What does it mean to meet a guy in a dream. Meeting a new man. Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of meeting a Man in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I quarreled with the driver on the bus because he didn’t stop at the right stop, he threw something at me, I fell then I walked a few meters, saw the traffic police, began to explain the situation to them and lost consciousness when I woke up I was in the arms of which guy he was a traffic cop then we talked about something with him, he never let me go when I told him that it was time for me to go home, he kissed me and asked me not to leave

    I dreamed that I first cut my little son's hair, and then a man in a police uniform came to my house and asked him to cut his hair. I said it's my hobby. and that earlier I worked like him in the police, but now they don’t take me there because I have three children. he answered me that write a statement and I, as a boss, will help you. then some time passed and I understand that he loves me that we are together that he hugs and kisses me. Moreover, the man dreamed completely of my type.

    I walked down the street and threw a snowball at a guy passing by, he also threw a snowball at me. Then we met. I looked at him for a long time in a dream and thought that this was a man sent to me by fate (but I doubted it). In the dream, we didn’t really communicate with him.

    i was at a disco i was about 16 years old i saw a boy we got to know him and then he disappeared and i met a girl she had a pet cragod i played with him and i woke up

    We were sitting in the building of a dance club (I dance there), the window was decorated with various crafts and the administrator said that a man would come to pick up paper squares. At this time, I stayed at a party that the club is becoming obsolete about the new year. When the man went, I helped him collect the needles. The man went down and sat down near the window and began to chat about parents, hobbies, philosophy, I remember we talked for about 9 hours and he left, we did not name names. Then I went up to the modern dance teacher and I said I talked with such a man and I have a persistent desire to meet him again in reality and in a dream, I also want to see him, I really feel that he exists.

    I meet a man in a dream: he comes up and holds out his hand, at this time I wash the dishes, my hands are wet, I wipe them, and we shake hands, he introduced himself, I don’t remember, he is a little embarrassed, and I see that I he likes me, he said that he is a gynecologist, and he has his own clinic, then he leaves and says, if anything, contact me, and in a dream I know that he is my future husband, and that I know him, but in reality I don’t know his)

    Acquaintance with a guy 20 years younger than me, handsome, paid attention, looked into his eyes, never saw him, very pleasant in a dream, tall, dark
    I dreamed in the house where I used to study, pleasant memories.

    Now is not a very good streak in life. and now for 2 nights I have had vivid, warm dreams. I wake up and smile. I looked at this guy and realized that we like each other. there was nothing vulgar, nothing intrusive. We talked with his friends, we had a common interest ... in the end we fell out of bed and kissed ...

    hello! i dreamed that I met a young guy, sort of like on social networks, sympathy immediately occurred, but then he is lost from sight and then appears again (explaining with his indecision). Then I see some kind of party and a girl I know draws a portrait of me and my sister together (I have a twin sister), he examines this portrait and praises it. When I woke up a feeling of lightness, some kind of inspiration and a feeling of probably “falling in love”

    Hello, I had a dream that my colleague introduced me to a young man. Surprisingly, today she also dreamed that she introduced me to a young man. What does this mean?

    I wanted to buy fuchsia earrings in a hypermarket, and I'm sure that I dreamed about this building before. I climbed up the stairs and looked for a roller blind with jewelry, and at that moment a man in a burgundy fashionable suit approached me, as if he knew me, or had seen me. We walked with him, he took my bag, also burgundy, and then my hand, I was surprised that it was so simple, and told him that we didn’t even know each other, he said, so what. that’s all.

    A very good sleep left a pleasant and clean warm feeling. Dream: I dream that I am in the arms of a man, I feel good, he is an adult, then in an instant he becomes younger, he knows that there are children, but this does not stop him, he communicates with me, he disappears for some time, I look for him and find myself at home , I say, I thought tf disappeared, and he told me I will never leave you behind, you are a woman woman.

    I dreamed that my work colleague came to my house with a bouquet of white peonies and offered me an acquaintance with a certain man. But when she told me the name, it turned out that I already know him, he approached me earlier and we even took a walk with him. All this was in one dream.

    My mother and I went to sell potatoes (but my mother is gone now - she is deceased) and an unfamiliar man was buying, but somehow we got into a conversation and he makes an appointment, but before leaving, I left my phone number.

    I was standing on the street with a friend near her boyfriend's car, he was cleaning the windshield from snow with his hand. Then his friend came up and we got into the car. In the car, he turned to me, but I could not see his face, although the lights were on in the cabin. He extended his hand to me for a shake and introduced himself: My name is Theodore, specifically Theodore. I was surprised by such an unusual name as Theodore of Sanaksar. We are building a church in his honor. The handshake was soft. even gentle. I answered him my name. Further events unfold in a restaurant. We all sat at the table together, but I felt somehow uncomfortable, as if shy. Then I saw his profile, he stood up, I noted that he was tall. swarthy and rather handsome. And then I woke up.

    Hello. The dream is like this. I was introduced to a young man, he was supposed to come for me in a car, my hair was wet, I went to some house to comb and dry it, combed it, combed it, then I go out to him, I saw only his image and woke up from - for the alarm clock

    prisnilsia muzcina, kotoryj xocet so nmoj vstrecatsia, predlagaet podvezti na meroprijatie, gde ja dolzna byt. podvozit i ja ostajus na meroprijatii. ne xociu tam naxoditsia, no dolzna. on predlagat menia zabrat obratno, my sozvanimaemsia, no kto-to ne daet nam vtretitsia, zvonit emu i cto-to obo mne govorti. on priezzaet, ja vyxozu k nemu, no v masine sidiat kakie-to liudi i on posmotrev na menia i ne skazav ni slova uezzaet. na duse ocen neprijatno potomu, cto a znaju, cto on rasstroen i ja rasstroena.

    good afternoon! that night I have similar dreams where I meet a man. The other day I dream that I was riding in a transport, and some woman was handing out some jars with something inside yellow, the transport stopped abruptly and the doors opened and I fell out of the transport right into the hands of a man, he was pleasant to me, but remembered that I left the jar and returned to the transport again. The Transport doors closed and I drove on, at the next stop I got off and went in the opposite direction to meet the man. Today I dream of an unfamiliar man with a girl (as if it were his daughter) and is trying to take care of me. Why is this.

    I came to the employee in the hospital to visit her. She sat with the doctor, they played cards. I looked at him (at the same time, for some reason, I was lying completely naked in front of them on the bed) and I felt so good, I also wanted to talk to him about my illnesses. The employee went into another room and he began to ask me my name, offered to play cards with him, but I refused. Then he undressed and lay down next to me. There was no sex, but I felt so good next to him. I was amazed at myself how I can behave so frankly with a completely unfamiliar man. Then I asked: “And what is your name?” He said, “Tim, and I gave you my phone number a long time ago. I was absolutely natural (not made up, the way I am at home) and this made me even more happy that the man still paid attention to me. Then I woke up with a feeling of some kind of joy.

Acquaintance is an interesting and pleasant process. The more often a person gets acquainted, the more friends and acquaintances he has, and what could be more beautiful than good communication with interesting people. However, not every person is easy to get to know someone, for example, because of their natural modesty or indecision. But acquaintance in a dream is up to anyone! But what such a dream is about, and what to expect in reality, the wise interpreters of dreams and dreams know - dream books! Let's ask them for help!

Let's get acquainted!

I dreamed of a new acquaintance - a dream means that you have "grown" out of your circle of acquaintances, and you need to communicate with people of a different mindset.

Start a conversation with a colleague - in real life, you are preparing a pleasant surprise for your loved one, Miller's dream book predicts.

To dream about the acquaintance of two people - in reality, you should realize your creative potential, otherwise you will be bitterly disappointed.

Meet a young man or a girl who you like in reality - in reality you think too long before making a decision. The Dream Interpretation of the Eastern Sages recommends being more efficient, otherwise, you will earn yourself a bunch of complexes from the fact that plans are not being implemented.

parental blessing

For girls:

The girl dreams that she introduces the guy to her parents, who gladly accept their friendship - to fulfill her desire. Mom and dad did not accept the boyfriend - you will run into problems.

In a dream, a girl is afraid to meet a guy's mother - in reality, this means uncertainty about her own attractiveness.

Trying to get acquainted with the groom's parents - you are hatching grandiose plans, but you are worried that your loved ones will not support you, says Lunar Dream Book.

Introducing your mother to your mother-in-law - in reality you cannot make any important decision and therefore you are worried.

The woman dreamed that she met the mother of her daughter's boyfriend - to the excitement for her child.

For boys:

The guy dreams of a meeting with the girl’s dad: they were received favorably - to good luck and luck, the reception turned out to be cold - the implementation of plans will have to be delayed, the dream book warns.

A young man introduces his girlfriend to a man who is his stepfather - such a dream is a symbol of shyness. In real life, he lacks confidence, but he can't even admit it to himself.

I dreamed that the brother of the bride organized the acquaintance of the guy with his parents - you tend to shift your responsibility to others.

"Looking for a life partner..."

He dreams of meeting a girl: a dream for a boy prophesies a hobby, a girl promises disappointment in her fiancé.

The girl dreams that her beloved met a beautiful girl - a quarrel and tears due to far-fetched grievances and problems.

The man saw a pleasant acquaintance with the woman of his dreams - to family happiness, Vanga's dream book prophesies.

A woman sees in a dream her acquaintance with a rival - to illness and unpleasant moments. Do not get hung up on problems, the dream book advises, and troubles will quickly recede.

Get to know a man

Acquaintance with a man, seen in a dream, symbolizes a person's need for support and help from loved ones. Moreover, this interpretation is the same for both sexes.

A young girl to make an acquaintance with a stranger - a dream symbolizes her desire to learn something new, hitherto unknown. Carried away by discoveries, be vigilant - do not lose your head, advises the Spring Dream Book.

Explaining why meeting a guy is dreaming, the dream book connects what he saw in a dream with various everyday aspects. Only sometimes interpretations relate directly to romantic relationships. Often they are talking about professional success, fulfillment of desires, health.

Miller's interpretation

If you dreamed of meeting a guy, Miller's dream book recommends that the dreamer be more attentive in reality: it is very likely that someone is really giving her signs. You should also consider the mood in a dream. An unpleasant aftertaste directly says that the newly-made romance will not lead to anything good. Positive dreams let you know that it makes sense to pay attention to this person.

Causes and obstacles

According to other interpreters, a new acquaintance with a guy in a dream means that you have morally and intellectually outgrown your usual circle of friends or existing relationships.

This is not the only explanation for what a new acquaintance with a guy is dreaming of. When a girl happens to see herself in a dream as an initiator, Freud's dream book believes that she is terribly afraid of loneliness, thereby repelling the opposite sex.

Sometimes in a dream, a new acquaintance with a guy means excessive puritanism and timidity, which prevent you from actually getting to know each other.

Ideal in night dreams

Here are the various aspects of everyday life that a meeting with a dream man can tell:

  • If a meeting with a handsome man took place in a crowded place, popularity is inevitable;
  • When you really like the person who dreamed, it is problematic to meet in reality;
  • We found ourselves on a train with a handsome fellow traveler - a long romance lies ahead;
  • The plot warns against excessive gullibility and frivolity;
  • A meeting with a handsome man promises to spend time in an unpleasant company;
  • If the symbol was dreamed of by a married lady, a family scandal is brewing;

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov claims that the symbol can be taken literally. It is possible that a date with a man similar to the one you dreamed about will take place in reality.

secret sympathy

Sometimes in dreams it is possible to get acquainted with the only one that you like in real life. In order for what was dreamed to come true, the Psychoanalytic dream interpreter calls for more active use of female charms. Suppressed feelings threaten to turn into psychological trauma, while even an unsuccessful one, and yet an attempt at times will increase self-esteem.

The Jewish dream book offers its own version of why a pleasant conversation with a young man you like was dreamed up. The predictor claims that this is a sign of fate, which will take care of everything, regardless of your activity.

What else to expect?

The modern dream book offers a variety of interpretations, which means exciting communication with an unfamiliar representative of the opposite sex. Seeing an interesting stranger in a dream happens when in reality there are not enough vivid impressions. The symbol represents the need for understanding, support and other positive emotions.

Sometimes the plot suggests that the dreamer does not pay enough attention to herself, her beloved. If a stranger in a dream is unattainable, has disappeared, or communication does not work out for other reasons, there may be problems with the physical and mental state.

Seeing yourself in a company with an unfamiliar handsome man happens on the eve of commercial success. Give non-standard solutions the green light.

Potential son-in-law

It is curious to know what dreams of meeting a daughter's boyfriend. The French dream book sees in the symbol a reflection of parental concern that the daughter is not attractive and sociable enough.

Often, the interpretation of a dream, which means meeting a daughter’s boyfriend in a dream, is not connected with the personal life of an adult child. Dream Interpretation Hasse suggests paying attention to the personality of the young man you dreamed about. If he is good-looking, he will be able to carry out his plan.

However, the unattractiveness of a daughter's acquaintance and even a quarrel with him are recognized by some interpreters as a good sign. What you saw in a dream is a shifter, saying that in real life you will like your daughter's chosen one.

Dreams are sometimes quite strange. They can display various plots in content. Sometimes one story smoothly flows into another, and then the dream becomes a whole story.

Why dream of meeting a girl? Why dream of meeting a guy?

Worth sorting out.

Why dream of acquaintance - the main interpretation

Often in a dream, people dream of strangers, whom they soon get to meet in reality. Such dreams portend the appearance in life of new acquaintances and even love. But why dream of meeting a guy? Such a dream often says that a person is sorely lacking attention. If a girl who already has a soul mate has such a dream, she doubts the correctness of her choice.

She needs to take a serious approach to restoring trust and love in the relationship. Because the situation in them is very likely when the partners have cooled off towards each other, but at the same time tender feelings and friendship between them remained.

If a man dreams that he is meeting a man, such a dream suggests that difficult financial situations await him. What does this mean? Misunderstandings with superiors and with competitors may await him. It is worth taking a closer look at how all the participants in the dream are set up. Kindly or not? What happened in his dream. And was there a conversation at all.

Also, if a man dreams that he met his rival, then he himself does not trust his beloved and this is really a problem, since she expects tender and kind feelings from her beloved, but he answers her only with distrust.

If you dream that you met a pleasant young man or a girl in a dream, you should expect fun and a feast. You will rest from the heart and after such a good rest you will be able to quickly tune in to the working mood.

Why dream of acquaintance from Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the one who has a dream about an acquaintance has shyness and stiffness in reality. These character traits are not always good, but they are not always bad either. It is worth analyzing your life, do you tend to close yourself off from new acquaintances and people, do you limit yourself in communication and love? Perhaps you are shy even with your significant other? There is nothing terrible in this, it just has to be in moderation.

Most likely, the reason for this behavior is the negative experience of past relationships, which simply haunts you and does not give you the opportunity to believe in yourself and that you can have a healthy relationship with another person. You obviously lack self-confidence. Also, do not hope to meet with a past partner, most likely you have already missed the opportunity to restore relations.

Even if you dream in a dream that you are re-acquainted with your former love- such a dream only means that you still want to start anew a relationship that is no longer destined to recover.

If you are overly shy in your relationship with your current soul mate, then the dream in which you meet someone means that you are not letting the existing relationship develop precisely because you are holding yourself back. You should be attentive not only to your own needs, but also to the needs of your partner. It is important to remember under what conditions an acquaintance occurred in a dream.

If it was a wonderful vacation, you should also take a break from routine and routine, you need to re-look at your life and relationships with your partner. Perhaps you met someone in a dream in the company of your lover - such a dream promises you not only conflicts and misunderstandings in the family, but also the possibility of someone else appearing in a relationship. Will it be a girl, or will it be a man - the full interpretation of the dream will tell. It is important to take into account all the details and little things of sleep.

Your emotional state during sleep and after it is also important. It is important to understand that this is just a dream, and you can wake up at any moment, but the fact that dreams often predict the future is a reliable fact. If a girl dreams that she met a girl - such a dream portends her the appearance of an envious and rival, possibly both in her personal life and financially.

She should also take a closer look at her surroundings, perhaps there has long been an envious woman who is trying in every possible way to ruin the girl's life. It can be a person she knows and a stranger who is about to enter her life. It is unambiguous to look closely at all new acquaintances, because now it is quite difficult to predict the behavior of all those people who will appear in her life.

It is important to understand that if you meet a benevolent and quite positive character in a dream, then in reality you will have very friendly relations with people. But if in a dream you meet a person filled with negativity, your waking relationships will not be based on mutual understanding, they will be based on fear and despotism.

If a girl dreams that she met a reliable and decent man, but suddenly he starts arguing with her and pushes her away, breaks off communication - in reality she can also be betrayed and at the same time all the blame is shifted to her.

Why dream of meeting a guy's parents? Such a dream may indicate a girl's subconscious fear of developing relationships in the future. She is afraid to trust a man, and is afraid to become close people with him. If in reality she already knows his parents, but in a dream they are introduced again - such a dream suggests that it is time for her to take the relationship to a new level. It can be moving to a loved one, even marriage. The girl believes that she is not ready for such changes or does not correspond to her soulmate. In fact, these fears are empty and the girl has nothing to fear. It is enough for her to believe in herself and in herself, then she will get the most out of relationships and life with a partner.

Why dream of meeting a girl according to Y. Longo's dream book

In Y. Longo's dream book it is said that meeting a person you already know is a dream that soon he will reveal all his hidden facets of character. They will be good or, on the contrary, frightening - the full interpretation of the dream will tell about this. It is important to remember if this person harmed you in a dream. If he did, the reason why he did it. If it is significant, you need to carefully consider the cause of the conflict, perhaps the same situation does not allow you to build relationships with him in reality.

If in a dream you meet a celebrity- you should carefully consider your circle of friends, perhaps you are arrogant or one of your friends has a too high opinion of yourself. You should not enter into conflict with such a person, but you should not allow yourself to be manipulated either.

If you meet a representative of the opposite sex in a dream- you need to update your circle of acquaintances and make new acquaintances with whom you can have a wonderful time, since you have already pretty much sat alone. After such a dream, the chance to meet your fate is quite large precisely within a week after the dream. Therefore, it is worth looking around so as not to miss your fate. Why dream of meeting a guy's parents? Such a dream suggests that you do not want to take responsibility for your life and existing relationships, although you need to do this.

Why dream of meeting a guy from other dream books

In the spring dream book it is said that meeting a guy in a dream will lead in reality to a huge quarrel with friends. To avoid it, you should be more attentive to their needs and devote enough time to them.

Why dream of meeting a girl from a wanderer's dream book? Such a dream warns that casual relationships and rash acts should be avoided. It is also important to listen to all the advice that you can get from your soulmate in a dream. They will be efficient and will be able to tell you how to get out of a difficult situation in reality.

It is also worth paying attention Special attention to these interpretations:

To meet the one you dreamed about - the dream will never come true;

Get acquainted during the wedding - get married yourself;

Getting to know a child - you should be wary of minor troubles;

To meet a person of age is to get wise advice.

Dreams often predict options for the development of events in the future, but what it will actually become is up to the person to decide.

Acquaintance with a man often in a dream portends the development of relationships, improved understanding, a fateful meeting. However, the dream book also gives not so rosy interpretations. The sleeping woman can start some kind of adventure, her excessive curiosity can do a disservice. In our dream interpreter you will find other meanings of what this vision is dreaming of.

New meetings, dates or friendships

This plot for a woman often carries positive information. Such a symbol indicates the development of personal relationships.

A representative of the stronger sex who had a dream about meeting a man testifies to his sociability, responsiveness, and sensitivity. These character traits allow him to easily communicate, make contacts, avoid conflicts, and make good friends.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of such a vision? The dream interpretation claims: she has many new meetings and dates ahead - at the invitation of interesting fans.

Try to moderate your adventurousness

Also, a woman’s dream of meeting a pleasant young man means: tired of monotony and boredom, she really wants to unwind, add something new to her life. But it should be remembered: too bold entertainment sometimes leads to not too pleasant consequences.

Acquaintance with a man through a newspaper, a magazine in a dream, according to the dream book, signals: you are very constrained, you constantly limit yourself. You have to give yourself some freedom.

Why dream of using the Internet for this? The dreamer can get involved in some kind of adventure, the outcome of which will not even be fifty-fifty, but a smaller percentage of a successful outcome.

Did you dream of your own initiative when meeting a man? The dream interpretation warns: sleeping with her pressure or excessive obsession scares off potential fans from herself.

Risky situations, unpleasant people

A new acquaintance in a dream turned out to be an unpleasant person? This means: in reality you may find yourself in a risky situation because of your own curiosity. When you dreamed that someone introduced you - beware of unexpected betrayal by this "well-wisher".

A girl to see an acquaintance with a man who really liked in a dream promises: she will have to spend time in the company of a very unpleasant person.

Where did you meet?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account where it happened:

  • on the street - you need to be careful under similar circumstances in reality;
  • in public transport - outsiders will discuss your personal relationships;
  • on a fast train - meet a young man who is very interested, and you will be together for a long time;
  • in the park - have a good time;
  • at a concert - fleeting entertainment.

Miller's dream book: striving for something new

Why does a young girl dream of meeting an attractive young man? A dream reflects the desire of the sleeping woman for new impressions, sensations.

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