Cold allergy on the face and hands, symptoms and treatment. Cold allergy on the face What to do with a cold allergy on the face

Allergy to cold is skin reaction to low temperatures in winter. Most often, it manifests itself on the face, although it can pour out on the neck, décolleté, and hands.

People of any age are susceptible to allergies to cold. Until recently, it was considered a pseudo-allergy, since the allergen, as such, impossible to identify.

However, the body's response to cold is manifested in the release of histamine, which causes all the characteristic symptoms.

Today, there are products for the care of dry skin during the period of allergy. You can also use folk remedies.

How to choose a foundation for dry skin? cosmetologists on our website.

Signs of the disease

Often the symptoms of the body's reaction to cold are similar to food, contact or drug allergies. But they appear only during cold weather. These include:

To accurately answer the question of whether all of the above signs are symptoms of an allergy to cold or is it a real allergy can only be dermatologist.

He will refer the patient to an immunologist, endocrinologist and other specialists, and will also offer to take tests to detect allergens, and, based on all studies diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Reasons for the appearance

Like any other, an allergy to cold is a consequence of dysfunction immune system organism.

It can occur after a disease that has taken a lot of energy and disrupted metabolism, as a result of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, blood diseases, anemia, and past infectious diseases: measles, rubella, mumps, and others.

The body is depleted even as a result of such seemingly insignificant manifestations as caries, giardiasis, helminthiasis, not to mention chronic diseases like sinusitis and cholecystitis.

As a result, a cold allergy may develop. Allergy to cold can occur as secondary against the background of dermatitis or food allergies.

Find out how to properly care for oily skin from ours.

First aid

How to get rid of cold allergies on the face? With recurring symptoms of a cold allergy, you should not delay contacting an allergist. He will spend ice cube test and follow the reaction of the skin.

For a reliable diagnosis, the doctor will suggest to go through more than deep research, and as a first aid will prescribe antihistamines.

Self-help for cold allergies consists in immediately returning to a warm room, reducing the time spent outside in frosty weather, wearing a warm scarf, hood or other headgear that covers the face well.

Doesn't hurt the skin apply cream with ultraviolet light half an hour before leaving the house. Increase the consumption of fish and vegetable oils, which include omega-3 fatty acids.

How to treat?

How to treat a cold allergy on the face? What ointments and creams to use? Treatment is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to eliminate the cause of its appearance.

Of course, a person can change his place of residence, leaving for a place where there are no sub-zero temperatures, but this is a way out only for a few.

For most, it remains to endure and look for ways to treat the disease.

To prevent cold allergy from developing against the background of food, you need to follow a diet, excluding citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee and other foods in which may contain an allergen.

With the onset of winter, it is worthwhile to forget about fashion for a while and wear clothes and a hat, well protecting body and face from cold. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to take antihistamines prescribed by a doctor.

Before going outside, be sure to apply a greasy cream to exposed skin, you can use it for children.

Can be used for this purpose badger fat. It contains vitamins A and B, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, as well as unsaturated fatty acids.

It can also be applied to the lips. For a general strengthening of immunity, badger fat is taken orally in the morning in a tablespoon. Similar properties have ointments, which are based on mink oil.

If the skin condition worsens, you can take baths or make lotions with burdock root, walnut leaves and violet tricolor flowers. You can drink a decoction of this collection simultaneously with external use.

Perfectly heals chapped skin a decoction of pine or spruce cones. They are ground, poured with water and boiled for half an hour over low heat. Decoction wipe the skin.

If an allergy to cold manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, it will help horsetail. It is poured with boiling water, cooled, filtered and taken orally half an hour before breakfast.

Allergic processes that manifest themselves on the body and inside the body often affect - both in summer and in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to find means designed to help in eliminating this situation. One of these phenomena is cold allergy. Symptoms, treatment this factor will be discussed in the article. After all, timely measures taken guarantee an excellent outcome of events. The question also arises - allergic to cold itches or not? The answer is clear - Yes! In addition, this phenomenon is accompanied by numerous indicators of symptoms, which will be considered within the limits of this material.

Allergy to cold what is it

Cold is a debilitating irritant of an external type that causes an allergic process in a person. Until recently, this factor was called into question by doctors in terms of one or another effect on the body. After all, by nature the phenomenon is not allergic, so if there is no substance, then there can be no allergy. However, later it was noticed that under the influence of a low temperature regime, a significant amount of histamine, during which there is a state of redness, swelling, burning, itching and pain. This reaction is a consequence of the fact that nerve impulses with skin receptors are transmitted to the human brain. So, does this phenomenon happen in life, what reasons give rise to it?

Causal factors of the phenomenon

An allergy to cold is a possible phenomenon. In modern medicine, there is currently no way to provide full answers to these questions. In addition, there is a possibility of a possible manifestation of the reaction mechanism, but why exactly the human body reacts to a change in temperature remains unknown. Of course, this type of phenomenon can be observed due to a sharp decrease in temperature, as well as when taking a large amount of cold drinks. There is another set of factors that provoke such an interesting phenomenon as an allergy to frost.

  • The presence of other types of allergic processes and phenomena in the body. For example, allergies to pollen, dust or animal hair.
  • Various types of infectious processes that are carried by humans.
  • Formations of oncological nature, hormonal and autoimmune factors.
  • Skin nature of rashes - eczema, dermatitis, papules and vesicles.
  • Long-term use of an antibiotic group of drugs.
  • The presence in the body of chronic ailments - tonsillitis, sinusitis, caries.
  • Helminths that weaken the functions of the immune system of the body and body.
  • Problems associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, pancreas.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine function.
  • Colds, stressful and mentally unstable situations.

Any allergy (including cold allergy) is nothing more than a reaction of the body to a certain type of irritant. It is cold that acts as the last element, as already noted. Under its influence, the release of histamine, which leads to skin changes and chills, is manifested.

The appearance of this process is based on mast cells, in which the reaction appears. They throw out the previously indicated substance and entail just such a state. This wrong process lies in a depleted immune system. Therefore, often an allergic reaction can become a path to another, more serious illness.

cold allergy symptoms

In the normal course, people pay attention to an uncomfortable reaction. Appears not that, but there is redness. A particularly clear manifestation is observed when entering a warm room from the street, where frosty weather reigns. Most often, open areas that have been in contact with frost turn red. These are the hands and the face.

Logic gives a detailed explanation for this: blood rushed to the elements that contracted in the cold, and then to the vessels that had time to expand in warm conditions. But these effects, including, more precisely, slight redness, disappear after a few hours.

The subtleties of the manifestation of an allergic reaction

These directions can be numerous, but there is a set of basic symptoms that suggest several phenomena.

  • formed within open skin areas. Of course, it is rarely localized, as well as on the back, hips, abdomen. Rather, rashes appear, as already noted, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face and hands that have been in contact with cold. Formations can vary in color - from pale pinkish to purple.

  • Visible blisters and sharp seals formed within the skin.
  • Feeling of severe itching and burning, which can subsequently develop into a noticeable peeling.
  • The manifestation of noticeable edema, which is noticeable not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin itself, but also on the mucous membranes - on the larynx, lips, tongue, sinuses.
  • Prominent coughing and sneezing.
  • The condition is accompanied by severe pain in the head, as well as chills.

So, we looked at how an allergy to cold manifests itself. What to do in this situation - we will consider further.

Alternative names for the phenomenon

  • Cold urticaria. Accompanied by rashes that are similar to nettle burns, accompanied by the formation of puffiness and blisters.
  • Cold dermatitis - manifests itself not only as a former phenomenon, blisters and redness, peeling and itching also occur.
  • Conjunctivitis of the same nature - here the number of tears increases. Unpleasant pain and swelling also appear.
  • Cold rhinitis - there is a similarity of symptoms with the usual phenomenon, however, when a sick person is in a warmer room, the signs “disappear”.
  • Asthma of the same nature is accompanied by the formation of edema in the larynx, shortness of breath and other consequences.

The concept of "allergy" is usually associated with a pathological reaction of the body to food, animal hair or plant pollen. In recent years, more and more people began to talk about its atypical form - cold. The phenomenon implies the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in response to low temperatures. The most common allergy to cold is on the face, since this part of the body is the most difficult to protect from wind and frost.

Doctors call cold allergy "cold urticaria" and are divided into four types:

  1. Primary or idiopathic. Occurs as an independent pathology, that is, without special reasons.
  2. Secondary. It develops against the background of a number of diseases, including infectious and oncological, insect bites, and taking medications.
  3. Family. It is diagnosed at an early age, as it is inherited. This type is very rare.
  4. Reflex. A special type of pathology in which external symptoms are localized in areas adjacent to those affected by cold.

Cold allergy is a pseudo-allergic reaction of the body, since cold cannot act as an allergen. However, frost and wind serve as mediators of the pathological process in which epidermal cells release large amounts of histamine (a substance responsible for allergy symptoms).

Doctors say that pseudo-allergy often overtakes people with weak immunity, stress-prone, suffering from intestinal dysbacteriosis. But the phenomenon is completely unpredictable, and sometimes occurs in an absolutely healthy person. At the same time, not only frost or wind can provoke the development of a clinical picture. Factors leading to a pathological phenomenon are called:

  • working air conditioner (there is a sharp temperature difference);
  • cold water in a pool or pond;
  • ice drinks and ice cream.


It results in allergic rhinitis and cold asthma, manifests itself on the legs and arms. In this case, the skin of the face is considered to be a more likely localization of external signs. Symptoms are similar to drug, contact and food allergies:

  • rashes in the form of flaky spots and small blisters;
  • itching, sometimes accompanied by burning;
  • puffiness.

As a rule, symptoms appear immediately after a person gets into the cold and disappear after a few hours after returning to the heat. In exceptional cases, the symptoms persist longer, especially if the redness degenerates into painful scabs.

Equally common symptoms of a cold allergy on the face include conjunctivitis, in which the upper eyelids swell and pus is released. While being on the street, lacrimation occurs. It is also possible the development of cold cheilitis - a phenomenon in which the lips crack and peel off, ulcers form along the contour.

Secondary signs of an allergy to cold, manifested on the face, are called:

  • chills;
  • headache;
  • weakness all over the body.

If the pathological condition progresses, angioedema is possible, in which the nose, eyelids, lips and tongue become very swollen. The epidermis becomes dense, so when pressed, no traces remain.

In the absence of action on the part of the patient, the disease can turn into a cold erythrema. The phenomenon is characterized by excessive reddening of the skin of the face and severe soreness of the affected areas.


The fastest and easiest way to check the degree of sensitivity of the dermis of the face to cold is to conduct a rapid test. You will need a piece of ice. It is applied to the skin for a few minutes. If after fifteen minutes the epidermis does not become edematous, does not blister and does not itch, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, we can say with full confidence about an allergy to low temperatures.

An allergist should confirm the diagnosis. In addition to the result of the express test and the patient's complaints, he will need conclusions on laboratory tests of urine and blood. In the latter case, we are talking about a general analysis for immunoglobulins E and G. With the help of tests, it is possible to establish the presence in the blood of specific proteins (cryofibrinogen, cold antibodies and cryoglobulins) inherent in the pathological condition.

For an accurate diagnosis and identification of the cause of the pathology, it is recommended to undergo an examination by an immunologist.


The fight against allergy to cold on the face is carried out on an outpatient basis (staying in a hospital may be required in case of complications). Therapeutic actions are carried out in several directions:

  1. Restorative treatment involves taking vitamin-containing complexes. Especially recommended are those that contain vitamins A and E, since it is they that restore elasticity to the epidermis of the face and contribute to its speedy healing. If necessary, the doctor prescribes immunomodulators like Immunal. No less important for the body are preparations with calcium, which increase the resistance of blood vessels to the “allergen”.
  2. Local therapy is reduced to the use of ointments of wound healing and anti-inflammatory action: Triderm or Solcoseryl. An ointment with an antibacterial effect is necessary for infection of the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the face. The best choice is Levomekol.
  3. Taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Fenkarol, Zyrtec) is important to reduce the body's response to the mediator of the phenomenon and inhibit the inflammatory process.
  4. A course of taking corticosteroids is necessary in advanced cases, when other parts of the body are affected in addition to the skin of the face.

Traditional medicine suggests making lotions with a decoction of walnut leaves, burdock root and violet flowers. Components are taken equally. To prepare a decoction, add a pinch of raw materials to a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes and strain. Lotions are carried out three times a day.

Weathered skin of the face is treated by rubbing with a decoction of pine cones. A glass of cone gruel falls on a mug of water, which is prepared by grinding cones in a meat grinder. They boil for half an hour. Wipe the skin of the face up to four times a day.

To maintain the epidermis of the face during the frosty period, it is important to follow a special diet that limits alcohol, coffee, fatty and salty foods, pickles and smoked meats. You should lean on vegetable oil, nuts and fatty fish.


Measures to prevent the development of an atypical reaction of the skin of the face to low temperatures and to get rid of the manifestations of an allergy to cold as soon as possible include:

  • applying hygienic lipstick on the lips and oily cream (badger fat is also suitable) on the face half an hour before going out;
  • drinking hot herbal tea twenty minutes before a walk in order to increase the body's resistance;
  • to avoid hypothermia, use a warm hat and wrap a scarf around your neck.

If an allergy on the face is manifested by cold cheilitis, you need to get rid of the habit of licking your lips in the wind or frost.

Supportive care

Homemade masks will help maintain the dermis of the face in the winter:

  1. Banana Deep Nutrition:
  • mash a quarter of a ripe banana;
  • add half a teaspoon of nourishing cream, three drops of olive oil and lemon juice;
  • apply on the face in the evening, leaving for 15 minutes.

  1. Yolk-chamomile to prevent and relieve inflammation:
  • mix a teaspoon of vegetable oil with half a boiled egg yolk;
  • add a teaspoon of chamomile extract;
  • apply the mass in a thin layer, leaving for 15 minutes;
  • rinse with green tea solution.
  1. Cottage cheese to improve the condition of the epidermis:
  • prepare strong black tea;
  • mix a teaspoon of tea leaves with two tablespoons of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of linseed oil;
  • add a pinch of fresh orange and lemon zest;
  • apply the mask on the face, after 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Use homemade masks no more than three times a week.

Allergy to cold is one of the types of negative responses of the human body to certain stimuli that come from outside.

As the name implies, in this case, cold (often frosty) air acts as an external irritant.

The reaction to cold is often observed in people in the age range of 20-50 years. Allergic manifestations can occur not only in winter, but also in summer after being in cold water.

In terms of its symptoms, such an allergic reaction is similar to other types of allergies. Most often occurs on open areas of the body - hands and face.

The reasons

Medicine itself cannot yet provide the mechanism for the appearance and development of an allergy to cold, but the following factors put forward the reasons for such a reaction:

  1. With a sharp change in a person's stay in an environment with normal air temperature to an environment with a low temperature - in winter, especially in windy weather.
  2. In contact with cold water - in everyday life when washing dishes, cleaning, swimming in open water.
  3. When drinking very cold drinks and cold food.

Provocateurs of cold allergies can also be long-term diseases that exhaust the body, reduce the level of immunity, disrupt metabolism - and - can deplete the body, after which cold allergies often occur.

In a strong, hardened body with a strong immune system, such temperature changes do not cause any reactions. However, in the case of a decrease in protective forces, systemic disorders, serious illnesses, metabolic disorders in the body, this type of allergy may occur.


Allergy to cold is manifested by such signs:

  • whitish, pinkish dense rashes, blisters;
  • lacrimation;
  • cough;
  • edema;
  • pain in the abdomen, swelling of the tongue and throat from cold water.

The symptoms of a cold allergy are often compared to a nettle burn, which is why this reaction is often called cold urticaria. What to do, and how to treat such a problem, we will analyze a little lower.

cold allergy symptoms

An allergy to cold is very difficult to diagnose, since its symptoms are not much different from those of a cold .. Here and there, snot appears and the eyes begin to water.

But there are still differences, and the main thing is that with allergies, severe itching begins in the nose, ears, throat, and the body temperature does not rise, as with a cold.

Symptoms of a cold allergy develop almost immediately after exposure to the skin or mucous membranes at low temperatures. It can be not only cold winter air, but also cool water (in summer in a pond, in a pool), ice cream. Even washing with icy water can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Most often, an allergy to cold develops on the hands and face, as these are the most exposed areas of the body.
The resulting rash is accompanied by severe itching, burning, has a pink or whitish color.

Some time after the elimination of contact with the allergen, the rashes disappear without outside interference. Warming the surrounding air can speed up this process.

Let's take a closer look at common types of allergic reactions to cold.

  1. in acute, chronic or recurrent form. First itching, then blisters, transforming into red spots of different sizes.
  2. Runny nose . This manifestation is called pseudoallergic rhinitis. It occurs under the influence of cold air.
  3. - peeling, itching and pastosity of the skin in the affected areas. In severe cases - generalized swelling.
  4. Pseudoallergic conjunctivitis. It is characterized by redness of the eyes, tearing and itching. But in a warm place, these manifestations immediately disappear.
  5. Erythema - pain and redness of the affected areas of the skin.
  6. Migraine. Probably, every person, at least once in his life, has experienced such an effect of cold: when the jaws are very cold, and the head, as if now, will crack. This is a cold migraine.
  7. Pain in the lumbosacral region. Under the influence of low temperatures, specific immune complexes can form in the body, causing inflammation of the roots.
  8. Difficulty breathing. This symptom occurs if the cold causes a bronchospastic reflex, as a result of which the airways narrow sharply.

In general, the manifestations of allergies are reduced to the appearance of a white or pink rash, itching, swelling of the hands and other open areas of the body that were exposed to cold, swelling on the lips, tongue, throat, headache, runny nose, conjunctivitis, sciatica.

How to define a disease?

You can test yourself while at home. To do this, you need a piece of ice, which must be applied to the forearm. If after 10 minutes from the moment it was removed from this area, whitening or redness of the skin is noted, then fears about the relevance of an allergic reaction to you are groundless.

But if an edema or a blister has formed, then this in itself is an alarming symptom indicating the increased sensitivity of your skin, as well as the need to consult a doctor for further diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

In the laboratory, specific proteins can be determined - cold antibodies, cryofibrinogen, cryoglobulins. In some cases, during an exacerbation of a cold allergy, hemoglobinuria may appear.

Allergy to cold: photos on the hands and face

What an allergy to cold looks like on the hands, as well as the face, you can see in these photos.


Unfortunately, we are not able to influence the weather conditions, so our main task is to reduce their negative impact on the body.

Here are the basic rules that you should strictly adhere to:

  1. Before going out into the cold, a thin layer of oily cream should be applied to the face and hands, as it will help partially protect exposed skin from the cold.
  2. Choose clothes made only from natural fabrics. The best option is cotton, which does not cause allergies.
  3. Beware of strong temperature changes, before going outside, stand near the open window.
  4. In the cold and in strong winds, cover your hands with gloves, and your face with a hood, a high collar and a wide scarf.
  5. Review your diet, add fatty fish, olive oil, nuts, omega-3 fatty acids to it.
  6. Spread lips with hygienic lipstick.

It is also important in the fight against cold allergies and hardening of the body. You should start preparing your skin for a drop in temperature even in the summer.

sun allergy treatment

With a diagnosed allergy to cold, treatment should begin with the maximum cessation of contact of the body with cold environments. It is advisable to stop walking in the cold time of the day or cool weather. If it is impossible to avoid proximity to the cold, it is necessary to protect the skin on the face, hands and other exposed areas of the body as carefully as possible with warm clothes, and the respiratory tract by breathing through a scarf or other warm cloth.

All of the above measures are necessary to reduce the level of hypersensitivity of the body to cryoglobulin. With a long absence of this protein in the tissues, the sensitivity decreases independently.

In general, the treatment of allergies to cold on the hands or face is straightforward - you need to avoid cold when possible, and take it, which is desirable to apply before exposure to low temperatures in order to block some histamines. For this, Fenkarol, Suprastin are widely used. In severe cases, Zyrtec or Lomilan.

It should be understood that there is currently no effective treatment for cold allergy. All existing drugs relieve exclusively manifested symptoms, and the disease itself cannot be cured.

In addition, the vast majority of antihistamines have many side effects (kidneys, liver, metabolic processes, nervous system suffer) and, perhaps most unpleasantly, they become highly addictive. However, if you still cannot do without them, then they should be taken in minimal doses. Taking an antihistamine before going outside will prevent allergy symptoms.

Some people find it difficult to endure the winter period, especially in the presence of strong wind and frost. They have characteristic signs of allergies - rash, conjunctivitis, rhinitis and others. You can cope with such a pathology if you find out and eliminate its original cause.

Is there an allergy to cold?

In this case, negative reactions of the body occur when exposed to low temperatures. True allergy is an inappropriate response of the immune system and the release of histamines. Such processes occur against the background of contact with chemical rather than physical stimuli. For this reason, experts do not consider this disease as an allergy.

The described pathology is not chronic, with correct treatment, all symptoms can be completely eliminated. In medicine, the disease is diagnosed as "cold allergy", but with the prefix "pseudo". The basis of therapy is the clarification of all factors that provoke the release of histamines by the immune system when exposed to low temperatures.

Allergy to cold - causes

The occurrence of this problem differs from the mechanisms of development of true immune disorders. There is always an initial pathology due to which a cold allergy appears, the symptoms and treatment correspond to its causes. The most common factors that provoke the body's reaction to low temperatures are:

  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • transmission of severe infections;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • deterioration of metabolic processes;
  • stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • viral lesions;
  • pathologies of the oral cavity (caries, stomatitis,);
  • immune disorders.

Many people have not only an allergy to frost, but also reactions to contact with other low-temperature environments:

  • consumption of cold drinks and food;
  • washing dishes, floors in non-hot water;
  • swimming in open unheated reservoirs, pools.

Allergy to cold - symptoms

The signs of the described disease are similar to a true autoimmune disease. The person suffers from specific symptoms:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sneezing
  • itchy eyes and nose;
  • redness, peeling and swelling of the skin;
  • dermatological rashes;
  • malaise;
  • joint pain;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing.

What a cold allergy looks like depends on the following factors:

  • general condition of the immune system;
  • sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • the severity of inadequate reactions of the body;
  • duration of contact with the stimulus.

This symptom of the disease often develops in women, especially after cleaning, washing or washing dishes. Allergy to cold on the hands occurs when in contact with water, snow and ice. It manifests itself almost immediately or after a few hours in the form of local and systemic symptoms. Allergy to cold is accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • redness of the skin of the hands;
  • rash in the form of urticaria;
  • peeling, cracking of the epidermis;
  • swelling of the hands;
  • severe itching, soreness.

In the region described, the reaction occurs predominantly in winter, when the skin is exposed to wind and frost. Allergy to cold on the face can have different intensity. In some people, it manifests itself only in the form of redness and slight peeling in the cheeks and nose, drying out of the lips. In severe cases, an allergy to cold on the skin of the face is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • puffiness;
  • multiple hematomas, vascular "asterisks";
  • profuse rashes, blisters;
  • severe itching;
  • soreness of touch;
  • deep cracks oozing erosion;
  • swelling of the nose.

Often considered pathology affects the conjunctiva, similar to hay fever. Allergy to frost, cold may be accompanied by swelling and redness of the eyelids, lacrimation. Some people suffer from conjunctivitis, sometimes with putrefactive processes. How does cold allergy manifest?

  • photophobia;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • pain, burning in the eyes;
  • pronounced vascular pattern on proteins;
  • sticking together of the eyelids in the morning;
  • sensation of sand in the eyes.

In winter, even closed areas of the body may be exposed to signs of the disease, but such symptoms occur mainly in children. An allergy to cold on the legs has the following manifestations:

  • urticaria on the thighs, knees, inner surface of the legs;
  • skin redness;
  • intense itching;
  • peeling of the epidermis;
  • hematomas;
  • the appearance of yellowish crusts on the skin.

Allergy to cold - what to do?

Therapy of this disease is carried out immediately in 2 directions. First, it is necessary to stop the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology, for which local remedies are used that soften and heal the skin, and relieve inflammation. In parallel, you should find out why the allergy to cold arose - treating the cause of the disease will help to completely eliminate it. Therapy should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Cold allergy cream

There are corticosteroid and non-hormonal topical agents that eliminate inflammation and restore the skin. What and how to treat an allergy to cold, the doctor prescribes. Independent use of hormonal, antimicrobial and other potent drugs is dangerous and can cause complications. Allergy to cold can be treated with the help of such creams:

  • Triderm;
  • Gistan;
  • Elocom;
  • Seacorten;
  • Advantan;
  • Soventol;
  • Bepanten and others.

Ointment for cold allergies

With severe dryness of the epidermis, peeling and cracking, topical preparations with a fatty base are better suited. Cold allergy treatment is effective with the following ointments:

  • Videstim;
  • Fluorocort;
  • Dermovate;
  • Flucinar;
  • Triderm;
  • Stellanin;
  • Elocom-S;
  • Sinaflan and analogues.

In alternative medicine, several effective methods are offered to get rid of the symptoms of this disease. Before treating a cold allergy with folk methods, it is advisable to test the body's sensitivity to the components of the recipes. Many herbs and foods can also trigger an inadequate immune system response. Allergy to cold is accompanied by significant damage to the skin, so it is important to simultaneously apply means to heal and protect it.

Medical fee


  • lemon balm leaves - 20 g;
  • valerian roots - 20 g;
  • hop cones - 20 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix herbs.
  2. Pour boiling water over them.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Drink 1/3 cup before every meal.

Skin lotion


  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vitamin E (liquid) - 1 teaspoon;
  • vitamin A (liquid) - 2 teaspoons.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix and shake the ingredients well.
  2. Lubricate exposed areas of the body with the resulting liquid 3 hours before going outside.
  3. Wipe excess oil mixture with a dry cloth after absorption.

cold allergy tincture


  • leaves and stems of dioecious nettle - 50 g;
  • vodka or alcohol - 500 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. Rinse the plant base.
  2. Pour the nettle with alcohol or vodka.
  3. Infuse the product in a tightly closed container for 8-10 days, shaking the solution daily.
  4. Strain the medicine.
  5. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture after meals 3 times a day.
  6. To be treated for 1.5-2 months.

Desensitizing folk remedy


  • onion - 1 pc. (large head);
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.

Preparation, application

  1. Chop the onion and squeeze out its juice.
  2. Mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the medicine received 2 hours after dinner.
  4. The course of therapy is 1 month.

Herbal bath for allergies


  • celandine - 20 g;
  • valerian roots - 20 g;
  • chamomile color - 20 g;
  • sage - 20 g;
  • St. John's wort - 20 g;
  • water - 1.2 l.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix all herbal ingredients.
  2. Fill them with boiled water.
  3. Leave the solution for 35 minutes.
  4. Strain the liquid, carefully squeeze out the remnants.
  5. Pour the resulting infusion into a bath of warm water.
  6. Lie down in it for 10-12 minutes.
  7. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days for 2 months.
  • bearish or ;
  • petrolatum;
  • Shea Butter;
  • glycerol;
  • corn, sesame oil.

How to get rid of cold allergies forever?

To cope with the considered pathology is possible only when finding out the causes of its occurrence. An allergic reaction to cold is a consequence of some other disturbance in the body. If you eliminate the factors that provoke a negative response of the immune system, all the symptoms of the disease will disappear. To determine the exact diagnosis, you will have to contact a therapist and undergo medical examinations prescribed by a doctor, and pass laboratory tests.

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