Dealing with mental stress

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Quite often, people are faced with the phenomenon of teeth grinding in a dream. It manifests itself in both adults and children (even the smallest - babies). This phenomenon has received different names- odontism, bruxism. The second term is more common in medical definitions.

Teeth grinding is actually a serious problem if it appears often and repeats with a clear frequency, as it can lead not only to dental disorders, but also to gastroenterological ones. Therefore, it requires detailed consideration and discussion.

Why does a person grind his teeth in a dream - the reason

According to some research data, bruxism affects about 3% of the population. However, this figure is likely to be underestimated. Almost always a person cannot control himself, even if he sleeps very sensitively.

Therefore, many lonely people either never know about the problem at all, or find out about it after a visit to the dentist. Because of this, the actual number of patients with such a problem is actually much higher.

In many cases, it is difficult to determine the real underlying reason for the onset of the disease. It could be therapeutic, dental and often neurological problem depending on the circumstances that lead to it.

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Before considering the causes of bruxism, you need to talk more about the symptoms that big share Patients are likely to:

  • Articular and muscle pain in the region of the jaw and facial muscles.
  • Headaches and migraines in the morning.
  • Pain from intense muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back.
  • Ringing and pain in the ears.
  • Sleep deprivation, stress and exhaustion due to bad sleep, the appearance of insomnia.
  • Malnutrition and improper functioning of the digestive system.
  • Appearance high sensitivity and irritability of the eyes.
  • Depression.

The most common and possible causes of bruxism


Many dentists cite one of the first reasons pathological bite (improper closure teeth) and wrong installed seals . In the second case, the problem is solved by a dentist-therapist and practically does not cause any complications if it was detected during a not too long time from the moment of occurrence.

An overbite is more difficult to correct, but it is also possible. This can take a long time, sometimes up to 10-12 months.

In addition, this should include the absence of part of the teeth, which can lead not only to bruxism, but also to serious violations in work gastrointestinal tract if you do not do this immediately after the extraction or traumatic loss of a tooth.


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This includes pathologies general structure jaw joints, the jaws themselves and the facial part of the skeleton.

These are birth defects, which in most cases are diagnosed at a fairly early age. early age when fixing is possible without too much effort.

Stress and nervous overload

A lot of things can fall into this category. all sorts of stressful situations, constant nervousness due to problems at work or personal problems, bad habits, including overuse alcoholic beverages, smoking (what matters here is the effect on the body of nicotine), personal reaction to caffeine, and so on.

All of these factors can cause an increase in activity. brain activity, which becomes the cause of uncontrolled and spasmodic contraction of the muscles responsible for the movement of the jaws.

stress and nervous overload- this is the most likely and common cause that doctors talk about.

Other diseases

The tendency to bruxism often manifests itself in people suffering from Huntington's disease(combination mental disorders and involuntary uncontrolled movements of various muscle groups) and Parkinson's(tremor, muscle stiffness and inelasticity).

In the case of a sudden sharp appearance of bruxism in adults, it is imperative to get tested for epilepsy, since this disease can also be one of the causes of the problem in question.


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Bruxism can also manifest itself as a display clenching teeth habits some people. Most often, these are specialists whose work requires extreme concentration and many small and very precise movements, for example, watchmakers, jewelers, surgeons, neurosurgeons and many others.


There is a widespread non-medical opinion that strong grinding of teeth during sleep and worms, or rather, their presence, are directly related. After much research, this was almost completely refuted.

As you know, they are responsible for normal functioning nervous system. This may be the cause of bruxism in some cases due to individual features organism.

Bruxism in a child

The appearance of this disease in children, especially if the grinding at night occurs constantly, is rather unpleasant, as it can lead to much big problems healthier than adults.

Most of the reasons coincide with the above, but there are those that can only be in children or are very different from adults in their content. Let's consider them in more detail.

Stressful situations and overexcitation

Children have a more fragile and affected psyche. This leads to the fact that even a situation that, according to adults, should not be paid any attention at all, can become a serious stress-forming factor.

For example, the birth of another child in the family, moving to another apartment, or troubles in kindergarten.

Sleep disturbance

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There are many types of sleep disorders, in particular, its depth, some of which may be the cause child bruxism. Physicians usually put this problem in the same class as somnambulism and nightmares.


In most cases (about 80%), children's teeth grinding during sleep is the result of adenoid enlargement.


Sometimes children may adopt this habit from adults or simply inherit it. This is most often seen in boys.

Teeth are being cut

The appearance of bruxism can be seen even in very young, infants. Sometimes it is associated with unpleasant sensations that occur during teething. At the same time, the gums itch and itch.

In a dream, the child cannot get rid of this in any other way than by clenching his jaw and trying to scratch his gums. Because of this, sharp grinding sounds appear. All this happens unconsciously..

In addition to the usual methods of treatment, which will be discussed below, additional ones are also recommended for children.

First, it is imperative pay attention to what kind of psychological environment is created for the child in different areas his life. If he goes to Kindergarten or school, it is worth talking with caregivers and teachers. At home, there may also be a reason for stress and uncomfortable mental health of children.

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Secondly, it is necessary organize clear and correct routine day, food etc. Good spend more time walking outside.

Sufficient and reasonable age-appropriate physical plan loads(sports sections, exercises, just hiking etc.) are also extremely important. It helps solve a lot of problems psychological nature and their consequences.

Third, be sure need to rethink how evening time . It is then that the child can receive the main burden on the psyche. The next hours before going to bed are recommended to be spent without a large number active games, raised voices, computer and TV.

Much better kids feel if you just read a book to them, talk, listen to a calm good music even better than classic.

Fourth, you need to control the time allotted for sleep. If teeth grinding appears at night, then pediatricians recommend trying to put the child to bed an hour earlier. If this method does not work, you should still continue - it definitely will not be superfluous.

The most important thing that should not be forgotten is that the child needs love, warmth of relationships and parental care. Only then can the level of comfort that is especially important for children be ensured in the family.


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Bruxism, if it occurs regularly, nightly, for several minutes, may lead to severe abrasion (squeezing) of tooth enamel up to the next layer.

This leads to both severe caries and constant inflammation, loosening of teeth, malocclusion.

Even changes in the structure of the jaw joints. These are dental problems, but they can also cause poor digestion and general abnormal state of the body.

Sleep disorders and not quite good rest worsen psychological comfort, increase susceptibility to stress, and so on.

Since the problem of bruxism is recognized as a medical one, it is worth solving it together with doctors, based on their advice.

Dealing with mental stress

This item includes identifying the cause of stress, learning to relax(music, books, sports, etc.) reception sedatives (often weak) psychologist consultations.

A therapy that will help not only to identify stress, but also to develop skills to effectively overcome it and successfully overcome many conflict situations, too, in many cases there is part of the treatment.

Wearing a mouthguard

Such devices are extremely individual. With the help of an impression, the dentist makes them for each patient separately. However, wearing a mouthguard is not a proper treatment. It just helps to cope with the grinding of teeth at night for a while, but does not solve the problem itself.

Details about mouthguards for bruxism - their varieties, manufacturing procedure and cost.

In conclusion, you will find a video that says what to do for people suffering from bruxism:

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The article is devoted to the description of the problem of teeth grinding in children and adults. Causes of buxism and methods of its treatment are named.

Teeth grinding is a problem for people of all ages. Many of them simply do not pay attention to this habit. In medicine, this habit is called buxism.

Teeth grinding due to tension chewing muscles, as a consequence, the set dental problems. Buxism occurs in an unconscious state when a person is sleeping or is carried away by some process. Sometimes, gnashing of teeth can be accompanied by neuroses. There are reasons why people develop buxism, as well as ways in which you can get rid of it.

How to recognize the manifestation of buxism?

The habit of grinding teeth is noticeable from the outside. However, it is extremely difficult to identify it in oneself. If suspicions crept in, you can analyze the following symptoms:

  • Dental problems are actively developing in those suffering from buxism: tooth enamel is erased, bite changes, teeth become loose
  • Teeth grinding affects the quality of sleep. The body cannot fully relax, and a person feels tired in the morning
  • Neck and head pain may occur
  • Feeling ringing in the ears

If all or some of the symptoms are found, you should observe the reaction of your jaw to nervous situations. Good way identify buxism, ask strangers watch over you for a few days.

Grinding of teeth is not considered a disease. Experts attribute it to one of the variants of sleep disturbance, along with sleepwalking and snoring.

Treatment of grinding, grinding teeth bruxism

Given that buxism is one of the variants of mental disorders, the first stage of treatment should be the elimination of stressful situations from life. To do this, you need to contact a psychologist, control your aggression, lead more active image life.

Also, you need to visit dental office and state your problem. There, special plates, caps will be made, which protect the teeth from abrasion during sleep.

There are also several effective folk methods getting rid of buccaneer.

  • Medicinal herbs against gnashing of teeth. Herbs such as valerian and lavender have a calming effect. For children and adults, evening massage with essential oils will be effective. lavender oil and tea with decoctions of valerian
  • Herbal teas have a relaxing effect. Those suffering from buxism are advised to drink a cup of warm herbal tea before bedtime. It may include chamomile, mint, lemon balm, lemon juice and honey
  • A drink made from milk and turmeric. It is necessary to heat a glass of milk to a hot state, dissolve a teaspoon of ground turmeric in it. Drink the mixture 30 minutes before bedtime
  • The use of calcium and magnesium will support tooth enamel with the manifestation of buxism
  • Practice deep breathing help to remove nervous tension before bedtime.
  • Healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, physical exercise help to improve the state of the nervous system
  • Warm compress against teeth grinding. The fabric should be soaked in warm water, squeeze. Then apply to the muscles of the neck and jaw, where tension is felt. The heat will help relax the muscles and prevent pain.

Teeth grinding: tips and reviews

There are many testimonials on the net from patients who were able to overcome the habit of grinding their teeth.

  • "For me important point in getting rid of this bad habit became her awareness. My husband, a few months ago, said that at night I grind my teeth. I didn't pay attention to it. Due to dental problems, I had to admit to myself that buxism is a real problem. I began to control myself during the day, and before going to bed I drank soothing tea and tried not to think about daytime problems. Svetlana, 38 years old
  • “I suffer from buksism periodically. When there is stress at work, I can wake up several times at night from my own grinding of teeth. As soon as I start to notice the problem, everything goes away. Until the next stress." Nikolai, 45 years old
  • “The dentist told me that I was grinding my teeth. Advised to make caps. to me for a long time They interfered with sleep, but then I got used to it. Didn't go to other doctors. I try to be less nervous and fall asleep in calm state. Apparently, I grind my teeth only at night, during the day I didn’t notice this behind me. Alla, 27 years old

Dr. Komarovsky about buxism in children

Of the reasons that provoke buxism, Komarovsky notes the most likely:

  • Adenoid enlargement
  • Heredity
  • teething
  • Lack of B vitamins

Komarovsky advises treating buxism, starting with stabilization nervous state child. massages, herbal teas, warm baths should be used at bedtime. It is necessary to reinforce the child's body with vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter and spring seasons.

The main problem with Buxism is that little attention is paid to it. If a problem is found, there is no need to postpone its solution. Attention should be paid to disorders in the body that could cause the occurrence of gnashing of teeth.

Video: “Buxism. What to do if you grind your teeth at night?

Teeth grinding at night is not harmless. Men and women, children and adults are equally susceptible to this unpleasant syndrome. Being close to such a person, close people (husband, wife or daughter) experience discomfort. Why pathology cannot be ignored, what health problems it signals, what are its Negative consequences? The article will tell about it.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a spontaneous convulsive movement of the clenched jaws. It is caused by a spasm of the masticatory muscles, which is accompanied by a creak. This medical term translated from Greek means "grinding". Unconsciously, a person reproduces the sounds characteristic of sloppy food - he strongly champs, chews, gnashes. At night, this phenomenon is repeated more than once, and lasts for several minutes. During waking hours, people are able to stop grinding by consciously relaxing their muscles.

Complications that can cause grinding of teeth

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

Teeth grinding is not harmless to dental health. Often it leads to serious consequences, among which:

  • erasure of tooth enamel;
  • increased sensitivity of the tooth;
  • caries;
  • malocclusion;
  • displacement of the lower jaw and grinding of teeth to the base;
  • reduced service life of dentures;
  • gum problems.

If creaking is observed often, it means that the body does not relax. A person does not get a good rest, from which performance deteriorates and a depressive mood is created.

Why do adults suffer from bruxism?

Psychological reasons

Polysomnographic studies recording brain impulses have shown that when a person sleeps with their jaws tight, the onset of the grinding moment coincides with fast phase dreams. Incorrect work of the brain affects the incorrect course of superficial and deep periods of sleep, causes a reflex spasm of the jaw muscles.

The disruption of the brain, leading to nighttime grinding of teeth, is observed in patients who are in a coma, suffering from Parkinson's disease, taking strong antidepressants, using drugs, drunk. Provokes unconscious night grinding in a dream suppressed by a person in daytime stress, holding back negative emotions clenching of the jaws. Without receiving a discharge, the nervous system experiences overload and is depleted. The accumulated tension finds a way out in the manifestations of the rattle.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pathological activity of masticatory muscles occurs against the background of the absence of several teeth. Inadequate chewing of food leads to indigestion. Patients with the gastrointestinal tract sometimes grind their teeth. For example, hunger pains in gastritis provoke a creaking of teeth.

One theory links teeth grinding to gastroenterological causes. In particular, with gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is manifested by heartburn. This hypothesis has not been reliably confirmed.

Signs of helminthic invasion

If we consider bruxism as a sign of helminthic invasion, then an indirect connection can be found. Separate types worms impair the synthesis and absorption of B vitamins. B12 deficiency adversely affects nervous activity and contributes to the development of the anomaly. Diagnosis requires the presence of other symptoms (nausea, abdominal pain) that confirm the results of stool tests.

Infectious diseases

It is noted that infectious diseases upper respiratory tract may be accompanied by gnashing of teeth. If a child grinds his teeth when he sleeps, sometimes this indicates sinusitis.

Infectious diseases are a source of constant pain. Against their background, bruxism can develop, which is often noticed by parents of babies whose treatment is extended for a long period.

Features of bruxism in children and adolescents

The causes of teeth grinding in children and adolescents are the same as in adults (we recommend reading:). Their manifestation has features associated with the processes of growth and formation of the child's psyche:

Children require increased care aimed at observing the daily routine, diet and rest, creating a favorable psychological environment. Bruxism in children usually resolves on its own. Treatment is not required, due to the formation of a nervous system resistant to stimuli during maturation.

Diagnosis of possible diseases

A person does not know about the presence of pathology for a long time. Signs of bruxism that you should pay attention to are the following manifestations and symptoms:

Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor based on the patient's complaints, examination and electromyography, polysomnography. The presence of signs of bruxism is the reason for contacting the dentist, other specialists to identify possible diseases: neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, psychologist, gastroenterologist.

How to get rid of the night squeaking of teeth?

The most common cause of nighttime restlessness associated with the complaint of grinding my teeth in sleep is nervous strain. There are several tricks to help deal with the problem:

  1. One way is to learn how to relax your muscles. Hard food will help, which will tire the chewing apparatus while eating. The rest of the time you need to keep your jaw relaxed. Apply for half an hour before bed warm compress on the lower part of the face.
  2. Eliminate overvoltage will help: proper organization working day, the exclusion of stressful situations, the rejection of irritating and stimulating drugs, drinks. With bruxism, it is helpful to reduce your sugar intake.
  3. Chamomile and hawthorn infusions, valerian (in tablets or tincture) have a calming effect. Relaxation after a tiring day is promoted by baths with aromatic oils.

Why do adults grit their teeth? Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a rather unpleasant syndrome. According to statistics, about 15% of the world's population suffers from this phenomenon. Bruxism is most commonly seen during sleep. Teeth grinding during sleep can last up to several minutes. Moreover, the sleeping person himself does not even know about such a feature of his body.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is spasm of chewing muscles followed by uncontrolled movement of closed jaws. In this case, the teeth tightly adhere to each other, friction is created and, accordingly, gnashing. This phenomenon may be accompanied the following violations: nocturnal respiratory arrest (apnea), falling blood pressure, slowing the heart rate. Bruxism is mostly nocturnal, but some people experience it during the day as well. During wakefulness, a person does not grind his teeth, but strongly clench his jaws. Usually, few people pay attention to this phenomenon, but in vain. The phenomenon itself, of course, is harmless, but over time it can lead to tooth decay.

bruxism symptoms

The patient is able to notice daytime bruxism himself, but relatives usually tell him about nighttime bruxism, who hear these sounds at night that interfere with sleep.

Manifestations of bruxism:

  • Grinding or grinding of teeth.
  • Morning pain in temporomandibular joints and muscles of face.
  • chronic inflammation joints, leading to limited mobility of the lower jaw.
  • Due to the gradual erasure of tooth enamel, sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold increases.
  • Loosening, fractures and chipped teeth.
  • As a result of tooth abrasion and deformation, an anomaly of bite is formed.
  • Sleep disturbance leading to headaches, drowsiness and chronic fatigue syndrome.

What else is bad about bruxism?

Causes of grinding teeth in a dream

dental problems

  • Anomalies and pathologies of the jaw and dentition:
  • Inflammation in the area of ​​dental implants.
  • Poorly fitted removable dentures.
  • Malocclusion.

Nervous disorders. Action of neurotoxins

The presence of chronic neurosis, exhaustion of the nervous system against the background of fairly long physical or mental stress can also cause bruxism. One of the most important functions sleep is the processing and disposal of the nervous system of unnecessary information. A person in a dream also experiences various daily problems, cannot relax normally and begins to grind his teeth.

Nocturnal bruxism occurs during phases REM sleep and episodes restless sleep: active movement eyeballs involuntary muscle twitches.

Bruxism is often associated with sleep talking, snoring, sleepwalking, and sometimes enuresis.

People who grind their teeth in their sleep often gnaw on various objects (toothpicks, matches, pens, pencils or nails) at times of tension.

Action household poisons that poison nervous system person:

  • Alcohol.
  • Nicotine.
  • Nitro paints.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joints

They usually lead to disruption functions mandibular joints . This disorder manifests itself as a click when opening the mouth, for example, when biting off large pieces or yawning. Chronic inflammation of the joints is the cause of increased nerve pulsations that stimulate involuntary spasm of the masticatory muscles. As a result of muscle contraction, begins to move lower jaw and, accordingly, there is a grinding of teeth. Here is formed vicious circle: inflammation provokes muscle spasm, which itself supports this inflammation, provoking a violation normal ratio articular surfaces.

Theory about the influence of helminths

There is an opinion that the cause of grinding teeth during sleep is helminthic infestations . However, there is no connection between the manifestations of bruxism and the presence of helminths in the body. Any person can grind their teeth, even one who has never had worms. But still there is a little bit scientific explanation the fact that people who have worms can grind their teeth in their sleep:

  • Firstly, the presence of helminthic invasions can lead to neuroticism of the patient.
  • Secondly, a clear deficiency of vitamin B12. In the presence of intestinal helminths in the body, the synthesis of vitamin B12 is reduced. Neuromuscular transmission worsens, which can lead to disruption of the temporomandibular joints and chewing muscles.
  • Thirdly, the same deficiency of vitamin B12. The amount of oxygen entering the brain decreases, which can lead to changes in the depth of sleep and the appearance of involuntary muscle contractions.

bruxism treatment

Before you start treating bruxism, you need to find out probable causes its occurrence. Based on this, a dentist or other specialist will prescribe treatment. So, if this phenomenon is based on stress, then a person needs to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. In this case, he will have to get acquainted with special techniques that will help get rid of stress. You can use other ways to get rid of stress: airing the room, walking on fresh air, relaxing baths with various soothing aromatic oils, balanced nutrition.

The main methods of treatment:

Treatment with folk methods

Relax jaw muscles possible with the help self-massage and special compresses. Also, before going to bed, you can work your muscles, nibble on some hard fruit or vegetable: celery stalks, an apple, carrots. Helps rinsing oral cavity decoction of chamomile. Chamomile relieves tension and inflammation. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes or sedatives.

Bruxism refers to a phenomenon from a wide variety of medical fields. Therefore, when prolonged episodes of teeth grinding occur, it is imperative to be examined by at least two specialists: a dentist and a neuropathologist.

In medical sources, you can find many synonyms for bruxism: the Carolini phenomenon, odonterism, “teeth grinding disease”. But the name does not change the essence of the problem: we are talking about uncontrollable squeaking of teeth as a result of spasm of masticatory muscles.

There are two types of bruxism: the friction of the teeth against each other, which received the name of the same name (literally from the ancient Greek language, “bruxismum” is translated as “gnashing”), and a strong static clenching of the teeth, in which there is no friction, is clanch.

The disease can last for many years and invariably leads to complications such as tooth enamel wear, problems with the temporomandibular joints, and chronic stress.

There are many differences between dental bruxism in adults and children. In this article, we will talk specifically about the Carolini phenomenon in an adult. Read about why children grind their teeth in a separate article.

  1. Grinding of teeth in sleep at night. Due to the fact that the patient himself is not aware of the action being performed and does not wake up from the sound generated by it, this symptom of nocturnal bruxism in an adult can only be noticed by relatives surrounding him.

  2. Grinding of teeth during the day. It also happens involuntarily, the patient does not fix the moment of squeezing, but notes the constant tension of the muscles of the face, causing discomfort.

  3. Erasing of teeth. Frequent loss of fillings or changes in the area of ​​the crown of the teeth: chips, roughness, shortening due to constant friction.

  4. Pain in the oral cavity. Sometimes the face will literally tell the doctor about bruxism: abrasions on the mucous membrane inner surface cheeks of the patient, appearing as a result of regular "biting".

  5. neurological symptoms. Can bruxism cause pain in the body? Yes, headaches It's a dull pain in the neck, as well as dizziness and ringing in the ears, which cannot be explained by other diseases, should become " alarm bell» for the dentist.

  6. General malaise. Feeling of weakness throughout the body fatigue, constant sleepiness, irritability arising as a result of intense sleep at night due to strong grinding of teeth.

It is not always possible for the patient to self-diagnose the presence of bruxism. As a rule, only a special instrumental research- electromyography.

Reasons for clenching teeth

To date, medicine cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of what are the causes of teeth grinding in adults. But there are a number scientific hypotheses explaining the occurrence of the disease.

Bad habits

Bad habits, or rather their consequences, can answer the question of why teeth grinding occurs in a dream. The habit of chewing on a toothpick or the cap of a ballpoint pen in order to concentrate develops into conditioned reflex, provoking bruxism of teeth in adults: even without these items at hand, a person will produce chewing movements.

Nervous tension

The so-called nervous bruxism is one of the causes of teeth grinding during sleep in adults. The most severe clenching of the teeth occurs during times of stress in order to suppress unwanted reaction: crying, screaming, groaning. If a stressful situation repeats often, such a reaction becomes habitual: he was nervous - he clenched his teeth to a creak.

Chronic neurological diseases

In patients with epilepsy, Huntington's disease, tremor, enuresis, Parkinson's disease, side effect- Night grinding of teeth.

Sleep disorders

For those who suffer chronic insomnia, superficial sleep prevails over deep, and frequent awakenings accompanies bruxism at night: a person uncontrollably clenches his jaw in order to fall asleep again as soon as possible.

Dental pathologies

Incorrect bite, due to which the load during chewing is distributed unevenly, can also be the cause of clenching of the teeth. Read about his treatment. Overcompleteness of teeth, which does not allow them to close completely, provokes a strong nightly grinding of teeth. Poor quality installed prostheses(fillings), when the patient involuntarily wants to “grind” uncomfortable places, and then it becomes a habit, this is another reason for grinding teeth in a dream.

For a long time there was an opinion that helminthic invasions can provoke bruxism, but the last Scientific research proved its inadequacy.

Bruxism and psychosomatics

The most popular version of the etiology of teeth grinding in adults currently lies in the plane of mental disorders. Latest Research German scientists in this field allow us to talk about a direct connection between chronic depression and clenching of teeth. As for bruxism and psychosomatics, the onset of the disease can also be influenced by negative emotions suppressed by a person every day, his hidden experiences, fears and complexes are expressed, among other things, in a spasm of chewing muscles.


Even Hippocrates claimed that gnashing of teeth is due to the confusion of the soul!

What does grinding teeth mean for a dentist?

In dentistry, bruxism, depending on the severity, can be absolute or relative contraindication for a number of procedures.

  • Implantation. Counts absolute contraindication for implantation due to big risk loosening of the implant with its subsequent loss.

  • Prosthetics with ceramic crowns. Despite the fact that modern ceramic crowns are much stronger than their predecessors, even they cannot withstand constant pressure and will break down after a while.

  • Installation of braces. Systematic compression of the jaws leads to breakage of the braces, and sometimes to injury to the gums and tongue. Therefore, for bite correction, bruxer patients are recommended to use only special soft caps.

  • Artistic restoration. Lumineers, componeers, veneers and bruxism are unfortunately incompatible. Otherwise, it's just money down the drain, since it will not be possible to avoid chipping of ultra-thin structures.

To creak or not to creak?

Of course, in terms of severity, bruxism of teeth in adults cannot be compared with diseases such as caries or complete adentia, requiring immediate medical attention. If in the Middle Ages, because of the nightly gnashing of teeth, a person could be brought to the Inquisition on suspicion of being connected with the devil, today, apart from discomfort at night for your loved ones, he does not threaten anything. But only at first glance. The distant prospect does not inspire optimism: if you are planning implantation, prosthetics, the installation of braces or veneers, you will first have to decide how. Thus, along the way, significantly improving the quality of your life.

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