Get rid of foot odor permanently fast. Ginger root tincture. Soda baths for odor and sweating

Do you follow the rules of hygiene, use deodorant, but your feet still smell bad? This is a problem that every second person faces. Due to smelly feet, complexes appear, excessive shyness and even unwillingness to visit. What can I do to reduce bad breath or even get rid of it at home without a shy trip to a dermatologist?

Why do men and girls feet stink?

The amount of sweat secreted by the sweat glands is individual for each person, as well as its composition. Sweat is 99% water, and the remaining 1% is salts, ammonia, and acids. If the concentration of any of the components (except water) increases, then the sweat acquires an unpleasant odor.

To the main cause of the fetid odor, you can add a few more:

  • excessively produced sweat is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The stench is formed due to the products of life;
  • synthetic socks, poorly ventilated shoes are characterized by low air permeability and moisture absorption, and a warm and humid environment is an ideal habitat for microorganisms;
  • if you wash your feet once a day, the smell will soon reappear;
  • lovers of spicy, spicy foods may also notice an increase in bad breath.

Certain illnesses can also cause foot stink. These include:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system (this disease affects women more often than men). The developing disease violates the composition of the sweat and its amount, hence the pungent specific smell appears.
  2. fungal infection. Mycosis can be infected in a sauna, bath or pool, wearing other people's slippers or using a towel, as well as during a manicure or pedicure. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning of the foot and the spaces between the fingers, increased sweating and an unpleasant odor.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body. When a hormonal imbalance is disturbed or during menopause, a woman experiences increased sweating, which leads to an increase in the number of bacteria and an unpleasant odor.
  4. Zinc deficiency. The lack of this element in the body threatens with an unpleasant odor from the body, legs and mouth.

Why does the smell not disappear even after washing?

If, after washing your feet, you smell an unpleasant smell of sweat, this means that the skin is not properly cleansed. With excessive sweating, washing your feet once a day, and even more so without using soap, is not enough.

Carefully inspect your skin and toenails after washing: a fungus can be the cause of a persistent smell even after washing. If you have a suspicion of this disease, then you need to take action immediately.

Tip: Carry antibacterial wipes with you to wipe your feet if you can't wash them.

Prevention of unpleasant odor

To limit the number of bacteria that live on the skin of the feet and prevent their reproduction, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene:

  • choose socks and tights made from natural materials, change them at least once a day. The same rule applies to the choice of shoes - try to purchase products made of genuine leather and fur, avoiding rubber and plastic;
  • use a pumice stone daily to remove dead skin cells and prevent bacterial growth;
  • after washing your feet, apply deodorant or talcum powder to dry skin. This remedy reduces sweating and fights bad odor;
  • wash shoe insoles or treat them with a special solution. Change your shoes more often, ventilate them and, if possible, clean the inside;
  • if you use one pair of shoes, then pull out the insoles at night, and stuff the shoes with newspaper;
  • use a shoe dryer. Such a device perfectly dries wet shoes and consumes a minimum of energy.

Salt. Dissolve a glass of salt in a small bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes.

Tea room. Brew a tablespoon of black tea in a liter of boiling water. Cool the solution and dip your feet into it for half an hour.

Sodnaya. Make a solution by mixing a tablespoon of soda in a liter of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes and wipe dry.

Proper shoe care plays an important role in getting rid of the smell:

  • Pour a small amount of baking soda into your shoes every day. It has the ability to absorb moisture and odors. Soda can also be replaced with baby powder. Before pouring a new portion, do not forget to get rid of the old one;
  • clove or cedar wood will help to destroy the stench. Put some cedar shavings or clove buds in your shoes and the smell will disappear in a couple of days;
  • use cedar insoles. Natural cedarwood oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Thanks to this, cedar insoles effectively fight against fungal infections of the skin of the feet, sweating and fetid odor;
  • in the warm season, wear open-toed shoes - this will allow your feet to breathe and sweat to evaporate faster;
  • many types of shoes are perfectly washable in the washing machine. After washing, dry your shoes well before putting them on.

Foot hygiene at home

Hygiene procedures for men and girls are the same and include not only daily washing of the feet. It is often not enough to get rid of the corrosive smell.

  • Be sure to use soap and wash your feet several times a day.
  • During washing, gradually reduce the temperature of the water, starting with warm and ending with cool.
  • Opt for antibacterial detergents: they effectively kill germs.
  • After washing your feet, dry them to prevent any remaining micro-organisms from multiplying on wet skin.
  • On clean skin, you can apply a disinfectant, such as chlorhexidine or a special hand gel, which can be found in any pharmacy.
  • Periodically do special foot baths: they regulate the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Do not forget about deodorants and talc for the feet. Apply to clean, dry skin before putting on socks.

Little secret: you can save on talc by replacing it with soda or corn starch. Both substances are absorbent and perfectly absorb sweat and odor.

What can you do at home if your feet smell?

At home, inexpensive pharmaceutical preparations can be used to combat excessive sweating. One of the most effective remedies is birch tar paste and tar soap. Some manufacturers add tea tree oil to the paste, which has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some proven antiseptics and salicylic acid products have proven themselves well, such as Borozin, Formidron, Drysol, Teymur paste. These drugs are time-tested and recommended by many dermatologists.

It is worth noting separately boric acid- it effectively fights sweating and fungal infections of the feet. Boric acid powder can be added to foot baths or applied to problem areas of the body. A 2-week course of treatment will provide a lasting effect up to six months.

You can try a novelty - socks that reduce the amount of sweat released. They are made from natural materials and have a special antiseptic impregnation. The manufacturer assures that the product is completely hypoallergenic and can be used for varicose veins.

Use medicines with caution. Any drug to combat excessive sweating dries the skin and can cause individual intolerance or an allergic reaction.

Getting rid of unpleasant odors with the help of folk remedies

It is not necessary to buy expensive ointments and creams to get rid of the pungent smell of sweat. There are cheap and proven ways to deal with sweaty feet at home with folk remedies.

  • Decoction of oak bark. 3 tablespoons of dried oak bark pour 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain and dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Place clean feet in a warm solution and hold for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week for several months - this will help to significantly reduce sweaty feet and unpleasant odor.
  • Sage and nutmeg. Mix 2 tablespoons of dried sage with 1 teaspoon of chopped nutmeg, pour 400 ml of boiling water and let stand for 1.5 hours. The resulting solution can be added to baths or rubbed with them twice a day.
  • Essential oils. Some plants have beneficial properties, such as regulating sweating, narrowing pores, so the oils obtained from them are widely used for foot baths and foot treatment. Pine, sage, eucalyptus, mint, and sea buckthorn essential oils are considered effective in combating foot stink.
  • Apple vinegar. Such baths are effective, but you should be careful not to use vinegar if there are injuries, cuts, abscesses, etc. on the legs. Heat 1 liter of 9% apple cider vinegar in a metal bowl, mix it with the same amount of boiled water and soak your feet in the solution for 10 minutes. Then rinse them with cool water and go over the skin with a pumice stone. The same solution can be used to treat shoes if they have absorbed an unpleasant odor.

It is good to know that vinegar not only fights bad smells, but also kills all harmful bacteria.

It should be understood that a universal drug that helps to 100% get rid of unpleasant foot odor does not exist. Therapeutic measures are carried out comprehensively, including both the fight against odor and the prevention of its occurrence.

Specialty: Therapist
Education: First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov in 2010

With such a problem as an unpleasant smell that comes from the feet, almost every person faces. It is generally accepted that the main reason for this phenomenon is poor hygiene. In fact, this is not entirely true, since the appearance of an unpleasant odor is influenced by many other factors, including the quality of shoes and the characteristics of the body.

How to get rid of foot odor at home quickly should be discussed in more detail, so we will discuss this topic further.

The most common misconception is the assertion that the unpleasant stench from the feet is due to sweat. According to experts, perspiration is not always accompanied by a pungent odor, except in cases where a person suffers from a variety of body dysfunctions. In fact, many factors can affect the appearance of odor, among which the following can be distinguished separately:

  1. Low quality shoes. If you constantly use products made of synthetic materials and inappropriate sizes, this provokes an increase in the number of harmful bacteria. As a result, corns, fungi and corns appear on the legs, and a very unpleasant odor begins to appear from them.
  2. Features of the human body. Many people suffer from a variety of dysfunctions that have a significant impact on the appearance of a sharp and pungent foot odor. It can be a variety of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes, that is, an environment in which new bacteria and fungi are actively formed.
  3. The image of a person's life. If a person does not follow a healthy lifestyle, sleeps poorly, is often exposed to stressful situations and nervous strains, and is also engaged in active physical activity, then disturbances appear in his body that lead to the development of excessive sweating of the legs and a decrease in immunity. The same reaction causes the use of alcohol and smoking.
  4. Improper foot care and poor hygiene. Legs need special attention. A variety of fungi often appear on this part of the body, which can cause a strong odor. Therefore, it is important to know how to take care of your feet in order to prevent the appearance of negative factors.
  5. Skin diseases and fungal disorders. This factor leads to the fact that harmful microorganisms are formed on the legs, which, when sweating, spread throughout the body. Bacteria cause a strong smell, and therefore a person's feet begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

Important! Before you start taking action against bad foot odor, you need to establish the reasons for which this problem arose. This will help to get rid of negative factors more effectively.

If you are actively thinking about how to get rid of foot odor at home at a time, then you should prepare for the fact that one procedure may not be enough, and therefore the treatment will take a long period of time.

Of course, now there is a huge range of various medications for foot odor, but not every one of these remedies can boast of its effectiveness. In addition, the cost of these drugs is quite high, and therefore not every person can afford to spend a significant part of their family budget.

Based on this, many people give their preference to folk methods of getting rid of an unpleasant odor from their feet. Among the main folk remedies for sweating feet at home are:

  • salt, tea and contrast foot baths;
  • the use of decoctions of birch buds and oak bark;
  • a combination of nutmeg and sage;
  • baking soda;
  • boric acid and various essential oils;
  • apple cider vinegar and a combination of carrot juice and bell pepper.

Let's talk about each of these tools in more detail.

A daily foot bath is considered not only useful, but also the main remedy for sweating feet at home. Experts assure that if a person has problems with a pungent odor, then it is worth using foot baths as a daily hygiene procedure. Plus, it's a great way to prevent bad odors.
Baths are prepared on the basis of various components, in particular aromatic oils, oak and birch bark, sea salt, tea and other components. Based on the selected component, the duration of the procedure will be set.

Important! Before preparing a foot bath, make sure that the main component does not cause you any unpleasant allergic reactions. Otherwise, the problem may worsen, and various skin diseases will appear on your legs.

Salt baths, contrast and tea baths are considered the most effective.
Salt baths are recommended to be used at least 3-5 times a day. To do this, mix half a glass of salt in one liter of warm water and mix thoroughly. Then, therefore, for 10-15 minutes intensively wash my feet in salted water.

Baths based on tea will help stop excessive sweating, and as a result, they will relieve you of an unpleasant odor. To prepare such a bath, we take 15-20 gr. dry tea leaves, fill it with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for about 15-20 minutes. As an option, you can additionally boil the product. After that, add another 1.5 liters of water to the solution to form a more comfortable temperature, and place the legs in the resulting mixture. So you need to sit for about 20 minutes. Daily use of this tool will help to cope with profuse sweating in the next 5-7 days.

Contrast baths help to almost completely stop excessive sweating and reduce blood flow to the feet. To do this, we gradually direct a stream of cold water to our feet, gradually increasing the temperature regime to 60-65 C. Then we perform this procedure in the opposite direction, that is, we reduce the temperature of the water.

How a decoction of oak bark will help get rid of foot odor

Oak bark is considered one of the most effective remedies in the fight against pungent foot odor. To prepare a decoction on its basis, take 3 tablespoons of grated dried oak bark and pour 0.5 liters of water into it. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, and let it simmer well over low heat for the next 10 minutes. Next, leave the broth for 2-3 hours to brew in a dark room under a closed lid.

After the product is ready, we dilute the decoction of oak bark with boiled water in equal proportions and prepare a foot bath. Before placing your feet in the solution, wash them thoroughly with antibacterial soap. After the feet are thoroughly washed and dried, place them for 15 minutes in a solution of oak bark. As practice shows, only 10-12 such procedures can forever help to forget about the bad smell from the feet.

Birch buds contain active substances that help reduce the risk of bacterial deposits on the skin of the feet. It is thanks to this useful property that birch buds are considered an effective tool in the fight against getting rid of unpleasant foot odor.

To prepare a decoction, take 50 gr. birch buds, preferably in dried form, put them in a glass container and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. We tightly close the container with a lid and send it to infuse for 10-12 days in a dark and necessarily cool room. At least 1-2 times a day, it will be necessary to actively shake the container so that the birch buds saturate the water well with their active components.

After 10-12 days, the broth is completely ready for use. To get rid of an unpleasant odor for a long time and prevent the formation of skin diseases and the appearance of bacteria, wipe the feet with a cotton swab 3-5 times a day. In order for the method to bring the maximum effect, the treatment must be carefully observed for 2 weeks, after which it is worth taking a break for a week, and continuing the course for the next 2 weeks.

How to get rid of foot odor at home with nutmeg and sage

A combination of nutmeg and sage is considered an equally effective remedy in the fight against unpleasant odor from the feet. The combination of these substances will help to narrow the pores of the legs, thereby reducing sweating.
To prepare the solution, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of chopped dried sage, mix it with 1 teaspoon of crushed nutmeg and pour two cups of boiling water. Thoroughly mix the product and leave to infuse for 1-1.5 hours. This tool can be used as the main component for a foot bath, or for rubbing the feet. True, it is worth noting that it is necessary to wipe your feet with this solution at least twice. Then the remedy will be effective, and you will quickly forget about such a problem as smelly feet.

Ordinary baking soda can be an indispensable tool in the fight against unpleasant foot odor. The active ingredients in baking soda absorb excess water and help unclog skin pores, narrowing them down and thereby reducing sweating.

In order to prepare a solution of soda, you need to take a glass of hot water and dissolve 1 tbsp of soda in it. Then we dilute the resulting product in 1 liter of water and put our feet in it for half an hour. After that, rinse them under running cold water, and wipe thoroughly.

If you do not have time for a bath, then in this case you can treat cotton socks with a soda solution. Before putting them on, you should wash your feet with antibacterial soap and wipe your feet with the same soda solution. With this compress, you need to walk for at least 1.5-2 hours, after which the legs must be washed and dried thoroughly. Due to some features of soda, the course of treatment cannot exceed 1.5-2 weeks, after which it is necessary to give the feet a rest from soda for at least 3-4 weeks.

What essential oils can help get rid of bad foot odor

Some essential natural oils can also cope with the sharp aroma of the feet. They can be used as a component for baths, or for daily rubbing of the feet.
According to experts, the combination of essential oils of pine, sage and eucalyptus will be the most effective. They must be mixed in equal proportions, and the feet should be treated twice a day. But for baths it is better to use essential oils of mint, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus, also in equal parts.

If you are thinking about the question of how to get rid of sweating feet without resorting to third-party help and at home, then the usual herbal ingredients that are in the kitchen of any housewife can help you in this difficult task. We are talking about carrots and bell peppers.

To forget about the problem of sweaty feet and unpleasant smell forever, you need to mix carrot juice with bell pepper juice in equal proportions. This remedy must be taken daily in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, no more than 30-40 ml.

If you want to enhance the effect of the resulting mixture, you can also treat the feet with it.. Rubbing your feet daily with carrot and pepper juice components will give you effective protection against the formation of fungal microorganisms.

Speaking about how to get rid of foot odor at home with vinegar, do not forget to carefully observe the concentration of this substance. Vinegar is a highly caustic substance, and if the allowable dosages are exceeded, injuries and burns can occur on your legs, so you must carefully follow the recipe.

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell of the feet when exposed to vinegar baths. To do this, take 1 liter of 9% apple cider vinegar, pour it into a metal container and heat to a boil. We mix heated vinegar with 1 liter of water at room temperature and place the feet in this solution for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse the feet in cool water and treat the skin of the feet with pumice.

If your shoes have also managed to soak in an unpleasant odor, then you need to treat them in a solution of apple cider vinegar.

Important! Vinegar will help not only remove the unpleasant pungent smell of the feet, but also kill all harmful bacteria.

If cosmetic and folk remedies were not effective, and did not help you cope with the problem of excessive sweating and pungent odor, then you should use pharmaceutical drugs. The range of such means is truly huge, but not every one of them has managed to prove its effectiveness in practice.

Drisol is considered one of the effective medicines. Its main task lies in the blockage of the sweat glands on the legs. However, you should not use this remedy too often, because in this case you may have problems with swelling of the legs. In addition, Drysold often causes allergic reactions, so initially it is worth applying a small amount of funds to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot to see if it will cause you any negative effects.

Quite well, such a medicine as formidron showed itself. It can be used for a long period. However, remember that often this drug causes redness on the skin of the legs. If you experience such a reaction, then you should stop using the product.

Borosin will help not only eliminate the smell, but also cure fungal diseases in the primary stages. Therefore, with the formation of cracks in the legs, it is worth immediately going to the nearest pharmacy.

One of the most common remedies is Teymur paste. This drug is used to combat sweaty feet. However, pay attention to the reaction of your feet. If redness appears on the skin, then it is worth stopping the treatment course.

More tips on how to get rid of sweaty feet at home

Here are some tips to help prevent bad foot odor:

  1. Try to avoid shoes made of synthetic fabrics. It is the least comfortable for the legs, and therefore sweating increases significantly.
  2. Always try to dry your shoes, so that it does not retain moisture. In a humid environment, bacteria develop most actively, so you should avoid this.
  3. If you have an unpleasant foot odor, then before starting a course of treatment, you should consult a dermatologist. It will help determine the cause of the strong odor.
  4. Maintain foot hygiene. Wash your feet thoroughly every day using antibacterial cleansers. Also, try to keep your feet dry at all times.
  5. Give preference to hosiery made from natural fabrics, in particular cotton and linen.

Video on how to get rid of bad foot odor

Unpleasant odor emanating from the feet worries a lot of people. If it is present almost constantly, then even the most self-confident person gradually begins to feel self-doubt and acquires additional complexes. When the feet sweat, this smell can spread very actively, even when a person is shod. And if the shoes get wet, then the amber spreads even faster and over impressive distances. As a result, constant anxiety, nervousness, self-doubt significantly complicate a person’s life, make him feel uncomfortable and experience constant fear that, under certain conditions, he will have to take off his shoes.

The unpleasant odor also causes inconvenience to loved ones of a person with such problems. Below we will discuss what are the causes of foot odor, as well as how to quickly and effectively eliminate the most common causes of bad breath at home.

Why is there an unpleasant odor?

The development of an unpleasant odor can be associated with a number of natural causes, as well as with pathological factors.

natural causes

sweat glands are located on the surface of the skin and provide a very important function for the body - thermoregulation . It is with the work of the sweat glands that the appearance of smell is associated. When the ambient temperature is high, and a person wears socks and warm shoes, the work of the sweat glands is activated. As a result, the unpleasant odor becomes more intense.

Every day the body produces up to 200 ml of sweat. But in itself, the liquid produced by the sweat glands does not have an unpleasant odor, since it contains mainly water and only 1% ammonia , acids, chlorine and salts. The appearance of smell is due to the fact that in sweat an active life activity is developed bacteria for which it is a very suitable medium. Naturally, in socks and shoes that are constantly on a person, bacteria multiply very actively, because there is a warm and humid environment.

Each person, even in such a situation, has an individual aroma. For some people, it can be light, barely noticeable, for others it can be sharp and intense.

And some people suffer from excessive sweating because their sweat glands work too hard. If there is such a problem, foot hygiene and hygiene in general must be carefully observed. This will help prevent bad odors.

Pathological causes

Certain pathologies can also provoke such a problem:

  • nail fungus and ;
  • hormonal changes;
  • nerve diseases, experienced, phobias;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • unbalanced diet.

Therefore, if problems with unpleasant foot odor suddenly begin, and this has not been observed before, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After all, it is likely that this unpleasant symptom is a sign of a serious illness.

There are also provoking factors due to which bad foot odor may appear:

  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
  • insufficiently frequent change of tights, socks;
  • preference for synthetic products - tights, socks;
  • constant wearing of shoes made of non-natural materials;
  • preference for closed shoes;
  • wet shoes, socks, tights.

Fungal diseases of the feet

When infected with a fungus of the nails or feet, the disease does not always develop. If the fungal agent is in contact with the body with a strong immune system , it protects against the development of the disease. But if the immune response is weak, then when infected, the fungus actively spreads, and subsequently it is very difficult to fight it.

If you suspect a fungal infection, you should contact a specialist. Initially, the doctor must assess the patient's condition and, depending on the type of fungus and the severity of the patient's condition, prescribe a treatment regimen. In such a situation, the following means are used:

  • tablets against fungus (,);
  • antifungal sprays ( , Terbix );
  • cream against fungus (,);
  • nail polishes with antifungal action (,).

If the patient strictly follows the recommendations of the doctor, follow the instructions for the use of prescribed drugs, then he will be able to get rid of an unpleasant disease. In this case, it is necessary to carefully observe all the rules of foot hygiene. Also bad smell help overcomeantifungal treatment of shoes and socks, disinfection of linen.

How to get rid of foot odor?

Those who are concerned about the unpleasant smell of the feet, of course, constantly wonder how to get rid of the smell of the feet at home. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons why the sweat on the legs smells unpleasant. And only then can you get the correct answer to the question of how to treat the disease that led to such a symptom, or how to remove a strong and pungent odor with folk remedies.

When it comes to a disease, deodorants and creams will not help overcome this problem.

But if a person is healthy, then it is necessary, first of all, to reconsider the attitude to personal hygiene. The answer to the question of how to get rid of foot odor in men and women is simple: any anti-odor agent must be used after washing your feet and replacing tights or socks.

Very often, with a more strict application of a number of hygiene principles, the question of how to get rid of sweaty feet forever becomes closed:

  • It is important to wash your feet in the morning and in the evening, doing this very carefully. It is advisable to rinse your feet with cold water after washing.
  • You need to regularly clean the skin of the feet and fingers from dead cells, for which scrubs and peeling are used.
  • It is necessary to dry the skin between the fingers very carefully after washing the feet.
  • You should wear only socks and tights made of high-quality material - natural or with a very slight inclusion of synthetics.
  • If the question of how to get rid of the smell in shoes is relevant for a person, he should reconsider his attitude to her choice. You should buy only high-quality pairs made from natural materials. It must be the perfect size.
  • Those who are interested in how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes should take into account that this largely depends on the fairly frequent change of socks and tights. This must be done every day.
  • Shoe care is also important. Inside it must be treated with antiseptic solutions. To do this, you can use a solution potassium permanganate .

Foot products

For care, you need to choose the right products for foot odor. You can use an antiperspirant deodorant or buy a deodorant cream from a pharmacy. This remedy for the smell of feet and shoes is used daily.

On the advice of a specialist, you can buy in a pharmacy an ointment for the smell of feet and sweat or a medicine for sweating feet and smell ( Cream "5 days" , "Green Pharmacy" and etc.). However, it is impossible to use such tools all the time - you need to take into account the recommendations contained in the instructions.

Also effective and properly selected remedy for sweat and foot odor, which is used for shoes.

Finally, a suitable folk remedy for the smell of feet and shoes can also be beneficial - these are baths, infusions, powders.


Taking into account the mechanism of action, deodorants are usually divided into:

  • antiperspirants;
  • normalizing the separation of sweat;
  • flavorings (they mask the smell);
  • medical.

They are produced in several forms:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • spray;
  • talc.

Antiperspirants block the sweat glands, so they cannot be used around the clock. It is necessary to provide "rest" to the skin of the legs, which should breathe normally for some time.

Means that normalize the separation of sweat do not block the sweat glands, but at the same time maintain a minimum level of sweating.

Medicated deodorants prevent the growth of bacteria, thereby eliminating the cause of the smell. Such drugs also cannot be used all the time: after all, bacteria gradually develop resistance to one or another agent.

Any deodorant is applied to clean and dry skin of the feet. After application, you need to wait until it is absorbed or dried, and only then put on tights, socks or shoes. The product should be thoroughly washed off in the evening, before going to bed.

Lotion and foot cream

Manufacturers offer many different creams that are used to prevent heavy sweating. Unlike some other means, you can use the cream all the time. But first you need to find the perfect tool. If the cream is chosen correctly, it not only prevents sweating, but also nourishes and softens the skin of the feet. Here are some popular foot creams that work effectively:


Produced by an Israeli company Hlavin". The composition of the product includes, talc, ethylhexylglycerin , triethyl citrate , potato starch, arnica, chamomile, calendula. The cream is odorless. After application, the product protects against sweat for seven days. It acts in a complex, destroying the fungus and bacteria.

A little cream is applied to the previously washed and dried skin of the legs, rubbing it evenly. For several hours you can not wet your feet, and when the product is absorbed, you can lead a normal life, observing all the rules of hygiene. Re-apply only when an unpleasant odor appears.

Dry Dry

The cream is produced by the Swedish company " Scandi Line". Available as a clear liquid containing aluminum chloride hydrate , denatured alcohol. These components act to create a protein-aluminum plug. As a result, the sweat glands function normally, but the sweat is released from other places in a normal volume. It is also excreted through the kidneys.

If you follow all the rules of application, then the product protects from sweat from 3 to 5 days. Apply the product one hour before bedtime on dry and clean skin. You should wait until the skin is dry. After that, you can not wash, but in the morning you can safely carry out all hygiene procedures.

Galeno Pharm "5 days"

The composition contains zinc oxide , which dries the skin, and also has an astringent and disinfectant effect. Also contains cetyl alcohol to help retain moisture in the skin. Camphor , which is also part of the product, is an antiseptic. And menthol gives freshness to the skin and cools the feet. All active components act in combination, while reducing the activity of sweating and relieving a person of pathogenic microorganisms.

Apply the cream "5 days" on dry skin of the legs daily. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed. It should be borne in mind that this tool has a slightly oily consistency, so you need to apply it in a small amount so that the cream has time to completely absorb.

Deo-control cream from Kalina

Consists of a special complex OilCARE”, which includes natural cocoa, shea, lavender, tea tree oils, as well as,. The cream effectively fights pathogenic microflora, protecting the skin with an invisible film. It should be applied after the person has taken a shower and the skin is completely dry. Rub the product into the skin of the feet and fingers until it is completely absorbed. Re-apply the cream after the next wash, or when the smell of sweat appears.

Cream "Green Pharmacy"

Antifungal and deodorant, which contains, zinc oxide , camphor , tea tree oil. When it is used, a drying effect is also noted. Protects against sweat for up to five days. Apply, like all other products, to clean and dried skin. It is recommended to apply after bath procedures or visits to the sauna.

Pharmacy foot odor remedies

Pasta Teymurova

Doctors often prescribe this drug to people who are worried about excessive sweating. It effectively dries the skin, disinfects it, as it contains are contained and zinc oxide , talc.

Apply to clean and completely dry skin. It is important not to wipe it with a towel, but to wait until the skin dries on its own. Rub it into the skin of the feet, between the fingers, doing this before going to bed for 2-3 minutes. You can apply the paste for 3-4 days, after which they take a break. If necessary, you can repeat this course of treatment.

lavender oil

A natural antiseptic that not only refreshes the skin, but also effectively fights fungus. The oil is used by adding it to foot baths. Prepare such a bath using water at room temperature and adding about 5 ml of lavender oil to it. To get the maximum effect, the oil must first be diluted in the base liquid (milk will do), since the oil does not dissolve in water. The bath should be taken for 20 minutes. Practice this procedure once every 2-3 days.


The composition contains formaldehyde, which acts as an antiseptic, and also has a deodorizing effect on the skin. It is produced in the form of a liquid, so you need to dose and apply the product very carefully. It should be applied once a day, rubbing into previously washed and dried problem areas. It is important to pay attention to the fact that with too long use, the skin may dry out.

Benzoyl peroxide lotion, gel (5 and 10%)

This drug is used according to the instructions for the purpose of treatment. But it is also effective in combating unpleasant foot odor. The active ingredient benzoyl peroxide inhibits the growth of anaerobic flora. You need to apply the product by light rubbing once a day, doing this with the help of massaging movements. It is important to apply the product between the fingers. It is used once a day, the duration of use is up to three months.

Alum burnt

The medicine contains potassium aluminum alum , which are processed to turn into powder. Alum is an adsorbent of sweat, they are able to neutralize fungi and bacteria, as well as reduce the activity of sweat glands. Their anti-inflammatory effect is noted. Alum is also used as a powder, for which dry and clean skin is treated with powder. Apply the powder in the morning, and in the evening, its residues should be thoroughly washed off.

Due to its antiseptic action, it effectively eliminates the cause of the unpleasant odor. fall asleep in a small amount in each sock, carefully distribute it over the entire surface and put on socks on dry and clean feet. Every evening on the days when boric acid is used, you need to wash your feet very carefully, and send your socks to the laundry. For a week, boric acid is used every day, after which you need to take a break for a week. Further repetition of the course is allowed.

There are folk methods with which you can significantly improve the situation.

  • Lemon peels. The peel of citrus fruits contains essential oils that dry the skin and give it a pleasant aroma. They are also able to destroy the fungus. Fresh crusts are rubbed in the hands to release the essential oil. It is applied to clean and dry skin. Other essential oils are also effective - mint, eucalyptus, lavender, cypress, etc.
  • Starch. It can be used if no other means are at hand. It is applied as a powder on clean and dried skin of the legs, after which socks are put on. Starch helps remove excess sweat and prevent odor.
  • Oak bark. An infusion is prepared from it, which produces a tannic effect, narrows the sweat glands, and dries the skin. Infusion prepared from 2 tbsp. l. bark and 1 liter of boiling water, should stand for 20 minutes, after which it is added to the foot bath. This procedure is carried out for 10 minutes daily.
  • Sea salt. Baths with its addition help to dry and deodorize the skin, eliminate bacteria and fungi. Foot baths with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt should be done every evening for 10 minutes. After the procedure, the feet should dry without wiping with a towel.
  • Laundry soap. You can wash your feet in cold water with laundry soap, which reduces perspiration and effectively fights germs. To avoid drying the skin, you can not use this soap for more than five days.
  • Carnation flowers. They are put in shoes to neutralize the unpleasant odor.
  • Decoctions and infusions of herbs. They are used daily for evening washing of feet or for baths. To prepare decoctions and infusions, sage, chamomile, rose hips, green tea, etc. are used. You can use each herb in turn or prepare a combined decoction.
  • Tea mushroom. The product prepared from it is used for baths and lotions. To prepare a solution in 1 liter of water, add 3 tbsp. l kombucha.
  • Alcohol and vinegar. They are mixed in equal proportions and wipe clean feet with this solution, as well as between the toes.
  • Soda. 1 tsp soda is dissolved in a glass of water, after which cotton swabs are moistened in it and placed between the fingers for a while. Rinse your feet with the rest of the solution. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening for a week.


So, for those who are concerned about bad foot odor, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the careful implementation of all the rules of personal hygiene. If there is no improvement for some time, you should consult a doctor to find the cause of this phenomenon. With the right approach to treatment, this problem can be eliminated.

You know the problem when your feet stink and get wet? How often do we experience a terrible smell coming from the feet of other people or our own. This misfortune can happen to everyone, regardless of gender and age, from the age of 12-14 until the moment when we can still move independently. What can be done to get rid of smelly limbs and shoes? What is the treatment and why is this happening? Let's deal with everything in order.

What do smelly feet indicate?

If your feet stink, it's not just about poor personal hygiene. Of course, she also participates in the appearance of a disgusting darling, a fetid odor begins to exude from a mixture of moisture and bacteria, but is not the root cause of this ailment. So what's the deal? Why do your feet smell so bad?

The basis for the development of a supersaturated microclimate in shoes is excessive moisture, abundantly released from the feet. Doctors call this pathology. The cause may be a malfunction in the body, and different for women and men. If you have a similar problem, then you should think about it, you may have to treat internal organs. A repulsive odor can be a signal of the following diseases:

  1. Violation in the endocrine system.
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Poor kidney function.
  4. Prelude to diabetes.
  5. Violation of sexual functions.
  6. Problems in the urinary system.
  7. Surgical intervention (the period after surgery may last 2-3 years).

Why beautiful female legs stink

Women's charms that drive men crazy, including ladies' legs, sometimes give their mistresses a lot of trouble and problems. Who wants to communicate with a girl if a terrifying amber is squandered from her for a kilometer and shoes stink on legs. Even the most ardent fan will be repulsed by this.

What can we say about business women who conduct serious negotiations and communicate with a large number of people. What kind of career success can we talk about if she does not observe basic hygiene ?! So think the people around and the bosses, and mostly men.

However, these conclusions are not always correct. Especially often, such a signal in women indicates problems with metabolism or a disease of the reproductive system, in particular, the ovaries. Inflammation of the ovaries is a very common disease that almost every woman had at least once. If it is not sufficiently treated, run, there will be complications or the disease, turning into a chronic form, will torment the woman regularly, will cause a strong stench. A terrible smelly smell from the feet will begin to accompany her constantly. To get rid of this, a woman or girl must cure the underlying diseases, and not just use cosmetics.

Endocrine disorders are no less common. Nowadays, many women have an insufficient metabolism in the body. Even very young girls can be affected by this. Some substances are not absorbed and cause a biochemical deficiency. Others, on the contrary, settle in the body and create oversaturation. All this is reflected in the toxicity, slagging and "aromatization" of any secretions of vital activity. The smell becomes simply terrible if the body does not cope well with their excretion. This must be treated by any means!

Causes of strong foot odor in men

even sometimes stink? This can happen due to excessive hormonal activity. This reason is typical for young people aged 12-30 years. There is no point in treating her. Feet stink disgustingly also due to a lot of physical activity. A normal average middle-aged man makes a fairly large number of active movements per day. This makes the heart work more intensively, which accelerates the blood and speeds up all the metabolic processes of the body, including the release of fluid, so the legs begin to stink more.

Why do men's limbs stink more often than women's? Most representatives of the stronger sex eat a lot of spicy, and this provokes the acceleration of blood and, accordingly, the legs stink more. What to do? Less pepper dishes and do not wear tight shoes. The main part of the male population spends a lot of time at work, on the road, there is no way to take off your shoes and let your legs “breathe”. When this happens and the man takes off his shoes, it turns out that his feet stink just awful. If this happens, it is urgent to wash them and change socks. If this is not possible, then you need to take foot deodorant and wet wipes with you to be fully equipped when your feet stink.

Harmful shoes

Most types of sports shoes, namely sneakers, today are made from synthetic materials. Natural rubber, lined cotton are much inferior to their artificial counterparts in many respects, so even expensive models of sports shoes from well-known brands have a large number of details from non-natural materials. In addition, this type of shoe is much cheaper and sells out faster. Savings and practicality in this case do not contribute to health at all. Faux shoes stink a lot.

Another enemy of the "pleasant" smell from the feet is tight shoes. The toes move closely together, the heat inside the boot is retained, causing a stronger heating of the foot and an intense expulsion of fluid through the skin. Feet will start to stink after a while. What to do when the shoes are narrow, but it's a pity to throw them away? Get rid of this excruciating slow torture without delay. In addition to disgusting ombre and bumps on your feet, you won’t get anything else from such shoes. Only smelly feet and health problems.

Alternative treatment

In the first place in the list of folk remedies for treatment and other herbal ingredients: oak bark, chamomile, tea leaves. Many folk recipes are widely used to this day. Consider what folk wisdom suggests to do if the feet stink badly?

Contrast baths

One of the most effective ways to remove bad breath is to take contrast foot baths. This is a simple method that allows you to kill two, even three birds with one stone:

  • Fluid secretion decreases, feet stop stinking.
  • Fatigue, heaviness, pain are removed.
  • Prevention of colds and cardiovascular diseases is carried out.

If you add decoctions of such antiseptics as oak bark, walnut leaves and shells, chamomile, nettle, plantain to the water, then the skin of the feet will be in perfect order, it will not get wet and stink. Treatment with a similar procedure can be called an ancient folk remedy that is easy to do at home. All water procedures, especially baths, were built on the contrast.

Cold water shrinks pores, while hot water expands them. This fact has long been known, therefore, for the treatment of many diseases, it is useful to bathe. However, the walls of blood vessels quickly lose their elasticity, so they are satisfied with training with contrasting temperatures. It is very effective and useful, treats many diseases. For smelly feet, this method is also perfect. Feet will stink less if you hold them alternately, then in hot, then in cold water. By doing this often, you will forget what a cold is and smelly feet, glands and pores will work more dynamically.

What funds can be bought at the pharmacy

In addition to expensive drugs, ointments, gels, pastes and other pharmaceutical pleiades, you can also help yourself with simple means if your feet stink. All these elements are sold without a prescription and are available at any pharmacy. If your feet stink, you can use cheaper analogues for treatment. When you come to the pharmacy, do not report that you are looking for a cure for a smelly problem, but feel free to purchase the following, which have become folk remedies:

  1. Boric acid.
  2. Alum (powder).
  3. Talc (pure without additives and fragrances).
  4. Oak bark.
  5. Collection of chamomile, plantain.
  6. Formaldehyde (any derivatives, for example, "Formidron").
  7. Corn starch or potato starch (easier to find at the grocery store, as are subsequent products).
  8. Salt, soda.
  9. Apple cider vinegar (no more than 9%).

Fast acting procedure

Came home, took off your shoes and found that your feet stink very badly? What can be done to instantly beat off the smell and the feet do not stink strongly? Give them first aid at home. Prepare apple cider vinegar, talcum powder, 8.5% laundry soap, a basin of warm-hot water, pedicure scissors, thin cotton socks and a towel. No synthetics! Want a quick remedy to keep your feet from stinking? Then get down to business.

  1. Dip your feet into the basin and lather them thoroughly. It is important not to miss a single secluded place, otherwise they will not stop stinking.
  2. Soak your feet in the soapy solution for 5 minutes, then remove your feet from the basin and pat dry with a towel.
  3. Trim your nails carefully.
  4. Change the water in the basin and add vinegar to it (a third of a glass). It is advisable to drip aromatic oil. Usually use lavender or thyme.
  5. Soak your feet in the vinegar solution for 10 minutes.
  6. Dry your feet with a towel.
  7. Sprinkle with talcum powder, you can lightly rub it on the skin.
  8. Put on clean, dry socks.

Now your feet will not stink for a long time. Women and young girls are especially affected by foul-smelling legs. If men with a bad smell are treated more tolerantly, then a lady with feet that stink disgustingly will not be understood in society. They will simply shy away from her, avoid communication with her, ignore her. How to fix the situation and make sure that the feet no longer stink?

There are two ways: folk remedies or medical. Everyone chooses his own. Practice shows that most people try to deal with the feet that stink, according to folk methods. Doctors are treated only when other methods are ineffective.

What do you eat - urgently on a diet!

If they even stink, perhaps nutrition plays an important role in this. Remember your diet and go on a diet. This method is not used without folk procedures with herbs and treatment with powders and ointments. However, if you continue to use “forbidden” foods, the treatment will not be effective enough and your feet will continue to stink. These foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Spicy seasonings.
  • salinity.
  • Smoking.
  • Fresh garlic.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Coffee.
  • Sweet.

Why can't you eat it? The fact is that after eating these foods, the body feels thirsty. A person drinks more water than he needs. Accordingly, he highlights it more. People with stinky feet should not do this. Stopping to eat pickles, smoked products, sweets, a person will not only reduce the volume of circulating fluid in himself, but also significantly improve his health.

The following products must be included in the menu:

  • Milk products.
  • Kashi (except manna).
  • Vegetables.
  • Fish.

Such products not only regulate the amount of fluid in the body, but also remove toxins. If your feet stink badly, use this simple diet along with other remedies. Your body will only thank you.

Unenviable heredity

Sometimes the problem can be hereditary. Such a gift of fate is not going anywhere. What if most of the ancestors also had very wet and stinky feet? Treatment in this case will be temporary. It is necessary to select funds that suit the individual. There are no recommendations for treatment here, you can try several methods at once. For example, if your feet stink terribly, try different herbs and powders in turn. Stick to your diet strictly. Means of treatment need to be changed.

At home, measures to eliminate odor may be ineffective. Surgery or toxic injections can help here. In any case, do not try to deal with the problem only at home, consult a competent physician. This is done by a dermatologist or orthopedist. Perhaps surgery is the only remedy that can help people with a bad heredity that makes feet and shoes stink.

Many people face the problem of excessive sweating of the feet. This causes discomfort when you have to take off your shoes. Both adults and children can face this problem. There are several recipes and methods that allow you to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

To solve the problem, you need to find out why your feet sweat a lot and smell, what to do in such a situation. This will help the advice of experts.

Causes of odor

There are several reasons to consider why feet sweat a lot and smell between the toes. The reason for this may be a fungus. If he "settled" on the nails or skin, an unpleasant odor appears. In this case, you will need to undergo appropriate treatment.

Another disease that causes such a nuisance is diabetes mellitus or other ailments. In this case, wounds, microcracks appear on the feet. They do not heal well, causing an unpleasant odor. Increased sweating can be a sign of other diseases. It is recommended to consult a specialist.

A few more reasons

Many parents notice that their child's feet sweat a lot and smell. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician. However, in most cases, the problem is not medical. Children are very mobile. They can actively move, because of this there is increased sweating. In this case, you need to carefully review the things of the baby.

Many parents, fearing that the child will catch a cold, put on a lot of warm clothes. This causes increased sweating. Such actions lead to impaired immunity. The child must be dressed according to the weather. A lot of warm clothes will not protect against colds, rather the opposite. The baby will sweat. At the first draft, he will get cold.

This rule also applies to adults. You need to dress for the weather. A large number of warm clothes, socks leads to an unpleasant odor and sweating. Also, low-quality synthetic materials can lead to similar troubles. Artificial fibers do not absorb sweat well. It also becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which are the cause of the unpleasant odor.

First of all, it is necessary to determine why the feet sweat a lot and smell. How to treat such a condition depends on the provoking factors. It may be enough just to reconsider your clothes. By reducing the amount of warm clothes that an adult or child wears daily, sweating can be significantly reduced.

You should also exclude the wearing of synthetic socks, tights, etc. If the above methods could not have the desired effect, you need to undergo a medical examination. Perhaps an ailment develops in the body that provokes a similar condition.

Hygiene rules

There are certain rules that you need to follow if your feet sweat a lot and smell. The reasons for this condition may be different. However, in all cases, special attention should be paid to hygiene rules. Their observance will significantly reduce the unpleasant odor and sweating.

Of course, washing your feet at any time of the day is quite problematic, unlike your hands. However, there are a number of hygiene rules that everyone can follow. First of all, you will need to purchase antibacterial soap. Wash your feet with this remedy every day in the morning and evening. If sweating is very strong, you need to carry out such a procedure during the day (if possible).

While washing your feet, the temperature of the water should be gradually lowered. First it should be warm, and then cool. The hardening process must be carried out gradually. Do not drop the temperature drastically. After washing, the feet must be thoroughly dried. Moisture becomes a good environment for the development of bacteria. Feet must always remain dry.


If your feet sweat a lot and smell, you can use another effective remedy. In addition to the hygiene procedures listed above, you need to do foot baths. This procedure is performed in the evening before bedtime 2 times a week. This procedure dries the feet well, narrows the pores.

Foot baths can be done for both adults and children. In this case, various home and pharmacy products are used. One of the selected products is added to warm water. Next, for 10 minutes, the legs should remain in warm (not hot) water. After that, you need to use special abrasive products.

If the procedure is performed for a child, you need to take a washcloth with a thick pile and rub your feet a little. For adults, special files are more suitable. You can also use a piece of pumice stone. The more coarsened the skin of the legs, the more intensively the treatment should be carried out. Accumulated dead epithelial cells also become an environment for the development of bacteria. Performing a similar procedure with the required frequency, you can achieve a good effect. In this case, the legs will look well-groomed and beautiful.

Treatment methods

If the legs began to sweat a lot and smell, but the cause is not a disease, you should choose the right drug to reduce sweating. Many recipes involve the use of folk remedies. They are always at hand for any hostess.

Folk recipes most often involve the use of various means in the form of foot baths. Medicines, according to experts, are more effective. They have a different principle of action. They produce funds for excessive sweating in the form of a gel, cream, drops, dry formulations. They differ in the principle of application and action.

To assess whether the remedy is suitable, you need to apply a small amount of it on the elbow. If there is no discomfort, an allergic reaction, you can use the composition for treatment. It should also be noted that there are drugs that are used for one course daily. Others are applied in series. The result will be achieved only after passing several courses of treatment.

Medical preparations

Knowing why your feet sweat a lot and smell, you should take action to eliminate the cause. However, in combination with the main treatment, you can use drugs that will fight increased sweating. Popular means are:

  1. "Formidron". Disinfects the skin and suppresses excessive perspiration. In some cases, it causes allergies, as it contains formaldehyde. Long-term use is not recommended.
  2. "Drisol". Suitable for adults only. The composition clogs the pores. It is not recommended to use it for a long time.
  3. Pasta Teymurova. An antiseptic that effectively prevents the appearance of diaper rash. Apply after washing feet. The skin must be dry. The course of treatment is 5 days. This helps to reduce sweating. Protects against unpleasant odors for 24 hours.
  4. "5 days". Cream containing zinc oxide, alcohol and camphor. The effect after the first course of treatment is six months. Has a greasy texture. Apply a small amount to clean feet.
  5. "Borosin" - eliminates the unpleasant odor that appears due to the fungus on the nails and feet. The remedy fights the cause of excessive sweating.

When choosing a remedy, you need to consult a dermatologist. Perhaps the treatment will need to be carried out comprehensively. This is especially important when a fungus appears. Improper treatment can lead to aggravation of the problem, the appearance of wounds on the skin that do not heal for a long time.

Folk remedies for children

If the child's feet sweat a lot and smell, you should take the choice of drugs for treatment very seriously. The skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive. Improper treatment can be harmful, making the problem worse. For the treatment of children, only gentle means can be used. Best of all in this case, folk recipes are suitable.

You can also make baths with simple tea. Packaged varieties in this case are not suitable. You need to take 1 tablespoon of black tea. It is boiled in 1 liter of water. This is a good remedy that strengthens the immune system.

You can also use salt to eliminate excessive sweating. This procedure is carried out once a week. At the same time, the skin should not have wounds, sores and other violations of the skin. In this case, you need to mix 2 cups of salt and 5 liters of warm water.

Products for adults

If the legs of an adult person sweat a lot and smell, more drastic measures can be taken. If the skin is rough enough, you can use one of the following recipes. It should be said that in some girls the skin on the legs is as delicate as in children. In this case, you should resort to the methods that were described above.

First of all, you should pay attention to recipes with vinegar. Such a remedy is also suitable if a fungus has become the cause of an unpleasant odor. One glass of vinegar should be diluted in 3 liters of warm water. Also, if there are traces of the fungus, you can mix vinegar and alcohol and apply the product with a pipette to the affected areas.

Ice baths are equally effective. Such methods of treatment must be practiced very carefully. The duration of the procedure should not be long. Feet can be kept in ice water for just a few seconds. This recipe is suitable for people who practice hardening of the feet in the process of hygiene procedures. However, with regular implementation of the presented technique, the effect will be high.

There are a few more tips that will help if your feet sweat a lot. What to do at home depends on the causes of this condition. As an additional treatment as part of a complex, you can use such funds.

Talcum powder, soda or potato starch effectively keep the skin dry. These products are sprinkled on the feet after washing. The skin must be completely dry. It is especially important to pay attention to the area between the fingers.

It is also recommended to periodically wipe the feet with alcohol. It is an antibacterial agent that can dry out the skin. At night, lavender oil can be applied to the skin of the feet (if there is no allergy). After that, clean socks made of natural materials are put on top.

During the day, you can use a special foot deodorant. On sale are special formulations that are distinguished by an antibacterial effect. This will refresh the feet, remove the unpleasant odor.

Shoe care

Socks need to be changed daily. If the shoes can withstand washing, they can be treated accordingly. Socks should be turned inside out before washing. In this case, you need to use bleach. Washing is carried out at high temperatures.

Patients often come to doctors with sweaty and smelly feet. What to do in such a situation depends on the reasons that caused such conditions. However, in any case, the doctor will advise the patient to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.

First of all, doctors advise avoiding stressful situations whenever possible. You should also review your diet. It should include a lot of fruits and vegetables, protein. However, spicy dishes, spices, coffee, chocolate, strong tea and cocoa should be temporarily excluded.

It is important to pay due attention to the pedicure. If a lack of zinc is determined in the body, this can also be manifested by increased sweating. It is necessary to include special vitamin complexes in the diet.

So, we looked at why the legs sweat and smell a lot and what to do in this case. We hope our tips will help you deal with this problem.

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