics (endoprosthetics, spinal surgery);
  • Urology and Nephrology;
  • Surgery;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Rehabilitation.

It has already been mentioned above that, with a generally high level, some multidisciplinary medical centers have a certain specialization - the direction that is represented in this clinic by the most advanced methods. This is usually due to the fact that large Israeli medical centers are engaged not only in clinical practice, but are also the bases of research centers that develop one or another direction. Thus, the Ichilov Clinic is widely known in the scientific community as a center for the study of melanoma - a breakthrough has recently been made here in the treatment of this formidable disease, nicknamed the "queen of tumors". Sheba Clinic far beyond the borders of Israel has the glory of a leading cardio center, the country's first heart transplant was performed here, etc. Therefore, of course, the popularity ratings are rather conditional, but they are important not only for potential patients, but also for healthcare professionals themselves, because. allow you to impartially assess the activities of the clinic, identify weaknesses and strengths, thereby giving direction to efforts, because there is no limit to perfection.

Criteria for evaluating public clinics in Israel

Recently, the Ministry of Health conducted a survey among patients who were hospitalized in Israeli public medical centers. The subject of the survey was the quality of medical care provided by Israeli clinics. As a result, a rating of Israeli clinics was compiled, which helps patients who are preparing to undergo a course of treatment make a choice. Choosing a medical institution from the top 10 clinics in Israel, you can be sure of a high level of service.

500 patients were interviewed out of 11,099 Israelis admitted to public hospitals. There were six questions in total, selected by Ayelet Greenbaum-Arizon, head of the Department of Health Service Quality Assurance.

As a result of the survey, it was found that patients are most satisfied with the service in hospitals:

  1. "Beilinson" in Petah Tikva;
  2. Sheba in Tel Hashomer;
  3. as well as at the Carmel Medical Center in Haifa.
  4. After these medical institutions, in descending order, are:
  5. the Rambam Hospital in Haifa;
  6. HaEmek in Afula;
  7. Shaare Zedek in Jerusalem;
  8. "Maayaney Yehoshua" in Bnei Brak;
  9. Bnei Zion in Haifa.

The bottom positions are occupied by Laniado Hospital in Netanya and Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot.

This is the third consecutive year that such a survey has been conducted. Its results show that satisfaction with the quality of medical services is constantly growing, despite the fact that Israeli clinics are overcrowded and there are often not enough places.

Respondents were asked to rate Israeli government medicine on a 100-point scale.

Here are the average poll results:

  • the attitude of doctors and medical staff to patients - 84;
  • quality of medical care - 80;
  • providing explanations and information regarding treatment - 80;
  • continuity of service - 78;
  • general atmosphere - 76.

It should be noted that this year these figures are higher than in the past and the year before last.

According to the surveyed patients, the leading departments were surgical departments. They received a score of 80 points. The last places were occupied by registries and reception departments, which were rated at 69 points.

The best public hospitals in Israel

When choosing treatment abroad, you should pay attention to the rating of Israeli public clinics. The leading hospital is Beilinson. This is a multidisciplinary institution, the priority sectors of the hospital include oncology, neurosurgery, cardiology, traumatology, orthopedics, and transplantology.

The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Beilinson Hospital is known far beyond the borders of Israel as the largest. The hospital also houses such well-known medical institutions as the Institute of the Liver, the Clinic of Plastic Surgery, the Gerontology Clinic.

Another of the leading hospitals - "Sheba" is the largest medical institution in Israel. It not only treats over a million patients annually, but also conducts about a quarter of all medical research in Israel.

Priority areas of research at Sheba Hospital include genetics and oncogenetics, oncology, oncosurgery, cardiology, neurology, hemato-oncology, immunology, and stem cell therapy. Outstanding results have been achieved by the clinic's specialists in the study of diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, and neurodegenerative diseases.

The Carmel Medical Center also conducts active research work, and is also engaged in teaching activities on the basis of the well-known Israeli Technion Institute. The clinic has 30 departments, where up to 80 thousand patients are treated annually.

One of the leading Israeli clinics, Rambam, is known for using the most modern and effective methods of treating oncological diseases. Both Israeli citizens and patients from other countries are successfully treated here.

The clinic provides treatment with the latest techniques that require special permission from the national regulatory center. The Rambam clinic often helps even those patients whom doctors considered hopeless in their homeland.

The results of a survey of patients on the quality of medical services will allow clinics to identify weaknesses and further improve the level of service next year.

Patients from all over the world come to Israeli clinics to receive qualified care, including medical tourists from Russia, Europe and even the USA. This is due to the fact that the cost of treatment in the United States of America is many times higher, and the quality of services provided in Israel is no worse, and sometimes much better. According to statistics, some of them cost customers of local hospitals 7 times cheaper than in the US, and 3 times cheaper than in Germany.

For Russian citizens, a trip to the promised land is often the only way to improve their health, and in many cases, save the life of their own or their loved ones, trusting real professional doctors who put the health of their patient at the forefront.

Why do patients choose Israeli clinics for treatment?

Of the advantages of treatment in Israel, we should highlight the affordability of prices, high quality of services provided, comfortable conditions for staying in a hospital and Russian-speaking staff, which is also important for our compatriots.

State and private clinics in Israel have the most modern medical and laboratory equipment, with which it is possible to establish the cause of the development of pathology, restore health, and sometimes save the life of foreign citizens who have applied for help.

For those who are faced with the problem of choosing a medical institution in this country, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our rating of world-renowned Israeli clinics.

Assuta Private Clinic in Israel

One of the largest medical facilities in the country. The center has the following departments:


For the treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and other diseases of the nervous system, the clinic uses advanced techniques and cutting-edge equipment.

cardiac surgery

The Assuta clinic in Israel performs the most complex cardiac surgeries, including those on a beating heart.


According to patients, it was in the Israel Assuta clinic that they were correctly diagnosed and the most adequate therapy was prescribed;


The department carries out diagnostics of blood diseases and their subsequent treatment.


The institution tops the list of the best oncology clinics in Israel. It is in this hospital that oncosurgeons practice robotic surgical interventions using the Nano-Knife technology.

Patients are expected by the attentive attitude of the staff, comfortable single rooms and even an individual menu.

The official website of the Assuta clinic contains contacts of four major hospitals and three medical centers where patients can seek help.

Ichilov Clinic (Tel Aviv)

Ichilov State Hospital, also known as Sorasky Medical Center, is located in Tel Aviv. It is one of the three largest Israeli clinics and leads the list of medical facilities most popular among medical tourists outside of Israel. is a national-scale complex with hospital buildings and comfortable hotels for accommodation of Israelis and foreign citizens who came for treatment from other cities.

The hospital enjoys an impeccable reputation, providing numerous visitors with a wide range of treatment services:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Oncological diseases (cancer treatment is one of the strongest activities of the hospital);
  • neurological diseases;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Hereditary (genetic) diseases;
  • Urological diseases;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Ophthalmic diseases;
  • Orthopedic diseases;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Separately, we note that the Ichilov medical institution is the leader in the TOP ratings of Israeli oncology clinics!

Departments, reproductive medicine, and equipped with the latest technology. Doctors practice advanced technologies and new therapeutic techniques. They regularly exchange professional experience with foreign colleagues and conduct their own scientific research.

This clinic has established itself as one of the best in Israel for treatment. The department has the latest robotic systems that can be used to perform minimally invasive surgical interventions by puncturing with a diameter not exceeding 2.5 centimeters. The Ichilov-Sourasky Clinic is also one of the best ophthalmological clinics not only in Israel, but throughout the world.

According to the information indicated on the official website of the Ichilov hospital, patients from other countries can come to Israel under a simplified procedure and receive a full range of qualified services with accompaniment directly during the course of therapy and upon its completion, up to complete recovery.

You can learn more about how to get treatment in Ichilov-Soraski by calling the numbers listed on our website. Or by emailing us /

Hadassah Clinic

One of the oldest public institutions in the country. Thanks to the specialists of the Department of Oncology, modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, the hospital has been a leader in the ranking of the best clinics in Israel for many years. As the largest hospital in Jerusalem, as well as the clinical base of the Medical Faculty of the Hebrew University, the doctors of the hospital practice the most advanced methods of treatment, while using the latest technology.

The official website of the Hadassah Clinic in Israel contains complete information about specialized units, including a geriatric rehabilitation center, blood and skin banks, gene therapy and neuro-oncology centers, as well as a mother and child center.

Sheba Clinic (Tel Aviv)

The hospital, which bears the name of Professor Chaim Sheba, who was its founder and first director, was originally built in Israel as a military hospital. But over time, the leadership decided to complete the construction of new specialized centers and research institutes for the treatment of not only army employees, but also civilians and foreign medical tourists.

According to reviews, the Sheba State Clinic in Israel is one of the best medical complexes in the Middle East region. And it is the largest, with more than two thousand beds in clinical and rehabilitation hospitals.

Laboratories are equipped with high-precision equipment for the detection and treatment of:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the blood, as well as the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • Diseases of the bone marrow;
  • Onco-hematological diseases;
  • Infertility problems.

Specialists of the Sheba State Hospital in Israel carry out rehabilitation activities for people who have received severe injuries and undergone complex surgical operations.

On the territory of the Sheba clinic in Israel, there is also the Safra Children's Medical Center, where professional hematologists, neurosurgeons, cardiac surgeons and other world-famous specialists are ready to help young patients.

Rambam clinic in Israel

The public hospital is one of the oldest and largest in the country. It is located on the territory of the resort town of Haifa and includes more than 70 narrow-profile medical and diagnostic departments, which can accommodate more than 1000 patients at the same time.

The Rambam clinic in Israel successfully treats vascular and oncological diseases. Specialists perform invasive and minimally invasive surgical interventions, relieve pericardial disease and eliminate pathologies of the atrioventricular septum, as well as restore the health of patients who have suffered heart attacks and strokes.

The clinic in Israel Rambam, according to information from the official website, is one of the top three hospitals in the country in terms of the quality of services provided.

Herzliya Clinic (Israel)

It is the leading private clinic in Israel, holding top positions in official rankings since its inception. It offers its patients the most comfortable conditions of stay with wards, the windows of which have access to the Mediterranean Sea.

On the territory of a private multidisciplinary center, oncological, neurological and cardiological diseases of any degree of complexity are treated. Cardiologists use the latest technology in cardiac surgery, including bioresorbable stenting. Also, the medical center conducts outpatient surgeries and procedures for the treatment of disorders of the urological, orthopedic and reproductive nature. In principle, the main purpose of the medical center is to establish itself as a major center of surgery. On the basis of this center, many major specialists from public hospitals, who receive here privately, operate.

Schneider Medical Center

Founded in 1992, funded by both government agencies and private investors, the largest medical center for the treatment of children is the only specialized children's clinic in Israel and the Middle East as a whole. It is noteworthy that all the wards are decorated in a playful style with an abundance of toys and colored furniture so that little patients do not experience the stress of being in a medical institution.

The official website of the Schneider clinic in Israel lists the areas of medicine in which specialists can provide highly qualified assistance in diagnosing and getting rid of:

  • oncological diseases;
  • Hematological diseases, including hemoblastoses;
  • Orthopedic diseases;
  • Ophthalmic diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • hearing problems
  • Cardiological diseases;

The ophthalmology department in Schneider in Israel is known even outside the country, but the specialization of the medical center is much wider. Here, not only vision is restored to children, but also hearing, placing implants even for those babies who have congenital pathologies.

Clinic Wolfson (Israel)

A large regional hospital provides patients with diagnostic, outpatient and inpatient treatment services in departments equipped with modern equipment.

The Wolfson clinic in Israel has everything you need to perform complex orthopedic surgeries for the treatment of the spine and joint replacement.

Matzpen Clinic in Israel

A specialized private medical institution specializing in relieving patients of various addictions of a psychological and physical nature. This is the best narcological clinic in Israel, where patients receive highly qualified assistance in comfortable conditions. It is noteworthy that the hospital management cares about the privacy of its clients by not disclosing their names.

Psychiatric departments are also open on the territory of this Israeli clinic, where neurological and mental disorders are successfully treated.

When pathology is detected, many people seek help in medical institutions of their own country, but not all domestic hospitals are equipped with the necessary equipment, and specialists do not have sufficient experience. For this reason, one has to pay attention to foreign medical institutions, and in particular to Israeli clinics.

Medicine in Israel has become affordable for citizens of Russia and other CIS countries due to the best prices, high quality service and simplification of the border crossing procedure. We are always ready to help you, please contact us for any questions related to treatment in Israel.

There are 373 hospitals in Israel scattered throughout the country - from Nahariya in the north to Eilat in the south - 46 general clinics, about 300 hospitals for the treatment of chronic and elderly patients, 13 psychiatric and 2 rehabilitation centers.
The largest multidisciplinary leading clinics in Israel are mainly located in the center of the country, all large cities have several hospitals. For example, Tel Aviv has nine major hospitals, Jerusalem has five major hospitals.

The Izmed Coordinating Center organizes treatment in the best clinics in the central part of Israel, which are able to provide any type of treatment at the level of high international standards. Central hospitals in Israel tend to be better equipped than peripheral ones, have a strong research and development base, world-renowned doctors in the state, and they are the preferred place for treatment of most foreign patients.

What Israeli clinics can offer to foreign patients

In Israeli medical institutions, foreign patients are treated on the same basis as Israelis, despite the fact that the cost of treatment for foreigners is 40-50% higher than for Israeli citizens. This ensures the equality of all patients, regardless of how much someone paid. Medical tourists who have organized their own treatment, occupy the general queues for diagnostics, surgical operations, and therefore the time spent in a foreign country becomes very expensive for them. The problem of queues is solved by cooperation with medical providers who organize treatment in Israeli clinics in a shorter time.

The best hospitals in Israel are most in demand among Americans, for whom treatment here is sometimes half the price than in the United States and citizens of the CIS countries who rely on better treatment than in their homeland.

Some hospitals have an international level of JCI accreditation, which is very reputable in medical tourism. Today, JCI has seven clinics in the country, among which the Assuta Private Medical Center, the Schneider Children's Hospital, the Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center, and 6 more clinics are at certain stages of obtaining accreditation.

Choosing a hospital in Israel depending on the disease

Choosing a clinic with our help will help you get rid of the exhausting search for the right and best clinic, save you unnecessary expenses and save time, and most importantly, ensure the best treatment result.

The fact is that, despite the versatility, all clinics in Israel have a certain specialization in which they are especially strong. This specialization is not written on the facade of the clinic, but can be traced in the areas of scientific activity, in the level of qualification of specialized doctors, in the accumulated experience in the treatment of a particular disease.

Depending on the specific disease, Izmed recommends to its patients a clinic in Israel that has experience and all the possibilities for the treatment of this particular disease. Unlike international departments of hospitals, we are not bound by obligations to one clinic, but work in the interests of the patient, therefore we can choose the most optimal treatment option for you, taking into account your wishes and financial capabilities.

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Which is better - public or private clinics in Israel?

Almost all hospitals in Israel are owned by the state and the Clalit Health Insurance Fund, and a few are privately owned. It is impossible to say unequivocally which hospitals are better - public or private, it all depends on the needs of the patient.

Private clinics have a higher level of comfort, they can offer you a ward that looks like a five-star hotel room, they have fewer queues, since their services are somewhat more expensive than public clinics, many well-known doctors in Israel work in them in private practice.

But in private clinics they do not perform neurological examinations, they do not operate on children with severe pathologies. All the necessary conditions for this have only public hospitals in Israel. Large public hospitals in Israel are not only medical institutions, but also research, university centers that advance medical science.

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The best clinics in Israel

We present you a list of the best, in our opinion, hospitals in Israel that deserve the attention of foreign patients.

Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center recognized as one of the most successful in the field. It is the second largest clinic in Israel with over 6,000 staff members. In the structure of the center there are well-known hospitals in Israel: Beilinson, Golda Hasharon, Schneider Children's Hospital.
More than 70% of all liver and kidney transplants are performed annually at the Rabin Medical Center.

Clinic Asaf ha Rofé- Another Israeli clinic, widely known throughout the world. It is located in the very center of the country, just 30 minutes drive from Jerusalem, and no more than 15 km from Ben Gurion Airport, located in the vicinity of Tel Aviv. This hospital employs the best specialists in the country in the field of gynecology (in particular, artificial insemination and infertility treatment), orthopedics and plastic surgery. In addition to the fact that this medical center is included in the list of the best clinics in Israel, Asaf ha Rofé is a university hospital - many of the specialists working in this clinic are engaged in research activities and conduct international research projects.

Sourasky Medical Center, until 1973 it was called Ichilov, which was preserved for one of the hospitals of the center - another medical institution belonging to the best clinics in Israel. Located in Tel Aviv. It is sometimes called an entire medical city. About 4,000 specialists work here, of which more than a hundred professors and 15 academicians. There are 20 laboratories in Ichilov, the equipment in which allows for the most accurate research and diagnosis of a variety of diseases. The equipment and technologies here are the most modern of those offered by Israel today. Medical institutions of such a level as Ichilov provide top-level treatment in Israel. A few years ago, Ichilov even entered the top ten best clinics in the world.

Dana Duek Children's Hospital- a structural subdivision of Ichilov. He deals with the treatment of all diseases in children. It has a strong department of pediatric oncology and oncohematology, a center for the treatment of cerebral palsy. Recently, it opened a center for the treatment of congenital skeletal pathologies in children.

Clinic Assuta- the largest private clinic in Israel, known far beyond its borders. It is the country's leading hospital in the field of surgery for various diseases and pathologies. Many well-known Israeli doctors operate here in private practice, access to them in Assuta is more real than in public clinics, where they hold high positions. In terms of the cost of services, this is an expensive hospital, but it is preferred by many foreigners, especially from Western Europe and the United States.

- the largest public hospital in Israel, which has international accreditation. Many well-known Israeli doctors work here, about 100 of them are on the Forbes list. This is a very popular hospital among Israelis, which is why there are often long lines here. The cost of hospital services is higher than in Asaf ha Rofé and Ichilov.

Ramat Aviv- a private modern clinic specializing in general surgery, gastroenterology, radiotherapy and cosmetology. Moderately priced, good service.
Meir- a clinic owned by the Clalit Health Insurance Fund, specializing in urology, gynecology, pulmonology. Has international accreditation, Prices are higher than the average for the country.

Schneider- the largest children's multidisciplinary clinic in the Middle East, which deals with all known diseases in children, including oncology, hematology, neurosurgery. Children of all ages are treated here, including newborns. Patients from all over the world come here, as this clinic is a leader in many areas of pediatrics.

Israeli clinics - prices

The pricing policy of Israeli hospitals, although under state control, is determined by the medical institution itself. There is a price list for medical services from the Ministry of Health, but it is advisory in nature. Clinics have been granted a certain financial independence, which has benefited them, allowed them to accumulate funds and spend them on upgrading equipment and improving the quality of service. And medical tourists are an additional source of income for both public and private clinics, hospitals are interested in them, but do not have the right to give them benefits, so foreigners are treated with Israelis on a common basis, although they pay much more for treatment ..

In terms of the cost of services, public clinics are more liberal, private ones - Assuta and even more so Herzliya, are distinguished by higher prices, but are able to provide a higher level of comfort, the right to choose a doctor, and the absence of queues.

We organize treatment in Israeli clinics at the official prices of hospitals and our participation will help you save money. We will select a more profitable treatment option, organize procedures in several medical institutions, and ensure that there are no queues. As official representatives of many hospitals, sometimes we are able to provide better conditions than the clinics themselves, as well as provide many other services.

Medical tourism is a combination of rest and treatment abroad. In recent years, this direction in tourism has shown rapid growth, namely 10% per year, which is twice as high as the growth of all areas of tourism in general. According to forecasts, by 2017 the global medical tourism market will reach the amount of 678.5 billion dollars, which will account for 16% of the total tourism market. Treatment abroad is popular both in countries with developed medicine and in those countries where the level of medicine leaves much to be desired. For example, in the USA, despite the high level of medical care, the prices for treatment are exorbitant, so many US citizens prefer to undergo treatment in other countries where the level of medicine is not worse, and the prices are several times lower. In Russia and other countries of the former USSR, the main problem is the quality of medical care, which is still far from world standards, so both celebrities and ordinary people quite often prefer to undergo treatment, undergo surgery, and even just give birth to a child in countries such as Israel or Germany. Israel is especially popular among the inhabitants of the countries of the former USSR, only from Russia about 25 thousand people go there for treatment a year. Such popularity is due to the fact that Israel is one of the world leaders in the field of medicine, especially in surgery and in vitro fertilization (IVF), while the cost of treatment in Israel is lower than in Germany and many other European countries, and when compared with the United States , then the difference is even more noticeable: for some types of services, Israel is 7 times cheaper than the United States. In addition, for Russians, treatment and recreation in Israel are comfortable because, thanks to the large number of immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, Israel has no shortage of Russian-speaking medical personnel and tourism workers in general. We should not forget about the healing water of the Dead Sea, on the banks of which there are many medical centers.

Those who are thinking about undergoing treatment in Israel or another country will inevitably face the choice of a suitable clinic, specialists, the collection of necessary documents for treatment, and the issuance of a medical visa (if required). You can deal with this issue on your own, but it is better to entrust these preparatory procedures to professional intermediaries, especially considering that such services will be free for the patient, because. intermediary companies receive commissions directly from the clinics, while for the patient the price does not change, regardless of whether he applied to the clinic directly or through an intermediary company. One of the leading intermediary companies in Russia is DocLand. The site provides data on more than 260 clinics and more than a thousand doctors in Israel, Germany, Poland, Spain, South Korea, and India. Based on hundreds of patient reviews, as well as the availability of various medical certificates, DocLand publishes ratings of the best clinics and doctors in different countries, which can be contacted through the website.

10th place. Shaare Zedek Medical Center(Jerusalem) - a ten-story medical complex with the following medical capabilities: tomography scanning a beating heart in HD resolution, allowing doctors to detect heart defects at an early stage of their development, implantation of an aortic valve through the femoral artery. The clinic has a state-of-the-art neonatal intensive care unit. Also in this clinic is the only MRI machine for babies in Israel. Every year, about 250 thousand Israelis and citizens of foreign countries are treated in Shaare Zedek, 20 thousand of the most complex operations are performed.
Leading areas of the clinic: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology.

9th place. Edith Wolfson State Hospital(Holon). This clinic has been a leading medical center in Israel since 1980. Today, there are 60 multidisciplinary departments and subdivisions, as well as the Institute of Plastic Surgery and the Center for Voice and Speech. All of them are equipped with the latest technology. Every year, more than 120,000 Israelis and foreigners seek help from the doctors of the clinic. The Edith Wolfson hospital has a capacity of 700 beds, including an additional 460 beds for patients requiring single procedures.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, diagnostics, phlebology.

8th place. Meir Medical Center(Kfar Saba). Meir Medical Center was founded in 1956. It is accredited by JCI and is part of the largest Israeli medical network "Clalit" (unites 14 of the best hospitals in the country). Almost all doctors of the Meir organization have different academic degrees and successfully combine clinical practice with scientific activities. They operate on more than 20,000 patients per year. Many of the staff oversee top Israeli athletes, including the Olympic team. Thanks to their professionalism, the Meir Clinic was named the best in 2007-2011.
Among the priority areas of the organization: gastroenterology, oncology, spinal surgery, orthopedics, nephrology, maxillofacial surgery and radioisotope medicine.

7th place. Clinic Schneider- Children's Hospital (Petah Tikva). It is the largest and most modern children's hospital in the Middle East. Children from all over the world receive treatment here. The doctors of the institution work in such areas as transplantation of internal organs / tissues, pediatric oncology, surgery, cardiology and immunology. Also in the hospital "Schneider" innovative methods of treatment of diabetes are used. For accurate and fast correct diagnoses, advanced computer imaging methods are used. After therapy, small patients can undergo a rehabilitation course that will help them return to their usual way of life in a record short period of time. The wards at the Schneider Hospital are decorated in such a way that they resemble cozy children's rooms. Each of them has a separate bed for the parent so that he can be next to the child throughout the course of treatment.

6th place. Ichilov Sourasky Medical Center(Tel Aviv). It is Israel's main public hospital, treating more than 400,000 local residents and the same number of foreign patients every year.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, IVF, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, plastic surgery, dentistry, transplantology.

5th place. Psychological center Matspen(Tel Aviv). This is a private medical institution that identifies and treats various types of neurological and mental disorders, psychological and physical addictions. The treatment of dependent people is carried out here confidentially.

4th place. Ramat Aviv Medical Center(Tel Aviv). Since 2003, it has been owned by Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov. Service in "Ramat Aviv" is carried out at the VIP-class level, so most of the organization's patients are wealthy individuals who prefer to be treated in the most comfortable conditions.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, diagnostics.

3rd place. Melanoma Unit Clinic(Tel Aviv). It is one of the subdivisions of the Assuta private clinic, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma (skin oncology).

2nd place. Hadassah Medical Center(Jerusalem) - honorary member of the American Hospital Association (American Hospital Association), nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The center is known throughout the world for a large number of ongoing medical research and unique discoveries. The country's first child conceived by IVF was born here, and the first coronary double bypass surgery and transplantation of the cardiopulmonary complex were performed here. The clinic performed the world's first hip arthroplasty.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, cardiology and cardiac surgery, hematology and oncohematology, neurology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, urology and nephrology, sexually transmitted diseases, dentistry, neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology.

1 place. Clinic Assuta(Tel Aviv). This is the largest private clinic in Israel. It was the first in the country to be accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI). Every year, the Assuta clinic treats several hundred thousand patients from around the world, performs about 85,000 surgeries and more than 650,000 diagnostic tests. Everyone who comes here has the right to choose their own doctor. Among the most advanced equipment used in the Assuta clinic is the surgical robot Da Vinci Surgical System, which allows performing the most complex surgical operations at the highest level. In the hospital, all patients are accommodated in comfortable single rooms, where there are all amenities. The menu is available to choose from.
The clinic received exceptionally positive feedback from patients, and spinal surgeon Ilya Pekarsky, who works at the Assuta clinic, is currently the leader in the ranking of the best doctors in Israel on the website.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurology, IVF, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, transplantology, neurosurgery.

Every year, about 33,000 patients from around the world come to Israel for specialized treatment, complex operations, and comprehensive diagnostics. More than 80% of them are citizens of the countries of the post-Soviet space.

List of clinics in Israel and selection

All directions Allergology and pulminology Venereology Gastroenterology Hematology Genetics Gerontology and geriatrics Gynecology Dermatology Infectology Cardiology Neurology Neurosurgery Nephrology Oncology Orthopedics Otolaryngology Ophthalmology Pediatrics Plastic surgery Psychiatry Urology IVF and infertility treatment Endocrinology

All cities Tel Aviv Jerusalem Haifa Bnei Brak Beer Yaakov Afula Ashdod Ashkelon Beer Sheva Herzliya Kfar Saba Nahariya Netanya Petah Tikva Raanana Ramat Gan Rehovot Rishon Lezion Tiberias Hadera Holon Safed Eilat

Assuta is located in Tel Aviv. It is the undisputed leader, invariably occupying the first line of the list of private clinics in Israel. This is the largest medical institution equipped with state-of-the-art world-class equipment. It provides unique diagnostics and treatment of various cardiological, neurosurgical, gynecological, urological and other diseases.

City: Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod, Beer Sheva, Raanana, Rishon Lezion

Located in the vicinity of Tel-a-Shomer. He specializes in cardiology, oncological genetics, surgery and artificial insemination. Sheba has four specialized hospitals, hundreds of clinics and scientific laboratories.


City: Ramat Gan

Located in Haifa. It is Israel's leading clinic in the field of emergency medical care and one of the world's centers of traumatology. Main areas of activity: cardiology, vascular surgery, artificial insemination, plastic surgery.


City: Haifa

The second largest medical center in Israel, located in the center of Tel Aviv. Its distinguishing feature is the broadest specialization. More than eight hundred doctors - leading specialists and practicing professors of world renown.


City: Tel Aviv

Hadassah - the clinic belongs to the most authoritative medical centers in Israel, which have received recognition around the world. It provides comprehensive treatment of diseases using cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. Hadassah includes two campuses:
Hadassah Ein Kerem - located on the outskirts of Jerusalem;
Hadassah Har HaTzofim is located on Mount Scopus.

City: Jerusalem

Herzliya Medical Center

Herzliya Medical Center is located in Herzliya, off the Mediterranean coast. It is the only private clinic that has received a special license to perform open heart surgery, almost transplant and neurosurgical operations. Patients are offered all types of open and minimally invasive surgical interventions.

City: Herzliya

Ramat Aviv

Ramat Aviv is one of the largest medical centers. The highest quality of service, ultra-modern equipment, exceptional qualifications of specialists allowed the center to win the trust of the Ministry of Health.

City: Tel Aviv

Schneider is a children's medical center located in Petah Tikva. This is the national center of oncology, endocrinology, hematology, childhood diabetes. It is the leading clinic in Israel in the field of heart, bone marrow, kidney, liver transplantation.


City: Petah Tikva

Elisha is located in Haifa. It is a multidisciplinary hospital equipped with the latest medical equipment. Collaborates with the best specialists. Elisha is one of the best medical institutions providing services to patients from other countries. All medical documentation is provided in Russian. During the implementation of the medical program, constant support by Russian-speaking employees is provided.

City: Haifa

Located in Petah Tikva. Includes two multidisciplinary hospitals: Beilinson and Khasharon. More than 30,000 operations are performed within the walls of the center every year. In addition to numerous departments of various profiles, the structure also includes independent medical units:
Helen Schneider is a gynecological hospital, the largest center for women's reproductive health.
Davidov is an innovative oncology center specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of oncological diseases.
Felsenstein - is the basis for the implementation of medical research.
Recanati is a center specializing in hereditary pathologies.


City: Petah Tikva


includes 60 departments of various directions. The hospital uses innovative methods of diagnostics and treatment in the field of cardiology, orthopedics, neurology, hemato-oncology, and arthroscopic surgery.


City: Holon (near Tel Aviv)

Shaare Zedek

Shaare Zedek - located in a beautiful area of ​​Jerusalem. The clinic is one of the best Israeli hospitals. More than 500 unique heart surgeries are performed here using the latest advances in medicine. The Center for Experimental Oncology specializes in the development of new drugs and cancer treatments. One of the priority areas is oncogynecology.

City: Jerusalem

Khoreev is a general medical center located in Haifa. Known for its highly qualified specialists and the use of the most modern medical equipment. All types of medical services for adults and children are provided.


City: Haifa

Carmel - located in Haifa, in an Italian hospital. One of the best Israeli clinics. Provides a full range of medical services. There is a diagnostic institute in Carmel, where all types of X-ray, laboratory and isotope studies are carried out.


City: Haifa

Located in Beer Sheva, it is one of the largest and most advanced clinics in Israel, offering services at the highest international standards.


City: Beersheba

Bnei Zion

Located in Haifa, known as the Rothschild Hospital. 1600 employees of the medical center are representatives of different nationalities and confessions. Particular attention is focused on the rehabilitation of such areas as orthopedics, neurology, cardiology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy. There is a department of pediatric surgery.


City: Haifa

hillel yaffe

The clinic is located in Hadera, between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Known for its research and educational activities, training of new specialists. Serves more than 70 patients daily. The hospital has a trauma center of a very high professional level.


City: Hadera

Located in Nahariya, it is the largest multidisciplinary medical institution in the Galilee, serving more than 600,000 residents of the region. It has underground stationary premises to ensure the safety of patients and employees in case of hostilities. On the basis of the hospital, active research and teaching activities are carried out with the participation of medical students.


City: Nahariya

Located in Safed, Northern Galilee. Designed for 300 seats. The high professionalism of the staff, the latest equipment provide a good examination and treatment at the level of international standards. Directions of the clinic: orthopedics, vascular surgery, cardiology, invasive cardiology, oncology.


City: Safed

Baruch Padé Poria Medical Center

Poriya is located near Tiberias. It is one of the first medical institutions in Israel to receive the American JCI standard. Patients are offered services in all areas of medicine, except for neurosurgery and breast surgery.


City: Tiberias

The Barzilai Medical Center is located in Ashkelon. It is one of the leading institutions in Israel serving approximately 500,000 people. Barzilai is world renowned as the center where the innovative experimental method was first applied.


City: Ashkelon

Asaf HaRofe

Asaf HaRofe - located in the cities of Beer Yaakov and Rishon Lezion, 15 km from Tel Aviv. Received the name in honor of the legendary scientist of antiquity - the author of the oath of Jewish doctors. It is a leader among Israeli clinics in the field of cardiology, plastic cardiology and orthopedics. Organ transplants are being performed. The center provides almost all types of medical services. Comprehensive diagnostics takes only 4 hours.


City: Ber-Yakov

Geha Mental Health Center (Gea)

Gea - a psychiatric hospital, also located in Petah Tikva. It is a leading diagnostic, treatment, consulting and research center in psychiatry. There are children's and adult sections. Known for having the lowest patient return rate in Israel.


City: Petah Tikva

Beit Rivka

Beit Rivka is a rehabilitation center with 268 beds. Its main focus is geriatrics, but the center also deals with rehabilitation after orthopedic operations, with diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems. In addition to Hebrew, communication with patients is also conducted in English, Russian, and Arabic.


City: Petah Tikva

It is the largest medical center in the northeastern part of the country, serving more than half a million patients a year. In recent years, new buildings have been built, new departments have been opened, the latest equipment has been purchased, thanks to which medical care has risen to a qualitatively new level.


City: Afula

Meir - a medical center, one of the largest in the country, is located in Kfar Saba. It is a complex of clinics equipped with the latest technologies. High-class professionals work in Meir. The oncology department is the only one in the country where treatment is carried out through radiation therapy.


City: Kfar Saba

Kaplan is located in Rehovot. It provides inpatient and outpatient treatment, services in the field of emergency medicine. In the cardiology department, you can undergo the most advanced medical and diagnostic procedures. Complicated heart surgeries are performed. The clinic has an intensive care unit for premature babies.


City: Rehovot

Yitzhak Levinstein Hospital is Israel's largest rehabilitation center for diseases and injuries. Patients with stroke, severe trauma, post-traumatic stress syndrome, brain and spinal cord injuries, etc. can receive help here.


City: Raanana, Tel Aviv

Yoseftal Hospital - located in Eilat, on the Red Sea. Given the large number of tourists who come here for diving, the center has the necessary equipment for first aid and treatment of various consequences of diving to depth (decompression sickness, etc.)


City: Eilat

Laniado (Sanz Medical Center Laniado Hospital) - is the only hospital in the northern part of the country - Netanya. In fact, this is a complex of medical institutions, including university research laboratories, nursing schools. Since recently, the Department of Oncology has been operating in Laniado, providing all services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a wide variety of oncological diseases.

City: Netanya

Italian Hospital Haifa

The Italian hospital Haifa is one of the oldest Israeli hospitals and operates under the protection of the Vatican. The hospital employs very high-level specialists who have undergone training in the USA and Italy. The clinic is equipped with the latest equipment for diagnosis and treatment. In addition to outpatient and inpatient departments, there is a hospice for seriously ill patients with oncology.

City: Haifa

Bikur Holim

Bikur Holim is the oldest clinic founded about 200 years ago in Jerusalem. Today it is a multidisciplinary medical institution. The main pride of the center's specialists is emergency assistance: they repeatedly had to rescue victims of terrorist attacks. The second main direction of the clinic is the nursing of premature babies.

City: Jerusalem

Maanei HaYeshua Hospital Bnei Brak

Maanei ha Yeshua - located in Bnei Brak. The equipment used in the center is constantly being improved. New branches are opening, existing ones are expanding. Recently, the surgical department has been technologically modernized, maternity and geriatric departments have appeared.

City: Bnei Brak

General information about Israeli clinics

Equipped with the latest in medical technology, with an individual approach to each patient, Israeli clinics may well claim to be a model of modern medical facilities. The standard approach to treatment for Israeli specialists is unacceptable: an individual program is developed for each patient, taking into account health indicators and body characteristics. Most clinics offer services in all areas of medicine, however, each of them has its own strengths.

There are 259 clinics and hospitals in the country. 48 of them are general hospitals, the remaining 211 are pediatric centers, geriatric and rehabilitation centers and other medical institutions.

Why Israel?

Today, Israeli medicine offers patients almost the entire range of services: conservative and surgical treatment, diagnostic tests, and rehabilitation assistance. Why are more patients choosing this country?

  1. The exceptional effectiveness of treatment in hospitals and medical centers in Israel has become possible thanks to a deeply thought-out policy of the state and private support. The activities of all medical institutions are under state control.
  2. The high professionalism of Israeli specialists is recognized all over the world. Many of them have repeatedly received the highest international awards. The vast experience of doctors guarantees the success of the treatment of diseases of various profiles.
  3. A good examination is one of the most important components of successful treatment. Diagnostic studies in all clinics and other medical institutions in Israel are carried out using advanced technologies, which guarantees their maximum accuracy.
  4. Treatment is carried out in compliance with international standards. It is based on the latest advances in physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, medical technology, evidence-based medicine, etc. Israeli medicine is considered one of the most progressive in the world in the field of studying and applying the latest technologies and methods of treatment.
  5. Scientific achievements and developments of Israeli specialists (the latest types of therapy, endovascular, balloon angioplasty) are widely used in a number of other countries.
  6. On the basis of large Israeli medical institutions, there are research centers, laboratories, universities, which ensures the rapid development of medicine in the country.
  7. The mild climate of the subtropics has an additional beneficial effect on the condition of patients both during treatment and during rehabilitation. In medical centers and clinics on the Dead Sea, mud and healing water, unique in its composition, are used for treatment, which achieves exceptionally high results in a number of intractable diseases.
  8. Prices for treatment in the best clinics in Israel are lower than, for example, in Germany, Switzerland, the USA, and the quality of medical services is absolutely not inferior to the quality of services in these countries.
  9. Thanks to the developed infrastructure in Russian, there is no problem of a language barrier, and the comfort of staying in the country of Russian-speaking patients is ensured.

Types of medical institutions in the country

Israeli clinics are divided into the following types:

  1. Public and state - are on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Health.
  2. Private - are private property, but controlled by the state.

State and public clinics are large medical centers. These are practically medical campuses, consisting of many buildings, with a full range of departments and additional services. They employ specialists of all profiles. Examples: Ichilov Hospital, Beilinson, Sheba. There are no hospitals with a narrow specialization in Israel: in such medical centers they offer treatment for almost any problem.

Private clinics are represented by more diverse medical institutions. These can be huge hospitals with a large number of facilities that are as capable as large government clinics, or small facilities that include several rooms where a specialist doctor works.

The main difference between large private Israeli clinics and public ones is the ability to choose an attending physician from those working in this field. In Israeli government institutions, this practice is not accepted. On the other hand, the implementation of specific therapeutic and diagnostic procedures is carried out by specialists with appropriate qualifications. From this point of view, the difference between private and public institutions does not really matter.

Each public hospital provides the services of a consultant and an escort responsible for the treatment of the medical tourist. But sometimes the flow of foreigners becomes so intense that they simply do not have enough staff. This often happens in clinics in Tel Aviv and other major cities. Often there are long queues. This also affects the quality of the services provided.

View of Tel Aviv

Private clinics do not offer the services of a coordinator and an attendant, but they can get all the necessary procedures in a short time. In most private clinics, the same specialists work as in large centers. In the centers, doctors work at a rate, and in private medical institutions they earn extra money.

Comparison of public and private clinics

It is not very correct to talk about the pros and cons of these two types of clinics, since almost all medical institutions provide the necessary level of service, are equipped with advanced technology, and doctors are highly professional. Perhaps we are talking more about the features of institutions of various types, making the choice of a particular institution more appropriate. It would be more appropriate to compare large public institutions with small private clinics.

State clinics


  • As a rule, it is public medical institutions that have the best equipment, since they directly receive large financial injections from the budget.
  • Large centers conduct a wide range of diagnostic tests.
  • Intensive care and resuscitation services in such institutions are at a higher level.
  • The best specialists in all areas of medicine work in the leading large clinics in Israel, since they have well-developed research activities and have the necessary conditions for the application of innovative developments in the treatment of various diseases.

For elderly patients with a whole bunch of diseases or with complex pathologies that require consultations of specialists of various profiles, detailed multilateral diagnostics, large public clinics in Israel are the best choice.


The disadvantages of such medical institutions include:

  • Insufficient flexibility in pricing policy and organization of treatment for foreign patients. Sometimes treatment costs 1.5 times more than in private clinics in Israel. When applying to a public clinic, you have to go through all the procedures in it, while private institutions offer many procedures at a lower price. The cost in large medical centers is formed not only taking into account the cost of treatment: it also includes the percentage of the employer - the Ministry of Health or the Health Insurance Fund.
  • Inability to choose a doctor. The patient receives a ready-made package of services, and it cannot be changed.
  • conditions for patients. Public hospitals are designed mainly for Israelis. Turning to such institutions, private foreign patients should not expect a VIP treatment.
  • Staff strikes. In public hospitals, they occur periodically: this can significantly slow down the process of examination and treatment.
  • Possible delays in the passage of procedures due to queues resulting from the reception of a large number of patients referred from other clinics.

Small private clinics



  • In small private clinics, compared with large centers, the technical base is not sufficiently developed. If it is necessary to carry out a large number of medical or diagnostic procedures, problems may arise, which forces patients to turn to larger clinics with a developed infrastructure.
  • Private clinics sometimes cannot provide the necessary services. If complications arise, it may be necessary to transfer the patient to a large hospital.


For the treatment of not very problematic, frequently occurring diseases, if necessary, to undergo a specific medical diagnostic or treatment procedure, and with an average or young age of the patient, in a relatively good state of health, it is better to contact private clinics in Israel. Such a clinic can be chosen if it is planned to carry out simple surgical interventions that do not require further stay in the intensive care unit or a long stay in the unit. The choice of private services is also justified when planning routine diagnostic procedures:

  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • blood test;
  • x-ray examination, etc.
In case of serious, neglected, difficult to diagnose diseases, if a number of examinations, diagnostic and treatment procedures are necessary, in the case of an elderly patient, large medical centers are the best choice. So, organ transplantation, laryngotracheal plastics, craniotomy definitely need to be performed in large diversified state medical institutions.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the treatment of children. Private Israeli clinics generally do not have special departments for hospitalization of a child after surgery or pediatric intensive care units. Meanwhile, complications can occur during any surgical intervention. The necessary equipment and personnel for urgent response in emergency situations are the advantages of public clinics. If complications arise in a private clinic, the consequences can be very sad. This factor must be taken into account before choosing a clinic in Israel to treat your child.

How to choose a clinic?

Many patients prefer to proceed as follows: they send a description of the disease and medical documentation to an Israeli medical organization, where they are reviewed by experts. Specialists determine which medical centers have the necessary equipment and resources for treatment.

When choosing a clinic on your own, you can decide only after receiving an exhaustive treatment plan. For example, special diagnostic equipment may be required, which is not available in all hospitals. When staying in the country, it is optimal to undergo treatment in one place, and not travel around the country for various checks and tests.

After receiving information about the treatment, you can proceed to the choice of a specific clinic.

  1. Before you decide, you need to familiarize yourself with the information about Israeli clinics on the official websites. The quality of the services provided is very important. Perhaps this should be the main selection criterion. Several clinics should be compared. Attention should be focused primarily on the range of services provided and prices. Many lose time looking for the best clinic in Israel for a long time. In general, the quality of medical care in all institutions is at a high level, since the Ministry of Health carefully controls their activities. When choosing, one should also take into account the workload of the medical institution with patients.
  2. Feedback from real patients is very important. As a rule, they are always on the site. However, there are pitfalls here as well. Many intermediary firms order writing reviews from professionals. If next to a specific review there is the contact information of the person who left it, you need to contact him, ask questions of interest about the treatment in the Israeli clinic, the professionalism and attitude of the staff, the cost of services, etc. This is the surest way to obtain objective information.
  3. If an advance payment is required, it can be done only if you are sure to whom exactly you are transferring the money. In general, the need for an advance payment arises very rarely. As a rule, payment is made in cash, by bank transfer or by bank card before the procedure, already while the patient is in the country.
  4. It is imperative to make sure that the staff of the institution has specialists with an Israeli license to practice medicine, and upon completion of treatment, you will be issued an epicrisis signed by a doctor. Many Israeli medical tourism companies do not have their own doctor leading the patient from start to finish. This affects the quality of treatment, its organization and prices. In such cases, it is very likely that some of the prescribed diagnostic procedures will be redundant. In addition, applying to a doctor with an Israeli license is a guarantee that the patient will not be deceived, since in this case the specialists will lose both their reputation and their license.
  5. You should ask to send a contract with a clear indication and definition of the conditions and obligations of the parties. It should also indicate whether the cost of translation and support services during treatment is included in the total cost or a separate fee is provided for them. It is also necessary to clarify whether the epicrisis is provided in Russian and how much it costs. Additional costs may also be associated with airport transfers, daily delivery to the clinic, accompaniment to consultations, procedures. The proposal received from the medical company with a plan for diagnosis and treatment must be attached to the contract. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to calculate the exact cost of treatment remotely, and the point here is not the pricing policy of a particular Israeli clinic: an in-person examination may not confirm the diagnosis or additional examinations may be required, which, of course, will lead to additional costs.
  6. Don't trust unambiguous promises. A professional will not allow himself to give guarantees in advance regarding the outcome of treatment, especially without examining the patient. Promises like “Come with a lot of money, and we will certainly cure you” indicate a high probability of being deceived. In a state of despair, it is very easy to believe any advertisement.
  7. Many prefer to live near the hospital. In such cases, before choosing a clinic in Israel, you need to ask if there are hotels nearby.

Features of Dead Sea clinics

Separately, it is worth mentioning the treatment at the Dead Sea, where there are clinics specializing mainly in skin diseases, the nervous system.

It should be emphasized that the “clinic on the Dead Sea” is a purely Russian phrase. When searching through the golden villages of Israel related to medicine, it is impossible to find medical facilities on the Dead Sea. What Russians call clinics are rather health centers or centers. Especially popular among medical tourists is the resort of Ein Bokek located on the west coast. This is a single health complex, known throughout the world for modern hotels with excellent service, beautiful beaches and restaurants, shops and bars. The resort has a lot of balneological centers and clinics. Their feature is the treatment using the waters and mud of the Dead Sea. All hotels are equipped with health spas with pools with heated sea water, there are also hydrogen sulfide baths, saunas, jacuzzis. In all clinics, diagnostics and treatment are carried out using the latest medical equipment. One of the best Israeli clinics on the Dead Sea is the Center for Natural Treatment of Joint and Skin Diseases. Patients undergo treatment that includes solarium treatments, swimming in the waters of the Dead Sea, sunbathing, which allows them to achieve excellent results in rheumatic and skin diseases.

Local muds are also used, known for their unique composition, which promotes healing of the skin, hair, and treatment of various diseases. Mud treatments are offered by almost all SPA-centers and clinics of the Dead Sea in Ein Bokek. Another curative natural remedy of the resort is the small stream Nahal Bokek. Its waters contain selenium, a powerful antioxidant that improves immunity and resistance of living cells.

Treatment in the Dead Sea clinics is indicated for skin, rheumatological, diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, musculoskeletal system, dysfunctions of the nervous system.

Opinion and feedback from patients

Based on patient reviews, you can create the most objective opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of Israeli clinics.

Last year, my husband was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. They frantically searched for a clinic in Israel. Asked friends which one is the best. Many people recommended the Rambam in Haifa, so they chose it. We arrived here. PET-CT did not reveal a malignant tumor. We are very satisfied with the treatment in Israel. Doctors show high professionalism, competently carry out treatment. Kind attitude, understanding, attentive approach, responsiveness - all these words characterize the hospital staff. We would like to express special gratitude to our coordinator for her sensitivity, attentive, caring attitude to the grief of others. There is still a long rehabilitation period ahead, then we are sure that everything will be fine. Alla, Rostov-on-Don

I was treated in Hadassah - removed stones from the kidneys. The procedure is not very complicated, but I like to play it safe and I love Israel very much. The clinic is located in Jerusalem, so it turned out to combine business with pleasure. During the treatment, he was cleansed not only physically, but also spiritually. The clinic met expectations: reliable, qualified, high-quality care. Prices correspond to the level. Vasily, Voronezh

They lived like ordinary families, but one day everything changed. I was diagnosed with cancer. Despair, fear, questions: what to do, what next? Then came the understanding that the disease was given to me for a reason. There was a great desire to live, to enjoy every moment. Currently, on the advice of a friend, I am undergoing treatment in Rambam. I've gone through a lot of procedures and there are more to come. The doctors say the results are good. I hope for a complete recovery. A lot also depends on us, but the main thing is the help of talented and experienced specialists. I was lucky to meet them here. Xenia, Kostroma

I am very grateful to all the Ichilov staff and, in particular, to cardiac surgeon Dr. Kreimer. It was only thanks to his incredible professionalism that my husband's operation was a success. There are no words to express my admiration for the treatment of patients in this clinic. I will only say one thing: if, God forbid, someone has a serious diagnosis, use every opportunity to come here. Sara, Irkutsk

We are treating our daughter in Sheba. Lena was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was 3.5 months old. At first they almost fell into despair, then they gathered their courage. We decided to take advantage of early diagnosis and do everything possible for the normal development of the child. With such a diagnosis, the first complex of treatment is very important. For the best result came to Israel. Sheba Clinic has a separate large pediatric center. The doctor turned out to be Russian-speaking. In principle, we have made positive progress. The girl is now three years old, she is learning to walk, smiling, making us happy. Now we are undergoing combined treatment: massage - at home, and examinations, the use of new methods, prevention - in Sheba. Quite satisfied with the result. Natalia and Sergey, Moscow

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