What is the benefit of stretching for health and figure? Stretching exercises: why they are needed, who are useful and how to do them

Stretching is one of the most underrated forms of fitness. It is most often associated with simple exercises such as "leaning forward and touching your toes with your hands", so its value is often underestimated, depriving yourself of the benefits of such a warm-up.

In the process of growth and aging, changes occur in muscle tissue. Incorporating stretching into your regular workout schedule will ensure even muscle growth along the fibers and increase flexibility levels. This will give you the ability to move in any direction with ease and give you more energy to perform various actions.

In addition, stretching helps to achieve:

  • Increase joint flexibility
  • Improved circulation in muscles and joints targeted by stretching exercises
  • Increased energy levels as increased blood flow brings in more oxygen and glycogen
  • Improvements in motor coordination
  • Increases in speed and strength

There are seven different types of stretching exercises, and although some of them overlap and some are part of the standard workout routine, they are nothing new, but it's best to take a closer look at them and figure out what they do.

Leg swings to the side, a typical element of active stretching

In active stretching, you take a certain position and hold it only with the help of your own agonist muscles (primary movers). To hold the body in the desired position, the agonist muscle groups have to tighten, while the antagonist muscles begin to stretch. For example, a stance characteristic of martial arts in the position of a side kick promotes stretching of the adductor muscles (adductors), increases the flexibility of the athlete's body and the height of the leg during impact.

The effect of active stretching is based on a physiological response called reciprocal inhibition. If any one muscle group is held in a tense position for a long period of time, then the muscle groups opposite it do not need to remain tense, so they relax and stretch. Most often, the position needs to be held for no longer than 30 seconds, and sometimes results can be achieved in less than 10-15 seconds.

Active stretching is widely used in yoga. Martial artists and ballet dancers also use it heavily. Active stretching techniques improve performance in most sports.

Passive stretching

An example of passive stretching is the well-known twine

Passive stretching is a form of stretching ideal for performing with a partner. In this case, it is necessary that the body remains completely passive, and all actions are performed with the application of an external force (with the help of a partner). If training is performed without a partner, body weight and gravity are used as an external force. For this reason, passive stretching is also called relaxed stretching.

An example of passive stretching is the well-known twine. By spreading your legs as wide as possible and releasing your body weight on them, you allow your feet to naturally slowly slide further to the sides. Studies have shown that passive stretching is ideal for muscle recovery after injury, as it is done gradually and requires some time for each position.

Static stretching

Static stretching is perhaps the most common type of stretching exercise. In this case, it is necessary to hold the body in positions that require tension, but do not cause discomfort, for about 10–20 seconds. This type of stretching is often used as part of a regularly performed warm-up in various sports, since the body is not subjected to extreme stress during static stretching. This has led to the misconception that stretching should be done during the warm-up to prevent sports injuries and that stretching improves athletic performance.

In 2013, three unrelated research projects addressed this issue from different perspectives. In the first study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, it was found that the inclusion of static stretching in the warm-up complex reduces muscle performance and causes instability in their work, which can lead to an increase in injury rather than reducing it.

A second study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that static stretching performed as part of a warm-up resulted in an immediate reduction in muscle performance. These findings were supported by a third study published in the same journal, which found that the long-term benefits of pre-workout static stretching exercises were marginal at best.

Isometric stretching

An example of isometric stretching: "pushing the wall"

Isometric stretching is a type of stretching that involves the resistance of muscle groups caused by isometric contractions of the stretched muscles. Examples of isometric stretching: “pushing the wall” to warm up the calf muscles, bending forward with your foot on the bar and trying to reach your knee with your head, as well as stretching the biceps, resting your straight arm against the wall and applying force to it.

There is some evidence that isometric stretching performed over a long period of time contributes to the development of muscle hypertrophy (increase in volume). This is due to the fact that in this type of stretching, the resistance of muscle fibers is involved.

Dynamic stretching

In dynamic stretching, weak swings are used, with the help of which the body and limbs perform a full range of movements. Since dynamic stretching increases the speed of the exercise gradually, and the range of motion remains within the comfort zone, this type of stretching is most often recommended for use as a warm-up.

For golfers, boxers, martial artists and ballerinas, dynamic stretching is part of the standard intensive training complex. In 2011, the European Journal of Applied Physiology published the results of a study in which scientists found that dynamic stretching improves performance in sprinters and other hard-training athletes.

Program for dynamic stretching from the site darebee.com (Clickable picture)

Dynamic stretching training program

Another study published in 2012 in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine compared the benefits of dynamic versus static stretching for high-intensity athletes. It turned out that athletes who used only dynamic stretching in their warm-up showed better results than those who performed static stretching exercises. However, the greatest increase in the range of motion (ROM) was demonstrated by athletes who combined both types of stretching. This suggests that the best results can be achieved by composing a mixed warm-up complex.

Ballistic stretching

Ballistic stretching is a type of stretching that uses jumping and jerky movements. This form of stretching is strongly discouraged by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and is considered one of the most common causes of warm-up injuries.

Ballistic stretching exercises should not be started without an adequate warm-up, as they push your body out of your comfort zone. The use of ballistic stretching as a warm-up is unacceptable. Ballistic stretching after a good warm-up is widely used by martial artists, ballet dancers and gymnasts in order to increase the comfortable range of motion and increase the flexibility of the body.

Research on ballistic exercises shows that when performed after a core workout or as a stand-alone routine, they help increase range of motion and improve performance. Martial artists, gymnasts and dancers know this very well.

PNF stretching

PNF stretching (Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a set of stretching techniques that help expand both active and passive range of motion and provide a significant increase in flexibility.

A study published in the journal Animal Science found that post-moderate-intensity stretching (including PNF stretching) helped to stimulate muscle growth, resulting in increased strength and muscle size.

As for the warm-up complexes, PNF-stretching is more suitable for them than other options, since it uses resistance to the applied force, after which the muscles relax, and then re-stretching occurs. This makes it possible to achieve an increase in the flexibility and strength of the joints through the stimulation of four separate, sometimes overlapping reactions: autogenic inhibition, reciprocal inhibition, stress relief, and the theory of pain blockers. All of this is explained in detail in a study on the benefits of PNF stretching published in the Journal of Human Kinetics.

When is stretching necessary?

If you use stretching to warm up before training, choose dynamic or PNF, all other types are performed after training, when the muscles are properly warmed up. Stretching can also be practiced as an independent training complex, performed on a specially allocated day.

The bottom line is that stretching is definitely needed and will always help to achieve better results, but you should carefully choose when to do it and what kind of stretching to prefer. Nobody forbids you to do various stretching exercises, and not just stick to one particular type. But do not forget to consider possible undesirable consequences in order to maintain the health and elasticity of your muscles.

Be sure to read about it

Stretching is a series of exercises that are aimed at stretching ligaments, muscles, joint mobility, and weight loss. It is possible to make movements with the maximum amplitude of the joints only if the muscles and the tissues surrounding them are elastic. Stretching not only improves flexibility.

Every person who prefers meditative exercises to active fitness or aerobics receives health promotion, high stress resistance, and permanent weight loss. Let's take a closer look at what stretching is in fitness, and how you can lose weight with it.

The benefits and harms of stretching

Until recently, no one knew about stretching. This word comes from the English stretching, which means "stretching". The benefits of stretching for body shaping are enormous. Stretching for weight loss will help keep the body in shape and relieve some chronic diseases. As a result of a set of exercises to stretch the muscles, blood circulation in the ligaments improves, self-confidence appears, and mood improves.

The benefits and harms of stretching depend on properly selected and done exercises. If you regularly stretch your muscles for weight loss under the supervision of a professional, then you will get the following benefits from stretching:

  1. Improved circulation of lymph and blood, contributing to weight loss.
  2. The disappearance of pain in the spine.
  3. Relaxed muscles without clamps.
  4. Improved metabolism due to fast metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Correct posture, muscle tone, excellent physical shape.
  6. Increased body skin turgor.
  7. Stop feeling tired.
  8. Get rid of cellulite, fat deposits.
  9. The problem of salt deposits in the joints will go away.
  10. There will be no extra muscle relief.

Clothing for class

It doesn’t matter where you will be doing stretching, at home or in the gym, the main thing is to take care of clothes in which it is convenient to stretch your muscles during weight loss exercises. Choose a sportswear that is strong enough to withstand any stretch, so don't be shy about tight-fitting clothing. It is better to give preference to nylon, elastane, polyester, made using the latest technologies, so that the body "breathes". Leggings, T-shirts, T-shirts, tops of various configurations are suitable for stretching. When choosing shoes for stretching, it is better to pay attention to soft sneakers, Czechs, sneakers or ballet flats that will not interfere with weight loss exercises.

Music for stretching

Stretching for weight loss is performed slowly, resembling yoga classes in terms of the pace of movements, therefore, you need to choose a slow, unhurried rhythm for stretching music. When melodies for stretching are selected, they should be divided into several blocks:

  1. Slow music that will accompany the warm-up of all parts of the body to stretch the tendons and warm up the muscles.
  2. Faster rhythms on the second block of stretching, when there is an intense load on the muscles for weight loss.
  3. The final block of stretching is a relaxing breathing exercise that requires calm melodies that correspond to the rhythm of breathing.

A set of stretching exercises for stretching the legs

Stretching for weight loss includes two types of stretching: dynamic and static. For beginners, static stretching of muscle fibers is recommended, in which you can not make sudden movements so as not to get injured.

According to the stretching method for effective weight loss, taking one position, a person should be in it for 30 seconds or more, feeling how the muscles are stretched. With dynamic stretching, the athlete performs all kinds of sharp swings, splits, rolls, in which it is easy to get injured. For stretching the legs, lunges and walking with lunges are effective. Consider effective exercises for stretching the leg muscles and losing weight:

  1. "Butterfly". An effective exercise for slimming legs. For stretching, you should sit on the floor, bend two legs and connect with each other, remembering to keep your back straight. Then grab your feet with both hands and lean forward with a straight back, straightening your legs. Purpose: lower both knees to the floor and lie on your feet with your body.
  2. Stretching the groin muscles. This exercise is effective for stretching the calf muscles, which are located along the lower leg. It is also performed on the floor. Spread both legs wide apart, lean forward, placing your hands back. The back and neck should remain straight. After a minute, bend over to the right toe, and then to the left.
  3. Cross and longitudinal twine. Effective stretching for the inner thigh. Try to sit slowly and carefully, first on the longitudinal, and then on the transverse twine. Just do not force the results and use force. If you train regularly, then in the end you will definitely sit on the twine.

Best Hand Exercises

  1. "Swing". Great exercise for weight loss. Stand up, straighten your back, take dumbbells. Perform upward and forward movements with your hands (pendulum). At the highest point, turn your thumbs down. Then make movements along the reverse trajectory back behind your back. The legs are constantly shoulder width apart. Do at least 30 times.
  2. "Compass". Stretching for the shoulder ligament and joint. Stand up, stretch your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Rotate your arms 10 times in a circle forward and then back. Increase the trajectory until the plane of the exercise becomes vertical.
  3. "Scissors". Lengthens the extensor and flexor muscles of the arms. Stand up and stretch your straight arms at shoulder level forward. Bring and spread your hands according to the principle of "scissors", performing the exercise with the top, then the right hand from above.

Stretching for the back at home

  1. Sitting bends. Stretching for the deep muscles of the spine. Sit on the mat, bend your knees, legs wide apart. Take a slow breath in, and as you exhale, begin to slowly lower yourself forward with a straight back and outstretched arms. Try to reach the floor with your chest. Breathe deeply while holding the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Pitch-tilt. These movements will improve the flexibility of the back, help to lose weight in the buttocks, back of the thigh. Stand up straight, take one step forward, then bend over with a straight back, trying to touch your toes with your toes. Go down lower with each step. Take 14 steps with your left foot, then switch to your right foot.
  3. "Good morning". This stretch stretches the hamstrings and lower back. Stand with a straight back, bend your arms at the chest. Slowly bend your back, arching at the waist as far as you can. Slowly return to the starting position. Do 12 times.
  4. "Dog". An excellent exercise for stretching the back and for those who want to lose weight: it removes fat from the hips. Place a chair with its back against a wall. At a distance of 60 cm from the seat, kneel down, and put your hands on the edge of the chair. Slowly rise on your toes, straightening your limbs, fix with a straight back, then return back to kneeling.

How to do chest stretch at home

  1. "Applause". Effective stretching for breast elasticity. Stand with a straight back. Raise your arms at shoulder level, press your palms together. Take your straight arms as far back as possible from each other, then bring them together again, imitating claps. Do 20 times, varying the intensity of the exercise.
  2. "Cobra". Exercise for weight loss in the waist area. Lie on your stomach. Touch the floor with your toes, pointing your heels up. Put your palms on the floor, your chin also lightly touches the floor, as if you were preparing to do push-ups. Slowly lift your body up and take your head back, arching your spine. Help push off with your palms and bend your legs trying to reach the back of your head with your feet. Stop for 30 seconds at the point of highest stretch, then come back.
  3. "Bridge". This stretch builds the quadriceps thighs and chest muscles. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place them side by side. Slowly lift your hips up, moving your shoulders and pressing your forearms to the floor. Hold for half a minute, and then come back.

The best exercises for the abdominal muscles

  1. "Onion". Such stretching stretches the muscle fibers of the abdomen and chest. During the exercises, the posture resembles a bow with a bowstring. Lie on your stomach, bend your legs. Bend your spine as much as possible, grab your ankles behind your hands. Try to raise your legs higher towards the ceiling, for this, bring your heels closer to your buttocks. With proper technique, you will only touch the floor with your belly.
  2. "Awakening". It helps to stretch the muscles of the spinal region, oblique and anterior fibers of the abdomen, to lose weight in the waist area. Stand with a straight back, interlace your fingers together, then stretch your arms above your head, turning your palms towards the ceiling. Squeeze your abs and buttocks, inhale while stretching up. As you exhale, lean to the right, fix for half a minute, come back. Do the same with the left slope.
  3. "Turn of the Cobra". This stretching is effective in losing weight for the external and internal oblique muscles of the waist. Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs. Rest your palms on the floor, then push off with your hands, as if you were doing push-ups. Without lifting your hips from the floor, lift your torso up, bending at the spine. Turn your body to the left by bending your right arm. Hold the position at the point of resistance for half a minute, then come back. Repeat the same with a right turn.

How many calories are burned per workout?

Many people are interested in questions: does stretching help to lose weight and how many times a week you need to do it. Calorie consumption during stretching on average for an hourly workout is about 150 kcal. But these data are not absolute for weight loss, because they depend on many factors: body weight, metabolic rate, metabolism, and others.

To lose weight, you need to stretch at least 3 hours a week at the gym or at home. Training should be carried out 2 hours after the last meal, so that calories are burned more actively, and the main movement should begin only after a warm-up. You can lose weight with stretching if you do 6-8 sets for each exercise, giving yourself a short rest every 15 minutes.

What is the difference between stretching and Pilates and yoga

There are benefits for the figure from both stretching and yoga and Pilates. But these are different practices. Pilates weight loss movements are similar to yoga asanas, the difference is that there is no meditation in Pilates. During yoga and Pilates, the whole body works at once, and in stretching, weight loss exercises have been developed that work separately for all muscle fibers. During yoga and Pilates, deep breathing is used, which saturates the internal organs with oxygen. Stretching gymnastics helps to relax, slows down aging, while maintaining the elasticity of joints and ligaments.

Contraindications to exercise

Stretching can harm people when losing weight with joint pathologies, spinal injuries, and serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is not necessary to stretch the muscles with inflammatory lesions of the body, infectious diseases, at high temperatures. Stretching is not recommended after fractures, as muscle fibers and bones are stretched, which is dangerous for recently healed injuries.

Losing weight with stretching will not work with:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hernias.

Video tutorials: stretching for beginners

Stretching is a way to lose weight. The main rule for beginners is not to load too untrained body and stretch less at first. Before you start systematically engaging in stretching, it is recommended to go for a consultation with a physiotherapist. In order for weight loss to have the maximum effect from stretch marks, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of movements so that tension is constantly felt. We have prepared for you several video stretching workouts from YouTube, with which it is easy to lose weight without resorting to the help of a trainer:

Lesson with coach Olga Yanchuk

Strutching with Ekaterina Firsova

With fitness instructor Egor Onegin

Pair stretching

When starting to do fitness or strength training, most people set themselves the goal of losing weight, strengthening muscles, improving their figure and correcting their posture. Stretching exercises are performed slowly or statically and do not burn calories. What is the benefit of stretching then? What is it for and is it possible to do without it?

There are two ways to stretch muscles - static and dynamic. Both of them increase muscle elasticity, but the result is achieved by different methods.

Static stretching is called exercises when you need to stretch the muscle fibers as much as possible and hold the position for 10-20 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. Over time, the muscle will "remember" its new ability, and its extensibility will increase. The advantage of the static method is that it is safer than the dynamic method and is recommended for beginners.

Dynamic stretching is more suitable for experienced athletes and supporters of active cardio loads (walking, running, swimming): muscle fibers are stretched not by slow effort, but due to the inertia of movement, overcoming natural resistance (for example, with springy lunges or tilts with weights). Its disadvantage is that it is done "through pain" and can lead to injury. However, the benefits and harms of dynamic stretching are mutually balanced if you follow the safety precautions and training rules.

What does stretching do?

Remember how a cat wakes up: she bends, and then arches her back. In the same way, a person who gets out of bed in the morning or sits at his desk in the evening wants to stretch, stretch his stiff muscles, without thinking why he needs a stretch.

Introduce stretching exercises into your morning exercises, and you will feel how after 10-15 minutes of training, strength comes and your mood improves. Stretching helps the body enter the working mode: blood circulation is activated, blood flow to the muscles and brain increases, muscle clamps go away.

You may not be able to quickly sit on the twine, but soon you will notice what stretching gives in daily life:

Regular stretching exercises help to improve the well-being and health of older people: they do not allow the joints to stiffen, and the muscles to coarsen. Stretching is also useful for diabetes: physical activity helps regulate blood sugar levels, but not all diabetics are allowed vigorous exercise.

Stretching in training

Stretching increases the impact of strength training and reduces the likelihood of damage to muscles and joints, so it should be included in both the warm-up (after warming up) and the cool-down. These can be hatha yoga asanas, exercises from qigong or other oriental practices plus dynamic exercises.

How exactly to stretch at the beginning of a lesson depends on its goal. It is believed that static stretching before strength training reduces strength and reduces muscle endurance (for example, during sprinting, barbell exercises or blocks), while dynamic stretching does not affect muscle strength and strength.

A sharp cessation of motor activity is harmful to warm muscles, and a hitch helps them to cool down slowly and recover faster for the next lesson. As a hitch, static stretching is used.

Benefits for girls

The main thing that stretching is useful for girls is the flexibility of the body, thanks to which the female body can more easily cope with its specific functions and problems. When thinking about a weight loss program, start it with stretching - it does not require good physical fitness, but in the future it will help you perform strength exercises to burn calories.
They affect the body in the following ways:

  1. "Orange peel" and body fat in women is usually deposited on the abdomen and thighs, and it is quite difficult to deal with them. Stretching, especially twine, tightens the muscles of the abdomen and legs without power loads.
  2. Girls and women with elastic muscles are less likely to have painful periods, they are not disturbed by PMS, and cycle disorders are less likely to occur.
  3. Elastic muscles reduce the load on the spine during pregnancy, and after them, the muscles more easily remember the normal state. Female gymnasts are well aware of the usefulness of the transverse twine - childbirth is easier for them.

There are special exercises that are recommended to be performed while expecting a baby. For example, "Butterfly" - it will prepare the hip joints for a serious load in childbirth, reduce the likelihood of birth injuries in the baby and ruptures in the mother. During pregnancy, it is better to study in a group under the guidance of a trainer or by video.

Why do men need to stretch?

Athletes are sometimes underestimated. Many men believe that splitting and stretching is a woman's business, and for men, muscle strength and relief muscles are more important. However, professionals know that stretching increases the endurance of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus and its ability to recover, develops joints.

Stretching is used by men:

Get it right!

One of the basic rules for stretching is correct breathing. Breathe calmly (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth), while stretching, slowly inhale deeply, but do not hold your breath. This is especially important for dynamic stretching, as pain during inhalation is felt less.

Do not start your warm-up with stretching, and if you are purposefully doing stretching, do not forget to warm up before class. Stretching is best after a cardio workout, and if you don't do it, do some school exercises and lightly massage the target muscles.

Don't overdo it! Muscle fibers are stubborn, they will not be able to achieve a quick response. When you feel tired, stop and rest. Beginners should not hold the pose for more than half a minute.

Remember- everything that stretching gives your figure and muscles is lost without regular exercise, and it is very difficult to restore body flexibility after a long break. Therefore, it is better to constantly keep the muscles in good shape with a small load than to overtrain, get injured and be out of action for a long time.

In order for the organism to work at its maximum, and the owner of this organism does not experience any warning or painful sensations, it is necessary to organize the harmony of mind and body. Within the framework of this article, the process of working on the body using stretching will be considered in detail. Obviously, for the development of a full-fledged muscle corset, complex approaches should be used that are not limited to just physical activity. It is very important to conduct high-quality warm-ups and stretches, which will further strengthen the muscles, correct the figure and implement the prevention of a whole range of disorders in the body.

What is stretching in fitness?

Stretching is a subspecies of fitness, which is a set of exercises that help stretch the muscles and ligaments of the body. The name "stretching" itself is derived from the English word stretch, meaning to pull, stretch. It should be noted that such aerobics is an effective tool for stretching muscles, normalizing biological processes and stimulating the body as a whole.

In order for fitness to bring the necessary “fruits”, you need to alternate stretching with physical activity. This gymnastics is very popular all over the world, because it can be resorted to without any preparation and base of sports skills.

Depending on the goal, the described type of fitness can be used to treat and prevent a number of diseases, restore and correct the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Stretching classes allow you to prepare for physical exertion and subsequent sporting events as efficiently as possible. Leading experts in the field of fitness claim that stretching is an integral part of gymnastics, regardless of the experience and age of the person attending the training.

The benefits and harms of stretching

It can be unambiguously noted that if the training is carried out correctly, stretching is not able to cause any harm to the body. On the contrary, this is a purely positive event, which has a number of positive aspects. It is for this reason that stretching is included in the daily training program for professional athletes, helping to avoid traumatic cases, tone muscles and keep fit.

If we talk about the benefits of stretching, then everything is quite open here, for example, stretching allows you to disperse blood and lymph throughout the body, due to which the internal organs are saturated with oxygen, and such phenomena as swelling and inflammation of the tissues do not actually occur. Thus, credit must be given to using stretching to stimulate metabolic processes and bodily functions.

It is worth noting that it is the stretching of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus that has a beneficial effect on the mental activity of a person. With this type of exercise, mood improves, sleep becomes stronger, mental stress and irritation disappear. It should also be noted that people who resort to daily stretching, on average, live 10 years longer than people who avoid this event altogether.

Can you lose weight by stretching?

Stretching, like all fitness disciplines, is primarily aimed at normalizing the functioning of the body, as well as body shaping and rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries. It is known that stretching leads to an improvement in the functioning of the circulatory system, dispersing liquid tissue throughout the body. At the same time, hemoglobin carries oxygen on itself, saturating every cell of the body with it. It is this process.

Burned fat cells turn into muscle mass. Thus, using stretching as a body shaping tool, you can not only reduce the waist, but also strengthen the muscle corset and give relief and strength to the forms. In this regard, we can answer quite clearly: stretching is a great way to lose weight without consequences for the body.

Stretching rules at home

In order for the training to have no side effects, you need to follow a number of rules. This will reduce trauma, as well as increase the productivity of gymnastics. Thus, we can distinguish a list of the following rules that will be relevant when doing stretching:

  1. all movements should be filled with smoothness. It is necessary to completely eliminate jerks or sudden movements;
  2. each of the stretching elements does not need to be held for more than 30 seconds;
  3. the less experience a person has in this type of exercise, the slower the pace of training should be;
  4. before starting classes, you need to warm up with stretching movements, which should last no more than 3 seconds;
  5. if during stretching pain or discomfort occurs, you should immediately stop training and resume only after the discomfort or pain has completely disappeared;
  6. An important element of stretching is breathing, which should be even, calm and measured, setting the pace for the lesson.

A set of effective exercises for beginners

It should be noted that there are many approaches in stretching, the choice of which determines the further strategy of classes. It all depends on the individual training, age and health status of each individual participant in the fitness training. Thus, it is necessary to highlight a number of the most effective exercises that will allow you to conduct classes at home without the help of a trainer:

  • standing with a straight back, you need to lower one hand down, and bring the other as far as possible behind the head so that a developed angle forms in the shoulder. The arm during the exercise should remain straight;
  • it is necessary to take the head as far forward as possible, after which, from the resulting position, tilt the head alternately in both directions. If desired, you can help yourself with your hand, propping your chin with a brush for a more pulling effect;
  • you should stand with your back to the wall, turning your shoulders and pressing your raised hands to a vertical surface. From this position, you need to do squats;
  • from a standing position on all fours, it is necessary to raise the right arm and left leg, while the arm must be pulled forward, and the leg, respectively, back.

Video lesson on stretching for the spine and back

The video offered for viewing is a demonstration material containing a set of exercises for stretching the spine. With the help of this gymnastics, you can independently, using the recommendations from the video, qualitatively work out not only the spine, but also the muscles of the back, preventing the development of various diseases and injuries.

Video workout for stretching for weight loss

This material is perfect for beginners and will allow you to safely and effectively prepare the body for physical activity in order to lose weight. After reviewing the video, you can get all the necessary information regarding the stretching of all major muscle groups and ligaments.

Video: twine stretching with Ekaterina Firsova

This video is a step by step instruction on stretching. The set of exercises under consideration is prepared for those who want to sit on the twine. For this reason, each stage of training is aimed at developing the musculoskeletal system, which in the future will allow you to sit on the twine without the risk of injury or pain.

Stretching contraindications

As described above, stretching is a safe type of sports activity that does not have a negative effect on the body, however, there are a number of conditions that do not allow stretching. Thus, stretching will have to be abandoned in the following situations:

  • oncological diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • injuries and diseases of bone tissue and ligaments;
  • impaired mobility of the joints;
  • previous fractures;
  • osteochondrosis and a number of diseases associated with disruption of the spine.

Hello dear readers! This article is for women.

In this article, we will consider an important topic that girls and women are often interested in to maintain a beautiful body shape. It's about stretching. I will also share the secrets of the most effective exercises for flexibility and body development. If you always want to be beautiful and healthy, then this article is for you.

Stretching (stretching) is a set of exercises aimed at developing the flexibility of the muscles of the whole body. Stretching can be performed on individual muscle groups or you can choose a set of exercises for stretching the whole body. Everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves, because the effectiveness of the exercises is the same.

A huge number of women in pursuit of a slender body do not leave treadmills and exercise bikes. Of course, frequent workouts are a surefire way to lose weight, but don't forget the importance of stretching. By missing this step in your total workout, you lose the opportunity to strengthen your muscles, tone them, and make them strong, flexible and hardy.

Facts about stretching exercises for beginners that you probably haven't heard about.

Many people who are just starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym and other physical activities, pay very little attention to stretching or completely neglect this part of the workout. There is a myth that flexible muscles are needed only when playing professional sports, someone justifies themselves with lack of time and laziness, but many simply do not realize the benefits of this type of exercise. Nevertheless, stretching exercises are the most affordable way to always stay in good shape and in a good mood.

If you don’t remember the last time you did flexibility exercises, then don’t expect incredible results after the first workout. However, just a few minutes of stretching a day can improve blood flow in the muscles, elevate mood and get rid of stress.

The benefits of stretching for women

1. Flexibility training improves the overall condition of the muscles and makes them stronger. Static stretching exercises are the most difficult, as the body needs to pass the pain threshold and get used to it, but they are also the most effective. Overcoming discomfort for some time and withstanding stress, the body is rejuvenated.

2. By developing your own body, making it flexible and plastic, you are ensured the safe performance of strength exercises, since insufficiently flexible ligaments can cause injuries and sprains.

3. With regular stretching exercises, your ligaments and tendons become elastic and are able to move with greater amplitude.

4. Stretching classes allow you to solve many problems, including complexes. The position of the posture and the whole body is aligned, you will not feel stiffness in the muscles, your gait will become easy and confident. How much you can tell about a person by his gait, especially for girls and women, this is very important. Stretching exercises gradually straighten problem areas, solve problems with the health of the back, joints and other muscle groups.

5. Regular stretching of muscles has a beneficial effect on sexual life. This allows you to do constant training and exercises to develop the muscles of the legs and hips. Be sure that with each new victory your sexual function increases, and external attractiveness increases.

6. If you perform stretching exercises with high quality, then for a certain period of time it is quite possible to solve problems with internal organs. For example, improve metabolism, speed up metabolism and improve blood circulation.

7. Stretching exercises can be done before or after training. Stretching before training allows you to warm up the muscles and avoid injuries, but before that, you must definitely warm up the muscles and ligaments. Stretching after exercise will calm the muscles and allow you to gradually reduce blood flow in the muscles. It is optimal to stretch after aerobic or strength training, when the body is already warmed up.

8. A flexible body is not only physical health and beauty, but also inner peace and self-confidence.

You can see that there are a lot of advantages in stretching exercises. But it is important to understand that for the best result, it is necessary to competently approach training, therefore, you should systematically approach this issue and learn more about stretching.

What are the types of stretching

In total, there are 2 types of stretching: static and dynamic.

Static stretching is one of the main types of stretching exercises, it is recommended for beginners to use it. During static stretching, no sudden movements are made. Having entered a certain position, you freeze in this position for a few seconds or minutes and watch how your muscles stretch.

During dynamic stretching, various movements are performed, such as swings, rolls from one position to another, etc. However, this type of stretching is not recommended for beginners. This is for the advanced!

A set of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs at home

1) Lunge with your right foot forward, and rest your left knee on the floor. Put your hands on your knee. Then slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in your hips. Then freeze in this position for half a minute, then, slowly return to the starting position, change your leg and repeat the exercise.

2) Sit on the floor, press your feet against each other, rest your elbows on your knees. Pressing your elbows into your knees, slowly tilt your body forward. Keep your back straight. Perform the exercise on the exhale and, having reached tension, linger in this position for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat this exercise a few more times. This exercise perfectly works out the ligaments of the groin and the internal muscles of the thighs.

3) Tilts from a standing position. This exercise is one of the most effective for stretching at home. Bend over and try to put your palms on the floor. Stay in a position where tension is felt and wiggle.

4) Lunges forward. Put one foot forward, take the other back, almost touching the knee of the floor. Keeping the original position, move your hips forward. Repeat this exercise with the opposite leg. The stretch should be felt in the front of the thigh, groin, and hamstring.

5) Lunges to the side. Lunge to the right side, leaving the left leg straight, keeping the foot flat on the floor, pointing the toe. Repeat this exercise with the opposite leg.

Performing any exercise, be sure to watch your breathing. Stretch as you inhale, and as you exhale, sag under the weight of your body. With proper breathing, the muscles are saturated with oxygen, the body becomes relaxed, and the brain calms down.

Exercise for stretching the spine

Lie on your back on the floor, firmly press the belt to the floor. Next, throw the right leg over the left and twist the body to the side. Thus, you will turn the torso in the lumbar region, while trying to tear your shoulders off the floor as little as possible. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and then do the same on the right side.

I would also like to emphasize the importance of regular exercise. Do these exercises as often as possible, ideally daily. Spend 15-20 minutes on stretching exercises and your body will thank you so much.

Stretching after strength training for girls

1. Stretching the inner thigh muscles after squats. Stand with a straight back. Gently transfer body weight to the left knee, bending the leg and turning the toe away from you. Then you need to lean your chest on this knee, and gently take your right leg back, sliding along the floor. Raise the foot of the left leg and touch it with the right hand. Hold this position for about a minute, then perform this exercise by changing legs.

2. Stretching the calf muscles is performed while standing, with a straight back. Put the toe of one foot on a raised platform, while the heel should sag. Hold this position for a minute, then repeat with the other leg.

3. Stretching the muscles of the lower back after the deadlift. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Rest your palms on your buttocks. When performing this exercise, you should feel the maximum stretching of the muscles. Lock in this position for a minute, and then return to the starting position.

5. Stand against a wall. Raise your bent arm above your head, resting your elbow on the wall. Slightly sliding down, stretch the triceps to the maximum. Stay in this position for a minute, then repeat this exercise with the other hand.

What is useful stretching for girls

Muscles that are used to being in good shape can reduce the load on the spine during pregnancy, and the natural process of childbirth is much easier. Also, after the birth of a child, it will not be difficult to restore the previous shape, it will be easier for your muscles to tone up.

It's no secret that negative and negative emotions destroy the body at the physical level, and also disrupts the functioning of individual organs. This is due to the fact that the hormones produced in stressful situations should encourage the muscles to work, this is a natural process laid down by nature. During physical exertion, they are consumed and then removed.

Sincerely, Arina Klishina

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