Maxim Oreshkin biography. A new Minister of Economic Development has been appointed. What does the Ministry of Finance want?

Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin - Head of the Ministry of Economic Development since November 2016, former employee of the Central Bank of Russia, Deputy Minister of Finance (since 2015).

Maxim Oreshkin was born in Moscow on July 21, 1982 in the family of Stanislav Valentinovich Oreshkin and Nadezhda Sergeevna Nikitina. The boy's parents were engaged in teaching activities. Father - Doctor of Technical Sciences, worked as a professor at MISI (now MGSU), mother also taught at the Moscow State Civil Engineering University, stood at the origins of the DIA publishing house.

Maxim has an older brother, Vladislav, born in 1972, a graduate of Moscow State University, now an employee of the Central Bank of Russia, investing in the private banking sector.

After graduating from the capital's school, Oreshkin Jr. entered the Higher School of Economics, choosing the direction "Economics". In 2004, Maxim successfully completed his master's degree at the Higher School of Economics. As it turned out later, the young man entered two universities at the same time - the Higher School of Economics and the Financial Academy (today a university) under the government. But I chose the HSE, considering it more advantageous for further professional development.

Politics and economics

For a short period from 2002 to 2006, the biography of Maxim Oreshkin impresses with a perfect career breakthrough. Oreshkin began his career at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as an economist of the first category. But soon he passed the steps of the leading, and then the chief economist of the Central Bank, taking the position of head of the sector of the Central Bank of Russia.

From 2006 to 2010, Maxim Stanislavovich worked as a senior manager, director, and then managing director of Rosbank. He did not stay long in all positions, rapidly moving up the career ladder.

From 2010 to 2012, the young banker was elected head of the analytical unit for Russia and the CIS "Credit Agricole", and in 2012-2013 he became the chief economist for Russia at VTB Capital bank.

The next responsible step is the director of the department of long-term strategic planning in the Ministry of Finance. Since March 2015, he has served as Deputy Minister of Finance. Being under direct supervision, Oreshkin has established himself as a competent macroeconomic analyst.

Maxim Stanislavovich called for the establishment of a maximum bar for the level of government spending based on the price of oil, contrary to the opinion that, in forecasting the state budget, relied on the expected growth of Russian currency quotes.

Recall that in November 2016, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Alexei Ulyukaev, was caught red-handed on suspicion of extorting a bribe from representatives of Rosneft, accompanied by threats. The President removed the official from office, adding the wording "loss of confidence."


On November 30, 2016, the head of state appointed 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin as Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that Maxim Akimov (First Deputy Head of the Government Staff), Assistant to the President and Ksenia Yudaeva (Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank) were considered for the position. On the same day a corresponding decree appeared on the Kremlin website.

At a meeting with Oreshkin, Vladimir Vladimirovich asked the new head of the Ministry of Economic Development what he considers the most important in the activities of the department headed by him. Maxim Oreshkin replied that he considers the main task to be the preparation of key measures that would remove structural barriers to the further development of the Russian economy.

A colleague of the young minister, head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, called Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin, who took over the post, the best specialist in the field of macroeconomics, who is known in this market.

Thus, 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin turned out to be the youngest minister in the current government. Prior to that, Nikolai Nikiforov, the head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, was considered such. Nikiforov, the newly appointed official is a month younger.

The ruble did not react in any way to the new appointment of the minister, continuing to strengthen against the dollar. The income declared by the new high-ranking official for 2013 is 43.4 million rubles.

Personal life

It is known that the personal life of Maxim Oreshkin is arranged. The official is married to Maria Oreshkina, a graduate of the Moscow State Linguistic University, now a senior key account manager at Vympel Communications. The wedding of young people took place in 2012. The wife of the future head of the Ministry of Economic Development spent her childhood in Georgia, as reported on social networks.

Together with his wife, Oreshkin has a daughter born in 2013. A number of joint photos of Maria and Maxim are freely available on the Internet. At the end of 2016, in the family income declaration, Maxim Oreshkin indicated only the ownership of a share in his parents' three-room apartment in Khovrino.

Maxim Oreshkin now

In May 2017, Maxim Oreshkin headed the commission that prepared the complex. The document pointed out the unlawfulness of the sanctions imposed by the neighboring state of the Russian Federation, which prevent Russia from fulfilling its obligations to the WTO. Also, the press mentions the work carried out by Maxim Oreshkin, and on a new package of economic reforms.

Analytical information appeared on the network from the Bloomberg agency, whose representatives believe Maxim Oreshkin. According to experts in the field of political technologies, the current head of the Ministry of Economic Development, already endowed with broad powers, has every chance of becoming Vladimir Putin's successor. Oreshkin has already been spotted at the G20 summit in Germany, besides, having started his work in the Ministry of Economic Development, he took control of Rosstat.

On March 18, 2018, Vladimir Putin won again. Immediately after taking office, Putin again offered the post of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. May 18 was announced to reporters. Maxim Oreshkin retained the post of head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.


  • 2002 - Chief Economist of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
  • 2006 - Senior Manager of OJSC "Rosbank"
  • 2010 - Head of the Analytical Department of CJSC "Credit Agricole"
  • 2012 - Chief Economist for Russia, CJSC VTB Capital
  • 2013 - Director of the Department of Long-term Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • 2015 - Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • 2016 - Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The hopes of the patriots that after the arrest of ex-Minister of Economic Development Aleksey Ulyukaev, who was caught on a bribe, the President will begin to purge the economic bloc of the government from systemic liberals, alas, did not come true. The new head of the Ministry of Economic Development was a representative of the same Gaidar-Kudrin school, 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin, who, after graduating from the Higher School of Economics, managed to work in the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.

According to the biography of the new minister on the website of the Higher School of Economics, from which he graduated with a degree in Financial Markets and Financial Institutions, Oreshkin worked for 4 years as the head of the sector of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, managing director at Rosbank, as well as in a number of commercial banks (Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank and VTB Capital). Any representative of the golden youth can envy the career of a 34-year-old financier - the young man was clearly "dragged by the ears" from position to position. As a result, in 2013, Oreshkin got into the Ministry of Finance, where he first headed the department of long-term strategic planning, and in 2015 became deputy minister. In this capacity, he oversaw macroeconomic issues, risk analysis in the budget system, and monetary policy issues. In other words, Oreshkin is a representative of the very team of managers, which, according to the adviser to the President, academician Sergei Glazyev, is only capable of implementing the instructions of the “killer of the national economy”, the International Monetary Fund. It is the Kudrinsko-Siluanovskiy Ministry of Finance, together with the Central Bank and the largest state-owned banks, that are today the main culprits of the economic downturn (not to say the collapse of the economy, primarily its manufacturing segment,).

It is no coincidence that one of the brightest representatives of the “Gaidar” school, HSE research supervisor Yevgeny Yasin, who himself was once responsible for the economy in the government, today already approved the appointment of Maxim Oreshkin as a minister. “It seems to me a good choice,” Yasin said. “He is an educated and qualified specialist, moreover, a young one, which, in my opinion, is his advantage. And he had good teachers, because he worked with Kudrin, Siluanov and worked at VTB.”

Thus, the hopes of some part of the patriots that the arrest of Ulyukaev would become a prologue to a big purge of the systemic liberals, who have been consistently destroying the country since the early 1990s, were not successful. Although the arrest of a representative of this team coincided with the announcement of the results of the US elections (which many rightly regarded as what), the domestic political elite still remains dependent on pro-Western monetarists, and the case of Ulyukaev,

All this is very sad, and I would like to make a mistake in the forecasts - especially since Maxim Oreshkin called "the preparation of key measures that will remove structural barriers to the growth of the Russian economy" as his main task for the coming year as Minister of Economic Development. One would like to hope that Mr. Oreshkin realizes that the main "structural obstacle" is an organized group of state. bankers and officials associated with them, which turned the national currency into a means of personal enrichment, depriving enterprises of the possibility of obtaining a loan and provoking an outflow of capital abroad (). But hard to believe. It remains to hope that, after the precedent with Ulyukaev, representatives of the economic bloc of the government made the right conclusions - and, at least, they will not offend Vladimir Vladimirovich's friends. And there, you see, they will remember the national economy.

The life achievements of some people cause sincere admiration and admiration. Especially when it comes to officials who were able to achieve a high state rank at a young age. One of our amazing contemporaries is the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin. We will talk in detail about the fate and life of this interesting person in many respects in the article.

Basic data

The official biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin says that he was born in the capital of the Russian Federation in a fairly intelligent family. It happened on July 21, 1982. His height is 180 centimeters. Weight fluctuates within 79 kilograms. According to the horoscope, he is Cancer.


So, who are the parents of Maxim Oreshkin? The name of our hero's mother is Nikitina Nadezhda Sergeevna, she is an honorary teacher, holds the title of professor and has a degree of candidate of technical sciences. The woman carries out her labor activity at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering at the department engaged in the study of geotechnics and soils. Also, the teacher wrote quite a lot of scientific papers, both independently and in collaboration with other researchers.

In addition, our hero has a brother. His name is Vladislav, he is 10 years older than Maxim. He has a diploma of a specialist in the field of economic cybernetics, which he studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, currently working in the banking environment.


The biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin indicates that he has always been a diligent student. After graduating from a secondary school, a gifted young man decided to apply and pass exams immediately to two universities, one of which was the Higher School of Economics, and the second - the Financial Academy under the government of the country. After several days of thinking and successfully passing the entrance tests, Oreshkin Maxim Stanislavovich chooses HSE. As a student, the young man was also diligent and already at the age of 20 he achieved a bachelor's degree, and at 22 he received a master's degree in his native alma mater.

Beginning of adulthood

Maxim Oreshkin, whose education without problems allowed him to choose a place of work, became an employee of the Central Bank in his student years. In this institution, he worked during 2002-2006. There he went from an economist to the head of one of the sectors.

Then there was work experience at Rosbank, where the active specialist spent 4 years. Thanks to his diligence and ambition, Oreshkin Maxim Stanislavovich finds himself in the chair of the managing director. Such a valuable employee was not left without attention by other bankers, and in 2010 he received an invitation to head the analytical department of the "daughter" of Credit Agricole Bank.

During the period 2012-2013. the future minister served as chief economist at VTB Capital throughout Russia.

government work

The current Minister of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, got into the main executive body of the country in September 2013. At that moment, he was invited to head the department, whose main task was long-term planning in the Ministry of Finance. He stayed in this position until March 26, 2015, after which he was promoted and was appointed Deputy Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. And in both positions, Maxim Stanislavovich was engaged, in fact, in one job, only in different volumes.


The further biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin is as follows: on November 30, 2016, on the basis of the order of Vladimir Putin, he took this post. During a conversation with the president at five minutes to five, the minister, answering a question about the most important aspect in the functioning of the department entrusted to him, replied that, first of all, he would work on preparing key measures aimed at removing various obstacles to ensure the growth of the state economy. At the same time, the official noted a large number of obstacles to the development of the Russian economic sphere. But just two weeks after his new high appointment, Maxim Stanislavovich submitted for consideration a plan to "revive" the Russian economic environment for a gigantic amount of 488 billion rubles.

In the summer of 2017, the minister appealed to the Russians not to panic about fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate against foreign currencies, noting that this is a completely normal situation. And just a month later, he said that cryptocurrencies are fraught with danger and it is better for ordinary citizens not to mess with them, since all this is very similar to the creation of a financial pyramid in a modern design, capable of collapsing at any moment and bring losses to the townsfolk.

Maxim Stanislavovich was also included in the lists of the government commission dealing with agrarian issues. He took this place instead of his predecessor Ulyukaev on the basis of the order of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

On September 25, 2017, the minister, speaking at the conference, said that in the next five years, due to the deteriorating demographic situation, economic growth will also experience problems. This is due to an elementary shortage of workers capable of taking the country to a new level. And although so far this indicator is not critical, there is still something to think about in this direction for the leadership of the state.

behind the scenes

Very many argued in behind-the-scenes conversations that Oreshkin ended up in his current position only because no one else had any desire to occupy this "execution" chair. However, Maxim was not the only candidate for the ministerial post. In addition to him, the candidacies of Maxim Akimov, who works in the government apparatus, and the assistant to the head of the country, Andrei Belousov, were considered. Ksenia Yudaeva, who worked in the place of Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, also wormed her way into the ranks of the applicants.

Opinion of colleagues

The biography of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin will be incomplete if you do not mention the reviews about him from his former bosses and other specialized specialists. So, in particular, Anton Siluanov described his former subordinate as a high-class macroeconomist and super-skilled manager. And Elvira Nabiullina, who is in charge of the work of the Central Bank, called the young minister the strongest in macroeconomic issues in the country, who is not afraid of problems and new challenges of the time.

In August 2017, the world-respected Bloomberg publication dubbed Oreshkin the new favorite of the President of the Russian Federation. The Americans explained this by the fact that it was Maxim who made public all the details of Trump’s conversation with Putin during the meeting of the leaders of the G20 countries in Germany. And in general, journalists noticed that the minister very often appears at international meetings next to Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Spouse and children

For a long time, the minister hid his loved ones from the public. But today it is already reliably known that Maxim Oreshkin, whose personal life is still not very well known to ordinary people, is a family man. His other half is called Maria. Maxim Oreshkin's wife was educated at the Moscow State Linguistic University. At the moment, according to her information on Facebook, she works as a senior key account manager in an organization called Vympel Communications. Also, the wife of Maxim Oreshkin mentions that together with her husband they are raising a daughter. However, in his tax returns, the minister for some reason never indicates either the legal spouse or the child. This moment raises many questions, to the extent that Maxim Stanislavovich is married at all? After all, he never brought his family into the light.

On November 30, the President of Russia signed a decree appointing Maxim Oreshkin Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Oreshkin previously served as Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov, where he oversaw macroeconomic issues in the budgetary part, risk analysis in the budget system, income assessment and forecasting, and monetary policy issues.

Appointment of a new minister

In response to the president's question about what is the most important, the most important thing in the department that Oreshkin will head, the newly appointed minister of economic development answered the following:

Maxim Oreshkin

Minister of Economic Development

Speaking about the Russian economy now, the situation can be briefly described: the worst is behind us, but growth rates are still, of course, insufficient. Therefore, the main task for the coming year is to prepare key measures that would remove structural barriers to the growth of the Russian economy and allow it to move forward.

The new head of the Ministry of Economic Development is the youngest minister of the Russian government, Maxim Oreshkin is 34 years old. His predecessor was dismissed by the head of state on November 15, Putin signed a decree on the dismissal of Alexei Ulyukaev from the post of head of the Ministry of Economic Development with the wording "due to loss of confidence." Shortly before this, Ulyukaev was arrested and charged with a $2 million bribe.

Reaction on blogs

A Russian journalist on the reasons for such an ambiguous appointment:

The President appointed 34-year-old Maxim Oreshkin as Minister of Economic Development of Russia. The minister's age is, if not a disadvantage, then a disadvantage that will pass quickly. This appointment causes some bewilderment for a completely different reason.

In Oreshkin's career, there is not a single day of independent work. He never held positions in which he would have to make independent strategic decisions (the position “managing director of ROSBANK OJSC”, which Oreshkin held, is only called loudly, but in the hierarchy of ROSBANK LLC, although it is not ordinary, it is not top job title). Maxim Stanislavovich was "under someone" all the time.

Maxim Oreshkin

By the way, the same Ulyukaev, before becoming a minister, worked for 9 years as the 1st deputy head of the Central Bank, that is, at least periodically performed the duties of the first person. Or another example. Nikolai Nikifirov, before becoming a federal minister, headed the regional ministry quite independently for two years.

I think that the appointment of Maxim Oreshkin as Minister of Economic Development is due to a personnel drought. More experienced applicants for this position, apparently, either refused the offer, or, more likely, did not pass the “anti-corruption check” of the FSO and the FSB ... But Oreshnikov turned out to be young, never held “corruption-intensive” positions and did not have time to become corrupt... The file of the security forces on the guy turned out to be pristine... So they appointed him. You can't drag on any further. Someone should be the minister of economic development. To have someone to ask if the Russian economy does not develop very optimistically ...


Political scientist about the new appointment:

33 years old, Deputy Minister of Finance since 2015, before that the Central Bank, Rosbank, VTB. He believes in long-term low oil prices (and Ulyukaev argued). In general, those who had a financial and economic block, they still have, and so it will be. There was no “undermining the positions” of imaginary liberals by imaginary security forces and there could not be - there are no liberals, and there are no security forces as a single actor, and there are no positions. Ulyukaev's case was not about that at all.


Economist to the appointment of Maxim Oreshkin as the head of the Ministry of Economic Development:

The appointment of Maxim Oreshkin as Minister of Economic Development, of course, is not a defeat for the "siloviki", if only because the "siloviki" do not care about this insignificant department. Well, really, it is unlikely that the "siloviki" will be interested in Rosstat or the Department of Forecasting of the Ministry of Economic Development (Rosreestr or Rosimushchestvo are in the orbit of the Ministry of Economic Development only formally).

Oreshkin is a man of the liberal clan, relatively young, but already an experienced bureaucrat. He is a graduate of the Higher School of Economics and a faithful squire of Anton Siluanov, who was placed in the chair of the Minister of Finance with the direct participation of Alexei Kudrin. The new head of the Ministry of Economic Development will earnestly carry out all the instructions of his bankrupt ideologists, plow as he used to do it in the Ministry of Finance, and, of course, look into the mouth of his recent patron.


about the Oreshkin family: brother-financier and oppositionist and mother-professor:

The brother of the new minister, Vladislav Stanislavovich Oreshkin, is a graduate (1993) of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University with a degree in cybernetics. Further: Deputy Head of the Department for Analysis of the Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Central Bank (1994-2001), Macroeconomic Analyst for the Russian Federation at Trust Bank and CJSC OFG Invest (2002-04), Head of the Analytical Division of the Russian Private Fund DFG (2005), Deputy Director of the Department Operations in Financial Markets/Chief Asset Manager of the Central Bank (2006-11, was responsible for operations to manage Russia's international gold and foreign exchange reserves). In 2013, he opened the Oreshkin investment boutique. Asset Management" ( [email protected] ru).

For some time he wrote a column on the Open Russia website of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Vladislav's views can be judged by his

Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin - statesman, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, appointed to this post on November 30, 2016 instead of Alexei Ulyukaev, who was dismissed due to "loss of confidence". He became the youngest minister of the Russian Federation.

Early years. Education

The future economist was born in Moscow, in an intelligent family. Maxim's mother, Nadezhda Sergeevna Nikitina, is a professor and honorary teacher of higher professional education, candidate of technical sciences, author and co-author of many scientific papers. There is practically no information about the minister's father. Maxim has an older brother, Vladislav Stanislavovich, who also received an economic education and successfully implemented himself in the banking structure.

Having received a secondary education, Maxim passed the entrance examinations to two universities at once: the Higher School of Economics and the Financial Academy under the Government. I chose the direction "Economics" at the Higher School of Economics. At the age of 20, Maxim Oreshkin already had a bachelor's degree from the Higher School of Economics, and at the age of 22 he graduated from the master's program at the same educational institution.

Banking career

While still a student, he began his career at the Central Bank, where he worked from 2002 to 2006: leading economist, later chief economist, and before leaving the Central Bank, he held the position of sector head of the balance of payments department.

Maxim Oreshkin on the tax burden and the shadow economy

In Rosbank, where Oreshkin moved in 2006, he worked for 4 years, securing his career growth from senior manager to managing director. From 2010 to 2012, Maxim managed the analytical unit of a subsidiary of a French bank - CJSC Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank. Maxim Stanislavovich spent 2012-2013 in the chair of the chief economist for Russia at VTB Capital bank.

Oreshkin in government

In September 2013, Maxim Oreshkin headed the long-term strategic planning department at the Ministry of Finance and led it until March 26, 2015 - on that day he was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov. As head of the department, he assessed budget revenue forecasts, analyzed risks, and resolved macroeconomic policy issues. As deputy minister of finance, he performed almost the same duties, but with greater dedication and responsibility. It was from this position that he was promoted to the Minister of Economic Development by order of Vladimir Putin on November 30, 2016.

During a conversation with the future minister, the president asked Maxim what, in his opinion, is the most important thing in the work of the Ministry of Economic Development. The answer was: “The worst is over. But the growth rate, of course, is not enough. Therefore, the main task for the coming year is the preparation of key measures that will remove structural barriers to the growth of the Russian economy.” Maxim Oreshkin believes that the Russian economy has too many restrictions and, as Minister of Economic Development, he is going to paint them and work them out in detail.

Big interview with Maxim Oreshkin

Evil tongues claimed that the rest of the candidates did not want to occupy the “execution position”, from which Alexei Ulyukaev was removed so embarrassingly (due to loss of confidence, or rather, on charges of large-scale bribery). And both Maxim Akimov (first deputy head of the government apparatus), and presidential aide Andrei Belousov, and even Ksenia Yudaeva (deputy chairman of the Central Bank) applied for this post. However, the post quite unexpectedly went to Oreshkin, who had worked in the government for only three years.

The former head of Oreshkin, Anton Siluanov, explained this appointment by the fact that Maxim Stanislavovich is a "class macroeconomist" and "a super-skilled specialist." Siluanov also added that he hopes to strengthen relations between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development.

And the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiulina, commented on the appointment of Oreshkin: "He is one of the strongest macroeconomists in the country, he is not afraid of difficult tasks."

At the time of his appointment, Oreshkin was the youngest minister of the Russian Federation. Previously, this was the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov.

Family of Maxim Oreshkin

Official sources of information not only hide any data about the personal life of the Minister of Economic Development, but also contradict each other. According to some sources, Maxim is single and almost lives at work, only occasionally appearing at certain social events, and the maximum where you can meet him outside Ilyinka is at Grand Coffeemania during breakfast. According to other, later data, Maxim is married and has a daughter. However, in his declaration for 2016 there is no mention of his wife's income, it is only indicated that he owns a three-room apartment in Khovrino on an equal footing with his parents and brother.

Maxim Oreshkin now

2 weeks after being approved for the position, Maxim Oreshkin presented a plan to accelerate the growth of the Russian economy, promising to "revive" it in the amount of 488 billion rubles.
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