The amazing marine power of fucoidan. Drink "Fucoidan": reviews. "Fucoidan": instructions, application, opinion of doctors and patients Is it possible to cure cancer with fucoidan

Discovery history

Brown algae, the cell wall of which contains fucoidan, appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago. Fucoidan was discovered by the German chemist Bernhard Tollens in 1890. After 23 years, the Swedish professor Kilin isolated it from the composition of the cell membrane. And in 1913 the world received a panacea - fucoidan, the properties and possibilities of which became known only in our time. It was noticed that, in addition to high life expectancy, the Japanese are distinguished by excellent skin condition, a low percentage of oncological diseases, and an almost complete absence of problems from the cardiovascular system and blood circulation of the brain. The result of a comprehensive study of fucoidan was the statement of scientists that it is able to give an impulse to cancer cells to self-destruct and excrete from the body, completely restoring it at the cellular level.

For the first time that fucoidan treats cancer, Japanese and American scientists announced in 2005. One of the first about the properties of fucoidan (self-destruction of diseased cells affected by the leukemia virus) was written by scientists from the Department of Molecular Virology and Oncology of Ryukyu University (Nishihara, Okinawa). Their colleagues at Keio University in Tokyo confirmed the report with the results of a study that showed that the use of fucoidan in treatment was significantly superior to the result of a whole series of chemotherapy sessions. The antiviral activity of fucoidan (HIV, herpes types 1 and 2), its ability to have a healing effect in diseases such as diabetes, gastric ulcers, hypertension, chronic hepatitis, and atopic dermatitis were also revealed.

Fucoidan stimulates the body to produce its own

stem cells at any age!

New young cells mature and go to the damaged organ: heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, etc., replacing old and diseased cells, this is how the body naturally heals.

Official medicine has confirmed the effectiveness of drugs based on fucoidan and allowed their use in therapy.

The Science of Fucoidan

Fucoidan is a polysaccharide found in brown algae, whose unique properties have been scientifically proven by many modern research laboratories. A wide range of biological activity of fucoidan has been found, and, first of all, its anticancer effect is noted, based on the suppression of active oxygen, the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells, apoptosis - the self-destruction of cells programmed at the gene level.

Fucoidan can be considered a "polyvalent biomodulator". Scientists from South Korea, Japan, USA, Russia, France and Germany, developing innovative immunostimulants, antiviral and anti-cancer drugs based on fucoidan, proved that fucoidan stimulates the production of interferons and increases cellular immunity, stimulates the growth of immune system cells, macrophage activity, and suppresses allergic reactions. . Being a natural product, fucoidan is the most versatile and effective cell signaling agent. It has tremendous power and energy to support meaningful and important processes in stem cells, organs, tissues and many other biological structures and systems of the body.

Fucoidan contains eight essential saccharides for cellular communication



Increases growth factors IGF-1 and 2, identical to those found in abundance in breast milk. Affects brain development and the ability to create long-term memories.

Stimulates the production of immune factors interferon and interleukin in immunocytes. Regulates immunomodulatory activity. Activates stem cells. Creates hormonal rejuvenating longevity factors. Inhibits tumor growth through apoptosis. Protects against infections of the respiratory tract. Inhibits allergic reactions by suppressing lgE. Increases growth factors for muscle recovery. Stimulates the growth and repair of bones. Creates growth factors for skin, hair, mucous membrane of internal organs. Acts directly with anti-inflammatory inhibitors. Helps increase energy metabolism.


Enhances wound healing. Increases calcium absorption. Promotes the formation of long-term memory.


Powerful source of fast energy. Strengthens memory. Stimulates the absorption of calcium.


Inhibits the spread of the tumor. Immune modulator with antitumor properties and action against HIV.


Helps restore cartilage. Reduces pain and inflammation. Increases freedom of movement. Restores the mucosal protective barrier involved in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and interstitial cystitis.

N-acetylneuraminic acid

Important for brain development and learning. Abundant in content in breast milk. Repels bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.


Antibacterial and antifungal properties may prevent gastrointestinal cancer.

Fucoidan is the basis of health. Leading Researchers of the World

state that they have never seen one ingredient

did so much for the human body as it does


Algae - pantry of fucoidan

Algae are classified into brown, red, green, and blue-green. Brown seaweed is classified into typical seaweed, sea mustard, mozuku and hijiki. Red - for agar-agar and purple algae. Blue-green algae is represented by spirulina.

Blue-green algae grow on rocks, cliffs; the green ones are in shallow waters, and therefore receive enough light. Brown and red algae grow in shallow and deep seas. Accordingly, their photosynthesis occurs with a small amount of light. How is fucoidan produced in algae, especially in brown ones? What is its function?

Fucoidan is secreted as slime from the algae channel when the leaf or stem is damaged by water flow or sand, and thus the plant protects itself from bacterial penetration. Also, when the algae is exposed to the air, fucoidan is released and hydrates the damaged part.

Apoptosis is the main antitumor mechanism of fucoidan

Scientists around the world have been trying for many years to develop a way to control the process of self-destruction of altered cells. Japanese scientists were the first to achieve success when they isolated the special healing substance fucoidan from the seaweed Laminaria Japonica. How does fucoidan work?

Fucoidan binds to a special antenna (receptor) that is present only on the surface of altered cells. The scientific name for this antenna is "tumor necrosis factor receptor". Normally, the lymphocytes of our immune system themselves "recognize" this antenna and secrete the tumor necrosis factor, triggering the self-destruction of the altered cell. If this mechanism is broken, the changed cells continue to live. They become the center of inflammation and gradually degenerate into cancer.

In this case, fucoidan is able to replace the broken mechanism for the destruction of altered cells. When fucoidan binds to the "antenna", a program of "self-destruction" is launched inside the altered cell. Such cells die, turning into a bag with a protein substrate, and are absorbed by macrophages. When taking fucoidan, massive death of cancer cells occurs both in the main focus and in metastases. The immune system instead of a "protracted war" quickly destroys their remnants.

Apoptosis does not have any harmful effect on healthy cells, and its doses, even exceeding the recommended ones by a hundred times, do not cause any negative consequences.

This is confirmed by numerous studies conducted by scientists, thanks to which it turned out that fucoidan is a remedy not only for cancer, but also for rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Fucoidan also helps to increase immunity against gastrointestinal diseases and various infections, in particular viral ones (including AIDS).

Fucoidan proved to be an invaluable substance that can heal the body, strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body. In addition, fucoidan has a phenomenal ability to rejuvenate and heal the skin. Scientists have done a huge amount of research on fucoidan, especially focusing on the ability of the polysaccharide to regenerate cells.

These studies have revealed that fucoidan helps to maintain stem cells in constant mobilization, as a result of which they actively replace dead cells in the human body, thereby contributing to the regeneration of organs and tissues. In addition to this, fucoidan slows down the aging process. Research scientists have proven that fucoidan helps the body fight for a long and healthy life, strengthening the immune system.

Fucoidan also stimulates cell growth and division, and supports normal liver function and circulation. Daily consumption of a certain dose of seaweed supports healthy functions of the entire body. People who consume fucoidan-rich algae on a regular basis have a high level of energy, do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system, pancreas. Fucoidan also helps in the fight against diabetes.

Anti-angiogenic effect of fucoidan (prevents the growth of new vessels, which feed the tumor)

A cancerous tumor is able to sprout blood vessels on its own to increase the flow of blood and nutrients. If the growth of these new vessels can be stopped, then the spread of the cancerous tumor is also slowed down. Today, shark cartilage preparations are very popular due to their anti-angiogenic effect, but it turned out that fucoidan also has this effect.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of fucoidan

The high antibacterial activity of the drug in relation to Escherechia Koli, Staphylococcus aureus and Helicobacter make it simply indispensable for normalizing the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal flora.

The effect of fucoidan on the cardiovascular system

The ability of fucoidan to improve blood circulation and heart function provides a full flow of blood to all organs and systems of the body. The use of fucoidan is indicated for ischemic heart and brain disease, hemophilia, thrombophlebitis, Alzheimer's disease.

Fucoidan and the endocrine system

One of the most common diseases of the endocrine system is hypothyroidism (a pathological decrease in the function of the thyroid gland of various nature, expressed in a decrease in metabolism, the activity of many enzymes and disorders in many organs and tissues.

Hypothyroidism is manifested by weakness, drowsiness, memory loss, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, weight gain, apathy, edema, mental disorders, decreased libido. The disease is closely related to the pathology of the intestines, liver, microcirculation disorders.

There are several causes of hypothyroidism:

Autoimmune thyroiditis (chronic inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland);

Operations (usually for nodular goiter);

Diseases of the pituitary gland;

Lack of iodine, which is an urgent problem in the post-Soviet space due to its low content in drinking water.

Iodine forms the basis of thyroid hormones, which replenish vital functions, as they are responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regulate the activity of the brain, nervous system, mental development of children, the function of the genital organs, immunity, etc.

The use of fucoidan will help relieve these symptoms, restore the vital functions of the body.

In addition, fucoidan normalizes the absorption of glucose and regulates the level of sugar in human blood.

Immunomodulatory effect of fucoidan

Inside our bodies there is a system that constantly searches for, identifies and removes foreign bodies. Cancer cells are not originally foreign to our bodies, but our immune system is able to identify cancer cells and launch an attack against them. The activity of our immune system is not always at the same level, it is constantly changing. Immune functions within our bodies are carried out by a specific type of cell present in the blood - immunocytes (eg macrophages, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and others) which can be activated and enlarged. Cancer cells reduce the activity of the immune system, thereby reducing the overall effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, cancer patients need to activate their immune system. It is well known that if patients manage to stay positive, their immune system is strengthened and their general condition improves.

Fucoidan activates our immune system by stimulating immune cells and increasing their number. Different researchers offer different models to explain the immunomodulatory properties of fucoidan. According to one model, fucoidan is similar in structure to the walls of bacterial cells, and thus our immune system mistakes fucoidan molecules for bacteria and begins to activate and increase the number of lymphocytes in response (“by mistake”). According to another model, polysaccharides are able to transfer information from one cell to another (this is one of the biggest discoveries in microbiology in recent years) and thus transmit the most accurate information about diseased cells to the immune system.

Connective tissue diseases

Suspending inflammatory processes in tissues and cartilage, fucoidan ensures their normal functioning. It is important to take the drug as a preventative measure, because during periods of exacerbation, such as arthritis, the body may need a longer period to recover.

The antioxidant effect of fucoidan

Fucoidan is a natural antioxidant drug that neutralizes oxidative damage and its effect on the body at the cellular level.

Antitoxic effect of fucoidan

Fucoidan promotes the removal of natural waste products and cellular decay from the body, has the ability to bind elements of heavy metals and reduce their absorption into the intestine, thereby preventing poisoning. Fucoidan neutralizes the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. As a result of its intake, there is an almost complete restoration of the body and its functions.

Anticoagulant Properties

Due to its anticoagulant effect, fucoidan can be used in the treatment of patients with congenital or acquired deficiency of antithrombin AT-III.

Regenerative properties

In the course of research on fucoidan, its amazing regenerative properties were discovered, contributing to the replacement of dead cells with young ones. These properties of fucoidan act on almost every system of the body. Fucoidan supports the signaling function of stem cells throughout the body responsible for cell regeneration.

Haewon Biotech (South Korea) -
best pure fucoidan producer

The only manufacturing company in the world that produces the highest purity fucoidan powder in the world (95%) is Haewon Biotech Co. LTD, South Kogea. The company's raw materials are mined in ecologically clean marine areas. For the manufacture of the product, only selected brown kombu seaweed is used. A unique patented technology, developed in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sciences and Technology of Japan (AIST - The National Institute of Advanced Industrials Sciens and Technology), is based on the extraction of fucoidan using citric acid (obtained from organically grown lemons), which eliminates the use of chemicals.

The experience of the company, which has the technology to obtain the purest raw materials, has received international recognition. And there are five good reasons for this.

Firstly, it is the only company in the world that obtains fucoidan from all types of brown algae.

Secondly, this is the only enterprise capable of controlling the volume of fucoidan molecules obtained (from 3300 to 1,000,000 daltons). Extraction of the substance by volume of molecules is very important, as it facilitates the use of fucoidan for the production of medicines.

Thirdly, the company provides raw materials that are in demand in the field of raw materials companies. So, the American company "Sigma" supplies it to laboratories around the world. This indicates the high quality and safety of fucoidan.

Fourth, it is the only company that exports raw materials widely:

11 countries around the world purchase fucoidan from Haewon Biotech.

Fifth, "Haewon Biotech Co. LTD produces raw materials in the area of ​​Wando Island - in the environmentally friendly sea waters of South Korea.

A powerful material and technical base and a staff of highly qualified specialists led Haewon Biotech Co. LTD is one of the leaders among similar manufacturing enterprises, and its products are known and in demand all over the world.

The high quality of the company's products is confirmed by special certificates Kosher, ISO, Halal. And this is not only a matter of special pride, but also a visiting card, the reputation of all the company's products.

The company constantly conducts active research work. Promising types of plant raw materials are being studied, dosage forms and regulatory documents are being developed. New developments are tested and implemented, so the list of products is constantly expanding.

SFL Biotech Co. LTD, being the exclusive general distributor and representative of the plant in the post-Soviet space, offers high-quality products manufactured by Haewon Biotech Co. LTD" containing fucoidan: healing drinks, vitamin and mineral complexes, cosmetics and broad-spectrum preparations to improve health and restore a high tone of the body.

Research and scientific work on Fucoidan


Research paper Bo Li, Fei Lu, Xinjun Wei and Ruixiang Zhao Fucoidan: Structure and Bioactivity

  • Recovery of apoptosis (properties of cancer cells to die in time)
  • Prevents the migration of cancer cells (metastases)
  • Suppresses the generation of new blood vessels
  • Suppresses oxygen supply to cancer cells

One of the anti-cancer actions of fucoidan is carried out by forcing cancer cells to self-destruct, which is achieved through the mechanism of apoptosis. At the same time, fucoidan does not act on normal, healthy cells. There are genes in the cells of living beings that instruct the cell to self-destruct when it has fulfilled its biological function. This is apoptosis. Apoptosis is necessary to maintain the body in a healthy state, because thanks to it, regenerative processes are carried out in the body, in which old cells are replaced by new ones.

Cancer cell apoptosis has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of fucoidan on multiple generations of cancer cells. In particular, they studied the effect of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells, human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, human gastric cancer cells, and intestinal adenocarcinoma cells that proliferated in petri dishes. As a result of the experiment (the effect of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells), it was found that the number of viable cancer cells decreased and tended to zero. In a more detailed analysis, the scientists determined that in the dead cells, the DNA that is responsible for building the plan for the development of the cell was broken, which made these cells not viable. It was also determined that fucoidan had almost no effect on healthy cells that were cultured in the control group.

Fucoidan binds to a special antenna (receptor), which is present only on the surface of the changed cells.

The scientific name for this antenna is "tumor necrosis factor receptor". Normally, the lymphocytes of our immune system themselves "recognize" this antenna and secrete the tumor necrosis factor, triggering the self-destruction of the altered cell. If this mechanism is broken, the changed cells continue to live. They become the center of inflammation and gradually degenerate into cancer. In this case, fucoidan is able to replace the broken mechanism for the destruction of altered cells. When fucoidan binds to the "antenna", a program of "self-destruction" is launched inside the altered cell. Such a cell dies and falls apart. After that, the immune system, instead of a "protracted war", quickly destroys its remnants.

Bioengineering Research Center of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of the University of Denmark

According to other studies, a surprising fact was that in addition to the apoptotic effect, fucoidan began to stimulate the activity of killer cells against cancer cells at a dose of 50 mg / kg. That is, in oncology, the immune system does not notice cancer cells and the cells begin to multiply, but the study showed that fucoidan began to stimulate the immune system to suppress cancer cells.

The effect of fucoidan on hearing

Research conducted: 05/23/2011 Cung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea.

Fucoidan shows promising results in the treatment and prevention of hearing loss, as well as the prevention of age-related hearing loss. Restores the regeneration of sensory hair cells

The effect of fucoidan on the brain

Research conducted: 2011 – apr, School of Ghinese Pharmacy, Beijing University of Cinese Medicine


Able to inhibit the activity of cathepsin D, thereby increasing the life of nerve cells and their regeneration

Enhances apoptosis of nerve cells as a process of brain aging. Cathepsin is the active substance of nerve cells.

Research in Russia (N. N. Drozd, N. T. Miftakhova, E. Yu. Savchik, 7. B. Kalinina, V. A. Makarov, T. I. Imbs, T. N. Zvyagintseva, T. A. Kuznetsova, N.N. Beselnova) showed the amazing ability of fucoidan:

Prevent blood clots.

Hemorrhagic activity

A notable feature of the study: when using 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight, a 100% effect of eliminating blood clots is achieved.

myocardial infarction

Study conducted: School of Pharmacology at Yantai University China was completed on 05/27/2011

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Fucoidan in ischemic infarcts. Conclusion: Fucoidan gives promising results for successful therapy and prevention of ischemia of various tissues, including myocardial infarction. It increases the period of tissue preservation for subsequent reference fusion therapy. Prognosis: Fucoidan preserves cell life in violation of peripheral circulation

Blood purification

The study was conducted on April 30, 2011 by the Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology at the Veterinary College of Korea


Liver and spleen studies

01/14/2011 Laboratory of molecular biology of the cell. Institute of Cell Biochemistry. India.

A. Kuznetsova, I.G. Agafonova, T.O. Krokhmal, T.N., Zvyagintseva, N.V. Filonov. Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (690087 Vladivostok, Selskaya St., 1), Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (690022, Vladivostok, Ave. 100 Let Vladivostok, 159)

Fibrosis of the liver. An uncontrolled increase in collagens in the matrix and connective tissue of the liver, followed by scarring. Fucoidan effectively inhibits the activity of growth factors in liver tissues, thereby preventing its growth.


Using magnetic resonance imaging and biochemical analysis, the hepatoprotective effect of fucoidan was studied in experimental chronic toxic hepatitis in mice induced by carbon tetrachloride. The normalization of the morphological structure and functional state of the liver was revealed during oral administration of fucoidan for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The results obtained indicate the hepatoprotective activity of fucoidan and open up new prospects for its clinical application.

Fucoidan protects against radiation

Study and application of therapeutic and prophylactic preparations based on natural biologically active substances. (Under the editorship of V.G. Bespalov and V.B. Nekrasova. St. Petersburg: Eskulap, 2000. 468 p.). Studies were also conducted by Kyung Hee Medical Center, South Korea.

Fucoidan has radioprotective properties. Feeding carotene-containing seaweed to rats protected their cells from free radical damage from whole-body ionizing radiation. The resistance of animals under the influence of external radiation on the body increased: the survival rate and average life expectancy of irradiated animals increased, and the frequency of the main syndromes of radiation injury decreased. A translam-glucan compound from fucoidan stimulated the activity of peritoneal macrophages in irradiated mice. The ability of alginic acid derivatives to remove strontium and cesium radionuclides from the body of animals and humans is well known. Thus, fucoidan can be effectively used to protect the body from light, magnetic, radiation.


Department of Molecular Medicine at the Institute of Medical Science, Japan

Fucoidan has a high antiviral activity, suppressing the cytopathic effect of the vesicular stomatitis virus, the interaction of the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus, genital herpes virus. Fucoidan inhibits the activity of native and recombinant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Fucoidan has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug exhibits antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Yesherechia Koli, Helicobacter. At the same time, fucoidan has a positive effect on the intestinal flora and normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The anti-inflammatory effect of fucoiadan manifests itself at an early stage of the development of the inflammatory process due to its interaction with P-selectin. Given the antibacterial and antiviral activity of fucoidan, scientists have confirmed in their reports its effectiveness in tularemia, herpes types 1 and 2, HTLV-viral diseases without side effects.

Questions and answers

What is fucoidan?

Seaweed, sea mustard, and mozuku have a mucilaginous surface that forms the substance "fucoidan," a type of fiber that is beneficial to health.

How is fucoidan produced in algae?

Fucoidan is secreted as slime from the algae channel when the leaf or stem is damaged by water flow or sand, and thus protects itself from bacterial penetration. Also, when the algae is exposed to the air, fucoidan is released and hydrates the damaged part.

Antidiabetic effect and other beneficial properties of fucoidan.

Fucoidan prevents a sharp increase in blood sugar. This is because fucoidan is a water-soluble plant fiber that increases the viscosity of foods and controls the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. The slow movement of food allows glucose to be absorbed slowly in the small intestine. This allows blood sugar levels to rise slowly and remain stable. Fucoidan effectively affects the liver, vision. Fucoidan is the best helper for retinitis, atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension, kidney failure, neurosensory disorder, infection and other complications.

What do the studies show?

Research has shown:

Antioxidant and antihyperglycemic effect.

Rapid healing of stomach ulcers, apoptosis.

Antiallergic effect, antitumor effect, liver restoration.

Intestinal cleansing, antihypertensive effect, inhibition of H1 N1 viruses.

Anticholesterol effect, activation of HGF (hepatocyte growth factor).

Inhibition of the HIV virus.

Relief from smallpox, asthma.

Antithrombotic effect, etc.

Can you get the same effect from raw algae?

You will have to eat about a kilogram of raw seaweed daily if you want to prevent or cure a disease. But this is impossible. In addition, it can cause nutritional imbalance. And the biggest problem is that there is no enzyme in the human body that can break down algae. Eating raw algae does not give the same effect as fucoidan.

Does fucoidan have side effects?

Fucoidan is not a chemically synthesized drug. It is extracted from seaweed. Fucoidan is consumed as food, like seaweed. No clinical observations regarding side effects have been identified. But it is important to remember that fucoidan is a dietary fiber. If you eat a lot of it, minor diarrhea is possible.

Can fucoidan be consumed along with other healthy foods or anti-cancer drugs?

Other prescription medications can be taken at the same time as fucoidan, but if in doubt, check with your doctor. In addition, the use of fucoidan neutralizes the side effects caused by anticancer drugs.

How to take fucoidan?

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take 1 to 2 grams of fucoidan per day (drinks or complexes). On average, you can consume from 0.5 to 2 grams per day, depending on the physique or physical condition. With more serious pathologies during the first few days - 2-4 grams, gradually increasing to 7 grams per day. The period of application is not limited. Fucoidan is recommended to drink on an empty stomach, without mixing with other products.

It is good to take it early in the morning, before lunch, before dinner, before going to bed (4 times a day). People with sensitive stomachs can take fucoidan after meals.

Does fucoidan help heal wounds?

Fucoidan is effective for the treatment of wounds, especially in the postoperative period, helps with rapid rehabilitation in the postoperative period, helps restore appetite, and helps to cope with constipation.

Can pregnant women and infants drink the drink?

Fucoidan is prescribed for pregnant women and is especially important after childbirth to restore blood. Since there are no side effects, the child can also.

How does fucoidan affect the musculoskeletal system and osteoporosis?

Fucoidan contains heparin, which thins the blood, which contributes to the self-regulation of connective tissue.

How does fucoidan work in kidney and liver disease?

The product is very useful, especially for those who abuse alcohol, because fucoidan helps in the restoration of the liver and its cells.

How does the product affect women's problems (fibroids or ovarian cysts)?

Fucoidan cleanses the blood and restores cells, actively acts on viruses and inflammation. If diseases are associated with these causes, it helps.

Does the product promote weight loss?

Fucoidan slows down the reproduction of fat cells, normalizes and speeds up metabolism, which helps to lose weight. Now a new drug containing the unique substance Fucoxanthin has been launched on the market. It allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight by burning white fat in the body. With the discovery of the natural metabolism-boosting properties of fucoxanthin in people seeking to lose weight, a new weapon has appeared that stimulates the work of mitochondria contained in fat cells. Unlike other drugs, fucoxanthin does not cause side effects, but on the contrary, it prevents diseases of the heart, liver and pancreas. In addition to rapid weight loss by burning white fat, scientific studies have shown that this substance improves blood parameters associated with vascular and inflammatory disorders.

On average, 1 kg of algae contains about 2 grams of fucoidan.

Fucoidan helps the body produce interferon and interlecin-12, which allows it to cope with respiratory diseases.

Fucoidan has been proven invaluable: this chemical can not only prevent malignant tumors, but also treat cancer.

A positive effect of fucoidan on the state of the body, general well-being was revealed. Fucoidan promotes healing, strengthening the immune system. It has been proven that this polysaccharide perfectly eliminates harmful substances, having antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Interestingly, this substance contained in algae, with its anticoagulant action, prevents the occurrence of blood clots: it thins the blood.

The wonderful element fucoidan in brown algae is in the diet of every inhabitant of Japan. Fucoidan-containing algae are included in salads, second courses, soups and drinks.

The qualitative and quantitative content of macro- and microelements in seaweed resembles the composition of human blood.

Fucoidan is unrivaled in its ability to rejuvenate the skin, relieve it of various problems.

Beauticians in Okinawa have noticed that women who process mozuku seaweed keep their skin young and smooth for many years.

What is the secret of the amazing condition of the skin and the preservation of its youth? The answer is fucoidan. The slimy substance extracted from brown algae, which contains fucoidan, is necessary for the algae themselves: at low tide, seaweed in the coastal zone is often exposed and exposed to air and sunlight. Fucoidan, having a stronger moisturizing effect than hyaluronic acid, allows the algae to "dignify" these harmful external influences.

Fucoidan contains all nine amino acids that are essential for our health but are not produced in the body.

Initially, mozuku seaweed was loved simply because it was very tasty. Later, the Japanese noticed that the hands of women who washed and cooked became tender and young. Okinawans not only collected, but also created a unique technology for its cultivation. There are six types of mozuku: nori, wakame, kombu, etc. Their chemical analysis allowed biologists to make an amazing discovery: coastal waters and soil in the Okinawa region have a unique mineral composition. This is the reason why Okinawan seaweed is high in fucoidan.

Only biologically active fucoidan, obtained in compliance with the technology and having a molecular size that does not exceed acceptable standards, is capable of healing. Under these conditions, its complete absorption by the body and effectiveness is guaranteed.

Algae is collected at the bottom of the sea, quickly frozen, crushed and dried using a special technology. The result is a powder ready for use.

In seaweed more than in all other marine products, vitamins, minerals and iodine.

Algae is an ideal food to help balance a diet that is usually deficient in calcium, iodine, iron and other minerals. People who regularly eat brown algae containing fucoidan throughout their lives have excellent immunity.

Fucoidan, which has antitumor, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and a number of other properties, has high hopes as a natural remedy that can cure cancer, viral, allergic and many other diseases. Fucoidan has a cumulative effect in the body: the longer you use it, the better you feel.

Fucoidan (Fucoidan) is a new preparation of a group of dietary supplements recommended for deep regulation of immunity. Most of our readers understand the nature of the effect of seaweed on the body, but not everyone knows that innovative medicine products are available today. It is a polysaccharide Fucoidan contained in brown algae. Pigment carotenoid also deserves attention. Fucoxanthin (F ucoxanthin), isolated from diatoms and possessing protein activity and complex metabolic functionality. These dietary supplements are already available on iHerb.

Algae "under the gun" of researchers

The miraculous power of algae is well known. They are recommended for a healthy diet, restoration of immunity, normalization of the condition during pregnancy or after serious illnesses. Of course, scientists could not stop at general clinical data and began to work with substances that predominate in the composition of algae. attracted attention heteropolysaccharide Fucoidan and pigment Fucoxanthin. If the first substance is found in brown algae, then the second is in species that have a blue-green tint.

Fucoidan according to existing studies, it has extrahormonal activity and provides powerful cellular regulation. Its effect on the human body is quite complex, representing an insufficiently elucidated chain of reactions. But definitely, in simple terms, it makes the cells practically invulnerable to external influences.

You can list the nature of the effect on the body, including:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitumor activity.

To be more precise, we are talking about a group of fucoidan substances that have a complex effect on the human body. Their connection with the processes of hematopoiesis and regulation of the circulatory system should be emphasized. Fucoidans possess anticoagulant property, in other words, thin the blood, the nature of the effect is similar to heparin. Heteropolysaccharides also negatively affect tumor cells, causing their apoptosis (cell death). Fucoidan is one of the strongest supportive drugs recommended for use in the treatment of oncology.

Beyond reality

Scientists are literally captured by new research, but the press gives little explanation accessible to the average reader. In our review, we decided to reveal the features of this trend in medical science.

Speaking of Properties Fucoidan, it is worth remembering Fucoxanthin. This is a blue-green carotenoid pigment, which, as it was found out in the 2000s, affects the protein synthesis of white fat surrounding organs. After the above studies on rodents, the substance began to be actively used in fitness programs in weight loss programs. It is believed that taking the capsules Fucoxanthin leads to weight loss by 5-10% without additional physical activity. Many therapists began to recommend it for weight correction to patients whose health condition does not allow them to practice physical activity. First of all, diabetics.

Despite the expected exceptional properties Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin new studies remained unpublished.

There can be two reasons:

  • Doctors are not sure Fucoxanthin will have exactly the described effect on white fat and contribute to weight loss according to the “program”;
  • Drugs have a more complex effect on the body.

According to existing medical hypotheses, the influence Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin associated with higher processes of nervous and cellular activity, suprahormonal activity that directly affects protein synthesis.

Pigments in genetic regulation

In a relationship Fucoxanthin influence on protein synthesis is a proven fact. To understand what is at stake, it is worth recalling the legend of the "blue blood" contextually. Although a direct connection has not been established to date, and the content of the blue pigment in the blood is associated with copper, it is the hemoglobin pigment that has the regulatory hemolytic activity.

It can be assumed that other similar substances can have a similar biological effect. Another pigment, melanin, also has suprahormonal activity. Its properties are related to melanocortinic a system capable of modulating RNA.

How these substances affect the body, it is better to explain with comparative examples. Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin is a special group of substances isolated from algae with polymodal biological activity.

Fucoxanthin refers to a group of pigments involved in the conversion of energy necessary for the life support of cells. A well-known example is melanin, the effect of which on the preservation of the DNA structure, including antitumor, is a proven fact. As a side effect, hormonal activity was also noted. Melanin restores the level of progesterone in women and testosterone in men. Due to the second property, it is used to treat impotence.

Melanin is an energy booster found in large amounts in seeds, nuts and mushrooms, mainly Reishi mushrooms. Many scientists associate the antitumor effect of fungotherapy with melanin, others with polysaccharides. In fact, mushroom therapy is effective due to the successful combination of polysaccharides and melanin. Its content in seeds is explained by the energy qualities of the substance, which give an incentive for germination.

From this follows a quite obvious assumption that these substances, pigments and polysaccharides, create conditions for harmonious cellular synthesis, how can this work? The principle of operation is rather complicated and not studied, so it can only be described approximately.

The principle of healing with pigments and polysaccharides

Obviously, pigments are included in the complex of substances involved in the energy metabolism of the body. They assimilate or absorb light. For example, it is able to reflect UV radiation, the active work of the reproductive system improves the synthesis of melanin. Pigments affect the processes of hematopoiesis, improve protein synthesis, affect the action melanocortinic system that controls the integrity of DNA. Melanocortinic the system regulates the activity of all our glands, so to speak, at the "parental" level.

Polysaccharides have a direct effect and directly contribute to the activation of the function of glands that produce hormones and peptides. Hormones in a balanced ratio regulate metabolism, cellular activity, implement "alternative" immunity, not associated with blood cells. At the same time, polysaccharides are able to stimulate the synthesis of phagocytes and T-lymphocytes, direct killer cells of the immune system.

In fact, the intake of polysaccharides and pigments stimulates the body's work in several directions at once:

  • restores the genetic potential of cells;
  • activates normal hormonal activity;
  • stimulates the activity of the glands and the production of peptides;
  • activates immune functions, affecting the hematopoietic system;
  • normalizes the processes of energy metabolism in the body.

It is worth making a comment about peptides, as they are increasingly used in therapy and cosmetology. They are short stretches of DNA that are inserted into the RNA of cells. They are the mechanism of cellular repair, which is under the control of the glands. Reception Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin can replace peptide and enzyme therapy, which also stimulates the production of substances of the peptide group.

The intake of polysaccharides is recommended to restore the metabolic processes of the body. When you receive Fucoidan in conjunction with Fucoxanthin there is a synergistic effect similar to the action of mushrooms. Unlike mushroom polysaccharides, the recommended dietary supplements are related in terms of the composition of human blood, so their combined intake is preferable compared to fungotherapy. The disadvantage of this recommendation is the lack of sufficient clinical data. Reviews from real customers can help in this regard.

We also recommend taking Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin in combination with PMFA Omega-3. The fact is that a balanced amount of PUFA is necessary for normal metabolism, but it is Omega-6 that predominates in food. For this reason, therapists recommend taking Omega-3 in the form of a dietary supplement. It should be noted that the negative reviews of experts on Fucoidan missing.

In addition to a complex health-improving effect on the body, heteropolysaccharides have an impact on:

  • on the processes of bone formation. Recommended for people on a diet and reducing carbohydrate intake, which leads to collagen loss and early arthritis;
  • improve the state of the cardiovascular system, restoring blood flow;
  • have a preventive effect at the risk of blood clots;
  • have a direct effect on mutated cells, cause apoptosis of cancerous tumors and metastasis;
  • used as a substitute for peptide and amino acid therapy;
  • are used in programs for the correction of the condition of seriously ill people, including in combination with Fucoxanthin to support those suffering from diabetes;
  • can be used as antiviral therapy in the autumn-winter period.

As additional properties, we emphasize the following:

  • it is noted that Fucoidan effectively fights herpes viruses and leads to apoptosis of cancer cells, while there are no emissions of poisons and toxins that negatively affect the body;
  • stimulates the production of stem cells, naturally rejuvenating the body.

The recommended intake without a doctor's prescription should not exceed the recommendations placed on the package. It is 600 mg per day, the usual dosage of one capsule is 300 mg. When using drugs in clinical courses, the dosage may be individually increased. The maximum daily dose has not been determined and is prescribed based on the recommendations for use and the patient's well-being.

Reception Fucoidan you can practice: therapeutic for 6-12 months or courses of 1-2 months for the prevention and support of the state of the body.

A preventive course is quite enough for a healthy person to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • remove toxins from the body associated with the vital activity of infectious agents;
  • restore osteosynthesis and reduce the risk of arthritis;
  • improve skin condition;
  • normalize the processes of hematopoiesis, including a decrease in the processes of thrombosis;
  • restore the natural production of peptides and stem cells, corresponding to a young age;
  • as an antioxidant therapy.

Fucoidan: contraindications

When taking drugs with extrahormonal activity, an increased dose, care should be taken. Despite the fact that cases of side effects when taking Fucoidan are not registered, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. When conducting treatment courses, regular monitoring of the blood count is recommended, especially with a pronounced increase in dose.

It should be borne in mind that algae contain a large amount of iodine. Recall that the content Fucoidan in brown algae reaches 25-30% dry matter. There is no iodine in the finished product. Persons suffering from iodine deficiency are advised to add a biological supplement to the prophylactic course to compensate for the daily dose. Otherwise, with prolonged use, there may be unbalanced the work of the glands, since iodine is an active bioregulator.

All of the listed drugs can be purchased at iHerb. It is the world's largest supplier of quality dietary supplements. Buying drugs for iHerb, you can be sure of the originality of the product and the low risk of contraindications.

Doctor's Best, Best Fucoidan 70%, 60 Veg Capsules

One of the best drugs of the recommended series is Best Fucoidan from 's Best. It is obtained from brown algae growing in ecologically clean areas of the world's oceans. The company makes sure that the extracted sulfonated polysaccharides are preserved in the product in the most bioavailable form. The package contains 60 capsules of 300 mg and is designed for a monthly course of administration.

Life Extension, Superior Fucoidan, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Recommended for taking Superior Fucoidan from Life Extension. The package also contains 60 vegetarian capsules, designed for a monthly course. Contains a daily dose of the standard Japanese diet. The drug is produced by the method of soft extraction of algae, thanks to which it is possible to preserve the biological properties of the substance by 88%.

Garden of Life, FucoThin, Non-Stimulant, Natural Fat Burner, 90 Capsules

FucoThin from Garden of Life used as an additive in weight loss programs, combines Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin. The intensity of influence is improved by pomegranate oil, which is part of the capsule. The oil is also a natural preservative, which avoids the use of cellulose filler.

The price of drugs for iHerb is in the range of 28-38 US dollars, which is much cheaper than offered in Russia. Consider shipping costs.

Fucoidan: composition

The composition of the capsules Fucoidan depends on the manufacturer. As a filler, cellulose or natural oil with biological activity is used, as in the preparation FucoThin from Garden of Life. Some manufacturers use proprietary formulas Fucoidan.

Fucoidan: instructions for use

Like any herbal preparation, capsules Fucoidan It is recommended to take 15 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal. This achieves maximum absorption and biological activity of the drug. Application in the morning guarantees maximum effectiveness Fucoidan and its effect on the biological rhythm of organs.


To analogues Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin can be attributed reishi mushroom. Despite the different composition of polysaccharides and pigments, fungicides have a similar effect on the body. The preparations of the same series also include Ukrainian Flaraxin, which combines grape polysaccharides and potassium iodide, which stimulates the production of melanin.

Fucoidan: reviews

Elizaveta, 19 years old, Saratov:
Recommended Fucoidan my mom to recover from chemo. She quickly went on the mend, without the threat of relapse, takes constantly. Since on iHerb ordered several packages, then my mother insisted on receiving me due to strong physical exertion at the institute and in training. I must say that I began to quickly lose weight, while my health and mobility improved significantly. The choice was stopped at FucoThin from Garden of Life, because we heard the reviews of friends who also received excellent results of rehabilitation after an illness. Reviews of doctors are also positive!

Ekaterina, 50 years old, Novosibirsk:
Hosted Superior Fucoidan from Life Extension as a prophylaxis of arthritis as part of complex therapy. The condition has improved significantly. I address my feedback to all people who cannot actively engage in sports and suffer from bone pain.

Lilya, 24 years old, Moscow:
Bought Fucoxanthin in conjunction with Fucoidan for "drying" in the gym. I must say that the drug works great. I used to buy in TianDe ( Fucoidan 1000), now only on iHerb. In Russia, the price is too high!

Products containing fucoidan have both a preventive effect and a powerful healing effect on the body of any person. Fucoidan extract even helps fight cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and many other ailments!

Regular use of our products will allow you, your children, parents and friends to maintain or restore Health! Tens of thousands of early adopters have already proven this to themselves.

We successfully apply effective preventive and healing programs, for example:

Program " 100 grams in 100 days ". Effectively and safely does healing and prevention. 1 gram of fucoidan per day.
Program " 100 days 100 grams ". Based on the use of branded health drink "".
Program " Weight control ". The use of our special fat burning and nutrition products. 95% of users have a positive result!

Fucoidan extract is an extract from brown algae, it is the power of the ocean, which has become available to modern man. Our company's products are 95% pure fucoidan, the highest purity for "normal" use (scientific studies use higher purity, but the price goes up exponentially).
The entire product is produced in South Korea from raw materials and technologies of Haewon Boitech, which is recognized as the best in the world in the production of high-quality fucoidan extract!

Fucoidan is a miracle of nature! Effective and safe.

Fabric mask "Fukoran" contains Fucoidan"

We have a lot of slides and pictures about the product, click on the picture below and see Photo album about the product of the company .

Prices, Kits and product range are subject to change - see the current ones:

For several years, the company has accumulated a large number of videos about the product, about the results, a small part is placed on this page, more materials on the page.

Also watch video materials in your personal "Office" on our website, for this you need to register in enter the site:
Recordings from, as well as a Special Course for partners of the company.

Hour of Health. "Fucoidan - dosages"
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Mukhamedzhanov E.K.

"Products of the company" Fucoidan World ". Kurylenko V.N.
Webinar recording

Through complex technological actions ( , in your personal "Office") from one to two kilograms of brown algae, 1 gram of fucoidan in powder with a purity of 95% is obtained.

Our fucoidan and all its products are produced in South Korea from raw materials from Haewon Biotech. This company is the General Partner, manufacturer and supplier of products for Fucoidan World.

We have written a lot about this amazingly powerful natural elixir of health, beauty and longevity, read:

The most important thing about our product is its effectiveness and ease of use. Fucoidan is a powerful and safe product with a huge number of positive properties and a positive effect on the human body. For example, each child needs to take at least a bottle of the Fucoidan drink per month - this is affordable and will protect our children! This is food to be eaten. every person constantly and a lot.

"Fucoidan and health"
Recording from the Second VIP Academy. Professor. Mukhamedzhanov E.K.

"Product President"
Kurylenko Viktor Nikolaevich
Webinar recording

World of Fucoidan launches the program "Weight Control" in the world!

Our product helps to be healthy, and part of good health is the correct weight of a person!

Another of our programs: you have a unique opportunity - powerfully, systematically and safely improve your body with the help of the program " 100 GRAMS in 100 DAYS".

Approximately 1 gram of fucoidan extract daily for three months is guaranteed to give a powerful healing effect for any person. You can start gradually, with half a gram or even less.

How to "gain" 100 grams of fucoidan? The simplest and cheapest is exactly 100 grams of the product "", or in the drink "", which contains 45 grams of fucoidan, or in the concentrate-drink "", in which 60 grams of fucoidan, or in which 19.5 grams of pure fucoidan.

One hundred days on a branded spoonful of powder "Fucoid Power-U", or 35 ml. drink "Fucowell-Alpha", or half a bag of "Fuco-Aid", or five capsules of Vital Fucoid n - and you have extended your life by about a year!!!
We highly recommend extending your life again, and again, and again - annually!

And the regular use of our signature drink " guarantees you good health, gradual recovery, rejuvenation of the whole organism and prevention!

It's affordable, tasty, safe and effective! The case when 100 grams of drink a day makes a person happy!
You can start using with a teaspoon to test for the reaction of your body, but thousands and thousands of people are already using the product and no negative reactions have been found.

We wish you health!!!

All about the wonderful drink "Fucoidan" from its creator

Transcription of the presentation at GBSIE. Author Severyukhin Boris Ivanovich

I am very happy to introduce our partners to the product fucoidan and please listen to me carefully.

I would like to start with the fact that in the South Pacific, in particular on the islands of Okinawa and Tongu, as well as in some cities of South Korea, the average life expectancy of natives is 80 years or more. A feature of this situation is that they all feed on seaweed.

You also know that in 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, accompanied by nuclear explosions. Scientists are surprised that people are born there without mutations, without deviations, and now their life is healthy and cheerful.

Scientists believe that in the DNA of the Japanese, a genetic defense was formed through the fucoidan present in brown algae. After the Chernobyl disaster, the world community of scientists recommended fucoidans to save the affected people. I want to call this fact a miracle.

At the University of Massachusetts USA in 2003 fucoidan listed in the list of technologies that will save the world. I want to call fucoidan a gift from God, a gift from the sea. Fucoidan is a miracle that will save the world from viruses and diseases. Why is it so?

A lot of scientific evidence in independent scientific studies. Fucoidan is an invaluable gift from the origins of human existence. And now I will tell you more about it.

Fucoidan is a polysaccharide found in brown algae. The unique properties of this substance and its beneficial effects on the human body have been discovered and scientifically proven by many modern research laboratories around the world. And especially striking results are shown by studies aimed at treating diseases that adversely affect our quality of life.

So what is fucoidan? The topic of fucoidan is attracting a lot of attention in scientific circles. Fucoidan is found in all types of brown algae, among which seaweed and wakame are the most commonly used.

On average, 1 kg of algae contains about 2 grams of this substance. The basis of the structural compound of the polysaccharide fucoidan includes fucose sulfate, in addition, it contains a small dose of monosaccharides.

Scientists have discovered a wide range of biological activity of fucoidan that has a beneficial effect on the human body. Fucoidan has many medicinal properties. Today I want to briefly talk about the anti-cancer effect and apoptosis, as well as immunity.

The use of fucoidan in the fight against cancer is due to such therapeutic factors as increased immunity, suppression of active oxygen, suppression of the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells, and apoptosis.

Such a phenomenon as apoptosis was first identified in molecular biology and means the self-destruction of cells programmed at the gene level. To make it more clear, this phenomenon can be explained using the example of a tadpole and a frog. Everyone knows that when a tadpole turns into a frog, its tail disappears. It disappears not due to a change in the shape of the cells, but as a result of the independent destruction of unnecessary cells, according to a predetermined process.

Thus, apoptosis is one of the genetic programs necessary for the life of a living organism. The human body is made up of approximately 60 trillion cells. The life of each individual cell is predetermined. After 1 cell ceases its activity, according to a given program, a new one appears. Such a continuous repetitive reaction ensures the vital activity of our body.

But unfortunately, cancer cells do not die on their own, but rather only gradually multiply by feeding on the nutrients of healthy cells and absorbing them. And fucoidan encourages abnormal cells, and specifically cancer cells, to apoptosis, while not having any effect on healthy cells.

Recently, such countries as South Korea, Japan, the USA, Russia, France and Germany are actively engaged in research and development of immunostimulants, antiviral and anticancer drugs based on fucoidan.

At the stage of in vitro and in vivo (i.e. in a living organism and outside it), no side effects have been identified, and therefore, scientists have hopes and call them super valuable drugs of the near future. Scientists have proven that fucoidan stimulates the production of interferons and increases cellular immunity, stimulates the growth of cells of the immune system, stimulates the activity of macrophages, and suppresses allergic reactions.

Scientists are pinning more hope on fucoidan as a natural medicine that can cure cancer, viral allergies, and many other diseases.

There are more than 2000 scientific papers on the study of this substance in the world. In particular, its use as a treatment for oncological diseases, boosting immunity, use as an antiviral agent, suppression of the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells, use as an antioxidant and a means to improve liver function.

And there are also studies on the role of fucoidan in protecting against radiation, using it to suppress the formation of free oxygen radicals, treat shingles, and bronchial asthma, suppress gastric ulcers and the development of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, reduce high blood pressure and others.

There are only a few manufacturing plants in the world that have the technology to produce the purest raw materials. One of these companies is the company Hayvon Biotek, whose processing technologies are recognized all over the world.

Firstly the company obtains fucoidan from all types of brown algae. To date, this is the only company in the world that is capable of doing this.

Secondly is the only company capable of controlling the volume of fucoidan molecules obtained. Its size ranges from 3300 to 1,000,000 daltons. Extraction of the substance by volume of molecules is very important, as it facilitates the use of fucoidan for the production of medicines.

Thirdly the company provides raw materials that are known in the field of raw materials companies. In particular, the American company Sigma supplies this raw material to laboratories around the world. This indicates the high quality and safety of the fucoidan produced by the company. Hayvon Biotek. The company has gained worldwide fame. In the Sigma catalog, Americans sell our raw materials at a price of $59 per 1 gram, and in a fucoidan drink 0.6 grams cost $24 - this says a lot.

FourthHayvon Biotek exports its raw materials to 11 countries of the world and is the only company in the world that exports on such a large scale.

Fifth - Hayvon Biotek extracts raw materials in the area of ​​Wando Island - environmentally friendly sea waters of South Korea, approved by the government of the country. Seaweed production in the area accounts for 80% of all seaweed production in the country.

I got a question about Fukushima, where there was a tsunami and a nuclear power plant was damaged, could this affect the harvested algae? This has no effect, since Fukushima is located in northeast Japan on the Pacific coast, and Wando Island is located in the Yellow Sea at the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula. Japan and the Sea of ​​Japan are located between the accident site and Wando Island - a huge distance.

At sixth Raw materials of Haywon Biotek company were the first of all the companies extracting fucoidan in South Korea to receive a kosher certificate, which is also a confirmation of the high quality of products for all countries of the world.

Together with GBSIE, we will produce not only a drink, but also teas and cosmetics with fucoidan. Thank you very much for your attention.

Answers on questions:

Question: what is the dose of the drink for cancer patients, adults and children?

Answer: for cancer patients, a minimum of 3 to 5 grams or more should be drunk daily. It all depends on the condition of the patient.

Question: Can pregnant women and infants drink the drink?

Answer: fucoidan is prescribed for pregnant women, and it is especially important to take it after childbirth to restore the woman's blood. Since there are no side effects, the child can also.

Question: 8 year old child with diabetes. Can he recommend fucoidan?

Answer: there are a lot of reports that fucoidan helps with diabetes. If the child is 8 years old, depending on the condition, 1 bottle per day can be recommended and if there is a good result, then you can continue.

Question: if there are problems with the thyroid gland, is it possible to drink a drink?

Answer: yes, you can drink fucoidan, it will help a lot

Question: how does fucoidan affect the musculoskeletal system and osteoporosis?

Answer: I, as a scientist, will answer this way: fucoidan contains heparin, which thins the blood, which helps the body to self-regulate in the connective tissue. The Australian company "Marinova" is now preparing to release a drug with fucoidan for the joints.

Question: the drink has a shelf life of 2 years, why is it so long?

Answer: in Korea, by law, they must produce quality products and they must have a shelf life of at least 2 years. For this, a special bottle has been created in which you can store the drink even up to 3 years.

Question: What is the quality of raw materials used in the drink?

Answer: There are 3 types of algae from which fucoidan is made. The highest quality seaweed is kumbu, from which our fucoidan is obtained, the second type of seaweed is wadane, and the lowest quality is muzuku. The chart made by the well-known Japanese institute Tokaro Wayo indicates that muzuka cannot even be called a raw material for fucoidan, because if compared, because if compared with kumbu - fucoidan, then there is practically no hepatocyte growth factor and few sulfates. It is very easy to obtain fucoidan from muzuku, but it is of poor quality, i.e. less efficient. We use cumbu seaweed and our fucoidan is 95% pure. This is the highest quality product in the world.

Question: how does fucoidan work in kidney and liver diseases and should it be used?

Answer: very useful, especially for those who abuse alcohol, because fucoidan helps in the restoration of the liver and its cells. There are many reports about this.

Question: how can the product affect women's problems - for example, fibroids or ovarian cysts?

Answer: fucoidan cleanses the blood and restores cells, actively acts on viruses and inflammation, and if diseases are associated with these causes, it helps

Question: can fucoidan be combined with medications?

Answer: It's completely unrelated, and of course it's possible.

Question: how does the product affect overweight and its reduction?

Answer: there was a recent report that fucoidan slows down the reproduction of fat cells and helps to lose weight?

Thank you very much for your presentation Dr.

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Health to you and all the best. Your friend Doctor BIS

IP Severyukhin Boris Ivanovich All rights reserved PSRN 309590432400050 tel. +7912885585
Copyright © 2014

The issue of maintaining health is very acute in modern man. Only now a variety of medicines are no longer in vogue. They are not to be trusted. There are reasons for that. To maintain immunity and treat certain diseases, a variety of drinks and infusions are now very often used. What feedback does Fucoidan get in this regard? This drug has recently appeared on the Russian market, but now many are interested in it. Is it worth using it? Or is it better to turn to traditional medicine and medicines?


First of all, it is worth understanding what we are going to talk about today. Reviews "Fucoidan" receives from its customers as a tool that is produced in the form of a drink. That is, it is not so much a medicine as a drug related to alternative medicine.

Nevertheless, this drink attracts many to itself. Most likely, this is due to the fact that such drugs guarantee a mild effect on the body. This is not another antibiotic or pill that negatively affects the liver and kidneys, but it treats some other problem. And the most common drink that can save in many situations. This is how doctors and patients often describe the remedy.

Indications for use

Reviews "Fucoidan" receives a variety. But before clarifying them, you need to figure out in which cases the use of the medication is recommended. Maybe this is a drug that saves in the most hopeless situations?

In a sense, it is. After all, the drink has more than enough indications for use. Here you can highlight cancer, and digestive disorders, and dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, and support for connective tissues. In addition, this product is recommended simply to improve immunity. A kind of protection against a variety of infections and diseases.

"Fucoidan" also earns reviews as a tool that restores skin elasticity. That is, sometimes this drink can help with weight loss or just some visible violations of the epithelium. For example, it promotes rapid recovery after childbirth. Now you can already find out the details of the application, as well as the opinions left by clients and doctors about this "medicine".

How to apply

Next, you have to find out what kind of instruction Fucoidan has, and reviews about Fucoidan, the application and description of which is of interest to many buyers around the world. Particularly in Russia. The use of the drink is extremely simple. And you don't have to do anything special.

All you need is to drink a bottle of the drug once a day. This is a drink with a pleasant taste. And so you can stretch the portion for the whole day. Would you like to drink? We took Fucoidan. Or just drink the whole bottle at breakfast/lunch in one sitting. In the evening, the use is not recommended.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult or special in taking the drug. Many argue that it is best to drink a drink right after a meal. Then the assimilation will be faster. And this will give the maximum result. But what are the reviews about Fucoidan left by buyers and doctors? Can you really rely on this tool? After all, you see, it is rather doubtful to drink the most common fortified drink based on Japanese algae from a variety of diseases, isn't it?

Doctors think

The opinion of physicians strongly affects the rating of medicines. And in our case, "Fucoidan" reviews earn ambiguous. No one can say for sure whether it is really worth trusting the miracle drink or whether it is better to avoid it. Nevertheless, doctors have some specifics. In fact, it's just speculation.

Most doctors believe that our current drink is the most common money scam. Especially after they find out the cost of one package of the product. In one box, by the way, 8 bottles of drink. The most interesting thing is that the product does not have any certificate. And documents confirming the drug effect, too.

In addition, the Fucoidan used against cancer reviews from doctors is simply terrible. Just like most diseases. There is no positive effect. Unless this drink is an excellent laxative. The stomach after it really works better. But no more.

There are also doctors who, on the contrary, assure the high efficiency of the drink. And experts rely on the composition of the drug. After all, it contains Japanese fucoidan algae, which really have a beneficial effect on the state of the body. Thus, it is rather difficult to rely on doctors in the matter before us today. But practice shows that most professionals still recommend refraining from using such a strange tool.

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