prothrombin index. What it is? What are the normal values? Prothrombin according to Quick: decoding, normal values

Those who are interested in the prothrombin index should know that the norm in women is in the range of 78-146%.

The blood coagulation system consists of 15 factors. With the help of various indicators, its condition is characterized. Prothrombin is an active protein in the blood coagulation system that stimulates the formation of a blood clot.

To assess the state of the blood coagulation system, an analysis of prothrombin in the blood is prescribed. When deciphering the result, you can get a high or low value of the prothrombin index. The protein in question is produced (in the liver) by vitamin K. With the help of prothrombin time and prothrombin, the doctor evaluates the state of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Blood is taken from a vein. Tissue thromboplastin is added to the material.

If the patient has just started taking anticoagulants, then it will be necessary to donate blood frequently (abnormalities may be observed). The doctor must select the appropriate remedy and adjust the dosage. Then a re-examination is carried out.

Initially, the patient donates blood 1 time in 2 days, and then - 2-4 times a month. The value of the prothrombin time will allow you to calculate the period required for the formation of a blood clot (after adding reagents). The norm of prothrombin time is multiplied by the thromboplastin sensitivity index indicated on the reagent package. The higher the value, the more blood clotting.

Thinners are taken at the same time. The analysis is carried out in the laboratory or at home. In the latter case, a special device is used. A blood test for protein content allows you to get the value of the following indicators:

  1. Prothrombin time - the value is indicated in seconds (time of the patient's blood clotting).
  2. Prothrombin according to Quick - shows the activity of prothrombin in the patient's blood plasma. Prepare a calibration chart first. In this case, prothrombin time is taken into account. The value of the indicator is expressed as a percentage.
  3. Prothrombin index (the ratio of prothrombin time is normal to that of the patient).
  4. INR (helps to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy).


If the prothrombin index is being studied, the ideal norm for men and women can range from 95-105%. Prothrombin according to Quick does not normally exceed 142%. If these indicators are normal, then their value is the same. The result of the analysis for the presence of prothrombin in the blood is issued on the form. The norm of prothrombin time is 9-12.6 seconds, and the INR is 0.85-1.15. If the prothrombin rate is below the average level, then bleeding can be triggered by the following factors:

  • taking drugs that cause reduced clotting;
  • vitamin K deficiency;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • violations in the liver.

If the above diseases occur during pregnancy, then urgent medical attention will be required. If the prothrombin index exceeds the average value, then increased blood clotting is observed. This condition can be caused by the following factors:

  • the presence of heparin;
  • excess vitamin K;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

This symptom is manifested in the following diseases:

  • thromboembolism;
  • heart attack;
  • the presence of malignancy;
  • high erythrocyte count.

The value of prothrombin and prothrombin time is important during pregnancy and its planning. A coagulogram is assigned to expectant mothers, since with the help of such an indicator it is possible to prevent bleeding during childbirth and the formation of a blood clot.

If the value of the indicator is low, then there is a risk of bleeding. In this case, the patient is prescribed coagulants. Otherwise, a woman in position is prescribed drugs that prevent increased blood clotting. Before giving birth, the obstetrician-gynecologist must know the level of prothrombin time. The value of this indicator will allow the doctor to prevent hemolytic shock during natural and artificial childbirth. If the obstetrician-gynecologist does not know about the low value of the prothrombin index, then he will not be able to prevent placental abruption. The lack of prothrombin contributes to the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • prolonged bleeding;
  • profuse blood loss.

This disrupts the physiological system of the human body.

Excess and deficiency of the index

If the value of the prothrombin index is high, then the doctor will be able to prevent the development of thrombosis in a timely manner. A high content of prothrombin in the blood can provoke atherosclerosis. Doctors recommend regularly monitoring the indicator in question.

To normalize the level of prothrombin, you must follow a special diet. The patient should drink plenty of fluids (juice, soup, water). It is good to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. It is not recommended to abuse herbs that promote blood clotting (nettle, plantain, cudweed). If you follow such a diet, then prothrombin will be normal, and the risk of possible bleeding and high blood clotting will be minimized.

Since the protein is easily amenable to the action of anticoagulants (Warfarin), it is therefore recommended to periodically examine the blood for INR (especially when using anticoagulants).

The study under consideration is carried out in certain cases. At the same time, for each indication, different norms of characteristic are characteristic:

  • examination of the patient before surgery (INR ranges from 0.85-1.25);
  • in the treatment of venous thrombosis and after surgery, the value of the indicator does not exceed 2.0-3.0;
  • in diseases of the heart and vascular system, the indicator ranges from 3.0-4.5.

If the INR value exceeds 1.25, then there is a risk of developing the following pathologies:

  • congenital diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • liver disease;
  • impaired absorption of fats in the intestine;
  • bile does not pass well from the liver to the duodenum.

Coagulogram in children

If the INR value exceeds 6.0, then urgent hospitalization of the patient is required. Otherwise, bleeding may occur. Such a condition is dangerous for a person in the presence of such concomitant diseases as inflammation and ulcers of the intestines and stomach, arterial hypertension, and kidney disease. Vitamin K deficiency can be congenital. A similar phenomenon is often observed during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the rate of prothrombotic time is 11-18 seconds. The risk group includes women in a position with a high probability of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity, and the presence of gestotic signs. The level of prothrombin, the norm in women in position ranges from 78-142%.

Normally, the blood coagulates in a child within 4-9 minutes. A coagulogram is prescribed for children in the following cases:

  • operation;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • hemophilia.

The doctor checks the data obtained with the norm, taking into account the age and complaints of the patient. With the help of this study, doctors can identify inflammatory, vascular and autoimmune diseases.

In the human body, there is a constant movement of blood - a life-giving fluid that provides nutrition to all cells of the body and metabolism. The length of the vessels is thousands of kilometers, and the area of ​​their location is more than half a hectare. It is impossible to imagine how all this is placed in the body of an adult.

But the amount of life-giving fluid is small: for men - a little more than five liters, and for women - about four. Therefore, when injuries or cuts violate the integrity of the circulatory system, its contents can quickly splash out, threatening a person with a fatal outcome.
If blood loss is not prevented, the main transport link that nourishes the entire body will cease to exist.

To prevent this from happening, nature has created a system responsible for blood clotting. It is she who is able to launch protective mechanisms that close the wound and prevent blood from leaving the vessels.

The value of prothrombin in the body

Part of this system are special plasma proteins, which are called blood coagulation factors. They are marked with Roman numerals from I to XIII. Prothrombin is one of the main components. This protein is a blood coagulation factor II.

The name "prothrombin" suggests that it is the precursor of thrombin, the active enzyme. With its assistance, a clot (thrombus) is formed, closing the wound and stopping blood loss.

A normal level of prothrombin indicates that the blood clotting process is working efficiently and the body will be able to stop the loss of this life-giving fluid in time.

Protein testing is not as common as clinical blood testing. This procedure is not easy and is prescribed only in case of emergency, for example, in case of blood diseases or if there are problems with its coagulation.

Determination of the level of prothrombin - the most important test in the hemostasiogram.

Norm of prothrombin

Prothrombin molecules break down very easily and quickly. It is difficult to separate them from other proteins, which makes it difficult to determine its level. Several methods are used for qualitative analysis.

  • Prothrombin according to Quick. Today this method is generally accepted and widespread. This technique provides for the calculation of the level of the substance as a percentage of the allowable amount. The following values ​​are considered optimal (%):
    • minimum - 70;
    • the maximum is 120.

    The indicator allows you to determine the activity of the prothrombized plasma complex in comparison with various dilutions of the patient's plasma. A graph of the change in prothrombin is drawn up, the construction of which is based on data on the time of blood clotting.

    Experts consider the analysis according to Quick to be the most accurate when low prothrombin levels are recorded.

  • Prothrombin index– is also defined as a percentage. The normal indicator is within the following limits (%):
    • minimum - 95;
    • the maximum is 105.

    The results of the two analyzes above may coincide if prothrombin is normal. But when its value is below the optimum, they diverge significantly. The index is highly dependent on the sensitivity of the chemicals used in the test.

  • prothrombin time- shows how many seconds the plasma folds after adding a special mixture to it.

    The final test results depend on age. In newborn babies, blood clotting time can be from 14 to 18 seconds. And these figures are normal. In adults, a gap of 10 to 15 seconds is considered optimal.

  • International Normalized Ratio - INR. This method is optional and is used to monitor the results of the prothrombin test.

    The INR method is recommended by WHO experts and other international organizations and committees that study thrombosis and are engaged in standardization in hematology. The results of such a test allow the doctor to control the effectiveness of treatment with anticoagulants - synthetic substances that reduce the content of prothrombin in the blood and slow down its clotting. These drugs are used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, that is, diseases that form dangerous blood clots in venous vessels.

    The INR is normally 0.85–1.15.

    When treating diseases such as pulmonary embolism, venous thrombosis, or heart valve pathologies are present, the allowable limits increase to 3.0.

Indications for a prothrombin test

A blood test for prothrombin may be prescribed by a doctor in such cases:

  • the patient has bleeding that does not stop for too long (this clearly indicates that blood clotting is below normal levels);
  • the performance of liver enzymes and the liver as a whole is reduced;
  • to monitor coagulation with prolonged use of anticoagulants;
  • with antiphospholipid syndrome in order to clarify the cause of the disease;
  • if there are diseases that are accompanied by a lack of vitamin K in the body.

Some indirect reasons requiring an analysis for prothrombin are exclusively individual in nature. Most often, the study is assigned to the fair sex aged 50 to 60. It is at this time that hormonal changes occur that cause a change in the composition and structure of the blood.

The following doctors can prescribe an analysis:

  • therapist;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • cardiologist;
  • anesthesiologist-resuscitator;
  • pulmonologist;
  • pediatrician.

For research, blood from a vein is used. In order for the results to be as correct as possible, before the study, it is necessary to follow the standard rules:

  • dinner no later than 8 pm, at least 12 hours before testing;
  • before the study, be sure to put your nerves in order and not overstrain physically;
  • do not smoke on the day of the test and do not take strong drinks.

As usual, blood is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. It is necessary to inform the medical staff about all medications that have been taken in the last day.

Prothrombin is elevated

An increased content of prothrombin in the blood indicates that blood clotting is more than normal. This means that it becomes too viscous, which impedes blood circulation and leads to blockage of blood vessels.

The following ailments can provoke an increase in the content of prothrombin, and hence blood clotting:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • liver pathology;
  • thromboembolism;
  • polycythemia;
  • progressive angina.

An increase in the amount of protein can also be caused by such factors:

  • an excess of vitamin K in the body, with the help of which prothrombin is produced;
  • use in therapy of anticoagulants, antibiotics, nicotinic acid, hormonal contraceptives. Excessive use of aspirin, anabolics, laxatives can also affect the growth of prothrombin.

Quite often, the protein content increases during childbearing. Most often it manifests itself in the last trimester and does not need treatment.

Prothrombin is lowered: causes

A low level of prothrombin is dangerous because even a small injury that damages a blood vessel can result in significant blood loss. After all, the formation of a blood clot is slower than it should be.

A decrease in the level of prothrombin is provoked by such reasons:

  • Individual pathologies of the liver, although most of them are accompanied by an increase in protein. The content of prothrombin decreases in acute and chronic forms of hepatitis. The same is true for cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Insufficient synthesis of vitamin K by the body. This process develops most often due to gastrointestinal ailments and dysbacteriosis.
  • Deficiency of fibrinogen - a protein that is produced in the liver and then converted into fibrin, which is the basis of a clot during blood clotting. Such a deficiency can be both congenital and acquired.
  • Reception for medicinal purposes of drugs that promote the growth of blood clotting.

It is possible to bring the level of prothrombin back to normal, but something should be done only after consulting a specialist.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the ailments that caused the problem. Quite often, the basis of treatment is a special diet.

Blood in the human body can be in a liquid and thick state. The liquid consistency of blood allows it to perform several functions, including protecting the body from the effects of an infectious environment, the exchange of vitamins and minerals, the transport of oxygen to all organs and systems, and the maintenance of normal body temperature.

If hemorrhagic syndrome occurs as a result of a wound, injury or cut, the blood begins to thicken and form a blood clot, the purpose of which is to stop bleeding and start the process of vascular regeneration. Blood thickens due to the production of a special type of protein called prothrombin. Protein synthesis occurs in the liver. It is made possible by vitamin K. Thus, prothrombin is the second reason why blood coagulates.

Blood test for PTI - what is it?

Therapy of quite a few diseases involves, among other things, donating blood for a special study aimed at determining coagulability. One of the indicators of such a study is the prothrombin index or PTI. It helps prevent possible bleeding or blood clots.

This type of analysis is often used in the field of surgery and therapy. The analysis is painless for the patient and safe. It can only be carried out in a laboratory.

Description of the PTI index

What does a blood test for PTI show? The PTI index is the ratio of the length of time for which the patient's blood clotted to the period for which the standard sample folds. For convenience, the ratio is indicated as a percentage. The result is multiplied by one hundred.

Prothrombin plays a crucial role in the process of blood clotting. This specific type of protein is subsequently converted into thrombin, from which the blood clot consists.

As mentioned above, vitamin K is directly involved in the production of prothrombin, the deficiency of which disrupts protein synthesis, increasing the risk of bleeding.

It seems that the reader has received an exhaustive answer to the question: "A blood test for PTI - what is it?"

Plasma coagulation index

An equally important indicator is also the plasma coagulation index. This is the ability of blood to transform from a liquid state into a thick one. According to this value, the doctor can evaluate the work of the digestive organs and the excretory system.

In a normal state, blood flows in liquid form in the vessels. This helps it to fulfill its main purpose and functions, namely the transportation of vital substances to all organs and systems.

Damage to the outer skin or internal tissues provokes bleeding. It is at this moment that the body starts the clotting process, making the fluid in the vessels thicker and thereby creating a blood clot that clogs the wound.

PTI norm

There are no general rules for PTI in a blood test. There are many ways to determine normal values. This is due to the fact that the biochemical analysis of plasma depends on the sensitivity to the reagents and the individual response to them. Thus, the figures may vary.

The World Health Organization recommends replacing PTI with the international normalized ratio or INR, since its norm indicators do not depend on the conditions of a particular laboratory. The norm of INR is considered to be 0.8-1.2. If the indicators obtained as a result of the study are significantly deviated, this indicates the presence or predisposition to certain pathologies.

Below we will tell you in more detail what it is - a blood test for PTI and how much is the norm of this index.

Prothrombin index during pregnancy

Every woman during pregnancy must pass a blood test for PTI. Research on PTI is carried out on average up to 4 times for the entire period of bearing a child. The third trimester on the eve of childbirth is the key to passing the analysis.

The PTI index in expectant mothers is overestimated and is in the range of 90-120%, which is considered normal, since additional blood circulation between the placenta and the uterus is necessary. Significant hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy also require special control, including PTI.

A decrease in PTI below 80% increases the risk of major blood loss during or after childbirth. A PTI value of more than 160% threatens placental abruption, which is very dangerous not only for the child, but also for the patient herself.

In this case, the woman is urgently hospitalized and is on inpatient treatment until delivery. Such measures make it possible to prepare for childbirth properly and prevent death. Given all of the above, it becomes clear why it is very important to know exactly the answer to the question: “What is this - a blood test for PTI?”

Decoding reduced PTI

Normal PTI values ​​indicate that a person is healthy and has a good blood clotting rate.

Any deviations from the norm of PTI in a blood test are a significant cause for concern, as they indicate pathological processes in the body or a high probability of their occurrence.

If, as a result of a blood test, the PTI indicator is underestimated, then a tendency to bleeding appears in the body. In addition, this fact indicates insufficient blood density.

Causes of a decrease in the prothrombin index

The reasons for the decrease in such changes in blood counts may be the following diseases:

  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin K. This leads to blood thinning and, accordingly, underestimates the PTI.
  • Pathological processes in the organs of the intestinal tract, the predominance of harmful microflora over the beneficial one.
  • Liver diseases. Some of them can cause dysfunction of the synthesis of substances involved in blood clotting.
  • Congenital deficiency of prothrombin. Pronounced genetic or acquired deficiency of plasma fibrinogen.
  • Syndrome of failure in the function of blood clotting.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland, which interfere with the process of blood thickening.
  • Violation of protein metabolism.
  • Renal nephrotic diseases.
  • Cancer processes in the pancreas, gallbladder, as well as hematological oncological diseases of a chronic nature or in an acute form.

In addition to all of the above diseases, the intake of potent drugs can distort the indicators of PTI downward. This applies to painkillers, as well as drugs of the antibiotic group.

To avoid incorrect results when deciphering a blood test for PTI, it is necessary to inform the attending physician in a timely manner about all medications taken at the time of blood sampling. You also need to report on the medicines drunk the day before, since not all active substances are immediately excreted from the body.

If PTI is above normal

An overestimated PTI indicator when deciphering the results of the study indicates an excessive rapidity of blood thickening. Such a deviation is also dangerous for health, as it indicates various diseases and pathologies.

In exceptional cases, the syndrome of deficiency of plasma constituents, which interferes with the normal process of blood clots, is genetically determined. In other cases, an increased level of PTI indicates the following conditions in the body:

  • Elevated platelet count in the blood.
  • Thrombosis of the primary type, when blood clots block the deep veins of the extremities.
  • The formation of malignant tumors.
  • Side effects of certain drugs, including steroid drugs and oral contraceptives.
  • Pathologies in the region of the heart and blood vessels. This is due to a slowdown in the blood circulation process, since thick blood cannot move quickly through the veins.

Preparation for analysis

Proper examination preparation guarantees the most accurate results.

Before taking blood, you should not eat for 10 hours. The material is taken in the morning strictly on an empty stomach.

A day before the test, you should stop eating fatty and fried foods.

Under the ban are alcohol, as well as intense physical activity. All this leads to significant fluid losses by the body, as a result of which the indicators are distorted.

Half an hour before donating blood, try to maintain a state of rest, without sudden movements.

After taking potent drugs, you should observe a break before the study at least a week.

Blood is taken from a vein, which the laboratory assistant collects in a test tube with special reagents. After the material is collected, you should not get up abruptly, you need to sit for a while.

The indicators obtained as a result of a blood test for PTI will help to assess the general state of health and diagnose possible pathologies at an early stage.

We hope that readers have received an exhaustive answer to the question: "A blood test for PTI - what is it, and what is the normal value of the prothrombin index?"

The prothrombin index is one of the indicators of the work of the blood coagulation system. It is part of a group of tests that are ordered to determine the cause of bleeding and blood clots, and is also used as a check on the quality of anticoagulant treatment.

About 15 active substances take part in the blood clot formation system, each of which determines its state. Prothrombin is a protein body that is thrombin, a special enzyme responsible for stimulating the formation of a blood clot.

What is it?

Take the prothrombin index as a ratio that characterizes the external pathway of blood coagulation.

In the human body, there is a certain system for stopping bleeding, consisting of several mechanisms:

  • the occurrence of spasm in the damaged vessel;
  • thrombus formation;
  • coagulation cascade (a series of sequential activation of a number of factors, each of which triggers the activation of the next), the result is the formation of a stable thrombus.

The effectiveness of stopping the bleeding process depends on the full participation of all mechanisms. At the last stage, it is necessary to have several dozen factors, which are usually denoted by letters in the study, depending on the sequence of their discovery.

There is an external and internal coagulation pathway. The first begins to work as a result of exposure to tissue factors in violation of the integrity of the tissue, and the second - the formation of blood clots under the influence of blood platelets. This division helps in clinical practice to assess the entire state of the coagulation system as a whole.

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How is it determined in practice?

No special preparation is required for this study. The patient should inform his doctor or laboratory assistant if he constantly uses drugs that can affect coagulation.

To determine the prothrombin index, both venous and capillary blood can be taken. If the analysis is taken from a vein, then it is carried out on an empty stomach. Usually this is done in the morning.

If there is a need to undergo a laboratory test at another time, then you should refrain from eating for six hours.

The resulting blood is placed in a test tube with prepared anticoagulant (sodium citrate). The usual ratio of the first to the second is 9 to 1.

Then the resulting mixture is processed using a centrifuge, this allows you to get plasma to determine the prothrombin time, or PT. Its normal performance should be between 12 and 20 seconds.

After the PV indicator has been determined, you can get PI (prothrombin index). It is usually calculated using the formula:

PI \u003d PV of a healthy person / PV of a sick person, multiplied by 100.

In the normal state of the coagulation system, the result is from 95 to 105 percent. The norm for women and men in this case is the same, and does not depend on gender. But in the representatives of the stronger sex, the upper limit of the norm of this indicator is more often observed.

The prothrombin index according to Quick is more accurately determined, it allows you to evaluate the work of the system and the activity of prothrombin, measured as a percentage according to a special schedule.

For this purpose, various dilutions of control solutions of blood plasma are taken. Upon receipt of the results, it becomes clear that the rate of PI according to Quick is a figure from 78 to 142 percent.

In what case is the rate decreasing?

The prothrombin index is lowered during hypercoagulability, which leads to the formation of blood clots and the development of a stroke, infarction or PE. This may be due to some reasons:

  • Oncological pathology in the liver and other organs (lungs or intestines). This leads to the constant formation of blood clots. The results of the study may also change with neoplasms in the gonads in women. Such diseases, when the body is prone to thrombosis, require advanced diagnostics to determine the full count of the number of cells.
  • During surgical interventions, DIC may develop. Sometimes it accompanies a state of shock. Most often, this complication is observed during surgery in women after an abortion or surgery on the genitals.
  • A decrease in PI is often the case with the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • The level of the prothrombin index in people decreases after they reach the age of 50. This process is explained by the fact that in old people and the elderly, the level of fibrin and the number of platelets usually increase. And this is the norm for men and women. The activity of the coagulation system itself decreases, and the time for the formation of a blood clot becomes much less than in a young person. In women, this phenomenon is observed after the onset of menopause, due to hormonal changes in the whole organism.
  • allergic manifestations. In mild forms of hypersensitivity, the level of the prothrombin index is usually not analyzed. But if there is a massive deviation in the work of the immune system and its perversion towards a violation of homeostasis, then one of the dangerous complications of this condition is the development of thrombosis. This indicates a significant decrease in PI compared with the norm. If it is possible to successfully prevent contact with the cause of the allergy, then after re-analysis, prothrombin will return to its normal value.

High PI: what is it?

An increase in the prothrombin index indicates that there is hypocoagulation and the patient has a high risk of bleeding, it can be caused by:

  1. The lack of some coagulation factors, the tendency to this is inherited, including prothrombin.
  2. The occurrence of a deficiency of these same factors as a result of a number of diseases of the liver or kidneys (glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome, amyloidosis of the kidney, hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  3. The prothrombin index is increased during treatment with drugs with anticoagulant activity.
  4. Lack of vitamin K in the body, this substance is a necessary component and one of the important factors in the blood coagulation system. It decreases as a result of malabsorption in the intestine with food during inflammatory processes (colitis of various origins) or dysbacteriosis, including those caused by prolonged use of antibiotics. This is also possible with prolonged fasting and too strict diet. Sometimes this is possible in women with heavy menstruation or in older people.
  5. Hemorrhagic diathesis in newborns.
  6. The presence of heparin in the blood.
  7. Acute or chronic leukemia.
  8. Blood transfusion.
  9. Use in the treatment of various diseases of antibiotics, large doses of aspirin, thiazide diuretics, steroid hormones, laxatives, quinine or quinidine.

Why is this study needed?

Usually this index is determined in diseases that may be accompanied by the development of bleeding. The study is carried out in the following situations:

  • when planning a pregnancy;
  • before childbirth, usually at the same time, the level of the prothrombin index rises, since the body is preparing to meet natural blood loss with the least losses;
  • in the presence of heavy and prolonged menstruation;
  • during long-term use of warfarin;
  • in individuals over the age of 50.

Sometimes an extended examination is required in individuals with suspected possible massive formation of blood clots.

According to the data obtained, the doctor can also judge the state and work of the digestive organs and the liver.

An increase in PI before childbirth can lead during them and after the birth of a baby to complications in the form of thrombosis of various organs. Therefore, the control of hemocoagulation during the carrying of the fetus is an important point in the management of pregnancy.

In contact with

The prothrombin index is a very important blood indicator in the primary diagnosis of blood clotting disorders. This analysis allows you to timely identify a person's predisposition to conditions such as hemorrhages or thrombosis. Any violation of coagulation invariably leads to the development of life-threatening diseases. In order to identify the cause of the disease, to confirm or exclude the diagnosis, patients are prescribed a study on the prothrombin index. The PTI norm in a healthy person is quite stable.

What is prothrombin

Prothrombin is a protein responsible for blood clotting. It is this substance that in the course of the coagulation chain turns into thrombin when injured. It forms a thrombus. Thanks to this clot, the wound is clogged, and the person cannot lose a large amount of blood. With an increase in the level of prothrombin, there is a danger of the formation of blood clots in the arteries, veins and vessels, and with its deficiency, extensive hemorrhages occur.

Every person should monitor the level of prothrombin, especially after the age of 40 years. This will allow timely detection of violations and prevent the development of fatal diseases. According to statistics, half of the population of our planet have prothrombin level deviations in one direction or another. Violation causes heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis and other extremely dangerous diseases.

A biochemical PTI blood test determines the ratio of the blood clotting time of a healthy person and a patient. According to this index, doctors judge the amount of prothrombin in the blood.

The result of the analysis is indicated as a percentage.

Violation of the level of PTI is most often associated with liver diseases, because it is in it that this protein is synthesized. Thus, the analysis allows not only to diagnose a blood disease, but also to identify a liver disease. A blood test for PTI is mandatory for people before surgery.

Normal performance

The rate of IPT in the blood of healthy adults ranges from 70% to 140%. However, during therapy with some drugs, significant deviations can be observed, which in this case are considered the norm. Also, in women, the norm of the prothrombin index may change during childbearing, which is also not a pathology, but requires correction.

To more accurately determine the blood coagulation index, doctors today use the Quick PTI chart. This table is based on the blood coagulation rates of healthy people in various medical institutions and therefore is a more reliable source for comparison:

Age Norm
until 6 80-100
6-12 79-102
12-18 78-110
18-25 82-115
25-45 78-135
45-65 from 78 to 140

What determines the change in the index

PTI its rate depends on the level of prothrombin in the blood. If the indicator is below normal, there is a risk of heavy bleeding. Especially dangerous are hemorrhages in the brain and abdominal cavity. The prothrombin index can be lowered for the following reasons:

  • Vitamin K deficiency.
  • Liver diseases.
  • fibrinogen deficiency.
  • excess heparin.
  • Amyloidosis.
  • nephrotic syndrome.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Oncology of the gallbladder.
  • Leukemia.
  • Taking strong medications.

An increase in PTI indicates accelerated blood clotting, which can cause the formation of blood clots that can block blood flow and lead to dangerous consequences. An elevated prothrombin index can be caused by the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition.
  • High content of erythrocytes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • lack of heparin.
  • Pregnancy in the third trimester.
  • Taking certain hormonal drugs.

Deciphering the analysis

Today, several methods are used to determine PTI. This can negatively affect the diagnosis, because the indicators may differ depending on the laboratory. A blood test for PTI should be decoded only by the attending physician, taking into account all possible factors affecting the index.

Abroad, biochemical has not been used for a long time; in developed countries, another study is being conducted - INR. This analysis is more accurate and its indicators have standard forms of calculation. It is for this reason that in modern clinics, instead of IPT in our country, they also conduct an INR study.

Features of female analysis

Doctors pay special attention to the content of prothrombin in the blood of women who are carrying a child. Every pregnant woman should donate blood for IPT so that doctors can identify possible deviations in a timely manner. If deviations from the norm are detected, expectant mothers are prescribed medical corrective therapy.

Unfortunately, many expectant mothers ignore the indications of doctors for testing. They believe that these indicators are completely unimportant for their health, since they feel good. However, the statistics say otherwise. According to statistics, 10% of women who did not take a blood test for PTI, unfortunately, died during childbirth from sudden severe bleeding or from tearing off a hidden blood clot.

When should testing be done regularly?

A PTI blood test is usually taken before surgery and during pregnancy. However, there are patients who need to donate blood for analysis on a regular basis in order to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. These patients include:

  • Patients with cardiac implants.
  • Patients with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis.
  • People with varicose veins.

It is very important to control the level of PTI in men and women over 50, because they are in a special risk group for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Timely diagnosis in the elderly can save a person's life. Today, 70% of older people in our country die from heart attacks and strokes. Also, the prothrombin index should be constantly monitored in patients with the following diseases:

  • Thromboembolism.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Hereditary disorders of coagulation.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Post-infarction and post-stroke condition.

In addition, control of the level of PTI is carried out with hormonal and heparin therapy. These drugs can significantly affect coagulation. If you take these medicines uncontrollably, you put your life at risk. Remember that any medicine must be taken as directed by a doctor, even traditional medicine.

Rules for passing the analysis

Like all blood tests, you need to take the material for research in the morning on an empty stomach. A week before the sampling, alcohol and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. On the day of sampling, you can not drink tea and coffee, it is not recommended to smoke 30 minutes before the analysis. In addition, you need to try to eliminate stressful conditions, you can not be nervous. All of these factors can affect the result of the analysis. If you have taken any medications, and even herbal teas, you need to tell your doctor.

If deviations are found, you will be assigned additional examinations that will help to find out the causes of coagulation disorders. It should be remembered that the deviation of the PTI index is not an independent disease, but only a reaction of the body to an existing disease. It is very important to identify the root cause of the deviation and undergo appropriate treatment. The attending physician should decipher the results of the analysis.

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