Assessment of the functional state of the body. The functional state of a person

The concept of functional state. Efficiency and its dynamics. Phase performance. Fatigue. Physiological signs fatigue. Classification of methods for diagnosing functional states. Physiological methods for diagnosing functional states. Psychological methods for diagnosing functional states. Functional trials("Correction test" in various options, "Schulte tables", "Krepelin's method of continuous counting").

Of particular practical importance is the diagnosis of human conditions when performing labor activity.

In labor psychology and ergonomics, the term “functional states” is used to refer to the conditions studied and diagnosed there. By this, firstly, the relation of states to activity is emphasized individual bodies, physiological systems and the organism as a whole, and Secondly, indicates that we are talking about the states of a working person (states in the process of performing an activity).

In this approach - the allocation of the concept of "functional state" there is specificity. Specificity lies in the fact that the efficiency and success of the type of activity performed by a person who is in one or another functional state is considered. That's why Special attention given to states of fatigue, stress, anxiety.

The concept of "functional state" originally arose and was developed in physiology. It is in physiology that has always been given great attention state research. Most parts, from the point of view of psychophysiology, under the functional state understand the background activity of the nerve centers, in which one or another specific human activity is realized.

However, the analysis is only physiological basis mental states cannot be considered sufficient. Each state has diverse manifestations related not only to the physiological, but also to the psychological and behavioral levels. The functional state must be understood as “an integral complex of the available characteristics of those functions and qualities of a person that directly or indirectly determine the performance of an activity” (E. Borisova, G. Loginova, 1993).

From here, changes in the state of a working person can be recorded by registering as changes in the functioning of various functional systems(cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, motor, etc.), and the course of the main mental processes(perception, memory, attention, etc.). In addition, it is important to take into account the severity of subjective experiences (fatigue, lethargy, impotence, irritation, etc.). P

Psychodiagnostics of functional states has its own special applied value (in the process professional activity) and can be used to develop recommendations:

§ on the organization of the regime of work and rest;

§ optimization of the process of performing activities;

§ normalization of working conditions;

§ rationing of workloads, etc.

In addition, the diagnosis of the functional states of individual individuals is needed for:

§ determining their suitability in extreme situations;

§ evaluation and reliability of them in dangerous situations;

§ prevention of forbidden states (anxiety, aggression, etc.);

The main difficulties in diagnosing functional states are related to their multilevel nature, a large number and a variety of factors on which they depend.

It should also point out the problem of "norm" in the diagnosis of functional states. The question should not be posed as a consideration "norm" or "not the norm" but as "background" or "background state level".

The approach to the classification of methods for diagnosing functional states is different. There are usually three groups of methods:

Ø physiological;

Ø behavioral;

Ø subjective (V.P. Zinchenko, Yu.K. Strelkov, 1974, 2001).

Another classification was proposed by A.B. Leonova (1984):

Ø physiological;

Ø psychological.

AT physiological methods as indicators of functional states are used different parameters work of the central nervous system, as well as vegetative changes:

Ø electroencephalogram (EEG) ( electrical activity brain is a direct indicator of the level of activity of the individual);

Ø electromyogram (EMG);

Ø Galvanic skin response (GSR) (used to diagnose emotional states);

Ø heart rate (tension and fatigue associated with high energy costs are manifested in increased gas exchange and an increase in heart rate);

Ø vascular tone;

Ø pupil diameter, etc.

To psychological methods diagnostics of functional states include methods for assessing the success of a certain type of activity. In this case, the indicators of the shift in the state are changes quantity, quality and speed carrying out any activity.

Most suitable by psychological means diagnostics of functional states are recognized as special short functional tests.

The most commonly used diagnostic methods for assessing functional states include the following:

1) proofreading samples

2) Schulte tables

3) Kraepelin's methods of continuous counting

4) method of pair associations

5) Ebbinghaus technique

6) Pieron-Ruser elementary encryption technique

Question 12. Intelligence and mental development: basic concepts, theories, approaches to study. The concept of the coefficient of intelligence. Intelligence Tests

Intelligence and mental development: basic concepts, theories, approaches to study. Background and state of the art Problems. The history of intelligence tests. Binet-Simon scales and their modifications. Stanford-Binet scale. The concept of the coefficient of intelligence. Types of intelligence. Non-verbal intelligence tests, their features. Progressive matrices Ravenna. Verbal intelligence tests, their advantages and disadvantages. Characteristics of the tests of D. Wexler, R. Amthauer.

The concept of "intelligence" (English "Intelligence") as an object scientific research was introduced into psychology by the anthropologist F. Galton at the end of the 19th century. Being influenced by the evolutionary theory of Ch, Darwin, he believed that the factor of heredity is the decisive cause of any individual differences (both bodily and mental).

According to F. Galton, the whole range of intellectual abilities is hereditarily determined. The role of training, education and other external conditions development in the emergence of individual differences in intelligence was denied or recognized as insignificant.

New step in the development of the dough, including intelligence tests, was made by the French physician and psychologist A. Binet. He created the most popular in the early twentieth century. a series of intelligence tests. Before Binet, as a rule, differences in sensorimotor qualities were tested - sensitivity, speed of reactions, etc.

Throughout the twentieth century. The following approaches to understanding the essence of intelligence were subjected to verification and analysis:

1) ability to learn(A. Bene, Ch. Spearman, S. Colvin and others);

2) ability to deal with abstractions(L. Theremin, R. Thorndike and others);

3) ability to adapt to new conditions(V. Stern, L. Thurstone, J. Piaget and others).

Any extreme is always bad. Manifestations of intelligence are diverse, but they have something in common that allows them to be distinguished from other personality traits. This common is the involvement in any intellectual act of thinking, memory, imagination, representation. Those. all those mental functions that provide knowledge of the surrounding world.

Therefore, it is more correct to understand under the intellect not any manifestations of a person's individuality, but, first of all, those that are related to cognitive properties and processes.

Theories of intelligence

a. Hierarchical models of the structure of intelligence ( English School researchers).

b. II. Factor models of the structure of intelligence (American school of researchers).

An example of a hierarchical model of the structure of intelligence


(English) functional state of man) - an integrative characteristic of a person's state with t. sp. the effectiveness of its activities and the systems involved in its implementation according to the criteria of reliability and internal cost of activity. Traditionally in physiology and psychophysiology F. s. h. is considered as a state of organs, individual systems or the organism as a whole. In contrast to this, in labor psychology,engineering psychology and ergonomics F. s. h. is analyzed at the level of a working person.

Implementation psychological approach to the interpretation of F. s. h. is based on the principles of system-structural analysis, which highlights the following. the main levels of F.'s representation with. hours: behavioral, psychophysiological, psychological support of activity and subjective-reflexive. In accordance with this, the main groups are distinguished diagnostic tools and methods used to evaluate F. s. h. Generalized characteristic F. s. h. is given on the basis of integration procedures for multi-level indicators (pattern recognition procedures, regression analysis, correlation and factor analyzes, multidimensional scaling, etc.).

F.'s classifications with. hours are built on the basis of various pragmatic and substantive criteria. Allocate optimal and non-optimal types of F. s. hours; permitted and prohibited; acute, chronic and borderline. Among the main qualitatively specific classes of F. s. including states of optimal performance, , , different forms physiological and psychological stress, extreme conditions. Development and use of methods for assessing, forecasting and optimizing F. s. h. - one of key points in holding psychological work in applied conditions. (A. B. Leonova.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

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Psychophysiological (functional) state (PS) represents a combination of three components: internal psychophysiological conditions; external environment, including social; activity factors. The relevance of the problem of analyzing and evaluating a person's FS as a factor that determines his behavior and capabilities has led to the creation of various hypotheses and theories to explain various conditions, although the definition of the concept of FS is still ambiguous and different authors give different interpretations. However, all definitions have the same logical basis. Functional state- it is a combination (symptom complex) of various characteristics, processes, properties and qualities that determine the level of activity of systems, efficiency of activity and behavior. A state is a causally determined phenomenon, a reaction not of a separate system or organ, but of the personality as a whole, with the inclusion in the response of both physiological and psychological levels management and regulation related to the substructures and aspects of the personality. Any state is the result of the inclusion of an individual in a certain activity, during which the state is formed and actively transformed, in turn, influencing the implementation of the activity. In the psychological literature, in most cases, unfortunately, the concepts are not always separated: functional state and psychological condition.Mental condition human - it is a relatively stable structural organization of all components of the psyche, performing the function of active interaction of a person with the external environment, represented in this moment specific situation.

The states are diverse, in each one of the characteristics is leading in the sense that it is in most determines other individual parameters of the state and its originality as a whole. In each state, one way or another, the spiritual (mental) and bodily (physiological) being of a person is reflected. States are multidimensional. They act both as a system for organizing mental processes, and as a subjective attitude to the reflected phenomenon, and as a mechanism for responding to the surrounding reality. Psychophysiological states reflect the interaction of a person with environment. Any changes in the external environment, changes in inner world personalities entail a transition to a new state, change the level of activity of the subject.

Classification of functional states

All the variety of forms of human behavior is due, on the one hand, to their qualitative specificity, which is determined by the subject orientation of activity and its motivation. On the other hand, different forms of human activity can be characterized in terms of the intensity of their manifestation. This usually means the degree of actualization of the psychophysiological resources of the individual, necessary to perform certain activities in specific conditions. Thus, there are various bases for classifying states. Consider the classification according to the following criteria:

 on the basis of duration: relatively stable and long-term states, reflecting a person's attitude to work, states of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, indifference to work, reflecting the general mental attitude;

 temporary situational states that periodically arise in the course of activity;

 conditions that occur periodically in the course of work:

a) working capacity phases - workability, stable working capacity, fatigue;

b) conditions caused by the content of the work: apathy, boredom, drowsiness, increased activity;

 according to the leading component (physiological and mental): muscle tension, mental tension, mental load;

 according to the degree of tension of the systems (sensory load) - visual, auditory, tactile, muscle loads;

 according to the degree of active activity of consciousness: wakefulness, rage, sleep;

 according to the dominant personality traits or on the basis of the predominance of one of the sides of the psyche: emotional, volitional, states of tension.

From the point of view of the impact on the health of the individual, the conditions are divided into permissible and unacceptable; evaluation criteria - the state of adequate mobilization and dynamic mismatch. The basis of such a division is the nature of the load imposed on the body and the formation of a response. Structurally, states are divided into extensive and intensive. Extensive states are qualitatively heterogeneous, that is, they have a different neurophysiological basis and mental content (fatigue, stress, monotony, mental tension). Intensive states have a fundamental similarity (levels of wakefulness, phases and degrees of fatigue, degrees of emotional intensity).

Functional state - The study of mental states in general and functional states in particular is a difficult task. In theoretical (general) psychology, an unambiguous understanding of the phenomenon of the mental state has not yet been developed. In particular, the following question has not been unequivocally resolved: can a person be simultaneously in several states at once or cannot. Common sense suggests that it can: after all, a person is able to simultaneously be in a state, for example, of fatigue, and in a state of concentration. On the other hand, however, one cannot ask the subject: "Describe your mental states ".

It would be logical, of course, to consider that the mental state is one, but it has many parameters. However, these parameters can actually be a large number of. It is more convenient for researchers to use concepts like "monotony state", and then the subject of study is clearly defined, than to operate with concepts like "monotony state parameter", if only because monotony is in itself interesting phenomenon(and it either exists or it doesn't). At the moment, it can be stated that researchers, depending on the purpose of the study, tend to one or another understanding of the mental state.

In psychology, the most common idea is that states are relatively stable mental phenomena that have a beginning, a course, and an end, i.e., dynamic formations. The mental state reflects the features of the functioning of the nervous system and the human psyche in certain period time.

In domestic psychology, the definition of a mental state given by N. D. Levitov is widespread: "A holistic characteristic mental activity over a certain period of time, showing the originality of the course of mental processes depending on the reflected objects and phenomena of reality, the previous state and mental properties of the individual. "Levitov said that any mental state is something integral, a kind of syndrome.

The mental state usually reflects the features of the course of not all, but individual mental processes. The state of confusion, for example, is the state of the struggle of motives, and therefore it characterizes volitional processes, while, however, it also characterizes the activity of the cognitive and emotional spheres.

A functional mental state is a characteristic of mental activity, the course of mental processes associated with the performance of a particular function. As a rule, the function here means the performance of specific labor functions (for example, working on an assembly line, driving a car, working as a human operator). If the performance of a function is the leading activity, then all or many mental processes are subordinate to it. Features of the course of some processes directly follow from the characteristics of the activity. The person driving the car, for example, is focused on the road and the traffic situation.

Functional States can be divided among themselves on various grounds:

1. Personal and situational states. As we know, people work not only with machines and equipment in general, but also with each other. Therefore, there may be personal functional states, for example, affective states of a teacher, caused by certain pedagogical situations, the nature of relations with students. Situational - those that are not reducible to personal states.

2. Deep and superficial states. Depends on the strength and influence of the state on the experiences and behavior of a person. May be lung condition attention, or maybe - deep concentration, in which there is a kind of disconnection from the outside world.

3. Positive and negative states. It means positive or bad influence to the labor of the worker. Apathy, for example, is a negative functional state, inspiration is a positive one.

4. Long-term and short-term states. Some states may last for several minutes, others for several days. An example of a momentary state is surprise. Prolonged - overwork.

5. States more or less conscious. Absent-mindedness as a functional state is usually little realized, weakly reflected. The state of determination, on the contrary, is always conscious.

6. Steady states and transitional. An example of a steady state is overwork, a transitional state is surprise. As a rule, steady states are longer than transitional states.

7. Degree of dynamism. Some states change very dynamically. Some are not. The first can be attributed different kind affective states. To the second - states of apathy, overwork, etc.

8. Psychophysiological and mental states. In the emergence of the former, psychophysiological mechanisms (for example, fatigue) play an important role. Second - mental (for example, a state of determination). The mental side of states is reflected in the form of experiences and feelings, and the physiological side is reflected in a change in a number of functions, and primarily vegetative and motor ones. experiences and physiological changes inseparable from each other because always accompany each other.

The functional state reflects the level of functioning of both individual systems and the whole organism. P. K. Anokhin believed that the central link of any system is the result of its functioning - its system-forming factor. Adaptation is such a system-forming factor for the whole organism. The functional state is a characteristic of the level of functioning of the body systems in a certain period of time, reflecting the features of homeostasis and the adaptation process. Achievement of this or that level of functioning is carried out thanks to activity of mechanisms of regulation.

The key link in the structure of the general functional state of the body is the state of the central nervous system, which in turn is considered as the result of the interaction of non-specific generalized activity, the source of which is the reticular formation, and specific activity, which has a number of local sources. These sources determine the level of attention and perception, conceptual thinking, motor activity, motivation and emotions. The specific activity of an organism is a reaction characteristic of a particular system of the organism to a certain external or internal stimulus.

The central nervous system has an important property - its dominant nature, which determines such a function of the brain as the regulation of body states and behavior. The presence of this property allows us to consider nervous system as the physiological basis of regulation mechanisms.

In the phenomenon of the functional state, there are two qualitatively various parties: subjective and objective. It (functional state) as a dynamic formation has two functions:

Ensuring holistic, motivated and purposeful behavior,

Restoration of disturbed homeostasis.

This explains the presence of the aforementioned aspects: the subjective one is reflected primarily in the experiences of the subject and determines the features of the formation of motivated behavior, while the objective one is associated with physiological processes and determines the features of the regulation of homeostasis.

In humans, the subjective side of the functional state is the leading one, since in the course of adaptive changes, subjective changes, as a rule, are much ahead of the objective ones. There is a general physiological regularity: regulatory mechanisms start working earlier than controlled systems.

The subjective side of the functional state is determined by mental phenomena that relate to personal formations. The personal characteristics of a person largely determine the nature of the functional state and are one of the leading mechanisms of regulation in the process of adapting the body to environmental conditions. The formation of states is largely due to the attitude of a person to himself, the surrounding reality and his own activity.

Among people there are significant individual differences in the severity and dynamics of the same functional states, as well as in the patterns of their mutual transitions. Differences in character, in a different attitude to what is happening around is the reason that in the same conditions of activity people are in different functional states.

Features of the functional state of individual person depend on a number of factors:

Properties of the nervous system

temperament type,

General emotional orientation (favorite and unwanted experiences),

Ability to neutralize negative emotional traces,

The degree of development of certain volitional qualities,

Possession of techniques for managing one's own mental state,

Intellectual development.


The functional state of a person characterizes his activity in a specific direction, in specific conditions, with a specific margin vital energy. A.B. Leonova emphasizes that the concept of a functional state is introduced to characterize the efficiency side of a person's activity or behavior. It's about about the ability of a person in a particular state to perform certain kind activities.

The state of a person can be described using a variety of manifestations: changes in the functioning of physiological systems (central nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, endocrine, etc.), shifts in the course of mental processes (sensations, perceptions, memory, thinking, imagination, attention), subjective experiences.

IN AND. Medvedev proposed the following definition of functional states: “The functional state of a person is understood as an integral complex of the available characteristics of those functions and qualities of a person that directly or indirectly determine the performance of an activity.”

Functional states of a person

Functional states are determined by many factors. Therefore, the human condition that arises in each specific situation is always unique. However, among the variety of special cases, some general classes of states are quite clearly distinguished:

  • - the state of normal life;
  • - pathological conditions;
  • - border states.

The criteria for assigning a state to a certain class are the reliability and cost of activity. Using the reliability criterion, the functional state is characterized in terms of a person's ability to perform activities at a given level of accuracy, timeliness, and reliability. According to the activity price indicators, an assessment of the functional state is given in terms of the degree of exhaustion of the body's forces and, ultimately, its impact on human health.

Based on these criteria, the entire set of functional states in relation to labor activity is divided into two main classes - permissible and unacceptable, or, as they are also called, permitted and prohibited.

The question of assigning one or another functional state to a certain class is specially considered in each individual case. So, it is a mistake to consider the state of fatigue as unacceptable, although it leads to a decrease in the efficiency of activity and is an obvious consequence of the depletion of psychophysical resources. Such degrees of fatigue are unacceptable, at which the efficiency of activity passes lower bounds a given norm (assessment by the criterion of reliability) or symptoms of accumulation of fatigue appear, leading to overwork (assessment by the criterion of the cost of activity). Excessive voltage physiological and psychological resources of a person is a potential source of various diseases. It is on this basis that normal and pathological conditions are distinguished. The last class is subject medical research. The presence of borderline conditions can lead to illness. So, typical consequences of a long experience of stress are diseases of cardio-vascular system, digestive tract, neuroses. Chronic overwork is a borderline state in relation to overwork - pathological condition neurotic type. Therefore, all borderline conditions in labor activity are classified as unacceptable. Oki require the introduction of appropriate preventive measures, in the development of which psychologists should also take a direct part.

Another classification of functional states is based on the criterion of the adequacy of a person's response to the requirements of the activity being performed. According to this concept, all human states are divided into two groups - states of adequate mobilization and states of dynamic mismatch.

The states of adequate mobilization are characterized by the degree of tension functionality human requirements imposed by specific conditions of activity. It can be disturbed under the influence of a variety of reasons: duration of activity, increased intensity of the load, accumulation of fatigue, etc. Then there are states of dynamic mismatch. Here the effort exceeds what is needed to achieve given result activities.

Within this classification, almost all states of a working person can be characterized. The analysis of human states in the process of long-term work is usually carried out by studying the phases of the dynamics of working capacity, within which the formation and characteristics fatigue. The characteristic of activity in terms of the amount of effort expended on work involves the allocation various levels tension of activity.

The traditional field of study of functional states in psychology is the study of the dynamics of performance and fatigue. Fatigue is natural reaction associated with the increase in voltage during prolonged operation. From the physiological point of view, the development of fatigue indicates exhaustion. internal reserves of the body and the transition to less beneficial ways of functioning of systems: the maintenance of the minute volume of blood flow is carried out by increasing the heart rate instead of increasing the stroke volume, motor reactions are realized by a large number of functional muscle units with a weakening of the force of contraction of individual muscle fibers, etc. This finds expression in violations of stability autonomic functions, a decrease in the strength and speed of muscle contraction, a mismatch in mental functions, difficulties in the development and inhibition conditioned reflexes. As a result, the pace of work slows down, accuracy, rhythm and coordination of movements are violated.

As fatigue grows, significant changes are observed in the course of various mental processes. This state is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the sensitivity of various sense organs, along with an increase in the inertia of these processes. This is manifested in an increase in the absolute and differential sensitivity thresholds, a decrease in the critical flicker fusion frequency, and an increase in the brightness and duration of successive images. Often, with fatigue, the reaction speed decreases - the time of a simple sensorimotor reaction and a choice reaction increase. However, a paradoxical (at first glance) increase in the speed of responses, accompanied by an increase in the number of errors, can also be observed.

Fatigue leads to the disintegration of the performance of complex motor skills. The most pronounced and significant signs of fatigue are impaired attention - the amount of attention narrows, the functions of switching and distribution of attention suffer, that is, conscious control over the performance of activities worsens.

On the part of the processes that ensure the memorization and preservation of information, fatigue primarily leads to difficulties in retrieving information stored in long-term memory. There is also a decrease in short term memory, which is associated with the deterioration of information retention in the short-term storage system.

The effectiveness of the thinking process is significantly reduced due to the predominance of stereotyped ways of solving problems in situations requiring new decisions, or violation of the purposefulness of intellectual acts.

As fatigue develops, the motives of activity are transformed. If on early stages the “business” motivation is preserved, then the motives for ending the activity or leaving it become predominant. If you continue to work in a state of fatigue, this leads to the formation of negative emotional reactions.

The described symptom complex of fatigue is represented by a variety of subjective sensations, familiar to everyone as an experience of fatigue.

When analyzing the process of labor activity, four stages of working capacity are distinguished:

  • 1) stage of development;
  • 2) the stage of optimal performance;
  • 3) stage of fatigue;
  • 4) the stage of the "final impulse".

They are followed by a mismatch of work activity. Recovery optimal level performance requires stopping the activity that caused fatigue for such a period of time that is necessary for both passive and active rest. In cases where the duration or usefulness of periods of rest is insufficient, there is an accumulation, or cumulation, of fatigue.

The first symptoms of chronic fatigue are a variety of subjective sensations - feelings constant fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, etc. initial stages its development objective signs are expressed a little. But the appearance of chronic fatigue can be judged by a change in the ratio of periods of working capacity, first of all, the stages of working out and optimal working capacity.

For research a wide range states of a working person, the term "tension" is also used. The degree of intensity of activity is determined by the structure of the labor process, in particular the content of the workload, its intensity, saturation of activity, etc. In this sense, tension is interpreted from the point of view of the requirements imposed by a particular type of labor on a person. On the other hand, the intensity of activity can be characterized by psychophysiological costs (price of activity) necessary to achieve the labor goal. In this case, tension is understood as the amount of effort applied by a person to solve the problem.

There are two main classes of states of tension: specific, which determines the dynamics and intensity of psychophysiological processes underlying the performance of specific labor skills, and nonspecific, which characterizes the general psychophysiological resources of a person and generally ensures the level of performance.

Maintenance requirements

Efficiency is the ability to work in a certain rhythm for a certain amount of time. Performance characteristics are neuropsychic stability, the pace of production activity, and human fatigue.

The working capacity limit as a variable depends on the specific conditions:

  • - health,
  • - balanced diet,
  • - age,
  • - the value of the reserve capabilities of a person (strong or weak nervous system),
  • - sanitary and hygienic working conditions,
  • - professional training and experience,
  • - motivation,
  • - personality orientation.

Among mandatory conditions, ensuring human performance, preventing overwork, an important place is occupied by the correct alternation of work and rest. In this regard, one of the tasks of the manager is to create for the staff optimal mode labor and rest. The regime should be established taking into account the characteristics of a particular profession, the nature of the work performed, specific working conditions, and the individual psychological characteristics of workers. First of all, the frequency, duration and content of breaks depend on it. Breaks for rest during the working day must necessarily precede the start of the expected decline in working capacity, and not be appointed later.

Psychophysiologists have established that psychological vigor begins at 6 o'clock in the morning and is maintained for 7 hours without much hesitation, but no more. Further performance requires increased willpower. Daily improvement biological rhythm starts again at about 15 pm and continues for the next two hours. By 18 o'clock psychological vigor gradually decreases, and by 19 o'clock there are specific changes in behavior: a decrease in mental stability gives rise to a predisposition to nervousness, increases the tendency to conflict over an insignificant issue. Some people get headaches, psychologists call this time a critical point. By 20 o'clock the psyche is activated again, the reaction time is reduced, the person reacts faster to signals. This state continues further: by 21 o'clock the memory is especially sharpened, it becomes capable of capturing much that was not possible during the day. Then there is a drop in working capacity, by 23 o'clock the body is preparing for rest, at 24 o'clock the one who went to bed at 22 o'clock is already dreaming.

In the afternoon there are 2 most critical period: 1 - about 19 hours, 2 - about 22 hours. For employees working at this time, special volitional tension and increased attention are required. Most dangerous period- 4 o'clock in the morning, when all the physical and mental capabilities of the body are close to zero.

Performance fluctuates throughout the week. The productivity costs of labor on the first and sometimes on the second day are well known. working week. Efficiency also undergoes seasonal changes associated with the seasons (in the spring it worsens).

In order to avoid harmful overwork, to restore strength, as well as to form what can be called readiness for work, rest is necessary. To prevent overwork of employees, the so-called "micropauses" are expedient, i.e. short-term, lasting 5-10 minutes, breaks during work. In the subsequent time, the restoration of functions slows down and is less effective: the more monotonous, monotonous the work, the more often there should be breaks. When designing a work and rest schedule, a manager should aim to replace a small number of long breaks shorter but more frequent. In the service sector, where a large nervous tension, short but frequent 5-minute breaks are desirable, and in the second half of the working day, due to more pronounced fatigue, the rest time should be longer than in the pre-lunch period. As a rule, such "respite" in modern organizations are not welcome. Paradoxically, but true: in a more favorable position are smokers who interrupt at least every hour. focusing on a cigarette. Apparently, this is why it is so difficult to get rid of smoking in institutions, because there is no alternative for him yet to recuperate during a short rest, which no one organizes.

In the middle of the working day, no later than 4 hours after the start of work, a lunch break (40-60 minutes) is introduced.

There are three types of long rest to recuperate after work:

  • 1. Rest after a working day. First of all - quite long and deep sleep(7-8 hours). Lack of sleep cannot be compensated for by any other type of recreation. In addition to sleep, active rest is recommended, for example, playing sports after hours, which greatly contributes to the body's resistance to fatigue at work.
  • 2. Day off. On this day, it is important to plan such activities in order to enjoy. It is the reception of pleasure that best restores the body from physical and mental overload. If such events are not planned, then the methods of obtaining pleasure may be inadequate: alcohol, overeating, quarrels with neighbors, etc. But the role of the leader here is reduced only to unobtrusive advice, since given time workers make their own plans.
  • 3. The longest vacation is vacation. Its timing is set by management, but planning also remains with the employees. The head (trade union committee) can only give advice on organizing recreation and help with the purchase of vouchers for spa treatment.

To restore functionality, they are also used additional methods like relaxation (relaxation), autogenic training, meditation, psychological trainings.

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