A child of 5 months turns blue. Why are babies born blue?

One of the biggest concerns of parents is the health of their children. This is especially true for those mothers and fathers whose children are still very young and cannot tell what worries them. In this case, it is useful to know which symptoms are really dangerous so as not to miss serious illness. Pediatricians identify a number of alarming situations that should alert parents. For example, if the baby turns blue.

This phenomenon occurs in newborns quite often and is characteristic of both healthy children and those who have diseases. The bluish tinge is caused sharp drop oxygen in the blood, which may be due to different reasons. In medicine, this phenomenon is called cyanosis.

Better to be safe...

In matters relating to the health of newborns, carelessness should not be shown, because it can turn into a real disaster. Often, diseases in children proceed much faster, so it is advisable not to delay treatment and not waste precious time. The main rule for parents is what younger child the more vigilant you need to be.

Timely contact with a specialist will help to avoid complications. The blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a baby is an indisputable reason to visit a pediatrician and consult.

Mindfulness and vigilance

Parents know their baby best and notice every change in his behavior. But sometimes, due to the lack of medical knowledge, they do not attach importance to the symptoms that have appeared and cannot correctly assess the degree of danger. But external changes skin colors cause anxiety and panic in parents. If it turns blue nasolabial triangle in infants, then it is necessary to exercise maximum vigilance, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Reasons for turning blue

In the first months of a newborn's life, the pediatrician asks mothers a large number of various questions about the behavior and sleep of the baby, as appearance very difficult to recognize the changes. The appearance of a blue tint in the nasolabial region may indicate a malfunction of cardio-vascular system. If parents notice the legs of the baby, it is urgent to call emergency care.

If the baby has light and thin skin, then the situation when the nasolabial triangle turns blue may be a variant of the norm. In the first days of life, the area around the eyes can also change the shade.

What explains the bluish tint?

Parents should know that heart disease is determined by this symptom. The skin turns blue due to the mixing of two types of blood: venous and arterial. As a result, the body suffers from enough oxygen. Very rarely, the nasolabial triangle in a newborn suddenly changes shade. As a rule, the baby begins to worry. Sometimes he has a slight tremor.

If parents notice such signs in their child, it is urgent to consult a doctor or call for help at home. The specialist should describe in detail all the symptoms and changes that have occurred with the baby. When the nasolabial triangle changes color in a newborn, this may be due to diseases nervous system or be explained by the incorrect structure of the cardiac partitions. Sometimes it may be necessary surgical intervention so procrastination is very dangerous.

Inspection is a must!

When the shade changes skin child, an examination is scheduled. It is better to start with a consultation with a pediatrician - he will assess the condition of the baby and tell you what actions should be taken next. Only after complex measures is the final diagnosis made and prescribed adequate treatment. Any suspicious changes must be reported to the doctors.

Blue nasolabial area in a healthy child

Sometimes it happens that the baby, which is absolutely healthy. This may be due to hypothermia, so you should pay attention to the temperature in the room and check if the baby is warmly dressed. Such a symptom sometimes appears when the baby is moved to another room, where it is much colder. sharp drops can cause a bluish tint to the nasolabial area.

Parents are restless and often notice such a phenomenon in them. The tint comes from nervous tension and lower blood oxygen levels. As the child grows older, this phenomenon will disappear.

Respiratory problems

When a newborn has cyanosis, it can be caused by diseases respiratory tract. For pneumonia or pathological condition lung nasolabial triangle blue in infants. But in this case, other signs should be present: shortness of breath, pallor and hard breath. At critical moments, this area takes on a bright blue color.

When is immediate help needed?

Parents should call emergency services if they notice a bluish tint in the baby, but at the same time he does not cry or worry, behaves sluggishly and does not respond to actions addressed to him. This may be a symptom of heart failure. When the nasolabial triangle in the baby turns blue, it can be extremely dangerous to delay and delay time.

But whatever the cause of cyanosis, self-medication is by no means worth it. This symptom does not tolerate negligence and carelessness. Parents are required to as soon as possible inform the doctor about this problem and undergo all the necessary examinations.

Such a phenomenon as turning blue in a baby's nasolabial triangle is quite common, and in many cases does not pose a danger to the health of the child. However, there are situations when such a symptom manifests a violation of the function of cardiovascular activity, as well as the respiratory system. What is cyanosis and why does it appear?

Cyanosis is a symptom of oxygen deficiency in the body, which increases the formation of methemoglobin. It is this reduced type of hemoglobin that makes the skin and mucous membranes darker. Blueing of the epidermis in the region of the nasolabial triangle in infants may be of a pathological and physiological type.


Basically, this phenomenon is a consequence of increased physical activity. Also, this area turns blue due to:

  • long crying, during which the baby exhales a large amount of air, and inhales little, which is why there is a lack of oxygen in the blood;
  • during feeding. Nutrition breast milk- This huge pressure for an infant, due to which the superficial vessels expand and become more noticeable;
  • prolonged exposure to altitude leads to a non-pathological decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood;
  • hypothermia while bathing or changing clothes causes cyanosis of the area above the upper lip. If after baby warm, the blue will disappear, which means that this state is not dangerous.

If the baby's nasolabial triangle turns blue and does not return its original view, a blue tint appears on the tongue, fingers - you should immediately consult a doctor.


Cyanosis pathological is divided into 3 groups depending on its development algorithm.

  • pneumonia;
  • aspiration of the respiratory tract;
  • runny nose;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inhalation tobacco smoke or carbon monoxide;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.
  1. Pathology of the cardiovascular type. Appears due to congenital heart defects from the first days of a child's life. Since this diagnosis is not always possible immediately after birth, it is necessary to regularly visit scheduled checkups to prevent the development of dangerous complications.

How to distinguish the norm

To analyze the state of health of the baby, parents just need to carefully observe him. If the nasolabial triangle has acquired a blue tint, pathology can be excluded:

  • at normal growth and development of the child;
  • in the absence of heart murmurs;
  • at normal color skin in the area around the mouth and on other parts of the body;
  • in the absence of cough or difficulty breathing, when cyanosis appears;
  • with a normal pinkish skin tone;
  • in the absence of drowsiness and lethargy.

If at least one of the listed points does not coincide with the actual state of the baby and the area above the upper lip rapidly turns blue, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required.

What do we have to do

If the baby turns blue in the area above the upper lip, you need to look, after which it appears. If, when a symptom occurs during bathing, and quickly disappears, it does not pose any danger to the health of the baby. At constant appearance such a skin condition should:

  1. contact your pediatrician as soon as possible. At the appointment, the doctor may prescribe additional studies to put correct diagnosis and report why the area of ​​​​the upper lip turns blue. Among the procedures, the doctor may prescribe: an electrocardiogram, ultrasonography heart muscle, X-ray chest area. Also, in some cases, it is necessary to visit a neurologist to conduct full examination child.
  2. change lifestyle. It is required to maintain optimal temperature regime and humidity in the room where the child is. You should walk more often, as well as soothe the baby when crying. This advice also applies to healthy children, since only in a comfortable environment does proper and timely development take place.
  3. Do massage. Carrying out daily massage will allow to stimulate the activity of the nervous system, as well as to normalize the work of the respiratory department. If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract of a child, you should carefully and quickly put the baby with his stomach down on his knees and lightly hit him on the back. If this method does not work, you need to urgently call a doctor to exclude the appearance of blue skin in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, as well as suffocation.

Cyanosis of the area above the upper lip, giving a blue tint to the skin of the baby, is a symptom that must be carefully monitored to prevent pathology. Only timely treatment able to exclude the development of possible dangerous complications.

Determining the level of oxygen in the blood

As soon as you bring a child who has turned blue to the hospital, you must immediately measure the level of oxygen in his blood. This can be done with an oximeter. This device examines the composition of blood using infrared rays. In addition, with the help of an oxyhemostra, you can simultaneously measure the baby's pulse. Rapid pulse is also a symptom reduced level oxygen in the blood.

Blood oxygen levels can be determined with a blood test. Currently, a blood test is recognized as the most accurate way to measure the level of oxygen in a child's blood, but it takes some time to complete, so oxyhemostr is used first.

What should I do if my child has low oxygen levels and his skin turns blue?

If the child does not have enough oxygen in the blood, an oxygen mask or nasal tube is needed. In very rare cases a breathing tube is inserted down the throat and delivers oxygen directly to the lungs (endotracheal tube). This tube is connected to a ventilator that enriches the lungs with oxygen. When a child is connected to a breathing apparatus, the level of oxygen in his blood must be measured continuously, which will help to effectively determine the causes that led to a lack of oxygen in the child's body.

Tests to identify the causes of blue skin in a child

Since there are many causes of a child's blue skin, it is sometimes necessary to conduct a whole set of tests to identify them.

  • If the child has impaired activity of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to conduct studies of the size, shape and functioning various departments hearts.
  • If the cause is in the lungs, an x-ray will be needed to look for foreign bodies or infectious diseases in the lungs.

Why is the child blue?

Blueing of the skin must be treated, first of all, fighting the causes of which it is a consequence.

Causes low level oxygen in the blood (blue skin) of the child

  1. If a child has a lung infection (pneumonia), they will need to be treated with antibiotics. If the child is already six weeks old, he can be given pills, but if the child is less than four weeks old, antibiotics must be administered intravenously. If the exact type of infection is to be determined, it may be necessary to make a general and bacteriological analyzes blood. If provisional diagnosis doctors confirms the child has pneumonia, it is necessary to start treatment with potent antibiotics general action. When the type of causative agent of the infection is determined, treatment with antibiotics of a special action is started. Lung infections caused by bacteria should be treated with antibiotics; if a child with blue skin has a viral lung infection, it must be placed under the supervision of doctors and connected to the device artificial respiration, antibiotics are not used in this case, since viruses are not sensitive to them.
  2. There are other causes of lung dysfunction in children and blue skin. Diatoms in the pulmonary region can be corrected surgically. A special course of treatment can also be applied to eliminate problems in the lower respiratory tract.
  3. If particles of foreign bodies (toys, pieces of food) enter the lower respiratory tract, it is urgent to call a doctor who can remove them.
  4. Inflammation of the airways may result from an infection or allergic reaction. In these cases, special medical preparations.
  5. If the blueness of the skin in a newborn child was the result of a violation of the heart, it is necessary to call a cardiologist who will examine the child. It may be necessary to use an oxygen mask or connect the child to a ventilator. In very rare cases, a child will need surgery to correct heart problems.

Complications from low blood oxygen levels

What complications can arise? Main and most serious complication- inadequate oxygen supply important organs child. The brain controls normal functioning all other organs of the body, and an insufficient supply of oxygen can lead to disruption of the activity of other organs. That is why human body designed in such a way that the brain experiences oxygen starvation last. As a result, even with low levels of oxygen in the blood, the level of oxygen in the brain is much higher. In very rare cases, a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood can be fatal.

In the photo, blueing is caused by bronchiolitis - inflammation of the smallest bronchi, which is accompanied by respiratory failure. The disease itself usually disappears in 2-3 weeks, but you need to monitor the child's breathing.

Parents of newborns, as well as children of the first year of life, can often observe a blue nasolabial fold or nasolabial triangle in their baby. Both absolutely healthy children and those suffering from certain diseases of organs and systems can face a similar phenomenon.

Normal performance blood oxygen saturation should be at least 95%. The crying and screaming of a child is a stressful situation for child's body, resulting in a decrease this indicator up to 90-92% (critical level). It is the drop in the oxygen saturation of the blood that causes the blue area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in children. different ages.

Below, the main causes of the physiological and pathological blue of the nasolabial region in children of different ages will be described in detail.

Physiological blue

From the moment of birth and in the first 2-3 weeks, a newborn baby may experience a blue nasolabial triangle, which occurs against the background of insolvency respiratory system. This condition is especially pronounced during the screaming and crying of the child, when there is a drop in the oxygen saturation of the body. In the process of growing up, this phenomenon passes on its own.

If the blue of the nasolabial triangle does not disappear on its own after 2-3 weeks from the moment the child is born, then this is good reason to seek medical advice. It should be borne in mind that such a condition can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child, so postponing medical examination unacceptable.

Long and complicated childbirth can also provoke a blue nasolabial triangle in a newborn. The reason for this may be short-term hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child's body in the process of passing through birth canal.

Another reason for the physiological blueness of the nasolabial triangle in children may be the increased transparency of the skin in this area, especially in newborns. Through thin skin, vascular (venous) plexuses can be seen, giving a blue tint.

Pathological blue

One of probable causes given state may be a disease of the respiratory system of the child. As an example, one can single out acute bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). How additional symptoms with these diseases, pallor of the skin of the child, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, as well as coughing fits can be observed. The more pronounced such symptoms, the more intense the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in the baby. Appearance this sign in a child of 3 years old, it can be observed both with untimely diagnosed cardiac pathology and with diseases of the respiratory system.

A foreign body in the respiratory tract can also cause this condition.

Special attention you should also pay attention to the temperature of the child's body, since hypothermia can provoke cyanosis (blue) in this area.

To more serious reasons appearance given symptom include congenital heart defects and large vessels (pulmonary artery), as well as the phenomenon of heart failure. Accurate diagnosis similar states is feasible only with the use of special medical equipment, and with the participation of qualified medical specialists.

many medical specialists it was noted that the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a child associated with malformations of the cardiovascular system is accompanied by the appearance of blue in the region of the orbital cavities, which is not observed with lung pathology.

Reason for urgent appeal to the doctor is the presence of blue for 3 weeks from the moment of birth, and at the moments of complete rest of the child.


The main methods for determining heart malformations are ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and radiography of organs. chest. Subject to the exclusion of pathologies from the cardiovascular system, a pediatrician may recommend additional consultation pediatric neurologist. During this consultation and additional methods studies, the child can be diagnosed various violations from the respiratory system.

Prevention of the formation of deviations from the cardiovascular system in a child begins even in the period prenatal development. A woman's compliance with the prescribed regimen during pregnancy (cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol, good nutrition) is a guarantee of reducing the risk of developing undesirable consequences.

Treatment of cyanosis (blue) of the nasolabial triangle in children is permissible only after exact definition true reason. In case of exclusion of heart defects, the child can be recommended only a general strengthening massage, walks on fresh air, and water procedures.

The most common congenital defect heart is 'open oval window”, a pathology in which there is a mixing of arterial and venous blood in the child's body. result this process is a persistent oxygen starvation of the whole organism. If the blueness of the nasolabial triangle has arisen against the background of this defect, then the child needs next mode:

  • daily long walks in the fresh air;
  • full restriction stressful situations;
  • complete and proper nutrition.

The appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can be observed in children of 5 years old, when the defect was not diagnosed immediately after birth.
If this symptom is present in children 1-3 months of age, parents should adhere to the following tactics:

  1. Seek advice from your pediatrician regarding possible cause the appearance of blue, as well as get a referral for an examination.
  2. To get a consultation pediatric cardiologist for the purpose of excluding congenital pathology heart and blood vessels.
  3. Get a consultation with a pediatric neurologist in case of exclusion of cardiac pathology.

Timely application for medical care and carrying out the necessary medical measures is a pledge positive outcome this process.

Blue lips in a child is a symptom that indicates internal violations or disease. The hue changes due to fluctuations in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and its saturation with oxygen. Such manifestations in children become common cause diseases of the respiratory system and heart. First you need to provide first aid, then contact a medical facility.

The most common reasons why the lips turn blue are malfunctions of the heart, blockage of blood vessels. The phenomenon is due to tissue hypoxia. If the lower one turns blue, upper lip, then there is a violation as a result of a weak outflow of venous blood and an imbalance of arterial inflow.

The reason is a subcutaneous tumor, inflammation. The process is due to closely spaced vessels in the muscle of the lips. Such manifestations occur in a child when bathing in cold water or when it is cold.

Often when crying small child lips turn blue. If breast baby will cry for a long time, this provokes blood flow to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips, chin, spraying oxygen accelerates the pace as a result of high lung activity. If the child has calmed down, the cyanosis has subsided, do not worry.

The reasons why the baby's lips may turn blue, not related to the disease:

  • lack of oxygen in enclosed spaces;
  • hypothermia on a walk at low temperatures;
  • strong physical activity.

A possible cause of discoloration of the lips is a combination of all factors.

The main causes of blue lips in a child:

  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma attack.

If the baby has no appetite, he is losing weight, lethargic, there is crying, coughing, fever, then you need to urgently go to an ambulance.

There is such a reason for the blue triangle near the mouth, as respiratory syndrome. The disease is not very dangerous, it is directly related to age-related changes. Associated with excitement.


  • blue lower lip;
  • triangle near the mouth;
  • face;
  • throat spasms.

There is a lack of calcium in the child's body. In children older than 4 years, the disease resolves on its own.

Metabolic cyanosis can cause bluish lips in newborns.

In such cases, an excess of phosphates occurs in the body, and a lack of sufficient calcium. Such phenomena occur after hemorrhage inside the skull, cerebral edema.

Congenital heart disease in infants provokes blue lips. A sign of pathology is a violation of blood circulation. In such babies, by 9-12 weeks, the following symptoms appear:

  • dyspnea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • blue nasolabial triangle;
  • convulsions.

Treatment requires surgical intervention aged 3 to 6 years.

Cyanosis is due to the presence respiratory disease- croup. It affects children under 3 years of age.


  • dry cough;
  • wheezing;
  • heat.

A dangerous condition is accompanied by salivation, suffocation, the upper lip turns blue.

What danger is cyanosis, is determined by the condition of the tongue and nails of the baby.

If they are pink, healthy look, there is a possibility of perioral cyanosis that does not cause danger.

If a bluish tint appears on the tongue, nails, mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Possible complications

If the lips of a child turn blue, this may be due to asphyxia. It causes such complications:

  • suffocation;
  • blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus.

It is urgent to call an ambulance.

When determining shock, an infant may have:

  • weakness;
  • hard breath;
  • pallor, grey colour skin;
  • pulsation acceleration;
  • weak consciousness.

Poisoning of the body, attack bronchial asthma accompanied by an increase in symptoms in a period of 24 hours:

  • shortness of breath appears;
  • dizziness occurs;
  • bluish mucous membranes, nails.

For a long time, the presence of signs of blue may indicate chronic diseases.

Complications associated with methemoglobinemia:

  • an overdose of antibiotics;
  • hereditary pathology.

In a child whose lips turn blue during the first weeks of life with a hereditary pathology, there is a change in the color of the earlobes, nails and the triangle. Complications - subsequently, such children often lag behind in psychomotor development.

If treatment is not prescribed on time, the infant may subsequently develop the following complications:

  1. Psychoneurosis.
  2. Structural damage to the brain.
  3. Asomnia.
  4. are declining protective functions organism.
  5. Loss of appetite.

IN severe cases possible coma.

How to get rid of blue lips

If cyanosis is accompanied by a lack of air, breathing and malaise in the child become more frequent, first aid at home:

  • open the collar and chest so that the clothes do not squeeze;
  • provide air flow by opening the window;
  • rub your feet and hands;
  • call for emergency help.

In a hospital setting, the child is examined by a pediatrician and specialized doctors to determine the cause of the blue of the mouth.

What will help make the color of the lips pink:

  • restore blood flow;
  • normalize pressure;
  • prevent a seizure.

These steps will help you avoid complications. Then you need to find out the reason that caused the blueing.

Apply the following ways diagnostics:

  • blood analysis;
  • x-ray of the respiratory organs;
  • tomography;
  • calculation of blood flow velocity;
  • determination of the composition of exhaled air;
  • electrocardiography.

The method of treatment will depend on the diagnosis. The goal of therapy is to eliminate oxygen deficiency.

After supercooling for crying baby the following measures must be taken:

  1. Wrap your body in a warm blanket.
  2. Give warm tea.

Such actions will help to warm up faster, blood circulation will resume, blood flow will provide pink color mouth.

If your lips turn blue at a temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor. Children under 1 year old are assigned special medicines in extreme cases.

Drug treatment for older children will allow:

  • improve the flow of air to the lungs;
  • increase blood concentration.

The influx of a sufficient amount of hemoglobin with oxygen leads to normalization of color, eliminates cyanosis. In case of hypoxia and heart diseases, a hardware procedure is prescribed - inhalation of concentrated oxygen.

positive action:

  • improves blood flow to distant tissues;
  • improves the condition of the respiratory system.

The doctor may prescribe oxygen cocktails:

  • components are aimed at increasing the concentration of oxygen in the blood;
  • the cyanosis near the oral triangle disappears;
  • absolutely safe for the body.

You can use cocktails at home without medical assistance. In some cases, it is possible to use folk recipes.

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