Should an adult have their tonsils removed? Tonsillectomy - removal of tonsils: types of operations and possible consequences. How are tonsils removed in adults

Removal of the tonsils is a radical procedure used in the inflammatory process and the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.

Half a century ago, tonsillectomy was one of the most frequent surgical procedures in medicine, but today, due to the development of medicine and the emergence of new treatment methods, the need to remove the tonsils has somewhat decreased.

However, in some cases, without surgical intervention recovery is impossible, and the source chronic infection, localized in the tonsils, can cause serious pathologies.

Therefore, it is necessary to know in which cases tonsillectomy is necessary, in which it is contraindicated, and how exactly modern medicine proposes to carry out this procedure.

A little about the structure of the tonsils

The tonsils (tonsils) are an accumulation of lymphoid tissue in oral cavity, in the area of ​​the pharyngeal ring. The formation of the tonsils occurs at about the age of 5-6 years, after which they finally take on an oval shape.

The tonsils have a porous structure due to the abundance of gaps that allow them to capture pathogenic microorganisms that enter the oral cavity along with the inhaled air, as well as follicles that produce cells immune system that protect the body.

Thus, tonsils have 2 functions:

  • barrier, associated with the capture of pathogenic microflora;
  • immunogenic, associated with the production of B- and T-lymphocytes.

There are four types of tonsils: palatine, tubal, pharyngeal, and lingual. Paired and symmetrical of them are only the first two types. Only the palatine tonsils are removed.

Indications for removal

Despite the fact that the tonsils play a significant role in the immune system and the protection of the human body from antigens, if they are affected by the inflammatory process, they become a source of danger. And if conservative therapy does not give results, it is necessary to remove the tonsils in adults and children.

Indications for the removal of the tonsils are limited to a list of phenomena that indicate the low effectiveness of other methods of treatment, in addition to surgery:

  • frequent relapses of angina;
  • severe course of angina (fever above 39 degrees, the presence of pus, a significant increase lymph nodes, sowing hemolytic streptococcus type A);
  • Availability autoimmune diseases associated with streptococcal infection, or high risk such pathologies due to burdened heredity;
  • an allergy to antibiotics that makes the treatment of tonsillitis or tonsillitis impossible;
  • tonsillitis without remissions;
  • hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue, due to which the tonsils obstruct normal process breathing;
  • jugular vein thrombosis.

Some of the reasons on the list are a clear indication for surgical intervention (difficulty breathing, jugular vein thrombosis, antibiotic intolerance), others are an indication for monitoring the patient's condition, conducting conservative treatment in various ways, before recommending a tonsillectomy to the patient.


In some cases, removal palatine tonsils is prohibited due to the health condition of the patient. To do this, his history must contain any of the following pathologies:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus type I;
  • reduced prothrombotic index as a result of pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • lung disease, tuberculosis.

The list of contraindications can also be supplemented with temporary restrictions that require postponing the excision of the tonsils until the factor is eliminated:

  • pregnancy;
  • infections;
  • any pathology in the acute stage.

The patient's condition and his ability to undergo surgery without complications is assessed by taking an anamnesis and laboratory examination.

Delete or not

Remove tonsils or continue conservative treatmentactual question who is trying to solve a large number of physicians. On the one side, we are talking about a chronic source of infection in the body, on the other hand, the tonsils are important body for a person.

The decision on the need for tonsillectomy is not made by the patient himself, but by his attending physician, often in conjunction with other specialists. Do not be afraid that the body, having lost the tonsils, will become defenseless against various infections.

Firstly, only 2 out of 6 tonsils are removed, and secondly, by the time the decision is made about the inevitability of the operation, they no longer perform any protective function.

Considering the question in which cases the tonsils are removed, it is important to take into account not only the dynamics of the course of tonsillitis, but also functional state fabrics.

If the tissues of the tonsils are atrophied and they do not fulfill their function, the operation will be best solution to completely eliminate the inflammatory process.

Preparing for the operation

The preparatory period includes following analyzes:

  • general analysis blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • a study to determine the blood type and Rh factor;
  • electrocardiogram.

It is important to understand that some indicators in the analyzes may have significant deviations as a result of ongoing tonsillitis, which led to the need for surgical intervention.

In this case, the decision on the possibility of tonsillectomy is decided by a consultation of doctors.

After the examination, the doctor asks the patient different ways removal of the tonsils, talks about the course of this procedure, answers the questions: is it painful to remove the tonsils, how many days will you have to spend in a hospital.

On the scheduled day of the operation, the patient should not eat or drink water.

Types of tonsillectomy

To date, there are following methods tonsil removal.

Classical tonsillectomy

"Hot" tonsillectomy

KindsThe essence of the operationprosMinuses
laserThe tissues are peeled off using a laser beam. Partial removal of the tonsils is possible.Local anesthesia and no need to spend time in the hospital, speed, no wounds and bleeding.Burn of adjacent tissues, pain after the procedure, high price, risk of recurrence (up to 20%)
CridestructiveThrough the device, cryodestructive gas is supplied to each tonsil, the tissue dies and is rejected for 10-15 days.Local anesthesia and no need to spend time in the hospital, painless throughout the entire rehabilitation period, no wounds and bleeding, speed.Bad breath during the rehabilitation period, ear pain for several days after the operation.
radio waveRadio waves through a conductor introduced into the organs heats the tissues and destroys them.There is a risk of relapse, a high price.
UltrasonicAn ultrasonic knife dissects tissues, coagulating capillaries and vessels.
CoblatorThe tonsils are alternately affected by a device that converts it into a plasma stream that destroys tissues.

How are tonsils removed? Does it hurt to remove tonsils? Can the temperature rise after the removal of the tonsils? These and other questions are of most concern to those who need to cut out the tonsils for one reason or another.

The operation to remove the tonsils in medicine is considered the most common manipulation, which is not very difficult. Previously, in Soviet times, they resorted to it quite often. Currently, experts carefully analyze the situation and make an informed decision on the expediency of removal. Now doctors are in no hurry to prescribe such a surgical intervention, and resort to it only in case of emergency.

If the tonsils are removed, then the body is in some way threatened by a weakening of the immune system. tonsils perform protective function. Is it really necessary to remove the tonsils, only a specialist can say.

Experts came to the conclusion that the age of the patient matters. Children are not recommended for removal, as well as persons over 40 years of age. We can say that the 40-year milestone is a certain threshold that determines the appropriateness of the procedure.

Indications for removal

Throat diseases cause a lot of problems to their owner. A person is tormented by constant pain in the throat, which is sometimes difficult to get rid of. They can be especially severe at night, preventing you from getting enough sleep and restoring your strength. Indications for the removal of tonsils are as follows:

  • Chronic tonsillitis. This serious illness which requires close attention and responsible attitude. If you are tired of undergoing numerous examinations and endlessly treating chronic tonsillitis, perhaps it is worth going through such an unattractive procedure as the removal of the tonsils. The removal of the tonsils in itself is a rather serious decision that must be made consciously, considered from the perspective of a doctor. Persistent sore throat is a valid reason for a tonsillectomy. There is no need to postpone the operation until later. You will only exhaust yourself and make your loved ones suffer.
  • Enlargement of the tonsils. Removal of the tonsils can be shown not only with constant pain in the throat. Regardless of whether the throat hurts or not, the removal of the tonsils is justified with their significant increase in size. In some, especially critical cases, the tonsils grow so large that they often block the access of oxygen during natural respiration. There is a risk that the patient at some point will simply suffocate when coughing or another exacerbation of the disease.

  • Severe intoxication of the body. Any inflammatory process occurring in the body is dangerous because it slowly poisons it. There is an intoxication of all organs and systems. This state of affairs cannot be ignored or pretended to be completely unimportant. Of course, any of us can get sick, however, why suffer so much and is it worth enduring systematic pain? Severe intoxication of the body can lead to a decrease in immunity, and this, in turn, threatens with other, no less dangerous consequences.
  • Chronic exacerbation sore throats. Can angina be a significant indication for surgical intervention? It turns out yes. In the event that the disease visits you very often, then the removal of the tonsils can be a worthy way out of the situation. The need to take medications frequently, whether painkillers or otherwise (names play no role here, there is no point in naming them), can change the perception of life not in better side. Chronic exacerbation of angina brings a lot of grief and suffering to its owner. Heat, severe pain, which sometimes simply cannot be tolerated, will significantly impair the quality of life. If angina recurs more than three times a year, this is a significant indication for excision of the tonsils.

How to prepare for surgery

Most people need to mentally prepare for the removal of the tonsils. It is important to tune in to the process itself: to overcome fear and your own doubts. After all, the state after the operation will change gradually, and not immediately. In addition, within a few hours you can not eat food and even drink water. An adult is able to cope with such a load on his own, but children need control. To prepare for the operation, you need to visit the following specialists in the clinic: a general practitioner, a dentist, a cardiologist. In addition, you will need to pass a general blood and urine test, undergo a blood coagulation test.

Postoperative period

After the question of whether or not to remove the tonsils has been successfully resolved, it is worth taking care of yourself. You need to be prepared for the fact that the voice may change for a while, sometimes there are discomfort when swallowing. Recovery doesn't happen as quickly as we often want. Be patient and just wait. Often, patients have prolonged bleeding, which also cannot but disturb and excite. It may take some time to recover after the removal of the tonsils, so it is better to take a vacation at your place of work at your own expense or arrange a full-fledged sick leave. Postoperative period includes a number of responsible measures that you must try to comply with for a certain amount of time.

Drinking clean water

Life after tonsil removal can seem downright disappointing at some point. Numerous prohibitions do not contribute to raising the mood, moreover, pain will also periodically make themselves known. What you can do, perhaps without restrictions, is to drink pure cool water. If several hours have already passed after the operation, feel free to drink some water - it will help you recover faster after an emotional and physical shock.

Taking a cool shower

During the first few days after the operation, you must refuse to visit the bath, sauna, do not sunbathe in the sun. Shower should be taken only cool, in no case hot! Otherwise, the recently stopped bleeding may reopen, leading to serious consequences.


Try to talk less after having your tonsils removed. This is not someone's whim, but necessary measure for a speedy recovery. The ideal option he will generally be silent for several hours and even days, and with relatives he will be explained by signs. Extroverts will have a slightly harder time than introverts. It is best to stock up on one or two for this period. interesting books and immerse yourself in a fictional world so that you don’t have to be bored for a long time.

Careful oral hygiene

During hygienic cleaning teeth, try not to damage the area where the surgical intervention was performed. Avoid swallowing toothpaste and rinse your mouth gently. Remember, the water should be slightly cool, not hot. Do not abuse the desire for clean teeth, as it should not be, and avoid it, because microbes living in the oral cavity can be dangerous to a fresh wound.

What should be abandoned

Many people who have undergone an operation to remove the tonsils are concerned about the question, what can you eat after such an “execution”? It seems like a complete sacrilege to eat the usual food. In any case, you will have to change your diet, somehow stand your ground, do not let your family indulge you with prohibited products. In the early days, it is better to resolutely refuse all kinds of trips, visits to cultural events. Firstly, at any time the temperature may rise, weakness and dizziness may appear. Secondly, physical state is unlikely to be conducive to active pastime. Most likely, you will feel overwhelmed, a desire to sleep more. It is unlikely that you will want to receive guests and even perform routine tasks, such as cooking dinner or cleaning the apartment. All these activities are best postponed until a more appropriate moment.

Thus, the question of whether it is necessary to remove the tonsils, each person should answer for himself, only after consulting with a competent specialist. The consequences after the removal of the tonsils are not so critical if the operation itself is carried out in a specialized clinic in compliance with all hygiene and sanitary standards.

But before talking about surgery, you need to take a closer look at what the tonsils are and why they are needed in the body.

What are tonsils

The tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue that are part of the immune system. There are several tonsils in our body, but we will talk only about palatine (also called tonsils). These are paired formations located on the border of the oral cavity and pharynx. They consist of lymphocyte cells that perform hematopoietic and protective functions.

When meeting with foreign microorganisms, the tonsils are one of the first to react and defend themselves against the penetration of harmful agents. Therefore they are essential part immune system, and the removal of the tonsils can negatively affect the level defensive forces organism. But when assessing the consequences of the operation (both in adults and children), the doctor considers all the pros and cons of this intervention and only after that makes a decision. In what cases is the operation required?

When is an operation needed?

Before making a decision on the surgical intervention, the doctor performs not only comprehensive examination patient, but also takes into account some facts.

We list the main ones:

  1. How often during last year did the person have a sore throat?
  2. What are the symptoms of an exacerbation of this disease?
  3. How severe is angina?
  4. What do the results of a smear taken from the surface of the tonsils give? What pathogen was found?
  5. Does the patient have relatives with rheumatism or heart defects?

Going to see a doctor, is it desirable to prepare and be able to answer these questions in detail? If required, it will be additional examination, which will be able to identify the presence or absence of indications for the operation.

Until relatively recently, such an intervention was performed quite often. Now experts are inclined to believe that a more gentle attitude to the tonsils is required and carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Among the indications for which doctors may advise this operation, the following can be noted:

  • if the incidence of angina exceeds 4 times a year;
  • there is chronic tonsillitis with irreversible changes in the tonsils;
  • on the background chronic process often develop purulent processes in the larynx;
  • a person has a sharp weakening of immunity;
  • due to a significant increase in the tonsils, the breathing process is difficult (snoring in a dream can cause a short-term cessation of breathing).

Tonsil removal methods

There are several operational ways get rid of tonsils. More modern is their removal with a laser. But in some cases, they resort to traditional surgical intervention, which is performed under general anesthesia. There are also other methods to remove tonsils. Consider everything possible types operation in adults and children in more detail.

  1. Classical. Implies complete removal tonsils, the operation is performed under general anesthesia with surgical scissors and loops. During its implementation, the tonsils are completely removed. The bleeding opened during the operation is stopped by electrocoagulation. Such a cardinal approach completely eliminates the possibility of subsequent development of angina. But it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of the complete removal of the tonsils. The absence of lymphoid formations in the form of palatine tonsils deprives the body of serious protection against the invasion of infection from the outside. This can cause inflammation to spread down the airways and lead to the development of laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Also of the possible consequences in both children and adults, it is worth noting an increase in the risk allergic diseases organs of the respiratory system.
  2. Partial removal. It is carried out by exposing the tonsils to ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures. In the first case, liquid nitrogen is used, under the influence of which the tonsils are frozen. In the second, the tonsils are exposed to a laser (carbon or infrared). These methods should be considered in more detail.
  3. Cryodestruction. Under influence liquid nitrogen freezing of lymphoid tissue occurs, which then dies. Negative temperatures block pain receptors, therefore, in this case not required general anesthesia and are often treated with local anesthesia. But this method there are also disadvantages. Firstly, this method is not radical and after it it is often necessary to carry out repeated operations. Secondly, the postoperative period is difficult and painful. You can also note the need for careful hygiene during this period.
  4. Laser tonsillectomy. The method of laser exposure does not require general anesthesia, only local anesthesia is sufficient. Blockage occurs under the influence of the laser blood vessels, so it is not marked heavy bleeding, which can be noted as the advantages of this method. Removal of tonsils with a laser can be different depending on the type used. It is possible to use an infrared laser, if the removal of a fairly large part of the tonsil is required, then they resort to a fiber optic laser. Carbon and holmium lasers are also used. In the first case, there is a sharp reduction in the volume of lymphoid tissue, and the second allows you to save the capsule. Most often, laser removal of the tonsils is resorted to, if necessary, partial tonsillectomy. It can be used in both adults and children.
  5. Ultrasonic scalpel. Under the influence of ultrasound, the lymphoid tissue is heated up to 80 degrees, which allows the operation to be carried out like a scalpel. In this way, you can perform a complete removal of the tonsils. But this method also has disadvantages - in particular, there is a risk of mucosal burns.

Recovery after surgery

After the removal of the tonsils should pass certain timerecovery period it takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks. In children given period is usually easier. Complete wound healing is noted by the end of the 3rd week.

For favorable course post-operative period, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • speak as little as possible;
  • limit physical activity;
  • follow a diet that allows you to eat only cool and soft foods (meat and vegetable puree, cereals, soups, yogurts);
  • drink as much liquid as possible;
  • observe oral hygiene with great care;
  • avoid general heating - do not visit baths, saunas, take only a cool shower.

Complications of the operation

After the removal of the tonsils, some consequences of the operation may be noted. Possible Complications can be observed both immediately after surgery and be distant.

Among the complications that are noted immediately after surgery, one can distinguish bleeding, tissue burns, and infection.

From long-term effects the most common decrease in local immunity, frequent infections respiratory tract(laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), the development of allergic bronchospasm. Long-term complications do not depend on how the surgical intervention was performed (classical method or laser), as well as on the anesthesia used (under general or local anesthesia).

As you can see, the surgical intervention to remove the tonsils can be different. But in order to take such a step, there must be clear indications that only an otolaryngologist can reveal after a thorough examination.

Useful video on whether tonsils can be removed

The removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) is an operation that was performed back in Ancient Rome. Confirmation of this is the mention of the course of the operation in the works of Cornelius Celsus, who lived at the beginning of our era. And although hundreds of years have passed since that moment, the operation has not lost its relevance and is now being carried out everywhere.

Indications for removal of tonsils

The tonsils are a small organ that is an accumulation of lymphoid tissue between the palatine arches. In the people, tonsils are often called tonsils. The purpose of this organ is to protect the body from microorganisms penetrating from the outside with air and food. Tonsils have a porous structure and are studded with depressions - lacunae.

However, under certain circumstances, the tonsils are not able to fully perform their protective function and even become a focus of chronic infection. In this case, the doctor may consider removing the patient's tonsils. What are the main indications for the removal of the tonsils?

  1. Repeated heavy;
  2. Ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  3. Diseases that have arisen against the background of angina (rheumatic heart disease, polyarthritis, etc.);
  4. Paratonsillar abscess and formed against the background of chronic tonsillitis;
  5. Tonsilogenic chroniosepsis;
  6. Enlargement of the palatine tonsils, which makes it difficult to swallow;
  7. Sleep apnea syndrome caused by an increase in the palatine tonsils and adenoids.

Usually, tonsillectomy is performed on a planned basis, during the period of remission of tonsillitis. But with such dangerous states like pharyngeal abscess and phlegmon, surgical intervention carried out urgently undercover.


Tonsillectomy, like any other operation, has a number of contraindications. Therefore, if there are certain pathological conditions the physician decides whether a tonsillectomy is appropriate. Contraindications for tonsillectomy are:

  • Blood diseases (blood clotting disorder);
  • Anomalies of the vessels of the pharynx (aneurysms, angiodysplasia);
  • Heavy mental illness;
  • in active form;
  • Severe form;
  • Severe diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs in the stage of decompensation.

There are also so-called relative contraindications when the operation can be performed by the surgeon only if certain conditions. These contraindications include acute infectious diseases, sharp inflammatory diseases internal organs, teeth, menstruation, .

Age by and large is not a contraindication. Thanks to modern developments, tonsillectomy can be performed both for children over the age of three and for the elderly.

Ways to remove tonsils

Regardless of which method will be used to remove the tonsils, the patient needs to undergo specific studies. This is the determination of the blood group and Rh factor, a blood test for coagulation, a general urine test. If necessary, the surgeon can also refer the patient for a consultation with narrow specialists in order to understand how the operation will affect in the presence of a particular somatic disease.

A few decades ago the only way removal of the tonsils was surgical. Now in the arsenal of an otorhinolaryngologist there are a lot of other modern methods.

Thus, the removal of the tonsils is carried out as follows:

Surgical excision

Tonsillectomy is performed under local anesthesia, less often under intubation anesthesia. Along the edge of the anterior palatine arch, the doctor makes an arcuate incision, highlights the upper pole of the tonsil and grabs it with forceps. Then the amygdala is isolated with a tool to the lower pole. The separated tonsil is removed with a surgical loop. Clamps are applied to bleeding vessels, and subsequently ligatures.

After the operation, the patient is placed in bed on his side. At the same time, the pillow should be low so that the person does not choke on mucus or blood from the wound. Drinking is allowed after six to eight hours, but you can only eat after a day. At the same time, the diet should contain food of an exceptionally soft consistency, not hot. Strict bed rest the patient must be observed for three days.

The disadvantage of this method of removing the tonsils is a large tissue trauma, as well as a significant risk of developing postoperative complications. These complications include:

  • Bleeding;
  • Phlegmon of the neck;
  • subcutaneous emphysema;
  • Hematoma of the pharynx;
  • Glossitis, acute medium;
  • Paresis of cranial nerves.

But the main advantage is the ability to remove the entire tonsil in one operation, unlike other methods, which may require repetition of the manipulation.

Removal by electrocoagulation

This method of removing tonsils is based on the use of electric current high frequency. Electrocoagulation has a destructive effect on the tissue of the tonsils, and also prevents bleeding during surgery, since the blood coagulates. However, this method has an undeniable drawback. The fact is that heat affects not only the tissue of the tonsils, but also the surrounding healthy tissues, which can cause burns. After the operation, painful and prolonged healing of damaged soft tissues is noted.

Ultrasonic Removal

A similar method of removal is possible through the use of an ultrasonic scalpel. The effect is carried out due to the high-frequency vibrations of the scalpel, due to which tissue is cut. Also, under the influence of ultrasound, blood coagulation occurs, due to which the operation is not accompanied by blood loss. The temperature of the surrounding tissues during the procedure reaches 80 degrees, which is much less than with electrocoagulation. Thus, we can conclude that ultrasound affects the surrounding healthy tissues more sparingly.

RF ablation

The essence of this method is the use of radio wave energy, which turns into heat. The Surgitron apparatus has similar properties. Manipulation is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, a probe is inserted into the tonsil tissue, through which radio waves are delivered. As a result, the tissue of the tonsils is scarred for several weeks and decreases in size. That is, the tonsil is not completely removed, but only reduced. Radiofrequency ablation is preferred if enlarged tonsils prevent a person from swallowing or cause sleep apnea.

The method of radiofrequency ablation has a number of advantages. This is the ease of performing the procedure, and minimal discomfort after the operation. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital for several days after the operation. The method of radiofrequency ablation is classified as an outpatient method, which means that the patient can leave the room after the procedure and go about their business.

Infrared laser removal

The infrared laser has a destructive and sintering effect on soft tissues. The peculiarity of this method is that the temperature of the surrounding healthy tissues rises only by a couple of degrees, so the effect of the laser on them is minimal. The advantages of the method are the absence of bleeding, swelling, and minimal sore throat after the procedure.

Removal with a carbon laser

The carbon laser vaporizes the tonsil tissue. This method allows not only to reduce the volume of the tonsil, but also to destroy all existing pockets in which pathogens chronically accumulate.

Removal of the tonsils with a carbon laser is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and takes no more than twenty minutes in total. Bleeding is extremely rare. Patients report that pain after surgery is minimal.

Removal with a microdebrider

A microdebrider is a tool with a blade at the end that rotates at high speed. Its use allows for a gentle, selective excision of the tonsil tissue. With this method, produce incomplete removal tonsils, since its capsule is preserved. But partial tonsillectomy is not resorted to in case of chronic inflammation tonsils. The postoperative period is easily tolerated by the patient, pain syndrome minimally expressed.

Before talking about painful procedure, you need to know what tonsils are and their functions in the human body. And so tonsils are accumulations of tissue lymphatic system located in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. Their main function is protective or barrier. The tonsils protect the upper respiratory tract from a variety of infections entering the body through the respiratory system, mouth or nose. Most often, the reason for the removal of accumulations is chronic tonsillitis, as well as an increase in the volume of the tonsils.
Chronic illness, tonsillitis is an excessive and frequent inflamed condition of accumulations, during which they are not able to fulfill their immune role in protecting the body, but act in direct proportion, that is, they themselves become the cause infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. Also, the reason for the removal of the tonsils is their hypertrophy. During this condition, the tonsils increase in size, resulting in impaired breathing or difficulty swallowing food.
To date, the tonsils are removed different ways. Let's consider with you several ways how tonsils are removed.
Tonsilectomy, a tonsillectomy technique, is characterized by the isolation and removal of inflamed accumulations using a special loop. A technical breakthrough does not stand still and therefore there is a method for removing tonsils by electrocoagulation, using a laser and ultra sound. The removal procedure itself lasts from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Inflammatory tonsils are removed under general anesthesia. The countries of the Western world use anesthesia, general anesthesia to remove and extract the tonsils. During anesthesia, a person is not able to feel pain, because at the same time he is unconscious and does not see the entire procedure in full. In countries post-Soviet space until a few years ago, the tonsils were removed under local anesthesia. At this moment, the person does not feel pain, but is conscious and can see the entire operation with his own eyes. As a result of this operation, a person experiences a state of shock, which leads to stress on the body, especially if the operation to remove the tonsils is performed in childhood.
When using any type of anesthesia, the perception of pain is stopped or blocked, and consciousness is completely turned off. To guide the patient into an anesthetic state, anesthesiologists use special devices. To achieve this state of the patient, an incubation tube is used or replaced with a laryngeal mask. Less often, doctors use sedation to lead the human body into an anesthetic state. local anesthesia during surgery to remove the tonsils is used only if the sick adult is resistant to stressful situations organism. Before the procedure, you must consult your attending physician, who, knowing your body, will be able to suggest the use of the correct and necessary type of anesthesia when removing the tonsils. However, if during the beginning of the procedure the anesthesiologist insists on changing anesthesia, you should trust his many years of experience.
Since most patients are children, there is an opinion that the use local anesthesia to remove the tonsils is a real act of vandalism. During the operation, the patient must be immobile, and his muscles must be completely relaxed, and it is impossible to achieve all of the above from children. That's why alternative way removal of tonsils in children takes place under the influence of general anesthesia. Years of experience Western countries shows about its advantages and causing less trauma to the psyche of the child. In the western region, if a doctor suggests a different type of anesthesia, then this can be regarded as an act of mockery of a sick child.
Complex surgery to remove the tonsils is considered one of the easiest types of surgery that is quick and painless.
The procedure itself takes place in several stages.
1. An anesthesiologist before the procedure to remove the tonsils puts on a breathing mask on the patient, as a result, after a few minutes, the patient falls asleep.
2. For the patient, the operation is painless, during the procedure, the doctor removes part of the charged accumulation and the whole tonsil, depending on the degree of disease of the tonsils.
3. After anesthesia, the patient regains consciousness and the medical staff helps him roll over on his side, apply a cold lotion of ice to his neck so that the blood can clot faster and the patient does not lose a large amount of it.
During use general anesthesia the consciousness of a person is completely turned off, as a result of which pain is not perceived by the patient. Also, the chosen method of anesthesia allows the doctor to work calmly.
In addition to anesthesia, the patient can choose the method of removal of the tonsils:
1. removal of tonsils with liquid nitrogen;
2. removal of tonsils using a laser beam;
3. Removal with a scalpel.
After the operation, the patient will need several hours to recover from anesthesia. The very return to reality is painless, because before the procedure, the anesthesiologist chooses the type of anesthesia that suits you. The use of general anesthesia makes it possible not to feel pain only during the operation. After the operation, the pain returns. To relieve pain, doctors prescribe painkillers to the patient. After the operation it is necessary to pass full course taking antibiotics to prevent infection. The only complications after surgery can be bleeding, infection and adverse effects of anesthesia. According to statistics, out of 10,000 operations performed, only one can have complications, and 1 death follows in 250,000 procedures.

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