Poems about baby sleep. Healthy sleep

Elena Sorokina
The poem "Dream in kindergarten»

Poem"Dream in kindergarten»

Dear colleagues! I want to bring to your attention one of my works, it is impossible to call it a great creation, it is impossible! It's just a hobby, one of my favorite activities. I get great satisfaction from this. The joy of creating something new is like a breath of fresh air for me.

Even at school, in the lesson of Russian literature, we were taught to select rhymes. A very exciting activity. The Russian language is rich and beautiful. The word has great power. The intonation of pronunciation is multifaceted.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky wrote: « Poetic perception life, everything around us - the greatest gift that we got from time childhood. If a person does not lose this gift for long sober years, then he is a poet or a writer. In no way do I apply these words to myself. I just share this point of view.

I recently got back from vacation. I love my job, I love children. One day, laying down the little ones "crumbs" (that's what I call them) sleeping, seeing how they fidget, turning from side to side, putting their hands under their heads, I felt an incredible surge of tenderness, which began to pour out into simple, uncomplicated poetry.

The guys almost fell asleep, there is silence in the group, someone is sniffing, someone else is spinning, and you feel light notes of inspiration. Sleep gives strength, and everything that you see in a dream is like a crossword puzzle that you are trying to solve.

Thanks and thanks in advance!

Quiet hour. The guys are sleeping

All in their beds.

Only noses sniff

So that's very sweet.

Someone frowns in a dream

Someone smiles.

Someone, as if on a horse,

Fights with the enemy.

The handle went up.

The brows puckered up a little.

With whom did the battle begin?

And what did you think about?

I'm sitting here looking at them.

"Crumbs" my glorious ones.

What they are dreaming of, I do not understand.

But they are funny!

I don't take my eyes off

everything is read on the faces.

Wake up, I'll ask

How to solve a crossword puzzle!

Dreams are riddles, dreams are movies.

Children believe in fairy tales.

Let it be good

For all children in the world!

Dear colleagues! Thanks for reading and your attention!

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Funny children's poems about sleep

For preschoolers 4-5 years old

E. Yaryshevskaya

Wanders Dream through the hall…
At night he came to Yegor
And I wanted to dream about him.
Only the boy can't sleep.

Sleep thought at the threshold
Decided to wait a bit.
Walked for two hours, yawned,
But Yegor did not fall asleep ...
Sleep on a hanger hooks,
On the wallpaper all the flowers
Counted ten times.
But Yegor did not fall asleep ...
Enough! How long can you wait?!
Sleep wandered into his bed.
He is terribly tired!
I lay down and ... I dreamed about myself.

N. Chupurova

Blue evening outside the window
Sweet dream hurries to our house,
Unwinds boots,
Enters the children's bedrooms,
He puts the guys on the barrel,
Gently sings songs
Drives away all sorrows
The cradles are rocking.

M. Vesnushkina

Hello elephant!
You are my dream?
-I was a gray house
On a familiar corner
According to the laws of sleep
Transformed into an elephant.
It's easy and simple here
Elephants of any size
Sing, clap your ears,
Fly and stomp loudly.
-And then I'm an elephant
Will I stay with you?

N. Tarasova

From what country
They come to us at night dreams?
They rush like horses
They weave like elephants...
From what country?
Sailing? Are they arriving?
Like snow melts in the morning...
Well, maybe our dreams
Just fall from the moon
And that's probably why
Not very visible during the day...

E. Tkach

The elephant is following the elephant
Just don't give up dream, -
Rests again
Doesn't fall asleep!
I counted three herds of elephants -
I can't sleep, but I must!
The sun's generous rays
Hot on the pillow
And tickle my eyelashes...
Even if you cry, you can't sleep!
The beam calls for a walk, and I
After the elephants I chase the elephants ...
If I fell asleep now
The day would fly by like an hour
But he doesn't want to, teases:
Tomorrow, tomorrow is a holiday!

Aunty Au

- Dream, you're already here?
- Yes. Whole. All.
- Sleep, what are you?
Get out of the dark!
If there is darkness around
How to see a dream?!
- Don't turn on the light
There is no need for this -
I am inside you.
Close your eyes and see!

E. Lipatova

Sweet sleep pillows sleep
On sofa cushions
dreams flying over the city
On balloons.
The wind died down. Sleeping moon -
Wrapped up in clouds.
And all around - silence ...
Sleepy, drowsy.
rustling clouds,
Without warning! -
The snow went slowly
Like a poem.
Silence, silence
white silence,
Lantern on the corner
Head swing.

Aunty Au

Dream I caught an owl half a night!
So tired that there is no urine.
- Everything! - mutters,
- I am going to bed!
And I don’t mess with Owl!
And until you apologize
She won't sleep now!


Here are the shadows on the wall
Yellow moon in the window.
Birds don't fly
Dream knocking on my house.
He put on a colored cap,
In this case, he is a master!
Lurking behind a pillow
With a soft pink toy.
He threw a blanket at me
There won't be enough room for him.
sing a lullaby,
And in the morning it will be gone again!


Dream came to the guys
sighed a little
Soft snowflakes knocked on the window
Sniffed, groaned, grumbled something
Having crouched by the stove, he dozed off.

I searched under my pillow
And also under the covers.
I'm in my toy closet
Went through ten times.
I closed my eyes
Leaving tricky slits...
It was all in vain
It was just all to no avail.
It's still not clear to me
Where does he live. Near like.
After all, neatly at night
This DREAM comes to me

Translation by N. Radchenko

My hands are sleeping
legs and ears,
my nose
sleeps and sniffs
My eyebrows are sleeping
forehead and crown,
And head
On a soft pillow
He's been sleeping for a long time too.
In the language of the word
fall silent
The mouth settled.
Only my eyes
They don't want to sleep
Dream does not take them.


Let the winter dream come to you
In fluffy soft boots
And will lead you
Their little grandchildren.
They have freckles on their noses
They live in the funny forest
And they love fairy tales.
Eyes - dewdrops clear.
And in the morning you tell me
About what I saw in my dream...

S. Emelyanova. Dream of a gray cat

Gray city, gray house,
In the gray river - gray catfish,
gray fur cat
Rubs his back with a gray paw,
Gray tail and gray eyes
Sero walks in a gray garden,
The cat leads with a gray ear,
The rustle of a gray mouse is waiting,
Without waiting, on the bed
The gray cat goes to bed.
He sees colorful dreams:
Yellow scent of spring
Blue chirping nightingale,
Ant's red voice
White sausage flavor
Scarlet radish tail
Tenderness is bluish in the night,
The heat of the orange stove
“The cat is smiling, listen!
Met a pink mouse!

B. Elshansky

I've been in bed for a long time
Somewhere near me dream.
Maybe the dream is playing hide and seek?
I don't get it, where is he?
If I give him toys,
He will come to play.
Come on - a bear - at the pillow,
And the machine is under the bed.
Quiet, very quiet.
…After all, there are no better toys.
But my dream does not want to play
And not a sound to me in response.
Where is the dream? I am falling asleep.
My eyes are hidden.
I just open them
They are closing.
Here the eyes are closed.
And I felt - he
A real Dream from a fairy tale -
My Night Magician - Sleep.

N. Borisova

From magical distant lands
The caravan leaves again.
A million beautiful dreams
Loaded up on elephants.
Elephants are chained
But they are not visible to everyone.
Close your eyes soon.
You see - an elephant, behind him another.
dreams for adults and children
They take us, and they themselves ... sleep.
An elephant doesn't need a bed
On the move, he can sleep.
Sleeping with every elephant
There are four dreams on the back:
Smiling in their sleep
On his big back!
I have a wonderful dream,
Like a dream - a huge elephant.
Elephants go slowly
Fabulous dreams are dreaming.
All elephants cannot be counted.
It's better to just sleep well.

O. Kolesnik

Elephants walked quietly
long, long line...
Everyone around is dreaming
I just can't sleep.
One elephant, two elephants...
Come soon dream!
The stars fall asleep in the sky
the month is dormant - it barely shines.
It's time for all adults to sleep
especially for all children.
Here is the tenth elephant ...
Where are you lost, dream?
Like a soft pillow
and comfortable bed.
Sleeping favorite toy -
we have to get up early tomorrow.
Here is the twentieth elephant ...
Will you come today, dream?
If everyone is sleeping, everything in the world,
why don't elephants sleep?
To be considered by children
waiting for dreams at night?
Here is the thirtieth elephant...
My dream forgot about me.
What do elephants dream about?
going on a long journey?
And who do they think
if you don't sleep for a long time?
One child, two children?
I fell asleep... The baby elephant helped!

T. Vtorova

Where do people of color live? dreams?
What country are they from?
I'll just lay on the bed
I will close my eyes -
Dreams are colored, naughty,
Like air balloons
They flicker over me
Hurry to fly home!
I yell at them: "Wait,
Take me with you!"
Dreams spill over
Merge into a mosaic
Flowers open
And flutter with moths...
– And lo and behold, I am among them!
All dressed in blue!
I'm in a dream and I'm flying!!!
Tell that to your mom...
Just get up early in the morning
Sleep in the sun with haze melting,
Disappears in the light of day
Keeping your miracles.

S. yeast

I have seen dream, wonderful dream:
A white elephant walked across the sky,
And the light blue river
Carried an elephant for the clouds.
And there was that elephant, a huge elephant,
Like weightless swan fluff.
And I wanted to fly like an elephant
And become weightless too ...
I woke up, my elephant disappeared,
And mom and dad in unison
They told me: "Your elephant is just a dream!"
I sadly went out onto the balcony ...
I see a river flowing in the distance...
Clouds are floating...
And an elephant walks in the clouds!
And this elephant is not a dream at all!

E. Yaryshevskaya

The weary sun hides in the river,
The night is coming, darkness is falling...
Something can not sleep today lamb,
Dream does not come to the poor man in any way!
But sheep have a reliable remedy.
Again the sheep closes its eyes:
- Once, man,
- Two, man.
- Three, little man ... And falls asleep ...

O. Rebrikova

I walk on the moon
Step by step. As in a dream!
Jump after jump, Jump after jump.
It can be straight, it can be sideways.
U-turn, I look: Earth.
Oceans and fields
Sea, mountains. Beauty!
I'm from here to nowhere.
Humpty-chat on the moon.
Boom! And I'm flying into the crater.
What do I see? Blanket?
Yes, I didn't get much sleep today.

M. Pridvorov

It's good to lick a spoon with jam,
It's good to catch a cat with mice,
It's good to squint your eyelashes through the window
And sleepy thoughts curl in the air.
It's good to catch a cat with jam,
It's good to lick a spoon with mice,
It's good to merge with the shadows of spring,
Squinting the window with chintz eyelashes.
It's good to catch a spoon with jam,
It's good to lick a cat with mice,
It’s not bad to knit dreams on knitting needles ...
What am I dreaming about today!

Sleep sweetly, my child
Close your eyes quickly.
Bye-bye, chick, sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Daddy protect the dream!

Sleep sweetly my baby

Sleep, my baby, sweet, sweet,
Let the chocolate dream
Or a bunny, or a bear,
Or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, sleep.
Close your eyes, honey!


The distant forest stands as a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a bough
Sleep grass grows there.
They say sleep grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words
The head will drop right away.
I'm at the owl today
I'll ask for this herb.
Let you sleep-grass
Say sleepy words.


Bunnies in the garden.
Bunnies eat grass
Little kids are told to sleep

Grandpa Pest

Grandpa Pest
Don't come to us!
Grandpa Pest
Walk around our house.
We don't have
Capricious children -
No no no!
See, we're going to bed?
See - turn off the light ?!

Bye-bye, sleep...

Bye-bye, sleep, Nastyushka,
My funny bunny
Close your bunny eyes


Ai, bye, bye, bye,
Doggy, don't bark!
You cow, don't moo!
You rooster, don't cry!
And our boy will sleep
He will close his eyes.


Bye, bye, bye, bye,
Doggy, don't bark.
Belopapa do not whine
Don't wake our daughter.
Dark night, can't sleep
Our daughter is afraid.

Bay-bayushki-bayu, do not lie down on the edge

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge
A gray wolf will come
He grabs the barrel
He grabs the barrel
And drag him into the woods
And drag him into the woods
Under the willow bush.
You, top, do not go to us,
Don't wake our Katya!

pink heels

Here they are in the bed
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!

Three little hedgehogs

Three little hedgehogs
They lie in a row on the bed.
Next to mummy hedgehog
He tells them softly:
"It's time for you to sleep,
To get up early in the morning
See how in the meadow
White horse in the fog
Quietly wakes the clouds.
Like a silent river
Willow branches washes
Like mist melting under the sun
How, dispelling the shadow,
A new day is coming to us.
In the meantime, hedgehogs, sleep,
On a new day, fly in dreams.

five puppies

Five puppies want to sleep
And the sixth - does not sleep.
Five puppies want to sleep
And the sixth is naughty!
tail wags,
Loud, loud barking!
He would bark until the morning
Yes, I thought: "It's time to sleep!"
Peacefully wagged his tail
And fell asleep faster.
And to you, by the way,
Wishing you a good night.

Poems about sleep. This page contains sleep poems for children that your child is sure to love.

Mouse Village

A lunar shard climbed into the sky.
In the basement, the Mouse Village woke up.

Inside the locomotive
a whistle was heard:
rolls mice
daring mouser.
Noise in the square
and mouse mice.
Everywhere hurry
for the mouse mouse.

Under the mice
the mouse rustles.
Above the mice
the mouse buzzes.

scientist mice
full of thoughts.
The mouse is mentally stealing the mouse.

smart mice,
hiding in the shadows
all night from the mouse
shoot at the mouse.

But in the morning a lunar shard will descend.
Will fall asleep at dawn Mouse village.

And my mother whispers to me:
"Timosha, get up!"
And I will answer her:
"I'm sleeping... don't mouse..."

Tim Sobakin

It's dark outside.
I'm lying, watching a movie:
Sleep sat on a stool
Embroidering a birdcage
A crocodile is dancing in a cage! ..
How did he get into the cage?

Here we wake up -
Let's figure it out!

sleepy elephant

Ding dong. Ding dong.
An elephant walks in the alley.
An old, gray, sleepy elephant.
Ding ding. Ding dong.
It became dark in the room:
Elephant blocks the window.
Or is this a dream?
Ding dong. Ding dong.

I. Tokmakova


Tikhon enters our doors,
Don't shout, don't scream
And rock and roll.
Tikhon sings a song
Gives dreams to the guys:
"In this dream - a balloon,
In this dream - the dog Sharik,
In this, doves fly,
This is where the kids want to sleep."
Darkness, darkness and stillness.
Kids are sleeping. Tikhon leaves
In a quiet house across the river.

I. Tokmakova


Only my son will fall asleep -
Grandfather Drema will come to us ...
Old Sandman old man -
Sharp, gray cap...
Dedka Drema, himself with an inch,
Bring a bag...
And in a bag for children dreams
He has stocked...
For the bad ones, for the naughty ones
He did not store sweet dreams,
But for my baby
best sleep he has!


How to find your way to sleep?
Where can I find his lair?
Maybe the cubes know
Is this a fabulous place?
The cat purrs in his mustache,
Mom looks at the clock.
Where is she hiding?
This sleepy country?
Maybe in the country of the mirror
The dream lives, shrouded in mystery.
How alien paws became,
They don't want to go.
Maybe ask your dad
Where to find the missing dream?
Hush... Looks like a pillow
Something whispers in my ear.
Bear! This is where your dream lives!
He will come to you now.



Good evening, garden-garden!
All birches sleep, sleep,
And we'll go to sleep soon
Let's just sing a song.

Fat gray elephant elephant
Saw nightmare nightmare,
Like a mouse by the river
Tore it to shreds...

And the girls, ding-dong,
Let me dream, dream
Full of red flowers
And green bugs!

Goodbye, garden-garden!
All birch trees are sleeping, sleeping ...
It's time for the kids to sleep too.
Until morning!

Sasha Black

Night poems

Here came noiselessly Rustle,
he brought a bunch of news,
and all the rustles flocked,
and noiselessly Rustle came.
Rustle moved his hand,
and all the rustles flocked,
And converged from all over the world
behind our wide curtain.

E. Moshkovskaya

It's true! This is no!

On this couch
On this ottoman
On this bed
Or even on the one
For this diva
Or even the one
where all day long
The cat is lying -
Lie down and sleep
Please yourself! -
Dad and mom
Two grandmothers at once -
And daddy's mom
And with her for company
Mother's mother.

No need, I said.
fluff up the pillow
And also a bed sheet
Cover the bed
Also, you don't need
Bed warm
my blanket
Camel wool!
I won't go to sleep
No way, never
I will loiter
Hither and thither,
Or just scratch behind the ear -
But sleep
I won't do it again!

Elephant riding -
It's true!
Crow like a rooster in silence -
It's true!
Whisper with a lion in the moonlight -
It's true!
To stagger from wall to wall -
It's true!
But just don't sleep
No way, never!

never sleep -
Not on the left side
Not on the back
Not on the right side
Not resting your cheek with your palm,
Not turning your nose up to the ceiling,
Without sticking out your hand
without sticking out his leg,
To stroke your back
English Great Dane.

Close your eyes in the dark
It's not!
Lying in the dark and yawning
It's not!
And peck your nose into the pillow -
It's not!
Elephant riding -
It's true!
Roaming on a cat -
It's true!
Ride on an elephant cat -
It's true!
But never go to sleep!


The distant forest stands as a wall.
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a branch.
Sleep grass grows there.
They say sleep grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words
The head will drop right away.
I'm at the owl today
I'll ask for this herb.
Let you sleep-grass
Say sleepy words

The day is over, we are tired.
Eyes began to close.
I really want to sleep
And stick your nose into the pillow.
It's nice to sleep under the covers...
Mom pushed him
She stroked the tuft of her son:
- Sleep, dear, good night!
Put your hands under your cheek
Sleep well this whole night.
Dreams don't scare you.
- Sleep, my dear, bye-bye!
Oh what a good sleep!
Tomorrow will be another day.
Tomorrow we'll be all over again

From Toptushkino station
To bed station
We need to get there soon!
And chu-u-duck sleep.

At Vstavaikino station
Wake up - go out yourself!
And you will run to Igraikino,
To friends and miracles!

Well, for now, we've arrived.
To the station... Bed!
At this very station
Sleep so sweet...

Eyes sleep and cheeks sleep
Tired kids.
Eyelashes and palms sleep
Sleep tummies and legs.
And tiny ears
Sweetly dozing on the pillow.
The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping,
Only noses sniffle.

ONE - it's time to go to bed,
And clean up the toys.
TWO - we do not need to be lazy,
Wash your face with water before going to bed.
THREE - do not whine, but undress.
On FOUR - try
Be careful, don't rush!
Put things side by side.
Well, of course, five
You need to get into bed quickly.
And it will be very nice
Say to everyone: "Good night!"
SIX - lie down on the right side,
Don't spin like a top!
SEVEN - Close your eyes tight.
EIGHT - NINE - listen to fairy tales,
But don't blink your eyes.
And on TEN - sleep tight!

Sleeping child. lips glitter,
Cheeks in drops of milk.
Sleeping child. My little fish
Unthinking so far.
Sleeping baby. barely audible
How the nose snores.
I wonder how it happened
That God brought you to us.
I marvel at perfection
What squeezes into a fist
My own childhood
Beacon of my life.
Sweetly closed eyelashes.
Peaceful silence in the house.
My titmouse is sleeping soundly
Wonderful baby.

There is nothing more trusting than a child
When he sleeps on your chest crouching.
His breath is gentle and subtle,
It is gentler than the breath of herbs.
Like our globe
With the mother of the universe
It is inseparably merged with your destiny.
A lump of life, warm and priceless,
So sweetly mom's hands are heavy ...

I take your hand in my hands
And the whole wreath on the wrist.
I didn't suffer in vain
What would give birth to such happiness.
The fingers of your hand
I warm my cheek.
And, looking at us through the window,
The night loves you.
Sleep stroked long eyelashes,
Writing stories for you.
I wonder what you dream
my beloved blood.

Look how I sleep
I love to spin
I'll crawl into a corner
There I will curl up in a funny ball.
I sleep on the floor and in a stroller,
On the couch and on mom -
In general, enjoy yourself!

I'll take away the toys
Lie down on the pillow
I will close my eyes
And dream of a fairy tale!

I learned to sleep on my stomach
In my sleep I roll over boldly
Now I will know for sure:
it's not hard at all!

The air is clear, the wind has died down.
The baby is quiet in my arms.
Sniffling, snub-nosed, in silence,
Pressing her cheek against me.

Here is my girlfriend
Nice pillow.
I love her very much
And I will not share with anyone.
soft, comfortable,
Cheerful and comfortable.
From it colored dreams
Like from a fairyland
Come out slowly
And they wander around the house.
Stars in the sky
Burning high
Early tomorrow morning
Need a kindergarten
And while with a pillow
Let's sleep soundly
So that it is easy over us
It was dreams to fly.

Sandman wandered on the floor,
Sandman wandered on the floor,
Wandered to our Masha.

I wandered into her bed,
She lay down on the pillow.
Lie down on the pillow
She hugged Masha.

The distant forest stands as a wall.
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a branch.
Sleep grass grows there.

They say sleep grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words
The head will drop right away.

I'm at the owl today
I'll ask for this herb.
Let you sleep-grass
Say sleepy words.

Ding dong. Ding dong.
An elephant walks in the alley.
An old, gray, sleepy elephant.
Ding ding. Ding dong.

It became dark in the room:
Elephant blocks the window.
Or is this a dream?
Ding dong. Ding dong.

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