Head of the Department of Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Koveshnikova. Lyubov Koveshnikova, Director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Teachers started migrating from Ugra

Department Director

Koveshnikova L.N. has a higher professional education, graduated in 1988 from the Orsk State Pedagogical Institute. T.G. Shevchenko, in 2011 she graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Samara State University". Since January 15, 2002 to November 14, 2006 served as chairman of the youth policy committee, chairman of the education committee of the administration of the Nizhnevartovsk region. Since 2006 to 2010 - First Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Autonomous Okrug. From September 2010 to November 14, 2011 First Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Autonomous Okrug. From November 15, 2011 to the present, he has been the director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Autonomous Okrug.

This biography of the once high-ranking official from Yugra is still "hanging" on the site Department of Education and Youth Policy of KhMAO While Lyubov Nikolaevna has not been there for a long time, she did not retire and moved to Orenburg, where she works as the director of the Orenburg Accounting and Financial College.

It seems not old yet, why she quit. Or asked? They say the Orchanka fell out of favor with the governor Natalya Komarova. Maybe the reason for this was the "kerchief"? At one of the meetings with the head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Koveshnikova got caught playing “kerchief” on a “tablet” - the video then received a lot of responses on the network, and also gave users a reason to joke. Or maybe the reason was problems in the education sector of the District? True, Mrs. Komarova never openly expressed dissatisfaction with Koveshnikova's work. But she was fired in March 2017. In short, the dark forest ...

The system of general and secondary vocational education in some Ugra municipalities is in deep crisis, local teachers assure. Sources of the publication said that registrations and financial violations have turned from isolated cases into a system, and violators cannot be held accountable either through the Ministry of Internal Affairs or through the prosecutor's office - the heads of departments at a personal reception declare that all facts that outrage teachers are within the competence of the department exclusively education and supervision. Those, in turn, limit themselves to disciplinary sanctions, not paying attention to the fact that only direct damage to the budget amounts to tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles, and conducting classes exclusively on paper leads to the release of “specialists” from educational institutions who have an extremely poor idea of ​​their profession. At the same time, teachers who are trying to break the practice of postscripts and fraud with budgetary funds complain about the persecution of local officials, coercion to dismiss and, as a result, leave the Autonomous Okrug.

Point problems in the educational institutions of Ugra are turning into a systemic crisis, the teachers of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug assure. According to the interlocutors of Pravda UrFO in schools and colleges of the Autonomous Okrug, the leadership of a number of educational institutions for several years "increased their personal well-being by postscripts and fraud with budgetary funds allocated for the salaries of teachers." In addition, the teachers assure that in some cases, diplomas of vocational education are received by people who have not studied a day in their specialty, and students who really try to get a profession pass a number of subjects exclusively “on paper”. Despite this, law enforcement agencies refuse to initiate criminal cases, stating that they do not see corpus delicti in any of these facts, since "according to the reporting documents, everything is in perfect order."

According to the teachers, the only result of their attempts to break the existing order was "active pressure from the leadership of educational institutions, forcing the dismissal of overly active teachers." As a result, according to the sources of Pravda UrFO, a number of teachers with many years of work experience have already left the Autonomous Okrug, because after being fired from one educational institution they were refused to be admitted to others even if there were vacancies.

So, earlier Pravda UrFO reported in detail. As employees of the institution familiar with the situation assure, for several years part of the classes in this educational institution were carried out only on paper, and employees who tried to counteract violations actively survived from the college.

“For years there was a practice according to which classes were scheduled on Saturdays, and in two shifts of three classes each. We marked those who were not, gave them grades. But it was all on paper. In reality, teachers did not work on Saturday, students did not come to classes. What did it lead to? To the fact that the students did not receive the knowledge necessary for the work. I myself had a situation when on Saturday there are three of my pairs, and on Wednesday they tell me to take a test. So how do I get through it? How will I demand answers from students on topics that I did not teach them? I counted - this applies to more than 15 disciplines. If we take into account that a student takes about 15-17 disciplines a year, it turns out that one year of their studies out of four was spent with huge gaps, ”the former teacher of KMTPC is indignant.

Later, according to these statements, a number of checks were carried out, including by the prosecutor's office and obrnadzor. As a result, it was confirmed that the classes that were allegedly held with students and for which teachers received a salary were not actually held (copies of the relevant documents are at the disposal of Pravda UrFO). Despite this, the teachers assure, these results did not add optimism to them.

A similar situation has developed in the Ugra Polytechnic College. When trying to find employment for graduates, it turns out that their level of training does not correspond to the declared one. According to the students, the reason was the introduction of areas of training that were not supported by the material, technical and pedagogical base. According to one of the specialties, students and graduates assure, “all industrial training was work with electric welding, and in the third year, students did everything except mastering the profession during the entire practice.” At the same time, a college employee without a higher education was the head of the final work, and an employee who did not even have a diploma of secondary vocational education was included in the attestation commission.

Students of the Khanty-Mansiysk Technological and Pedagogical College

According to the ex-employee of the UPK Galina Evstigneeva, she has been writing numerous appeals since 2011, but no one began to fix the problems.

“What is happening is precisely the collapse. Violations can be listed for hours, but the main thing is that the college is trying to provide training in those specialties for which there is neither personnel nor material and technical base. For example, ventilation system installers have been trained since 2010. At the same time, there is not a single employee with the appropriate education, there are no laboratories, workshops, or bases for internships at urban enterprises. Then they introduced gas equipment repairmen in exactly the same way - no teachers, no base, only a willingness to issue diplomas and report on the training of much-needed specialists in blue-collar specialties, who actually do not know how to do anything, ”Evstigneeva is indignant.

According to her, the negligent introduction of new specialties resulted in numerous violations and fraud. As Yevstigneeva assures, the specialized subjects in the specialty "Welding Production" went to a teacher who does not have a higher technical education and experience in engineering practice - this teacher only graduated from a technical school in absentia and has a higher education as a bibliographer. The teacher of engineering graphics, according to Evstigneeva, is a teacher of drawing and drafting according to her diploma. As a result, students are forced to spend money on tutors. As the ex-employee notes, financial violations were also committed in the college. According to her, the former head of the educational institution Rostovtsev annually credited herself with paying for 400 hours of supervising the practice of civil engineering and electrical students, although in reality she did not do this.

Former employees of the college note that they repeatedly reported all violations to both the relevant authorities of the administration of the Autonomous Okrug and the prosecutor's office, but no action was taken. Moreover, according to a number of appeals, officials of the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Education were able to “notice” violations only recently, when it became known that their head Natalya Strebkova was applying for the post of Commissioner for Human Rights in Yugra.

Candidate for the post of Commissioner for Human Rights in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Natalya Strebkova

Evstigneeva, like Schiller, as a result of her activities, which created certain problems for the leaders of the educational institution, was also left without work. However, these cases were not the only ones. According to Pravda UrFO sources, there are “hot spots” in the district not only in institutions of secondary vocational education, but also in schools in various municipalities.

So, in the village of Nizhnesortymsky, secondary school teachers announced the existence of “dead souls” in the state, for which salaries were charged, but the registered employees were not engaged in real work. However, even after this information was brought to the attention of the supervisory and law enforcement agencies, the school principal Elena Urmanshina retained her post, after which the teacher Aliya Mansurova was “squeezed out” from work, most actively seeking to eliminate violations and bring the perpetrators to justice. Neither the courts nor the numerous letters of her parents in her support helped her to recover at work.

The interlocutors report probable financial frauds in the Hulimsunt school, also concerning budgetary funds allocated for teachers' salaries. According to teacher Yulia Kartul, questions about the distribution of the bonus fund began to appear with the arrival of a new principal, Galina Tretyakova, at the school. In addition, Kartul insists, “before checking, the journals were rewritten, no gaps were noted.” And for bonuses at the end of the year, employees signed several times, and for different amounts - at first they were told about a bonus in the amount of two payroll funds, then the teachers signed in the documents for a cash reward already in the amount of one and a half salaries, after which they were given another statement , already for a much smaller amount of 12.9 thousand rubles.

An attempt to complain to higher authorities led to the fact that in February the department of education of the Autonomous Okrug and the regional supervision carried out an inspection, as a result of which the education committee of the administration of the Berezovsky district issued a reprimand to the school principal. Almost immediately after that, Kartul faced pressure from the leadership, and colleagues were also “under attack” who were asked “who is friends with Kartul and who else is going to write all sorts of letters.” The result, as in all previous cases, is the dismissal of a person from work, where he worked for several decades.

“In addition to Kartul, who is now selling her house, several other teachers have left the village. This is the family of the Tuganovs, the Bogatyrevs, the teacher Snegirev. It's the same story in other municipalities. Teacher Valentina Smelaya left for Kaliningrad, Aliya Mansurova from the Nizhnesortymsk school was forced to leave for Ufa, ”explained the source of Pravda UrFO.

Despite such a massive nature of violations, law enforcement agencies are not inclined to see this as a system, as well as to rush to initiate criminal cases. At a personal appointment, teachers are told that "the organization of the educational process is not within their competence."

Prosecutor of KhMAO-Yugra Evgeny Botvinkin

“I talked several times with employees of the economic security and anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, talked with its head, the district prosecutor. All meetings are recorded, but no one wants to understand, ”Svetlana Schiller is indignant.

According to her, during the conversation, Anton Ryzhykh, an employee of the UEBiPK, told her directly that in some cases, for example, in KhMTPK, the head of the educational institution has higher patrons, after which, in her own words, he stated that “everything is also not easy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs” .

At the reception with Botvinkin, an attempt to convey information about the possible presence of corpus delicti in the actions of heads of educational institutions also came across statements that these issues were beyond the prosecutor's competence, as well as an unwillingness to consider cases in different municipalities as a manifestation of a single problem.

“I tried to tell about those cases, about those affected people that I already know about. Botvinkin only stated that, “they are supposedly all able-bodied people. Let everyone deal with their own problems, voice them themselves.” I managed to meet with Romanitsa only in the President's reception room - but the result was zero. In his opinion, “there is a fact of violations of financial discipline, there is no criminal and administrative punishment, and if there is no direct intent, this is not a crime at all.” But the intent was not even checked! I told about the issuance of a bartending diploma to the cleaning lady Nezlinskaya, who had not been unlearned for a single day, so Romanitsa bluntly stated to this, they say, “the document is genuine, if the director issued it, signed it, then what can we do?” - Schiller is indignant, having transferred the records she has to the disposal of Pravda UrFO.

Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Vasily Romanitsa

In connection with the complete loss of trust of teachers in the law enforcement agencies of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, the materials available to the editors on violations in the field of education were transferred to the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District for a close inspection and criminal-legal assessment of the activities of both their colleagues and officials from education.




Chief Federal Inspector

Dmitry Borisovich Kuzmenko, Chief Federal Inspector for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, told the KMTPC employees: "If you report violations and crimes, you must understand that you will become accomplices!" Yes, we have the entire "Khanty-Mansiysk Technological and Pedagogical College" - accomplices, because for seven years the director who had several criminal convictions with her sons was in charge of the educational institution and involved the entire teaching staff in fraud and deceit, falsification of the entire educational process. Where was the District Attorney's office? And people like Koveshnikova and Strebkova, who covered up all the lawlessness and did not react in a timely manner and did not conduct checks at the proper level, should be held accountable and punished under the legislation of the Russian Federation. Then perhaps others will think about how to treat their official duties. Koveshnikova is openly rude, and this is the face of the education department. Shame on you, Lyubov Nikolaevna Koveshnikova! Look at what is happening in kindergartens in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug! Journalists, write about it! We, the inhabitants of Ugra, do not intend to be silent and endure any longer! It is useless to apply to the governor, the pressure on the whole family immediately begins. May people's tears shed for you, Natalya Vladimirovna, how many people suffered because of your reprisals! God is your judge.

Koveshnikova commented on a TV report about how she played cards at a meeting of Komarova with the population

Lyubov Koveshnikova, director of the KhMAO Education Department, commented to Znak.com on reports on the Web that during the meeting of the governor with the population in Nizhnevartovsk, she played "Kosynka" on the tablet.

The day before, local journalists from the Nizhnevartovsk TV channel posted a story on this topic entitled: “In front of the Governor’s nose, an official lays out a “kerchief”. “The governor was escorted out. The three days of Natalia Komarova's working trip to our district are over. But the instructions, instructions and service checks initiated by the head of the region will be implemented for a long time. And it remains for us, journalists, to analyze the footage. And we ourselves would not have noticed, but the valiant viewers noticed that the behavior of some officials at meetings with the governor was incorrect. Now we will show you everything, ”the TV presenter says, foreshadowing the shooting from the scene.

“Here, Natalya Vladimirovna is receiving a flurry of questions from Nizhnevartovsk entrepreneurs, mind you, while standing. Here Alla Badina answers businessmen - mind you, also standing. Here, a woman from Vartov asks the question - can her medical center provide services - rehabilitation gymnastics - not only in her premises, but also in the schools themselves. Natalya Komarova asks the director of the Ugra Education Department to answer. Lyubov Koveshnikova, standing behind the podium, answers. Having returned to her place in the front row, Lyubov Koveshnikova, we recall, the director of the Ugra Department of Education, after a while, it seems, got bored, decided to entertain herself in a completely prosaic way, ”the journalists say, accompanying this story with a video sequence when the official plays solitaire, and add to In the plot, the level of internoise, which confirms that this is happening when the governor continues to answer questions from residents.

Lyubov Koveshnikova herself explained to Znak.com that this could not be. “Perhaps it was a break. I don't remember. The meeting lasted until two in the morning,” she said, adding that she was not familiar with the game “Kerchief”. “Solitaire - yes, it happens, I play. It is useful for brain training, develops logic. Wow, look what I'm doing there. Outrageous!" - commented Koveshnikova. She also said that she could multitask at the same time.

The video, in which the director of the Ugra Department of Education plays solitaire, received a lot of responses on the Web, and also gave users a reason to joke. The Internet has already appeared "phototoads", which, it is possible, may become memes in the future. On one of them, Governor Komarova, who is standing in the presidium with a microphone, was mounted a "bubble" with a replica, probably referring to Koveshnikova: "A deuce for an ace."

It is still unknown how the governor reacted to the story with the subordinate. But other officials say that Natalya Komarova does not welcome such things. “When we go to a meeting with the governor, our phones are taken away from us in the reception room, because God forbid Komarova sees that someone is distracted,” says one of the members of the government.

Veronika Zavyalova

Today, Director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of Yugra Lyubov Koveshnikova met with journalists to talk about the results of the Unified State Examination and how to transfer all Ugra students to primary education.

From an organizational point of view, the USE this year was more difficult to conduct compared to last year. Because everywhere, with the exception of Khanty-Mansiysk, they introduced a new technology for printing control and measuring materials in the offices, - said Lyubov Nikolaevna. - This is a technically complex process. We depended not only on the quality of equipment: printers, scanners, but also on the quality of the Internet system and communication channels that provide us with video surveillance. Many thanks to our partners Rostelecom. Thanks to them, everything went at the highest level, there were no failures.

Lyubov Koveshnikova spoke about the quality of the results, while noting that it is not entirely correct to compare them with the previous year. Because this school year was different.

The exam was passed well, and most importantly honestly. This year, 42 students earned 100 points. In the past there were 47 of them. There were no such high marks in geography and literature. The most chosen disciplines were social science, history, physics, biology, chemistry. The number of those who did not overcome the minimum threshold in 2016 was slightly more than 20 children, - said the director of the department of education.

In addition, according to the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, held in 21 subjects, 7 young Ugra residents were recognized as winners. Nikita Semenin, a graduate from Urai, became the winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics.

Lyubov Koveshnikova said that work is currently underway to develop and modernize the system of additional education. This system influences the formation of children's abilities.

Additional education prepares a person for life, forms his competence, that is, the ability to apply his knowledge in any non-standard life situation, - Lyubov Koveshnikova is sure. - Until the end of 2016, we will test the model for introducing a certificate of additional education, similarly to the introduction of certificates for preschool education. I think that such an approach will open the door for the provision of services not only to municipal or state institutions of additional education, but also to private ones that have a license to conduct educational activities of additional general education programs. The cost of the certificate is currently being calculated.

From September 1, 2016, federal state educational standards for primary general education for children with disabilities come into force. As part of the instruction of Yugra Governor Natalya Komarova, a set of measures has been developed to support children with special needs. In the region, 3 educational organizations have already become federal pilot sites for the development of special adaptive programs for special children. “It is important to gradually and correctly, increasing the load, include the child in the team. It is here that the support of highly qualified psychologists and doctors is required,” said Lyubov Koveshnikova.

As part of the execution of the Decree of the President on the transfer of all students to the first shift, the Department of Education of Ugra is doing a lot of work. The head of the department said that by the end of the year, 29 educational facilities would be commissioned. 5 facilities have already been commissioned, and by September 1 Ugra will receive 7 more facilities. Also in Izluchinsk, Nizhnevartovsk district, a boarding school for deaf and hard of hearing, as well as visually impaired children will open.

We understand that it is very difficult to build schools for 30,000 students at once. We looked at each territory to determine exactly how this can be done. It was planned for 2018-2019 to transfer elementary school to single-shift education. By 2020 high school. It is important to use the schedule as a software product. Compose it not only for the teacher, but for the class. Thus, it is possible to track which rooms are released during training. In addition, this will make it possible, if not to reduce the number of shifts, then at least to raise the second shift, for example, not from 14.00, but from 12.00.

Note that at the moment 24% of the guys are studying in the second shift. Another way to solve the problem is to reconstruct existing schools and conduct lessons in attached premises.

We evaluated all spaces based on the educational program. For example, some lessons can be held in libraries. And for physical education lessons use sports facilities. It is possible to build a large number of buildings, but one must understand how effectively it will be maintained and operated, - summed up Lyubov Koveshnikova.

For a conversation, we chose a cozy summer veranda and ordered a cup of coffee.
... Suddenly I caught myself thinking that I can’t imagine her demanding and tough at all, although I understand that it’s simply impossible to hold such a position without it. And it’s also hard to imagine her cooking borscht or pancakes - somehow it’s too prosaic ...
However, all this and much more is and will be in the life of Love.
KOVESHNIKOVA: director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug by position, a teacher by vocation, mother and wife by social status, a smiling, charming and stylish woman by external perception, a business woman by lifestyle.
Well, it's time to get to know each other better.

- Lyubov Nikolaevna, how often do you have to think about the phrase "If you want it to be good, do it yourself"?

- I am sure that everyone should professionally and honestly do their job. It makes no sense to go on a big voyage without a close-knit, friendly, reliable team. In this sense, I am a happy leader - because I have it!
- A first-level female leader is...
- ...this is, first of all, a common cause and people for whom you have taken responsibility. It is also important to understand that our work has two important features - it cannot be done without love and full dedication. And you can not make mistakes: their price is too high.
What qualities of character help you in your work?
- Women in leadership positions are not required to have a masculine character and a masculine mindset. We have qualities that are especially valuable for working in the education system: we are all a priori mothers - this is how nature has laid them down. A woman intuitively feels what needs to be done to make the child feel good, and this is the main point of our activity.
- You are a personnel link of the most solid hardening - two specialized educations, work at a school as a pioneer leader, a teacher, an organizer of extracurricular activities, a director ...
- I am grateful to fate for this. Everything in life is better to learn from the basics. And there is no other way to become a professional than hard work and study, inspired by the joy of learning and the need to move forward.
- What questions do people most often address to your department?
- I guess I'll give you the traditional answer. The first place is steadily held by one topic: the provision of places in preschool educational institutions.
- Preparing for our conversation, I looked at the statistics and couldn’t believe my eyes: in 2013 you had 423 requests to enroll in kindergartens, and in 2014 - only 171.
- Yes it is. The number of applications dropped sharply in proportion to the increase in the number of preschool institutions. In 2014, 22 new buildings of kindergartens for 4356 places were built in the region. In 2015, it is planned to build 35 preschool education facilities for 5,032 places. There has not been such a pace of construction of kindergartens in Ugra since 1990.
- You are responsible for the youth policy of the whole region...
- We see our task in giving all children a quality education and providing employment opportunities for every young specialist. But at the same time, today's schoolchildren should understand well what educational and competence level is necessary in order to become successful: to get a good job and a decent salary. In our IRO, there is a center for monitoring the labor market and career guidance for children, which determines the list of the most popular professions and provides career guidance based on the needs of the region.
- And what summer programs for young Ugra residents do you implement?
- For the summer period, our main topics are the organization of work and leisure for students and schoolchildren, providing them with the opportunity to earn money, while obtaining the skills and new knowledge necessary for life. We find objects of interest to young people and form student groups - for example, at tourist sites in Turkey or at the student construction site Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur Region; guide teams at the Russian Railways or pedagogical teams in recreation and recreation facilities for children.
- Paper shaft - how is this problem solved at the level of the Department of Education?
- I don't know what you're asking. We don't have such a problem. There are no unnecessary requests from us to educational institutions, with the exception of some force majeure situations in relation to areas that we do not monitor. As for the state of the material and technical base, the educational fund, staffing, the state of the library fund, etc. - all this is in the statistics that each school regularly fills out and uploads to a local server. That is, we always have 80% of the information.
- So, can we say that a unified information base of the education system has been created in your district?
- Yes, it began to take shape back in 2006. Then it was decided to create such an information resource that would allow to accumulate all the necessary information about what is happening in schools, preschool institutions and institutions of additional education. It was then that solutions such as the automated workplace of the head of the school, the head of the preschool educational institution, the head of additional education appeared, and other special software products began to be introduced. Today we have a unified information base that allows us to receive the necessary data in real time and quickly make the right administrative decisions. Nevertheless, we are constantly working on its optimization and efficiency.
- Is the lack of funding hindering the development of informatization?
- We allocate more than 40 million rubles a year for informatization. This amount fully meets the needs of educational institutions.
- For you, as the head of the Department of Education of a large region, it is important to be able to find the right partners, and above all in matters of informatization...
- We systematically work in this direction together with the Department of Information Technologies and our long-term reliable partners - the Avers company, whose specialists know all our needs and resolve any issues that arise, ensuring the integration of information in all areas of the education system of the region. Our success in the field of informatization is a natural result of the high quality level of such partnership.
- Not so long ago, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation signed an order regulating the structure and content of the websites of educational institutions. How did you react to this document?
- You should always start with yourself. Probably, because we treated the site very pragmatically, as a working tool, for us the new conditions were not a task that needed to be solved. Our portal has been among the top five regional sites for several years. Of course, this is not an end in itself. We formulated the terms of reference for the developers, guided by simple requirements: functionality and convenience. It turned out to be fast, informative, compact, with pop-up windows, it is interesting to work with it. All municipal institutions of the region became interested in this interface, and we decided that all sites of educational institutions should be built on a single basis. A person, entering the site in order to obtain the necessary information, very quickly realizes his needs, and does not study its structure and menu.
- How does the Department of Education build a policy of information accessibility?
- Judging by the growth in the number of visitors to the websites of our department and educational institutions, as well as requests through the Internet reception, most modern parents are ready to receive services electronically. Therefore, our immediate plans are to bring electronic diaries to the website of each school. We are sure that this will significantly increase website traffic and will encourage the involvement of parents in the life of the educational organization. After all, by going to the portal to look at their child's diary, they will also get acquainted with the events that take place at the school, and see who participates in them. Parents will be able to evaluate not only academic performance, but also the social activity of the child.
- Lyubov Nikolaevna, I would like to hear your opinion on the topic of ratings that is popular today.
- I'll start with the fact that in the Top 500 rating, conducted by RIA Novosti, our Yugra Physics and Mathematics Lyceum has been ranked first for three years in a row. It is very nice! Ratings are certainly an effective mechanism for raising the status of an educational institution, but not only. They help structure information about the education system and make it more open. We successfully use this mechanism to form an educational map. Internet users, by entering the site of any municipality, can see what programs work and what success the educational organizations of the region achieve.
- All-Russian competition of professional pedagogical skills: what importance do you attach to it?
- A year ago, I decided that the competition would be handled not by the Institute for Advanced Studies, but by our Pedagogical University. I am convinced that when we choose the best teachers, and they, having received well-deserved awards, are left alone with their experience, this is wrong. The potential of creative teachers should be involved in the preparation of students. It is necessary that the process of professional growth be with full feedback. In addition, if you take participation in the competition with due seriousness, I think that you need to prepare for entry to it at least two years in advance and constantly find new points of growth along the way. I see the main purpose of the competition not as an exam for the level of pedagogical skills, but to identify gaps in professional competencies and the opportunity to provide each teacher with such educational content and resources that would allow him to maximize his potential, become a true professional. And the pedagogical university should be able to do it.
- What decisions are you preparing in connection with the introduction of electronic textbooks?
- At present, we are considering the concept of the implementation mechanism of this project in order to discuss it at the congress of teachers, which will be held in Khanty-Mansiysk on August 28.
- Under these conditions, the role of the school library is completely changing ...
- Obviously, it is impossible to fill the library fund of each educational institution, taking into account the needs of all users. My dream is to be able, once registered in the school library, to automatically become a user of any library fund at the municipal and federal levels, including the electronic depository. Then the information right of the child will be ensured. We are also working on this task with our partners, who have a very good Avers: Library program, but we would like to expand its range to a transpenetrating product. Moreover, today we aim educational organizations to ensure that the readers of our libraries are not only students, but also their parents, grandparents. If the whole family is included in the process of continuous education and enlightenment, and the school provides such an opportunity, we will get a good result for the entire education system.
- Lyubov Nikolaevna, thank you for a thorough and sincere conversation, for original and effective educational solutions, for sharing your plans and dreams, and for the fact that we have not yet had time to touch on many topical topics. So, there will be an occasion for a new meeting!


Read in No. 34 of August 25 a special regional insert on the achievements and prospects for the development of the education system and youth policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

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