When a strong man comes... - Women's Sangha. When a strong man comes... This man teaches you to be a woman! He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to support it.

What happens when a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life?

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life. And it is easy to feel it even with your back, the body of a woman fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly wakes up in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and, perhaps, for the first time in her body consciously sounds: "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...

Next to him, she may feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but rather makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is sometimes to be weak.

Next to him, she does not want to argue, prove, measure intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey
A woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the strength of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly, this may not be her type at all, not that level of intelligence, not that level of spiritual development, completely different ... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love.

And then (after a day / week / year of dating him) most women make the same mistake: they start to adapt to these men, to serve, to try to please him ... they stick to him!

Completely, to the very ears! And then the questions begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Darling, what didn’t you like?”, “Darling, is everything okay?” etc.

"What to submit? What to bring? What to change in myself for you?

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she is trying to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she doesn’t even need him, but that state of awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.
Maybe for the first time in her life and only next to him she felt like a woman!
How can you let it go?

"When the Strong Man Comes"

When the Strong Man Comes
Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life. And it is easy to feel it even with your back, the body of a woman fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly wakes up in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds "I want a child from this man."
Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...
Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but rather makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is sometimes to be weak.
Next to him, she does not want to argue, prove, measure intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey!
Several of my clients told me this thing: “He can sometimes put me in my place harshly, but I don’t feel any humiliation, I get high that he is so strong and even a little tough. I can feel its power!"

A woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the strength of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly, this may not be her type at all, not that level of intelligence, not that level of spiritual development, completely different ... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my friend says about such a man in her life, “After all, look at him - well, scary! The face is so simple. Well, a tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt. And I love him and feel that this is my man ... " wink emoticon

And then (after a day / week / year of dating him) most women make the same mistake: they start to adapt to these men, to serve, to try to please him ... they stick to him!
Completely, to the very ears! And then the questions begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Darling, what didn’t you like?”, “Darling, is everything okay?” etc.
"What to submit? What to bring? What to change in myself for you?

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she is trying to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is insanely scary ...
If you look deeper, then she doesn’t even need him, but that state of awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.
Maybe for the first time in her life and only next to him she felt like a woman!
How can you let it go?

And then hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to correspond, to deserve ... which alienates a man more and more.
And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman's life and leave to show her how much she is not yet ready for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can be filled and whose love can be filled!

After his departure, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman at 100%, where there are no more those strong arms and a confident look, where you cannot relax and feel ...
Now the woman is doing everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it is better to live all your life with pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.
Pain means you have been given MORE of some kind of energy than your current reserve can hold. And instead of expanding their reserve, women are simply trying to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing so they are harming their development.

Some of the women are trying to return these men by fasting, prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all austerities, fasts and rituals work just like magic. A woman without a powerful opened energy will need to perform austerities for several months in order to attract him again at least for a day. But then he leaves again, because the lesson is not passed ...
I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to seize a man through magic is terrible! I'm not kidding, I'm warning you!!! So that your house of marriage in the horoscope does not close at all from fortune-tellers, witches and gypsies, you need to hold on to 5-10 meters! Venus is very much spoiled by magic, the house of marriage and relationships can completely close. Look at fortune-tellers and sorceresses - they are hereditary single women. A man comes into their life only to give a child. Then he either dies or leaves. So God take you away from such people.

Other women try to cut it off from themselves, and go to energizers and healers to be cleansed of this connection that does not leave the head, heart and uterus ... Which does not want to leave.

But it will be this man that will be incredibly difficult to cut off from yourself, it will be he who will dream, imagine himself in a crowd of people, it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder with anticipation ...

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman's life.

♡ Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, how much power she has ...
He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also allows her to see and feel how much love is in her!
After all, it is his woman who begins to love from the very first days of their communication ... It is for him that she does not have passion, not love, but love, and she feels it with her whole being ...
And that's why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If in your life there was or is such a man, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

♡ Lucky because few people in life experience true love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves, nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all your life, it fills your life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman recalls with love and gratitude the experience she had with this man, she automatically harmonizes on a subtle level, her energy levels out, she remembers her femininity, her nature...
And if you make up your mind, gain courage and begin to open yourself, allow, expand your boundaries, if you accept the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

♡ No luck because with this man you will be taken through the strongest stresses, with him you will be pulled to a completely different level of feeling life.
And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.
Every time you become attached to it, it will be taken away from you.
You will be inexorably taught to live happily and freely without attachment.
You will be taught emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But the happiness that you will experience from these relationships cannot be compared with any other experiences in life, the love that will fill your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

♡ This man teaches you how to be a woman! ♡
He showed you how you can love and feel - now it's your job to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to clean the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of his mind!
It is necessary to reveal love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within.
You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word, real, feeling, emotional and able to let go.
And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!
Then life will bring you together again.

With other men it will be easier, easier, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life:
- Learn to be grateful to him, because it is these men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but now we understand that it's worth it, right?
- Do not think about it and do not try to forget it, just cultivate yourself and your strength.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and your relationship with him will either move to a new level or stop bothering you!

Why do we stick to such men?
Because they are strong in a manly way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive. But the same process happens to a woman: when she reveals herself in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man it will not work like that with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to control energetically strong people, you can only interact with them according to the principle of merging energies.

Therefore, discard the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he discovered in you!
The pain will live in your heart only until you give up the desire to own it.
As my teacher says in this case, “You were given a beautiful canary, its singing awakens your heart to love, and you come up and say, “Oh, what a wonderful canary, let me eat it!”

Throw away the pain and let love fill you again! Not the selfish love that gloatingly says, “You will still be mine,” but the one that gently whispers, “God, thank you for sending me this man and opening love in my heart! Now I feel!”

Whatever man you live with now, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it!
Even if you are already married, and your heart is still fluttering from another man, do not discard love.
Just do not focus on a man, take the feelings that he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people, but because of their energy and the states that we experience next to them.
Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

Sometimes a man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life. And it is easy to feel it even with your back: the body of a woman fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick 🙂 A whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly wakes up in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work, and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds: "I want a child from this man ..."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...

Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but on the contrary, it encourages her to smile at herself and realize how nice it is to be weak sometimes. Next to him, she does not want to argue, prove, measure intelligence, for the first time in her life she wants to!

Some of the women shared in a private conversation: “He can sometimes put me in my place harshly, but I don’t feel any humiliation, I get high that he is so strong and even a little tough. I can feel its power!"

A woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the strength of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly, this may not be her type at all, not that level of intelligence, not that level of spiritual development, completely different ... perhaps even ugly, but incredibly strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my friend says about such a man in her life: “ You look at him - scary-s-th ... The face is so simple, simple, like a tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt 🙂 And I love him and feel that this is my person ...» 😉

And then, after a day, a week or a year of dating, most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to this man, to serve, to try to please him ... they are into him! Completely, to the very ears!

And then the questions begin: What did I do wrong? Honey, what didn't you like? Darling, are you all right?" etc. Also: " What to submit? What to bring? What to change in myself for you?»

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured - and she tries to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because it is insanely scary to lose ...

And if you look deeper, then she doesn’t even need him, this particular man, but that state of awakened nature that she feels and overwhelms.

Perhaps for the first time in her life, and only next to him, she felt like a woman! How to let go of this? And hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to correspond, to deserve ... which, of course, alienates a man more and more. And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman’s life and leave to show her how much she is not yet ready for a strong and mature relationship, because a man needs not a slave, not a maid, but a Woman who can be filled and whose love!

After his departure, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman at 100%, where there are no more those strong arms and a confident look, where you cannot relax and feel ...

And then a woman does everything to get away from this pain ... But believe me: it is better to live all your life with pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain and without love! Pain means you have been given MORE of some kind of energy than your current reservoir can hold. And instead of expanding theirs, women are only trying to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing so they are harming their development.

Some of the women are trying to return these men with prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all the rituals act like magic: a woman without a powerful revealed energy will need to make certain restrictions and efforts for several months in order to attract him again at least for a day - but then he will leave again, because the lesson has not been passed.

I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to seize a man through magic is terrible! I'm not kidding, I'm warning you. In order not to close your house of marriage in the horoscope for good - you need to keep 5-10 meters from fortune-tellers, sorceresses and gypsies! The planet Venus is very much spoiled by magic, and the sphere of relations can be completely blocked. Look at fortune-tellers and sorceresses: they are hereditary single women. A man comes into their life only to give a child, and then he either dies or leaves. God take you away from such people!

Other women try to cut off a strong man from themselves, go to energizers and healers to be cleansed of this connection that does not leave the head, heart and uterus ... But it will be incredibly difficult to unhook from this man, it will be he who will dream, imagine in the crowd people, and it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, and every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder in the hope of waiting ....

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman's life. Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, ... He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also allows her to see and feel how much love is in her! A woman begins to love him from the very first days of their communication ... It is for him that she does not have passion, not love - but love, and she feels it with her whole being ... That is why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If there was or is such a man in your life, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time. Lucky, because few people in life experience true love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all your life, it fills life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman recalls with love and gratitude the experience she had with this man, she automatically harmonizes on a subtle level, her energy levels out, she remembers her femininity, her nature...

And if you decide, gain courage and begin to open yourself, allow yourself, expand your boundaries, if you accept the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful .

But it was not lucky because with this man you will be taken through the most severe stresses, with him you will be pulled to a completely different level of feeling life. And each new energy transition is always pain,. Every time you become attached to it, it will be taken away from you. You will be inexorably taught to live happily and freely without attachment. You will be taught emotional and unconditional love all the time!

The happiness you will experience from this relationship is unmatched by any other experience in life. The love that will fill your heart in this partnership will make your life full of meaning and divinity.

Such a man teaches you to be a woman! He showed you how you can love and feel, and now it's up to you to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you don't need to learn to clean the house and cook food, you don't need to learn to be worthy of his mind. It is necessary to reveal love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within. You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word - real, feeling, emotional and. And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him! Then life will bring you back together.

With other men it will be easier, easier, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life, and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life, learn to be grateful to him: it is such men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but after a while we understand that it's worth it, right? Do not think about it and do not try to forget it - just grow yourself and your strength. When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and the relationship with him will either move to a new level, or stop bothering you.

Why do we stick to such men? Because they are strong in a manly way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process happens to a woman: when she reveals herself in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man it will not work like that with a strong woman. It is impossible to take possession of energetically strong people - you can interact with them only on the principle of merging energies.

So drop the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he discovered in you! The pain will live in the heart only as long as you do not give up the desire to own it. As my teacher said, they gave you a beautiful canary, and its singing awakens your heart to love, and you come up and say: “Oh, what a wonderful canary, let me eat it!” 🙂

Let love fill you up again! Not that selfish love that says maliciously: You will still be mine", - and the one who gently whispers:" God, thank you for sending me this man and opening love in my heart! Now I feel!»

Whatever man you live with now, whoever surrounds you, you still learn to love every day. And if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it! Even if you are already married, and your heart is still fluttering from another man, do not discard this love. You can not focus on that man, but take the feelings that he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people - it's all about the energy and states that we experience next to them. Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life. And it is easy to feel it even with your back, the body of a woman fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly wakes up in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body sounds consciously: "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...

Next to him, she may feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but rather makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is sometimes to be weak.

Next to him, she does not want to argue, prove, measure intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey!

Several of my clients have told me this: "He can sometimes put me in my place hard, but I don't feel any humiliation, I'm thrilled that he is so strong and even a little tough. I feel his strength!"

The woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the strength of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly, this may not be her type at all, not that level of intelligence, not that level of spiritual development, completely different ... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my friend says about such a man in her life: “After all, you look at him - well, scary! His face is so simple, simple. Well, just a tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt. And I love him and feel that this is my man ... "

And then (after a day/week/year of dating him) most women make the same mistake: they start to adapt to these men, to serve, to try to please him ... they stick to him!

Completely, to the very ears! And then the questions begin: "What did I do wrong?", "Darling, what didn't you like?", "Darling, are you okay?" etc.

"What to submit? What to bring? What to remake in myself for you?"

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she tries to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she doesn’t even need him, but the state of the awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.

Maybe for the first time in her life and only next to him she felt like a woman!

How can you let it go?

And then hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to correspond, to deserve ... which alienates the man more and more.

And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman's life and leave to show her how unprepared she is for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can be filled, and whose love can be filled!

After his departure, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel like a 100% woman, where you no longer have those strong arms and confident eyes, where you can’t relax and feel…

Now the woman is doing everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it is better to live all your life with pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain means you have been given more of some kind of energy than your current reserve can hold. And instead of expanding their reserve, women are simply trying to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing so they are harming their development.

Some of the women are trying to return these men by fasting, prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all austerities, fasts and rituals work just like magic. A woman without a powerful opened energy will need to perform austerities for several months in order to attract him again at least for a day. But then he leaves again, because the lesson is not passed ...

I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to seize a man through magic is terrible! I'm not kidding, I'm warning you!!! So that your house of marriage in the horoscope does not close at all, you need to keep 5-10 meters from fortune-tellers, sorceresses and gypsies! Venus is very much spoiled by magic, the house of marriage and relationships can completely close. Look at fortune-tellers and sorceresses - they are hereditary single women. A man comes into their life only to give a child. Then he either dies or leaves. So God take you away from such people.

Other women try to cut it off from themselves, and go to energizers and healers to be cleansed of this connection, which does not leave the head, heart and uterus ... Which does not want to leave.

But it will be this man that will be incredibly difficult to cut off from yourself, it will be he who will dream, imagine himself in a crowd of people, it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder with anticipation ...

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman's life.

Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, how much power she has ...

He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also lets her see and feel how much love she has!

After all, it is his woman who begins to love from the very first days of their communication ... It is for him that she does not have passion, not falling in love, but love, and she feels it with her whole being ...

And that's why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If in your life there was or is such a man, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

Lucky - because few people in life encounter true love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves, nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all your life, it fills your life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman recalls with love and gratitude the experience she had with this man, she automatically harmonizes on a subtle level, her energy levels out, she remembers her femininity, her nature...

And if you decide, gain courage and begin to open yourself, allow, expand your boundaries, if you accept the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

No luck - because with this man you will be taken through the strongest stresses, with him you will be pulled to a completely different level of feeling life.

And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.

Every time you become attached to it, it will be taken away from you.

You will be inexorably taught to live happily and freely without attachment.

You will be taught emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But the happiness that you will experience from these relationships cannot be compared with any other experiences in life, the love that will fill your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

This man teaches you how to be a woman!

He showed you how you can love and feel - now it's your job to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to clean the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of his mind!

It is necessary to reveal love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within.

You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word, real, feeling, emotional and able to let go.

And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!

Then life will bring you together again.

With other men it will be easier, easier, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life:

  • Learn to be grateful to him, because it is these men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but now we understand that it's worth it, right?
  • Do not think about it and do not try to forget it, just grow yourself and your strength.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and your relationship with him will either move to a new level, or stop bothering you!

Why do we stick to such men?

Because they are strong in a manly way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive. But the same process happens to a woman: when she reveals herself in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man it will not work like that with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to control energetically strong people, you can only interact with them according to the principle of merging energies.

Therefore, discard the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he discovered in you!

The pain will live in your heart only until you give up the desire to own it.

As my teacher says in this case: "You were given a beautiful canary, her singing awakens your heart to love, and you come up and say:" Oh, what a wonderful canary, give me, I'll eat it!

Throw away the pain and let love fill you again! Not that selfish love that gloatingly says: "You'll still be mine", but the one that softly whispers: "God, thank you for sending me this man and opening love in my heart! Now I feel!"

Whatever man you live with now, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it!

Even if you are already married, and your heart is still fluttering from another man, do not discard love.

Just don't focus on the man, take the feelings he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people, but because of their energy and the states that we experience next to them.

Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES What happens when a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life?

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman's life. And it is easy to feel it even with your back, the body of a woman fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly wakes up in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds: "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...Next to him, she may feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but rather makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is sometimes to be weak.

WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES: Next to him she does not want to argue, prove, measure her intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey!

A woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the strength of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly, this may not be her type at all, not that level of intelligence, not that level of spiritual development, completely different ... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love.

And then (after a day/week/year of dating him) most women make the same mistake: they start to adapt to these men, to serve, to try to please him ... they stick to him!

Completely, to the very ears! And then the questions begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Darling, what didn’t you like?”, “Darling, is everything okay?” etc.

"What to submit? What to bring? What to change in myself for you?

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she is trying to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she doesn’t even need him, but that state of awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.
Maybe for the first time in her life and only next to him she felt like a woman!
How can you let it go?

And then hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to correspond, to deserve ... which alienates a man more and more.
And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman's life and leave to show her how much she is not yet ready for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can be filled and whose love can be filled!

After his departure, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman at 100%, where there are no more those strong arms and a confident look, where you cannot relax and feel ...

Now the woman is doing everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it is better to live all your life with pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain means you have been given MORE of some kind of energy than your current reserve can hold. And instead of expanding their reserve, women are simply trying to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing so they are harming their development.

Some of the women are trying to return these men by fasting, prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all austerities, fasts and rituals work just like magic. A woman without a powerful opened energy will need to perform austerities for several months in order to attract him again at least for a day. But then he leaves again, because the lesson is not passed ...

I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to seize a man through magic is terrible!

Other women try to cut it off from themselves, and go to energizers and healers to be cleansed of this connection that does not leave the head, heart and uterus ... Which does not want to leave.

But it will be this man that will be incredibly difficult to cut off from yourself, it will be he who will dream, imagine himself in a crowd of people, it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder with anticipation ...

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman's life.Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, how much power she has ...

He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also allows her to see and feel how much love is in her!After all, it is his woman who begins to love from the very first days of their communication ... It is for him that she does not have passion, not love, but love, and she feels it with her whole being ...

And that's why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If in your life there was or is such a man, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

Lucky because few people in life experience true love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her!

This love continues to live in you all your life, it fills your life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman recalls with love and gratitude the experience she had with this man, she automatically harmonizes on a subtle level, her energy levels out, she remembers her femininity, her nature...

And if you decide, gain courage and begin to open yourself, allow, expand your boundaries, if you accept the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

Unlucky because with this man you will be taken through the most severe stresses, with him you will be pulled to a completely different level of feeling life.

And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.Every time you become attached to it, it will be taken away from you.

You will be inexorably taught to live happily and freely without attachment.You will be taught emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But the happiness that you will experience from these relationships cannot be compared with any other experiences in life, the love that will fill your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES: This man teaches you how to be a woman!

He showed you how you can love and feel - now it's up to you to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to clean the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of his mind!
It is necessary to reveal love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within.
You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word, real, feeling, emotional and able to let go.
And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!
Then life will bring you together again.

With other men it will be easier, easier, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life:

  • Learn to be grateful to him, because it is these men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but now we understand that it's worth it, right?
  • Do not think about it and do not try to forget it, just grow yourself and your strength.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and your relationship with him will either move to a new level or stop bothering you!

Why do we stick to such men?

Because they are strong in a manly way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process happens to a woman: when she reveals herself in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man it will not work like that with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to control energetically strong people, you can only interact with them according to the principle of merging energies.

Therefore, discard the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he discovered in you!

Whatever man you live with now, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it!

Even if you are already married, and your heart is still fluttering from another man, do not discard love.
Just do not focus on a man, take the feelings that he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people, but because of their energy and the states that we experience next to them.Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest! Now you know what happens WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES.

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