What are homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines: benefits and harms


Homeopathy is harmless, is it possible to harm microdoses of substances, there are so few of them, there are almost none there, we say, forgetting that if something can bring serious benefits, this, inevitably, can bring no less serious harm and damage. This is simple and inevitable logic. Einstein also dealt with very small particles.

So, first, let's try to figure out how serious the benefits of small, sweet-tasting peas can be.

Well, first of all, when does a patient get to a homeopath? Most often, not earlier than he was no longer able to get help in a regular clinic and from conventional drugs, that is, enough advanced stage diseases. That is, the contingent of patients with whom homeopathic doctors have to work is quite severe and running cases diseases. There is another group of patients - opponents of powerful allopathic chemicals and champions of easy and "harmless" homeopathic remedies. About this group of patients - a separate conversation, until we touch them.

So, what can homeopathy offer to patients with severe and advanced forms of diseases. The answer may be somewhat unexpected and presumptuous. Nothing more, nothing less than a cure. Not always, but still often.

But first, let's clarify the topic of conversation. It would be wrong to say that with this medicine you can cure this disease, with a drug for arthritis, or with a drug for angina pectoris. With this approach, the drug will act only as a facilitator, but not a cure. Relief of a symptom - pain or skin rashes or any discharge - this may be good for the patient, but not always good for his health. Often the price for momentary relief of the condition is a serious weighting common disease human body. For the care of severe arthritic pain, a person can pay for the development of one or another tumor, for the “cure” of the common cold - with pneumonia, for the “cure” of chlamydia - infertility.

And here the point is not even in the methods of treatment - they can be very different - from the most orthodox to the most exotic, the point here is in the direction of the process, in the direction of health or - in the direction of illness. “Suppression” is the term and concept that was introduced and substantiated in medicine by homeopaths. Suppression of secretions, suppression of eruptions, suppression of pain, suppression of diseases. Any suppression is violence, driving the symptoms inward, it contributes to the development and progression of a general chronic disease.

And such a tool and mechanism of suppression can be any method of treatment, including homeopathy. And, as a much more powerful medicine than allopathy, in this respect homeopathy can be extremely harmful in unskillful hands.

What is the power of homeopathic peas? The purpose of the article is not a presentation of homeopathic methodology. But a few words still need to be said. In numerous trials on volunteers over the past 200 years, the spectrum and direction of action of each of the homeopathic remedies has been established. The duration and depth of influence on human body each potency (a concept close to “concentration”) of each of the drugs used, while different potencies of substances affect different levels organization of the human body.

The homeopath in his battle for human health is armed with a much more powerful and researched instrument of influence than doctors of other directions. When prescribing homeopathic remedies, the doctor is guided not by the name of the disease, and not by his own thoughts on this or that topic, but strictly by the symptoms and complaints from the suffering patient. That is why a homeopathic remedy can always be selected only individually, and in two seemingly similar situations, a homeopath prescribes various drugs. The depth and strength of the action of the drugs is such that one dose of the drug can sometimes act for at least 30-60 days, although in some cases the time of its action is exhausted for days or hours.

The material for the manufacture of homeopathic preparations can be any natural substance, mineral, plant or animal origin. Salt and viper venom, gold and celandine, Nitric acid and quartz, all of these well-known substances have long been used as raw materials for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines. The medicine itself is made according to certain strict technologies developed by the founder of homeopathy in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, by repeated dilution in alcohol solution and dosed shaking (dynamization) of the solution. The more series of dilution of the substance is produced, the higher the potency of the drug. In pharmacies in free sale, you can buy a drug up to 30 potency, professional homeopaths use drugs in potency up to 50,000.

In addition, it should be said that homeopathy is a strong and powerful scientific medical system, which for the first time introduced the concept of chronic disease into medicine. From the point of view of homeopathy, a person in his development, faced with certain damaging factors, moves further and further towards the development of a chronic disease, passing through certain stages or stages.

Start over. Is born healthy child in healthy parents. Already in the maternity hospital, he is faced with BCG vaccination, instillation of silver nitrate into the eyes, and other interventions, performed, of course, with the best of intentions. If a child is healthy, he copes with this, copes with many other aggressive environmental factors, environmental and emotional stress, pathogens and harmful radiation, and many others. But after a while, a certain excitement appears, sleep disturbances, and then children's diathesis - debuts chronic conditions, then disturbances in stool, appetite - this is how the disease gradually develops. For someone it will be defined as dysbacteriosis, for someone as diathesis, for someone else. For a homeopath, this is nothing more and nothing less than a stage in the development of a chronic condition.

Each stage has its own signs and characteristics, some diseases correspond to each stage, but others do not. Therefore, often, when a previously often ill child suddenly stops ill, the homeopath must always figure out whether this is good. In some cases, this does not please him at all, because he sees that the baby has simply moved into a different, more severe stage a disease in which the body simply no longer has the strength to develop the usual catarrhal conditions. There is another option - the child really became healthier and moved into a more early stage, where there is still no frequent morbidity cold infections. Among parents, such a transition is usually called an increase in immunity. It is easy to understand that in each of these two cases, the tactics of treatment and management of the child will be completely different.

Other diseases are also considered, both in children and in adults. And often, what will appear to be an improvement or recovery to a patient or academic physician will actually be a transition to more severe and serious stages of a chronic disease. Conversely, often external deterioration of the condition is, in fact, a transition to an earlier and less severe stage in the development of the disease, when the body is already able to respond to irritation.

And now back to the topic of harm. What can be called harmful? Probably, what moves a person in the direction of disease is harmful, what moves him in the direction of health is beneficial. Is conventional medicine harmful? In some cases, it is harmful, in others, on the contrary, it is quite useful. Is homeopathy harmful? Now you can understand that in skillful and professional hands- it can be extremely useful and curative, in the unskilled - in the same high degree - harmful.

It must be said that in some Western countries there is quite strict legislation regarding homeopathic practice and training of homeopathic physicians, for example, an assistant physician must attend homeopathic receptions of a professional homeopathic practitioner for a certain period of time before he is entitled to open his own practice.

The advantage of domestic legislation in relation to homeopathy can be considered the need for higher medical education for the right to practice.

Now let's return to that group of patients who consider the homeopathic method as "mild" and harmless, as light treatment"herbs". When attempting self-treatment, such patients, being initially quite healthy people, have some risk of driving themselves into a more severe stage of the disease than the one they were at before the start of treatment. This is often accompanied by the withdrawal (suppression) of symptoms, while the person sings the praises of homeopathy, and, “not knowing what he is doing”, discredits it.

So let's sum it up. Can homeopathy be harmful? Yes, maybe, with unskilled and illiterate use. In what cases is it possible to use homeopathic remedies on their own without risk to health? In cases of fairly simple and clear situations in relatively healthy people in general. In what cases is it most effective? In the case of application by a homeopathic doctor who has undergone special training and has a fairly long homeopathic practice.

I will answer you. Perhaps in last time in this topic, because, in fact, she has already said everything and what follows will be a repetition.

"By saying that, you are actually urging people to abandon allopathic medicine and trust homeopaths."
You can interpret it this way. But at the same time, I do not make decisions for a person, I just give information for reflection and share my experience. Many, by the way, this experience was useful. In the time that I've been cuing here, quite a few people have already asked for doctor recommendations, and many of them are already seeing tangible results. If someone is sure that it is better and easier for him when the allopathic doctor quickly removes the symptom here and now, and then again the same or another doctor removes the next symptom, and so on as the symptoms come, then well, this is his choice. . I like to feel myself and my child healthy in general, and not from time to time, and this is my choice. I really like the fact that since we came to homeopathy, we do not call a doctor at home, we do not drag around polyclinics and medical centers, there is simply no need for this. This results in significant savings in time, effort and money. It's useless to argue here. Everyone chooses his...

"At the same time, you yourself have repeatedly emphasized that it is fantastically difficult to find a real, classical homeopath."
But that doesn't mean it's impossible. And that doesn't mean you don't have to look.

"And a visit to homeopaths, not even venerable ones, costs quite a lot."
Not always and not for everyone. There is no direct pattern here: the quality of treatment - the cost. Then, even if you do arithmetic and calculate how much is spent on homeopathic treatment(actually, only visits and consultations (which, as you move towards the goal, do not happen at all often, since the doctor already knows the patient thoroughly and you can limit yourself to talking on the phone, which is free), because the balls themselves cost practically nothing), and how much allopathic (let the people at least estimate the total price of drugs in their home first aid kit and how often it is replenished with regular copies, not to mention the cost of a visit to the doctor, tests ...), then the savings are obvious.

"And how to distinguish between them - the right homeopath or not. After all, there is no need to expect an improvement visible in the near future from prescribed drugs, because they are designed for a long time."
On the long time not always, it happens that results are visible very quickly. But in general, in order to understand whether the homeopath is right or not, there is no need to wait for results and improvements. It is important for you to understand the basic principles of homeopathic treatment, the principles of prescribing medicines and compare it with how it works and what a potential doctor offers. I gave a link in this topic on the topic "What is classical homeopathy"- from there you can learn a lot about the principles of choosing a doctor, there is also a topic on the forum "Whom we do not recommend" - from there you can figure out who you should not contact initially.

As for doctors - not doctors ... Among the people, it is usually customary to call those who practice in traditional medicine doctors. Here, in fact, I answered MD in her own words, usually, if you read my messages, I call everything by its proper name: homeopath and allopath or traditional doctor. 04/05/2006 14:53:57,

Modern medicine is constantly evolving and, along with the traditional form of therapy for most diseases, offers and unconventional way- homeopathy, where natural substances: plants, minerals are the basis of these remedies.

However, disputes about the influence of homeopathy on the human body do not subside. That is, it combines both opponents of this method of healing and adherents. Of course, the opponents of this method argue that recovery does not occur at all from the effect of drugs, but from self-hypnosis.

However, this definition is correct to some extent, since when taking a homeopathic remedy in a person, initially in better side psychological condition, thereby painful problems gradually begin to disappear.

But, despite the fact that modern medicine has great opportunities, however, in some cases, having tried its various methods, a large number of patients are increasingly resorting to homeopathy, which helps to cure a number of ailments.

Homeopathy can really be used as a therapy huge amount diseases, and if you follow all the rules of this method of therapy, then it will only benefit the body.

Therefore, the impact of homeopathy on the psyche, including immune system performs a therapeutic effect, thereby beneficially influencing the body and at the same time curing one or another disease. Most doctors who use this method as a treatment, are of this opinion.

In the preparation of homeopathic remedies, various natural substances are used. Today they issue funds from various inorganic substances and minerals, in addition, preparations have been created, such as plant origin, as well as the animal. Regarding homeopathy, there are major misconceptions, namely that all medicines are based only on plant materials.

There is also a myth that when creating homeopathic medicines, a method is used that involves multiple dilutions of the substance, so many people believe that such small doses on the body cannot have the proper effect.

In reality, such drugs, compared with chemical drugs, have a very mild effect. In addition, homeopathy is a unique find for the treatment of problems in babies and women during the period of bearing a baby.

Worth mentioning about misconception many people, regarding the fact that homeopathy can cure all ailments, but this is not so. Since a number of diseases, such as cancer and others serious illness only this method will not be able to cure. Since such severe ailments require immediate treatment to the doctor, in particular to the methods traditional medicine.

However, with regard to all other problems, the most the best option can be combined treatment, during the use of which the main causes of the disease, in particular its symptoms, which are cured by the forces of chemical medicines, but as preventive measures the occurrence of an illness, as well as the restoration of the body's strength, homeopathy can be used. This method will effectively help health after illness.

The main thing that stands when taking homeopathic preparations is that the selection of such remedies should be carried out exclusively by a homeopathic doctor, since they are prescribed for each person individually, since the type of therapy will be determined by numerous factors.

For example, a predisposition at the genetic level to the occurrence of a certain disease, as well as from lifestyle. It should be taken into account that in the case when the remedy is aimed as a general improvement in the state of the body, then initial stage taking a homeopathic remedy in a patient may cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Such a process is natural when performing such therapy, in addition, those diseases that have not been fully cured during life may appear. Such an ailment that has appeared will last only a few days, without any complications will pass just a few days later.

Do not forget that therapy with the help of homeopathy cannot give instant results. Especially if there is chronic illness, then it will be possible to cure it only after a few months.

Homeopathy is only a certain help that it has on the human body, but what effect such treatment has on the body, the specialist must still determine. When drawing certain conclusions about homeopathy, it should be remembered that such a harmless method of therapy will help to heal from a large number ailments.

Homeopathy is one of the most common methods of treatment. In Russia, it is officially recognized and used along with classical medicine. It has been used in the US for more than a hundred years, and the method has helped many people get rid of diseases.

Often this direction in medicine is mistakenly called phytotherapy, believing that only plant matter. But it's not. Indeed, the basis of homeopathic medicines are herbal ingredients. But at the same time, almost all elements of the periodic table, including poisons, are additionally used.

Therefore, do not underestimate the seriousness of such treatment, and even more so deal with it yourself, without serious knowledge and practical experience. This can lead to a sad outcome. Homeopathic treatment should be carried out by a professional homeopathic physician.

As we have already said, this direction of medicine has its supporters and opponents. Some praise her for high efficiency and the absence of "extra chemistry". Others scold her, claiming that there is no therapeutic effect no. In addition, many opponents say that homeopathic treatment is generally harmful to health.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. If the treatment was carried out by a person with little understanding in this, and not by a professional homeopathic specialist, the consequences can be unpredictable, as well as with any other methods of treatment. However, let's talk about homeopathy in more detail, discuss the basic principles of this method of treatment:

What ailments does homeopathy cure?

According to experts, this method can cure any disease, even a very serious one. Its main principle is the treatment of like with like. There is evidence that those substances that cause diseases, introduced in very small doses into the body, are able to get rid of these same diseases. Simply put - a wedge is knocked out with a wedge. It is this folk wisdom is at the heart of homeopathy.

Based on this principle, homeopathy is used to treat headaches, nervous diseases, sleep disorders. This method gives nice results in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, psoriasis, skin diseases, dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal diseases and of cardio-vascular system. It will help to get rid of phobias, depressions. Effectively treats colds, flu. It will help with arthritis, sclerosis, increase immunity, etc.

Principles of treatment

Treatment is based on the principle of resistance to any adverse effects on the organism, invested in man by nature. Therefore, unlike traditional medicine, which seeks to reverse the disease, homeopathy activates natural, defensive forces organisms that fight disease.

For example, to get rid of an allergy, the patient is given a microscopic dose of the substance that causes it. To get rid of insomnia, take a drug that contains coffee. Only such treatment should be carried out an experienced specialist. Only then will it be possible to cure stomach pains with a drug from onion, which usually irritates the stomach, causing pain.

When prescribing treatment, the homeopath takes into account the uniqueness of each person, as well as his diseases. Therefore, he does not just diagnose the patient, but tries to figure out why this disease arose in a particular person.

The doctor takes into account the patient's lifestyle, his profession, family relationships, intensity of mental and physical activity etc. Only after learning all the data about the patient, the doctor makes individual remedy treatment that does not cause complications.

It is not uncommon to hear reproaches that homeopathic treatment is extremely slow acting. But it is not so. If the medicine is chosen and formulated correctly, relief can come in the first hours after taking. However, it is also true that full recovery can take a long time. This takes months and sometimes years. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

Can homeopathy harm?

Homeopaths claim that their method has no contraindications. The composition of the preparations includes microscopic doses active substances. Such an amount cannot have a toxic effect on the body. Therefore, they can be given even to small children and the elderly.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that homeopathy does not involve the use chemicals. Homeopathic preparations prepared from natural, natural substances - medicinal plants, bee products, including bee venom, as well as microorganisms, natural minerals, salts and metals.

Features of taking homeopathic medicines

It must be taken into account that at the beginning of treatment, taking drugs, an exacerbation of the disease may occur. This reaction is completely normal.

Homeopathic medicines should be taken between meals - an hour before meals, or an hour after it. In this case, you should take into account the recommendations of the doctor and strictly adhere to the schedule of admission.

During treatment, you should refrain from alcohol, smoking, and the use of hot spices.

Solid drugs, powders are supposed to dissolve, and liquid preparations should be diluted with cold boiled water.

For homeopathic treatment to be successful, patient-physician interaction and trust in each other is essential. Be healthy!

The term "homeopathy" is often discussed in integrative medicine circles, but what does the term mean, and how can it help cure the disease that is bothering you?

Something like a drug

In some cases, doctors want you to know about alternative medicine, including homeopathy. To define this word, let's look at its origin. “Homeopathy” combines two Greek words: “homeo”, meaning “something like that”, and “pathos”, that is, “suffering”, “disease”. Homeopathy, developed by the German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century, is based on the fact that any substance that can cause symptoms in healthy person, can cure such diseases in a patient by stimulating the body's natural response, explains Carolyn Dean, MD medical sciences, naturopathic physician and member of the medical advisory board. For example, coffee can cause confusion, heart palpitations, frequent urination, hand tremor, excitability and anxiety, and if a person drinks it in the evening, then disturb his sleep. However, in theory, drinking coffee should alleviate similar symptoms in a sick person suffering from hyperactivity, confusion, tremors and sweating of the hands. Coffee in homeopathic doses (coffea cruda) could theoretically alleviate all symptoms. There are also many homeopathic remedies for anxiety. Another example similar treatment is poison ivy. This plant can cause redness, severe itching, burning, bloating. "A homeopathic preparation made from this substance is used to alleviate various ailments ranging from herpes and burns to eczema and arthritis,” she says.

Less - more
Another component of the definition of homeopathy sounds like this: "less is more." "You must give least amount medicines needed for recovery, says Dr. Dean. - Dr. Hahnemann developed this principle by successively mixing various substances to find the proportion in which they will render therapeutic effect and stop being toxic. “Just like the flu shot contains a small amount of flu virus to stimulate your immune system, according to the rules of homeopathy, taking a very low dose of a particular substance promotes healing,” adds Nadia Kumentas, a naturopathic doctor from Toronto, Canada, founder of Affhealth.com. Homeopathy can be a natural cold killer. The cold medicine label will show the name, a number, and then an X or C. The number shows how many times it has been diluted homeopathic medicine, and X and C - in what proportions.

Who Uses Homeopathy?
Although homeopathy is one of the less popular forms of alternative medicine she has a lot of fans. According to a 2012 national survey, over 2 percent of US adults have used homeopathy in the past 12 months (about 5 million people). The author of The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger, was reportedly a fan of homeopathy.

Is homeopathy regulated by law?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the use of homeopathic remedies under federal law USA about food products, medicines and cosmetics(FDCA), but (and this is a big "but"), the safety or effectiveness of the funds is not evaluated. However, the Federal Trade Commission evaluates homeopathic remedies, including those you can grow yourself, by the same standards as other products that claim to work, which means homeopathic manufacturers must test their products to prove their effectiveness.

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