German is the easiest language. How to learn German on your own: step by step instructions

    In order to learn the beginner level of German A1, I know live examples that I learned in 1 month. But this is also record-breaking fast, since the person already knew English (many things are similar in these languages) and one of the West Slavic languages ​​​​(a lot also has something in common with German speech). And that took a month. And not in one day at all. But you can learn for free (video).

    It is impossible to learn a language in a day, especially if there is no base! From scratch I tried to learn German on my own, I spent a lot of time and effort, besides, if there is no self-discipline, then this idea can be stretched out for years. If you want to quickly master the language, then it is best to go to foreign language courses. I can recommend courses at Linguist-I, there are very competent teachers, training takes place according to an individual plan, with home visits and a flexible system of discounts. I mastered German in a fairly short period of time and further study of the language went much faster and more efficiently. Now I use free sites and easily communicate with Germansquot ;.

    The site is still in beta testing, but there is an initial level of German.

    The question is not easy.

    My answer is no. And this is realized by any thinking individual. It is unlikely that an ordinary (!), average person will be able to do this at least 10 percent. Even if he teaches for 24 hours in a row, without interruptions.

    The human brain won't let him do that.

    We just need periodic rest and distraction for completely different things.

    I say this not out of my own harm or something else, but only because I myself checked how much information I could remember in 1 day. At first, she seemed to remember certain words, sentences, but over time (after an hour or two), memory displaces previously acquired knowledge in favor of new ones.

    Especially if you try to push this knowledge into your head in a day.

    So, no way to learn.

    You won't even be able to comprehend the basic fundamentals.

    Learning a language takes time, just like any other activity. In addition, I find German to be a rather difficult language.

    In its study, isolation from native speakers and immersion in the language environment of Germany will help a lot. This will greatly speed up the period of adaptation to a foreign language. I am planning to visit my German friends this summer.

    I think it will do me good. And good luck with your goals :)

    It definitely won’t work out quickly and easily, but if you approach this issue competently, then it will definitely work out faster. I go to the school of foreign languages ​​Linguist-and I learn German, although I also tried to do it at home, but nothing came of it. I chose the school based on reviews on the Internet and I can tell you that it was quite successful. By the way, I study there with my sister and sometimes she can’t go to classes and the teacher comes to her house in the evening. A very convenient service for busy people. This is our experience and I share with you, but of course you decide!

    I have been teaching for many years and have reached the most minimal heights. And in a day you can only read some kind of manual (if you read without stopping), but you will not understand a single word. No child prodigy can learn a foreign language in a day.

    Now this is not a problem. Previously, in schools for several years, a student did not learn to connect even a couple of phrases, but now you can start talking slowly on your own after 2-3 days from the start of mastering the course. A lot of various materials have been published, the most famous are Dmitry Petrov's lectures.

    In one day, you will be able to learn the most basic everyday phrases and the rules for using simple German expressions. It is hardly possible to learn the language. You may be able to begin to understand German speech only if you are in a German-speaking environment and then these will be the simplest words and expressions. It is impossible to learn German in one day. The brain needs rest from a lot of new information. But you can easily learn to the most basic level in a couple of weeks, but you need a well-designed education program and strict adherence to it. Naturally, this requires a lot of diligence. And don't be afraid to talk like a guest worker. Don't be afraid, because your goal is to understand and be understood. Forward!!!

    Do you know how sea captain Vrungel taught his senior assistant Loma English in three weeks?

    For this purpose, he chose a special, hitherto unknown method of teaching: he invited two teachers for the senior assistant. At the same time, one taught him from the beginning, from the alphabet, and the other from the end. . . exactly three weeks later, senior assistant Lom reported to Vrungel that both teachers had taught him to the middle, and thus the task was completed. On the same day they set sail, as they were already delayed.

    It's actually humor. Read the wonderful book by A.S. Nekrasov Adventures of Captain Vrungel quot ;.

    In the cartoon of the same name, Scrap learned the language even faster - a board fell on his head there, and he woke up right with full knowledge of the English language.

    There is no way to learn a language in a day. It is more effective to achieve the slightest skill to speak out and understand primitive information in German in 1 day if you successively go to several crowded places (market, stadium, cinema, supermarket, festivities) in the outback of a German-speaking country (Germany, Austria, Switzerland , Belgium).

    If you want to learn German, then you will learn it, but not in one day, you need to take video lessons, purchase a German language guide for beginners, and it is desirable that you have a partner or partner, it will be easier to learn, by the way, German is both readable and and it is written, it is necessary first of all to learn the alphabet and listen to the pronunciation of words, German words are a little rough in their pronunciation, the main thing is to start, and then it will be easier, but you need a special desire to learn this language, they have been teaching for years, but they do not succeed, It all depends on your mental state.

    For those who start learning German after English, it seems that this language is a torment. Incorrect word order, articles, separable prefixes and cases on which endings depend. In the end, the word "girl" turns out to be neuter. Journalist Olga Kuzmenkova on her Facebook page suggested 20 simple tips that will help you overcome all the difficulties in learning not only German, but also other languages.

    For those who are preparing for the main school exam

    0. First, about the dictionary. A dictionary is always needed, but the requirements for it are highly dependent on the language

    For German, you need one that indicates the gender of the noun, the plural form and the compatibility of verbs with prepositions. Google translate doesn't work. Suitable, for example, "Multitran". And, of course, Although the latter is so slow that it terribly infuriates.

    Dictionary DUDEN

    1. At the initial stage, it is very important to learn the correct articles

    In the future, words from level A1 will often come across in new forms at the next levels, and then in the magazine Der Spiegel (der Zug - der Bezug - der Verzug; der Satz - der Ansatz - der Beisatz).

    2. The easiest way to learn articles is by using visual memory.

    I wrote feminine words in red, masculine words in blue, and neuter words in green. At the initial levels, when it was necessary to remember what kind of word, I simply remembered its color. This is a very efficient method. Seven years have passed, and I still remember, for example, that the spoon is blue (der Löffel), the fork is red (die Gabel), and the knife is green (das Messer).

    3. All new words must be grouped by gender

    That is, write in a separate color on a separate sheet of paper (or write in one column). So you start to notice patterns faster: it turns out that “red” words often end in -ung or -heit / -keit; "green" matches the infinitive form of the verb (das Essen), begins with Ge- (Gespräch, Gesetz), and in the plural they have -s or change endings a lot (Kaktus-Kakteen).

    4. If you spend a lot of time at home, hang lists of new words there (sorted by color, of course)

    Lists should be at eye level in the rooms where you spend the most time. The fastest words to learn are those that land on the refrigerator door, on the cupboard door, or on the wall opposite the workplace. There must be a lot of papers.

    Hang lists of new words at home

    5. The plural form must be written immediately next to the new words.

    Use conventions: -e (das Teil-die Teile), -s (das Messer-die Messers), -n (die Gabel-die Gabeln), -e (der Satz-die Sätze). Writing a word in the plural as a whole is completely meaningless: it is perceived as something separate, not in relation to the word in the singular.

    6. The German language is similar to the Russian word formation, and this should be used

    If there are several translation options in the dictionary, choose the one that is closer in word formation to the German word (for example, for the word grundlegend, you should learn the option “fundamental” and not “decisive”; for the word überschütten - “shower”).

    7. Train yourself to pay attention to the translation / meaning of prefixes, suffixes and memorize them

    Ab- = from-, bei- = at-, zer- = times- and so on. Look for a translation of the word that takes into account the translation of the prefix (ver-hindern - to prevent; ver-muten - to presume; ver-treten - to represent interests, not "protect" them).

    8. Try to understand and remember the non-obvious meaning of prepositions

    Perhaps they will even coincide with the meanings of prefixes. There are good memos on this topic in Russian-language grammar books. In one of these books, I read that the preposition -an has the meaning of direct contact with the object. I remembered for the rest of my life that the picture hangs an der Wand - that is, as if “touching the wall”. And if it were auf, it would float in the air.

    9. Cases. Don't try to learn all the cases at once and run away from the teacher if he tries to explain all the cases to you at once

    First - accusative, it is often needed and the least problems arise with it. In a month and a half, take up the dative. When you feel that both have understood, you can take on the genitive (although by this point you will already understand everything about it).

    10. If the question "where" is accusative. If the question "where" is a dative

    Fortunately, this is explained to everyone. But not everyone is explained that this rule also works for verbs. Maybe because abstract thinking is required to understand this pattern. If the verb has a clear or hidden meaning of movement, most likely it requires the accusative case after itself. It’s like the same question “where to” (denk an mich - think about me (= come to me in your thoughts). If the final point of movement is more important than the process of movement, a dative is needed - it’s like the same question “ where". Sag mir - tell me (= "me" is more important here than everything else).

    In the first couple of months, read books on the method of Ilya Frank: one sentence in German, one in Russian. Then the whole paragraph. Starting from level A2 (after 3-5 months of learning the language from scratch), move on to mass (not elite) newspapers. Read columns about life: columns with advice about relationships, recipes, sports, lifestyle. Gradually complicate, switch to longreads. Find publications with easy and understandable language. For example, the Swiss Das Magazin is suitable. Don't even think about taking on Der Spiegel, it's too difficult.

    Read texts that are not adapted to your level. For example, Das Magazin magazine is suitable.

    12. Some advise at first to read to yourself, so as not to memorize the wrong pronunciation

    I think it's bullshit! Better just to read aloud, and out loud. This way you will get used to your voice when you speak a foreign language. And this way you can train the muscles of the lips-tongue-larynx, with the help of which you need to learn how to pronounce new sounds.

    13. Reading, writing, speaking and listening are different skills and are trained in different ways.

    The only exception is, perhaps, the letter. Writing is great for speaking. In the initial stages, even better than speaking itself. So write more essays. It doesn't matter that you don't "usually" get written homework assignments. Ask for an extra, written homework assignment. Write not very much, but often.

    14. Write by hand everything you want to understand and remember.

    The article, the plural form, the combination "verb with a preposition" - all this must be written.

    15. Try once a month (or a week, if you have enough discipline) to arrange an audit and write out in a notebook all the new words that were found in the printouts and the textbook

    You don't need to teach them. You need to read it once and highlight with a marker those words that may come in handy more than once (in short, we are looking for basic vocabulary). From time to time, you just need to flip through the notebook imposingly and repeat the words highlighted with a marker. When the notebook is finished, most likely you will find that you know 90% of those words that you never highlighted with a marker.

    16. At the initial stage, try to learn more microwords that add meaning and connections to the sentence.

    These are prepositions, particles, and so on (es, auch, noch, schon, mit, denn, überall, zu). They will help you manage with your small but proud vocabulary.

    17. At the next levels, write out and learn more set expressions

    First, it's beautiful. Secondly, with their help it turns out to speak faster and more confidently.

    Write out and learn more set expressions

    18. Use your tongue every day

    You can only ten minutes, but every day. It doesn't matter how: at least write, at least read, at least listen to terrible German hip-hop (I learned all the swear words from it).

    19. To keep a language alive, be sure to keep reading it.

    If you have enough willpower to systematically write out new words from what you read, it will be absolutely super. In general, accustom yourself to look in the dictionary always. Even if it seems to you that you understood the word from the context and saw it 150 times before. It's always best to check in the dictionary again.

    20. If you don't want to learn German, don't.

    Don't force anything at all. Wait until the mood appears.

    Photo: iStockphoto (GodunovaTatiana, hamacle),,


    In order to learn how to speak fluently, it is not enough to learn 2-3 thousand words. A good knowledge of grammar is required. German tenses and forms are usually of particular difficulty for Russian-speaking students. Incorrect use of temporary forms leads to insurmountable obstacles. In other words, the interlocutors simply will not understand you. Therefore, it is necessary to study the grammatical material especially carefully until complete understanding and automaticity in use.

    German verbs must be memorized in three forms at once: the present tense (Präsens), the past tense (Imperfekt) and II (Partizip II), which is used to form complex tense forms. This approach is necessary because of the large number of irregular verbs that do not change according to established rules, but in the form of exceptions. You must memorize nouns along with the article, so as not to get confused in generic endings later.

    Of great importance in learning German is the recognition by ear of the original German speech. It must be borne in mind that, in their mass, the Germans speak faster than, so it is not so easy for a person to learn to freely understand them. To learn to understand German speech, you can listen to audio recordings. Moreover, at the beginning of training, it is better to use special audio lessons recorded by native speakers. The pace of educational texts in audio courses is usually slower than natural speech, so it will be easier for beginners to understand them. When you are comfortable enough with educational audio recordings, you can move on to original sources: television, radio, audio books in German.

    Often people studying foreign languages ​​are faced with the problem of the impossibility of communication due to knowledge being in a passive state. Despite a long study and a large lexical baggage, they cannot begin to speak a foreign language. In this case, immersion in the language environment helps a lot. A tourist or intensive language course will involuntarily force you not only to learn to recognize German speech, but also to apply your knowledge yourself, that is, to speak.

    Also try to use every opportunity to communicate in German with people who speak it well. You don't even need to travel to another country to do this. You can enroll in language courses in your city or in a German language and culture club. In addition, you can make acquaintances with German-speaking people on the Internet. The best way to make new friends is to find forums or communities of interest. There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet where people from all over the world who study foreign languages ​​exchange knowledge and help each other. In such communication, your German skills will very quickly become active and begin to develop.

    The question of how to learn English is of interest not only to schoolchildren and students who are concerned about the upcoming exams. Lovers of travel and foreign trips, connoisseurs of literary masterpieces in the "original" and technical specialists who master foreign innovations in technology and electronics strive to learn English. In order to learn English easily and without stress, you need to follow a number of simple rules.

    You will need

    • - Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary
    • - Skype software
    • - audiobooks in English
    • - adapted books in English


    A dictionary will become an indispensable assistant in the study. At first, a small pocket dictionary is enough, but over time, a more detailed dictionary of foreign words, synonyms and metaphors may be needed.

    First of all, it is necessary to regularly read and translate at least one page of text with a dictionary. In order for the learning process to be as interesting as possible, it is worth choosing literature to your liking: a fantasy novel, a children's fairy tale, short humorous stories. However, to begin with, it is better to choose an adapted version, otherwise phraseological units and idioms can be tormented for more than one day.

    Develop auditory perception of foreign. For this purpose, it is necessary to take as a rule every day audio books, fairy tales or audio stories on. You can listen to them almost everywhere: on the way to work, in the kitchen, while walking or cleaning in the garage. A very good effect is given by listening to audio files already familiar from read books on.

    Speaking practice is equally important. Even if you are fluent in translation techniques, read professional literature without a dictionary, spoken language requires constant practice. Of course, talking to yourself is not at all interesting, so for speech practice, you can use any opportunity to talk in the language. If you have a computer and the Internet, Skype can help you out. With Skype, you can meet a native English speaker in America, the UK, Australia or Canada. You can chat with anyone who shares your interests in marketing, knitting, gardening, dog breeding, etc. This will be not only useful for learning English, but also interesting. At the same time, such speech practice is absolutely free and, in addition to mutual pleasure from communication and benefits for learning English, it will not cost you or your interlocutor anything.

    An excellent result is given by the practice of self-compilation of texts or in English. At first, your “opuses” may be ridiculously clumsy and meaningless, but with each passing day, stories, notes, or just records of current events will become more and more meaningful, clear, and even elegant. It is better to write notes in English using a dictionary, memorizing and using synonyms and metaphors in subsequent texts. Trying to express your thoughts in English will gradually accustom you to think in a foreign language. And when you catch yourself mentally uttering a phrase in English, you can triumph: English has been successfully mastered!

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    Useful advice

    Perseverance and constancy is the key to success in learning English.


    • Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Academy, 2005.

    Perhaps you never had a penchant for the Russian language, or you persistently skipped dictations at school. However, the ability to write correctly is necessary in many professions, and not everyone is supposed to be a secretary. If desired, shortcomings in education can be quickly filled.


    Take school textbooks and manuals from the shelf. Of course, there are people with congenital who, without knowing a single rule, know how to write perfectly. However, most still have to memorize in which cases adjectives have one, and in which two "n". If you really want to learn, then with intensive studies you will be able to master the program in a couple of months. Those rules that you most often make mistakes, write in a notebook so that they are always at your fingertips.

    Psychologists distinguish three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. People with visual memory remember the spelling of words best when they see them in front of them. Those with auditory memory remember words the way they were dictated. People with a kind of memory memorize spelling through the spelling of these words.

    Find out what kind of memory you have and work to your strengths. Arm yourself with a volume of a Russian classic in a good edition. If you have a well-developed visual memory, read as much as possible. Try to use every free minute to look into the book. Those with auditory memory will find it easier to study at home, because they will have to read aloud to themselves. Mechanical memory people should rewrite a few pages every day.

    The best result will be achieved if you combine the two methods of memorization. For example, after you have transcribed a passage from a story, read it aloud. You will learn to write correctly much faster.

    English is the most widely spoken second language in the world today. Even Belinsky singled out the knowledge of at least one foreign language as a sign of a person's intelligence. But how can you learn English quickly and get the most out of it?

    The principle of learning any foreign language

    The process of learning a language, like the language itself, consists of several sections: punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, style, morphology. In the case of English (and indeed of any foreign language), the punctuation section loses any meaning, but another section appears - auditory perception. A native speaker of Russian hardly needs to learn to perceive Russian by ear, right?

    The first and most important stage in learning a language will be the study of grammar and syntax - the structure and method of constructing sentences in a particular language. This section, as a rule, is given only the first one or two years of study at language universities, then the emphasis shifts towards vocabulary and style.

    The study of grammar and syntax gives the student the opportunity to acquire the basic concepts of the language and its structure, which later helps to “feel” the language, to understand its finest stylistic and grammatical details, which sometimes even native speakers cannot understand.

    Learning the vocabulary of a foreign language literally takes a lifetime, because even in a person’s native language there are many words that are unfamiliar to him. The emphasis on vocabulary is done only after several years of study.

    The development of educational methods, Internet resources for learning foreign languages, as well as the growth in the amount of educational literature and the availability of English courses make it one of the easiest languages ​​to learn.

    Nevertheless, it is at the initial stage that many people encounter certain difficulties, which are most often due to the wrong approach to the very process of independent language learning. So, to avoid these difficulties, some tips will help.

    Cramming textbooks and doing many different grammar tests is important, but not as important as immersion in the realm of a foreign language.

    So, scientists have long proven that it is communication with foreigners, watching films in a foreign language and constantly listening to foreign speech that allow you to achieve your goals in learning a language much faster than with one-sided cramming of textbooks and didactic materials.

    The secret of the immersion method is that a person is free to choose the scope of this immersion: be it communication, music or films. You can, for example, combine study and pleasure by simply watching your favorite TV series with English subtitles.

    In addition to real communication with English-speaking people, reading literature in the language is of particular importance, which will bring special pleasure after the first one or two years of study - just when the main course of grammar and morphology has been completed.

    Why is vocabulary and style important? Many people forget about the importance of these two sections of the language, but it is they who make speech sonorous to a foreign ear, it is an extensive vocabulary and knowledge of stylistic features that will allow you not to lose face when talking with an English-speaking person.

    The study of vocabulary at an advanced level includes the study of idioms, slang expressions, proverbs and sayings, as well as expanding the vocabulary on the basis of the dialect difference of the language.

    How to remember a huge number of words and complex unfamiliar rules? Especially if there is a task. You probably already understand that the classical method of memorization, despite its effectiveness, takes a lot of time and effort, and these resources are the most valuable thing that every person has. However, there is a way out. And this way out is the use of mnemonics for language learning!

    What is mnemonics

    This technique involves memorizing new information by visualizing or creating an associative array.

    For example, the German word "reisen" (to travel) in most Russian-speaking people is associated with the word "flight", the word "wollen" (to wish) - with the word "will". At the same time, it is not enough just to find sound and logical correspondences. When using mnemonics, each concept still needs to be “attached” to the picture. In other words, you need to clearly imagine the actions, events, processes and objects that are associated with the material being studied.

    What it looks like in practice

    Take for example the word "Brille" (glasses). What Russian word does it resemble? That's right - "diamond". Now we present glasses with diamond lenses, and the association is ready! Remembering the picture, you can retrieve the right word from memory at any time.

    This principle can be used to memorize words, articles, prepositions, verb forms, adjective declensions and other grammatical constructions. Try to turn articles from meaningless letter combinations into animated objects. Let the feminine article "Die" become a young girl, the masculine article "Der" become an old man with a white beard, and the middle article "Das" become something neutral, for example, the sea.

    If we need to remember what kind of word das Schiff (ship) is, we imagine a ship flying on the waves. But das Eisen (iron) will sink in this sea.

    How effective is mnemonics

    This largely depends on your mood. At first, the techniques described may seem somewhat absurd, but if you really want to learn German quickly on your own, give it a try. In a week you will understand whether the method is right for you.

    And if you are in the mood for traditional ways of learning German, we are happy to share other interesting materials that will help you quickly master the grammar and pronunciation of the Germans. Go to section. Good luck.

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    See also:

    Preparation for German exams:

    Essentials from theory:

    We offer online tests:

    Decided to learn German but don't know where to begin? Or do you want to repeat the material forgotten at school? Do you want to practice on one's own? Specially prepared for you online lessons for the study of the German language.

    So what does the site offer you for a successful learning German from scratch?

    First of all, especially for the entry level in the form online lessons tutorials were designed German language training A. A. Popova for beginners and advanced levels. No prior knowledge is required from you. All elements of the language are issued step by step. The most important thing that is required of you is a wish learn German. At first, you may have a dislike for dull German sounds, with time it will completely or partially disappear. Details about the organization of classes in the study of the German language are written in the first introductory text. Performing the exercises is not at all difficult, because for this there are special forms for entering text, as well as keys with answers. To view the answer, hover your mouse over the key: . You can peep back only after you complete the exercise! If you have any questions, you can ask them under the lesson in the form of a comment.

    Go to -› lesson list ‹- (Click)

    Reasons for learning German

    • German is not difficult.
      Words are both heard and written, you just need to know the letter combinations. You probably don't even have to learn the alphabet, because it is of Latin origin, which most people already know. And if you know English, it gives you a big advantage. English and German have common roots, which means that a large number of similarities, which will greatly facilitate its study. In addition, the German lessons on the site are very simple, so if you can't learn them, congratulations, you are very lazy. * there should be Flash's sloth emoji here, but there isn't one*
    • German is the most commonly spoken language in Europe.
      English, French and German are the 3 official languages ​​of the European Union. In absolute terms, German is the second most commonly used. However, if native speakers are taken into account, German comes first. Knowing a language gives you about 100 million more people to communicate with. Of course, this is not a billion, as in Chinese, but still
    • German is the language of inventors and innovators.
      A large percentage of the most outstanding achievements were first invented in Germany. More than 100 Nobel Prizes went to outstanding German scientists for their achievements in physics, medicine, chemistry, literature and other fields. And that's not including Austria and Switzerland, the other 2 main exponents of the German language. So if you're looking to add a Nobel Prize to your resume, learning German might not be a bad start. Well, at least you can read their scientific papers.
    • German is an important language in the scientific community.
      It is the second most used language in the world of science. One of the reasons for this is that the German book market is the 3rd largest in the world, just after Chinese and English. Only a small number of books have been translated from German into other languages. Therefore, knowledge of German is simply necessary here.
    • German is the key to world-class higher education.
      Universities in Germany have an excellent international reputation. In 2011, the country was the fourth most popular among international students, with over 250,000 of them enrolled in German schools. Moreover, the German higher education system boasts a high number of universities with very low tuition fees and even completely free ones. Not surprisingly, scientists and researchers gather there in droves. Sounds like a good investment for the future.
    • Germany is the locomotive of the European economy.
      German is an interesting choice not only for researchers, but also for businessmen. Germany is the largest economy in the European Union and 4th worldwide. It is home to numerous international corporations and is always at the forefront of new technologies. Speaking to someone in their native language has always been a sign of good manners, and using German with business associates can dramatically increase your chances of effective negotiations and successful professional relationships.
    • German companies are world market leaders.
      Would you like to work for a company that is a leader in the international market? Knowing the German language can help you open the right door. Germany is home to a large number of strong economic players such as Siemens, BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, Adidas, Hugo Boss, Lufthansa... And that's not all. Meanwhile, Berlin is turning into a hub for innovative start-ups. Some even call it the Silicon Valley of Europe. Therefore, knowing German offers a huge potential for improving your career opportunities.
    • German is also a huge online audience.
      You don't even have to meet those 100 million people in real life. You can do this while lying on your favorite couch. German sites make up a huge part of the internet. Technically, the German is the second most popular Second place in the entire Internet! Yes, I'm shocked myself.
    • The Germans are everywhere.
      Even if you don't intend to visit a German-speaking country or don't feel like stalking Germans online, don't worry: the Germans will find you. If you have traveled, you must have already noticed this phenomenon. German citizens are among the most insatiable travelers. With six weeks of annual leave and plenty of money to spend, you can run into these "poor fellows" anywhere in the world. It is only recently that the championship has passed to tourists from China, and before that the Germans were the leaders. Therefore, even a little knowledge of the language can be useful to you on the road.
    • German culture is part of the world heritage.
      Despite the fact that the Germans have a reputation as analysts and lovers of logic, the German-speaking world is also an outstanding mind in the fields of music, literature, art and philosophy. It is the language of Goethe, Kafka, Brecht and Mann. It was the mother tongue of the composers Mozart, Bach, Schubert, Beethoven and Wagner. Revolutionary philosophy was first written in German when Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger were just starting out. Learning German gives you the opportunity to appreciate the masterpieces of these creators in the original. What is Goethe's Faust alone worth!
    • If none of these reasons are right for you, then this reason is Rammstein.
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