Bloody stool: stomach infection, hemorrhoids or cancer? Is blood sausage good for humans?

Blood sausage is a special type of meat delicacy, the main ingredient of which is bovine blood. This dish has been known to people for more than a century and, at one time, was especially popular among nomadic peoples..

So, what is black pudding valued for? What is its benefit and is there any harm?

A bit of history

Since ancient times, people have respected blood. One of the first references to the use of blood for food refers us to the Spartans. In those days, the black ear was popular. The exact recipe, unfortunately (or fortunately), has not been preserved, but it is reliably known that it was a blood stew, rather nasty in taste. It was believed that, having tasted such a soup, the Spartan would not be afraid of anything in battle and any battle would go through to the end.

Later, the bloody ear morphed to look like a black pudding. If you rely on sources, it differs from fish soup only in consistency and added flavors in the form of spices, lard, cereals, etc. The resulting mash was poured into the cleaned animal intestine and boiled. This was the ancestor of the famous "bloody".

Blood dishes are widespread in different countries today. For example, blood pancakes are prepared in Scandinavian countries, and modern European restaurants offer blood casseroles to their visitors.

As for black pudding, today there are many recipes and variations of its preparation. They differ not only in the proportions of spices and ingredients, but also in national flavor, because black pudding is known and loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Germany and Spain. It is also interesting that in the Canary Islands a favorite delicacy is sweet black pudding. It is prepared with the addition of nuts, raisins, dried fruits and is called morcilla.

Some housewives zealously keep special family secrets of cooking a delicacy, and the sausage itself becomes a welcome guest even at social events and exquisite banquets.

Nutritional value of black pudding

Blood sausage can be classified as a medium-high calorie product. Its energy value varies 250 to 400 calories per 100 grams, depending on the ingredients. Blood sausage is a good source of B vitamins, especially vitamins B3 and B12 and vitamin D. Among the components, a high iron content can be distinguished - 100 grams of sausage contains approximately 35% of the daily requirement. Also, it contains a considerable proportion of selenium, phosphorus and calcium.

But, please note that in addition to useful components, sausage contains most of the saturated fatty acids (about 67% of a person's daily requirement), cholesterol (40%) and sodium (34%).

Benefits of blood sausage

Returning to the benefits of black pudding, first of all, it should be noted that eating it has a beneficial effect on blood formation and hemoglobin levels in the blood. This happens due to the rich content of B vitamins, which, in turn, act in the human body as a powerful anti-anemic agent not only for humans, but also for animals.

Blood sausage also contains a large amount of protein. It has long been no secret that it is protein that is directly involved in building muscle fibers and helps strengthen nails and hair. In addition to the building and aesthetic function, protein is an indispensable source of energy for a living organism.

But such an element as phosphorus helps to strengthen bones and cartilage.

You can take a long time to sort out the benefits of microelements contained in black pudding, but all these positive aspects noticeably fade before the action of iron, which contains the lion's share here. First, iron is perfectly absorbed in the body, because it has a divalent form. It is this characteristic that makes black pudding a wonderful alternative to medications that are widely used in the fight against iron deficiency anemia. Studies have shown that with the regular use of black pudding, the number of red blood cells in the human blood increases and the metabolic process improves. And, based on this, blood sausage will become an integral part of the diet for people who are recovering from injuries with severe blood loss and after chemotherapy.

Also, blood sausage can bring noticeable benefits to women during pregnancy, because when the fetus begins to grow actively, it draws its vitality from maternal hemoglobin. Accordingly, women in position quite often suffer from anemia.

Harm of blood sausage

Of course, blood sausage is useful for humans, primarily due to the mass of natural elements in its composition. But do not forget that this product can cause negative consequences.

So, the use of black pudding is harmful:

People who are overweight. In addition to the calorie content of the product, a person’s weight can also be affected by a large amount of protein, which was mentioned in the previous section. After all, undigested protein is quite prudently converted by the human liver into fat, which is deposited "for a rainy day."

People who are at risk of diabetes or have diabetes of any degree. Firstly, the consumption of saturated fatty acids, which are found in sausage, is considered one of the main factors in the development of type 2 diabetes. And secondly, they have the ability to influence the patency of blood vessels, which has a very adverse effect on the condition of people susceptible to this disease.

Individuals with a history of liver disease. Again, a high fat content can aggravate the condition of a person suffering from liver diseases.

Patients with gastrointestinal problems. Blood sausage is considered quite a heavy food for the stomach.

It is also worth paying special attention to the fact that the ingredients of black pudding themselves are products with a short shelf life. Therefore, stale black pudding can cause serious poisoning.

Summing up, we see that black pudding can be included in your diet as a regular delicacy only if there are no direct contraindications. But do not ignore the sense of proportion, because one sausage will not improve health. In the same way, it is worth noting that if you feel a strong disgust and dislike for this dish, then you don’t need to force your body with regular consumption of black pudding - it won’t bring anything good, at least emotionally. Any food should be enjoyable.

Fatigue, dizziness, headaches, irritability, memory impairment, vision impairment - these are just a few signs of thick blood. Viscous blood is a serious signal of the body about a health problem.

Blood can be called the "river of life" in our body, too important processes depend on it.

When it thickens, capillary blood flow slows down, as a result, stagnation occurs, oxygen starvation in tissues, all systems and organs suffer, the heart and brain have to work in emergency mode. High risk of thrombosis, strokes, heart attacks.

Increased blood density is called hyperviscosity syndrome, also hyperviscosity syndrome.

In the article:

1. About the functions performed by blood.
2. Syndrome of increased viscosity.
3. Blood viscosity is normal.
4. Why the blood becomes thick.
5. Signs of thick blood.
6. Causes of increased blood density. Risk factors.

The functions of the blood in brief:

  • Transport is the most important, it is gas exchange, the transfer of nutrients, heat, hormones, etc.
  • Ensuring immune responses and homeostasis (stable internal balance).
  • Regulation of the intake of salts (electrolytes) and water into the body,
  • Creation of protective barriers on the way of alien bacteria and viruses, own defective cells.

The implementation of all these important tasks is due to the complex composition:

  • liquid extracellular part - plasma,
  • suspended formed elements (cell mass) - erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes;
  • enzymes, hormones, ions, other substances.

The density of the blood is determined by the balance of plasma and cell mass, the liquid part should be more so that blood can freely flow into the smallest vessels and capillaries.

Viscosity Syndrome

Hyperviscose syndrome is understood as a number of changes in the rheological (fluid) properties of blood:

  • an increase in the density of blood in general and plasma,
  • increase in hematocrit (hematocrit number).

The hematocrit shows how much of the total blood volume is occupied by formed elements. If the balance shifts towards the cell mass, the blood thickens.

The hematocrit balance in the normal state of the blood is 4:6, where 4 is the uniform part, and 6 is the plasma.

Men have a higher hematocrit than women due to the presence of androgens (male hormones) that thicken the blood.

  • High hemoglobin, and specifically - the level of heme (jelly-containing part) and globin (protein).
  • Decreased elasticity and ability of erythrocytes to deform.

Due to the ability to deform, acquire various forms, erythrocytes penetrate microvessels, delivering oxygen to the tissues.

  • Increased fibrinogen synthesis.

Fibrinogen is a special protein responsible for blood clotting. Its increased content in the blood leads to the adhesion of red blood cells, the formation of blood clots (blood clots), and the development of thrombosis.

  • Aggregation (reinforced gluing) of erythrocytes.

RBCs carry a negative charge and repel each other. With a shifted balance of acids and alkalis towards an acidic environment (acidification of the blood), erythrocytes lose their original polarity, and, instead of repulsion, they attract and stick to each other.

Cell clusters are formed, similar to coin columns or tiles, from 25-50 erythrocytes.

  • Increased production of paraproteins.

In pathological conditions, plasma cells intensively produce paraproteins - special proteins that report failures in the body to all organs so that they are rebuilt to the required mode.

Normal blood viscosity

The density of blood in healthy people is 1.050 -1.064 g / ml. This value is determined by the volume of cell mass, lipids, proteins in the blood.

The viscosity of blood is measured by a viscometer device that compares the speed of blood movement with respect to distilled water at the same temperature and volume.

The norm is the flow of blood 4-5 times slower than water.

The density of female blood is lower than male. Democritus is normal in women - 37-47%, in men 40 - 54%. This difference is due to different hormonal systems and physiology.

Why does the blood get thick

Blood viscosity is caused by many reasons. The most common:

Lack of enzymes(fermentopathy, sometimes congenital) - a pathology in which food enzymes are absent or insufficiently active, food is not completely broken down, the blood becomes contaminated with under-oxidized decay products, acidifies, red blood cells stick together, cells and tissues starve without oxygen.

Poor quality water: chlorinated, destructured, carbonated, polluted.

due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, selenium, lecithin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc.), which supply the enzymes and hormones she needs.

This leads to a change in the chem. plasma composition, increase its viscosity. The liver bears an increased load when eating canned, smoked, meat, salty, sweet products. Living in areas of unfavorable ecology and working in hazardous industries also harm the liver.

Disrupted blood balance: more cell mass than plasma.

Dehydration: at inadequate water intake; strong physical exertion (during sweating, the blood thickens); poor digestibility of water; taking diuretics, drinks, herbs; diarrhea, vomiting.

Hyperfunction of the spleen, its excessive blood-destroying activity.

Doctors are concerned that the tendency to thicken the blood is observed not only in the elderly (this is a natural process), but also in the young.

By the way, 100 years ago, the blood of the younger generation was more liquid. This fact can be explained by a dirty environment and a huge amount of chemistry in food.

Heavy thick blood hardly fulfills its main transport role. Violation of the vital activity of the whole organism.

Signs of thick blood

If you are not aware that your blood is thickening and circulating slowly, the following signs should alert you:


aching headache, dizziness with short loss of coordination, nausea, muscle weakness and general, fainting.

Sensitivity disorder in hands and feet:

numbness, tingling, burning, goosebumps

Dry skin.
Blueness of the skin and mucous membranes.
Greater sensitivity to cold.
Drowsiness, sleep disorder.
Fast fatiguability.
Tingling in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, palpitations.
Protruding veins, heaviness and pain in the legs.
Always cold feet.
Increased pressure on the background of general weakness.
Depression, anxiety.
Decreased hearing, vision.
Lachrymation, burning in the eyes.
Noise in ears.
High hemoglobin.
Frequent yawning as a sign of lack of oxygen to the brain.
Sometimes constipation, bloating, gas formation.
Slow bleeding from cuts, wounds.
Repeated miscarriages.
The presence of one or more chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome, candidiasis.

Causes of increased blood viscosity. Risk factors

Many causes lead to excessive thickening of the blood and restricted blood flow. They are divided into genetic and acquired.

genetic or hereditary the reasons are less common.

You are more likely to have a genetic cause for excessive blood clotting if you have:

  • Family members who have had blood clots.
  • Personal history of recurrent blood clots before age 40.
  • Personal history of unexplained miscarriages.

Acquired Causes thick blood lie in the presence of other diseases or pathological conditions:

Aging. With age, the blood thickens, hyperviscosity makes the vessels too stiff, less elastic and often calcified.

Smoking increases the risk of unwanted blood clots. Smokers have thicker blood than usual.

Alcohol abuse. Alcoholic beverages, being diuretics, bind and remove water from the body, thereby thickening the blood. The amount of water lost is four times the amount of alcohol consumed.

Overweight and obesity- serious risk factors for blood clotting.

Pregnancy. Women are more likely to develop blood clots when they are pregnant due to an increase in platelets and clotting factors. The uterus compresses the veins, slowing down blood flow, which can lead to blood clots.

Men over 45 have enhanced platelet synthesis.

Use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Prolonged bed rest due to surgery, hospitalization or illness.

Lack of physical activity, especially among the population in large cities, long periods of motionless sitting in a car, plane, at the workplace.

Dehydration. A condition in which your body does not get enough water. This condition causes the blood vessels to constrict and the blood to clot, there is a risk of blood clots.

Heavy metals .

For example, older silver dental implants may contain mercury, a heavy metal that causes blood to clot. Mercury can also be found in large amounts in marine predatory fish.

Lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3.

environmental toxins.



Senile dementia, impotence, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke - not a complete list of diseases associated with impaired blood circulation. People are overcome by various diseases, but the cause of death is very often the same - viscous thrombosed blood.

Good blood quality is the main condition for health and active longevity. It is vital to exclude factors that cause blood clotting. Be sure to pay attention to your well-being.

Fatigue, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, memory loss, heaviness in the legs are possible signs of thick blood.

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Everyone knows that the prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system can prevent many dangerous diseases, but they pay little attention to such an important point as blood viscosity indicators. But absolutely all the processes occurring in the cells and organs of our body depend on the state of this vital environment. Its main function is to transport respiratory gases, hormones, nutrients and many other substances. When the properties of the blood change, which consist in its thickening, acidification or an increase in the level of sugar and cholesterol, the transport function is significantly impaired and the redox processes in the heart, blood vessels, brain, liver and other organs proceed abnormally.

That is why preventive measures to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels must necessarily include regular monitoring of blood viscosity. In this article, we will introduce you to the causes of thick blood (hyperviscosity syndrome, or hyperviscosity syndrome), symptoms, complications, methods of diagnosis and treatment. This knowledge will help you prevent not only many diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also their dangerous complications.

Blood consists of plasma (liquid part) and formed elements (blood cells), which determine its density. The hematocrit level (hematocrit number) is determined by the ratio between these two blood media. Blood viscosity increases with an increase in the level of prothrombin and fibrinogen, but can also be provoked by an increase in the level of erythrocytes and other blood cells, hemoglobin, glucose and cholesterol. That is, with thick blood, the hematocrit becomes higher.

Such a change in the blood formula is called the syndrome of increased blood viscosity, or hyperviscosity syndrome. There are no single indicators of the norm of the above parameters, since they change with age.

An increase in blood viscosity leads to the fact that some blood cells cannot fully perform their functions, and some organs stop receiving the substances they need and cannot get rid of decay products. In addition, thick blood is pushed through the vessels worse, prone to the formation of blood clots, and the heart has to make great efforts to pump it. As a result, it wears out faster, and a person develops his pathologies.

You can detect increased blood density with the help of a general blood test, which will show an increase in hematocrit caused by an increase in the level of formed elements and hemoglobin. Such an analysis result will certainly alert the doctor, and he will take the necessary measures to identify the cause and treat the syndrome of increased blood viscosity. Such timely measures can prevent the development of a whole bunch of diseases.

Why does blood become thick?

Blood is the basis of the life of the body, all the processes occurring inside it depend on its viscosity and composition.

The viscosity of human blood is regulated by a number of factors. The most common predisposing factors for the development of hyperviscosity syndrome are:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • an increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • an increase in the number of platelets;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • dehydration;
  • poor absorption of water in the large intestine;
  • massive blood loss;
  • acidification of the body;
  • hyperfunction of the spleen;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals that are involved in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes;
  • exposure;
  • large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates consumed.

Usually, increased blood viscosity is caused by one of the above disorders, but in some cases, the composition of the blood changes under the influence of a whole range of factors.

The causes of such violations are such diseases and pathologies:

  • food poisoning and diseases accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting;
  • hypoxia;
  • some forms of leukemia;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • polycythemia;
  • diabetes and diabetes insipidus;
  • diseases accompanied by an increase in the level of protein in the blood (Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, etc.);
  • myeloma, AL-amyloidosis and other monoclonal
  • thrombophilia;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thermal burns;
  • pregnancy.


Thick blood impedes blood flow and contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Symptoms of hyperviscosity syndrome largely depend on the clinical manifestations of the disease with which it was caused. Sometimes they are temporary and disappear on their own after the elimination of the causes that provoked them (for example, dehydration or hypoxia).

The main clinical signs of thick blood are the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent drowsiness;
  • distraction;
  • severe weakness;
  • depressive state;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • constantly cold feet and hands;
  • numbness and tingling in areas with impaired blood microcirculation;
  • nodules in the veins.

In some cases, hyperviscosity syndrome is hidden (asymptomatic) and is detected only after evaluating the results of a blood test.


The syndrome of increased blood viscosity is not a disease, but in the presence of serious pathologies, it can cause severe and formidable complications. More often the blood thickens in the elderly, but in recent years this syndrome has been increasingly detected in middle-aged and young people. According to statistics, thick blood is more common in men.

The most dangerous consequences of the syndrome of increased blood viscosity are the tendency to thrombosis and thrombosis. Usually, small-caliber vessels are thrombosed, but there is an increased risk that the thrombus will block the coronary artery or cerebral vessel. Such thromboses cause acute necrosis of the tissues of the affected organ, and the patient develops or ischemic stroke.

Other consequences of thick blood can be such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • bleeding;
  • intracerebral and subdural bleeding.

The degree of risk of complications of the syndrome of increased blood viscosity largely depends on the underlying cause of its development. That is why the main goal of treating this condition and preventing its complications is to eliminate the underlying disease.


To identify the syndrome of increased blood viscosity, the following laboratory tests are prescribed:

  1. Complete blood count and hematocrit. Allows you to set the number of blood cells, hemoglobin level and their ratio with the total blood volume.
  2. Coagulogram. Gives an idea of ​​the state of the hemostasis system, blood clotting, duration of bleeding and vascular integrity.
  3. APTT. Allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal and general coagulation pathway. It is aimed at determining the level of plasma factors, inhibitors and anticoagulants in the blood.

Medical treatment

The main goal of treating hyperviscosity syndrome is aimed at treating the underlying disease that caused the blood density. The complex scheme of drug therapy includes:

With increased blood clotting, the complex of drug treatment may include:

  • Heparin;
  • Warfarin;
  • Fragmin and others.

Preparations for blood thinning are selected individually for each patient and only after the exclusion of contraindications to their use. For example, in multiple myeloma, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia and other monoclonal gammopathy, anticoagulants are absolutely contraindicated.

With a syndrome of increased blood viscosity, which is accompanied by a tendency to bleeding, the following are prescribed:

  • plasmapheresis;
  • platelet transfusion;
  • symptomatic therapy.


Blood density can be adjusted by following certain nutritional rules. Scientists have noted that the blood becomes thicker if the daily diet includes an insufficient amount of amino acids, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. That is why the following foods should be included in the diet of a person with thick blood:

  • lean meats;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • seaweed;
  • dairy;
  • olive oil;
  • linseed oil.

To correct the composition of the blood, products that promote blood thinning can help:

  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • celery;
  • artichoke;
  • garlic;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • cashew nuts;
  • almond;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • dark grapes;
  • red and white currants;
  • cherry;
  • Strawberry;
  • citrus;
  • figs;
  • peaches;
  • apples, etc.

With increased blood viscosity, the patient needs to monitor the vitamin balance. This recommendation applies to foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C and K. An excess of them contributes to an increase in blood viscosity, and therefore their intake into the body should correspond to the daily norm. The lack of vitamin E also negatively affects the composition of the blood, and therefore nutritional supplements or foods that are rich in tocopherols and tocotrienols (broccoli, green leafy vegetables, legumes, butter, almonds, etc.) must be included in the diet.

From the products described above, you can make a varied menu. Each person who is faced with the problem of thick blood will be able to include tasty and healthy dishes in their diet.

There is also a list of products that increase blood viscosity. These include:

  • salt;
  • fatty meats;
  • salo;
  • butter;
  • cream;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • brain;
  • Red pepper;
  • radish;
  • watercress;
  • turnip;
  • red cabbage;
  • radish;
  • purple berries;
  • bananas;
  • mango;
  • walnuts;
  • light grapes;
  • pomegranate;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • White bread.

These foods can not be completely excluded from the diet, but simply limit their consumption.

Drinking regime

Much is known about the dangers of dehydration. The lack of water affects not only the functioning of organs and systems, but also the viscosity of the blood. It is dehydration that often causes the development of the syndrome of increased blood viscosity. To prevent it, it is recommended to drink at least 30 ml of pure water per 1 kg of weight daily. If for some reason a person does not drink plain water, but replaces it with tea, juices or compotes, then the volume of fluid consumed should be higher.

Bad habits and drugs

Smoking and drinking alcohol contributes to a significant thickening of the blood. That is why people with thick blood are advised to give up these bad habits. If a person cannot cope with these addictions on his own, then he is recommended to use one of the methods for treating nicotine addiction or alcoholism.

Negatively affects the composition of the blood and long-term use of certain medications. These include:

  • diuretics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • Viagra.


Hirudotherapy is one of the most effective ways to thin thick blood. The composition of the saliva of leeches, which they inject into the blood after sucking, includes hirudin and other enzymes that help thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. This method of treatment can be prescribed after the exclusion of some contraindications:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemophilia;
  • severe hypotension;
  • cachexia;
  • severe forms of anemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • pregnancy;
  • caesarean section performed three to four months ago;
  • children's age up to 7 years;
  • individual intolerance.

Folk methods

Thick blood syndrome can be treated with folk recipes based on the properties of medicinal plants. Before using such methods of herbal medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

To thin thick blood, the following folk recipes can be used:

  • tincture of meadowsweet (or lobasnik);
  • phytocollection of equal parts of yellow sweet clover, meadow clover flowers, meadowsweet grass, valerian roots, lemon balm, narrow-leaved fireweed and hawthorn fruits;
  • infusion of willow bark;
  • infusion of horse chestnut flowers;
  • nettle infusion;
  • tincture of nutmeg.

Thick blood negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular and other body systems. In some cases, an increase in its viscosity can be eliminated on its own, but more often such a violation of its condition is caused by various diseases and pathologies. That is why the detection of hyperviscosity syndrome should never be ignored. Treatment of the underlying disease that caused the blood to thicken and the inclusion of blood thinning methods in the main therapy plan will help you get rid of the development and progression of many severe complications. Remember this and be healthy!
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On the Internet, you can often find a myth that blood and veins are not red, but blue. And you should not believe in the theory that the blood actually runs through the vessels is blue, and when cut and in contact with air it becomes instantly red - this is not so. Blood is always red, just different shades. The veins only appear blue to us. This is due to the laws of physics about the reflection of light and our perception - our brain compares the color of a blood vessel against a bright and warm skin tone, and as a result shows us blue.

So why is the blood still red and can it be a different color?

What makes our blood red is red blood cells or erythrocytes - oxygen carriers. They have a shade of red depending on hemoglobin - an iron-containing protein in them that can bind with oxygen and carbon dioxide to carry them to the right place. The more oxygen molecules attached to hemoglobin, the brighter the red color of the blood. Therefore, arterial blood, which has just been enriched with oxygen, is so bright red. After the release of oxygen to the cells of the body, the color of the blood changes to dark red (burgundy) - such blood is called venous.

Of course, there are other cells in the blood besides red blood cells. These are also leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets. But they are not in such a significant amount compared to red blood cells to affect the color of the blood and make it a different shade.

But still there are cases when the blood loses its color. It is associated with diseases such as anemia. Anemia is an insufficient amount of hemoglobin and a concomitant decrease in red blood cells. At the same time, it can be said that the blood has a paler red color, although this can only be seen by a specialist under a microscope. This is because when hemoglobin is not bound to oxygen, red blood cells look smaller and paler.

When the blood, due to health problems, does not carry enough oxygen and there is not enough of it, this is called cyanosis (cyanosis). The skin and mucous membranes become cyanotic. At the same time, the blood remains red, but even the arterial blood has a color similar to the color of venous blood in a healthy person - with a blue tint. The skin under which the vessels pass outwardly becomes blue.

Where did the expression blue blood come from and does it really exist?

We have all heard that the expression "blue blood" refers to aristocrats and it appeared because of the pallor of their skin. Until the twentieth century, tanning was not in vogue, and the aristocrats themselves, especially women, hid from the sun, which saved their skin from premature aging and looked according to their status, that is, they differed from serfs who “plowed” all day in the sun. It is now we realize that pale skin with a blue tint is actually a sign of lesser health.

But scientists also claim that there are about 7,000 people in the world whose blood has a blue tint. They are called kyanetics (from lat. cyanea - blue). The reason for this is not such hemoglobin. In them, this protein contains more copper than iron, which, during oxidation, acquires a blue tint instead of the usual red for us. These people are considered to be more resistant to many diseases and even injuries, as they say that their blood clots several times faster and is not exposed to many infections. In addition, there are various theories about the origin of Kyanetics, including that they are descendants of aliens. There is not much information about them on the net, but there are articles from foreign publications where the birth of such children is explained by the abuse of contraceptive drugs long before conception. As they say, “Don’t smoke, girl, the children will be green!”, And it can turn out blue from contraceptives (meaning the color of blood).

But there are living creatures on Earth whose blood contains other types of protein, and therefore their color varies. In scorpions, spiders, octopuses, crayfish, it is blue, due to the protein hemocyanin, which includes copper. And in marine worms, the blood protein contains ferrous iron, so it is generally green!

Our world is very diverse. And, probably, that is still not explored and there may be other creatures on Earth whose blood is not of the standard color. Write in the comments what you think and know about this!

Bleeding in itself is a sign of any disturbances in the normal functioning of the human body. should immediately alert both the patient and his doctor. The appearance of streaks of blood in the feces can be a sign of serious and very dangerous intestinal diseases. For example, hemorrhoids or colon cancer.

So how can you determine why feces come out with blood during a bowel movement? Let's try to understand this difficult and rather delicate issue.

Determine the source of blood in the stool

Blood can enter the stool from any part of the digestive tract. At the same time, there is a certain pattern: the higher the damaged or malfunctioning organ is located, the darker the color of the blood in the stool will be. Blood from the rectum or sigmoid colon is lighter in color than, for example, blood from the esophagus or stomach.

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If you notice brown-red streaks of blood in the stool, then most likely there is a type of acute intestinal infection. Maybe it's dysentery. In this case, you should urgently seek advice from an infectious disease specialist and donate feces for general and.

Loose stools with blood and mucus indicate the appearance of colitis, and dark brown clots are observed in inflammatory processes in the colon, diverticulosis,.

It's most likely hemorrhoids.

If you notice bright red blood in a bowel movement, not mixed with feces, you may have internal hemorrhoids. Also, droplets of blood on toilet paper may indicate cracks in the walls of the anus. Bleeding occurs because the feces during defecation touch the hemorrhoidal cones. Or when the patient "pulls" with severe constipation.

Bleeding with hemorrhoids and fissures, as a rule, is not accompanied by a mixture of feces and blood.

Unfortunately, colon cancer is suspected

In the event that spotting is mixed with stools that contain some mucus, it can be assumed that intestinal tumors are present. They can be either benign (polyps) or malignant (colon cancer).

The early stage is characterized by discomfort in the intestines, increased urge to defecate, and blood in the stool. You can suspect the appearance of a tumor if brown mucus mixed with clots or streaks of dark red blood comes out of the intestine along with feces.

Black feces indicate possible cirrhosis of the liver, an ulcer, or even stomach cancer.

According to doctors, many patients consider the appearance of blood in the feces a sign of hemorrhoids and postpone a visit to the doctor. Meanwhile, it must be remembered that internal hemorrhoids, polyps and other intestinal diseases can turn into a cancerous tumor. It is better to undergo an examination on time and make sure that you do not have serious pathologies.

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