Mathematical formula for calculating blood pressure. How to calculate your average pressure? The formula for calculating the norm of average pressure in adults

The work of the cardiac and vascular systems is evaluated according to many criteria. People with problems in this area need to especially clearly control blood pressure, take prescribed medications. The generally accepted boundaries of normal values ​​​​are in the range from 110/65 to 130/85 mmHg. Deviations in one direction or another are the reason for going to the doctor. However, in medicine, several formulas have been defined that are more informative than the numbers on the tonometer. Having mastered them, you can easily calculate the mean arterial pressure and take necessary measures prevention of complications.

Term blood pressure implies striking force that blood exerts on vascular walls. Gradually, under the influence of time and negative factors, they lose their firmness and elasticity, becoming more susceptible to all sorts of damage.

An individual's blood pressure readings consist of upper (systolic or SBP) and lower (diastolic or DBP) values. The number before the fractional separator reflects the pressing force that the blood exerts on the walls of the artery directly during cardiac output. This is systolic pressure. The number after the fraction shows the load on the bloodstream during a pause or rest of the heart muscles. This is diastolic. For the calculation of all subsequent mathematical expressions, these final factors will serve as the main ones.

Determining Important Values

Doctors rarely warn people about the importance of such a concept as pulse pressure (BP). However, it can be used to determine the patency of blood vessels, the stiffness of the walls, the presence of spasms and inflammation in their tissues. Given how easy it is to calculate pulse pressure, everyone should know the formula. DBP must be subtracted from SBP, as a result we get the desired.

The normal value is 45 mmHg. A number below 30 always indicates a problem.

It can be:

  • Left ventricular stroke.
  • Heart failure.
  • Large loss of blood from trauma and more.

If blood pressure is elevated, goes over 50, such reasons are not excluded: atherosclerosis, severe hypertension, heart block, endocarditis, anemia and other diseases.

Blood pressure norms according to WHO

The calculation of the mean arterial pressure (MAP) helps the doctor and the patient to control the process of the full cycle of cardiac activity. This indicator does not make it possible to finally describe the functions of the heart, but is basic in such an assessment. There are several ways to calculate mean blood pressure.

  1. The generally accepted and most common method is as follows: the lower number is subtracted from the upper digit of the tonometer, the difference is divided by 3, then the lower "Average blood pressure \u003d (SBP - DBP) / 3 + DBP" is added. For example, the result of the measurement is 135/75, therefore, the calculation is as follows: 135 - 75 = 60; 60 / 3 = 20; 20 + 80 = 100. It turns out that the MAP of a person is 100.
  2. According to Hickem's formulation, to calculate MAP, the pulse value must be divided by 3 and the minimum or lower value of the tonometer must be added. But the calculation itself, in principle, is identical to the first method "Average blood pressure \u003d blood pressure / 3 + DBP."
  3. This method is also often used to calculate the average blood pressure: multiply the pulse rate by a constant value of 0.42, then add the DBP indicator “AvP = (BP x 0.42) + DBP”. As an example, let's take the same numbers 135/75. First, you should find out the pulse value: 135 - 75 \u003d 60. Then 60 X 0.42 \u003d 25. Finally, 25 + 75 \u003d 100. As you can see from the example, the answer is identical.
  4. You can resort to the formula of Boger and Wetzler. To do this, the systolic pressure must be multiplied by 0.42. Multiply diastolic by another constant - 0.58. Add both results "Mean blood pressure \u003d SBP X 0.42 + DBP X 0.58." If the tonometer shows 135/75, then the mathematical expression is as follows: 135 X 0.42 = 57; 75 X 0.58 = 43; 57 + 43 = 100.
  5. It is easy to calculate the average value of blood pressure by applying the following formula: to the diastolic indicator, multiplied by 2, add the systolic, divide the result by three. It turns out "Mean AD \u003d (DBP X 2 + SAD) / 3". Making a calculation using the example of the number 135/75, we get the following result: (75 X 2 + 135) / 3 = 95. The answer differs slightly from other formulas, but it is used just as often.
  6. When using a tachooscilloscope device, doctors can record the minimum, average, maximum, shock, as well as lateral blood pressure on the vessels. Stavitsky developed his own way of deciphering such studies and the principle of calculating MAP. This happens as follows: multiply the lateral blood pressure by the SBP time in seconds, add the minimum DBP also in seconds, divide the result by total time cycle of the heart.
  7. Just like the previous one, this method is used by health workers in a hospital, but with one significant difference. Its results are quite approximate and are used for a preliminary assessment of the patient's condition. Increase the accuracy of the calculation allows special equipment. So, the patient's cardiac output (CO) is multiplied by his total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR).

The average value of pressure throughout life remains approximately at the same level, regardless of changes in systolic or diastolic. Even over time, when hypertension or hypotension becomes a person's companions, the MAP should be constant and stable.

Normal performance

Based on any formula for calculating mean arterial pressure, for each person the figure will be identical. Range normal indicators MAP is usually considered to be 70–100 mmHg.

A person can assess his condition in many ways, the calculation of MAP is one of those. The formulas should be used both by patients with abnormalities in the work of blood vessels, and by those who are on this moment healthy time. This will help in timely response and prevention of unwanted diseases.

Arterial pressure - important indicator human health.

It can indicate not only problems directly with the cardiovascular system, but also with the endocrine, reproductive and urinary systems.

In addition to measuring your upper and lower blood pressure, it is also important to know your mean BP.

These data allow you to more accurately determine the state of human health and, if necessary, assign a number of important research to eliminate pathology.

What is mean arterial pressure how to calculate it, as well as what this indicator indicates can be found in the information provided.

Types of blood pressure

The term BP refers to force and pressure with which blood presses against the walls of blood vessels, arteries and veins. From this they either narrow or expand. It is blood pressure that is the main indicator of the performance of the heart muscle and blood vessels, including capillaries.

There are two types of BP: systolic, which means the upper indicator, and diastolic, it refers to the lower data on the effect of blood on the vessels.

Systole shows the doctor and the patient how great the pressure on the vessels is when a new portion of blood is ejected from the heart muscle. Diastole It also shows the functioning of the heart at the immediate moment of muscle relaxation.

AT normal condition BP values ​​may fluctuate from 110 to 135 mm when measuring upper values, as well as from 65 to 85 mm when measuring lower values. Today, experts have slightly expanded the indicators of the norm, setting its maximum limits. Thus, BP data of 140/90 and 100/60 are those boundaries that are considered relatively safe for the patient, but only if they feel well.

Ideal numbers for measuring blood pressure are 120/80. But the patient can feel great at other values, while he will not have obvious health problems. To find out the exact blood pressure, it is required to monitor it immediately after waking up, while getting out of bed is impossible, and also before going to bed.

Data received can be affected by factors such as room temperature, problems with water-salt balance, physical activity on the day of measurement, as well as the age of the patient.

At the same time, despite the presence related factors if the blood pressure indicators do not fall below 140, we can talk about the development of arterial hypertension, another name is hypertension. If the data falls below the mark of 90 mm, we can talk about hypotension.

Attention! When measuring blood pressure on both arms, you can get different results, but they normally cannot differ by more than 10 mmHg. In some cases, situations arise when a specialist can measure blood pressure data on the patient's legs in the popliteal cavities.

Video: "What is blood pressure?"

What is mean arterial pressure and why do you need to know it?

Mean arterial pressure refers to entire cardiac cycle. It is measured to understand how well all the organs of the body function, how they are saturated with blood and necessary nutrients. With a decrease in such indicators, we can talk about poor blood supply tissues, which can lead to their atrophy, as well as the presence of problems with the kidneys, the brain.

Attention! Ideally, mean arterial pressure should be calculated by the attending physician. The cardiologist will take into account the stroke volume, the number of heartbeats and the cardiac index. This is the only way to get an accurate picture of real work hearts and vascular system.

Formula for calculating mean arterial pressure

There are several ways to measure mean blood pressure. AT medical institution for this, special equipment is usually used.

At home, you can use one of the above formulas for such measurements:

  • Easiest first measure diastolic and systolic blood pressure. After that, you will need to subtract the lower ones from the upper numbers. The resulting difference will need to be divided by three and the lower blood pressure is added to the result. The result is considered normal, at which the pressure is in the range of 80-95 mm, but there may be deviations without the presence of dangerous diseases.
  • When calculating the average according to the formula of Wetzler and Boger you must first also measure both indicators. After that, the upper numbers are multiplied by a factor of 0.42. The lower numbers are multiplied by a factor of 0.58. Both numbers are added together.

These formulas are considered the simplest for an ordinary patient without medical education. For more accurate data, you should calculate the mean arterial pressure in the morning and evening, while keeping a graph. If the data is constantly out of the normal range, it is better to contact a specialist for advice and prescribe the necessary examinations.

The norm of mean arterial pressure and the reasons for the deviation

Ideally, mean blood pressure should be in the range of 80-95 mm. But due to the characteristics of the organism and the presence of a number of factors that are not pathological, the borders were expanded by specialists within 70-110 mm Hg. st.

Also affect final result there may be several factors at once, in the presence of which the doctor must exclude the danger to the patient's condition.

Such problems include:

If the values ​​are far out of bounds without these problems, the reason may lie in development of hypertension or hypotension. In this case, the appointment of specialized medications is required that can even out blood pressure and ensure normal averages.

Video: "How to measure blood pressure correctly?"

Treatment for elevated rates

Start by stabilizing you can try just with diet and right image life. You should improve your diet as much as possible by including in it a large number of vegetables, fruits, white meat and fish.

From drinks, preference should be given to green and red tea. Good help in this situation. dairy products especially natural preparations.

Refusing sports and physical activity in this state is not required., it is important that they are feasible. If these measures do not help, you will have to seek help from pharmaceutical preparations. They will help to contain the growth of average and high blood pressure, which will prevent stroke, heart attack and other dangerous conditions.

For suppression similar states a class of diuretic medications may be used, which will also relieve puffiness and congestion. It also helps to set up indicators. ACE inhibitors , calcium channel blockers.

Usually the lowest dose is given first. active substance, which is gradually adjusted and, if necessary, combined with other medicines.

Treatment for low rates

There are no specially selected medicines to eliminate hypotension.. Usually these problems are related to the development vegetative dystonia, which can only be slightly corrected and not allowed to deteriorate. For this, the patient is advised to eat more healthy products, diluting the diet with dishes with complex carbohydrates. They will give the necessary energy, which will remove the symptoms of hypotension in the form of weakness and apathy.

Also it is important to establish a sleep and rest regimen, avoiding stress and overexertion, which only exacerbates general state health. Rational physical exercise provide tissues and organs necessary quantity oxygen, which will not allow the development of atrophic conditions. It's important to eat more oily fish, meat products, which will strengthen the muscular corset.

There is an opinion that sugary foods increase blood pressure, which also entails an increase in average values. It's true, but don't get carried away simple carbohydrates in an effort to increase the boundaries of his blood pressure. At first, this will give the desired result, but in the end it may lead to rapid growth body weight or the development of problems with the pancreas. This, in turn, will cause the transition of hypotension to the stage of hypertension.

Attention! Any medications to correct mean arterial pressure should be selected under the direct supervision of a cardiologist. It is required to take into account problems with the kidneys, liver and other important factors.


It is important to constantly monitor your blood pressure, even if there are no obvious health problems. This will allow you to notice emerging problems with the functioning of many body systems in time, even in the absence of obvious symptoms pathology.

Average blood pressure will allow you to more accurately predict the possibility of developing specific diseases., which gives a chance to make competent treatment and not let your health deteriorate.

You can calculate the average pressure at home using some formulas. When indicators deviate below 70 and above 100 mmHg diseases may be cardiovascular system. Therefore, you should consult a specialist for help in treatment.

Everyone sooner or later faces the need to know their pressure. This is necessary to detect abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels.

First of all, the therapist, with complaints, measures the patient's pressure, since its indicators can tell a lot about the presence of serious pathologies.

The main indicators on the tonometer will be diastolic and systolic pressure, which the people used to call the upper and lower, respectively. The first refers to the blood pressure in arteries at the moment of contraction of the heart, the second - at the moment of relaxation. In addition to these indicators, doctors to assess the state of health various organs may calculate pulse and .

Factors that affect blood pressure indicators

Normal blood pressure in adults keeps approximately at around 120/80 mm. Slight increase this regulation is not considered a cause for concern. For indicatorsblood pressuremany external and internal factors, including:

  • food intake, which contains a lot of salt, stimulating nervous system spices, against the background of drunk coffee or energy drinks. No wonder hypertensive patients are forbidden to eat certain products and drink drinks, as they greatly affect the pressure;
  • stress, nervous overexcitation increase blood pressure, especially if they long time affect a person - these can be problems in the family, a work team, or complex intellectual activity against the background of a small amount of rest;
  • physical exercises - after charging, jogging or exercising on simulators, the pulse and pressure increase for a short time, but eventually return to normal, so pressure measurements immediately after training are not considered correct;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs indicators also changeblood pressurenot in better side. In particular, alcoholism always leads to hypertension, smoking damages blood vessels, causing their disease.

If any of these factors could affect the results of measuring pressure, it is worth waiting a bit and repeating the measurement procedure. Worse if constantly risinghuman pressure, human pressurejumps indicate the development of pathology, including hypertension.

How to Calculate Average Pressure

Before we start calculations and find out average pressure(srad ), you need to measure the systolic and diastolic pressure with a tonometer. A regular cuffed pressure gauge and a phonendoscope are all you need.

How to measure pressure, you can see in the video, there is nothing complicated about it. The cuff is put on the arm, you need to sit straight and put the bent arm on a par with the heart, without straining. During the measurement of blood pressure, you do not need to talk and move, this makes it difficult to get accurate results.

Having prepared, you need to find with a phonendoscope the place where the pulse on the arm is heard, and start pumping air into the cuff so that the pressure gauge shows readings higher than the expected pressure.

After that, you need to allow the air to exit the cuff, carefully listening to the heartbeat. The main thing is to remember that the systolic pressure will correspond to the indicator at the first heartbeat heard through the phonendoscope, and the diastolic pressure will correspond to the indicator of the manometer, at which the heartbeat is no longer detected. It is enough to measure the pressure several times on your own to learn how to quickly determine it without misses.

If it is not possible to measure the pressure or there is no device, you can contact the clinic or pharmacy. To each age corresponds to the norm of blood pressure, strong deviations from which indicate problems. To find outmean arterial pressureyou need to use one of the methods below:

  • those who know their diastolic (DBP) and systolic ( GARDEN ) pressure will help calculation formula (2 (DBP) + SAD) / 3. It is necessary to multiply the diastole indicator by 2 and add the systole indicator to it, after which the sum is divided by three. The resulting mean pressure is calculated in mmHg, as well as blood pressure. The diastolic pressure is multiplied by 2, the heart muscle spends 2/3 of the time in a state of relaxation (diastole). For example, if a person has a pressure of 120/88, then the indicators in the formula will look like (2 (88) + 120) / 3 = (294) / 3 = 98 mm Hg. Art.;
  • another formula to help calculate adsr , is such an operation — 1/3( GARDEN – DBP) + DBP. You need first from the indicator top pressure subtract the lower, divide the resulting difference by three and add the diastole indicator to it. If you check the formula on the above example, you get 1/3(120 - 88) + 88 = 1/3(32) + 88 = 10 + 88 = 98 mmHg. Art.;
  • roughly calculatemean arterial pressurecan be according to the formula CO × OPSS, where the first indicator means cardiac output, and the second is the total peripheral resistance in the vessels. The formula helps when you need to quickly calculate an approximateaverage pressure. Self-calculations are not available, since CO and OPSS are measured only in a hospital using special equipment;
  • alternatively, having access to the Internet at hand, there is no need to use formulas at all, since there are online services where it is done automatically. Before, how to calculate average pressure on online calculator, you need to find out your blood pressure indicators using a tonometer.

How to decipher the average pressure indicators

Just as there is a norm for blood pressure indicators, there are certain limits beyond which the average pressure should not pass. Doctors know the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are considered the norm for an adult healthy person. Minor deviations are not taken into account, especially if they were preceded by factors affecting the pressure. In general, after it was possible to calculateformula pressure, it is considered normal if it is in the range of 70-110 mm Hg. Art.

If the mean, pulse, systolic or diastolic pressure does not match certain norm according to age, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The doctor listens carefully, assesses the likelihood of influence external factors, then can send for diagnostics to identify internal factors, due to which the pressure does not correspond to the norm.


It is important to consider that some people have high or slightly low blood pressure throughout their lives, this is their “working” pressure, at which they feel normal. Another thing is if the indicators have changed in any direction, which indicates the presence of cardiovascular and other pathologies.

As for the average blood pressure, if its value is below 60, it is dangerous to health. The fact is that this indicator indicates the provision of vital important organs blood, and for them normal working capacity indicator cf. BP should be over 60.

Among the factors due to which the average blood pressure data may differ from the norm, it should be noted not only diseases of the internal organs, but also medication. Therefore, when prescribing certain drugs, the doctor finds out from the patient whether he is taking any drugs so as not to cause a cumulative effect.

Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is the average blood pressure measured over a specific period of time. It is not equal to the arithmetic mean between SD and DD, since for most of the cardiac cycle BP is closer to diastolic than systolic.

In accordance with human physiology, the calculation of mean arterial pressure is 60% determined by the level of the lower value and 40% by the level of the upper value. MAP is the pressure of the entire cardiac cycle.

It is calculated according to certain formulas - at home or in a hospital. Its variability is ideally 80-95 mmHg. This indicator does not judge the functionality of the heart. For complete picture Cardiac output, stroke volume, and cardiac index must be taken into account.

In medicine, there is a term as pulse pressure. It is calculated simply: the diastolic value is subtracted from the systolic number. Normally it is up to 50 mm. The best option ranges from 35 to 45 mmHg.

How to calculate mean arterial pressure?

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Hypertension and pressure surges caused by it - in 89% of cases kill the patient with a heart attack or stroke! Two-thirds of patients die in the first 5 years of the disease! The "silent killer", as cardiologists dubbed it, annually takes millions of lives. The drug is NORMATEN. Normalizes blood pressure in the first 6 hours thanks to the bioflavonoid. Restores the tone and flexibility of blood vessels. Safe at any age. Effective at stages 1, 2, 3 of hypertension. Alexander Myasnikov gave his expert opinion on Normaten...

Before calculating the mean arterial pressure, the upper and lower values ​​must be measured. This can be done at home using a blood pressure monitor. The measurement is carried out in calm state to rule out false positives.

MAP allows you to find out how the organs of the whole body function, to what extent there is saturation with blood and nutrients. If a decrease is observed, then they speak of a circulatory disorder in the body, which leads to diseases of the kidneys, brain, atrophy, and other pathologies of a chronic nature.

Of course, ideally, this indicator is calculated by the attending physician, who takes into account other parameters of the state of the body. This is the only way to find out an accurate idea of ​​the functioning of the heart and the entire vascular system.

Calculation methods:

  • The most simple formula blood pressure - 2(DD)+(SD)/3. To calculate, you need to multiply the lower indicator by two, add the systolic value to it, then divide the result by three. The resulting mean blood pressure is indicative, calculated in millimeters of mercury.
  • Another formula: 1/3 (SD-DD) + DD. The renal figure is subtracted from the systolic parameter, the difference is divided by three and the diastolic value is added. For example, if the initial blood pressure is 120/88 mm, then the formula is 1/3 (120-88) + 88 = 10 + 88 = 98 mm.
  • Can be calculated using the formula CB × OPSS. CO is cardiac output and the second value is peripheral vascular resistance. It is impossible to calculate independently, it is required special device. The calculation is carried out under stationary conditions.

You can not calculate the data on your own, the program will do it together with a person. There are various mean arterial pressure calculators on the Internet.

It is enough to enter SD and DD to get the result.

Mean BP assessment

After the calculation, you need to know the interpretation of the obtained values. The norm of mean arterial pressure is called a large range of values. It varies from 70 to 110 mmHg. Ideally, for a healthy person without chronic diseases, it should be 85-95 mm.

At pathological abnormalities from normal value need a doctor's consultation. Reception of some medicines can lead to changes in cardiac blood pressure. If treatment cannot be canceled, medical supervision is required to prevent an excessive increase.

For example, if a patient takes the drug Likferr, prescribed for pathologies gastrointestinal tract, iron-deficient state, affects the indicators of blood pressure. Accordingly, its administration may change MAP.

When the average blood pressure is not normal, the reasons are as follows:

  1. Traumatic brain injury.
  2. Aortic aneurysm.
  3. Septic shock.
  4. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  5. The use of vasodilators.

The norm of mean arterial pressure, as well as the pulse difference, for adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly and middle-aged people is the same.

If the coefficient obtained as a result of calculations is less than 60 mm, this is extremely dangerous state, threatening lethal outcomeinternal organs receive insufficient blood volume.

How to get the correct average?

To correctly calculate the MAP, you must enter the correct blood counts. Many adults do not follow the rules of measurement, as a result of which they receive an incorrect calculation of the average.

Chapter 1.
Calculation of blood pressure indicators

Measurement of blood pressure in a large circle, thanks to Riva-Rocci and Korotkov, has become a public research method. More information about various pressure parameters in vessels great circle makes it possible to obtain the method of tachooscillography according to N.N. Savitsky. Five quantities are commonly used to determine blood pressure: end systolic, lateral systolic, diastolic, pulse, and mean hemodynamic pressure. Lateral pressure is measured most often using the N.N. Savitsky, pulse - there is a difference between the end systolic and diastolic pressures, the average hemodynamic requires calculation, if not measured by special devices. End-systolic (maximum) and diastolic (minimum) pressure can be measured directly in humans with sufficient accuracy using the Korotkoff method. In this case, according to WHO recommendations, the following conditions must be observed:

  • measurements should be made in a sitting position, while the hand is located at the level of the heart;
  • measurements must be made 3-4 times, after a 15-minute stay of the subject at rest, and as the true mark the most low level the so-called basal pressure;
  • cuff width should be appropriate for the age of the subject [show] . The cuff should be applied 2-3 cm above the elbow bend with the arm position at an angle of 45 ° to the body, while the lower edge of the cuff should be at the level of the 4th intercostal space;

    Width of cuffs used to measure blood pressure using the Korotkoff method in children different ages

  • the pressure in the cuff should be increased to a value that is 200-300 mm higher than the maximum level (i.e., the moment the pulse disappears on the radial artery). The decompression speed should be within 2-3 mm/s;
  • often note one maximum and two minimum (diastolic) levels of blood pressure. The first diastolic is the moment of transition from a loud tone to a deaf one, the second is the moment of complete disappearance of Korotkov sounds.
Proper values ​​of the mean dynamic arterial pressure, mm Hg.
Age, years Floor Age, years Floor
husband. female husband. female
3-7 70 70 30-49 85 85
7-12 74 74 50-59 90 85
12-26 76 76 60-74 95 100
26-19 78 78 75 and older100 210
20-29 80 80

Unlike the systemic circulation, precise definition blood pressure (BP) in the system of a small circle is possible only by catheterization pulmonary artery and measurement of pressure by direct manometric method. However, in a clinical setting, this is not always justified and feasible, and therefore special meaning acquire calculation methods for determining the level of blood pressure in the pulmonary artery.

1.1. Calculation of the mean hemodynamic arterial pressure in the systemic circulation

One of the fundamental parameters of hemodynamics, providing the proper level of tissue perfusion, is the value of mean arterial pressure. This integral parameter is at the same time a necessary value for calculating many other hemodynamic parameters. The most accurate is the direct registration of SBP using electromanometric systems or its measurement using the tachooscillography method. Under experimental conditions, it is also possible to measure SBP with a mercury Sechenov manometer. In clinical practice, SBP is much more often determined by calculation on the basis of blood pressure measurement data using the Korotkov method.

There are a number of ways to calculate mean arterial pressure:

    where PD - pulse pressure; DD - diastolic pressure;

  1. Method of Simonya et al.:

1.2. Calculation of systolic blood pressure in the pulmonary artery

Unlike the systemic circulation, an accurate determination of the level of blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation system is possible only by direct catheterization of the pulmonary artery and its branches. More than 100 years ago (Chauvean), for the first time in the experiment, catheterization of the right cavities of the heart was performed in order to determine the value of blood pressure. However, only many years later, in the forties of our century, cardiac catheterization entered the clinical practice. Ego has been associated with the development of cardiovascular surgery. Currently, catheterization of the heart and pulmonary artery system is quite widespread in experimental studies. AT clinical setting, with the exception of specialized cardio-surgical hospitals, the use of this manipulation is limited due to the significant methodological complexity and trauma. At the same time, rapid and dynamic determination of the level of blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation is often extremely necessary to resolve the issue of the presence of pulmonary hypertension, as well as to assess the state of the vascular system of the pulmonary circulation. Moreover, as mentioned above, blood pressure values ​​are necessary indicators for calculating the main parameters of hemodynamics, including the pulmonary circulation.

In this regard, indirect methods for calculating the level of systolic, diastolic and mean dynamic pressure in the pulmonary artery are of paramount importance.

In 1962, at a congress of cardiology, Burstin reported on the dependence of DM in the pulmonary artery on the duration of the isometric relaxation phase (IRP) of the right ventricle and heart rate (HR). He was the first to develop a nomogram for determining diabetes [show] . Subsequently, various modifications of nomograms were proposed. [show] .

Nomogram for determining systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery according to S.A. Dushanin et al. (1972)
Isometric relaxation phase Systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery (mmHg)
Mean Swing limits Mean Swing limits
0,020 15 10-20 0,065 60 55-65
0,025 20 15-25 0,070 65 60-70
0,030 25 20-30 0,075 70 65-75
0,035 30 25-35 0,080 75 70-80
0,040 35 30-40 0,085 80 75-85
0,045 40 35-45 0,090 85 80-90
0,050 45 40-50 0,095 90 85-95
0,055 50 45-55
0,060 55 50-60 0,140 135 130-140

In the absence of an organic defect of the tricuspid valve and insufficiency of the myocardium of the right ventricle, the pressure in the right atrium remains normal, even if it is increased in the pulmonary artery. For this reason, right atrial pressure has no significant effect on isodiastole and heart rate. Therefore, the value of the heart rate can be neglected.

The development of the Burstin position allowed a number of authors to propose formulas for calculating SD:

1.3. Calculation of diastolic blood pressure in the pulmonary artery

  1. Depending on the level of DM according to P.F. Konoplev et al., and N.G. Zernov et al., you can find diastolic blood pressure (DD):

1.4. Calculation of the mean dynamic arterial pressure in the pulmonary artery

  1. Depending on the duration of the tension period (PN) of the right ventricle, according to A.V. Zaritsky and A.M. Novikov, it is possible to calculate the mean dynamic arterial pressure (MAP):

    where AK is the amplitude coefficient, which is the ratio of the amplitude of the maximum deviation of the curve upward in the phase of isometric contraction to the maximum deviation of the curve downward in the phase of rapid expulsion.

  2. Depending on the value of the average rate of slow filling (SKMN), calculated according to the rheopulmonogram Sh.D. Donev et al.):

    GARDEN \u003d 83.7 - 94 * SKMN

Source: Brin V.B., Zonis B.Ya. Physiology of systemic circulation. Formulas and calculations. Rostov University Press, 1984. 88 p.

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