How to enlarge the eyes with the help of plastic surgery. Eye augmentation surgery. Makeup artists' life hacks to visually enlarge the eyes

This trick was invented by Koreans. To by nature narrow eyes appeared larger, they wear lenses with an enlarged iris.

Lenses with an iris of 14-15 mm (with or without diopters) will make the eyes of dolls, like anime characters. For comparison, the iris is usually about 11–13 mm in diameter.

The effect of magnifying lenses is instantaneous and very bright. But before using them, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. For some people, even short-term contact lenses cause irritation.

2. Highlight the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows

According to the laws of color, dark shades visually reduce everything, and light shades increase everything. To make your eyes look bigger, be sure to highlight the inner corners of the eyelids and the area under the eyebrows.

Use light matte shadows or a highlighter for this. Light shimmer can be applied to the corners of the eyes. Also, a little mother-of-pearl will not hurt in the center of the moving eyelid. It will add volume to the make-up and make the eyes more noticeable.

3. Line your eyes and draw arrows correctly

One of them is to enclose the eyes in a black frame. When the eyeliner moves from the moving eyelid to the fixed eyelid and captures the water line, the eyes turn into small black slits. Looks terrible!

To enlarge the eyes, use the pencil technique. Draw the lash line with a pencil upper eyelid: The closer to the inner corner, the thinner the line should be. Then bring the lower eyelid, but only the space between the eyelashes and only to the middle of the eye. Carefully blend the eyeliner and apply eye shadow.

If you decide to add arrows, be sure to bring them outside the outer corners of the eyes towards the tips of the eyebrows.

4. Apply light kayal to the waterline

A soft underwater pencil of pale pink or cream color, applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, will not only visually enlarge the eyes, but also hide signs of fatigue.

5. Try blue, purple or teal liner

These cool saturated colors will make your makeup look brighter and your eyes more expressive.

Try instead of black to line your eyes with a blue or purple pencil, and you will see how your eyes open wide.

6. Draw the crease of the eyelid just above the natural line.

If you highlight the fold of the moving eyelid with shadows a few tones darker than the main shade in the makeup, the look will become more expressive. And if you shift the drawing line by 1–2 mm from natural crease, the eyes will become visually larger.

7. Add volume to your lashes

The thicker and longer eyelashes, topics more eyes. If nature has not rewarded you with luxurious eyelashes, use mascara to increase volume.

Curl your upper lashes with a curling iron and then apply the first coat of mascara. Paint over the eyelashes not to the temples, but strictly up. Dust your lashes lightly with loose powder and apply a second coat or use false lashes.

On the lower lashes apply one coat of mascara or leave them bare.

You can see these and other tricks in action in the following video:

Canthopexy is a type plastic surgery during which the surgeon lifts and strengthens outer corners eye. If during the operation a part of the canthus is also removed (due to its excessive stretching and for other reasons), then such an intervention is called canthoplasty. What type of operation is needed for a particular person to solve it aesthetic problems. The need for surgery can only be judged by a doctor.

Cantopexy allows you to return the previous state of the eyelids to people diagnosed with ectropion (eversion of the mucous membrane of the eyelid outwards). Such a problem can occur as a result of injuries and the formation of scar tissue, as well as loss of muscle tone.
Partial correction of facial asymmetry. Such a need arises to restore facial parameters in people who have suffered paralysis. facial nerve.
Preventing the effect of bulging eyes in patients with myopia.
Blepharoplasty, an operation to correct the eyelids, is often performed simultaneously with canthopexy.

Indications for canthopexy:

  • Omission of the outer corners of the eyes (congenital or age-related).
  • Eye shape correction. Often available plastic surgery women who want to change the shape of the eyes for aesthetic reasons are treated: to make them bigger or change the shape.
  • Medical indications: correction of the incision of the eyes with bulging eyes (exophthalmos), which occurs in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Creating the effect of "cat's eyes".
  • Correction of "bags" under the eyes, which occur due to fatty deposits.
  • Post-traumatic weakening of the canthus.
  • Shortening of the palpebral fissure as a result of fusion of the eyelids.
  • Complications after burns and chronic inflammation.
  • Failed eye surgery in the past.
  • Lifting a sagging lower eyelid. Thanks to this, the sad and mournful expression of the face, characteristic of older people, is eliminated.

Main process

This operation is carried out in several stages - doctor:

1) Carefully describes all the features of the procedure we are considering;

2) Gives answers to the client's questions, listens to his additional wishes;

3) Looks for diseases in the patient and anatomical features, incompatible with canthoplasty and canthopexy;

4) Implements psychological support employer (talking about possible consequences and various nuances of the operation);

5) Exposes his ward local anesthesia, then moves and fixes the canthus in a new place, holding the corner of the eyelid.


About canthoplasty and canthopexy should be forgotten by those persons who:

  • Carried in the womb or breastfed
  • Have severe myopia high blood pressure inside the eyes or endocrine pathologies
  • Suffer from blood diseases, dry eye syndrome, oncological formations

Results before and after

Canthoplasty and canthopexy is a procedure that transforms a person's face. With its help, you can normalize self-esteem, increase popularity with the opposite sex, get rid of stress and other psychological disorders.

Eyebrow correction

Do you constantly say: "I want to enlarge my eyes"? First you need to work with the eyebrows. You need to pluck them so that the outer corners are slightly raised. You also need to carefully remove all the hairs at the bottom of the eyebrow and in the space between your eyebrows. You can increase the size of the eyes with the help of cosmetics and proper makeup. Get shadows that will serve you to increase the shape of the eyes. Try to buy and use shadows only light colors. Dark ones reduce the eyes, and you absolutely do not need this. This also applies to dark pencils, light color pencil will create a more open look and increase the borders of the eyes. You can easily not only increase, but also lengthen the eyes with the help of arrows.

First, take a curling iron and curl your eyelashes a little. Use powder and a soft brush to treat the eyelashes, and only after that apply the mascara itself. Wait a bit for the first coat of mascara to dry and reapply.
It is better to buy mascara that lengthens and emphasizes the eyelashes, but you do not need to purchase very rich black mascara. Also in exceptional cases you can use false eyelashes. Makeup artists recommend that girls have more on the upper eyelid, and on the lower cilia you need to apply mascara to a minimum.

You can use in the following way. Apply shadow all over the eyelid, but only in a natural shade. Work well on the crease of the upper eyelid. Use darker shadows in a natural shade, then blend them well so that obvious transitions do not appear. With the help of these simple tips you can visually increase the size of your eyes.

Special make-up secrets, false eyelashes, lenses with the effect of "expressive look" - what methods do girls not use in order to visually enlarge their eyes. Today we will share with you another trick that will help you open your eyes and lift your eyelids absolutely free.

The orbicularis oculi muscle helps make the eyes look bigger.

Even if you haven't encountered age problems in the area around the eyes crow's feet, drooping eyelids), making the look less expressive, you may simply be unhappy with the shape of the eyes or their size. Fortunately, this problem can be solved. And help you do it special exercises for eyes.

“The fact is that around the eyes we have a circular muscle, which, like all facial muscles, is attached to the skin at one end,” explains Anastasia Burdyug, author of the SUPER Face facial gymnastics course. “This means that by training this muscle, we can also tighten the skin around the eyes.”

How does the process of "opening" the eyes

When you regularly work with the muscles of the arms, your biceps and triceps gradually begin to emerge and your shoulders take on a beautiful relief shape. The same thing happens with the muscles of the face when we do special exercises for them.

Normally, we use the muscles around our eyes only to blink or squint. With these movements, the lower eyelid is almost not involved, as well as the area under the eyebrows. It is these microzones that the eye exercises from the Anastasia Burdyug complex are aimed at.

On this topic:

Eye opening exercise

In order to perform an exercise aimed at opening the eyes, connect index fingers hands with nails to each other and place them on the bridge of the nose. While the nails thumbs put on corners lower eyelids close to lashes. Try not to put pressure on your eyes, just lightly touch the skin. Your palms should form something that looks like glasses or a mask.

Close your eyes tightly, and use your fingers to pull the skin into opposite sides: index - up, and large - diagonally to the sides. Try not to put pressure on your face, namely to provide light resistance.

Hold this position for 30 counts. Relax your eyes, lower your arms.

Repeat the exercise at least once a day, and the result will appear in a couple of weeks.

This is just one exercise for the eye area from Anastasia Burdyug. Yet more exercise to all areas of the face with a detailed video analysis are waiting for you in .

What else will the eye opening exercise give you?

This simple exercise will help you not only open your eyes. Including muscles in the work, you activate the blood flow in the tissues in this area, which means that you nourish the delicate skin around the eyes well from the inside. It helps to counter the formation of wrinkles and dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. “Just do the exercise once a day and you yourself will see how the swelling will decrease and then disappear,” says Anastasia Burdyug. “And the eyelids will gradually begin to rise.” In addition, the activation of blood flow in the eye area helps to relieve tension and even improve vision, which is important for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

As you can see, facial gymnastics is not only great method rejuvenation without surgical intervention, it is also effective way enhance and enhance natural beauty. Try it!

Photo:, archive of Anastasia Burdyug


In order to make the look more open and enlarge the eyes, it is not always necessary to resort to expensive operations, because there are some ways and tricks that will help the owners of narrow and medium eyes to make them wider, and those who already have large eyes, to emphasize beauty.

These methods are quite simple and can be used at home, but the results are saved on short term, so all procedures will have to be performed regularly.

The easiest way - properly applied makeup. First you need to take care of an even and flawless complexion, choosing the right foundation, concealer, powder. After that, you can apply shadows - in order to highlight any part of the eye, you need to take light shades, dark ones are designed to hide and reduce volumes. Thus, to achieve the effect of enlarging the eyes, light shadows are applied to the inner corner, and dark ones to the outer. The transition from one color to another should be uniform, well shaded. To open up your eyes, you can apply light shimmers, but this trick will be more appropriate in makeup for the evening.

To enlarge the eye, it is necessary to bring it with a persistent dark pencil or eyeliner. In this case, the line should be very thin, and eyeliner should be applied only on the upper eyelid along the very ciliary edge. For additional effect visual increase, it is recommended to apply a white, pink or flesh-colored pencil on the water line of the lower eyelid. This method will also help to refresh your eyes a little and hide signs of fatigue.

In daily makeup, you can’t do without mascara, which in the case of small eyes is better to choose lengthening and giving volume. Before applying mascara, eyelashes can be curled with special tweezers. When staining eyelashes, you should try to stretch the brush in the direction from the inner corner to the outer, after which you can comb it with a special brush to separate them well. Mascara can also be applied to the lower eyelashes, but the 1st layer will be enough. If a woman does not have time to paint over her eyelashes every morning, then you can resort to extensions - this will always look attractive.

We should not forget about the eyebrows, because they help to adjust facial features. Eyebrows need to be periodically given correct form, tint and style with gel. To visually enlarge the eyes, you will have to find right balance and choose the required thickness of the eyebrows, their location.

Care is also important


The size of the eyes and the breadth of the gaze are also affected by the condition of the skin of the eyelids. If there are swelling dark circles, redness, then all this makes a negative impression. Therefore, they will have to be fought: cold compresses from tea or herbs will relieve swelling and swelling; redness may be a sign of an allergy to some cosmetic product, and dark circles usually appear from stress, lack of sleep and problems with internal organs which is a serious reason to see a doctor.

If it is planned significant event or an event and you need to visually open your eyes, then good decision may become special contact lenses. They are suitable for people with different levels vision, can be tinted, transparent, with protection from ultraviolet rays. It must be remembered that it is recommended to wear them for no more than 6 hours. These lenses are often referred to as scleral lenses because they cover not only the iris but also part of the sclera, making the eye itself larger.

There is also Facebook building - exercises to enlarge the eyes. This technique is a set of exercises for tightening, smoothing the epidermis, rejuvenation, giving the face desired shape. Exercises are recommended to be done regularly and at least once a day for a sufficiently long time. To perform one of the exercises, you need to open your eyes, but do not move your eyebrows so that there are no wrinkles on your forehead. The movement should be repeated several times, the eyes should be open for at least 10 seconds.

Every woman can use small tricks to improve her appearance, so they should not be neglected.

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